sinsdumbdrabble · 1 month
Hey just wanted to say to anybody hanging around here that I will have more content to post soon! I just finally started getting my shit together very quickly recently so everything in my life has taken a back burner so I can start y'know having a life to begin with.
Hopefully I'll have something up in two weeks, I just have a jam packed two weeks coming up and I'm someone who needs a lot of time to decompress. Maybe I'll get some drafts going in the meantime but definitely nothing until June. Guess that's one way I'll be celebrating pride month lol
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sinsdumbdrabble · 3 months
Funny little cynical idea
What if the world ended in 2020 like we all were saying it did?
2020, the year of genshin launch.
Hmm I sense some sagau isekai going on here.
"The creator has returned! What kept you for so long, your grace? Why return now?"
"Well the world ended and everything I've ever known is gone, how about you guys?"
They went silent for a while after that. Maybe they learned not to ask you personal questions. You'd at least hope so.
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sinsdumbdrabble · 3 months
Adding to this post from my old account because I have so many more ideas to share!
Obviously the skincare products come from Dehya, we already know that's her jam and she'd probably pick out all the newest trendy makeup for you if you want any too. Hell, she'd probably LOVE to hang out and do your makeup for you or for both of you to get ready together. I really think she'd enjoy that, the friends night out vibes are phenomenal.
As far as clothes go, we have Chiori now so that's pretty easily spoken for. She does extravagant custom orders all the time, even for celebrities, so the creator themselves is just the natural next step for her to pursue and take pride in.
Before Chiori that choice went to Ningguang but now that she's free I totally see something better (not that she doesn't buy you amazing clothes every now and then because she totally does whenever she wants to)
Ningguang absolutely showers you with jewelry and accessories, as do most of your worshippers, but hers just excel every time. Yeah Ayaka can give you beautiful hair pins and Zhongli hand crafts stunning gems to be inlaid on any piece you like. But Ningguang? You can go to lunch with her and when she sees your outfit she pulls out three different sets that match it perfectly. Scratch that. They don't just match, they elevate it. She has everything you could ever want. On. Hand. This woman is nothing if not constantly over prepared and she will make the most of it on every occasion she can see you. She wants to know she's going to be on your mind for a long time after you leave.
Fuck it I write sagau now
The creator appointing important characters they remember from the story to do things pretty randomly.
Kaveh? A bath attendant. Now hear me out! You're having some relaxing time and what goes well with relaxing? Ranting about everything that has EVER pissed you off. And Kaveh is the king of understanding that feeling. Had a bad day? Maybe he'll do your hair for you afterwards too. Hang out with him while he glows from excitement at being blessed with sharing so many personal moments with you. He does your skincare routine, he's always finding new scented soaps for you to try out at stalls around sumeru city, and he's SO there for the gossip don't even try to argue on that. The two of you have a blast just having girls night all the time. If there's anyone you can rely on to call out the bullshit when you've had a bad day, it's Kaveh.
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sinsdumbdrabble · 3 months
The texts that were actually exchanged after the Glorious Masquerade event
Yuu: I'm bringing home a wild raccoon and I need your help
Vil: You have the wrong number
Yuu: no vil please
Yuu: I need you to convince this man to get a haircut
Vil: Why didn't you lead with that?
Yuu: Because I needed you to know that he already hates you and he probably has rabies
Vil: .... Who is this man?
Yuu: A project
Vil: Have you learned nothing from Rook
Yuu: No I know he's worse
Vil: Well that's not saying much
Yuu: He's worse than Rook
*5 minutes later*
Yuu: VIL????
Vil: what have you done
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sinsdumbdrabble · 3 months
Obsessed with honest Yuu. Yuu that shares information about their home so much and says such messed up things that everyone assumes they're making it all up.
Its me, I need someone to tell the twisted wonderland crew about how messed up our world is. Bonus points if they do it with a completely straight face or a nervous smile they seem to often have.
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