#do you think maybe garmadon always wanted kids..
ninjautizm · 7 months
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List of small Garmadon details/moments in canon that I feel define his character, in approximate timeline order:
Garmadon attempted to be the voice of reason and didn’t want to disobey their father (“Never Trust a Human”)
When Wu’s sword was lost over the wall, Garmadon acted as the responsible older sibling to retrieve it (“Rise of the Snakes”)
His father and brother both speak of a “darkness” in Garmadon while he’s a teen, but this refers mostly to mood swings and impulsivity, and Garmadon felt as if there was nothing truly wrong with him (The Curse of the Cat-Eye Jewel)
“I know what it is to feel rejected by my father.” (The Curse of the Cat-Eye Jewel)
He is enthusiastic about traveling the world moreso than finding a “cure” (The Maze of the Sphinx)
Wu is uncertain whether Garmadon really is different, or if it is merely a placebo effect: “We can’t seem to agree on anything lately. Then again, Garmadon and I have never agreed on much!” (The Maze of the Sphinx)
“We make a great team!” “Yeah!” Garmadon agreed, but a flash of doubt clouded his brain. Does he really mean it? Wu hadn’t looked at me the same ever since that dumb snake bit me. And as for being a team…he’s always trying to tell me what to do. How is that teamwork?” (The Maze of the Sphinx)
Garmadon looks into a magic mirror and sees his future form, as well as “two figures in silhouette next to the terrifying figure, with their backs turned to him. One looked like a kid[…] Is my father right? Is there really evil inside me?[…] A feeling of utter loneliness and despair swept over him.” (The Maze of the Sphinx)
Had intrusive thoughts to abandon Wu in the maze, but went back for him after realizing those thoughts would lead to that horrible future (The Maze of the Sphinx)
“Somehow, he felt in his bones that he could not escape his destiny.” He gives up a wish to cure himself by saving their new ally, but keeps up the facade that he thinks he’s fine even though he now has doubts. “Besides, I keep telling you, I don’t need saving.” (The Maze of the Sphinx)
“I did the right thing, he told himself. That’s all that matters.” (The Maze of the Sphinx)
“Maybe I do need that tea. I just hope… I hope that when we find it, it’s not too late.” (The Maze of the Sphinx)
“I know he thanked me, but did he say anything about how good it was of me to save him? I mean, he and Father are convinced I’m turning evil. Would an evil guy bravely save his brother from plummeting into a deep abyss? Why doesn’t anybody give me credit for the non-evil stuff that I do?” (The Chroma’s Clutches)
Wu’s thoughts: “On that day in the monastery, years ago, when I lost my katana, I was too afraid to retrieve it. But Garmadon jumped over the wall to get it for me, and got bitten by the snake that may have infected him with evil, as Father expects. I often wonder what would have happened if I had been the one to get bitten that day…” (The Chroma’s Clutches)
Only Garmadon hears the hopeless voice of the Chroma in his head: “There is no hope[…] All is lost. There is no point in continuing your journey, because nothing will change[…] Nothing will change. You are who you are, Garmadon. Deep in his bones, Garmadon knew the Chroma was right. When he wasn’t pretending everything was fine, he could feel the evil inside him, like a poisonous ball in the pit of his stomach. No tea was going to cure him. He knew it. Wu had hope, but why? What was the point of—” (The Chroma’s Clutches)
Garmadon didn’t want to sign the letter Wu had written for Misako, only doing so when his eyes turned red and the Venom took over (“Spellbound”)
He left his training with Chen to help lead the Elemental Masters against the Serpentine War (“Spellbound”)
Garmadon resisted giving into the Venom for centuries before he caved and attempted to steal the Golden Weapons (“Battle Between Brothers”)
“I never wanted [Lloyd] to [be like me]” (“The Royal Blacksmiths”)
Garmadon, once corrupted, is happy to overtake the world, but all those thoughts leave his mind as soon as Lloyd is at risk (“The Royal Blacksmiths,” “The Green Ninja”)
Lloyd: “I’m gonna do everything in my power to stop you.” Garmadon: “I wouldn’t have it any other way[…] You're a good boy. Soon, you'll be a great man. Although we're now on opposite sides, I'm still very proud of you.” (“All of Nothing”)
“Lloyd doesn't want to fight—uh, I mean, so Lloyd doesn't want to fight? [Laughs]” (“The Last Hope”)
Became a pacifist and a teacher (“The Art of the Silent Fist”)
Takes responsibility for his harmful actions (“The Greatest Fear of All,” “The Corridor of Elders”)
“I yearned to make the world in my image. I never realized I already had, in you.” (“The Corridor of Elders”)
Oni Garmadon does not recognize his predecessor’s human form, and has zero memory of those times, but he remembers being married to Misako (“The Fall”/“Big Trouble, Little Ninjago”)
“People ask me: ‘Do you think Lord Garmadon is disappointed in Lloyd, like would he have wanted to see a chip off the old block?’ Well, I think Lloyd could very well have gone that route. We may never really know the exact nature of the disappointment that shaped Garmadon’s path. But I think that no matter what, even—even—in his most deranged state, Lord Garmadon still has abiding affection for his son. And you know that he would trade it all away if he had to safeguard Lloyd. So I think that there’s always going to be the embers of deep affection for his son, no matter what.” (Mark Oliver, “NINJAGO ZANE INTERVIEWS GARMADON part 2/3”)
Garmadon misremembers the incident of when he was bitten. Out of guilt and the weight of his fate being seemingly meaningless, he wishes that Wu had warned him of crossing the wall and he had simply acted defiantly. Regardless, he feels he was “destined for evil” (Garmadon #4)
The Overlord orchestrated the Great Devourer biting Garmadon so he could be the perfect puppet for the Overlord (“Dragon Form”)
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jalluzas-ferney · 8 months
Soooo….I made some nationality headcannons! At first I was a liiittle bit unsure if to do so cuz then again.. they live in ninjago…. And im pretty sure countries like argentina or Morocco don’t quite exist in the ninjago universe LMAO. Butttttt. Already seen others make headcannons, so hell, why not? I uses they apply to some irl au or what if they lived in our world uk? And what different countries would I see them coming from and etc.
I can imagine that the EM might have travelled all over the world, either to go into hiding, or missions, or escape conflict, etc. Or maybe simply that’s where they came from! So yeah that’s my little explanation that is mostly for myself cuz im a little bit too literal sometimes lol.
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When thinking about nationality I always think a lot about where they grew up and what nationality they grew up with and would later on identify with the most. It’s a complicated concept when your parents are from a different nationality and theyre immigrants in a different country- so you grow up in this country, surrounded by this culture and people, but your. Also. Raised by your parents who also have your family living in this completely different country- where you also find home and relate to the people considering how you look, the language you speak with your parents- or the specific culture and environment your parents grew up wiooith, impacting your home life and the way your raised. Perhaps you lived in both places, or travel a lot to your parents homeland. Perhaps you live in one of your parents countries but the other. Not. but you still identify with one of your parents nationality because of the rest of your family from that side and the culture your take in from them. So it’s always very personal! So for Kai and Nya, I imagined that ray was Argentinian and Maya Filipino. And perhaps - because I want to project onto my faves- they were born and grew up in Argentina. But have always also identified a lot with their mothers homeland, since not only does their race impact the way they might feel more different and set apart from kids there, maya loves talking about her childhood in the Philippines and is always talking over the phone with their aunts and cousins, meaning Kai and Nya def were taught some Tagalog, tho theyre not incredibly fluid with it. In their early teens they probably travelled to the Philippines, (took ray and maya some time to settle down and get enough money to travel, as well as find time) and met their whole family, and the place they reside in, habit that would turn quite common as they would continue to travel other times the following years.
For Lloyd, I really wanted to make him Asian -Brazilian. It just felt right. So imagined that my queen (don’t you judge her >:() Misako would be Brazilian, meanwhile Garmadon,Japanese. i imagine that Misako adores traveling, so she met Garmadon on her trip to Japan, and decided to stay there for a WHILE because of the brothers. During her time there, she had Lloyd. Since her family heard of her new baby, she travelled back to Brazil with a two y/o Lloyd to have her family meet the him and catch up overall. but as the serpentine wars rose In japan (ill hc it happened in japan let me know what u think of that) Misako was told to wait in Brazil. Misako didn’t really like that though, and while she dreaded having to leave her son, she was sure shed come back soon after helping out the Brothers in the battle against the serpentine. So Lloyd was left to live with his aunties and grandparents in Brazil. Of course, after Misako found out about the whole Green Ninja thing and all that crap, she pulled the same stunt as in the series and ✨ vanished ✨. But then Garmadon came and fucking took him like divorced parents sometimes do uk? So then he spent some other of his childhood years growing up in, ya guessed it, Japan. This is how Lloyd identifies both with being a Brazilian and Japanese. As for the rest, I just envision that they lived in their respective countries their whole lives till they were recruited!
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jasmine326 · 4 months
Hello and thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.
Okay, how in the Hell is Lloyd Garmadon's son??
I am about to go off about this because it's honestly bothering me. There are many pieces of evidence pointing against Lloyd being Garmadon's son but there is nothing. NOTHING. Solid enough to really mean anything and it really makes me angry.
Me and my friend just recently got back into Ninjago from originally being into it when we were kids and we have proposed the idea that Lloyd is not in fact Garmadon's son.
Evidence 1:
This man, Lloyd, has blond hair. BLOND. You know what color hair misako had before she became an old hag? and Garmadon before he was fully evil? Brown. They both had brown hair.
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You see this?? You see this shit!!? There is clearly some fowl play here.
Evidence 2:
There is no noticeably evil influence over Lloyd. Garmadon was bitten by the great devourer when he was very young and it almost immediately began to take effect in him. This venom took hold in every aspect of his being, mental, emotional, and physical. This is more speculation than anything admittedly but if it was powerful enough to change his entire completion it would have affected his DNA and therefore would have affected his child.
Evidence 3:
The timeline doesn't fit. Garmadon had left for the underworld a while ago, how old was Lloyd when we first see him? Like 12 maybe, at most. Wu and misako are young adults in the picture above and that picture is from right before Garmadon left for the underworld. Misako I guess could have greyed that much in a little over a decade, but Wu?? No. Absolutely not. Completely impossible for that amount of aging to happen in 13 years at most. This amount of time is a generous estimate.
The Theory
Garmadon is not the father. You know who is? Wu. Lloyd has to be Wu's kid. Wu has blond hair, the same hair color as Lloyd. Misako always seemed more affectionate towards Wu than she did towards Garmadon, even after the second season when he became good again. Wu was there when Garmadon had left and misako had no one. Wu wanted to take Lloyd in off the street and give him a loving family when the serpentine had all left him to fend for himself and when the ninja couldn't care less for him. He went to the entire underworld to fetch his brother, the downfall of Ninjago itself, so that Lloyd could be saved from the snakes.
The Flaw:
Basically the only flaw in this argument is the fact that recessive genes exist. This argument, however, IS BULLSHIT BECAUSE GUESS WHAT FUCKERS THAT'S NOT HOW STORYTELLING WORKS. You don't make a character blond with two brunet parents when the blond is actually from those two parents. And recessive genes also do not account for the timeline of when garmadon left and when Lloyd was born.
The only question we're left with is why. Why did this happen? Why doesn't Garmadon know? Why doesn't Wu say anything?
Honestly, couldn't tell you. My friend and I have some thoughts though. They think that Misako sleeps around a lot and they don't know that Lloyd is Wu's kid. That or they told Garmadon that Lloyd is his son in order to give the dark Lord an emotional attachment to something and therefore a weakness of sorts. Really I'm not sure what to think, I think maybe Misako knows who's kid he is but it's possible Wu doesn't. Potentially Misako was with Wu and she received the letter that was from Garmadon that actually turned out to be from Wu and she decided to dump Wu for Garmadon even though she had already gotten pretty close to him, close enough to make Lloyd even. This theory doesn't go with the timeline but you know it's whatever, that's just a theory after all.
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sepublic · 7 months
As I try to dig into Harumi's whole mindset, I think her revenge logic can be boiled down to idol worship. She doesn't blame Pythor (as much) for the Great Devourer, because Pythor is the designated bad guy, that's what he's supposed to do, he can't let her down if she never had any expectations for him.
But the ninja? Harumi, in her childish wonder, idolized the ninja, practically worshipped them; She had an understandably juvenile understanding of Good VS Evil, of Good always prevailing, of conflict always being black and white and glamorous and in the end, justice wins. Everything is tied up easily.
So then why are her parents dead, why has Harumi lost everything, while everyone celebrates and acts as if the day is saved? It is very much NOT saved in her eyes, how is everyone able to just move on and invalidate her trauma?!?
Harumi idolizes the ninja, she expects them to be perfect heroes because if she can't believe in them, she can't believe in anything; It's why she makes a cult. A cult of personality. She latches onto the idea of Lord Garmadon as someone who can save her, who can accomplish what needs to be done, someone who is perfect and who will never fail her, and maybe you can link this to Harumi missing her parents as steady, dependable figures in her life she can rely on.
She's a stunted child; Harumi still expects for there to be someone to save her, to protect her, to coddle her. Most children grow out of this in a healthy, reasonable way, but Harumi's circumstances were anything but that. And you could tie that into how Lloyd was also forced to grow up fast... except in Harumi's case, she did not survive the crucible, she did not emerge 'stronger' for it.
Looking into her diary, Harumi idolizes Lord Garmadon, but when he becomes chill and more like the ninja who failed her, that's when Harumi becomes disappointed in him. This isn't the Garmadon SHE wants, she wants someone who she can rely and trust on, a Big Brother figure that makes her feel safe through any means possible.
That's why she brings back Garmadon as Lord Garmadon, while ignoring his human side, because Harumi explicitly hates that. She is someone who projects all of her hopes and needs and desires onto someone else, and when they inevitably fall short because they're human (for lack of a better term), Harumi feels personally insulted that she wasted all of her faith on them.
So Harumi's motives aren't just revenge, even if that does factor a lot into it; It's also a very unhealthy approach to life that involves a leader to take care of everything. A perfect savior, a Chosen One even, which pairs well with Lloyd being raised as one; A lot of his trauma and abandonment stems from his expected role. If Lloyd is the one who bears the weight of the world on his shoulders, Harumi is the one he is supposed to save, who expects him to handle it perfectly, and blames him when it doesn't turn out as it should.
It's a very childish and simplistic way of viewing the world, obviously. It also makes Harumi sympathetic to dictatorship and fascism, because there needs to be a strong, concentrated ruler who decides everything for everyone, and destroys the designated bad guys as they're supposed to. So with all that in mind, it does make sense that Harumi would pledge allegiance to the Overlord; He promises strength and security, he doesn't hesitate at all.
Harumi isn't just vendetta-fueled, because otherwise she'd be going after the Serpentine, just as much; If she just wanted revenge on the ninja, she wouldn't have bothered with Garmadon specifically, wouldn't have worshipped him so fanatically. It's about stability and structure for her, and she hates the ninja for not doing what they should've done long ago. Her being raised by the Emperor and Empress of Ninjago may have also influenced Harumi's beliefs; Her adopted parents being merely symbolic may have been a source of frustration, as like many kids, she'd buy into the fantasy of the noble king who has the divine right and can be trusted to handle everything. So experiencing the ineffectual, performative reality this role has become would've enraged Harumi.
Both the ninja AND the Emperor/Empress have failed her; Now what? Harumi isn't simply short-sighted revenge like Aspheera is, she actually IS ideological, now that I think about it. She has actual goals, a continuous endgame for how society should function afterwards. Harumi hates the ninja because they're so close and yet so far, they ARE in that position to end it all, but they just won't go far enough yet! She's like those people who get really salty over why Batman won't kill the Joker or anyone else, except this all real life stuff with real life ramifications.
Harumi is toxic, she's codependent, she latches onto people in the most unhealthy way, as we see with Lloyd. She's a worshipper who needs a God to follow, someone to tell Harumi what to do and how to live her life; Because she's still that scared child who lost her parents before she could grow independent of them, and needs someone else to provide that same sense of security.
Harumi does care about people in a twisted, misguided way; She helps that girl and her parents whom she finds uncomfortably familiar. But conceptually, I think it does make sense that in Crystalized, Harumi continues to latch onto someone like the Overlord, and continues to resort to these extreme measures for safety. She might let go of the rage, but Harumi is still scared and desperate for a way to resolve the strife and conflict perfectly, which is where the Overlord steps in.
Her actual arc, in practice, could've been handled better though; In particular, it'd have been nice to see Harumi realize that the very idea of worshipping an idol, even a literal god like the Overlord, is doomed to fail, and it's not just a matter of needing the right person in the position for it. The system itself is inherently broken; The dictatorship, the blind worship. There is no perfect solution/ending, Harumi's just gonna have to keep fighting and accept her fear. So in addition to realizing the Overlord doesn't fit the role either, Harumi realizes the role itself shouldn't exist either.
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only-lonely-stars · 2 months
Orange is the New Black (Chapter 2 - Doppelgängers)
[Chapter 1] // [Chapter 2 - you are here!] // [Chapter 3] – (FFN) (AO3)
Part of @ninjago-fic-fest!
A rift opens in the sky above Ninjago City just as Cole continues his track record of falling from tall places. The place he wakes up in isn't the same as the one in which he fell... and who's the kid with a man bun who looks just like him?
Chapter summary:
Cole receives a few mediocre explanations and meets some "new" people.
Cole stared at the teenage boy in front of him. “Uh… care to run that by me again?”
‘Cole’ glared at him. “You’re not the Black Ninja. So who are you? Are you impersonating me?”
“No! Dude, you’ve got it all wrong.”
The boy scoffed. “Garmadon put you up to this, didn’t he?”
“Garmadon? Woah, woah, woah. I’m not working with him!” Cole crossed his arms. “Now I’m sure something weird is going on.”
“Yeah, it’s weird that you’re impersonating me!”
“No, not that kind of weird!” Cole laughed in disbelief. “Geez, kid. You gotta believe me here, I’ve already said it twice. I am not trying to impersonate you. How do I explain… it’s like I’m from an alternate dimension, okay?”
The boy scoffed, but before he could argue the shorter boy piped up, “That’s impossible. There are no alternate dimensions.”
“Actually, there are! There’s sixteen. Yours must be one of them.” Cole reached out a hand to shake his. “What’s your name, kid?”
The boy was hesitant, but he shook it. “...Lloyd.”
“Lloyd Garmadon?”
“Yeah. But I’m not like him, honest!” The boy looked on edge, close to panic. “Trust me, I don’t want to be a warlord and attack the city all the time. I don’t even live with him. I just want to be a normal teenager!”
“Woah, chill!” Cole put his hands on the kid’s shoulders, ignoring how the other Cole gave him the stink-eye. “I believe you. I’ve got a Lloyd back home, and he’s not like his dad either. Our Garmadon even turned good, if you can believe it.”
Cole scoffed. “That’s not possible.”
“It is, but that’s irrelevant.”
Lloyd laughed, but it sounded a little hysterical. “My dad is an evil warlord. He cries lava! I couldn’t do that, even if I tried.” 
“Oookay, so ours doesn’t do that, but he really did get better!” It seemed convenient to leave out the part where the evil version of Garmadon had been resurrected as an Oni monster, so Cole ignored it. “Anyway, that’s not so important. Are you a ninja too? If you guys are both ninja, do you have a team? Maybe a teacher?”
Lloyd and ‘Cole’ looked at each other before Lloyd spoke. “My uncle, Master Wu, teaches us. We can bring you to see him.”
“Yeah, that’s great! I’d love to. Maybe he knows how I can get home.”
It was wishful thinking, and Cole knew it, but it would have to do. If Wu didn’t know what to do, he didn’t want to think about what kind of trouble he’d be in.
Besides, this world was weird. Seeing Wu would really help. It wasn’t as good as talking to his own Wu, but it was something. Cole already missed him… and the rest of the team too, even though he’d barely been separated from them.
These days, any time apart was like a wound.
On the walk to the Secret Ninja Force’s base, Cole learned several important details.
One: The other Cole wasn’t quite the same as him. For one, his last name was Hence, not Brookstone. Cole wasn’t used to hearing his mother’s maiden name so much, but it helped to just call the other him ‘Hence’ instead of his own name. Hence didn’t seem to mind it too much, besides the odd eye-roll.
Two: Dragons didn’t exist in this world. At all. The only dragon either Lloyd or Hence knew about was Lloyd’s dragon mech, which obviously didn’t count.
Three: The Ninja kept their identities secret here. Why? Because Lord Garmadon didn’t seem to know who his son really was, and apparently, no one wanted him to know. There wasn’t a prophecy, so they could keep this going indefinitely. 
Cole remembered Garmadon being a pretty good dad when it counted, always showing up when he was needed most. Apparently in this world, he was a warlord and a deadbeat. Already, Cole’s opinion of him was in the dumps.
It was a crazy hour or so, all told, but Cole felt like he was pretty caught up on the differences… until they arrived at the Secret Ninja Force’s warehouse base.
Hence and Lloyd brought him in through the back door, expertly disguised by a neon yellow sign.
In Cole’s opinion, it was not the best hiding place.
Lloyd pushed open the door, the two gestured for Cole to enter, and Hence flanked him from behind. They came out next to a bank of bright red lockers, of the type Cole remembered from Marty Oppenheimer’s School for Performing Arts. The back was messy, filled with video game consoles and mis-matched furniture, with a clunky old refrigerator in one corner.
The rest of the warehouse was an enormous garage with a retractable ceiling, filled with six incredible mechs.
Cole was grinning at the thought of driving one when four teenagers suddenly showed up in front of him, the first skidding to a stop in front of the other three.
“Lloyd!” A brown-haired boy dressed all in red with a bandaged temple reached out and hugged him. “Hey, Green!”
Lloyd laughed softly, hugging back for a moment. “Kai, hey, what’s up.”
“Dude, we’ve been waiting for you!” Kai was about to say more when a girl stepped up, pulling out a knife from somewhere Cole couldn’t see. 
“Who are you?!” 
The rest of the teenagers gasped, but Cole snickered. “Hi. Nya, right?”
“How do you know my name?!”
“Because I know you!” Cole snickered more, glancing at Hence. “C’mon Hence, help a doppelgänger out here.”
Hence rolled his eyes, but he stepped forward and leaned one arm on Cole’s shoulder. “Guys, this is me from another dimension.” 
Four pairs of wide eyes watched them in disbelief. “What?!”
Cole snickered, even as the team crowded around and gaped at him. Their versions of Kai and Jay were curious, though Jay seemed oddly shy, and Kai had no problem with touching him and messing with his hair and gi. Cole let him, feeling oddly nostalgic. It felt like when Wu had been going through his ‘fussy toddler’ stage.
Their version of Zane– oddly robotic and with a stiff smile on his face, but with the same piercing blue eyes– trundled over and looked him up and down. “You are not a cool teenager like us!”
“Nope. Sorry, buddy, I’m almost twenty-seven years old.”
“How does it feel to be a geriatric ninja?”
Cole laughed. “Geriatric? Who are you calling geriatric, tin can?”
Other Zane turned his head in confusion. “I am not a tin can. I am a regular, teenage ninja.”
Before Cole could push it any further, he was interrupted by the quiet voice of Jay. “Why are you carrying so many weapons? What if someone sees you and figures out you’re a ninja?”
“Because it’s not an issue?”
“But ninja are supposed to keep their identities secret,” Jay insisted, slowly seeming to become more confident as he realized Cole wasn’t about to snap and eat him… or whatever weirdness this Jay expected. He couldn’t be too different, even if he was quiet, and Cole knew Jay well enough to know he never had a quiet moment inside his mind.
So Cole launched into his explanation, telling the story of how he’d arrived. The rift, landing on the football field, meeting Hence and Lloyd. It felt like telling a story to a bunch of school kids who sat on the floor with rapt attention, listened closely, and asked all their burning questions.
He didn’t mind it. Not really.
Even if Lloyd was fidgeting and pulling on his hoodie strings like he did when he was nervous. Jay buried his face in his bright orange scarf so he could barely be seen. Kai had scratches all over, most of them without bandages. Nya toyed with a knife. Zane sat too still and smiled too widely. Hence, most normal of them all, didn’t seem to be able to sit still at all. 
The whole world was knobbly and scratchy and bumpy and wrong. 
When he got to the end of the story, Cole took a deep breath and delivered his summary. “So, I’m stranded in your version of Ninjago. I think you guys are probably my only ticket back, so I need your help.”
The teenagers looked amongst themselves as Lloyd spoke for the group. “We don’t really know anything that could help.”
Before Cole could speak, he was cut off.
“Then it is a good thing I do.”
A chorus responded to the interrupting voice. “Master Wu!”
Cole looked around for the source of the voice. He found it above him, the ninja master sitting on a railing near the ceiling. Upon eye contact, he leaped from his perch, sprung off a wall, and landed as nimbly as a cat on the cement floor.
Master Wu looked at Cole with calculating eyes, shrewdness hidden under a faint layer of secrets. It was at that moment Cole knew he was truly Sensei Wu, no matter what he did or said. Only Wu could look like that. 
Wu folded his hands behind his back, his shoulders seeming a little strange as he did so. “Students, who have you brought to your secret base?”
The whole team began to protest at once, giving excuses.
“We didn’t bring him here!”
“It was Lloyd’s idea!”
“He just showed up!”
“Master, he said he’s me–”
“We are just clueless teens, Master.”
At last, Lloyd spoke over the cacophony. “Master, he says he’s another version of Cole! Cole and I didn’t know what to do.”
“Cole?” Wu raised an eyebrow, glancing at Lloyd and Hence. “So that is why you brought him here.”
“I didn’t know what else to do. He’s a ninja too, and he knows all of our names. He’s not a real stranger.”
Wu scrutinized Cole with the watchfulness Cole remembered from his first few weeks of ninja training. Seeing weak points, exploiting them for students’ benefits and drinking far too much tea… it was all present in this wizened man’s face, staring him down from where he stood. “You’re right, he is not a real stranger. Who did you train under, young man?”
“Uh… under you, Master. My version of you. It was a long time ago, I’ve been a master ninja for years.”
Wu hummed, then nodded several times. “How did you arrive here?”
Deep down, Cole suppressed a sigh. Would he have to explain the story again in full? “I just fell through a rift in spacetime. It was magenta, it looked like this place. Then I arrived, and I want to go home already.”
Wu brushed off his homesickness. Instead of sympathizing, he pulled a wooden staff out from behind him. He put it to his lips, and as Cole watched in amazement, began beatboxing and playing it like a flute. A short rendition of The Score’s “Going Home” came through, somehow sounding right despite lacking every background instrument.
Cole glanced at the rest of the team, who seemed frustrated as they rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Secretly, he wished for a camera. If only his brothers could see this Master Wu!
“Master,” Lloyd complained as Wu was coming to the end of the tune, “What do we do? We don’t know how to get Co– him home!”
Wu, finishing his ditty, brought the flute down on Lloyd’s head with a quiet thwack. “You interrupted my music. Not very ninja of you.”
“This isn’t a very ninja situation!”
“Not important. Not my problem.” Wu turned to Cole with a grave expression. “Yes, we must send you home. I know of a magical device which will return you to your own realm.”
“Really?” Cole laughed in delight. “Talk about fast.”
“Not so fast, young ninja.”
“Young?” Kai sputtered. “He’s older than all of us!”
“Hush. We must travel a long, long way… to the Wanderlust Woods.” Wu pointed toward the back wall of the warehouse with his staff. “That way, on the other side of the island.”
“We’re on an island?” Cole frowned, glancing around as if the unseen scenery could help him verify the claim. “I guess we can take the Bounty, or maybe mechs…?”
“No!” Wu now brought the flute down on Cole’s head, a thwack making his scalp sting for just a minute. “‘Cool mechs are weapons first, not vehicles. We will walk. It is not far.”
The teenage ninja all groaned. “Come on, Master, we can’t be gone that long!”
“Today is Thursday. We will go after your classes end tomorrow.”
“Master,” Zane commented, with little emotion, “we have homework.”
“And what will our parents think?” Jay added. “My mom said we’re going to the flea market this weekend…”
“You will figure out something to tell them.” Wu shook his head, clearly not amused by his students’ excuses. “Not my problem. You are ninja, you will need to find a way for yourselves to remain secret. You do not need my help.”
The six teenagers groaned, but they didn’t argue any more. Instead, they turned to talk amongst themselves. Cole heard snippets of whispered conversation, mentioning clones and call it a sleepover at my place and are we sure this is a good idea?
He tuned them out, deciding to talk to Master Wu instead. He opened his mouth to speak, only for Wu to cut him off.
“You have no place to stay here.”
Cole blinked twice. “Uh… yeah. That’s what I was going to ask you about– one of a few things.”
“Come to my ship, the Destiny’s Bounty. You will stay with me.” Wu turned and gestured with his staff, walking to the other side of the warehouse and its great bay doors. “Come. Let them decide for themselves.”
After a moment of hesitation, Cole followed him. “Yes, Master.” 
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galaxybooper · 9 months
Ninjago Ramblings
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Cracks knuckles.
Let's do this. I did post this on my server already but I wanted to expand it after a whole day of drinking coffee.
Lloyd for a while can wield all four elements of creation. I think regardless of whether he's the golden ninja or not doesn't matter. Besides his "green" energy still resembles a lot like the elements of fire and lightning. Which goes into the title of his element discussion too. The title Master of Energy works. Why? Because the elements of creation are essentially a kind of energy.
Definitions of energy:
the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. "changes in the levels of vitamins can affect energy and well-being"
a person's physical and mental powers. "an alternative is to devote your energies to voluntary work"
power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines. "nuclear energy"
the property of matter and radiation which is manifest as a capacity to perform work (such as causing motion or the interaction of molecules). "a collision in which no energy is transferred" a degree or level of energy possessed by something or required by a process.
The FSM used the elements to create Ninjago and the other realms. He couldn't do it without the elements of creation and especially when they were embedded into the golden weapons of spinjitzu. It was an energy the FSM couldn't obtain/use. Now besides the creation of Ninjago and several other realms, why were the golden weapons still important? The FSM seems to be able to wield all four golden weapons and Garmadon was able too. AND the weapons are used to identify Lloyd as the green ninja. This can't be a mistake. Perhaps there was always meant to be one who would wield all four elements without bursting from the intensity of the powers. Like it had to genetically be passed down to "create" the vessel aka Lloyd. Ergo the golden weapons were used to identify the green ninja. The green ninja who would wield all four elements without needing the golden weapons. Ergo the legend of the green ninja was important. Because not only can the green ninja defeat the overlord BUT also to have a master of energy. The energy comes from the four elements of creation. I think the Golden Ninja thing was more like a power boost if anything. Sort of like with Riyu and Sora in DR. The ability was always inside Lloyd, he just needed help to find it himself.
This also goes into why the Overlord needed Lloyd in S3. He needed that extra power Lloyd had to regenerate a physical body. But think about it. That golden energy the Overlord took needed time to create a body and even at 99% it wasn't complete! Because the Overlord himself can't handle the immense power of all four elements of creation. He wasn't build/made to handle that power easily. He couldn't just take it all in seconds, he needed time to process the intense energy and withstand it. That's why in S3, no one could touch the blob of the melted together golden weapons. Because again, the power was far too great for anyone to handle.
Although the FSM and Garmadon were able to handle the four golden weapons, it's not the same as wielding all elements within you. In S2, Garmadon had the Mega Weapon but everytime he used it, it drained him of his powers for probably hours. And this was AFTER he obtained four arms by spending time in the Realm of Madness. The FSM couldn't handle the power, Garmadon, his son, couldn't handle it, but Lloyd seems to be able to.
The point of this ramble was to theorize. Maybe the FSM wanted kids to obtain someone who could handle all four elements after he passed away and when he noticed Garmadon and Wu not having that elemental power, maybe he hoped that his lineage would. Maybe he foresaw the realms needing the Master of Energy. Just maybe...
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c-art00nish · 1 year
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Oh no! Morro died
But we already knew that ;)
More info bellow
So it's Kai's turn to tell his side of the story, but first I'm gonna lay some world rules for the au.
Here ghosts can change into looking younger, the age they died at, or the appearance they would have if they were still alive, but not older. Bascically they chose how they age.
Morro decided to look like how he died at first but later on (when he met Kai) decided to change into a young adult appearance (mostly bc Kai alway changed his appearance to 'age' as if he were still alive and Morro wanted to support him)
With that on mind here goes Kai's storyline:
So he died and went into the Departed Realm, which caused him to obviously start to panic
Another ghost finds him and takes him to the Preminent, who takes an interest in Kai due to his elemental powers, like the ones Morro has. The Preminent introduces Kai to Morro and tells Morro to train him. Kai at this point is very confused and tired, and Morro now having to take care of a child is very not happy
Their relationship is very strained and just formal until in one training session Kai makes fire, is very little and very quick to go out since he hasn't reached his full potential, but instead of being happy Kai starts to cry and Morro very panicked asks what's wrong, Kai says that if he had been able to control it while he was alive he would've been able to protect himself and his sister to which he starts to cry harder bc he misses Nya
That's when Morro decides that maybe he can focus on 1 person other than himself, he tells Kai he wanted to be strong too, but that destiny took his life away from him just like it did with Kai (projectint a bit too much Morro)
They bond and start having a more close relationship. Morro starts telling Kai stories about when he was alive (The Green Ninja, the master that had wronged him, his journey). Kai, still being a kid is 100% sure Morro should've been the green ninja, and Morro doesn't contradict, so he decides that whoever is the green ninja in the living world is inferior to Morro in every way.
Basically all pre-pilot is: Morro adopts Kai
• Pilot:
He is pretty much dead so he doesn't do much. Until. He feels something, is like a switch turned on and now he can't stop feeling dread. Nya is in danger, he can't do anything, he's dead!
But he is in the living world, he sees Nya, and skelentons, and Garmadon- (Garmadon?!). Kai is pretty much panicking and something tells hin to grap the sword and toss it to Nya. He dissapears again
The Preminent is impressed bc, how did a child just defied the realms and their barriers because his sister was in danger?
Morro is happy, but not so happy since now his student is surpasing him.. that wasn't fair
• Rise of the Serpentine:
In the Departed Realm rn it's just training arc. But with the exception that Morro is being distant with Kai.
Kai is confused and ultimately thinks it's because he could only 'go' to the living world once and never again, that Morro is dissapointed in him, he starts training harder and harder, trying to be more, but he can't, he's fire, sure it can burn high, but at the end of the day it's just fire, and water can always put it out. To which he comes back to the irony of being a freaking ghost and only can be re-killed by water. He hates being a ghost
This conflict goes to it's climax when Morro says he'll stop teaching Kai (mostly to distance himself) to which Kai is very much not happy. This evolves to a very nasty fight with Kai asking his teacher why does he want to leave, the kid asks if he wasn't good enough? ("Why can't I be the green Ninja?!") Did he didn't train enough? ("I've done all you've told me!") Didn't he do enough?! ("Why did you lie to me Wu?!")
And Morro snaps out of it, he hugs Kai and tells him that he is good enough, strong enough, that he would never leave and that Kai doesn't need to be anything else
And Kai unoocks his true potential, bringing warm to an otherwise cold and dark realm
• Legacy of the Green Ninja, Rebooted, Tournament of Elements
Training and nothing else. Also bonding
Morro, while still fixed on being the green ninja and getting revenge against Wu, is now finding that there is more to life (death in his case) than he thought, and maybe just like Kai, he is good enough already. Kai accepted his existence as a ghost, thinking that the only way of seeing Nya is either if she dies (smth that Kai is very much opposed to) or if the Preminent's plan suceeds
So life (death) is relatively good
That is until Garmadon arrives, he is chained up and brought into a chamber.
Morro just does an evil facade until Kai arrives and asks for Nya, Garmadon is very calm and asks why would he want to know, Kai explains he is his brother to which Garmadon just blinks, 1,2,3. This kid- this ghost. Is Nya's brother? The one that ran away?
And just like Morro, apparently, he met the same fate
Garmadon refuses to answer any questions, to which he surprisingly encounters a very angry Morro ready to beat the shit out of him and a very dissapointed and sad Kai
Kai leaves bowing to Garmadon and thanks him for his time, now Morro and Garmadon alone the ghost threathens to kill him for good if he hurts his kid again and- his kid?
Garmadon says that maybe there is still hope for Morro, to which the ghost refuses and leaves as well.
• Possesion:
Now in this au the Preminet managed to keep a little whole open from the portal Garmadon made for a little period of time while she told Morro what to do
They talk a little before Morro goes, Kai seeing his Sensei/Father figure a little down and uncertain about the mission, Morro's head is just racing.
Possesing the green ninja? Okay
Possesing a kid? No
Possesing a kid that's the green ninja? Uh
And to makes matters worse he can only think of Kai, he didn't want Kai to see him doing this, possesing took a lot of energy from both the ghost and the host, which caused a lot of stress and made the one in control often lash out (and he'd be damned if he lashes out at his kid)
He doesn't want to do this
And oh this is when he finally realises that he's on the wrong side of things. But it's great since he hasn't done anything yet right?
Well you see there is a reason he didn't want to get attached to anyone, it wasn't just for the aesthetic, getting attached to people means you care if they're okay or not, it means someone can use them against you
So the Preminent before sending him off threatens to hurt Kai anything were to go wrong. And thus Morro leaves
What he not expected was that the kid he wanted to protect ended up following him and saw him do all that
Now Kai already had his doubts about the Preminent, he wasn't 100% onboard with the plan but this, seeing it just made him sick
He tried reaching Morro before he could leave, but he was late, he followed the ninja into the bounty and begged for their help
All he saw after was a very angry Nya ready to splash him with a shit ton of water
Well fuck
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Plasma in the shark!Nya AU? Yes please with lots of questions if you dont mind!
How would Kai have helped Jay get his true potential? Also with a kiss? Would they're relationship effect how Kai gets his true potential or his outburst? If Nya is with the sharks do they meet at the Volcano to rescue Lloyd? Would she even want to save Lloyd? Would Nya and Olivia make plans to take Lloyd out? Would Nya tell the other Ninja about Lloyd or just hate Lloyd like Olivia? Would Kai and Nya have they're strain on they're relationship like Nya and Olivia do now? Would Kai choose to protect Lloyd instead of joining or listening to Nya? If Jay and Kai did end up together when and how would it have happened? How does Jay flirt after his TP? Is they're flirting different with before Kai got his TP and After? Do they have pet names? What would Cole and Zane think of they're relationship? Would Cole feel encouraged since they worked out? Would it change Aftershock or Glacier? How would Nya find out about theyre relationship? If she does join them again would she regret all she did in the shark army? If she stayed with the shark army or say Olivia past season 2 into season 3 would she also be responsible for the events that would occur? Would she blame herself for the outcome?
*heavy hot cocoa chugging*
I need to stop feeding you people ideas ghfdgfds
How would Kai have helped Jay get his true potential? Also with a kiss? <- With Nya gone Shark-Rogue (and potentially with Olivia now) Jay throws his hat into the ring for Kai and Kai, recently infatuated after B2Ch21 events, agrees to a date. And then Jay still has the same self-worth issues/fear of abandonment (maybe doubled no that Nya's left), and Kai's the one to reassure him instead with a kiss (as Jay wouldn't have gone to Kai for that initial advice if Kai was the one he was going to ask out jkhgfds)
Would they're relationship effect how Kai gets his true potential or his outburst? <- No, Kai's stuff would stay relatively the same, although Nya might be in the volcano instead of Olivia and watching his sacrifice himself might be what breaks her a little
f Nya is with the sharks do they meet at the Volcano to rescue Lloyd? Would she even want to save Lloyd? <- They're still rescuing Lloyd because they're following Garmadon's orders. Nya at that point would be on the fence about him- he could prove to be a strong ally for the cause, but just as equally a deadly opponent if left to run free
Would Nya and Olivia make plans to take Lloyd out? Would Nya tell the other Ninja about Lloyd or just hate Lloyd like Olivia? <- Olivia's down to kill but Nya....isn't kjhgfdsgf (not that she wouldn't, but like, Lloyd's still just a kid). And as they've got all the Green Ninja stuff sorted out at that point, Nya thinks it pointless to tell the other Ninja about Lloyd since their fates and intertwined with his regardless
Would Kai and Nya have they're strain on they're relationship like Nya and Olivia do now? <- They're definitely some resentment there
Would Kai choose to protect Lloyd instead of joining or listening to Nya? <- He'd still choose to protect Lloyd (but boy can u imagine him going 'ur right sis' and just letting Lloyd boil in lava??? brutal)
How does Jay flirt after his TP? Is they're flirting different with before Kai got his TP and After? Do they have pet names? <- The same as he flirts now—terribly, but with an endearing charm. Though post-TP he's a lot more bold with it, especially since Kai can dish it out but can't take it whatsoever kjhgfd
What would Cole and Zane think of they're relationship? <- Zane's always supportive, while Cole is like 'when did this happen e-e' but doesn't really have anything to say about it either way
Would Cole feel encouraged since they worked out? Would it change Aftershock or Glacier? <- Same as seeing Jaya unfold, Cole would see that it doesn't/didn't affect the team dynamic like he thought it would until S3 and thus doubles down on pursuit of Zane (whether or not he's successful remains to be seen)
How would Nya find out about theyre relationship? <- probably when Kai comes back after his TP and nearly dying and Jay jumps on top of him and kisses him and she's just like o-O
"I leave for a month and my brother steals my man, alright then"
If she does join them again would she regret all she did in the shark army? <- Yes
If she stayed with the shark army or say Olivia past season 2 into season 3 would she also be responsible for the events that would occur? <- .........yes
Would she blame herself for the outcome? <- YEP
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mx-mizaqx · 2 months
➡️@ogzieoggleton ⬅️ CREATOR OF AU😋😋
go and give em all the praise for this fire idea 🫸🔵🔴🫷🤌🫴💜 (w artist too😎😎)
wowowowo garmadon green ninja au yipee!! (NOT MINE AT ALL‼️‼️)
also cacao’s here, because why not🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ and because their my fav characters and they gotta be buddies ‼️‼️
And also no beta read and im kinda a newbie, so expect a lot of mistakes and maybe plot holes. And extremely out of character
(Anyways please enjoy)
Garmadon walked through the harsh snow and wind, he’s lucky cacao was able to give him special garments so he wouldn’t freeze to death. As he finally got to the gates of the citadel, guards stopped him in his tracks.
“Who goes there?!” One shouted out, pointing their spear at him,
“Woah!” Garmadon flinched, he really didn’t feel like fighting someone today.
“Relax. There’s no need to cause a fuss.”
A voice appeared, and much to Garmadon’s relief it was Dark Cacao!”
“I don’t know what brought you here at a time like this, we’re facing a massive blizzard.” Cacao tugged on Garmadon’s cape, forcing him inside the citadel.
“Order everyone to stay inside until the storm clears.” The king commanded
“Sir yes sir!” The guards say, quickly going on ahead to fulfill the King’s request.
Cacao sighed, rubbing circles on his forehead.
“Your .. not surprised by my four arms?” Garmadon said, looking around. Seems like Dark Cacao had changed a few things.
Cacao grumbled looking at him.
“Not really, ever since you went to that realm to get the-“
Garmadon quickly shushed him with his hand. Much to Cacao’s annoyance.
“Shh! You wouldn’t want your people to know! How would they even react?!”
Cacao took Garmadon’s hand and brought it down. Looking bitter as always.
“Cacaoians are not known to start such petty gossip, if they were after anything it would be my souljam.”
“Yeah right whatever. Can we at least go somewhere that isn’t your front door?”
Cacao sat silently for a few minutes, in contrast to Garmadon’s frantic pace.
“The throne room.” Cacao said, as he walked.
Garmadon looked absolutely fed up with Cacao. But he quickly catches up to him.
“The throne room?! Really?! You can’t think of anything else are you kidding me?! Cacao you’re really starting to push my buttons.”
They finally made it to the throne room, large doors swing open, And quickly close.
“Look I don’t have time for your foolish whining, cut to the chase.” Cacao said with a bitter tone.
Garmadon sighed. “Those golden weapons. You know they reveal who the green ninja is right?”
“Yes I know, you’ve told me many times.”
Garmadon pulled them out from who knows where. Much to Cacao’s faint surprise, they glowed in green and golden.
And it finally hit Cacao, Garmadon was the green ninja.
Cacao’s eyes widen, but quickly went back to normal. Sure it was shocking but.. He’s seen something similar happen with one of his dear friends.
Garmadon couldn’t believe it, it was like his friend was completely unfazed!
“Do you not understand?! My whole life is a lie!”
Garmadon started to tear up, small fire bubbles around his eyes.
“I thought I would be the villain, that I would cause destruction and despair wherever I go. And now because of some stupid destiny I have to be the hero.”
Garmadon’s eyes were filled with fiery tears, they burned small holes in the floor of the throne room.
“I-I don’t even know who I am anymore! Am I the vengeful man many people once knew..?H-How are people even supposed to react to this they can’t trust me..!”
Garmadon fell to his knees and continued to sob, hiccups and sniffles filling the quiet halls. And that haunting green aura surrounds him.
Now. Cacao wasn’t good with emotions, he usually kept quiet and to himself, he didn’t really know what to do.
He sat with Garmadon, he knew he needed to let all this bottled emotions out. He sat there and patiently waited, It didn’t take long for Garmadon’s sobs to quiet down. He sniffed, rubbed his eyes. And sat there quietly with his friend, snot and tears still streaming down.
Cacao felt a little disgusted, but now was not the time. The silence was awkward and a little weird, especially since Cacao didn’t know what to do.
“do you, want a hug?” Cacao asked raising his arms, which kinda just made more things uncomfortable.
Garmadon, who buried his face in his hands. Looked up at him, in confusion. Garmadon knew Cacao wasn’t really the type of person or cookie rather, to ask such.
But alas he needed it more than anything right now, so he took off his helmet, so nobody would be too uncomfortable and hugged Cacao. For someone who lives in such a cold region he was quite warm.
Cacao was relived he got him to relax, patting his head. It was a nice feeling, staying inside in during a blizzard. Just chilling with your friend, really made Cacao appreciate everything around him.
It finally dawned on him that those weapons were still glowing green, a bright green. Which pretty much hurt to look at, since he’s so used to such toned down colors.
He let go of Garmadon, getting up to retrieve the weapons.
“What are you-“ Garmadon’s eyes looked in horror, quickly getting up to try and stop him.
But Cacao already had them in hand, but to Garmadon’s surprise nothing had happened. At all.
“Are they supposed to do something.?” Cacao asked in confusion.
Garmadon, still shocked. Quickly returned to reality.
“No mortal shall possess all four, you should’ve disappeared by now.”
“Im aware of that, but Im not really mortal. Plus I’m entirely different from you.”
Well he was right, he was. A cookie, not born but baked. So I guess it would make sense for nothing to happen.
“Anyways, I believe these are yours.” Cacao hands him the weapons.
“Thanks, and they’re not mine. They’re technically the ninjas.”
Garmadon puts the weapons in a large pouch that was covered by his cape.
“It was nice seeing you again, I know you’re always busy but you should really come visit Ninjago!”
“Yes, yes I know. I’ll come if I ever have time.”
“Please do. Anyways I’m off now, Till next time Cacao.”
“Safe travels, Garamdon.”
They waved goodbye as Garmadon went off.
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m00nl1ght-sun25 · 11 months
The “Why Is Lloyd Blonde” Theories
so yk it’s a big thing in the ninjago fandom of to “How is lloyd blond when misako and garmadon both have brown hair?” Well- yall the answer is quiet simple-
i see so many people saying it’s because he died his hair, but see that wouldn’t make sense. Since day one Lloyd was blond, and he was a kid when he was first introduced in the show. A kid who wanted to be exactly like his father, his father who had brown hair. Why would lloyd dye his hair? that would make him less like his father. Like that just doesn’t make sense for younger lloyd
Then there’s the headcannons that Misako cheated on garmadon with wu-… Like y’all, do you really think that they would do that for a kids show? I mean i know i hc some pretty unkid friendly things self but still idk-
Here’s how it works, so you know how Wu has blonde hair? We’re also going to assume FSM had blonde hair, or maybe he always had white. But still see there, then here’s a thing called genes. Learned about them last year but they don’t make sense tbh, but still. I know for a fact, that if both wu and FSM had blonde hair there is a small, small chance that lloyd can have it. It’s the whole BB Bb bB bb thingy, lloyd got the bb genes.
So yeah, the whole thingy is easy and simple, Lloyd is a blondie because genes, it was a small chance that he could get blonde hair. but it wasn’t impossible, so he got the small chance and is a blondie
fun little fact like a month or 2 ago me and asher had a talk abt this- i wanted to make a post abt it and finally have! yay
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criolla-star · 5 months
Overwhelmed(Vinny x Garmadon)part24
(I suggest you check out part 1-23 if you haven't already)
Garmadon got up, "Thank you brother" he said as he stretched. "I'm always here to listen to you brother, try not to overthink about Vinny too much" Wu replied as his brother left. The oni walked around wondering what to do mainly due to the fact Vinny wanted some space. "Maybe I can find Lloyd" Garmadon thought as he began looking for his son.
(With Nya and Vinny) "Soooo..?" Nya said, "Sooo....?"a confused Vinny replied. The water ninja let out a sigh, "How was it?" Nya asked hearing this made Vinny blush as he remembered more about the events last night with Garmadon. "Well it was good..." the cameraman said embarrassingly to Nya making her burst out laughing. "Not gonna lie...I can see why he gets along with you though" the water ninja said, "Hmm? You can? And why is that?" Vinny asked as he took a sip of the chamomile tea she made for his lost voice.
"You're a really nice guy and from what I see you get along with everyone...hey I'm wondering how did any of your friends react to finding out Garmadon was your roommate?" Nya asked curiously as she scrolled through her phones texting Jay about their date tomorrow. "Friends? Oh no I honestly don't really hang out with people that I don't have someone I'm connected to" Vinny chuckled out, hearing this the water ninja stared at him, "That...is the most unbelievable thing I've heard how can you not have any friends?" Nya asked dumbfounded, "I-I never said I didn't have friends" the cameraman said trying to make himself not seem like a loner. "Do you have friends?" Nya asked, "Not really" Vinny said as realisation hit him, "Damn! I really am a loner!" the cameraman yelled out, "SHHH not yelling, you're gonna strain your voice more" Nya said "And you just made my point" she added.
Vinny smiled awkwardly, "But when some of the people at my work place found out they were weirded out and said...things..." Vinny said his voice becoming quieter. Hearing this made Nya feel really bad, "Well forget them! They don't know the first thing about you or Garmadon!" Nya said out trying to comfort Vinny. "And honestly when I was a kid me and my brother didn't have much friends most of the kids found it weird we didn't have parents, but...I'm happy now that I know they're safe and they left to protect us" Nya said, Vinny smiled, "Honestly I guess the closest I've had to a friend is Gayle and I barely get along with her" the cameraman said.
"So did they just find you weird when they found out Garmadon was living with you" Nya asked she was a little more hesitant with the questions not wanting to get into anything to personal. "Not really...most of them found me weird to begin with but when they found about Garmadon I guess it just proved them right" Vinny responded. "Hah! Well sucks to be them your boyfriend is now Garmadon, I bet if he found about them talking shit about you he would kill them, so don't you dare listen to them they're idiots you're anything but weird" Nya said, "Yea...I guess Garm would do that for me...but I haven't told him about any of this and I don't plan to, I don't want him thinking he's the reason I'm thought to be weird or anything he usually takes things the wrong way and thinks I'm angry or upset at him..." Vinny said as he drank more tea.
"Well then if you won't tell him you're always free to talk to me about any problems, I know what it's like to be thought to be different, when I first became a ninja everyone thought it was weird and that I was weird but I ignored them and kept pushing and just like you I got together with the love of my life, Jay." Nya said hearing this made the cameraman feel way better, "Yea I guess..." Vinny said, Nya let out a sigh, "Well that's enough sad talk how about I go get Garmadon for you, you look like you want him" the water ninja chuckled out earning a nod from Vinny.
Nya left the room leaving Vinny alone with his thoughts.
(wooooo hope you enjoy of course I gave you another part)
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marsbotz · 2 years
Saw your tag saying FSM haters come fight you. Here I am! Frankly I'm not so much of a hater as I am just of the opinion "wow this guy sure Started All This Shit" but I'm absolutely willing to hear your view of the matter if you're willing to share! Love some Friendly Fandom Discourse (it's healthy tbh) come at me bro 👊 👊 👊
HI LOL.... my personal opinion is that the FSM gets a lot of hate for similar reasons to wu (which i also think are unjustified but that's a different post). like you said he gets a lot of the blame put on him for starting everything that's to come in the show, but i don't really feel like he intended to do any harm.
the FSM was born into a war. when he was still a very young child, he was forced to choose one side of himself, of his family, and destroy the other. and so he ran away. but this world he runs to is chaotic and dangerous. and so again, he is forced to fight for the right to live in peace along with the inhabitants of this world.
but even in this new world, he wasn't safe: the oni followed him, determined to bring him back to fight for them. and after them, the overlord. his whole life, especially when he was younger, he had been fighting, or running from forces that aimed to destroy him.
i believe the FSM was incredibly paranoid throughout his life, worrying that at any moment everything would be ripped away from him. this can be seen in how secretive he was, how much of his history is hidden away. the mech used to win the war against the overlord was sealed away where it could never be found. he granted elemental powers to select people to help keep him safe. even in his death, he hid away, in a place that even wu could not find.
this paranoia carries on through his sons. he taught them both to fight, to protect themselves, when they were also very young. one of the earliest moments we see of them is them fighting with swords! and though he loves them, they are not immune to his secrecy, or his fears. when they steal the scrolls and enter the serpentine territory, he never fully trusts them again. when garmadon gets bitten and starts to turn to evil, he's desperate to cure him. and i don't fully believe that the FSM intended to make garmadon feel broken or "wrong"... just that his fear has so consumed him at this point that he can't see the damage he's doing to his children.
it's also worth noting that despite garmadon's corruption, the FSM never truly hated him. he was left to protect the golden weapons alongside wu, he recieved the same protective enchanted gi, and was left the same clues to find him after his death. it's just that garmadon was unable to see this through the corruption (which is another post).
perhaps all he did was to protect his sons. that seems to be how wu sees it, at least. because wu repeats this same behaviour with the ninja, even if unintentionally. he brings these kids into a war because that happened to him, and his father before him. maybe he doesn't even realise it's wrong. he hides things from them not only because because he's ashamed of his past (again, another post lol), but because his father always hid things from him. it protects wu, but it also protects the ninja.
i don't believe the FSM was a flawless person. hes one of many grey characters in ninjago, and to boil down everything he did to "good" or "bad" is a disservice. maybe you see him as someone who only ever ran from problems instead of truly solving them, maybe you see him as a cruel and neglectful father. and maybe those are both true. but he's also someone who always tried to fight for peace, for himself and everyone in ninjago, and someone who truly loved his sons, despite the damage he did to them both.
so that's who i think the FSM was. an immortal, all powerful godlike being, yes, but also a scared child who just wanted to live peacefully, and would do anything to prevent another war. and maybe he is, in some way, indirectly responsible for every bad thing in the show, but i think this is more of an after-effect of the countless wars and conflict. he did the best he could, and considering all he went through, i think he did alright.
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ninjamelissajulien · 6 months
DR2 notes
- ok teen riyu super cut
Pixal mentioned!!!!
Lloyd that’s ptsd
Kai my beloved
I love Kreel ngl
Inch resting with Cinder. Didn’t think I’d like him
Fugidove VA I can tell
Cinder fuckin don’t break their backs dear god
Master of smoke… what happened to ash???
bagels are always good
Morro theme
I love the new intro
New colors for imperium outfits
What is with people trying to make Lloyd eat rancid things
Also panic attacks canon with Lloyd and Zane
Are we not gonna mention Ash???
I love Sora so much
Can we fucking chill with the TEAPOTS PLEASE
Arin is such a scrunkly
Uh oh. I bet this is gonna go after Jay - shattering the goodness inside him.
I love euphrasia so much
Ohhh the worm curse I forgot about that
Element masters but evil… force from the East banished them…
I do love that the new ninja are 3 girls 1 boy
Jordana I fucking love you
Aww Nya comforting Lloyd
Ash mention how the fuck did Kai beat Cinder so fast wtf I blinked and he was down
Ok I have to say the fighting is beyond amazing, but also holy shit shatter spin is terrifying and also Zane is fucjin dead rip
The sound that cinder makes with each hit is the gong sounds
They keep zooming in on one of the wolf warriors- also are they real people or the masks manifested
Life. That’s the dragon that claimed Lloyd. Lloyd’s element is Life.
The imperium source was Energy. Another is strength. Motion. The other 3 aren’t mentioned.
I love you Kai. So much. I’d kill for you.
Protective Kai for Wyldfire also Zane why are you staying behind
Jordana vs Cinder is fucjing funny
RGB siblings real
WYLDFIRE you crazy son of a bitgh
God the animation is GORGEOUS
Leviathan theme
God Arin and Sora are brotp
Damn jays voice is deeper
Jesus fucking Christ “the real Jay would never forget me” they’re going for that aren’t they
What was Kai’s - was it seabound
Of course Kai would jump first since Cole isn’t there
Me: ok I need to pause to go to the bathroom I’ll pause at the beginning of 4
The beginning of 4:
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These bitches gay good for them good for them
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Yep that’s Cole’s kid
God I love the sound of Nya’s element
Rontu I love you
Cole I love you so much
Forces from the East meet the Journey to the West
Coles powers are stronger
Bonzle is the key… maybe the undead open the gateway
What was last time???
please I’m begging you do we get a whole fucking episode about the backstory of the plush because u want that so badly
W… what… bonzle that’s a lot to just casually drop on someone
I love Bonzle’s voice.
Fuck yeah new story animation I love these (genuine!) also sorceress comes in later
A place more permanent than the realm of the departed… interesting
Cole holding Geos hand I saw that you gay cutie
No. Fucking. Way.
Rontu you amazing beast
Motion was one of the source dragons
God if that is Andrew as Egalt he’s fucking fantastic
Garmadon mentioned!!!!!!!!! SPINJITZU BROS MENTION
the ninja cured his loneliness 💔
Wyldfire I love you you dumb bitgh
My favorite gif of the high five
aww Zane 🥹
What the fuck Ras is tripping
These worried parents
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The rocky dangerbuff mustache
Do it wyldfire
Mention Lou I’m begging you
Or Marty Oppenheimer
“I was never the performer in my family.” Me: I… I mean… Lou… but the triple tiger sashay…
Have I mentioned the animation because Jesus it’s so good
The monastery?
Also I’ve noticed I haven’t heard any sound effects from Kirby yet which is interesting. Not bad by any means, but interesting. It’s nice that Andrew’s Cole is becoming his own 💙
Cole why are you staring at the wall oh
“Totally annoying and I was completely blameless” sure Cole sure also interesting that this is now the SECOND time Jay has been mentioned
Chen’s noodle house mention
3 mentions
I don’t know who you are but I love you you queer queen also sprite???
Aww wyldfire
Bonzle 😭😭😭
Uh oh who’s knocking THESE FUCKERS AGAIN????
Zane you handsome dumbass I love you
Uh oh
That happened fast
Damn nindroid-phobic where the fuck is Jay
Zane I love you
Me: where the fuck is Jay *two seconds later* THERES THE MOTHERFUCKER
wait the shatter spin JAY GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE
Ok so amnesia yes but admin jay not too long lmao just bring up Nya
Are we not going to mention Nindroids
Hey can we get to Jay????
Jay???? Jay????? HELLO JAY????? JAY?????????? WE JUST NIT GINNA JAY??????
I forgot about Jordana lmaooooo
Oh yeah I forgot Cinder lmaooooooooooo
Wow the super old “using jay’s voice for Kai as a whimper” sound
Are we still not bringing up Jay
oooh flashback
Boy Euphrasia really got sidelined didn’t she
So we really aren’t going for Jay aren’t we
Who is this Janet????
Arin and his seatbelt
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Cole Rottweiler confirmed
Take. Off. The. Masks. Now.
Uh oh ARIN
Don’t you fucking dare tempt arin
I will kill myself if something happens to Kai
They better not
I will do it
I’m not on my meds
I’m suing.
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akariarda · 10 months
Movie night
request from ao3.
Misako and Garmadon are watching a movie together in their bedroom.
"What should we watch?" Misako exclaimed as she sat on the bed next to Garmadon.
"You brought popcorn," Garmadon noticed with pleasure.
"Are we going for illegal streaming?"
"That's where the best things are," Misako replied. "Now, any suggestions?"
"Hmm, maybe something adventurous or futuristic, I don't know... Do you have any ideas?"
"I was thinking something set in the past, maybe Greece or even a movie about Napoleon," she suggested.
"I'm not really up for that," Garmadon responded. "Star Wars?"
Misako shook her head in response.
"Asterix and Obelix?" Garmadon looked at her and laughed. "That's a cartoon for kids."
"But it's really good," she insisted. "What's it even about?" Garmadon asked through laughter.
"It's about a tribe of Gals who fight against Romans trying to occupy them,"
Misako explained. "You never watched it when you were little? It's a cult classic."
"We didn't have television when I was little," Garmadon reminded her.
"Oh right, I always forget," Misako replied.
"I watched it when it first came out, but I don't remember much. What are you looking up?" he asked when he saw Misako fiddling with her laptop.
"Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit," she answered.
"I love those, they're my favorite movies we've ever watched together."
"You know they're my favorite overall, but we watch them all the time."
"Is it possible that you're tired of them?" Garmadon teased.
"Never," Misako replied and kissed his nose. "I just want to try something new."
"Maybe... a horror movie!?" Garmadon exclaimed and leaned over Misako, causing the popcorn to spill.
"Garmadon!" she exclaimed, although it was mostly because of the spilled popcorn.
"You know I hate horror movies. I'm scared of them and I don't understand why people willingly scare themselves for no reason."
It's strange that you're not afraid of your FBI shows, they're much more realistic," Garmadon said, grabbing a popcorn from the bed.
"There are no fantastic creatures, although they're real in njago. Plus, I love the story behind it with the characters."
"That's understandable," Garmadon said and only then did it seem like Misako noticed the scattered popcorns.
She gathered everything she could into a bowl, and those that fell apart she threw on the floor.
"We'll clean it up later," Garmadon emphasized, not wanting her to start now.
"I'll go make more popcorn," Misako told him. "You put whatever you want, as long as it's not a horror movie."
"Okay," Garmadon replied as he fiddled with the page.
"And?" Misako asked him, sitting next to him.
"I love your popcorn the most," Garmadon enthusiastically said and kissed her forehead.
"Asterix and Obelix?" Misako asked incredulously. "I thought you didn't watch children's cartoons?"
"Even the best ones happen," Garmadon replied and paused the movie.
"Imagine how great it would be if there was a magical potion like the one they use to become stronger."
"I thought you were strong enough on your own," Misako teased him.
"I am," Garmadon replied. "I meant for you."
Just then, Misako hit him with a pillow.
"What are those twelve labors of Hercules?" Garmadon asked her and stopped the movie.
"Those are the twelve impossible tasks Hercules had to complete to cleanse his sins. Now they do them differently."
The movie continued, and Garmadon became more and more interested.
Misako was tired and gently rested her head on Garmadon's shoulder, closing her eyes.
"Hey, sleepyhead, wake up," Garmadon gently shook her. "How can you sleep during the most exciting part? Obelix just ate the entire restaurant!"
"Maybe we can continue tomorrow," Misako suggested and yawned.
"Fine," Garmadon grumbled. "But we have to continue tomorrow. This is the best children's cartoon I've ever watched that adults can enjoy too."
"I'm glad, my love, I'm glad," Misako smiled as Garmadon excitedly talked about the movie, while slowly drifting off to sleep.
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crispyfunface · 2 years
Dragon Au
So basically in this world, all kinds of dragon are immortal, so as Kai and Nya cause they're both a kind of Chinese dragon
Ok so after the crystalized, losing their power and all that stuffs (Kai and Nya still have tho cause they borned with it), they have a happy life, Jay and Nya have 2 kids, Kai and Cole dating and stuffs, Lloyd have some times with Garmadon and Wu (family bonding stuffs) and dating Rumi too, Zane and Pixal and their world.
They all happy and still dorks, until they get old, well, Cole and Jay get old. Because dragons are immortal so Nya and Kai just kinda, live, Lloyd half Oni, Garmadon just deny death and so is Wu, cause you know, Wu half dragon so his live still wayyy longer than the others, and Zane and Pixal just give them new materials to build themself and they're good.
As for that they burried their friends and family in the forest, for a peaceful resting place, and build their statue like when Zane died the first time.
The siblings would come to see their partner every day or maybe longer, the others just kinda coped with it and keep on living, but still visiting tho, just not as frequent as the siblings.
Now that after a very long time, when Lloyd kinda grow up and is trainning little ninjas now, Wu and Garmadon maybe go somewhere cause they retired, Kai and Nya just go around protecting Ninjago probably, cause everyone that close to them have now dead and they probably travel the whole world.
And then one day, 2 kids go up the monastery, looking really really alike Cole and Jay when they all first met. (I called this their next life), And asked to be trainning cause they think ninjas are cool and they want to protect their friends and family.
And the team gonna be like:
Kai gonna be happy and very excited, he gonna go around with little Cole all day, asking if he need anything and maybe ask if they're into guys, they probably say yes or found Kai weird af cause, imagine having a dragon as your tail.
Nya will be shocked at first, and then will be like her big bro, she will be looking at little Jay like he gonna be gone the next day, and probably be protective af. YOOOO, and their kids go like, oh, OH, cause they're well educated and are very smart.
Lloyd will happily accepted them in, Zane and Pixal help in the trainning and all, like the good old days, sometimes they teased Zane cause his humour is broken, but still they get along well in the end and succesfully become master of their strenghts and stuffs. They still bad at cooking tho-
2 little guys will be confused at first cause the others (especially the siblings) are following and protecting them everywhere to keep them save. They find it annoyed at first and have a few argue but then slowly gave in cause they become closer and closer day by day, knowing they are something that are very special to the others and all, so they accepted it but still sometimes they still got annoyed. But in the end the team is back!
Anyways back to the graves that are in the forest. So one day Black and Blue follow Red (more like sneaking up on him but you got my idea) and found out the graves and Kai probably having his time cleaning them and replacing some flowers. The new Cole and Jay comeback asking master Lloyd and Zane whose graves are those, cause they always see either Kai or Nya come there, and they have some story time.
They do be a little angry knowing they just some replacements but then they understood that they're not and the team still love them as themself, not as some replacements. And they continue the trainning and all missions stuffs, like good old times, together ofcourse.
Jay later probably fall in love with Nya again and the kids will be supportive i think. But Nya probably say no cause she only love one Jay and that Jay is dead. New Jay will be upset for sometimes tho, but he later accepted and be someone who Nya can REALLY trusted.
Kai the opposite tho, he will be VERY protective and showing all stupid flirts on new Cole, but little Cole say no. Kai sad but then like Nya and Jay, they became bffs
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