#doesnt excuse the fact you abused the shit out of us
rottenr0ckets · 2 months
There's a difference between speaking out about how people treat npd and how npd isn't abusive and Elijah using it to defend himself for abusing us even though he probably doesn't have it and self diagnosed himself the moment he heard someone else say they had it
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doodlegirl1998 · 3 months
ngl im a mineta defender until the end, now before you jump me let me explain
his behavior is obvi disgusting (lets also not ignore the fact that hori has said hes his self insert) BUT IT IS EXTREMELY EASY TO FIX!
a lot of kids and teens who have similar behaviors often have parents with the same beliefs. not to say that this is always the case but it’s more common than not
which means that they’re raised not knowing that their behavior is wrong. they see it as acceptable, and not only that, but *expected* of them
it is an extremely easy thing to rectify. of course sometimes it’s harder depending on how much the behavior has been ingrained into them, but at the end of the day it is *fixable*
he was failed by his parents for encouraging his behavior and he was failed by other adults/teachers for letting it continue
also it’s not that much of a stretch to say that he was probably heavily bullied. he has a very prominent lisp, he’s a heteromorph, and he’s extremely short. i’ve seen several ppl who hc that he has dwarfism and i definitely agree with that
aizawa doesn’t seem to give a shit because he never takes any action to try and discipline him for how he acts
also im sick of the shinso replacing mineta fics. the only good thing abt shinso replacing aoyama is that ppl don’t have an excuse to replace him.
like for the love of god it’s not that hard to simply change his character. it annoys me to no end. bc i like mineta a lot! his quirk is interesting and he has a lot of potential as a character but he’s reduced to a creepy pervert bc every shonen anime needs to have at least one 🙄
tl;dr stop bashing mineta and start bashing hori
Hi @the-jello-bowl 👋
Stop bashing Mineta and start bashing Hori... hmm. You know what? That's a sentiment I could get behind.
After all, the ultimate problem with Mineta lies in his writing.
At the start of the series, Hori wrote him too perverted with too little of any other redeeming or sympathetic quality. That impression stuck - so a lot of fans want him out of heroism and out of 1A.
This is fair because Mineta's behaviour is triggering for many people, and he could make a dangerous figure as a hero and an adult if left unchecked and if his perversions worsen.
While I understand why, Shinsou replacing Mineta is a lazy way to do take Mineta out of 1A, since Shinsou canonically hasn't shown he deserves to be in the hero class nor shown to have good interactions with 1A as a collective.
While it doesn't make his behaviour excusable, you are right when you say Mineta was failed by the adults around him. Especially his parents and Aizawa, as you pointed out, they were the ones prime positioned to fix this behaviour, yet they did not. We don't know what his parents are like for certain, but I believe his dad was likely a verbally and emotionally abusive misogynist who Mineta idolised. And we know that Aizawa fluctuates between negligence and using his hero grade weapon on Mineta as discipline... so there is no consistent messaging there. Yikes.
Instead, Hori implied Mina had to clockwork orange Mineta to stop him being a pervert which... took away Mineta's whole agency in his decision to stop being perverted. (Did his character even get better at all by his own freewill really if Mina had to do this? Will that 'brainwashing' break one day? Here is another reason to hate Hori's writing.)
Hori also doesn't expand on the things that could make Mineta sympathetic, the lisp, the possibly being bullied in the past, the likely self-confidence issues. He doesn't expand on Mineta's backstory or expand on why he wants to be a hero, really (if it was just girls, he would have quit by now, let's be real).
It is a failure in Hori's writing that he doesnt give Mineta (as a HERO student) a redemption arc where he realises just how awful he's been to the girls and vows to make up for it. This moment could have even begun because Mineta stops his perversions due to wanting to be more well-liked and like Midoriya (who he looks up to). The building blocks are there - Hori neglects them.
TLDR: Mineta is a character that could have had potential, and his quirk is interesting. He had potential for a character redemption arc, potential for an interesting backstory, too.
The reason why Mineta is hated is because Hori wastes all his potential to have a lazily written creepy pervert throughout the majority of the story.
Good traits such as Mineta's bravery only make a large appearance later, and the perversions disappear too late in the story to really salvage his popularity.
Not only that, but being a hero is a privilege, not a right. Mineta has got to show through the story as a member of 1A why he deserves to be there and why he has the character for Heroism - unfortunately Hori fails to do this for him because of the reasons I mentioned above.
A lazily written cowardly perverted character could have worked in a minor villain character, but this is instead in a member of 1A, who we are meant to root for adding to the cognitive dissonance of his character.
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steven-has-exploded · 1 month
ive yet to really see anyone else point this out but i think fyodor is going to end up being one of the most gut-wrenchingly unstable and sympathetic (to ME atleast) characters in bsd. what i perceive as foreshadowing for this has all been pretty vague, but thats really only further ammunition considering the way asagiri likes to write via throwing the wildest shit at us out of nowhere at 50mph and expecting us to deal with it. how did i first come to this conclusion? harukawas eye thing
this is going to be long please proceed with caution if you read slowly or just not at literal supersonic speed. rant under cut u know how this works
for those unaware or who have since forgotten the exact details, here is the image explaining harukawas thing with eyes, click to read;
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so. fyodors eyes are usually very light, which a few other people have pointed out is probably due to the fact he genuinely believes his goal of ridding the world of abilities is following gods will; almost everything he does is a necessary evil to acheive the idealistic dream of a world without abilities. he understands his actions are wrong, but you cant go through with a goal such as that without doing morally reprehensible things in the process. anws so as user wildflowerteas pointed out his eyes are extremely dark after hes resurrected
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now, could this just be signifying that fyodor can now continue doing his fucked up little deeds via his functional immortality? yes. but asagiri doesnt seem to write that way and i need an excuse to defend fyodor because im insane
asagiri generally doesnt write characters, especially important ones, as subscribing to one specific side of the moral compass. sure, there are characters that are more morally good or bad or gray than others, but not every one of their actions is as such. characters arent straight heroes or villains in their actions, and sometimes not even narratively; fitzgerald did everything for his wife to finally be happy and see her daughter again, dazai still trained akutagawa the way he did despite knowing it was abusive because his circumstances couldnt allow him to change before oda died, et cetera
so, lets interpret it another way. fyodors eyes being dark after resurrection may not be a reflection of his sinister personality, but rather the way he views and experiences his own countless deaths. he is purified in death and tainted when hes brought back; at peace in his last moments and destroyed when hes alive again. so what conclusion did this realization bring me to? fyodor is a suicidal maniac and hates his ability hear me out Please
in hindsight it seems really obvious to me now; what other reason could have spurred him on to try to desperately to erase abilities if not because he himself despises his own? his ability is truly the purest act of cruelty someone can experience when driven to the point he has been; it lets him bask in the calm of death, the comfort of everything finally ending, the solace that hes going to be finally rewarded for his actions by god. but only for a moment. once that moment is over, hes torn back into the world of the living, in the body of his own killer, the corpse of his last vessel staring him in the face as if to mock him for what he could never have. it deprives him of the human right to even die. what kind of person who claims to love all humanity wouldnt want to free the world of abilities, if others' have caused them as much pain as his has to him?
okok i apologize for making u hear me wax poetic about an anime twink version of fyodor dostoevsky but if youre still not convinced, which is ok i can see why this would be very insane to someone who isnt obsessed with this guy, i want you to just imagine for a moment how living with that kind of power would effect you. while we dont know fyodors exact age, we can assume that hes been alive for at least about 500 years due to his ability. fyodor isnt some kind of immortal being that has a conveniently human form, he is an actual human being who was first murdered presumably just in his twenties based on his appearance, who then had to slowly come to the realization that he will experience small spots of death before having to continue the same cycle of immortality for forever. human beings cant grasp the concept of infinity; our brains arent wired to deal with the idea, because everything in our own lives comes to an end. fyodor will never experience that. even if you view him as plain evil, pure and simple, no human being wishes to have their brain broken by the hands of infinity. and yet thats what fyodor is experiencing
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Since helluva boss fandom have favoritism toward stolas. Stella character get a lot hate and when any bad quality they pointing out to stella never stolas they can make excuses toward stolas but not stella. Beside that i see the fandom compare stella to amber heard even calling her amber bird, amber heard is an actual victim of abuse who get smear and hate campaign by her abuser. I started to see similarity between both of them they receive a lot hate because of misogny
Tbh, I dont know much about the amber heard x johnny depp trial, i know that it was a big thing that happened which was mainly on domestic abuse though i dont have much information to go off of there.
With stella herself however, there is definetly a double standard in the fandom where they demonise stella for being abusive despite coddling stolas, a guy who sexually harassed an imp, made a contract of the imp sleeping with him to get the grimorie, abuses his servants (like throwing him around when he argues with stella, which is also what stella does too ironically enough), literally calls blitzo his 'little imp plaything' (just straight up dehumanising him) and neglects his own daughter. Or shipping him with blitzo, a character that also sexually harasses/stalks his employees, abuses/mistreats moxxie/one of his employees, was a shitty boyfriend to verosika, stalked his sister even when people around him says that she wants nothing to do with him (and still treats her like shit anyway) and is just an asshole. Its an 'its always sunny' situation where were not suppose to pick the ones that are good and the ones that are bad, but of which flavour of trash we prefer, even if the narrative itself is more lenient towards certain trashy characters than others.
Like I have seen people say that she was retcon which isnt true, she was never retconned. You cant retcon a character with little depth, thats the issue with her character. She lacks depth that wouldve make us care for what shes gonna do to the other characters along with creating more intriguing stakes. Depth doesnt equal sympathy which is what many fans dont get when people want stella to have more further characterisation. You can still an abusive character have depth, in fact that should be a good thing because abusers themselves have depth that makes it hard to recognise that their abusers, its one of the reasons why abusive relationships are hard to leave. And you can argue stolas is also abusive/terrible, just towards other people (like his servants or blitzo who is also abusive/terrible) yet he's clearly meant to be percieved as a 'complex' character so it would really be hypocritical to frame one as one dimensional because their abusive and the other more complex, even if their also terrible too. Its not to say 'dont frame stolas as a victim' because he still is a victim of abuse, victims arent perfect and can even be terrible people themselves, just to others and should still be recognised as victims regardless. What i am saying is to not pick and choose which terrible person is good or bad, their all bad in their own way and should be held accountable and face the consequences of such.
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sickknotdoom · 8 months
Someone should tell Eve that squeak doesn't get to decide how we feel about squeak's characters.
REAL. this is definitely gonna set some people off, but the whole "cuddles is the only real villain in the entire story and all the other staff are actually innocent" narrative is bullshit. nearly everyone that works at that hospital tortures and permanently detriments innocent lives if not ending them entirely in brutal ways, and were supposed to just forgive every single one just because "theyre being forced to do so"?
also, the "one true villain" being the only cishet and likely only neurotypical in the comic really rubs me the wrong way. apparently the reason sparklecare even got rebooted was because kneeby thought having evil characters also be queer was "bad representation". i am not a fan of the "queer people can do no wrong" approach. as someone whos gay and under the trans umbrella, id like to point you towards dahmer and chris chan.
jeffrey dahmer was a gay man who cannibalized other gay men. christine chandler is a transgender woman who committed incest. those traits are not mutually exclusive in the real world. they are taken simultaneously, unrelated to eachother unless you go out of your way to relate them. and i think its safe to say that nobody would try and link dahmers sexuality with his actions unless theyre homophobic.
just because one figure within a minority is fucked up, does not mean the rest of the minority is fucked up by association. if that was the case, then id be associated with edp445 and h/tler due to the fact im black and suffer from autism. but thats not the case at all, so why are the clowns so afraid of letting queer characters be antagonists, or vice versa?
all the nurses are treated like theyre completely innocent just because of their identities and/or them being possibly coded as neurodivergent. it seriously comes across as infantilizing queer and/or autistic people, which as someone whos both, i do not like. especially nurse puppy. i do not like the way puppy is written.
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puppy is, in my opinion, the most explicitly autistic coded character in the comic (not including characters that are confirmed to be). lo is also the most babied by both the clowns and the fandom. loves whole premise is that cuddles brainwashed lov into seeing loves job (murdering and torturing innocent civilians) as a fun game. lo is canonically 30 years old, by the way.
speaking from experience, us autists are relatively easy to take advantage of when were younger, due to our difficulty grasping social cues. ive been taken advantage of by so many people in just fourteen years of being on this earth. ive been groomed, sextorted by someone who i saught out comfort from after said grooming, painted as a predator by the very person who sextorted me, and then propped by my only remaining "friend" group who would bring all that shit up just to milk my reaction and use it to further damage my reputation.
almost all these people were also queer and autistic, and coincidentally also liked sparklecare, my sextorter being the one who initially got me into it, since he had a uni pfp one time. theyre also victims of similar shit themselves. does that mean all queers/autists/sparklecare fans/abuse victims are like them? no. but does being any of those things excuse the torment they put me through? no the fuck it does not. you cannot give me the excuse of them "not knowing" or being "brainwashed", theyre all at least two years older than me, some being legal adults as im writing. you cannot convince me they didnt intend to fuck me up.
so it reasonably infuriates me to see a Grown Ass 30 Year Old Adult That Murders People For Fun And Listens To Them Scream In Misery With A Smile On Loves Face given the excuse of "lo doesnt know!!!! blame cuddles not lov!!!!" and the fandom just not questioning that at all. imagine watching your lover or best friend get murdered by someone breaking into their house and chucking a toaster into their bath while theyre taking a shower, and the cops* tell you to sue the manufacturers of the toaster. see how fucked that logic is? thats basically sparklecare.
*not like you should trust american cops but i needed an example ok
one of these people i described earlier happens to kin puppy, what a surprise. maybe im just projecting, but the most explicitly autistic coded character (also the only character so far that uses neopronouns/identifies as a xenogender) being treated this way is revolting to say the least, and i feel like lo is made immune to criticism by the clowns because lo just so happens to be those things. if this character werent queer, they would give no chances.* i will gladly allow puppy to exist as is, same personality, everything, i dont mind. its the constant infantilization and justification of loves abhorrent actions that upsets me.
*and this applies to all the other nurses in the comic, except maybe nurse snare since shes practically nonexistant after volume one. but in volume one we are shown barry being tortured and injured by, as far as i can tell, every nurse thats been introduced so far. barry, one of the fandoms most beloved characters, is put through excruciating pain and trauma on screen (with a million trigger warnings before each page, in typical clowns fashion) and nobody gives a fuck once its over, just because everyones queer except cuddles, and cuddles is the Only One To Blame For Anything At All Times.
the cycle of abuse is extremely common. an abuser being a victim does not cancel out them being an abuser, and if theyre not actively seeking help theyre a bad person, regardless of what minorities they belong to. but that does not mean everybody within that minority is a bad person. sparklecares creators and fandom cant seem to grasp that. kneeby cannot erase my opinions on the way the staff is portrayed.
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james-silenthill · 1 year
3 6 and 24 for succession let's GO
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
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There was an era where all of my based on my likes was t*mgreg and not to hate gay people but I just dooont fucking care about it. It's funny but the entirety of the ship is tom projecting onto a statue because he can't talk to his beautiful wife. Anyways this made me pissed off because. I wonder why tom was handling this better. I fucking wonder why. That's not his dad!!! His lawyer mom didn't die! Shivs ceo dad did! Her dad! I hate the centering of tom on shit that really shouldn't even include him. And by proxy gr*g. He's handling it better because that's not his dad that was his father in law that was his boss and he Wanted logans position so. What the fuck ever. He was freaking out because Logan was the only guy in his corner because he fucked everyone else. Fuck off there was no way he was mourning logan in even the same way shiv was
which ship fans are the most annoying?
I shan't say... it falls too easily into the prev reply... but it's literally true. There was a time in s4 where I couldn't escape r*mangerri either but my eyes just kinda glazed over whenever the gifsets showed up. I'm perfectly ambivalent on rg idc about it but it's not like a tomgr*g situation but it's close to it. Like people were starting to ignore the weird sex thing he had with her and started just making her fully mommy 2. Shes not a cloth mother shes barely even a wire mother. I think gerri is a fun character but shes not a main character its okay if shes to the side a little bit. Which focusing on the mommy 2 thing to me is weirder than focusing on the weird sex thing even taking into account the problematicness of them two together. Not a r*mangerri btw I just see a lot of it for better and worse. Also addendum actually rg is a lot like tg in the way where roman/toms relationship with their side pieces are extentions of their main issues. Tom with his capital S Shit with shiv + roman with his runt of the litter livelihood. I'm not a romangirl I just believe their beliefs so lmk if that read is wrong but you must agree that the milf is Not his Main Deal his relationship with her is used to highlight his other shit
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Despite everything I was really on the sidelines in succsesh so I need to think about this... I think one thing that personally pissed me off is the 'does logan love his kids' thing. Idk how controversial this is [if it is at all] but tbh. You can love your kids without liking your kids and you can be abusive despite the love. And saying that he Loved his kids isn't excusing any of his actions either? He loved his kids he viewed them as His they were like. Fucking collectors items. A genetic legacy. He loves them but he can't stand them. It's not really 'rancid' takes but I think it's insane when people say conflicting emotion or feelings can't coexist on the show where everyone is feeling conflicting emotions and feelings. Like saying that Logan loved his kids doesnt excuse the fact that he was abusive. Sorry for stressing that ive just seen takes that think love and abuse are exclusive concepts. I love you but I can't fucking stomach you yfm that applies for all the Roys all at eachother
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blnk338 · 2 years
have any rodrigo and nadya headcanons?? like the both of them together and their friendship behind the scenes??
// weed, death, minor ed mention, abuse mention
they're the kind of friends that are super cool with cuddling bc they both have insane ptsd and both have been out of the romance zone for literally eons
rigo's just not feelin' the dating scene, nadya's just super fucking bad with people
they'll sneak into each others dorms and sometimes crash on the floor bc of nightmares
rigo's good emotionally, he's gotten so much better so much faster because he had a really good family growing up
nadya took far more damage and had so much less support growing up; their drastically different childhoods affected how either one processed the deaths of their friends and they both respect their current standings
rigo's the only person nadya lets do whatever he wants to her; like he'll hug her and smother her in physical affection and she's just so comfortable around him that she'll just keep the conversation going
in comparison, nadya will do fucking anything for him. he'll mention something little about being hungry and nadya will sneak the biggest piece of garlic bread she can find from the DFAC to give it to him
its so funny to see them in public bc rigo's waving to people, he's smiling, he's got blue jeans with smiley face patches stitched onto the legs, some indie bands merch as a shirt, and vans or converse on. like he's so fuckign californian its insane.
meanwhile he's got his guard dog who's wearing a sweater and a hoodie and jeans/dickies in 85 degree weather, her face mask just dribbling sweat.
rigo's the bark, nadya's the bite
rigo: dogs
nadya: cats
nadya's a good cook, rigo's a good baker; when nadya goes to san diego, they'll make huge meals together and mix their cultures together
nad makes a lot of Mediterranean/morroccan stuff bc of her dad, bastilla, a lotta couscous, yk (plus some slavic foods, but her favorite things are falafels and tzatziki)
rigo's got conchas lined up, ready for baking, he's really good at making little designs and adding cute little details to make the concha’s that more enjoyable. how he makes hello kitty out of a sweet treat, no one knows
nadya and rigo used to have smoke sessions after the crash bc of their nerves, then made the mutual agreement to stop for each others sakes
bonded over the fact that they're both first gen
can read each others body language fluently, the other doing whatever is needed to make the stressed one comfortable
nad's learned a lot from rigo's emotional maturity; they'll hang out and paint nails and watch shitty two star movies on tubi and just talk for days on end. up all night talking about shit
rigo's got a lot of good advice from experience, nadya's got good advice bc shes really logical, even without the experience that rigo's got, they're able to bounce off each other
matching blood types
knows that nadya prefers not to talk much in public, or really be out at all when its not dark out or cold-- she likes excuses to cover herself up bc of her scarred skin--, so he's literally the "excuse me, she asked for no pickles" but it's only half true bc rigo actually hates pickles and nadya is a food vacuum
whatever he doesnt want, he'll pick off his food and either put it on his or nadya's plate, and she'll poke it with her fork and wordless eat whatever's discarded
he asks if nadya's hungry often bc he knows about her parents neglect growing up, so she'll often overlook how hungry she is bc she wasnt used to eating on a schedule
yesenia (rigo's mom) calls nadya gordita
christmas specific:
rigo was the first person to ask nadya about why she was so fucked up about the holidays and she opened up about her mom and robin
rigo was like "well u could come back w me for christmas my family loves people" and she was super hesitant (pre-accident nadya), but agreed and followed him back to san diego
nadya was pretty reserved about the whole thing, but rodrigo did everything he could to make her feel comfortable, even giving her little translations for stuff here and there
"oh yeah, but don't say that shit around my mom. like don't say no mames."
"i think she'll kill me"
nadya had her first nice christmas; no guilt, no anxiety, nothing that made her regret being there. rigo's parents absolutely loved her, especially b/c she offered to help with everything
presents were opened up at midnight and, even though nadya didn't get anything bc the cassidy's weren't expecting her, she still felt so much love
that was also the first night when the two of them had to sleep in the same bed, and they just laid awake staring at the ceiling for a while.
rigo's not super good at keeping things to himself-- bud's got a bad filter-- so he was overthinking the entire time.
"hey nadder i just wanted you to know that this isn't like a sexual thing."
"like im not into you."
"i didnt think you were"
there was a moment of silence where neither one of them said anything bc nadya, who is so bad with social cues, just thought her friend was giving her a heads up, and rigo, who is much better with social cues, was panicking bc he didnt want his best friend to think he was trying to do anything weird.
"nads im gay"
more silence before she followed it up with: "... is that gonna change anything?"
"no. like i... dont think so"
"ok. goodnight"
"you're gay"
"yes i am."
"that's good."
the rest of christmas, even up until the new year, was spent with the cassidy's bc they loved her so much and she really didnt have anywhere else to go
i have more but its late and this was what i've got so far anon you're so cool and smart tysm for asking about rigo :)
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
Idk about you but one of the gripes I have with the Encanto fandom is nobody can talk bad about Alma
Like did she get traumatized from watching her husband die? Yeah
Does that excuse the shit she did to her kids and grandkids? Fuck no
And like yeah she changes her ways in the end of the film but like just because she changed doesnt change the fact she did it to begin with
When Encanto came out I was excited since I heard that it represented us well but like- My family dead ass hates the movie(We're not from Colombia our family is from Michoacán, very diff but it does have some similarities considering it's latin america- ANYWAYS) . They don't believe Alma deserves to be forgiven. Like they hated the story line of the generational trauma finally being broken cuz like our mommy issues were through the roof. They hates how Mirabel was treated as well as Bruno.
Since my family immigrated from Michoacán to the U.S for a better life and yknow to escape family since they knew they're worth was treated like a joke(and yknow generational abuse) so I'm pretty sure it didn't bode well for them to see Mirabel forgive her family and so on. What im trying to say we hate Alma in this house 😭😭
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reel-fear · 2 years
to the person who sent me that ask over Blitzwing and BA I hope u know I deleted it bc it was the stupidest shit anyone has ever said to me ever. Fr learn the definition of victim blaming and when its okay to use.
My other advice is:
Learn to be okay with male characters getting dissed and female characters getting praise bc ur reasoning is so unbelievably biased against BA I cannot imagine how u must talk abt her on ur own blog [oh wait u dont u literally had nothing on ur blog, lmao, created a shell account just to be an idiot??]
dont use abuse in contexts where it isnt relevent to the situation and isnt called for
take ur head out of ur ass
grow a god damn brain
learn whats fanon and whats canon, like 99% of the points I were making was abt the fact that canonically Blitzwing doesnt even seem to resent BA for what happened and its weird people literally Invented the idea that 1. He hated her and THEN 2. That hes justified in hating her. Bc neither of those things are true in canon they just kinda mildly dislike each other, but the fandom had to find another excuse to tear down a female character and make a male one look better.
do not ever message me again - Sign someone who understands women can be abusers and knows what abuse, gaslighting and victim blaming is, because THEY LIVE WITH THEIR ABUSIVE MOTHER AND HAVE GONE THROUGH ALL OF THOSE THINGS. This someone is more than aware of these terms and their meaning, and knows far more than u CLEARLY do and if u come to me saying that kind of stupid shit again bc I had the audacity to call out the sexism in a fandom u like. Im gonna fucking kill you.
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crash3warped · 4 months
if there is a hell i KNOW my father in law is going there when he dies. where the fuck do i even begin? this story will just Have to exclude little details. there is so very very much and it's been transpiring over the course of a few years.
so this dude is a manipulative, abusive, useless, garbage piece of shit whose gaslighting bullshit started decades ago. i won't go too in depth on this part bc i dont want to overshare someone else's information but there will be parts of this story where you may think jesus christ, how is this still going on? buddy i ask myself the same kinds of questions but let ye who has a healthy relationship with your parents cast the first stone. the context needed to have sympathy here is that this is a Long LONG complex situation that we're talking about. for a Bit if background, my partner didnt see or hear from his father between 2015 and 2019. so. take that as you will going forward.
it started about 3 years ago when a series of careless decisions left Me (somehow one of the most level-headed people involved!!!!! if you can imagine!!!!!!!) in possession of literal decades worth of my father in law's hoarded shit. being a hoarder is not a moral failing, but deciding to get rid of the stuff and pawning it all off on your son and his partner is Annoying to say the very fucking least. this was obnoxious but i thought At Most that it was a shitty but temporary situation.
he expected us to hold on to it until he was ready to have it back. my partner being Too Patient and Honestly The Real Victim Here for having this man as a father chose to honour this wish. as you can imagine this inch became a mile quickly.
he started demanding to crash on the couch, threatening suicide and claiming domestic violence and things of that nature. i cant confirm or deny the domestic violence allegations but i will say that he has made these claims everywhere he has ever lived. this turned very quickly into him manipulating my partner into letting him move in with us. i knew it would go horribly but my hands were sort of tied (knew FIL could and would use any excuse to isolate partner from his loved ones so ive been treading the Bad Guy line very carefully here). i should also point out that FIL's girlfriend at the time was His Perfect Equal in every way and so my partner was biased towards hating her more, as she was someone he had just met.
immediately i had problems living with him. i have Always hated him because he used to misgender me constantly, so i should state this bias now. he seems to view me through a lens that is transphobic, homophobic and misogynistic all at once - that is to say, he believes i should be responsible for all the housework, and that i should listen to his every word and meet his every demand without complaint. it started out with him talking at me Constantly. i don't mean we were conversing, i mean that this man would sit behind me while i did chores and tell stories about pranks he used to pull in the 80s all day, getting annoyed if i tried to change the topic. throughout the course of these stories it became constantly clearer and clearer to me that he was absolutely an irredeemable piece of shit. to put it bluntly, almost all his stories put him in a bad light and he didnt seem to realise at all. he started to get really annoyed with me in general for not laughing at his bullshit, challenging his constant use of racial slurs, and not appreciating the homophobic comments he made about me on a daily basis. (i know you read "homophobic" and "use of slurs" and now you have a burning question, so i will answer; yes he Does call me a faggot). he quickly became my number 1 sworn enemy. to be extremely clear, yes, the fact that he is sitting and watching housework be done does mean he doesnt do any himself. he has outright stated that he thinks i should be obligated to take care of him. we'll return to this point. fucking trust me.
by this point in the story you're wondering why my partner has not kicked him out of the house. i KNOW. but it does become more complicated when you realise that at the time my partner was working 11 hour shifts every day and FIL was a completely different guy around him. still obnoxious and a bit arrogant, but nowhere near the human waste i had come to know. it started to get to the point where i was furiously angry at this dude 24/7 but my partner had never seen him do more than make an out of touch joke. this is the part where i say something vague about how i have mental health issues that i dont want to air out, but suffice to say that making me look paranoid and reactive is Not a hard task.
one night while i was doing dishes, i stopped to use the bathroom and FIL broke 3 of my wine glasses while i was gone. a gigantic fight ensued where he attempted to convince me i had actually broken them myself and my partner walked in on this happening. this is when i first thought the tides would turn and things would get better. partner atarted to see the issues but wanted to give him the chance to change. at this point he is still under the impression that his dad is someone who is perpetually down on his luck, who has had a difficult life and has been mistreated by everyone around him. basically is treating him like a shelter dog who is lashing out but still good at heart. he hasnt heard the same stories yet as i have of the guy who has had everything in his life handed to him for free, but is such a dickhead that he has fucked over everyone who ever tried to help him and fucked himself doubly in the process. after a certain point it started to wear on our ability to spend time together when i was constantly complaining about his dad instead of talking to him about literally anything else, so i honestly started to carry this on my own for a bit.
anyway, it becomes one of those "sit him down" situations. to remind you, this is a borderline senior citizen and not a toddler. they set out a timeline for him to stop drinking so heavily (alcoholism is also not a moral failing but it does have consequences for the people around you, so i get why he thought this would help) and as it became more and more obvious to my partner that his dad was not actually aiming to reach Any of these goals and had Zero respect for his boundaries, we set up our own little secret timeline for me to get a job so we could afford to move again. (i do have a job rn but i am often unemployed due to uhhh Obvious Reasons). so, things are going well yes? the veneer is cracking, he is proving himself selfish and unreliable. this should be about where it ends, yes?
MIL passed extremely suddenly last july. the relationship there is somehow even more complex than this one so i won't even go into it, but we'll just say that this Fucked my partner up mentally very badly. he had a lot of trauma open back up and suddenly became very invested in fixing his relationships with his family members. i have never had to process grief on this level so i cant judge it. he decided to give his dad one more chance and for a little while i tried to be cool with this.
the relationship between FIL and i continued to deteriorate. after the wine glass fiasco i literally have refused to speak to him. this has not changed in about a year. i Hate this man more than i can say and my life is better for not interacting with him. i digress. me ignoring him becomes very Very contentious around the house, again it seems like i am the one Causing the majority of household tension because i am the most reactive to it. this sucks shit but is usually how things go when you are prone to being overemotional. a massive argument ensues between my partner and i where we eventually come to the decision that i will move out for a few months until our lease naturally ends. we obviously didnt break up or i would have referred to him as my ex at some point but i knew removing the buffer would make him see that his dad is a pure shithead. i dont know where else to interject this but the dude has also stolen a total of 26 full packs of cigarettes from me and this alone warrants the death penalty.
so. let's talk about the last 5 months, shall we?
turns out this dude was somehow putting on airs on my behalf. all of his behaviour immediately got more extreme because he felt like he had won. the buzzkill faggot (his words) was gone and he could really cut loose. cutting loose involved such choices as
leaving strangers in the house unattended for hours, resulting in theft on multiple occasions totalling thousands
physically removing important pieces from the shower (the knobs, mainly) whenever i visit and forgetting where he's hidden them so that no one can shower for days
continuing to refuse housework despite the fact there is one less person in the house now to help out and the house is in a neighbourhood with roaches
smoking in the house (we have a pet)
allowing strangers to smoke meth in the house (once again smoking meth is not a moral failing but to reiterate we do have a pet and she is just Two Inch Large)
turning heaters off and even opening windows in the dead of winter (i cant see this one as anything but an outright attempt to kill the mouse as even he ends up walking around in a coat and hat inside when he does this)
taking my partner's food out of the freezer and leaving it out on the counters all day long to replace it with his own shit (which he will not eat, he eats out every day because he cant cook)
tripling down on the racist shit
... and more!
not only did he do all of these things but at some point he has managed to blame every single one of these actions on me. he literally outright said that he doesn't do housework because i should be coming over and doing it. to be clear I HAVE BEEN STAYING WITH FRIENDS AND RELATIVES FOR THE PAST 6 MONTHS. at this point youre Really thinking "you've kicked him out, right?" and im pleased to report that we have. but the story is still not over because the cockroach refuses to die and the entire house is filled with his shit. (remember his shit from the beginning? yeah.) he has been given a firm date he Has to leave by but until then we're still dealing with this nightmare human (in my opinion, we should have just thrown his shit to the side of the road, but im trying to be Calm Guy lately). he's reacting to being kicked out by throwing a number of temper tantrums each day, making sure his schedule is Unknowable, and insulting everyone around him at every possible opportunity. also, doing all the same shit that everyone has been mad at him for for decades and continuing somehow to blame it on Me.
so, where does this leave us? well, at the moment we are trying to finalize our next steps. we do actually have a bit longer on this lease than we've led him to believe, so we have until the fall to sort this out. to be honest it is much easier and calmer knowing that i dont have to consider this horrible man or his shit this time. as for where he's going to put it all, i don't know and i dont care. if he chooses to leave without taking it and ditch it all on us, in our neighbourhood i promise you it will all last 3 hours max on the roadside.
im annoyed, angry, and frustrated that all of this happened. but moreso than anything i am so fucking pleased to say that i think i am Finally rid of my father in law. praise be to the unknown cyber being.
there is more to this story, more details of provable lies he's told, more offensive obnoxious and downright horrible shit he has said to me and about me as well as to and about others, the kleptomania, the fact that he has been trying to make me act as his secretary in addition to all of this and file government paperwork on his behalf, the fact he has been pretending he once slept with my mother since 1986, the list goes on so far and so deep that i couldnt possibly write it all down here. but, this is the abridged version of my personal nightmare in-law story. if you read it i hope you hate him as much as i do.
0 notes
stickyy · 4 years
I loved what you wrote about student! college! aizawa,if it's not too much trouble,I would like to read a second part but it contains a sub!aizawa,dom!reader,mommy kink and pegging please. I have to take advantage of the fact that you are the first blog with dark content that I see that accepts pegging,an opportunity that I will not miss,but if it gets complicated for you oh you don't like it,you can reject my request.
DISCLAIMER: always ask for consent first!
warnings: DUBCON, sub!aizawa, edging, verbal abuse, bondage, pegging, gn!reader but light mommy kink is used in reference to, praise kink if you squint?, slightly unrealistic depictions of pegging, reader is fed up but that doesnt excuse their actions :P
word count: 3489
notes: sorry for the delay, i hope u like anon! :D there should always be more pegging fic out there
part 1 here
Finals season is quickly approaching, sending the entire campus into a frenzy, students scrambling like displaced ants trying to finish last minute assignments, novel-esque essays, merciful extra credit projects. The workload takes its toll on everyone, even the star students. You found Aizawa in even worse moods more frequently; a schedule consisting of all nighters spent studying old material followed by early classes and a job on the side, he was absolutely exhausted. You sometimes sneak a peek over at him during class to see his head bobbing slightly, bloodshot eyes struggling to stay open as he fights sleep. A small part of you feels bad for him; he’s a diligent student, and you were sympathetic to his exhaustion.
You still hate the asshole, though.
You found yourself snagged in a twisted sort of arrangement with Aizawa after midterms. There was always a half-assed attempt at tutoring you before giving up and cramming his cock down your throat or deep inside your cunt, leaving you sore and dripping with his cum, all the while spewing insults targeted at your intelligence (or lack thereof). In exchange, he’d complete your assignments and allow you to copy his answers on exam days. Ignoring the situation is where you make peace with yourself; you feel used, but you also have no other option if you want to pass this class.
What you hate the most is the way you roll over and take it. You’re more than just a hole to fuck, you know that, but you’re helpless against his searing abuse and venomous scowls. Even when you try to be nice, it only makes him crueler, your soft pleas and offers of peace an invitation to tear you down and make you cry. You want to fight, to claw and tear into him out of spite. You don’t want to feel so weak anymore.
So, you decide to do something about it.
It’s late, campus illuminated by street lamps and headlights of cars passing by as you make your way into the dorms. After your first encounter, Aizawa began inviting you back to his room instead of the library, deciding to “study” in his personal space as opposed to possibly getting caught in the library with his cock down your throat. You didn’t complain, but it’s especially convenient today, with what you have planned. Knocking on the door softly, you worry your bottom lip between your teeth, anxious for what’s to come.
“Open,” he calls out from inside, prompting you to enter. You pass through the messy common room he shares with his roommate and enter his bedroom, opening the door quietly. Aizawa’s room is tidy compared to the outside, bed made, tousled only where he sits with his laptop, typing.
“You’re late,” he squints at you from behind the screen, shutting the device. “Not surprising.”
“Sorry,” you mutter, placing your book bag on the floor and taking out the very heavy law textbook (that you hadn’t bothered to open since midterms). You take your seat next to him and open to the most recent chapter you read over. He’s silent, only speaking to answer your questions as you focus on the text. You can tell he’s sleepy, his responses slurred and delayed, and you glance over to see him dozing off. Late study sessions and Aizawa’s recent exhaustion meant more often than not that he fell asleep before tormenting you. The first time was startling, but you learned that it was a regular occurrence. 
You prefer Aizawa when he’s drowsy. His usually hard features were softened, quiet snores rumbling from his chest. His dark hair messily framing his face as he leans back against the headboard of his bed, arms folded over his chest. He’s good-looking, no doubt. If his personality matched, you could see yourself falling for him.
His eyes open, shooting you a questioning look, and you duck your head back into your textbook, embarrassed at being caught staring.
You keep quiet for another 20 or so minutes, waiting until he’s truthfully asleep and not just resting. You have to be careful not to wake him, as you aren’t keen on being reprimanded for what you're about to do.
Once you’ve deemed it safe, you stealthily open your bag and retrieve the small plastic bag stored inside. With the help of online shopping, you bought some handcuffs, lube, a dildo, and a harness. You aren’t all into pegging, but this was less about the sex and more about proving yourself, forcing him to respect you, in some perverse way. You retrieve the cuffs, gripping them carefully as to not make any sounds. This is the most crucial part; as long as you could get him restrained, you’d could dish out any revenge you desire. You slip off of the bed and tip-toe, almost comically, around the other side of the bed. You test the waters, snapping your fingers near Aizawa. He doesn’t stir, chest rising and falling with his deep breathing.
You steel yourself with a deep breath; this was your chance. You make quick work with the handcuffs, gently yet hastily clicking the metal around one wrist and looping the cuffs through the headboard before securing his other wrist. A grin spreads across your face; you’re thankful he’s such a deep sleeper.
Now that you had him where you wanted him, you were paralyzed by the sheer amount of possibilities. You climb over him apprehensively, hovering over the unconscious man, who only shifts minutely. The peaceful look on his face puts a small pit in your stomach; this was wrong… right? Technically, this was assault. You frown, a small chill running down your spine. Is this what you had become? It was almost enough to convince you to stop, but you force yourself to remember the first time Aizawa had his way with you, the way you choked and gagged and had to hide your face until you could find a bathroom to wipe off the dried cum that adhered to your skin.
This was his fault; he made you like this.
“Fuck it,” you say aloud, bracing yourself before grabbing a handful of his hair and yanking, hard. He awakes with a surprised gasp, wrenching his head away from the assault.
“The fuck?” He bites, eyes drowsily scouring the situation. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Just waking you up,” you smile, releasing your grip. “It’s kind of boring watching you sleep. I thought we were supposed to be studying.”
Aizawa gives you an agitated look, disoriented as he tries to move, only to find his range of motion limited. “You fucking handcuffed me?”
“Yeah, I can’t believe you didn’t wake up,” you chuckle, sliding your hands under his shirt and running your hands over his taut stomach. He keeps his eyes on you with an expectant expression, waiting for an explanation.
“You know, I like you so much more when you're asleep,” you continue, idly tracing patterns on the skin of his abdomen. “No insults, no curses, no glaring. You’re pretty handsome when you’re not being a total douchebag.”
“Let me go,” he ignores you, yanking the handcuffs. “This isn’t funny.”
“I think it’s pretty funny, actually. You’ve spent all semester treating me like shit, and for what? All I’ve done is be nice to you, even after you call me names and abuse me. It hurts my feelings, you know? It’s not like I’m trying to fail this class, I just needed a little extra help, and you take advantage of that every week. So I do think this is pretty fucking hilarious. Maybe you’ll see just how great I feel when you bully me.”
If looks could kill, your heart would have stopped right then and there. Rage burns behind his glare when he meets your eyes, still struggling to break the cuffs. You’d never seen him like this; at his worst, he seems moderately annoyed in your day to day. Despite being an insufferable asshole, he always manages to keep a cool air about him. Never giving anyone much of a reaction, he’s only nasty when he desires. Watching his face take a red tint and his eyes narrow in frustration send waves of satisfaction rippling through your chest. 
“You don’t know what you’re doing,” he grits out, “If you let me go now, I’ll forget all about this. I promise that you don’t want what’s coming for you once I get out of these cuffs.”
He did have a point; you had no idea what you were doing. That wasn’t going to stop you, though.
“Aw, it’s not so fun now, isn’t it?” You coo at him in a demeaning tone, pouting dramatically. Your wandering hands slid to his crotch, where you could feel his length stirring curiously. You bark out a laugh.
Pulling down his sweats and boxers, your mouth waters at his hardening length. Normally, your stomach would drop at the sight in anticipation for physical abuse you were about to receive. But this? This was different; knowing that you’re the one in control is absolutely captivating. You take his cock in your hands, slowly working your hand up and down. He stays silent in defiance, steady in his glare in an attempt to intimidate you. It would work, usually, but with his hands bound there was nothing he could do to you. He’s betrayed by a pleased noise that slips from his throat.
“Don’t tell me you like this? You want to be taken advantage of, is that it?” you taunt, basking in his agitation as you speed your hand up, thumbing the pre gathering on the slit.
“Watch it,” is his only response, voice dangerously low. He keeps quiet, not willing to surrender to the reactions you’re trying to draw from him. It’s a challenge, if anything, and you weren’t going to back down..
He’s fully erect in no time- you’ve spent enough time as his cocksleeve to know exactly what he likes and responds to. His eyes fall shut as you squeeze tighter, hips canting up into your hand, chasing his own release. You keep it up until he gets a little louder, close to release, and you pull your hand away, watching his dick twitch helplessly.
“Fuck- why’d you stop?” he asks groggily, opening his eyes.
“You didn’t think that I was just going to let you cum that easily, did you? I thought you were supposed to be the smart one,” you shuffle off of the bed, smiling over your shoulder as you hook your thumbs in the band of your leggings. You make a show of sliding the material down over your ass, purposefully leaning over and arching your back. You hear a pleased growl from the bed, causing you to giggle as you pull your underwear down as well.
“You could still let me go,” he offers, giving you a once over as you climb back over him, “I could forget about this if you let me fuck you.”
“Nice try, but I’ll be the one doing the fucking tonight,” you grab your bag from the floor, retrieving the lube but leaving the dildo and harness obscured in the bag. You squeeze a generous amount onto your fingers, causing Aizawa to give you a puzzled look.
“You don’t need lube, you’re always so wet for me,” it’s more of a question than an observation, since your previous trysts never included anything but his spit and your own juices. You just give him a smile before nudging his thighs open with your own, trailing your hand slowly beneath his balls, settling in between his ass and your lubed fingers circle the muscle there. The look on his face is priceless, absolutely shocked at the prospect of you inside of him. He thrashes in protest but you’re steadfast, pinning his hips down with your other hand.
“You can’t be serious,” his voice is alarmed, almost erring on the side of anxious, “you’re dumber than I thought if you think you’re just going to get away with any of this shit.”
“And what are you gonna do about it?” you sing-song, using your dry hand to tug playfully on the cuffs, “You’re a little tied up at the moment.”
“I’m going to beat your cunt up when I get out of these,” it’s a threat, and you ignore the way your stomach flutters at the words, eyes trained on his as you push two fingers inside.
He grunts, his face scrunching up, almost cutely, at the burn of the stretch. You expected him to be tight, but given how tense he is, it’s difficult to push all the way inside. You take it slow, savoring the pained expression on his face; it’s a stark contrast to his cocky demeanor when you’re being subjugated to his abuse. His chest is heaving, a lovely red flush spreading across his skin, eyebrows knit tight, lips bitten red- you’re obsessed. You move your fingers in and out slowly, scissoring just gently enough not to seriously hurt him, but enough to watch him writhe. His dick twitches despite (or maybe due to?) the pain, still red and dripping.
“This is priceless,” you laugh, “if you wanted to get fucked so badly, all you had to do was ask, you know? Mommy would’ve taken care of it for you.”
“Mommy?” he scoffs, rolling his eyes, “you’re insane.”
Any further insult is cut off with a sharp gasp, eyes shooting open in shock, and you know you’ve found it.
You stroke his prostate with a heavy hand, grinding your fingers into the spongy spot inside of him as he struggles to breathe, back arching deliciously. You can’t help but smirk; you kind of get it now. If this is how tormenting you makes Aizawa feel, then you understand why he was so cruel.
“Fuck,” he chokes on a whine that sends heat down your spine, . Your wrist is beginning to strain, but you can’t bring yourself to care. It’s cute; he’s writhing, his hips seeking the stimulation he was previously avoiding as he moans openly, loudly. His cock is an angry purple, pre pooling on his stomach from where it’s leaking. He looks like he’s close, eyes beginning to roll back when you pull your fingers out, laughing as you ruin his orgasm for the second time.
“Please,” he’s breathless, a betrayed look on his face as his hips rock on nothing, desperate to cum.
“Begging already? We haven’t even gotten started yet!”
You reach over into the plastic bag, pulling out the dildo and harness. You can clearly see the fear on his face this time as he moves to sit up, the fog of pleasure clearing quickly.
“Wait,” panic sets in his voice yet again. If you were him, you would be scared too; the toy is thicker than the two fingers you used, something you chose purposefully. You stand and slip on the harness, ignoring his attempts to reason with you.
“What’s wrong? I thought I didn’t know what I was doing?” you ask innocently, forcing your hips between his legs and drizzling some lube on the toy, warming it up with your palm.
“That’s the fucking problem, you idiot, you don’t,” he seethes, pulling on the restraints again, “It won’t fit, and you’re not sending me to the hospital.”
“Exactly, I won’t send you to the hospital. Mommy’s gonna take good care of you,” you coo, settling between his legs.
“Just let me go,” it’s the first genuine plea you’ve heard from him, the sincerity pulling your attention to his eyes where you see a look you can’t quite place. He looks… afraid? Remorseful? It’s enough to give you pause, equal parts consideration and schadenfreude. You settle for leaning forward and placing an uncharacteristically saccharine kiss on his forehead, your humanity getting the best of you.
“All you have to do is relax, okay?” you whisper, resting the tip of the toy against his entrance. He shuts his eyes in anticipation, resigned to his fate, and you push in gently, watching his hole swallow the silicone. The way Aizawa contorts, back bowed to scoot away from the pressure of the toy is salacious, drawing a moan from deep within your chest. He can’t get far due to the restraints, and he lets out a soft sob at the stretch of the toy, face scrunched tight. You push slowly until you bottom out, your hips pressed firmly against his, grinding in small circles to alleviate your own ache. He exhales shakily, unaware that he was holding his breath.
“See, it’s not so bad right?” you soothe, rubbing your thumb against his hip soothingly. “You should be grateful; I’m so much nicer than you are.”
“Fuck you,” it comes out weaker than intended, his voice strained as he tries to adjust to the girth of the toy. 
You pull out slowly, experimentally, watching his stomach clench from the sensation of silicone caressing his insides. His dick gives an interested twitch, despite his demeanor, and that’s the invitation you need to start moving. It’s a little awkward at first, but your enthusiasm combined with the size of the toy more than makes up for your inexperience. He’s breathless, still uncomfortable, but you can see his body slowly relax as he tries to make sense of the sensations coursing through his body.
“You like this, don’t you?” you dig, eyes transfixed on his face, “Is that why you're so mean to me? You strut around like an asshole, just to hide the fact that you’re just a little bitch?”
You focus on angling your hips, searching for his prostate again, and when you find it, you commit to fucking him. He’s loud, stray tears sliding down his face as his body struggles to comprehend both the pain of the stretch and pleasure of the abuse.
“Fuck, you’re cute like this,” you sigh, “you’re meant for this, aren’t you? Meant to get your ass bred by your Mommy? You’d be so much more tolerable if you were sweet like this all of the time.”
His dick jerks violently but he shakes his head with a weak ‘no’, too lost in the sensation to retort any further. You’re soaked by now, the pressure of the toy on your end combined with the power trip pushing you to the edge. It takes all of your self-control, but you suddenly stop, unwilling to let yourself finish so quickly; there’s still unfinished business here.
“Tell me I’m pretty,” it comes out before you can even really think about it, but the words hang heavily in the air.
“You’re never nice to me, so if you want me to even consider letting you cum, you better start kissing up.”
He hesitates, but when you shift slightly and the blunt head of the toy rubs against his prostate, he changes his tune very quickly.
“Fuck- you’re cute, ‘s the reason why I’m mean to you. So cute when you’re about to cry-” you give him a particularly hard slap on his ass and he winces, muttering a quick apology.
“You’re pretty even when I’m not fucking you, too,” is all you get, but it’s the first genuine compliment you’ve gotten out of the asshole since you’ve met him, and your heart soars. He’s awful and mean and evil but the simple statement is enough for you.
“I’ll let you cum if you beg for it,” you grunt, rutting your hips enthusiastically. You’re close, but you refuse to finish first. He’s needy, thanks to being edged twice, and he’s unable to resist your promise.
“Please, fuck, please let me cum,” he whimpers, voice wet and eyes watery.
“Please what?”
“Mommy! Fuck, please mommy, just let me cum, it hurts, fuck, please,” he babbles, and it’s enough for you. You wrap your hand around his cock and stroke it firmly, hips speeding up as you chase your own release. It’s quick- he finishes almost embarrassingly fast, and the whorish wail that rips from his throat sends you right over the edge, your vision blurring at the corners as you stay trained on his face, obscene and submissive.
It’s quiet after you stop, both of you catching your breath. You pull out slowly, watching the way his hole flutters and you giggle, your body and ego fully satiated. You look back to his face; he looks more fucked out than you’ve ever seen him, almost like he’s about to fall back asleep.
“Can we call it a truce?” You break the silence, grinning as he cracks open an eye to give you a scalding look.
“Fuck. You.”
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brascu · 2 years
...There is no love triangle between Ed/Stede and Izzy. Ed doesn't love Izzy. He doesn't want Izzy. He doesn't even like Izzy.
And by the show's own definition of love, Izzy doesn't love Ed. They don't pass the time together well. Izzy doesn't get Ed's idiosyncrasies (and in fact tries to suppress/control them). Izzy doesn't encourage Ed to try new things.
Izzy is possessive, yes, but it is not love. It is toxic, abusive possession rooted in racism (believing he, the white man, should have power of a man of color).
A love triangle means a triangle. There's no triangle. Izzy's "feelings" (which are abusive possessiveness, not love) are unrequited--Ed will never, ever fucking want or love him back. Especially not after Izzy, you know, threatened to murder him for being vulnerable and emotional.
And all you disgusting Izzy stans who sympathize and excuse his behavior, or downright ignore it for your stupid fucking ships, are fetishists and abuse apologists.
lol hello to you, tiger!
First of all, the creators of ofmd already told us that Izzy is in love with Ed and is watching himself lose his work partner. Izzy don't have other relationship with Blackbeard, just as much as Cha-cha don't have one with Hazel.
Ed hates Izzy??? At times, yes. But if it was true, he would've left Izzy leave by the end of the fourth episode, dear lol
Love triangle doesnt mean the main character wants two people, it means that there are two people "courting" him. In Eds case, Stede and Izzy, in his possessive and sick way. In Hazel's case, Agnes and Cha-cha, who tries to control him and threaten him, just like Izzy.
Just as much as Izzy tries to kill stede to get Blackbeard, the pirate, his partner to go back to how things were, Cha-cha kidnaps Agnes and is going to kill her after Hazel left her.
I don't really know what gave you the idea, in my comparisson post, that I'm a "Izzy stan who simpathize and excuse his behavior, or downright ignore it for your stupid fucking ships; a fetishist and abuse apologist". I think you have to chill and watch what you say on the internet.
I am myself a survivor of an abusive relationship. I was manipulated by a possessive asshole. I am here besides him. You don't get to say shit about me. You don't know me and is just a scared little thing spewing puke from it's fingers.
I'm always opened to talk. If you were someone able to have a real discussion. You're just full of hatred, looking for someone to attack.
you are invading my space and i would like to nicely ask you to leave.
For someone who hates Izzy that much, you do act quite a bit like him, no? Biting and hiding, just like a dog.
I wish you a nice "Cha-cha dying alone at the end of the world while Hazel runs off with his girlfriend", or that you start using your brain to actually anylize things before barking to some strangers. If the gate was opened, or if I didn't gave you the option to say shit anonimously, you wouldn't even be here.
auf auf! <3
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. once the trial plot line is finally wrapped up (at best maybe itll end in december) we still have to deal with apollo, and leto, and thetis, and eros and psyche, AND kronos, oh and you know, the actual hymn to demeter and even just hxp getting together, which is both rushed and dragged out. like how has it almost been four years and still so little has happened and we still have way too many plots to deal with?
2. i see one excuse for LO is "well its free content! dont critique it!" like girl, we know she's making a lot of money just off fast pass alone, not counting books, merch, etc, also she's being paid by the company too as well as ad revenue, so its not really free, is it?
3. LO Persephone is Veruca Salt from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.
4. lets be very frank here. if rachel was a woman of color pulling the shit she does in comic and on social media, shed be so hated as a regressive person with conservative ideas who is selling a horrible story and messages to her young fans, but because she's a white lady they hold her up as the goddamn messiah. theres so many better BIPOC creators who know what to do with this mythology and make it fresh and interesting and yet shes held up as the authority on it and coddled? sounds about white.
5. i dont get where lo fans claims antis are "apollo apologetics" bc literally none of us like him, we like actual mythology apollo and hate rachel took an interesting and diverse god and made him That Way to push her badly written romance along. No one is excusing him and idk where they're claiming thats from?
From OP: Exactly! I have no clue they got that from. Plus, every “Apollo Apologetic” I’ve seen so far likes LO and/or is active in the fandom.
6. that other anon hit the nail on the head. persephone isnt a character dictating the story like she should be, she's just being pulled along by everyone else or just rachel forcing it, all so persephone cant be held accountable for any action, good or bad, it just happens to her. this wouldnt be a problem if it werent for the fact it claims it's about "empowering" persephone and giving her agency to make her own choices, yet she doesnt even have that in this story, even less than the myths, IMHO.
7. does rachel know having hades be a threatening dick towards his pseudo son thanatos actually makes him less qualified to be a father? you cant tell us his biggest dream is to have a family yet when given the chance to care for a child he mentally and emotionally abuses and threatens them with physical violence over any little temper tantrum hades has. how is demeter seen as the abusive parent when she clearly doted and spoiled persephone, but hades is held up as the one "deserving" of a family?
8. hades' whole 'you should be grateful that i raised you FOR FREE and mentored you' is literally verbatim something my physically and emotionally abusive father said to me. that, PLUS him flinching away from hades/shivering, PLUS hades' constant anger at thanatos. just really rubs me the wrong way.
9. im also confused? bc persephone clearly isnt comfortable with how violent and angry hades is, yet she never pushes back on this, and even if she tries he does nothing but a momentary "apology" at best but goes right back to it, and seems to have only upped it recently much to her discomfort. it's (hopefully unintentionally) like how we saw rhea and kronos, where she only dealt with his anger with her body. idk why but rachel is making a strong case their eventual marriage won't be a happy one.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
10. fp spoilers
dude 😭 i dont have words. badly written characters be like: barely 1 minute in we have perse all “*is forced to share her trauma due to fear*” meanwhile hades: “*has a temper tantrum* *2 seconds later* you should not be consoling me” trash can fire comic.
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vergess · 2 years
lmfao i love the condescending shit and the parental abuse olympics. nobodys erasing your '''LIFE''' by saying that using queer as an umbrella term makes other lgbt+ people uncomfortable. as though not liking a word used as a slur is a maladaptive coping mechanism when youre bizarrely trying to flex your trauma as though it makes you an expert on lgbt history (like... im gonna go out on a limb and say YOU werent alive in the seventies either). i mean whatever lol tumblr shit is dumb. in the real world when i say 'i dont like that word' people go 'oh my bad' because reclaiming slurs is a tough thing and normal people know that. they certainly dont start discussing child sexual abuse (just because i dont trauma dump online doesnt mean that my parents never hurt me in similar ways fyi). clearly youre the one who cant read so ill say it once and then move on bc if you dont have compassion for your lgbt+ siblings than you never will- not using a word that people are uncomfortable with as an umbrella term does not equal erasing those who do identify as such, dipshit. in fact, it excludes lgbt+ people who have trauma around the word. but if this makes you feel like some kind of YA protag tumblr warrior then go ahead im just glad that ur saying it with your chest so anyone with any sympathy for others can avoid you
Aww, the little idiot tried to use parental abuse as an excuse for being a bigot in the hopes that it would shock me so much I would back down out of misplaced empathy.
But, oops, my own traumatic history meant the bullshit technique of "say your existence is traumatic" wouldn't work.
So now it's all ~abuse Olympics~.
I don't know why you would prioritize the lies your abusive father told you over the well documented history of queer rights, and the personal stories other queer people are telling you.
But since you have decided your abuser is right and every person who ever fought for you, even before you were born, is wrong?
Well. Siding with bigots makes you a bigot, babe. Have fun associating with the people who traumatized you, and lashing out at anyone like you because you're filled with so much self hatred.
I will be continuing to fight relentlessly for both of us to exist freely and wholly as ourselves, and celebrating the glorious diversity from oppressive norms that is queerness.
We are here.
We are queer.
We won't apologize or be silent.
We are magnificent.
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frenchphobic · 4 years
long fucking post on why a c!dream is a shitty person and probably should not have a redemption because it is unpog
honestly i just want to refute dream apologists thats why im making this post. i think that dream as a villain is interesting but i think that trying to make him out to be secretly a good guy is just bad ngl. also /roleplay and all
tw for abuse and mentions of suicide
dream as a villain
dream is a villain. he is chaotic evil according to wilbur, deliberately does not stream to appear less sympathetic (and yet), and is set up as an antagonist to tommy who bears the title ‘hero’. dream is not a good person, no matter how you look at it or try to justify his actions.
‘but he wants to unite everyone to be a big family :((’ the ends dont justify the means believe it or not. having a vaguely positive goal does not excuse the actions you’ve done. it also goes hand and hand with saying dream is correct for punishing tommy the way he did because he acted up. if i socked you across the face and then suddenly said ‘sorry there was a roach on ur face’ does that make it okay? probably not i still punched you, enacting an unnecessary amount of violence. thats a very simple analogy i will admit and there are more complex comparisons. another example off the top of my head is say a child just scribbled all over you walls with crayons. would hitting them be a justified answer? if u said hes thats really fucked of u go seek help u loon. violence as a punishment is very toxic, just because it gets the job done does not mean it is okay. at the end of the day, you still committed this act and the harm you caused is real, having a good motive doesnt suddenly make it okay.
‘but tommy causes all of the conflict’ the disk war wasnt even caused by tommy, it was sapnap and then tommy got involved. and the reason why tommy even caused conflict was because of the discs, because he wanted them back. and most of the time there was a level of antagonism from another party, such as schlatt exiling him, dream taking the disks in the first place, dream threatening l’manberg. and if dream wanted to end the conflict so badly, why didnt he just give tommy back his disks? tommy upfront said everything started with the disks, so he wants them back so he could end the conflict. notice how after tommy got his disks back he has been staying out of conflict, apologizing to everyone, and the only bad thing hes done is try to scam people but everyone does that. this would have been the most peaceful option, yet dream chose the path that would further antagonize tommy which then draws everyone else into conflict. why did dream need to have leverage over tommy so badly? why did he want to hold power over tommy so badly? its because of control, and that’s ultimately dreams end goal. sure he wants a big server family, but would said family have a free will?
‘but dream is sad’ the thing is dream is completely at fault for everything that happened to him. he pushed away sapnap (and george ig). he tried to take control over the server and their possessions. literally everything that happened to tommy. literally everything involving ranboo. villains can be sympathetic, i am not arguing against that. but it does not mean that they should be left off the hook. that doesnt mean u should ignore the shit theyve done because ‘oh no theyre sad’ because it doesnt make anything better. dream had this shit coming for him.
now people also skirt around calling dream an abuser. which is fair ig, its a very loaded word. its much easier to say manipulated. that being said, dream can classify as abusive. and no, tommy is not abusive. abuse is about control and a power imbalance. dream has power over tommy, but tommy does not have power over dream, at least not in the way dream does. he’s taking back power to stand up for himself, dream uses power to control.
the reasons i listed for why dream is from the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project so if u want a source on that, there you go.
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using coercion or threats: dream often threatened tommy, such as the pit thing and often employed violence on him. while normally this could be attributed to Normal Minecraft Player Go Smack. minecraft mechanics cannot always translate to real world since violence is pretty normal in minecraft however we also need to consider the context of the scene. dream gave an order, tommy refused, dream applies violence, tommy submitted. thats why its a threat, it has tangible effects that can correlate to real life.
using intimidation: dream blew up logsteadshire as a punishment. dream also destroyed tommys items anytime he visited. dream also hit tommy with his axe i believe. he killed mushroom henry, one of tommys pets.
Using Emotional Abuse: dream guiltripped the shit out of tommy for just hiding things and pinning the blame on tommy for just wanting his own private items. he definitely played mind games on tommy, pretending to be his friend. honestly i probably dont even need to go as in depth because it was so obvious.
Using Isolation: putting him in exile in the first place. destroying the bether portal so no one could visit tommy anymore. i really dont think i need to expand upon that.
Minimizing, Denying, and Blaming: dream in tommys stream when he got trapped said that exile wasnt that bad. he does shift the blame onto tommy for logsteadshire being blown up, even though dreams reaction was entirely unjustified for not listening and hiding.
Using Economic Abuse: see this is where i attempt to parallel minecraft mechanics to real life. obviously, there is no monetary system in place, so when i mean economic, i will use valuables such as armor, food, etc in place of currency. the idea behind economic abuse is to limit the victim’s resources so that they are dependent on the abuser and cannot escape. dream only really allowed tommy to have the armor he gave him while not giving access to armor so he does not regain a sense of power, and in the prison stream, dream holds all the potatoes which puts him in a position of power over tommy. this argument is more ambiguous i feel cause the whole minecraft mechanics thing is kinda weird so u don’t necessarily have to take this part in.
i feel like i need to emphasize this very strongly because dream is not a good person. abuse cannot and should not be a response to someone. its an awful mentality to have. i just want to prove the point that dream is not a good person, his reasons absolutely do not justify his actions.
what makes a good redemption
redemption arcs are tricky. when done right they are great. when done poorly, its a slap in the face. rn im going to establish a formula to what makes a good redemption with an example.
the most well known example of a good redemption is zuko from atla. first, its the magnitude of what theyve done and why. zuko did commit some shitty actions, since he was in a position of power in the fire nation but its because he is a child being abused and wanted to regain honor. zukos real awful acts was season 1 and the whole betrayal thing. thats not to say that zukos actions suddenly are okay, he did shitty things. but its something that can be traced to a higher entity or seem less malicious then the other villains. the thing also about the magnitude of actions is that there is a certain point of atrocities that there is no redemption. some people simply cannot be redeemed because the actions they commit are so ingrained in their character or the action itself has serious moral issues that it would just be wrong.
the next is acknowleding what they did was wrong. a genuine reflection on the self and analyzing what they did and why it was not okay. zuko realized what he did to uncle iroh was bad for example. he turned his back on his father, realizing he didnt and shouldnt seek acknowledgment from someone as heinous as him. its pointing out your actions and going ‘hey, this wasnt right i should not have done this’ and not even excusing ur actions. its also going straight for the root of the problem and figuring out to stamp it from the source. just because a character is sad does not mean they are reflecting, sometimes they are attempting to garner pity. it has to be direct and clear acknowledgement of the injustice.
and finally, an important part about redemption arcs is the actual redemption part. its when you make amends. zuko made amends with katara by trying to help her get revenge, he fought against the fire nation and tried to make things more peaceful in his rule. he apologized to iroh. an important part of the amends section is that it does have to be a genuine desire to change and become a better person, not to change a person’s perception of you. the thing is u cant expect a person youve hurt to forgive you. you cant expect people to be sympathetic towards you nor should u attempt to make urself sympathetic. u shouldnt be expecting a pat on the back or an award. redemption is about internal and character change.
why dream should not be redeemed
ive already established the key points to a good redemption (imo) but heres where dream falls short. his actions are extremely heavy so redemption may not even really be possible. abuse is not something you can wave off so it does cross to the point of fucked up. acknowledgement of what he did was wrong? all he said was that he changed, yet never explained why he changed or was too vague. he needed to label specifically what he did and bring it up. attempting to make amends? he’s been doing the exact opposite in fact he continues to manipulate tommy and ranboo. its not a genuine change. he is still repeating the cycle and has given no indication of ceasing. at the moment he does not have any signs of redemption.
and the thing is most of the attention around a dream redemption comes from either justifying his motives (which i do want to emphasize does not make anything suddenly okay) and because he is sad in prison sad face. these are not good reasons. its gonna pain me severely to bring this up but snape from harry potter does have some form of sad character ig yet he very much abused his authority to bully children as old as 11 just because he said ‘aight gonna die’ doesnt suddenly make his general bigotry and abuse suddenly okay there is a threshold. again im so sorry for using harry potter as an example none were coming to mind and i needed a popular one i do not like harry potter please dont say i do i would pass away.
and the last thing to consider is the audience. keep in mind that the audience is composed of minors and while yes there are adults, minors are the main component of the fandom. keep in mind that there are quite a few people who can relate to tommys character because they might be in the same position or have gone through his experiences. tell me what kind of message does it send to that audience that abusers can be redeemed. this is not a narrative u should push to this audience in these situations and the writers are seemingly aware of it. remember how in exile tommy spiraled into a suicidal mentality? consider how fucked of a message it would be if he just committed suicide instead of escaping abuse and attempting to recover from his experiences. tommy did an excellent job in not going that route and having a message of ‘it will not get better’. its the same thing here. victims are not obligated to care for or forgive their abuser, and portraying an abuser as sympathetic might fuck with the message a lot, even change their perception in that ‘oh, maybe my abuser was right, maybe they had a reason for treating me the way they did’. this is not to say that every victim watching this will internalize this message, but people also look up to these characters. there can be a degree of influence from the story onto oneself and thats the dangerous part.
all in all dream is a shitbag asshole and probably shouldnt get a redemption because it would not be pog thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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atiny-piratequeen · 4 years
Alright Everytiny, class is in session lets quick fire some hot takes just for fun, shall we?
Idols do not belong to you. You don't get to control their lives. There's a difference between minorities trying to get idols to stop appropriating and/or disrespecting their cultures and some of yall trying to control every waking aspect of their lives bc you've got it in your head that they're your "perfect, precious babies" or whatever bs you've come up with. They are not the same.
None of us are perfect. If someone comes up to you and tells you something you're doing may be offensive to them/some people, stop and listen before immediately taking that as an attack on your person
Literally everyone can learn and grow. Fandom spaces are full of people from all walks of life. Just because you have different opinions doesn't mean the end result of a conversation has to become volatile
If you're joining a net, read the rules before you do so. Not skim through for the key word to get in. R e a d the damn r u l e s
It is your job to curate your fandom spaces. If you decide you dont like someone's content/behavior, it is well within your right to block them to keep yourself from seeing them/their content/their behavior
This also means its not someone's job to write you an essay in MLA format, size 12 Times New Roman, double spaced on why they blocked you. Take the L and move on, there's more than enough other people in a fandom space to find different friends
Your friends are not your punching bags. They're not your yesmen. If you truly consider someone a friend, you need to understand that yall may have different opinions/views on things and this is something you should be able to talk about in a mature manner. If you expect your friends to just nod along to everything or if they expect YOU to nod along to everything, maybe look at that friendship again. No, you shouldn't be fighting all the time, but if you dont feel comfortable speaking out when you have concerns with a friend then.....?
Adults stop engaging with minors with nsfw asks and fics. Adults stop engaging with minors with nsfw content period.
Minors stop fucking lying about your age to sneak into spaces you KNOW are marked as 18+. Adults in those spaces are trying to respect boundaries and also be comfortable and if you cant see why a 15-17 yo lying about being a 18+ yo just so they can talk about getting railed with adults that ARE 18+ (especially if they say no minor interactions) is wrong, maybe you're not as "mature" as you keep telling yourselves.
Sending anon hate makes you a coward and a bitch and no one should take you seriously. Either say it in a post, off anon, in dms, or leave it alone because this anon hate shit is whack.
You can write whatever you want. Yes, even dark fics, but put a FUCKING trigger warning on shit thats triggering. You know DAMN well whats hard triggers.
Respect that people DO have triggers and make sure to mark works/posts accordingly.
You not having the same triggers as someone or not having triggers at all doesnt make you any better than someone who does. Don't be a fucking dick.
You don't have to fully understand someone's identity/culture to respect that they have one and that its different than yours.
Take scs if you feel you're being scammed/wronged. If you dont keep evidence of things being amiss, its very easy for someone to spin a story in their favor.
You arent less of a for considering fandom spaces too overwhelming.
You arent a terrible fan for not knowing every waking moment of these idol's lives. In fact, some of yall need to step back and give them more space
Its none of your business who they're dating. If its not an inappropriate relationship with an adult and a minor or an abusive relationship, leave these people alone
Stop??? Making them fucking uncomfortable by being inappropriate during fancalls??? You fucking weirdos???
You don't get to use your mental illness as an excuse to be horrible to other people all the time. That's not how that works. You don't get to inflict pain and trauma on someone and go "well i have issues so-" and think that's a scapegoat. If you can acknowledge you have problems that makes you lash out, you can actively find solutions to work on doing it less at the very least, not shrug and go "oh well". You're still a dick.
An author sharing their troubles in life is not an open invitation for you to try and bully them into "shutting up and writing, no ones here for the life story". Bitch??? You're on their blog, if they wanna vent for 3 months, post a fic on the 4th, and vent for 3 more, that's their business. The unfollow button is right there. Life is difficult, especially this year. Not everyone can crank out a fic every day
Say thank you when you request a fic and the writer does post it for you. Thats the bare minimum, yknow.
Comments and feedback are wonderful. Do that. Your writers work hard, even something as simple as "i really love how this happened" or "i cant wait to see what happens with person a and person b" goes a long way
Be kind to yourself. If you couldn't meet your goal, that's okay. Work on plans a different way, ask for help, take a different approach. You're doing well in your own way, you can find a way to do better if you need to without putting yourself down all the time.
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