#does the dispenser mean nothing to you....?
triptychofvoids · 4 months
Hay doc you ever try making something with engi?
hah of course, all the time!! why else do you think we spend so much time in the lab or the workshop together?
19 notes · View notes
peachessndreamss · 1 month
Weirwood Tree
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Summery : While in labour with their second child, Cregan and his wife take s short walk to the Weirwood tree to help get things moving.
Characters : Cregan Stark x f!wife reader (no use of Y/N)
Warnings : Pregnancy and childbirth (nothing explicit)
Word count : 3k
A/N : Turns out you never shake being a Stark girl, Ily Cregan so much.
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“I’m sorry t’say it, my lady, but your labours have slowed up,” the midwife said softly as she drew the sheets back over Lady Starks bent knees before dipping her hands in a bowl of water. 
“Slowed up?” Lady Stark repeated incredulously, dropping her head back on the feather pillow, “but it's been hours already,” she added, tears burning her eyes. 
The second child of Lord Cregan stark and his lady wife was in no rush to make their way into the world. Despite the frequency and strength of her earlier pains once the midwife and maester had been sent for, everything seemed to have come to an uncomfortable halt.  
The midwife had brought her ancient grandmother along with her, known through Winterfell and the winter town as Auld Joan, she had been a midwife in her own time and had delivered Cregan's father and uncle. She was mostly blind and deaf now but still attended births but spent most of the time sitting as close to a heat source as possible and dispensing wisdom if necessary. She was currently sitting in a chair next to the roaring fire, her ancient hands clasped on her lap, knuckles bulging out of shape and fingers curled like claws. 
“I know it's been a while,” the midwife said soothingly, placing a warm hand on Lady Stark's knee, “but sometimes it's just like this,”. 
“The last one wasn't like this,” Lady Stark grumbled, her mood darkening as she tried to shift around into a more comfortable position. 
“You mustn't compare one with another,” the midwife soothed before touching a cold cloth to the lady's forehead. 
“A walk will geyit moving ,” the old woman wheezed from her seat by the fire, “no’ this lying about,”. 
The maester, who had been mostly disinterested in proceedings up until this point shot the old woman a dark look, he was standing in the far corner of the room, a leather case of vicious metal tools clutched jealously to his chest. His grey robes matched his grey and sickly looking skin. He wasn't particularly interested in births or deaths or the everyday ailments of life and resented being summoned to the birthing room of any woman. 
“This position is agreed upon as being the correct way for labouring mothers,” he said coldly in a clipped southern accent. 
“Agreed by men who know nothing about it,” the crone grumbled. 
“What does she mean?” Lady Stark asked the midwife who was now gently feeling the swell of the lady's belly. 
“Baby's not quite in righ’ place, that's why things have slowed,” she explained as she pressed on the left side of the belly, Lady Stark winced, “but grandmother thinks a little walk might get things moving again,”. 
The midwife glanced over at her grandmother who had closed her eyes and was now looking peaceful in the flickering light of the fire, she looked back at her lady and dabbed the cloth over her cheeks before putting it back beside the bowl of cold water. 
“What do you think?”Lady Stark asked. 
She shrugged, making a point not to look towards the maester before replying. 
“It helped me with mine, and it wouldn't do you any harm,”. 
The maester opened his mouth to disagree and lady stark held up her hand to silence him. 
“Just walking through the keep, out into the godswood for the fresh air should do it,” the midwife continued. 
The lady nodded and lifted herself up onto her elbows, she addressed the maester, privately enjoying ordering the sour faced man about. 
“Lord Cregan is outside the door, fetch him in,” she said. 
Cregan Stark had paced the halls outside of his wife's rooms since he'd been asked to leave them several hours before. While he wasn't accustomed to being removed from parts of his own castle he respected that father's, even lords, were not expected to be present at the births of their children,so he was surprised to hear the door opening when he was fairly certain nothing much had happened yet. 
“My Lord?” The voice of the maester echoed off the walls as the lord strode into view, “your wife would like to see you,”. 
He nodded, his face stern as he stepped past the man and into the warm, dark room. 
“Seven Hells,” he murmured as he pulled at the collar of his shirt, instantly feeling the heat of the room rolling over him like a wave, sweat breaking out on his forehead and upper lip. 
As he looked around the room he was surprised to see the midwife helping his wife into her fur boots, a long, heavy cloak already covering her shoulders. 
“Going somewhere?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
She turned her flushed face to him and smiled. 
“Yes, we're going for a walk,”. 
Cregan’s brows rose but he nodded without further comment, knowing better than to ask questions.  He watched nervously as the midwife helped his wife to her feet, ready to spring forward at any moment if it looked like Lady Stark might lose her balance. 
Once he was happy she was safely on her feet, Cregan stepped towards them, offering his arm to his wife, who took a small step and linked her arm through his. 
“Twice around the godswood’ll do it,” Auld Joan spoke from the chair, she opened one ancient eye that could just be seen through the folds of skin that made up her face. 
“Or as far as you need’t,” the midwife added, her eyes flicking towards the maester. 
From the darkest corner of the room the maester muttered under his breath “foolishness” but no one else could hear him or pay him a moment's more attention. 
As the Lord and Lady of Winterfell stepped out of the stifling room and into the cooler corridor of the keep they both gave a sigh of relief. As they walked they instinctively drew closer to one another. Finding comfort and strength in each other's presence. 
“This is an unexpected pleasure,” Cregan said as they stepped through the door of the keep and into the much colder air of the inner bailey. The ground was a mess of mud, straw, snow and grey brown slush that cracked and crunched under their boots. 
“Yes,” she agreed, her hand tightening on his arm as her foot slipped a little on a patch of hidden ice, “Auld Joan felt this would be the best way to get things moving again,”. 
Cregan nodded, “She's seen a fair few babes born in her time, she knows what she's talking about,” he paused and took a deep breath of cold air, “I think she might have even delivered my grandfather,”. 
“Surely not!” She exclaimed, looking up at her husband's handsome profile, “that would make her more than a hundred years old,”. 
“I've heard of stranger things in these parts,” Cregan said with a shrug. 
They walked quietly together, moving slowly and carefully through the slush.
“Not as easy as last time then?” He asked as they made their way past the archery butts where the young men of the household were practising and past the stables with their snorting horses and young boys shovelling straw. 
“No, this one seems to have an obstinate Stark streak in them already,” she replied with a soft laugh that sounded like music to Cregan's ears. 
“I seem to recall your own family are known for their stubbornness so I won't be taking all the responsibility for that,”. 
“Pigheadedness, I believe my father called it,” she replied with a laugh, Cregan gave his own snort of laughter. 
“Your father certainly has a way with words,” he agreed. Recalling a few choice phrases her father had used for him during their courtship. 
As the pair crossed into the godswood the sounds of the keep and the town beyond the walls seemed to fade away and they became the only two people in the world. The ground was covered in a dusting of snow which had frozen overnight and now crunched under foot. From the dark canopy of the trees small birds sang between themselves and bounced from branch to branch, leaves rusting and falling to the ground in their wake. 
“Aly is worried we won't have enough time for her when the baby arrives,” Lady Stark said as they passed under the first dark boughs, “she kept asking me if we were going to send her away when I was putting her to bed last night,”. 
“She's a sensitive soul,” Cregan replied with a soft laugh, his mind wandering to the little girl who was at that moment playing in the same nursery he played in as a child, waiting for his own younger sibling to be born. 
“I dread the day we do need to send her away,” she lamented, drawing her body even closer to his in the cold air. Her free hand resting low on the swell of her belly. 
“We've many years before that day, my love,” he soothed, “and perhaps many more babes to fill our home,”. 
Lady Stark laughed softly, feeling the dull ache of her labours growing in strength as they followed the well known path through the trees.
“You are insatiable, always wanting more,” she said softly and Cregan laughed. 
They had been married 6 years and now were as comfortable with one another as any married couple could expect to be. Having been friends before they’re union had made things easier but the months after Cregan’s return from war had tested them to their limits. The time spent apart had been long and difficult for the both of them, when Cregan had left he was already old beyond his years but on his return he was darker and colder than the longest winter night. He’d forgotten laughter, softness and gentleness and his first few months back in Winterfell had been fraught as the two learned to live with one another again and find their way back to the happiness they’d briefly shared before the dragons tore the realm apart. 
The followed a well trodden path through the woods, her arm wrapped tightly through his and his hand resting over hers, warm and solid. As they walked, Cregan listened to her breathing, noticing every change to her breath and hitch in her voice. He was ready to take her in his arms at any moment to rush her back to the midwife if was necessary. 
They turned a corner in the path and were now on course to the weirwood tree, its ancient face seemed to watch their approach and its blood red leaves reflected in the black water at its roots. 
Suddenly Lady Stark stopped, her free hand going to her belly with a sharp intake of breath, she groaned, her teeth biting into her top lip as a strong contraction wracked her body. Cregan tightened his hold on her, fear gripping at his heart and twisting his stomach. 
After a few seconds of pain her face relaxed and her eyes opened, her cheeks were flushed with colour and despite the cold there was sweat at her hair line. 
“I think this might be working,” she said with a small smile, “or perhaps the baby can feel the tree,” she added, glancing toward the weirwood. 
“A good Stark then,” Cregan replied, forcing a lightness in his voice he didn’t feel. 
She stepped toward the tree and he followed her closely, never letting her more than an arm's reach from him. Once close enough she placed her hands on the tree, feeling the rough bark rasp against her skin. 
“Do you think the old kings of the north were born under this tree?” she asked, turning her face up as a shaft of wintery sunlight broke through the dense leaf cover, “snow and leaves for their midwife?”.
Cregan raised his eyebrow in thought for a moment before replying. 
“They were certainly conceived under it,” he smiled.   
“Yes, I remember the stories,” she agreed, turning to look at her husband and seeing the playful glimmer in his eyes. 
During the long months of the war she’d found comfort in the thousands of books in the Winterfell library, starting with the histories of the North going all the way back to the first men and how those ancient kings of the North did everything important in their lives in sight of a weirwood tree, they were born, married, made oaths and died as close to the trees as they possibly could. The histories had included stories of rituals the ancient peoples had contrived to conceive their children under the boughs of the weirwood trees, they believed these children would have the gifts of prophecy or live impossibly long lives because the powers of the tree flowed through them. 
“Perhaps, when you’re healed, we should try it ourselves,” Cregan teased. 
“When this one is delivered I’ll let you know if you’ll be welcome in my bed again,” she replied with a sly smile, before adding “my lord,”. 
Cregan gave a bark-like laugh, stepping closer to her and slipping his arm over her lower back and around her waist. She turned to face him, moving her hands from the ancient and cold bark of the tree to the living warmth of his shoulders, she studied his features before taking a deep breath and letting her forehead press against his. Another contraction wracked her body, she groaned and gripped tightly at the fur and wool of his cloak, taking strength from his body into her own. 
“I think we need to go back,” she said softly, their foreheads still pressed together. 
“I think so,” he agreed without hesitation.
Keeping his arm wrapped around her waist the two of them turned, she leaned heavily on Cregan as they completed the loop around the godswood and headed back through the castle courtyard. The space now almost completely empty as most of the household had been summoned for the midday meal. 
The progress was slow but they soon made it back to Lady Stark’s chambers, the room was cooler now, the windows had been thrown open but the coverings drawn across them to keep the room dark. The two women were sitting by the fire, talking quietly while the maester was still standing in the corner of the room, glaring. 
The midwife jumped to her feet and took Lady Stark’s arm, allowing her to slip from Cregan’s hold and move toward the bed.��
“How are you feeling my lady?” the midwife asked softly. 
“It helped, the pains are coming much more quickly now,” the lady replied. 
“Baby will be here soon,” the midwife agreed, “perhaps before the noon meal is over,”
Lady Stark glanced over her shoulder at her husband pausing by the door. His broad shoulders blocked out almost all of the hallway behind him.
“I want you to stay,” she said softly as she was helped back onto the bed. 
He smiled but shook his head. 
“This is not my place” he said softly, as he felt a burning sensation at the back of his throat and in his eyes as he fought the sudden overwhelm of emotions. 
“Thank you, my lord,” the old crone said from her seat, “we’ll take care of them,”.
Cregan nodded, knowing well enough when he was being asked to leave, he gave his wife a final look before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind himself and resuming his pacing. He wondered if his own father had paced nervously or if he had taken to the woods to hunt until the deed was over with and the child was cleaned and neatly wrapped in a blanket. He couldn’t imagine being any further than the castle gate while Lady Stark laboured. 
As the midwife predicted the midday meal hadn’t finished before there was the high pitched, squalling cry of a newborn that caused Cregan to stop in his tracks and lean heavily against the wall of the hallway, his hand clutching at his heart that was beating fast enough to burst. 
The door to the chambers opened and the midwife stepped out, a smile on her face as she saw her lord in a moment of unguarded emotion. 
 “A son, my lord, hale and hearty and with plenty to say for himself,” she said, the sounds of the crying child still coming clearly from the room behind her. 
“God's be praised,” Cregan said, his voice cracking with emotion. 
“Come meet him,”. 
Cregan felt his knees turn to water when he stepped into Lady Stark's rooms, the sight of his beloved wife cradling a squalling newborn was a joy that pierced his heart like an arrow. 
“Your son, my lord” she said with a tired smile, turning the bundle just enough for Cregan to be able to see the child's face. 
He stooped and took the child, cradling him close to his chest, for a few seconds the child stopped wailing, his blue eyes opening wide and taking in his first sight of his father. The two of them looked at each other for a few seconds, Cregan's own eyes filling with tears. One hot tear was about to track down Cregan's face when the baby in his arms screwed his eyes shut, opened his mouth and started to howl, his cries even more desperate than before. 
Lady Stark laughed from her seat on the bed, holding her arms out to take the child back. 
“Give him back, you're upsetting our son,” she said, grinning at Cregan who jealously clung onto the child, rocking him gently and trying to sooth the screaming babe. 
“Sorry my boy,” Cregan said softly, “but you'll just have to get used to me,”.
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lovebugism · 6 months
OMG Stevie helping his shy!girlfriend with a bloody nose while at school just ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
steve promises a good time in exchange for skipping class with him. you end up with a bloody nose. (established relationship, hurt/comfort-ish, 0.8k)
“Missed you,” Steve slurs against your mouth, pressing your body between his towering one and the cold bathroom stall.
You manage a quiet giggle between his sloppy kisses. He swallows the sunshine sound with his plush, pink mouth. “It’s only been three hours,” you tell him as you twist your hands in his wild hair. The chestnut strands feel like silk between your fingers.
“Yeah, tell me about it,” the boy mumbles before pressing his smile to yours. He licks into your mouth and sighs at the taste, almost like he’s never felt you before — like he hadn’t kissed the breath from your lungs all lunch period.
He’s insatiable, your beautiful brown-eyed boy, and he kisses you with haste accordingly. He’s always seemed to touch you that way. With a hunger, like every time he’s held you is the very first time. And with an eagerness, like any time could be his last.
Steve gets all boyishly aggressive beneath the weight of his yearning. And you, warm and fondly held by his swollen mouth and wide palms, can’t help when your head gets all swimmy about it. It’s a horrid combination, really. 
‘Cause when he ducks down to kiss your neck, you rise to the tips of your toes to swallow him whole. Your faces bonk rather gracelessly together accordingly — like a couple of poorly aligned planets.
“Oh, shit!” Steve exclaims as he pulls back from you, rubbing at his aching forehead.
“I’m okay!” you blurt — not because you entirely mean it, but because you feel like it’s something you should say after being so carelessly clumsy.
The boy’s face twists with a puppylike pout. His jutted lips are rosier and very ardently kissed. His honey eyes flit rapidly across your features, glazed over with leftover longing. You look about as far-gone as he does now.
“Are you sure?” Steve presses. Because you’ve got a tendency to downplay the severity of certain situations for the sake of being a burden. It’s a whole thing. You’re still working on it. “I know that had to hurt, babe.”
“I’m fine,” you insist despite the distant throbbing between your eyes. Shaking your head with so much vigor doesn’t help. “I promise. I’m good… I think.”
Steve peers down at you, visibly unconvinced. His narrowed eyes widen when blood drips slowly from your right nostril, trickling like a river of crimson down your cupid’s bow.
Your brows furrow at his suddenly concerned gaze. “What?” you wonder as you reach for your mouth. His eyes are very obviously pointed there, and you’ve got a weird itch now, anyway.
“Nothing! It’s okay, just— Maybe don’t touch it,” Steve blurts before ducking at your side. He unravels cheap toilet paper from the dispenser beside your thigh and wraps it around his hand. He rises again to wipe the nosebleed, only to find that you’ve smeared it with your fingers.
Your eyes go glassy at the cherry-colored blood staining your fingertips. “Gosh…” you murmur as your heart swells into your throat. You blink slow, head all swimmy — and not in the good way.
“It’s okay. You’re alright, babe,” Steve insists as he smooths a softly calloused palm beneath your jaw. He guides your chin softly upward and presses the tissue to your nose. “Here. Just tilt your head back. Hold this ’til the bleeding stops, yeah?”
At a loss for what else to do, you listen to him. You press the crown of your head against the stall wall and wrap a trembling hand around the boy’s wrist. You can feel his racing pulse beneath your thumb.
“This is the last time I’m skipping study hall with you,” you announce with an icy glare that’s hardly intimidating. “Ever.”
Steve’s lip quirks into a sheepish half-smile. “I figured,” he replies.
When the bleeding doesn’t stop, he takes you to the nurse’s. 
He sits with you in the concrete room, beneath the buzzing fluorescent lights and the overwhelming scent of bleach. His hands tremble with the longing to touch you while the nurse checks you over. She shoves a cotton ball up your nostril and a bulky icepack in your hand.
Steve would help you hold it if he didn’t think it would be the worst idea ever. He’s already gotten you into this mess — he figures it’s best to keep himself out of the rest of it for now. He idles in the corner, instead, and plays the innocent bystander.
“How did this happen, exactly?” the woman asks as she scribbles out a report. The pen against the clipboard sounds much louder in the quiet.
You glance over her shoulder at Steve for an answer. He shrugs with panicked eyes. The nurse peers at you over the frames of her cat-eyed glasses with a most impatient glare.
“I, uh— I just wasn’t paying attention,” you stammer less than convincingly. “Slammed right into a wall. Guess I should watch where I’m going, right?”
You force out a giggle while the older woman flashes Steve a deadpanned glare. “And I don’t imagine that you were the source of this distraction. Were you, Mr. Harrington?” she montones.
“Me?” he scoffs with a lopsided smile. “Of course not.”
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grimoirguestbook · 2 months
Book of Bill Website Codes
(Organized by category with notes)
Here's my list of inputs that work on the website :)
Hopefully the read more works like I think it does and I don't accidentally spoil anybody
That being said by clicking read more you will see All of the codes I have found so far
Please be mindful and try not to spoil anybody else with this information. So please be careful if reblogging
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I got everything I have collected/found on here, it's a bit messy right now but After I take a small break I'll reorganize and add notes but for now everything's on here, please so check out the posts linked in the log as once I lost all leads I looked to their post for other inputs :)
Also feel free to put any you know of that Aren't on here in the replies I'm sure there's some missing
I will be updating as I find more so check back in if you can! :)
Thank you!
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They'll be categorized by
Neat Tv text- Nothing special the tv just gets some text to it
Tab pages-brings you to another tab/website
Audio/video- Audio/video clip plays
Readables- A picture will pop up on screen that you can read
Printables- You can print them :D!
Other- Hard to categorize
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If an * is next to a name that means that you can get different results for the same prompt
(Any personal notes will be in parenthesis)
-> An arrow means that the Passwords are found in the previous page
ex- Page with code that translates to "dork"-> Dork
Blue text with an underline is a link! Haha! would you look at that! it works!
Will Keep this updated as I find more and will Note the logs at the end of this post
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For the mason page anagrams I know WHO they are I just don't know WHAT to do with them, i know it says cryptogram codex at the bottom i think i have to do something with the anagram results but I'm unsure what that is. Stanford Pines Stanlie Pines Gideon Charles Gleeful Preston Northwest Pacifica Elisa Northwest
Notes to Dipper Prompt: (Unsure why- Maybe going to Blind eye page and blurring it but changes from dipper being told to stare at the sun to "I THINK ITS WORKING! STARE HARDER! HARDER!" and the page looking burnt I Think it has to do with how many input codes you enter, It now says "you've almost solved it" and is even more burnt than before, it is now full black)
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Neat Tv text-
Book of Bill
TJ Eckleburg (Great Gatsby)
Deer Teeth
*Well Well Well Being
The Universe
Journal 1
Journal 2
Journal 3
Theyll see/They'll all see/I see
Disney/Disneyland/Mickey Mouse
333 Sundapple Lane Cozy Creek IL 60714-94611
Season 3
Season 2
Season 1
Who are you
Family matters
When will I die
Multilevel mark/caesaratbashvigenere
Easter egg
Sevral times
oh yes they both
Am i Blanchin
Bye gold
Youre insane
Titans Blood -> Owl Trowel
Text Chain (You get questions who's answer is another password)
Riddle->Yes -> Mountain Dont -> Lyre Liar -> Harolds Ramblings -> Union Made -> 29121239168518 -> Grebley Hemberdreck -> Rat -> 3466554 -> Tinsel Snake -> Torture Mentally -> Xgqrthx -> 333 sundapple lane cozy creek IL 60714-94611-> MutliLevel mark->emmaline butternubbins->Dispense my treat
What i thought it was (with answer sources):
Riddle->Yes -> Mountain Dont -> Lyre Liar -> Harolds Ramblings -> Union Made -> 29121239168518 -> Grebley Hemberdreck -> Rat -> 3466554 -> Tinsel Snake -> Torture Mentally -> Xgqrthx -> Titans Blood -> Owl Trowel
Answers found in TBOB- Don't Know, NA, Mcguckets dream page, Medieval page, Anti-Cipher Section- tonic page, Anti Cipher Section- Newspaper, Top Secret page, Textbook page- Skin, Dark Ages Page, Anti Cipher Section-Epilogue, A winter break- footprints page, Book of Bill Cover options page, Never trust a wizard page, Have you dreamed this fellow ad (references informercial in show)
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Tab pages-
Dippy Fresh
Alex Hirsch/Alex/Hirsch
*Stan/Stanley (his outfit in ebay searches plus a READABLE with SICK music mind you-Check readable section for more info)
Grunkle Stan
*Gideon (second option unlocked after fully "mableizing" the room)
Mcgucket/ Old man McGucket/Fiddleford
Bill Cipher/Rehpic
Zyler (Goes to same place as Craz)
Craz (Goes to same place as Zyler)
Toby Determined
Gravity Falls
Mystery Shack
Not a phase
Cray Cray
Fuck alex/Fuck you alex
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*Gideon (unlocked after fully "mabelizing" the room)
Tad Strange
Vallis Cineris (Found on wall when lightning strikes)
Hey Nerd
Weird (Love him)
That's just a/Theory/Gametheory/Matpat (<3)
One Eyed King-> Naitsuaf (Morse Code) ( early years page)
Forget the past
Im still on your mind
Just fit in
God/Frillium/Help me
Burned inside
Small/audio log/music (nothing showed up at first, turned off tv and strange audio played, needs to be reversed)
L is real 2401 (soos my boy)
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Mason (Dippers real name)
*Dipper (personal notes in ???- keep opening the card to get different results)
Pacifica-> PlatinumPaz
Robbie (def worth a look IMO)
Soos-> Pinata
Cursed (Translated from candle in background)
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Blind Eye->Theyll see (Will blur if clicked on, cannot un-blur, may change dipper?)
Booberry (Decoded from popsicle stick)
Even his lies are lies (Front paper)
Tantrum ( code on Bills Mugshot page)
Suck it Merlin
Shave your Grandma (leads to dippy fresh page)
Baby Bill/baby/lalalalala/daddy/mommy
Owl Trowel
Hotxolotl->Seven eyes-> r34lity
Love ya bro
Baaaa-> Black Sheep
naitsuaf (click are you ready-> Sign "pleasure doing business with you -candle light turns blue- OR be a coward (losing sound effect plays)
oroborous-> Frillium
Glass sand beach
destruction is a form of creation
you can't kill an idea
*Stan (click multiple times to get-once there click "how he beat me several times)
Dionarap->stod eht tcennoc
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Curse Wittebane (translates runes on page about witches)
Paper is just book skin ( BE WARNED: automatically downloads a photoshop file and crashses the cite)
Irregular (has code on it)
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Mabel (You get fun stickers and a popping sound :) )
*Giffany ( You put her name in multiple times and it forcibly downloads pictures of her and a text document to your computer, scared me a little Not gonna lie here)
Kings of New Jersey (downloads "secret code" font)
cryptogram codex (downloads cryptogram fonts)
dispense my treat-> Kook (downloads a bunch of cool wallpapers)
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One hour after posting: Added 17 new words
Found by me: Booberry, Mountain Dont, Xgqrthx, titans blood, lyre liar, haralds ramblings, union made
Accidentally found by looking at a post: Sorry
Gifted by replier (Thank you!): MATPAT, yes, no, Fortnite, life, death, portal, question, answer
30 minutes after last update: 9 Words added
Found by me: Theraprism, 29121239168518, Grebley Hemberdreck, Rat, 3466554, Tinsel Snake, Torture Mentally, Fordtramarine, Gun (shocked that worked It was a joke- "bill cipher has A GUN")
Like THREEEEEEE ish hours later?
Found by me: one eyed king, well well well being, shave your grandma, paper is just book skin, even his lies are lies, forget the past, irregular, euclid, tantrum, suck it merlin
Like 12 hours later
Found by me: Reality, Baby Bill, Reality, The universe, Giffany (why is it two Fs, Blarg) They'll see, I'm still on your mind, Journal 1, Journal 2, Journal 3
Gifted to me by a replier (Thank you!): Owl Trowel
Idk- Later
Found by me: hotxolotl, lova ya bro, kings of new jersey, fuck, just fit in
Found on twitter(JasonRitter): Dorito, Blanchin'
Gifted to me by Replier(Thank you!): Gideon's option knowledge
Even MORE later:
Me: Seven eyes, r34ality, filbrick, disney, skibidy, rizz, ohio, love, cia, fbi, rubberhose, 333 sundapple lane cozy creek il 60714-94611, bahhhh, black sheep, naitsuaf, oroborous,theyll see, theyll all see Frillium, occuremusiterum (some of these i gave myself because i was really close but just missed a small detail/spelling)
Taken from here and Here Because I got stumped: Season 3, Season2 , Season 1, Glass shard beach, caryn, Euclydia, Peak, Theory, Cray Cray, Help me, mickey mouse, hectoring, divorce, breakup, skeleton, math, history, monster, gyatt, who are you, fixinit1, conspiracy, riddle, cryptogram codex, horror, creepypasta, trigonometry, god, boyfriend,baby, lalalalala, scary, trigonometry,just blendin, morality, burnside, family matters, when will i die, elon, multilevel mark, goodnight sally,paper jam, tourist trap,the duchess approves,shape, scientology, meow, nacho, crypto,sevral times,easter egg, oh yes they both, daddy, mommy, burned inside, destruction is a form of creation, i see, unreality, you can't kill an idea, am i blanchin, fuck alex, fuck you alex, fuck you, shit, bye gold, nsa, globnar,disneyland,kook, kuibrick,virus,that's just a, you're insane
Next day
Found online: Dionarap, stod eht tcennoc, dispense my treat
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txttletale · 4 months
If we're asking about games on your list of favourites, as someone who adored Paradise Killer, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! I always enjoy your analysis.
so first of all the aesthetics of paradise killer are really good. usually games that were written in english but read like translations from japanese irritated me, but here i think it is very much leaned into and embraced as an aesthetic and set of cultural signifiers in its own right, which i really enjoy. the character designs are outlandish and charming. but what i really like about it is like, the way the core premise works
in most detective games, there is a correct answer, and not getting it is a failure state. you can't end a case in ace attorney with your innocent client being convicted, you can't get the wrong guy in the frogware sherlock holmes games. and this invariably, even if the game is critical in other aspects, tends to come around to a fundamental faith in the legal system and authority, right--something that's kind of baked into the detective genre at a fundamental level.
paradise killer upends that by simply saying "you are the detective. get the facts you need, make a compelling argument, and if the authorities above you believe you then you get to distribute justice as you see fit." you arrive on the island you're investigating and you're immediately told "hey, this member of a disenfranchised underclass did it, we've already arrested him, here's the evidence." and absolutely nothing stops you from taking that evidence and walking into the trial room and presenting it and saying "yep, he did it!" and beating the game! it's not a 'bad ending', you don't get a big popup saying 'you're wrong', the powers that be just accept the convenient narrative you've been given to present and everything moves on.
i like this from both, like, an ideological perspective, and also from an interpersonal stakes perspective. in most detective games, you can't miss a crucial piece of evidence, either because the game will not proceed until you pick it up or because you'll be forced to restart the 'trial' or 'deduction' segment when you game over because you're missing it. in paradise killer, whatever argument you put forward, if enough evidence supports it--even if you know for a fact it's wrong!--leads to the person you're accusing being executed. so the stakes are much higher, right, because instead of a game over screen and trying again, getting it wrong means that's just... how the game ends, with an innocent person being executed.
and more importantly i think it does a fantastic job--better imo even than something like disco elysium--at deconstructing the fantasy of justice. a constant theme of the game and something that the protagonist repeats often is "there is a difference between facts and the truth". you can withhold evidence at trial because it implicates your friends, or misrepresent it to implicate that bitch you hate. nothing in the system exists to stop you getting wrong, in fact your superiors encourage you to make the easy completely stritched up conviction and move on with your life.
and at the end, even if you get it right, if you catch all the criminals--all the time you spend investigating this island shows that, like, the society you're part of is fucking evil! you're all deranged immortals making constant human sacrifices to your evil gods! and you don't change that by solving the case, the whole thing just packs up and moves on. you don't get any comfortable resolution to that or to your role in it. you can play lady love dies as a diehard true believer or as a dissident rebel but either way she's ultimately just another cog in a machine, dispensing an alien and uncaring justice that is only attached to any real morality or truth by your decision to do so. a genuinely incredible game.
plus i like how whenever you open it a voice says 'paradise killer' so you know you're playing paradise killer
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Heyy!! I absolutely ✨LOVE✨ your work I've basically been stalking your blog😅. But anyway I was wondering if you could please, please do Nozel, Fuegoleon,and William where their s/o (preferably f!) yells or very calmly (your choice, does not matter which or how) says their full name in front of family/friends/squad (again your choice could be all, depends on you) and their reaction to it. I completely understand if you don't want to do it or it takes you a while to get to it thank you for your work regardless! I wish you well!! ❤❤❤
Hiya! I am overjoyed that you like my fics!!! And though I took my sweet time with this, I hope that you still enjoy it <3
Pairings: Nozel x f!reader, Fuegoleon x f!reader, William x f!reader Fanfic type: Headcanons Genre: hurt-comfort?, and some giggles ?? Total length: ~2k (about 650 words each) Contains: misunderstandings, reader raising her voice to the guys/displays anger to them, they make up in the end ('cause it was a misunderstanding), hurt-comfort, so fluffy ends
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You had a favourite pen. The kind in which you could change the ink cartilage, and thus keep using the pen for years and years. Though the ink dispensing mechanism had broken some years ago, you held onto the pen itself for sentimental value.
And it was always in a specific drawer in your room.
However, one day when you opened the drawer, the pen case nor the pen were there.
You scrambled through the drawer, first thinking to yourself that it must’ve just been pushed back, but after scouring through the drawer, the box, nor the pen, didn’t surface.
Your mind jumped to the idea of a servant having taken it, but quickly realized that it didn’t make sense. They didn’t go through drawers such as this one. ‘Such as this one’ because they obviously folded your clothes and put them into your clothing drawers. But this one was of no importance to the servants. And even if they had, for any reason, chosen to go through other drawers in the room, the pen case was among the least likely things to take.
Which meant that there was only one other person, who could’ve likely taken it. Your husband.
He was currently with the rest of the Eagles at the squad’s training grounds, and though he was occupied, you wanted to, needed to know now why he had discarded your favourite pen. Yes, sure, it was broken, but there was no harm in holding onto such a small item. You had space!
So, you stomped through the corridors to the training grounds, and spotted him some distance away, looking at his knights. Seeming somewhat uninterested. Or just held his poker face.
This was where he held his poker face. Looked as if nothing had happened.
And it spiked a kind of annoyance, anger even, in you, which made you yell out to him: “Nozel Evander Silva!”
He turned to look.
Other knights turned to look.
The trainings halted for a moment, and everyone just looked at you, glaring at Nozel.
He looked to the knights standing next to him, and said something, before walking towards you, as you crossed your arms and waited for him to get to you. And as he did, he looked at you, with concern on his face, hidden behind the mask of the squad captain.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, the syllables revealing more of his feelings than the expression that quivered, trying to upkeep the facade of a strong, unfaltering squad captain.
“Where. Is. My. Pen?” You asked, feeling the annoyance, almost anger, bubbling to the surface. “You know how much it means to me!” You said with a grave tone, without raising your voice, so that the knights wouldn’t hear. There was no need for them to know such details of your personal life.
His eyes closed in a slow blink, and a sigh escaped his lips. “I was hoping to surprise you,” he said with a hint of melancholy.
You frowned, not sure what, exactly, he meant by it.
“I thought to get it fixed, so that you might use it again, instead of just having it sit in that drawer,” he admitted.
And you... felt a wide variety of emotions. Affection, joy, but also guilt, guilt for having thought that he would have discarded it.
So, you took a step forward, and wrapped your arms around his middle.
He tensed in your embrace, and you could feel the ever so slight movement of his head to look back towards his knights. The look over his shoulder due to the public display of affection.
But he didn’t push away.
And you did let go, after a brief moment. You just needed him to know that he was important to you, and you appreciated the gesture he did for you.
Fuegoleon has asked you to find his calendar for him, so that me might go straight from the training session with his knights to the meeting at the castle.
And you happily obliged with the request. After all, you did want to help him with his duties and make his life easier, just like he did for you.
So, you entered his office, and begun looking for the calendar. It wasn’t on the desk, not on first glance at least, so it must’ve been in the desk drawer. Or that seemed like the most likely conclusion to make, which is why you made your way to his desk, circling onto the side of his chair.
Your hands moved to the drawers, but... as your gaze became directed down, you noticed your name on a piece of paper, which made your curiosity pique. After all, because your name was on it, it must’ve concerned you, right? So, it was alright if you looked at what it said on that piece of paper. Right?
You slid the paper along the surface of the desk closer to you, and started skimming it through. But... as you did, and your eyes landed on the line of “...will not be ordered on another mission” anger bubbled inside of you.
What did he mean you weren’t going to be assigned another mission?! Did he not think that you could handle it?!
You clenched the paper in your hand and stormed out of the room with one intention, and one intention only: to find your husband and demand an explanation.
Luckily, you knew exactly where to find him, so you made your way to the training grounds, and locked eyes on him as soon as you were outside.
You walked up to him, as his knights slowly, while trying not to seem like they were looking, looked at you. After all, perhaps there was a need to pause the training, because the captain was overseeing it, after all.
“Fuegoleon. Alexander. Vermillion,” you spoke in a calm manner, but enunciated every name, every syllable, while looking straight in the eye.
You could see his eyes flicker, but he continued to look at you. “Yes?” There was hesitance in his tone, as if puzzled what was the cause of all this.
“What did you do?” You asked, with an equally cold tone as before.
“I... really couldn’t tell you,” he replied with a frown and an uncertain, confused tone as he continued to look at you.
“Mhm,” you hummed with a quirked eyebrow.
“Could we perhaps go to the side to discuss this through?” He suggested, to which you agreed with a nod. There wasn’t, really, a reason to make this into a public spectacle after all, and, he did deserve a chance to explain. He was a reasonable man. After all. It seemed. You had supposed him to be one.
But even before you had stopped on your way to the sidelines, you looked at him while holding that paper forward.
“What does this mean?!” You demanded to know. “Do you not trust me on missions? Is that why you wouldn’t assign me on one anymore?”
He blinked. Looked at the paper. And then back to you.
Then his lips became laced with... hints of amusement, and an apology. “My love... you’re more than welcome to partake on missions in the future. The formulation of ‘will not be ordered’ is simply a technicality to give you more freedom of choosing your missions,” he explained. “Of course the difficulty level of your missions would be expected to only grow, but this is more to give you, on paper, a say as to which mission you will embark on, if there are multiple ones of similar difficulty level active simultaneously.” He pointed to another line on the bottom of the page. “See?” There was another apology in his tone.
“Oh.” You uttered, looking at the line.
“But I do apologise,” he continued. “I should have discussed it with you, instead of having you find out this way.”
“You should,” you said, while looking down to the side. “But... I also... shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions... I know you well enough,” you continued, because, it really would have been out of place for him to just make such a decision as to pull you away from missions entirely all on his own.
“Truce?” He asked, looking at you with a gentle gaze that bore all his affection and devotion to you.
“Truce,” you agreed while feeling warmth on your cheeks.
It had been a simple misunderstanding, and miscommunication. But. It wouldn’t come in between of the two of you.
William’s office had been so barren before you had entered his life. Which is why the first thing you got for him, was a plant into his office.
He was a little bit confused about it, but didn’t turn down the gift. And as you explained that it’d make the air in his office better, by producing more oxygen, and would add some life and colour in there, he nodded in understanding.
And he begun taking good care of it. Watered it regularly, changed its soil and gave it nutrients if there was a need. Which really warmed your heart, because ... in a weird way, it was like he was tending to your relationship through the plant.
However, one morning when you entered his office. The plant wasn’t there. Which you thought was odd. So, you looked around the office, and the bedroom, but... it didn’t seem to be... anywhere?
Your mind begun circling with all kinds of possibilities, until... it landed on the plant having died and him having thrown it away. And that made you feel hurt. Sad. Angry.
You had looked at him tend to the plant so carefully, and now he had just thrown it away? You would’ve helped him take care of it, if he had only asked, but instead he has just... disposed of it.
So... he would hear about it. Oh, he would most certainly hear about it.
You walked out of the room with a mission to find him, which is why you begun circling around the base. You looked at every, single, possible room in which you thought he could be, until you spotted him from the window while talking to his knights.
Your hand grasped onto the handle of the window, and you opened it with a swift motion.
“William Thaddeus Vangeance!” You yelled, making him look at you. “Don’t. Move. One. Inch! I need to have a word with you!”
And you closed the window before racing down and outside, where he was still standing, and his knights were... still there? This didn’t really concern them, and it looked like they intuitively realized it as you marched over to William.
“Where is the plant?” You asked, looking straight at him.
He frowned, and his eyes flickered to his knights, to whom he said as a side note: “You’re dismissed,” to which the knights nodded and begun walking away.
“Where is the plant?” You repeated.
He frowned again, as if to connect the dots.
And then it dawned on him.
“Oh, the plant is on the balcony to get a little bit more sunlight,” he replied with a baffled look.
You blinked.
And looked at him.
“It looked a little down so... I thought that some more sun would do it good?” He said, sounding a little but uncertain.
“So... you didn’t .. throw it away,” you uttered out loud, without really meaning to.
“No..?” He said with a questioning frown. “Why would I throw it away?”
“No reason,” you said while cupping his face.
And he continued to give you a baffled look as you placed a kiss onto his cheek.
He really was tending to it. The plant, and your relationship
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anantaru · 1 year
what would your favs do in a modern au? and another really important question: who would they listen to?
cw. none, different tropes, gn! reader
a/n. nonnie I'm not sure what you meant with the 'who would they listen to' so i thought you may mean songs they like ??
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heizou the private investigator, who has his own agency but prefers to work underground— he has a soft-spot for helping people in need and doesn‘t charge money for it. whilst, the local police knows of him and always hires him for quite dangerous, complicated investigations if they were to fail to do their own deep examinations on the mission at hand. heizou is vastly proud of his profession and his skills are one of a kind, for some he might appear to act relatively arrogant but it's not that at all if you dare to look at it closely, he's confident in his abilities if anything and treasures his own well-groomed skills the most. fun fact: currently, alongside the police, heizou was investigating the mafia whose members certainly are known to you.
heizou's favorite music of choice: french music (i'm biased okay leave me alone) for example demain by PLK or derniere danse by indila.
scaramouche the mafia hitman, who too— prefers to work underground to escape any awkward encounters with people. he exceedingly loathes conversations, they make his blood boil, peculiarly with his peers and would rather gauge his own eyes out than attend any special meetings. although as such, his work was in a class by itself, as perfect as someone can be, the higher ups know that he was not dispensable in any way and a real treasure within their ranks. in scaramouche's eyes, there was nothing he cannot do nor was anything off limits, if there was a mission to be accomplished, he will take the challenge without batting an eye.
scaramouche's favorite music of choice: mitski or melanie martinez (he doesn't admit it tho) &lt;3
alhaitham the library overseer at your university who never talks to anyone, kind of a weirdo, yet he cannot possibly do so anyways since most of the times he greatly engages in yet another spellbinding book. for him, it's the perfect job; listen— he never needs to work overtime, duh, he's always home by the same, exact time and although some students can be quite loud and jarring to be around with, the library was a place of pure silence, which he greatly relishes in. but be cautious, if you dare to even raise a single octave of your voice, he will shoot you a death glare and wow, what a terrifying and overly handsome sight at once, you already know that many students only go to the library to admire the hidden view.
alhaitham's favorite music of choice: the man not only uses his headphones for music, but to block out outside noises which works just wonderfully. he prefers slower tunes, ones that do not disturb his reading. for example, ludovico einaudi or johann sebastian bach.
yelan the infamous casino manager, who makes her peers shiver in both sharp fear and terror. if she wants you to win, you will, otherwise she'll do what she does best, manipulate the game to her own benefits to slowly enchant you with her intense charms you simply cannot get enough of, only for you to slowly, agonizingly slow, slant down into the pits of literal hell and large debts. the pretty, dazzling woman has a business to run after all, you cannot be mad at her for that. yet, she is also reasonable and makes sure she isn't tainting the precious, not to mention flawless image of her casino.
yelan's favorite music of choice: no tears left to cry by ariana grande and diamonds by queen riri
dottore the mafia doctor, who works alongside scaramouche and has stitched countless of his wounds in the past. although the two of them absolutely loathe each other, no one can deny the outstanding skills dottore would display on a daily basis. whether it's open wounds, deep, dark bruises or broken bones, there was nothing he cannot heal. notwithstanding the fact that his practices might seem unethical to the outside perspective— especially if you take his habits of experimenting on his patients into consideration, yet, as long as he sews and bastes together the injured, his boss simply does not care and aids him in whatever he might be in need of.
dottere's favorite music of choice: torture sounds /for legal reasons this is a joke, or classical tunes for example the four seasons by vivaldi while he conducts his experiments on some patients he has.
kazuha the lifestyle blogger who takes you with him on every new adventure taken. his youtube channel had blown up since and had become one of the top on the entire platform. his posting schedule is all over the place though, he can go without uploading a new video in months which his subscribers do not mind, kazuha was a free spirit who goes with his own personal vibe, if he was in the mood to film something from his exciting adventures he'll do just that. expect loads of selfies with different animals from all around the world on his other social media, (ignore the weed in his hand) beautiful locations and deep talks on livestreams late at night.
kazuha's favorite music of choice: everything by tame impala, he also likes listening to indie artists and support them on his channel.
venti the worldwide music star who sells out every tour he does. the man was envied by the ones who shared his profession while utterly loved by the countless amount of fans he has. his voice acts like a charm, it's sharply mesmerizing and soothing to the ears, in some ways does it appear as if he's wholly hypnotizing the audience with his tunes. another fact, he writes all his songs himself and gets praised from every direction possible, while if you take everything into consideration of his life, venti was still very much humble and loved interacting with his fans or do interviews so they can get to know him better.
venti's favorite music of choice: loads of kpop music, for example stray kids or txt, but he does have a soft spot for classical music whenever he composes his own.
kaveh the architect who gets booked by the biggest, most flashing celebrities on the planet. fun fact, he was the one who constructed venti's mansion, since the latter only wanted the best of the best— while, quite frankly, there isn't anyone better than kaveh himself who could've adapted to venti's wished and made his home all the more personal and extravagant. in spite of the fact that he gets paid loads of money for his work, the sweet, talented architect tends to find himself broke almost all the time in his life. thankfully he had made a special friend whilst going out in town to drink a couple of his favorite beverages, here's to note that he never thought he'd become friends with a certain librarian.
kaveh's favorite music of choice: he likes taylor swift, ariana grande and tends to listen to music that is older, yet quite underrated. kaveh claims that the tracks on certain albums that get the least attention, are the best in his eyes.
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©2023 anantaru do not share, copy, translate any of my work
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imperator-titus · 3 months
Favorite Party Banter [Druid Edition]
[Astarion (Ascended)] [Halsin/Jaheira] [Gale] [Karlach] [Lae'zel] [Minsc] [Minthara] [Shadowheart] [Wyll]
I often miss party banter because of party comp (and sometimes just straight up can't hear??) so here's a collection of my favorite bants while going through dialogue files. I know the wiki has the banter (most? all?) but I added the file names and dev notes.
Either Jaheira or Halsin is the main speaker/subject or I think their reaction is good shit.
Not in any particular order.
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Astarion: Cazador always warned us to stay clear of this neighbourhood. Never said why, though.
Jaheira: The last spawn who tried was sunk into the cobblestones and left for the sun to find. I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics, in my youth. {Devnote: A little abashed, but shrugging it off}
Astarion: Ah. Yes, that was probably it.
Halsin: Ah, a glimpse of nature. Like a sip of water to parched lips, eh, Jaheira? {Devnote: content}
Jaheira: Baldurians think all druids to be hay-haired idlers, Halsin. Perhaps we ought not speak of nature - but high art, or politics? {Devnote: ‘change the record, all these city folk think we’re hippies as it is’ A little tongue in cheek, she agrees with him entirely}
Halsin: I think on them also. But nothing matches the splendour of an ancient tree. {Devnote: Unfazed}
Jaheira: It is so. And, should one favour bear-form, that tree in particular makes for excellent back-scratching… {Devnote: Idle, teasing - offering a direct tip to Halsin under the guise of a hypothetical}
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Shadowheart: Halsin, if I were a druid, what animal do you think I’d be? {Devnote: Idle banter, either Loyal/Reject Shar arc}
Halsin: Given your memory issues, perhaps a goldfish? {Devnote: Gently teasing}
Shadowheart: I’d hoped for something a bit more exotic… but would you carry around my fish bowl, feed me flakes of food?
Halsin: Only the finest, of course.
Lae’zel: You’ve quite the appetite, Halsin. I’d wager you’ve bedded more of your foes than you’ve felled.
Halsin: Hmm. A challenging sum. The chimera has three heads… but does it still count as one? {Devnote: Not offended, thinking back}
Lae’zel: Must have been a challenging kill.
Halsin: Kill… yes. {Devnote: ‘Yep, that’s definitely what I mean.’}
Halsin: The birthing ground of those steel monstrosities. I would feel little sorrow if this place should close forever. {Devnote: some disdain (in a factory making robo-sentries)}
Shadowheart: Oh come on, you have to be at least a little impressed by the craftsmanship. There's only so much you can do with wood. {Devnote: gentle poking}
Halsin: Not so, in my experience. There is little I cannot whittle.
Shadowheart: Did you do that on purpose...? {Devnote: half-amused groan}
Gale: Halsin, you must have accumulated considerable wisdom on matters of the heart in your long life.
Gale: Anything you'd like to pass on to a strapping, love-struck wizard such as myself?
Halsin: Dispensing advice on matters of the heart would be like swapping boots - what suits me may be a poor fit for you.
Gale: Ah. Well, there's no faulting that logic. At least you didn't tell me to 'be myself'. {Devnote: Accepting the answer. Thinks 'be yourself' is naff advice}
Halsin: Oh no, perish the thought. That can be outright cruel advice to offer in certain cases.
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the-laughing-lunatic · 5 months
OH MY GOD TF2 WRITER!!! You are my savior.
ANYWAYS I WAS THINKING ABOUT THE MERCS (more specifically Scout, Spy, Sniper & Engineer if you don’t wanna do them all) WITH A MALE S/O WHO IS CONSTANTLY DYING OR GETTING INJURED DUE TO BADLUCK?
(Of course! Hope you enjoy, thx for reqesting!)
Scout, Spy, Sniper & Engineer x a m!s/o with bad luck (ROMANTIC)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
Holy cow is it hard for him to get used to
You die at least once a day but he still cries like a baby whenever it happens
Denies it every time though
“Oh god, it never takes this long, what if my baby’s gone for good? That ain’t gonna happen, you’re bein’ stupid Jeremy. But what if it does? *sniffle* I mean, I- I dunno what I’d do, an just—”
“Hey babe! I grabbed some sodas for us on the way back from respawn, the vending machine was being a pain though. …you alright?
He’d immediately hug you and wipe away his tears. “ ‘m fine. Just glad you’re back, doll. Missed ya.”
Though this guy knows nothing about first aid, he’ll do what his ma always did when he got injured:
“Prince, stop freakin’ out and let me kiss your boo-boo better, kay?”
“Jeremy, I’m not ten, I can handle a tiny bullet wound.”
“Don’t care, c'mere sweetheart. You need some kisses from your hot-ass boyfriend to feel better.”
“What I need is a Medic.”
“C’mon, please?”
Like Scout he’s also dramatic as fuck when you die
Falls to his knees and cries silently over your dead body kind of dramatic
He’s lost one of his lovers before, and it kills him to see it happen in front of him everyday
He’s absolutely terrified that one day you won’t respawn
Doesn’t like to talk about how he feels though, he wants to be strong for his lover
He will require a lot of quality time after you get respawned to calm his mind down that you’re okay
Cuddling, holding your hand in his smoking room, he just needs to be close to you
Helps you when you’re injured, though he does chastise you
(cue homoerotic fixing injuries scene)
“Mon amour, it was simply irresponsible of you to go into the sewers with your luck, it was reckless,” he’d say as he patched you up.
“But you dropped your watch down there, I had to get it back for you.”
“You are insufferably eager, my beau…but it is sweet. Never do anything like that again, though, I worry about you enough as is.”
“Awww, you worry about me?”
“Of course I do, je t'aime. Now shut up and let me help you.”
We all know this guy is hella protective, so of course he’ll protect you even more with how much you get injured.
He’d want nothing more than to keep you in a locked room with nothing to hurt yourself with all day so no harm could ever come to you, but unfortunately that’s “weird” and “illegal”
He constantly wants to be around you to at least try to prevent the inevitable
Even during battles, he tends to double-check where you are on the map to make sure you’re okay, and if you’re not, see who hurt you so he could kill them
He may not have the most traditional sense of first aid training, he mostly knows natural tricks when you’re injured to help you. 
“Love, love, calm down, I got some razor strop for your cut there, ‘s like a bandaid. Fix you up real quick, spunk.”
He wants to take you camping but he knows he’d just be anxious about his boyfriend the entire time
“Mick, c’mon, I can handle one tiny camping trip.”
“You burnt yourself on the coffee kettle twice today. It was unplugged.”
“No coffee kettles in the forest though.”
“Can we just stay here where I know you’ll be okay, love?”
“But you wante—”
“I know, but anytime I spend with you makes me happy, okay? If you’re safe and with me, I’m grand.”
This poor man
He’s worried sick about you all the time
You’re not allowed into his workshop anymore after a few too many incidents with the machinery
During battle he’ll constantly do what you want if it’ll keep you safer
You need a dispenser by you even if the rest of the team needs it somewhere else? He’s putting it by you
He makes you wear a spare hardhat of his in case an anvil falls on you or some shit (with your luck it probably would happen) 
Since you’re not allowed in his workshop it kind of forces him to be less of a workaholic so he can hang out with his boyfriend
Will stay by your side when you’re injured
“Dell, it’s sweet of you to stay while I have a broken leg, but wouldn’t you rather hang out with the rest of the team instead of here? I mean, it’s gonna be really boring.”
“Darling, I’m staying. I’d rather be here with you than at the snazziest rodeo out there.”
“Ach, young love. Now my patient, here is your paste you must eat. It is good for you, it has plenty of nutrients in it, and definitely not drugs you need to take. And your straw, now tschüss!”
“.....are you still sure you wanna stay?”
“Wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else, sugar.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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cuntess-carmilla · 1 year
A lot of you act like getting a lesbian to be personally interested in your gender identity group is a validation of your personhood and worth as human beings, the same way you all act like individual lesbians not praising your sexual identities is like an active attack (that weird ass anxiety bi people and gay men have about what lesbians think about them beyond those of us who're actively biphobic, homophobic or transphobic).
And by God I do NOT mean misgendering people. If a lesbian categorically excludes transfems from their attractions that's misgendering and I don't support that.
I'm talking, in this case, about people who actively identify as men, either totally or partially, getting upset when lesbians are like "I fully believe you and support you in your identity as a man. As a result, I'm not personally interested because I don't want to be with a man, but I hope you find someone who's compatible with you".
The amount of times multigender people's existence has been brought to my attention as a gotcha... First of all, I'm already taken and I'm monogamous, so...? What does it matter if I, someone who's not looking for a new partner, am not interested in a chunk of multigender people?
Second, even if I was single, WHY DO YOU NEED ME IN PARTICULAR TO BE OPEN TO DATING OR FUCKING EVERY TYPE OF MULTIGENDER PERSON IN ORDER TO, Idk, feel valid in some way? Why do you people want to wear the "A Lesbian Wanted Me" apparent badge of honor? We're PEOPLE, not validation dispensers or ego-strokers.
I like dykes, to the exclusion of men, and my views on gender are trans inclusive. That's what my lesbianism is TO ME. That! Is not! An attack! On other people! Simply existing!
I'm simply not compatible with multigender people who in some way identify as men, the same way a straight woman wouldn't be compatible with me, AND THAT'S FINE. Says nothing wrong about me or you, but it definitely says something about YOU if you take that as a personal attack.
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windvexer · 10 months
Resolving conflicting magical recommendations (for beginners)
(This isn't reactionary I promise, it's been on my mind for a couple of days 😅)
Idk really how helpful this will be, but if you're a beginner who is confused by a lot of apparently contradicting information, here are some thoughts/ideas that are too basic to have been this hard earned, but I'm not called Fool for no reason.
[All of the following are just my beliefs and aren't universal or applicable to everyone]
Resolving magical conflicts through intent
You can find apparent contradictions in almost any magical action. For example:
Light a candle to charge a crystal with energy
Light a candle to burn away an energy and dwindle it down to nothing
When you light the candle, is it going to fill the crystal with energy?
Or, is it going to burn away energy until nothing is left?
My belief is that this is where the idea of intent plays one of its most basic and vital roles in witchcraft.
When you perform a magical action, "setting intent" can be a vital first step that should not be skipped.
If you are aware that the fire could either charge or burn away, then it is very literally up to you what it does. As the agent of control and/or chaos, it is the witch who determines which facets of power come out to play.
Setting intent can be done inside of your head. Or, speak, sign, or write intent.
Rules about how you totally have to write intent can, for the most part, be ignored (e.g., "your intent must be present progressive tense or the Universe will never let you manifest your goals." Nah, the Universe doesn't even speak human language tbh.)
Setting intent is not the only step to working magic, and sometimes literally doesn't matter. ("It's my intent to honor the spirit of this lake with an offering! *Dumps cigarette butts and beer cans into the water* "The lake is honored because that was my intent 😌")
Having a limited set of beliefs about what a certain power can do is like automatically setting intent. ("It's only possible that candles burn away energy, so when I light it, of course it will have a banishing effect.")
Setting intent in this manner only works to the extent that the power you are working with could already do the thing. If you've got a freezer with an ice dispenser on the door you can intend to store food inside it to chill, or, you can intend to get water out of the door, but it doesn't matter how much you intend to fry a chicken. The fridge does not do that action.
Resolving magical contradictions through tradition
Tradition in and of itself can advise how to resolve contradictions of magical meaning. This includes religious, magical, and cultural traditions.
What's important to remember is that just because one group does it one way, it doesn't mean that their way is universally correct.
A lot of people enter into the world of witchcraft with the concept that there is one universally correct set of methods and rules by which to perform magic. These methods are secret, but written down somewhere, and the key to learning magic is to just find the truest set of rules to magic. Magical truth is mutually exclusive, and contradictory information must either replace current truth, or be rejected as falsehood.
And fortunately for everyone, none of that is true!
This is why someone in one school of magic can make a certain claim ("letting spell vessels touch the earth immediately robs them of their power and the magic becomes inert,") and someone else can make a totally contradictory claim ("bury spell vessels for three days to supercharge them with the power of Nature,") and both people can be equally right.
Which set of rules might be true for you?
Well, whichever tradition you're a part of.
This is why it's really important to understand where your beliefs come from, and also to engage in self-examination about what you believe about the cosmos, our planet, and your role within it.
Entering into a tradition has a curious effect - you tend to be bound to those rules and assumptions, whether you like it or not.
Reflect on whether or not your current traditions and beliefs can resolve conflicting information.
Ask yourself what beliefs must be inherent before an assumption about magical 'rules' can be true.
(P.S. you can learn multiple contradictory systems of magic and flip between them depending on needs)
Resolving magical contradictions through experimentation
One witch may be able to charge excellently by burning candles and using intent to direct the burning energy.
A second witch may discover that they really can't charge jack shit with a candle. The energy seems to slip between their fingertips. When they direct it at something, it seems to have a consuming effect - not an invigorating one.
Setting magical intent is like choosing which path to walk down. But, the paths are unique for each of us. For the first witch, the path of "Charging Through Candleflame" is wide and open, a beautiful paved boulevard they can stroll down.
For the second witch, the path of "Charging Through Candleflame" is like hiking up a steep hill littered with boulders, and also the hill is on fire.
Many magical contradictions can be explained by practitioners simply having different personal experiences, and incorrectly assuming that their experiences must be universal.
One excellent way to learn not only about magic as a whole, but also how magic works for you, is to earnestly experiment with contradictory meanings and discover which ones A) make sense to you, but more importantly, B) actually work for you.
Whether or not you can use a candle to charge, banish, or both; and whether or not that's more or less effective for you than using water, or the sun, or pop culture icons, is something that you'll only be able to discover for yourself through experimentation.
Resolving magical contradictions through technique
If setting intent is choosing what path to walk down, then on the course of walking down that path, there is a chance you trip and fall flat (see: "I'm honoring the lake by dumping trash in it!").
Tripping and falling flat doesn't mean that path of magic is impossible for you, or shouldn't be further explored.
It can really just mean that you need some hiking boots and a trail guide.
Or, in other words: setting intent can be insufficient to actually access and manifest certain types/aspects of power.
I have personal beliefs about sorcerous power that dictate that various powers can be more or less difficult to access depending on a variety of factors. And, a witch must learn techniques to access the power. The more remote or hidden that power is, the more capable or attuned a witch must be to access that power.
That is to say, someone intensely aligned with underworld powers may be able to easily access the facets of death and decay that exist within many natural forces. But, someone without that alignment might instead need capable techniques gained through learning and practice in order to access those same powers.
And someone with neither of those things, who only tries to set intent and starts on a difficult path filled with roadblocks, may falsely assume that something "just doesn't work for me," when in reality, it's just more difficult to access.
This is why one witch can say, "roosters are a powerful source of connection to the underworld," another witch can say, "roosters only connect to the underworld if you use their feathers in a certain ritual," and a third witch can say, "roosters don't connect to the underworld," and all three are speaking from valid personal experience.
Experimenting with different techniques means learning a wide variety of ways to perform magic, including different paradigms, rituals, techniques, and methodologies.
Many systems of witchcraft contain concepts of when power is more or less available (the easiest example is the types of power more freely available due to the phases of the moon). Learning these systems can assist in discovering the accessibility of various powers.
Research is your friend.
In summary,
There are many reasons why witches have different lived experiences with magic (the topic of which would be enough to fill a book or two). As a witch-practitioner, your role in the creation of magic can't be ignored.
It's through your own culture and traditions, your own intent, and your own sorcerous techniques and education, through which you will be able to determine what aspects of magic are true to you - and which do not apply.
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melverie · 11 months
Okay, but you guys do realize that the reason Mephisto behaves the way he does is because he has been raised with the intent of only being beneficial to the future demon king and nothing else, right?
(Buckle up because this is going to be a loooonnngggg post)
Mephisto comes from a family that has been serving the royal family for ages. He mentions multiple times that his family has always acted as their knights, their advisors and their protectors to them, and it won't be any different with him. It shouldn't be any different with him. Being beneficial to Diavolo has literally been decided to be the very meaning of his life even before he was born. He's been forced into the role and he's following it to a T because he's never known anything else, and because he can't afford to lose that. Without it, what else is left of him? What worth does he hold other than being essentially a tool for Diavolo?
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And then the brothers fall and suddenly his position is at risk. Lucifer and Diavolo have already gotten along fairly well back when Lucifer was still an angel. Both Diavolo and Lucifer (as well as several others) mention that they go way back in their Nightbringer homescreen dialogues, and we see them having mutual respect by the end of the 'The Glory Days' Devilgram in the original game. Mephisto and Diavolo meanwhile might be childhood friends, but here's the thing
Diavolo wants a friend. A real friend. Someone that genuinely appreciates him for who he is as a person instead of focusing on his status as the future demon king. And that's something Lucifer can give him. They often hang out for the sake of it (apparently even eating dinner at Ristorante Six together regularly), they regularly engage in lighthearted banter, and Lucifer isn't afraid to give Diavolo his honest opinion
But that's not really the case with Mephisto...? He was never meant to be on equal footing with Diavolo; Diavolo even calls him "mini-Barbatos" at one point. He is literally still calling him 'Lord Diavolo' all the time, requests to speak his honest opinion first and waits for Diavolo to allow him to do so before actually giving it. That's why Mephisto keeps pushing down his own feelings and keeps showering Diavolo in praise any opportunity he gets while he adjusts every aspect of life to be beneficial to Diavolo in a way. Sure, he might be popular, but as long as Diavolo doesn't want him to get married he doesn't even waste a thought about relationships. He might have no real interest in journalism, but of course he'll take over RAD's Newspaper Club. After all, Diavolo asked him to! He's part of the House of Lords because as the future king's right-hand man that just makes sense. He was always just meant to be a tool for the crown prince to use, so he doesn't know how to treat Diavolo as anything but. He was literally groomed to be dispensable, so he's obviously going to act like it
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And that's also where Mephisto's dislike for Lucifer stems from—he can only watch as Lucifer slowly grows closer and closer to Diavolo, and threatens to take the role that was always made up to be his. And so Mephisto keeps challenging Lucifer over and over again, trying to sabotage their friendship any way he can in hopes of winning back his position as the crown prince's right-hand man
That obviously doesn't make the way he treats Lucifer (and the rest of the brothers!) right. Lucifer isn't responsible for any of this, and blaming him for it is misguided. But it still doesn't change the fact that Mephisto has the right to be hurt at the situation at hand. His entire purpose of existence is just being ripped away from him right before his eyes and all he can do is watch. That must hurt. Especially when your entire familiy's purpose has been to serve the royal family, and you are the first one to lose that
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Also, I feel like something else we need to talk about is how his fight only ever really seems to be with the brothers, especially Lucifer? Again, part of the reason is the entire Diavolo situation, sure, but I feel like it also has to do with the situation in the Devildom at large? I already vaguely talked about this in a different context a few months back, but ever since the brothers have been cast out of the Celestial Realm and arrived in the Devildom, the entire situation has just been super unstable. We as a player have a unique perspective on the events because we only have a limited outsider view to on the actual politics going on the the Devildom, while also being aware how things will play out in the future. We know that ultimately letting the brothers stay is the right choice, but that's not the way a regular denizen who has to live through all this sees it. I mean, just the way Mephisto describes the brothers really puts things into perspective:
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The entire realm is super destabilized, they just semi-lost their current king, and there have been multiple very real threats of war—first when the Devildom took the brothers in in the first place, then when "Raphael" showed up and told the brothers to return, and Lucifer rightfully points out to (a comatose) MC that they are bound to go to war should the Celestial Realm ever find out that Diavolo turned Lilith into a human. There's just a lot of tension in the air, and the brothers—extremly powerful as both angels and demons—seem to be at the root of most of it in one way or another. From a the House of Lords' perspective, it makes sense to want the brothers gone, same goes for a denizens perspective. And while it is a delicate situation all around that can't just be blamed on the brothers, it makes sense for Mephisto to also see them at the center of it all. Again, that doesn't make the brothers' treatment right, but it's at least understandable given the circumstances
On a side note, when discussing his beliefs, I think it's also important to remember that he to this day is incredibly sheltered. He just accepts all this as normal because to him it is normal, but as we've seen in lesson 31 hard mode Thirteen was so shocked by his views that she immediately decided to drop everything and play therapist for him (absolute Queen for not just blaming it on him btw 💖). I know this was just a throw-away line, but this paired with him basically excisting to serve Diavolo already says so much about his character:
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And with everyone else he seems to be generally pleasent? I mean, he says he doesn't want anything to do with angels or humans, and yet he risks getting injured in order to save Luke from falling. Yet he actively seeks out MC to solve one of the 666 Mysteries of RAD together with them, and saves them from tumbling on the floor because "anyone else would have done the same" (they wouldn't have. The season 1 brothers would have laughed straight in MC's face). He literally complained to Thirteen about how he was just about to go home and how he doesn't have time for her, yet diligently carries all her things for her as rain is pouring down on him. His actions always end up betraying his words
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Also he has a massive sweet tooth which alings perfectly with one of the headcanons I had for months and is RAD's local horse girl so we stan! <3
-> more character & relationship analyses -> masterlist
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bibibbon · 24 days
Hi, I'm back. And with a panel.
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Behold Mr. Sexyman.
Jokes aside, Shig is saying to us, readers, he is empty. He is shell and later we know AFO will wear Shig.
He is admitting that.
He is aware of that and....does nothing. If we can (and should) criticize Izu for his lack of action in reach his dream...we should also criticize Shig here.
Izu, in part 1 is sort excused as he was a kid who had absolutely no one.
Shiga? He knew how empty he is and...nope. did nothing.
Why Hori put this dialogue?
No idea but I know he doesn't like Shig and Izu
Hi @mikeellee 👋
You know its even more sad and ironic that shigaraki stays as a static character and doesn't develop past this hollow empty controlled shell of himself. Even in the end shigaraki was always a puppet. He was a puppet who was given the name tomura meaning grief and shackled to that. He never ended up developing or getting a well developed goal in the end it was all for nothing and it's terrible.
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There is so much missing from Shigaraki like what is his true goal? Is it just simply destruction? If it is then what would he achieve? Okay say you destroy everything then what? Can you really build a world for villains from nothing? Is there a point in the destruction?
No, there isn't. Shigaraki's destruction doesn't properly develop into the goal of taking down the hpsc and then have that evolve into helping villains or being a hero for them. Yes shigaraki says in passing that his plan is to take down the status quo but then what? His plan of destroying the status quo then NOT replacing it just caused more carnage, destruction and chaos. Shigaraki allows the league to have a world for them but who would want a world that has nothing?
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Heck shigaraki wasted the MVA. Shigaraki had a whole underground society and all of that went down the drain. The MVA had houses,hospitals,schools it should of been painted as a proper underground society that has life thriving in there and had major company influences like deternet.
With all of this shigaraki could of used this to his power and created something or he could of been urged to create something. Izuku could of easily been brought into this arc and we could of seen izuku and tenko's contrasting ideals play out in the mini mva society. We could of seen izuku come to the conclusion that the current status quo harms people and he acknowledges his own hurt while shigaraki learns to harbour his anger to destroy and create learning and appreciating the duality of man.
We could of had a way more intriguing arc than included the heroes and villains in the mva without making it into a war (not this early in the series anyway)
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The whole "I want to be a hero for the villains" thing by shigaraki can work in theory but the execution was horrible. Shigaraki doesn't fully grow into a leader or a proper leadership role in the first place. His relationship with the league isn't one of a weird found family, its not strongly developed as it should be.
There were multiple perfect chances like the overhaul arc to have shigaraki's authority be questioned to have him be a contrast to overhaul and have to gain his comrades trust and respect especially after he sacrificed three league members like tools in the training camp arc making the other members feel dispensable. Shigaraki and the league needed more interactions (meaningful ones) where Shigaraki learns more about the members individually and they learn more about him overall coming to appreciate and care for one another.
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eekshade · 10 months
Bucky Barnes x m!reader
Word Count: 1367
Warnings/Info: slightly sexual comments but only if you squint, talkative reader, reader works at a diner, 3rd person, I forgot that cooks exist so just pretend they’re severely understaffed lol, also this is my first fic so let me know if there is something I could do better next time/if the formatting doesn’t look good :)
Part Two
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Bucky woke in a panic, it took him a few moments (more than he’d care to admit) to register that it was just a dream or rather memory; which hurt him more. He tried to shake off the feeling of dread that had decided to settle into his stomach, he looked at his phone which read 4:32. Bucky knew that going back to sleep was out of the question as long as he felt this looming pain, anytime this happened he’d always just try and focus on something else, focus on anything else, and with nothing to do in his apartment he decided to try and walk it off.
The way Bucky was moving could only be described as erratic, as he quickly tied his shoes and grabbed his jacket, which had his gloves stashed in the pocket. He didn’t have a plan on where he was going, he just wanted to feel okay.
Bucky had been walking for around 30 minutes when he saw a 24 hour diner that was predictably near vacant. Out of instinct when Bucky entered he counted how many people were in the diner’s main area, there were two police officers who both carried to-go coffee, giving Bucky a slight nod as they left, seemingly to go start their shift. There was also a man sleeping in a booth, a half eaten stack of pancakes on the table in front of him, but no worker could be seen. He took a seat at the counter, feeling rather awkward as he waited.
Around 20 seconds passed and Bucky had slightly dozed off when he heard a (clearly fake) chipper voice exclaim, “Oh! I’m sorry to keep you waiting, I just don’t really see many people here this early - other than Glenn of course.” The man laughed as he gestured toward the sleeping man with his head. Bucky looked at the worker; a surprisingly pretty man, this caused Bucky to have to take a barely noticeable second to stare, the worker held up a mug and asked, “Coffee?”.
“Yes, please.” Bucky muttered a thank you as the worker; y/n according to his name tag, poured him a cup of burning hot coffee.
“So, what’s your deal?” Y/n asked with a very bright customer service smile.
“What do you mean?” Bucky almost sounded scared; almost.
“I mean,” y/n briefly paused to pull a large package of napkins, “I haven’t seen you before, and most people who are up this early are either tourists or in uniforms. You don’t look like either.” He said as he started to restock the napkin dispensers on the counter.
“Oh, yeah, I guess I just couldn’t sleep.” Bucky didn’t mean to and he immediately regretted it but he sounded a bit annoyed at the other man’s question, so to try and level it out smiled warmly at y/n.
It doesn’t work, much to Bucky’s dismay, because y/n is looking down at the napkins, “Yeah that must suck, I’m sorry.” y/n responds in a tone that signifies that the conversation was over, while still somehow keeping that overly polite smile.
Bucky feels like he should say something to show that he wants to keep talking, but he doesn’t know what to say; which is mainly due to the fact he found the man to be quite angelic, even in that old and stained diner uniform. So, in this moment of internal panic he unintentionally does what he does best, he stares at y/n. This lasts for around 30 seconds, around half way through he forgot what he was originally doing and instead he opted to just admire the worker’s features.
“Um, are you okay…?” Y/n asked Bucky, with a rather concerned look which made Bucky’s heart flutter.
“Ah, I’m sorry - I just,” Bucky took a quick breath in an attempt to regain his confidence (and dignity), “What about you? What’s your deal?” Bucky said as he gave y/n his best, hopefully, attractive smirk.
It seemed to work because y/n turned the rest of his body to look at Bucky, with a slight tilt of his head he laughed slightly as he sort of awkwardly responded, “Y’know, just working.” Y/n not used to customers asking about him had to take a moment to think of a better answer before he smiled at Bucky; this time it was a real heartfelt smile, which made Bucky want to kiss him right then and there, but alas, he still had a bit of common sense so he didn’t. Y/n and Bucky fell into a conversation about y/n’s life, Bucky hung onto every word.
Y/n talked for about 30 minutes, Bucky really only adding comments to keep him talking, y/n hadn’t realized how much he was talking until the bell that sat on top of the door rang; taking him out of his thoughts.
“Oh god, I’m sorry, I really talked your ear off didn’t I?” Y/n laughed looking ever so bashful, Bucky couldn’t help but linger on how attractive y/n looked while embarrassed but he stopped before it could go anywhere.
“No you’re fine, I actually prefer when someone else leads the conversation - I’m more of a listener.” Bucky reassured him, y/n smiled and walked off to tend to the new customer.
While he did that Bucky looked at the time, and to his shock a little more than an hour had passed. After realizing the time Bucky was hit with an overwhelming amount of tiredness, and knowing it's a 30 minute walk back, as much as he didn’t want to, he knew it was time to go. Y/n walked back towards him, with a slight smile tugging at his mouth.
“Hey, I kind of need to get going, but thank you for the company…it was really nice.” Bucky said slowly as he pulled a 20 out of his wallet, and handed it to y/n.
“Oh! Yeah totally, and no need to thank me,” he started to count Bucky’s change, ”I liked talking to you too - it was nice to have someone else in here.”
“Who’s awake I mean.” He quickly added with a laugh as he went to hand Bucky his change.
“You keep it, think of it as a real thank you.” Bucky said while putting his hand slightly up to gesture that he didn’t want it.
“I just said you don't have to thank me silly.” Y/n’s voice seemed to raise a pitch with that.
“I know but I want to.” Bucky tilted his head with a smile and a slight blush warming his cheeks.
Y/n playfully rolled his eyes as he put the money in his pocket. Bucky was collected and his body was slightly tense as he hovered over his seat showing he was about to leave, but he didn’t move.
“Do you need something else?” Y/n asked slightly confused
With a boost of confidence that seemed to have come from nowhere, Bucky’s body relaxed as he sat back down and in a hushed tone he replied, “Yeah, your number.”
Bucky had this knowing smile that danced across his face after seeing the way y/n had gotten visibly flustered; it made him want to giggle like a schoolgirl knowing it was him to have done that.
“Of course - how could I forget something so important.” Y/n responded as he hurriedly grabbed a napkin from a newly restocked dispenser, quickly scribbling down his name and number. “Come back soon.” He added while sliding the napkin towards Bucky.
“I will.” Bucky said as he stood, he was trying an embarrassing amount to keep his composure but he could feel y/n watching him leave and it made him want to turn around and sit back down; but he knew he couldn’t, so he just kept moving forward.
As Bucky got outside and out of view of the diner’s window he so very excitedly looked at the napkin while sporting the biggest smile, with a new found joy he felt as though he could skip home. Completely forgetting what caused him to leave the house this morning.
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nevesmose · 5 months
Bandages on Broken Souls: A Nostramo Culture/Lore Post
Sometimes I think about the wee lower-deck people that were all covered in bandages in the Night Lords Trilogy. Why so bandagey? (Bandagepilled wrapmaxxers, not beating the bandage allegations, etc)
She glanced at the wretch, who was unhealthily tall and sexless in its overcloak, keeping its face behind stained bandages. Several others lurked close to the door, whispering amongst themselves. It was impossible not to smell their sweat, their stinking, bloodstained bandages, and the rancid oil-blood of their bionics.
Those ones. The attendants providing for Octavia's needs as a Navigator. Octavia's attendants.
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It turns out ADB does tell us a bit later on:
The chlorine reek of them offended his senses, the way it rose in a miasma from their antiseptic-soaked bandages, as if such trivial protections could ward against the changes of the warp.
This is very interesting to me for a few reasons since it can lead to various interpretations about Nostraman culture, even though it's important to bear in mind that what we're seeing is the degraded situation after however-many thousand subjective years of dicking about in the Warp, Eye of Terror etc.
They believe, or at least Ruven the POV character here thinks they believe, that warp mutation can be defended against with purely physical items i.e. bandages and disinfectant. While it's easy to point to examples of people from all kinds of cultures in the setting using spiritual or metaphysical ways to protect themselves from the warp, I find it interesting that this doesn't seem to occur to the Nostramans.
In fact, unless I'm remembering it wrong (always a possibility tbh) other than a small mention in one of the Gendor Skraivok short stories about there being a secret Lectitio Divinitatus cult among the serfs, there seems to be very little spiritual/religious belief organic to Nostramo itself.
That makes some sense, I think. It is after all Space Gotham, a world of armoured groundcars and looming starscrapers where everyone is living under some form or another of very high pressure just to survive whether that means getting their next meal or keeping their position in high level gang politics. Whatever beliefs the original settlers brought with them to the Sunless World were, I imagine, ground away over time as generations passed and people had other, more visceral concerns.
There are a few scenes in the 1984 nuclear war TV movie Threads that take place in the period about 10-20 years after the bombs have fallen. It's clear that the by now rapidly deteriorating survivors of the pre-war world are trying as best they can to provide some kind of education for their post-war descendants, but this is extremely limited and relies on what they can gather together from whatever books, VHS tapes etc happened to survive the war:
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"The skeleton of a cat! A cat's skeleton!"
And we can see that it simply means nothing to the children and young adults whose entire existence revolves around basic survival - mostly food and the things they have to do in order to get it.
This, in a way, is what I think happened to whatever beliefs in anything beyond the material that may have ever existed on Nostramo by the time we see it in the Crusade/Heresy era. It's a sad, stunted little world and I feel immensely sorry for the nasty, skeevy people it produced.
Another factor affecting this would of course be the Night Haunter. You don't really need to have a spiritual/metaphorical figure or system dispensing rules and justice when Konrad is actually real and inside your home making it brutally clear what his views on law-breaking are.
So, in my usual roundabout way, we come back to the bandages again. My view, as I've expressed before in my ramblings, is that Konrad didn't truly eradicate crime on Nostramo so much as eradicate the appearance of it.
There's a legend from Ancient Greece about a Spartan boy training to be a warrior which I'll post as a screenshot below since I think we could all do with a break from my writing style for a bit:
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"He could steal and suffer and die rather than be found out" is the relevant part here I think. Much like the idea that snitches get stitches or the mafia code of omertà where one's value in society and life itself hinge on a mutual keeping of silence against any and all authority figures.
We know that even before Konrad arrived, Nostraman society functioned on a gang allegiance basis, so already fertile ground for a very insular and secretive type of culture. But then we add the Night Haunter to the mix and the numbers spell disaster for you at Sacrifice the social pressure in this direction ramps up massively.
It's also made very clear pretty much everywhere that Nostramo is a vicious, predatory society. There's a description in one of the Skraivok stories of Phy Orlon, the canonical smallest saddest uwu-iest Night Lord:
It astounded Skraivok how such a vulpine little thing had made it through the selection process. Even bulked by legionary gifts, Orlon still managed to convey the impression of feebleness. Towards the end, Nostramo had been providing only the dregs of the dregs. No wonder Curze had levelled the place.
Weakness was like the scent of blood in the water to the Night Lords. Legionaries like Orlon would always attach themselves to those they deemed powerful, for protection. That explained the ridiculous batwings welded to the top of his helm in emulation of Sevatar, and why he had appointed himself as Skraivok’s adjutant.
It's like prison or high school. Even the transhuman supersoldier Nostramans still function this way. What hope do ordinary people have?
Not much at all, I think. Just in order to survive day to day it'd be necessary to conceal any injury, weakness or deformity at the risk of having it being ruthlessly used against you by just about everyone.
So we come back to the bandages again. Told you I'd get there eventually. We see that the attendants are in fact completely covered in bandages Joshua Graham style:
‘Lord,’ they hissed through slits in their faces that were once lips. Their bloodstained bandages rustled as they shifted and lowered their weapons.
She raised a bandaged hand, as if she could possibly bar the warrior’s passage with a demand, let alone with her physical presence.
I can imagine the impulse to cover up and conceal any weakness applies very strongly to warp mutations of any sort. Curdled and degraded over millennia roaming the immaterium in the bowels of a ship with the changes becoming worse and worse the longer they go on, it would be plausible for this to develop into a need to cover up and disinfect every inch of oneself in order to maintain some pretence, however flimsy, of being a capable human being.
The saddest part of it for me, though, is that all of the attendants are like this. It's a situation where everyone is quite literally in the same boat, undergoing the same suffering, and yet they still retain this deeply-ingrained need to hide and conceal themselves from each other. It feels like even here, ten thousand years after its destruction, Nostramo's poison is still influencing them, still flowing through their veins to keep them separated, afraid, and deeply alone.
Oh wow, a few paragraphs from ADB somehow led to a great long wall of text. Congratulations if you've made it this far!
PS: This being ADB I feel obliged to consider the possibility of Ruven either lying or being mistaken. I don't think this is likely since he is a) also Nostraman and b) a sorcerer meaning that if there was any spiritual aspect going on he would more than likely have the requisite cultural/magical knowledge or experience to be aware of it or otherwise detect it. Ruven is a conniving goth thot but he has no reason to lie in that particular bit of his own thoughts.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
What are your opinions on Paikuhan/Pikkon, as well as the Other World Tournament arc more generally?
Could have stood to be longer. Five episodes doesn't seem like nearly enough to get an entire tournament arc over and done with, but it can be enough episodes when there are very few characters to be invested in.
The Anoyoichi Budokai or "Strongest in the Other World Martial Arts Tournament" is an interesting premise held back by a lack of substantively interesting characters to fill a tournament roster. What makes tournament arcs work is getting to see various members of the cast given their moment in the spotlight. However, in the Anoyoichi Budokai, there are only two characters of any interest: Goku and Paikuhan.
Having only two interesting characters creates a problem for a tournament arc. It means the final round is the only match of any interest. The rest of the time is spent waiting for the plot to reach the interesting stuff. At that point, you'd be better off having Goku and Paikuhan slug it out in an exhibition match.
For his part, Paikuhan's introduction is a little janky. They wanted to do the "Meet the new antagonist, he makes the old antagonist look like a joke," bit to puff him up. So we get this?
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Every arc has its ups and its downs. This is the weakest point of the Anoyoichi Budokai by far. This is peak "Toei doesn't understand Dragon Ball".
So, despite the fact that you don't keep your body in the afterlife without special dispensation from a sponsoring god, Frieza, Cell, and the Ginyus all have their bodies and are able to use their tremendous power to take over Jigoku.
The Ginyus, at least, were excused in a previous filler episode. Kaio sponsored them, allowing them to keep their bodies so he could use them to train the Earthlings. That episode had its own issues, mind. But at least it's there. No such explanation has been offered for who gave Frieza, Cold, and Cell their bodies back.
Toei just. Really likes this premise of all the old villains still being tremendously powerful and being able to revolt from Hell, even though the metaphysics are designed with built-in explanation for why that can't happen. Toei did it here, they did it in the movie Fusion Reborn, and they did it in GT.
So, Goku and Paikuhan go to put down the Hell revolt and like.
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Goku wipes out the Ginyus while powered up in Super Saiyan yellow battle aura and Super Saiyan hair colored black for some reason. Not sure if this is a coloring error or what. Is he supposed to be Super Saiyan here or not? Doesn't seem like he'd need to be.
But then we get this reaction shot from Frieza and Cold.
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Staring in slack-jawed amazement. Goku defeated the Ginyus!? That's impossible! It staggers belief that Goku could be so powerful that he could do that to the Ginyu Force! How far must he have advanced since the last time Frieza saw him!?
Y'know. When Goku left Frieza in chunks on the turf of an exploding planet.
What the fuck are we doing here. This bit in Jigoku is the absolute nadir of the arc.
Its main purpose is to set the stage for this moment.
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Paikuhan works over Cell like he's nothing.
If we're to assume that this is Super Perfect Cell at his full strength, then this is an intimidating yardstick moment for Paikuhan. Goku couldn't even take regular Perfect Cell. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell, pardon the pun, of measuring up to Paikuhan in the ring.
Goku, of course, is thrilled by the opportunity to try. Paikuhan here is presented as a new mountain for Goku to climb. The next peak he can ascend to. Today, he met the new Always Someone Stronger Around the Next Corner.
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This, at least, Toei does get. This is classic Goku. He watches Paikuhan make short work of Cell and his takeaway is "Fuck yeah, I want a piece of that." Thankfully, Goku getting a piece of that is what the arc's actually about. Goku's in the afterlife for like an afternoon when the Kaios propose a tournament between their four galaxies.
Like I said before, most of the matches don't feel meaningful because we have no investment in any of the other competitors.
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This guy's based on Hercules and he's the closest thing to a third important character, in that he and Goku got to exchange words for a bit in this episode. He's here so we can be sad when Paikuhan kicks his ass.
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Oh no, Paikuhan defeated that one guy that was kinda nice and now he's out of the tournament. Sucks.
Goku, meanwhile, fights this caterpillar dude who tickles people.
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Who he beats by just kinda blasting him 'cause Goku's tremendously powerful so this ain't shit. It ends on a killer joke, though, as Caterpi enters a chrysalis so he can power up and transform into his ultimate battle form!
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Look, these things take a while, okay? Not everyone can just eat a spunky orphan and then POP, perfection. XD Ya got me, Toei, that was fucking gold. Caterpi is a nothing character but the punchline kills.
But other matches are stuff like this.
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Cool power bro but. Like. I do not know who these people are. Toei, I don't know who these people are. I legit could not care less what the outcome of this match is. I don't know why you made this a tournament.
What makes a fight interesting is not that the guy punches very hard and his ki blast is super big. We care about the fight because we're invested in the characters participating.
Only once in the history of the Tenkaichi Budokai did Toriyama ever make us sit through a match between two randos: Namu vs. Ranfan in the 21st. That was because he was developing one of those randos to be an emotional core for the arc; That fight was meant to serve as our introduction to Namu for a story that would reach its height when he fought Goku in the semifinal.
This isn't that. Half of the arc's third episode is spent waiting for things that matter to start happening again.
Goku's opponent in the semifinals is really cool, though.
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He's fighting a fish man with the power to summon water, forcing Goku into a bad position as he has to try and defend himself from Aqua while trying to avoid drowning. This is a really cool technique, setting up Aqua as an interesting and complicated opponent for Goku to have to navigate.
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Who he beats by just kinda blasting him 'cause Goku's tremendously powerful so this ain't shit. Gotta admit, Aqua's fight left me disappointed 'cause that was a perfect setup for some classic Goku analysis and counter-fighting. But nope. Goku just Power Levels through every match.
Goku's third fight is barely worth mentioning. He fights the purple lizard guy from that earlier rando match. Malaiko is just a big strong guy who hits really hard. Goku hits harder. It's mainly notable for this one moment.
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Where Goku momentarily loses track of Malaiko, and we see his eyes scanning back and forth as he tries to figure out where his opponent's gone.
Goku. Goku, you can sense ki. Goku, you are probably the universe's #1 master at ki sensing. You physically can't lose track of people like this. What are you doing?
He does find Malaiko and manage to sucker punch him before Malaiko can launch his attack. But I dunno. Goku needing to stop and try and figure out where his opponent vanished to for a couple seconds this late in the series feels wrong to me. This happens during the fight with Paikuhan too.
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Paikuhan dodges an attack so fast that he vanishes from sight and Goku has to spend a couple seconds looking for him, before Paikuhan announces himself and surprises Goku. Again: Goku can sense ki. What is this?
In any case, rando hits hard, Goku hits harder, and we get this moment of acknowledgement from Paikuhan.
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My dude, what are you talking about? We've been given no reason to believe that guy Goku just beat was supposed to be powerful beyond his abilities, nor has he had any opportunity to improve his skills since you met him like four hours ago. We have seen no meaningful improvement from Goku at any point in this tournament. Paikuhan's just saying words that sound like Dragon Ball things to say.
We move right along to the main event and what we're all actually here for: Goku finally steps into the ring with Paikuhan. From what we've seen of these two, Paikuhan should shitstomp Goku. What he did to Cell puts him leagues outside of Goku's capabilities.
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That's about right. Paikuhan dominates this match, as well he should based on how they set him up. His Hyper Tornado is neat, trapping his opponent in a vortex of razor-sharp air currents that cut him up. Most of the fight is Goku facing some new thing or another that Paikuhan's doing. Goku struggles to even land a hit on Paikuhan, with every exchange either leading to Paikuhan wasting Goku or Goku managing to pull it out and fight evenly before the next exchange wastes him.
Paikuhan is never on the back foot, while Goku always feels like he's at the end of his rope desperately trying to pull this out.
There's also a bit of Playing the Hits to this fight, as Paikuhan pulls the "Goku suddenly reveals he's wearing weighted clothes" bit from the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai while Goku basically looks into the camera and calls him a knock-off Piccolo.
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Goku, you're not supposed to point out when the anime's being uncreative. That's my job. There's also one of Toei's favorite bits of anime choreography here.
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Toei really likes dramatic Super Saiyan transformations when a character's back is against the wall. In the movies, this gets really obnoxious and can feel like the characters are getting shitstomped on purpose. Like, we'll get prolonged sequences of Goku getting fucking shitstomped and we know he can just transform so it's like. Goku. Goku, why are you letting this happen to you?
This never happens in the manga. Saiyans go Super immediately as they step up to fight the bad guy. They only hold back when they have a reason to hold back, such as Trunks reserving his limit-breaker form because he's concealing it from Vegeta, or everyone agreeing at Gohan's behest to not go Super at the 25th Tenkaichi Budokai. Toei's action is all holding-back all the time, because it lets them drag fights out without having to come up with a valid reason for why the tide would suddenly turn at the critical moment.
But here, in this match, it works. For this first stage of the match, Goku and Paikuhan are both starting out small and testing each other's abilities. When Paikuhan decides to get serious, he takes off his weights. Goku repays him in kind by transforming. Goku was fighting Paikuhan at a level that matched what Paikuhan was giving him; now that Paikuhan is kicking things up a notch, Goku kicks things up to match.
This makes sense and feels true to character. Much moreso than, say, Vegeta letting Android 15 beat the shit out of him for several minutes because he loves the taste of fist in his mouth.
And then, of course, there's Goku's ultimate last resort unveiled here in this arc.
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Goku uses the Kaio-ken as a Super Saiyan. As ways to remix old abilities for new and creative attacks go, this is a neat idea. Though it does raise a shitton of questions. Like, if Goku can do this, why didn't he use it against Cell?
Funnily enough, Toei forgot they wrote this in Dragon Ball Super. The Z anime and all of its filler is canon to the Super anime, with Captain Ginyu's continued existence being the most obvious example of their connections.
Toei did this again with Blue Kaio-ken, while also offering a lore explanation that Super Saiyan Blue is the only Super Saiyan form that it's possible to use Kaio-ken with. Never before has Anime Goku ever been able to combine Kaio-ken with Super Saiyan, but he can now do it with Blue.
So I guess this never happened. XD That's just as well; It lasts for all of one punch and then he never does it again. I think it's just there for another Playing the Hits moment. Remember that time Goku hit Kaio-ken and then punched Vegeta really super hard? Good times, moving on.
The climax of this fight comes when Paikuhan unveils his inappropriately named Thunder Flash.
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"Thunder" in an attack name can generally mean one of two things: A powerful sonic crash or a fancy word for lightning. That. Um. That's fire. It's fire, Paikuhan. Do you know what thunder is? Because I don't think you do.
This is the best part of the entire tournament. Goku says this because characters are just saying Dragon Ball sounding words in this arc.
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Which is a funny thing to say when the climax of the fight is going to feature Goku capitalizing on the technique's clear and obvious vulnerabilities. That's right, Thunder Flash finally gives us a chance to see Counter-Fighter Goku in action again.
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Obviously, the technique's vulnerability is a) a super-long chargeup time where he has to do about as much random bullshit with his limbs as Recoome's Ultra FIghting Miracle Attack, followed by b) holding him in place while he fires it. Goku seizes on that second one; If the technique doesn't land, Paikuhan's set himself up for a brutal counterattack.
Goku can teleport. So he makes a brutal counterattack. Honestly, not sure why he didn't teleport out of the way the second time Paikuhan hit him with this. I can understand the first; He didn't know what was coming. But I don't know why it took until the third for him to come up with this. Evasive teleportation is not a new thing he just came up with today; He was doing it in his fight with Cell.
He says it took until the third Thunder Flash for him to first see Paikuhan's movements clearly.
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I believe that. What I have trouble with is that he stood there and let the attack hit him without even trying to evade it. Dodging's for suckers, I guess.
But, nitpicks aside, this is a fantastic triumph for Goku. The fight up to this point has clearly asserted Paikuhan's undeniable statblock superiority, which makes it all the more hype when Goku wins anyway by exploiting the holes in Paikuhan's technique. Paikuhan is stronger, but Goku outmaneuvers him at just the right moment, in just the right way to clinch a ring-out and claim victory.
A victory that speaks both to Goku's abilities as a counter-fighter and his general familiarity with the atmosphere of the tournament stage.
So, overall, the arc itself is janky as fuck but its centerpiece, the Paikuhan fight, is mostly solid. It takes too long to get to the good part and there's nagging bits of Toei Choreography here and there once the fight begins but most of the fight itself works.
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And it ends in a place that leaves Paikuhan and Goku both with much to learn. It's clear by the end of the match that Paikuhan is a stronger fighter while Goku is a better fighter. There are still mountains for both men to climb. This resolution feels true to the spirit of Dragon Ball and lets the Anoyoichi Budokai go out on a high note.
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