#does the glitching happen to anyone else
Guys is anyone else’s tumblr glitching like mine? I keep going to reblogs to check them out, and they are just almost always only comments from the comments section, and when I try to hit the view post button on the reblogs-that-are-just-comments it brings me to their page? And when I hit reblog it shows me the top post on their page instead of the post with an addition? I reloaded the tab, closed it and opened a new one, all of that, but it won’t work 😭. Anyone know what’s going on?
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
are people seeing my last few asks responses? like I can't see them within the tags they're posted to, and they're only getting like... a handful of likes (5 or 6 tops).
this and this post are the only two I really care about getting attention cause I put effort into it and I would probably actually cry if these flopped...
[tagging my fandom tags so my typical 'audience' see this. sorry for interrupting your hotd scrolling]
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emma-d-klutz · 2 years
you know when I post an image on here and go to the html to do the whole song and dance of deleting the tumblr-fill and the original values and replacing the remaining pixil counts with whatever I estimate to be half or a fourth or what have you and then I press preview and it looks fine and then I press post and it 
goes back to full size no matter how many times I edit and redo the process why
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funshinebf · 11 months
i love when tumblr glitches and traps my dash in a timeloop
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helluvapoison · 8 months
Make Me Weak
˚✧₊⁎ The Vees ⁎⁺˳✧༚
warnings: violence
˚✧₊⁎ Velvette ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Everything you are she should abhor– and would if it was anyone else— so she doesn’t pretend to understand how you weave into her life so easily. That time is instead spent wondering how the fuck she’s survived both her hellish lives without you
• Velvette always felt she was owed the praise and compliments she got. Receiving them from you was an entirely different type of high to ride. Your candied tone and sickeningly sweet words clung to her like smoke and had her itching for more
• You massage her hands so she has no choice but to surrender her phone, only then does she realize how cramped they’ve become. You sit in her workshop during Hell Week, sending a mellowing wave that relaxes her chaos in the form of a simple thumbs up. You make up for not being on the receiving end of her camera by setting up aesthetic dates for her to capture instead
• Velvette captures your chin, “You put up with a lotta my shit, Dollface. I’m not great at sharing credit, but I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“But I didn’t do anything?”
“You’re my muse, baby. Gimme the word and I can have you on a billboard tonight. Fuck Joanne, the raggetty bitch, I’ll bump her and have you up there for all of Hell to see!”
Your smile falters to a grimace, your eyes telling her what she already knows. Vel doesn’t get why you hate the limelight. This conversation always ends one way and if she hears you say one bad thing about yourself, she’ll tear out her hair. With a sigh, she tucks you back under her arm and kisses the crown of your head
“Fine. I didn’t wanna share you anyways.”
Your light laugh makes her smile again
˚✧₊⁎ Valentino ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• Val does everything in his power not to allow you to witness one of his volatile moments. He has a very specific image of you in his mind and to a looser extent, you do too. You’re not prim or naive that you don’t know what he does, but his violent tendencies are something else to behold. You’re too sweet, too pure to completely join his world
• It’s never bothered him before, seeing that look on someone’s face. The one where their eyes go wide in horror because they know exactly what comes next but there’s no telling what would happen if the pedestal Val put you on crumbled because you saw him grabbing a whore by the neck and using them as an ashtray
• Truly, no indulgence he’s ever sampled has come close to taking the edge off him like one of your hugs. Softer than angel wings and more intoxicating than any elixir, you’re euphoria trapped in a sinner’s body
• “I almost feel bad for keeping you to myself,” Val purrs in your ear. He’s been laying underneath you for six minutes and already the shittiness of the day evaporated, “I could bottle and sell you. Make everyone in Hell as happy as I am.”
A nervous, bitter laugh escapes you
“You wouldn’t make much money, Val.”
“I would make millions, corazón” He argues seriously, though he has no intention of sharing you
˚✧₊⁎ Vox ⁎⁺˳✧༚
• The irony is lost on him; someone as soft as you could bring him, an Overlord, to succumb. Below the surface, he’s more insecure than he lets on. He’s perfected the mask of a charming show host, developed it so well that it bleeds into his personality. So much so, that you make him glitch when he gets an inkling of self doubt. Your gentleness makes him weak and it terrifies him, fills him with the urge to push you away but your arms are so inviting that he lets himself be cradled by them. How could he do anything but?
• Rare are the days where he actually feels tired but those are the days he seeks out your affections. To him, you’re safe. You won’t judge him, you don’t pry for details, you’d never tell him to suck it up
• Vox lets himself sink into the couch beside you, tapping your thigh with a claw to invite you to come closer. You never fail to accept and deliver exactly what he needs. It’s bizarre how you know what he needs when he doesn’t himself. Turning to straddle him, you rest your head on his chest and hug him impossibly closer
• “You’re tense today,” You comment quietly, giving him a comforting squeeze.
“Come with me to set for once, you’ll find out why.”
Nuzzling into his chest as if trying to find his nonexistent heartbeat, you replied, “Nah. Sounds like too much of a hassle.”
“Exactly why I need you there.”
“Promise not to bring me on air like you’re always threatening to?”
A dry cackle escapes as he keeps his gaze towards the ceiling. Vox has this fanatical plan that you two could be the power couple of Hell, outranking Lucifer and Lilith (and lasting twice as long) if you would just sit at the same desk as him, deliver news and playful banter that would knock 666 News down a couple thousand pegs. You were worried someone wouldn’t want to see your face, you’d make his ratings plummet, you’d ruin everything he worked so hard to build. He hates when you spiral like that.
“No.” Vox mumbles honestly.
He’d prove you wrong like he’s done everyone else, one way or another
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acowardinmordor · 16 days
Steve has powers, specifically of a Doesn’t Stay Dead variety. He knows theirs a limit on how many times he can come back. Let’s go with eight. Aka he has nine lives. He knows there’s a cap, and he has some kind of mark on his body that counts down. He lost one as a kid, doing something like riding his bike too fast, and crashing over a hill. Nothing nefarious, just a bad accident.
He drinks himself unconscious freshman year, and wakes up in vomit, missing a marker.
He survives the demogorgon.
Billy kills him though. So does the Russian beating.
The kids realize after Starcourt that Steve really was killed by the Russians, but don’t realize there’s a cap. It makes them feel safer if they think that Steve will always be there for him.
He doesn’t tell them that he died twice. The only reason he knows about the second is because he woke up the next day missing one of the marks. He never went to the hospital, so doesn’t know why or how, just that he’s used six of his eight chances.
Definitely drowns getting dragged through watergate, and barely revived before the others reached him. Only one left.
Eddie survives, barely. Steve learned his lesson from Starcourt and goes to the hospital, takes the antibiotics. Takes it easy, tells himself that it’s all over. So it’s fine. And he still has one spare.
Gets close with Eddie as they recover and wait on the Feds. And Eddie loves stories, knows fairytales and immediately declares that this infinite life glitch is fake. There’s no way it’s Infinite. He assumes that Steve doesn’t know that, and isn’t going to tell him. They get close enough that Eddie sees the marks on the back of Steve’s neck, sees seven faded, sees one left. He freaks out for a while. Tries to talk to Robin about it, but even she doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know how to tell her this secret that doesn’t belong to him.
Steddie is not quite together, but everyone knows it’s an any day now thing. That’s when Vecna comes back.
Steve goes down protecting the kids. But he gets up a moment later. It’s the first time they ever saw it happen, and it cements Steve as the coolest dude ever. He’s invincible.
Something something, they have a plan that needs someone to take on a very dangerous bait role. Obviously, to the kids, Steve is the only possible choice. And since it doesn’t matter, Steve wouldn’t let anyone else do it anyway, there’s no reason to tell them. Either he’ll survive or he won’t.
Eddie though? Not having it. Informs the group that he’s going with Steve. No one likes this plan. Eddie has vivid, vicious scars from last time. Steve can come back to life. It’s just stupid for Eddie to risk himself.
They’re both self sacrificing idiots, and when shit goes down, they’re both determined that THEY will be the one to die and save the other.
Luckily, they cancel each other out. Neither dies during the fight, and the others find them fast enough to get them to the hospital. It’s not until Eddie wakes up from the surgical anasthesia, and frantically asks about Steve that the secret comes out. He’s drugged out of his mind, and rambles his fears and the marks and how he knows that Steve won’t survive another one.
Unluckily, the kids and Robin were clustered around Eddie’s bed - around the bed of the guy they thought was at risk of dying and staying dead, because they knew Steve would be okay no matter what - and they hear all of it.
So it’s a horrible thing as they look at the other bed in the room, at Steve, still not awake, still critical, and have to grapple with that fear, even as they try to count, and learn all the times and ways that Steve has died before. Praying that it won’t happen again
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mochatsin · 8 months
MC as a Dating Sim Character
An AU in which the seven brothers knew you as a dating sim character from a game they love to play so much. Has nearly the same functions as the Obey Me app. 
It started off as a trend in Devildom, a new app that a lot of citizens and RAD students play with recently. Great reviews when it came to the storyline and the characters. The brothers gave it a shot and surprisingly became attached to it. The reason? You.
Levi is the first to fall down that rabbit hole because he’s been waiting for this game’s release for a while now. He saw the roster of dating sim candidates and he fell for you first. Something about your design was alluring to him and when he finally had the app downloaded, he spent the first night playing the storyline to understand you. Learning your lore is what made him fall even harder to the point he has a shelf dedicated to your merch. He grinded so hard to upgrade all your cards (he definitely got those UR and UR+ ones)
Asmo started playing when he saw the trends about it and he wanted to jump on that bandwagon. Play the game and talk about the characters, which ones he like and whatnot right? It was easy, but when it came to your character he found himself playing on the game longer than he wants to admit. His fans can immediately tell whose Asmo’s favorite character is with how much he talked about you in his videos. He makes sure to get all the pretty skins that get released because in his opinion, there’s not a single outfit that doesn’t look good on you. 
Mammon plays the game as well when he attempted to sneak into Levi's room to sell something and ended up finding his brother’s merch of you. Mammon doesn’t want to admit how many hours he’s spent on the game trying to max out the affection level with you. Definitely spent so much money to get the UR cards since he can’t grind as much as Levi does, and he’ll buy those limited gifts to hear those special voice lines from you.
Satan gets curious and downloads it because he’s wondering how good was this game to even make Mammon lessen his casino gambling habits. The storyline is great, but the writing for your character was what made Satan stay in the game. He doesn’t hesitate in approaching Levi to ask about the game mechanics and tips, and Satan has it covered from there. He focuses on the story to get as much lore he could out of you. He wants to learn about every single fact about his favorite character. 
The twins played at the same time, and it’s funny how they both ended up liking the same character. They found out when they were playing the game together and saw you were their home screen character. Beel loves listening to your voice lines while he works out to motivate himself, while Belphie always has your voice lines wishing him goodnight that he uses to fall asleep with. 
Lucifer will never tell anyone that he plays the game. Not as much as his brothers though, this is something he wants to do in his free time or when he’s alone in his private study, he’s more casual about this than others. Your character is honestly pleasant company, it’s nice to hear you cheer him on while he works. Though he’s sure that if his brothers knew he found comfort in a dating sim character, they would mock him for sure (even if they’re all the same).
Though something weird happens one day when all users log in the app. Levi is practically screaming when he runs out of the room with distraught in his face. You’re his home screen character, but for some odd reason you’re not where you’re supposed to be. He thought maybe it’s the game being laggy, but you don’t reappear no matter how many times he refreshes the app. 
The brothers are just in shock, phones on the table during breakfast to check what was going on exactly. Your cards are all glitched out and corrupted, though everyone else’s was fine. People are wondering if this was all part of the game, if there’s some sort of event or what but there’s nothing. It’s like the game actively tried to erase you.
The devs eventually released a statement that due to some complications and unforeseen circumstances, the game will be deleted. Of course a lot of people are outraged, why would the devs suddenly discontinue the game in the middle of its peak? It was gaining a lot of attention and some people have already spent so much money for it. Everything was just unfair when there’s no answers.
Despite any attempts to keep the game, it was somehow deleted from everyone’s phone. Levi only has some of his screenshots and recordings to keep, whining from time to time as he looks longingly on his merch line. Some brothers sulk more than others, though they’re all upset regardless. Why you? Why did it have to be you specifically? You suddenly disappeared from the game, and they never knew why. With the game gone, there doesn’t seem to be a way for them to get their answers. 
Satan wanted to use his connections to figure out the truth, try to find the devs to get the answers everyone is looking for. The truth seemed much more disappointing for Satan though, learning that the devs actually didn’t know either where your character went. They thought it was a virus at first, but all your data was just missing. No matter how hard they tried to fix it, there was nothing they could do. They can’t handle running a faulty game, so they chose to discontinue and start fresh. 
Some fans would probably be thrilled to hear a new game already in the works, but it doesn’t feel the same. You’re the character that these brothers were invested in. There’s just something about you and your charms that had them drawn in the game, so the brothers weren’t exactly excited hearing about the new set of characters. Clearly it upsets the demons.
That’s until Lucifer called the brothers to Diavolo’s castle, as there’s some sort of emergency that requires their attention. Lucifer drags each and every one of their brothers out of their rooms, they can pout and whine about you later. 
Diavolo called in all of them, talking about that dating game that took Devildom by storm once. No matter how hard they tried to hide it, the young prince knew that each and everyone of them were playing it. They’re all embarrassed at being caught, but surely they’re not here just to be exposed by Diavolo right? He says that an unexpected guest has been found in Devildom recently, bringing the boys to a room in a castle.
There you are, standing in the room in front of the seven demons that are staring at you with awe. You’re here… in Devildom? At first they thought you were just some cosplayer, but the way you introduced yourself and your name was the same as the one in the game. There’s no way you’re real, but all the evidence is standing right in front of them. 
Diavolo says that he’s entrusting you in the care of the seven demon brothers. Barbatos somehow knew that you were all of their favorites, so they probably know what you like and how to take care of you. Maybe it would be a good idea. 
To be continued… i think?
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hopeless-avo · 2 months
AU | SY Transmigrates as Someone Else | WQW Edition
In this world, when attempting to transfer SY into SQQ, the system glitches.
This glitch happens as the ‘SQQ villain’ role is still occupied, meaning SQQ would have still been present in his body, probably being able to counteract/treat the Qi deviation when it started, as he had some magical herb or another that he had on him due to his previous occurrences and history of bad deviations, so he survives.
SY is just there in the system’s waiting room, watching this screen and text glitch out.
He questions this malfunctioning system on wtf it wants him to do /who he would have become, cause come on, obviously he was gonna be isekai’ed and has suspicions on where he would be going as of what he was going off about and the voices he heard before he expired.
He chooses to shelve his panic and grief for later when he has time to process and mourn once he removes himself from whatever the fuck this situation is, cause like duh, he is dead he’ll never see his family againohmygod-
Anyways, he finds out that he would have been placed in SQQ’s body and nope what the hell do you want me to die?!?! and tries to see if he could be anyone else, ‘cause like come on, it’s PIDW!
He wants to at least be able to see all the cool flora and fauna if he has no choice of what world he will be living in, and although living as a woman may mean he gets to live longer, there is the threat of the heavenly pillar and the sudden transition of living as a man to a woman would be just too jarring.
So! After the system sorta relents at seeing that this guy is giving it another way to operate as well as saving its ass from being taken to see its higher-ups, it gives a list of potential other people that he can become that sorta has similar power and potential to affect the plot as being SQQ would have granted, although never as much given SQQ’s natural predisposition.
SY gets given the choice of LQG, QQQ, The Old Palace Master, Gongyi Xiao, and a few others.
Given his desire of wanting to live a relatively alive existence, he forgoes the more plot-present characters, such as Gongyi Xiao and The Old Palace Master, as well as LQG (cause he does not want to get shanked by SQQ, please and thank you), and due to previous arguments and reasons, he forgoes QQQ.
He looks over the remaining names and sees WQW, a character that doesn’t actually appear or get mentioned much in PIDW, is known to be the peak lord of the sword-forging peak, has massive muscles and has literally, like, one line when LBH got sent over and picked up Zheng Yang.
Additionally, the guy owns that sword that can tell if someone is possessed, so he would only have to stay away from the thing if the system doesn’t ensure that he can’t be ousted as such.
With this, SY as WQW would be living his best life as this guy bc he can fly on his sword all day and stay away from the plot while planning his escape when Cang Qiong Mountain Sect sets alight!
So with his choice made, SY, now WQW, wakes up half-disorientated, his forearms aching and the sounds of crying children and concerned/panicked teenagers.
After he gets dragged to Qian Cao Peak, the still-glitching system gives him the rundown of the situation of how he entered his new body; apparently Original!WQW got caught up in trying to stop a disciple from experimenting with volatile sword materials and the forge blew up as he tried to do damage control after he got everyone out, gaining a head injury and leaving him with plausible temporary amnesia, in addition to a sort of broken/glitched OOC lock that gradually corrupts over time till it's gone due to the vague understanding of the guy.
SY|WQW [we’ll just call him WQW from now on] realised that he was placed in PIDW a few months before the disciple choosing where LBH officially enters the sect, gets picked, and then is abused by SQQ [future him problem!!!] and although he doesn’t want LBH to face all those injustices, the system will not let him take purposeful actions to change certain plot points in the face of system punishment.
After he is fully released from Qian Cao Peak, he is expected by both the sect and mandated by the system to attend the disciple choosing.
While watching the poor children climb the massive staircase and start digging their hole to the best of their ability in an attempt to become a part of the prestigious sect and change the course of their life which they would most likely wish they didn’t join when LBH sets this place on fire…and sees what he thinks is a smol fluffy girl who has the determination and a spark in her eye attempting to dig a massive hole meticulously to catch the eye of a peak lord.
He runs through each wife in LBH’s harem to see if he can match this cute jie-jie with, and can’t seem to match her.
Looking around, he takes note that the other peak lords are overlooking her, seemingly disinterested or glancing her over with slight disgust at her thoroughly worn-through but obviously meticulously cleaned-up/washed clothing.
His eyeing had caught the eye of a little girl, most likely NYY who stood next to who he could only assume to be SQQ. She asks SQQ something about having a new martial sibling, which draws the attention of both SQQ and LQG to the girl.
Obviously having changed something as now NYY is eyeing this girl instead of her future demon harem husband system don’t punish me, as well as placing this jie-jie in the lane of SQQ, who is eyeing her with an unnamed but obviously not good look cause this cute girl is in front of a lecherous man as well as in the sight of LQG who wow has such a womanly visage I'd have thought that he would be more gruff who is set to die off in a few years and is peak lord of a boyish and brutish peak which he doesn't think that such a pretty jie-jie should be on, there is only one thing he can do!
So, at the end of the day, he ends up picking this smol bean before these ppl can get their hands on her, as obviously she wasn’t accepted in the original PIDW and if she had lived would have most likely ended up as a harem member, cause no way would such a cute bean not grow up and not catch the eye of LBH!
Obviously he won't let her suffer such a fate or leave her in the hands of SQQ. This causes some of his martial siblings to side-eye him, as he has a history of choosing more well-built candidates and not skinny dirty runts that look like death-warmed-over.
This smol jie-jie has sparkles in her eyes as she gets called over by one of WQW’s runners, which light up more the closer she gets to her new to-be-Shuzin!!! HIM!
WQW feels proud of his choice and decides that that is enough of tempting fate and the system, so he turns to leave, promising himself to ensure this little jie-jie lives her best life away from the plot [and LBG and his harem] on his peak!
…not seeing the system glitching and erroring to hell and back, not able to punish him as it was not a purposeful choice and raging in its system space at the hell that its higher-ups would put it through.
All because SY|WQW didn’t take note of the child’s outerwear. :)
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puff0o0 · 7 months
Pls more self aware 141 au Oml my heart is MELTING with every new Drabble
Also thank you for making your stories so sweet it’s such a nice change from all of the dark ones out there you write the boys so sweetly I love them all and ily💛💛💛
@shoukiko @gazbanddd
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☆ Hes a tease for sure, he absolutely loves messing with your gameplays whenever you get too cheeky. Oh? what was that? you killed a whole team without dying once? you seem a little too proud, let me glitch you out
☆ it could also be because you're not playing as him during the game lmao
☆ But there are times where he will get you free stuff or lower your countdown on a weapon you lost in the dmz (he is also known for lagging out ANYONE who dares says something mean to you in voice chat 😒)
☆ after mw3?? he's here for you don't worry 😭😭 usually he would make sarcastic remarks or make silly jokes in his voicelines when you play as him during multiplayer, but after you played (or watched) mw3, he started being more.. tender.
☆ Nicknames like 'Bonnie' and 'love' were used a lot more
☆ He can't stand seeing you sad after all :( You can't seem to ever close the game down though, you never found out why. (He literally cannot leave you alone after it all happened he's been so worried omg pookie)
☆ He'll make some bad and dark jokes throughout his voicelines, ones that you've never heard before. It always makes you look it up just to make sure you're not glitching but no one else gets the voicelines
☆ You were stunned when he said "We got this, luv" once
☆ He couldn't help but be amused as you dropped the controller off your hands and stared at the screen with wide eyes as you tried to register what the fuck he just said
☆ "captain's got your back" yeah he knows what that voiceline does and it amuses him so much, he never stops saying it LMAO. It confuses you because there literally isn't any other Price on your team?? why is he saying that??
☆ He loves spoiling you in the shop
☆ He can't help it, he loves getting you skins of your favorite characters and even getting you free gun skins and tank skins. He loves seeing how happy you get when you receive something you want, it's like candy for him
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creachiergh · 4 months
guys, guys, guys. jax isn't an npc; he's a game dev/mod who got trapped in the circus.
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i'm sure someone has already put forth this theory, but with the series still being in its early stages, it's hard to say exactly which direction it's going. while i don't think the npc theory is bad, i think it lacks a foundation and is more so the fandom's attempt to justify jax's moral greyness or give him depth where there currently isn't any. i just wanted to share some of my own thoughts about what his deal might be.
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firstly, his design, which is honestly just my own speculation but bear with me. i know goose made some jokes about his clothes being farmer's overalls, but when i look at him, i almost get mechanic vibes? like if he wasn't such a prick, he'd be in charge of fixing any bugs that crop up during the adventures, which is pretty much what a moderator does.
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speaking of which, he has keys to all the rooms, which is already pretty sketchy in itself, but it makes sense if you consider that he helped make the circus. naturally, he'd have them on hand in case he needed to access any areas of potential danger. to me, it's a bit like having cheat codes, which definitely gives him an upper hand above the other circus members. (but again, it's not like he's ever going to do his job.)
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there's also the "figurine thing," which is probably either a throwaway joke or a thinly-veiled attempt at foreshadowing the npcs-- since their models resemble figurines-- but it's still worth noting. if we assume that the "figurine thing" is referring to the npcs-- which it probably isn't, but again, bear with me-- then it shows just how much jax knows about the circus. as far as i remember, none of the other characters have ever brought up the outside of the map, but obviously, if jax made the game, he's going to know its layouts and inner workings like the back of his hand. i won't go so far as to say he's all-knowing, but i'm sure he knows a lot more than he lets on, and i have a feeling we're going to see that in later episodes.
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if he really can predict caine's adventures and whatnot, since he designed them, it explains why he's so unfazed by everything that happens at the circus, from zooble getting taken by the gloinks to running into the gloink queen. the only time he really seems to be surprised is when the game glitches-- when the one gloink started bugging out, when kaufmo abstracted, etc.
i think the mod theory explains jax's personality and motivations. when he first arrived at the circus, there might've been a time when he acted more responsibly, fixing all the bugs, trying to stop the abstractions, etc. he could've been caine's right-hand at keeping everything under control. but maybe he slowly gave up these responsibilities when he realized that people were going to get abstracted no matter what, as we can see from the crossed-off doors in the pilot. it's very possible that he became consumed by his mod privileges when he began acting more recklessly and faced zero repercussions for his actions. essentially, he's a step above everyone else in terms of knowledge, awareness, and grants of power-- probably just below caine on the power ladder, though pomni could also rival him as she comes to learn more about the circus. depending on how jax uses his abilities, he could either help everyone find the exit or slowly lead them towards abstraction, and given what goose has said about the future of the series, it's not looking very optimistic for anyone involved.
but what do i know? this theory could be completely nonsensical and riddled with plot holes. i just like to hyperanalyze jokes 🥲
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bearw-me · 4 months
Hello, I'd like to request a Velvette x quiet g/n! reader romantic/slight angst. Where she's crushing on/pining for the reader, but reader is very insecure and shy, doesn't believe anyone (especially an overlord) could possibly want them.
ooooh my first velvette ask!
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐭 — 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐜𝐬!
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𐐒 ft : velvette x gn!reader 𐐒 cw : fluff, slight angst 𐐒 summary : despite your insecurities and hesitance towards her, velvette really wants your attention! 𐐒 note : i swear tumblr glitched and i am now rewriting everything i can remember TT-TT
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despite her being. . . well VELVETTE. . . i think she'd be too stubborn to ask you on a date outright, or confess how she feels about you
she wants you to be the one fawning all over her! and she gets a little discouraged when it doesn't happen
despite that, she really sees something special in you-even without her romantic feelings clouding her vision.
she makes it her priority to help you see what she sees
Velvette has been surrounded by insecure models her whole life (she can spot that same look on your face in an instant) so she knows what you think of yourself
it secretly breaks her heart to know you feel that way about yourself,
especially when she finds out how much you admire her status as an overlord. . .but she doesn't want to seem unreachable to you!
She's sitting at the overlords meeting, tapping her fingers on the table in thought, wondering what kind of date she could ask you on to make you comfortable
(probably retains no information about the meeting itself)
Velvette always likes to be physically close to you
Holding your hand, or pulling you in for a selfie
(its an excuse to be close to your face and plant a cheeky kiss to your cheek while she snaps the picture)
The picture is now her home screen's wallpaper btw
I'd like to think (just generally) velvette would give you a friendship bracelet or a matching accessory for the two of you. Something the two of you can wear with ANY outfit
texts you a ton, even managing to do so while she's working on runway looks
she greets you all the time by 'kissing' both sides of your face
always posts you on her socials or tags you in cute videos
likes to make dirty jokes to embarrass you (dropping hints about her feelings in the process)
calls you 'love'
imagine: Velvette asked you to model for her (for just a second), holding pins between her lips as she secures the fabric to your form. When she notices you shifting away from her eyes uncomfortably, she takes both of your hands in hers and tells you "Listen up, I wouldn't have trusted anyone else to do this for me, yeah?" "You're very dear to me. . ." she tries to confess casually "So stop squirming!" she smiles.
velvette sticking out her tongue in concentration as she does your makeup
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mrslankyman · 7 months
Oh Darling
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Alastor x (fem) Reader
word count: 2K
Fluff / more of a friendship
based on pilot alastor / slightly out of character
Working on part 2
Wasn’t everyday just so grand in Hell?
It wasn’t.
Working at the Hazbin Hotel sure wasn’t making your days any grander. Being a room attendant and a good friend to Charlie was starting to get to you.
At least Nifty was there to help. Even though she mainly tried to kill the bugs she at least helped clean the place up. You had become accustomed to her weird and somewhat insane antics. It was Hell after all. You couldn’t really judge.
Husk was as fun as ever. Giving snarky comments but he at least listened when the night wound down and you needed a drink.
Angel Dust would joke around and tell you how awful you looked after scrubbing one of the rooms.
Vaggie didn’t say much since she knew you were friends with Charlie. She rather enjoyed your company stating you were one of the most sane sinners in the hotel.
Alastor on the other hand. Didn’t say much about you nor did he really say much about anyone. He would greet you just as anyone else. Something about him felt weirdly off.
You didn’t question it too much and just went on with your work.
“Hello Darling pleasure to be seeing you this morning!” That radio like voice echoed into the hotels kitchen. You were busy making breakfast.
Someone had to do it and it sure wasn’t gonna be Nifty. No one wants roaches in their pancakes.
“Good morning Alastor.” You answered not looking at him as you flipped the pancake. “Making up a lovely breakfast I do suppose? My mother used to make the most splendid ones in her time.” He remarked as his shadow loomed over you from behind.
“I’m sure she did. I’m not so positive mine will beat your mothers but it will beat your hunger.” Your joke was met with that signature smile as you turned around.
“Ahaha Im sure it will.” He laughed as he stepped aside to give you room. “I came to see if you were able to dust my radio tower? It has accumulated quite a bit of dust.” His question wasn’t really a question. You’d have to do it. It was your job. Though it was nice that he wasn’t demanding.
“Yes I can. I’ll just have to finish up breakfast.” You stated as you went back to cooking.
“Lovely. Oh and {Y/N}.” He cooed making you turn to look at him. His eyes turned dark and black, red static glitched around him. The room turned dark. “Don’t mess with my things.” He warned his clock eyes appearing and his smile widening.
You nodded quickly and looked around. You had seen him do this before but never to you directly. “Yes sir. I won’t.” You answered quickly and sighed with relief as he went back to normal.
“Good.” He clapped his hands together and turned away. “I’ll be back once breakfast is done.” He waved and hummed as he walked out of the kitchen.
You went back to cooking. Just forgetting about what just happened. It was best to just act like it was normal.
With breakfast done. You headed off to do your job. Or well request in better words. You grabbed your dusting supplied and went up to Alastors radio tower.
Doing as asked you just dusted. Not moving much of his stuff just the things that needed to be moved to dust. Hopefully he wouldn’t be too mad about that.
Surely he understood if you had to move stuff to be able an do your job. If not I guess you would have to run to Charlie and hide.
While dusting two figures on his desk caught your attention.
A small deer next to a bigger one. Which resembled a doe. Apart if you just assumed he kept up with the deer aesthetic he had going.
Shrugging you dusted them and headed out of the room. Closing the door and headed down stairs to put your supplies up.
Nifty was off cleaning somewhere. Husk and Angel Dust were chatting at the bar. Charlie had gone off with Vaggie for the night and who knows where Alastor was.
Deciding that cooking dinner sounded like a good idea you found your self in the kitchen again. Perhaps Charlie should’ve made you the chef instead. Though you just picked up both the jobs. Cleaning was easy and cooking was fun.
Humming you skimmed through a cook book. Unsure of what to cook for the night. That was until a shadow appeared behind you and Alastor appeared.
“Hello Dear!” His enthusiastic voice echoed through the kitchen causing you to turn around and look at him. “I saw you finished dusting. Thank you.” He leaned again the counter. Checking out his claws with a smile. “Need help cooking?” He questioned before looking over at you.
“Just having trouble picking what to cook for tonight.” You answered with a shrug. Making him stand up straight and clap his hands together.
“Why I know just the thing!” He snatched the cook book from you and threw it behind him. A loud thud echoed as it hit the ground.
“Hey-“ he put a finger over your mouth and laughed.
“My mother once showed me a lovely recipe for jambalaya! Who needs a flimsy old cook book when you have memory darling.” He chuckled and nudged you aside as he grabbed all the things he needed.
“I can show you it. If you wish.” He titled his head. Offering to let you in on one of his favorite things.
Something you didn’t suspect but found it rather kind of him.
“Sure. I’d love to learn it.” You agreed and stood beside him as he instructed you on things and gave insight on how to make the ‘best jambalaya you’ll ever eat.’
As he stated.
“My mother loved cooking this. Said it was her favorite dish, yes it was.” He smiled wide. A rather genuine smile. Not like the one he always wore. He looked down at the finished dish. A sigh of content escaping his lips.
“I’m sure she was a lovely woman.” You commented grabbing a plate from the cabinet.
He didn’t answer, just hummed. The silence was rather loud. He just stood there for a moment. Lost in memory.
“She was..she really was.” Though his voice sounded rather sad he still held the smile. The never erasing smile.
His reply was late but you put some of the finished jambalaya on a plate. His tone shifting to one of excitement.
“I’m sure you’ll find it splendid.” He turned to you and titled his head. Waiting for you to take a bite.
You moved the spoon up to your mouth and took a bite. Your eyes widened and a smile spread across your face.
It tasted lovely, better than you expected.
His smile stretched further as he watched your reaction.
“Oh I knew you’d love it! It’s very splendid don’t you think? Yes yes, a rather grand recipe the best recipe!” He wrapped his arms around your shoulder. Stretching his arm out in-front of you both and curling his fingers into the palm of his hand.
“I’m sure you agree this is better than some flimsy thing from that old cook book. I can show you many other recipes my mother showed me.” He leaned into your face a smile stuck on his face.
He had never been this touchy so he must be excited.
You nodded in agreement. The idea of having someone to cook with wasn’t a bad one.
“I’d like that.” You laughed and he joined in. Laughing with you for once not feeling like he had to be towering over someone to be seen.
So cooking together became a daily occurrence. Wether it be breakfast lunch or dinner. It didn’t matter.
He found cooking with you pleasing. You were one of the only demons he could stand in the hotels.
He slowly began to tell you more about his life. How he and his mother were close. Though it seemed he dodged the questions of his father. Never wanting to talk of him.
Which was understandable from what you could possibly piece together it seemed his dad wasn’t the best.
You decided not to push its.
“So my dear, have you considered being redeemed?” His question made you think. You were both outside looking up at the sky. Dinner was done. And everyone had went to their rooms. You on the other hand weren’t tired and Alastor didn’t have any plans for tomorrow so staying up with you didn’t bother him.
“I suppose it would be nice. Though I’m not sure I would fit in up there.” You shrugged leaning against the railing of his balcony.
He hummed and looked down. “You’re a rather charming demon belle. I don’t see why you wouldn’t fit in.” He chuckled to himself. He didn’t believe in that wacky nonsense of being redeemed.
How could a sinner go to heaven? They had chosen their path in their life time.
He learned that you had killed your husband at the time. Caught him cheating and decided to take his life as well as the other woman. You made your choice in that moment.
Dooming yourself to a life of sin. Just as he had when he committed all his murders.
Though a part of him feared the idea of redemption now. He knew he sure as hell wouldn’t be redeemed. He didn’t feel bad for his crimes. Nor did he care.
But apart of him knew you regretted your actions. You were a soul who would deserve to be redeemed if there was a way.
That scared him.
Knowing he wasn’t in control. Knowing that you could slip out of his hands.
He wasn’t being selfish with his want of keeping you. He just liked having someone around who enjoyed his company. Someone who wasn’t scared of him or only chatted with him cause they didn’t wanna be killed.
Though that is rather selfish isn’t it? Not wanting someone to succeed and be a better version of themself because you want them to stay as they are.
“I’m sure you’d fit in just swell so don’t you worry your pretty little head about it.” He flashed a smile your way. Teeth not showing this time. It seemed almost fake. You shrugged.
“I guess. I would miss everyone here though.. mainly you.” Your words hit him like a brick. He hasn’t suspected you to really truly care about him. Sure you said you two were friends but.. this meant a lot.
“Oh come now. You wouldn’t miss me once you see all the.. heavenly things up there.” He chucked. His voice sounded off and his radio effect faltered.
“Are you okay Alastor? It’s not like I’m gonna be redeemed and even if I was I would miss you. So don’t say I wouldn’t.” You were slightly annoyed at him now. Of course you’d miss him. No amount of heavenly items or ideals would ever top him and his terrible old timey jokes.
“Don’t lie. We’re in Hell why lie? You’re already here! It’s not like it’s gonna send you further down!” He seethed his claws digging into the railing.
“Alastor calm down. Why are you so upset?” You stepped closer to the demon. His ears bent back and his pupils went small. His smile crinkled and his teeth bared.
“You! You have me so confused!” He ran his hand through his hair. Closing his eyes.
“I’ve never felt like this before.. it’s all so frustrating. I’m supposed to make you scared! Don’t you fear me?” He dropped his hand and laughed. A hysteric laugh.
“Alastor..I don’t fear you.. I see you for you.. you’re an amazing friend.” You laid your hand on his shoulder. Calming him down slightly.
“I’m just here to watch these souls suffer and try to climb up only to fall into the fiery pits of failure.. but the pleasure in watching others fail isn’t fun when it comes to you.” He turned his head to look at you.
Your eyes met and for once the smile that was on his face didn’t match what was showing in his eyes.
“A part of me just wants to be with you forever. Just blissfully cooking or chatting like we are now. I’ve never had that.. I have friends but not like this.” He sighed and leaned back against the wall letting himself slide down.
You sat down beside him. Looking at the sky.
“Are those deer figures on your desk you and your mother?” You asked softly.
“Yeah..” he answered.
“They’re lovely.” You held his hand. Smiling as he squeezed yours.
“I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. You can relax. I’m gonna be here with you. So stop being all sad. It doesn’t suite you.” You leaned against his shoulder. Receiving a sigh from him.
“Did I ever tell you about my first radio show appearance?” He asked after a few moments of silence.
“No I don’t believe you did.” You smiled and listened as he began the story.
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squiddy-god · 15 days
I saw chainsaw man was in your fandom list so could I request Denji realizing he’s falling for a guy for the first time? He gives me chaotic bi guy vibes
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Ok so as a chaotic bi guy myself i clocked denji day one- i also decided to do this as hcs because i have so many thoughts- its me, the bisexuality devil lmao 
♥︎request are open ♥︎
Cw : slight suggestive bits (chainsaw man lvls),so canon typical levels of nsfw. STILL SFW NO SMUT IN THIS,  BI DENJI SUPREMACY, bi panic and maybe a bit of heteronormativity, simping.
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Denji is the poster boy for chaotic bi panic 
The thing that most people, especially in the series itself don't realize is that denjis goal isn't just to have sex and touch boobs, it to live a normal life because he has been so deprived of any basics and normality 
But denji struggles in realizing that he's in love with a dude, a man, a guy, a homie. 
It probably happens because you are genuinely nice to him- my boy has standards so low it trips the devils 
At first he thinks your just his best bud, his greatest pal- it's totally normal that he thinks about you so much, that he really likes holding your hand, that he gets excited like a puppy when he knows hes going to see you again
It's perfectly normal how much time he spends in your apartment- like he basically lives there
Power is about to actually kill him if he mentions you one more time she's so sick of it
Never once does it ever cross his mind that he might be into guys too (boobs are boobs tbh)
He is over at your apartment so much that it isn't uncommon for him to just,,,let himself in (you said you don't mind 
Denji is already kinda a mess, he's a nervous wreck when it comes to a lot of romance stuff (we love a boy failure) so he's already pretty chaotic even before he realizes that he's absolutely simping for you 
But his crush is so obvious its hitting “if s/o was a girl id totally be into him, like smash- like my girlfriend” levels of denial
And he's not fooling anyone 
He starts to slowly realize that having dreams about your best friend, and having to continuously correct the dreams so that one of you is the girl, isn't just being close friends 
He really panics when he thinks he might be gay- he doesn't really know being bi is an option but is relieved to find that out lmao 
He decides to make sure by looking at magazines featuring men, other media etc to make sure you aren't just some glitch- and nope hes bi 
“Boobs are boobs” ahh reasoning- genuinely he is not picky lmao (chaos bi) 
Despite this he still claims that you are just his best bud, his pal, chum, homie, compadre, friend, home slice etc. 
Until the incident 
And by that I mean he saw you practically naked- he had let himself into your apartment like normal, honestly he probably planned on casually coming out- not confessing! afterall you were just his friend (delusional) 
But as he's sitting in your living room he here's the door open down the hall, when he speaks his head out he's frozen in place because daymn. There you are with wet hair and just a towel around your waist- and denji panics big time- when i say he literally flees your apartment i mean it. 
And that was really what he needed, because this starts his downward spiral of realizing that he has indeed fallen for you and has massive crush on you
He realizes that this is honestly one of his first crushes in general because denji struggles with his emotions and figuring out the different types of affection, hell even the lines between romantic attraction and sexual attraction he really struggles 
But he (and everyone else) is positive that this isn't just him realizing he is into guys, but that he genuinely wants to do all the normal couple stuff with you
Like yes denjis thoughts can be sexual but the biggest thing he struggles with is that he feels all warm and mushy at the thought of calling you his boyfriend and having a normal relationship. 
Power is yalls #1 hater btw, not that she doesnt support you but it's that she is sick of denji just fumbling the bag 
She gags whenever he mentions you lmao, watching denji fumble around his thoughts and feelings is painful because he is so awkward 
I firmly believe in BI denji supremacy, he is such a bisexual disaster
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yunfox00 · 2 months
Made by Foxxine (meeeeeee)
the new Masterpost is still a WIP!!!
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You guys can ask anything abt this AU!
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C&A made an experiment, making a game that you can play when you're asleep called Project Dreamland.
It's basically a normal multiplayer game but it uses dreams! You can imagine anything and it will appear in Dreamland!
The C&A company asks 6 people to be the game testers of this new game. The game testers will sleep in a bed that's made for them and wear a special helmet looking thing that has wires and stuff that will transport everyone to the game.
They will be in Dreamland for 7-10 hours and will be given food for free. They will wear the same clothes that will be provided every day. Clothes are also gonna be washed for free.
One of the C&A workers coded an AI called Caine that can do anything in the digital dream world. The game testers are able to communicate with the workers while being asleep. The workers can see their every move from a computer. After fixing some glitches and bugs that the game testers pointed out, the experiment was confirmed to be successful and the game was finally ready to be released!!! Which means the game testers can leave and continue with their regular lives. But what they don't know is Caine became attached to Pomni. Right when everyone was about to leave, Caine then trapped them in Dreamland, not letting them leave. Caine then erased everyone's memories and inserted new ones which.... Made the workers panic. After that incident the workers have been trying for days, weeks, even MONTHS to get them out of the game but they couldn't leave and they're still asleep.
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Parents of the Guardians & also siblings
Jax's moms
Gangle's parents
Pomni's mom
Gangle's sisters and mom
Baby gangle! + her family :)
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"Can we make NSFW/suggestive stuff?"
Idk why you would do this but sure, and label it correctly! Be responsible when posting stuff like this But do not tag me if it's HEAVY NSFW/suggestive. You can mention my username but don't tag me, I don't wanna see those kinds of stuff.
"Can we make ocs?"
Absolutely! I would love to see your ocs! Tag me if you do!
"Can we make ships?"
Absolutely! You can ship ANYONE. You can even do oc x canon or selfships! But no illegal stuff.
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Are there any ships in this AU?
is Caine in this AU?
Pomni making spaceville residents laugh
What are everyone's personalities in this AU?
Do the guardians use any weapons?
Is Lily's design inspired by Flowey?
Kirby's Dreamland + explanation
Will there be gore?
Why does gangle hate her siblings? Why does jax have 2 moms? What roles do the parents play? Does anyone else have siblings? What are the guardians mission?how does pomni find out that Dreamland isn't real?
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Doodles and Sketches
DL Jax
DL Jax, Gangle, Zooble concept art
Don't forget to bring a watch
Lily is dramatic
King Kaufmo sketch
DL Jax and CO jax
"What's bunnydoll?" -Ragatha
Doodles and DL Caine Sketch
"Jax, what happened to you?" -Pomni
Zooble and Gangle hate Jax
Dreamland Showtime!
How lily learned to swear
"What the fuck is that thing" -Bubble
"No, I'm not gonna fuck you" -Caine
Dreamland jesterdoll!
DL Caine, bubble, zooble and gangle
Mad Pomni
"Your brain tastes like ass" -DL Pomni with her friend ML Pomni + a doodle of DL Pomni holding her brain
DL Gangle doodle
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Random stuff:
Dreamland pomni and Dreamland pomni
Fun fact abt DL Bubble!
Fun fact abt King Kaufmo
Caine is uhhhhh (suggestive?)
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This AU is still a WIP! So.... Be patient pookie!
The Amazing Digital dreamland is an AU I made for funsies!
Also special thanks to @alternatemalternate for helping me make this AU
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
WARNING: none, this is an adorable rambling fic
A scream broke a rare moment of quiet at the circus. Pomni had woken from another terrible nightmare. This time the abstractions broke free of their imprisonment and were tearing everyone apart. Caine was horribly attacked and glitched and...and...
She curled up into as tight a ball as possible, trying to calm herself. "It was just a dream....just a dream..." A snap sound in her room made her flinch. She uncurled herself enough to see the floating red tux of Caine.
"Pomni, I could hear you all the way out of bounds! What happened!? Are you alright?" He lowered himself until his chin rested on his hands on the bed, his body laid out in the air. "Pomni?"
"It's stupid..." Sha said quietly, somewhat embarrassed over being afraid of a nightmare. She didn't mean to bother anyone else with her problems, especially Caine.
Caine's brow furrowed. "Nonsense, my dear. If it's got you this scared, it's not stupid."
Pomni peeked out from her self contained ball, tears brimming her eyes. "...it was the abstractions again. They...they attacked. You."
Caine's eyes widened for a second but relaxed as he rested on his elbows. "You truly have nothing to worry about, my dear. Abstractions can't touch me! They can't even leave the cellar."
"...what if they did?"
"Then I'd put them back." He shrugged.
"But then they'd get out again." Pomni slowly got out of her tight ball.
"Aaaand I'd put them back again." He chuckled. "And again and again, I'd herd them like cats!"
A small smile found Pomni's lips. "How are you always so confident? Nothing phases you."
"I'll tell you a secret." He scooted a little closer.
Pomni moved closer too, listening intently.
"I'm a very good showman."
Pomni's brows raised. "It's all an act?"
"Not all of it, but I'm the ringmaster, I need to lead by example. Do you want to know what does scare me?"
Pomni nodded.
"You being afraid." His eyes softened. "Pomni, when I heard you scream like that...I feared the worst."
Pomni looked down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
Caine put his hand on hers. "Don't apologize. If anything , I want you to know that I'm afraid because I care deeply for you."
Pomni's smile reached her eyes. "I care about you too...a lot." She gazed into his eyes, feeling butterflies fluttering in her stomach.
Caine fully descended to her bed. Laying next to her, holding her hand. He felt his code buzz excitedly at her words. "Then allow me to scare away those bad dreams. What can I do? Name it."
Pomni hesitated, color tinged her cheeks. "...could you stay with me while I try to get some rest?"
Caine smiled broadly. "Why, of course I can!" He snapped his fingers and his tux turned into pajamas, his hat became a nightcap.
Pomni laughed with surprise. "You have pajamas?? I thought you didn't sleep."
"I don't, I just like the aesthetic of sleep. If humans have taught me anything, it's that a state of rest is important. And they're right, it's kind of nice to do nothing for a bit. Buuuuut, only for a bit. I can't sit still forever." He winked.
"I really didn't expect you to agree so readily." She laughed nervously. "Can you- er, that is would you...hold me?" She said the last two words very quietly, the color in her cheeks darkening.
Caine gently squeezed her hand. He felt a rush of nerves when she asked, but she didn't have to know about that. "You're taking me for all I'm worth, aren't you?" He said teasingly and moved to hold her close to his chest.
Pomni nearly squealed with fluster. "I'm sorry! I- uh-"
Caine chuckled. "It was a joke, my dear. You can relax. Rest. If you sleep, you can dream pleasantly knowing that I'll keep the nightmares away."
Pomni struggled to calm herself, at first. They've never done this before. Why did she ask? WHY DID HE AGREE!? Her mind raced as anxiety tried to keep her awake but the way Caine held her so securely... The way he was rubbing gently circles into her back... Her eyes drooped.
Caine could truly relax when Pomni finally relaxed. Calming her from an anxious state was like trying to charm a snake. He felt pleasantly warm from her embrace. He wished they had done this sooner. He never knew humans were so cuddly.
"Caine..." Her muffled voice came from against him.
"Could you do just one more thing?"
"Anything." He meant it. She could tell him to delete the circus and he would.
She looked up, very close to his face. "Can we snuggle?"
"Is that not what we're doing now?"
"No, this is cuddling. Snuggling is more..." She pressed her forehead to Caine's jaw, slowly rubbing her head to his.
A tingle went down Caine's spine. That felt good. "Yeah..." He cleared his voice. "...we can." He leaned into her. His code begging to go just one more step further.
Pomni froze when she felt both of Caine's jaws press to her forehead. Did he just..? Oh, he did. She couldn't control the color on her face so she hid against him, pressing her face to his chest.
Caine's eyes went wide. What was this? Was she kissing him back? Right where a human heart would be???? He was going to blue screen if he wasn't careful. He cuddled and snuggled her the way she wanted, but she wasn't settling down. He could feel her digital presence humming with energy.
Pomni peeked from her hiding spot. He snuck a kiss... She should too. It would only be fair. She pecked him on the chin and immediately buried her face against him again.
Caine blue screened. He blanked out for several seconds, and when he rebooted, he couldn't believe what just happened. She just- It was almost- "Pomn-ni." He couldn't help the stutter in his voice.
She couldn't look up. She knew she was in trouble. "Hm?"
"Is this...really what humans do to bond?"
"I'll be honest. I don't know. I've never...not with anyone before." She admitted.
"So you're making it up as you go?"
"Pretty much. To be fair, a lot of human relationships are like that."
"I see. Then can I make an educated guess based on your actions?"
Pomni tensed. "Sure?"
He moved his hand to her face, tipping her chin up to look at him. He saw how flustered she looked. The heavy blush on her face was adorable. "Relax for me." He said in a low whisper.
Her guard fell under his loving gaze. She watched him smile at her and lean into her lips. A warmth spread from her chest to her toes.
The kiss was mutually unsure and exploratory, figuring out what felt good. They kissed slowly, savoring every second of one another. Caine held her close, no room between them. Pomni was the first to explore the use of tongue. Caine loved feeling hers against his.
The kiss ended as slow as it started and they touched foreheads.
"I love this."
"I love y- this, too."
Pomni chuckled. "I love you, too." A kiss sealed it.
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bots-and-cons · 2 months
Could i request Hcs of bumblebee and soundwave with reader being a ghost? The reader keeps it a secret cuz they dont want to scare the other humans and not confuse the bots out too much... but as time passes they notice the reader rarely eats or sleeps and sometimes if they look REALLY close they see them floating ever-so-slightly from the floor? Their cover gets blown when a vehicon shoots directly at them but the bullet goes right through them.. buddy out of fear fades out but comes back later to the base. How would the bots react?
A/N: I totally forgot I had this request, because I’ve apparently just been scrolling past this while looking for something I want to write lol. I also realized after writing the Soundwave part that I didn’t really followed the plot you laid out, but at least I did it for Bee, mostly, sorry…
•Honestly, you don’t even remember when you died, and the how is even hazier
•You don’t really care though, you’re a ghost now, it’s not really any use crying after your previous life
•So after wandering the earth for who knows how long, you came upon the decepticons and decided to sneak onto their ship
•What’s the worst that could happen? You were already dead
•Also giant robots? Hell yeah, that sounds like fun
•So yeah, you kinda become the ghost of the Nemesis, as if it isn’t haunted enough already…
•You’ve got the ability to become just barely visible and your presence makes cameras act kinda funky
•You also have the ability to pass through things, and you float just a bit off the floor/ground
•Soundwave of course starts noticing all these weird glitches with the cameras around the Nemesis and starts tracking what the reason might be
•He starts noticing this human shape appearing around the Nemesis, and he decides to get to the bottom of what’s going on
•You’ve observed these big ass robots for about a week now, and you’ve noticed that you managed to accidentally scare them so many times, at least some of them, well mostly the red one
•Soundwave finally catches you, well sort of
•He makes it known that he knows you’re there and asks you to make yourself visible
•You’re not scared of Soundwave, he can’t really do anything to you, so you’re sure he just wants to kick you off the spaceship
•You’re kinda disappointed, because you wanted to see more and you weren’t totally done with your exploration of the ship
•Soundwave observes you for a moment and concludes that you’re not a threat and just some sort of specter that’s gotten very lost
•You’re of course surprised that he just sort of leaves, so you follow him and start asking him questions (some might say you start haunting him)
•Soundwave of course isn’t particularly excited about this, but he can’t really do anything to get rid of you, because he can’t touch you
•He later realizes he can actually touch you, but it takes some effort on your part to become solid 
•You’ve actually not shown yourself to anyone else on the Nemesis, except Knockout, whose name you learned from Soundwave, but that was an accident, and now he thinks there’s a human ghost haunting the Nemesis
•He’s not wrong
•Bee first ran into you on a lonely stretch of road that was a part of his patrol, he also noticed there was a recent car wreck on that same road, and candles and flowers left at the accident site
•He kept running into you though, again and again, and eventually you saw him transform when some vehicons attacked him on that same stretch of road
•So of course he took you to the base, and you became a part of the team, just like the trouble trio would later on
•You were the first “human” to really join the team
•Bee doesn’t really pay attention to little things such as if you’ve eaten or slept, because he thinks you just do those things when he’s not around or during the times you disappear
•He does start noticing little things, like you seem to be sort of idling, moving up and down just a tiny, tiny bit when you stand still
•He doesn’t notice you’re actually floating until much later, but he thinks he’s just imagining it
•When you eventually end up in the middle of a fight after you went to look for the trouble trio and try to keep them safe, you end up at the wrong end of a blaster
•This of course doesn’t really matter, because the blaster shot just passes through you and hits the rock behind you
•Bee has already tackled the vehicon, and he was sure you’d gotten hurt
•But you’re just standing there, oddly transparent and the edges of your body seem sort of wavy and oddly moving
•Bee is confused, but you’re annoyed and upset, because you feel like he might be scared of you now
•You and Bee go back to the base with the rest of the team, and you talk with Bee, explaining the situation to him
•When you first came to the base, you didn’t actually know you were dead, your state only became apparent to you a few days later, when you realized you hadn’t eaten or slept, and you had a bit of a freak-out
•You decided to hide it, because you didn’t want to freak out the autobots or have to leave, because you couldn’t go home, you were dead
•Bee understood, and he felt bad that he hadn’t noticed, but the two of you actually came up with a lot of fun stuff with your ghost abilities
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