#doctor who neg
ralexsol · 3 months
btw all y'all beatles + dw fans LIED TO ME when you said rtd really canonized mclennon. they shared like one and half interactions in the whole damn thing and it was that single look at the piano?? bro from the screenshots i saw before i blocked spoiler tags, i was literally waiting for them to have like a soft conversation together about how they were scared about the monster and persevering and being like "you have to be careful... dont get hurt... i couldnt bear to live without you" or whatever shit the episode would be about. i literally thought it was gonna be doctor and ruby show up and mclennon is like already established and happening in the background. yall LIED TO ME!! and i dont even ship mclennon but i was excited to see what rtd was rly gonna do like 😭 honestly the most disappointing thing about the devil's chord
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b1odeuwed · 3 months
the thing about doctor who is that it is a sci-fi show created by diehards of that show for diehards of the show so we will forever be in a competition with the showrunners for who is the biggest fucking loser that spends all their time trying to learn every piece of lore in the past 60+ years it has existed to outsmart each other
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haventacluewhatimdoing · 10 months
Okay but Donna. DONNA. She gets to live her life with both her husband AND her platonic life partner. She'd wanted to be with him forever and now she CAN. She gets both a permanent romantic and permanent platonic partner. Who like each other. Who don't resent the other's existence. Do you understand how MONUMENTAL that is???
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leikeliscomet · 4 months
(Reposting from twitter)
My POV as a Black fan that thinks Dot and Bubble's racism commentary is trash
Rewatched Dot and Bubble and I'm gonna break down from my POV as a Black fan why this episode didn't work for me & why it's an awful racism commentary. Long arse post incoming:
The whole "You should've noticed the cast was all white except for fifteen ha your bias is showing" doesn't work for a show that's been predominantly white for 60+ years. D&B casting has been the default for most of the show so its not abnormal enough to be a racial litmus test. An example is the Matt Smith era The only reoccurring character of colour in s5 (2+ appearances) is Liz 10. Artie n Angie in s7. 0 in s6. RTD's own era isn't fully safe either. For many eps Martha or Mickey are the *only* Black characters. Most POC are side characters or extras.
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White fans should be aware of the predominantly white casting of the show but this late in the game feels cheap. Most of the show has gone through 100% white episodes including fan faves and it was never an issue back then bc it was beneficial. This is so hollow. Representing racists as cartoon caricatures SEVERLY underestimates the danger of white supremacy irl. White supremacy is system designed and constructed and rebranded over centuries. It is not accidental. People aren't racist bc they don't know they're racist because they *do* They know the system that oppresses POC, Black people especially, benefits them socially and financially and that is why they participate. Its not stupidity it's intention. That should've been the Finetime core not Lindy goofing around bc the arrows are gone or some shit.
Human Nature showed us racist young people that exercised this power bc they knew this. They may be children but they are still dangerous bc of their views. Martha knew this. The silly tech obsessed gen z angle erases this danger and that of actual gen z white supremacy
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Instead of the camp goofy tone we could've gotten a serious focused episode. The slugs and millenial/gen z social media silly distracts from what could've been the main theme of colonisation instead of saving it for 10 mins of exposition at the end & scattering microaggressions. Saving Fifteen's racism scene for a goofy episode was a horrid idea. Spending 30 mins on representing racism as silliness then giving a dramatic dangerous score is the definition of tonal whiplash. Representing his oppressor as a blonde bimbo again does not take this seriously. Fifteen went to 1960s BRITAIN & got through it unscathed. Finetime is a fictional futuristic land but the racism of 1960s Britain was real. If anytime was right it could've been Devil's Chord. Distancing yourself from a panto villain is easy but addressing your history is hard.
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The scene itself is incredibly performed so I'll give Ncuti his flowers but what he used this skill for could've been so much more. Having his FIRST SCENE begging to save a racist is disgusting. It isn't Black people's responsibility to show compassion to people that want us dead. Yes the Doctor helps the baddies bc they care. But they're aren't ignorant to prejudice. The liberal anti racism of who is so jarring and why I still think Thin Ice is performative. When white people are angry at injustice it's radical. When it's Black people we're aggressive.
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Respectability politics is a tool of white supremacy. That if one pleads and is nice enough they can earn liberation. What would white fans think of Fifteen if he DIDN'T beg Lindy? If your allyship with Black people depends on showing kindness to racists you are NOT an ally.
Next up is Ricky. It was established ALL Finetime citizens have white supremacist views yet Ricky September stans refuse to see him in any negative light. Just like Joan Redfern white dw fans refuse to see racism if a character is likeable. If nice guy Ricky's a racist, then anyone no matter the niceness can be racist too and that's a pill white fans aren't ready to swallow. If racism is systemic and not about individual character, then what's keeping them safe? What happens when YOU are under the microscope.
THIS is why we NEED Black writers in Doctor Who. The nuances, depth and complexity of the Black experience can only be told at it's best by Black creatives and not guessed, assumed or spoken over by white fans and white writers. It's okay to put ego aside and say you don't get it.
"Im white but I loved the Doctor's reaction" "I'm white and i thought the racism commentary was great" "I'm white but i-" Yet again, we have to sit through another round of white and non Black fans of colour dictating Black representation for us. I'm so fucking tired man. AGAIN IM YELLING FROM MY HILLTOP TO WATCH SHOWS BY BLACK WRITERS. Almost EVERY single theme in Dot and Bubble and frankly most of the show has been done WAY better in other media. RTD is not the authority on Black stories. We are. Always have been and always will.
Tl;dr Dot and Bubble is an unserious and tacky racism commentary. It's core message is drowned by more RTD Who camp. Don't tell me this episode was good at representating my own experience. It wasn't. S15 having Black writers isn't a need it's a must. Goodbye.
Reblog this version pls
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nethnad · 11 months
thinking about time lords and their fucked up little society again and i just realized how devastating the revelation of the drums in the end of time is in relation to the master's character.
because of all the renegade time lords in the universe, i think it's the master who most exemplifies the philosophical outlook that the time lords have towards the rest of the universe. they're stuffy observers, administrators, yes - but this position is one they've decided for themselves because of this concept of supremacy over other life forms. imposed and upheld this idea that other species that lack a time sense are less-than, primitive. and the master buys into this hard.
and i mean... compared to the doctor, the master is good at being a time lord. he buys into these supremacist concepts, this idea that every other species (and especially humans) is practically a meaningless ant in the grand scheme of the universe. takes it to the extreme, yes, but its the same underlying principle. he's a good student (despite whatever chibnall might think) - that one time lord from terror of the autons (identity forever a mystery) (its brax) even says "he did receive a higher degree of cosmic science than you." the master could play their game if he wanted to. he's remarkably comfortable with being on gallifrey/the idea of gallifrey(in eot/tlotl) than the doctor ever is. where the doctor avoids the subject of the lord presidency like the plague, the master is like "well if you kill the president you ARE the president! and then you have all of gallifrey!" and when the doctor destroys gallifrey (nominally), the master tries to rebuild it in the sound of drums/last of the time lords. tries to emulate their society. honor them in his little fucked up way. he brings them back from the time war!
and what does he get for it? how did the time lords treat him in response?
they decide to implant the sound of drums in his head, stretching back until he's a child. puts this insufferable noise, this splitting headache, in his head for his entire life. all so that they may live while he dies. because he is diseased, because of them. he has swallowed the pill, bought their propaganda, he has followed the rules, he tried to rebuild them he tried. and in response he is chewed up and spit out like trash so that rassilon's god complex can survive while the universe crumbles.
how crushing must that be to someone? to have your whole worldview - that you are better, you are chosen, you are special - come crumbling down in a few short moments? to see the revered founder-god of the civilization you have so desperately tried to revive look at you and say "you are diseased," even though he was the one to poison you in the first place?
and as his heart is torn to pieces... when rassilon says "no more," and charges his gauntlet, the master - who has spent countless lives fighting death with his bare hands - does not move.
part of me thinks he does not want to.
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badxwolf · 3 months
I really like the fact that Ruby’s mum is an ordinary human woman. I think it’s a lovely resolution for Ruby and a great example of Russell’s thesis statement for his Doctor Who. “Ordinary people can do incredible things” and all that.
I really don’t like the fact that Russell spent the last eight episodes making this reveal out to be the biggest most fantastical mystery box ever only to try and turn it on the audience like “aha! you made her important but actually she’s ordinary!’ No Russell, YOU made her important. You made her face obscured by seemingly magical means. You made her point at a street sign to name her daughter when nobody could possibly have seen that. You made Ruby have a Christmas carol in her heart and gave her the ability to conjure snow out of thin air. You made Maestro terrified of her and Sutekh obsessed with her. And then you chose not to explain any of that. What were we supposed to do? Not care? You can’t create a mystery box that can only be explained via something extraordinary and then reveal it to be mundane. You can’t have both.
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ohmerricat · 4 months
all the typical rtd subtlety of a planned parenthood leaflet projected across your screen. this episode should be screened somewhere as a double bill with kill the moon for a full ideological whiplash
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causalityparadoxes · 3 months
Also not sure how i feel about Sutekh "always being there". Like on one hand, its an average lore changing finale. But on the other, eeehhh?? K??? Like obviously Unnatural History, time always shifting, canon fake etcetc.
But idk man i don't know what to do with that yet. Like fr Russell? he was there the entire timewar? During Satan's pit? Did he cling onto Idris or House in The Doctor's Wife?
I know looking for logic in something this ridiculous is silly. But like whats up with this, man?
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intuitive-revelations · 3 months
I don't know if I'm excited or frustrated at the 'future children' angle for Susan's origin. On one hand... I'm very interested in the possible links to the likes of Miranda, the Other etc.
On the other hand... ok confession time: This may make me a minority in the fandom, but I actually really dislike the 80s-90s retcons of Susan's origin. (Birth of a Renegade, Lungbarrow etc.)
I kinda just like her and the Doctor being some of the last surviving members of what was once a family on Gallifrey. I find the mystery and tragedy of what happened on Gallifrey, with implied student uprisings and political assassinations, far more intriguing than any twists saying "actually she's not really his granddaughter". Fortunately, some things can be canonwelded into that (eg. Susan really could be also related to the president / descended from Rassilon), but stuff that actually gives her an origin elsewhere is always a pain.
Idk. I just see once being a parent (and losing it all tragically) as such a crucial part of the Doctor's background and Susan fits very well into that as far as I'm concerned. Anything disconnecting her from that, or worse erasing it completely, ultimately damages what I find to be one of the most compelling things about the Doctor and Susan. :/
The few posts I've already seen talking about this suggests this is an unpopular opinion, but I'd be interested to know what people think, and if they agree or disagree...
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picnokinesis · 10 months
y'know it's such a shame we didn't get any new episodes for the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who, but I guess I'm still riding on the high of Jodie Whittaker regenerating into Ncuti Gatwa, like what a moment, right? He looked so incredible in her burnt out clothes and I can't wait for his first ep where we get that classic post-regen loopiness as they try and solve an alien threat whilst staggering about in the previous regeneration's clothes - and also getting to own that moment, their first episode without being overshadowed by the person they were before? 😌 Anyway, at least on the plus side we got that ten and donna episode Wild Blue Yonder from s4 that they pulled out of the depths of the BBC archives? Like wow! What a find! Such a fascinating story, I'm gonna be thinking about it for weeks. And the way that it predicted Flux before it even happened? So so cool! But anyway mostly I'm excited to see the Fourteenth Doctor and Ruby in the Christmas Special 😊
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alexan-2031 · 3 months
You know what's an example of not so good writing?
The fact that RTD spent the entire season making Ruby's birth mother to be very mysterious. Making Ruby SO unusual ('Who's my next of kin?', Davina not being able to find her mum, 'this creature is very wrong', the snow and the song, Ruby going back in time in 73 yards to warn herself, everyone running away from Ruby in 73 yards, etc...)
And then RTD was like: 'Actually, her mum is an ordinary woman. And Ruby is just a normal girl. Plot twist!'
The setup and the resolution don't come together.
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ralexsol · 3 months
watching "Listen" from 12 and then directly afterwards "The Devil's Chord" from 15 was the wrong decision on my part. it only made the devil's chord that much more painful. like listen isn't like an insanely good episode or anything but it. actually feels like a sci-fi show. and it has a very touching ending with clara and kid doctor.
a better comparison would be with "Robot of Sherwood" from 12 vs. devil's chord. they're both the 2nd episode of their respective doctors, with the plot being the companion's "i've always wanted to go to-" dream. both are EXCELLENT companion dreams: robin hood and the beatles. both have INSANE levels of potential for shenanigans between people of legendary status and doctor + companion. but um. one is done incredibly and the other is. not.
Robot of Sherwood: start in the TARDIS with doctor & companion. wanna see robin hood, oh but robin hood is not real - and wow, an idea held by a character in the intro scene will actually play a key role in both the comedy AND emotional charge for the entire episode! for the rest of the episode, you have robin hood as the 3rd protagonist in TONS of scenes, with iconic characters as his merry men and the sheriff making appearances. and look, an actual sci-fi thing going on! the guards are robots and they're stealing gold for their spaceship! cool!! and then the emotion-based ending of the doctor and robin relating over being legendary heroes who will only be remembered as such.
The Devil's Chord: start in unknown location with piano guy and his student. that's fine, it's setting up the plot, sure. get some fun piano playing and holy shit okay the villain is right here and just immediately showing their entire hand and purpose?? okay so they're killing people because they want music to themself. okay, they seem cool enough, there must be some interesting thing about them that we'll learn later. switch to TARDIS, wanna see the beatles, let's go!, montage of them watching famous musicians be shit at EMI studios. oh hey it's george martin the producer of the beatles thats fun!! annnnnnd he has more lines than ringo and george combined and this is basically the last time we will see half of the beatles! um. okay. i am dead serious half the beatles have about 2-3 lines between them and they only speak in 1 fucking scene. there's a cool scene with paul & doctor and ruby & john, i really liked how they explained the disappearance of music and the inherent terror everyone seemed to feel of the maestro (the villain) coming to get them. the scene on the rooftop is cool! im a pianist and i love orchestral music so i really liked that. but i was so terrified she was going to start singing at any moment because i cannot handle any more cringe-worthy songs in this show i just can't. this is not a musical. anyway, the whole episode falls apart when you realize oh the beatles arent actually what this episode is about and oh the maestro is literally just the character that you saw in the intro scene and they have no twist motive and no emotional charge and yeah they're the toymaker's kid so they're a "force of nature" and not an alien with cool science and they just want allll the music. and then there's long "fight" scenes and then john and paul save the day without saying a single word in a 15-second long total shot. and then there's a fully fever-dream level dance and song montage.
i dont know too much about peoples' opinions on 15 so far cause ive had spoiler tags blocked for months, but from what i HAVE seen, it's been really positive. am i blind? am i stupid? am i bigoted????? why dont i like the vibes of this season?? maybe im just spiraling because ive been so hyped to watch the beatles episode as a beatles fan for MONTHS and just can't cope with ringo and george being written out. ive only seen 3 episodes w 15. i so hope it gets better. please let it be better. if they do another musical number i will kill something. i will spontaneously combust.
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nat-20s · 9 months
The Doctor will see a 19 year old blonde girl and go "is she gonna go through some similar traumas as me orrrr?" And then not wait for an answer
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thirddoctor · 2 years
hey reblog this post and tell me what your special corner of Doctor Who is. it’s always fascinating to hear the what aspects people latch onto, whether it’s an era or a character or a ship or a theme or a book range or whatever. I like how the vastness of the franchise allows people with totally different tastes to focus on entirely unrelated elements and still find joy in the show :)
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arceespinkgun · 1 month
I think the most galling thing maybe from any TF media I've seen (which is saying a lot) is MTMTE/LL's series of plot points that went like, what if the guy who killed over 100 billion people and ran death camps based on real-world Nazi concentration camps was really sorry he did all that, and also, what if there was another universe that proves that if he'd never have existed, there actually would've just been even worse genocide? And what if this guy was the only one who could save that universe and be its hero?
Also he's a professor teaching experts on religion in the cast about religion, and he's a better doctor than the actual doctors in the cast.
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penny-anna · 9 months
ok i'd like to stress that i mean this in the least judgemental way possible bcos i really do like her. but. other than the length of time she was in the show, can someone please explain to me why Sarah Jane is so popular?
saw someone describe her as the 'greatest companion' in the show's history and am sitting there like. huh??
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