#do tell us about this research Gabriel
miraculousfanworks · 4 months
Writing Prompt: Misled by Common Knowledge
Gabriel had never once suspected Marinette of being Ladybug. Everyone knows that magical girl transformation changes your hairstyle. At least that was what his extensive research shows.
Prompt by: divineballad
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sardonic-the-writer · 4 months
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𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 [+ 𝐆𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥] 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ includes: dean, sam, castiel, and gabriel
↳ warnings: none
↳ song: dance macabre—ghost
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• When Dean first meets you in the middle of bumfuck nowhere on a hunt, he's not surprised that you know his name
• Afterall, he has brought on the apocalypse more than once, and the hunter community isn't exactly known for its ability for people to keep their mouths shut
• What does surprise him, though, is your knowledge on him as a person
• It's nothing creepy— the thought of someone knowing all about him in that way brings him back to where he first met Becky through Chuck, and the thought makes him shudder —but just enough to where it's obvious you've done some digging and people reading of your own
• "Brought back some pie with dinner; didn't know what you wanted so I got apple."
• "Careful handling this case, it's got some nasty demons. We don't want you diving head first into hell. Again."
• "No no, don't use that. It didn't work on that shape-shifter you ganked last year in Massachusetts, so it won't work on this one. Throw it out." You eventually say one night while looking in Baby's trunk for some ammo, and Dean finally turns to face you
• "How did you know that? How do you know any of these things?" He clears his throat, squinting. You shrug with a barely there smile
• "Who do you think cleans up your messes when you're done, Dean? And what can I say. Word gets around."
• It's a simple case of Dean's reputation preceding him. Although, as you discover, there's a lot more to the Winchester than just his precious car, a strange love for greasy food, and his ability to fight off a demon with his bare hands
• "You sure you aren't obsessed with me? Because its totally fine if you're obsessed. I mean, look at me." Dean asks you at one point while gesturing down at himself. He's leaning on his car door in what he probably thought was a sexy manner, watching as you lugged some equipment out to the vehicle. You manage to press your lips together just in time to hide your amused grin
• "Keep dreaming, man." You shake your head. "There's a difference between reading up on people, and stalking them."
• "So you admit it?" He grins misheviously, pushing himself off Baby. "That you've spent your spare time thinking about me?"
• "Sure. And those witnesses never mentioned you'd be this insufferable." You scoff light heartedly, even though thats exactly what some of them said, and leave it at that. But for the rest of the hunt Dean can't stop elbowing you in the ribs to make a playful remark; something that, strangely, you don't find yourself minding
• Unlike his brother, Sam takes the information that you practically already knew him with a bit of embarrassment
• Sure, he had been (or was supposed to be) Lucifer's vessel, and sure he also had a habit of being at the center of everything world ending, but he never really conciders him anyone other than a hunter that just happens to get the worst cases
• So when you just offhandedly started dropping these facts about him, he's a little off put
• "How'd you know that?"
• "You're literally one of the most infamous hunters to ever exist, Sam. You tangle with angels. Most of us only ever get to meet a werewolf or two before a friend is organizing our funeral the week after."
• "Oh. Right"
• Gets a little curious after a while as to what you exactly know. It's not like he keeps a journal about his feelings that the public can read, and that this point he's just praying you haven't discovered Chuck's Supernatural series, so he'd probably ask you all of what you know and why you know it
• "So you're telling me you've done research on our hunting styles—" Sam asks you while leaning forward. You nod, so he continues. "—and all the people we've ever pissed off?"
• "Call it too much free time, which I certainly don't have enough of these days, but I knew if I ever ran into you two knuckle heads, and I knew it would happen eventually whether I wanted it to or not, then I would need to be prepared." You dragged a hand down your face and exhaled for a moment. "That meant making a checklist of every vamp, demon, or god you've ever had out for your head. And trust me, it's a lot."
• He's silent for a moment after you finish, but it doesn't take long for him to pipe up again
• "Can I see it?"
• Safe to say, after seeing the list, Sam started to rethink some of his past decisions
• "Seriously, how are we not dead yet??"
• "Buddy, I have no idea."
• He does not understand why you seem to know so much about him. Not only as a person, but as an angel
• Castiel is used to the Winchester's asking questions. The first year of knowing them was filled with 'How Did You Do That''s and 'Can You Do This''s. He'd answer all of them, even if he found their questions to be on a kindergarten level most of the time, until eventually they had no more to ask
• You hadn't been like that. Castiel doesn't think he could ever recall you asking him things unless they were about hunts or special circumstances, like the time Sam lost his soul. Hell, you seemed to know more about him than some angels knew about themselves
• Grace knowledge, wing anatomy, biblical lore—you name it and Castiel's probably heard it come out of your mouth at some point
• He gets around to asking you about it one day, albeit very bluntly
• "You don't ask questions." Castiels voice sounds from behind you. You don't even bother to turn around; you heard his wings flutter the moment before he dropped in
• "What do you mean Cas?" You sucked some air between your teeth as you scribbled away at the papers before you. It was something Sam had asked you to follow up on, and you'd been at it for a hot minute now. Hopefully you could make this conversation quick so you could get back to it
• "About angels." A beat of silence. "About me."
• This time you do turn around in your seat to look at him. He's already studying you with that silent squint, and you resist the urge to mirror it
• "Why would I ask questions I already know the answers to?" You parry. The case papers lay on the table, forgotten by now. Your response gets you a rare, but endearing, Cas head tilt
• Upon further questioning, he finds out you'd spent a lot of your early hunting years doing nothing but reading up on anything remotely supernatural. Even calling them 'hunting years' was a stretch. You were more like a crazed researcher that never left the library than a hunter, even resorting to keep mountains upon mountains of notes on ancient lore stored away in the margins of dusty books
• "That's certainly explains why you weren't surprised when we met for the first time and I healed you." Cas's low voice drawled slowly after you gave him a moment to interject. "Or how you knew the symbol for sending us back to heaven before Dean or Sam ever did."
• "Like I said." You smiled to yourself, and Castiel got the feeling he was missing a part of the joke. "Lots of reading."
• Do not bring up that you used to have an angel phase back in college. Under no circumstances should you reveal that. He will never let you live it down
• Especially if he finds out you used to study artwork and literature about him specifically
• It's all over the moment he finds your old school books. They're stuffed full of old crinkled pages with his name thrown in there. Of course, this was way back when the idea of angels being real was laughable to you and you still had dreams of graduating college, but that doesn't change to fact that the notes are there, and that Gabriel found them
• "Wait wait wait listen to this—" An old binder is clutched in the hands of a very amused and very heavenly being as he paces around your spot at a table. His eyes are skimming the pages as a speed quicker than light, and Gabriel's shit eating smile grows as he continues to read
• "The archangel Gabriel isn't depicted as much as his brothers Micheal or Lucifer in classic literature, but when he is, it is often as a symbol of great power and beauty—"
• "I'm going to kill you." You cut him off and groan with hot cheeks. Your hands had come up to cover your face a while ago in an attempt to keep what little dignity you had, but something told you it wasn't working
• "Glad to know you think I'm beautiful, sweet cheeks." Was all Gabriel said. You could hear the teasing lit in his voice. Sure enough, when you looked up to glare at him, he was already looking at you and wiggling his brows suggestively. It took you a total to three seconds to throw the closest thing at his head
• "Hey hey! Watch the beautiful goods!" He laughed while dodging a pencil. It his his chest anyway and bounced to the ground with a dull thud
• "Gabriel." Your tone was downright murderous
• "Okay, okay! I'll stop!"
• He does, in fact, not stop. Someone restrain him for the love of Chuck, for he is getting way too much enjoyment out of poking fun at you
• You're gonna have to avoid him for the next few weeks after that if you want to keep your embarassment levels to a minimum. No other way around it
• Let's just hope he never realizes you had to spend time in art class analyzing renaissance paintings of him in the nude. Now that would be the conversation to end all conversations
• "Heyyy, you never told me you had an art folder—"
• Oh shit.
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rcmclachlan · 1 month
RC, PLEASE share more BuckTommy headcanons with us, everything you’ve said about them so far has been glorious.
Headcanon 1:
After Buck calls Tommy about touring Harbor and they agree on a date and time, he starts researching. Every free second he has between calls is spent watching videos that walk through what all the switches and gauges on a helicopter control panel do. On his days off, he reads pages and pages of posts on r/flying. There are no less than eight biographies about pilots on his kitchen counter dressed in the colorful fringe of all his page markers at any given moment. He devours Chickenhawk in one evening, then falls down a Wikipedia rabbit hole that starts with the article on the Bell UH-1 Iroquois and spits him out when he finishes reading about a municipality in Baku, Azerbaijan called Bibiheybət just as the sun starts peeking through the windows.
The night before he's supposed to meet Tommy, he takes a practice PPL exam for shits and giggles. He doesn't pass, of course, but he scores better than he expected to, and he can't wait to tell Tommy. He can't wait to wow him with everything he's learned.
Of course, it's all for nothing, because Eddie swoops in and steals Tommy right out from under him before Buck can even ask Tommy about his thoughts on the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024.
Once they make their relationship official, Tommy does make good on his promise to take Buck up, and it's so fun to watch Tommy navigate the skies like the helicopter is an extension of his body, like he's barely wowed anymore by the fact he can fly, and he even lets Buck handle the cyclic for a couple of minutes.
They're hovering almost 6,000 feet above city limits, watching the sun set in a sweet comfortable silence, when Buck's almost had his fill of looking at the clean lines of Tommy's profile, he says, "Someday, when I get certified, I'm going to do a Screwdriver Down in a MD-500."
Once Tommy has wrestled the bird out of its sudden 400-foot free fall and back into an even hover, he grips the cyclic until his knuckles bleed white and says, teeth clenched, "Evan, unless you want tomorrow's top headline to be 'Two LAFD Firefighters Die In Massive West Hollywood Helicopter Crash,' I'm begging you to keep the dirty talk to yourself until we're back on the ground."
Headcanon 2:
Tommy has seen a UFO. He's actually seen, like, four. The third time, he'd been flying over the San Gabriel Mountains when something popped up on his radar out of literally nowhere and clipped his tail rotor, sending both him and the craft crashing into the woods. 
He doesn't remember anything that happened after that. He woke up in a windowless hospital room where someone in full military dress blues shook his hand and congratulated him on becoming the first ambassador to outer space. Then he made Tommy sign approximately eight million SF-312s and consent to be called upon "if the time should ever come." 
This is why he can't watch sci-fi movies with a straight face.
Headcanon 3:
Back in 1996, Tommy's buddies Jamal Kluger and Mitch Henney finally convinced him to go to one of the weekly school dances, mostly because Jamal was determined to slow dance with Amanda O'Shaughnessy and he needed moral support. Tommy didn't hate dances per se. Were there a hundred other things he'd rather be doing? Yes. He had a backlog of Car and Driver that really needed seeing to, but Jamal was practically his brother and Tommy would do a lot worse than dispassionately swaying with a few of his classmates to Mariah Carey in the name of best-friendship.
He'd been in the middle of trying to get Jamal's attention—not that he was ever going to notice, because he was finally dancing with Amanda and everyone else in the gym had probably ceased to exist—with his hands hovering a respectful quarter inch off Laura Lee Moore's hips, who said she'd specifically requested Dreaming of You, when the slow turning they'd been doing put him at the perfect vantage point to see Brett Bennett, pitcher for the East Woodbridge Falcons, dancing with Vanessa Wilson.
Brett was wearing a really nice button-up shirt and Tommy's gaze kept snagging on the way his arms filled out the sleeves, and he couldn't help but wonder if Vanessa could feel the calluses on Brett's hands through her miniskirt. They were probably rough and kept snagging the fabric. Vanessa could probably feel the pull of them, like velcro trying to pry apart. He watched Brett lean down to say something to her and couldn't help but think Brett wouldn't have to strain his neck so much to talk if he were dancing with Tommy. They were almost of a height; Tommy would barely have to tilt his head down. Selena crooned I just want to hold you close, but so far, all I have are dreams of you, and Tommy's heart pounded so loud he was almost certain Laura Lee could hear it over the music. When the song ended, he awkwardly backed away from her and thanked her for the dance, his gaze on Brett and Vanessa, who were still pressed close even though the Quad City DJs were enthusiastically telling people to ride a train. According to his cousin Denise, who was a grade below him and also in attendance that night, Laura Lee spent the rest of the night crying in the bathroom because Tommy couldn't take his eyes off Vanessa.
Almost thirty years later, he and Evan are hanging on the couch, half-watching an episode of Taskmaster and reminiscing about their first crushes—"Really, Evan, your teacher?"—and when Tommy tells him about wishing he'd danced to Dreaming of You with Brett Bennett, Buck presses a sweet kiss to Tommy's arm and says, "Stop making me want to time travel so I can fight an eleven-year old."
Tommy laughs and says, "It was more wanting to slow dance with a cute boy in front of everyone than Brett himself. You have nothing to be jealous about. When we were in the eighth grade, he crushed up a bunch of Altoids and snorted them through a hollowed-out pen during social studies. I've never heard anyone scream like that in my entire life. They had an ambulance come for him and he never came back to school after that."
"Sounds like a real winner," Evan teases, tongue between his teeth. "You really know how to pick 'em."
"Yeah, it's a gift," Tommy deadpans, and then wrestles Evan, who's cackling like a hyena, into the couch cushions. 
Months later, Howie and Maddie throw a big party—which Howie's been calling Reception Redux in the OG 118 group chat—in Tommy's backyard, and he's in the middle of an unspoken chicken wing eating contest with Eddie—who's winning, and Tommy has no idea how he's putting them away so fast—when the music changes from some pop song he doesn't know to a familiar tinkle of piano chords. Howie strong-arms the mic away from the DJ and announces with a big grin that the song was requested by someone who wanted to "quote-unquote: dance with a cute boy in front of everyone."
Tommy almost chokes on the wing in his mouth, and he barely wipes the barbeque sauce off his fingers in time before Evan comes over, takes his hand, and pulls him onto the little dance floor they'd put down that morning in the flattest part of the yard. 
His heart pounds as Evan drapes his arms over Tommy's shoulders like it's the easiest thing in the world, pressing close until it feels like their bodies are merging everywhere they touch, and then starts to sway. Tommy slowly lets his hands settle on Evan's hips, firm and sure. He doesn't even consider doing the hover thing. 
As Selena sings about wishing on stars, Tommy closes his eyes and tucks his temple against Evan's, and for a moment they're in the East Westbridge Junior High School gym, which smells like sweat and cherry Lip Smackers and body odor, and across the room Jamal and Mitch both give him an enthusiastic thumbs up—and Mitch then does something obscene with his hands that has Jamal smacking him upside the head—because Tommy's dancing with the boy of his dreams in front of everyone while his stack of Car and Driver magazines sit unread and curling from the humidity. 
"If Brett Whatshisname shows up, I won't be responsible for my actions," Evan says warmly, voice soft against the curve of his ear. "Literally. I already cleared it with Athena."
I'll be dreaming with you tonight endlessly, the song promises, and Tommy opens his eyes in the present. He takes a deep breath, borrows the energy of Selena's vow, and pulls back just far enough to whisper against the corner of Evan's mouth, "Marry me."
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hexedwinchester · 3 months
Early seasons of SPN are superior
so I'm re-watching Supernatural (I'm always re-watching SPN, don't mind me) and I realised why the early seasons are so freakin good whereas the laters ones are a complete mess...
Horror was the core theme of Supernatural (yes, I'm not discarding the brothers' drama, I'll get to it in a minute). These beautiful scare tactics that they employed were amazing: the crib mobile toy rotating, shadows moving out of the corner of the eyes, toys going off, subtle bloody Mary reflections in the mirror, creepy skulls dug from the ground, the ghosts flickering. Hell yea they nailed 'Scary just got sexy' with these.
Don't get me started on the background music. Whimsical music crescendo, building up the anticipation. The rock music blaring through the Impala. What happened to the cool ass music in the later seasons? They just played this weird, sad tune like someone's blowing raspberries to show grief and that's it!
Monster of the week theme and the lores/legends in early seasons were much, much better than S12's Foundry or the later season episode with bizarre tentacle porn thingy (you know which one I'm talking about). It just didn't feel the same. The stories were poorly written and even more poorly executed.
Early seasons used to be purely about Sam and Dean (as it should have been throughout) Them against the world, heaven and hell. No dumbass angel lurking in the background like a pathetic third wheel. No king of hell bitching about his sad childhood for two whole seasons. No Soccer mom half assing their way into hunting.
Foreshadowing was done so beautifully! Everytime I re-watch the early seasons I find a few bits that connects to something that happened initially in say S1-2. The parallels are done beautifully and writing is good, and I mean 'I wanna use this quote as a wallpaper' good.
The struggle for the boys was real. They had to do their own research, save their own asses, stitch their wounds, pop their dislocated shoulders back in the place. Later seasons? Bunker has answer to everything, angel healing wounds with a flash of light, Lucifer bringing Sam back from the dead without asking for anything (and no, taking him to Jack is not a good enough bargain), Jack healing wounds or whatever. Where is the damn struggle?! Where is the hero's journey?!
I miss the beautiful, colourful motel rooms that had its own personality. I HATE the bunker (yes I know a lot of people love it because Dean has a good shower, they have a home etc, etc) but no! Bunker is lame and boring and monotonous. There isn't a single thing I like about it. Gimme back my motel rooms with the sunburst mirror!
Story arc or lack thereof from S12 onwards. The main plot just got duller and duller from S12 onward and it felt like the writers got lazy and stopped putting efforts. There was no build up and the plot felt forced. The main arcs didn't feel exciting enough. BMoL and Kelly's pregnancy: the who and why? Jack: predictable. Other Micheal and Micheal Dean: meh, next! God as the big bad: interesting but I don't think they have it in them to execute this correctly.
Irrelevant/Unnecessary characters and their mini plots. S1-5 focuses purely on the brothers and that's what I'm here. I don't care how and why an idiot angel opened purgatory. It sounded more like a dull spin off plot than main story arc. I don't care about prophets and their lives (yeah Kevin is in Advance Placement, what am I to do with that?). I don't care about the different angel garrisons at war (again a plot for a lame spin off). I don't care about Crowley, his son or his relationship with Rowena. Tell me how this affects the boys. If it doesn't, please let's move on. Whatever was going on with Cole Trenton was pointless. I don't care about Mary and her hunting escapades with BMoL. I don't care about Kelly's pregnancy. The multi-universe and all characters they vomited back in the show with this. Not needed! Let Charlie, Gabriel and Bobby's memory rest in peace. Nick's killer storyline and wayward sisters. Enough said. Empty and the deal with Cas and Meg 2.0? Boring! Billy playing the bad cop, the whole death's library? Poorly executed and it turned into a bowl of cold spaghetti. In the end, the focus moved from the boys to useless characters and mini plots. Fuck that! Supernatural is about Sam and Dean and that's about it.
The direction. Later seasons lack the beauty of scenic shots of the landscape, close on up the boys' faces, the lights hitting their faces to show their beauty. Camera angles and slow panning shots. I miss the beauty that were the early seasons.
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ninii-winchester · 2 months
Unveiled Sorrows (Part 4)
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Pairing : Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam Winchester x Reader (platonic)
Word count : 3.6k
Warnings : spoilers s1-5, angst, so much angst, violence, language, mentions of pregnancy, unedited.
A/n : This series follows canon plot line but some scenes might happen differently or be completely changed. Check the warnings for each part before continuing.
It had been a few weeks since the boys have been on the road. They called often. But it was mostly Sam. Sometimes to ask for help in research or sometimes just to make sure she's okay. Sam informed Y/n that there might a way to stop the apocalypse, as Gabriel told them, they can throw Lucifer back into his cage. The key to the cage being the rings from the four horsemen. Luckily they already had two of them. They just had to get the other two.
Bobby went out to help them with a witch problem. More like to get help himself. Cas hung around while Bobby was gone.
"How're you doin', Y/n." He asked the girl.
"I'm good honestly." She smiled. "Maybe after Lucifer is back in the cage, we could have a somewhat normal life."
"You're right." Cas replied.
"Cas I'm sorry." Y/n started. "For the times I've been mean to you. I know you were doing what you thought was right."
"It's alright. I understand." Cas said with a smile.
Bobby came back the next morning and he looked solemn. Y/n noticed and she knew something was wrong.
"Alright spill." She said sitting in front of him. The older man just sighed and looked away. "What did they do now?"
"Those idjits are trying to kill me.." He exclaimed. "How did you put up with all that all these years?" He asked.
"You get used to it, Bobby, Cmon tell me what is it now?" Y/n smiled thinking it can't be that bad.
"Sam wants to say yes." Bobby stated.
"What?" Y/n exclaimed standing up from her seat. "Why? I thought we had a plan."
"Yeah but you don't expect Lucifer to jump in out of the goodness of his heart, do you?" Bobby asked rhetorically.
"Yeah so what he's gonna sacrifice himself? What did Dean say about this?" Bobby looked away giving her the answer. "You've got to be shitting me! Dean agreed??" She exclaimed.
"I think this might actually be good idea." Cas spoke for the first time.
"Cas, not a good time buddy, lord so help me i will rip your lungs out." Y/n snapped.
"Technically that's not possible since I'm an angel. Although it would be inconvenient since I'd have to find another vessel." Cas replied his in monotonous voice.
Sometimes she hated the Angel. She left the room without a word. She can't believe Sam would suggest something like but, no wait she can because he's dumb like that. What she can't believe that Dean and Bobby are actually considering it. She slammed her foot on the car infront of her, cursing in frustration.
The boys didn't come back for atleast another week. Y/n heard the Impala pulling up in driveway and she knew they're here. She stood at the bottom of the staircase and watched as the door opened and walked in Dean. She didn't know what she was hoping for but a nod of acknowledgment just wasn't it. Dean made his way to the main room without a word. Sam entered the house few moments later.
"Hey Y/n." He greeted her and her mind went haywire. Her anger flared and all she saw was red. She was angry and upset, Dean's behaviour added fuel to the fire. Before she knew she took a step forward and punched Sam in the face causing him to reel back. He held his nose and hissed.
Dean came rushing to Sam's side and Bobby wheeled to see what the commotion is about.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dean asked angrily.
"Me? What is wrong with you two. All of you?" Y/n screamed. "You're going to say yes to Lucifer? You're gonna let him take you?" She asked incredulously looking at Sam.
"Y/n i know it's a hard pill to swallow but we don't have another choice. You can't just expect to ask him nicely and he'll jump in." Sam understood she's upset. He understands she can't let her best friend go. He put his hand over her shoulder but she shrugged it off and went to the main room. The others followed her behind.
"There has to be another way. Why do you have to sacrifice yourself?" She asked throwing her hands up.
"One life for seven billion lives. I don't think it's a bad bargain." Sam replied softly.
"What about us, what about me and Dean, your family?" She felt her lip quiver. "Why do you think it's your responsibility to be the one saving the world.?"
"You know damn well I started the apocalypse. It is my responsibility." Sam replied feeling himself getting angry.
"And you don't have anything to say about this?" She turned to Dean hoping he'd say something. When he didn't say anything Sam spoke.
"Look, Y/n there is no other way, we have War and Famine's rings, we're gonna get Pestilence's and Death's rings. I say Yes to Lucifer, We open the cage and I jump in."
"And you think he'll let you do that? You think he's not gonna take over your body as soon you say Yes." Y/n countered.
"It's worth a try." Sam replied.
"No it's a stup-"
"ALRIGHT ENOUGH." Dean's loud voice boomed making her flinch a bit. "You need to stop, you hear me? This is our decision to make. We were chosen for this and last I checked the world doesn't revolve around you." Dean said directly looking at Y/n.
"Dean." Sam said trying to calm his brother but the older Winchester didn't waver.
"I suppose the decision has been made. We don't need your input. Either you help or you walk out. The door's that way." Dean said looking into her eyes, pointing towards the door.
"You watch what you're saying, boy."  Bobby spoke for the first time in a while. "Need I remind you this is my house." Dean looked away at Bobby's stern voice.
Y/n didn't speak nor did she breath, how could she. She felt as if her heart has been ripped out of her chest. She didn't cry, everything inside her wanted her to scream and yell. To breakdown and hope that its a terrible nightmare that would be over soon.
"Is this your final decision?" She asked the same question she asked him after everything with Alistair went down. A single teardrop slid down her cheek.
"Yes." Dean replied. Unnerving and firm in his decision. In that moment she knew it was over. Everything was over. At this point who was she even kidding, there was nothing to begin with. At his confirmation all she did was nod her head. And she made her way up to her to room. The main room fell silent as she left.
"Dean what the hell?" Sam exclaimed and Dean left the room without a word.
Y/n didn't come out of the room the whole day. Bobby couldn't go up to check on her and Sam didn't know if she wanted to see him. Dean however remained indifferent. Sam grabbed a beer from the fridge and went outside. He felt like he was going to suffocate inside. He sat on the hood of one of the many cars present at the yard. He heard footsteps and looked to see Y/n coming outside. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed Sam sitting there.
"Sorry I'll just go." She said softly before turning back.
"Y/n-" Sam called out to her. She turned to look at him. "Please stay." His voice was barely above a whisper.
"Please." She nodded and made her way towards him and he helped her up. The two of them sat in silence. Dean saw Y/n and Sam talking, sitting on the hood of a car. He couldn't help but eavesdrop.
It was quiet for moment before Sam spoke, "I'm sorry." She didn't look at him nor did she say anything. "I'm sorry it came down to this. I wish things could've been different." She still didn't speak but looked at him. "I know it's hard for you to accept and i know if i were in your place I'd react the same way hell even worse. But you have to know this is my redemption, for what I did. I set him loose and I have to be the one to send him back."
"I understand Sam." Dean heard her say. "Truth is, I was being selfish, I didn't want to lose my best friend. I didn't want to lose my family, but the real truth is I realised that I never had one." She tucked her knees to her chest. "I found out the hard way but all in good time." She smiled even though she felt her heartstrings were seconds away from snapping.
Dean felt like his whole body was on fire as he heard her say that. He knew what he did, and he knew what he said. But he had to keep her away. He couldn't let her get hurt, so it doesn't matter if she walks away hating him. What matters is she walks away. Alive and Safe.
"That's not true Dean...he just... he didn't mean it. He's angry. He might not show it but the decision is affecting him too. He didn't mean any of it." Sam tried to explain.
"You and I both have been with him long enough to know he meant what he said." Y/n looked into Sam's eyes, her eyebrow raised and lips tugged upwards. Her face screamed are-you-really going-to-argue-you-know-i-am-right. Sam looked away because deep down, he knew Dean meant it. His posture, the way he spoke, it was familiar to him. "I assume this is goodbye?" Tears filled her eyes as she asked.
"I wish it wasn't." Sam replied pulling her into a bone crushing hug. Y/n was thankful that they were sitting so he didn't crush her stomach. However his hands were tightly wrapped around her shoulder and her's around his torso.
"I wish i knew what to say to make you stay." She sobbed in his chest. Sam couldn't help but let a few tears roll down down his cheeks and onto her hair. "Please don't go Sammy." She cried, her body shaking with intensity.
Dean wished he could join them, he wished he could comfort them both, he wished he could tell them that's all gonna be okay. But his feet were glued to ground. The only thing he wanted to do was protect his family. He failed to protect Sam but he knew he had to protect her so he made a decision and he's going to stick to it.
"I have to. But you have to promise me you'll take care of yourself yeah? You won't be reckless." He pulled away to look at her. "As much as I love you I have no desire to meet you on the other side anytime soon. You hear me?" He joked and it made her chuckle through her tears.
"Bold of you to assume I’m going to Hell.” She tried to joke but it only made her cry more. “I promise. I'll be safe." She sniffled as they pulled apart. "I'm leaving." She told him.
"What? Where?"
"I don't know." She shrugged.
Dean has never felt so broken before. The two people he loved the most in his life are leaving. And he can't do anything to stop either of them. Life has always been a losing game for him. But being ripped off of his family, all at once it was too much to bear. He didn't know how long he could hold on so he went inside. He couldn't hear it anymore.
A month has passed since Y/n left Bobby's house. Much to the older man's dismay. Last thing she knew before leaving that the boys were searching for Pestilence. She had been living in a motel room that she had booked for a month. She went to see a doctor as well, and found out she was three months along now. She was lost in thought staring at the ultrasound picture when her phone rang. Her heartbeat accelerated as she picked up the phone. It said Cas. She pondered whether to answer or not.
"Hello." Her voice shaky as she answered.
"We have the key." The angel spoke. "We're going to Detroit." He spoke.
"What do you want me to do Cas?" She asked, she hoped Dean had asked him to call her. She knew he was too stubborn to call herself but she hoped.
"I thought you'd want to know."
"Did they tell you to call me?"
"No. It was me." Her hopes were shattered.
"Alright Cas."
"Will you come?"
"No." With that she hung up. She couldn't go. What would she even do? Watch her best friend jump into the hell fire? She'd pass.
As Sam and Dean drove to Detroit, the tension in air was so thick they could cut it with a knife. Dean kept his focus on driving and Sam kept fidgeting with his fingers. He couldn't take it anymore.
"Dean." Sam turned to his brother.
"I'm not doing the goodbye crap." Dean replied without looking at Sam.
"You have to listen to me." Dean raised a brow and urged him to continue. "You have to promise me you won't try to bring me back." Sam said with urgency.
"What? I never agreed on anything like that."
"Dean. No, you have to promise me that you won't bring me back. You get out."
"Out?" Dean questioned.
"Out of Hunting, Dean, you go back Lisa. Live that life you always wanted to live. I just want you to be happy man, I hope by some miracle she takes you back."
"What about y/n?" Dean asked subtly.
"What about her? She left. I hope she's happy wherever she is. But I can't have you trying to find her." Sam said seriously.
"Why not?" Dean side eyed Sam.
"Because then you two will try to bring me back. I need you to get away from this life Dean. I need you to promise, you'll go back to Lisa and you'll live the apple pie life." Sam explained. "Don't try to find Y/n again, I just want you two to be happy. And if you two keep trying to bring me back, you won't get out of this life." Dean looked at his brother and his heart raced a thousand miles per hour. "Promise me Dean."
"I promise."
Y/n paced back and forth in her room. She can't seem to get it all out of her mind. Damn you Cas, she cursed grabbing her stuff and her car keys. She threw her things in the backseat and left for Detroit.
For Dean, it all happened in a blink of eye yet it felt like time had slowed down. They met up with Lucifer after Sam had chugged down all that demon blood. Sam said Yes which allowed Lucifer to get inside Sam's body. Dean threw the key at the wall and said the incantation to open the cage. He saw Sam fighting for power over his body but then Sam said the incantation to close the cage. He took the key off the wall and pocketed it. Lucifer had taken over and Sam was gone. They lost.
The war was going to happen and there’s nothing Dean could do. He had the power to keep it at bay but then the angels had brought in Adam and Micheal had taken over him. The war was now inevitable. Millions of people were going to die. Michael and Lucifer will fight in Sam and Adam's bodies.
Dean called Chuck to ask him if he saw what happened and Chuck said he did. The Winchester asked the latter if he saw the outcome of the war but he denied saying he couldn't see that far. But he told him he knew when and where it'll happen.
"Where Chuck?"
"Tomorrow high noon, at Stull Cemetery." Dean hung up and revved the engine to meet up with Cas and Bobby. He couldn't sit there and wait for a duel to happen between two angels. He had to do something.
Y/n drove as fast as she could to reach Detroit and she saw Cas calling. She answered the phone keeping her eyes on the road.
"We lost."
"WHAT?" She stomped the brakes. A screeching sound was heard.
"Sam couldn't take over his body. Lucifer closed the cage and took the key. Michael and Lucifer will fight." Cas told her.
"Wait how? Dean said he'd never say yes to Michael.." Cas cut her off.
"They brought in Adam."
"You know your kind is a bunch of assholes?" Y/n growled.
"I know, I wish things..!" Cas stopped talking as he heard Dean calling his name.
"Cas.. Bobby." Dean said approaching the two. Cas didn't hang up just shoved his phone back inside his pocket.
"What's going on Dean?" Bobby asked.
"I'm going to stop this war." She heard Dean say.
"What? You don't even know where or when it will happen" Cas replied.
"I know. Tomorrow noon, stull cemetery."
"But it's not possible. It's Michael and Lucifer. You can't stop them." Cas said solemnly.
"I can't just sit here and wait for destruction. I know I can't stop them, but my brother's in there. I can try." Dean said getting into his car.
Stull cemetery, Noon.
Y/n repeated those words in her head and she stepped on the Gas. She had to be there. She arrived there at before anyone else did and hid behind the bushes. She saw Sam walk in the cemetery but it wasn't her Sam anymore it was Lucifer. She watched as Adam appeared out of nowhere. It wasn't Adam anymore it was Michael.. The two talked for a while their voices getting louder and then she saw The Impala driving in , music blaring from the speakers. Her heart squeezed at the sight of Dean.
"Hey. We need to talk." He said walking towards Sam/Lucifer.
"Dean, even for you, this is a whole mountain of stupid." Lucifer said.
"I'm not talking to you I'm talking to my brother." He replied.
"You're not a vessel anymore." Adam/Micheal said.
"I just need five minutes."
"You have no right to be here. You're no longer a part of this story." Michael walking towards Dean when Cas called out to him.
"Hey, ass-butt." And threw a molotov cocktail at Michael but it was made of holy fire, which made him disappear. This made Lucifer angry.
"Castiel, did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?" Lucifer snarled at Castiel.
"No?" Cas answered, if it wasn't an apocalyptic situation Y/n would've laughed.
"No one dicks with Michael other than me." Lucifer said before disintegrating Cas to nothing.
Lucifer then moved towards Dean and grabbed him by the neck. Bobby shot at Lucifer to which he just flicked his hand and cracked Bobby's neck. Y/n couldn't just watch anymore. She jumped out from the bushes as Lucifer kept punching Dean. He threw him against the car and bashed his face with his bare hands.
"Dean." Y/n yelled as she ran towards him.
"Oh hello there darling." Lucifer said in a sickening voice. "I knew someone was missing when these two showed up. You were in Carthage weren't you?" He asked.
"Let him go." She said staring down at Lucifer. Dean was brutally beaten. His face was swollen and bloodied. His eyes were barely visible due to all the swelling on his face.
Lucifer threw Dean on the ground and he collided with the Impala. He groaned as he hit the car. He watched as Lucifer walked towards Y/n.
"Sammy don't do this please." She begged hoping he's in there listening.
"Sammy's not home darling." Lucifer snarled as he grabbed her by the neck. Pulling her off the ground. "You know I could've let you two live if you'd just stay away. I care about Sam and I know you two mean a lot to him. But you're so annoying, you two." Y/n gasped trying to get his hands off her.
"Sam please." She cried.
"Sammy." Dean groaned. "Let her go."
He looked at Dean and his gaze fell on the an action figure stuck in the Impala, something flashed in Lucifer's eyes and he let Y/n go. She gasped as she dropped to the ground. Coughing up as she tried to take as much air as she could. Lucifer looked at Dean and Y/n and the two looked back at him. It wasn't Lucifer. It was Sam. He immediately fished out the key from his pocket and threw it on the ground. He said the incantation to open the cage and it appeared on the floor. Sam turned to look back at Dean and Y/n. She was sobbing on the ground while Dean looked at Sam as if he was trying to remember his face. With one last look at his brother. Sam jumped. Michael reappeared trying to stop Sam from jumping in but he pulled him in too.
As soon as he jumped Cas came back to life. He pressed his two fingers to Bobby's head and brought him back to life. Castiel then walked to where Dean was and healed him completely.
"Cas, are you God?" Dean asked.
"That's a nice compliment but no." Cas replied. "But I believe he brought me back."
Dean nodded and looked around and saw Y/n still on the ground, sobbing. He turned back around and got into the Impala. He did what no one of them had expected. He drove off.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @queensilber
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The Ineffable Detective Agency Presents: The Main Bookshop Clock's Hands are BACKWARDS and Other Revelations!
(Good Omens Season 2, Episode 1)
We can't trust the way we've been reading the bookshop clock next to Aziraphale's desk, because the Hands are Reversed* for some (or all?) of the season!!
Plus a Time/Clock Disruption shortly before the double half miracle!
And possibly another Time/Clock Disruption when Gabriel first arrives at the bookshop! Did Gabriel (or whatever he had in the box) cause the hands to reverse?!
And more questions about Gabriel and what Other Thing might be going down in the up!
*Sound unbelievable? To us - @meatballlady and @embracing-the-ineffable at our new @ineffable-detective-agency - too, but let us share our proof:
Welcome to our Ineffable Detective Agency! We've been doing some digging the past few weeks; among our research has been recording each sighting of in-universe timestamps - Crowley's watch, Nina's phone, Maggie's watch, Aziraphale's clocks, and more! Our main findings are summarized here (if you're looking at a reblog, you can check for updates on the most recent version, here), with detailed screenshots below.
Main Findings - Episode 1:
Aziraphale's main bookshop clock next to his desk is frowning for Reasons! Maybe this is one: during most or all of episode 1, the minute hand is the one with the wider arrow, and the hour hand is the thin long one. (Proof is in the very next section, and it changes everything we think we know about reading that clock!)
Edit - New Finding! There may have been a time/clock disruption when Gabriel first arrived at the bookshop, which could have CAUSED the hands to reverse.
There's ALSO a big time/clock disruption when Gabriel appears at the top of the stairs, after the apology dance and before the double-half-miracle. Perhaps the clock's ability to show the time accurately is disrupted by something like a powerful 25-Lazarii miracle?
Shax and Crowley initially discuss something "going down in the up", far sooner than when Gabriel shows up in the bookshop. ("my arms were aching 'cause I had to carry that box for so long....")
Shax later tells Crowley that the previously-discussed trouble involves Gabriel, and even that conversation next to the Bentley (at 10:35 or 11:35) was well before Gabriel arrived at the bookshop (at 4:20, no matter how you read the clock's hands; screenshot below). Is there some OTHER trouble in heaven that started before Gabriel left?
Or, if Gabriel's arrival caused a time/clock disruption, perhaps Aziraphale forgave Maggie's rent at 11:23 and Gabriel arrived shortly after, which lines up more neatly with Crowley's 10:35 or 11:35 phone call/conversation with Shax.
This all might mean the time jump (or clock disruption) after The Kiss is different than we thought. (Yes, we know Neil is misdirecting everyone about there being a time jump at all by calling it a "continuity error"; he's performing magic for us, and we're still in the middle of his act! His misdirection is part of the trick!) The times are still weird in the last episode, whether you read them the typical way or the new, reversed way that we're suggesting, and we're still working on getting clearer images. Stay tuned - or help us research!
Quick sidenote: If anyone would like to verify our work or join in future sleuthing (ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN VIEW/ SCREENCAP IN 4K), we would be very grateful!!
Now, let's talk about the clock hands.
Typically, in typical clocks all over the typical world, the hand with the big wide arrow is for the hours, and the thin long hand points to the minutes. But the main bookshop clock next to Aziraphale's desk is frowning, so who knows what it's doing? Here's the A-B-C sequence from episode 1 that convinced us to read the hands in reverse:
A) Jim shows up naked, knocks, and Azi stops his music with a dramatic groan. Both clock hands point to 4, so this should be 4:20 no matter what hand is for the minutes:
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B) Jim tries hot chocolate when the wide arrow hand has traveled just past the 5. This is either 4:26 (reversed) or 5:20 (typical):
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C) Aziraphale opens the box, and Gabriel says "I love you". It's now 4:30 (reversed) or a misaligned 6:20 (typical):
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Ok, the sequence of A) Jim arrives, B) Jim drinks hot chocolate, C) Jim says "I love you", fills about 6 minutes of onscreen time. If we assume A-B-C makes more sense as 4:20-4:26-4:30 than 4:20-5:20-6:20, that means the wide arrow hand is sweeping across the minutes and NOT indicating hours!
Those three time points are also bookended by the moments Azi reads Maggie's note and forgives her rent, and later, Crowley's discovery of Jim in the bookshop:
As Azi reads Maggie's note, let's play "spot the clock":
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Did you see it?! Yep, we catch a tiny glimpse of the clock through a space in the bookshelf, in what might be the most cleverly concealed but clearly deliberate bit of staging in the entire season (!!). If you've been thinking that we're looking too closely at little unimportant details that don't matter, the way the clock is so carefully made visible here - and in focus - strongly suggests to us that this is important:
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It looks like 3:58 (reversed) or 11:20 (typical); given that Azi is interrupted while listening to his 21 minutes of Shostakovich at 4:20, it would make sense that he read the note at 3:58. That means the wide arrow hand is reversed, pointing at the minutes there, too.
[ Edit: BUT, there's also this moment, when Maggie's rent is forgiven; her watch shows 11:23 or possibly a reversed 4:57 (turn it the way Maggie would read it):
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So one more possibility is that the bookshop clock hands were typical when the episode started, Azi read the note at 11:20, and forgave Maggie's rent at 11:23. Then when Gabriel showed up, the bookshop clock jumped ahead to 4:20 and its hands reversed!? ]
Later, Crowley meets Aziraphale at the coffeeshop, then they return to the bookshop. Right after "I. Am. Dusting." - there's the OTHER bookshop clock on the west side of the building. It's hard to see, possibly 5? That could fit with Azi and Crowley meeting at the coffeeshop sometime shortly after 4:30pm.
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So, if we continue reading the main bookshop clock in reverse, let's see what else happens in episode 1:
Maggie and Nina, trapped in the coffee shop, are freed by Crowley. Just before Nina's phone starts receiving messages, it reads 21:02 (ie, 9:02pm):
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During the apology dance, the clock behind Aziraphale says 9:06 (remember! read the hands in reverse!) This makes sense, if Nina's phone said 9:02 a few minutes earlier:
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The clock behind Crowley (the one on the west side of the bookshop) says 9:02 or a misaligned 11:45; if its wider arrow hand points to hours like a typical clock, and not like the sad reversed clock next to the desk, then it could be reading 9:02, possibly a few minutes slower than the desk clock:
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Then Jim appears at the top of the stairs and nothing makes sense; the sad clock next to the desk looks like it says 12:40 - a forward jump of 3 hours and 36 minutes!! (Alternatively, it says 8:02, which means it went backwards by an hour! Either way, it's weird, and we'd love a better picture if you can get one!):
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And the clock still shows the same time after the miracle, just before the episode ends: 
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As episode 1 ends, we certainly have even more questions. Did time jump when Gabriel first arrived?! And again, after the apology dance? Or were there whole scenes or conversations that we didn't see? Or did time actually jump forwards or backwards in that moment? Or was the main bookshop clock's ability to accurately show the time interrupted by something like Gabriel's arrival with the mysterious contents of his box, and again by a powerful 25-Lazarii miracle before the double-half-miracle??!
There are 5 episodes to go! Will our sad bookshop clock consistently tell time with reversed hands for the rest of the season? Maybe! Is it becoming untethered from Actual Time as it reacts to the Eldritch forces around it? Possibly!
And what about our other findings? What ELSE is going on in Heaven? Where did Gabriel go after he left, and how long did that take? How long does the elevator ride last? Why was his box heavy, and what was inside?
Stay tuned for the details as we collect them! We'll add links to new posts here, so check the latest version for any updates! And please get in touch with @meatballlady or @embracing-the-ineffable if you would like to help with sleuthing, including getting better resolution screencaps of clocks and all the tiny watches!
Be well, fellow ineffables! Solve Clues and share your findings!
PS: There's a huge list of Clues and metas, here!
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aziraphales-library · 10 months
Hello or good evening
First of all thank you so much for all your work this blog is life saving <3
Second of all, do you have any fic that is about one of them being famous (preferably Crowley but anything is fine) and the other not ? A bit like this fic : https://archiveofourown.org/works/45591769/chapters/114720613
Thank you again for everything you do and I hope you have a lovely day<3
Hi! You can check our #famous crowley tags (and also #famous aziraphale) for fics like this. Here are some more fics in which Crowley is famous for you...
The Underground by miraworos (G)
Crowley has to take the Tube for the first time since he became uber-famous, and he happens across the one person in all of London who has no idea who he is.
In Heaven by AppleSeeds (T)
Famous radio DJ Crowley takes to Twitter to share the fact that he's just encountered the most gorgeous man he's ever seen in his entire life on the train. When he receives a tweet from someone saying that her friend has just told her that he's sitting near to Crowley, Crowley's followers begin to speculate that they might both be talking about the same person, and Crowley finally summons the courage to talk to him.
Rumor Has It by Arielavader (E)
Anthony Crowley is a famous singer, currently on tour and happily married. However, a scheduled tour stop in Las Vegas leads to rumors and a huge confession.
A rockstar's love by The_boxhead (G)
Crowley had a lot of problems finding someone to have a relationship with as the famous rockstar that he is. But that day when he entered that coffee shop and saw that blond haired man behind the counter, he didn’t want more than to get to know that beautiful angel with that cute smile.
Remain Forever Yours by TawnyOwl95 (E)
Seven years ago Aziraphale Device was persuaded out of accompanying his dearest friend to Egypt. Now a famous explorer, Anthony Crowley is back in London and looking for a wife. Aziraphale is determined to be happy for him, despite his own breaking heart.
in the study with the lead pipe by paradoxicalpockets (T)
The year is 1845, and Aziraphale, a rare books dealer, would like to retire early. His plans are scuttled when a mysterious letter is dropped on his stoop - a threat of blackmail from one Lord Gabriel, a wealthy American living out in the English countryside. An already tense dinner with 5 other blackmail victims (one of which is the famous actor Anthony J. Crowley) takes a turn for the worse when their host reveals that they are locked in the mansion, the blackmail materials are in the mailbox outside, and the police are set to arrive in 24 hours. The only way to truly protect your secrets is to send them to the grave. Aziraphale and Crowley must find the front door key and escape...or die trying.
And he one you mentioned...
Release Me by AppleSeeds (E)
When a mysterious man with a rather unique appearance comes into Aziraphale's bookshop and purchases a book written by an escapologist from hundreds of years ago, he asks Aziraphale not to tell anyone about it. Aziraphale wouldn't dream of it - mostly because he has no idea who the man actually is. After Aziraphale learns that Anthony Crowley is in fact a famous escape artist putting together a comeback show following a disastrous performance six years ago, he offers the use of his bookshop to help with Crowley's research. As they get to know each other better and become close friends, Crowley exposes Aziraphale to things he had never even thought of, bringing exciting new experiences into his life and giving him the courage to take risks. But as Aziraphale's affection for Crowley grows, he realises there's one thing he wants that might be too big a risk to take.
- Mod D
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Could I request some reader/Gabriel, or reader/Jim? Either with Gabriel’s musings over falling for/being fascinated with a human(?) partner, or reader and Jim indulging in soft courtship and just being idiots in love with each other? Thank you so much for doing these, love your writing so much! 💛
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this was fun! I love jim 💕 enjoy!
Jim x reader w/ background aziraphale x Crowley
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The first time Jim hears you singing, he’s the only customer in the coffee shop. Aziraphale trusted him with a ten pound note and an order in his head. You clearly don’t even realise that he’s there, you simply belt along with the music you have gently playing over the speakers as you set up the espresso machine. 
It’s lovely. He’s so enchanted by it all he can do is listen. 
When you turn, you yelp. A look he doesn’t realise crosses your face - it’s embarrassment - and you bristle. 
“How long have you been standing there?”
He blinks, put off by your hostility. 
“Not long,” he states. You still seem to want something more from him. He doesn’t know what it is, so instead he offers the truth. “I like your voice. What song is it?”
You seem surprised by that, and it drops your guard and your irritation. 
“You don’t know this song? It’s pretty famous.”
Jim shrugs. 
“It’s Take A Chance On Me by ABBA,” you tell him. Jim listens to the music for a bit, enjoying the tune, then smiles at you. 
“I like it more when you sing it.”
You’re a bit taken aback but finally end up smiling. 
“That’s very kind, uh…?”
He reads your name off your employee badge and commits it to memory, only to find he’s totally forgotten the drinks order. 
He next hears you sing when you’re closing up a few weeks later, but it’s okay - he works there too now. Aziraphale let him get a job there under the promise he’d behave. And he does. He’s quite a natural at it, actually, he enthuses about the coffee to every customer who comes through the door and they’re happy to chat with him. 
And he’s pretty easy on the eyes which doesn’t hurt. 
You’re singing under your breath, he can hear the music you have playing quietly on your phone. As he wipes down the tables, he peers over your shoulder. 
“Is this ABBA too?”
You laugh, not unkindly. 
“Huh? Oh, no. This isn’t ABBA. This is I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston.”
“Oh.” He listens to a few bars. “I like this one too, I think.”
You take it easy on him. Apparently he has amnesia, so that’s probably why he doesn’t remember a lot of music. You start the song again, louder this time for him, and hum along to it. 
He listens to your voice more than the song, and finds himself getting a strange fluttery feeling in his chest. When he goes home and asks Aziraphale about it, he’s told it might be affection. 
He listens to the radio a lot when he’s in the bookshop now. 
The classical stations, the oldies, the top 40. All of it. He listens and he listens. He makes a mental note of what he’s heard you singing, because those are the ones he likes the most. He uses the internet - under watchful supervision - to research the artists he knows you enjoy. He likes to be able to keep up a conversation with you, likes the way you light up when you talk.  
He likes you. 
“Are you sure about this, angel?” Crowley asks, narrowing his eyes. Aziraphale straightens Jim’s tie. 
“Yes, I think it’s a perfectly lovely idea.”
When Jim suggested he would quite like to ask you out to dinner, Aziraphale had decided it would probably be fine, under the condition that if you declined he wouldn’t bother you about it again. Jim didn’t know much about human culture but understood that it was frowned upon to pursue someone who said no, so agreed. 
And now here he was. In his little suit Aziraphale had loaned him. A bunch of flowers in his hand. Waiting for your shift to end. When he sees you coming out of the shop and locking up, Aziraphale sends him off with an encouraging pat on the back. 
He and Crowley watch from the window. 
“If he remembers who he is, this could turn into a nightmare.”
“Perhaps. But look at them, they make each other so happy. I think… maybe they both deserve that.”
Aziraphale loves love, and Crowley loves Aziraphale, so keeps his mouth shut and watches the scene unfold. 
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ineffable-sideburns · 10 months
In this post, I'm going to tie numerous observations on screen together to make a single season 3 prediction
it relies on this premise, which i'm about to build a case for:
the way the characters interact with the story is informed by the mythical/historical figures they are directly and indirectly coded as, but it’s not always in the way you’d expect, and some characters are coded in more than one way. we can still use these relationships as Clues to postulate where the story might go and how the characters will interact with one another.
this is by no means exhaustive, obviously. i’ve seen people say that Crowley is coded as Jesus, Aziraphale as Mary, and numerous other figures. i’m just pointing out some things i’ve noticed that I haven’t seen brought up as often.
we’ll start with Crowley, then go on to Sandalphon and Saraqael, then Gabriel, then Aziraphale. yes, it'll all lead up to something and i chose these characters in this order for a reason.
so we obviously know he’s coded as Ashtoreth when he dresses up as Nanny Ashtoreth in season 1. yes, we will note that in the book, it’s very vaguely implied that Crowley and Aziraphale both hired Ashtoreth and Francis
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in season 2, when trying to get the deets on bae, Beelzebub offers Crowley a “hefty” promotion and then later tells him “you could be a duke of hell".
in researching Beelzebub, at some point I found out about Milton's Unholy Trinity in Paradise Lost, which includes Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Astaroth as the first heirarchy in Hell, and which has (seemingly) lent that idea to demonology in general.
Astaroth is often referred to as the "Great Duke of Hell."
so now with season 2, Crowley has been coded in the show as both the feminine and masculine demons derived from the eastern goddess Astarte.
note: coded != Crowley is literally Astaroth/Ashtoreth. it means we can infer things about the story through the coding
the obvious would be him becoming a duke of Hell somehow in season 3. i personally am not convinced the story will take that route, and it would be sad to see him end up back in hell. this coding is the least compelling for me. it could just be a Milton reference, or maybe, since at this point in season 2, we don’t know why Beelzebub wants Gabriel, this could be a Clue that Beelzebub was sincere. maybe it just shows how powerful Crowley could have been if he’d accepted the deal. or maybe it just adds weight to parallel the decision Aziraphale makes later when offered his own position of power. people have analyzed Crowley and Ashtoreth/Astarte before, and the book/show discrepancy is always brought up, so i'm ignoring that and just addressing the added layer of Astaroth coding. anyway, let's move on to the more interesting observations.
Sandalphon and Saraqael
i’m doing these two together because i’ve found what i believe to be a major connection between them based on Neil’s answer to this ask, a shared trait their mythical figures have, and Saraqael’s actions in the show.
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when Sandalphon is introduced in season 1, we learn that he was smiting and turning people into salt during Sodom and Gomorrah. then we see the direct connection Saraqael has with Sandalphon at the end of season 2, when Michael asks her to turn Maggie and Nina into salt pillars and her hand flys up.
but that’s not secret, is it?
you know what is, though?
the fact that she immediately recognizes Metatron in his human form, looks scared shitless for multiple shots, and then proceeds to act like it never happened when he starts addressing all the angels. she doesn’t let anyone know that she recognized him.
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do check out this post by @most-normal-eccles-cake-ignorer with more shots and analysis of her reaction to Metatron.
still don’t believe me and think that reaction is nothing?
well, let me tell you something both the mythical figures Sandalphon and Saraqael have in common.
they both saw Metatron in his human form.
according to one source, Sandalphon was Metatron’s twin brother, and Sandalphon, like Metatron, was originally human.
in the book of 2 Enoch, Sariel/Saraqael was one of the angels who brought Enoch (human!Metatron) to Heaven.
if Sandalphon had been in that room at that moment, he’d also be secretly recognizing Metatron.
obligatory: remember what I said at the beginning of this post? we are using this coding to analyze the story and how the characters interact with it and eachother. you don’t believe that Sandalphon or Metatron were literally human at one point in GO? that’s fine. i’m just giving a reason why the author may have chosen Saraqael and Sandalphon to serve the same purpose in this scene
it isn’t crazy to think that a lot of the historical lore was used to inform the characters, and if you think it is, at least read about Gabriel first.
Gabriel is being coded…as the actual archangel (fucking) Gabriel. (and as Lord Jim from the novel of the same name by Joseph Conrad - the book Aziraphale glances at before choosing to call Gabriel Jim. but you can google the plot of Lord Jim and how it relates to Gabriel on your own time. it’s too much to get into right now.)
Gabriel is an archangel with the power to announce God’s will to mankind. He is associated with messages, vision, telecommunications, and revelation…
…and in the Bible he announces the birth of John the Baptist, and later, Jesus.
30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS
Luke 1:30-31
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"hey Sithis dude you will not believe this… God now grants that you may conceive seven more children…yippe!!”
let’s get back to that thing about him delivering messages and revelation though.
Gabriel starts off season 2 carrying a box to the book shop (that we think was empty but later find out had a fly in it as well as a message scrawled on the bottom about where his memory is)
he also tells Aziraphale that something terrible was going to happen to him so he had to give him something. you can take that as being the fly, and consciously it probably was, but throughout season 2 Gabriel is unconsciously and unintentionally giving other people messages.
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technically, a message “delivered” (dropped) by Gabriel, found by Muriel
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after Crowley not-so-nicely commands Gabriel to remember, Jimbriel says, in a voice that shifts to sound like God’s voice, “I remember when the morning stars sang together and all the angels of God shouted for joy." Crowley recognizes this as what God said to Job, and then another flashback of Job begins.
later, during another vision caused by Crowley mentioning the word tempest: "There will come a tempest then darkness and great storms and the dead will leave their graves and walk the earth once more, and there will be great lamentations... every day it's getting closer."
in the Hebrew Bible, Gabriel appears to the prophet Daniel, and explains his prophetic visions. in Good Omens though, Jim IS the prophet having prophetic visions through Gabriel.
when in the book shop with Aziraphale, Jimbriel starts to hum every day, which is what causes Aziraphale to search down the pub with the jukebox playing that song on repeat. we know from what Terry and Neil have said about every day that it’s the song of the apocalypse, but none of the characters know that, Gabriel included.
what does a song do?
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each message the archangel of (fucking) messages delivers is unconscious. not how you’d expect him to live up to his name, right? of course, if they are actually God’s messages, it makes sense that they’re useless, vauge, and well, ineffable. one last thing: spiritually, Gabriel’s messages and prophecies are often believed to be delivered through dreams (or in other words, the unconscious)
edit: this post by @noneorother actually inspired me to look at the mythology of archangel Gabriel, so it’s crucial you check it out. i’ve also seen a post somewhere that posits Gabriel shouldn’t even have some of the memories that go by really quickly before the flashbacks of him and Beelzebub, but i lost the link to it.
edit II: just wanted to add this post by @drconstellation, which analyzes the symbols coded into Jimbriel's clothing.
it’s hard to ignore the fact that Aziraphale’s name is similar to Raphael, and that we’re missing an archangel Raphael. i’ll link some analysis on the meaning of Aziraphale’s name and share a quote from Terry, but this has all been said before. i want to look at who Raphael is mythologically to see if there’s similarities in Aziraphale’s character, and i also want to see if we can find out the relationship between Gabriel and Aziraphale, and why the latter was a suitable replacement.
Terry said about the name's origin:
"It was made up but... er... from real ingredients. [The name] Aziraphale could be shoved in a list of 'real' angels and would fit right in..."
For instance, Islam recognizes the Archangels Jibril, Mikhail, Azrael (see also the annotation for p. 9 of Reaper Man ), and Israfel (the subject of Edgar Allan Poe's well-known poem of the same name), whereas from Christianity we get such names as Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel.
the excerpt above was taken from here
NOW that that’s out of the way, who is archangel Raphael, the mythical figure?
Raphael’s name means “god heals.” it’s believed he helps people heal and overcome their struggles spiritually, physically, and mentally, and that he protects people on their journeys. he’s also considered to be the angel of joy, love, marriage, matchmaking, and travels.
as an example, in the Book of Tobit, God sends Raphael on a journey with a man named Tobias so that he can meet and woo his future wife. Raphael is also sent to heal her and Tobias’s blind, ageing father.
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all the people and things i can count just off the top of my head that Aziraphale has healed or protected:
Anathema (healed)
Anathema’s bike (healed)
the dove he accidentally killed (technically healed by Crowley in the book)
Jimbriel (literally tells Jim he promised he would protect him)
Maggie and Nina when the demons enter the bookshop (tells them he will protect them)
bonus: in a scene cut from season 1, he stops a baby’s stroller from crashing
…and one he couldn’t:
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collection of gifs of Aziraphale being full of joy:
you just have to look at Aziraphale smiling, especially at Crowley...
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...to know that he represents joy and lo--
oh, but wait, he’s known for hooking people up, right? in case you forgot: Maggie and Nina va voom? originally his idea
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similarly to the book of Tobit story I mentioned earlier, who did Aziraphale protect on his journey to meeting his beloved?
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remember: the characters don't know they're being coded as anything and they don't know what kind of story they're in, so while Aziraphale didn't know he was going to be reuniting two lovers when he protected Jim, he played the role Neil made for him. it doesn't matter that he didn't know in the same way that it doesn't matter that Crowley could have (potentially) been powerful, or in the same way that it doesn't matter that Gabriel's messages were delivered unconsciously.
one more thing. Raphael heals people spiritually, physically, and mentally, right?
so is it any surprise that Aziraphale thinks he can heal the *ahem* spiritual corruption in Heaven?
we're going to tinfoil hat theory-land now ya'll, but I swear all of these observations are leading up to something cohesive...
Why did Aziraphale replace Gabriel?
i'll spare you all the long theories about Metatron's reasons, although i quite like the idea that Metatron was listening in ever since Aziraphale opened the portal to discorporate the demons attacking the bookshop, and he saw Aziraphale use his halo to declare war in order to protect Maggie and Nina. this shows Metatron that when pushed into a corner, or when it means protecting someone, he can force Aziraphale's hand...even to war.
But can we find a link between Gabriel and Raphael mythically to explain it instead?
if you've made it this far, you know i've got an answer for you. i withheld one detail about Gabriel earlier. in Christianity, he is often associated with blowing the trumpet at the end times to announce Judgment Day.
"okay, so?"
well, do you remember the quote from Terry and the excerpt from lspace I mentioned earlier? when mentioning the origins of Aziraphale's name, the excerpt mentions both angels in Islam and Christianity. the counterpart to Raphael in Islam, is Israfil/Israfel...
who blows the trumpet to signal the Day of Judgment.
"but Aziraphale wouldn't do that!"
he wouldn't intentionally do it. he's not a villain.
you remember who didn't intend to start the apocalypse in season 1, but who was there and given a role to play, regardless of whether he wanted to?
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…the one who said no to heaven and hell and refused to be their pawn this time around when offered powerful positions by both?
Aziraphale, after nuking some demons with his halo, with painful foreshadowing: "I think I may have just started a war."
obligatory reiteration: the way the character-coding manifests is not literal, and it isn't always in the way you'd expect. there may be no literal trumpet. but i'm just pointing out the potential symmetry with season 1 in it being Aziraphale who "starts" apocalypse II.
one last thing: Raphael protects people on journeys, and helps them overcome their struggles — but now Aziraphale is on his own journey, and he will have to overcome his own moral struggles (ironically what Crowley helped him with)…alone.
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girl4music · 2 months
So I’ve been spending these passed couple of days off work researching cast/crew interviews about ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ and a good few of them I’ve found have been Renee O’Connor interviews where she talks about the significance of Gabrielle as a character and how she relates to Xena. How she personally perceives the nature of the relationship between them. Renee has always perceived it as definitely romantic but not necessarily sexual. She’s always perceived Xena and Gabrielle as best friends in love rather than an actual official couple. Rather than sexually involved lovers. And it’s interesting to read her views of the characters and their relationship together through this lens because she - like me - seems to come at it from a much more profound and spiritual perspective. It really does make me wonder what she would think and tell me if she ever read my character study thesis because I think she would agree with it to be honest. She’d resonate with the theory that the characters were so intertwined with each other emotionally and intimately that they were one soul inhabiting two bodies that became each other at the conclusion.
It’s just the way she talks about the characters and their relationship together makes me think that way. Take for example this interview from way back in 2010. The way she expresses her views about both Xena and Gabrielle here and their love relationship.
WVM: “As I wrote on my blog today, to a true Xena fan, I’m probably the nightmare, because I’ve never seen the show. Now I’m intrigued, and I want to catch up on the series. So tell me: who is Gabrielle? What should I look out for as I watch?”
ROC: “In the beginning, she is very naïve, with an intense desire to search for who she is. Then she starts to be the counterbalance to Xena’s pragmatic warrior, so she becomes more of the peaceful, compassionate, loving partner to Xena’s person-seeking-redemption. Xena the Warrior Princess is looking for redemption, and Gabrielle is guiding her there in some profound way. I think that if you thought of the whole arc of the series, that’s what you could say. Xena discovers true love in Gabrielle. What else should you look for? In the beginning, she’s one of those people who can get herself out of any situation through fast talking. By the end of the series, she actually gets herself out of situations by using her own physical strength, fighting alongside Xena.”
WVM: “She’s also a bard. What does that mean, in Xena terms?”
ROC: “Gabrielle is a great storyteller. She loves to meet the poets along the way. Even at the end of the series — she admires Sappho’s poetry, and so Xena gives her this gift, a poem to her from Sappho. Gabrielle is the person who writes down and archives the adventures of Xena all along the way. Then she puts them in these scrolls, which are her prized possessions, and she carries them on all their journeys. So one great piece of humor is when Xena discovers that she can’t find any paper in the forest, so she uses one of the scrolls, rips off a piece of one.”
WVM: “That kind of paper? Toilet paper?”
ROC: “Yes! There was a wonderful lightness in the series. There were feminist themes, anti-war themes. But also humor. I still remember that scene: “Scrolls? You used my scrolls?”
It’s still the ultimate buddy movie, too. [Gabrielle and Xena] could always rely on each other. We always loved each other, too, so whenever a tragic flaw came over one of us, we always came through to the other side still loving each other.”
WVM: “But it’s my understanding that they were never depicted as lovers outright.”
ROC: “That was asked today. Someone said, “Do you think they ever basically made love,” is what the question was. That’s been the question of subtext for all these years. There was an incredible intimacy between Xena and Gabrielle. I don’t know if I said, “Yes” or “Probably.” If so, Lucy [Lawless, who played Xena] and I never defined that in playing the characters.
It’s a relationship I don’t think I’ve ever had: it’s best friends, it’s maternal, it’s combative — such as in warfare when you have to rely on your partner to think quickly.”
WVM: “There’s also an element of big sister/little sister, isn’t there?”
ROC: “Yeah, and yet I felt Xena was quite maternal, too. Xena defended Gabrielle. I don’t know if she sacrificed herself. It’s more than just a sexual intimacy. But that’s what people saw, so that’s what they could resonate with the most.”
WVM: “We don’t often get to see women’s friendship treated in this kind of depth. Usually the depictions are pretty superficial, or they don’t take up much screen time. And men — myself included — are always certain that there’s more going on and much more said between women when we’re not in the room.”
ROC: “Interesting. That’s the mind of a man!”
Renée recalled a scene between Xena and Gabrielle that demonstrated the characters’ closeness.
ROC: “We were around the campfire talking about a recap of what happened in the episode, some sort of change in the character had happened, and it was an intimate, vulnerable moment, and it happened around the campfire. I think there’s a moment of intimacy when people are vulnerable and open and loving, and I guess that’s where the “dot dot dot” comes in.
It’s funny you say that [about women’s friendships], because I think women are probably more threatened [than men] by seeing someone they love in an intimate relationship with someone else. Women feel that way. As opposed to something that looks — something that might just be a lustful projection. Isn’t that true?”
WVM: “I think guys tend to congratulate each other, rather than feel threatened. Maybe they’re hurt when feeling left out, like “I can’t hang out with my buddy because he’s out with his girflriend.”
While Renée reflected on this, I observed that, at the convention, it was clear that a number of the women present at the convention considered Xena and Gabrielle as models for their own loving relationships with other women. Renée cautioned that her perspective shouldn’t be taken as authoritative, merely because she played one of the characters, but she does understand the interpretation.
ROC: “I have to embrace that, because truly the lesbian community is still our most loyal following, definitely, after all these years. So if that’s what they want to see, absolutely, go for it, sure.”
WVM: “Is it flattering to be viewed this way by a community, that you’re telling their stories?”
ROC: “You know, I come at it from the other angle. I’m almost worried — and I’m not a worrisome person — but I worry about misrepresenting the community, because I don’t expect to be iconic. I can’t represent them in a way that is truly truthful, and so I don’t know that I should be the spokesperson. [That is to say, because she’s a straight woman in real life.]
I think people resonate with me personally because of the person I am. I care about the fans, I really do. I want them to be happy. I want them to feel like they can stand up and say, “I’m gay,” and be fulfilled in so many ways and never be discriminated against. That’s what’s important in what they see in me. I don’t want them to feel isolated or feel like they have to hide or feel ashamed. And I think the young girls feel that way because they don’t have anyone to talk to and they don’t know what to do. I have felt that in my life, and so I feel like I want to say to them, “You don’t have to do that, you can stand up and be who you are.”
WVM: “A lot of people identify very closely with Gabrielle’s spiritual journey.”
ROC: “I don’t know that she meant it to be a spiritual journey. I think she was trying to search for her individual way. There was an element to the spiritual quest there, but I don’t think it was isolated around spirituality. You know, there are just some people who feel incongruent, they have different aspects and they don’t line up. They feel conflicted. [Gabrielle] was in love with someone who was a warrior and was killing people, and yet Gabrielle wanted the life of a compassionate pacifist. So how does she do that? That was how I came at it.”
WVM: “I should probably use the word “meaning” rather than “spirituality.”
ROC: “Yes, yes, looking for meaning, sure.”
Left the link to the original source if you’d like to read the whole interview. I’ve just transcribed a small part of it. But isn’t it interesting though that Renee views the characters and the way they relate to each other in their friendship romantically but not sexually. I obviously perceive Xena and Gabrielle as a couple so I do think they have sex - it’s just not for us to see on-screen - but I do think they focus more so on the emotional and spiritual connection between them - which I do believe is what makes them an epic romance/love story as opposed to any other WLW ship that there is that is represented to be explicitly sexual.
Xena and Gabrielle really are a very special WLW ship in that you can either view them just as friends and completely platonically if you like… or not. At the end of the day what matters is the love they have is so real and deep and strong that it goes beyond sex and romance. It’s not just Renee that will tell you this out of the cast/crew of ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ regardless of how they personally perceive the characters and the nature of their relationship together. They all will. But I just think Renee is the best at explaining this because she really gets down to the core of who the characters are and how they relate to each other which is why I think she would agree with my thesis.
SOURCE: http://billmadison.blogspot.com/2010/09/interview-renee-oconnor.html?m=1
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 6 months
-I'm genderfluid and audhd, borderline too (undiagnosed because the system sucks) and diagnosed schizophrenic
-godspoused! if you're anti fuck off
-I'm an age regressor but i curse a lot on this blog so age regressors feel free to follow my agere side blog @there-are-sharks-in-my-milk
-i don't discriminate anyone this is a safe space for minorities, poc, microlabels, systems, lgbt people, therians, everyone who is not a hateful jerk
-this blog is a mix of me posting about my deities, stray kids and other stuff i find interesting
-sometimes i vent make sure you're okay with it
blog rules are:
-if my practice looks different than yours and you don't like it you're free to unfollow
-if my vents annoy you and you feel the urge to tell me its my fault you're free to unfollow this is my shadow work free from censor space
-if you feel the need to tell me i seem psychotic you're free to fuck off
-don't fuckin curse me??? some of yall are not behaving and it's pissing me off
-other than that be kind and respectful to me and my friends
to interact with my blog make sure that you aren't:
racist, homophobic, terf, pedo, ableist, anti agere, a nsfw blog (it makes me uncomfortable), generally a hateful human
now the best part:
-Holy Mary
-Baba Jaga
working with:
Marzanna, Apollo, Dionysus, Hecate, Persephone, Asclepius, Hel, Anat, Death, Satan, Leszy, Cernunnos, Horned God, Helios, Venus, Freyja, Asmodeus, Baphomet archangel Jophiel, Thoth, Fenrir, Dantalion, Buer, Beelzebub, Mut, Bes, Bacchus, Kogkipr (an unknown deity), Proserpina, Cnabetius Mars, Tegid Foel, angel Sariel, Hermanubis, Amun, Deimos and Phobos, Kvasir, Wepwawet, The Dagda, Swarożyc, Lucifer, Begotho (unknown deity), Aphrodite Areia, Stracchus (unknown deity), Ruadan, Somnia, Kek, Cerberus, Hestia, Nyx, Cerridwen, the Morrigan, Parvati, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, RadhaRani, Lakshmi, archangel Gabriel, archangel Azrael, Nakir and Munkar, archangel Michael, archangel Israphil, Kiram and Katibun, Somnus, Loki, Mokosz, Allah, Brigid, Hermes, Shakti, Anubis, Weles, Baldur, Khnum, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Astaroth, Neith, Wenut, Ganesha, Perun, Khepri, Inanna, Dola/Niedola, Ariadne, Jaryło, Chors, Sleipnir, Zorza, Jormungandr, Odin, Czarnobóg, Blodeuwedd, Set, Mafdet, Idunn, Seshat, Dziewanna, Artemis, Arioch, Eros, Vesna, Selene, Luna, Leviathan, Behemoth, Nox, Mammon, Abaddon, Azazel, Kathos, Vesta, Sun, Moon, Minerva, Athena, Eosphorus, Stolas, Melinoe, Mary of Magdala
spirits that i work with:
-Pahiri (a white dragon spirit)
-Nkfofa (the mermaid spirit guide)
-a fae
-Fienon (a rusałka)
-Mo Xasii (familiar nr 1)
-Hilkog (spirit guide)
-Kalina (a harpy)
-Zanota (a mermaid spirit guide nr 2)
-Gawoż (hydra, familiar nr 2)
- Kiityk (upiór spirit guide)
-Xyo (a red fire dragon)
-Bemamo (a dragon shark)
devoting to:
-King Hades
I'm not really a hellenic polytheist, nor a kemetic one, not really a slavic one as well although i am hyperfixated on slavic paganism, yes, and i do wanna work with more slavic deities in the future but I don't label myself as anything I'm just a witch and a pagan i celebrate the slavic holidays and my deities holidays because they're the closest to me. if i were to label myself i would use "rodzimowierca"? but I'm just a witch, and well apparently a medium now too so 😀 fun uhh
i do free readings too! 5 a day to not burn out so quick but i wanna get more skilled since divination is my favourite skill to get one just dm me tp ask if im open!
I'm planning to master:
-moon magic
-blood magic
-a crystal ball
-reading more books...
-my fuckin research motivation...
i can do:
-spells and shit
-tea blends i guess
-runes (both nordic and witch's runes)
-smoke reading
sława! :]
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bunnyreaper · 1 year
see on both sides
pairings - gabriel reyes x f!reader, niran pruksamanee x f!reader, gabriel reyes x niran pruksamanee wc -  4.2k warnings - dubious consent, power dynamics, dom/sub, threesome, possessive sex, exhibitionism. notes - sequel to i still get jealous, or read both on ao3!
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The knock on the door comes as a complete surprise. 
A tough day of training has you wiped out, and you're half tempted to tell whoever is at the door to come back later. If you were still in your own quarters, you'd probably ignore it, but in case it's someone looking for Gabriel, you best answer. 
Even making it to the door is a slog, but your disgruntled expression is wiped away as you open the door to see a smiling Niran standing outside. 
"Hello Y/N." He greets, lips curled and eyes crinkled. 
"Oh, Niran, hi!" You reply, taken aback by his presence. While the two of you have been developing a friendship, he'd never paid a personal visit before. "How did you know where to find me?" 
"This was somewhat of a giveaway." He smirks, nodding to the nameplate by the door that reads COMMANDER GABRIEL REYES. 
"I'll give you that." You laugh. You're about to step aside to allow him in, before you freeze. "Can I help you with something?" 
His smile widens, and he appears just as charming as he always does. "I was just looking for a friendly ear." He states. 
"Sure, come in." You hold open the door for him to enter, and hope against everything you won't regret the decision. "Can I get you something to drink?"
"That wouldn't go amiss, thank you." 
You head for the liquor cabinet, and hope that a little drink will help take the edge off. Niran is your friend, but the last thing you want to do is give Gabe more reason to worry. Letting the blonde man into your apartment alone is sure to get Gabriel's back up a little—God forbid Niran leaves his scent on the couch cushions.
You frown harshly, reconsidering your decision. 
"Long day?" Niran pipes up, voice patient and inquisitive upon seeing your sour expression.
You school it back into something pleasant. 
"Something like that. How was your day?" You return to Niran, offering him the drink before you both take a seat on opposite ends of the couch.  "From what I've heard, you're usually in the lab much later than this." 
"Usually, but it is a Friday night, after all." He sends you a wink, which brings your nerves rushing back. "I work hard, but I play harder." 
Taking a long sip of your drink, you chuckle awkwardly. Niran is sweet, and you suppose his flirtatious nature is just how he is—surely, he doesn't mean anything by it. "I don't really have the energy for playing hard." You reply as a subtle rebuttal.
"Really?" He raises his brows, his smile remaining cheeky. "Has being with the Commander aged you prematurely?" 
"Very funny, Niran." Your eyes roll playfully. "A little, but I keep him young too. We like the balance." You offer in response, again attempting to dissuade any strange notions the man might be having. 
"So, how was your day? Hopefully a lot easier than mine." You ask, changing the topic. Niran's research is intriguing beyond belief, and his enthusiasm is infectious. 
He's about to reply, no doubt launching into an excited monologue, when the door opens. 
"Well, this looks cozy." Gabriel comments, a slight edge to his voice, and he stares at the scene in front of him.
Shit. You feel caught, even though you're technically not doing anything wrong. 
"Commander Reyes." Niran greets him quickly and cheerfully. "I'm glad you could join us." 
That nervous feeling is back with the way Niran greets Gabe like he didn't just walk into his own quarters. This isn't going to end well, you think. 
"Sit down, I'll grab you a drink." You rush back to the cabinet to fetch Gabriel a drink, knowing he could do with a little mellowing in the form of alcohol and being tended to by you.
Gabriel takes your seat, as you pour him a large measure of whiskey. 
"How was your day, Commander?" Niran asks politely, either unaware or uncaring of the complete shift in atmosphere. 
"Long." Gabriel huffs, throwing his arm over the back of the couch and making himself comfortable and at home. Almost like he owns the place, because well, he does. "But, I was looking forward to coming home and relaxing." 
"Well, this'll help." You interject, rushing over with the glass in hand as you thrust it toward Gabriel, a quiet way of saying 'Drink this and be quiet'.  
"Sit with me." He murmurs up at you, spreading his legs to accommodate you sitting between them.
So that's how this is going to go, you sigh. 
You seat yourself in between his legs, feeling his radiating warmth before whispering a warning. "Play nice." 
You turn your attention back to Niran, hoping to lighten the mood and do away with the mounting tension. 
Surely, when Gabriel sees the nature of your engagement with Niran, he'll see that you clearly show the man where he stands. "So, do you have other plans tonight, Niran?" 
"Not as such, no. See where the night takes me. I was hoping you'd be free for a little fun." He chuckles, clearly not sensing your desperation and discomfort.
Of course, he wouldn't make it easy for you. 
"Give me a little notice next time, I can show you a place or two, Gabe will come too, right?" Your laugh is still nervous as you clearly try to smooth things over. 
"We'll see." He says shortly.
"You know, not to play favorites, but you definitely have been one of the most welcoming at Overwatch." Niran continues entirely unprompted, and if you didn't find him so thoroughly likable, you'd strangle him to death with his own long blonde locks. 
There's no way he's this clueless as to the effect he's having, right?
"I try my best, I know what it's like to be new." You scramble to think of another deflection, hating the defensive stance you're having to take in every aspect of the conversation. You can feel how rigid Gabriel is behind you.
The two of you usually talk so normally. Maybe it's the weekend feeling, but Niran is clearly in a certain excitable mindset. 
"But I imagine there's a lot of people trying to ingratiate themselves with you right now." You add on, trying to turn the conversation away from yourself. 
"A little, but none as lovely as you."  He comments.
Does that smirk not hurt his face from maintaining it for so long?
"The coffee you make is divine, too." He has the audacity to look straight past you to Gabriel, and his comment makes you swallow thickly. 
Despite the initial aesthetic appreciation, your attraction to Niran is minimal. Yet he seems determined to misconstrue your intentions, whether by ignorance or malice, you don't know. 
"Oh, is that where you disappear during lunch?" Gabriel's voice is strained, and you can tell he's probably going to ask more questions when the two of you are alone. You're in trouble.
"Yeah... sometimes." You comment awkwardly, feeling self-conscious about it. Your ass is gonna be red raw later. 
Niran picks up the conversation. "I do tend to forget to look after myself when I'm busy working." 
The rest of his words fall on deaf ears, as Gabriel's arm slips around you, settling on your exposed thigh and offering a firm squeeze. He chooses the same time to press a delicate, distracting kiss to your shoulder. "Gabe." You whisper, but Niran stops talking. 
"Mmm? Something the matter?" In your peripheral, you can tell Gabriel's eyes are on Niran, sending him a heated look. "Just showing appreciation for my girl."  He comments simply, his voice laced with possessiveness.
"Uh..." You squirm uncomfortably, enjoying the attention yet wishing the two of you were alone. His hand stops squeezing, and his lips stop kissing, so you assume he's going to play nice and relax back into his hold.
"You always brighten my day whenever you drop by." The blonde continues, digging your grave further. 
"She has that effect." Gabe purrs, his demeanor shifting entirely as his hand dips down to your inner thigh, his fingers stretching out to trace across your clothed cunt.
"Gabe!" You exclaim, in complete disbelief, slamming your legs shut—horrified at the idea of him playing with you in front of your friend. 
"What?" He doesn't stop his movements, and you watch transfixed as Niran's eyes observe Gabriel's fingers move, with a slight smirk tugging at his lips. "Our guest doesn't mind, does he?" Gabriel adds, his words a dare, a challenge. 
"Not at all. As long as you're enjoying yourself." Niran seems completely unfazed. 
You try to battle the steadily climbing arousal as you try to think straight. 
As your thoughts slip away, one final coherent thing slips through.
Niran's behavior was entirely on purpose. That bastard. 
"I, yeah." You sigh, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment as you give in to the pleasure and Gabe rubs at your clit through your shorts. You can still sense his eyes on Niran, and the thought makes you shiver. 
This display is for him.  
You're just a pawn in their game, but from how wet you are, you clearly can't mind all that much. 
"No need to hide from me." It's Niran's turn for his voice to turn silky and sultry, as he sips at his drink and continues to spectate your undoing. 
"Hear that baby?" Gabe coos, his voice much softer now, he has you falling apart on his fingers and all of his blood has rushed elsewhere too.  "Spread your legs, show him that pretty pussy." 
"I—" You hesitate for a moment, trying to think over the implications of the act and yet desperately wanting to comply with Gabriel's gentle commands. The rubbing only adds to your need to listen to him.
You allow your legs to fall open, before pulling your shorts and panties to the side to bare yourself to Niran.
His eyes sparkle with delight as he lays eyes on your flesh, and Gabriel's fingers move to find your nub unhindered. 
"She's so wet already." He offers, his thick fingers swirling said wetness around your needy nub. "She always is when I'm touching her. Tell him how it feels, cariño." 
Once more, he gives you a command, and you feel the need to obey as you always do. 
"Niran..." You whisper, your voice strained as you test the waters in voicing your pleasure.
"Yes, sweetheart?" 
You were already blushing under his gaze, but now your face is ablaze as nerves battle arousal. "Feels so good." 
Niran smiles in a genuine, sweet way. "Looks like he's taking good care of you." 
"Mhmm." You whine, slipping your eyes shut and concentrating on the pleasure, the tingling sensation, the coiling feeling.
"Tell her that you want her." Gabriel turns his commands on Niran, breaking an entirely new barrier. 
"Gabe—" You gasp, eyes springing open as you're shocked and somewhat concerned on behalf of Niran.
Yet, the man himself finds no objection.
"(Y/N), you look divine." He answers easily, his voice returning to its flirtatious tone. "From the moment I laid eyes on you, I thought about the sounds you'd make." 
Upon hearing his confession, Gabriel grows and starts working his fingers faster and harder, forcing you into deeper euphoria.
"This is the closest you'll get to touching her yourself." His words rumble through you. He works with fervor, drawing moans and gasps from you. "Enjoy it while it lasts." 
"Oh, I intend to." Niran winks, before returning his gaze to your exposed pussy and leaking wetness.
"Fuck, Gabe." You sigh dreamily, as you climb higher and higher. 
You desperately try to retain some sense, to think of the messed up nature of the dynamic and Gabriel's display, yet right now you can't bring yourself to care too much.
"Crawl forward baby." Gabe murmurs sweetly, as he releases you from his hold. 
It's now the hesitation comes crashing back. 
Gabe wants to fuck you, right here, right now. The fingering was one thing, but he's about to fuck you into the couch with your new friend sitting right there. 
"Gabe?" Your voice is questioning as you turn to him. "Niran?" You turn to the blonde, fully expecting him to call it a day and end this whole ridiculous power play. 
Instead, he reaches up, brushes the hair off of your face, and whispers. "Do as you're told, sweet thing." 
You swallow thickly and know there's no turning back now. Niran is more than happy to participate, even if it means all he can do is sit back and watch.
He compels you further to acquiesce to Gabriel's demand. You know you have to do it. 
"Okay." You whisper, your eyes fixed on Niran's as you crawl away from Gabe on all fours and present yourself to him. 
"Gabe, are you really going to do this?" You gasp as his greedy hands grip at your thighs and ass, pulling the flesh just how he likes it. 
"He's welcome to leave if he wants to." He peels down your shorts and panties, before pulling away to free himself from his confines.  "Or he'll be a good boy, and he'll stay. Understood?" He growls once more, displaying his authority and complete control. 
He wants to humiliate Niran, to use you in a show of dominance and possession. You hate how the thought of being claimed like this makes you shiver. 
"Yes, Commander."  You reply obediently. 
"Yes, Commander." Niran smirks, yet a look in his eyes tells you he's affected by Gabriel's dominance too, and his compliance isn't necessarily some cocky act. 
Gabe lines his thick, hard cock up with your entrance, plunging in quickly and relentlessly as he claims you. 
His hands settle on your shoulders, and he wastes no time in bouncing you against his cock and driving the two of you to the heavens. 
Niran's expression falls, as he becomes transfixed and undeniably aroused by the scene in front of him. His eyes flicker between the two of you attentively, his lips part with a slight gasp.
"Is this what you wanted to do, pretty boy?" Gabe asks, his voice wracked with pleasure.
"Something like that." Niran replies honestly, his voice soft.  
"Tough shit." Gabe snarls, driving his hips into you in a particularly brutal fashion that almost makes you scream. Your body was already sore, but it's only going to be worse when he's through with you.
Gabe thrusts wildly, enjoying your mewls and moans. "Tell him how it feels, baby." His voice is sweet once more when addressing you. 
You meet Niran's eyes, almost hypnotized by the need to comply and follow Gabriel's word. The thought of perpetuating Gabe's control of you in this way also makes you shiver. 
"He's stretching me so much, he always does." You sigh, not wavering in your eye contact. 
"You're just so fucking tight." Your lover grunts. 
"And you're so thick. Always filling me up." The voice that comes from you barely sounds like you anymore, a sexy and confident tone that you're not used to—yet the situation is showing new sides of you all. 
"You take him perfectly." Niran whispers, the genuine smile returning to his face. 
"Y-yeah?" You stutter, his approval of yours and Gabriel's union making your heart soar.
"He could never fuck you like this, could he?" Gabe grunts, his voice strangled and yet trying to rein in the menacing tone. 
You shake your head wildly, eyes still on Niran. You should feel a sense of worry about Niran's feelings, but a primal part of you that's hazy and cock drunk doesn't care. You can sense his enjoyment of the situation anyway. "No one could, only you." 
Gabe's thrusts grow erratic for a moment as he drapes himself over your body, rutting into you further and bringing himself closer to Niran. "Mine." While the words are about you, they're not intended for you in the slightest. 
"Yours, Gabe, fuck." You cry out, the possession making you clench further. 
"That's it, say my name." He pants, his hips thrusting his thickness deeper inside you. 
You moan wildly, Gabriel's name the only thing on your lips. "Gabe—Gabriel!" You can sense his wicked, self-satisfied smirk. 
"Scream it for me." 
"Gabriel!" You scream, your eyes screwed tight. "You're gonna break me." 
"Ruin you for any other man." He purrs, his words laced with clear intent. 
"Yeah, yeah. Fuck!" You can't help but babble and mindlessly agree, though what he's saying is entirely true. 
"I bet he wishes he was me right now. With that pussy wrapped so tight around my dick, taking me so well."
Gabriel's words seem to push both of you further, as you moan in tandem. "He should know you need something only a man like me can give you." 
"I was made for your cock." You reply on instinct, the words coming so naturally in your submissive haze.
"Mhmm. How does she look?" Gabe asks, watching Niran watch you with blown-out pupils. 
"Perfectly blissful, eyes closed, lips parted." He comments breathlessly, transfixed by your pleasure. 
"Look at him while I fuck you." Gabe commands. "Let him see the look in your eyes as I ruin you, hermosa." 
Your eyes spring open in an instant, a new wave of intensity washing over you, seeing Niran once more. "Fuckfuckfuck." 
"His dicks so hard, he wants you so bad." Gabe chuckles as he directs your attention to the blonde's erection. 
"Well, she does have a hand and mouth free." Niran chances his luck with a daring smirk. 
"Not anymore." Gabe changes position, pinning your arms behind your back with one hand, and using the other to stuff your mouth full with his fingers. He forces your head down and fucks you into Niran, your cheek cushioned on his thighs, so close to his hardness. You can't help but moan around Gabe's fingers.
"So selfish." Niran chuckles, a sense of confidence and teasing returned to him. 
You're still in disbelief that he seems to have been goading Gabriel all along. 
"Selfish?" Gabe spits. "Says the man making moves on what's mine." 
Niran meets Gabriel's eyes, the look he gives completely sultry. "In my defense, I wasn't only going to make a move on her." 
Gabriel stills suddenly, and you can't help but whine. 
"That so?"
Niran nods and Gabriel pulls out, leaving you fluttering around nothing as he stands. 
"On your knees." He orders, and assuming he's now going to claim your mouth too, you comply. He follows up with another command. "Both of you." 
"Gabe, are you—" You glance nervously between the two, once more concerned for Niran.
Yet, once more too, Niran complies—falling to his knees with a satisfied grin. 
"Show him how I like it, cariño." Gabe's hand settles into your hair as he guides you closer to his cock. 
You bring a hand up to stroke him, as you get to work worshiping him with your mouth. 
His head falls back in pleasure, as your practice tongue lavishes his head with attention. 
"You want your turn?" He grunts to Niran, giving him his attention as you pull away. 
"Please." Niran's voice is almost a whine, a tone you haven't heard from the man yet at all. Yet it matches the reverent look he has in his eyes.
"At least you have some manners now. Help him, baby."
You move Niran's hand to the base of Gabe's cock, as the two of you inch closer to the head. 
 "That's it." 
Yours and Niran's lips brush against each other as you both suck at the tip of Gabriel's dick, your eyes locked intensely. The strange intimacy sends a shock wave through you, along with the pleasure of feeling his lips against yours. 
Niran's tongue flicks out across Gabriel's tip as he seems to savor the salty flavor.
You shouldn't be surprised when Niran stops sucking and slips his tongue into your mouth, but it takes you a moment to catch up. Your eyes fall shut, and you get lost in the moment as he makes love to your mouth like he was to Gabriel's dick just moments prior. 
"That's enough." Fingers tug at the roots of your hair, and you assume the same is true for Niran. "You wanna kiss her, do it on my dick." He growls, and the two of you get back to work.
You're torn between the two men's gazes— Niran's lidded and lusty, while Gabriel's is hard and commanding. You can barely believe it's happening, but have little time to think as you and Niran conspire to bring Gabriel to his finish.
His hand guides you in tandem up and down his length, slickness and spit coating the skin. 
"So much better when your mouth's full, and you can't flirt with my fucking girlfriend." Gabe laughs, a hint of cruel indulgence in his voice. "Fuck, I'm close." 
Niran's eyes seem to light up at the idea of getting Gabriel's cum for himself, yet he's pulled off Gabriel's cock a second later. 
"If you think you're getting my load..." He chuckles once more. "Jerk me onto her tongue, pretty boy." 
"Gabe." You whine, your words warped around the way you slip your tongue out of your mouth obediently. 
"It's all for you, cariño." Gabe groans as Niran's slender fingers work at a furious pace on his cock. "Catch it with your tongue, maybe he can get the sloppy seconds." 
Niran's pace quickens at the filthiness of the comment, pushing Gabriel even closer. 
"Fuck, I'm gonna—" He groans, biting his lip in the way you know means he's right there. 
"Please!" You beg, your words and sweet doe eyes pleading for his release. 
Niran accompanies you in the begging, and Gabriel begins to spill all over your tongue with a harshly shouted groan 
"Fuck..." He moans, coming down from his high as Niran's fingers slow down before stopping completely. 
Gabriel strokes your hair lovingly before he cracks with a smile of mercy. "Kiss him, baby, give him something at least." 
You can't help but comply, surprisingly eager to share the moment with Niran once more. You cup the blonde's face before sharing a sweet, filthy kiss with him, one that ends in both of you swallowing parts of Gabe's load. 
Niran pulls away first, pressing a soft kiss to your lips once more before parting with a satisfied smile. Gabriel's hand strokes through his hair, too. 
"You okay?" Gabe asks, his eyes softened and gazing at you adoringly.
You giggle, a strange euphoria coursing through you. "I think so?" You're more than okay, yet undeniably a little confused and uncertain about the boundaries you all just crossed.
Gabe's attention turns to the blonde, the softness he was displaying remaining. "Niran?" 
"I'm fine. Better than fine" He replies with a smile before it drops to a playful pout. "Though I thought you'd at least let me finish." 
Gabriel laughs heartily, before a smirk sets on his features. "Then I wouldn't be putting you in your place." 
"Not like I got to finish, either." You giggle.
Gabe smirks. "I'm not done with you." 
A strange yet comfortable silence descends on the room, as Gabriel tucks himself away, and you try to catch your breath. 
"I should take my leave." Niran announces, standing up from his kneeling position. 
You tug at his wrist, concern washing over you. 
This undoubtedly changes everything, especially when the circumstances surrounding this were so murky. "Niran?" 
"Don't worry." He smiles earnestly, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead, before his fingers reach out to brush across Gabriel's hand and the two men share an uncharacteristically tender look. "Enjoy the rest of your night." He's entirely sincere, and holding no bitterness or regret as he pulls away 
"Night Niran." You whisper, still somewhat in disbelief. 
"Night Y/N, Gabriel." He calls out, as he makes his way to the door and disappears into the night. 
You and Gabriel wordlessly move to the couch, him pulling up your shorts and settling you in his lap—safe and secure in his arms. 
"Uh, that was... unexpected." You giggle, nuzzling into his chest. 
"Too much?" He questions, trying to sit up to get a look at your expression.
"No, not at all." You answer honestly. "A heads-up would've been nice, though."
"I wasn't planning on it. Not tonight anyway." 
You cuddle back into his chest, both amused and confused. "I didn't know you were that jealous." 
"I'm not." He mutters, a clear lie. "He wanted in, that's all I'm willing to give." 
You gasp in faux offense, "So you get your dick sucked, and I just get a kiss!?" 
"Who's jealous now?" Gabe smirks like a bastard as he strokes your hair. "You got three kisses, actually. But, I can call him back, have him lick your pussy... but only while I'm fucking you." 
"Maybe another time." The thought makes you tremble, with that idea being even more dominating than what you just did. "Gabe?" 
A shit-eating grin of your own spreads across your face. "I didn't know you were into prettyboys." 
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mlb-a-rewrite · 4 months
WHAT ABOUT GABRIEL?!?@?!?!?!?!?!?!
Oh, there is so much about Gabriel.
The best place to start is with his backstory.
Gabriel is a good man. He came from a run-of-the-mill family in rural France and moved to Paris with dreams of becoming a fashion designer. While working at a department store, he met Emilie, the daughter of a wealthy business owner who acted part-time and traveled full-time. They fell in love suddenly and fully.
It was then that Emilie introduced him to miraculous.
She told him she was being mentored by a man in possession of magic jewelry pieces and that she spent time as a vigilante. The man had multiple magic jewels called miraculous and she wanted Gabriel to work with her.
“They had to remain in the shadows”, she insisted, “because the old man was paranoid. They couldn’t gain a reputation or image so people wouldn’t track them down.”
Gabriel was initially disbelieving, as any sane person would be when the love of your life says they are a magic superhero in their free time. Still, he humored her and found out that she wasn’t crazy but that magic actually did exist. She gave him the butterfly miraculous while she wore the peacock.
For years they operated covertly, alleviating petty crime from the shadows. Eventually, Gabriel made it in the world of fashion and Emilie starred in a few big movies. When they had their son, vigilante work became a hobby. They still went out, but rarely together. They knew they couldn’t afford something to happen to them and leave their son behind.
But their precaution didn’t pay off and they were eventually, when Emilie was out one day alone, she was tracked down by other miraculous holders who insisted she give up her miraculous at once. When she refused, a fight broke out, and when Gabriel saw this he quickly transformed and rushed to his wife’s aid, but he got there too late.
Just as he arrived on the scene, he watched as she was overwhelmed by the miraculous holders and was powerless to stop as they struck her miraculous at once, causing it to shatter.
She collapsed quickly and Gabriel rushed to her side. The attackers fled once they realized what they had done, leaving Gabriel with his dying wife.
She retained consciousness for a week in the best hospital in England. Her parents heard of her sudden and mysterious illness and insisted she return home. Gabriel and Adrien remained by her side as they watched her slowly slip away.
Emilie was brain-dead at the start of her second week in the hospital. She remained there, kept alive by machines, for a week before her parents demanded Gabriel pull the plug. The doctors said she wasn’t coming back and at this point, it was sadistic to keep her in this limbo.
Gabriel refused and spent a fortune having her transported back to Paris. She remained comatose for 2 more weeks, Gabriel never leaving her side the entire time.
After those 2 weeks, Gabriel sent announcements that she had died. He had decided to end her suffering, but it had been a lie. In secret, Gabriel had organized for her to be placed in a specially designed chamber (that looked eerily like a coffin) and the chamber was placed in his basement. He knew that he would be judged if people knew what he was doing, so he didn’t tell anyone apart from his most loyal employee and friend, Natalie.
He knew of miraculous, but not much, so he devoted himself to research. For months he did nothing but find anything he could about the jewels and eventually, he learned that 2 first-rings could be used to make anything a reality. In that moment, he remembered the mentor, the one who had given Emilie her miraculous, who had trained her inadequately and let her die, who also possessed multiple other miraculous.
The best chance Gabriel had at saving his wife was to steal the miraculous from her killer.
There’s a lot more that happens to and with him throughout the show, but I’ll save that for another post. He is a very interesting character that, like every character in this show was done dirt (except Luka 😭😭 somehow my boy escaped character assassination and I’m so grateful). I will definitely talk about Gabriel more in the future, but this seems like a good place to start.
Thank you for the question! I kinda forgot I haven't really talked about Gabriel yet lmao.
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starwarsmum · 4 days
Day 24! Officially less than a week left. @maribat-calendar-events prompt of the day is Surname
“Come on, Damian,” Marinette coaxed, holding his hand as they walked along the Seine. “I would love to meet your family, and you said that a few of them have been asking as well. Are you worried they won't like me?”
“Tt, of course they will like you,” Damian replied, bringing her hand up to his lips. She waited for him to continue and he gave a sigh. “My family can be insufferably inquisitive, I do not wish to subject you to them so soon. I find the thought of you choosing to end our relationship deplorable and would like to have a more stable base before unleashing them upon you.”
“You're surprisingly sensitive, you know that?” Marinette giggled, blushing lightly when he smirked back at her. “I've already met Tim and Dick, what worse could the rest be?”
“Tt, Drake and Grayson are objectively the least irritating, excepting Cassandra. Todd is the one I am most concerned about, and at any rate it will interfere with our investigation if we take time out to indulge my family's curiosity.”
“Why do you do that?” Marinette asked suddenly, looking up at him. He squinted at her, and she clarified. “Call them by their last names, I mean.”
“I have done it since I arrived with my father. It was…a way to assert my position as my father's one true son originally. Over time I have accepted that my father adores his strays but I have kept to using their last names.”
“But you don't with Cass any more?” Marinette asked, her head quirked to the side as they continued their leisurely stroll. The tips of Damian's ears turned ever so slightly pink and she immediately wanted to know why. “Damian, pretty please won't you tell me why?”
“Tt, that is because you call her Cass,” he admitted, his blush spreading as she looked up at him. They pulled to a stop just before the Pont des Arts bridge, Damian fidgeting ever so slightly. “I also owe her a debt for introducing the pair of us, and continuing to call her by her surname seemed rude.”
“You are the sweetest,” Marinette said, lifting her free hand up to his face and brushing it against his cheek. He huffed and looked away from her so she reached up and kissed his cheek gently. “No, really, you are. You're so incredible and thoughtful, I have no idea how I got lucky enough that you want to date me.”
“Well, you do carry around a pocket sized deity as a good luck charm,” Damian smirked, laughing as she squawked and slapped his chest lightly. “But if you are serious about wanting to meet the rest of my family, I can think of no further reasons not to.”
_ _ _
After a quick message to Dick, Damian resigned himself to most of his family descending upon Paris to assist with the investigation (and meet Marinette). Bruce graciously said that he would remain in Gotham this time, to ensure that the city was kept safe, but otherwise the rest of the Batfamily were ready to get on a plane.
Damian's work towards finding Hawkmoth had begun to show definite signs of pointing to one person and Damian was impressed once again by Marinette's capabilities. Her intuition had pointed at Gabriel Agreste and all of Damian's further research was heading that way.
To help avoid a bias, Damian had not told his brothers of her suspicions and was vindicated by their drawing the same conclusions. If they were quick, they would be able to inform his family that the threat was neutralised by the time they landed.
As it was a Saturday, Marinette was free to move around the city as she wished. Damian and his family had discussed their options, and all had confirmed that he should work with Ladybug as Robin for the actual takedown of Hawkmoth. 
She had been surprised when he had confessed his secret identity, but had been surprisingly accepting. She admitted that she had suspected something had to be going on given his interest in Hawkmoth and willingness to help her bring him to justice. 
He planned to inform Dick and Tim of his plans, to make sure they had back up if things went sideways, but he was confident that Marinette would be able to defeat Hawkmoth quickly if it was a straight fight.
So it was that later that evening, Marinette and Damian as Ladybug and Robin slipped into the Agreste mansion. Silence permeated throughout the grand house, and Damian was ever thankful that he had been trained in stealth from the moment he could walk.
Their first stop saw them slipping into the assistant’s room. She was fast asleep, although her breathing was laboured and Marinette saw a contraption designed to help the woman walk in the corner of the room. Any doubts either of the two had were snuffed out when Marinette retrieved the guardian’s tablet from the bedside table.
When they didn't find the peacock brooch, Damian signaled for Marinette to follow him along the hall. They stalked along it noiselessly, coming all too quickly to the master bedroom. The door was ever so slightly ajar and Damian managed to push it open just far enough for them both to slip in.
And there they were: the peacock and butterfly brooches, lying on the far bedside table. Marinette froze but Damian moved as quickly and quietly as a bell-less cat. He padded across the room and caught up the jewelry, shooting Marinette a look of triumph as he returned to her.
And then they were scurrying out of the house as though they had never been there. As they shot across the rooftops, Ladybug let out a whoop, laughing almost manically. It was over: she was free.
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rachelsshowerthoughts · 5 months
Was musing on the Aware AU and how the trio internalize and process the abuse and otherwise contextualize or understand and communicate it or otherwise maybe fail to do so.
Because realizing a parent is unfair or doesn't care or is cruel is one thing. It can often be another to straight up be aware of and say you are an abuse victim.
Be it because they are young and thus even with the spread of therapy speak, being able to use it effectively on themselves is hard.
Or because abuse victims don't often look like they do, IE, aren't usually mega rich heirs to powerful names. Even if being a rich child can be rather akin to being an exotic talking pet given none of that money is theirs.
Sad money also makes getting empathy hard and feeling there is a way out even harder. They may not want the former or at least not desire it consciously. But its also a case of, "If we were even believed what could anyone do?"
But then there's also the more personal takes on things, such as how:
Adrien may not blame himself for his fathers inability to love him (Or at least love him in a not terrible way) but he sure as hell blames himself for "Fooling himself" for so long. He's known Gabriel his whole life, he is his son, if anyone should have figured out what he was like it was Adrien. But he didn't so he can't blame anyone else for not seeing it.
Then there's stuff like media where cold and controlling parents get redemption arcs by being soft once or the like. Adrien's just throwing popcorn at the screen, "He's lying to you, its a trick, he'll never change!"
Kagami genuinely loves fencing, she loves how skilled she is, she loves that she is a world renowned fencer. This makes it hard to deal with when abuse is woven into training, such as with overly violent spars, or with training sessions that see her hit the ground and then be forced up again and again.
She's used to her body hurting after training, the issue isn't the punishment, its how arbitrary and unfairly her mother applies them Compounded with the social isolation, control and emotional repression which she has a hard time naming. Meanwhile you have Marinette just wanting to scream because Tomoe is intentionally harming her daughter as punishment.
She'd likely need an outsider to highlight the punishment spars themselves are a bad idea that hinder rather than help her. That the pain itself was wrong, not just when or why it was applied. Kagami is proud of who she is and what she can do. So to some degree she sort of.. Needs the trauma. Because if it was unnecessary, if it isn't how she got so good, then it was just pain.
Chloe has the. other victims do not look like me jacked up to eleven. Most victims are not rich, most people who are aggressive (In her research) are physical and were harmed physically. Most don't have mayor fathers who bailed them out of trouble, though be it to make her reliant on them and feed his own self esteem, hence encouraging her acting out as it fed him.
But its also because she chose to imitate Audrey. She chose this path in order to win her parents love and it didn't even work. She chose this and now she is not choosing it but something else. She had agency in this god dammit and don't you dare tell her otherwise! She is not a victim! She is not weak!
Feeding into that is stuff like Andre actively and outright teaching her, "Extortion, intimidation, bribery, these are how you win a campaign." Because even as she restructures herself, part of her still defaults to these, part of her still sees them as pragmatic and useful. Part of her thinks they will be needed for her and the people they care about. So again, was it abuse or just Andre being bad at parenting?
Plus on the physical side of things, there is some stuff that can be bled into headcanon, among other things... But one thing I would note is that canon Chloe grabbing Zoe and inspecting her like livestock before giving her approval. How she gets so aggressively close and into people's space when she otherwise seems to try and be distant. This screams learned behavior and we can't even blame it all on Audrey cos she was more of a: Fly in tear my daughter apart and leave parent. With likely a mix of social media, calls and streams, or rejection from and via those to compound things. So she's getting this heavily from Andre. But its not overt, its not hitting, it can't be abuse then, because Chloe is too different to the victims she finds, too different to be seen as a victim.
All true! I don’t think any of the kids would apply the words "abuse victim" to themselves. Like, their parent suck. They suck SO BAD. Their parents are awful people who aren’t going to change. They know this. They accept this. But I'm not a VICTIM. I'm not ABUSED. I'm not what that looks like. It doesn’t apply to me(derogatory).
Funnily enough, they might apply it to EACH OTHER. Chloé absolutely thinks Gabriel is emotionally neglecting Adrien. Adrien thinks André and Audrey emotionally abuse Chloé. They both think Tomoe abuses Kagami. But it doesn’t apply to themselves, and they don’t bring it up or try to convince each other.
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astra-galaxie · 2 months
Can I ask for 🫂😇 💝 🪢💔 😭 and 😶 for Gabriel Herrera please??? With a cherry in top? (I was originally getting strength to ask for Jones but someone asked already so here I offer you my other silly)
No worries! If you had given me a second Jones request, I would have tried my best to create new headcanons!😊
And of course you can ask for Gabriel! He’s an awesome character and one of my favourite S5 teammates! That being said, let’s see what I can come up with while enjoying the cherry you gave me!
🫂 A friendship headcanon
Even before studying psychology, Gabriel has always been the “therapist” friend. He’s an excellent listener and provides perfect advice to his friends, even if they might not like hearing the truth. He is the first person his friends come to for advice on how to handle certain situations. And while they might not be able to give him amazing advice in return, they always show their appreciation in other ways so that Gabriel knows how much his friendship means to them.
😇 A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
I can see Gabriel being raised Roman Catholic, but he doesn’t practice as much as an adult compared to when he was a kid. He still attends Sunday mass but does skip a week every so often. But he always attends mass on special days like Christmas Eve, Good Friday and Easter. He wears a gold cross under his shirt and holds it sometimes to help him concentrate or relax.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
Gabriel expresses his love through words. Be it verbal, written, or even sung (though that one is rare), Gabriel has a way with words and uses them to tell people he loves them. He can also do it in other languages like French, Italian and Spanish. While English is his best language, he knows how to use others to charm a lover.
🪢 A headcanon about their family
He comes from a wealthy family, but his parents and relatives are not stuck up or out of touch with reality. They often donate to charity and support local not-for-profit organizations and programs to help improve the livelihood of those less fortunate. Despite growing up never having to worry about money, Gabriel is not one for luxury things or spending money without worry. He enjoys budgeting and buying things that serve a purpose and not just for the name or price they carry.
💔 An angsty headcanon
After Rupert died, Gabriel was the shoulder everyone cried on. While he was there to help Amir the most in the wake of his mentor’s passing, the other members of the GBPD also came to him to get out of their grief. But Gabriel never had anyone offer to listen to his grief. While the team buried Rupert together and mourned their loss, Gabriel never had a shoulder to cry on. The closest he had was Sofia, and while she did her best, there was only so much consoling that could be offered over the phone or through video calling.
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them
Gabriel battled cancer as a child; it's why he never takes anything for granted and why his family gives back to charities, especially those for cancer research and to help sick children. He spent months in and out of hospitals for treatment and was in constant pain. He had multiple surgeries to remove the tumours and went through dozens of rounds of chemo. When the doctors declared him cancer-free, Gabriel was ecstatic. But he never forgot the pain he felt while fighting for his life and goes for routine testing to check if the cancer has come back.
😶 A random headcanon
He got to keep his policeman stripper outfit. He might not technically be a policeman, but that doesn’t mean he can’t put on a show for Sofia using the sexy uniform…
There you go! Some silly little headcanons for your other silly!
Thanks for the request and the cherry!
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