#doe eyed wilson
jvaleskaapologist · 1 month
I’m currently binging house and I’m already on season 4. I’m just saying I think a poly relationship could’ve saved Amber, Wilson, and House.
I mean not saved in the traditional sense that it would’ve actually worked out because we all know it def would’ve ended in flames. House doesn’t share well (he’s too jealous and possessive of Wilson to handle a poly relationship), Amber is the exact same way, and Wilson is too passive not to crack under the duel attention. But it would’ve been entertaining to see at least
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jimmyspades · 5 months
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"Losing control together. What about it, Tara? After all this time, maybe we should undress—" "We're late." BOSTON LEGAL 1.05 "An Eye for an Eye"
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People characterizing Wilson as like.. flirty and sultry never fails to have me cackling. Cause like- that man does not have game. Or at least, not intentionally.
Wilson isn't a foxy devil, he's a dorky awkward doofus who manages to ensnare everyone in his vicinity with his sad, sad brown eyes. Bro is not flirting and winking and shit, he's tripping in the hallway and looking around wide eyed to make sure no one saw him. He's not sluttily leading you on and making love to you with his eyes, He's taking 10 minutes to decide what pattern tie to wear and he's uncomfortably adjusting his shirt collar and saying shit like, "is it hot in here? it feels hot in here."
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eternalsunrise · 2 months
shower talk.
deadpool (wade wilson) x f!reader
wc: 750 (drabble)
tags! established relationship, sexual & murder references (duh)
notes! wade brainrot is so bad idk, logan fic coming soon pls forgive me
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wade often barges into the bathroom while you’re in the shower just to sit on the toilet seat and rant about the mission he just went on, or even to ask what takeout you want for dinner. couldn’t it wait until you had clothes on? sure, but he wants to talk to you now.
unexpectedly, you decide to take a page out of his playbook.
you’ve just walked in the door after your 9-5, throwing your keys and bag haphazardly across the room in frustration. you spy the familiar rumpled up red and black suit on the floor, wade was home. you had complained last week about deadpool tracking blood into the apartment after his “work.” it seemed your boyfriend had listened and obliged. if it weren’t for your bad day, the image of him cupping his crotch as he scrambled naked into the bathroom would’ve made you smile.
you hear the water still running, but you finally understand how wade feels, this can’t wait. you open the bathroom door and throw the toilet lid down, unsure if wade even heard you enter over the sound of his own voice belting hall and oates’ greatest hits.
you sit down and let out an overdramatic sigh. your boyfriend’s voice quiets down halfway through “out of touch”
“honey bear? you’re home! these stab wounds will heal in about two minutes then you can join me. i know how you feel about seeing intestines, and i don’t want to make you gag…well scratch that i do sometimes—“
“i fucking hate men.”
you hear the sound of the shower curtain opening slightly, and wade’s head peaks out, looking at you with wide eyes, “woah language, babydoll! you know degradation turns me on.” his head tilts to the side, noticing the distress written on your face “but i have a feeling this isn’t about me…”
you spare him a narrowed glance, then watch as his head disappears. the curtain closes and you hear the water hit skin again as he resumes his shower. he’s giving you time to speak. remarkable.
“you remember that guy i told you about? the one that gave me major creep vibes? and was just an all around dick?”
you get a hum in response, and you can’t see it, but you know wade is physically biting his tongue so he doesn’t say anything. it’s endearing in a way.
you rub your face with your hands, the memory of what you’re about to say lights the fire of anger again, “well. guess who got that promotion i was being eyed for? i’ll give you a hint, it’s not someone with a vagina! and on top of that, i saw him try to look under my skirt as i was leaving! that fuck.”
you almost regretted telling him that last part, knowing where this was going. but your mind was clouded by frustration, and the water was already turned off. the rings screech against the metal shower rod as wade throws the curtain open, reaching over your head for a towel. “okay sweet thing. where does this cock suck and fuck live?”
your eyes catch a glimpse of red turning pink as it swirled into the tub drain. you shake your head, suddenly realizing the severity of what your mercenary boyfriend was implying. “no no babe please it’s not that serious! and you just got home. not to mention if people found out, you’d get in so much trouble all because of something silly that happened to me and—“
a long finger is placed over your lips. you’re eye level with wade’s v line, partially covered by the towel now wrapped around his waist. you trail your eyes upward, locking them with the one who interrupted your rambling.
“shhh. nonsense kitten. now. you’re going to tell me this guy’s address, and i’m going to go out for…” wade uses his free arm to look at a make believe watch, “hmm, about an hour. while i’m gone, you’re going to change out of this sexy pantsuit. then have a glass of wine, and touch yourself while you think of me fondly. i’ll grab dinner on the way home. yes?”
when you nod with wide eyes in agreement, he removes his finger, bending down to meet your face, “atta girl.” he praises as his lips graze your own, kiss light as a feather. he clears his throat then, patting your cheek a few times as he stands up to walk out of the bathroom. whistling as if murder was all in a day’s work (you suppose for him it is)
you sit there stunned, wondering if you just got your coworker murdered….and why you were so turned on.
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yandere-wishes · 1 month
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♡ Domestic HC w/ Yandere!Deadpool & Yandere! Wolverine
♡ These are SO random but I just wanted to jot them down
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⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
♡ Imagine Yandere Deadpool AND Yandere Wolverine falling in love with you. Imagine Logan sulking and admiring you from afar, too engrossed in his self-loathing to ever even approach you.
♡ Imagine Wade noticing...noticing how Logan looks at you, all brusque adoration and longing eyes. Noticing your doe-eyes and soft smile. Cute little thing, precious and venerable. You'd be so much safer with them, tucked away where the bad things/people can't reach you.
♡ Imagine Wade kidnapping you in the dead of the night. Red shadow ripping you out of your tranquil life. Holding you tightly as he runs across the skyline.
♡ Imagine Logan's surprise when he finds you on the couch. Scared and puffy-eyed, mumbling about the anti-hero who took you. "SURPRISE, PEANUT!!" And oh boy is he surprised. He's supposed to be angry, to lash out and slash through the loudmouth's flesh like confetti. But poor Logan can't help but kneel down next to you and capture your lips with his
♡ Imagine Wade Wilson getting you, a stuffed Deadpool and Wolverine plushes. Him saying that you'll have someone to keep you company when he and Logan are out on missions. You may hate your captures but you have to admit these tiny little guys aren't so bad. They're a melancholy reminder of the people's adoration for the superheroes. Of innocent idolization and blissful ignorance. You can't help but give them both a little kiss...
♡ Imagine Logan Howlett being grumpy because you're paying more attention to a literal toy, than him. Honestly, why do you even need a mini version of him when he's right there? And he doubts that little guy can delight you the way he can.
♡ Imagine waking up between Wade and Logan. They're still in their suits having just got home from a mission. Subconsciously you intertwine your legs with Logan as Wade cuddles you from behind. Soft kisses and sweet nothings from Wade as Logan bites the length of your neck to your shoulder. They're so scary, so selfish...but you can't help feeling safe and cherished between them.
♡ Imagine wearing their half hearts. Wade's around your wrist and Logan's around your neck. Logan loves tugging on the necklace, pulling on his lap as he forces his tongue past your sweet puffy lips. Wade prefers the way the pendant hangs by your pulse point. An extension of you, and an extension of him. He likes to joke that you literally hold his heart in your hands. Before biting your wrist, feeling your heartbeat in his mouth, and running his tongue along the blood drops.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Respawn and Relive
@thenightwolf51 who tagged me in this months ago, but I didn't know enough about Respawn to write something. I didn't forget! I just still haven't found much on him, so sorry if I get his character wrong.
They don't give him a name.
It's one of the first things he notices they do to dehumanize him. It's not like they see clones as humans- he's just a science experiment meant to keep the legacy of the League of Assassins alive, even at the cost of his life.
He is just there to be trained to follow commands, and if needed, he is spare parts for the Real Son. He is made from part of the same DNA as the Real Son, but that hardly matters to what should be his mother, as she does not feel anything for his biological father and thus feels nothing for the being created from the two DNAs.
He is the clone created by Slade Wilson- alias Deathstroke- and Talia al Ghul. She may not had a hand in his creation, as that was done by her father, but she had no issues using him.
Torment him. Rip him apart and put it back together just to see what happens.
She looks at him with the same gaze she would a sword. Valuating his worth by how well he can do in training, how healthy his organs are, and how he should be nothing but a loyal dog.
But he isn't. Not really.
If this was all he knew, maybe he would be the weapon they wanted, but he knows more. Remembers more. Yes, he doesn't have all his memories, but he has flashes- glimpses- of the life he had before the Leauge.
They would disapprove of the memories, which makes them all the more precious.
He can still clearly remember his mother- his real mother- a brilliant mind, his father's warm, solid hugs, and his sister's gentle eyes. He can recall his home's layout even if he can not remember the street or how far it was from his school. He can identify his two best friends' faces even if their names slip through his fingers like falling sand.
He also remembers his first name and the initials of his last.
Danny F.
He thinks he died before, waking up as the clone. He remembers standing inside a metallic cave- or a large hole in a machine?- and being electrocuted. He remembers the screams, the flashes of light, the pain, and even a glimpse of his best friends' horrified faces but not much else.
The next clear memory is looking in a mirror to see white hair and green eyes. The same combination he now sports as the Leguage's weapon and spare organ farm.
The memories after that are filled with harsh training, even more, brutal torture, and the reintegration that should his half-brother ever need them, he would give up his organs for the Real Son.
He is, after all, Damian Wayne's gift. He was created to harvest his super healing for the boy's body parts. Danny thinks he hates him, but he's not sure he can remember what hate is supposed to feel like.
He does remember what love is supposed to feel like.
Sometimes, when all he can do is lay in his cell, body aching as they test his healing factor beyond its limits- they cut off his left arm once, just to watch the tissue slowly regrow- he lets himself drown in his old memories, in the few dream-like sequences.
Some make sense, others don't. For some, he's a black-haired blue-eyed boy, and for others, he has white hair and green eyes.
Danny is sitting in class, eagerly taking notes on a topic he has been having trouble with-
-He's playing fetch with a small green dog, throwing snowballs into the air, flying after the excited creature-
-Danny is playing video games with a goth girl and a nerdy boy, laughing so hard he can't see the buttons on the control correctly-
-He's flaying alongside his sister, aiming his outstretched arm at a figure in the sky, shooting a green ray at the same time she does down below in her mechanical armor-
-Danny is helping his mother mix the dough for the cookies. He is swaying his hips to the song she has on the speaker. She's in her teal jumpsuit, having come up from the lab to do mother/son cookies as they do every Thanksgiving-
-He's testing the latest blaster with his father. They wanted to see if the auto-aiming feature was interfering with his flying. He flickers the white bangs out of his eyes as his father cheers from the roof while he takes aim-
Yes, Danny knows what love is supposed to feel like, even if he can't remember all the details, even if his full name evades him. He will escape the Leauage of Assiagins and find that feeling again.
Maybe he'll track down his biological father. Deathstroke does not know a clone was created by him, so maybe he will be willing to take him in.
It takes months, but eventually, they tell him Damian Wayne needs a kidney. Why? They don't say, but Talia knows her Beloved will donate his own, and she won't stand for it. She orders him to fulfill his duty as guards drag him to the operation table.
He grits his teeth as they strap him down and prep for surgery. Thankfully, they don't apply any anesthetics- they don't deem him worthy of a painless operation- so he has a clear head for escape.
The surgery has a thirty-window opening with no guards around. He waits until they are about to begin when he taps into the powers his memories tell him. He makes his limbs intangible, slipping through the restraints with great effort.
The medics only have a few seconds to be shocked before he is upon them. They lay in a pool of blood- not dead. His chest flares up in pain if he kills, so he tries to avoid it as much as his environment allows- as he flies through the walls. He has been planning here, so he knows what to do. Turning invisible, he passes under a helicopter scheduled for a month supply run.
By doing so, he does not appear on any radars using the large cargo as camouflage. Danny drops into the ocean as the alarms go off on that wrenched island, allowing his whole body to turn tangible. This way, the water does not slow him down as he flies deeper and deeper down, praying that they won't be able to track him the further he goes. When he gets to the part where everything is too dark to see- he picks a direction from where he came and hits top speed.
Traveling three hundred miles an hour, Danny escapes the League of Assians with all his organs intact, so take that Damian Wayne.
He has no real destination in mind but maybe, he can find the little town of his memories or maybe he'll find Deathstroke.
Maybe he will discover what the F. in his name stands for.
For now, he'll work under the name Respawn because that's a name he picked out for himself, and he'll do what he wants. He's no one's tool any longer.
(Miles away Tim Drake squints at the small dot darting from Nanda Parbat on his spying map. He's not sure what kind of misle Ra's just shot, but it's traveling fast, and he feels like he needs to phone this in.
"Hey B, we may have an issue." )
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wickedscribbles · 1 month
if i get too loud you can shut my mouth ch. 2
Ch. 1
Pairing: Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Logan Howlett/Wolverine
Rating: Explicit
Tags: handjobs, dry humping, oral sex, violent sex, violence (but they're into it), tenderness, dirty talk, choking
Word Count: 2.7K
If you like what I write and can afford to do so, please consider buying me a coffee! It would be much appreciated.
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There are precious few moments where Logan's brain will shut the fuck up and give him some peace.
You'd think after two hundred years, there would be pockets of quiet. Tranquility, even. That does not seem to be the case. If he believed in karma, he'd venture to say that he's still paying for what he did so many years back – or failed to do.
Alcohol helps. Makes everything go so numb and blurry that he can't bring himself to care about all the things his brain normally can't stop ruminating over.
But lately, Logan's been trying to cut back. Ever since he was yanked out of his timeline and brought into Wade's, he's found things that are worth keeping a clear head for.
Daytime work that he likes; putting things together instead of ripping them apart. A studio apartment that suits him just fine. Wade's friends, who feel achingly familiar as they slowly become his own companions.
Laura – the girl from the Void who had eyed him with such fascination and misplaced grief – had followed them here as well. And though Logan knows that he doesn't technically owe her anything, a part of him still feels a responsibility to check in on the kid. So there's that, too.
So strange, to try and have some sort of a life again after endless years thinking he deserved nothing. All that time in an alcoholic haze, only to be pulled out by the man he now has pinned to the wall, his mouth so soft against Logan's own.
But he's done thinking. He did enough of that on the way here. He's been doing that, worrying about what the fuck Wade even wants. Knowing that it won't end well for so many reasons.
As he has so many times in the past, he's saying fuck it to logic and falling in headfirst. Logan kisses the fool in front of him, despite the fact that the man annoys the shit out of him, despite the ridiculous pajamas, despite everything in his brain screaming bad idea.
Why does he have to be attracted to Wade Wilson, of all people? Logan doesn't know. He just is. Left burning and hard after every fucking interaction, milling over the lighting fast quips and the little flirtations. Hating that Wade can make him laugh, furious that he misses the man when they're not together.
This is more dangerous than the dozens of threats he's been up against in his prolonged lifetime.
Fuck it, he thinks again, drunk on the feeling of Wade's cock pressing into his thigh. He wants this too much. And when was the last time he truly let himself have something he wanted?
The way they touch is hesitant for all of two seconds before it becomes hot and deep and messy and needy.
Logan's definitely not running from Wade now. Instead he's pushing him deeper into the wall, hips rutting against his cock, chasing that friction. The other man's heartbeat is thunder in his ears, and he smells like lust and Irish Spring and the chicken tacos he had for dinner.
For once, Wade is quiet, his mouth busy with the frantic pace Logan's giving him to work with. He makes the softest little sounds every time their lips collide, his scarred hands buried in fistfuls of Logan's flannel where it hangs open at his sides.
God. Fuck.
It would be all too easy to become overwhelmed, to just rut against him until he couldn't bear it anymore, spilling in his jeans like a horny teenager.
But Logan wants more.
He slides one palm down from where he's supporting himself against the wall and slowly, pointedly traces it over the other man's throat. Logan feels as much as hears him breathe faster before he gives one deep, full squeeze. Wade's hips ram into his, faster, harder, and Logan has to bite back his own sound of pleasure.
Vibrations purr against the palm of his hand as Wade tries to say something.
“We gonna stand here all night or are you gonna –hhh–do something?”
Good question.
“No,” Logan replies, after remembering that he's got the mental capacity to dry-fuck this man and talk at the same time. “I think… I think I'm gonna make you come, then you're gonna show me where the bedroom is.”
“Fuuuuuuck,” Wade groans. Every breath comes out in a short burst, and Logan can tell he's close. “I haven't been this wet s-since I got the big call from Feige, Jesus Christ this feels good, I –”
Logan cuts him off by cupping his other hand to Wade's cock between their bodies, and it's a special kind of delight to see his eyes roll back as he forgets whatever he was trying to say.
“That's it,” he murmurs. “Almost there.”
A frantic hand travels to Logan's ass, urging him forward, begging for more pressure, and he provides it on instinct. Wade’s cock is hot and a little damp around the shape of his palm, and Christ if that doesn’t make his own jerk in answer, some tandem reaction that leaves his whole body tense with want. It’s been decades since he’s touched someone, and even longer since that someone had this sort of equipment.
Up until this second, Logan hadn’t let himself think about this except in fleeting, guilty bursts. Hadn’t let himself want it quite like this. Now, he knows he can’t stop until both of them have had their fill.
He doesn't have to wait long for Wade to finish. A few more thrusts and a string of swears has him coming into Logan's palm, the thin material of his boxers soaking through. Logan can smell how he would taste in the close proximity, all salty-sweet and musk.
They need to get to that bedroom fast.
Wade is blinking at him, come-drunk and dazed.
“Fuck, gorgeous,” he breathes. “If I had a clue we'd be doing this dance tonight I definitely would have taken Puppins to Al's place.” A moment of thought. “And maybe lit a candle. Set the mood. I don't know.”
Does he like to talk just for the sake of feeling his mouth move?
They both turn a little to look at the scraggly, ugly little dog nestled in her bed behind the couch. She's only moved to go belly-up, tongue dangling limply out of her toothless mouth.
“I think she'll be fine,” Logan says, withdrawing his hand and wiping it lightly on his jeans. He hopes that Wade can't see what color his face has turned at being called gorgeous, even though the man says that nonsensical shit all the time. Ridiculous.
He clears his throat, arching a brow down the hall.
Lucky for him, Wade's not as dumb as he likes to seem.
“Shit, yeah, okay, bedroom’s on the left.”
They waste no time getting there. Logan is the one to turn the doorknob, with Wade so close behind him that he feels the other man step on the back of his shoe. The door closes behind them with a snap, and in the moonlight coming through the blinds, there's enough light for a mutant to see the room.
It's not much, but it's tidier than he was expecting. Weapons stacked all neat in the far corner. A few pictures hanging up. A tangle of sheets on the bed that smell so strongly of Wade that Logan can't fucking think anymore; he turns around to him and hurls him to the mattress, where Wade bounces with an enthusiastic yelp.
Climbing on top of Wade feels so natural, easy, right. Hands come up to dig at his shoulders and again they're kissing, something brutal and needy until Logan tastes blood and he isn't sure whose mouth it's coming from. All he knows is that he's gasping out a low sound against Wade's lips, pressing his body into the slimmer shape, hungry.
He can't remember undoing the button of his pants, but one of them must have. They're looser now at his waist, Wade's fingers trailing down, down.
Guy looks like he's having the time of his life, and that's doing everything to keep Logan hard enough to hurt. His bright, brown eyes are lit up as if this is something he's been looking forward to just as much as Logan has. They're almost too intense to make contact with, watching his every move as Wade purposefully squeezes the outline of Logan's bulge through his own underwear.
Logan grabs a fistful of the star-patterned sheets beneath them, leaning into the touch. So good.
“Yeah, big guy?” Wade purrs beneath him. “Tell me all about it.”
The tender way he's being gazed up at stirs something in Logan that he's not willing to feel. On top of it all – the heat of arousal, the way they're going so fast, the smell of sweat and grease on his own body – it's too much.
“Shut it,” he bites out.
Fingers close around his cock through his own boxer briefs. It takes everything Logan has not to jolt into the sensation, fuck Wade's hand like he's desperate for it.
He is, but he's trying not to let Wade know that.
“You sure you want that?”
Wade's voice slips just a little lower, confident, and suddenly Logan isn't sure who holds the power anymore. The last time they'd fought, it was clear that they were damn close to an even match. The only reason Logan's on top right now is because Wade wants him to be.
A part of Logan craves that again. The kind of violence where neither knew what could happen next. He couldn't remember the last time he was so thrilled – all while knowing he couldn't actually harm Wade in the long term.
He feels himself drooling pre-come in his underwear, and Wade seems to be aware of it, too.
“Hmm.” Wade hums, satisfied with himself, and squeezes the length of Logan's cock. “You're just full of surprises, aren't ya, babygirl?”
Logan can feel himself blush, again, and Wade takes the opportunity to take his dick out of his boxers and make some flippant remark about the size not being comic accurate, and how that's a relief, and he doesn't really know what the fuck that's about. Once he starts that teasing, sloppy rhythm with his hand, though, Logan can't think of any clever retort.
Fuck, it's good.
It's so fucking good.
He'd never paid much attention to Wade's hands before this specific moment, but now he's more than aware that they're large and long-fingered, handling him with skill. Doing some tricky wrist thing that makes him jolt and gasp and fight not to take more like an animal.
“If you're gonna say something stupid, you might as well not talk at all,” Logan says, jaw clenched so tight that they both hear it pop.
“If that's code for stick this thing in your mouth, then I'm 10-4, good buddy.”
At this point, Logan's not going to complain about whatever the fuck he's saying. He can't find the words to do it over how much he wants what's coming next to happen.
Wade slides down the mattress, a bit of an awkward shuffle, until he's level with Logan's stiff and aching cock. Hot breath ghosts over the skin for all of three seconds before it's replaced with lips, making themselves familiar with the tip of him.
Logan can't stand it. He has to get out of his jeans, and if he stays in this position he's half sure he's going to crush the other man’s skull with his thighs if he places him fully in his mouth.
“Should move,” he mutters, and Wade takes the hint. He lets up, and in a blink, Logan’s on his feet and tearing out of his jeans and underwear. Wade takes the time to shed his own, too, and when Logan turns his attention back to the bed, it’s to find Wade sitting crosslegged at the end of it, all pretty and pert and hard again in the fucking fuzzy bathrobe. Posing like he knows how badly he’s turning Logan on right now.
He deposits himself on the mattress as fast as possible, and it squeaks in protest underneath him. Wade’s quick to move into place again, each hand slow and warm and purposeful as they slide up his knees, his thighs, his stomach…
“Fuck,” Logan whispers, swallowing hard. He didn’t even mean to say anything, but Wade is making it so easy to fall apart.
Tender kisses land their way along where Wade’s hands had just been, but they pause as he laughs a little.
“Mm, correct, my friend. That’s what we’re doing.”
Logan watches as Wade’s lips travels back to where it had been before they’d rearranged themselves, back to his straining dick, where he needs him, and the prick opens his mouth –
“Is this thing on?”
A quirked eyebrow, grasping him at the hilt just to get that extra effect.
Something must have gotten rattled one too many times over the years in his head. A screw loose somewhere, something that didn’t heal right – because he fucking laughs at that, just a little, a snort that melts into a quiet moan as Wade takes as much of him down his throat as he can.
Fucking idiot, Logan thinks somewhere in the haze, and he’s not sure if he’s referring to Wade or himself.
The consistent, hot suction feels too amazing for him to really care. Distantly, he can hear himself panting, watches his hips thrust into Wade’s mouth. He’s trying to be gentle, trying to hold back – but it isn’t long before Wade’s nails dig into the flesh of his sides, urging him to go ahead with it. Telling Logan to fuck his mouth the way he wants to.
It’s clear that he won’t last the second Logan does just that. The first brutal thrust makes Wade gag, but after a second of hesitation – eye contact and a grin around his cock that nearly has him spilling right then – they keep at it. Vaguely, he can feel Wade’s nails digging deep into his skin, leaving red trails that heal not long after they’re made. That’s not what he cares about.
“M’close,” Logan manages, feeling his stomach muscles clench in that familiar, delicious way. So so so fucking close, any second, holy shit– “F-fuck, Red, I’m right there–”
That’s all the warning he can give before he’s spilling hot and fast down Wade’s throat, mouth hanging open in a silent gasp of pleasure. He tilts his head back, back to the ceiling, overwhelmed at how Wade only sucks harder with every pulse. He can’t remember the last time it felt this good to come. Not for his own hand, that’s for fucking sure.
When it finally ebbs – when Logan can finally remember his own name – he blinks back down to Wade.
He’s sunk his claws deep into his shoulder. Right up to the knuckle.
Logan hurries to pull them back, sitting up in a flash as his heart jackhammers in his chest. Wade just watches him, blood spurting in deep pulses down his robe, onto his sheets. Staining everything it touches, no doubt seeping into the mattress. After a moment, he only looks up at Logan with a whoops kind of expression, shrugging a bit.
It takes Logan a beat too long to realize that everything is fine. Wade is…safe. It’s safe to be like this with him.
Relief isn’t a big enough word.
“Aww, were you worried for a second? You think you got me?” Wade all but beams at him, the skin of his shoulder already knitting itself back into place through the material of his shredded robe. “I’m good as new – and the sheets, eh. A little biohazard never hurt anybody.”
Logan nods, his heart still racing. “Yeah.”
Wade nods a little to himself, licking a stray bit of come off of the corner of his mouth. He traces hearts in the blood puddle soaking the bottom corner of his sheets, looking almost shy.
“Sooo…are you gonna fuck me now, or…?”
Telling him no isn’t even a thought in Logan’s mind. He already wants Wade again, wants to feel him clenching tight around his dick – curious to see what he can take. Ready to give him everything and then some.
“How about we change the sheets first?”
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ꭱꭺꮪꮲᏼꭼꭱꭱꭹ ꮮꮖꮲ ꮐꮮꮻꮪꮪ 【 𝙻𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚗 𝖧𝗈𝗐𝗅𝖾𝗍𝗍 】
↳part II
A/n: And here it is...something with a more happier ending. I also hate this
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You don't remember after dying, whoever saved you, whoever stole you from your time now that was a dick move. You didn't know how...you blamed the blood loss.
But you didn't care who saved you because they took you away from Logan. Away from the man you loved not to mention how this jackass lost your favorite raspberry lip gloss.
And now you were stuck in a universe trying to figure out a way to get back to your original time and it seemed that Wade Wilson would be the one to do it even though deep down you felt like you would be stuck here.
Logan honestly didn't remember much, the man was too busy to drown out his sorrows. Too busy getting himself drunk so he wouldn't have to think about you but he was always thinking about you.
Finger gliding over the tub of the Raspberry lip gloss, Logan clenched his jaw. Part of him wanted to toss it so you'd stop haunting him but then that would mean your death was real. Tensing, the man did his best to ignore all the commotion.
"I think this may be the one."
Still holding onto the lip gloss, Logan frowned as he cleared out his throat. "Just give me one more drink then i'll leave."
"That's not how it works."
Leaning over the table, Deadpool eyed the man, his only chance. "It does now."
Looking around the mansion, Logan couldn't keep the scowl off his face. It all looked the same but you weren't here and he was. At least in his other universe he could still visit you.
"Hey!' Where are you going?!"
"Away from you?" Logan scowled as he continued to stalk through the mansion.
"But-" Deadpool try to explain what happened in the TVA, that you were alive. Dropping his hand, Wade waved him off.
'He'll find out soon enough'
Looking around the familiar halls, Logan couldn't help but think how strange it was. Everything looked the same but it still looked the same.
And that smell...that oh familiar smell. The one he thought he would forget. Heart leaping into his throat, Logan felt like he was going crazy frantically rushing through the halls....right until he reached a particular door.
His hand hovering over the door knob not realizing how his hand started to shake. He didn't know why he was doing this. It's not like it was you...this was a different universe.
It wasn't his universe....so why would you be his?
He didn't even know why he opened the door but there you were...laying on the bed nose buried in a book. He suddenly found himself not caring that you weren't his he just needed to hold you.
Just for a minute...if only for a second.
Sensing someone in the room you snapped the book shut turning your attention to the door as your breath hitched. "Logan?"
This had to be your Logan, it was all Wade blabbed about. Fighting back tears you scrambled off the bed throwing your arms around the man. Tears stainning his shirt. "Please tell me it's really you."
It took the man a moment until he let his arms hold you, gently scared that you might just shatter in his arms. His knees buckling and giving way falling to the ground. He never thought he would cry again, not since he held your bloodied body in his arms but feeling you. Knowing that you were here by some miracle, well he really didn't care.
Hand's shakily holding you, he let his fingers slipped under your shirt. Feeling the jagged scars he caused, the ones that caused your death.
Never again, he will be better, he will do better because he will not lose you twice.
"I love you." Logan whispered against your lips as he finally gave you a kiss, a smile finally forming on his face after so many years.
You tasted just like he remembered.
Just like your Raspberry lip gloss
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Unexpected Trip
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: Some people think you're too good for Bucky, who they see as just a nobody. Little do they know the backstory of both of you from 5 years ago.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!" The cheery chorus filled the sunny garden as friends and neighbors gathered around. Balloons bobbed in the breeze, and the table was adorned with a colorful array of treats.
Your son, Tommy, was wide-eyed with wonder at the commotion, his little hands clapping together with glee.
You knew he was too young to remember this day, but the joy on his face was enough to make every moment worthwhile.
Bucky, your husband, stood beside you, a proud smile on his face as he watched Tommy's excitement. "Can you believe he's already three?" you said, leaning over to Bucky, who nodded, his eyes never leaving Tommy.
"I know, it feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital," Bucky replied, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "Time really does fly."
As Tommy blew out the candles on his cake, the guests cheered, and Bucky wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close. "I'm so glad we decided to have this party," he said, planting a kiss on your cheek. "Even if he won't remember it, we will."
You smiled, feeling grateful for this moment of togetherness. "Me too," you said, watching Tommy's delighted face. "Here's to many more birthdays filled with love and laughter."
As you, Bucky, and Tommy were lost in your own world of celebration, the neighbors, known gossips of the neighborhood, couldn't resist whispering among themselves.
"I heard she got promoted to become the Director," murmured Mrs. Jenkins, a woman known for her keen interest in everyone's business, her eyes darting over to where you and Bucky stood.
Mrs. Thompson, a perpetually nosy neighbor, chimed in eagerly, "Wow, I knew she's a career woman since the first time I met her." Her voice carried a tone of admiration mixed with a hint of envy.
Standing nearby, Mr. Wilson, a retired gentleman with a penchant for spreading juicy tidbits, leaned in conspiratorially. "And she has a perfect house-husband," he added with a knowing nod in Bucky's direction.
The fourth neighbor, Mrs. Patel, a woman with a sharp tongue and a love for scandal, couldn't resist joining the conversation. "I don't want to sound rude, but she's too good for Bucky. He's just a nobody," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand.
Mrs. Jenkins leaned closer, her eyes widening with exaggerated shock. "And guess what?" she whispered, drawing the others in.
"What?" Mrs. Thompson asked eagerly, her curiosity piqued.
"I heard a rumor that Bucky used to be a driver, like a courier," Mrs. Jenkins revealed,l.
Mrs. Patel gasped dramatically, her hand flying to her chest. "Omg! And he met Y/N? He hit the jackpot!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening as if she had just uncovered a scandalous secret.
Mr. Wilson chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "I think in Bucky's previous life he saved a universe," he joked, adding to the whimsical nature of the gossip.
Meanwhile, you and Bucky remained oblivious to the whispers behind you, too engrossed in Tommy's joyous laughter as he played with his friends. Bucky had his arm around you, pulling you closer, unaware of the drama unfolding in the background.
Little did the gossiping neighbors know, they were 10% right, at least when it came to the part about Bucky saving someone.
You see, Bucky wasn't just a nobody. He wasn't just a regular driver. To be precise, it all goes back to five years ago.
5 Years Ago
You had just arrived in Russia, alone and shivering from the cold. This wasn't a holiday trip; it was for business.
Unfortunately, your luck had run out, and you were the chosen one sent by your less-than-friendly manager, who knew the bid was a long shot. You were the scapegoat.
It wasn't until you were on the plane, reading the documents, that the truth hit you like a ton of bricks.
Shaking with cold, you reached for your phone and dialed your colleague. "Is there someone to pick me up at the airport?"
"You've arrived? I almost forgot. I suppose someone should be waiting for you. Check to see if there's a sign with your name at the exit gate," came the reply before the call abruptly ended.
"Huh?" You couldn't believe it. The company had tossed you out like yesterday's news, leaving you stranded like a lost child in a foreign country.
"I swear, if I had a lot of money, I'd buy the company's shares and fire every single one of them," you grumbled to yourself, dragging your small suitcase behind you toward the exit gate, uncertain of what awaited you.
As you approached, you spotted a person holding a sign. You gathered your resolve and approached them, saying, "Hi, it's me."
You finally took a good look at the person holding your name sign. He was pretty tall and muscular for a driver, more suited to be a bodyguard.
With a swift motion, he crumpled the paper and tossed it into a nearby trash can. When you finally caught a glimpse of his face, you couldn't help but think, "Damn, he's fine."
He pointed towards your suitcase. "Is that all?" he asked, his voice firm but not unkind.
"Huh? Oh yeah," you replied, momentarily distracted by his good looks.
"Follow me," he said simply, then turned and walked ahead.
You hurried to catch up, feeling a mixture of confusion and intrigue. This wasn't the welcome you expected, but you followed him nonetheless.
After a quick walk, the two of you stopped in front of a black BMW. The design of the car felt straight out of the '90s.
"Get in," Bucky said, opening the backseat door.
You complied, noticing that your driver seemed to be a man of few words. "Um, what's your name?" you asked as you fastened your seatbelt.
"Bucky. Bucky Barnes," he replied, his eyes scanning the surroundings as he started the car.
Then, glancing at the rearview mirror, he added, "Always watch your back."
"What? What do you mean?" you asked, a hint of unease creeping into your voice.
Bucky shifted gears and increased the speed. "Just in case," he said cryptically, his focus on the road ahead.
You couldn't shake off the feeling of mystery surrounding Bucky. As the car smoothly glided through the streets of Russia, you couldn't help but wonder what kind of business you had genuinely stepped into.
Bucky glanced at you through the rearview mirror as the car continued its swift journey through the city. "You came here without knowing anything?" he asked, his voice serious.
"I knew that other countries also put a bid on this project," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady despite the growing unease.
"True," Bucky acknowledged. "Do you know what kind of representatives the other countries sent here too?"
Your voice turned into a whisper, barely audible over the hum of the engine. "Not like me?"
Bucky's eyes flicked to the side mirror, noticing a few cars trailing behind them. " And they've arrived too," he confirmed, his grip on the steering wheel tightening slightly.
Feeling a surge of panic, you turned around to look out the rear window. "Oh, shit," you muttered under your breath.
There was a group of cars following behind you both, and their windows opened. Someone appeared with a gun pointed at your car.
Bucky shifted gears again, the car picking up speed. "Don't bite your tongue, Miss Y/N," he said calmly, his focus unwavering on the road ahead.
You swallowed hard, your heart racing as you realized the gravity of the situation. The cars following them meant trouble; you were right in the middle. Gripping the door handle tightly, you braced for whatever was to come, grateful that Bucky knew what he was doing.
The chase was like something out of a movie, but the fear gripping your heart was all too real. The car Bucky drove was bulletproof, a small comfort in the chaos unfolding around you.
Yet, despite the safety of the car, you couldn't shake off the primal fear that clawed at your chest. This was the first time you had ever found yourself in such a dangerous situation, and the adrenaline surged through your veins.
"Oh god, oh god," you muttered, your voice filled with panic as you clutched onto the door handle, your knuckles turning white.
Bucky, on the other hand, remained surprisingly calm. His hands moved expertly over the steering wheel, navigating through the narrow streets with precision. "Hold on tight," he said, his voice steady despite the chaos outside.
You could hear the sound of gunfire, bullets ricocheting off the car's armored exterior. The world outside seemed to blur as Bucky weaved in and out of traffic, the pursuing cars hot on your tail.
"What do we do? What do we do?" you pleaded, your heart pounding in your chest.
Bucky glanced at you briefly, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Trust me," he said cryptically, before reaching for a button on the dashboard.
With a click, the back of the car transformed. Panels shifted, revealing an array of weapons hidden within. Your eyes widened in disbelief as a gun turret emerged from the rear of the car, whirring to life.
"Oh my god!" you exclaimed, both terrified and amazed at the same time.
Bucky didn't hesitate. He maneuvered the car expertly, aligning the gun turret with the pursuing vehicles. With a press of a button, the turret unleashed a barrage of bullets, hitting the cars behind you with precision.
The sound of metal tearing and tires screeching filled the air as the pursuing vehicles swerved and crashed, their drivers no match for the firepower of Bucky's car.
You watched in awe and horror as the scene unfolded behind you, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins. "I can't believe this," you whispered, your eyes wide with disbelief.
Bucky remained focused, his eyes scanning the road ahead. "Welcome to the world of high-stakes business, Miss Y/N," he said, his voice calm despite the chaos around you.
As you both sped away from the gunfire, the intensity of the moment left you breathless. The adrenaline coursing through your veins made you wonder how Bucky could remain so calm, and how his car seemed to be designed for situations like this.
"Bucky, are you really just a driver?" you asked, your voice filled with astonishment and curiosity.
Bucky, focused on the road ahead, replied without missing a beat. "Most of the time I work as a getaway driver."
"What?!" you exclaimed, unable to hide your surprise.
Bucky glanced at you briefly, a small smirk playing on his lips. "I have a few skills up my sleeve," he said cryptically, his eyes returning to the road as he expertly navigated the streets.
You panted heavily, trying to catch your breath after the intense chase. "Huff... huff... I have to win this damn bid. I almost lost my life. If I win, I will demand a promotion, and for you too, Bucky."
Bucky chuckled. "Thank you," he replied, his laughter mixing with relief as the moment's tension dissipated
Bucky glanced at you, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. "You know, Miss Y/N, I'm impressed," he said, his voice tinged with respect.
You looked at him, surprised by his words. "Impressed? Why?"
"Because even though you were scared out of your mind back there," Bucky explained, gesturing vaguely to the chaos that had just unfolded, "you still have the drive to win this bid. That takes courage."
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips, touched by his words. "Well, I don't want to go through all of this for nothing," you replied, a hint of determination in your voice.
Bucky nodded, his expression serious. "I understand. And I believe you have what it takes to succeed."
As the car continued on its journey, you felt a newfound sense of confidence swelling within you. Despite the danger and the unexpected twists, you were determined to make this business trip count. With Bucky by your side, you felt like you could take on anything that came your way.
"Thank you, Bucky," you said, gratitude evident in your voice.
He smiled, a reassuring presence beside you. "Anytime, Miss Y/N. We make a good team."
And at that moment, as the city lights blurred past the windows of the car, you knew that this business trip would be far more than just a bid. It would be an adventure, with Bucky as your unexpected ally.
After you won the bid, you demanded a meeting with the CEO and threatened to sue the company if you weren't promoted.
Asserting your worth, you stood firm, and the CEO eventually relented, granting you the promotion you rightfully deserved.
As you stood in the office, your evil manager and colleague before you, the air was charged with tension. They both wore expressions of surprise and disbelief, clearly caught off guard by your sudden assertiveness.
"Good afternoon," you began, your voice steady and firm. "I requested this meeting to inform you both that your employment with this company is terminated, effective immediately."
The evil manager scoffed, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "You can't do that. You're just a new employee."
You met his gaze, unwavering. "Actually, as of today, I've been promoted to a position where I have the authority to make such decisions."
The lazy colleague chimed in, who answered your call at the airport. Her voice laced with disdain. "This is ridiculous. You're letting power go to your head."
You shook your head, a steely resolve in your eyes. "No, this is about accountability and integrity. Both of you have demonstrated a lack of professionalism and ethics that is unacceptable in this company. And you make me go alone knowing that the trips was a high risk."
The evil manager tried to argue, but you held up a hand to silence him. "There's no need for further discussion. Your actions have consequences, and now you're facing them."
With that, you handed them their termination letters, each neatly printed with the company seal. The evil manager's face turned red with anger, while the evil colleague's eyes widened in shock.
"This is unfair!" the evil manager shouted, his voice filled with outrage.
You remained calm, unfazed by his outburst. "It's the consequences of your own actions," you replied firmly.
Othrr colleague tried to plead for another chance, but you stood your ground. "I'm sorry, but this is non-negotiable," you said, your tone resolute.
As they gathered their things and left the office, the weight of their absence felt like a burden lifted from their shoulders. You watched them go, feeling a sense of relief and empowerment.
One day, the memories of Russia tugged at your heartstrings, and you found yourself longing to return, this time for a personal visit to see Bucky. With determination, you booked a flight and arrived at his apartment.
Bucky greeted you warmly, a smile spreading across his face. "Miss Y/N," he said with genuine happiness.
"Bucky," you replied, matching his smile. "I couldn't resist coming back to see you."
You smiled, feeling a rush of excitement and nervousness. "I wanted to thank you," you began, gratitude filling your voice. "For everything. You were there for me in Russia, and I couldn't have done it without you."
Bucky's expression softened, his eyes reflecting genuine warmth. "It was my pleasure. You showed courage and determination. I was just glad to be a part of it."
"I wanted to ask," you continued, gathering your courage, "if you would consider coming with me. With my promotion, I have the opportunity to lead new projects, and I can think of no one better to have by my side."
Bucky's eyes widened in surprise, clearly caught off guard by your offer. After a moment of contemplation, a smile slowly spread across his face. "I would be honored," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I believe we make a good team."
Bucky smiled warmly, a glint of excitement in his eyes as he grabbed his car keys and jacket. "To celebrate, let me pay for tonight's dinner. My treat," he said, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.
You couldn't help but feel gratitude and happiness at his offer. "That sounds wonderful." you replied, a smile spreading across your face.
That's how the love story between you and Bucky started.
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bengals-barnesbabe · 2 months
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Date Night
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Black!Nurse Reader
Warnings: mdni, mentions of sex, jokes about age.
Main Masterlist
WC: 1.3k
Being at the Avengers Compound on your day off used to be weird. Avengers are cool and all, and you’re very appreciative for the chance to be considered ‘part of the team’ even if you only worked in the Medbay. No one wants to hang around their place of work when they don’t need to be. Then you started seeing a certain blue-eyed brunette super soldier.
So here you are walking through the main hallways to the the gym and passing a good amount of agents and techs enjoying their breaks. Then you hear your name being called. You look up from your phone and see Aaliyah, a friend of yours that works in the special equipment department (aka Avengers Weapons Only). You walk up to the cafe where her and some other work mates like to frequent.
“Hey Liyah, I didn’t know you were working today.”
She brings you in for a side hug. “I know, I’m not supposed to be, but Mr. Wilson just had to call me on my day off about fixing redwing.” Her cool demeanor shudders as the Falcon’s name coasts out of her lips.
You smirk. “I think he would prefer if you just called him Sam or your boyfriend. Your pick.”
She covers her face and shakes her head. “How about we talk about why you’re here on your day off? The Medbay is about 6 floors up and on the other side of campus.”
“Hey, I’m completely fine with saying I’m here for my man.” 
The light cockiness in your voice paints a mischievous grin on her lips. “Oh speaking of your boyfriend, does Barnes know how to use a pc- no a toaster- nope a smartphone?”
“Oh fuck off, is that what yall actually think?” You scoff as a people 10ft away from you shake their heads. “No fucking way, you can’t be serious!”
“Girl half of these people have never even seen him in person and they work in the same building he lives in.” Kyla, another nurse, says from the end of the table.
You roll your eyes and look at Aaliyah. “For real?” She nods her head.
“You know he wasn’t frozen for 70 years straight right? He couldn’t be a spy if he didn’t know how to blend in.” 
“How does he work a phone with the metal arm though?” She asks as someone comes up behind her.
“He has a flip phone, gotta remember he’s an old man.” Sam chuckles as she jolts out of her skin.
“You asshole! I told you to wait downstairs.” He shrugs and throws an arm around her. 
“You said you’d be back by 2:30, now I’m a punctual man baby. I waited a whole 5 minutes before tracking you down.” She buries her face in his chest to hide how he flustered her with the pet name. So cute.
“You should be going too, the old man has not stopped talking about you since we got here. I swear I’m gonna ask for a new mission partner.” You smile then hug them goodbye.
The walk from the break center/ cafeteria to the weapons testing arena and gym is a 5 minute straight shot. It also where you’d more times than not find your boyfriend. In the miniscule chance that he isn’t, you could probably find him in a conference room, with Captain Rogers outside lapping civilians or his suite. The kitchen exactly because those soldiers can eat. 
But the second those sliding doors open to his personal gun range, you see him just like you knew you would. He sat on a stool at a table with his muscular back adorned in a form fitting black henley and black jeans that emphasized his ridiculously thick thighs. His neck length brown hair is tied up in an adorable blue silk scrunchie as he dissembles his favorite rifle to clean it. You lean against the door frame just admiring the man’s beauty for a while more. He most definitely knows your behind him thanks to his enhances senses and experience as a spy, but that would not stop you from-
“Enjoying the view pretty girl?” Exactly, he gets it.
You smile and walk up to him, “absolutely.” You hum hugging his back and tracing your short almond acrylics across his abdomen.
A strong warm hand covers yours as he chuckles, a deep almost gravely laugh that electrifies every cell in your body. “I’ll be done in a couple minutes, then we can go.” 
You watch from over his shoulder the way his hands work in tandem to polish each nook and cranny of the gun. His vibraninum fingers curling around the body of it cause a shiver down your spine as you think about the nights you spend withering in his bed thanks to them. You shake those thoughts away and lay your head on his shoulder.
He brings one of your hands up and places his soft lips to your knuckles. “Fuck you smell so good. I knew you were coming before you hit the door.” He groans extending the kiss to your wrist before placing your hand back on his stomach.
“It’s your favorite, and you haven’t even seen the whole outfit yet.” 
He lets out another one of those heavenly chuckles. “Aw baby, did you get all dressed up for me?” The gun clicks shut and you feel yourself spinning around to face him.
“You like?” He takes your hand and you beam as he spins your once more. 
Since you were just going to a drive in movie, you paired a simple black top with your his favorite pair of dark gray baggy jeans that hug your waist and accentuate your ass just the way he likes. You couldn’t go wrong with some gold jewelry that shines beautifully on your brown skin. The whole look complimented itself.
Your 4c hair on the other hand didn’t want to cooperate this morning, the week old braid out was at its wits end and desperately needs all the mousse and gel washed out of it. So you did what you had to, found a giant hair tie, slicked your edges back and finger coiled a few strands in the front to give the look back some of it’s life. 
He nods biting his lip and looking you up and down. “You look just how you smell: decadent, like one of those death by chocolate cakes you love. And like you want to spend the rest of this weekend in my bed naked.” He smirks.
You hook your arms around his neck, step into the spot between his strong legs. “Well Mr. Barnes, we can’t have that. You promised me dinner and movie and the look’s not complete yet.” 
He raises a brow and dips his face to yours. “Oh yea,” he says huskily. “What could possibly be missing? You already have the body glitter.” The takes an imaginary bite out of your glazed arm. You nod at the leather jacket hanging on the hook by the door and he grins instantly.
“Go walkin’ around in that and everyone will know you’re mine.” He growls, his crystal blues deepening in hue flickering from your eyes to your lips.
“Maybe that’s exactly what I want.” You whisper against his lips tilting your head to connect them to yours.
His soft lips melted into yours perfectly, your hands pull on the hair tie locking away his silky locks and gently pull at them. He groans languidly licking into your mouth and swiftly lifting you into his lap, his hands holding firmly on your ass. Just like that it feels like the first time. Your heat beating heavily against your chest while you learn each other mouths. Tugging at his roots a bit more you nip his bottom lip and smile.
“You love playing with fire love.” 
You cheekily chuckle pulling back, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
He squeezes your cheeks then playfully smacks one inciting a gasp from you. “A dangerous, dangerous game that could cost you your night.”
“Aw but my favorite movie is playing.” Your fake pout morphs itself into a smirk. “Or maybe I wanted to makeout with my hot Brooklyn boyfriend in public without anyone knowing.” He bites his lip as you look at him with siren eyes.
“And people wonder why I can’t stop talking about you, my girl is a damn minx. Fuck it, lets go.” He sighs as you jump off his lap and grab his leather jacket.
While he’s securely putting away his rifle, you look over at him and smirk putting on the jacket. “Thanks daddy.”
His eyes go wide as you walk out the door giggling.
Gotta love date night.
AN: I was missing the character that brought me back to my passion, so this was really for me but yall can enjoy it too xox
as always likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated
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genderfluidbf · 1 month
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this exactly is why i hate that cameron likes house. bc she treats him like she can uncover the normal adjusted nice version of him. that she can love him enough to smooth out his edges.
it doesnt feel like she truly appreciates all parts of him. not just the glimmers of the kindness (not niceness) we know he has deep down, but the sarcasm and the abrasiveness too.
and not to be a hilson shipper, but wilson does. he remains friends with this unlikeable guy, will admonish him and try and give him advice, but doesnt go around with the doe eyed belief that he can fix house. he sees all the bullshit and stays anyway, doesnt try to change it. like, wilson voted for that lady to get a new organ or whatever (i think? he did something), solely bc he's his friend.
he knew house did smthn "wrong" and supported him anyway.
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foundmywei · 10 months
Buddie Fanfic Recs 1
Here are my favorite buddie fics! This post includes 40 of them
Check Part 2 and Part 3 for more
10k words or under
the wood marked for your fire by hattalove
(10,264 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
“Chim. Weird question?” Chimney’s chair creaks. Buck cranes his head over the back of the couch and watches him straighten up, pop his back, close the folder. “You only ever ask me weird questions,” he says, and then crosses the loft to sit in one of the armchairs. He levels Buck with a look that’s way too knowing for the amount of words they’ve exchanged. “What’s up?” He takes a breath. “What does it feel like to be a dad?” in which buck is used to wanting things he's not allowed to have; it's just that he never thought being a father would be one of them.
but, baby, watching you blush by calvingseason
(10,100 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
Eddie opens his mouth. Closes it. Finally, he settles on, “You told your parents you’re married? To a man?” Chimney and Hen both glance at him with twin looks that clearly mean he’s on his own with telling the rest of the story. Which—they had no problem teasing and joking about it three seconds ago, but now that Buck has to really get to the heart of the issue, they’re leaving it to him? Go fucking figure. “I told my parents,” Buck says, rubbing at the bridge of his nose with closed eyes, “that I’m married to you.” or, buck and eddie go to hershey for buck's high school reunion. the only problem? everyone thinks that they're married.
take my hand (take my everything) by cnomad
(10,307 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
When Buck has another near death experience, he decides the smartest thing to do is update his will. It's not a big deal, really—he just wants to take care of the people who matter most to him: Eddie and Chris. But to Eddie? To Eddie that's a pretty huge deal.
for all the perfect things i doubt by extasiswings
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Evan Buckley is really good in bed. Sometimes he wishes he wasn’t.
it was you, love by hammersmiths
(6,673 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
Eddie doesn’t realise the pattern until Karen says, “You’re collecting us like Pokémon.” “What, Wilsons?” Eddie says. He’s mostly distracted by Christopher on the couch, who is with Denny showing Miles, Hen and Karen’s newest foster, how to play Animal Crossing on his Switch. Miles is already developing the same starry-eyed look in his eyes Christopher himself gets around Buck. “You certainly don’t make it hard.” “Not Wilsons, dummy,” Karen says. “Lesbians.” Which is—not what Eddie was expecting her to say. “Uh. What?” or, Eddie befriends May and Linda at dispatch. Then realises some stuff.
you remind me of home (oh, baby, merry christmas) by catchingpapermoons
(7,247 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
“Buck, just come here,” Eddie says, and Buck feels his heart start to pound. “Do you need me to come get you?” “Oh.” He takes another deep breath. “You’re sure?” Eddie laughs. “Like Christopher won’t be over the moon that you’re here.” “For a month, Eddie.” “So?” -- or, Buck has to live with Eddie for a month, which would be fine if he wasn't in love with the guy.
one of the few things by thatnerdemryn
(7,222 words | General Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
“I want someone who’s going to take care of him, love him just as I would without babying him or making him feel like he can’t do things, you know? I want someone who is going to fight for him, not against him, who would literally go through hell for him because he deserves it--” Eddie cut himself off, but Hen didn’t need him to continue. “You want it to be Buck.” Maybe she should’ve been more surprised or she should’ve asked the question instead of saying it so surely and causing the bit of panic that erupted in Eddie’s eyes, but it was obvious in everything Eddie was expressing. Or five times that Eddie tells someone else that Buck is Christopher's legal guardian plus one time he finally tells Buck.
someday soon i'll make you mine by lecornergirl
(2,710 words | General Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
"I didn't raise him to be this dramatic, you know," Eddie mutters as they listen to Christopher making his way down the hallway to make his entrance. "He gets this from you."  Eddie doesn't seem to think there's anything unusual about what he's just said, but something warm blooms in Buck's chest. He gets this from you. His artificial, arbitrary line in the sand between parent and not is blurring once again. 
you can start a family who will always show you love by fleetinghearts
(8,185 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
“Yeah, yeah, he’s—he’s my kid, he’s my kid,” Buck tells her, tripping over his words in the effort to get this whole process to hurry the fuck up so he can see Chris. There’s the sound of something hitting the floor from behind him, followed by what might be plastic bouncing off the shiny hospital tiles. The person at the desk looks up in surprise, over Buck’s shoulder, and he turns to look too. Eddie’s standing there, Styrofoam cup rolling at his feet, coffee splattered all down the bottom of his faded blue jeans. The plastic lid of the cup skitters over the tile before coming to a stop a few feet away. He looks like someone punched him in the gut, absolutely shellshocked, something Buck can’t quite read behind the startled expression on his face. or, buck's looking for something, and the diazes let him know he already has it
can't see anyone but you by allyasavedtheday
(4,967 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
“Besides,” he says, clearing his throat. “Once I’m on the date, there’s no beating me. I know how to treat a date right.” Buck tilts his head to the side, his cocky smirk re-emerging as he appraises Eddie. “Wanna put your money where your mouth is, cowboy?” “What?” “Let’s go on a date,” Buck says like it’s obvious. Eddie splutters through some attempt at a response but Buck carries on speaking before he can come up with something to say. “You show me your best date moves and I’ll show you my best date moves and whoever’s better doesn’t have to pay for dinner.” * Post 6x17, Buck and Eddie decide to go on a practice date. It goes exactly how you think it would.
something to hold onto by foxwatson
(5,185 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
There’s about a palm’s width of distance between Eddie’s knee and Buck’s thigh, where they’re both sitting on Eddie’s couch. It would barely take any movement at all for Eddie to just nudge his leg over a little further, press their knees together and let his rest there. or the one where frank tells eddie he should work on letting himself want things, and eddie starts by cuddling with buck
accidents happen ( but i will love you on purpose) by withmeornotatall
(4,425 words | General Audiences | Chapters: 171)
"Buck..." Eddie says lowly. "Did you already put a load of laundry in?" "I had nothing to do whilst Chris was doing his math homework," he explains himself, turning back to Eddie. "And my workout stuff smelt so bad, Eddie. I almost cried." "Buck, let me do the groceries then—" "No, Eddie, its fine." Buck shakes his head resolutely. "You know I love shopping, especially with Chris. And beside, you still have to do the light load and then fold it all up. Even split of chores, I promise." Buck wonders if Hen and Chim ever split their errands on their days off, before Karen and Maddie. (OR: buck kisses eddie, goes grocery shopping with christopher, then realises he's in love with eddie, in that order)
I-10 by sunryder
(6,997 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
Instead of taking the 1-40 through Nashville back in 2012, Buck took the I-10 along the southern border. But once you were in West Texas, all roads led to El Paso. There was no getting out of the state without passing through it. Evan considered inevitability a pretty damn good analogy for Eddie Diaz. (Where Buck literally takes a different road and meets Eddie a few years early.)
baby, you were my picket fence by spaceprincessem
(6,179 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
Buck is all in. He’s one-hundred percent, give em everything he’s got, will do anything Maddie asks— “You can’t tell anyone,” Maddie suddenly becomes so serious Buck feels like he has whiplash. He blinks a few times, brow furrowed, “Well, yeah I know that.” “No, Buck,” Maddie leans forward covering his hand with her own, “I mean it. No one else is allowed to know about this.” Buck opens his mouth, but Maddie reads him like the traitorous sister that she is and cuts him off by saying, “That includes Eddie.” “Maddie,” Buck whines, and he’s very well aware at how pathetic it sounds, “that’s not fair! It’s — he’s — it’s Eddie!” [or Maddie wants to propose to Chimney. She gets Buck involved. Buck can't tell anyone. He somehow proposes to Eddie instead.]
all i know since yesterday by sibylsleaves
(6,082 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
Buck knows what he’s doing might be constituted as ‘a bit creepy,’ but he can’t really help it. He has a book in his lap, so it’s not like he’s just staring at Eddie, but—ok, so he hasn’t actually read a page in over twenty minutes, and in the meantime he has watched his best friend chop like six different kinds of vegetables to go in Bobby’s ragu. “How’s it going, Buck?” Hen asks, flinging herself into the adjacent arm chair. “Fine,” Buck says, barely looking at her. “But something’s up with Eddie.” or, Eddie flirts. Buck worries.
Break Glass in Case of Emergency by Beforeastorm
(2,894 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
Eddie’s mind wandered to the red folder, tucked high up in the back of his closet. He recalled back to a conversation he had with Buck, almost a year ago at this point:
“It’s an insurance policy; a break glass in case of emergency. A trump card.” “One I really hope we’ll never have to use.” “But if we have to, we’ll be really glad we did this.” When hospital policy doesn't allow Chris, as an unrelated minor, to visit a comatose post-lightning strike Buck in the ICU, Eddie has a solution. Unfortunately, that involves sharing some pretty personal information in a waiting room filled with the 118.
like a heartbeat racing by elisela
(3,600 words | General Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
Buck can do this. He can totally do this, it’s just a favor for Maddie, and what’s he good at if not helping out his sister? Sure, doing a cake tasting when you’re neither the bride nor the groom is a little … unorthodox … but it’s cake. He loves cake, he specifically ate fewer carbs all week so he could pig out to his heart’s content on cake, delicious, fluffy cake, and he can do this. “I can’t do this,” he blurts out the night before, pacing the apartment with Eddie on speakerphone. “Maddie said she told them I would be coming so at least I don’t have to pretend to be Chim, but how pathetic is it to show up to a cake tasting alone?”
you were the wilderness I crossed into by rowan_wood
(9,218 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
“Truth.” “How many times have you fallen in love?” The table was quiet, but Eddie didn’t take long to think it over. “Three times.” “With who?” Lucy asked. “Nope, not part of the question,” he smiled at Lucy, easy as anything. Buck tried to count quickly in his head, the math not adding up. “My turn, right?” Eddie asked the group. “Chim. Truth or dare.” or: the 118 has a 24 hour shift, and zero calls. The firefam spends it playing games, and everyone takes the opportunity to tell Buck just how much they love him.
11k - 40k words
The Family We Choose by maybeamystery
(20,468 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
“Hey, bud!” says the scowling man, suddenly all smiles. The smile changes his face into something beautiful; Kelly realizes that this kid has not one but two hot dads. As he’s swept into the arms of his other dad and they start off in the direction of the nearest ice cream shop, Kelly says to the curly-haired man, “You two have an adorable son.” [10 times Buck is mistaken for Christopher's dad and 2 times it's not a mistake. Contains major spoilers for 5x14]
a leaf falls on loneliness by iimpossible_things
(11,163 words | Not Rated | Chapters: 1/1)
Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that. But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.” —you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting— So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence.
Buy Back the Secrets by allyasavedtheday
(18,808 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 3/3)
He casts his gaze to the right, to the voice he’d heard a minute ago and the hand still on his shoulder. And, well. Okay. So Buck may have just been unconscious for an indeterminable length of time but he doesn’t think he’s exaggerating when he says the guy leaning over his bedside is one of the most attractive people he’s seen in a long time. Especially when his face splits into a smile that rivals the brightness of the hospital lights that almost just fucking blinded Buck a second ago. “Welcome back, hotshot,” the guy says and it sounds fond – familiar – and Buck honestly has no idea who this guy is. His brown hair is dishevelled on top of his head and his eyes look tired but then Buck notices the LAFD t-shirt so- alright. Someone from the firehouse, maybe? But he’s pretty sure he’d remember a face like that. * After getting hurt on a call, Buck wakes up thinking it's 2018. AKA Buck can't remember who Eddie is but he's pretty sure everyone's lying when they say they're "just friends."
you're my whole house by hammersmiths
(11,958 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
Eddie shrugs. “Christopher mentioned to Daniel that Buck and I are partners. I mean, sure, it’s a little weird that she invited him over as well, but—” “Partners,” Hen interrupts, “like work partners?” Eddie and Buck glance at each other. “Uh, yeah?” Eddie says. “What other type of partner?” Hen stares at them for a moment, before she bursts out laughing. “You dumbasses. She thinks you’re together.”
the distance to the stars by cloudydaisies
(27,258 words | General Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
“Didn’t know you were seeing someone.” Buck just laughs. Like, honest to god giggles. Eddie is stuck fighting off doubly massive waves of butterflies and confusion, all while Buck just gazes down at him. “That’s cute,” he hears Buck mumble, just before climbing into the truck, calling Eddie after him. - or, everyone knows eddie is dating buck except for eddie, literally.
The Definition of Love and All Things Ineffable by ElvenSorceress
(29,351 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 3/3)
Maddie asks him, like she’s been waiting to ask him, “Does Christopher call you ‘Uncle Buck’?” It’s… it sounds so casual. Nonchalant. Maybe even reasonable? And like there’s something she’s trying to figure out, but why would Chris ever call Buck his uncle? He’s Jee-Yun’s uncle. “No,” Buck answers. “Why?” “He called me Aunt Maddie.” She tips her head curiously, brows knit together. “You’re far closer to him than I am. I thought if I’m his aunt, you’d have to be his uncle. Why wouldn’t you be Uncle Buck?” There are pieces of chicken mushed into Jee’s fingers and carrots sticking to the bib draped over her front and what might be peas caught in her hair. And Buck doesn’t really have an answer. It’s just. It’s wrong. He’s not Chris’ Uncle Buck. Maybe he should be? Maybe he’s supposed to be? Or maybe Chris doesn’t call him that directly because he’s always been BFF Buck or His Buck. He shrugs and uneasiness settles in his stomach. What more could he ever be to Chris but an uncle? ~~~ In which Buck processes his breakup, learns his place in his family, has a huge crisis of sexuality, and finds the truth about love beating in his own heart.
Didn't think you meant it by EtoileGarden
(33,519 words | Explicit | Chapters: 12/12)
“Y’know,” he said. Shrugged again. “That last call? I kind of thought I’d have that by now.” “What,” Eddie raised his eyebrows at him. “A roof collapsing on you?” Buck grunted, elbowed Eddie. Lightly, because he did appreciate the humour in Eddie’s voice. “No,” he said. “Just - married.”
drink the river dry by Rianne
(32,215 words | Explicit | Chapters: 1/1)
It wasn’t until they were discussing his discharge paperwork and painkiller schedules that it really sunk in for Eddie that Buck would be staying with him and Christopher. That he would be around 24/7 except for his shifts at work. That he’ll sleep on the couch, where he’s been sleeping for days now to look after Christopher. The worst part is that it’s necessary—Eddie isn’t going to be able to do a damn thing for himself for the next couple of weeks. He’s lucky if he can put a shirt on by himself a month from now. Yeah, that’s going to be a problem. Or: Eddie gets shot, breaks up with his girlfriend, and pines like there’s no tomorrow.
Despite it all, Because of it all by kitkatpancakestack
(23,747 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
He puts the truck in park in front of Eddie’s childhood home. Christopher shifts in the back, already unbuckling his seatbelt. Eddie is frozen with his jaw set, eyes hard and unblinking as they bore holes through the windshield. Buck was here once before, after that relief trip to Texas, but he is under no illusions that this time will be similar. For one, he doesn’t have the buffer of other firefighters to hide behind. This isn’t a visit that will last a couple hours, and so the sugary, superficial niceties will eventually crumble when it’s mid-way through the week and he’s still hanging around. There is also the shadow of everything that has happened since the wildfires skulking behind them, waiting to be found out. But, this is Eddie and Christopher, needing him to have it together, so he paints on a smile and squeezes Eddie's knee and slides out of the truck. * Eddie's dad gets sick. Buck goes with him and Christopher to El Paso.
you light the spark in my bonfire heart by woodchoc_magnum
(22,669 words | Mature | Chapters: 2/2)
A post-5b fic, in which Buck slowly realises that he's been in love with Eddie this whole time.
some day i'll fall into you by allyasavedtheday
(13,467 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
I got you. I got you. I got you.
“You said that,” he says, clearing his throat around the emotion clogging his windpipe. “In the firetruck. I heard you.”
Buck leans back enough that they’re looking at each other. The hand he’d had on the back of Eddie’s head moves to the side of his neck, his thumb pressing lightly against the hinge of Eddie’s jaw.
Eddie swallows around the lump in his throat and meets his gaze. “I believed you then.”
Buck sighs like the breath has been punched out of him and leans forward to press their foreheads together. “Believe me now,” he murmurs and Eddie’s not sure if it’s a plea or a request but he finds himself nodding anyway.
A look at how Eddie deals with his recovery post-4x14.
I Know a Place We Can Go by maybeamystery
(15,580 words | Explicit | Chapters: 1/1)
“Well, that was heartwarming,” Chimney says loudly. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s go save some lives. In WeHo. Where Buck goes to gay bars because he is apparently a bisexual now.” “I’ve always been a bisexual,” Buck sniffs. “You just didn’t notice.” “There are gay bars outside of WeHo,” Hen adds. “Just saying.” [5 times Buck and Eddie get hit on in West Hollywood and 1 time they definitely do not]
Tick Tick Boom by ChasetheWindTouchtheSky
(30,439 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 1/1)
“Did you know if you put a frog in water and slowly bring it to boiling, it won’t hop out?” Chris is chattering as Buck makes a quick dinner while Eddie argues with his gas company on the phone. He can hear the occasional swear word in Spanish as his voice raises. Eddie doesn’t like to raise his voice around Christopher – the very thought makes Buck want to kiss him full on the mouth – so he decided to take it to the living room while Chris sits with his homework in the kitchen and Buck cooks. “Hmm?” Buck asks, unable to fully pull himself out of Bobby’s baked mac and cheese recipe. It took him years, but he finally convinced the man to write it down. Bobby’s handwriting was juvenile at best on a good day, but this was nearly unreadable. Buck wonders if he did that on purpose. “Frogs?” “Yeah!” Chris states. “My teacher said that if you put a frog in a pot, you have to make sure it’s not immediately boiling. You put them in water and then slowly raise the temperature and they won’t realize what’s happening. Then once they realize, they have no place to go. They can’t jump out.” * S6 Spec: Buck decides he doesn’t need therapy, reverts to some bad habits, and explodes. Or, the Breakdown Fic.
40k+ words
To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
(44,248 words | Explicit | Chapters: 11/11)
After the shooting, Eddie realizes he needs to put some things in place. Like who will get his assets if he dies. Who will speak for him if he ends up in a coma. What might happen if his family contests Buck's guardianship. Luckily, he's got a simple easy-peasy solution that won't result in insanity, catastrophe, or heartbreak:
Marry Buck.
the mortifying ordeal of being known by Polish_Amber
(60,866 words | General Audiences | Chapters: 7/7
The thing was, the 118 was full of gossips. Eddie had been at the station less than a week before Hen and Chim wrangled details about his “hot young thing” from him (“Buck is only 4 years younger than me, he is not a ‘hot young thing’!” Eddie complained.) And Bobby was open about his worries for his son’s lack of direction and the secrets he appears to be keeping (“I just wish I could help Evan find the thing that gives him purpose,” Bobby lamented.) It just made it all the more ridiculous (and horrifying) when Eddie realizes he’s been dating his Captain’s son this whole time (“Defiling his baby,” Chimney cackled, because he clearly wanted Eddie murdered.) -- Or, the AU where miscommunication abounds as Eddie seeks advice about his new relationship, Bobby despairs over his adopted son's career prospects and his refusal to talk about it, and Evan Buckley-Nash juggles training at the fire academy, building a family with his new boyfriend, and trying to work out how to tell his overprotective dad that he's already chosen the life he wants, actually. It takes a goddamn tsunami, of all things, to get the story straight.
Stuck on Fast Forward (Throw Away the Blueprint) by extasiswings
(42,884 words | Explicit | Chapters: 9/9)
“Sounds like the problem is you think casual sex with a stranger or finding someone new to date are your only options.” Eddie’s brow furrows. “Aren’t they?” “I mean, there’s always…someone you already know. Who you’re already comfortable with.” “Because my pool of male friends who are single and who would be interested in having sex with me has so many options?” “Well, I don’t know about many, but you only need one,” Buck points out. “And who would that be?” “Me, of course.” [Or: Frank gives Eddie therapy homework, Eddie misunderstands the assignment, and Buck is just a really supportive friend...right?]
Don't Take My Sunshine Away by SevenSoulmates
(113,785 words | Mature | Chapters: 21/21)
Eddie is in a coma, and Buck blames himself. He should've been there to protect Eddie. The least he can do now is to be there for Christopher, even if Buck doesn't know if he has it in him to be a parent without Eddie. Buck makes Eddie a deal: he'll fight for Christopher in the real world, while Eddie fights to wake up. Eddie's come a long way since those bleak days in El Paso, listening to his parents comments about how he's not fit to be a father. How Christopher doesn't deserve to be dragged down by the likes of Eddie and Shannon. Eddie thought after moving to LA, he and Chris had escaped that. When he wakes up and finds Buck neck-deep in a legal battle with his parents for custody of Christopher, Eddie must face his own mistakes, and find the confidence to stand up for himself against his absolute worst nightmare.
i think i belong to you (hope you feel the same) by Ran
(41,111 words | Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 4/4)
Buck’s taking him to therapy, where he knows Eddie’s therapist’s name and Eddie’s entire history with him; Buck, who let himself into Eddie’s house with food from Eddie’s favorite coffee shop with coffee crafted perfectly for Eddie’s tastes; Buck, who apparently has a book on Eddie’s coffee table with so many dog-eared pages it’s like any interruption at Eddie’s house is worth putting it down. Buck, who touches him with a devotion as palpable as all the little pieces of himself scattered throughout Eddie's home. Eddie thinks he might have solved his own question, but he’s afraid to look at the answer too closely—because he’s fairly certain his best friend is in love with him, and Eddie can’t remember a single thing about him. Or, the one where Eddie wakes up from the shooting only to think he was hurt in a certain 7.1 earthquake years prior and learns to appreciate the life he's created for himself since then.
Overcome by Spicysauce
(53,697 words | Mature | Chapters: 10/10)
“I’m not leaving you, Buck.” Eddie says with a tired sigh, like he’s struggling with the weight of the world and Buck’s the one who put it there. “Just switching jobs, that’s all.” That’s all?, Buck wants to scream, because every relationship he has is tied to the job in some way, and first Maddie left, and then it was Chimney, and now it’s Eddie. But he doesn’t scream, because that would be a little bit too tragic, even for him, and nods instead. Bites his tongue. Pretends that he isn't falling apart where he's stood. *** Or, set post season 5A, where Buck is alone, and angry, and exhausted, but mostly terrified that everyone he loves is slowly slipping away from him.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Buck by sunryder
(50,287 words | Mature | Chapters: 13/13)
Red is dying and Buck is fucked up about it. Not just about losing a friend, but about ending up like Red: dying alone without the people who used to be his team. Buck doesn’t want to go out like that. It might take him a few panic attacks, a road trip, and a book recommendation, but Buck is going to tidy his life up.
let the world have its way with you by fleetinghearts
(54,477 words | Explicit | Chapters: 1/1)
“It’s just that—I died,” Buck continues, voice unsteady enough that Eddie wonders if this is the first time he’s acknowledged that out loud. “I died, and there’s so much more. There’s so much more I want to do, things I don’t even know I want to do yet, and I almost had the chance to have and live them taken away. I don’t want to die and regret missing out on everything else, Eddie.” “So let’s make a list,” Eddie says. “Let’s do them.” or, a bucket list that’s really about buck needing to make a change and an eddie who’s ready to do anything to see him fall in love with life again. it takes some crossing off for eddie to realise—the thing at the top of the list in his own heart? it’s been right here all along
you and me by woodchoc_magnum
(55,411 words | Mature | Chapters: 2/2)
An alternate ending to Season 6, where Buck realises that what he's been searching for has been right in front of him the whole time.
233 notes · View notes
housethemd · 7 months
What if House/Wilson/Amber had a baby?
Amber finds out she’s pregnant, but there is no way to know if it was Wilson or House who fathered the child.
They spend the entire nine months she is pregnant bickering over who the father is (well House and Amber bicker, Wilson stops them when they get to mean.)
They have a little girl, and for logical reasons they list Wilson as the father on her birth certificate, but they raise her together.
As she grows she turns into the spitting image of Amber, making it harder for them to discern her biological father. House argues she has blue eyes, thus she must be his. Wilson argues back that his mother has blue eyes, therefore he could produce a blue eyed child. They all lay in bed at night sometimes and debate certain features or behaviour of their daughter, but they all know the truth.
They don’t want to know who’s she is biologically.
The unknowing makes them feel like she really does belong to the three of them.
(And maybe she grows up and does a 23 and me or something and pretty much accidentally tells them who her biological father is, by way of relaying results.)
81 notes · View notes
dr. feelgood - chapter five
pairing: Surgeon!Bucky x SurgicalIntern!Reader
summary: Y/N has a one night stand with a handsome stranger the night before starting her new job as a surgical intern. Little does she know, the handsome stranger also happens to be her new boss
warnings: must be 18+, drinking, some surgery descriptions, smut, self-pleasure, praise kink, very minor character death, unprotected sex, rough sex
Word count: 2.3k
series playlist: here
taglist: @sebsgirl71479 @ozwriterchick @notmeddy @drewsuncrustables @lokidokieokie @hextech-bros @nats-whore @m4nulup1n @arcanebabe @tanyaspartak @jackiehollanderr @princezzjasmine @fallenlilangel99 @pono-pura-vida @mavrellover91 @milanaasblog @helluvapimp @almosttoopizza @esposadomd (message me to be added!)
series masterlist
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“Y/N, you're with me today,” Bucky smiled, as he put on his trauma gown. “You can thank me later,” he whispered in my ear. I followed him to the pit, collecting a trauma gown on the way. We were immediately met by several other department heads: Dr. Stark, head of cardio, Dr. Rogers, head of ortho, and Dr. Wilson, head of plastics. I was a little overwhelmed being around so many attendings at once, especially considering Rogers and Wilson were close friends of Bucky’s, but I knew their presence meant something important was coming in.
“What do we have?” Stark asked.
“Oh, just you wait,” Bucky replied. I exchanged concerned looks with Rogers. Bucky had his game face on, but I could sense the excitement coming off of him.
Just then, two firefighters entered the pit rolling a giant block of cement. With a scared teenager trapped inside. It took everything in me to hide the surprise from my face as I realized we had a difficult task at hand.
“Take him to trauma room one,” Bucky stated. I took the initiative and signaled for the firefighters to follow me.
“We blasted what we could out of the job site, but we need to remove the rest of this soon. Just tell us when and where we can start working,” the firefighter said. Bucky nodded and we all circled around the patient. 
“What’s your name?” Bucky asked the patient.
“Peter,” he answered, nervously.
“Peter, how old are you?”
“Nineteen,” he hesitated.
“Okay Peter, you are a strong man and we are going to get you out of this, okay?”
He merely nodded. He eyed out the window and I followed his gaze. There were two teens sitting in the waiting area watching us. 
“Are those your friends?” I asked him.
He nodded again and I added, “I will keep them updated with everything.” I closed the blinds slightly in order to avoid attracting an audience. 
“We are going to meet and come up with a plan but we will be right back. We’ll send in some nurses to keep you hydrated until we can hook you up to an IV. The cement is pulling the water out of your body, so it’s really important that you keep hydrated.” Bucky instructed. The attendings all filed out of the room and I followed. Bucky was scratching his head and I could tell he wasn’t sure where to start.
As we entered an empty trauma room, I was expecting silence as we all thought through the treatment plan, but that was not the case. Stark started things off by claiming that we had to focus on the heart and lungs. That seemed to set everyone else off and arguments immediately ensued. I picked up a white board marker and started jotting some quick notes onto the board, trying to list out all the potential concerns.
As the clock continued ticking and no progress was being made, someone finally intervened.
“What the hell is going on here? Why is that patient out there by himself?” Dr. Fury, Chief of Surgery shouted. All the attendings turned to look at him, but no one spoke.
“Rogers is worried about the limbs. Barnes is concerned with the abdominal pressure. Wilson wants to focus on the third degree burns and Stark thinks there will be issues with the heart and lungs,” I announced. 
“He can live without a leg, he can’t live without a liver,” Bucky said, and they all started arguing again.
Fury looked directly at me and I said, “No one can decide on where to start…”
“Hey! We have a limited amount of time before the toxins in the cement will stop his heart. We are fighting the clock right now. It took the kids an hour to call 911, three hours to cut him out of the cement, so that leaves us four to six hours to get him into the OR. Every minute counts here and we work as a team! So put your differences aside and get back out there to your patient.”
Fury left the room and everyone turned to Bucky for his plan. As head of trauma, he was in charge of the ER and this was ultimately his call.
“We’ll start removing small slabs of concrete and evaluate as we go. Each of you will focus on your respective areas and if you have concerns, raise your hand.” They all nodded and headed back into the ER. Bucky stayed back and peered over at me.
“And what would you like me to do?” I asked him.
“Make sure he’s okay. And trust your instincts.” I nodded and we returned to the patient
Bucky instructed the firefighters on standby to start carefully removing pieces of cement. Everyone took their spots around the slab and I stood up near Peter’s head.
“Peter, as these slabs of concrete are pulled off, I’m going to apply some vinegar. It’s going to help with the burns,” Wilson stated, as he carefully poured some vinegar onto the raw skin.
“Burns?” Peter gulped.
Wilson eyed me and I picked up on his signal to explain.
“Some of the chemicals in the concrete can create burns if exposed to the skin for a long period of time.”
“So…I’m burning from the inside out?” he asked, panicking. Bucky eyed me from across the table so I did what I could to keep him calm.
“It’s nothing you can’t recover from, and Dr. Wilson here is the best of the best. He is going to make sure the burns don’t get any worse and that we treat them as soon as possible.”
It was almost like Peter didn’t hear me because the next thing he said was, “I’m dying aren’t I. I’m going to die in this pile of cement.”
I shifted my position so that I was making direct eye contact with him and I changed my strategy to be a little more direct. “Hey, we are not using the word dying. We are banning that word. You have some of the best doctors in the country working on you right now so you can bet that you’re making it out of this alive.”
I was firm, but passionate and I hoped that he was receptive. He still looked so scared, which was understandable, but I hoped he had a little faith in us. By this point, we had removed enough of the concrete to run an IV to keep him hydrated.
“Peter, can you move your fingers for me?” Dr. Rogers asked, as he continued examining the exposed limbs. Peter’s fingers moved like he was tapping the keys of the piano and Rogers praised him for it. 
“I’m not usually this dumb, you know,” Peter said.
“No one is saying that you’re dumb,” I replied.
“I made the dean’s list last semester. I’m in the honors college for engineering. I’m on a full academic scholarship, yet I did this dumb thing for a girl.”
I wasn’t going to indulge him and ask him any more about it. The last thing he needed to do was relive the past few hours. But he continued anyway. “This guy Flash dared me, and I knew it was a stupid thing to do but MJ was watching and I just wanted her to think I was a badass. And now she’ll only remember me as a dumbass.”
“I don’t know, Peter. I think it’s pretty badass that you survived getting stuck in a hunk of concrete. If you’re lucky, you might even get some cool scars to take with you. Girls love that,” I winked at him.
Peter let out a slight chuckle and I finally felt like I was doing something good. I looked down the end of the table and I saw Rogers talking with Bucky about something, looking concerned. 
“The leg looks a little swollen, we need to do a fasciotomy,” Rogers announced.
“What does that mean?” Peter asked, looking towards me.
“Dr. Rogers is going to slice open your leg to relieve some of the pressure. You shouldn’t feel that much.”
“Okay,” he breathed. 
“You’re doing so great Peter.”
“Dr. Y/L/N, can you get the OR prepped?” Bucky asked me.
“Absolutely,” I responded.
“Wait, where are you going?” Peter asked me.
“I am just going to make sure we are all set up for surgery. I’ll be right back.”
“Do you have to go?” he asked.
I exhaled and looked toward Bucky for guidance. He nodded and I continued with the plan.
“I do, but first I am going to give an update to your friends. Why don’t I see if your friend MJ can come in here to hold your hand while we get these last few pieces off?”
“Yeah, okay,” he agreed.
I excused myself from the room and went to talk to Peter’s friends. They both looked extremely worried and as soon as I approached, they both stood up.
“Is he okay?” the female asked.
“He’s doing really well. We almost have him out of the cement. I am going to prep the OR for him.”
“OR?” the other friend asked.
“We need to go in and check that his heart and organs are all working properly.”
“Oh, okay.”
“But right now I think it might be helpful if one of you went in there to hold his hand. He’s scared and just needs someone to help him through this.”
“I can do it,” MJ volunteered. I smiled, knowing this would make Peter happy. I gave her instructions to carefully enter the room and I continued to the OR.
Everything was in order and we had scrub nurses on standby, ready to assist with the operation. I returned to the trauma room where they were working with Peter and met Bucky outside the room. He was studying Stark, Wilson, and Rogers as they all worked on their respective parts of the body.
There was a look of concern on Bucky’s face that made me nervous. “The OR’s all set,” I said. He nodded, but his expression didn’t change and he didn’t look at me. “What is it?” I added.
“We’re missing something…” he started counting on his fingers some of the major concerns, “Fluid balance, electrolytes, gangrene, compartment syndrome…” He repeated the list again and again, so that it was almost rhythmic.
“Compartment syndrome, fluid balance, electrolytes…” he paused and looked at me, eyes wide. 
As if reading his mind I said, “His bladder..”
“We’ve been pumping fluids in him for hours. If we don’t get a catheter in there now, his bladder’s going to burst.” 
Bucky and I darted into the room with matching expressions. 
“Okay Peter, we need to start a catheter. You are going to feel some pressure,” Bucky announced, as I helped him insert the catheter. We were lucky to have MJ there because Peter put on a brave face and she helped to distract him.
“Good catch, Y/L/N,” Bucky exhaled.
“Thanks Buck,” I replied. I saw Bucky’s eyebrow raise slightly as he glanced at me. What I didn’t see was Dr. Wilson and Dr. Rogers exchanging looks across the patient.
Finally we were down to the last few pieces of concrete that were on Peter’s chest. I had to ask MJ to leave the room, as we would likely be taking Peter into surgery immediately after the last slabs were removed. I took her place, holding Peter’s hand, as Stark grabbed the crash cart and Bucky prepared to intubate.
“What’s happening?” Peter asked. 
“We are getting ready to pull the last few pieces of concrete off you. There is a chance that when we do that, the toxins will rush to your heart and you will crash. We will restart your heart and put in a breathing tube. Then we’ll rush to the OR and fix everything up.”
I could see Peter’s eyes go wide and I knew he was scared.
“I know it sounds scary, but this is what we do. You are in the best hands, and I promise you will wake up from this.”
Stark gave me a death stare from across the table. I knew he didn’t believe in promising a life, but I was not about to let this kid go through even more than he already had.
The fireman pulled off the final slab of cement which immediately set off the heart monitors. Peter’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he went limp. Stark called “Clear!” and pressed the defibrillator paddles to Peter’s chest. The beeping on the monitors returned to normal and Stark, Rogers and Wilson carefully transferred him to a gurney.
Bucky had me open Peter’s mouth as he slid the tube down his trachea. It clicked in easily and started flowing air in and out of his lungs.
“Let’s get him to the OR,” Bucky announced. As the gurney was pushed down towards the OR, I trailed behind, stopping to provide an update to Peter’s friends. They seemed concerned, as they should be, but I promised to provide them with periodic updates.
When I walked into the scrub room, Barnes and Rogers were scrubbing in. Stark and Wilson had just finished up and were starting to work on Peter.
“You scrubbing in?” Bucky asked. I gave him a small nod and a smile, appreciative of the opportunity. 
“You did good work today, Y/L/N. You’re good in a high pressure situation and you are great with patients. I might have to request you on my service more often,” Dr. Rogers suggested. 
“Thank you Dr. Rogers. I’d be honored to work on your service,” I replied. I hadn’t done much with ortho yet, and it wasn’t exactly my top choice, but I was grateful for whatever experience I could get.
Bucky turned to give Steve a death glare, before putting on his mask and entering the OR. Steve just smirked to himself as he finished scrubbing and prepared for surgery.
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shitouttabuck · 9 months
ok stay with me here but: (loose) anastasia (1997) au
evan buckley: the missing, presumed dead, youngest child of the beloved/beloathed buckley family, all of whom were murdered when he was a kid—all except his older sister. except he’s alive, with the unfortunate downside of total amnesia, and nothing to tie him to anyone except a broken something that just reads: buck. so buck grows up alone, and it sucks, especially because it’s not all he’s ever known. he might not have his memories but he knows he's known what love is. home, love, family. there was once a time i must’ve had them too. home, love, family. i will never be complete until i find you.
maddie buckley: only daughter of the buckley family, fell in love with a bad man who tried to kill her whole family to get to her. got away and got safe. doesn’t know if doug’s alive. her brother’s probably dead. surviving’s not the same as living, and she’s been doing it for so long. but… have you heard… there’s a rumour in los angeles. she’s got the best and the brightest protecting her, and all that buckley family money. spreading them both thin could mean doug worming his way out of the woodwork but if there’s even a chance evan’s really out there? she’s already decided.
eddie diaz: conman, but more importantly, dad. there was a war, and then another one, and his wife left, and somewhere in there his parents took his kid from him. he does not have the money to fight them with lawyers, but he’s stubborn and not particularly respectful of the law and he’s heard that maddie buckley’s protective service team has means and money that allow for a) duking it out in court with his parents or b) getting his kid back in ways that are more uh legally grey. and it just so happens the rumours are that maddie buckley will do just about anything and pay just about any sum to find her long-lost brother. blond-haired, blue-eyed, missing at age 10—nearly two decades ago. he could look like anyone, now. sure, there’s the distinctive red birthmark over his eyebrow, but makeup and tattooing go a long way these days. oh, and conveniently, his partner in literal crime, however mild, has an old inside link with someone on maddie buckley’s bodyguard team. chim never shuts up about henrietta wilson—hen, he calls her—particularly when eddie’s fumbling a job and having to improvise and he feels the need to point out just how competent his previous partner steadfastly was.
if eddie and chim are holding illicit auditions for evan buckley lookalikes, and this massive beautiful man stumbles in apparently already having gone to the trouble of dressing for the part? who is eddie to look that gift horse in the mouth? the quicker they see this con through, the quicker he’s together with chris again.
except buck thinks eddie really believes he’s maddie buckley’s missing brother, and buck is warm and ridiculous and so genuinely curious about eddie’s own family, on this journey to find his own, and eddie can’t help but share christopher, and buck listens with bright eyes and holds the photographs so carefully in his big hands.
cons are never victimless, and eddie knows getting chris back takes priority over any moral quandary of identity theft here.
but buck asks about chris’s favourite things and stays up late on their crosscountry train to come up with plans for an accessible skateboard for a kid he’s never met. buck tells eddie he wonders if maddie’ll recognise him, and he hopes she does, because he’s never had anyone see him and know him before. buck asks eddie if he thinks they’ll stay friends, once they’re both reunited with their families. it’ll be nice not to have to miss anyone again, he tells eddie one night, quiet. missing who you don’t remember is one thing. missing who you know?
he trails off and falls asleep not long after, but eddie lies awake in the bunk below him for hours. his moral compass has always swung with whatever cognitive dissonance necessary to justify his actions because the final truth is: heart over mind. and chris has always been his whole heart. so falling in love with your mark has got to be the stupidest, most dangerous thing you can do.
even this is okay; he can handle breaking part of his own heart. but he didn’t realise he was holding so much of buck’s too, and now? he doesn’t know that he can survive breaking any of that.
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may i get sum lil chase headcanons pretty pls :3
YES I've been waiting for this request!
“Wilson, where do babies come from?” (Genuinely forgot and just wants to know, House and/or Foreman told him to ask)
Politely reminds people who swear around him that “That’s a bad word.” And manages to sound like a condescending parent even in his little high-pitched voice.
His voice gets really soft and high when he regresses.
Very polite little sweetheart. Draws pictures for people, says his pleases and thank you’s, makes a point of saying goodnight to people, etc.
Really hates alcohol being around him while he’s regressed. He usually just gets quiet if he sees it but god forbid someone is actively drinking or heavily intoxicated, he shuts right down or cries and it's hard to settle him.
Has more inhibitions about crying in front of others and in general if he’s on the upper end of his age range (6-8), but on the younger end cries pretty easily.
Scarily good at hiding, not good if he’s doing it because he’s upset and very very not good if he’s regressed and upset in the hospital.
Bit House one (1) time.
Doesn’t like reading anything that isn’t a simple children’s book even if they’re technically below his reading level for his regressed age. He likes things to be simple and straightforward when he's little.
Likes drawing with sidewalk chalk and colouring in general. His favourite drawing utensil are those thick Crayola markers that bleed through the paper.
Avoids being an inconvenience at all costs to the point that he keeps quiet about what he wants  or needs to his own detriment. He needs his caregiver to remember to feed him or water him like a plant because if they don’t he won’t say anything.
That being said, he will throw tantrums/have meltdowns if his needs go unmet for long periods of time. When he’s really upset he does that yell-wailing thing. He’s intense but then calms down pretty quickly and is just exhausted.
Gets very fussy if he’s tired. If he’s feeling younger than 5 he needs his nap time! This is a warning, not advice.
Reads children’s bibles and watches a lot of Veggie Tales and The Wiggles
Looney-Toon enjoyer.
Semi-verbal in baby/toddlerspace. He'll say one or two words and otherwise just make little noises.
Favourite snack is cheese and crackers with a bit of fruit, usually grapes (he likes to eat all three at the same time in little sandwiches).
Regresses to cope with stress, reclaim his childhood, and even to have fun sometimes. It's mostly voluntary, but he does have a few triggers like aggressive drunks or something that reminds him too much of his childhood, positive or negative, like a nostalgic toy for example.
If his regression is triggered he has a hard time getting back out of it, but otherwise his hold on his littlespace is frustratingly weak. He has a hard time staying small when he's trying to be, and House, Wilson, and Cameron help keep him in it by helping him with things and actively mentioning how little he is.
"Ah ah, you're too small to put the cookies in the oven. Why don't you help put the milk away instead? Two hands, okay?'
When he's little he has this doe-eyed innocent look to him, and anyone who knows him can see it immediately.
Very naturally curious about the world, nature specifically. Likes looking at and keeping bugs in jars, collecting leaves and rocks that are cool, etc.
Gives his caregivers bouquets of dandelions. Cameron was so flattered when she got one that she bought fertilizer to keep the flowers alive in a glass of water as long as possible.
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