#dog calming aid treats
earthgenics · 2 years
How to choose the right calming dog chews for your furry friend
Additionally, it’s important to choose a chew that your dog will enjoy eating, as this will ensure that they receive the full benefits of the product. At Earthgenics, we have carefully crafted our Ultra Calming dog chews with high-quality, natural ingredients to provide a safe and effective solution for promoting calmness in dogs.
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randomlifex · 8 months
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ૂ༄When they’re overprotective…
-Night has come headcanon (requested)-
Go Kyungjun
In the game there’s only one thing he cares about besides himself and that’s you
So he naturally shifts into overprotective mood to make sure the two of you will get out of there safely
Never loses your sight
Becomes your personal bodyguard
Your classmates need to go easy on you,or he will get mad
If you ask him to be tamed with the people around he will listen to you; but if he notices that you are too much scared or uncomfortable nothing will hold him back
Glares at everyone who is suspicious
Thinks 24/7 about who the mafia is in order to protect you by kicking them out
If he spots a mafia he will use his eloquence to make everyone vote for him
When you hide with him he checks doors and windows several times to be sure they’re locked
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kim Junhee
He wants to save everyone but you are his priority, so he automatically becomes overprotective
Never leaves your side, not even for a second
But if he’s not around his phone will surely be open on your chat; he can’t miss out if you need help
Makes sure that you eat and drink regularly so you’ll be healthy when he’ll get you out of that game
He doesn’t trust anyone and always keeps his guard up when someone interacts with you
Asks you if you’re okay multiple times a day
And if he sees that something’s wrong he’ll be completely focused on you
Has the most intelligent ideas when it comes to hiding because if the mafia can’t find you, you’ll be safe
Has no strength to kill but if someone dares to vote for you be sure that he will vote for them
Covers your eyes anytime someone dies because he doesn’t want you to see such a cruelty
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jang Hyunho
As soon as he realises that you’re stuck in a deadly game he runs to you and becomes your shadow
Spends most of his day thinking about how to save you
When he’s in overprotective mood he becomes extremely clingy and touchy because the closer you are the easiest it is to keep you safe
You have to constantly remind him that you’re okay
He’s got an attitude and he is also the tallest out of your classmates, that’s why it takes nothing to him to scare away anyone who could hurt you
“Need to talk to me?” anytime someone tries to get to you
Keeps a first aid kit in his room to be sure he can treat you if you get hurt
He won’t let you explore the place unless he comes along
Becomes the wall you hide behind when you’re scared
And when someone dies he hugs you and lets you hide your face in the cloth of his hoodie because he knows that you are sensitive
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jin Dabum
He’s the mafia, so the first thing that comes to his mind when he finds out his role is to lead you to the end of the game
He would sacrifice himself to let you win because he cares more about you than his own life
Deceives the other mafias when they’re looking for your hiding place
Gets rid of anyone who proposes to vote you out
Reassures you all the time
Seems shy but he’s your personal guard dog
“Don’t worry, I’ll handle this” anytime something happens
Brings you food and water because he wants you to stay healthy
Asks for updates when he’s not around
Calms down only when you tell him that you’re doing fine
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cleromancy · 8 months
to me i dont think that nonserious physical injuries are real to jason at all like they barely register whether they're on him or on someone else, but to tim things like little cuts and scrapes are 1. concrete problems 2. that he can do something about, so they light up the center of his brain that goes "TIMMY FIX"
and it sincerely doesnt matter who it is who has the scrapes like tim by default is going to try to fix anything he perceives as within his power to fix. thats who he is thats what he does. like yeah he probably wouldnt go out of his way to do it for someone super evil like sionis or someone he, personally, really hates like digger harkness or if he happens to be really mad at that person right that minute but otherwise. at minimum hes making sure *somebody* sees to their minor injuries.
and i just :chinhands: i like to think about jason realizing that tim cares by default about it when something happens like jason cuts himself while chopping vegetables. like jason blows him off and tells him to calm down and tims like a dog with a bone when he feels the need so like no actually you're going to sit down and accept your bandaid and neosporin. and jasons so baffled like tim im a grown ass 20 or 30 year old man i can get my own band aid. but just having someone consistently notice and care about small hurts that not even jason notices or cares about
and its once again literally not bc jason is special. its just that tim by default cares about people and jason is, technically, people. bc tim is not at all a subscriber to jasons school of thought that people ever stop being people, therefore tim is not going to ever think jason should stop being treated like a person. but theres jason understanding that cerebrally and then there's being regularly confronted with the fact that if jason is careless and burns his hand by accident tims going to make him put his hand under cold water because that matters to him. that regular, automatic care about little things not even jason cares about. and jason going from bewilderment to mild irritation to understanding to 🥺🥺 to. inevitably kind of wanting to get hurt on purpose just to get more of that and also just to test to make sure its not a fluke. They
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valya-kingoftherats · 1 month
May be stupid
You may be stupid.
Or just stunned. That's entirely a possibility.
You have found yourself lying on your back. In the middle of tía Elena's driveway. Crutches knocked away just out of your available reach.
Your head hurts. More than normal. It's a stabbing, splitting pinpoint pain along your left temple. You probably hit a rock or something.
You fell. You aren't entirely sure how. Just that one minute, you had successfully made it down the ranchhouse stairs and were headed out to see Julia is the pasture. And then there's a gap. And then you were on your back staring up at the sky. Head screaming. Body protesting equally as violently.
Between your head and your knee, it's all you can do to keep the tears from pooling in the corners of your eyes.
You probably should have listened to Julia. Shouldn't have tried venturing out without her or tía to help you. But you thought you could do it. Should be able to do it.
She can't know.
With any luck, your body will calm down just enough for you to be able to more accurately roll yourself over to get your crutches. And haul yourself back up onto your feet, up the stairs, and into the kitchen where she left you.
But right now, it hurts to breathe, so that's out of the question. Just need to hope that she has a nice long visit with the horses. Very long.
"¡Mierda! ¡Valya!" Well fuck.
There's just no winning. Is there?
"Hey," you raise a hand to give her a little half wave. Hopefully, it's steadier than it looks to you. "Care to join? The view is great."
She's above you now. Broke into a sprint as soon as she realized you were flat on your back, no doubt.
"What happened? Are you alright? Can you get up?" Five hundred questions at once. Not helping your pulsating head.
'Can you get up?' Forget you. It's her that's stupid. What kind of question is that? If you could, you would have already.
But if she thinks you're down here by choice....
"Just enjoying the afternoon," you try not to wince at how rough your voice sounds. Wheezy. Strained. "The sun feels nice."
She crouches down beside you, one hand coming up to block the sun from her eyes. "Suure," she hums, "then let's see you get back u-"
You grunt as your head is harshly grabbed. Pain shooting across your face, right behind your eyes. Doesn't she know how to treat the injured?
"Dios mío, Valya, you're bleeding!" She's loud. Right in your ear, and she's yelling. That isn't good, though. For several reasons.
"It's not. Not. Don't worry, I'm fine." Fuck. You need something here. Anything. Your mind isn't exactly in top condition right now. Wandering and latching onto tía. She's in the kitchen now, putting away the drink pitcher. Gently scolding your for not doing it when you had it out. "I'm fine. That's not blood, that's....Kool-Aid. Yep."
Never mind. It's definitely you that's stupid.
Hopefully, she's more of an idiot than you.
"Kool-Aid? The drink." She does not sound impressed. Or like she believes you. At least she's mercifully released your poor skull.
"Uh-huh. Drinking laying down is hard. I spilt it." If this works, you'll need to find a way to thank tía. You have no idea what the fuck 'sharkleberry' is, but it's the right colour and that's all you care right now.
"Right. So where's the cup?"
"Your cup, Val. If you were trying to drink, while laying in the middle of the driveway, you had a cup, didn't you?" Fuck you aren't awake enough for this. She's teasing now, you're sure. Towering above you. Smug grin plastered all over her face.
At least she's blocking the sun.
"Oh yeah. It's. Gone." Today is not your day. You're supposed to be good at this. "I dropped it. Obviously. And one of the dogs picked it up and ran off. Must've been thristy." You force out a laugh. It hurts. Real fucking bad. But hopefully, it sells the definitely humorous situation you're in a bit better.
"So you brought a drink outside. So you could enjoy the outdoors," the emphasis on 'you' feels unnecessary. You've become more acclimated to outside since you first meant. Harsh judgment. "And you spilt your drink, and the dogs made off with the cup." You do your best to nod. "And the crutches?"
"What about them?" That seems irrelevant in all this. Stupid detail for her to get stuck on. One you didn't think she'd notice.
"All the way over here. Behind you and out of reach." Fuck she's perceptive when she wants to be. When it's inconvenient for you.
"Working on being less dependent on them?" You offer weakly. That's a lie even the biggest idiot could figure out. They've been glued to you since you got them, and you're loathe to go anywhere without. Rehab be dammed. They make things nicer.
"Okay." Julia huffs. Poorly attempting to hide her laughter. You don't need this. To be patronized. The lecture about not pushing yourself in the wrong directions might even be better. "Let's get you back inside then, so you can wash all that dirt and juice off yourself."
She bends back down, and the look on her face is pure jubilation. Fuck. It's cute. You brace yourself for her to prop you back upright. Back on your unsteady feet.
You do not expect her to scoop you up like one of the barn cats.
She's got you cradled in her arms. One of them under your shoulders, the other behind your knees. Your own wrap around her on their own accord. You'd rather not fall again.
"I'll get your crutches after you're back in bed." You hate when she's playing the mind reader. She plants a gentle kiss on your forehead, "Val, try not to spill the next cup of juice." Fuck. She's definitely not letting you live this one down.
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the-white-void · 2 years
A benevolent and kind God that rules over Teyvat was treated as if they were the most fragile of all the glass made in the world but what if that same god was also mischievous enough for their followers to not notice them
The manufacturer of the grandest wine in Mondstat and the mysterious Dark Knight Hero known as Diluc Ragenvinder but also a loyal follower of their Grace
Their grace looked upon the red-head and smirked at their plan to tag along his day tomorrow, they turned into a tiny mouse and hid under his coat waiting for the next day to come
When it was dawn you were still cozying in the young Ragenvinder’s coat while he was already awake ready to start the day
you were unnoticed the entire time in his coat as he went on his day until he reached into his pocket for some change but he grabbed you
He was shocked to find a mouse inside his pocket he dropped you on the ground and the impact from the drop caused you to transform back to a human form
Diluc was traumatized from the realization that he basically dropped his god from his hands
You tried to calm him down while Venti, Kaeya and Rosaria were drop dead laughing their asses off drunk until Jean walked by them wonder what happened
You explain what happened and that you weren’t really injured at all and it was just an accident
“Don’t worry I wasn’t hurt”
“I dropped their grace from my own two hands”
It took until morning for them to all calm down
Ei/Raiden Shogun
The Electro Archon meditated within her euthymia while her machine dealt with the mortal realm in her stead
That was until you came for a visit
The Shogun was ecstatic that you would bless her nation with your presence
You were given a room in Tenshukaku to rest from your journey and along with the room had a fancy fluffy white carpet
Your neuron activation said to sleep on it instead of your fancy bed
So you turned into a fluffy white cat and slept on it with your belly exposed meaning you felt safe
After some time Ei went to check if you needed anything and when she opened the doors to your chambers
She saw the white fluffy carpet in the middle of the room and decided to kick to the side so no casualties could happen
Bad decision
When she kicked the carpet she kicked you along with it and you flung to the side and you transformed back to a human form
Caught off guard of what she did she yelled for the most experienced doctors to your aid while you were whining on the pain you were in
She was ashamed that you blessed her with your visit and she kicked you
Klee was a fun kid, bright and joyful, you needed some of that every now and then
So you played with her today
You went to get her from the Favonius headquarters to go fish blasting
But you saw her running down all the stairs from the fountain near Good hunters
She said she wanted to meet you early so you won’t have to wait her her
She was so kind and so pure, this was exactly why you wanted to play with her and maybe you should do it more often
You ran to the lake behind the city and started fish blasting
You decided to turn into a dog and teach Klee to swim
“Hey Klee, if you want I can teach you how to swim to day”
“Yaaay, Y/n is going to teach Klee to swim today” she said while holding her Jumpty Dumpty
She ran toward you but she tripped and her Jumpty Dumpty flew all the way to your face
It exploded a big kaboom
It alerted Jean to see if it was Klee fish blasting again but when she got there she saw Klee crying waterfalls
“Klee what’s wrong”
“Jumpty Dumpty accidentally hit their grace”
You were fished out and Klee was in solitary confinement for a week
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aarcanechaoss · 5 months
Ichiyo would have bet all the money in her pocket that the man before her had been an Alpha… no he was just a wolf.
Warnings: smut, age gap, swearing, Higuchi x DILF
Notes: here’s your Fukuzawa and Higuchi fic idk why but this came to mind first. Only term used is Alpha not beta, omega etc. I aint getting into that hole
Tagging: @daffodilsinspring
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Ichiyo I didn’t like to presume another Wolf’s rank, especially when they were older than her.
She didn’t like to presume because people often thought she was low ranked, thought she was just this weak thing Alpha’s would walk all over.
It wasn’t like the humans didn’t do that, wasn’t like those who didn’t have something beneath their skin didn’t think of her as less.
Though it amused her, Mori never once questioned her skills… though that might be because she bit him when she was younger- in her defence he had just sliced open her grandfather's throat- but he had never downplayed her abilities, never once questioned her role in the organisation he'd overtaken.
So why everyone else deemed her unimportant? Who fucking knows.
She shook her head, thoughts no longer clouding her mind as she wandered through the small bar, following a scent like the dog she was.
It was a nice smell- something woodsy, hinted with cinnamon.
It was always a treat to find another wolf- they weren’t extinct or anything but for the most part it was a clan-based power, something so far beneath the skin that having an ability on top of it made it easier to hide some days.
She was stronger, faster, could hear, taste and smell better.
But of course, only Mori knew that she had an ability and Mori was the only Wolf in the port mafia she’d ever snapped at- ever shown her hand too. Sometimes she thinks she should do the same to Hirotsu, another wolf who thought she was below him… though he was much older compared to her.
The downside to being a wolf was heats. A feeling that was hard to ignore and regardless of her feelings towards a mortal man and since she wasn't taken and he'd never... aided her (why would he? Akutagawa doesn't know what she is) she found solace in finding people who would forget about her later- it made it easier.
Ichiyo paused beside a table, head tilting as she took in the man who had been calmly sipping his sake. Metallic blue eyes l locked on her just as her rich brown had.
Of all the scents to follow. Of all the scents to ignite that pool of heat in her belly.
How on earth did she find herself with him- he had to be an Alpha as well and two Alpha’s in heat were bad news.
“President.” She said, blinking owlishly at him, his scent spiked the second she said his title.
This was a bad idea. She needed to turn around and leave the bar, leave the man to his drinking… they were the only wolves here after all.
“Higuchi- correct?”
“What are you doing here?”
Could he not smell it? Did he not notice how enticing he was at current- hell even the normal human women in the corner were drooling over him.
“Wanted a drink… caught a scent instead.”
His nose twitched, eyes widening slightly like it had just hit him.
She was breathing slowly, keeping calm and collected as she spoke to Yukichi Fukuzawa.
Really white wolf? Just ah.
“I should go.”
“Have a drink.” The words were out his mouth before he had thought them by the look on his face.
She cocked her head to the side.
“Two alphas aren’t a good combination.” She sniffed, ready to accept defeat. If he fought her he’d win- human or wolf.
The look on his face told her he had no idea what she meant. Of course, she didn’t look like she could lead a pack (she did but that was a different story) but that just made people underestimate her which she supposed was a good thing.
“I’m not an alpha.” He said quietly. “But I wouldn’t mind a drinking companion.”
She blinked. Seriously?
She slowly moved into the chair across from him.
“You aren’t?”
“You are?” He laughed.
“Yes. Let me guess you don’t believe it?”
“My line of work didn’t have me around other wolves very often. I can't say I’ve spoken to a pack leader that wasn’t my own before.” He admitted. "Even then- I'm no longer in a pack so I do not have need of an Alpha."
A cup appeared before her suddenly, sake already present.
“So when Mori called you a lone wolf… he meant it?” Fukuzawa nods.
"He wasn't always a wolf-" The president began.
“I’m the one that bit him.” The admission was out before she thought more if it. Fukuzawa hummed, if he was surprised he didn’t show it. “He’d just killed my grandfather and I was an angry brat with fuck all control... whoops.”
She found his laugh did something to her- a fluttery feeling in her chest.
"That would be why he never told me how he turned then."
"No one wants to admit defeat by thirteen-year-old girl." She shrugged, bringing the beverage to her lips.
"Your grandfather... was he...?" She already knew what the question was and she'll admit surprise not even Hirotsu has figured it out.
"The old boss?" He nods. "Yes. Mori was going to keep me in the mafia no matter what- a big fuck you to the old man."
"Now he really can't get rid of you." Fukuzawa laughed again.
"Nope... means I can give him orders though... if you ever need some blackmail on him."
"I'll remember that." And he would, she could scent no lies in that regard.
"Good sake." She said after a beat of silence.
"Yes." They didn't know what to do now, a lull of awkward tension settled. "I come here often for it."
She should have left beforehand, being so close when he smelt so good and they were both in heat was going to be a disaster.
How was he so calm... was it because he was older? Did they get easier when you neared middle age? Was it like menopause did it just fucking stop?
Downing the last of her drink she stood, hand digging through her bag for some yen to give the older man.
"I should go- thanks for the drink." She nodded, passing him the money she had found.
His eyes seemed to darken just that little bit as he raised his hand to push hers away.
"No need, it's on me."
His hand was still touching hers.
She should pull away first, but his scent was getting stronger and no doubt hers was too.
She really should have left the second she'd found out who's scent she had followed. Ichiyo really needs to learn that sometimes running away is a good thing.
But who was she to complain when the older man's mouth was on hers, when their clothes were nowhere in sight- strewn across his dining room floor.
Who was she to complain when she had a sword master's body pressed against her own, lifting her up with such ease that she practically moaned into his mouth.
Next thing Ichiyo knows she's on a bed, his bed, with no intention of leaving it any time soon. She heaved, watching him with wide dilated eyes. She was surrounded by his scent and while she would prefer to leave hers on the men she slept with she couldn't deny how nice his was... how similar it was to her own- earthy and warm.
She rolled them, the president of the Armed Detective Agency now beneath her- his head hitting the pillows with a soft thud. His eyes were just as dilated as her own.
"You want control?" He questioned, quiet enough to not ruin the mood- how could it? His voice was practically liquid sex right now.
"I want pleasure." She replied, rolling her hips against his own- she was soaked and he wasn't even inside her yet. At least he was hard she supposed, she could feel just how much he wanted her right now with each little movement.
"That I can give."
"This isn't a good idea is it?" She asked, leaning forward, her nails dragging down his toned stomach towards his cock. He hissed as her hand wrapped around him- shit he was big, not that it mattered in the long run, good dick was good dick.
"No, it isn't." His hands rest on her thighs, nails digging into her skin.
"So long as no one finds out I suppose." She sucked in a breath as she settled back, a deliciously painful stretch following until she was fully seated. She moaned.
He let her choose the pace, a sentiment she appreciated but she knew she'd grow bored of if this ever happened again (she shook that thought away faster than it came). Her hands were flat on his stomach, fingers digging into the firm line of abs he'd had hidden beneath his usual Yukata as she lifted her hips and dropped down until she was flush against him. His fingers dug into the fat of her thighs, nails biting her skin and leaving moon shaped marks in their wake.
She'd be bruised for sure.
She felt him raise his knees behind her, giving her some leverage and somehow going so much deeper. Ichiyo swore as he bucked upwards and growled. Brown eyes stared down at blue as she pushed herself back against his thighs, one hand moving towards her clit while the other grasped her breast.
Well, if the male hadn't been turned on before (which he absolutely had been) he certainly was now as his scent permeated the air and she's sure hers had surged right back as a wave of pleasure overcame her. One orgasm down.
The next thing Ichiyo knows she's on her back again, the larger man towering over her, forcing her legs to wrap around his waist as he began thrusting- just that bit faster than she had been.
He growled, mouth trailing over her jaw, her neck, her chest- tongue darting to swirl around her nipple before doing the same to the other.
She snarled back as her nails dug into his skin, no not dug, clawed. She could feel the marks she was leaving behind as his hips moved against hers.
She wouldn't admit it out loud, but this was the best heat yet. Who knew she just needed to get into the ADA President's pants for a good fuck.
His lips met hers again with urgency, muffling both of their moans- just in case anyone heard them, questioned them.
Ichiyo raised a hand, tangling it in his silver hair as another hard thrust sent her spiralling. Fuck every movement was driving her insane, maybe it was the sake, maybe she was just delirious from her heat but... she had no idea how long they'd been at it.
Fukuzawa pulled away just as another orgasm was approaching and smirked. Stupid middle-age-man stopping her mid-
He flipped her, chest pressing into the soft cotton sheets where his smell overwhelmed her senses- in the best way. Her hands grabbed at his sheets, nails most likely cutting through the fabric as he enters her once more.
"Fuck." She whined as his thrust had her face pressing into his pillow.
His hands were on her waist, her hip, pulling her back against him with every thrust and maybe it was just her imagination, but she could have sworn he was going deeper.
He was leaning over her now, one hand still gripping her hip, the other holding his weight right beside her head though his forehead was now resting between her shoulder blades.
One sharp roll of hips after the other and she could feel herself tumbling, growling at the older man above her, taking her quite literally like a bitch in heat. She growled at the feeling of teeth along her back.
"No teeth President." Her teeth clacked together in warning- he grunted in return as another hard thrust pressed her into the pillows.
"Sorry." He huffed out against her skin.
She whimpered, that well of heat and pressure in her lower belly was returning again and going by the less rhythmic thrusts of the sword master he was close too.
"Good-fuck." She groaned out as white began to speckle her vision, her body falling limp in the man's hold as he pulled away- his release spilling across her lower back.
She heaved out a breath as her body melted into the bed- Fukuzawa now having padded towards his bathroom to get a washcloth to clean them both up with. He returned in no time to clean her up (how nice of him) before returning with the washcloth to the bathroom once more.
With a huff she sat up, eyeing the room for her clothes before remembering that they were practically thrown about his home.
"Do you need anything?" Fukuzawa questioned as he pulled on a robe.
"To find my clothes." She barked out a laugh and stood slowly (legs wobbling just that bit but she wouldn't say that aloud).
"Wait here."
So she did.
Not even five minutes later and she was dressed and ready to sneak her way out of the ADA dormitory- or whatever the complex was.
"Goodbye." She said nodding to the man- leaving a hook up was always the most awkward part. At least he nodded back, some recognition that this was irregular for them both.
And so Ichiyo left the home, footsteps feather light as she snuck out of the ADA's complex hoping to whatever god that no one noticed her- it was one am hopefully no one did.
How unfortunate it was that she didn't see the vibrant green eyes scrutinizing her from above.
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ransprang · 10 months
thank you anon for your ko-fi request <3
if anyone wants a match up like this here is our ko-fi link!
your genshin match up is... AYATO!!!
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How you meet: Ayato had just got out of a stressful meeting with a group of especially corrupt government officials. He had stepped out of the palace, to take a walk on the streets of Inazuma. To walk among the common people, and remind himself what he was fighting for. The world seemed like a dark place after those meetings, when he could see the extent of human cruelty on their faces. Suddenly the shrill wail of a child startled him out of his thoughts. He headed towards the source of the noise and that’s where he found you. You were kneeling by the cutest red-faced little girl trying to calm her down, as she clutched onto your dress sobbing her eyes out. You offered her a handkerchief, trying to understand the source of her worries, your big sister mode activated. Ayato ran over to help, but neither of you could understand much when you realized there was a small scratch on her leg. You pulled out a band-aid and stuck it on, pretending to say a magic spell to drive the pain away. Immediately, the little girl eased her crying. Ayato, enamored by your kindness, perceptiveness and resourcefulness, immediately took a liking to you, his worries for the day receding. You both decided to treat the little girl to some ice cream, and got to know each other better. You learned of his devotion to his people, and his playfulness and couldn’t help but admire him in return. 
Being a very busy man, Ayato likes to find solace in late night conversations with you. He’ll tell you about his duties and the corruption he is fighting, while you crochet. Occasionally he’ll fiddle with the yarn like a cat, as he tells you stories. 
While telling you stories of how commoners are being mistreated by the government, you shed some tears. He gently wipes your tears every time and is moved by the purity of your heart. 
He loves that you would take a bullet for your family and friends since he is regularly going through assassination attempts. Whenever he gets attacked, you both would compete over who would protect who. 
Ayato would be protective of you, he is a family man through and through. Since you are innocent and too nice, he would be worried of bad people taking advantage of your kindness, so he would always keep a close eye on you, through his own presence or his sneaky ninja network. 
You love cats and Ayato loves dogs. Fortunately, neither of you are the type to hate people for pet preferences. You guys would go on cute picnic dates to the dog park, so Ayato can run around with the dogs, while you read with a cat in your lap, enjoying the warm sunshine.
While Ayato can withstand cold temperatures more or less, he still does appreciate it a lot when you give him sweaters or even crochet them for him. More often than not, you end up wearing them when he uses his cryo vision.
When Ayato behaves recklessly you scold and lecture him, he stays calm and patient knowing it comes from a place of love and mommy energy which he respects. 
Ayato loves giving you a role in his big revolution, asking for your help wherever he thinks you can contribute. He likes it when you help him with his cause, and he always makes sure to guide you, and help you whenever you need.
Ayato makes sarcastic jabs and backhand comments on Thoma which always earn a giggle from you, he gives a slight knowing smile from across the room as he continues roast doubling down on the sarcasm.
your cats,
admins sar, san & sav
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morgan1413 · 1 year
Donna Beneviento x Gender Neutral Reader Headcanons - Pets and Grief
TW// Death of a beloved animal, grief, sadness
Donna is very in tune with nature, thus has a vested interest in keeping all wildlife safe, whether that be plants or animals, and indeed pets. She ensures that all of the local wildlife is protected from harm, by feeding and aiding the sick and warding off any unwanted predators and has often taken in small animals to take care of them, particularly if they’re sick or malnourished. From this perspective, she understands the emotional attachment that one can form with their pet animal and respects the connection you have with your pet with utmost respect.
Her relationship with animals, similar to how she is with other people, is very passive. She isn’t one to fuss an animal about, or really play with them more than is necessary. Rather, she allows for them to have their own space in the house where they feel safe and secluded, a reflection of how she wants to be treated as a person herself. Mostly for this reason alone, Donna prefers the company of cats, and has taken in many cats as well as other animals over the years whom she has found in the neighbouring woods, who love and appreciate the shelter she gives for them. Miranda isn’t the loving and caring kind, and so would never answer Donna’s pleas for pets or anything besides the basics, as Donna is deemed by her to be not mentally aware or capable of looking after someone else, especially after what happened to Claudia, so this is her only way of acquiring any form of pet animal.
As a member of the village, and indeed with you being her lover, she delights in the fact that you’ve bought the pet to her residence and does whatever she can to accommodate for your pet’s needs. This includes providing shelter, appropriate food, and learning the behaviour of the animal if she is currently unaware of the breed or species. She isn’t fussy when it comes to the type of animal and doesn’t restrict herself to only caring for mammals such as cats or dogs, and other typical wildlife such as birds or mice. If your pet so happens to be a type of reptile, or even a fish, she will find this fascinating and would do everything she could to care for it to the best of her ability. She sees her caring of the pet as being an extension of her relationship with you, and so will oftentimes perform acts of kindness towards the pet as an indirect means of showing affection towards you. This isn’t to say that she’s incapable of showing you love, but more so that she finds the nature of animals to be far more predictable and indeed manageable than those of humans. If she finds herself particularly overwhelmed or it feels to her as though you are currently unapproachable, your pet is her first port of call towards getting through to you, and she’ll make sure it’s well fed and cared for as an extension of her undying love towards you.
Once she hears that your pet has fallen fatally ill, it comes as a shock to her that rips the breath right out of her chest. She cannot comprehend how upsetting it will be both for her and especially you once your pet finally passes, and so hides her emotions away and keeps quiet, because she can’t seem to be able to process her thoughts into a word or action that would keep you calm. You may interpret this as her not caring or being distant, but over time you would realise that, like most other things in life, Donna struggles very hard with her emotions, and so tends to bottle things up. Over time however, the cracks start to show, and you’d need to support her in being able to vent her emotions in a safe and healthy manner. At the current moment, she tends to hide away and cry to herself, or push you away violently leaving you feeling unwanted at some points. This has only been exacerbated recently as her connection to both you and your pet feels frayed due to your pet’s illness, and the fear of losing either, or both of you, has her spiralling towards a depression she finds it difficult to climb out of. Eventually though, she finds it within herself to take upmost care of your pet during the time it has left on this earth, making sure to never leave its side as it deals with the ailments it has encountered, either through injury, disease, or old age. She finds a new kind of light through caring for an animal towards their demise, rather than towards health, something for which she is entirely unfamiliar with but now sees positivity within through her relationship with you. Whereas before she saw the death of animal as a failure, she now realises it’s inevitability, and how she needs to ensure that your pet passes away with the highest level of comfort and dignity possible.
Your pet finally passing away is a moment of intense sadness and tragedy for both you and her, causing heightened emotions in all manner of ways. For starters, she openly cries in front of you, as a reflection of how you and she must be feeling and feels more inclined to do so than in previous instances due to the shared pain you both feel for the loss of such a respected animal. At first, she sees this as being at detriment to your relationship with her, and so tries to escape by hiding in another room. She is therefore surprised when she hears a small knock on the door and sees you entering. She tries to apologise for her behaviour, but before she can you interrupt her and remind her that actually she’s been a net positive in this situation. You remind her that, although the loss of your pet was a moment of profound sadness, you respect and admire how strong she was when dealing with such an existential crisis, especially in those final few days when she stayed by your pet’s side ensuring that it did not feel alone during those final moments, something which you love her deeply for and admire her for greatly. You spend what feels like moments, but what is in fact hours, cuddled up next to each other, soothing each other from the shared pain you are experiencing from the grief you are currently feeling. Once you both feel calm and ready to share the news, a funeral is held in memory of your pet, attended by Alcina and her daughters, Karl, and Moreau, but not Miranda. This commemoration of your pet’s life is hard on the two of you, especially when recounting the many memories you share with the beloved animal, but through this process you find absolution from the pain and an unburdening of the sorrow you feel towards losing your pet. Together, you console each other through the anguish, and in time learn to deal with life without your beloved pet, and in time come to a point where a new pet feels like a sensible idea, one that both you and Donna revel in greatly.
Thank you for reading this far. This was a very reflexive piece to write given the situation I am currently going through, so I hope that shows within the detail I have tried to convey in my writing above. Please do let me know if you have any questions or things to add to this headcanon via my asks, or anything else to do with headcanons with regards to RE8 characters of any kind that you may like to see me write about in the future. I’m trying to start conveying my internal thoughts using this process, so anything I could use to get my creative juices flowing would be greatly appreciated. Thank you once again 💖
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metalheadcowboy · 1 year
“Hey-“ Tommy grabbed ahold of Steve’s shoulder, stopping his storming feet from taking another step towards his car parked along the street.
The face hit him first, the tell tale trembling bottom lip, paired with a set of misty puppy dog eyes that made the freckled boys heart sink deep into his stomach. He knew that face, had seen it more than his fair share of times. It’s the face Steve made when he ran his bike headfirst into Mr. Carters’ solid, brick mailbox when they were ten, or when Jacob Hill tripped him in front of everybody when he went to turn in his test during their 7th grade science class.
It wasn’t so much the face that scared Tommy the most, it was what came after that always terrified him. Remembering how Steve plopped to the ground with a hearty thud, dumbfounded, or sat back in his seat with his head held in his cross-crossed arms. The calm before the storm.
He swore if he thought hard enough he could still hear the stuttering sobs that echoed around the surrounding houses, or the silent sniffles that escaped his tightly barricaded face.
Tommy knew when Steve made that face, nothing good every followed.
The taller boy turned, spun on his heel like Tommy used all the force in his body to turn him around when in reality he barely applied any pressure at all, “What’s up?” he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, though he was sure his own furrowed brow gave him away.
Steve said nothing, just looked back at Tommy with tears welling up in his eyes. And maybe if things were the way they used to be, maybe if they were alone, Tommy would have pulled him in and hugged him like he did when they were kids. Put a Scooby-Doo band-aid on his wound or rub his back and tell him everything would be alright.
But things weren’t like they used to be. Tommy could count the amount of times him and Steve talked within the past year on one hand. Both too stubborn to admit their wrongs and not man enough to say they were sorry, so nothing ever got fixed, relationships were never mended and in result they acted like each other never existed.
But Tommy couldn’t just stand there and pretend like that face, the signature Steve face of peril didn’t rip his insides to shreds with worry, didn’t eat him alive, "What's up?" Steve responded, voice laced with a thick venom that shot right into Tommy's chest like an arrow. If this were a cartoon the shorter boy swears this is when steam would start violently blowing out of Steve's ears.
After a few beats of silence interrupted only by the faint sound of slightly too loud music still coming from inside Tina's house Tommy spoke up, "Yeah..." he sounded guilty and he knew it, but what else was he supposed to say? It had been so long since he'd been faced with Steve this vulnerable, let alone at all. It would have been weird if he had said anything else, he thinks.
Steve just scoffed, wiping a stray tear from his rolled eyes before tightly placing his hands on his hips. A habit he most definitely picked up from his mother, Tommy hated that he still remembered that, that he remembered everything about the person who treated him like a stranger.
"I mean, what else do you want from me Steve, really?" He meant for it to come out snippy, but it came out more as a plea. Tommy never really was one for hiding his emotions, or being good even when he tried. His older brother called him a 'bitch', but his mom always fondly said he was 'sensitive'.
Steve sighed, scrubbing a hand roughly down his face before returning it to his hip, "God..." he mumbled so quietly that, if they hadn't been standing so close, Tommy wouldn't have even picked it up, "I don't even know." The latter looked down at his feet, cursing the soft sob that escaped the back of his throat.
Tommy just stayed quiet, tight lipped as he watched his former friend grit his teeth in a piss poor attempt to will away the tears that were already rolling down his pale cheeks. The freckled boy pitied him, knowing how shitty he must be feeling.
It took him back to when they were twelve, having dinner at Steve's house and the lanky boy dropped his whole plate of spaghetti onto Mrs. Harrington's brand new imported carpet and he immediately burst into tears. Mr. Harrington going in on him calling him a 'crybaby' and a 'kluts' and many other things he shivers thinking about. Or maybe that's just the brisk autumn air brushing his bare arms, who knows.
"Nuh- Nancy-" Steve choked through gasps of air, snapping Tommy out of his memory induced trance. His expression immediately softened, became less frustrated and more gentle. With just one word Tommy knew exactly what was wrong, always able to read his best- ex best friend like a paperback book.
"Oh," Tommy said, rather dumbly, hardly processing his own words, "Oh," he followed up, sounding much less apathetic than his first go. He reached forward to grab Steve's shoulder in comfort, fully expecting to be completely pushed away, but to his surprised he was smothered by an armful of Steve Harrington.
Steve crumbled into him like a landslide, slowly and then all at once, not wrapping his arms around Tommy's middle, but letting his face nestle into the crook of the shorter boys neck.
What was that expression? Old habits die hard? Well if that was the case, old habits must be buried six feet under because in an instant Tommy was wrapping one arm around Steve's waist, the other carefully cascading up and down his blazer clad back.
"Shh..." he coaxed gently, fully feeling the power of Steve's breakdown wash over him. The wracking of his body, the harsh tears boring themselves into the thin fabric covering his shoulder. Steve's warm breath broke through the stark fall cold front making its way through Indiana, wrapping around his neck like a warm embrace, even if the boy wasn't actually hugging him back.
Tommy had held so much hate towards Steve for so long, but now it all seemed to slip away. All the sleepless nights spend wondering what could he have done differently. All the pretending that Steve ignoring him from across the lunch room didn't make his heart ache. All those times he cried to his mom about it just like Steve was crying to him right now.
He knew this wouldn't last, it couldn't last, Steve just needed a shoulder to cry on, but he had forgotten how much he missed this, his best friend that he couldn't bring himself to care, "Shh, Shh, Shh you're okay, I'm so sorry mi príncipe."
And there it was, something he hadn't said in years. My prince, something he used to tease Steve back in their middle school days, when he was first becoming popular. But now it came out with nothing but true admiration and delicate care. Because it was always true, in his eyes Steve would always be his prince. For the most part, kind, caring, charming, handsome, his prince. Though it was meant as a joke, the nickname always meant something to him, like a well kept secret.
They stood there for a while, just like that, hugging as Tommy slowly swayed them back and forth in an attempt to soothe his heart broken friend. Little by little Steve began to calm down, sobs once shaking his frame turning into a soft sniffle, desperate breaths evening out so much that Tommy could barely hear them anymore. But Tommy didn't dare let go until Steve began to peel himself away like a sticky note.
Tommy would be lying if he said the shell of Steve Harrington standing in front of him didn't look like a wreck and a half. Tussled hair, swollen eyes paired with dreadful tear marks, cheeks and nose a sort of burning red. But to the shorter boy he was still beautiful, always.
"Feel better?" He asked with a small half smile, dropping one hand back to his side, the other giving Steve's bicep a comforting rub. But Steve just stared at him with a blank expression, like he was either caught in deep thought or staring off into space.
"Steve, are you al-" Before Tommy knew what was happening, Steve's lips crashed against his in what had to have been the most ungraceful attempt at a kiss known to man. It was smooshy, loose lips, and slick snot. The freckled boy was dumbfounded to say the least. Not even having time to close his eyes before Steve was pulling away.
The look on his face said it all. It was all horror mixed with a bit of self loathing and Tommy couldn't help but feel upset. Steve's eyebrows furrowed deeply like he was confused by his own actions. And if Steve was confused, Tommy was outright bewildered.
It wasn't so much that he didn't like it rather than: What the fuck just happened?
It was like night and day the way Steve was there one second and gone the next, turned around, making a mad dash the few feet to his car.
"Shit," Tommy cursed himself, "Steve, wait-" But it was too late, Steve had already turned on his car and slammed it into drive, flooring it so fast past him it's a wonder he didn't run over Tommy in the process. Or maybe that's what he was going for, if so, that was one way to avoid your problems.
Tommy just watched, still in shock, as Steve's BMW turned the corner racing impossibly fast, but not faster than Tommy's own thoughts. Deep down he knew it had to be a weird phenomenon of rebounding. Steve latching onto the closest thing he had for comfort, which just happened to be Tommy.
He could pretend to be offended all he wanted, but the butterfies that formed a frenzy in his gut betrayed him.
He had to find Steve Harrington, now.
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justplainwhump · 1 year
⛑ for Adrian
This is not entirely "tender" first aid, but I hope it's coming close.
Blanca takes care of Adrian's wounds.
[Pet Safety]
Content: BBU, BBU recovery, some light medical whump (as in, wound cleaning), very vaguely mentioned torture.
Bea was a quick learner and utterly unimpressed by the sight of wounds. Adrian's stomach got queasy even imagining what the holes ripped into his neck and shoulder like l looked like. The calming rhythm of Bea's breath on his skin didn't waver though. "Shhh," she mumbled, when he flinched under her touch. "You'll be better soon. You're healing."
He wondered where she'd learned such softness. She'd never been treated with it herself.
"Still hurts," he replied through clenched teeth. His voice was still rough.
"Healing hurts." Bea took another swab, applied disinfectant, and went to the clean next wound.
Adrian winced when it touched raw skin.
"You're not very good with pain," she observed. "Your scars say you should be used to it."
"Being used to it-" Adrian sucked in a breath when the swab brushed over an infected spot. "-does... doesn't make it better."
"Hmm," Bea hummed. "They never taught you to stop whining and keep smiling?"
"No," Adrian grimaced. "Who taught you that? The handlers?"
"Everyone," she said nonchalantly. "So they could make it a challenge to make me cry anyway. You, however - Making you cry wouldn't be a challenge at all, Adrian Delgado."
"Oh?" He tried to smirk at her, as well as he could without turning his head and putting even more strain on his wounds. "Is that what you're doing?"
Bea clicked her tongue. "I'm trying to not make you cry. That is my challenge. You're making it hard." She prepared another wipe. "Almost half way done. Next one is the deepest."
Almost half. Three out of seven wounds in total, where the desperate Guard Dog's titanium enforced teeth had pierced through Adrian's protective clothes and dug into his skin. He'd been lucky, the doctors had assured him. Without armour, the Guard would've have ripped his throat out.
Disinfectant stung at the next place.
Bea worked calmly and efficiently.
"Titanium teeth," she stated. "Only for the best Fighters. Going right for the neck. Like the Fighters are made to attack."
"Fighter isn't a WRU designation." Adrian sucked in another breath, when Bea's hands moved to a wound on his shoulder.
"Chewtoy isn't one either, you said." She pressed the disinfectant-soaked swab onto the last wound. "Your company's rules aren't universal."
His face contorted into something between a pained grimace and a frown. "What... what do you know about Fighters?"
Bea dropped the used swab into a bag. "That's a strange question to ask. There's a lot to know, probably. But all I know is, they're dangerous, and they're sad." She looked up and gave a half shrug. "But all pets are sad, so that's normal."
"How... How do you know that?"
"You feel it. In-"
"Not that they're sad. I meant... how did you meet Fighters?"
"Jack's Guard Dogs, they all fight." She tilted her head. "That's why he gave me to them. When they won."
Adrian let his head sink back and closed his eyes. Of course they were. Of course he did. Jack was just the type for that. And Adrian's boss had just made him drop the investigation.
"The... the sixth one, too?"
"Mac." Blanca's brow furrowed, even though her voice softened. "Mac's at the arena. He's, um." She pulled at her shirt and twisted to expose a scar on the back of her neck, and shoulder. A half moon of circular scars, arranged in a way too familiar pattern. "He's got enforced teeth, too."
Adrian swallowed against the sudden lump in his throat. "Why?," he asked.
"Jack told him to." She rubbed the scars. "It wasn't... it wasn't bad. He didn't bite down hard. Not like the one who hurt you. He... he didn't do it for love. Mac..." She shrugged. "He held back." Decidedly, she reached for a package of gauze. "You'd have cried anyway, Adrian Delgado." Her smile is teasing, soft, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "I didn't."
Bea lifted her hands to apply the bandage, but Adrian put a hand on hers to stop her.
"Bea. I..." He bit his lip, calling up the image of Jack, his ranch, his cowboy boots, his sickening smile, the drop of his voice when he'd tried to bribe Adrian, the gleam of the signet ring that had taken Bea's eye. He'd wanted to take that man down, even before he'd met the person behind the Chewtoy. "I want to help Mac."
I want to destroy Jack, he thought.
She shook her hand free and unwrapped the gauze. "Why?"
"Because it's the right thing."
Because I want to take everything away from Jack and see him fucking lose.
"You don't even know Mac." Her fingers were oddly cool, when she pressed the bandage on his skin and started to wrap the gauze around his neck. "He's angry."
"So am I."
Her finger was under his chin, lifting his face to look at her. There was something hard in her gaze. "Mac is not nice, Adrian. He does not want to be helped."
"Do you want to help him, Bea?"
The question seemed to catch her off guard. Her eyes widened a bit, before she shook her head. "I'm a pet. I... He... He's Jack's and I... I can't." She shook her head again. "No, Sir."
Something like anger flared up in her eye. "A pet doesn't care about another pet. A pet cares for nothing but her owner. A pet is loyal only to her owner. A pet-" Her voice had become flat, mechanical almost.
"Okay," Adrian whispered and lifted his hand, changed to his other hand when the strain at his wound reminded him of his limitations. Gently, he rested his fingers to her cheek. "Okay, Bea, it's alright, I won't ask this again tonight."
She closed her eye at his touch and weakly nodded. "I just want to be good," she mumbled. Light caught in her lashes, broke on a single tear. "Please, Master Adrian. Allow me to be good."
"Okay." He brushed away the tear. "Okay."
"Thank you," she whispered.
"Little show-off," he remarked softly. "It's not so hard to make you cry after all, is it."
She chuckled a little bit against his chest, and it just vaguely sounded like a sob. "I'm not done with your wounds yet." She pulled back and looked up at him. "Don't make me change my careful approach, Adrian Delgado."
He turned his head, baring his neck to her to finish with the bandage.
He'd promised her to not ask again tonight. That didn't mean he wouldn't dig into it, right after she went to sleep. He'd find the sixth Guard Dog. He'd get him out of this arena, all of them. And he'd watch fucking Jack Donnell go to court for what he'd done.
A grim smile crept up on his face.
By his side, Bea tugged at the gauze, a tiny bit too harshly, bandage pressing against raw skin, and he let out a strangled whine.
"Told you," she mumbled into his ear. "Too easy."
Luckily, he couldn't turn his head.
Otherwise, he was pretty sure he wouldn't have been able to resist the overwhelming urge to kiss her.
Pet safety tag list: @gottawhump @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @highwaywhump @tauntedoctopuses @pigeonwhumps @whumppsychology @labgrowndemon @whumpinggrounds @somewhumpyguy @whumpzone @tragedyinblue e
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"I can't." You said plainly. Trying not to make a big deal out of what you said. "Oh, if you're busy, we can go some other -" you quickly waved them off. "No, I mean, I can't ever I can't fly." The room fell silent at your statement.
"Oh! You mean you have small wings like your son, yis? It's not fit for flying." Suzy-San asked, trying to keep calm. You sighed. You knew you'd have to show them at some point.
Standing up and facing your back towards them slowly without a word peeled off your top. Inch by inch, it revealed scars from your old life as a human. You heard several gasps, and you think you heard glass shattered. Finally, your full back was exposed.
You kept your eyes forward, not wanting to watch for any signs of betrayal. You didn't want to watch as they tried to sink their teeth into you. You were surprised, though, by the angry growl that ripped through the room. It caused you to glance over your shoulder to see Kalego-San crushed glass in hand staring at your back with fury.
Slowly, you faced him and made your way over. Gently, you unclenched his hand and removed the glass shards without a word. The room remained silent, and it was almost chilling how that silence made you feel.
It's not as though you outright lied to them. You just never confirmed or denied anything. Carefully, you cradled the broken glass in one hand.
You still didn't look them in the eye as you disposed of it and rummaged through your first aid kit for bandages. Being the parent of the misfit class, it was almost a requirement that you carried it around at all times.
Just before you could start disinfecting the wound, kalego had quickly grasped your wrist. "Iruma doesn't actually have wings, does he?" He asked. The silent demand for an answer was clear. You offered no response as you stood there before him.
His grip tightened for a moment before loosening as if he wasn't sure how to treat you anymore. "Iruma is a special child." You told him calmly. "And I think at this point he has proven with or without wings he can soar. Look at how far he's come already and how much he has accomplished."
"Why now? Why not keep it a secret?" You heard Furcas-San ask curiosity seemed to grow. "I would rather be the one to show you the truth instead of have you believe a lie." You eyes still remained on kalegos' hand.
"Kinda reckless, but I'm happy you can trust us." Dali-San says as he comes up behind you and squeezed your shoulder. "We will protect you as much as we do the students." He promises.
"That's not right, Dali-senpai. They're still the same after all. Nothing changes, and they can take care of themselves. You saw for yourself how fast they are, and did you see those killer instincts?? It's so cool! They are definitely one of us and can hold their own!" Robin-San babbled proudly as he lifted you up and away from the two older demons.
You were in shock. This wasn't the reaction you had expected, but... you probably had proven yourself enough times to be trusted. "That must be why you always smell so good. And hear I was hoping you would share your perfume recipe with me." Raim-san whined as she came up to your other side. Pressing her chest into your back.
"Wait a minute! Is that why you stole my sweater!" You demanded trying to squirm out of Robin's bear hug. "It's not stolen if you gave it to me♡" "To barrow, not hide it away for 3 months!"
As you fought against the laughing pair, you didn't notice Dali and kalego speaking with Balam. "They look so happy!" Balam said cheerfully, glad his human was accepted.
"They are constantly reckless. How are we going to deal with this now that we are aware?" Kalego huffed in irritation. Dali just smirked. "Awe lighten up, babyls can manage a human or two. It deals with hundreds of adolescent demons, after all."
"YES!!!" They turned as you stood victoriously on top of a dog pile of demons arms raised in the air. Kalego gave Dali-San a withered look as Balam quickly rushed over. You threw yourself into his arms with a gleeful laugh.
Kalego glanced down at his cut palm and then looked back up at you. You who was smiling brightly in a room full of demons capable of tearing the flesh off your bones. You who were willing to place everything on the line time after time. Certainly, you were worth a scratch or two.
No... you were worth more than that. You had won the hearts and respect of many demons. You had pushed past barriers and broken down walls, literally ready to tear the throat out of anyone that harmed one of babyls beloved students.
You were a part of babyls. The embodiment of what it stood for and who it protected. And he could accept that. After all, it would be even worse teaching those demonic brats without you around.
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earthgenics · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About Joint Care Dog Treats
When choosing joint care dog treats, it's essential to look for high-quality products that contain natural and effective ingredients. Look for treats that contain glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM, as these ingredients are known to promote joint health. Additionally, look for treats that are free of artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.
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Witchy Herbs: Verbena (Vervain) - Verbena Officinalis
This herb is also called the enchanter’s herb, van van, herb of grace, or vervain. It has feminine energies, connects with the element of earth, and rules in the planet Venus. Deities associated with this herb are Kerridwen, Mars, Venus, Aradia, Isis, Jupiter, Thor, Juno.
This lovely all-purpose herb can be used in infusions that reduces stress, and gets rid of headaches. Treats fevers, inflammation and cramps. It is also said to help with mild digestive problems. Soothes the mind of depression and nervousness which makes it also ideal for a good night's sleep.
When it comes to spells, you can use this for peace, love, abundance, inspiration, protection, divination, prosperity, improved skill in the art, tranquility, wholeness, healing, and the reversal of bad magic.
You can create verbena oil (van van oil) simply by allowing the plant to infuse in light grapeseed oil or olive oil. This can be used as a protection oil or a regular blessing oil.
It is also a good idea to add some of the leaves to the sachets you make so that you can balance all the good energies you plan to work with. If you want to make sure your charms work well, add this to them.
Fun Folk Fact - Priests in ancient Rome used vervain to cleanse the altars of Jupiter. Small bundles of vervain were fashioned into a besom and the altars were swept with these. According to tradition, daughters of Druids who were initiated were crowned with vervain; this was a sign of the attained rank. Also, it can be worn as a crown to protect yourself while invoking spirits.
Vervain is traditionally gathered at Midsummer or at the rising of the Dog Star when neither Sun nor Moon is out, but this is not necessary. But, if you so happen to do this, the juice of the vervain gathered, smeared on the body, will allow the person to see the future, have every wish fulfilled, turn enemies into friends, attract lovers, and be protected against all enchantments. Burnt, it will dispel unrequited love.
The infusion sprinkled around the premises chases off evil spirits and malignant forces. Vervain is also added to exorcism incenses and sprinkling mixtures.
It is also a common ingredient in purification bath sachets.
The dried herb is scattered around the home as a peace-bringer and is also worn to calm the emotions.
Vervain is used in money and prosperity spells. If the herb is buried in the garden or placed in the house for example, wealth will flow and plants will thrive.
Fun Folk Fact - It is to be believed to remain chaste for long periods of time, rise before the Sun on the first day of the New Moon. Gather vervain (still before sunrise), press out its juice, and drink it down. According to ancient instructions, it will cause you to lose all desire for sex for seven years.
When placed in the bed, hung around the neck, or made into an infusion and drunk prior to sleep, no dreams will haunt you.
Vervain is also a fine healing herb. The undiluted juice of the vervain smeared on the body cures diseases and guards against future health problems. To aid in recuperation the root tied with a yard of white yarn is placed around the patient's neck. It should remain there until recovery.
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squishsquishy · 3 months
I hate that I’ve taken every med I can for seizures and they just don’t work?? I know it’s a problem with people that experience seizures but like the only thing that works is smoking? But I can’t always smoke and I don’t have money for it 😭😭😭😭why is medical care so expensive??? Tylenol should be free seriously. Medications and mobility aids and service dogs are NEEDS and should be treated that way. I’m still paying off neurologists that didn’t help me and told me basically to calm down and to not be stressed? Anyways I might post more or less depending on the severity of my seizures. Like if I hurt my neck or spine I might be on queue for a while. I also might be posting a lot cuz I’m in bed so idk. If I get hurt I will say something cuz I wouldn’t want anyone to be worried, just if there’s no farther updates I’m having more mild ones and might just be sleeping.
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ssstardust3001 · 5 months
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Developing a species. :> As a treat, I'm calling them sarduict(s). (Literally just put a lot of letters together bros.)
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They are desert-dwelling beings that are warm-blooded endurance hunters able to easily cool themselves off with a complex internal system so they could keep running effectively rather than waste water by sweating. They are omnivorous though and can rely on roots and other plants when the hunting is bad. They are also known to sit in the rare rain showers or fog to absorb water through their skin.
Adults of either sex have "antlers" that are for display. The antlers are just modified feathers that serve no defense purposes. They have cyan blood that glows in the dark and are able to change color like octopuses to blend into their environment.
They have a dog-like intelligence (which is disputed, their true level of intelligence isn't fully known) and are a pack species that lives family groups. They are also shown to care for their elder and disabled members, often adopting orphans of their species. They communicate through a kind of telepathy to coordinate their actions while hunting and they can detect the minds of other species which makes them difficult to catch unaware. They communicate through a sort of code over longer distances through their bioluminescent tails which can blink on and off. They can be domesticated and trained to do tasks such as hunting.
They are very good parents and hold their eggs within pouches which both males and females possess. Their young then hatch and are able to use their prehensile tails to hang onto their pack mates's tails for transport if their parents cannot carry all of them in their arms. However, they usually only lay 1 or 2 eggs at a time.
They are able to open their jaws to 90 degrees at the widest and possess venomous fangs containing a neurotoxin to paralyze their prey. These fangs are on their second set of jaws which also aid in holding onto prey and guide food into their throats. They can control if they want to envenomate their target or not.
They have five fingers on human-like hands and five toes. Their toes possess hooves at the tips much like tapirs. Their fingers are quite dexterous. They can use simple tools and weave nests. The male actually initiates courtship with a female by first weaving her a nest.
They smell through nostrils like dogs, however they can also smell much like snakes do with forked tongues and a Jacobson's organ. Their nostrils can close to prevent breathing in dust, and they have nictitating membranes that protect their eyes from sand and the suns of their world. They can hold their breath for an hour if they are motionless during sandstorms and always have a sense where up is as well as the general directions of north, south, east, and west.
They can make rather throaty, yet musical vocalizations to communicate over long distances and even sometimes sing just for the hell of it or to even help calm their young who communicate through chirps. Females can be seen initiating courtship through song, and the male would try to copy. However, they can also mimic humanoid speech much like ravens of Earth.
Their ears are rather long, but are pressed against their body, blending in. It is not fully known why they sometimes hide their ears even if they aren't threatened, however it is suspected that they are incredibly sensitive to sound.
Young are covered in feathers which insulate them against cold desert nights when they are too large to remain in their parents' pouches. They lose them when they reach full maturity.
They are immune to the poison of the le-matya among other venomous and poisonous species, and their blood can be used as a general antitoxin in a pinch.
They are known to come to the aid of humanoids stranded in the desert, and an attack from one is almost unheard of unless it is alone due to being sick. When sick with a general disease, an individual will tend to isolate themselves, but remain in the pack and under its care. However, if it is life threatening, it will use the last of its strength to abandon its pack and wander into the desert to die alone.
They mourn their dead as well using complex songs while burying them in sand. Each family unit has a specific mourning song as well as specific greeting songs. When meeting another family group there is usually little to no conflict and they use that opportunity for adult members to court members from the other group. Males usually join the female's family group.
They tend to be rather illusive and shy creatures in general, but they are drawn to music.
They can also stand completely upright in order to view things easier with their sharp eyes that can see in multiple wavelengths and in more colors than humans. Males are a little smaller. On average though, when fully upright, they are around 7 feet tall.
It is speculated that they could possibly eventually evolve into an intelligent space-fairing species in the future.
Honestly they're like dinosaurs mixed with dogs and ravens that have hooves and pouches. They aren't mammals though since they don't produce milk.
Their facial markings are also different between individuals.
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triciamfoster · 1 year
Essential Oils: Sandalwood  Santalum album
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The following information is from Essential Oils for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Althea Press.
DESCRIPTION  Sandalwood essential oil boasts a number of health benefits and is excellent for use in natural cleaning products. There are many different sandalwood species that have been shown to have little to no medicinal value, so be certain you purchase only Santalum album essential oil. With a medium to thick consistency, this essen- tial oil is typically steam distilled, and when used in aromatherapy, it is considered a base note.  
ORIGIN  Australia  
PROPERTIES  Antidepressant, antiseptic, antitumoral, antiviral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bronchial dilator, calming, immune stimulant, sedative, tonic  
APPLICATION  Sandalwood essential oil may be used neat. It is suitable for direct inhalation, diffusion, topical application, and ingestion.  
PRIMARY USES  Reduces wrinkles, scars, and acne; combats viral infections, including cold sores; treats urinary tract infections; combats inflammations, including bronchitis; eases diarrhea; soothes hemorrhoids; aids sleep.  Sandalwood essential oil can be used to formulate nontoxic household products, bath products, lotions, shampoos, and conditioners. It is useful for calming and relaxing stressed or anxious dogs, horses, and humans, and in people it is known to promote a sense of calm and inner peace as well as to ease feelings of mental cloudiness. When used for meditation, it promotes intuition; it even helps users to let go of painful old memories and emotional issues.
SAFE USE  Though safe and generally non-irritating, sandalwood essential oil should be diluted prior to use. Add one part sandalwood oil to one part carrier oil for topical use, and conduct a patch test before using it on your skin. Sandalwood essential oil may be taken internally. Ingest only one drop at a time, ensuring you mix it carefully with water or herbal tea. As sandalwood essential oil has a relaxing effect, it may increase drowsiness when used in conjunction with sedatives.
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