#doll family a bibi
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izasbjdphoto · 7 months ago
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I finally managed to find a mink fabric in ivory/white so I was able to redo the bodies or the various tails I've made for my dolls.
For most I only had to swap the fabric of the tails' bodies, but for Lily's tail I had to redo the whole thing. I'd originally used way too thin wire for hers and I'd constructed it weirdly. No matter, after a multitude of tails made, I knew how to make a new tail, and fast. Amazing what trial and error plus experience does for skill.
All the tails are fully poseable, and attach by magnet to dolls. Most of them do not have embedded magnets, so I used some masking/painters tape to attach them under the clothing to the resin. Only Jamil (black tailed unicorn) has embedded magnets for the tail he came with, which made my life easier, heh.
The tails are constructed from aluminum armature wire, strong magnets, masking/painters tape, and the tail tips are tibetan lambskin mohair on the pelt still. Though Rose and Amethyst's tails have fake fur for their tiny tail tips.
Dolls are as follows:
Liam: Soom SG Chrom on DFA 65cm boy body with Soom Chrom fantasy legs from the knees down
Lily: Loongsoul ShenLuo Western White Tiger version
Celicon: Kana Dolls No.8 Lucien on Soom SG Heliot body
Jamil: Soom SG Heliot on a Dream Valley Apocalypse Horseman body
Amethyst & Rose: Doll Family-A BiBi twins
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luucypevensie · 1 year ago
Cute character questions for my dearly beloved Yasmin? 💚
Ah yes, my sophisticated queen. Thank you Fae! Tagging @ginger-grimm and @dancingsunflowers-ocs because they love her too
The Basics
Name: Yasmin Ahmad
Age: 15 at the start of s1 of Glee
Zodiac Sign: libra
One Good Trait: she has incredible focus, which helps her to look at both sides of a situation unbiased
One Bad Trait: she has a bit of a temper (whenever she loses it, people are legit terrified)
One Bad Habit: chewing on pencil erasers whenever she’s nervous
One Good Habit: she’s very well-organized from her room down to her pencil case
One Habit They Can’t Break: the chewing on pencil erasers (she’s tried, but it always school-related, which makes it hard to break)
One They’ve Broken: when she was in elementary school, she learned the hard way that being disorganized will lead to unfortunate consequences
What They’re Afraid Of: always being known as “the rich girl” or being used for her family’s money
Their Parents’ Names: Zarir and Esther Ahmad
Their Siblings’ Names: she’s an only child
Favorite Childhood Memory: learning how to make bastani (persian ice cream) with her bibi (grandma)
Favorite Childhood Toy: her princess jasmine doll
Embarrassing Story: she mispronounced fettuccine at a business dinner for her father around the age of 9 (everyone thought it was cute, but Yasmin wanted to burst into tears from the embarrassment)
Favorite Family Member: her father
A Story About That Family Member: when yasmin was about to be born, her father was about to leave for an embassy trip to iran (luckily, he hadn’t got on the plane yet)
What They Prefer
coffee or tea
showering in the day or night
taking baths or showers
tv or movies
writing or reading
platonic or romantic love
iced tea or lemonade
ice cream or smoothies
cupcakes or cake
beach or mountains
Song: i want everything by Hope 7
Band: hope 7
Outfit: turquoise blue blazer with a white ribbed turtleneck, high waisted jeans, a necklace given to her by her mother, her favorite watch and white tennis shoes
Place: her paternal grandparents’ house in iran
Memory: performing with cherry bomb for the first time at a local club in lima
Person(s): Ruby Hamada, Drew Hamada, and Artie Abrams
Movie: casablanca
Show: degrassi
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izasfaceups · 3 years ago
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These 2 Doll Family-A BiBi twins belong to me, they are the daughters of two of my other dolls. I do enjoy how they turned out, though I still struggle with painting white eyebrows and having them look natural...
Want to see more of my work or commission me? Then please check out my website at www[dot]IzasFaceUps[dot]com!
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beedaleebjd · 3 years ago
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Another thrifted doll dress to mess with (instead of finishing my own oodles of wips lol ...) I honestly didn't change a lot; I just took it in, relocated the big bow, made a different collar, and added buttons. I still wonder if it's too puffy on her... (it fits taller yosds better but blue is her color!) is the bodice lace too big? or maybe just the sleeves are too big? Am I just over-thinking? 🤔 altering satin is suuuch a pain, so I haven't decided if I'll change anything else or just leave it.
(An aside: One day I'll get her the right pixie wig)
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whumpbump · 2 years ago
Baby pt. 8 - The Playdate
Cw: restraints, mentions of attempted noncon drugging, mentions of implied death
Whumpee and the other captive looked at each other with different emotions. Whumpee looked at their new “friend” in fear and sadness while Whumpee 2 looked at their new “friend” with relief. They were no longer suffering alone.
Speaking in hushed tones once ZaZa stepped back to the other Whumpers, the whumpees introduced themselves. ‘Quietly,’ Whumpee 2 warned, ‘or NiNi and Ama would punish them and no doubt BiBi and ZaZa as well.’
“How long have you been here for?” Whumpee whispered. “Long enough for your parents to go through two. But the second one didn’t last long before they, um.” Whumpee 2 stopped and looked down.
“Before they what?”
“Before they what?!” Whumpee shrilled, drawing the attention of the parents.
“Are you two ok over there?” NiNi asked pointedly.
Whumpee 2 shot daggers at Whumpee for gaining the Whumpers’ attention before smiling and waving a doll at them.
NiNi got up and entered the play area. They crouched down and said to their Whumpee “if I think anything is fishy, you’re going in time out. Ok, pumpkin?” Before roughly patting Whumpee 2’s head and rejoining the group.
Whumpee 2 paled at the threat and shot their head down.
Looking around to make sure they were not being listened to, Whumpee asked “what’s time out and why is it bad?”
“How do you not know what time out is? Haven’t you struggled at all against them?”
“Well, yeah, but they drug me when I do.”
“Oh. I get locked in a room with no food for an unknown amount of time until they decide I can be a part of the family again. NiNi and Ama like the natural route of parenthood.”
“The natural route of parenthood is starving your child until they’re too weak to fight back?”
“Ya I guess.”
For the rest of their time, Whumpee quietly asked questions and they both shared what their lives were like before this.
They sat in silence for a few minutes mulling over what their life was now until interrupted by the parents. “Hi little ones! Did you have fun?” Whumpee 2 smiled and nodded but all Whumpee could muster was bringing their eyes to meet their captors before bursting into tears.
“Aww I know you don’t want the play date to end, but don’t worry, we’ll come over again!” BiBi shushed as ZaZa pulled out the eye drops.
Whumpee could not be calmed enough to take the drops and because they were away from home, they had limited options for subduing the baby so looking to NiNi and Ama for help, the more experienced parents brought them a Velcro swaddle to tighten around the newer baby to calm them or at the very least, keep them restrained.
Whumpee was too distraught to try and fight the four pairs of hands that carefully controlled them and wrapped them tight in a blanket that fastened together on the edges so they couldn’t escape.
This is it. This is my life. And for the first time, Whumpee truly believed it.
@eatyourdamnpears @whump-on-a-log
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megumisbimbo · 4 years ago
- Twelve -
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megumi fushiguro x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
summary: (y/n) was nothing special. A human being who had no idea that curses walked the same earth they walked. But then they locked eyes with Megumi Fushiguro. Can Fushiguro focus on the task ahead or will he be distracted by the king of curses and his new love interest?
series masterlist
©️ @megumisbimbo — all rights reserved. Please do not repost, modify or translate my work. Reblogs and likes appreciated!
Credit for the main storyline and characters goes to Gege Akutami.
taglist: @aspenss @kitkozume @vanilnya20 @micheleinumaki @yuuji-supremacy @tobi—o
the songs are indicated throughout the story at certain points!
songs used:
kazino - BIBI
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— kazino - BIBI —
A grueling month of training and preparation passes. Megumi’s confession weighing heavy on your mind everyday. Practices with him became easier as you managed to grasp the movements and techniques Maki diligently taught you. You couldn’t thank her enough for making you stronger. You’re reminded of the compliment she gave you, your natural strength refined through her regiments. You didn’t feel ready for the Kyoto exchange, but Megumi’s encouragement made you feel slightly more secure in your ability.
“Don’t worry love, as long as we have you as defense we won’t lose.” He says, his bright eyes full of love and a small smile playing across his slightly blushed face.
His comfort around you has grown, the small touches he used to give turning into tight embraces and short pecks. Thought Megumi doesn’t particularly mind displaying his affection publicly, he treasures the moments he has alone with you. Your soft hand that lands on his cheek, stroking it gently. Your chapstick covered lips meeting his, the scent of cherries filling his nose. You were everything and more to Megumi. He couldn’t lose you, like he lost Yuuji. Yuuji’s death haunted Megumi, the thought of not being able to protect those he cared about when they need him most. But you gave him purpose, a reason to get stronger, a reason to be prepared for an unwanted next time. He was sure the Kyoto exchange would display his improvement, but he was just as eager to see yours. The Kyoto students would not go easy on either of you, and you both knew that, but you were prepared.
With Megumi’s hand in yours, you make your way to the front of the school where Maki, Panda and Inumaki were standing.
“Well hello lovebirds, glad you could join us.” Maki says with a proud smirk.
“You nervous y/n?” Panda asks, sensing your apprehension.
“A bit...but I’m ok.”
You wrap your self around Megumi’s arm burying half your face in his shoulder.
“Why is everyone empty handed?!” Nobara asks, her suitcase and backpack by her side.
“Why do you have your luggage?” Panda asks.
“We’re going to Kyoto right? For the goodwill event IN Kyoto?”
“The goodwill event WITH Kyoto...in Tokyo.”
“So that’s why our conversations have been off...”
You giggle at Nobara’s comical misunderstanding.
“Oi..they’re here.”
A group of students around your age walks towards you, each looking more intimidating than the other. Your grip on Megumi’s arm tightened. Noticing your nervous behavior, he interlocks his fingers with yours and gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
“It’ll be ok.” He says, a soft whisper of reassurance making you feel a bit stronger. You had worked hard for this moment, Maki had worked you hard for this moment. There’s no way you could run away now.
“Is this a welcome party?..gross.”
“I don’t see Okkotsu.”
“Would you forget about Okkotsu. Isn’t it too much of a handicap taking on two first years and a newbie with no cursed energy.” The tall robot looking sorcerer, Megumi referred to as Mechamaru says.
“That is irrelevant when it comes to jujutsu sorcery. Especially with Fushiguro, he is a Zen’in after all. I’d say he’s more reliable than the head of the family.”
Your eyes fall on the raven haired boy. His teeth gritted at the sound of being called a Zen’in. You didn’t know much about the Zen’in clan, but you did know Megumi wanted nothing to do with them.
“Hey now! No fighting. Now..where is that idio-“
The Kyoto sensei’s words are cut off as her eyes fall on your shrunken form.
“y/n?...” She asks, her eyes fixated on the familiar glint in yours.
“You look just like her...”
Your small exchange is interrupted by Gojo’s loud voice making his presence known.
He wheels in a large box filled with who knows what. You give Megumi a puzzled look only to receive a shrug in response.
“Looks like everyone’s here! I was actually on a business trip overseas, and I brought some souvenirs for you all!! Not you Utahime!” Gojo-sensei says as he hands out a small tribal doll to the students from Kyoto.
“And for the Tokyo kids!”
The large box pops open startling both you and Megumi. The open box reveals something you could have only dreamt about. Or at least you thought it would only have been a dream.
“It’s the dearly departed Itadori Yuuji!!”
“Ha Gotcha!!”
Your e/c eyes fill with tears as you stare at the face of your apparently alive friend. You thought you would never see him again. You had suffered through months of tears, months of sitting in your bed refusing to eat or drink. Months of being in Megumi’s arms sobbing into the collar of his cotton t-shirt. How could he be here? This must be a sick dream. But the way Megumi clings to you, the harsh grip he has on your hand, proves that this is no dream. Yuuji was in fact, standing in front of you alive and well.
“...how..” You utter, the tears collecting on your lash line refusing to fall.
“Sensei! They don’t looks happy at all!” Yuuji blares, the familiar voice sending chills up and down your spine.
Megumi’s hand loosens slightly as he guides you toward the box Yuuji was still standing in. Nobara kicks the box slightly startling the pink haired boy.
“You got anything to say?” She asks, small tears collecting in her eyes as well.
“Uhhh sorry for not telling you I was alive?”
“Yeah you should be sorry..” You say, your voice shaky but threatening.
“Y/n I-“
“I don’t want to hear it Yuuji, do you know how long I cried, how painful it was to be reminded every day that I’d never get to see you again. But here you are!! Just fine!! Nothing wrong at all! I understand how it would be dangerous to tell everyone...but me? Why couldn’t you have just told me? Just given me an ounce of relief? How could you Yuuji..” You turn your face onto Megumi’s arm, the sleeve of his jacket collecting the tears that never fell. Megumi’s hand comes to your head stroking the top lovingly.
“Y/n..there wasn’t a day that went by...that I didn’t think about you. I missed you so much, I really did. I had to keep it a secret..you know I would have run to you if I could..you know that right?”
“I don’t really know anything right now.” You say, your hand slipping out of Megumi’s as you walk away from the trio.
What were you supposed to think? Suddenly your best friend is back..the Kyoto sensei giving you weird looks and saying you remind her of...her? Who’s she? How were you supposed to feel. This was all just too much for one day. You contemplated dropping out of the exchange, curling up in your bed and sleeping the awful moment away...but something in you refused. You knew, Yuuji would never purposefully hurt you, not after what you two had been through. You will stay, you will fight, and you will find the answers. Nothing can stop you now. Not when you’ve worked this hard. This isn’t for Yuuji anymore, not even for Megumi. This is for you, only you, and you were gonna make that obvious.
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a/n: wow…that took so long to put out omg. but there it is you guys !! the first part of the series is over ! i might just revisit this because i left it on a cliffhanger and i have so many more ideas about this book but for now here you go ! thank you so much for sticking with me for so long and i apologize for the lack of updates towards the end. i love you all so much <3
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pigspeetsandhooflikefeets · 4 years ago
(Crown) THAT FAMILY PIC WITH BUZZ AND HIS SIBS IS SO CUTE WAAAAA,,, its so perfect and I LOVE how much character you give Buzz and his sibs,, its Amazing and I Love It So Much,, plus bees go brbrbrbrbrr... all in all 10/10, would bee again.
I just had to make sure all their names were picked with a reason!
Buzz is the sound a fully grown bee makes. Buzz is the oldest
Berry is the oldest stage of a plant. Berry is the oldest triplet
Blossom is the middle stage of a fruit bearing flower. Blossom is the middle child in both general and the triplets
Bibi means doll/toy. Bibi is also baby talk. For 9 years she was the baby of the family.
Buddy stems from the word 'bud' which is the youngest stage of a fruiting flower. Buddy is a brood, which is a baby bee
Cuz like, easily I could have picked the easiest first b-names I thought or or named the triplets generic girl names, but I REALLY wanted Buzz's sorta weird name to blend in. It's like how I've seen people who hc the Champ'd Up host [if they follow the hc that they're related] to be alongside Cookie's dessert name, like Gingersnap or [chocolate] Chip. Gotta keep Jackbox weird.
also designing children who are meant to exist in the 90s was fun
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yansi1923 · 5 years ago
Imagine being through so much that you get named
'The Tragedy Queen'.
Meena Kumari (born Mahjabeen Bano; 1 August 1933 – 31 March 1972) was an Indian film actress and poet, who worked in Hindi films. Popularly known as The Tragedy Queen. She was active between 1939 and 1972. Kumari was described by critics as a "historically incomparable" actress of Hindi cinema. In a career spanning 33 years, she starred in about 92 films such as Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam, Pakeezah, Mere Apne, Aarti, Baiju Bawra, Parineeta, Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai, Foot Path, Dil Ek Mandir and Kaajal.
AKA Tragedy Queen, Manju, Meenaji, Chinese Doll, Female Guru Dutt, Cinderella of Indian films.
Three weeks after the release of Pakeezah, Meena Kumari became seriously ill. On 28 March 1972, she was admitted to St Elizabeth's Nursing Home.
She went into coma two days later and died shortly afterwards on 31 March 1972. She was 38 years old. The cause of her death was determined to be liver cirrhosis. As per her husband's wish, she was buried at Rehmatabad Cemetery, located at Narialwadi, Mazagaon, Mumbai. Kumari requested the following prose for her tombstone: "She ended life with a broken fiddle, with a broken song, with a broken heart, but not a single regret." As per his wish, upon his death on 11 February 1993 in Mumbai, her husband was buried next to her.
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(My family says that I have got her eyes. Isn't she beautiful?)
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vertoludum · 4 years ago
i like old things. whenever i'm gifted with or buy something new, there's a period of getting acquainted with it, of wearing it down until it's familiar and safe. new objects are strangers, and i need to know them before i'm truly comfortable around them. i still have the first toy i ever got, and my family constantly asks me why i keep wearing the same decades old backpack.
my grandma got me a new pair of converses, and i appreciate the gesture and having shoes that i could wear to places where my worn down ones would be inappropriate (if i ever need to be somewhere like that). but they're not comforting, nor soft, they haven't been around my feet for years yet, so they're never my first choice.
one of my keychains is a little guitar i got as a birthday gift from a classmate in seventh grade. whenever i realize i still have it, 8 years later, i wonder if that would be surprising to them or not. we haven't talked since we finished middle school, and i admit i didn't keep it because of the connection to them. i just kept it, and now it's a friend. there was never any reason for me to get rid of it, and i just keep adding new keychains to the bunch whenever i end up getting one.
i do realize that this relates to being a mild hoarder, but, since i very rarely buy anything new, it's not that big of a problem. after all, i just keep the same things i've had forever and don't get any more, instead of replacing them. which is why i feel entitled to the sadness that came when my father told me he threw away my old toys at his house. it'd have been better if he had donated them, though it'd still hurt a little, but he just threw them away. i remember a lot of them, and maybe it's just due to having been a lonely child, but they were truly my first and only friends for a long time. there was a wooden horse named phillip (after belle's horse in beauty and the beast), and a yellow marionette of an ostrich, and a doll that used to be almost as big as me, with plastic limbs and head, a rag torso and curly, short, almost neon red hair, called bibi. i don't think about it that often, but it's a bit saddening when i do.
and now, more than ever, i'm surrounded only by those old, familiar things. before, there used to be some contact with people at university or on the subway, or with my flatmate's furniture. now i live alone, and there's just me and my things, all the time. and it's fine. i know all of them and all of them know me. sure, there's the stuff i had to buy when i moved, but they're coming along nicely.
part of me wishes there wasn't the temporary discomfort of new objects before we got acquainted, but in truth i don't know if my old ones would bring me so much mutual understanding and familiarity if it was so. and it isn't really that bad. they always get old enough.
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lonelypond · 4 years ago
Nico Attacks: A Campfire Tale, Chapter 3
NicoMaki, NozoEli, Love Live, 1.6K, 3/4
Eli and Umi make their separate ways back to camp while Maki's night of adventure continues.
And Then There Was One
Eli was concentrating on holding Vik’s hand tightly, but not too tightly as they made their way back to camp, focusing on the flashlight beam, forcing herself not to see out of the tunnel vision, not to hear the noises, focusing on how cute Vik looked, wolf ears bobbing as they happily chattered about how much fun camping was.
And then there was a brighter light ahead and a silhouette Eli would know anywhere. “Nozomi!”
“Mommy!” Vik ran toward Nozomi, who hefted them up easily with one arm. Nozomi might look soft, but Eli had always been impressed by her strength, both physical and emotional.
“Hi!” Nozomi’s voice was the warmth and bright Eli needed right now and she hurried to get in on the hug. “Missed you.”
A family moment and then Nozomi put Vik back down, “Why don’t you go find Teddy and tell her what you and Aunt Nico did.”
Vik disappeared through the trees and then Nozomi snapped off the flashlight, causing Eli to freeze like ice had suddenly coalesced around her.
“Nozomi.” Eli couldn’t keep the whine out of her voice, “Turn that back on.”
“But Eli, you’re so cute when you’re clingy.”
“Nozomi!” Eli kept her hands behind her back, she’d learned long ago it was risky to reach for her wife when Nozomi was in this impish, playful mood, “Did you know Nico was going to this?”
Nozomi’s response was a giggle as she stepped closer to Eli, her hand reaching for Eli’s waist.
“But Maki’s having fun isn’t she?”
“I’m not.” Eli grumbled.
“You could be.”
“Nozomi.” Eli could feel the thrill, at war with the embarrassment and the fear. In the dark, she couldn’t see the dare in Nozomi’s eye, but it was a familiar mood. And they’d been busy, and not really had enough time for each other, Nozomi’s hands had just found that spot, and Eli could only feel Nozomi and not the tree at her back.
“You’re lovely,” Nozomi whispered and Eli reached forward to grab the steadiest support in her world.
“Caught.” Umi stated matter-of-factly as she lifted the net near Maki’s shoulder.
“Can you get this off me?”
Umi considered. The wind howled again, sounding even more artificial than 30 seconds ago. Then there was a weighted, expectant silence, long enough for Umi to pull out her clasp knife again and suddenly speakers blasted from everywhere, Maki and Umi and Eli’s Soldier Game singles vocal tracks amplified loud enough to make the leaves still clinging fall. But it wasn’t right. Maki frowned, her hands pulling at the netting, wanting to rip a hole so she could find the speakers and demolish them.
“That doesn’t sound...right.”
“It’s not...Nico-chan remixed it,” Maki’s voice was thin with anger, “She took the damn songs and transposed them into a major key. And picked up the tempo.”
Maki hissed, “She’s making it ‘cuter.’”
Umi froze, and then laughter roared out. “Hits you where it hurts.”
“My ears?” Maki raised her hands, the netting making the gesture slow.
“Your ego.”
“I don’t have an ego. This isn’t subjective in any way. There’s the songs the way I composed them and now, there’s the songs Nico’s bastardized.”
Umi held up her knife, sliding it under a string. And then, as Maki made encouraging sounds, Umi pulled the knife out, stepped back, and flipped it shut with a grand gesture.
“This really seems like a private marital squabble.”
Umi nodded her head, “Yes, I think it’s time for the Diamond Princess to be rescued by her Ruby Rogue.”
“C’mon, Umi, don’t do this.”
“Thank Nico for the stimulating evening.”
And with a bow, Umi wandered off, toward the main cabin, whistling “Cutie Panther.”
Laughter really was the cure for fright, Umi thought as she chuckled at the memory of Nico’s antics over the years, from the haunted doll set up in the club room to this. Always impressive attention to details. Nico had just started directing music videos. She was going to be really good at it, Umi realized. Now low drifts of mist rose around Umi from the creek to her left. Umi knelt her keychain flashlight shining on melting chunks of dry ice. Nico was close. Umi turned the light off and waited, listening.
A low groan started, rising in volume. Not Nico. She would have done a better job of disguising her voice and stretching out scary thrills. This was light, fast, silly...definitely Rin. Umi crept forward cautiously, waiting to trigger the opening act for whatever Nico had roped Rin into.  With a loud crack, a branch swung, clearing two feet over where Maki’s head would have been (she’d gained 2 cm on Eli). Timed to the crack, a short ghost jumped at Umi.
Umi laughed and put a hand on Rin’s shoulder, “Hi, Rin.”
“HEY! You’re supposed to be scared. You’re also supposed to be Maki.” Rin crossed her arms over, catching some of the folds of the sheet scattered with flourescents as she did. Nico must have a black light set up.
“Left Maki in the net.”
Rin thought about that for a few seconds, and then went to push past Umi, “I have to see that.”
Umi shook her head, “She’s probably out by now and looking for Nico.”
“Shoulda gotten a picture.”
“Who says I didn’t?”
“Let me see.”
“First, we get back to camp.” Umi glanced at her watch, also fluorescent under the black light, “It’s time for Kaito to go to bed. Kotori will indulge him.”
“We’re camping, Umi.”
“Routines are important.”
“Boo. Bedtimes are boring.”
“You have a child not a curfew, Rin.”
“You’ve never closed down anything in your life.”
“Just this conversation. Let’s go.” Umi had decoded Nico’s trail sign and set off for camp.
Maki wanted earplugs. This was the worst thing yet, this loop of Soldier Game and Bibi songs, twisted just enough to be annoying. Not even earplugs, she wanted to be a turtle, and pull her head in her shell, and just sit here and wait it out until Nico was bored or exhausted or out of ideas. But Nico was never out of ideas. That was part of the fascination, how Nico could hop with quicksilver speed from wild thought to weirder inspiration and still stay so solidly grounded as wife, mother, and professional. It was dizzying sometimes, but Nico always made sure they landed safely somewhere, usually bed.
Maki grimaced. It was too early for that thought, she was annoyed at Nico, not hot for Nico. Okay, always hot for Nico but there was definitely going to be a phase where she refused to admit it. Maki pulled at the netting, it still refused to just tear. She dropped to her knee, the edges were slightly weighted, but with careful movements, Maki managed to work it over her head. Shaking it off as she stood, she reoriented herself. Umi had left the camping lantern. There was nothing but trees and woody shadows to be seen as far as its light shone. Unless Nico had decided to impersonate a dryad, she wasn’t lingering to see Maki struggle with the net. Leave the music and run, that had been her strategy. Maybe Umi had stumbled over her.
The adrenaline buzz of a challenge was wearing off. If Maki had those speakers within reach, she’d rip them out of the trees. Umi had gone to the left, but Maki knew by the creek that that trail headed back to camp, which left Maki guessing that to the right would bring her to the cabin. But would it bring her to Nico? Or just more nonsense? Maki sighed, running her fingers through her hair. Still sticky. Once she got to the cabin, Maki was going to lock all the doors and windows, blast music Nico couldn’t stand, and soak for hours. Everyone else could go back to Tokyo.
“There’s a whole song called "Autumn In New York", Nico. I added it to my set. People LOVE it.”
Honoka’s voice carried through the trees as Rin and Umi approached the camp. But why did she sound like she was on a call with Nico? Neither of them should be fireside right now.
Umi stepped into the light of the campfire, ahead of Rin. Nico was sitting, smug, comfortable, on a camp stool, mug in hand, phone propped on a low table. Rin immediately dodged around Umi and ran for the tent she was sharing with Hanayo, Tora, Dia, and Ruby, giving Nico a thumbs up.
Nico was paying no attention to anyone physically present. “Post a video. Nico wants to see. Maybe from Central Park. It’s pretty there this time of year.”
“Nico.” Umi said sternly. Nico looked up, surprised.
“UMI!” Honoka’s excited tone brought Kotori out of the tent she had claimed for their family.
“Why are you here, Nico? You are supposed to be in the woods…” Umi searched for a word…”shenaniganing. I left Maki in a net. You were going to rescue her.”
“That’s not on my schedule.” Nico sipped.
“What exactly is on your schedule?” Umi glanced down at the phone, where Honoka, her hair now long, was gleefully watching the exchange. Kotori wrapped Umi in a hug, but Umi refused to allow herself to be soothed.
Nico raised her mug, “Maki rescues herself, tears everything out of the trees, and stomps off her anger while Nico has a warming drink.”
Honoka sounded like she was bouncing. “Next year, I want to help you make a haunted house, Nico. How about at the beach? Skeleton mermaids crawling up to the house.”
Umi rubbed her forehead, “Can we get Maki back safe this year, first.”
“Nico has everything handled."
“What’s next?"
“Ooohh, what are you gonna do next?” Honoka sounded like the Ayase twins about to unleash a prank.
Nico grinned, leaning forward, “The best kind of trick.”
“And that is?” Umi let herself relax back into Kotori, exasperation winning.
“A treat.” Nico winked.
A/N: Have been working on three concurrent Poe projects so only a little time for fanfic. What's your Halloween like this strange year? I'm watching ParaNorman with an open text chat.
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crazypyp · 5 years ago
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The story is down below! :3
Dustin walked in pulling in the rest of his stuff. "Here we are Dustin, you're new home!" Edward said excitedly to the 14 year old. Dustin nodded, pretty quiet. He hasn't spoken in months; not since his dad died. He went up to his new room. He'd be bunking with Eric who'd be his new brother. Of course, he was already seen as a brother in his eyes, but it was weird that it was official now.
Eric, who was sitting on his top bunk, waved at his new brother upon hearing the door open. "Hey Dusty, how ya feeling?" He asked putting his phone down & climbing down to floor level. Dustin said nothing. Only put his stuff down & allowed his chicken to roam free in the house. He went to his bed & laid down in it facing away from the boy.
"I'll take that as a you wanna be left alone, huh?" He said climbing up back to his bed to play with his phone again. "Yell if ya need me-" He said to Dustin. Dustin nodded & thought to himself for a moment. Not on anything particular though. Eric peeked from his bed to see his brother sulking. He wanted to say something, but figured he should be left alone.
Later at dinner, Dustin was only picking at his food & thinking to himself, not even saying a word. The rest of the family sat in silence, looking worried for the poor boy. "So...Dustin...how do you like it here so far?" Snake asked looking at the kid. Dustin shrugged, not saying anything. "Uh, do you wanna talk about anything at all?" Edward asked. Dustin replied with a head shake.
"Do you like it here?" Bibi asked playing with her doll. Dustin replied with a nod. He loved it there, he just wished that his reason for living there wasn't so...heart destroying. The whole family was quick to treat Dustin like their own, even if he still doesn't see them as that way yet. He silently got up & walked to his room without saying a word to anyone.
Dustin curled up on his bed & silently cried to himself, covering his entire face in his turtleneck. The door slowly opened as a figure walked in to look at him. Snake had come to check on the boy & see if he was alright. Dustin turned around & uncovered his face to see who is was. When he figured out who is was, he did a weak wave. The past few months, this week in particular, has been exhausting for him.
"Miss your dad, huh?" Snake asked walking up to the boy. Dustin nodded, sitting up. "Wanna talk about it?" He shook his head. It was clear he was crying. Snake sighed & sat next to him. "Alright, I know. You're sad & hurt." He said to him. "I get it, you lost someone who has raised you for years & that's soul crushing to know of..." He said. Dustin nodded along to the conversation. "I know it hurts now, but you gotta stay strong, okay? Just like your dad probably wanted you to do." Snake said putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I-I...I just wanted to say goodbye one last time..." Dustin said finally speaking up for the first time since his dad's funeral. "I understand that..." Snake said. "Losing someone hurts. You didn't deserve to have to go through with that..." Snake said looking at him. "Family is important & you shouldn't have to lose that." Dustin nodded. "Yeah..." "If you wanna talk about it, just know that we're here for you, okay? We don't expect to replace your dad in any way, but just know that you're still gonna be a part of this family, even when you grow up, okay?" He said smiling at him. Dustin nodded, smiling a bit & wiping some tears from his face. "Thank you sir..." He sniffled. Snake smiled & pat the boy's head before walking away to give Dustin some space & time alone.
Dustin laid there in silence for the rest of the day, going into nighttime, soon falling asleep. When he woke up, he saw his father in front of him, surrounded by this white light. Dustin smiled & ran over to give his father a hug, only to phase right through him. He stumbled to the ground a bit shocked, but mostly confused. He looked up only to see his dad deteriorating right in front of his eyes. He was beginning to panic a bit.
Dustin woke up in cold sweat. He looked around before calming himself down. He got up out of bed to watch some TV. There was absolutely no way he was gonna go back to sleep knowing the dream may continue. He went into the kitchen to get some water. When he turned around, a figure appeared staring at Dustin. The teen yelped, dropping his glass on the ground, causing a loud shatter to be heard.
"Hey Dustin!" Bibi said to him turning on the kitchen light. "Bibi, you scared me!" Dustin said catching his breath. "Sorry..." She said. "What are you doing up so late?" he asked. "I sleep for an hour, then watch TV in the living room for five, then go to sleep for another 3 hours." She explained. "That's not healthy-" Dustin commented. His sister shrugged. "I mean, I'm still energetic so it can't be that bad!" She says.
 "Okay, whomever's broken into this house is about to get a serious kick in the ass!" Snake yelled kicking the door open. "Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you that you're gonna break it if you keep kicking it?" Edward said annoyed looking around the place & seeing two of his kids outside in the middle of the night. "What are you two doing here at this hour?" Edward asked crossing his arms. "Uhhhh...the question is what are you two doing here at this hour!" Bibi said changing the subject.
"We heard glass shatter & thought someone broke in through the window." Snake explained. "Turns out, it was just you two breaking some glass." He said going up to them & looking at the mess on the kitchen floor & sighing. "Okay, clean up the mess & we'll figure out what happened that woke the both of you up-" He instructed. The two nodded.
"So, wanna tell us what happened?" Edward asked once the mess was cleaned up. "Uh...I couldn't sleep-" Bibi lied. "I-I couldn't either..." Dustin said, actually telling the truth. "Why not?" He asked. "Well, I just couldn't..." she shrugged. "& you?" Snake asked looking at Dustin. "I had a nightmare...about my dad..." He explained pulling his knees to his chest & hugging himself. "Alright..." Edward said. "Tell you what, we'll make you both hot cocoa & we'll tell a story to you, Bibi, & Dustin, if you want, we could talk about the dream you had..." He said getting up to go to the kitchen.
"Alright..."Dustin said looking up at them. A few minutes later, Edward came back with some cocoa for the two of them. "Thank you sir..." Dustin said staring at it before beginning to drink some of it. He wasn't really hungry, but the smell did take him back. He used to go with his dad to a cafe & drink chocolate milk & hot cocoa all the time whenever his dad returned from a draft. It was kind of a tradition. He missed those times. Now all he had left to cherish were memories...
Bibi eventually began to yawn & started drifting off. Soon, she was fast asleep. "Alright Dustin..." Edward began, looking at him. "Wanna tell us about this dream that you had that woke you up?" He asked. Dustin nodded & began talking. "W-well...I saw my dad...& I went to hug him, but he was like a ghost or something cause I fell right through him. Then he started disappearing right in front of my eyes &...& I couldn't save him...just like I couldn't save him before..." He said, looking at the two, sniffling a bit & tearing up once more.
"Hey, it's okay..." Snake said trying to comfort him. He reached over across the coffee table & grabbed some tissues for the kid. Dustin wiped a few of his tears with it, still in the grieving process. "Th-thank you..." He said before blowing his nose. "It just...it just hurts...I thought he'd be fine cause he said it was just a small thing he needed to do...he's been through much worse & has made it before!" He said hugging himself again.
"I know, & it's unfortunate & very, very terrible. It's not easy what you're going through & I know that..." Edward said to him. "I've been in your shoes before & I know you can never truly get over it. Ever. But what you can do, is try to move on. Remember the good times, & cherish those memories forever." He explained, tearing up. "Your father was a good man & didn't deserve to go...but it happened, & the only thing left to do is move on, & remember the good times you had with him..." He said. "Does that help you feel better at all?" He asked. "A little..." He said with a nod. "Thanks for that talk Mr. Edward..." He smiled, wiping a few tears from his eyes. He let out a small yawn, getting a bit tired, but did his best to keep himself awake. "Don't you want to go to sleep?" Snake asked looking at him. Dustin shook his head. "No..." He said flatly. "Would you if we sang you a song?" Edward asked.
Dustin shrugged. "I guess. My dad used to sing me a song whenever I got scared. I don't really know if you could though." He said slumping over. "How about you tell us what it is, & we'll see if we can play it for you, alright?" Snake said to him. "It's called 'Boats & Birds.'" Dustin said. "Alright," Snake said getting up to get his guitar & phone. "I'm gonna go look the lyrics up so we can sing some of it to you, alright?" He said stretching a bit. He came back a few minutes later, with the lyrics pulled up on his phone & his acoustic guitar. He propped it up so he could play it & began strumming. Edward looked at the lyrics & cleared his throat to sing. "Alright, here we go..." He said reading them. "If you'll be my star, I'll be your sky
You can hide underneath me & come out at night...
When I turn jet black, & you show off your light
I live to let you shine...
I live to let you shine...
But you can skyrocket away from me,
& never come back if you find another galaxy
Far from here
With more room to fly
Just leave me your stardust to remember you by."
Light snoring could be heard from both Dustin & Bibi. Dustin seemed more happy, smiling a bit as he was sent off into dream land. So yeah, his old family is gone. Forever. But his new family has always been there for him. He can still love his old family, & be happy with his new one. That's exactly how he intended to live. Just like that.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 years ago
Ooh ohh i would also like to request a single parent Mc but for Hilf please.
I love you to Anon. Alright, similar deal with the L&L one- I change the Kiddo each time for fun. 
Long post
The kid is a little girl who is five and it the result of a relationship in high school. She’s a bio kid who had blonde hair and is super girly. Like think GIL MC.
Mac is very nervous about the kid. It’s not like a ‘Oh, she was with a guy before’ nervous or anything- Mac is way to cool for that- but it’s a ‘I really hope I don’t hurt this kid or her mom and shit a kid’ nervous.
Also, this kid is pink. PINK.
Mac and MC are very good parents though Mac kind of takes the role of the disciplinary parent more than MC given she is a cop.
Mac is a really good mom, she just struggles hard with bonding with the kid because she has never been into that stuff. Until she shows the kid some comics and BAM. Bonding time!!
Beu makes the mistake of trying to mess with the kid. His ass is GRASS.
Mac is the parent who will go to every recital and competition to cheer her kid on. When the girl starts showing an interest in gymnastics, Mac is all over that.
Mac’s parents are grandparents now. As soon as they find out that their daughter’s GF is a mom? Grandparents.
Mac gets called mom like by the third season and it’s one of the most emotional moments of her life.
Annabelle loves the kid and is like a big sister.
The kid plans on being bitten when she’s older because she doesn’t want to lose her moms.
The kid is a little boy who is eight and has cerebral palsy. MC met him on her year of travel. He was a foster kid cause his parents didn’t want him and he had really bad anxiety due to being abandoned. MC took him in after coming to care for him.
Deigo knows the kid very well as he has been the kid’s doctor for years. The kid really likes Deigo.
Deigo takes a longer time to accept being with MC because of all of his self-doubt about himself. it’s the kid who helps most in getting them together cause he is really hopeful Deigo will be like his new dad.
Deigo is kind of overprotective of the kid because of Eva and stuff. The kid doesn’t mind but it does get a little exhausting.
The kid calls him his dad fairly quick and Deigo just… kind of shuts down for a moment but he’s so, so, so happy.
Deigo and MC are so happy together with their son, it’s a little gross.
The whole shit with Dracula terrifies the hell out of Deigo, he’s so worried about the kid and MC. He actually considers leaving but he can’t. He can’t lose his family.
Deigo doesn’t want to bite the kid cause he’s worried about the kid being a vampire with cerebral palsy and the kid isn’t sure about being bitten either when he’s older.
This kid is a four-year-old bio kid who is a girl with super curly natural hair. Her dad was an African exchange student MC ran into while on her travels and her dad is kind of in her life but is more of a correspondence kind of dad as he’s to busy with his life and never wanted kids.
Razi and the kid get along great. Razi’s crush on her mom made him get along amazingly with this little girl already and the two are way to cute together. Kind of gross really…
Razi is dad as soon as he and MC get together because she’s already thought of him as such anyway!
Razi is all over anything the kid is into but what she is really into his history and stories. Like already this girl just wants to learn everything.
 AUNT ROSHNI. (and future Zizi Mothman)
Razi being utterly terrified of Baba Yaga ever meeting his kid and when he learns how close she was this entire time… Razi has a full-fledged panic attack.
Razi putting up with the makeovers all little kids give their parents and just being so stupidly charming about it.
Razi being really worried about having to watch this little girl die and just being unable to accept it. Like at all. No, this is his baby girl. He can’t…
The kid here is a snarky ten-year-old who is a trans boy who got kicked out by his parents. MC found him on her travels and took him in. he’s very defensive of MC and has picked fights over her honor before. 
JD and the kid already get along. The kid loves how rebellious JD is. But like… JD is even more like ‘this is casual’ between them and MC because they really do not want to ruin the kid’s life or be a parent.
Kid may or may not punch JD for making his mom cry and there is issue between the two for a good long while. Eventually, the kid stops with the anger but… yeah.
JD is not the greatest parental figure. MC has to be the authoritarian one because JD is very much not. But at the same time JD is fully aware of the lines and won’t cross them.
The kid going under Rip’s spell is terrifying. JD is a force to be reckoned with.
JD doesn’t really become Bibi until they give up their freedom for MC and the kid sees how much JD loves their mom. 
Hikari is the worst aunt. 
Satan is not allowed near the kid. JD is vicious about protecting their kid. That is their son and his fucker of a granddad will not touch him!
Nessie is even more upset about JD having a family. SHE COULD HAVE GIVEN THEM THAT.
JD plans on figuring out immortality for the kid. Satan offers it along with immortality for MC but… the catch is to much. Of course, the kid drinks cider along with his mom later on…
The kid here is a three-year-old bio kid who is the result of a relationship with a soldier who died in Iraq. Said kid is a little girl who likes dolls and soccer.
Vanessa… is not good with kids. Like she’s not bad just… not good. At all. Especially little three-year-olds who just get so confused about what’s going on…
She tries though! She teaches the kid a few self-defense techniques to protect herself. 
The kid and her bond over anime. Kiddo likes the sparkly anime and even has a plushie Altea she loves that her aunty Grace gave her.
Vanessa and MC have a slow burn as MC isn’t sure about a relationship with someone who has a dangerous job like Vanessa and Vanessa isn’t sure about a relationship with a single mom. 
Vanessa kind of embraces being a mom a little. She really likes how happy the kiddo is and likes teaching her stuff. 
Kiddo doesn’t call her mom yet (the third season sometime maybe?) and is upset she ran off.
Vanessa being super protective of the kiddo as she is also a target from Dracula’s brides.
The kid is a five-month-old baby boy who is a bio baby from a one night stand.
Antonio had no idea that MC was a mom. He would have never kidnapped her if he knew. MC has the baby in her car when she goes to the diner and Antonio doesn’t realize there’s a baby in the back until like… they’re halfway to his place.
Then it’s shit. Because he can’t go through with this but what does he do now?
Then Igor happens and he can’t let him grab her or the baby and it’s just fucking chaos. MC is not pleased with Antonio or his reasons. Victor honestly finds this entire thing hilarious.
Side note, Victor with a baby is utterly hilarious.
Antonio is actually really good with babies? Like scary good? And the baby loves him? Victor stares in shock.
Baby does not have the right gene or whatever to bring back the dead. Baby is safe.
Antonio spoils the shit out of the baby and MC. Like the nicest stuff and the most expensive baby stuff that has the most approval. He is so focused on making sure the kid is healthy and happy.
His and MC’s relationship goes how it goes in game cause Antonio is a little weary but also kind of happy at being able to hang out with a baby a little.
Antonio just assumes the role of a dad so well. Everyone is surprised.
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beedaleebjd · 4 years ago
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cecelia looked the most festive at the time, so i took some pics of her among the christmas presents. 🎁🎁 (she desperately needs a haircut, it’s gotten shaggy)
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femkinkharry · 7 years ago
i was tagged by two of my faves, @silverfoxlouis​ & @harrystinychristmasshorts​! thank you both! i love you! <3
1. Nicknames? my partner calls me babilee, my mom calls me sug [like the short version of sugar haha], and my dad calls me peach sometimes! most everyone else just calls me lauren or lt.
2. Gender? uhhh can we come back to this? i still don’t know lmao. she/her pronouns are what i go by, though, and that’s totally fine with me! i don’t refer to myself as gendered pronouns, though.
3. Star Sign? pisces! )-(
4. Height? 5′5 on a good day hahaha
5. Time? 14:44; i fell back to sleep cause i’m crampy and emotional
6. Birthday? march 9th! i’ll be 28- the larriest of numbers!
7. Favourite Bands? placebo, blue october, borns, old green day, literally every single emo band, muna, hurts, banks, rhye, the dresden dolls, the mars volta, the paper kites, so many more bands that i literally can’t name them all! music is my life. OH and one direction, of course!
8. Favourite Solo Artists? the boys!!!! kevin abstract!!!  josh groban!! ed sheeran, damien rice, angus & julia stone, gussy, voltaire, as;dlkfjs i’m just gonna make a playlist THIS IS HARD. i listen to so much music! there’s literally not a point in time when i’m NOT listening to music. i know all the words to the songs at work, even if i hate them, and i am permanently attached to my headphones. (:
9. Song Stuck In My Head? in the house - in a heartbeat by john murphy cause i’m watching kick ass AND bc 28 days later’s soundtrack is my fave of all time.
10. Last Movie I Watched? kick ass, currently!
11. Last Show You Watched? my partner was watching seinfeld earlier ickkkk
12. When Did You Create Your Blog? like 2011? the girl i was into got all of us into tumblr hahaha! i started out as a homestuck blog rip.
13. What Do I Post? mostly one direction and stuff from the fandom and text posts when i’m online. my queue is fair game: photography, memes, quizzes, anything and everything haha!
14. Last Thing I Googled? los angeles post office cause I SENT A PACKAGE SOMEWHERE THAT WASN’T CHI’S HOUSE WTF
15. Do You Have Any Other Blogs? not any that are active! i have a lot of hoarded 5sos urls from my time in that fandom and a roller derby blog that i abandoned.
16. Do You Get Asks? sometimes! i treasure every single one! and i’m always open to giving support/advice when i can! i’m the queer fandom granny, come talk to me! <3
17. Why Did You Choose Your URL? when i was in the 5sos fandom, i was femkinkmichael! i wrote a fair bit about michael in panties and ofc harry loves being feminine! my headcanon is that he’s genderfluid and indulges in his fem side, which definitively is NOT a “kink” but words are hard and i’m verbose, so here we are!
18. Following? 521 the last i checked. a lot are inactive hahaha. i go through periodically and unfollow, but some are just too precious to unfollow. <3
19. Followers? 302!!!!!! like!!!!!! what the fuck!!! i was going to release a fic when i reached 300 but it just happened so fast??? i’m grateful for y’all! <3
20. Favourite Colour? shining silver, royal purple, ebony black!
21. Average Hours Of Sleep? not enough i’m always tired ):
22. Lucky Number? i don’t know if i have any numbers that are lucky! but i have numbers that mean a lot to me! 309, 77, 138, and 888!
24. What Am I Wearing? comfy jammies! i’m off today and not feeling well so i’m cuddled up and cozy!
25. How Many Blankets Do I Sleep With? a shit ton! i think we have like 7 blankets on the bed right now! and i have 2 on me on the couch hahaha.
26. Dream Job? broadway performer! i have a pretty damn good voice that’s been ruined by stress and smoking lmao! i’m a soprano and my range, right now, is C3 to A5!
27. Dream Vacation? anywhere but here. <3
28. Favourite Food? gummy hot dogs hahahaha! i could eat my weight in them! between gummies and peanut butter, which are my fave safe foods, i would be a happy camper!
29. Nationality? i’m a white american mutt haha. i’ve traced family back to germany and native american women, though!
30. Favourite Song? THIS CHANGES SO. my most played song of 2017 was mornings by gussy. the song i’ve been grooving on right now is runner by kevin abstract & american money by borns. the song that made me cry in 2017 was too much to ask by niall horan. the song that inspired me the most in 2017 was smoke by natalie imbruglia. my fave song overall in life has to be hey jealousy by gin blossoms! i’d love to see answers from @heathenharry, @bibi-harry, @jlf23tumble, @protectlouandhazza, @fookoff, @softgolfdaddy, @lwtvibes, & @goldbootsandvans! <3
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slasherslxtt · 8 years ago
Help Me Out: Part 3
Summary: Your sister is getting married, and you desperately need a ‘boyfriend’ to bring to the wedding to get your family off your back. And maybe show your scumbag ex-boyfriend that you were fine without him. It seemed like the perfect plan, as long as you could get Bucky to go along with it, and try not to fall in love along the way.
Word Count: 1,666
Warnings: Swearing, smut to come later 😊
A/N: Hey guys, sorry this took so long! I went through a serious case of writers block, but hopefully that’s done and I can update more often. Lemme know what you think!
Previous Chapter
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           The following day, you filled Natasha in on your plan to bring Bucky to your sister’s wedding. A smirk instantly spread across her face and you groaned, already regretting telling her.
           “Before you say anything, it’s nothing. He’s a friend and he’s helping me out. That’s it.” You said as you topped off your coffee. Even though you weren’t looking at her, you knew she was rolling her eyes.
           “Don’t bullshit me, Y/N. It’s pointless and kind of sad at this point. You’re into him. You have been since the day you met him. You’re not very good at hiding it, although he seems pretty oblivious.” She said with an eye roll as she finished the last of her breakfast. You groaned and rubbed your face in frustration. You wanted to argue but you knew that it was pointless, especially with Nat. Truth was, she was right. Ever since Bucky had joined the team, you’d been harboring a rather large crush on him. At first, he was quiet and stayed mostly to himself, but as the weeks went by he slowly came out of his shell. You saw more and more of him, and the more you got to know him, the bigger your crush grew. He was kind, sweet and funny, and the more time you spent together, the more open he became with you. He told you some of the things he’d done, the nightmares he had, and how he felt completely out of place in this world. On really bad nights, when the nightmares were too much for him to handle alone, he’d come to you for comfort. You’d tell him stories of your childhood, sometimes he’d ask you to sing, but normally you would just hold him until the shaking stopped and he drifted off to sleep. Most of the team didn’t know about the late-night visits, and the two of you wanted to keep it that way. It had been almost a year since he arrived at Stark Tower and you had come to really care for him, and the late-night visits had become a routine that you cherished.
           “Y/N? Hello, earth to Y/N!” You snapped out of your thoughts at Natasha waving a hand in front of your face.
           “Sorry, what did you say?” you asked, blushing slightly for zoning out. She rolled her eyes.
           “I said, are you gonna make a move or what?” You laughed and picked up your plate, bringing it to the sink.
           “Doubtful. He’s one of my best friends, Nat. I can’t just drop a bomb like that on him, especially given what he’s been through. I don’t want to freak him out and ruin what we’ve already got.” You turned back to her to find her with her arms crossed over her chest, an eyebrow raised. She opened her mouth to say something but you stopped her. “Nat, I can’t do it. I’m a mess. Carter….he did a number on me. I hate to admit that he did, but we both know he fucked me up. Bucky doesn’t need that in his life.”
           “Don’t you think you should let him decide?” she asked softly, coming around the counter. You looked up at her and you could see the concern and sadness she felt for you in her eyes.
           “I’d love nothing more than to tell him everything, you know that.” You leaned your head on her shoulder when she draped her arm around you. You smiled to yourself, grateful to have her as a friend. Before you’d started working here, you didn’t really have any close friends. Now you had a second family.
           “Well, maybe this trip will change things. Hawaii is a very romantic place.” She said, pulling away and wiggling her eyebrows playfully. You laughed, but you couldn’t help but feel hope bubble in your chest.
Thursday rolled around and you were packed and ready to go. You had told Bucky to meet you in the lobby at noon so the two of you could use Tony’s jet for your trip to Hawaii. You arrived in the lobby just before noon to find him already waiting, a small travel bag at his feet. He looked up when he heard you approaching, a smile spreading across his face, making your heart flutter. You returned the smile, noticing that he was a bit jittery.
           “Excited?” you teased when you reached him. He nodded eagerly and bent down to retrieve his bag.
           “I’ve never been to Hawaii. This week dragged by because I was so excited.” He said, making you laugh.
           “Well, don’t put too much hope into this trip. I’m sure my family will manage to suck the joy out of you in no time.” You joked as you walked to the town car that Tony had called for you to take to the airport. The ride to the airport was short and filled with small talk. You were so at ease when you were around him and you found that you weren’t so nervous about this trip, knowing that he’d be by your side the whole time.
           You both boarded the plane and were in the air in no time. Tony had the whole plane stocked with food and drinks and you helped yourself to the bar.
           “You want a drink?” you asked as you made yourself a margarita.
           “I’ll have whatever you’re having.” He replied, making you smile. You finished making the drinks and handed him his, sliding into the seat opposite him. He took a sip and hummed in satisfaction, making your face heat up slightly at the sound.
           “Oh, I almost forgot! I have a bunch of pictures I want to show you.” You said, putting your drink down and fishing through your bag.
           “You saucy little minx!” he teased, making you roll your eyes at him. You retrieved your photo album and placed it on the table.
           “It’s pictures of my family, perv.” You joked. “I want to make sure you have at least an idea of who these people are before you meet them.”
           “Makes sense. Alright, teach me about this hellish family of yours, doll.” He said, standing, and nudging you over so he could sit next to you. You swallowed hard as you were hit with his intoxicating scent. A mixture of vanilla, cinnamon, and something uniquely him. It was overwhelming and it made your knees weak. You opened the album and began giving him details about some of the people he would be meeting this weekend.
           “This is my Aunt Judy. She’s the sweetest woman in the world, unless you piss her off. She’s kind of scary when that happens.” You smiled fondly at the picture of the two of you. “This was taken right after Tony hired me. She took me out to tell me how proud of me she was. And to tell me that I’m better off without Carter.” You glanced up at Bucky who was smiling softly as he looked at the picture. “She never liked him. She always told me that I deserved better than him, but I always brushed it off.”
           “You do deserve better, Y/N.” he said quietly, looking at you with such adoration it made your heart ache. You smiled at him, hating that even after two years, thinking of Carter still hurt.
           “I thought he was the one I would spend the rest of my life with.” You said, looking back at the picture so he couldn’t see your eyes watering. “I spent three years of my life with him and I just wish I could take that time back. He humiliated me. Made me feel like it was my fault that he cheated on me. I wasn’t pretty enough, didn’t put out enough, worked too hard. When I was the one making all the sacrifices for the relationship!” Angry tears threatened to fall but you fought them back, not wanting to spend another second crying over that asshole.
           “He’s an idiot, Y/N. If he’s too stupid to realize what he had, that’s not on you.” He placed his flesh hand over one of yours, taking it and giving it a reassuring squeeze. You looked up at him, a single tear managing to escape despite your efforts. He reached up with his metal hand and brushed it away gently and you thought your heart was about to burst out of your chest.
           “Thank you, Buck.” You muttered quietly, letting him pull you into a tight hug, and you instantly felt your anger and sadness disappear. He held you for a few minutes, rubbing your back soothingly until you were completely at ease. You pulled away and cleared your throat, turning back to the pictures.
           “So, be honest with me.” He started as you flipped through a few more pictures. “What’s your family going to think of me?”
           “Well, Judy will love you. As for everyone else, they won’t say anything to our faces, but they’ll spend the entire weekend whispering about their rebellious relative bringing a scruffy looking man to her perfect sister’s wedding.” You said with a laugh. He chuckled and shrugged.
           “I’m sure they’ll all clutch their pearls when they see my arm.” He said with a laugh. You couldn’t help but admire his features when he smiled, the scrunch of his nose, the crinkle around his eyes. He really was beautiful. You snapped out of your daze, blushing slightly that you’d been blatantly staring, but he didn’t seem to notice.
           “Well, it’ll be an interesting weekend to say the least.” You said, flipping to another picture.
           “Well, I knew what I was walking into. I won’t take it personally.” He reassured you.
           “Thank you, Bucky. This really means a lot to me.” He smiled and leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, making your heart flutter. You had been dreading this weekend for months, but now that Bucky was by your side, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Next Chapter
Tags: @captain-bibi-universe, @ok-ladies-lets-get-in-formation, @Ccrossfire, @quietonne, @stargirl-posts, @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19
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lonelypond · 6 years ago
Jingle Bell Jazz, Ch. 19
Love Live, NicoMaki, 2.5K, 19/20
Summary: One last rehearsal before the big night...
Chapter 19
Nico woke up, startled by an unfamiliar noise. She opened her eyes, a maid, dressed in practical clothes, was preparing to sweep.
Nico yawned, “Good morning. Sorry if Nico startled you. I’ll be out of your way.”
The maid nodded and busied herself with adjusting the drapes around the window. Nico wrapped the throw around her and returned to the music room. Maki was still sleeping on the piano and Nico paused, wondering if Maki had such a sweet smile every morning.
“Maki?” Nico called softly.
“Huh?” Maki opened her eyes, confused, then pushed back from the piano, the bench nearly tipping, Nico rushing to her side to steady her, “Nico?”
“Hey, hepkitten, you fell asleep” Nico glanced the clock, “4 hours ago and Nico didn’t want to wake you so I curled up on your couch. The maid just caught me, your mom won’t be happy.”
Maki stretched, Nico enjoying the more active view of her girlfriend as well, “I told Mama you could go anywhere you wanted.”
“Nico appreciates that.” Nico straddled the bench, fingers gliding over the soft skin of Maki’s cheeks, “But this is good.” Lips followed, not as gentle, just as welcome. And then there was the knock on the door and Nico dropped her hands to her thighs.
“Maki,” Mrs. Nishikino stepped into the room, “breakfast will be ready in ten minutes. I expect you and Nico both to be there.”
Maki rolled her eyes, “All right, Mama.”
“Don’t worry, Nico’s a charmer.” Nico bounced up, Maki rising slower, still yawning.
“Are you always this…” Maki hesitated, watching Nico barrel her way to the door, “bustling in the morning.”
“Can’t rule the world if you don’t start bright and bubbly.”
“Sure you can.” Maki grabbed Nico for a quick kiss before she could hop out the door, “Try it for me…”
Nico laughed, “Nico will need a better offer than stand in a doorway with me…”
“What do you me…”
Nico winked, her firm hand on the curve of Maki’s hip guiding the redhead into the hall. After a pause for thinking, Maki blushed furiously.
“So, Nico,” Mrs. Nishikino glanced at her daughter, “How is the plan for the your invasion of Europe going? I have some school friends...”
Nico leaned her head so the glare came at Maki sideways, “Is your whole family obsessed with Europe? Your dad is the only one who even mentioned knowing people stateside.”
Maki pinched her lips at Nico and pushed Nico’s coffee cup closer as a hint for her guest, “We‘ve decided that Canada might be a good location for a tour…”
Nico nearly snorted out coffee as she echoed, “We’ve decided…” while Maki’s mother looked puzzled.
“What your daughter means is…” Nico tilted her head again, raising an eyebrow in a dare at Maki, “that Nico has decided to stay closer to home for...various reasons...and Tsubasa knows a Canadian promoter who it might be worth Nico’s while to impress.” Nico nodded, reviewing her phrasing, “So Bibi’s gotta knock tomorrow night out of the park so we can clinch tickets to Quebec.”
Maki’s mother shadowed Nico’s eyebrow dare of her daughter, “I see. I take it Lucerne is no longer a destination that interests you, Maki?”
“No.” Maki started cutting a scone into tiny pieces, buttering a few.
“Perhaps, after your concert, we could sit down with your father and discuss the plans you’ve developed for your immediate future.”
Nico was watching Maki who had paused, taken a deep breath, and raised her head, “I have a few ideas that I’d welcome your advice about, Mama.”
Maki’s mother smiled at her daughter, “If Nico doesn’t need you, let’s talk at dinner on the first. I’ll make sure your father is available.”
Maki nodded, and feeling less pale, began to eat.
Kotori had swept in, Umi behind her, dragged everyone up to Maki’s bedroom and started laying things out on Maki’s bed. Nico was also a whirl, picking through everything, talking as fast as she moved with Kotori’s responses mostly murmurs, nods and a rare squeak of distress. Eli hadn’t arrived yet. Maki was standing in the center of the room, in her pajamas, trying to make sense of what Kotori and Nico were saying. She’d naively thought there would only be one option for each of them, and yet, she was pretty sure she’d counted 10 different dresses on the bed.
Umi was pulling gently on her sleeve and Maki followed into the hall. “We should probably leave them to pick the finalists. It might be an hour.”
“Why are there so many?” Maki tried not to sound panicky, some of the dresses seemed too flimsy for anything outside a bedroom.
Umi shrugged. And looked pained. “Kotori...Kotori is very enthusiastic about the three of you onstage together.”
Maki sat at the piano, Umi looking over the set list Nico had scribbled before they’d both passed out.
“A lot of Ellington.” Umi mused.
“Nico decided I could handle some solos of my own.” Maki couldn’t help the canary eating grin at how proud she was that Nico had given her the nod to take the lead on ‘Satin Doll’ and ‘Corner Pocket.’ “Although…” Maki started the intro to “Corner Pocket,”I had to do some stepping to substitute a piano for the horn solos, but Nico’s going to hum her way through the rhythm when I let loose.”
Umi started to hum as Maki continued, so Maki let her fingers frolic with the mixolydian chord she’d been tempted to slip in and stretch out, to add just a hit of blues before she let Eli and Nico swing them back out. As Maki went back to the rhythm, she gave Umi a nod and the dark haired musician picked up the lyrics.
But what'y-know It really was so! I'm ready f'settlin' right down No more runnin' around And that's the truth, really the truth
“Stealing Nico’s gig? Or Nico’s girl?”
Maki turned to the door and her fingers failed. Nico was in a tight tight dress, silver, with a slit up the front practically to Nico’s waist, with see through black lace lining it AND substituting for the bosom clenching part of the bodice. See through...lace, Maki had never quite realized exactly how see through lace was...no wonder lingerie was always so small and delicate and sheer...but this wasn’t lingerie, this was Nico’s -- Kotori’s choice for a New Year’s dress. No wonder Nico had thought it inappropriate for a ‘holy jam.’ How was Maki supposed to concentrate? But she couldn’t stare at...that would be...but everyone else in the room would be feasting on the visual...while Maki would be respecting Nico’s…Maki closed her eyes, one hand clutching the side of the piano, the other tapping a staccato warning on the bench as her thoughts continued to race, throwing Nico in this dress right now with her initial impressions of Nico, so much life lifting off the page that Maki would go home after seeing Nico in the hall and wake up wondering why she was chasing a laughing Nico....
“Sexy Nico, right?” A joyous, buoyant Nico bounced down the piano bench to a still stunned Maki, another hip shove, and Maki hit the floor, awkwardly, jarring her elbow and wincing. “Maki?”
“Maki?” Umi rushed to assist Maki to her feet.
“Are you hurt?” Nico, fearful.
Maki shook her head, but she grabbed her elbow. Nico was right there, instantly, at her side, helping her to the wing chair, propping her arm on the padded arm, “I’ll be right back.” And Nico was gone, leaving Maki and Umi frowning at each other.
“How is she so fast?” Maki couldn’t help the question. She’d been puzzling over it for two weeks now.
Umi laughed, “Pure willpower. Panzer tanks could have taken lessons from her. Rome would have fallen by breakfast.”
“My girlfriend the siege weapon.” Maki twisted a curl of hair, “I thought she was a siren.”
“Her performances do bespell the audience.” Umi considered, “She is incredibly hardworking. Thank you for agreeing to help her. She seems to have inspired you. Your performing has risen to a new level in such a short time.”
Maki couldn’t keep the sincere affection out of her voice, and had given up fighting it, “I’m just trying to keep up.”
“Never underplay your own efforts.” Umi stated as seriously as any professor, then stepped through the door, “I’d better tell Kotori you’re going to be delayed. Nico was probably about to send you upstairs.”
“Thanks.” Although if Nico was in that dress, Maki was almost certain she didn’t want to see what Kotori had put together for her. Was Eli going to show that much...personality?
“No.” Using the ice in a towel Nico had gotten for her elbow as barrier, Maki edged away from the practically a nightgown Kotori was holding out. Somehow by putting a silver band around the top, Kotori had made a dress Maki had never been fond of seem like even less fabric.
“But it matches the others so well…” Kotori wheedled, Umi seemingly having taken the vapors and left the room to make a mystery phone call. Eli was in a sharp black dress, with silver cuffs and a collar and a sharp, tilted, tiny, Robin Hood style hat. Maki wanted one of those, not this honeymoon nightmare nightgown...honeymoon, Nico, Maki caught Nico’s eye, blushed and turned away.
Nico sighed, “What’s wrong with it, Maki? Kotori altered one of your dresses.”
“Which I never wore.” Maki dropped the ice in her bathroom sink, nervous as Nico’s expression changed.
“Why didn’t you say so…” Nico had both hands out in a plea, right eyebrow twitching.
“No one asked...you just stormed through...I wasn’t sure….”
“We could add a shawl.” Kotori’s brow furrowed at changing her plans, but something light and scarf-like might work.
“No, that might interfere with Maki’s playing.” Nico sat herself on Maki’s bed, in the dress, legs crossed. “We need to find something classy. I want a dress rehearsal, especially since the genius here fell off the bench, stunned when Nico showed up in this.”
“It was just surprise. I’ll be fine in front of an audience…”
Nico with the raised eyebrow again.
Maki’s turn to sigh and sit next to Nico, taking her girlfriend’s hand, “You’re not going to attempt to crawl across my piano while singing, are you?”
Eli started laughing so much her hat’s status became precarious. She quickly adjusted it in the mirror.
“Nope.” Matter of fact Nico.
That was a relief. Nico had done that pose in the Life photoshoot. “Then I’ll be fine.”
“If we’re going to rehearse in these outfits, I’m going to go warm up.” Eli shot her cuffs and winked at herself in the mirror, “This is perfect, Kotori. Talk of the town, here we are.” And Eli stepped out into the hall, expecting to be ignored by a Nico who was completely caught up in their temporarily timid third.
“Do you just have some kind of little black dress?” Nico tried to keep the peppiness in her tone, but Maki could hear defeat sneaking in the back.
A pause….Maki frantically reviewing her clothes...“Wait..my mother has a Peggy Hunt that might work. It’ll be a little short…” Maki noticed Nico’s eyes light up, and she could feel herself preen a little as she stood, Nico’s full attention claimed. “I’ll be right back.”
Maki changed before she dared her readily critical audience and took a few moments to pause in front of her mother’s full length mirror. Definitely short, but the sheer panels that tucked into the waist over the sleeveless black bodice added confidence for Maki and what she hoped was intrigue for the audience with the stacked double ties accentuated the curves below and above her waist. Maybe Nico would be knocked sideways. Maki wondered if she was the only one in danger of attraction hampering performance skills.
Silence when Maki walked back into her bedroom. Nerves rising, she almost bolted back out the door, but then Nico was right there, that happened a lot, Nico suddenly next to her, near enough to feel the warmth and buzz from Nico’s seemingly inextinguishable energy, not that Maki minded, but she was beginning to suspect that every time she blinked Nico just sprinted somewhere because she could.
Nico whistled, sliding her fingers between Maki’s, “Okay, now Nico’s going to have to be careful not to step off the stage.”
When Maki blushed, Nico raised her hand and kissed Maki’s, grinning, keeping Maki’s gaze, eyes gleaming, Maki’s pulse quick and thrumming.
Kotori carefully touched the where sequins separated a panel of sheer fabric, “Oh, this is genius. I have to see your mother’s closet. Does she have more Peggy Hunt pieces?”
“Kotori,” Maki knew that tone in Umi’s voice, chiding, but affectionate, a warning that Maki realized, even after only knowing both for three months, Kotori would sweetly ignore.
“Good evening, friends…” Nico had decided where the imagined mic would be and twirled, arm out to point at Eli and Maki, “Don’t we look pretty?” Nico’s voice dropped a little, the edge shaved and sharpened with sensuality, “We play even better.”
Eli did a quick sax riff.
“You have no idea how much fun you’re going to have.” Nico angled herself so Maki could see the wink, “There will be a pause while the audience blows the roof off the place with applause for Nico’s charms.”
Eli intro’ed “Nice Work If You Can Get It” and Nico curtsied.
“Can we just get started?” Maki wanted to not sound aggravated but there had been so many false starts, Eli trying to get her reed right, Nico changing the first song once, twice, thrice…”Winter Wonderland,” they decided they were starting with “Winter Wonderland” FINALLY and if Nico would just get over her obsession with how clever and attractive the imaginary audience found her maybe the music could finally start…
And Nico was right there again, leaning into Maki's sightline, weight on the piano, almost knocking the music stand over. Maki grunted, “Be careful.”
Nico glanced at Eli, “She still goes somewhere else. We’ll have to keep an eye on her.”
“If you would just start, everything will be fine.” Voice not firm enough, Maki resisted the urge to stand or fidget. Without the release of actually playing the piano, restlessness was becoming a problem. And then Nico was behind her, hands on Maki’s shoulders, fingers squeezing with a gentle pressure.
“Maki,” Nico’s lips brushing her ear, a whisper only for Maki, the singer’s sure and sultry voice a promise of much more than applause, “All you have to do is listen to Nico. Just close your eyes. Trust me.”
And Nico began, with an unexpected jump forward into the program, “She's nobody's fool and I'm playing it cool as can be I'll give it a whirl but I ain't for no girl catching me”
Eyes closed, Maki’s fingers found the chords, and Nico almost swooned at the sweetness of the pianist's smile as Bibi truly began to swing.
A/N: Is it May already? *laughs helplessly* *crashes head into keyboard* *mutters* How are you?
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