#does anyone pay attention to these?
alhyastarain · 10 months
thas ok, i guess :3
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cloudcastor · 7 months
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orcelito · 10 months
showing off the commission i got from @ruporas for my fic, In the Next Life!
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i'm still so incredibly excited about this. it's been some months since the story event that caused these scars, but i wanted SO BADLY to be able to see what they'd actually Look like... & Here They Are.
ruporas rendered the scars So Well, i just cant stop Looking at them... there's a Fresh & a Healed version, which ruporas was kind enough to give me without additional charge (Thank U Again😭😭) so i get to see what it looks like at different stages.
Lichtenberg Figures. in terms of actual scarring, lightning strikes that people survive don't tend to leave permanent scars, but the lichtenberg figures that they (usually temporarily) leave behind are just So Cool... Now, what happens when you get someone who can survive an amount of electricity/lightning that would be Frankly Lethal to any normal human person?
This :]
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kaiserouo · 4 months
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still punch
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sasukeless · 19 days
2024 and deidara stans still trying to gaslight me sasuke winning was plot armor omg move onn
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i-lavabean · 1 year
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Felt like I needed something way more colorful to kick my drawing practice's entire behind
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kaurwreck · 1 month
I don't think any well written work with unreliable narrators can be understood if you're disregarding everything from those narrators— understanding where and why they're unreliable is key. That requires discernment rather than bright line rules.
Otherwise, the narrators wouldn't be unreliable. They'd be reliably dishonest, and that wouldn't make for a compelling or relatable story.
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cryptvokeeper · 5 months
i havent even watched the new episode of dungeon meshi yet but just seeing all the posts abt it is bringing back memories of the manga and like.
Oh, right, it was actually really vital to have this episode go here.
Because we've just spent the last several episodes being told over and over by everyone around him that Laios is bad with people, that Laios is socially inept, that Laios cannot handle interpersonal party dynamics.
And all of that is 100% true! But it is absolutely vital to remember that even with zero social awareness whatsoever, Laios is still a good friend. He may not pick up on the typical, expected social cues but he does pick up on other things. He knows his friends' habits, their beliefs, their personalities, and uses those things to find differentiate his friends from the fakes. It ends up kind of overshadowed because he still has to go dogboy mode to actually defeat the monster, but Laios was right on all three counts. He still does it through the lens of his knowledge of monsters, and not the way a "normal" person might, but its the way that works for him and gives him at least some understanding of his team.
TLDR; Laios may be stupid but he's not an idiot and he knows his friends.
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caitlynmeow · 8 months
ALL of Alcina’s daughters are jealous of one another:
Bela: you baby Cass and Dani all the time
Cassandra: it’s always Bela this, Daniela that
Daniela: you trust Bela the most and spend A LOT OF time with Cass it’s not fair
It’s as if no matter what she does, someone is always complaining. But Alcina learned not to pay much attention to it. She loves all three just the same. She spends enough time with each daughter and she knows about every little detail in their lives. Not a single one can say otherwise but her children love being dramatic for no reason.
Daniela doesn’t like it when mama pays attention to her sisters.
Cassandra is jealous of both Bela and Daniela
Bela- being the eldest she is just over it (not true)
But generally, Bela is chill and it’s Cassandra and Daniela who display the most jealousy especially when their mother is suddenly paying attention to someone outside of their family.
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liauditore · 1 year
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biomechanical horrors <3 <3 <3
Part One
Tango's alive.
We don't know how and we don't care.
He was... Half of him was covered in that stuff. Sculk. He's been down there for months, it should've eaten him alive by now, according to everything we know.. His survival could mean endless things for the scientific community but I don't even care to think about that right now.
When.. When I saw him in that thing's mouth the cockpit, limp and curled up in his seat, I'd feared it was confirmation of what we had all been expecting..
I hate to admit it but I.. didn't want to look any longer. If it was just me back there, Tango would've really been a goner...
Skizz.. has never been one for logical thinking. It drives me insane but it might've saved our friend. That moron has a heart too good for this world. I hadn't thought it possible that human hands could shatter Decked Out's windshield like that... maybe she was worn from her time in the Deep Dark?
Either way, he's.. stable, according to the medics. Breathing. He woke for a bit earlier and was just kind of.. standing there, staring at something off in the distance. I put him back in bed and told him to try and rest.
Morning. We'll look for answers in the morning.
<End Log>
PILOT Tango Tek - Unconscious. Sculk-infested. Currently receiving care. Missed you, buddy.
PILOT SUIT, TEK Variety, mark07 - Tango's pilot suit that he designed himself. Covered in sculk. We're trying our best to clean it but the stuff's stubborn as hell... Might be good to just discard it. Surely Tango wouldn't be too mad?
SCULK SAMPLES - that thing was covered in sculk and shriekers alike... it's like it was... pulsing... like it had a heartbeat...
DECKED OUT - she's beyond help, I'm afraid.
Tango's gone again.
He clawed my face in when I tried to hold him down. It'll heal, but... I just... I didn't expect that from him, I guess. He took the suit too, barrelled through a dozen nurses and security guards to get to it.
That thing, it... it heaved itself to the surface on its arms. You could hear it from the centre of town. The ground beneath it screeched. It looked like it was in pain.
It dragged itself all the way to the edge of the shopping district. We had no idea what to do, it shouldn't be able to move without a pilot or power. It shouldn't have teeth either.
It sat there for half an hour. Its jaw unhinged and slacked onto the pavement. I remember the first time I watched a whale beach itself. It was a lot like that but... this thing felt like it knew what it wanted from us.
Eventually it just got up and left like nothing happened.
I think Tango's in it again.
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ohmygenz-ie · 6 months
I got my haircut the other day and I got bangs now🏳️‍⚧️
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sparkleofstardust · 7 months
shoutout to tim drake for losing his spleen and thus making me care about an organ that i've not paid attention to for like a decade
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seaquestions · 7 months
i dont know how it took me this long to fully come to terms with it but. im literally just aro. or something to that effect.
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markantonys · 2 years
“average wheel of time character mentions elayne’s dimple 5 times per book” factoid actualy just statistical error. average wheel of time character mentions elayne’s dimple 0 times per book. mat cauthon, who mentions elayne’s dimple over 10,000 times each chapter, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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transgayhawkeyepierce · 4 months
Jerry Seinfeld used MASH as example of "good comedy" before the "woke left" ruined the genre. And yes, the TV show MASH, the paragon of conservative values, a great example...
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22degreehalo · 25 days
The stereotypical 'harem anime protagonist' revolutionises and disrupts contemporary heterosexual norms in regards to romantic narratives. Rather than envisioning a stereotypically masculine power fantasy, the 'harem anime protagonist' instead cultivates a more realistic perspective, portraying its character as decidedly average in his abilities and looks, if not an outright outsider to normal society. In this way, rather than presenting romance as a quality 'earned' via successful displays of masculine superiority - a one-sided dynamic which all too often relegates women to be nothing more than narrative 'rewards' for the protagonist's achievements, taking the position less of individuals in their own right than of symbolic gatekeepers for hyper-masculine worthiness - it is instead portrayed as the result of burgeoning relationships between persons through quality time spent together.
Instead of expecting said love interests to be 'impressed' by the protagonist's successes (thus putting him on a pedestal above them, and enabling the masculine need to be 'better' than his partner), romantic feelings are nurtured realistically through shared interests and hobbies, and as a result of the protagonist's kindness and interest in helping said women with their life problems. Rather than man as conqueror, and romantic success as signifier of competitive superiority, romantic feelings are naturalised as contextual and mundane - as a normal and everyday fact of life that any person, regardless of social status, may be able to experience through commonplace bonds between relative equals and sincere concern for others' wellbeing.
Likewise, the 'harem anime protagonist' inverts the manic dream girl archetype; rather than existing to kickstart his own character development, the focus is almost entirely on the personalities and circumstances of the female love interest. If the protagonist 'earns' his relationships at all, it is not by displays of dominance or charisma, but through a genuine interest in their lives and willingness to help the women around them achieve their own personal goals. Said goals are often far grander than any the man himself could grasp at, again positioning the men in supportive, even submissive positions; rather than be turned off by this lack of traditional masculinity, the female characters are shown to find these very displays of kindness and supportiveness (typically feminine qualities) attractive, offering a different path for lonely and sensitive young men.
In this essay I w
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