#it feels messy and misjudged
badxwolf · 3 months
I really like the fact that Ruby’s mum is an ordinary human woman. I think it’s a lovely resolution for Ruby and a great example of Russell’s thesis statement for his Doctor Who. “Ordinary people can do incredible things” and all that.
I really don’t like the fact that Russell spent the last eight episodes making this reveal out to be the biggest most fantastical mystery box ever only to try and turn it on the audience like “aha! you made her important but actually she’s ordinary!’ No Russell, YOU made her important. You made her face obscured by seemingly magical means. You made her point at a street sign to name her daughter when nobody could possibly have seen that. You made Ruby have a Christmas carol in her heart and gave her the ability to conjure snow out of thin air. You made Maestro terrified of her and Sutekh obsessed with her. And then you chose not to explain any of that. What were we supposed to do? Not care? You can’t create a mystery box that can only be explained via something extraordinary and then reveal it to be mundane. You can’t have both.
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moody-alcoholic · 2 months
Chapter 4 - The Stalker
Summary: 5.2k words. 141 learn about your stalker situation and Simon makes a plan to help, but things escalate faster then expected and you end up having to come to terms with things a lot quicker then you expect.
CW: mentions of trauma, mental health, abusive ex, stalking, talking about physical abuse, alcohol, angst, hurt/comfort (kinda).
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Enjoy <3
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“Let’s debrief, then maybe you will get some answers.” John says standing up straight. 
“How did the Renfolds job go?” He asks looking over at Simon. 
“Easy, needed his weapon cleaning. Built a shooting range in his basement.” Simon explains. 
“Anything we should be concerned about?” John asks. 
“Don’t think so, seems like it’s just for personal use.” Simon says. John looks down at you. 
“What do you think?” You look up at John confused. He want’s your opinion? 
“I-I don’t know, I was a bit distracted by the guns, and the shooting range.” And how good Simon looked. John nods looking over at Johnny. 
“What happened with you?” He asks. 
“Well it was all going according to plan until the supposedly empty building was no longer empty.” Johnny explained smiling.
“You were only supposed to be gathering intel how did it end in a gunfight?” John asked. 
“They didn’t take kindly to me snooping around their stuff.” Johnny says shrugging. “You should have sent Ghost in.” 
“I needed you to confirm the cargo. I gave Ghost the Renfolds job so he’d be near by.” John explained. Johnny nodded. 
“Well they’ve got enough explosives in that place to blow London to pieces.” 
“Is it secure?” John asks.
“About as secure as it can be, I found shipping manifests, I assume they’re planning on moving it when they get the chance.” Johnny explains.
“Hang on a second.” You interrupt. “You had a gunfight in a building with enough explosives to blow up London?” Simon chuckles behind you. 
“Johnny’s being dramatic. But yes unfortunately we weren’t left with much of a choice.” John says. He looks over at Johnny and Gaz for a second. 
“Johnny, and Gaz go back tomorrow secure the place then hand it over to the Met. The quicker we can get everything destroyed the better.” John says as you watch Johnny and Kyle nod. 
“The Met? As in New Scotland Yard as in the metropolitan police?” You ask. John nods. 
“It’s expensive for the Met to plan a sting, collect the legal evidence, wait for warrants. When we can just sneak in and get all the evidence they need and maybe even shut it down for them. We’re cheaper too.” John explains.
“So you work for the Met?” You ask. You hear Simon laugh again. 
“No, we don’t work for anyone, but sometimes they ask for our help and we’re usually more then happy to oblige.” 
“Besides means they turn a blind eye when we make people disappear.” Johnny laughs winking at you. You can’t tell if he’s being serious or not. There’s a few seconds of silence before everyone turns to you. 
“You said you were recommended us, why?” John asks. You suddenly feel nervous, you start rubbing your hands together. They’ve cleared up somethings now it’s your turn. 
“I have an ex.” You say looking down at the floor. Great start. 
“We broke up about a month ago, it was messy. I don’t think he’s quite over it yet.” You remember the break up. It was messy, in multiple ways. Lot’s of shouting, screaming, the police being called. You hoped it would be the last time you’d ever have to explain away bruises. You locked him out your flat and he sat outside the door begging to be let back in. How sorry he was, eventually you caved letting him fearing your neighbours would report you to the police for noise disturbance. It was the worst decision you made.
You feel a hand on your shoulder pulling you out of you head. You look up Johnny has moved closer to you. It’s Simon’s hand on your shoulder, you almost can’t believe it, he gives you a gentle squeeze. You thought he hated you. Or at the very least was annoyed by your presence. Maybe you misjudged him. 
“Is he stalking you lass?” Johnny asks. You don’t know what to say, you don’t exactly have proof just a feeling. You can’t get all worked up over a feeling. You know he’s been trying to contact you, creating accounts on social media to message you to the point where you needed to deactivate all your accounts. You know he’s been finding your number every time you change it, and you know he’s in contact with your family.
“He just won’t leave me alone. I think it’s making me paranoid. He keeps getting my number every time I change it. He managed to get a key to my flat after I kicked him out. I came home one day to find him moved back in. He..” You stop yourself. They didn’t need to know how that story ends. Simon's hand is warm on your shoulder, you don’t want it to leave. You sigh looking up. 
“I don’t have proof, if that’s you want it’s just a stupid feeling.” You say looking at John. 
“When was the last time he contacted you?” John asks.
“Saturday.” You say, John hums his eyes flick up to Simon. You look over at Johnny and Kyle, they’re leaned forward in the sofa looking at you. 
“I’m assuming this relationship was not the best?” Simon asks. You shake your head. He squeezes your shoulder again then his hand leaves. 
“C’mon, lets have a chat.” He says. You get up confused. All of a sudden he wants to talk? You follow him and he takes you into John’s office, closing the door behind you. 
“Sit,” he says pointing at the sofa in the corner of the room. He drags over one of the chairs and sits in front of you. There is a coffee table between you both, you look at him as he leans forward in the chair. 
“I thought maybe you would like some privacy.” He says. You sigh and go back to rubbing your hands. 
“Let’s start easy. What’s his name?” Simon asks. 
“Joe, Joe Sharp.” You say. 
“How long were you together?” 
“3 years, we lived together for 2, that’s when things changed when he moved in.” You say, hanging your head again. 
“Abusive?” He asks. You nod.
“Physical, verbal?” You nod again. You hear him sigh. 
“Why do you think he’s stalking you?” He asks you look up at him. His eyes are soft, kind. Even the way he’s holding his body, he’s like a different person. 
“I don’t know I think I’m just paranoid, he’s been so desperate to keep in contact with me that I think I just over think everything. I feel like I see him when I’m sure he’s not there. I feel like I’m being followed whenever I’m alone. The nightmares about him breaking into my flat don’t help.” You stop yourself. 
“It sounds stupid when I say it out loud.” 
“It’s not stupid.” Simon says. “Hey look at me.” You look up at him. 
“It’s not stupid. You would be surprised how many times people think they’re being stalked only to find out their intuition was correct.” He says. You nod. 
“First things first though we need proof.”
“I don’t have any.” You admit. He nods. 
“That’s okay, the best way to get a stalker out is to make them jealous. Do you have social media, Facebook, Instagram? Whatever one people use now-a-days.” 
“I’ve deactivated them but I can get them back.” You say reaching for your phone. He nods.
“Make a post, something along the lines of ‘I’m so happy in my new relationship.’ If you want to make it extra believable I can hold your hand you can take a picture?” He says, raising an eyebrow. You nod and he gets up moving next to you on the sofa. He lays his hand out palm up and you slip your fingers between his. His hands are big, and soft. Not what you were expecting. It sends shivers down your spine. It’s the first time you’ve held anyone's hand since your ex.
This is not the same though, this is not romantic. Why does it feel so nice though. You bring your phone up and snap the picture. Looking up at him, his eyes look deep into yours, he has such beautiful eyes. You look away taking your hand out his so you can get back to typing. You pick Instagram, it’s most likely the one he would check the most. You type it out and attach the photo. 
“Should I unblock his accounts?” You ask nervously. 
“It would be helpful, you can always block him again after.” He says. You hover over the post button. You turn to look at Simon. 
“You don’t have to do this but trust me it’s the easiest and quickest way to bait him out.” Simon says. You take a deep breath in and post it. 
“Good now we wait.” Simon says getting up. You follow putting your phone back in your pocket. 
“What do I do?” You ask. 
“Get on with your day act like everything is normal. I’ll give you my number. He tries to contact you, you think you see him, you get a feeling that he’s following you, anything. You call me immediately.” His voice is commanding, he’s looking you in the eyes. It’s not hairs standing up on the back of your neck anymore it’s a new feeling, like a warmth deep within you. You swallow hard handing him your phone so he can put his number in. You take it back putting it back in your pocket. 
“Simon, I can’t afford to hire you guys, I heard you’re pretty pricey.” You say as he turns to leave the room. 
“Don’t worry about that.” He says. That doesn't exactly put you at ease but it’s better then them demanding payment. They’re helping you, they don’t need to. Besides what if you’re wrong and it is all just your paranoid mind playing tricks on you. Then you’ve just wasted their time. You try to push the thoughts away, especially now you’ve basically just kicked the hornets nest. 
When you get back out Simon explains the situation without going into too much detail. He tells Johnny to walk you home. This time when you go to protest you’re shut down by John who insists it’s necessary. You don’t argue it’s been a long day. You let Johnny take you home, he keeps you at ease, back to his bubbly self as he spouts off more stories from his army days. He keeps your mind occupied, you’re not constantly looking over your shoulder. 
“You know you did good today. Most people would have freaked out.” Johnny says once you reach the building. 
“I don’t know if I’ve processed it really yet.” You say chuckling. He nods.
“Well you have my number if you need anything.” He says. 
“Thanks, you take care of that arm.” You say. 
“‘Cause lass it’ll be good as new by tomorrow.” He says patting you on the shoulder then turns to leave. 
By the evening you had calmed down and you were sat watching TV. You couldn’t help but think back to holding Simon’s hand. You find yourself opening your phone and checking the picture. It was a nice picture even though you only snapped it quickly. God were you really that lonely that holding someones hand is enough to have you craving touch. You smile anyway letting yourself enjoy the feeling. It had been a while since you could imagine yourself being touched, or held like that again, let alone falling in love. Maybe this was healing, maybe the dark thoughts bought on with receiving any amount off affection were gone. It’s not long before the peacefulness of the moment is shattered by a sharp knock at the door. You panic almost instantly, holding your breath. 
“Babe it’s me.” You freeze as he knocks again. You look down at your phone, your fingers working their way to your contact list. You can’t think. Maybe he’ll think you’re out. You crawl off the sofa to the TV and the light to turn them off as the phone rings. 
“Hello.” It’s Simon’s voice, it snaps you back into reality. You can still hear him calling at the door. You crawl into the bedroom leaning up against the bed.  
“H-He’s at my door Simon.” You say hearing your voice break. 
“Okay where are you in the living room?” He asks, you can hear keys jingling down the phone. 
“Bedroom.” You say as quiet as you can so you’re sure he won’t be able to hear you. 
“Okay, I’m on my way can you stay were you are?” He says as you hear a car door close. You’re too scared to move, even if you wanted too. 
“Yeah, I-I’m staying here.” You say. The knocking has stopped but you’re sure you can still hear his feet shuffling outside. 
“I’m going to hang up now but I’ll be there soon okay.” 
“Okay.” You reply back tears are streaming down your cheeks now. You hear the call end and you clutch the phone. 
“Baby, we need to talk. Are you seeing someone else? Is he here now?” You hear him say, there’s an edge to his voice, something you haven’t herd in ages, it’s anger. You want to scream, yell at him to go away but you’re still trying to cling on to the fact he might not know you’re in. You sit there for what feels like hours hugging your legs. Eventually after a few more pleas and knocks it goes silent and stays silent.
Your heart is pounding in your chest and you feel sick. Where is Simon? It’s hard to keep track of time. You start spiralling, thinking of the worst possible things. This was the first time he has been back to the flat since you had the locks changed. That was almost 4 weeks ago. This is the closest he has been to you since you broke up with him. It felt too close. Like not even a deadbolt on the door or changing the locks could stop him. There is another knock at the door. You freeze again almost want to scream at him to leave. Why is he here why is he back? 
“It’s me, it’s Simon.” For a second you don’t believe it what if it’s a trick? No you called him and now he’s here. You force yourself to stand up walking over to the front door still clutching your phone in your hand. You unlock the dead bolt, then the lock, then open the handle. You see him standing there, you look round there is definitely no one else around now. He steps inside and you go through your routine of closing all the locks and covering the peephole. He looks around your tiny flat then turns to you.
“You okay?” he asks. You nod, it’s a lie but you don’t care he’s here now and that makes you feel safe. 
“Did you see him?” You ask, he shakes his head. He walks around your flat quickly, looking into the bedroom then walks back over to you. 
“I’ll stay the night, if that’s alright with you?” He asks. You don’t really know how to respond to that. This is the first time you have had a man in your flat since the break up. He dropped everything to come when you needed him. You feel safe around him but you don’t know him. You want to get to know him though. And you definitely don't want to be alone. 
“You can stay.” You say, swallowing the lump in your throat. He nods. 
“You sure you’re okay?” He asks frowning. You don’t want to lie again but you weren't expecting him to ask again. Tears threaten to spill down your cheeks and you force yourself to choke them away. 
“Sit down, I’ll get you a drink.” He says, turning into your kitchen. You walk over to the couch and sit down. 
“There’s wine in the fridge.” You say. 
“Lets start with water.” He replies as you hear the tap run. You pull your legs up to your chest. Simon comes over and hands you the glass then sits on the far end of the sofa. You sip the water as you both sit in silence. 
“Did he say anything?” Simon asks. 
“Just the usual, he misses me, he’s sorry, asked if it was true that I was seeing someone.” You say taking another sip of water. You look over at Simon his eyes scanning over you. It’s starting to get dark out but you don’t want to put the lights on worried he’ll see them and come back. 
“Are you hungry?” You ask Simon. 
“I ate at home.” He says. You nod looking at yourself in the black of the TV. You reach over and turn it on to whatever mindless show you were watching before. Simon doesn't say anything sometimes you catch him looking over at you out the corner of your eye. You order some food and something for Simon too, if he wants it. Even though you’re expecting it the doorbell ringing still makes you jump.
“I got it.” Simon says and before you can protest he’s on his feet. 
“One of them is for you.” You say as he passes you the pizza boxes. 
“Thank you,” he says taking one of the boxes and going back to his spot on the sofa. You get up to the kitchen.
“Want a drink?” You ask. 
“Waters fine.” You nod even though he can’t see you. You head back to the couch with the drinks. He smiles at you when you place his drink down on the coffee table. You sit there in silence demolishing your pizza then sipping on your wine till your head starts to clear. You’re not really paying attention to what’s playing on the TV, your mind is preoccupied with the fact Simon is sat in your flat with you eating pizza. Any other situation and this could be classed as a date. The only thing missing is the cuddling and the cheesy chick-flick.
“What made you want to do this? Help me out?” You ask looking over at him. He pauses for a second like he’s thinking of what to say. 
“I don’t like abusers, especially those who don’t know when to stop.” He says turning back to the TV. Okay that’s something you have to be careful about your next questions. 
“What made you want to join the military?” You ask, that seems like a pretty easy question. 
“To do some good.” He says, you’re not sure if that’s the whole reason but hey you’re talking, he’s not shutting you down. 
“Where are you from? You’re not from London.” You say sipping your wine. 
“Manchester. Ever been?” He asks looking at you. 
“No, the furthest north I’ve been is Birmingham.” 
“That’s unfortunate.” He says, you see a little smile on his lips. 
“What about you? You lived in London all your life?” He asks. 
“Yeah, Sutton, till I moved here.” You say.
“It’s a nice place.” He says looking round the flat, it’s dark now only the TV to light up the place.
“I’m thinking of moving, when I can afford another deposit.” You say looking down at your glass of wine. 
“Why?” he asks. 
“You know, fresh start, away from-” You stop yourself drinking the last of your wine and getting up. You pick up the empty pizza boxes. Taking them into the kitchen. You don’t even hear Simon getting up off the sofa you just accidentally back into him. You can feel his chest up against your back, it’s warm, strong, you almost want him to wrap his arms around you. His hands end up on your shoulders and your breath catches in your throat.
“I’ll make sure you’re not afraid to live in your own flat. I promise.” He says, his voice low, his grip on your shoulders soft, but firm. You feel heat rushing to your cheeks, you don’t want to move there’s that feeling again the craving of physical contact. You feel safe when he’s around like you’d trust him with your life. You let out a breath as he moves his hands from your shoulders and steps back. You feel cold suddenly, a shiver runs down your spine. You turn to look at him, you meet his eye line, his eyes are soft almost glazed over as he looks at you.
“Simon, why are you helping me?” You ask again, maybe he’ll give you a different answer. His hand reaches up slowly and you almost flinch, holding your breath as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes scan your face. 
“Did he ever, hit you?” He asks quietly. You nod, not being able to bring yourself to speak. His thumb brushes your cheek. 
“Choke you?” He asks, his hand resting on your chin. You swallow hard your throat feeling suddenly constricted. 
“You don’t have to answer.” He says. You force yourself to nod. 
“You said he came back after you kicked him out. He got a key and let himself in.” He says. You nod. 
“What happened?” He says gently holding your chin so you can’t look down. You open your mouth but words don’t come out. He lets go of your chin taking a step away to give you some space. Maybe this is what you need to do, to get this off your chest. Will it make you feel better? Maybe? But Simon’s giving you the opportunity to talk. You look down at your hands, forcing yourself to hold back the tears swallowing the lump in your throat. 
“He tried to kill me.” You say finally. It doesn’t feel like a weight off your shoulders, it feels like a punch to the gut. The guilt comes next. Why didn’t you report him? Why didn’t you get a restraining order? Why did you let it happen? You feel sick, your head spinning. You look back up at Simon, there is something different in his expression now. Does he understand? Does he even care? This morning you thought he hated you, now he’s in your flat, he’s not the same Simon you met a few days ago who would barely give you the time of day.
He’s here because you called him for help. He put’s a foot forward almost like he’s trying to test if he can step closer to you. You keep still and he takes that as permission to step to you. His hand cups your face in his warm hands and you look up at him. 
“I'm doing this because you don’t deserve it, that’s why I’m helping you. The torment, the guilt, the sleepless nights. I can’t make it go away but I can try and help.” He says. A tear rolls down your cheek, he brushes it away with his thumb. 
“You sound like you know what it’s like.” You say, trying not to let your voice break. 
“I do,” He sighs, his hands dropping from your face. He turns walking back to the sofa. 
“You should take the bed, you’re bigger it’ll be more comfortable.” You say, you don’t mind sleeping on the sofa at least you’ll fit. 
“Don’t be silly this is your place, your bed.” He says sitting back down on the sofa. You walk into the bedroom brushing away the rest of the tears that managed to escape as you dig through the wardrobe for blankets and pillows. You take them back out to him and place them on the sofa. You don’t know what to say, he’s sat watching the TV, you feel tired, drained. 
“You should get some rest.” He says without looking at you. You nod, turning to head back into the bedroom. 
“If you need anything, just let me know.” You say before you go through the door closing it behind you. You let out a breath, maybe this was healing? You just don’t know it yet. You change into your PJ’s and climb into bed. You can see the moonlight peaking through the blinds lighting up the room. Simon knows what it’s like. Maybe you should have asked him about ex’s. Or maybe it wasn’t his ex. You remember the way he reacted when you asked about his family. You wonder if he still talks to them.
You turn over in the bed looking at the door. It feels weird knowing he’s on the other side. Maybe you should crack the door open, it might make you feel better. You want to feel his hands on you again, squeezing your shoulder or touching your face. He’s gentle, not want you were expecting. You let out a breath and swing your feet out the bed before your brain has really even comprehended what you’re doing. This is a bad idea. He’s a work colleague, this could ruin everything. 
“Simon.” You say as soon as you open the door. He turns to look at you. 
“Will you come lay with me?” You’ve done it now, your cheeks flood with heat as you wait for a laugh, a scoff, him to straight up tell you no.
“You want me to lay with you, in your bed?” He asks sitting forward. You nod, then immediately start regretting it.
“Forget it, it doesn’t matter I’m sorry-”
“It’s okay, I will.” He says stopping you in your tracks and standing up. You stare at him as he turns the TV off walking over to you. You watch as he pulls his boots off leaving them by the front door. 
“If it’s what you want.” He says meeting your eye line. You nod, your heart thumping in your chest. You walk back into the bedroom, and he follows.
“You want me under or on top of the covers?” He asks. You hadn’t even thought about it.
“On top.” He says watching your hesitation. He waits until you get into bed and are comfy before he sits on the other side. You lie down watching him, he’s slow as he swings his legs over almost like he’s trying not to spook you. It doesn’t feel weird. You thought it would having another man in your bed.
It was more weird seeing him in your living room for the first time then right now. Maybe you’re just used to him. Maybe you really do trust him. Maybe you judged him too harshly. He turns on his side looking at you. You move your arm  out from under the covers, you want to touch him, maybe he wouldn’t like that though. You place it down instead. 
“Do you get nightmares?” You ask. 
“All the time.” He replies.
“About your time as a soldier?” 
“And other things.” He says. You sigh. 
“Tell me about how you met Price, and Johnny and Kyle.” You see a smile form on his lips. 
“On one condition.” He says shuffling his body down so his head is level with yours. 
“What?” you ask.
“Promise me no nightmares tonight.” You chuckle. 
“I can’t control that.” 
“Promise.” He says raising an eyebrow. 
“Okay I promise.” You say sighing, even though it’s completely out of your control. His hand moves back up to your face brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I’ll leave when you fall asleep.” He promises. You try to argue with him telling him the bed is comfier then the sofa but he won’t have it. You relent feeling tired, you try to clear your mind and not think about anything just listen to Simon talk about how he met everyone. His voice is calming, his presence puts you at ease. You wish he could stay. You don’t remember falling asleep but that night you dream about him. Good dreams, you’re on a date. Christ you’re falling for him.
You wake to the sun peaking through the bedroom blinds. Simon is not in the room anymore. You slip out of bed and head into the living room. He’s already awake sat at the kitchen table, flicking through a tablet. 
“Morning,” You say walking over to him. 
“Morning,” he replies turning the tablet off. 
“How long have you been awake?” You ask clicking the kettle on. 
“An hour or so.” He says, rubbing his neck.
“I told you you should have taken the bed.” You say taking out two mugs. “Tea?” 
“Please, one sugar.” He says. You think back to last night him lying in the bed with you. You could have swore you felt his hands touching you, brushing your cheek, your hair. Maybe that was just part of the dream. It was a good dream. The best dream you’ve had in months. This is the first time in years you felt safe in your own flat. The click of the kettle snaps you back to reality and you pour the tea’s bringing them over to the table. 
“What were you looking at?” You ask gesturing at the tablet.
“Today's jobs.” Oh shit work! Your head snaps round looking at the clock on the wall it’s all ready 10am. 
“Shit!” You say pushing your chair back. Simon grabs your wrist, you panic. He imminently lets go when your head snaps back to him wide eyed. 
“I called Price, told him we were taking the morning off.” You take a breath in and sit back down, sipping your tea to calm your nerves. He watches you like he’s trying to see how you’re going to react. You smile at him, letting him know you’re okay.
He picks up his mug taking a sip. You’re about to ask him what he want’s to do this morning when there is a crash in the living room. It’s so loud it makes you shriek. Your body snaps round in the chair as you look at the shattered glass now all over the living room. You go to stand up.
“Stay there.” Simon says his hand on your shoulder pushing you back down as he heads over to the balcony door. He goes out looking over the balcony up and down. Leaning round the corners. You guess he doesn't see anything, you can’t think all you can feel is your heart rapidly beating in your chest. He comes back in closing the door and walks round the flat looking for something till he finds it. He picks it up it’s a brick with a letter tied to it. He takes the letter off the brick and opens it, something falls out on the floor and he picks it up. You’re holding your breath, as Simon walks back over to you. It looks like he’s looking through a stack of photos. He places them on the table.
“Well now we have proof.” He says standing next to you as you fan the photo’s out. It’s pictures of you, from yesterday, a few days ago, when you went shopping on Sunday. There are even pictures of you inside your flat. Your head snaps to the window trying to even see where he could have even snapped them from. Panic builds inside you as you continue to look over the photos. Is this a threat? What does this mean? You look up at Simon who’s reading the letter that came with the photos. 
“What does it say?” You ask him, but you really don’t know if you want to know. 
“Let’s just say he’s not happy.” Simon says looking down at you. You didn’t even realise you are gripping his shirt. Maybe this plan was a bad idea.
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buckymorelikefuckme · 6 months
I think it would be great! Plus, l have a request. What if, bucky and y/n are getting married (plus y/n is a shy one 🙂) and y/n never drank any alcohol before and on the other hand, bucky, Has already drank alcohol more than he can count. So, they go wine tasting. A week before their wedding and while they're half way doing the wine thing y/n starts to get dizzy and feeling a bit hot. To which she doesn't know that she's starting to get tipsy and bucky notices it. And with that, that means she has a low tolerance in alcohol. And when the wine take its effects, She's all goofy and doing anything without a care in the world even if it's embarrassing herself as if all her shyness is gone
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thanks so much for the prompt and for your patience :) i hope you like it!
bucky barnes x reader
words: 427
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Perhaps, Bucky thinks, he may have misjudged just how much of a lightweight you'd be.
You'd told him early on in your relationship that you didn't drink, not because of any other reason than you being kind of scared of making a fool of yourself. He'd thought it was cute and never pushed you to drink whenever the two of you went out on dates or to hang out with friends.
Now, you're engaged and a week away from the wedding, and the last thing that needed preparing was the wine. It was Natasha’s idea to go to a wine tasting and you were a little unsure, but then Bucky said it could be a sweet, romantic getaway before the big day. You agreed easily after that.
And besides, how bad could it really be?
“Jesus, fuck, where's the air-con in this place?” you whine, quite loudly, pulling other people’s attention towards where you and Bucky were seated.
He offers everyone an apologetic smile and turns back to you, rubbing a soothing hand along your back. “Baby, we’re outdoors. There isn't any air conditioning.”
You whine again, head flopping onto his shoulder. “But it's so hot, Bucky.”
“I think you're just a little drunk, baby,” he replies with a soft laugh.
You only had a glass and a half before you started complaining about your cheeks feeling hot, and another two glasses for your eyes to go glassy. He's been fascinated, in all honesty. He's never seen someone get drunk so fast.
“Nuh-uh!” you protest, lifting your head to blink heavy lidded eyes at him.
Bucky grins and brushes your hair away from your face. “Okay,” he agrees, placating, “but maybe we should head back to the hotel.”
You blink at him again and then you smile, slow and suggestive, tilting your chin down as you slide a hand high up on his thigh.
“Yeah? Wanna do naughty things to me?”
He catches your hand before it reaches his groin, torn between laughing and groaning. “Not when you're drunk,” he retorts gently.
Inexplicably, your eyes begin to water. “You don't want me?” you ask in a pitiful tone.
“I always want you, baby,” Bucky responds immediately. “You know you drive me crazy, can hardly control myself around you. “
“Oh,” you beam, tears forgotten. You lean into his space and plant a wet, messy kiss on his lips. “Okay. Take me home, big guy.”
When you wake up the next morning, hungover and pouting, you make Bucky swear to keep you away from the wine during the reception.
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qsycomplainsalot · 2 months
one of the things that concern me greatly in tumblr leftist circles i've seen is that acceptance (and propping up) of AI art and tools as sth that will liberate the masses. It's sth i've seen a lot of big leftist and communist accounts espouse and it feels misjudged, coming from a position of seeing artists and writers as petit-bourgeois rather than also workers i feel
so that argument w the miku communist is an example of trying to justify AI tools as legitimate creation when... they really are not. like, im a writer, and there is a real tangible difference to be felt when trying to will sth into existence versus putting in an ai prompt to give you sth to work off. Maybe what you enjoy more is editing rather than the act of creation itself, but AI tools lack something that leaves the pieces extremely dry compared to the messiness a human creates when they attempt to write sth from the very beginning
Yeah 100%. It's fine to steal from artists because they're an elite class with unattainable power uwu Meanwhile they also devolve into ableist rhetoric about how it's the only way for disabled people to make art. It's a big neon green uncomfortable af piece of astroturfing and they're just dancing on it because it's easier than to stop using the instant gratification machine.
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
builtbybrokenbells ─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ masterlist ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
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hi! welcome to the shitstorm! if you’ve read any of my works already and came to check out some more, thanks!!! also, if you’ve left any comment on my stuff i have def read them and appreciated them dearly :)
requests: OPEN (please be respectful and patient with me, I’ll do my best to get to them as soon as I can!)
taglists: please specify if you want to be on a general taglist, a fic taglist, or for a specific person 🫶🏻
disclaimer: i do not know gvf or any of the members. tis’ all fiction and imagination and i will never claim otherwise! also, i try to keep my works 100% original; i do not read as much as i write, and i would hate for someone to think im copying them in any way. also, please don’t steal my stuff :) also, i’ve said it before and i will say it again. please be kind to me and everyone else. this blog is a safe spot. my feelings get hurt easily, and i will not stand for any disrespect towards others. thanks in advance 🫶🏻
♡ - fluff, ☾ - smut, ★ - angst
as always, be kind, stay happy, and shoot me a message anytime if you want to chat!
t’s fic rec list
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Josh Kiszka
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Long Time Coming ☾ ★
The one in which y/n can’t handle Josh’s eccentric personality. An altercation at the bar leads her to see a side of him that she never saw before. A personal family struggle causes a blowout and leaves her wondering if she had misjudged Josh a bit too much. (Josh x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 8.3K
It’s Never Over ♡ ☾ ★
A year and a half after a devastating breakup, y/n finds herself face to face with the boy she’d spent months trying to fall out of love with. although separated, neither her nor Josh found it within themselves to forget about each other. they’re faced with the choice to let history repeat itself, or walk away for good. (Josh x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 17.7k
Lex Talionis Masterlist | ☾ ★ | ON HOLD
LEX TALIONIS: the law of retaliation, whereby a punishment resembles the offense committed in kind and degree | The one in which a player, who is fantastically gifted in her ability to play, finally gets a taste of her own medicine. SERIES | ON HOLD
Flowers ♡
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Jake Kiszka
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Complicated ♡ ★
Growing up as Josh’s best friend was fantastic, but his twin brother held a separate, special place in y/n’s heart. A time lapse of an undying, embarrassing high school crush. (Jake x f!reader) ONE SHOT | 14K
Spitfire Masterlist ♡ ☾ ★
An enigmatic girl at a bar catches the attention of a young guitarist, enticing him just by existing. In an attempt to get to know her, she gets away before he even learns her last name. He’s stuck wondering if fate will be on his side, wishing for just one chance to make her his (Jake x f!reader, series, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 66k
The Green-Eyed Monster ☾ ★
Alcohol and sour moods don’t mix; learning that the hard way, y/n navigates her long time boyfriend’s jealousy for the first time. In attempt to ignore it, she quickly finds herself caught up in a toxic game of who can piss the other off the most. (Jake x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 17k
Gold Dust Woman Masterlist ♡ ☾ ★
Y/n finds herself completely in love with Sam with no hope of ever recovering. After months of waiting, hoping for a bit of reciprocity, she spends a night drinking his memory away. But, as we know, liquor never solves an issue, and always has the potential to create another. One messy hookup leaves leaves her undeniably in lust with the worst possible person: his brother, Jake. (Jake x f!reader, series, Sam x f!reader, love triangle, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 190k
Guilty Pleasures ♡ ☾ ★
Due to a strong foundation of trust and a willingness to share, a situation which would normally be catastrophic seems to turn out to be quite rewarding. (Danny x f!reader, Jake x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 20.4k
Capital Vices Masterlist | ♡ ☾ ★
Religion never seems important until you’ve engaged in so much sin that salvation is no longer an option. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, series, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 120k
Reaching New Heights
Jake walks in on y/n during some particularly interesting alone time, opening them up to a whole new world (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 11k
Lex Talionis Masterlist | ☾ ★ | ON HOLD
LEX TALIONIS: the law of retaliation, whereby a punishment resembles the offense committed in kind and degree | The one in which a player, who is fantastically gifted in her ability to play, finally gets a taste of her own medicine. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, Josh Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) SERIES | WIP
Partners In Crime | ♡ ★
The cure for heartbreak is truth, but what do you do when the truth is the source of heartbreak itself? (Jake Kiszka x f!reader) ONE SHOT | 9k
Rotten Apple | ♡ ☾ ★
Karma takes form in the strangest of ways. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 16k
Heartbreak Hot Seat | ♡ ☾ ★
Jake Kiszka seems to have the perfect remedy for a broken heart. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 20k
Poolsides & Pizza Boxes | part 2 | some time later | ♡ ☾ ★
Alcohol and secrets make for a deadly combination. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) TWO PART SERIES | 35k
Little Miss Sunshine | ♡ ☾ ★
One little confession leaves you second guessing everything you’ve ever known about Jake Kiszka. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 26k
Melodic Memories Masterlist | ♡ ☾ ★
In a tattered old box shoved deep down in the corner of an overfilled closet, a lifetimes worth of memories lie dormant at the bottom waiting to be rediscovered. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, series, SMUT 18+) SERIES | WIP
Doing each others hair ♡
Confessing feelings ♡
Bringing home a stray kitten ♡
Jake loves dogs, but you own a cat ♡
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Sam Kiszka
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Hate To Love You | part two | part three | ♡ ☾ ★
Sam and y/n spent months hating each other, but a drunk confession and a bathroom hookup leads to more trouble than they bargained for. (Sam x f!reader with a Danny love triangle, series, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 25k
Picasso | aftermath | ♡ ☾
COLLEGE DORM AU y/n finds herself pining after the boy across the hall, taken by surprise after a series of events reveals that he feels the same way. An unconventional hookup leads to Sam making her first time unforgettable, both hoping for a romance to blossom from it. (Sam x f!reader, AU, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 15.5k
Gold Dust Woman Masterlist ♡ ☾ ★
Y/n finds herself completely in love with Sam with no hope of ever recovering. After months of waiting, hoping for a bit of reciprocity, she spends a night drinking his memory away. But, as we know, liquor never solves an issue, and always has the potential to create another. One messy hookup leaves leaves her undeniably in lust with the worst possible person: his brother, Jake. (Sam x f!reader, series, Jake x f!reader, love triangle, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 190k
Catch-22 Masterlist ♡ ☾ ★ WIP | ON HOLD
Catch-22: a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions. | Even if you knew every word to exist in every language known to man, you would still be certain that there was no better way to describe your relationship with Sam Kiszka. SERIES | ON HOLD
Early Morning Fluff ♡
Kissing in the rain ♡
Sam giving you his sweater ♡
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Daniel Wagner
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Bugs, Bears, and a Thunderstorm ♡ ☾
Y/n is not particularly enthusiastic about a camping trip. A set of unfortunate circumstances ensues, turning out to give the best possible conclusion to the situation. She realizes that maybe camping isn’t so bad, after all. (Danny x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 12.5K
Fade Into You ♡ ★
A bad day leaves y/n searching for solace in her boyfriend, Danny. He’s quick to the rescue, showing his unconditional love and willingness to help however he can. (Danny x f!reader) ONE SHOT | 6k
Guilty Pleasures ♡ ☾ ★
Due to a strong foundation of trust and a willingness to share, a situation which would normally be catastrophic seems to turn out to be quite rewarding. (Danny x f!reader, Jake x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 20.4k
Belladonna ♡ ☾ ★ WIP
Too beautiful to resist, and too deadly to survive; the tragic tale of belladonna in all its glory. SERIES | WIP
Doing each others hair ♡
Danny helping when you’re overwhelmed ♡
In the rain ♡
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446 notes · View notes
Sketches: Arthur Morgan x Plus-Sized!Reader (Semi-NSFW)
Nothing sexual, just drawings of a naked reader
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From the moment you first met him, you would have never guessed that he could be this soft and gentle as a person. You had seen his hands bruised and bloodied, knuckles split and fingertips rubbed raw to the point they split open from the many fist fights and bar brawls he had been in. His hands, large and powerful like that of a bear, calloused from years of a hard life on the run, were not meant to be rest other than the little bit of peace he got when he would pass out after a horribly long day. His body, riddled with many scars, divots and healed over gashes, he had convinced himself that he would never let another see it in any way domestic after Mary.
He had convinced himself that he would never be able to live a domestic life.
Whenever he would ride into town or past the many farmhouses that dotted the southern countryside, he couldn’t help but feel envious at the sight of the many families that built up farms and towns. He yearned to have a life other than crime, but it was all he knew.
He almost didn’t believe he was alive when you both had started to fancy each other. Really, for Arthur, it was the moment you had joined in on the gang as it had really been your only hope at this point. He thought his brain had finally started to take a hike to nowhere when he caught you multiple times glancing at him - especially when he would stand up from picking something heavy up. You always looked away quickly, finding something immediately to occupy yourself and especially your hands, turning away to hide your heating face.
It wasn’t until you both found yourselves drunk in a dirty saloon, clinging onto each other while laughing at nothing like fools in love, barely managing to dance with each other as the pianist chimed away at the ivory keys that you both fell in love.
You had horribly misjudged Arthur upon first meeting him. Even as you laid next to him in his tent, your soft and plush body pushed up right against his rock-hard one, you still found yourself feeling so remorseful for thinking he was just some brute.
Arthur loved how warm you were. Some nights in his tent were brutal when horrible weather set in over the camp, especially when it rain and the winds howled outside, threatening to blow his tent right over. He loved how soft you were even more.
He felt like it was oh so wrong for his hands to grace your soft skin, but he loved it with every fiber of his being. He loved tracing shapes into your plush thighs without a thought in his mind. He loved digging his large hands into your wide hips to bring you closer to him. He loves coming into the tent after a long day of dealing with Dutch’s bullshit to bury his head in your stomach and hold you tightly as you combed your fingers through his hair.
It only made his heart ache something awful when he would be away from camp for days on end, whether it was somehow scraping together supplies for camp or chasing down jobs. Arthur always made sure to bring his journal wherever he went, but even more so now. Between the pages where he logged his thoughts in messy scripture and small doodles of whatever he came across, he would find himself writing about you. Sometimes it was little poems he would come up with on the spot so quickly he swore a child could write better. Sometimes it was him logging what you had said to him that clouded his mind, rooting in and flourishing like a field of flowers.
But what Arthur had been scribbling in his journal lately was something he even found himself flushing at: Your body. He didn’t mean to at first, but his hands had worked faster than his brain could process. But after the first sketch of you, he just had to do another, and then another in a different pose, and the one of you in a pose only he could see in the comforts of his tent.
That’s where Arthur found himself now, in his tent in the dead of night. The rest of the gang had finally gone to bed except for you the two of you. Arthur was lounged on his cot, his journal tucked up on his propped leg as the other hung off, his heel tapping against the hard ground. His eyes were trained on his journal, forest green hues dazed with lust, fingers were shaking ever so slightly, his fingertips were dusty with the ground up graphite from how much he had been sketching.
He poured his heart into the details of your body he loved so much. He swore he could never do justice, his drawings were nothing more than chicken scratch compared to the real thing.
Little did he know the real thing hadn’t actually gone to sleep in their own bed in their own tent, just waiting for everyone to finally fuck off to bed before they slipped out into the night as stepped lively to his own.
He chewed at the inside of his cheek in concentration. He had to get it all right: The way your body could move, the way you saunter around with those delish wide hips that tempt him every day, the way your soft belly curves, your thighs that could make him cry, your soft and round cheeks he loved to press kisses to. He loved how your naked body looked, he wished he could hold it forever until time would stop. He sketched your stretchmarks that would find himself tracing, your nipples pebbled when he would kiss at your chest, your hands grabbing at your ample body. He drew your legs apart this time, normally sketching them closed, as he tried to pay attention to the detail of your sex when he heard something that made him snap his journal closed in an instant.
His eyes shot up to his tent where he heard you clear your throat softly.
“Arthur?” you cooed softly at him. Just your voice alone sent warm vibrations down to his core. “You mind a lil’ company tonight?”
You parted the opening of his tent and stepped through, a perfect sight to really ignite the fire in him. A devious smile spread across your face at just the sight of Arthur’s pupils blown wide with a feral need.
“Darlin’, the day I say no to that is the day ya put me in the ground.”
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mytheoristavenue · 10 months
Day 5-
OP Tony Tony Chopper x Platonic!Reader - Gingerbread House
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Summary: You help Chopper put together a gingerbread house after everyone else goes to bed.
Warnings: Pure fluff, very short, platonic relationship
You stirred in bed to the sounds of rustling elsewhere in the ship. You were ever the light sleeper, and tended to wait until everyone else was sound asleep before laying down yourself to ensure a good rest. Not tonight though, aparently.
Tiptoeing down the hall, you noticed the lounge light on. Who could be up at this hour? Rounding the corner, your curious scowl faded into a warm smile. There was the Straw Hat doctor, sitting in one of the dining chairs, boosted by a stack of books, and leaning over the table, a frustrated grimace on his face. He had something caked in his fur and smudged on his nose, and from the crumbled bits of cookie architecture in from of him, you guessed it to be royal icing.
"Chopper," you called out, giggling and stepping toward him. "What are you doing up so late?"
His eyes darted to you, startled, and then even more panicked. "G-Go away! You're not supposed to see! It's a suprise!"
"Are you making a gingerbread house?" you asked, ignoring his distress. "Do you need any help?"
The boy shrunk in his seat, surely blushing under all that fur, and nodded slightly. "I just...I wanted to surprise everyone with a gingerbread house, but I misjudged how hard it'd be to put it together...especially with hooves." You couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh, which only frustrated him further. "Oh, shut up, (Y/N)! That's it, just for that, you can't have any when it's done! Not a single gumdrop!"
"Oh, stop," you snickered, sitting down with him. "Let me help you. What are you stuck on?"
"Well..." he trailed, eyeing you suspiciously. "I can't get the pieces to hold together, and if I put too much pressure on them, my hooves break them." He explained, shoulders slumping, disheartened.
"Tell you what," you smiled. "How about I hold them together, and you put the icing on the seems? That way you can move on and don't have to worry about it falling apart while you do something else."
The boy thought for a moment before nodding excitedly. "Yeah, okay!"
With that, the building stage was done before either of you knew it, and Chopper was already halfway finished decorating the 'front yard' of the house. The cake board was dotted with bits of icing with gummy trees stuck in them, gluing them down, and the pathway to the door was lined with candy pearls. Now that your hands were out of the way, Chopper was free to decorate the roof, which he'd been incessantly telling you how excited he was to do. Yet, when the time came, he hesitated.
"Chopper, what's the matter?" you asked with a curious smile.
"I feel guilty," he confessed. "You've been so helpful and I was such a brat to you earlier. Now I'm getting to do all the fun parts while you do the hard work." Your gaze softened at his deep consciousness.
"Well, that's alright, buddy." you chirped, booping his nose. "I knew what I was signing up for."
"But..." he mumbled, shrinking into himself again. "I want you to do some fun parts too." Suddenly, he perked up, shoving the messy piping back into your hands. "I know, I know!" He beamed. "How about you do the icing, and I'll do the candy! Deal?"
Your heart began to sweel with admiration for the little guy. He could be so selfless, so sweet. "That's a deal, Doc."
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neoyuno · 2 years
No Biting ♡ J.WW (M)
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Wonwoo is tired after a long week of working on the preparations for Svt’s new tour and finds comfort on you—literally; or, wonu is obsessed with you and your boobies.
Pairing | Idol!Wonwoo♡Producer!Reader
Genre | Comedy, Romance, Smut (unprotected sex(mentions of birth control), breast play + him being needy abt it, dirty talk, switch!wonwoo, switch!reader, choking,saliva play?(i still don’t know how to label this, but sex too good they drooling…), riding, lots of kissing, praising, petname usage.)
Word Count |4.2K
Reading time | 21 mins
Warnings: repost cause tumblr's a bitch. usage of curse words,afab fem reader. reader is not an idol, but a world-famous producer/performer and wonwoo’s long time celebrity crush—and now girlfriend. this is an adaptation of another fic of mine, it was modified to fit wonu!
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Wonwoo wandered around the building in search of a specific person—his lovely girlfriend. After a long day of dance practice and concert coordination, he wanted nothing more than lay in your arms and cuddle you. The building was engraved in his mind by perfection, having met you here a few years back, he always found himself wandering these same hallways and taking the same route to see you sitting at your console deep in thought while you worked on your music.
This time was no different, except he was officially yours now—much to his surprise.
After pining after you silently for months, he was surprised when you confessed your feelings for him.
“I know you like me, Wonwoo.” You said and a panicked expression washed all over his face. Who must’ve been the traitor who told you?!
“I’m tired of waiting for you to ask me out, so I decided to do it myself because I honestly cannot stop thinking about you day and night. It is driving me nuts. Especially cause every time I think you’ll confess, you just backtrack.” You rambled on and on—while he couldn’t yet comprehend if you were angry, disgusted, or all of the above.
“Wonwoo, I’m talking to you.” He looked up to see your head slightly angled and the cutest pout on your face.
“I- I am so sorry! I didn’t want you to know, cause I really value our friendship and now I ruined it-“
“What?” You cut him off, thrown off by his response. What the hell was he on about?
“What?” Wonwoo asked softly, honestly confused and very much nervous.
“Wonwoo, I like you too.” The soft gasp that left his lips made you giggle, but you held it in. “As a matter of fact, I am sure I am in love with you.”
“Uh-” As if his brain malfunctioned, all of the planned scenarios that would play in his mind about the day he confessed were blurry.
“Oh my God.” You gasped, hands sweaty. “Am I wrong? I misjudged, didn’t I?”
“Oh my God… you don’t like me, do you? This is so embarrassing.” You stood up after running your hands through your hair in clear despair. “I just told you I’m in love with you and you don’t even like me. I thought you- oh my God, how could I be so stupid. I am-“ as you rambled you hadn’t noticed that the man has stood up from the sofa as well.
A sudden rush of confidence shoot through his body as he saw you stressing out—the only thing he could do was shush you, with his lips.
Wonwoo felt you gasp, your body stiff before he felt your melt into his arms with a soft loving sigh, like in the movies. One of his hands laid softly on your cheek, confirming that this was indeed happening—his hear skipping a beat when you grabbed unto his biceps as if he was going to disappear if you didn’t.
As you separated to catch a breath, your face felt warm at the sight of his gaze on you. You had never seen anyone look at you like this before. Not past lover, not fans, not anyone—only him.
“I love you, too.”
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He entered the studio to see you sitting down at the mixer, eyeglasses on and messy hair.
“Hi baby, are you still working?” He asked and kissed your head before grabbing a chair to sit next to you.
“Yes, sweetie. I am having a bit of trouble with this song. I can’t remove this weird rumble from this track, I might need to replace those mics already.” You said and pressed play again on the small clip. “I might need to re-record this.”
“Who’s track is it?” He asked and leaned to look at the monitor, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Yours.” He whined playfully and hugged you tight.
“Should I get in there now?” he asked pouting and you reached back to pet his hair.
“You don’t have to record right now, baby. We can hook you up in the studio at home. It’s just this minute-long track, so don’t worry too much.”
“Okay~~” you felt his lips touch your neck and his hands moved dangerously close to your underboob. “Soo, can we go home? I want to cuddle…”
“Not yet, love. I still need to work on this song.” You shivered when his fingers softly massaged your breasts. “Wonwoo…”
“Hmm?” He kissed your neck repeatedly, the cold rim of his glasses bumping on your skin.
“Wonwoo, stop that. I am working.”
“But, baby… they are so soft,” he squeezed. “So pretty…”
“Wonwoo.” You warned again.
“Ugh, please…” he pouted again and turned your chair to face him. “You’re just like Jihoon. Take a break, you work too hard.”
“Dude, what’s up with you today?” You asked getting a little confused at his clinginess when you needed to work—but it secretly made you melt. To be honest, you did need a break but you were too stubborn.
“I missed you.” He cupped your face and kissed you a couple of times. “Also, don’t call me‘dude’. I’m your boyfriend.” you chuckled at the last bit.
“Nonu, you are staying at my house. We see each other every day.”
“Okay, that’s still not enough.” He pouted and kissed your lips again.
“Not enough? What else could we do?” You giggled and he hummed.
“Lemme move in with you…”
“Wonwoo, you live in Seoul… I live in LA…” you stared at him with an unamused expression.
“So? I’ll move here.” He shrugged.
“Yeah? What about your career?”
“I’ll quit being an idol and become your house-husband.” He smiled cheekily and kissed you again. “I’ll even take cooking classes for you.”
“Will you wait for me at home wearing sexy lingerie?” You joked but he blushed.
“I-uhm…” Wonwoo stuttered and a deep blush covered his face and neck.
“I’m just kidding,” you smirked and pecked his lips before turning back around to face your computer.
“Hmm” he sighed loudly and tried turning you around but you locked your feet on the chair base. “Hmm..” he kept on sighing and leaning his cheek on your shoulder.
“Wonwoo, I’m gonna kick you out and make you wait in the car.”
“Let’s just cuddle for 5 minutes.” He said. “You need a break! I’m your boyfriend, I have to take care of you.”
You sighed and turned around. His cute face always lets him get away with anything he wanted, it’s like he bewitches you into saying yes. To be honest, you are just too in love with him to deny him any love—and he needs lots of it. All the time—even if he doesn’t directly tells you so.
“Fine, just 5 minutes, Jeon.” He did a happy dance and dragged you to the sofa.
“You are so warm and cuddly. I love you, my little teddy bear.” He kissed you all over the face and hugged you tight while you groaned jokingly.
“How was today, baby?” You asked after he settled down.
“Tiring, we had some fittings and also dance practice.” He said.
“You work too hard, love.” You hummed and kissed his lips.
“Can I lay on your chest?” He whispered bashfully and you chuckled.
“Of course, beautiful.” He blushed at the petname and settled his face between your boobs, the side of his head laying on one of the plush mounds.
“So soft…” he sighed, his cheek smushed against your boob and his glasses slightly slanted.
“Are you okay, hun?” You asked while stroking his hair.
“Yeah, I’m just very tired and stressed. I’ve been having a very bad shoulder ache for the past few days too.”
“Awe, baby, why hadn’t you said anything? I’ll give you a new pillow tonight. Let me give you a massage.” You said and kissed his head, ready to flip him over.
“No, angel, it’s okay. But I know something that will help me with my stress.” He smirked cutely at you and you felt his hands lift your shirt up.
“Wonwoo.” You scolded but he whined. “Ugh, fine… just cause you’re too cute, but just that and nothing more. Woozi and I have a session tomorrow morning and I can’t have a filthy sofa in my studio.”
Wonwoo moved to hover over your body, kissing your lips before moving back to pull down your shirt.
“Hmm, so pretty.” He whispered and kissed you again. “You’re so beautiful.”
You looked up at him, his eyes staring down at you. You reached up to pull him by the neck, clashing your lips unto his. Your glasses clinked as they crashed with his.
His lips engulfed yours perfectly as you sighed lovingly, making him smile. He absolutely loved hearing your love sighs, they made his heart flutter. Ever since he first kissed you and you sighed, he was hooked—he already was, but he knew he was done for when he heard the pretty sound.
“Let me take this off…” his fingers worked to unclasp your bra from the front, your breasts springing free once the last clasp was undone.
You watched intently as he licked his lips, before dipping in. His mouth automatically latched to your nipple while his hands pressed your boobs together.
“Mmm…” he hummed against your skin.
He closed his eyes and his eyebrows knitted up while he sucked on your chest. You couldn’t help but stare at his hollowed cheeks swallowing your nipples.
“So squishy…” he groaned before poking his tongue to play with your glistening buds. He alternated between teasing one and the other.
His hands squeezed your boobs again before his thumb and index finger moved to pinch your nipples. Twisting and tugging, he got them to be hard and blushed.
You just laid there, staring down at him mesmerized by your tits. He was absolutely obsessed with your boobs. Whenever he was stressed he would just come to you and start sighing loudly until you caught on and he eventually ended up under your shirt choking on your boobs.
A hard tug on your nipple made you snap out of your thoughts when you felt a slight pain. Teeth. He had bitten you.
“Wonwoo.No biting.”
“I’m sorry, angel. I couldn’t help it.” He whispered and kissed the skin he had bit.
You stared as he poked out his tongue again, licking your areolas in circular motions, before licking your nipples. His strong hands kept kneading your breasts and you couldn’t help but bite your lip.
His mouth suddenly sucked both nipples at the same time when he pressed your tits together, making you gasp a little.
“Are you okay, baby? Did that hurt?” He asked worried, lifting his face up, the corners of his mouth glistened with his own saliva and you couldn’t help but giggle. “What’s so funny?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“I was just thinking about how shy you were when we first met and look at you right now.” You smirked playfully before pushing the bridge of his glasses.
“Look who’s talking. The girl that went from teasing me because I liked her to begging formy dick.” He replied and you scoffed in surprise, this was the first time he replied back at your teasings. His usual blush and whine, gone.
“As if! I don’t beg!” You smacked his arm playfully.
“It’s okay, don’t be shy. We all know you love it.” He argued and hovered your body, his face now leveled to yours. Wonwoo couldn’t help but stop and admire you. Messy hair against, your flushed skin, plus your cute specs resting on the bridge of your nose—it was just such a sight to see.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You whispered, the fact that you had your whole chest out was long forgotten.
“You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.”
“I don’t look pretty right now.” You said.
“You look gorgeous. You always do.” Your heart skipped a beat when his lips pressed on yours tenderly. It was crazy how Wonwoo made you feel. No one had ever made you feel as loved as he did. Sure, you had many people calling you beautiful, praising you, and showing their love for you, but the sparkle in his eyes whenever he looked at you made you feel like the most special person on earth—and to him, you were.
“Let’s go home.” You whispered against his lips and he nodded.
You both stood up and he gather your belongings while you turned off all studio equipment. Just as you were about to open the door he yanked you by the arm.
“What happened?” You asked.
“Your… let me put it back on.” He said bashfully as he blushed and reached to clasp your bra on and lift your shirt back up.
“Oh my God… I was about to leave with my tits out?!” You hide your face on his chest. “This is your fault.”
“Okay, I actually take blame for this. I had forgotten to pull your shirt back up.” He smiled cutely.
“Shh, be quiet.” You whispered as you entered your house, Wonwoo practically clinging to you as he tried to kiss your neck.
“They are all asleep, they can’t hear, so don’t worry…” he replied and locked the front door before removing his shoes and running after you to your room.
Wonwoo closed the door and locked it. He wiggled his eyebrows at you, as you changed into your satin nightdress. He reached to press the small device on the wall, turning on the soundproof system.
“Really, Wonwoo?” You deadpanned.
“Hey, you get loud sometimes.” He said and removed his shirt, tossing it in the basket by the closet’s entrance.
“And who said we are having sex?” You teased. “Plus, the loud one here is you.”
And it was true, whenever you pleasured him, it was like he couldn’t control any of his senses. Loud groans and deep moans would fill the room every single time.
“Hmm… then why did we come home?” He dropped his sweats and tossed them where his shirt was. You tried your best not to stare at him much—the sight of his toned body in only his black tight underwear was absolutely knee-dropping.
“Because you were right. I need a break.” You said and put your glasses back on, ready to read a bit.
“What are you reading, then?” He asked and grabbed his towel.
“My new mixing console’s manual…” you replied.
“Babe, you need to stop. Watch some t.v or something. You worked all day.” He passed you the remote control for the t.v after pressing the button for it to come down from his hiding place in the ceiling. He loved reading with you, but he hated when you would revolve your whole day around work.
“And don’t watch any music-related videos. You can do all that tomorrow.” He kissed your forehead and you groaned.
“Fine.” You huffed and looked for something to watch.
“I’ll be back, I’m just going to take a shower.” He said and saw your pouty face. “Give me a kiss.” He leaned in.
“No.” You huffed again.
“Fine.” He was about to leave for the bathroom when you grabbed his farm.
“Okay, come back! Just one kiss.” You smooched his lips and he smiled widely.
“I love you, my grumpy baby.” He chuckled and left to shower.
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Wonwoo came back to see you laughing at a comedy movie you found on Netflix. He couldn’t help but smile at the sound of your laugh. He was deeply and madly in love with you.
You felt the bed dip on his side, making you turn your head for a second.
“You smell good.” You said while staring are the screen.
“Hmm, thanks?” He chuckled and leaned closer to you.
Wonwoo stared at your bare shoulders and then down to your chest. The satin fabric was thin enough to let him see that your nipples were still hardened from before. You felt his lips press on your shoulder, slowly moving up your neck.
His hand moved to cup your boobs, massaging them.
“I shall continue where I left off…” he said before pulling the straps of your nightdress down, revealing your breasts.
His mouth quickly attached to your nipples as he laid his head on your lap. Wonwoo’s tongue worked around your nipples and occasionally sucked them in.
You clicked your tongue and shook your head when you looked down at him. He was like a baby, his mouth latched on your left breast and his hand kneaded the other while his eyes were closed.
“What would your fans say if they found out their sweet little Wonwoo is obsessed with sucking boobs?” You asked and ran your finger through his hair as he opened his eyes.
“I’m not obsessed with sucking boobs…” he said after pulling on your nipple and lapping it after. “I’m obsessed with suckingyour boobs. There’s a difference.”
“What happened to mysweet shyWonwoo?” You fake cried and he chuckled. “Who is this pervert, huh?”
“Me? A pervert?” He rested on his hand to be at your eye level and feigned offense. “What would your fans think if they knew their sweet ____ was obsessed with my dick?”
“Babe… I write songs about sex. Everybody knows I love dick,they just don’t know who’s.” You rolled your eyes and he laughed before pecking your lips.
“You look so cute with your glasses on…” he smiled and kissed you again.
“Yeah?” He hummed in response and kissed down your neck.
“Aren’t you tired?” You asked as you stroked his hair.
“Yeah… but you look too good…” he bit your collarbone and kissed it after.
“Lay back.” You said and he immediately did as you said.
Wonwoo laid back on the plush new pillows you had brought out for him. As you straddled his lap, you reached down to completely remove your nightdress, his hands quickly holding your waist and sliding down to your ass.
“How did I get so lucky?” He whispered and you giggled while grinding down on him.
“You were too perfect not to fall in love with.” You leaned down to kiss his lips and he grabbed your face to deepen the kiss.
“I love you so much,” Wonwoo said and hissed when you pressed further down on his crotch.
“I love you more.”
You kissed down his torso until you got the waistband of his underwear, which you removed quickly and tossed to the side before removing your own. Reaching over to the nightstand, you dimmed the lights and turned on the starry ceiling lights, and then placed his and your glasses on the nightstand.
The lighting change made his eyes look like they contained the stars and the whole universe—and they really did (for you).
“Do you want to use a condom?” You asked as you leaned down to kiss his neck. “I’m on the pill.”
“I want to feel all of you…” he replied and you smirked.
The man beneath you shuddered when he felt your hand touch his sensitive erection. “Why are you always so horny?” You teased and he kissed your lips.
“How can I not, when I have the sexiest woman in the whole world as my girlfriend?” He whispered.
“Oh yeah? I’m the sexiest?” He hummed in agreement. “Mmm, that feels so good.” You moaned when his hand came down to grab his length and teased your entrance with the tip.
You slowly sank onto his cock, the size filling you up in a delicious stretch as you both moaned in unison.
“You feel so good, love.” He groaned, caressing your back as you waited to adjust to his cock.
Your knees supported you as you bounced on his lap slowly and your hands rested on his hard chest. Goosebumps arose on your skin as he caressed your body ever so softly.
“Ah! Mmm, Nonu…” he grunted at the sound of his name leaving your lips in that way.
He absolutely loved it when you called him that, given that not everyone calls him that, it makes it even more special.
“If you get tired, tell me, kitten.” He husked and you felt warm at the mention of that damned petname.
“Stop…” you breathed out sheepishly, which was cut short into a moan.
“Stop what,kitten?” He smirked and bit his lip for a second before groaning loudly as your center engulfed him tightly.
“Stop calling me that.” His hands grabbed your hips sternly and his hips pushed forward. “Fuck! Won- ah!” His hips remained thrusting up, your mouth hanging open at the feeling.
“Such a good kitten, aren’t you, baby?” He growled and wiped the small trail of drool falling past your lips. “You look so pretty like that… hmm…”
“Is it that good that it’s got you drool- hng-“ his voice was cut short when your hands were placed on his neck, softly pressing on his throat.
“What was that, sweetheart?” His eyes were closed and mouth open in a smirk.
He enjoyed every second of your hands cutting his oxygen, the rush made him ever hornier. Plus, he loved feeling your small hands on his neck, it was thick enough for you to need both hands to choke him.
“S’good…” he choked out as one of your hands left his throat to swipe out a little bit of drool from the corner of his mouth.
“Look who’s drooling now… pussy too good?” You teased.
Wonwoo couldn’t do much but hum and moan when you leaned down to bite his lower lip. His hand moved to grasp at yours that was on his neck, giving you the signal to stop. You removed your hands and he inhaled sharply, in need of oxygen.
“Don’t- fuck!” He whimpered when he felt your walls clench around his shaft.
“Don’t what, baby?” Your hands took place by each side of his head, making your tits bounce close to his face. “Kitten ate your tongue?”
“Oh, God!” You wiped a bit of sweat on his forehead with your fingers and quickened the pace your hips were snapping to. “Kiss me, please.”
As you leaned down to do so, he took advantage of your hands not having any support, and flipped you over by the waist. His mouth was attached to yours still, flicking his tongue on your lips.
“Fuck, Wonwoo!” You screamed against his lips. Your boyfriend’s hips slammed into you rapidly.
“Do you want to get me to lose my voice again? Huh?” He grunted as you moaned louder—reminding you of the last time you choked him, he had lost his voice and got in trouble.
“As if you don’t like it…” you smirked but a sharp thrust made your smirk fade into a whine.
“You’re right. I don’t like it…I fucking love it.” Wonwoo kissed your jaw and down your neck until he reached his favorite spot—your shoulder blade, where he sunk his teeth to leave a mark. “Shit-“
“Stop biting!” Your fingernails dug into his back and his head fell to your chest, his hands gripping at your tits and mouth sucking your sensitive buds.
“I’m so close, baby…” you cried out after a few seconds.
“I’m close too, kitten. Fuck, you feel too good.” He shut his eyes again and bit the skin of your breasts, coming up to kiss you after.
“You’re so beautiful, angel.” He murmured against your cheek, yet in your ears, it sounded like he was far away.
“Mmm, Nonu-“ your toes curled up once you wrapped your legs around his torso to feel him deeper.
“Let go, sweetheart.” He rasped and you did as he said with a loud moan.
You felt yourself dissolve into the pleasure he was giving you. A ringing noise filled your ears mixed with the faint sound of Wonwoo’s deep moans, while you could feel his cock pulsating inside you as he came.
The weight of his body soon fell upon yours, but it just felt like the warmest hug ever.
“I love you,” he repeated countless times as he kissed all over your skin.
“Don’t move,” you whined. “Just hug me.”
“Of course, pretty.” He circled his arms around your waist and rolled you over to lay on his chest, where you stayed for a couple of minutes, listening to his heartbeat.
“Don’t your shoulders hurt, baby?” You asked, remembering the muscle pain he voiced out earlier.
“Mmm, yeah… but you make me feel better.” He chuckled and kissed your forehead.
“Do you want to take a shower again?” You asked and he only laughed. “I’ll give you a massage if you wash my hair.”
“You don’t need to bargain with me, you know I’d do anything for you for free.” He said and sat up, bringing you up with him. “So… about moving in with you…”
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asmutwriter · 3 months
Captain Hook x F!Reader
DESCRIPTION: You decide to have a fun day out at the beach with your friends. Accidently bumping into one of the most feared pirates during your travel.
A/N - This is my first time doing a request so I do hope that you enjoy :)
WARNINGS: implied violence, swearing, kidnapping, smut, nipple play, temperature play, oral (f recieving), fingering, p in v, unprotected smut, creampie, sub reader, dom Hook, praise
This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
"There’s no one here" you say. Looking out the passenger car window at the beautiful sandy beach before you. Considering the sunny day, and the fact it was a weekend, you were expecting more people.
You get out the car after your friend parks. Shielding your eyes with your hand. Spotting a family in the distance, as well as what appears to be a couple closer to the car park.
"I told you it’d be quiet. Its why I love this beach. There’s never anyone here"
"Yet you’ve never stopped to question why?"
"Its just because there are rumours" she smiles, a pretend wickedness as she tries to deepen her voice "rumours of smugglers, thieves, pirates, and everything else that scares people off". She makes her voice normal again, giving a small shrug with her next statement. "I figure that, if we do come across them, then we could fight them off. If we meet any of them".
You roll your eyes. Grabbing your towel. The three of you head to the sand. You lay your towel onto the floor. Grabbing the bottom of your sundress and pulling it up over your head. Leaving you in your one piece.
"I still think you could rock a bikini". You chuckle. Sitting on the towel and shoving the dress into your bag. Taking out some sunglass and placing them over your eyes.
"I feel more secure like this" she laughs. The two of them also disrobing down to bathing suits. You lie down. Beach towel under you. Sunglasses on. Hair done up in a messy bun. You had your eyes shut as you bathed in the summer glow of the sun above you. Hearing the waves crash against the sand. The distinct sound of your two friends by your side.
"Hey Y/N!" you hear one of them call out. You open one eye. Looking over you see your friend holding a frisbee. She wiggles her eyebrows at you. "Want to play?"
"You know I do". You stand. Brushing the sand off of yourself. You go over, joining your two friends a little way away from where you had been previously lying. Standing in a triangle as the three of you take it in turns throwing it to one another.
One friend throws it towards you. Misjudging it completely as it flies over your head. Towards the water. "Shit" she mutters. You laugh. Turning as you do a light jog to catch the frisbee. Hearing your friends calling your name as you bend down. Paying them no mind, thinking their just telling you to 'run faster' or somethng. You take the item in hand. Brushing the sand from it as you stand up.
Your body stills as you feel something cold and charp on your shoulder. Tilting your head upwards. Eyes meeting someones. Stubble. Red hat. And a sword resting near your neck. He grins at you. You hear your friends call out your name again. More frantic this time. You bring the frisbee up. Jabbing it into his neck. The suddenness and pain in his throat causes him to drop the sword. You turn. Dropping the frisbee onto the floor as you go to run.
"Go!" you yell out to your friends. Watching as they run too. Grabbing their bags and various items from where you had previously sat. Your legs start to move in quick momentum, seconds before you feel a sharp pain through the back of your head.
You come to. Feeling a headache begin to take place as you hear voices. The soft swaying of the floor under you. The memories from the past day come back as you swiftly open your eyes. You see a bunch of men. Your eyes scanning quickly as you count five. All with swords or guns around their waists as they appear to mock each other. You were sat on some sort of barrel. Arms tied behind your back. A towel loosely draped over your shoulders.
"Oh good" a voice speaks next to you. You look. A shorter, mildly less intimidating man stands next to you. "You’re awake. The captain will be happy that you’re awake".
"Why am I here?" you whisper through gritted teeth. Trying to fight your bindings.
"Well you see-"
"I wanted new crew members" a deeper voice speaks out. You turn your head. You see a tall man, long hair, and a dark moustache come out from near the front of the ship. Near to where you're sitting. His eyes meet yours as he smiles at you. "Now my plan was to have you and your friends join me. But you managed to make them run away before I could grab you all". You remain silent. Eyes watching him as he comes over to you. He kneels onto one knee. Bringing a hand up. Well, a hook. Placing it under your chin. The coldness of the metal hurting your skin.
"Why don’t we have a little chat in my private office?". He reaches the hook behind you. Feeling him undo the restraints arund your wrist in one small swipe. You jump at the action. He stands. Holding his actual hand out for you to take. You do. Trying to control your hand from shaking like a leaf in the wind as he takes you to his office.
Shutting the door behind you as you go in. Your hands grabbing the towel and wrapping it around yourself more as you stay standing. "Please can I go home. I-I wont tell anyone. I promise. I just want to go home". You watch as he walks over to his desk. Resting against it.
"I told you - I need new crew mates. And you made the other candidates run away. Therefore you are my only choice". Your clench your jaw. Shutting your eyes as you try to regain your thoughts.
"But I’m a woman". You speak. Confidence in your voice as you open your eyes. "Don’t you know that it’s bad luck to have a woman on board your ship". He lets out a soft chuckle.
"I do not believe that a woman as beautiful as you could cause any sort of bad luck". You feel your cheeks turn slightly red at the notion.
"But you’re a pirate" you whisper.
"I prefer the term captain". He folds his arms over himself as he scans his eyes over your body. "What is your name?".
"Well, Y/N, lucky for you I’m feeling generous today. So how about I give you a proposition? You stay on my ship for a week. Help out the crew, eat and drink to your hearts content. But if you still hear land calling your name then I will allow you to go back to your home"
"A week?"
"Of course, you could leave now if you’d like. In fact, you are free to leave whenever you would like. But I warn you, its a long swim back to the main land". You scoff slightly, turning your head as you grit your teeth.
"Deal" you say. Turning your head back to meet his gaze. He smiles. Unfolding his arms as he goes over to a trunk. Opening it he pulls out a variety of clothes. Trousers and shirts. He places them on top of the trunk.
"Get dressed. We have work to do"
Captain Hook had asked to see you in his office. You thought you were in trouble due to his stern nature, but soon realised it was due to your agreement. It had been a week since he'd found you on the beach. So today was the day that you needed to decide if you were staying or going.
He sat at his desk. Waiting for your response. You fiddle with the sleeve of your shirt. He takes in a breath through his nose. Hands - well his hand and hook - layed on the table. "I've seen how you are with the rest of the crew. You love the work and the people. You get on well with them. I've never seen Starkey so happy to see.. anyone before". You chuckle slightly. Looking down as you fold your arms. "You should stay"
"I can't just leave my friends and family. They will be worried about me"
"You can send a postcard"
"You enjoy it here, correct?". You nod. "Then why go back to your mundane life when you can stay here. With us. Where you could have gold and all sorts of riches. All with a simple flick of the wrist and its yours". You bring your head back up. "You could have anything you want. Just ask". You take in a breath. Your eyes scanning his.
"I want to go back to my family" he nods. Pushing himself up off the table.
"We will be pulling up to land within the hour. You may leave when we dock". Coming over to you. Using his hook to gently brush away the hair from your face. "I will miss you, Y/N" he puts the item under your chin. Lifting your head up as you meet his dark eyes. A short moment passes. He bends down. Gently placing his lips onto yours. You shut your eyes at the soft embrace. Feeling him pull away, your eyes flutter open again.
"What was that for?". He half smiles.
"A goodbye". You smile at him. Your hands coming up to cup his face as you kiss him. A more solid, yet soft kiss. Moving away as you go to take a step back. His hand coming to your lower waist as he pulls you into him. He bends down and kisses you. Hard. Your hands fists at his jacket. His hand comes up. Removing his hat and placing it down onto the chair. Going back to your lower spine. He moves you backwards. A soft gasp leaving your lips as you come into contact with his desk.
He wastes no time. Wrapping both his arms fully around you. Lifting you up onto the top of the counter. His hand coming to your front. He moves away. Eyes watching yours as he brings his hand up slowly. Over your stomach. Between your breasts. Moving to the side as he rests his palm over the clothed boob. You let out a gentle sigh as he begins massaging it.
His lips crashing onto yours again. Being a harsh contrast to the treatment he's giving your chest. He moves away. His hook going to the top of your shirt. Before you can question him, he drags down the sharp object. Ripping your shirt from you. Your hands go to your torso. Covering yourself as your cheeks redden. He kisses you. Gently removing your hands from you as he rests his forehead onto yours. Meeting your eyes.
"Let me show you how beautiful you are". He kisses you again. His hand going behind your back. Unclasping the bra and tossing it onto the floor. Running his metal hook over your nipples. You flinch at the coldness. Your nubs rising almost instantly. He smiles. Bending down and taking one of them into his mouth.
"Holy shit" you mutter. Your hand going to his hair. Thankfully he'd already removed his hat so you could easily grip his dark locks with your fingers. You shut your eyes. So focused on his tongue on your skin that you hardly register his wondering hand. Instinctively moving your hips as he removes your trousers and underwear. Only fully registering where his hand is when he presses his thumb onto your clit.
You jolt slightly. Causing him to move backwards at the sudden movement. Your eyes screwed shut as he rubs gentle circles onto your nub. Your mouth a silent 'o'. He removes his thumb. Before you can protest at the lack of contact, he's replaced the digit with his tongue. Pressing it firmly onto you. Your hands still remained in his hair as you pull him closer to you. The wet muscle dragging, moving, flicking, over your sensitive hole.
You feel his hand come up. Letting out a truly sinful moan as you feel him push a finger in. Then another. Curling them at the same speed that he moves his tongue. "Fuck. Fuck. I'm-I'm gonna cum".
"What do good girls say?" he murmurs against your wet cunt.
"Please what?"
"Can I cum? Please. Please can I cum?" you beg. Feeling his grin against you as he hums an answer. With that you feel your orgasm wash over you. Filling your body. From your fuzzy brain down to your curling toes. Your pussy tightening around his digits as your fingers lock their grip on his hair.
Loosening as your high fades. Keeping his steady gaze with dazed eyes as he stands up straight. Seeing his moustache glisten with your juices, but you're too fucked out to feel embarrassed. "Open my sweet". You do. Your tongue sticking out slightly. Feeling him place his fingers onto it. You close around the digits. The taste of your essence filling your mouth. A soft moan leaving your lips before he removes his fingers with a soft popping noise.
You hear vague noises. Not paying them much mind. That is until you feel soft lips hit yours again. Opening your eyes you meet your captains dark ones. Filled with lust and longing as he looks at you. His hand on your cheek. "Do you think you can take my cock?". Your eyes glance downwards. Connecting the noise. He must've removed his clothes in that short time as you can see his broad and defined torso, and proudly standing shaft.
You bite your lip slightly before meeting his eyes again. Nodding. He smiles. Standing up straight as he lines himself up with your hole. You grip at the edge of the table as he pushes himself into you. A strangled groan leaving your throat as he bottoms out. Feeling his hips mold so perfectly into yours. His hand comes up, cupping each of your breasts before moving his hand to your hip.
Your eyes shut, throwing your head back. Starting the movement is slow. Gentle as you adjust to him. His foreplay had done wonders as you take him fully. Feeling him hitting that spot so perfectly inside of you. "Look at me Y/N" he says. His voice a deep gruff. You open your eyes. Yours glazed over from being cock drunk. His filled with a yearning as he fastens his pace. He brings his hook down. Careful to angle it in a way that wont cause either of you harm, but so that the harsh coldness hits your clit.
You tighten around him. Gasping as you arch your back. He rubs the cold metal against your core as he continues to piston into you. "P-Please" you manage to let out. Broken speech as your brain turns to mush. "Wan- cum". He smiles. Leaning over slightly as he kisses you. His hips and hand still working on your most sensitive parts.
"Cum for me". You shut your eyes. Clenching around him as your orgasm washes over you. Knuckles turning white from your grip on the wood beneath you. A drawn out moan leaving your lips as you shut your eyes. He grunts. His nails digging into your skin as he pushes himself into you. A soft smile coming over your face as you feel his seed spill into your clenching pussy. His hips move slowly until he stops. Feeling him become soft inside of you before he pulls out.
Grabbing your ripped shirt from the floor he uses it to clean you both up. You let out a soft whine in protest as he touches you. Grabbing your jacket and wrapping it around your torso. Your eyes flutter open as you feel him lean over your body. Gently kissing your forehead.
"That was a very, very good goodbye".
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webanglikethat · 2 months
so, I just want to address something I found out recently. await a long rant tbh.
while scrolling through my second account (which I do not use often — it’s on my iPad and it’s simply because I couldn’t be bothered to remember my login details for this account), I searched my username because I wanted to find a very old post I reposted about ice skating. while doing so, my name popped up in a post I had never seen before. thus, I realized my name was on a blocklist. I was extremely confused. I just recently, during May (don’t quote me on that though), began being active on Tumblr. before that, I was mostly lurking and reblogging fics from fandoms like Obey Me! or Haikyuu. so, I really didn’t know why a person would put me on such a blocklist.
turns out, they’ve been looking through the “narcissistic abuse” and “#narcissistic abuse is real”, “#raised by narcissists” and “surviving narcissism”. the reason why they put me on this blocklist is because they believe I am of the notion that every person with ND (narcissistic disorder) is an abuser. to say I was shocked would be an understatement tbh. I was so confused. I never stated that ANYWHERE on my account. so I began looking and combing through my liked on those tags. I did find two / three posts with those tags that I liked.
One of the posts in question says:
'you're so sensitive'
i was never fully allowed to express my emotions as a child because when i did i would get yelled or made fun of”
narcissistic mother is the 13th tag. or for example this one:
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now, me personally I don’t get it. I think it’s fucking ridiculous — and pardon my language but the anger has been rising more and more since reading all of that — to look and nitpick for every. single. post. I had no idea they were even tagged with narcissism. I never claimed that my mom nor dad are narcissists. sure they’re messed up. but I never claimed that. the fact that someone has extrapolated such a specific and serious claim from my online activity is not just incorrect, it's irresponsible. I get that people are trying to be aware and protective of others online. that is great, really. but this level of scrutiny and assumption? it is not helping anyone. it’s just creating more misunderstanding and division. can’t someone like stuff they relate to anymore? I got fucking trauma thanks to childhood abuse, can’t I be allowed to look at stuff and think “wow, me too!” without being afraid of misjudgment? that’s kind of the whole point of social media, isn't it? to connect, to feel less alone in our experiences? I should be able to see a post that resonates with my experiences, think "Wow, me too!" and hit that like button without fear of being misunderstood or labeled. it’s not about diagnosing anyone or pushing an agenda. it’s about finding moments of connection in this big, messy digital world despite the gloominess of the real one.
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this person stated they weren’t 100% sure if I believed in this or not.
isn’t that just so stupid. you go out of your way, nitpick my name and then state you’re . Not Sure? you’re ruining my character and my image. I don’t even know you.
this is SO infuriating. I’ve worked hard to curate my online presence to reflect my interests and personality, only to have some clueless jerk — again, excuse my wording but I can’t be bothered to care about someone’s feelings right now — misinterpret my intentions and slap my name on a blocklist based on pure assumptions. it’s so insane that liking or relating to a post is enough to get you labeled and shunned without any direct statements or actions to back it up.
what’s even worse in my opinion is that this person admits they’re not sure of my stance. they have jumped to conclusions based on a handful of posts I’ve liked, without any solid evidence of my beliefs or intentions. it’s one thing to fight against harmful ideologies, but it’s another to vilify someone based on wild guesses.
to the person who put me on this blocklist: you don’t know me. you don’t know my experiences, my thoughts, or my intentions. your actions have real consequences, and you’ve chosen to act on baseless assumptions instead of facts. this isn’t activism; it’s a witch hunt. and it needs to stop. you claim to be fighting against harmful ideologies, yet here you are, perpetuating the very toxicity you pretend to oppose. you are not solving problems; you're creating them. you’re not protecting anyone; you're just stroking your own ego and patting yourself on the back for being such a "good person." Newsflash: good people don't engage in character assassination based on hunches and half-baked theories.
I mean for god’s sake — did it ever occur to your brain that your actions have real consequences? that by putting me on a blocklist, you're potentially cutting me off from communities, conversations, and connections that matter to me? all because you couldn't be bothered to do actual research or, God forbid, reach out and ask me directly about my views? and let's talk again about your spineless approach to this whole situation. you block me, refuse to engage, and then have the audacity to claim you're "not 100% sure" about my beliefs? if you're not sure, then why the hell did you take action? your uncertainty doesn't absolve you of responsibility; it makes your actions even more reprehensible.
so while you might never see this since 1) you blocked me, 2) are not replying to me on my second account — I demand an apology and a retraction. not just for my sake, but for everyone who’s ever been misjudged and slandered by people who think they know better. this isn’t how we build understanding and empathy. THIS is how we build walls and create divisions. and I refuse to be a part of that bullshit.
and to anyone else who thinks they can pull this kind of stunt: think again. I won't stand idly by while keyboard warriors with delusions of grandeur try to dictate who I am or what I believe. again. you don't know me, you don't know my story, and you sure as hell don't have the right to define me based on your misguided assumptions. I mean, who appointed you as the moral arbiter of the internet? what makes you think you have the right, the authority, or the wisdom to dictate who I am or what I believe? you’re not a hero; you're a nuisance, a digital mosquito buzzing around, causing irritation and spreading disease.
if you truly care about making the internet a better place, start by looking in the mirror. examine your own biases, your own knee-jerk reactions. ask yourself why you're so quick to judge, so eager to categorize people into neat little boxes that fit your worldview.
remember that behind every username is a real person, with real feelings and real experiences that you know nothing about. your actions have consequences, and it's high time you started considering them.
I won't be silenced. I won't be labeled. and I sure as hell won't stand by while you and your ilk try to dictate the terms of online existence. this is my story, my identity, my truth. and no amount of your misguided, self-important crusading will change that.
the mic is yours @cccat-in-a-meat-sack,
will you finally answer?
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strawberryfiction · 7 months
Stayed A Summer Memory
Even in the dead of night warm wind raced off the water blowing across the docks. Summer was right behind the gusts bringing the annual surge of sight seers and summer workers with it. Taking a deep breath Sanji let the warm air clear the cigarette sting from his lungs. Last summer was the best and worst summer of his life. He took a drag of his cigarette sitting against the large metal fixture used for mooring. The cool touch of the metal seeped through his pants causing goosebumps to ripple across his skin. Sanji spent last summer planted in that spot watching the waves and the stars. He took another drag of his cigarette.
“Sanji! What are you doing out here?” A voice called out angrily.
Sanji smiled waving, “Usopp, you on the night shift?” he called back into the night.
“Dude it’s like four in the morning- again- what are you doing here?” Usopp pressed arms crossed tight across his chest.
Sanji dropped his cigarette onto the concrete, “Summer is right around the corner.” He smashed his sneaker against the cigarette butt, “Do you think he’ll come back?”
Usopp was silent and Sanji almost laughed. The man was never silent he must have stumped him-or scared him. It was a horrifying question.
“Are you hoping he comes back?” Usopp asked in a voice so quiet Sanji was certain it was not the man’s own.
Sanji pushed himself up from the moor. As he stood, he looked back out to the calm rolling sea that would soon be filled with sails from around the world. He could almost make out a small white sailboat peeking out over the horizon. The question felt like holding a lit firework and watching the fuse crawl.
Last summer Sanji felt like he was glowing. As if the sun chose to revolve around him, but eventually the warm glow became too hot. Before the cold came in and the harbor cleared out Sanji was burning.
Laughing Sanji lit another cigarette, “I don’t know. Maybe.” He shrugged, “But also maybe I hope he sank.” After the words entered the universe Sanji wished he could take his darker feelings back.
“I’ll let you know what I see,” Usopp offered, “You should get some sleep.”
Sanji sighed, “Appreciate it Usopp. The old man will kill me if I miss a shift anyway.”
Stuffing his hands into his jean pockets, Sanji let the cigarette hand from his lips as he walked down the street. The small vessel could have sunk for all he knew. After all, the day when Roronoa Zoro pulled into the harbor Sanji watched the man misjudge his space and scrape the hall of his small boat against the concrete siding. They spent all summer patching it up. Mostly Sanji with help from Usopp and Zeff.
Crawling into bed Sanji knew sleep wouldn’t find him. Not now that his mind was wandering to last summer. It always started like the flicker of a lighter low on butane. The smell of cheap beer, shouting in the distance, or the thud of boots. It sent a shock to Sanji’s system as if his mind was just waiting to mule over every detail of the prior summer. As if he could see where it went wrong, as if he could still change it. A pit opened in Sanji’s stomach every time and it swallowed his soft heart. He turned to his side and couldn’t stop the silent tears that rolled along his cheeks leaving a dark stain on the pillow.
He'd become a pro at crying over Roronoa Zoro. It almost felt as easy as breathing.
Waking up to a blaring alarm, Sanji sighed. Feeling around Sanji felt his phone tangled in the sheets. He’d fallen asleep with it in his hands. Squinting he looked at the screen, as expected it was 10am. The perks to the job were no morning shifts, just late nights.
Hauling himself out of bed Sanji opened the shutters letting the morning sun light his room. He yawned even with the bright light assaulting his grey eyes. He ran his hand through his messy blonde hair before stretching. The lack of sleep was going to make the day long, the anticipation was going to make it worse.
Another perk Sanji had was living above the pizzeria he worked for. It allowed him extra time to let his brain fog dissipate before working. Lighting a cigarette Sanji took full advantage of the situation draping himself across a grey quilted lounge chair. He scrolled through Instagram while letting his cigarette sit between his teeth.
Inhaling sharply Sanji coughed choking on the smoke that snaked down the wrong pipe. Pulling the cigarette from his mouth Sanji coughed quickly putting it out in a blue crystal ashtray on a small table next to his chair. His lungs burned and tears formed in the corners of his eyes. His chest felt like he’d swallowed coals, and they settleed in his heart weighing it down. Tossing his phone on the bed Sanji yanked his work shirt from his closet. His fingers slipped every button through their loops. He straightened his stance, eyeing himself in the full-length mirror leaning against the wall adjacent to his wardrobe. Rolling up the sleeves of his striped blue and white shirt Sanji thought he hid his rage well underneath.
Picking his phone up again Sanji hesitating staring at his own reflection in the dark screen. Huffing Sanji punched in his passcode revealing the same Instagram post mocking him. Gritting his teeth Sanji kicked himself for not just blocking the green haired bastard. It would have saved him some headaches.
The photo was on Zoro’s account, but Zoro never posted himself on the account for anyone to know it. Yet, there he stood frozen in a halfhearted smile mid conversation on the deck of his small boat. His hand was cupped above his forehead attempting to block the sun from his eyes. They were as dazzling as Sanji remembered a kaleidoscope of honey golds that glittered every time he smiled. In the sun it made Sanji speechless. Raking his eyes across the photo the photographer was a stranger to Sanji. He didn’t look like anyone Zoro had mentioned before either. Not that Zoro talked much about his life back where he came from. Did Sanji even remember where Zoro lived? The odd man in the photo had black hair and dark brown eyes, there was a small scar under the mans left eye Sanji could hardly make out. The man’s skin was tanned, and he wore a straw hat with a red ribbon around the middle of the hat.
Who was he to Zoro? A new boyfriend?
The captain underneath read All Blue bound. Zoro was returning for the summer. Based on the posted date he was probably halfway there . Marching into the kitchen Sanji yanked open the fridge deep blue eyes scanning for plausible breakfast options. He considered starting his day with just toast with jelly but knew Zeff would give him hell for not starting the day right. Sanji rolled his eyes, the last thing he needed was a lecture on the proper fuel for his body first thing in the morning.
“Sanji!” Zeff’s voice boomed from outside.
It was like the man had a sixth sense.
Throwing open the window Sanji was hit with a gust of warm air, “What is it old man?”
Hanging his torso out the window looking down into the alleyway an older man stood hands on his hips and mouth down turned. It was rarely ever a smile.
Looking up Zeff held his large white chef hat to his head, “Get a move on! We have a big day ahead!” the old man’s dirty blonde mustache twitched as he spoke.
“You think everyday is a big day!” Sanji shouted in return.
“If you’re late it’ll set a bad example for the new hire!” Zeff shouted.
Sanji frowned, “New hire?” his boss neglected to tell him about that.
Zeff shook his head huffing as he stomped in the backdoor. Sanji groaned, his eyes practically rolling back in his head. He may not have been the best listener when it came to Zeff, but Sanji knew his ears would perk up at new hire. He probably would have vetoed it. Sanji ran the small kitchen perfectly fine with the help he had-Zeff and Patty. He never felt overwhelmed by a hectic night of on stop orders, especially in the summer. He reveled in the challenge enjoying the thrill of putting the finishing touches on a large group order. It filled him with triumph to watch it go out into the dining room. If they hired another person, work would become less of a challenge.
Stepping onto the metal fire escape that doubled as his front porch Sanji soaked in the warmth of the afternoon sun as he lit a cigarette. With each step down the stairs, he took a drag and thought of a different reason why the new person should be fired. It would be easy; they were most likely a summer hire Zeff would tire of quickly when he saw no potential in paying temporary assistance. Sanji just had to help the realization process along.
Swinging open the same back door Zeff had disappeared through the moment prior Sanji entered the restaurant.
It already smelled like sweet marinara sauce and rising dough. Sanji always felt slightly guilty for missing morning prep, but he made up for it by mopping after all the customers went home relieving Zeff and Patty as he closed.
“Morning,” Patty spoke up while kneading dough.
“Morning,” Sanji crammed his cigarette into the crystal ash tray he kept by the back door, “Did you get a look at our new employee yet?”
Patty was a tall muscular man with dark skin, a dark well-trimmed beard, and blue curly hair he always kept short. He wore a white headband tied around his forehead. On his left arm he sported two red heart tattoos on his upper arm. One of the cooks’ favorite pass times was showing the tattoos while flexing with a heavy take-out order.
Patty shook his head, “Not yet.”
Sanji clicked his tongue, “Geez than I was called down early for nothing.”
Sanji jolted forward as a stinging erupted over the back of his head. Turning, he saw Zeff standing with a rolled-up newspaper casually tapping it into his adjacent palm.
“Don’t be sour.” Zeff warned sternly.
“I give them a week tops,” Sanji ran his fingers through his short thick blonde hair evening it out after the assault, “Once they realize they’d rather be out enjoying the summer sun and most likely their vacation they’ll be gone.”
“Or you’ll drive them out,” Patty snarked.
Sanji kept his lips sealed he knew Patty felt the same way about summer hires. They weren’t hurting for help. The chime of the classic bell above the door broke the conversation and all heads turned towards their first early customer of the day. A girl with orange hair held back by a thick black clip walked in curious light hazel eyes scanned the empty booths and tables. Sanji smoothed out his shirt and grinned.
“Good morning miss,” Sanji spoke as casually as if he were greeting an old friend, “Please excuse us we’re still preparing for guests and there might be a small wait. Feel free to take a seat and I’ll bring a drink and menu right out.”
“Oh, thank you but,” The girl started in a timid tone.
Before she finished Sanji gently lifted her hand leading her to a booth, “Don’t be shy this one has the best view of our famous pizza being made right behind the counter there!” He beamed.
The girl frowned snatching her hand back, “Right, thank you.”
Bounding back behind the counter Sanji prepped a glass with ice water and picked a clean menu off a stack. Before he could walk back out into the dining area Zeff was walking past Sanji. Watching the old man Sanji assumed he was retrieving the mail form the PO box across the street. Instead, he was shocked to watch the head chef pause at the young patron’s table.
Scrambling out from behind the counter Sanji returned to the booth forgetting about the water. He heard Patty’s footsteps behind him.
“Hey, where’s my drink?” The girl pouted crossing her arms.
“Welcome your new summer co-worker,” Zeff gestured towards the girl in the booth with his hand out as if he was presenting her.
Sliding herself free from the booth the girl stood waving, “I’m Nami, and if you keep treating me as lovely as you did when I walked in, I know we’ll work together just fine.”
“Nami is going to handle deliveries,” Zeff continued.
Sanji was taken a back it was a shock to his system. Zeff hiring a woman for his kitchen was unheard of. However, it sounded like she wasn’t going to be handling food, just deliveries. It meant the kitchen dynamic was saved and left Sanji conflicted. Nami was cute, he could work with a cute co-worker. He frowned and she also came off as a handful.
“Welcome to the crew,” Sanji found himself saying it to her again easily, “I’ll grab that water, why don’t you sit at the countertop?”
“You took that better than I’ve ever seen you for a new hire,” Patty chuckled rolling out dough, “Usually you scowl or growl. Leave it to a cute girl to change your mind.”
Nami took a seat resting her brown shoulder bag on the countertop.
Sanji placed the cool glass in front of his new co-worker, “You’re a new summer face. What brings you into town?”
“Vacation,” Nami batted her brown eyes at Sanji.
Sanji raised a brow, “And you’re going to work during your vacation?”
“Maybe I didn’t do a great job at budgeting,” Nami pouted avoiding Sanji’s gaze. She took the glass sipping from it.
“Shame,” Sanji leaned on the countertop.
“My girlfriend has an expensive hobby,” Nami shrugged, “And I can’t say no to her.”
Sanji’s ears perked up, “Girlfriend?”
Nami’s eyes darkened, “Yea, got a problem with that?”
Sanji shook his head, “I think you picked a good place to work,” his mind wandered to Zoro.
Sanji thought about the first time his heart fluttered upon seeing Zoro shirtless and cursing about his boat while sweating in the hot summer sun. Sanji’s heart had beat a little faster around men before, but it hadn’t beat from his chest until he met Zoro. Sanji had never been nervous about holding hands stronger than his own or kissing chapped lips that bit his skin too hard. A man had never lit his skin on fire the way Zoro had, and it was terrifying at first to admit it.
Nami leaned across the counter, “Oh, so you tried to charm me but there’s a boyfriend in the mix?” she smiled coyly.
“No,” Sanji said flatly.
Nami frowned, falling back into her seat.
Sanji turned busying himself with prepping the stone pizza oven.
“What’s the expensive hobby?” Patty took over the conversation while Sanji listened.
“Wind surfing,” Nami answered.
“So, I’m guessing you’re here for the competition?” Patty asked.
Nami hummed in agreement, “This is actually our first time on All Blue Island.”
“Well, you’ll have plenty of time to explore,” Patty assured her, “I can give you the names of the best local beaches.”
“Vivi would love that for practice,” Nami sounded like she was beaming.
“What competition?” Sanji turned back around butting in.
“You’re kidding,” Nami said flatly, “Don’t you live here, there are posters everywhere.”
Sanji rolled his eyes leaning on the rep counter, “There are always posters and events especially before summer. I can’t pay attention to them all.”
“You should pay attention to some,” Patty chided him, “You never go out anymore. Last summer I could barely find you for shifts.”
Sanji balled his hands into fists, “Would you shut up! Who does anything in a beach town during winter!” He shouted.
“I’ve done tons of stuff,” Patty shouted back, “If you used your brain, you’d find something!”
“You can find me out back!” Sanji stomped his foot.
“Is that a challenge?” Patty raised a fist towards Sanji.
“Cut it out!” Zeff slammed the rolled newspaper back across Sanji’s head before smacking Patty, “It hadn’t even been thirty minutes and you’re going to scare off our new employee,” Zeff put keys on the counter, “Here are the keys to the delivery moped out front.”
Nami took the keys and slid them into her bag.
“Sanji you better have your head on straight this summer,” Zeff spoke gruffly fixing his sandy colored mustache, “We’re catering the wind surfing competition and I need all hands-on deck.”
“Yes sir,” Sanji nodded.
Spooning marinara sauce over pizza dough the afternoon had steadily picked up to a normal pace. The summer rush hadn’t started yet, but Sanji was sure boats would start docking at port any day in large numbers. Slicing fresh pepperoni Sanji couldn’t stop thinking about what Patty had said.
At the time Sanji didn’t think it was that noticeable. Sure, he’d missed a shift or two sitting by the dock, and maybe he didn’t finish cleaning all the dishes when closing. It just felt like there were more than usual. He didn’t think anyone would notice a few lazy days from him. A few days of dropping the ball and rotting in his sheets. He didn’t think anyone had noticed the way he closed the door to his flat with no intention of leaving. How he spent the chilly winter nights looking at photos he wished he could erase. How he feared his tears would freeze to his face by morning. He didn’t want to keep reliving the same moments repeating the same regrets to Usopp like a broken record. The man had so much to do cleaning ports and preparing them for winter. Sanji did what he thought was the next best thing.
He tried pretending he didn’t exist. He shut out the world, he watched the screen of his phone, and he slept.
Frowning Sanji slid the pizza into the hot brick oven. Maybe it was noticeable, he always had something going on. An event or chores anything to keep him out of the house and busy when he wasn’t working or dabbling in his own personal cooking. Suddenly he was a shut in.
Boxing up a pizza Sanji stuck the ticket with the address on top, “Nami, three pizzas ready to go!”
Nami stood from the booth she was waiting in and set a glass on the counter. She took the sticker off the top pizza box before shuffling the hot pizzas into a delivery bag.
“Be back in a bit,” Nami said while looking over the tag.
The first day with Nami as their new delivery driver was nearly at its end as the sun started to dip to the ground. Sanji thought she did a good job; she was able to keep up. Sanji pulled up the online orders noting the last few pizzas. He cast his gaze out to the few remaining patrons seeing if there was anyone that needed assistance.
The familiar bell rang over the door.
Usopp waved as he walked into the pizzeria.
Sanji waved back, “Can I help you, or do you need more time?” he smirked.
Usopp mockingly tapped his chin disrupting the stubble across it, “How about you start me off with a soda. I’ll need a few moments.”
Sanji picked up a cup, “Very bold of you sir considering you came in so close to closing.”
Usopp shrugged, “I’m a busy man and you still look open.”
Setting the cup on the pale tan granite countertop Sanji looked at a table sitting and chatting metal tray cleared on the tabletop between them.
“Take your time sir,” Sanji smirked as he printed out the check for the table.
While trading the tray for the check Sanji heard the pitter of the moped’s motor.
“Ready to meet the newest member of the Baratie Slice?” Sanji said while walking behind the counter.
“Man, Sanji think you can cut the poor guy a break?” Usopp stirred his soda with his straw, “Or at least send them down to the dock if they’re looking for work. Franky was experimenting with new mooring lines and three have already snapped. It’s a good thing he only tests with our boats and not guest boats. Plus, I don’t know where he gets those ideas our mooring lines are perfectly fine!”
“I would take all of that into consideration Usopp,” Sanji put his pointer finger up, “If it was a guy.”
Without a moment of hesitation Usopp swiveled on his red bar stool. He got a glimpse of Nami walking into the restaurant with a hideous red helmet and googles in hand as she approached the counter. At some point she’d let her fiery orange hair down. Usopp turned back just as swiftly eyes wide and mouth agape.
Sanji leaned on the counter, “I’m also guessing Franky wanting to change the mooring lines has to do with Zoro,” the name slipped from his lips more dreamily than he meant it to. “After all he somehow managed to break one while docking.”
Usopp doesn’t respond sipping his soda. The only sound is the bubbles fizzing in the cup. His dark eyes flit from looking down into the soda up to Sanji.
Sanji forces a wobbly smile; he’s not sure if he’s trying to convince himself or Usopp that it was finally okay to talk about. That surely a year was enough time to let the heartbreak heal It had to be, a year was so long. Sanji refused to believe he was damaged that badly by one man he knew for four months.
Nami sat heavily on the stool one away from Usopp. She placed her helmet and goggles on the counter.
“How was your first day?” Sanji perked up.
“Not too bad,” Nami shrugged, “Everyone gave a generous tip.”
With her cheshire cat grin Sanji believed Nami made out like a bandit.
“What can I get you to drink to celebrate your first day?” Sanji asked.
Nami hummed, “I’m thinking beer?”
“Oh, grab one for me too!” Usopp chimed in raising his hand.
Sanji was placing plates and silverware into the dishwasher, “You should be deciding what you want for dinner. When those logs burn out, I’m not adding more to the oven.”
Walking to the back room of the small restaurant Sanji opened a standing cooler pulling three cold beers out. He stared at the green tinted bottles; it had been a long time since he sat at the bar down the street after a long shift. His company was ever changing, Usopp, Patty, even Zeff. Until one day it was always the same flushed face with a broad smile laughing as Sanji yielding from another drinking contest. Zoro was always turning things into a competition and Sanji couldn’t help his competitive nature being drawn into every one of his challenges. The memories were so vivid, but so hazy. Tinted with a filter of rose-colored alcohol. Biting his lip Sanji swore he could taste the bitter beer pressed against his lips in a sloppy kiss he thought would never end. He clung to Zoro like a life raft as they stumbled down the street.
Sanji’s eyes narrowed as he turned to walk back out into the empty restaurant. Even having a beer was tainted with his memory. Zoro had crawled under Sanji’s skin and cracked open his rib cage to hallow out his heart. Now the space was vacant, and Sanji felt the pain he was blind to.
Setting the beers on the counter Sanji used a bottle open with a flourish making a show of the opening.
Usopp clapped, “One Hawaiian and one cheese pizza please good sir!”
Sanji nodded, “Order taken. Nami do those sound good to you?”
“I’m the one who wants the Hawaiian” Nami raised her hand sheepishly.
“A classic summer choice,” Sanji praised.
With pizza cooking in the oven Sanji wiped the flour from his face, ringing out the last customers thanking them as he followed the party of two to the front door. He felt relieved as he flipped the open sign to close and locked the door. Flipping the front house lights the restaurant became dark only the prep station and bar top remained illuminated under warm diffused lights. Nami smiled laughing at a story Usopp was telling. Sanji was certain it was mostly likely one he’d heard before.
Fresh from the oven the aroma of sweet tomato sauce, crisp pineapple, and soft cheese had Sanji’s mouth watering. He made the pizzas large knowing his stomach would beg for a piece. He was shocked after years he’d never tired of a fresh slice of pizza.
The duo in front of Sanji were silent for the first time that night as they ate.
“I think we should go to the bar this weekend,” Sanji said before crunching on a piece of crust.
Usopp’s eyebrows shot up he looked unconvinced, “You’re positive?”
Sanji nodded, “Why not, it’s been too long” He beamed, “And we have the first weekend of summer to celebrate before it gets too crowded with vacationers. Especially with this tournament going on.” “Can Vivi come?” Nami asked.
Sanji nodded, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d love to meet her.” He took a swig of beer.
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
I'm In Part 2
Bang Chan/Fem!Reader/Felix
So this is the part 2 of I'm In. Quite a few people asked for this so I hope it lives up to the hype! This is the frst ever threesome smut I've written so I'm sorry if it's not that great!
Warnings: Established relationship, piv sex, unprotected sex, idol!au, swearing, pwp, oral (m recieving)
Word Count: 3157 M.list
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Never in your life had you spent so much time cleaning your apartment and choosing your outfit. Not even when Chan came round for the first time. Deep down you knew you were over thinking things. Felix wouldn’t give a damn if your place was messy, considering what it was that he was coming round to discuss with you and Chan.
‘Babe calm down! You’ve been jittery all day.’
‘I know! But I want to make a good impression.’ You turned away from Chan and reorganised the fruit bowel for the 100th time that evening.’
‘what the-? You’ve known each other for years??’ Chan was confused, not understanding why you were acting this way. He came over and spun you round to face him, hand coming to gently stroke your cheek.
‘Baby, if you don’t want this-‘ You abruptly cut him off.
‘No it’ not that. I just want it to go well...’ You sighed and sat down on the sofa, flattening out your dress. You had decided on a simple summer dress, so that if everything went to plan, Felix would have easy access. Chan placed his warm hand on your shoulder and went to speak, when the doorbell suddenly rang.
‘He’s early.’ You chuckled. Chan smiled back and went to let his band mate in.
You stood with a smile when they rounded the corner, pulling Felix into a hug when he approached.
‘Hey Lix, I’m glad you came.’ He affectionately returned your embrace, squeezing lightly as he pulled back.
‘Me too.’ Chan cleared his throat as you pulled apart.
‘so... Shall we get to business?’
The three of you had done as you’d planned, ordered food and alcohol, so you could loosen up whilst discussing your boundaries.
‘So first off, everybody want’s this right?’ Chan lead the conversation. If somebody wasn’t comfortable, there had been lots of time to pull out and so far, nobody had voiced any concerns. You and Felix both nodded at the question, prompting his to continue.
‘Cool. Do either of you have any boundaries? Things you aren’t comfortable with?’ You and Felix shyly glanced at each other.
‘I don’t think so?’ Felix said, almost like he was asking a question.
‘Me neither.’ You replied confidently. ‘ Though nothing weird please.’ Both men laughed at your attempt to break the tension.
‘Don’t worry, unless I’ve severally misjudged him, I don’t think Felix is into any weird shit.’ Chan reassured you and Felix nodded with a chuckle.
‘So erm... Do we just start?’ You spoke sheepishly. Chan smirked at your timid attitude.
‘Eager?’ You blushed profusely.
‘Why don’t you start with making out a little? Get a feel for each other.’ Chan suggested, leaning back in his chair and licking his lips subtly. You bit your lip and turned to face Felix, looking at him through the curtain of your hair.
He was staring back, eyes now slightly darker now that this was actually happening. You stood up, maybe a little too quickly, as you tried to act calm and collected.
You made your way across the room, swaying your hips seductively as you went, until you stood directly before Felix, staring down at him.
You placed you hands on his shoulders and suddenly straddled his waist, already feeling the beginning of a boner from him as you settled.  You licked your lips as you saw the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Leaning down, you finally connected your lips to his, both sighing contently as your mouths moulded together. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, so hard you were surprised it couldn’t be heard by the two men in the room.  You felt Felix’ hands come to rest on your hips, squeezing as he relaxed into the kiss. Feeling a little braver, you laced your fingers through his hair and probed his mouth with your tongue.  His hair had been recently dyed for the new comeback, and you would be lying if you said he didn’t look good with the blue hair...
‘Why don’t you touch her more?’ Chan’s voice broke through the air. Felix broke the kiss to look over to the older man, before slowly bringing his gaze back to you, silently asking fro permission. You nodded with a smile and brought him back in to kiss. His hands slowly began to trail up your body, shivers running down your spine as his fingers glided over your clothed skin, until he reached your breasts. You let out a gasp when he squeezed, kneading them with his fingers.
‘You’re soft.’ Felix breathed out. He’d clearly gotten more daring, as he pulled your dress down, revealing the top of your breasts, so he could suckle on the exposed skin.
You leaned your head back, unconsciously grinding down onto Felix, causing him to moan against your skin.
You parted your eyes slightly, chancing a glance at the man sat only a few feet from you. Chan sat at the edge of his seat, leaning forwards on his thighs.
His intense gaze was laser focused on Felix’ mouth attached to your chest. You craved for a bigger reaction from your boyfriend, so you decided to move things forwards.
You abruptly stood, causing Felix to look up at you with wide eyes, thinking he’d done something wrong. You only smirked as you looked over your shoulder to Chan. His eyes now bore into you, waiting for your next move.
You reached up to the straps of your dress and teasingly pushed the material down your body. You had to admit, you did feel a little embarrassed when your naked breasts came on display, having foregone a bra. You almost lost confidence in your little plan, ready to cover up, when you heard Felix mutter out a quiet ‘fuck’ under his breath. Dark eyes stared up at you as he started breathing heavier.
‘I knew you were eager baby.’ Chan smirked, making you blush. You looked over to see him lazily palming himself through his jeans. Felix took this opportunity to stand and pull his t-shirt over his head. He lunged forwards and took you in his arms, smashing his lips against yours.
His hands began to wonder, harshly gripping your bum, making you hiss out. You reached out and began palming him through his trousers. Felix broke the kiss and rested his head on your shoulder.
‘You’re still wearing too many clothes.’ You whispered in his ear as you undid his zip and roughly pushed his trousers and boxers down. Immediately, you took him in your hand.
‘Ah...’ He couldn’t stop the whimpers that already threatened to escape him.
‘Are you gonna let her do all the work?’ Chan breathed out. He’d now also undone his trousers and slid his hand inside.
Felix laughed lightly, before moving his hand round your body, and slipping it down the front of your panties. You whined out when his fingers teased your folds.
Your eyes were closed as you clung to Felix, until you felt a presence touch you from behind.
Your eyes shot open and craned your neck back to see Chan. He’d also stripped his clothes, letting his hot skin sit against yours and feeling his hard member poking at your backside.
‘I thought you just wanted to watch?’ You breathed as Chan nibbled at your neck. He only snorted against your skin. You giggled, taking this as your cue to carry on.
Felix bought his lips back to yours as you jerked him off.  Felix’ slender fingers rubbed at your clit softly, almost too softly... When you felt Chan’s fingers sliding under your panties from behind and started stroking the folds near your entrance.
You gasped out and clung tightly to Felix, when Chan’s fingers pushed into you.
‘don’t stop.’ Felix whined out when your hand stilled on his dick. Chan growled behind you, almost protectively.
‘She goes first.’ Felix grumbled but continued rubbing at your sensitive bud. He leaned down and started licking at your neck, your head leaning back to lean on Chan’s shoulder as you sighed out.
Chan’s free hand gently turned your face so he could kiss you. You’re heart was still beating loudly in your chest. No matter how confident you thought you were, the whole situation was intense. You’d never even been naked in front of someone you weren’t dating, and now you were being fingered by not only your boyfriend, but also one of his closest friends.
Your mouth hung open as your small gasps turned into breathy moans.
‘You close baby?’ Chan whispered in your ear. Felix hunched over and took your nipple in his mouth, all while pressing harder on your clit.
‘Ah! I’m cumming!’ You moaned out loudly, causing both men to speed up their movements. The sudden explosion between your legs was enough to make your knees buckle. If it weren’t for Felix in front of you, you would be on the floor.
You hunched forwards and wrapped your arms tightly round Felix’ neck as you caught your breath, whining slightly when Chan pulled his fingers out of you.
‘Fuck. That was so sexy. You’re so lucky you get to see that everyday.’ Chan smirked at Felix’ words, but decided to stay silent. He kissed your neck as he peeled himself away from you, helping you to disregard your soaked underwear.
‘You ready to continue baby?’ You nodded with a smile, turning to face him.
‘how do you want me?’  You smirked, beginning to stroke his member.
‘Shit, here.’ He threw down a pillow on the floor, so you wouldn’t hurt your knees. Always the gentleman.
‘You ready to fuck her Felix?’ You were now on all fours in front of him, legs spread and presenting your glistening centre to him. Felix’ eyes widened when he saw you take Chan fully into your mouth, right down to his pubic bone.
‘Fuck yes!’ Felix quickly nestled himself behind you, grasping tightly to your hips. He began to stroke his member across your folds, when he suddenly froze.
‘Do I need a condom?’ he asked, almost timidly, causing Chan to let out a breathy laugh as you sucked on his cock.
‘What do you say baby? Can he go in raw? As a special treat?’ You popped off Chan and flipped your hair to look back to Felix.
‘Just fuck me already.’ That was all Felix needed to hear to position himself back at your entrance, and roughly pushed into you. The sudden unexpected roughness from Felix was enough to make you wince and hiss out.
‘Hey!’ Chan seethed out. ‘Be careful!’
‘Shit, sorry Y/N.’ Felix squeezed your hip gently.
‘It’s ok. Please move.’ You moaned out, turning back to Chan and taking him back into your mouth.
‘My god you’re so tight! Fuck!’ Felix’ movements were fast and sloppy, overwhelmed from the feel of being inside you.
‘When was the last time you did it raw?’ Chan laughed out. Felix couldn’t answer. His eyes clamped shut with sweat running down his face as he tried to stop himself from cumming early.
You moaned around Chan as you felt another orgasm building up.
‘Shit I’m gonna cum!’ Felix moaned out behind you, movements becoming faster and harder as he released himself inside you. Felix was trembling so much and gripping your hips so tightly, you were sure you would have bruises in the shape of his hands tomorrow morning.
He’s hunched over and was basically hugging you from behind as he kissed down your back, making Goosebumps appear on your skin.
Chan pulled out of your mouth as Felix caught his breath.
‘don’t get too comfortable mate.’ Chan scolded playfully, causing Felix to groan as he pulled away from you. He cast his eyes down and saw his seed leaking out of you, sending a new wave of blood to his dick.
‘Shit... That was amazing...’ Felix leaned back against the sofa still on the floor, whilst you flipped yourself over.
‘You don’t have to tell me.’ Chan smirked. Smug bastard.
‘Shut up.’ You slapped his leg as he still stood over you, smirking. Chan kneeled down between your legs and placed his fingers between your sensitive folds, making you suck in a breath as he played with your slickness. His eyes were glued to the mess Felix left behind, and he couldn’t help but push as much cum back inside you as he could, not wanting a single drop to go to waste.
‘Think you can take me too baby?’
‘Fuck yes.’ You lunged forwards and bought him into a rough kiss as he slammed into you. You cast your eyes to the side when Chan pulled away to suck on your neck. You caught sight of Felix sat there, staring. He looked completely fucked out, eyes half closed and mouth hanging open. He was laser focused on you as Chan rocked into you.
You couldn’t help but reach your hand out to stroke across his leg and over his semi hard dick. He closed his eyes and relaxed back against the sofa as you lazily stroked him.
Chan couldn’t help but notice you were paying more attention to Felix that him as he was buried inside you. He felt a pang of jealousy so, he pulled almost all the way out and roughly slammed back into you. At the sudden assault, you gasped out and snapped your head back to face Chan.
‘You’re mine baby. Don’t forget that.’ He growled in your ear, causing you to shudder with desire. Your arms buckled beneath when Chan started playing with your clit, bud going into overdrive as you started cumming again.
‘Chan! Please don’t stop!’
‘Fuck!’ He slammed into you one last time before pulling out and quickly standing up, stroking himself to release all over your breasts.
The room was silent, apart from the heavy breathing of the three of you. You look over towards Felix and noticed his chest was now glistening . You giggled lightly, knowing he’d gotten himself off to you and Chan fucking.
You suddenly felt Chan kneeling next to you, placing gentle kisses along your bare shoulder.
‘You goof baby?’ You smiled and nodded, kissing him gently before he helped you to stand.
Felix shuffled behind you as he also stood. He shifted from one foot to the other as he tried to look smaller, as if he wasn’t sure what to do with himself now that it was over.
You quickly moved to the man and hugged him tightly, not wanting him to feel used or awkward around you now.
You cringed slightly when you remembered you were covered in Chan’s cum, but Felix didn’t seem to care, since he eagerly returned your embrace.
Pulling away, you smiled warmly as you stroked his cheek, before leaning in to kiss him.
‘Yeah.’ He confirmed with a toothy smile. Chan cleared his throat slightly.
‘Baby? Why don’t you go shower and we’ll clean up here.’ He cringed, looking down at the various fluids that now covered your living room floor.
‘Me and Felix can just clean up with the sink for now.’ Felix nodded in agreement, already looking for a towel.
‘Ah, are you sure? I feel bad making you do that.’
‘Y/N! It’s fine. We don’t mind being a little smelly for a while.’ Felix laughed, basically pushing you out of the room. You laughed along as you gave in and went to the bathroom.
As you showered, Felix and Chan were scurrying around to clean the room and themselves, before you remerged.
When you rounded the corner, you saw both men sitting on the sofa now fully clothed, looking to be mid conversation. Chan’s eyes lit up when he saw you.
‘Hey! You look cozy in that.’ He chuckled, gesturing to your fluffy robe. You smiled and made your way over, forcing your way in-between them.
‘That’s rude.’ Felix joked as he made room for you. You leaned your head on Chan’s shoulder and he put his arm around you.
‘So... What were you guys talking about?’ Chan and Felix glanced at each other, before shuffling awkwardly.
‘We were thinking..’ Chan spoke up, taking the lead ounce again. ‘That if you are ok with it, we could do this again some time?’ The breath hitched in your throat at his words. Glancing up at Chan and Felix, you could see the glimmer of hope on their faces, though they tried their best to mask it.
‘If you don’t want to then don’t feel like you need to.’ Felix spoke up when you didn’t answer right away.
‘No I’d love to do it again!’ You sat up straight. ‘But maybe we can do it on a bed next time?’ You all laughed and agreed. Even tough Chan had thrown a pillow down for you, you were sure you would still have bruised knees and palms in a few hours.
‘Crap.’ Felix cursed as he fished his phone out of his pocket.’
‘Han’s texting me. I forgot we were supposed to meet up today.’ He let out an exasperated sigh as he forced himself to stand up. ‘I need to go.’
‘Dude, you need to plan better!’ Chan laughed out.
‘I know, I know!’
‘Come on, I’ll show you out.’ Chan stood and patted him on the back. Before following after the older man, he turned to you and leaned down to hug you, which you gladly accepted.
‘I had a good time today Felix. I hope the feeling is mutual?’
‘Definitely.’ He replied with no hesitation. ‘I should go, but I’ll text you.’
‘You better!.’
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Later that night, you and Chan were cuddling on the sofa in comfortable silence, as you both watched TV.
‘So... What happened to you just watching today?’  Chan looked down at you in surprise, unsure why you were bringing that up again.’
‘I dunno. I guess I just couldn’t help myself. He was a little tense beside you as he stroked your shoulder. ‘Does it bother you? That I joined in today?’ Chan didn’t want to ask, but you bringing it up had caused his confidence to to waver.
‘No not at all!’ Chan breathed a sigh of relief.’ I only asked since you said you were into watching.’ You explained carefully, not wanting to upset or embarrass your boyfriend.
‘Yeah..’ He trailed off nervously. ‘I guess I got caught up in the moment.’ He chuckled. You smiled and sat up, moving to straddle Chan’s lap. He instinctively grabbed onto your hips. You stroked his face lovingly, and leaned down to kiss him.
‘I love you.’
‘I love you too baby.’ You smiled and leaned down to kiss him softly.
‘so.’ Chan leaned his forehead against yours. ‘Do you think It’s too soon to schedule another date with Felix?’ You burst out laughing and smacked his chest.
‘You’re a horny mess Christopher!’
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
I just read the snippet you wrote about Kathony's first in-person meeting in Modern Bruises. Now I'm picturing poor Anthony sitting alone in that restaurant, thinking he had been stood up. (My Gods, girl! The way you can evoke so much emotion with just one line!)
What’s worse for Anthony was that he was waiting outside, his hand right in the bouquet of flowers he’d bought for her. He’d already been fairly sure this was a joke when he’d googled Kate and realised that apparently the whole world knew who Kate Sharma was because of some sort of… advert she’d been in last year. And as the seconds turned into minutes he becomes more and more resigned that Kate wasn’t coming. No one was.
She’d decided not to come after all. That he wasn’t worth saddling herself with a relationship with four children who might need her, two who definitely did. He wasn’t worth the drive, because he couldn’t go to London and meet her right now. He’d barely been able to take tonight off. And he felt stupid for feeling the tiniest bit hopeful that she’d understood, as he stared at the flowers in his hands. He felt stupid. So he finally decided to give up and go and he wished he’d never told Daphne exactly why when he’d asked her to just pop in and make sure Eloise could handle everything.
Until he heard a shout.
He could hear footsteps on the pavement behind him, thundering towards him and a desperate shout.
“Anthony, fuck! Please don’t go!”
And when he turns his heart stops, because there she is. Her hair’s a little messy from sprinting after him and she’s a little out of breath and her eyes are wide when she stops in front of him but she’s still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
“I’m so sorry I’m late. I fucking misjudged the traffic, and there was an accident and I left my fucking phone charger in London and i had to check in to the hotel and I just wanted to get here as soon as I could so I didn’t change but I’m so fucking sorry.”
But somehow his voice is even when he responds, calm. “That’s okay, I’m just glad you’re here now.”
“I’m… I’m sorry. I’m usually so much more… together than this I’m just… having one of those days.”
He shook his head, “You’re um… you look beautiful.” He held the flowers out, “Do you want to go in? We should still be able to get something to eat. Kitchen’s not closed yet.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” She smiled at him, clearly relieved as she took the flowers. “I love your shirt.”
His ears burned, “My sisters helped me pick it out.”
“They’re ladies of taste then.” She held her hand out, and months ago he might have hesitated but he took it, this time, staring at the fact that her fingers threaded so effortlessly through his. “It’s very sweet that you admitted that to me.”
“Should I not have?”
“You definitely should have. I like sweet boys.”
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unhelpfulfemme · 11 months
I'm rereading the Lymond Chronicles right now and, as a lover of twisty, strategic bastards, I have to say that Dunnett understands things about how to write them properly that few others do. Everything that happens in these books lands in a very heavy, physical way - like, you can almost feel the physical thunk as events land, whereas most other twisty bastards books feel like floaty CGI whose physicality you're never really fully buying, fun as the special effects are.
So I tried to do a little analysis as to why, because I live for a twisty strategic bastard narrative :)
Lymond has a personality and is driven by his emotions, despite his cleverness and chessmaster tendencies - he doesn't do everything out of strategic consideration, and you can clearly see his fault lines from the start - glimpses of suppressed emotion, flaws that may be his undoing, irrational choices that clearly fulfill a psychological purpose but not a strategic one. Everyone is allowed to be pathetic and annoying and unlikeable. And all this is allowed to shape the plot - sometimes the character will be allowed emotions and a personality but not where it impacts the plot, so you will get a sort of a parallel lines thing where there's an "emotion" plot where the character is perhaps allowed to be flawed and show off their personality, and which perhaps impacts their interpersonal relationships, and a "competence" plot where the character always performs near-flawlessly and their emotions never enter into the game, and never the twain shall meet. No matter how controlled and self-possessed someone is, it strains my credulity when a person is portrayed as someone in possession of major personal flaws or psychological anguish, and yet this is never allowed to spill over into the way they interact with the "competence" plot or derail them in any way. Especially if they are portrayed as someone suppressing everything for efficiency's sake - they are going to crack at some point, and the stitches are going to burst open like a shaken bottle of soda with innards flying everywhere and hitting everyone around them, and if they're not, you're clearly not putting your character under enough pressure. Which makes for a boring story. The fact that Lymond is 100% human 100% of the time actually makes him look more competent and impressive, not less.
He is allowed to fail, because flaws are human and failure is human. The more convoluted a plan the more possible points of failure it has, and this is especially the case if large chunks of it rely on understanding and manipulating human beings: humans are messy complex dynamic systems, like the weather, and are therefore difficult if not impossible to predict to that degree of granularity. Lymond is allowed to misjudge Scott, for example, he is allowed to have his convoluted plans go wrong, and this is allowed to derail him: sometimes he bounces back, yes, but he is not constantly failing upwards, and his failures do have unfixable consequences sometimes. If they never did, the narrative would become boring and void of tension and emotion. The fact that the difficulty of pulling off these plans is realistically portrayed through the inclusion of stochasticity makes me admire his capacity to pull them off as often as he does more and not less.
He is allowed to fail in a way that's his own fault - combining my previous two points, it's not always that circumstances have conspired in such a way that he couldn't possibly predict or influence it; his failures are often a consequence of his own flaws and his own psychological hangups and blind spots, and are therefore all the more pleasing to read about because they tie into the emotional and personal narrative of the books. (Though I do also love the narratives where the brilliant hero does everything right and yet is trapped in a set of shifting wider historical circumstances where whatever he does is doomed to fail eventually, like Bel Riose from the Foundation books or even Thrawn.)
Another important point is when he's allowed to fail - I read somewhere that a deux ex machina or a similar contrivance that kick starts the plot is more tolerable and less suspension of disbelief-breaking than one which resolves it at the climax, and I think that it's kind of the opposite with failures of twisty bastards? So many people writing them seem to adore the competence porn too much to let them fail at crucial moments - if they do fail, even if it checks all my previous points, it's at the beginning, so that they are then allowed to use their cleverness twist out of the situation - see Eugenides in Return of the Thief, whose stubbornness and jealousy loses him the support of his foreign allies, but who then manages to pull through despite it (and is then vindicated by them never having had the intention to help in the first place due to realpolitik considerations). Or Miles Vorkosigan in Memory - he has a lapse of judgement at the start, but he makes no further lapses of judgement, and even his emotional journey of depression and reexamining of his life (the series' high point of characterization complexity tbh) has absolutely no bearing on his efficient functioning within the plot itself.
Which brings me to, consider also the role that this failure has in the narrative - because unless you're writing something that's just hardcore sociological storytelling (again, like the Foundation), this is a story about individuals, and a climax with personal stakes is almost always more satisfying than a more impersonal one where the hero gets to show off his cleverness. When Lymond fails in The Game of Kings, it swerves the plot from a very mechanistic, spy-novel-esque intrigue of finding the right man and clearing his name, to a psychodrama that forces him to confront his brother and face his past emotionally, and that also airs all of Lymond's flaws and misconceptions and pent-up emotions, but also all of Richard's, because this is the driving force of the narrative and it's so much more satisfying to watch it unfold than it would have been to watch Lymond bounce back and execute everything with flawless mechanical accuracy. Compare this to the climaxes of most new canon Thrawn books, or most Vorkosigan books (the one big exception is Brother in Arms - actually the more Mark the book has, the likelier it is to have an emotion-driven denouement), or all of the Inda books, or all of the Gentleman Bastards books - at best they will put a loved one in danger or kill them off to generate personal stakes, but what does Thrawn's personality, for example, have to do with the resolution of the plot in his books? I love those books, but they don't land nearly as hard. Compare and contrast Tyrion's trial in ASOIAF - Tyrion is also a twisty bastard but the process of him defending himself and running away doesn't involve his wits - it involves confronting his father and brother, about whom he has massive emotional baggage.
Anyway the TL;DR is you should all read the Lymond Chronicles.
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variousqueerthings · 5 months
also did in fact get to watch the west end cabaret, and i did enjoy it (i live in a world where my mum occasionally visits and takes pity on a poor soul and so we go watch a musical) but i think all of what i was concerned about with it was correct. so pros and cons. or cons and pros, hm... pros and cons...
sally bowles was spot on -- cara delevigne is currently playing her, but not when i was watching, which im kind of relieved about. im sure she does a good job, but a-list hollywood star and model cara delevigne is going to have to work double-time to convince me she's a struggling overwrought undertalented average british woman (while still belting out those higher notes and being the most captivating character on the stage). i liked the actress who played her A Lot, she tapped into all of that perfectly, and i liked that she took the seemingly impossible middle-ground between a liza minelli and a jane horrocks and was both punky and able to convince me that she wasn't that good at performing in the story, while still giving an actually amazing set of performances
the whole kit kat bar Gang so to speak was amazing, i enjoyed every one of them. they were all fantastic and vibrant, while giving a modern-married-with-classic queer feel in their outfits and introductions that updated the visuals in the opening number to a more overt genderfluidity than ive seen before
the pre-show + interval immersive experience was probably my favourite part of the whole thing. entering down a side entrance into a cellar and seeing performers as you wander through various sections, and then during the latter part of the interval the performers bringing some of the more daring audience members onstage and interacting with the various rows. made it feel like not just a musical, but an actual club
frau schneider and herr schultz were great throughout, my other favourite performances of the show. the place where it found its realism most effectively and of course where the politics is most at the forefront, wonderfully depicted by the two actors
cliff bradshaw is the most thankless role in any iteration, so shoutout to making him pretty likeable -- my guy will never be memorable, but that of course is not the point. he's the camera
the marketing of being "the most exclusive club in town" was giving a whole vibe of elite, difficult-to-gain-access-to, rich, that just... isn't correct. and i mean, the tickets are fuckn expensive so, it really is all of those things, which was my immediate kneejerk reaction to the show long before i ever watched it: is this show for a queer audience, or is it for people to gawk at queers? (but make it musical theatre and polished, no messy realistic queerness). and you can never know if an audience is majority queer or not, but i will hazard a strong... not. and also a strong "very few people under the age of 35 who would have to really save up to watch this show" as well
to add to this point -- i was watching with my mum, her boyfriend, and my godfather (all middle-class and middle-aged straight people in their own right, but youknow. i suggested the show), and during the interval i asked them about how they felt about the tone so far, mentioning that i found it interesting in contrast to the 1993 version, which was quite grimy-looking, and my godfather said that yeah, it was sultry, but it wasn't cabaret clublike -- and i just. if he noticed that. everything was a bit too polished, and too pretty (with, in my opinion, the exception of the portrayal of sally). i just think it's a fundamental misjudgement of who cabaret is about (club performers and sex workers with no money) and also, in my opinion, who it ought to be for
the emcee... ohhhh the emcee. i mean, okay. i took an instant dislike back when it was edd*e r*dmayne, everyone who knows me knows i think that guy has the charisma of a wet sponge and needs to stop poking his fingers in seminal queer narratives, but the fucking... party hat. this show definitely made it clear that it's not just the actor, it's the way it's put together. funny thing was, one of the ensemble performers (played bobby) took charge during the interval (when the actual emcee is presumably off having a big costume change), and i thought, "now that's the emcee," and it wasn't actually any of the performers' fault. i dont think the emcee actor had the look, but that aside, this show had no idea what to do with the character, it's like they didn't give him any kind of grounding at all. a series of nonsensical costume-changes, popping up haphazardly outside the cabaret (but not with any kind of consistency) a sort of... wheedling, un-directedness to the whole thing. he was disconnected from any kind of time (20th century or today), any kind of place (club, stage, in or out of the cabaret), any kind of anything, and it was the costuming, the way he'd been directed, and the lack of consistency for when he appeared. he was almost meaningless to the story
the politics -- speaking of the emcee -- were really weirdly stripped. the big points are there, it's berlin, people want to party and ignore the nazis, and then two big Moments happen (the engagement party, the rock through the window) that indelibly remind people that antisemitism cannot be ignored, and that this is coming, whether you want it to or not (and eventually it's coming for the denizens of the kit kat club too). but other than that, nothing in the way this was put together felt very cognisant of wanting to either get into the idea of nazism of the 1930s or fascism today. there was a kind of vague effigy performance of "tomorrow belongs to me" with figures that looked like they were saying something about conformity, and at the end of the play everyone is dressed in the same, somewhat bland suit, so the message is... idk. conformity makes the world worse, i guess. beyond that single scene with the swastika revealed at the engagement party, we never see one again, which may have been an attempt to point out how people hide behind the idea of "just politics," but with the way the whole thing was staged (this rich, luxurious location) came off to me like it was letting the audience off the hook -- it's still a story, we're telling it to you as gently as possible. it just felt so timid! all the imagery -- like the emcee himself -- is beautiful and un-grounded, only just enough about something to tell the story without being too disquieting
good example is the money makes the world go around song. the emcee comes up in a goth "harem-like" outfit, with a sort of shiny, rib-cage looking harness, clown make-up, black stormtrooper-esque helmet, loooong shining nails -- there's 5 different things going on here, none of which are grounded, they're just... pretty. give a nod to ideas about wealth, and starvation, and nazis, and (hopefully intentionally) appropriation/exotification, and something queer-esque. look, a man with bedazzled nails singing about how money makes the world go around, at a show where the tickets are fuckn expensive, but he's not singing about that, he's not singing about today, or the past, and in fact the number is so overproduced (all the other performers have taken off their homage-costumes to the 1920s/30s and are now in a generic wavy dress outfit, and they're all over the stage, doing the most, distracting from the words) that you can't take in of the words with what's happening onstage
i hated hated hated those conformist suits at the end. what were they on about???? conformity takes the glitter out of things idk?? fascism. talk about modern day fascism. or hell, lean hard into a story about 1930s fascism if you're not comfortable confronting this audience properly, but just... don't be generic
which also, minor gripe time now, but there's this whole plotline in the musical that's deliberately set up at the beginning -- sally has a beautiful coat. the metaphor of trying to polish up her life on the outside, of refusing to acknowledge the deeper issues, not just with the world, but with herself, that she's poor, she's not entirely sure how long she'll last for or what's coming next, so hey, make it a party and look beautiful... that whole setup is important for when she sells the coat to get an abortion! and they have the setup in this version, but then seemingly forget all about it at the end? the coat they reference isn't the beautiful, expensive fur coat she walks in with in the first act, it's this random suit-coat she's been dressed up in for the finale, it misses the whole point. i say minor gripe, but it does feel like a microcosm of so much of this show. it refuses, ironically, to go any deeper. it still fundamentally wants to make sure the audience is comfortable by defanging as much as possible all the little things that add up to one great big picture
gosh it was long. it was -- with interval -- two hours, forty-five minutes. maybe that's why it felt like it lacked purpose, it seemed like it wanted to pack in every version of the story into one, and again, sally at the centre really makes this obvious, because as much as i think the actress was pitch perfect, i definitely saw the ways this particular version repeated sentiments about her over and over so that she became softer, sweeter, like the rest of it palatable. the most uncomfortable she makes you is during her first performance and everything beyond that is just showing how sympathetic she fundamentally is, how hard done by, feel sad for her. like a victorian morality tale, rather than a 20s portrait of complex, flawed people, and it goes on and on and on with that same tangent
think it was a mistake to fire her at the beginning and thereby take her out of the kit kat club -- disconnects the club from the story, so we're just randomly going there sometimes for a song, and then back to the more grounded narrative, then back for another song that loosely comments on the scene we just watched. again, this goes back to the emcee being kind of nothing and sally being taken out of the club, so that there's barely any blend between the plot and the cabaret setting, either through interference of a godlike emcee, or by sally just going to work
this a bit vague, and not quite sure if i mind or not, but cliff was played by a black actor, and the thing is of course that in the story cliff is targeted by a nazi as a guy he can trick into smuggling illegal materials for the nazi party from paris into berlin (until cliff catches wise and tells him to go to hell). and i felt like there's an added ickiness to all of that if cliff is black, that is never really explored in this iteration (nor the fact that he's being hit on by a slew of white men and women). obviously this isn't the original text, so whether or not to bring that forward in this version, to comment (subtly or not) on racial attitudes of the 20s/30s as another form of mirror to today, is very much up to the show. then again, maybe this time isn't original to the text either and they included that as well, so could have been an opportunity if they really wanted to change something up for this specific iteration
In conclusion: really, very beautiful show, with great performers, that ultimately rang pretty hollow and didn't attempt to interact with the material from a modern lens beyond the trappings. save me from generic upscale "queer" imagery made palatable for non-queer audiences. clown emcee can't hurt me, he isn't real
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axolotlelle · 1 year
you can't show me "Post-battle emotional high" fic prompt and not make me think wolbahn Grand Melee shenanigans... 👀
Anon you have inspired me... Have some filth
"Quite the show we put on back there."
"You're not an opponent to take lightly, that’s for sure." Tristanne chuckled, resting her back against the cold wall of stone. "Almost burnt my ears off!"
"A shame! I’ll aim to keep them intact during our rematch." Raubahn smiled as the Viera elbowed his side at the jest. “You did promise me one.”
“I did.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I’ll stop in Ul’dah when I can.”
They had found a quiet place to talk after the Grand Melee, away from the prying eyes of Ishgardian nobles. Their warm breath was making white clouds in the cold air of Coerthas, the rush from the fight still coursing through their bodies. It was a rare moment of intimate peace after everything they had been through in the past few months.
The comfortable silence was not meant to last, however. Stepping away from where he stood, Raubahn offered Tristanne his hand. "We'll soon be missed. Let's not make them wait."
She hesitated. She enjoyed the few moments she spent with him, short as they were, and she didn’t want this one to end quite yet. Especially after their fight. “Shall we dance”, he’d asked, and her heart had skipped a beat.
Looking up, Tristanne took in Raubahn’s rugged features, scar running across his nose, his lips curled into a gentle smile. By the Twelve, he was handsome. Reluctantly, she tore herself away from her enamored observations and from the wall, grabbing his outstretched hand. 
She might have misjudged how much to move forward, or Raubahn underestimated his own strength, but she ended up flush to his chest, heat rising to her cheeks. 
As their eyes met, she couldn’t help but notice Raubahn’s flicker down to her lips, just for an instant.
He bent down to kiss her as she rose up to do the same, their mouths meeting in the middle. Tristanne growled, something almost feral taking over as she wrapped her arms around Raubahn’s shoulders, fingers gripping the back of his cape to pull him even closer.
They slammed back against the wall, their kisses growing hurried, messy. 
“I need- ah!-” Tristanne tried to talk, but they could barely keep their hands off each other, let alone part their lips. Instead, she decided to make her intentions clear by sneaking a hand under Raubahn’s tunic, cupping his groin. He groaned at the touch, his hips bucking into her palm.
Following her lead, he decisively grabbed Tristanne’s buttock, giving it a firm squeeze that had her blush. His hand was so large, he could probably lift her up through sheer strength. He let go and slipped his hand inside her trousers, then her underwear, feeling the heat of her bare skin. He pet the fur where her thighs met her core, smiling against her lips.
“So soft.” His deep voice rumbled in the most thrilling way. Tristanne shivered, both from the cold and from anticipation. 
“If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m never giving you that rematch.” She growled, hooking her fingers into the side of his smallclothes and pulling down, just enough to reveal his hardening cock. She wished she could get a closer look, but it was neither the time nor place.
“You drive a tough bargain, but I’ll take it.” Raubahn wasted no time, lowering her trousers just enough to give himself access. “Turn around?”
Tristanne sighed but still complied, a cheeky smile on her lips. As much as she wanted to be held up by a very large highlander, she knew that it was not the most comfortable position for either of them, especially with the amount of armor they were still wearing. She rested her arms against the stone, looking back at Raubahn. He seemed to be quite busy playing with her newly revealed tail, petting along the pale fur of its underside.
“And yet you’re getting distracted.” She said in jest. It was enough for Raubahn to look straight in her eyes as he redirected his attention to her core, lowering his fingers to gently part her folds. She could feel how wet she was already, and she would have been embarrassed were more pressing things not on her mind. 
Like how Raubahn was moving aside his tunic, lining himself up with her. He pushed in slowly, giving Tristanne time to relax around his girth. Twelve, he certainly was proportional but considering her previous experiences with Roegadyns, it felt nothing short of perfect.
He bent down to plant a kiss on the side of her neck, his hand settling around her hips and keeping her pinned.
“Please.” Tristanne moaned softly. She wasn’t the type to beg but she couldn’t help it, she needed him to move so badly. Thankfully, he was a kind man. Slowly at first, he started rocking against her, drawing high-pitched moans out of her every time their hips met. He wasn’t silent either, she could feel him groan against her neck as his thrusts got faster and faster, until they both got so loud in their frantic lovemaking anyone close-by would hear.
The slap of skin against fur grew hurried, losing all sense of rhythm as they got closer to their climax. She could feel the heat burning in her belly, almost crossing that threshold until-
She tore herself away from Raubahn and her fantasy, looking down as to stifle the tension. They couldn’t let this happen, not with the weight of the responsibilities they each bore on their shoulders. No matter how badly she wanted to give up the pretense, it would only hurt them both.
Better to smile, bury down these feelings, and head back to the Steps of Faith.
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