#doing non-murdery things
sock-to-the-third · 27 days
Sekai made an “eep” noise. I wanted to make an “eep” noise too, but I was busy.
from The Future of Work, Compulsory by Martha Wells
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
hi saw your daddy kink post discussing the phenomenon of giving grown characters surrogate parental relationships, and I understand where you’re coming from, but i really feel like it’s just a matter of the circles you run in, and the assumptions that you might make because of that. you mention how platonic reads of these dynamics are more uncommon than kinky reads, which i just don’t think is the case, and I think that arguing that people don’t even realize that they’re writing a kink is a little bit bizarre, and sort of assumes that you know more abt them than they do by projecting your own experiences onto them.
it isn’t inherently sexual to crave protection or a parental relationship that you may have missed out on, and it is certainly not universal. in my own family, my “grandpa” isnt my biological grandfather (nor do I really consider him to be my grandfather), but he’s my mother’s surrogate father and has been since she was in her twenties. an adult. he sees her as a daughter. she sees him as a father. there’s absolutely nothing kinky about it. and anybody who automatically assumes that must have their mind deep, deep in the gutter and/or the stranger side of the Internet. really, i find it a bit of a strange argument to randomly post in the first place—as if it’s a problem that so many people enjoy non romantic and non sexual relationships, and that these people must, in fact, have a daddy kink that they are unaware of.
that said, i do absolutely agree that fans bringing any part of that into phil’s chat is weird and they should Not do that, and that infantilizing characters is also very weird, and personally i dont even see him as being father figure to anybody on that island except his eggs, wilbur, and MAYBE an argument could be made for tubbo (which other cc’s on the island have joked about), but to each their own and all that.
sorry this is so long. TLDR, i get where ur coming from in terms of “warning , some people might read your stuff differently than you want here” but really not everything is a kink and paternal dynamics can easily happen in regards to adult characters, particularly young adults, without there being any inappropriate connotations. i know nothing i said will change your mind, obviously it’s set, but ykno diff perspectives and all that. hope ur doing well
Thank you for the ask! I see you were on mobile, I believe. :D I am also going to push the character limit with this response, I fear.
I agree that it isn't inhernetly sexual to go after a parental relationship that you missed out on, and there are many such cases. I'll even go so far as to say that it's not inherently kinky to go after a parental relationship that you missed out on, because there is such a thing as non-sexual kink, and heaven knows that MCYT writing is full of non-sexual kink. Lots and lots of stuff that is platonic that is kinking on fear, or being drugged, or kidnapping, or hypnosis, or familial relationships, etc— there's lots of people who aren't doing that. There are tons of people out in the real world (and in fiction), who are simply just expanding their family as an adult, and that's awesome. When I was in college there was this older couple who kind of adopted me and invited me over for thursday dinner, and they were awesome. There was nothing untoward going on there.
But look. I am an emduo fan who likes to see my guys be murdery, and because of that, I've ended up reading a bunch of Dark SBI. I've ocassionally gone "this cannot be what everyone is doing" and I've read stuff tagged as "family fluff" that I find recommended. I am aware of where the genre is going, particularly with the rise of "dadbur" and "dadnoblade" interpretations.
And look, you have just got to trust me on this one. People are writing stuff that in any other fandom I would be recommending they put kink tags on the work so that people who liked that trope could find it and people who didn't like it would avoid it, but that comment in DSMP would just lead to people getting doxxed, so I just grit my teeth and go "i guess that's baked into Dark SBI or Tooth Rotting Fluff now, I sure hope that doesn't hit anybody's triggers".
Like I PROMISE you. The first draft of this response included excerpts of fics that I've read and I was like "can YOU pick the ship fic from the /p fics here"? But I have a horror of ever leading to someone getting cancelled on twitter, so nothing that could possibly be identifiable of these writers. But like—
Some of the ways that Tommy gets treated in the narrative are almost indistinguishable from a bodice-ripper romance. Some of the tropes being used— within DSMP we've all clasped hands and agreed to interpret it being platonic, but in any other fandom, you are going to start getting comments that you might not want to get. The tag is FULL of stuff that is DD/LB in everything but name. Maybe my mind is in the gutter here, but if you move out of this fandom, you are going to move into circles where a lot of people's minds are in the gutter, and you are going to get a very different response from your comments!
And I was talking about daddy kink here specifically, because I see that one come up a lot and it's gotten egregious lately, but this also applies to dehumanization, and fearplay, and predator/prey, and "instincts" (in every other fandom that's gonna get people in a mashup of A/B/O, Hypnosis, and sometimes Agere responding to it), and kidnapping/drugging, AND the way a bunch of "piglin instincts" stuff is just a BDSM au now where the Brute (dom) needs to be callmed down by their Runt (sub). The SBI tag is super kinky right now. And I don't have a problem with that idealogically, write your truth, but a) please don't bring that up in front of the streamers, b) if you move to another fandom you have got to be prepared that not everyone is doing their kink platonically.
Like I'm assuming that people don't know what tropes they're playing into, they're just building them from first principles, because the other alternative is that they are deliberately and knowingly writing kink and posting it in the & relationship tag with insufficient trigger tags, and I prefer to believe that people don't know.
I'm glad we agree about people bringing that into Phi's chat, or Pol's, or Luzu, or any of the other streamers that people have decided is So Old. A lot of people aren't comfortable even being assigned dad, as we saw with Felps, so bringing it even further is just— uh oh, no.
I do not have a problem with people liking non-romantic and non-sexual relationships. I find it a bit odd that much of the fandom can't concieve of a non-romantic and non-sexual relationship without making it familial and specifically lately father-son— don't you have close friends?— but I am fully in support of gen writing. I primarily write gen! I'm an avid commentor on gen fics!
But some of the tropes at play in the fandom are kinky, there is no way to avoid that. The fact that they are set in a familial relationship doesn't negate that. Some of the ways that the DSMP characters get treated would be distinctly non-familial if you ever brought it out of that context. And I am just warning people, if you bring it out of that context, be prepared for the response you get.
You cannot take DSMP tropes and apply them one-to-one in other fandoms, with other streamers swapped in, and expect them to be read the same way. Like i'm sorry, but that's just true. If you are posting the same sort of stuff that for Cellbit & Phil that you would post for Tommy & Phil, people will assume that you have a daddy kink, because usually when a relationship between a adults that are actually similar in age is refered to with paternal language it's a kink thing. That is how the broader internet works. (And anon, if I had a daddy kink, would I be complaining about the fact that I can open any SBI fic and have about a 40% chance of hitting it and I'm seeing signs of this appearing in QSMP? I assure you I'm not "projecting [my] own experiences onto them" here.)
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coeluvr · 3 months
Luceris makes me want to do terrible things to him (in a non-sexy murdery way)
I love how you had to clarify that lmao 💀
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crossdressingdeath · 11 months
Now that I have everyone's responses to the "Durge was an Absolutist leader" reveal, I have thoughts. I think the whole thing works best if you tell the party about you being Bhaalspawn before going to the inauguration, because if you do that they're all like "It's okay, you don't have to be evil, you can fight your father, you have to fight your father" and while some Durges would probably be upset about the repeated insistence that they Mustn't Be Evil it's definitely well-intentioned and they want to support you. And then you get to the inauguration and they're furious about the Absolutist reveal. Which is mostly fair (Shadowheart getting mad at you specifically for not telling anyone when she knows you have amnesia is just a little unreasonable), but it's also like. all that support goes away the second they learn you weren't a good little non-murdery heroic Bhaalspawn like Gorion's Ward. To be fair, their anger and sense of betrayal are understandable, it's a hell of a thing to learn and I get the sense that the party really doesn't grasp just how strong Bhaal's hold on Durge is (I don't think it's a coincidence that Jaheira and Minsc are two of the calmest about the Bhaalspawn reveal or that Jaheira takes the Bhaal's Chosen reveal better than most of the party, they have more experience and so have a better understanding of what being Bhaalspawn actually means, but even they don't as far as I'm aware know about the "literally crafted from Bhaal's divine essence" situation)! I can definitely see why they for the most part react so overwhelmingly negatively, I would too in their position. But at the same time... poor Durge? I mean, they've just learned that they were a leader of the cult that stuck a tadpole in their and most of their friends' heads and is trying to take over the world. While the response to that would vary depending on the Durge, that's a heavy thing to suddenly have to deal with! And then the closest thing to support they get from the party is Minthara and Jaheira saying "Well, you fucked up big time but you can still sort of make up for it" and a couple party members not responding to it at all. The only person in this situation who seems pleased to have them around right now is Gortash.
...I wonder if that's part of the reason why Gortash chooses to reveal all of this here and now in front of the party rather than trying to find a moment to talk to Durge privately. It wouldn't have been hard for him to say "Well, I want to talk to the leader of your group privately and I won't give you any information until I get to do so," make it into some sort of power play or something and then explain the situation once they were alone. It might even have been smarter, since that way the party wouldn't be suspicious of Durge. But instead he spills the beans in front of everyone, driving a wedge between Durge and the rest of the group. The others love Durge enough to stick by them even after the reveal, but Gortash couldn't have known that would be the case when he told them! It doesn't make sense to deliberately cause problems among the party if he wants them working together as a team to deal with Orin for him, but it does make sense if his ultimate goal is to get rid of the rest of the party so he and Durge can rule together as was the original plan. After all, if the group decided they don't want a (former) Absolutist leader around and chase Durge away, where could Durge go other than straight to Gortash?
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jedibinx · 3 months
Fic Masterlist - JediBinx 💜💚🖤
Here it is! The masterlist - I had no clue where to even start so I've organised them into Series and One-shots and linked each one with a short (very short!) summary of what it's about hope this helps! ^_^:
When Darkness Calls, Who Will Answer? - vampire Jere with gender neutral reader. Creepy, strange and murdery.
Sweater Paws - Jere/Bojan - good old fashioned smutty smut smut.
It Started Out With A Kiss, How Did It End Up Like This? - Jere/Jukka post on-stage kiss.
Slender Wrists and Gentle Kissed - Jere/Security Man Veikko - Veikko has to comfort Jere after a traumatic incident.
The Will Of The Unconscious - Jere/Bojan - Bojan's POV, we find a struggling writer discovers the perfect inspiration... or did the writer create the inspiration?
Flash Fiction Picture Challenge - I take ten photos and create two sentence stories based on them
Just Once - I angsted up the onlyfans content. Because I could and I live to torture lol
Ask Me To Pose, I'll Be Your Doll - inspired by this lovely artwork. Nace/Jere fluff love.
Tell Me I'm A Good Boy - J/Jere smut. This is the fic that started it all with J.
Scratch The Itch - request for a friend - Kris/Nace smut
We Will Prevail - Bojan/Jere. Bojan surprises Jere for Valentine's day but not everything goes to plan and Bojan ends up playing the man card and being a stupid stupid head. Will he be able to save everything he ever wished for?
Parasocial Investigations - Kris/Jere. Kris is a social media influencer focusing on mental health and positive mindsets. Jere is alone, mentally unwell, and clings to Kris' videos and every interaction he has with him. When Jere convinces himself that Kris wants to come to stay, how will it turn out?
Wine, Dine and (Gory) Sexy Time - Tommy/Jere. Vampire gore and smut.
Save Me With Death - Bojan/Jere. Bojan is dying and stumbles across Jere, a starving vampire all but desperate for food. What will happen?
Daddy J and his Famalamadingdongs - my crack fic where Bojan joins Jere's religious cult where he's referred to as Daddy J.
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend - Tommy/Jere. Tommy is a voyeur and Jere is all too happy to help. Smut.
Laid Bare - Jere. Stripper AU. Angsty, sexy, dramatic and traumatic.
Perhana - Bojan/Jere. Even more traumatic. Death and sadness.
Multi-Chapter Stories (Non-Series):
Wake Up - Bojan/Jere - A psychological thriller where we see Bojan, an ex addict try and patch things up with Jere but all the while Jere is falling further and further into a set of diaries that he has found... but all is not as it seems. What will happen when one slowly starts to fall apart and the other desperately tries to keep them together? What happens when things aren't what they seem, or are they just a dream within a dream? Can we really trust our own senses to tell us the truth?
Love and Be Loved, Kill or Be Killed - Jere/OC Female - Mara is a busy GP living her life as best as she can spreading kindness wherever she goes. She can't help it; she's just nice. When her town is plagued by a spree of murders on local women, she becomes anxious and a little paranoia takes hold of her but she carries on her day to day routine as best as she can, refusing to allow fear take over her life. When her good friend, Jere, asks for help with his sick mother, kind, caring Mara... how could she refuse? Little does she know that there's a side to Jere that she hasn't yet seen, but she's read all about it in the papers... and she's about to see it first hand...
Skylar - Regular life AU. Skylar is eighteen and being let loose into the world after spending his entire life in foster care. Kris has been assigned to be his counsellor after social services recognising he needed some assistance.
(UNFINISHED) Till Death Us Do Love - Vampire AU. Jere/Damon - After a freak accident that rocked the world by creating mutated humans not unlike the vampires seen in the Hollywood movies, humans fight back and reluctantly live besides them. Hatred is rife between the two species (and even that term is a stretch as technically they are still humans, just mutated). Jere is a vampire, the same yet different from the others, fleeing from Finland with his brother Mikke. Damon is a human who just wants to live his life the way he wants to but is met with nothing but resistance. How will the world cope when two unsuspecting people's lives run into one another, creating a cataclysmic explosion of a celestial fate that will create a ripple effect that no-one will be able to stop?
(UNFINISHED) Let Go - regular life AU - Jere/J. Jere is a stressed out married man seeking professional services from a Dom sex worker by the name of J. J is an aloof sex worker/dancer who holds everyone at arms length in order to protect themself. He/Him during work, They/Them during personal life. What happens when both people reach a breaking point and come clashing together in a destiny meant for two? Will they be able to let go, grab hold, and trust?
Jere/Nace One Shots - Porn with Feelings and Plot - 6 one shots - set in real life AU.
Kinktober Universe - Jere/Nace regular life AU. 4 multi-chapter stories. Jere and Nace have a marriage on the rocks and have 31 days to save it. (the subsequent stories are prequels - Holiday where they first meet, university and the letters during university)
BoJere Fluffy Fluff Fluff - regular life AU where Bojan and Jere have both moved to the UK and meet. All fluff no smut super sweet and delicious. 2 multi-chapter parts.
Writing Requests - 30 one shots requested by my lovely tumblr friends! ^_^ Includes, smut, gore, fluff, comedy, drama, angst everything you could ask for. All different pairings, polycule and even fantasy in there too.
Soulmate AU snapshots - Bojan/Jere - Bojan is immortal and Jere keeps reincarnating, forcing Bojan to fall in love over and over again.
(UNFINISHED) Finding NetherRealm Series - Fantasy AU. Lexi is a doctorate student, on her way to becoming the next member of the Horrorlogical Society. All she has to do is complete her placement at the Zoo of the Otherworld and not get too attached to the creature she is meant to study. Easy, right? Käärijä has been captured, stuffed inside a wooden box. He's in pain, he's scared, he's been taken from his family and he doesn't know where he is. All he has to do is make himself as scary as possible, for as long as possible, and they'll leave him alone. Easy, right? If there is one thing that they will learn rather quickly is that nothing in life, no matter who or what or where, is easy.
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what Fandom Hot Takes would people have for Aemon?
Oh man, I know there'd be hot takes, but it's so hard to try to figure out what they'd be! I'm not 100% sure if all these are necessarily hot takes or just Aemon Getting The Fandom Treatment, but I will try my best!
I know for a fact people would be erasing his bisexuality & calling his marriage comphet & saying that someone needs to "free him" from his wife
I think there'd be a lot of takes that stem from just fundamentally misunderstanding His Deal. His dogged loyalty & extremely high drive to protect his Royce family (no matter how distant or tangentially related) would get misinterpreted as just being murdery or unhinged or...whatever exactly the writers have going on with Aemond
The opposite end of this, I think, would be people Uwu Babyfying him because of his trauma & the some of ways he responds to it. He cries, he'll regress back to the partially non-verbal dissociative state he was in right after his mom died, he gets really emotionally & physically clingy. But this is tangled up with his lashing out so whichever hot take someone is dropping is most likely gonna depend on what team they're on &/or if they like Aemon (& how they enjoy interpreting the characters they like. All these extreme interpretations & their hot takes are factually incorrect though. There'd be, like, 5 Aemon Royce Understanders)
And naturally, there'd be hot takes about how Aemon doesn't deserve Silverwing & that someone else should have claimed her. "Poor Silverwing, the gentlest & most docile babygirl, she's being held hostage by Rhea Royce's son & he's forcing her to do things she doesn't want to" (bestie, that's Her Little Boy. She also wants to participate in the Dance; this is way more exciting than what Alysanne let her do)
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sasheneskywalker · 11 months
batfamily fic recs where the main character is transgender or non-binary
Laying My Heart Out by rotasha Bruce doesn’t have friends. Until he has Oliver.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Oliver Queen & Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne
if you get lost (you can always be found) by corvidspectre Originally, it was easy to believe it was just over-eager adoration for one Dick Grayson. It was too easy to believe in fact; how could he have known there was any alternative? Dick Grayson was amazing, all that he wanted to be. The way he flew through the air, his effortless smiles and energy, what young child wouldn't want to be him? He was just idolising him, and he was a perfectly fine role model for a young girl to have. Maybe it was just a blossoming interest in gymnastics.
It took Tim a while to realise he didn't just want to be like Dick Grayson.
He wanted to be a boy. No, he was a boy. He was sure of it.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Past Tim Drake/Stephanie Brown
by any other name would smell as sweet by misspickman A dare and a couple of offhand comments set off a domino effect, sending Tim down one or two identity crises. Apparently everyone thinks it's time for him to do some self-reflection.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake, Batfamily Members & Tim Drake, Bart Allen & Tim Drake, Tim Drake & Cassie Sandsmark
A hold on me by Anonymous Damian starts thinking about self-identity. Things both are and aren’t difficult. Growing up is hard, you know.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | No Relationships
always an angel (never a god) by maruyaaya When Jason Todd is twelve, people begin calling him the ‘Boy Wonder’ and while Jason is, of course, extremely pleased to have taken up such an important mantle, it also feels wrong in a way that he can’t quite put his finger on.
“Look at me! I’m Robin, the Boy Wonder!” Jason cheers the first time he has the Robin suit on, Dick Grayson’s old nickname coming out of his mouth with a sickly sort of feeling to it.
But then Bruce smiles at him like he’s finally done something worth being proud of and Jason feels like he can ignore the way his skin is crawling if it means Bruce will smile at him like that again.
He can change, can’t he? He can be the Boy Wonder that Bruce wants him to be. He can do it. He can be whatever Bruce wants him to be. It doesn’t matter what she wants.
a canon compliant fic following the life of jason todd from birth to death to re-birth and their struggles with discovering who—and what—they are.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Roy Harper/Jason Todd
Spoiler Alert: It Gets Better. by carolinaa Red Hood's been running Robin's Nest, a secret youth shelter in Gotham, since he came out of his murdery craze. He wants it to be a place to stay, no questions asked, with a hot meal provided if you stick around for breakfast. The kids of Gotham deserve that much.
Enter Stephanie, whose new name isn't the only secret she's keeping.
(or: how steph outsmarts her dad, makes gay friends, and gets the guy)
T | Archive Warnings Apply | Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake
loot my body by carolinaa Jason comes back to life, and finds that everyone's mourning someone who never existed.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul & Jason Todd, Roy Harper & Koriand'r & Jason Todd
These Twists and Turns of Fate by Hinn_Raven To be born is to exist, but to live is something else entirely. Stephanie Brown falls apart, and pulls herself back together. OR Stephanie Brown is assigned a different name and gender at birth. These are the changes that result.
G | Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Harper Row/Carrie Kelley, Stephanie Brown & Harper Row, Stephanie Brown & Jason Todd, Stephanie Brown & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown & Crystal Brown, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake
Prince of Gotham by snackbaskets Gotham wasn't kind to its girls. Jason would brutalize it until it agreed to be. He only hoped it would spare him long enough to make it so.
T | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Gotham, Catherine Todd & Jason Todd
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ospreyeamon · 1 year
I’ve been trying to tease out reasons why the Inquisitor, who is just trying to get by in a Sith-stab-Sith world, has fewer opportunities for neutral to positive encounters with Jedi than the Warrior, who is there to actively cause problems during Acts One and Two. Doylist-wise, it’s probably because you can’t change faction so there needs to be an implied reason why the Sith Inquisitor doesn’t go skipping off to the Jedi Order as soon as they are permitted to travel to neutral space.
It’s ironic how much less murdery my Warrior’s reputation with the Jedi is than my Inquisitor’s. Especially since one of the things that contribute to them acquiring those reputations is that Lys’trel tries to approach the Jedi she encounters with diplomacy and honesty (her views on the Jedi are ... complicated, but she doesn’t hate them or want them destroyed) while Tsojât is hostile and manipulative (he believes the Jedi Order is rotten to its core and the galaxy would be a better place without it).
Jedi like Nomar Organa and Masters Ryen and Ocera assume Lys’trel is lying when she proposes exchanges of mutual benefit and professes to have no intent to fight because the Empire and Republic are, technically, at peace. She’s a Sith. Obviously she’s lying. Every encounter the Sith have ever had with the Jedi from invading Republic space without making a formal declaration of war to holding the lives of the civilians on the capital hostage while negotiating the Treaty of Coruscant has proven they can’t be trusted.
They decide to lure her into traps to kill her under the justification that it’s what she’s trying to do to them and leave messages that are discovered by other Jedi after their deaths saying things like “played along with Sith’s plot to get Rehanna Rist out of the firing line, will intercept before Sith can enter the Elysium to carry out terrible plan” and “Padawan Zavros was tricked into believing Sith had non-threatening reason to be on Taris, will spring trap in the ruined temple when the Sith infiltrates it” because they’ve convinced themselves that’s what’s going on. When she kills them in self-defence it is taken as evidence confirming that version of events.
Another factor in Lys’trel poor reputation with the Order is that many Jedi’s initial impression of her is that she is a fallen Jedi defected to the Sith. Coming from a family enslaved during the Empire’s conquests during Great Galactic War and raised among many native Basic-speakers, Lys’trel speaks Republic Basic with a Rim accent rather than an Imperial one. She’s a very unImperial looking Rutian twi’lek and the Empire’s former policy towards Force-sensitive slaves is that they were to be killed on discovery. Viewing her as a proven traitor is more comfortable than viewing her as evidence of the fate of the Force-sensitives born in the territory lost to the Empire in the Great Galactic War.
She also has what some people perceive to be an unsettlingly erratic death-tinged Force-presence. Other Sith tend to attribute it to Lys’trel being a necromancer. Jedi, being less familiar with necromancy, are left wondering how many people would need to die around you for you to feel like that and why your aura would oscillate like an amateur unicyclist plotting a sine graph.
Tsojât is on a quest to reveal the Jedi as villains with good publicity. All the Jedi and the Republic’s posturing about peace and tolerance and standing against genocide is just that – posturing. He is going to rip off that mask, which means his own and the Empire’s behaviour must contrast favourably to their enemies’.
He was raised to follow the standards of right behaviour that seek to balance honour and obligation. Honour and obligation don’t disappear just because you’re dealing with enemies and inconveniences. He makes no promises he does not intend to keep, attempts negotiation even when he is certain (and maybe would prefer) that there can be no peaceful resolution with the Pubs, and tries to avoid civilian casualties.
Where Lys’trel proposing exchanges of mutual benefit was deemed suspicious, Tsojât’s stark distain is expected. Sith hate Jedi, so a Sith being open about that is a Sith being honest.
Tsojât spared Master Yonlach and Knight Yul-Li (because that was the price Yul-Li asked when he gave up his information), persuaded the Willsaam parents to leave with him and departed Castle Organa without attacking Master Volryder, spared Knight Ulldin (so he could recount how Zylixx snapped after having a Sith quote the Jedi code at him), and delivered Nomen Karr back to the Order alive (that was Jaesa’s decision and Tsojât considered it a mistake he had to respect her right to make).
To the Jedi, this apprentice of the infamous Darth Baras appears an unexpectedly honourable enemy. A Sith showing signs of somehow overcoming the disadvantages of his birth. Many Jedi who know of him imagined that he is struggling against the genetic disadvantage of a “Sith Pureblood” naturally attuned to the dark-side of the Force (the tsissai aren’t), that his childhood must have been brutal and neglected (it wasn’t), and that Tsojât’s disinterest in killing every enemy in his path is a sign that he is subconsciously feeling the call of The Light and The Jedi Path (he’s not).
Ironically, this interpretation of Tsojât has similarities with Tsojât’s own evolving view of the Jedi, softened by studying Jaesa’s life while hunting her. He hadn’t methodically contemplated how deeply a person’s understanding of the universe would be shaped by the dominant narratives of their culture before. Of course most Jedi don’t know the truth about his people and what the Republic did to them when all the histories they were raised on are a mess of propaganda, prejudice, and omission. Of course they don’t understand the Force if their Masters spoon feed them lies about it. Of course the experience of being on the other side of the Great Galactic War gave many people a plethora of bad impressions of the Empire. Succeeding in flipping Jaesa does nothing to disabuse him from this perspective.
While the SIS and Jedi Order do share information, they aren’t always the most efficient about it which leads to an … interesting conversation at the official big-shot Sith dossier swap after the Battle of Corellia as the SIS agents attempted to figure out why the Jedi Order ranked the new Emperor’s Wrath a lower threat than the freshly named Darth Occlus.
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vegaseatsass · 8 months
Do you still ship NonPheeJin? Even though I'm so angry at Jin after that episode, I still kinda like the idea of the ship.
Oh! Oh hello Anon. Yes, I'm always here for disastrous mess. However Phee/Jin first get together, however it develops and however sincere Phee's feelings for Jin turn out to be or not be, I know it's going to light my brain on fire, and ah I can't find it now but there was a post, edit: it's this post from @fracturediron!!, about how Phee and Jin are foils wrt Non that I wholeheartedly agreed with that I also think makes it so interesting. Like if Jin is Pheenon enemy number one and the biggest target of the revenge scheme, it's extra interesting that many of the things Phee would most want to punish him for are reflections of traits in himself that he also wants to punish/regrets the most. Jin/Non is a biiiiiiit of a nonstarter for me at this moment only because of how much Non was visibly not into Jin by this latest episode lol, but I think a good fic (or vengeful hate scene) could turn that absolutely upside down on its head, and the sicko in me completely loves the slow escalation of Jin's awfulness and possessiveness towards Non and is always interested in reading/seeing more of that. And like, they're all horrible teenagers and guilty shitty young adults, aka human beings; I have a real appreciation for Jin's writing. Unlike a lot of fandom, the only character I'm absolutely looking forward to dying is Top, hahaha, everyone else I could watch foreverrrrr, and Jin is no exception. I love the GAY REVENGE of it all but if this were a less murdery genre, I would gleefully watch everyone live with their pain forever. Phee/Non is like, where my brain is vibrating at the most rigorously at this particular moment but Jin makes things messier and twistier and angrier and grosser and I'm always, always here for that.
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pigcatapult · 2 years
Everyone's already drawn the parallels between the events that led Kurapika and Chrollo to each have their "and that was when I decided to be a serial killer when I grow up" moment, so here's some other things about hxh 397:
Not only is Chrollo's plan to build a metaphorical web to lure Sarasa's killers to their doom, but he decided to wait for the worldwide web to get up and running.
There is so much to say about how this chapter and the implication that Machi becomes at least a mortician's assistant recontextualizes her hatsu. Sarasa's death changed all their lives forever, but Machi specifically fixates on the handling of Sarasa's corpse. Machi's the one who hugs Sarasa's body and tries to comfort her.
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(brb these panels have me crying again)
Like, Machi's hatsu is perfect for a mortician. And it turns the situation with preparing Hisoka's corpse into such a cruel irony. This very ability that she developed out of what the rules of nen tell us must have been an intense desire to do right by her dead (maybe not by your dead or my dead, and certainly not by Kurapika's dead, but the Troupe's hypocrisy is already thoroughly documented) ultimately led to two more brutal murders of the people dearest to her, and might lead to more.
Hell, let's talk about the cruel irony that one little girl's desire to do right by the dead is probably what led to the Phantom Troupe gaining nen, without which they couldn't have killed the Kurtas, without which they wouldn't currently be hurtling toward author-foretold deaths.
Can you imagine the AU where Sarasa doesn't die and the Phantom Troupe stays a non-murdery theatre group?
I don't know what to make of the "Your pretty eyes make my skin crawl" bit. Maybe it's in reference to how Machi's (apparently natural) gyo looks? Maybe it's a hint towards whatever is up with her "intuition" that's always right even when she thinks it's wrong? We've still never gotten any explanation for what that is or why it works despite not being an acknowledged hatsu.
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anukulee · 1 year
All I Ever Wanted
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Requested by; Skymoonandstardust (Tumblr).
NOTE: This couple's meeting and similar to His Maiden In A Tree, through some details have been changed. Keep this in mind while reading this.
Atop a throne Loki Laufeyson (formally Odinson) sat, his eyes drifting lower then him ever so often to face his subjects, a dream that he had held ever since he was a little boy. Yet rather then rival in such a feeling, Loki was dishearted, as finally the desire he had held for so long had finally been fufilled. Why is that, was a question that would often occupy his mind, invading his thoughts at the worst of times, times where Loki was supposed to be preoccupied in doing his needed kingly duties, such as listening. Rather then drifting in and out of conscious, only picking up what was needed. Loki's finger wondering to the top of his forehead, leaning towards his side, almost as if he was in deep thought over the issue, when truly his mind was else where. 
Through the subject below seemed to take no notice of Loki's lack of attention as he continued to patter on with whatever issue that concerned him. As this non-sensensical rambling continued on, until something pulled Loki out, yet rather then it be the man kneeling in front of Loki it was someone else. "I believe we will be able to assist you, good sir, won't we brother," the person spoke, his voice as booming as one might expect of the man behind it. This voice belonged to Loki's adoptive older brother Thor, a title that he had been forced to acknowledge if he wished to remain as king over his sister Hela. 
If not for the years of pratice that Loki had as a the silver tongue, he would've stuttered at the abrupt shift of the conversation. Especially one that he had been paying little to no attention to. Yet the words came flowing out of Loki as naturally as one might expect, living up to the reputation of silver tongue. "Yes, I believe we can, brother. Now if that is all you require perhaps Hela may see you out?" Loki refering to Hela Friggadottir, their adoptive sister currently positioned at the edge of the throne room, dawning her usual black attire, eyes boring into his, not buying a word that slipped out of Loki's tongue.
"We shall see brother, that is if this man can make it out," Hela noted, a small grin appearing on her face, one that very much mirrored her adopted little brother. While normally Loki might've take amusement in Hela's remark, his mind still remainded on other things, having no remark to Hela murderious comment.
"Now sister you jest right," Thor said speaking in Loki's place, lifting up his hand up in a stop position.
"And if I weren't how would you suggest in stopping me baby brother?"
"I have done it before sister, don't think I can't do it again."
"Yes, but you had the help of our dear brother, whose mind seems to be else where."
Upon hearing this comment, Loki seemed to snap back into place at least long enough to form a response. "I beg your pardon?"
"You heard me."
"You mistaken me, dear sister my mind is entirely on matters here."
"So you claim brother."
"You dare speak against your king," Loki asked, his eyebrows tilting upward. It was at this moment that the subject seemed to take to leaving without Hela's guidence likely knowing better then to get involved in the matters of the gods, especially the ones of the former Odin children.
"Yes, if your mind is elsewhere I shall speak up. After all I didn't give up my quest just to serve an absent minded king, if I wanted that I could've done it with dear old father."
"Are you sure you would like to continue speaking dear sister," Loki asked, as with simple glow of his seidr, in Loki's hand materialized a dagger, one that he was prepared to aim towards his sister if need be.
"You wish to aim a dagger at me, Odin's rightful born? Dear brother I believe you must be mistaken, if you think this shall end well. Remember I am the goddess of death."
"And I am the god of mischief, I have died so many times I have long lost count."
Sensing the tension between his two sibling, Thor took this chance to place himself in front of the two stubborn beings. "While I enjoy your banter dear siblings, I believe we have other matters to attend to."
"Such as what," Loki and Hela asked in harmony, something that resulted in a mutual glare towards the other. 
"I believe we have another subject to attend to."
"We do," Loki and Hela asked once again in harmony.
"Yes, and I can't call her in if you too are squabbling."
"Big words from your mouth brother, it's unusual," Loki remarked, the remark meant more towards teasing then the deggration one might think.
"I do learn things from you, brother," Thor remarked with a smile, which recieved the smallest smile from Loki's lips/
"I suppose we can continue this disucssion later sister."
"Giving up so easily little brother," Hela asked, her tone as teasing as one expect of a big sister.
"Never, but I believe our brother is right, we have other matters to deal with."
"Fine, but just this once."
"Indeed," Loki said, before motioning his hand towards the door. "Now open up, and bring our next person."
"I shall do it brother," Thor volunteered.
"You don't trust me do you brother," Hela asked, putting her hands towards her heart in mock concern.
"I do, sister, but I believe our brother would like to see this one," Thor said, as a smile began to peek under his features, and before Loki could ask what he might, he saw her. Upon seeing her everything seemed to stop.
"I see, perhaps we should our dear brother alone for this matter," Hela hinted, as a smile began to peek on her own features. Loki far too busy in other things to pay attention to the looks that was crossing his older siblings faces, as soon the two took their leave, as Loki was left alone with her…
Her head adored by a bright blue hood, her almost red auburn hair parted on both sides, flowing to the tops of her purple dress, blue eyes lingering up to face Loki's own green ones. "Is this the right time? I could always come back another that if that is what you wish," she asked, her voice far more nervous then what Loki would wish especially coming from her. Yet how he loved hearing she spoke, her voice just as angelic as he remembered.
This being the very thing that seemed to make Loki speak, his gaze no longer lingering merely on her. "Non-sense my dear you are always welcomed. Now come forth my siblings are no longer here so feel free to come closer. I promise I shall not bite."
"Are you sure for I have heard tales of you?"
"And do you believe them?"
"Perhaps, who am I too question your actions," she asked, a the smallest of smile began to peak from her lips.
At that moment all Loki thought was, there is my queen. A thought that wasn't uncommon especially in regards to her. A comment that he didn't hesist to voice. "For someone as shy as you, one might expect the comment that come out of your mouth."
"Perhaps, but it has kept me from the marriage market until now."
"Until now," Loki asked, his brows starting to furrow.
"Yes, it seems people think I am long past the age to marry."
"Marry," Loki asked, almost stuttering almost as if something was caught in his throat.
"Yes, unless you have a problem with that?"
At that moment so many thoughts began to run through Loki's mind. Her marry? She can't be of age not yet? Can she? I believe she is around Sif's age. Sif has yet to marry so why should she? If she is then who might marry her? Perhaps a noble man or if she is unfortunate she might marry Thor or worse. Why does her marrying someone make me feel like this? If she does marry Thor, why couldn't she marry me, Loki questioned, and with that very question did the pieces begin to fit into place. 
This feeling in his heart almost as if he was jealous, when he should be delighted by the thought of her finding someone. The sense of something lacking whenever she wasn't in his presense. His forever lingering gaze whenever she is around as he was reminded of something from so long ago.
The moment of her finding him in that tree of there, one that stood there despite the test of time, despite everything that had happened. The moment she called out from the tree, choosing to talk to him, not knowing his position. Their friendly bickering despite her shy nature. The way she continued to stand beside him despite all the mischief he caused, even after finding out who he was was. Something that was confirmed all those years later when she had blurted it out. Moments that Loki found himself longing for now as he sat upon the throne almost frozen. Wondering just why he was longing for those days, and why wasn't he happy? Why do I feel so empty without her around, he wondered. 
As if a light bulb finally went off in his mind everything became clear, he loved her. This being the reason why the very next words came out of his mouth. "Then why don't you marry me?"
At this the one Loki's now saw as his queen frozen, Loki's hands now on his mouth just a little too late now. "Marry you?"
"Yes," Loki uttered, his silver tongue forever gone, with that.
"Me marry you?"
"Does the thought digust you? Marrying a monster?"
"You are no monster."
"Then why do you stutter?"
"It's unexpected."
"Is it truly, we have known each other since we were children playing in that tree of ours?"
"Yes, I suppose we have?"
"So what will it be?"
"Are you even ready for this, or is this because you think I might be taken by another," Loki's queen asked, now taking steps to grow closer to the throne. As Loki made his way down slowly, his steps echoing across the room taking her hands into his ever so gently.
"My dear, I have everything I have ever desired since I was a child, despite this all day I have felt as if something was missing. Yet the moment you came in it was as if something felt more full."
"It did."
"Yes, and I can't express how much it hurt, when I thought you going to another and even my brother. It was then I thought how much I love us, especially out shared soft bickering."
"Is that all," Loki's queen asked, her eyes blicking far to flirtlessly almost as if she knew the spell she had cast upon him.
"Not even close, perhaps I shall say how much I love how one moment you might be shy, yet the next saying the last thing one might expect. Or perhaps the way your auburn hair glows in the light, the deepness of your ocean eyes, or even the way your hair falls just below your breasts."
"Paying attention to my breasts much?"
"You are going off track, what I am trying to say is that I wouldn't mind getting to know more of you."
"More of me?"
"Perhaps the way your face might become after a night of pleasure, or what the Midgardians call bed head. The way you would laugh beside me every day just as we did underneath our tree. The way you would listen and make comments alongside me in that sly way of yours. Or just for you to be mine."
"Are you proposing to me?"
"Perhaps, honestly I am not too sure, all I know is that I don't want to give you up, and wish for more. That you are all I ever wanted."
"I see."
"So what do you say?"
"I suppose we could try this, if I am all you ever wanted."
"So will you take me to be your king?"
"As long as I am your queen."
"You have always been my queen even when we were beneath our tree. So how about it," Loki offered, his hand now offering towards his queen's.
"I say lead the way my king," Loki's queen said, taking Loki's hand into hers, as the two began their journey, as finally, Loki would have everything he would ever want, all with his queen by his side.
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lumine-no-hikari · 3 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #202
I took a morning walk with J. And I streamed a lot of Dead Cells today.
This time, I finally managed to gather and use all of the Moonflower Keys. In order to gather those, you have to find all three of the Gardener's Keys in The Promenade of the Condemned. Then you have to find where the Moonflower Keys are hidden in the next three stages, and unlock the passages to them with a Gardener's Key. These exist in places called The Ramparts, The Graveyard, and The Forgotten Sepulcher. Normally, you can't get to The Graveyard from The Ramparts, but you can if you have three Boss Cells active.
But for this run, I started with a stack of 120 curses. That's because I keep breaking down pay doors. There are two 50-curse pay doors, and up to two 10-curse pay doors in the Prisoners' Quarters. If you have a curse, then if you get hit even once, you'll die instantly, until you defeat the same number of zombies as your curse stack. So I had to defeat 120 zombies without making any mistakes on a rather challenging level of difficulty. I'm not really sure how I pulled it off, but I managed.
I imagine you'd probably be really good at this game. Maybe someday if I get impossibly lucky, I'll get to see you play a game sometime. Or maybe you'll sit with me and make silly commentary as I play. That might be nice.
In the end, I got defeated by The Hand of the King. I've only fought him a handful of times, and his movements are still somewhat strange to me. So I practiced against him for a little while in the Training Room. Maybe I'll do a little better next time.
Br visited unexpectedly today while I was streaming, and that was lovely. And then there was the gathering of polyamorous people happening in that one place, and my friend H asked me if I was going. I wasn't expecting to go, because I thought Br was going to stick around the house a little longer, but as it turns out, she had to go run some errands and then go home. So Br dropped me off at the gathering.
I like being there with all of the non-standard folk; I feel a little bit less alone. But I don't know how to mingle very well. My main topics of discussion usually relate to human psychology and the mechanics of trauma, the state of the world at large and why it is the way it is, and other such very deep topics of discussion that most people in my world seem rather uncomfortable with for reasons I don't fully understand; how do we fix solvable problems if we refuse to talk about them?
I could talk about my other interests, like my wire trees and my art and acapellas, but I find then that people either get bored or weirded out very quickly, or otherwise become intimidated by me and by what I can do, or else think I'm trying to be a showoff, or worse - call me "talented" or "impressive" - so outside of this space or at home, I try not to talk about myself much unless prompted.
I could try to talk about their interests, but I've had experiences in which my asking has caused the other person to feel vulnerable and defensive, and the result is them angrily telling me to mind my own damn business. You wouldn't believe how many people get angry in response to, "what do you like to do for fun?" or else reply with a sarcastic, "wouldn't you like to know?"
I could talk about you, but most people in my world don't know who you are. And of the ones who do, most of them think very… unkind and murdery things in your general direction. I wonder if the irony in that is lost on them…
I could talk about the weather, but that seems so superficial, and if I'm not careful, I'll end up talking about how the weather is changing because our climate is changing, and nobody wants to think about that. And I don't know anything about sports or reality TV or celebrities. Maybe if I was more normal I'd know about those things.
But I'm really not especially interested in the personal life of whatever celebrity is trending. I'm not especially interested in keeping abreast of whatever's trending at any given moment, just in general. I wanna talk about the universe and the meaning of life and how you felt in response to creating your latest work of art, and… I guess most folks just think that stuff is weird and gross and cringe or however else "vulnerable" gets euphemized nowadays. I know I'm not entitled to emotional vulnerability from anyone - I know that. But I don't know how to get to know people if all personal questions like, "what do you like" and, "what do you do" can be misconstrued as rude in one way or another.
So for the most part, at a social gathering, I tend to keep to myself and let people talk to me at their leisure if they want to. Naturally, I do want to talk to other people about anything and everything, but when I initiate, usually bad things happen and the other person feels very uncomfortable and I never quite understand why because no one ever tells me or gives me a chance to improve; usually once you fuck up, you're done and that's it. I'm not "socially appropriate". And as an autistic person, I likely never will be. It occurs to me how much being autistic is like going through socializing with an infinite stack of curses, just like in Dead Cells; once you fuck up, you're done. So it's usually better to keep my mouth shut as often as possible when I'm not at home. When I open up in other places, usually whatever welcome I thought I had wears out quickly.
I guess that's one of the reasons I write to you. This silly little existence of mine is oppressively lonely sometimes, outside of the walls of my house. The odds of you ever seeing these are vanishingly small, and so, the odds of you telling me what a weird and useless waste of space I am are also vanishingly small. And even if these do, by some miracle, ever reach you, I can't imagine you'd ever want to write back to me. And I guess there is some small comfort in that. I guess I really don't want to receive a letter from you telling me how weird and gross and inappropriate you think I am; if I ever did receive anything from you, I can't imagine it'd be anything other than something like that.
I guess in short, I don't mingle because I'm still scared of being on the receiving end of others' disgust and contempt. If I had a nickel for every time some person described me as "passionate" when it was really code for "weirdly obsessed", or described me as "marches to the beat of her own drum" when it's really code for, "I'm going to do whatever it takes to avoid this person", or described me as "unconventional" when they really mean "insane"… I'd have a lot of nickels.
And maybe they're right; who knows? But nonetheless, I'm a person that others can come to with anything and everything, whether I've known them for years, or whether we met today. I am a person who folks can tell their deepest, darkest secrets to, knowing that I will not judge them, and knowing that I will keep those secrets safe. And indeed, there are a number of folks who trust me in this way. But it's not really my place to have that reciprocated to me, I think. And it's probably better if I can just be strong for everyone else, in any case. I can handle it.
When people talk to me first instead of me trying to initiate, then I am better able to gauge where they're at and respond accordingly. They can set the pace of the conversation. They can decide when to end it and when to continue at their leisure. They can decide the topic. If I try any of these things, usually I fuck it up, because I am myself, and myself is always either too much or not enough, except for in a few very preciously rare cases. I don't want to hurt anyone by accident, so I find that the best thing to do is usually stay quiet and listen, and offer very brief tidbits about me only when specifically asked.
So mostly I just sat and wove a wire tree. A person named Gw sat next to me and seemed to enjoy sharing the space with me and that was nice. Here's how far along I got today:
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...Peridot and cherry quartz on white wire. Hopefully it'll look nice when it's done...
Oh. I got a couple other pictures for you. I found another feather on the trails today as J and I walked on them:
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...And the moon looked really cool today, so I snagged a picture:
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...It's not the best picture because it's just a cellphone camera and I had to zoom all the way in. But still. Still...
Well. I guess I'll end today's letter here. I don't really have anything profound to say. But I do hope the joy in the simple things I write about reaches you.
I love you. Please stay safe out there. I'll write to you again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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elvisgrace · 1 year
💌 | Forget about sims, lets learn about YOU! Tell us one fact about yourself, and then send this to 5 other Simblrs to do the same 👽
Several years ago, when my bbs were still actually babies, we rented a cabin for a week with my parents, my baby brother, and my sister in the Appalachian mountains.
It's late at night, and I head upstairs to pop my head in to make sure all the pocket-sized ones are still asleep and don't need anything.
1st step - Oh hey, a shadow
2nd step - Kinda weird that on this entire stair case only one riser has a shadow
3rd step - Also too, based on light directionality, that shadow is totally wrong
4th step - Is that a sock stuck there through static cling?
5th step - Is that a face?
6th step - Are those WINGS???
7th step - Is that a motherfucking BAT staring directly at me???
6th step - That is very definitely a motherfucking BAT staring directly at me
5th step - oh god
4th step - oh shit
3rd step - oh fuck
2nd step - oh god oh shit oh fuck
1st step - ohgodohshitohfuckohgodohshitohfuckohgodohshitohfuck
At the bottom of the stairs, I'm trying to regroup and figure out what the hell to do, the most basic, rudimentary, non-standard life skills I knew at this point in my life came from my girl scout years lost in the mists of time, and very most definitely included no knowledge on what to do if confronted by a motherfucking BAT.
Things I vaguely knew about bats*, gleaned by osmosis through pop culture a) bats hate bright light b) they prefer to avoid people c) bats hate loud noises d) bats carry rabies 5) bats are probably definitely nocturnal supernatural creatures from Transylvania
Conclusion: This bat has been hanging out in this brightly lit stairwell, just chilling while the constant bedlam only small children can produce rages around him. This bat is not WELL, he is not RIGHT, he is going to give us all the rabies and grin while doing so.
I'm trying to alert my mom and brother to the situation unfolding without startling the bat and setting it off, so I'm emphatically whispering it at them. My mom has had a couple of glasses of wine at this point though, so she isn't picking up what I'm putting down, and I keep repeating myself to the point I'm whisper screaming at her and and whisper hysterically laughing, because at this point my emotional responses have done what I already should have, which is to say, fucked right off.
I grab her arm in exasperation to lead her to the stairs and point at it and she just. doesn't. see. it. I have to lead her up to the 5th step before she finally sees it at which point she yells "Hey it's a bat!" And I whisper scream "What are you doing? Are you trying to get us rabies-bat-murdered?!?!?"
I go to the kitchen to look up Animal Control, and I hear her and my brother discussing strategies for getting rid of it. I'm trying to tell them to let Animal Control deal with it, but for whatever reason they've decided to stand their ground against the bat (the reason is wine).
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So once I've realized how committed they are to this terribly stupid course, I just ask them to wait long enough for me to barricade my kids in their rooms, because unlike their grandmother and uncle***, I am not here for toddlers getting rabies-bat-murdered.
We're locked away, and I hear crashing, thumping, and shouting going on, and after eons later my brother came to tell me they got it. Evidently they managed to get it in the basket and sling it out an open window, at which point they heard a tiny plop from the driveway. However, the next morning the driveway was empty. No doubt that to this day that bat is planning his rabies-bat-murdery revenge.
This is also the trip where the moment I got home, I had to immediately turn around and go back, because my daughter left her special teddy bear there, a 5 hour round trip.
*This is in no way scientific or accurate, and I'm pretty sure I Mandela effected most of it.
**Not the actual items in question, just a reference.
***Their grandmother was probably not there for toddlers getting rabies-bat-murdered. She was there for getting back to her very first ever episode of Criminal Minds. Their poor beleaguered uncle was there for minimizing the absolute fuckery that inevitably ensues when Oma gets an idea.
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
Once again asking Bioware to let us go back to Serault, the marquis really is the most character of all time. Things they have to deal with include:
A cursed marquisate on the edge of the Tirashan
A possible Dalish cult(?) in the woods
A primary religion of the area that is an obscure offshoot of Andrastianism which for reasons unknown the Chantry has not dealt with in the usual murdery fashion
Close allies including a dwarf who's constantly plotting treason, a suspiciously well-informed pig farmer from Tevinter, a woman who's basically Robin Hood and someone who may have been a bodyguard of the Empress or someone of similar importance (details unknown)
The Circle for non-mages who make glass
A mysterious sibling who people do not want to inherit for unknown reasons
A great-aunt locked in the sealed Chantry
A sealed Chantry
An abomination great-grandfather who destroyed the family's reputation (leading to aforementioned sealed Chantry)
A potential link to Hessarian (yes, that Hessarian)
A spirit claiming ownership of the woods surrounding the town
And that's just the stuff I can think of off the top of my head! I would love to go back, get some more details, hang out with the Horned Knight, it'd be great.
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kharmii · 6 months
talking about "dehumanization" but basically dehumanizing anyone who disagrees with these lunatics.
another reason they flood western countries because of the ridicously high amount of free stuff they get in these countries.
I feel like before playing the good samaritan they should fix up shit in their own countries over sending help to other countries.
being constantly pushed to help others and guilt tripping people will eventually lead to people pushing back because if you keep blaming people they will stop listening.
And to me it often feels like everyone screaming about it on the internet as well as putting flags in their bio is just virtue signalling to show "look at how good I am" to other leftists
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Responses to this post and this post. BTW......why did questioninqthings put their blog on password lock?
Posting these two asks together. Yesterday, I received them hours apart, and I believe they kind of relate to each other due to a certain radical leftwing bullying culture we've been subjected to in fandom since internet began. Leftists are desperate to be seen as good people. They act as if they are the Holy Crusaders of Light, whereas the opposition are for certain demons who deserve to be crushed. Remember when they were all like, "PUNCH NAZIS!!1!!1". Actual Nazis are rare and have no impact on anything compared to the relevant terrorist groups, but the useful idiot cause head statists aren't talking about actual Nazis......
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Today is Good Friday, the day when Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross for the sins of the world, then three days later, rose from the dead. Absent the mercy of God sending His only son to die for our sins, every single human being that has ever existed and will exist is trash and deserves to burn in hell. One sin is as good as another, and without Jesus, there would be no theoretical Noah's Ark that would save a few. Nope. Every last mf-er on earth would rot.
-But in a worldly sense, some sins ARE considered worse than others. The shit-flinging anti harpies could see it like shipping identical twins on Tumblr is actually keeping me out of trouble! I could be doing worse things, like blowing my money at a casino boat, stabbing my grandmother to death for drug money, raping a child, shoving an innocent person onto the subway tracks because of their race, punching a random person in the face because of their ideology, etc....etc.... Instead, I'm just sitting here not hurting anybody by thinking twins are hot because they are identical. If someone is into twins because of the taboo of sibling incest, then that's fine too. They are also not hurting anybody in a irl way.
Leftists like to accuse white people of racism nonstop, but there's a big difference between saying something racist and doing something racist, such as slamming a person's head into the concrete because they are white. The radical left is guilty of putting out nonstop propaganda that encourages non-white people to commit violent actions against white people. Critical Race Theory has taught black people to believe white people are the cause of all their problems, so they're all riled up into gang beating and murdering whites, both in the school and on the street. There are hundreds of hours of documented attacks supporting this, even though our statist leftwing Pravda media covers it up and spews 24/7 propaganda still pushing the fallacious narrative that 'right wing groups are the greatest terror threat' even though there is little or no video evidence supporting this.
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Same could be said about clowns pushing this 'white people are racist and don't humanize Palestinians' crap. Do you think this makes Arabs love us when they flood into Western world countries? Aren't nonwhite countries responsible for importing the fentanyl that is killing us by the tens and hundreds of thousands? (-But somehow it's not being considered terrorism) -Or do you think there might be hundreds of hours of video footage showing Arabs beating and murdering white people, in between receiving unlimited welfare and basically being subsidized to outbreed us, while native white people are being crushed under the burden of high taxes in socialist countries that don't give enough in return.
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gamerkitten · 8 months
I think Durgetash has overtaken Durgestarion in so far as Lorelai goes. Like, I have this idea where she still tells Bhaal to fuck off and Ascends Astarion because she thinks it's the right thing to do (more power is always good as far as she's concerned).
But reuniting with Enver triggers something in her, the memories are still foggy but they're there and he's more than willing to fill any holes. At the same time, her sweet but murdery boyfriend has become a power drunk nightmare and she is losing patience with him.
So, I could see her deciding to still let Astarion turn her for the immortality but then turning around becoming The Absolute, with Enver by her side.
And yes this is obviously completely non canonical but through the power of fanfic I can do whatever the hell I want.
More than likely though, Durgestarion will be the canon end game and Absolute! Lorelai will exist in an Alternate Universe.
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