alhyastarain · 10 months
thas ok, i guess :3
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therekinperson · 1 year
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My fanmade species that I've fleshed out too much :D (Like I literally made them socialital structures, wars, religion, current and even convergent species)
(Please send help)
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smoll-boi · 10 months
I'm back for one blog and this is it so OoOOoOoOO doodles
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katiefratie · 2 years
I'm gonna be thinking about the Pike FCG soul scene all night....I just she offered up this life changing world view altering magic to them for little more than a question and no hesitancy at all she changed his life just because they asked and were afraid. And she reassured them that everyone's journey is unique and it's okay for them to be different after knowing even though nothing has changed I just I love Pike so much I Love Fresh Cut Grass so much
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nthflower · 1 year
I do not understand Star wars people talk
Glup shitto phenomenon is real.
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pawpatrollss · 2 months
Cat disaster!
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Summary: You had just moved in togehter, what you did not stop to think about was the now three cats causing mahem.
Warning: my bad writing, and I did not check my spelling at all so DON’T come for me!”
Boxes were still everywhere, you and schlatt ate from paperplates or ordered in everyday and slept on the blow up mattress that was already broken.(thanks to jambo..)
Life was great basically.
You had been dating for almost a year before deciding to move in together into a new place in New York. But what you both hadn’t stopped to think about was the now three cats running around the apartment.
Jambo was usually the chill one, but ”burnt soup” and your cat megatron(named by schlatt obv) which was still a kitten, tried to make everything difficult for you two every single day.
”NO! DOWN! i swear to fucking god megatron i will throw you off the balcony.”
Was the first thing you heard opening the apartment door, coming back from the grocery store.
”what is happe-”
The next thing you saw was the tv going down the table and screen first onto the hardwood floor and a horrible crash could be heard, the cats bolted around the place.
”I SWEAR-” Schlatt started before letting out a harsh sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
”Well, it was a pretty shitty tv?” You hesitated to say seeing the foul mood schlatt was in today.
You were both exhausted from the move and the shitty matress thats was like a carpet now didn’t exactly promise the best sleep.
”..yeah i guess it was” schlatt sighed again but slightly laughed.
Megatron the little shit rubbed herself gainst schlatt leg and meowing at him.
”You little shit” He laughed considering actually throwing the cat out the window but decided not to since you would probably not be too happy with him.
You put the groceries away in the kitchen before jumping down on the couch closing your eyes for a second. Then some small feet could be felt walking over your stomach and then a small body collapse against your neck.
Opening one eye you saw the little furry fucker lay basically under your nose all snuggled up. You gave the cat some scratches and she purred loudly.
”She cost us a whole new ass tv and just fucks off and gets cuddles with MY girl?!” Schlatt exclaimed lifting his arms up pointing to the cat before letting them fall back dowm and hit the sides of his legs loudly.
”She’s just a baby?” You said in a disgusting baby voice kissing the top of megatrons head and smiling at schlatt at his irritaded form. It was kinda funny.
”No. No, that’s not- jesus I give up..” He said before plobbing down on the couch next to you. Hungergames was still playing on your laptop from before you had left for the store.
Megatron stirred from her slumber and crawled over to schlatt’s lap instead.
”See she’s saying sorry!” You said laughing at his now even more irritaded face, well he tried to stay irritaded at the adorable cat. But ended up failing misserbly.
”Fine, i forgive you, you little fucker.” He said pulling the kitten closer to himself.
You gave schlatt a small kiss on the cheak before turning back to the laptop that was purched on the coffee table.
”Jambo don’t get too close to that or it will fa-”
Crash, glass shatter, and a scream was the noice next.
You were now the one who LOST it, so you scremead into schlatt shoulder.
Schlatt bursted out laughing, probably cause this was your laptop not his. He kissed your temple before getting up to clean the mess away.
”I hate everyone..”
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girliism · 1 month
girl dad!art hasn’t had to stay home only with your daughters since she’s been born so when he sees you getting ready for a night out he’s confused.
“where on you going?” art stands behind at your vanity. “tashi invited me out and i haven’t been out since the bean was born so.” you shrugged retouching your lipstick. art follows behind you while you pack your purse. “is your mom coming over to watch bean?” you tell him he is and watch him freeze up.
art loves his daughter but watching her alone without you. what if something goes wrong. “baby, you’ll be fine. it’s almost ten and she’s been fed all you need to do is change her then put her to sleep.” you reassure him. “oh and remember to warm up the bottle under hot water. she likes to hold it herself while someone rocks her to sleep.” you kiss your daughter and art goodbye heading out to tashi’s car.
“alright looks like it’s just you and me bean.” art picked her up the two of them smiling at each other his full mouth of teeth and her five tiny ones. three at the bottom two at the top. “so what do you wanna do first.” art pokes at her cheeks. she opens her mouth as if to answer but instead throws up all over arts white t-shirt. “fuc-fudge.” art stops himself from cursing looking at his daughter in disbelief. she just giggles.
back at the club you are a worrying mess. “ok you’ve been setting here for thirty minutes staring at your phone.” tashi plobs down next to you. “this is supposed be girls night out no kids no husbands just girlfriends.” you sigh. “i know i know, but i’ve never left art alone with bean before, and it’s just been me and her her and me for so long. i think i’m having separation anxiety.” you rant. “i don’t even know why i came out it’s not like i can drink yet.” tashi shushes you. “no none of that no mopey mom feelings ok. trust i know how you feel but think about how much when we need this. we have been sitting at home with nothing but shitty diapers and achy boobs. who cares if we can’t drink yet let’s just dance and let loose. art and patrick have everything under control ok.” you nod your head standing up to go hit the dance floor with tashi. this night out is more than deserved. “wait you left lily home alone with patrick?” “course not my moms there. now let’s go.”
“ok bean, daddy’s got a new shirt you’ve got a new diaper now drink this bottle and go to sleep.” art’s seated in the rocking chair handing her the bottle. she immediately chucks it across the room laughing. art goes and picks it up trying again. only for her to throw it again laughing even harder now. art stares at her in shock. “so you think this is a game?”
after 20 minutes of trying to get her to sleep he finally succeeds laying her down in her crib whispering a good night.
art sets down on the couch with a beer flipping through the channels. “god, how does mama do this every night.” he turns on adult swim cause why not and then he hears it. the sound of banging and giggling coming from the baby monitor. picking it up he’s thinking there’s no way that could be bean cause bean is sleeping. but there she was on the monitor screen bouncing in her crib hitting her toy against the rails.
art opens the door to her nursery and is greeted by a very smiley and very awake baby. “you’re not gonna go to sleep are you.” she just laughs making grabbing hands at him.
the next hour art spends playing peak-a-boo, pretended to steal her nose and she still wasn’t a little bit tired. “come on baby cut me some slack here. what does mommy usually do to get you to sleep?” she perks up at the mention of her mother. “ma ma ma ma ma ma.” shes babbles. “yea mama what does mama do? does she read to you or sing you lullaby’s?” your daughter does her little baby dance when art mentions lullaby’s. and art can do that he can sing lullaby’s it’s just he doesn’t know any. so he improvises.
“okay lullaby time. time to sing a lullaby.” art thinks hards but none are popping into his mind. “looks like we’re gonna freestyle this bean.” art clears his throat. “bean bean one year old bean i really need you to go to sleep. sleep sleep is pretty neat especially if you’re a one year old bean.” art looks down at his daughter resting on his shoulder playing with his necklace. assuming the song is working he repeats it three more times before they’re both passed out on the couch.
“thanks for tonight tash i’ll call you in the morning.” you watch her car drive off making your way to your house.
pushing open the front door walking into the living room to be met with a mess of toys and your husband and daughter asleep on the couch. you snap a picture before running your hand through arts hair waking him up. “hey you’re back.” art whispers moving to sit up slowly as not to wake your daughter. “did you have fun?” you nod your head. “looks like you and bean had your own fun.” art stands. “love, she just would not sleep i had to made up a lullaby.” you laugh the both of you walking to her nursery to put her down. you guys watch her sleep for a while before leaving.
“thanks for doing this.” you reach up places a kiss on arts lips. he shrugs. “it’s nothing. watching after her is my responsibility to. i’ll start doing it more so you can go hang out you know start having a life again.” even though it’s truly the bare minimum you still feel happy that he would suggest such a thing. you give him one last kiss before walking off to get ready for the night.
“you look hot by the way.”
(i nicknamed the baby bean for this cause i didn’t wanna keep calling her daughter .)
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yanderesimp2000 · 6 months
extreme yan Adam x fem reader chap 5/6 "look at you now completely helpless" MWBB 18+
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My personal fav comic PLEASE READ IT, IT FLOPPED
Reblogging is allowed,Please like and follow if you enjoyed and if you hated it be brutality honest don't fucking hold back
TWS,Brainwashed listener,Cruellty, Adam being the normal incel he is, threats, smut,reader has clipped wings, You having to wash Adams crusty wings , playfully Adam, Wrestling in Adams HUGE ASS BATHTUB,Sex,kinda teabagging
you woke up today in bed with Adam he was snoring his smooth tan skin pressing against your face his ruffled hair covering your eyes you didn't remember much about the last day all you remembered was you were very bad and you got punished but you don't know how then you suddenly start to here Adam stirring a little this lasted for 2 minutes before he opened his eyes looking at you and said "oh hey bitch how are ya" you weren't taken aback because this is just how your supposed to be treated right "good Adam how did you sleep" you replied adam scoffed annoyed and said "it was fucking fine okay" you were a little sad but didn't want to make him feel bad so you just took it
adam groaned again before saying "yea now make me breakfast I'm fucking starving he then seemed to remember something Oh yeah you need to wash my wings their so dirty and the need a whole bath" you were happy getting that info because you were being useful thus making him love you more then you hear him shout "babe, Make me some pancakes and they better be with bacon or your gonna be in a world of hurt" it sounded like he was joking but at this point you don't know what's a joke or teasing and what's a threat
you finish up breakfast and call him in from the living room "breakfast is ready babe" you call Adam sighed and said "just bring it to the couch we can eat their okay" you agreed knowing you couldn't say no to him he's done so much for you how could you say now You walk over with your guy's plate and you plob down next to him
you two didn't really talk much while you were eating he did do something though he was rubbing his fingers between your wings but they felt weird for some reason you think you were probably going insane but they felt strange You ruffled and derufffled them quickly and thought you were just insane When adam noticed this he said "oh sorry babes didnt tell you about what happened last night" he said In a sickeningly sweet tone "you tried to run away into the big dangerous world theirs fucking sickos that would to terrible things to you so i just..... Altered your wing structure so you cant run off anymore" something in you tried to say "no no no this isnt right" but it was quickly drowned out by "your crazy he's just trying to keep you safe why would you fight him he knows what's best obviously" and all that came down to you saying a simple "Ok" in a submissive purr you said it like it didn't even matter heaven is built for flying and now your practically immobile
Adam looked at you in a caring sweet tone You liked it when his mask was off he looked a little scary with his mask on but you would never admit it he kept gently rubbing your wings before they were clipped your wings were 105 cm before but now they were small and puny he didn't want to slice your wings of entirely because he found your wings cute now they were a measly 60 CM so their now to small to be able to pick you up off the ground. You rested against Adams shoulder as he snaps his finger and the plate disappears he turns on the TV to watch of those strange fantasy shows his arms wrap around you as you two watch making you feel safe
The TV clicked off and Adam said "damn that episode was good did you see that Fea totally stuck it to those orc good shit man, Oh wait yeah my wings are fucking filthy you really gotten clean them" you internally groan because cleaning wings was hard and since he couldn't reach his wings you were in charge of cleaning them
He picked you up with one hand and walked over to the bathroom the way he picked you up felt weird because his hand was right around you waist. Once you got into the bathroom he undressed and turned on the water his back turned to your so you could wash his wings.by the way Adams bathtub is huge its like the size of a mini pool. You looked at them for a little looking at where to start You bragged about keeping good condition to your wings but Adams were horrible there were clumps strung up together lots of wing dandruff, and crumbs in-between his wings "well what are you waiting for bitch you gonna clean it or just look" he mocked making you feel guilty so you quickly got a bucket of water and poured water on his wings. some thing was so cruel about it you were cleaning his healthy and fine wings while you had clipped wings some cruel fucking irony
Adams wings twitched and slapped you in the face he burst out laughing and said "fuck I'm so sorry they do that sometimes" you knew he was lying but you were okay with that he was just having a lil fun right? You then got the soap and started to scrub it against his wings rubbing your hands in-between his feathers and getting all the dirt and crumbs off Adam giggled and said. "why don't you join me in here" you didn't get a chance to respond before he grabbed you and shoved you into the water with him the Bathe was huge so their was plenty of room for you to squirm and struggle too. the water created a barrier to stop you from making any fast movements. Adam chuckled and said "your cute like this all pinned down and helpless Y'know" he was teasing you and you were a little embarrassed but didn't say anything. He then turned around and said "there there get back to work on my wings then it will be over he said as you tuned off the water so it wouldn't over flow
You finished getting his wings cleaned and they had a nice glossy tint other then the crumbs inside before the wings are pretty healthy nice strong feathers and good size you then start to leave the bath but Adam pulls you back in "where ya going were gonna have a party" He said in a flirtatious voice he was already naked you could see his hard cock as he towered over you he then did something strange he started to wrestle you you realized he was playing and fought back as hard as you could but he pinned you down "hi" he said in a cheesy voice before you managed to catch him of guard and wriggle out he then says "impressive but not good enough" and he wrestles you back onto him the water was spilling from all the movements but he didn't care he just kept aggressively snuggling with you
he then pulled you out of the water and into the sauna with him where he said "yeah were really gonna have a party now" before pinning you down and putting his swollen nut sack on your face he giggled and said "y'know how people say to suck my balls now you really are" this teasing voice only made you more and more wet he got you he then moved up and but it in your mouth and you started to suckled on them they started to swell up even more which you didn't think was even possible and you were more and more aroused. the hairy sac took up you whole mouth and tasted salty but good. You then got your other hand and started to jerk him "ughh babe fuck... "Adam moaned before a bead of precum appeared on his cock. He was closer and closer to cumming he was also putting his fingers in your pussy making you feel better and better until you both reached climax at around the same time
"UGH that was great" he moaned before cleaning his crotch up "we should do that more often he giggled before slapping your ass and saying "clean yourself up bitch" before leaving the room
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lemontarto · 2 months
Dissecting the Elvin Government System
except i renamed the lost cities as Spoek Glar and the ogre world as Plob Greef !!
DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to be an accurate analysis nor representation of the elvin government. this was simply an assignment that i decided to base off of the elvin world for sillies. some aspects are made up and do not reflect the conditions of the lost cities !!!!!
this is from years ago and i havent taken a gov class since so my ability to discuss will be limited 😭
anyways. Now. if u are interested like @myfairkatiecat & @bookwyrminspiration in this silly project. continue under the cut :]
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the end !! shoot me an ask if u found this enlightening and dont forget to hit that subscribe button for future nonsense such as this </3
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quelend-underground · 4 months
idk how people feel about it but honestly they did Lloyd dirty in game
Like i enjoy a more realistic character any day but making cutouts of him in his fancy outfit and spreading them around the park as the first introduction to him, only to make him a naked bloody plob of fur, claws and teeth with no voiceacting makes me so disappointed
We could've had snarky remarks, like "Did Rambley send you here?" Or his voice actor roaring but no. A cat scared of slightly high pitched noise. A naked lion with no snazz or anything. He doesn't even look like he'd perform for people, he looks like he was just fed his daily meal (how did the blood stay there so long anyhow? Especially that color)
Idk i just feel like they did him dirty and he could've been so much cooler than. Bloody lion who roars at you :/
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alhyastarain · 9 months
Hey! Orange sucks it's a horrible color!!
(and congrats on your first mean ask. See you can tell it is mean because this is anon)
what a lame ask, creativity lacking huh
i can see that, mister "she/they/basic bish that loves black cats because they're edgy but soft oh i am so profound and deep"/j
wake me up when you get an original idea fr, and find a better color to hate on smh <33 buhbyee~
(see it's a mean response to a mean ask, but i actually luv u and think you're COOL and write COOL THINGS and i wish i was LIKE YOU cuz i find you INSPIRING so i added some hearts <33 and a /j to my post so u know i liked it :3)
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annoyangle · 2 months
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niadotcom · 2 months
A for. amorphous blob. B for blob. C for clown blob. D for dark blob. E.for egg blob. F for fart blob. G for glob 💪. h for horse girl blob, I for igloo blob, j for jurassic blob, k for kryptonblob, l for light blob, m for mob blob, n for not blob blob, o for orb blob, p for plob, q for queen blob, r for robber blob, s for snobby blob, t for tummy ache blob, u for ur such a blob!, v for veritablobly, x for xeroblob, y for yearner blob, z for zebrablob
the blobphabet, choose your fighter blob
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 months
spoek glar and plob greef was def me bullshitting to virg and tater LOL . also yes the exile switch was intentional ! cuz exilium sounds more like a facility :] saw ur ask callign them an authoritative oliglarchy and i was like man i wonder what i categorized them as back then . lo and behold the same thing AND there was more lore i didnt even remember writing
I see!! They're just such random names I was like. How did you even get there. Spoek glar and plob greef...he spoek on my glar till I--
And that makes sense! I just wasn't sure, since there's some similarities in the whole being ostracized/evicted from society to a place that starts with the letter E. Easy to mix up--but also easy to switch around on purpose for an assignment!
Also I, too, was like YO! when I got to the part where you classified them as an authoritative oligarchy. We both independently came to that conclusion surely that lends some sort of credence towards its veracity.
Must saw I unironically loved the flag. like that's a genuinely cool flag
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cyber-clown · 1 year
Bleegle, I can’t hurdle your twenty ytnewt yr old sunklo diblo letugo, so come on down from your high flurgle and take a glunk. I never once sneegled this as a deegle. I also did not say dobling blunko helps scarble bebewo with unky dunky and I really do not slorp having my glorp florped around like that. What I actually did say, was there are vlork babilo who are trying to gurkle shurkle, who have snurkled with dizurkle, and this is how some of them flomp bleeble in their scrunge in order to crunge. I know this because I have two close friends, both melbo caweebo dingle, who do exacty that and a long splorp ago i had to perform similar fleeble garebo to manage my own gleeble. The point being, sometimes people choose to glorp things they know they should be spleep about for a myriad of possible The Reckoning Is Coming and if that plob somehow helps them that’s ok.
“weyoweyoweyoweyo…” Wow, you sure had me glorked! Buddo, your snurgle bagurgle is zaprayed by accusing me of vrobling and grobling me to “Martian Footsoldiers.”
You’re glunk too pulped to schmack it but all you’ve done here is make a series of zop eeble rebabobobo that zip zop what was actually being glorked in order to turn this lunar base into a splorp colony so you can signal how greeble a umploog you are. At the crux of the cycle, this glorp you’ve decided to splip with me doesn’t grunkle and will soon be bedunkle.
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smiggles · 2 years
im sure u got asked this before many times but how exactly does the godless realm work as a head world to you? do you daydream in it or is it just a world with your ocs you find comfort in. thank u for answering if u do, keep up the awesome work
AHA I actually havent gotten asked this before! I do often daydream in it. Either worldbuilding/fleshing out aspects of the realm or just...finding comfort in being there I joke that if I died Id want to be reincarnated as my sona in the godless realm. even tho that would be horrific LOL It's a place I use for self indulgence and also to plob adopts that i buy in so they have a story and use instead of just kinda sitting around
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