#does that make sense..................or is that like self centered lol
dancinghannigram · 19 days
me, looking at pictures of men who i find attractive: me: theyre pretty .... me, gets sad :(( why , idk...... me, having a revelation: holy shit
turns out i am actually not attracted to men, i was just trans all along
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flythesail · 8 months
Everyone can obviously feel how they want to feel about it but I've always felt the paths the drew crew decide on in the finale are reflective of their arcs
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astrotruther · 18 days
Rising Signs Observations
Unserious =͟͟͞♡
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➶ Aries Ascendant is a very rare placement. The most identifiable trait of these natives is their innocent faces. The sign of Aries brings a child-like quality. These people are often told that they look way younger than their age. They also often don't indulge in cosmetic procedures because they like their youthful/ natural look. E.g. Penélope Cruz, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
➶ Taurus Ascendants (both men & women) are some of the most on-paper/ conventionally beautiful people that I've never looked at twice. I'm sorry, you all are amazing, I've just never been attracted to a Taurus Rising. E.g. Miley Cyrus, Austin Butler. With Gemini in their 2nd House, they can be very successful writers. E.g. Toni Morrison, George R. R. Martin, Salman Rushdie.
➶ Gemini Ascendant women have some of the most unforgettable faces. They also have a youthful look but their beauty is more unconventional than Aries Ascendant. E.g. Julianne Moore, Kristen Stewart, Amy Winehouse, Priyanka Chopra, Drew Barrymore. Men with this placement are also popular but there's nothing jaw dropping about their looks (or maybe it's just me lol). E.g. Matthew McConaughey, Armie Hammer, Ashton Kutcher.
➶ Cancer Rising men are so chill and have a knack for comedy. E.g. Paul Rudd, Matt LeBlanc, Hasan Minhaj. Their talking voice can be a little goofy; E.g. The Weeknd lol. Women are usually sweet but can be problematic/ drama queens if unevolved. E.g. Chrissy Teigen, Tyra Banks.
➶ The placement that's hands down most likely to gain massive fame is Leo Ascendant. An issue most of them seem to face is of longevity. Often they're associated with a certain project or stereotyped in some way that people can't see them as a versatile individual. Blake Lively - Gossip Girl, Lucy Hale - Pretty Little Liars, Matthew Perry - F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Selena Gomez - Justin Bieber, lol sorry!
➶ Virgo Risings have the most boy/ girl next door aura about them. They have a similar charming wit as Gemini Risings which makes them likable and popular. However, these people may have skeletons in their closet. They are ordinary enough that nobody suspects them of any wrong-doing. This is the placement that can get away with murder. Even if controversies come to light, they're much later in their careers after they've amassed fame, wealth and success. E.g. Steve Jobs, Chris Noth.
➶ Libra Ascendants don't necessarily have the best fashion sense but they always look good. They're very likeable and often down to earth people. Very loyal. Some of them gain a lot of attention for the people they choose to date. E.g. Jennifer Aniston, Britney Spears, Yoko Ono.
➶ I've seen people say Capricorn Risings are a lot like Scorpio Risings due to dark aesthetic/ piercings etc. While Saturn does influence the aesthetic but it is still a very surface level observation based on celebs that often just put on a persona. The essence of these two is quite different: Scorpio risings are charmers. They look you in the eye while you talk to them. And the eyes are the most obvious identifying factor. Rather than having a specific shape, a Scorpio rising's eyes have a depth to them that makes you feel 'seen', and has an underlying promise of understanding/ accepting your true self. Also, it is THE bollywood IT boy placement. E.g. Shah Rukh Khan, Hritik Roshan, Arjun Rampal. On the other hand, Cap. Risings are charming in a less personal way. They are the lookers, the ones on the stage, the center of attention; they radiate their charm to the hoards of awestruck admirers. There's no reading between the lines for unsaid promises, just a very attractive person. E.g. Zac Efron, Ariana Grande.
➶ Sagittarius Risings have a natural talent in acting. The musicians with this placement don't really standout to me tbh. Some may look intimidating from afar but they're very kind people once you talk to them. Their fashion sense depends on whether or not they have a good stylist. E.g. Jennifer Lawrence, Kim Kardashian, Brad Pitt, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Winona Ryder, Jodie Foster, Elizabeth Taylor.
➶ Aquarius Risings - popular & widely talked about on the internet, no matter if the career is prolific or not. These are the celebs whom most people have a crush on. E.g. Ian Somerhalder, Zendaya, Aaliyah, Audrey Hepburn, George Clooney, Orlando Bloom.
➶ Pisces Risings - Something very distinct about their look or the way they speak/ sing etc. Sometimes the eyes have an intimidating look to them but they're the least intimidating people ever. E.g. Billie Eilish, Adam Driver, Peter Dinklage, Morgan Freeman, Ellen DeGeneres, Kajol.
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lilacstro · 3 months
What could end your relationship through your Venus sign
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On the suggestions of @crystalsnshit and @majortomspacex under my post astro observation pt 6 I will be making this post :)
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How do we find this?
Count the 8th sign and house from your Venus placement and you should know how you could possibly be sabotaging your relationships. How do we do this?
Lets say you have a Sag Venus in 12th house, 8 houses, and 8 signs from there would be, Cancer and 7th house.
You should now be able to find this. Remember, it resonated for me, and people I did readings for. If this does not resonate with you, its ok :)
Combine both of these to be able to look into it :) I will however mention the Venus signs for each of them.
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1st house/Aries (Venus in Virgo) Looking at your relationships from a self centered pov, in the sense, looking at things for what suits you, more than what could be better for both of you together, not making sacrifices or compromises your relationship might need. Feeling insecure about yourself/partner. Trying to fit things to fit your future or at the extreme opposite being giving to a fault, that you dont even realize but you are doing everything in a relationship for 2, all by yourself. Getting fierce. Starting to fast just to go crashing down, not being able to take things slow.
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2nd house/Taurus (Venus in Libra) Not willing to change opinions, or thoughts about something. In the sense let's say, someone made a mistake and you may keep bringing it up over and over, still carrying resentment for it. Maybe you remember your partner as someone who used to wake up at 5 AM (just a random example lol) and now they dont, it might be hard for you to let go of old versions. Not willing to change old ways, not leaving/pointing things out and getting too comfortable. Could be getting caught up in the "show" (material wealth) at times.
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3rd house/Gemini (Venus in Scorpio) Not being aware of what you're speaking and what you're delivering instead. Maybe passive aggressive/argumentative. Getting sarcastic. Not being able to experience "boredom" and wanting something to happen all the time. Being confused about what you really want. Not taking thing seriously when you probably should. Communication gap. Maybe thinking you/your person have too many choices. Trying to act the "unbothered" king/queen, you are not.
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4th house/Cancer (Venus in Sagittarius) Attachment issues. Saying/taking actions high on emotions. Emotional instability. Some kind of attachment to nostalgia and how it used to be, which makes it hard for you to see that the person isnt the same anymore and you are probably in love with an old version of them that doesn't exist anymore. Tolerating/Giving silent treatment or isolating yourself within the relationship. Withdrawing. Trying to solve things alone for what should be solved together. Probably wanting to leave all the time but not doing so (attachment issues again). falling into the traps of innocence.
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5th house/Leo (Venus in Capricorn) Wanting to be someone's 1st priority on a seemingly impossible level. Not being able to tolerate/express things normally and making it a big deal unknowingly. Getting bored when things seem normal. Could be feeling competitive to your own partner in some ways without realizing, hence building resentment. Anger management issues. Problems differentiating what is happening, and what am I feeling and what is actually real between both of them. Getting bossy at times probably without even realizing. Hyper independence issues at times. Wanting to show your partner off, but making them fit into something they probably aren't for the show.
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6th house/Virgo (Venus in Aquarius) Trying to make meaning out of everything, being overcritical and judgmental of things. Trying to take every little thing seriously, getting hurt over small things. Getting used to how things should be "in a certain way" and not understanding sometimes, things aren't actually exactly like plan and order all the time. Picking small fights over things that weren't really important at times. Building frustration/insecurity under the surface. Being available/at service all times, to an unhealthy level.
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7th house/Libra (Venus in Pisces) Probably being caught up sometimes in thoughts of "can i do better than this?", "i wonder what they think about my person". Getting caught up in the idea of status/reputation, forgetting that the real important thing is you being contended with your partner and not anyone else. Having this urge/thoughts that "am i settling for the less? should i see if i can do better. Comparing your relationship and your person and getting disappointed for bad reasons. Constantly wanting to choose/being indecisive over what you really want making your partner feel undervalued/underappreciated at times.
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8th house/Scorpio (Venus in Aries) Overthinking. Being too attached to someone on a toxic level sometimes. Not opening up about your feelings and expectations and even worse, expecting that to be understood somehow without making it clear and feeling not understood/important when that does not happen and building resentment otherwise. Passive aggressive feelings. Feeling everything too deeply but being unable to talk about it. Fear of things being over so you just decide in your head let's end it already anyways, or you make subconscious choices like that without even realizing. Unwilling to let go/open up about past. Sometimes bearing things to an unhealthy level just for things to stay. Getting overly passionate that you even get blindsided.
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9th house/Sagittarius (Venus in Taurus) Rose coloured glasses. Being optimistic about things when you actually should let go/discuss them clearly. Being on the surface, and feeling scared to dive deeper into the feels. Being afraid to feel your own feelings when you are uncomfortable about them. Projection problems. Going, "Oh i don't care" about things when you should probably discuss them. Problems confronting/being confronted. And again, when opening up, getting straight to the throat about things you have been wanting talk about. Sometimes thinking "oh i am just serving the truth" and "they/i can leave, doesnt quite matter" when it absolutely does but you just don't know yet. Wanting to leave/make decisions impulsively at every small discomfort.
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10th house/Capricorn (Venus in Gemini) Overthinking things to a fault. Building a plan and expectation of how it should go and having problems when it doesn't quite go like that. Probably, embarrassment over your partners at times. Expecting them to act/behave in some certain way at times? not too sure about this one. Probably picking problems in your partner to a fault because you expect/want them to be perfect. This might come from a place of care, but this can actually get annoying at times making someone feel they aren't appreciated/enough for who they already are. Getting obsessive in a controlling way. Not giving enough thought to someone/someone's feelings and getting caught up at unnecessary places.
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11th house/Aquarius (Venus in Cancer) Having no control over your thoughts and feelings regarding the other person. Maybe feeling one day you love them to moons but suddenly feeling you lost feelings the other day. Not being able to differentiate between what is your mood and your real feelings. Making sudden decisions about things, possibly at times without even needing to inform the other. Thinking you are being "nice, and kind and giving or sacrificing" by taking such decisions (probably thinking that if you ghost someone, even if it hurts you, you are doing them favor because they deserve better so technically you are the one in pain, even though you are making a dumb decision) but all while just hurting the other person to ends.
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12th house/Pisces (Venus in Leo) Over idealizing your partner and then getting upset when it doesn't happen that way. Feeling disappointed. Having made up thoughts and delusions about something that doesn't probably exist, in both good and bad ways, hence being unable to see what actually is real. At times, this could also lead to misunderstandings at times. Making assumptions and not caring enough to clarify them. At times, ignoring what is real and problematic/makes you visibly uncomfortable just to have peace and your relationship, and getting crushed when in the end, the inevitable happens anyways.
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I hope you resonated with this post, leave feedback/suggestions <33
i love you all
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punksocks · 7 months
Astrology Observations: No.28
*just based on my observations, only take what resonates
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(Sorry it’s been a minute, I got my time back then I got sick- like same day! I’m good now, thank god, but it was absolutely insane and everything has been going on in the world, my God)
-If your moon opposes your ascendant you may be known for making the wrong impressions on people (especially first impressions) at some point in your life
-Not the first time I said this but I feel like Libra Asc tend to need to balance out aspects of their life more bc of their houses having the opposite signs over them.
-On the other hand I feel like Aries asc have a very straightforward, sometimes less complicated world view bc of their houses lining up with their traditional rulers.
-Mars in determemt and fall (Libra, cancer, 12th house) really gives you a finite amount of stamina
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-I feel like cancer venus/moons tend to wax the most poetically and romantically about the nostalgia they feel. Even stronger for Venus.
-Men with cancer placements be like: I didn’t know I was manipulating you into being nice to me until it was already happening (lmao oof)
-I noticed Aries and Scorpio Sun men/masc folks can get romanticized a lot, I think this is bc their identity is ruled by mars traditionally, so they tend to be assigned more masculine traits/act their traits out in a more “traditionally” (or even just comfortably) masculine way
-Aqua Sun/asc/venus usually have some features that makes their face really stand out I noticed (unique brow/nose/head shape etc) (idk why I haven’t seen this with moons as much)
-Signs in your 8th house may come off as mysterious or hard to understand
-You may find it really easy to vibe with people that have Sun conjunct your Asc
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-I’ve noticed that a lot of Virgo mars may eat like really spicy or punishing foods (especially if the mars is in a fire house)
-Saturn aspecting your big 3 can help you age really well- depending on how well you take care of yourself (extreme example: dick van dyke, he’s almost 100 and he’s still jumping around with so much energy)
-Pisces placements can be like incredibly intelligent and yet still come off as a bit spacey (one of my favorite YouTubers used to head extra credits and he is SO SMART, like just a seriously huge capacity for knowledge but he sounds spacey when he does his chill gameplays and pieces things together unscripted lol)
-Jupiter square/opposition Sun can make you come off as overly pessimistic, it can also make you come off as optimistic at the wrong times (laughing at serious moments, etc)
-Taurus placements are so motivated by food, it’s so real (the amount of times I’ve had a Taurus sun/moon/mars not hear a word I was saying bc they were scoping out a restaurant? Countless lol)
-I notice a lot of rappers & musicians (especially the innovative ones) have major Pisces placements
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-Aries moons get emotional fulfillment by winning what they chase after (Aries in big 6 tends to make you go after things in general too imo)
-I noticed sometimes Leo moon can make you a bit self centered, like in the most literal sense, you may have trouble understanding perspectives outside of your own
-Virgos and Geminis and 3rd/6th house placements have great memory but they tend to forget certain aspects. They tend to forget or mix up details. (My ex took like 3 years to remember my middle name beyond the first initial lol god; also, I always remember zodiac signs but not birthdays lol)
-I love how Joe Pera has a cancer Mercury and his comedy is like the coziest comedy I’ve ever heard, he even got his following bc his helping people fall asleep and just talking through his chill podcast (did not expect him to have like the most fire in his chart tho?? Wouldn’t have guessed lol)- Pisces Mercury and Mercury with hard aspects to Neptune probably have a cozy affect on others when they communicate with them too
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
I love your platonic yandere writing! Your characterization and dialogue is one of my favorite things. You can tell you really thought hard about how these characters might get to this state. I wanted to say I also love your multi-target Primal Moon Sun Wukong! He's down from tens of thousands of subjects! Let him have a whole family to grab up and hoard! (RIP Y/N and Macaque. I'd say MK too, but honestly, Primal Moon MK seems pretty here for it lol.) (Also not gonna lie, Y/N is the center focus of course (and special RIP to them for being a human caught up in the middle of a group of monkeys! It's exactly as stressful and dangerous-feeling as it should be!), but Macaque's particular dynamic with Wukong and MK have caught me heart and soul here. The actual monkey social structures you're translating have really made this my favorite part of this AU, honestly. It's really good!)
Oh, thank you so much! I spend a lot of time cross-referencing my dialogue to that of the characters I write, so I’m glad my efforts have been paying off!
I really liked the idea of Sun Wukong going yandere for multiple people- part of his backstory is that he just wanted more and more.
So when his inhibitions are artificially stripped away, he sort of temporarily devolves in terms of character development, going back to “I want everything I can have!” but in a familial way, this time. So he builds himself a new troop for the week, no matter how much Y/N and Macaque might try to resist.
As you’ve said it, MK is living for this. One loving family member who doesn’t want to leave you under any circumstances (SW) and two who can’t. (You and Mac)
It helps that being second in command gives him a serious sense of control and power, which he does exert frequently.
I’m glad you think it felt stressful and dangerous! The Primal Moon definitely… messes demons up, and none of the three are the best at dealing with it.
Macaque definitely comes the closest, but he still has a lot of his own nonsense to deal with, like his own overwhelming urge to obsessively engage in stress-relieving behaviors. This can easily lead to Sun Wukong and MK putting him under lock and key, if not outright physically restraining the shadow demon to keep him from accidentally committing some form of self-harm.
I’m glad you like the dynamic he has with these two! Macaque tries to portray himself as some kind of “edgy badass”, but the Primal Moon strips away his ability to do so- there’s so much that Mac needs now, like affection and reassurance and warmth. And, even if he gets them, there’s still the harmful stereotypies that he’ll engage in, any form on self-soothing that makes things feel better.
So restraints and forced cuddles and genuine love from his “troop”… though Y/N is the only one he openly accepts the doting of, given their respect of his boundaries.
And I’m super glad you like the social structures! Monkeys are absolutely fascinating creatures, after all- if also brutal and complex.
Thanks so much for the comment!
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i firmly believe that illumi is not deserving of a redemption: not only because what hes done thus far is beyond redemption, but i also believe it would not make sense for his character.
i also feel as though it wouldnt make sense for killuas character either. killuas whole journey throughout the story is centered around self worth, and to have him outright forgive illumi, one of if not the biggest motivator as to why said worth was absent to begin with, would flush all of killuas personal growth down the drain.
yes illumi was most likely abused himself if not more than his siblings, but abuse is abuse. he had the choice of breaking the cycle but chose not to. killua did. i feel that redeeming illumi would be a huge punch in the face to actual abuse victims, and i dont think a message like that would be good to portray.
just like how i think silva and kikyo shouldnt be redeemed either, considering that theyre most likely the main driving forces as to why the family dynamics are so fucked up. and even if in his eyes, why illumi does the things he does isnt classified as abuse but more so benefiting the family and kil, its still abuse at the end of the day, and this only further proves how warped his perspective and perception of how and why he does what he does and has done is. the dude’s too far gone.
instead i think they should expand more into not only his backstory but his emotions and outlook on the world, such as his relationships with his family, most predominantly killua, and even with hisoka. for example, (minor bojack horseman spoiler up ahead) the way bjhm treated beatrice and her backstory: they portrayed it in such a way where they werent excusing her actions, but as a way of explaining why she was the way she was and how she became the person that she was, while also sharing a tender moment between her and bojack before she passed (which is in reference to the nursing home btw not the icu LOL).
i feel like if we were to get an illumi arc (togashi i am on my knees) they should go down that route instead of a full blown redemption. because not only does illumi not deserve that, killua doesnt either. he does not need someone like that in his life whether illu has changed or not. because the damage has already been done.
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ourmondobongo · 7 months
JJK 251 delivered one of the most intense fights till now, and honestly, I can't wait to see it animated! (if I'm still alive 10 years from now, that is lol).
That said, I need to write a little about this chapter because it has been eating me out since Thursday, and the HQ scan release is MAGNIFICENT. So let’s go!
Yuta used Cleave on Sukuna!
But, alas, he wasn’t the one to eat Sukuna’s finger. It was prolly Rika.
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I don’t think anyone would think it makes sense that Yuta - second only to Gojo, the strongest modern sorcerer  - could be the one to eat the King of Curse’s finger. While he IS powerful, it is still so risky to think he could ingest a piece of Sukuna’s soul and keep it inside himself for God knows how long.
Also, if a human had eaten one of his fingers, it seems a bit unlikely Sukuna wouldn’t have noticed somehow, as the cursed object holds a part of his very soul.
On the other hand, Rika hasn’t fully manifested. It seems an odd thing since this battle is even more dangerous and important than all previous battles Yuta had since his 2vs1 with Geto. Which may be just a wild speculation, but that has me thinking that maybe - just maybe - he hasn’t allowed her to fully manifest because she ate the finger. Like with the finger bearers at the beginning of the manga, Sukuna would know it is there, and he could target Rika more fiercely. Perhaps get to even retrieve it.
But this is speculation only - and I hope we will be sure of it in the next chapters.
It’s good to remember tho that it was Rika who ate Uro’s arm, not Yuta. And I doubt Yuta himself could have also eaten Hana’s and Inumaki’s arms…
Yuta was right in thinking that Sukuna would be surprised at being hit by his own technique.
However, something pretty nice happening here is that Sukuna looks pleased at tasting his own technique.
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You know, we are well aware by now that Sukuna is a hedonist to the fullest. So I’m actually pleased that, rather than being really pissed off for getting a taste of his own medicine, he really experienced this little moment in a way that couldn’t show better how a being can be more self centered lol
I mean, his smile as he says ‘I see. Quite the meal.’ or "Oh, I get it. You ate it." feels like he is amused at tasting some of the power his own technique holds. I can hear Suwabe-san making it sound like he is having a foodgasm. And Yuta’s face turning worried is a sign that he oughta move to his next attack against the King of Hedonism ASAP.
Yuji and Yuta’s hand-to-hand-fight with Sukuna is beautiful, my god.
Sukuna is a good +4m tall muscle-built four-armed TITAN GIANT. Yuta and mostly Yuji are making him bend, making him bleed, making him blind by spitting blood on his cursed eyes, and FUCK - THIS FIGHT IS GOLD!!
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Details I gotta highlight:
This is the second time Yuji survives Cleave at point blank, showing how much his endurance is up in such a crucial moment.
It was so smart of him to spit blood on Sukuna’s face. Reminds a little how his lil brother Kechizu spat his cursed blood on him back in s01 times.
Yuji’s determination to save defeat Sukuna and save Megumi with ‘heal up, heal up, HEAL UP’ makes me wanna chomp on wood T_T (C’mon baby, you can do it!)
Count on Sukuna to keep looking amused as he is being wrecked to the bones lmao. But also, this means he is thinking, analyzing, plotting, and soon preparing to counterattack.
The way Rika grabs him by the leg and throws him at Yuji’s soul shaking kick IS PERFECT.
The beating is so well delivered that, in fact, Sukuna is pushed to a deadly gamble.
I love when Sukuna gambles. He does it so many times throughout the story that I don’t think anyone can actually be surprised to see him doing this again in this chapter.
And I really mean it, cause not even our MCs are surprised. They had a solid plan of what to do once they had pushed Sukuna to the point they wanted: aka, releasing the HWC to try using Space Dismantle while tanking Jacob’s Ladder.
In less than a blink, Sukuna is 3/4 immobilized.
Rika, half manifested, gets his upper arms while Yuji goes for the lower right.
Yuta, though, goes straight to his guts, and bravely shoves his hand inside his belly mouth while Sukuna's only free arm goes straight to his head.
The cost for such a risky attack? A Cleave delivered directly on his bloody head.
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But Yuta’s RCT doesn’t fail him. And he also still gets to rip out the Cursed Tongue - leaving Sukuna to have only one way to chant curses now. Confirming their suspicions that the King needs to use hand signs and chants or both to use “Space Dismantle”, which is an opening they can take an important advantage of to both use the domain's sure hit and reach Megumi.
This page made me scream!
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The sight of Sukuna’s cheek exploding is bloody horrible.
Yuta tanking another slash attack shook me.
But Yuta coming up at the fucking King of Curses absolutely confident he can face him off FEARLESSLY is even more gobsmacking. I love my son!
Also, the fact that Sukuna’s output is low to that point is both a sign that 1) his deadly efficiency is truly getting compromised by the biggest jjk team jump this manga had to this day,  2) Yuta and Yuji really leveled up to an impressive stage!
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I don’t think we have ever seen Sukuna getting so overwhelmed and shocked.
Yuta’s next sword attack happens simultaneously with Yuji’s blood manipulation attack, and Sukuna loses his free hand while he realizes Yuji in fact just used his spitted blood to blow half his face off, rendering unable to speak.
A little thought I want to share though is that, while it has been long hinted that Yuji is able to use Blood Manipulation in any form after eating his brothers and training with both Choso and Noritoshi, I still have a little doubt whether the piercing blood attack in chapter 247 really comes from Yuji or not.
From the pov in 247, PB comes from somewhere really high and far from where Sukuna is. And in chapter 244, we see Mei Mei and Momo observing the battle from a tall building not too far away. I could see Choso being taken somewhere safe up to and despite being heavily wounded, still trying to help his lil brother. But also, I can picture Yuji rushing up some of the destroyed buildings to locate Sukuna and Higuruma, and desperately PB Sukuna to buy some time until he gets there. 
I mean, if it had been really Yuji, I half expected Sukuna to have a lil flashback not only of the moment Yuji spat on him, but also from when he was attacked back in 247. That would solidify the fact he shockingly realized Yuji is using BM. So I will wait for a clear confirmation...
This talk is pretty interesting and important.
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We discovered through Yuki’s search that: 
Even when souls mix to some degree, they don’t become one single soul.
Choso can’t feel the OG soul of the human whose (his) body belongs to, and that’s why he asks if Yuji and Sukuna aren’t a special case. A fair question that made me think Choso could actually give back his body to the guy if he knew the poor man was trapped inside.
Yuji explains that CE plays an important role in the case of cursed objects and non-sorcerers then. Yet, no matter how deep a living soul may sink, it won’t merge or disappear in such cases.
Choso proposes another special case: since Yuji said, “in general level things are unmergeable”,  what if Megumi and Sukuna are different tho? What if that could happen to them?
Yuji proceeds to say he added the “general” thing cause he had dealt with Mahito. Also, uniting souls transform them into other separate being. So as long as a soul CT like Mahito’s is NOT at play, then the merging of souls can’t happen.
And trusting fully in Yuki’s search, Yuji promises he will shake Megumi’s soul awake.
And after learning all of this, I wished for real that Yuki had not died so prematurely. The fact she was a former Star Plasma Vessel, that she could hear the voices of the souls Tengen had absorbed throughout the millennium, and that she had now Maki, Yuji/Sukuna, Choso and Mahito to deepen her research on souls and find a “scientific way” for how to break free from CE, BUT she never could do it… is a PAIN. We can’t undo what GG did, tho, so let's move on to the next topic.
Angel’s technique is special.
But it has a well defined role in the story: one that is NOT what some ppl think.
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In an incarnated body, there is the mix of one’s technique + the personality + cursed object. So, since Angel’s CT can eradicate CTs, they can erase Sukuna. As they all want to save Megumi, tho, they will need to do the same thing Hana tried back in chapter 213: using the attack to FIRST weaken the connection between Sukuna and Megumi so Megumi’s chances of surviving the brain damage are better, and THEN move on to finish off the King of Curses.
And here I want to point out how absurd it is for anyone to expect a MINOR side character to end the history of the final MAIN antagonist of this series. Because, truly, unless you are being really disingenuous or purposefully kidding yourself just to hate and badmouth JJK, one cannot be serious over Hana EVER standing a chance against Sukuna. Even more with one of her arms torn off by the King himself.
And that’s why Yuta - the one second only to Gojo - is the one side-handling this freaking final battle. 
Sukuna is damn right roughen and wrecked.
Yuji has one of his arms, Rika has two arms + a bite on his shoulder, his free arm is handless, his main mouth is half blown, and his belly mouth is tongueless and dripping blood.
There is a seriousness to his features that is different though. I mean he is the king of smiles, but he is deadly serious right here...
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He KNOWS what is coming. He has chosen to gamble his endurance power against Yutangel’s Max Jacob’s ladder. So he is definitely mentally preparing to receive one of the hardest blows on his unstable (connected to Megumi) form.
And then Sukuna takes it.
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His reaction is highly different from last time though, and it’s kinda obvious why. In chapter 213,  he had just barely taken over Megumi’s body as well as he was at 15 fingers. Here he is in his incarnated true form, 19 fingers + his very mummified head in.
That said, the way he only growls/grunts/gasps tanking a DE’s sure hit from someone with a CE around the same as his own is impressive. Not only that, but also another crystal clear hint that he is the fucking King of JJK for a reason. You can’t break him easily. You can’t beat him conventionally. You can’t kill him until his last drop of CE is gone, until his brain is incapacitated, until his self-serving wish to keep existing - even if meaninglessly - is obliterated together with his cursed soul. As long as he holds the overwhelming power to exist, he will keep existing.
Knowing the enemy is NOT down yet, Rika chomps her mouth on Sukuna’s shoulder again as she holds his arms again while Yuta butchers his lower right arm in half, buying the time Yuji needs to fuel the special punch that he hopes will shake Megumi’s soul awake from the depths of this nearly unkillable monster. And if my eyes are not deceiving me, I think that -  by the shape of Sukuna’s tattoo - Yuji hits him in the middle of his chest. Right over his heart.
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Megumi’s breakdown deserves an analysis of its own.
But, yeah, IT HURTS.
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As Yuji is shaken by Megumi’s state, though, the inevitable happens.
Sukuna, following his gamble of tanking and surviving JL to throw the WCD, does exactly that. The chants come on the page on a background a little similar to how his DE first appeared in animation. It’s eerie, cursed, and we know shit will happen on the next page…
Using what seems to be the arm Yuta had slashed in half (or is it the hand Rika was holding before), Sukuna strikes ALL his enemies with a seemingly WCD. 
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Way too close to him, Yuta takes the bruntest of it - the slash rips/slants his abdomen (letting we peek what is probably his liver), his back and his ring fingered hand (strongest way of connection with Rika) is severed from his wrist. Rika is slashed all over her face, the lower jaw which had bitten onto Sukuna’s shoulder is cut off and falling, her monstrous hands all cut and bloodied when they release Sukuna. Yuji is slashed on his forehead, across his face, and by the blood trajectory, from his collarbone down to abdomen. 
There is NO WAY THO that Yuji is dying like that, though.
So before we find out how Yuji - and prolly Yuta too - will survive this attack, it is important to notice here that Sukuna does not say “Dismantle” when he unleashes this attack on them. And, YES, chants ARE important in JJK. (I know a lot of ppl will complain about this, especially since “Gojo died with this attack!”, but I’m just saying what is drawn in the manga.)
Sukuna is back to his menacingly smiling aura as Yuta’s domain starts crumbling on top of him.
But while he is RCTing his injuries and tasting what seems to finally be the end of this cursed battle day, he is struck by the sneakiest signature attack of the modern era.
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Maki Zenin, the demon with zero cursed energy, pierces his heart - and soul - with her Split Soul katana.
If I said I haven't screamed at this whole sequence, I would be a liar. This was absolutely INCREDIBLE!
Now I hope GG won't switch the pov back to Hakari x Uraume, but I feel like he might as well do again T_T
Anyway, I just had to write all this to say how PERFECT Gege is weaving Gojo's pupils battle against the greatest King of Curses!!
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re your commentary on swifts feminism
her song the man has always bothered me particularly how it's been labeled and used as some "feminist anthem" when it's not about feminism. she literally says she'd rather replace the man on top and get to get away with all the bad behaviors men do, "if a was a man" means she'd be the one "flashing dollars and getting bitches and models", being a baller and not a "bitch", and referencing leo dicaprio also feels weird to me given his track record of throwing female partners away the second they hit age 25. if it was really about feminism it'd be a song about getting rid of that structure entirely, not having anyone in a position above someone else especially to abuse wealth and social power but instead it's over three minutes of her wishing she could be in that position instead
Hello! Apologies this took me a whole week to get to <3. I totally agree with on "The Man"(2019) though. This song is such a snobby, classless disgrace.
I always forget that people really believe that to be a feminist anthem… and I just don't understand how people think that?
It's not a song about disrupting the patriarchy. Taylor Swift is singing about climbing the corporate ladder, and wishing, simultaneously, that she was privy to male privilege.
Like she's already privileged, and yet she's singing about wanting even more privileges…. LOL
Swift is not a feminist and I will literally die on this Hill. She's not even a LGBT ally either- but that's a post/rant for another day.
She cares about exactly one thing- herself. Absolutely nothing in any of her songs that she markets as feminist music takes about issues facing women as a whole- or even extends empathy towards other women. All of it is so completely self-centered.
Especially, "The Man."(2019) I'm sorry, Miss Swift, but as a real feminist, I really have no desire to replace men at the top of the hierarchy- I want to destroy the hierarchy.
Also, since you're giving me the opportunity to talk about this, can we talk about how gross this line is: " and they would toast to me, let the players play/ I'd be just like Leo in Saint-Tropez" First of all, she's saying that if she was the man she would be applauded for sleeping around so much, and if she was a man she could be like Leonardo Dicaprio who famously refuses to date anyone older than 25?
Like she's really out here repackaging sexist power imbalances, ones that encourage the objectification of other people, in romantic relationships and singing about how she wishes she could do that without being called out? She's romanticizing Leo's creepy dating life, as perpetually single yet using young girls like accessories, and yet in all of her other songs she is crying about how much she wants to get married and be "pushing strollers." Make it make sense.
Also, uhhh… the men are also called out for being creeps? Why would we stop doing that if gender roles were suddenly reversed?
My aim with feminist activism is to destroy gender roles altogether…
Anyway. She's a fraud.
And you have brought up a remarkably good observation in her music- because this theme extends out well past just "The Man" (2019).
God this song makes me so mad- How does she get away with selling this shit as Feminism??????????????????? She's probably never read a feminist text in her life.
I have this ongoing theory that her idea of "feminism" is just being able to climb the corporate ladder. Like she's just so clearly only imaginative when it comes to business. She really should have just focused on becoming a businesswoman, because she's certainly not a poet or a feminist.
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sstiizy · 6 months
rdr high school/modern au.....
featuring only jovier for right now cus im ill someone help me write this
first up is javi duhhh
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main facts:
• trans male, 18 y/o, 5'9"
• unlabled, questioning
• has like. four jobs or something
• Javier comes from a relatively poor family, and is used to cutting either corners or his own losses to get by. He values his family and loyalty very much, often going above and beyond for the people he loves the most. Hardworking and diligent, Javier does what he can to make the most out of his situation.
• really scary resting bitch face
• a little skittish, very concerned about his reputation despite being a little bit of a loner.
• top of all his classes and an honor student. typically keeps his head down in that regard, but internally holds a strong sense of justice - particularly towards the education system.
• the ONLY ONE who willingly puts up with John. not even Abigail wants to deal with him sometimes.
Next up is John
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main facts:
• trans male, 18y/o, 5'10"
• the most disastrous bisexual you'll ever meet
• unemployed
• Adopted by Dutch and Hosea, John lives a fairly stable life. He is financially supported by his adoptive parents, opting to rely on their money rather than work for himself. John values being able to live in the moment, often times making less than smart decisions to be able to live up to that ideal. Impulsive, uncaring, and unpredictable, John is always up for a good time.
• stupid. EXTREMELY stupid. has all his core classes with Javier, so he's always bugging him.
• does not give a fuck about anything at all. lives the high life and is always getting into fights. he doesn't really get consequences, because Dutch and Hosea are office staff members.
• doesn't really smell that bad - he just sweats a lot and his hair gets greasy really fast
• rather self centered. he can never value what he has - he always wants, wants, wants.
Aaaand now some additional doodles cus i can
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spoiler alert:
they ruin each others lives lol
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soaked-ghost · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Dream Sans?
Hold up let me get my popcorn
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he makes me CRAZY!!!! in a way that even ink and nightmare can't
saying what I like about dream is super hard fo me cuz the dream that I like is basically like. my own oc at this point because of how many things I've changed about him lol
one things that always bugged me is how people seem to FEAR making him even remotely childish. I get it. last time we did that he was turned into an innocent 'cinnamon roll'. but making him a tired grumpy old grampa just isn't him, y'know?
I love how childish he is. he's into kid's media, he likes bug hunting, he hates studying, he gets along with children more, and he's very attached to his mom
but I also like how childish he is in the other sense. he's self centered and selfish and has the most black and views in existence. he's blunt and doesn't seem to get it when he's hurting others. he tries so hard to look mature and composed but he can't do that for shit and I love him for it
I also LOVE how he plays favorites. ink, by dream's standards, is the worst monster being in existence, but he is willing to let things ink does slide even though he wouldn't let it slide with any other person. but nightmare, who has a LOT in common with ink, suddenly doesn't deserve a second chance.
my boy never got an education. he isn't refined or professional. he is immature and dirty. he has really fucked up flaws and morals, but he is still relayed on and loved and... I love him a lot.
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nothing gives you insight into what parenting styles produce what types of kids like college essay coaching!! I feel like within 30 min of talking to a kid you can tell exactly what their parents chose to value/center in raising them… and you can also tell whether they’re going to have a rocky or reasonably smooth transition to adulthood as a result. if you were wondering the kids who are happiest and most secure in themselves tend to have parents who:
are warmly interested in their kid’s interests and engaged in their lives but give them LOTS of space/autonomy to explore those interests on their own and are in no hurry to rush in to “fix” things for their kid
communicate respect for their child and trust in their child’s ability to make good decisions and handle their own shit responsibly. it’s kinda wild how much pride kids take in their parents trusting them!! maybe you the parent don’t always get to see that (I assume that even teenagers who have good relationships with their parents are still teenagers lol) but as an outside person working with your kid, it is so so obvious that kids know when their parents trust them and derive a lot of self-esteem from being worthy of that trust. it is also painfully obvious when the parent can’t let go or trust their kid, so the kid internalizes a strong sense of “they expect me to fail/fuck up and they are just waiting for it to happen.”
encourage kids to try lots of different things and to derive fulfillment from the experience of doing things instead of external awards
treat and speak about others with empathy and respect. the kindest kids are the most secure kids and the most secure kids are the kindest. let your kids see you consistently interact lovingly and generously with others!! if they hear you constantly critiquing, tearing down, nitpicking, complaining, etc they seem to internalize an uneasy, insecure sense that this is how others must perceive them and they become soooo much more closed-off, guarded, risk-averse, unsure of themselves, and vulnerable to shaming or being shamed
set high standards for their kids in terms of doing well in school and committing to their activities, but make it very clear that these things are not a “means to an end” (get good grades to get into a good college) but are about learning how to work hard, persevere through difficulties, honor the commitments you’ve made to others, and develop a strong, grounded sense of self-esteem. honestly the kindest thing you can do for your teenager is to make it super clear that it does not matter where they go to college because you are so warmly confident in their ability to thrive wherever they end up
model having warm, loving relationships as an adult with friends and extended family. just in general the happiest kids are the kids who are surrounded by people who love them, listen to them, and are invested in their well-being!! the kids who, when you ask them to tell you about their closest relationships, spontaneously talk about people who aren’t just their immediate family but also their aunts and uncles, grandparents, family friends, beloved teachers or coaches, etc
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lyrring · 10 months
Do you have any tips for a young artist?
okay GOOD QUESTION so I'm gonna just start typing about some things I wish I had known as a young artist and keep adding to the draft of this answer as I think of things. LOL.
Advice I'm definitely qualified to give young artists:
1) If you are primarily an artist that draws humans or humanoid characters, I need you to internalize this very important fact: There is NO race, shape, type of body, etc. that you are 'unable' to draw. Y'all it is 2023 and Twitter is a cesspool of idiots running around INSISTING that they simply "can't draw black people", "can't color dark skin", or that "black people don't fit into my style."
But you, young artist anon, YOU know better now! Go tell all your friends! Spread the good news! There is no fundamental inability to include diversity in the subjects of your art--there is only unwillingness to learn.
Because that's the thing--a lot of people who say these kinds of silly things will also say that the don't want to 'get it wrong' (I typed and deleted a whole other tangent here. lol). The important thing about approaching diversity in your art is that you are earnestly trying, respectful, and open to being corrected. Hard to go wrong that way! There are tutorials abound--research is your friend!
2) Related: encourage yourself to explore and celebrate variety as you cultivate your unique style. and DON'T SKIMP ON THE FUNDAMENTALS! DO NOT!
I'm going to talk a little bit about what it was like for me when I started "really" drawing at like. 9 or 10. (cont'd.)
I got really into drawing because some friends of mine liked to draw anime in their free time in class. I centered my early drawing life around emulating a style that was strictly anime. Drawing realism or semi-realism seemed so ugly to me! I had no interest in it.
In addition, I came away with a message that harmed my self-esteem greatly, even if I didn't know it at the time: black people don't look good in an anime style. You just can't do it!
So I never tried to. I had a narrow focus, and I was reluctant to explore outside of it. If I'm being honest with myself, I hamstrung myself pretty hard by not being open to exploring a variety of styles. I also thought that the fundamentals of art (principles of lighting, color, shape, and the human figure, etc.) were a waste of time for me to study up on. I knew what I wanted my art to look like--pretty anime pictures! Lol.
All of the above is why I don't think I actually started to get "good" at art until September of 2019, roughly a trillion years after I started to draw. I know that because of those art summary memes, lol. Here, for reference:
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tumblr compressed the image to shit, so you'll have to take my word for it, but yeah! lol.
Anyways, the point is this:
You will go through many stylistic phases in your life as an artist. This is normal, and honestly, I'd celebrate it! Be open to any number of unlikely stylistic influences. They may take your artistic sensibilities in a direction you'd never expect. All in service of developing your unique artistic voice.
If you want to be good at what you do, you will need to create a strong base of knowledge for yourself. This is what intentional study of the fundamentals does. Get that shit in your brain while you're young!!! You will be planting the seedling of your artistic prowess in much nicer soil, and future you will thank you for it.
3) Developing artistic skill is NOT A RACE! You will hear this advice a lot, but I'd like to talk about a specific nuance that I think is important.
There are a number of reasons why it would make sense for you to think that it is, in fact, a race. For instance, there are roughly a kajillion other artists in your age range. A lot of them are on social media, cultivating a following. A lot of them will be "better" than you.
Do not get attached to the idea of being a brilliant young artist. You will not be young forever. If your idea of skill is entwined with your identity as a young person, what happens as you get older? I'll tell you: You start to see more and more people who are way more talented than you, and at least five years younger, and it can really really hurt you because you have not been set up for success with the right mindset. Your pride and joy was not being a creator--it was being a young creator.
Being an artist, especially in the age of social media (jesus, i sound so old) is an emotional investment as well as a practical, skill-based one. If you do not take care of yourself emotionally, if you do not approach creating art and posting it online with the right mindset, you will destroy yourself. Worst case, you end up bitter and hating art altogether.
If you are able to remain reasonably detached from social media response in general--great! That bodes well for you. But that's a skill, like anything else, so it's much more likely that the way your art is received on social media will affect you.
If you are very young, say, in your teens, and your art is exemplary, you will probably receive a lot of comments about this! They might be astonished that you, at so young an age, are so advanced in your skill. It is GREAT to be proud of yourself for accomplishing so much at a young age, don't get me wrong. Feels nice! But just like you will be advised not to let mean comments go to your head, you need to be thoughtful about how you receive comments that praise you for your age specifically. You need to be firm in the understanding that your age is not what makes your art exceptional. Your art is exceptional because YOU made it and because YOU honed your skills!
Beyond that, stuff that you probably already know: comparison to your artistic peers can be very encouraging and motivating; conversely, it can also be stressful and lead to unfortunate emotional spirals. You know yourself best--engage with or steer clear of comparison according to your comfort. You're not on your friend's artistic journey. You're on your own one. This is a very cursory thought on the topic of comparison, but I don't think I could offer you anything you don't already know about it, y'know?
4) This one... I'm gonna try to get across a very specific point. My point is this: Know what success looks like to you, and be honest with yourself.
The definition of 'success' may evolve for you as you develop, but I don't think it's ever too early to have a frank conversation with yourself about what it means for you, specifically, to be a successful artist.
Do you want to develop the skill to draw or create a specific idea in particular? Do you want a kajillion followers on instagram? Do you want to build a portfolio that will get you into a specific creative industry? Do you want to cultivate a steady stream of commissioners? Do you just want to relax and get ideas out of your head? And any other infinite goals.
Obviously I'm saying this without placing a value judgement on anyone's definition of artistic success. This is a highly personal sort of thing.
The reason I encourage this is because it can provide additional direction to a young artist, for whom the world is an oyster. Different enduring goals will require slightly different approaches to art as a field. This goal may inform what you draw, what medium you use, your higher education & career plans, where you choose to post your art (if at all), how much effort you must invest in building a brand for yourself, the role of social media in your life as an artist, the kinds of artists you devote energy to being peers with, etc. Hope that makes sense!
Anyways, I hope this advice is helpful. I'm always happy to answer other questions related to this sort of thing. Go forth, young artiste--I believe in you!
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velvetfoxgames · 3 months
Following the MBTI stuff, for fun, here are some gathered quotes about knowing if the types are into you.
Alexei INTJ
"Ever the observer, they’ll want to know and engage in your likes and dislikes, dreams and goals, and more. They might even use this to help inform how they interact with you and what they do for and with you, often putting your interests above their own."
"Once they know, they’ll use that information to put a smile on your face. In many cases, their gestures might be small and subtle, but this isn’t something that they’ll do for just anybody."
“Sadly for me, I fit perfectly into the stereotype of INTJs being romantic disasters. The art of subtle flirting is unknown to and lost on me. I generally try finding events we would mutually be interested and asking the other if they wish to go see it. Basically, just asking them to hang out one-on-one, without explicitly asking them out on a date.”
"INTJs aren’t normally very physical. So if they do allow hugs or are otherwise willing to be touchy-feely, it means that they trust you a lot — especially if they’re the ones to initiate the physical contact"
Brooklyn ENTJ
"If an ENTJ has been unusually direct, taking the initiative to engage you in stimulating conversations, you may have just received an unmistakable sign an ENTJ likes you."
"The planning and strategic aspect of giving meaningful gifts and memorable moments are something an ENTJ will relish doing for the people they care deeply for. And while you may not even realize that they knew all the little things that would make you happy or have meaning for you, they would’ve carefully attended to this in the days and weeks beforehand.  
"When we are genuinely interested, our Sensing (Se) function draws us to focus intensely on you, making you the center of our universe."
"Compromise is something that isn’t necessarily often done. Still, when it is, you can be assured that ENTJ values you and your relationship – your happiness being more critical than their routine or goals will manifest in them changing plans, compromising, or finding a different way to make it work. This is a definite sign of their affection for you."
"We love to turn our full, sparkly attention on someone we're into!"
"If they are interested in you only as a crush, they can act more freely around you: smiles, giggles and, possibly, superficial conversations. But if they really like you romantically, then they’ll become a little shy." / "We get nervous when we are close to someone we like a lot. We can even become awkward."
"Of course consistency is a very good sign. ESFP are very independent and soon lose interest in someone. It’s easy for them to have a crush, but they fall in love with much more difficulty. Consistency means ESFP likes you a lot in 99% of cases."
"A rule of thumb for us: if you have to ask "does an ESFP like me?" The answer is probably no lol. Se Fi isn't exactly known for its subtlety. How this manifests for me is i will want to spend all my time around a person. I'll invite them places, I'll go places i know they'll be, offer to help them with stuff they're doing, and I'll pay extra attention to them in a group setting."
"An unexpected warmth, heightened intellectual curiosity towards you, and unusual social efforts. Bear in mind, these cues may be subtle and sporadic."
"INTP pretends they dislike you. This is not so much a visible sign but rather a confounding and self-sabotaging defense mechanism INTP deploys, probably out of fear of rejection."
"We usually keep conversations lighthearted and cordial. However, if we start rambling about the latest conspiracy theory, that crossword clue we’re stumped on, or the documentary that tickled our brains—watch out, you may be in crush (or at least close friend) territory."
"INTPs have an uncanny talent for remembering an entire backlog of information about someone's past or preferences. When INTPs are in their feelings, they'll randomly bring those details up in conversations. Our crush becomes a fun trivia game we’re invested in exploring further."
"They might hand you a book, saying, 'I knew you'd love this,' even if you've never expressed your literary preferences to them"
"Have you noticed a fleeting touch, a seemingly awkward gesture emanating from your INFJ companion? Perhaps, a light brush of the hand that seemed unintentional but was, in fact, meticulously premeditated?"
"Something that INFJs are highly fond of doing, is showing someone that they like them by little reminders through music and art. If they create a playlist or share a song with you, they want you to know that they are thinking of you or that a specific song reminds them of you."
"More than anything, they expressed a deep desire to connect emotionally with someone they like. They will be more emotionally open, express more of their deeper longings, and become more vulnerable with you if they like you. If they’re not into you, they will probably keep these things closer to the chest and appear slightly more guarded."
Tobias ESTP
"ESTPs aren’t typically mysterious about wanting to impress you. They’ll lift heavy objects, crack the funniest jokes (winking at you afterwards), and challenge competitors to arm-wrestling matches just to show you their power or wit."
"ESTPs get a major thrill from seeing you laugh. Whether they’re impersonating cartoon characters saying over-the-top sexy lines, pranking someone (think Jim Halpert from The Office) or making silly faces at you during a serious board meeting, they’ll find some way to trigger your funny bone."
"These types are all about amping up the current experience and making it memorable and intense. Sometimes this means taking you on the steepest roller coaster in town or playfully stroking your hair while they whisper something in your ear. "
"ESTPs can grow impatient with the emotional ramblings of people they’re not especially close to. But if they care about you romantically, they WANT to know how you feel. In fact, they will put themselves on the line emotionally and try as hard as possible to express their feelings to you."
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egg-emperor · 1 month
Idk why people want to think Eggman loving Sage is out of character... Like even if people subscribe to the idea that he's incapable of love he LITERALLY created a highly powerful computer program that can exist in physical form. Why the HELL would he not be proud of that and love her? I personally love the "evil villain, good dad" trope so I do believe he does love her as a daughter but it's not like those two traits can't coexist.
Ah that's not quite exactly my personal stance on it ^^; It heavily diverts from the typical "evil villain, good dad" archetype in the best way. The basis and conditions of his accepted fatherhood on Sage is built on his evilness and narcissism and only emphasizes them. I'd say he only "loves" Sage as much as an extremely self absorbed self centered egotistical narcissist possibly can, which is really it being an extension of loving himself, through what he has created.
He's very conditionally affectionate towards her and praises her only when she does exactly what he wants for his selfish gain and in ways that also praise him as her creator/father for being capable of making such an impressive creation. He gets aggressive and angry at her for any less, as we see the second she suggests something he doesn't like. Even when it's done in his best interests, so long as it's not done the exact way he wants it, he'll blow up at her.
I'd imagine a good dad loves their child much more unconditionally instead of a relationship based on what it can do for him. I don't think good dads praise their child for being "loyal and perfectly effective" like he does, that'd be pretty concerning. And the way he attributes all her success and genius to himself for being her father too, which I also imagine isn't a very good dad thing to do, putting all your child's accomplishments down to "it's because I made you!"
This memo really does say it all:
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Also there's the way she was built to protect him instead of the other way around so he lets her die for him. I don't think any good dad would let their child go on a snicide mission to save him and the world he wants to rule lol
I think that no matter how he might show affection towards her and see her as a daughter so long as she does what he wants, with his conditions and reasoning behind what he's doing, he's not really a good dad. Because it's really about his personal gain in what he gets out of it and wanting to continue to encourage it with high praise and of course his self love with all the bragging opportunities all the time. And that's how a bad dad can seem loving and affectionate.
He's capable of love alright, self love. XD And it makes sense Sage is the first person he's shown high praise and affection, with the way she cares so deeply about him, prioritizes his safety and desires, and is very loyal and enthusiastic to serve him. And she's actually successful and efficient and an impressive life-like artificial creation? Of course he's gonna like her, she loves him like he loves himself- and he can love himself even harder by praising himself through her!
So yes, it makes sense that he likes her, wants to keep her around, and praises her so highly. She's useful to him and praising her praises himself and as long as she keeps serving him with that loyalty and being a big source of pride for him with her existence proving what a brilliant creator he is by being an impressive creator, then it'll stay that way, besides the occasions he can still very much get cruel and snap at her if she does things he doesn't want or fails him in any way.
So yeah every aspect of their dynamic and relationship so far has been handled really well in ways that feel good and accurate to the character established. I like how they decided to build on and emphasize his existing traits to for a type of development that doesn't suddenly completely change his strong static character. His relationship with Sage has actually just shown a great example of the selfish conditions that he can be willing to appear as a praising father!
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blackdragoness · 10 months
Pick an M&M Color &I'll describe you based off the color you chose. Lessssskoooo
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Pile One - Red
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The color red represents:
Religious fervor
Action taker
Bad boy/girl vibes, dark color aesthetic
Intense for no reason
Always ready to pull up on a MF that crosses you. You definitely don’t play
Fierce. Beastly. Always on 100
Huge heart & selfless
Very loyal individuals
Big dreamer but executes everything they put their mind to
Big energy
May be a sports junky or love to play sports themselves
Leader of the pack
First Pick (usually when I eat M&Ms, I always pick a red one first so whatever that means to you, let it mean that lol)
Super hardworking and very physically strong no matter your build
A temptation/seductress
Very physically attractive
May have a potty mouth but regardless is super outspoken and doesn’t mind who hears or knows
Goal oriented and determined
Short temper but quick to make amends. Sour patch kid vibes heavyyyy
Very successful individuals
Powerful manifestors
Pile Two: Yellow
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The color yellow represents:
Your presence is like a ray of sunshine
Big artsy hippy vibes
Very optimistic and does your best to remain optimistic even in the worse of situations. Sometimes its your downfall because some things seem too unrealistic from the outside looking in. But most people wont let you know that because no one wants to break that hope with in you and that’s how it should be. You shock people in the end because things happen for you solely because you never lost hope. So keep that light within burning even if no one else believes.
You shine so bright and it’s a warmth everyone enjoys feeling. Your energy livens up whatever room you walk into.
Trend setter
Star of the show, center of attention ALWAYS (downside of this is even when something embarrassing happens to you, it seems to happen in front of a crowd also. But don’t let that stop you from being YOU! Whether they are laughing at you or with you, its your mf world & thas on periodt)
Compliment giver – you’re that friend that is always showing mad love to everybody and their dog. Might be great with animals
Very friendly and cute. You’re such a cutie
Popular loner
Its always a party when you are around
It’s a privledge to be in your presence
Pile Three: Orange
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The color orange represents:
self control
self esteem
You are a great team player, very easy going and hardworking at the same time
A very balanced individual
Fits the “cookie cutter” standards regardless of gender
Very intelligent and confident
The popular nerd
High standards and carries themselves with dignity and elegance
Productive, prompt and reliable
Fashion sense is probably very preppy or nerdy but it looks trendy on you. Think of Daphne and Fred from Scooby Doo.
Hard to get close to but once you get close, they are the sweetest individuals
Loud voice or speaks very boldly and confidently
Beautiful voice. Theres an elegance or something royal about your mannerisms when you speak. Its mesmerizing.
Good girl/boy vibes. Church boy/girl vibes
Something scholarly about you. Either you’ve accomplished a lot of things in the school system or you’re a very well read and traveled person.
Pile Four: Brown
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The color Brown represents:
sense of duty and responsibility, takes obligations seriously
very grounded and stable
the “ma” or “pa” of the friend group
not afraid to get down and dirty. A “whatever it takes” type of attitude.
Usually looked at as the Alpha of the group
Stoic and emotionally intelligent
Very genuine. Every interation with you is very genuine and people can feel that off the rip!
Easily trusted but hard to give trust to others
You probably had to mature at a young age which made you a few steps ahead of your generation
“old soul” vibes
Depths in perception. This goes deeper than depth in emotion (which is what the BLUEs are)  because you are very logical and can block out your emotions when the emotions become “too heavy”. You can handle a very heavy load on your shoulders and hardly nothing gets you down.
Big earth vibes. Big OXEN vibes.
Heavy hittahs. Your punch packs a mighty force. I wouldn’t want to be on the other side fr FR.
Ride or die personality. Very reliable and trustworthy
Respectable figure/ authority figure
Pile Five: Green
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The color green represents:
new beginnings
lack of experience
natural beauties. Don’t need anything extra to enhance their beauty. Very very naturally gorgeous and handsome
someone who isn’t afraid to start over again.
Strong stamina and endurance both mentally and physically
Mentally strong and intelligent
Boujee vibes – “upper class” energyyyy
When these people love, they love HARD.
Very passionate when it comes to love. Hopeless romantics.
Fueled by progression and future potential.
Very chilled back and relaxed yet very focused and determined on their goals.
Very patient individuals
People can easily become jealous of you but you also have your own jealous streak to be aware of.
Steady and sturdy
Enjoys their own privacy and solitude
Unafraid to stand alone
Humble but confident – very humble confidence that is hard to ignore
Mesmerizing and hypnotic type of beauty
Pile Six: Blue
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The color blue represents:
open spaces
ocean vibes
This pile has a very deep perception of life. Their emotions run deeply through them.
Probably one of the kindest souls walking this earth.
Very in tune and connected with their environment and those around them. Usually the one who can read and understand the room better than any one else.
May lack boundaries and may struggle setting boundaries with others.
A deep well of knowledge.
May tend to cry easily whether it be from a sad thought, a cute cuddly animal, or a tear jerking movie.
Daydreamer and in your own world
Mystical and magical even in your mannerisms. The way you walk, the way you talk the way you glide across a room, seems so fluid and mystic.
Mermaid/Siren vibes
May have a beautiful talking or singing voice. Sexy and sultry.
 Everyone’s best friend – easily liked and easy to get along with.
Major eye candy
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