#do not come anywhere near me man. let me be clear: i hate you with a seething passion. you are abhorrent if u are okay w that shit.
dandyshucks · 8 months
part of why im choosing to post that vent/rant btw is just in case anyone following me is neutral or pro fictional CP. GYEEEET OUTTA HEREEE
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momentaryescape · 3 months
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Gibbs x Agent!Reader Warnings: Cursing Word Count: 1406 A/N- When I wrote this the vibe for Gibbs is similar to how he acts at the end of season 7 episode 23 when he is taking to the lawyer. It seems really specific but gives an idea for the vibe.
“Was any of it true?” The anger you tried to hide was boiling inside you. You thought you meant something to him. That it was real and not pretend. But here you were, standing in his living room feeling like a fool.
“You knew what this was. It was fun y/n, nothing more. I don’t know what made you think this would be anything but that.” Gibbs seemed like his normal emotionless self. Hell by the looks of it he seemed more annoyed you were bothering him with this conversation
“For months you would get mad if a guy even so much as looked in my direction. Tony brought me coffee and you dismissed him over some bullshit thing he didn’t even do. Mcgee gave me his coat after mine got fucked chasing down a perp and you ignored him for the rest of the case. So nothing my ass Jethro. You want to act like it was nothing but I know that deep down you felt something.” That was your breaking point. You grabbed your stuff before leaving his home, slamming the door on the way out.
“Hey y/n, everything good?” Mcgee gave you a questioning look.
“I’m fine.” You snapped.
“Ohhkay.” Mcgee’s seemed shocked at the outburst.
“Fuck. Sorry Mcgee. I had a rough night. I'm better now, some things have been cleared up.” You smiled back.
“Well if you want a different kind of rough, let me know.” You Didn't see Tony walk up behind you, his comment making you jump in your seat.”Here, brought you coffee.”
“Thank you Tony.” You shot him a flirty smile. Tony winked back at you before sitting at his desk.
Gibbs was watching the entire interaction play out from his desk. He knew what you were trying to do. The remarks of a rough night, the flirty look at Tony. You were trying to get under his skin. He hated it. Not just what you were doing but the fact that it was working.
It had been a few days since the moment you had in Gibbs’ living room. There hadn’t been any new cases the past few days, so the team was catching up on paperwork. Disrupting the silence, Gibbs slaps a hand on your desk.
“Can I help you?” You don’t even bother looking up, already knowing who it is.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Gibbs snapps through gritted teeth. Irritation clearly written across his face.
“Work Gibbs. I have a job to do and that's what I plan on doing.” You still hadn’t looked up from your computer.
“Agent l/n, I expect you to look at me when I’m talking to you.” His outburst drew the attention of everyone around. Questionable faces wondering what the hell was happening.
“Careful Jethro, people might think you have emotions, wouldn't want that to happen.” You looked up at him, clearly annoyed with his presence. Your quip had also clearly pissed him off.
“Leave.” His voice had a bite to it.
“Why? You're the one who came over to my desk, got annoyed I was focused and not looking up at you, and now you want me to leave? I get it, you're the boss man, but I still deserve respect. So give me one valid reason that I need to leave, aside from hurting your “feelings”.”
“Y/n-” Zive tried cutting in before things got more heated.
“Thank you but I’ve got this Ziva. I'm not scared of an emotionally immature man who thinks he can stab me with his words like pins. You want to act all big and bad, but we both know what you are.” You could hear a pin drop with how quiet it was.
“Thats it agent l/n. You need to leave, and until you can act like an adult don't feel the need to come in.” Gibbs was pissed. At this point he was practically yelling.
“Gladly. I would rather be anywhere but near the smallest man who ever lived.” With that you grabbed your bag, collected what you would need to finish your work from home and started toward the elevators.
Gibbs knew he had fucked up. Both in front of everyone and during the original fight. He had cared. He loved to show you off, but always made sure nobody the two of you knew could see. He was a private man, he told himself. But looking back you're the only person he hid. He felt ashamed. You were younger, happier, all the things he wasn't you were.
And now here he was, at your front door. He straightened his stace before knocking on the door. At first he thought you might not be home, but that thought was whipped away when he saw your frame in the open door. He heard you scoff, before asking him what he was doing there.
“I wanted to apologize.” He stated with a small hint of softness.
“Really?” You were calling his bluff.
“Yes, I had no right to yell at you in front of everyone. We should've talked privately.” You rolled your eyes at his statement.
“Yeah I tried that with you, remember? What was what started thin. I wanted to talk and you acted like it was nothing. I'm over it. I can deal with arguments, but being pretty much getting told I was delusional for believing that we had something killed any spark I had.” You meant every word.
“I’m trying here y/n.” His plea fell on deaf ears.
“Next time don't think “I’m sorry” will fix all your problems. You're a grown man Gibbs, act like it.”
“Its always the dramatics with you isn't it?” You scoffed at his remark. “Listen, I meant what I said. What we had, it was great. I’m sorry I said it was only fun. I had feelings for you, but we both knew it wouldn’t last.”
“Why not? Was it not fun once it wasnt forbidden? Once we were seen together was the thrill gone?” You thought back on all the times he would make excuses not to be seen with you. You felt stupid.
“Don't act like you didn't know that this was only meant to be between the two of us.” He knew he was pushing your buttons, but he kept going.
“Are you that ashamed of me? Years of friendship, months of passion, and after that you still hide me away. I don't want to be some secret.” You wanted to smack his chest, cause the same pain he caused you.
“Do you not understand what would happen if they knew? How many rules I broke every time we were together?” He was yelling at this point.
“You know what the saddest part was? I would have died for you, but instead I just died inside. And you deserve prison but you won't serve the time.” You felt hot tears fall from your eyes. The realization you allowed yourself to cry over him fueled your anger. “It's over Gibbs. No second chance. No “it's different this time”. And no more acting like I’m nothing. We still work together. And as much as I would love to say "Good riddance", I love my job too much. I will take punishment for the show he had in the office, but I will not let you take my career.”
He didn’t say anything, he just looked at you, trying to read your expression. Without saying anything you walked to the door, opening it. A silent tell for him to leave. Taking in a slow deep breath you turn to face him. “Leave Gibbs, please.”
“I understand you're hurt y/n, and I know I'm the reason. I will still have your back, and I will still be your boss. But for both our sakes, I think it's best we keep the rest of the details between the two of us.”. You watched him walk out your door, down your steps to his car, and drive away from your home, shutting the door when you could no longer see him. And just like that it was over. No more late nights after cases where you end up in bed together, mornings shared over fresh coffee, and one less friend. Maybe some day the two of you could be friends again, but as for now that wasn’t something either of you wanted, or more realistically could handle.
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spidey-d00d · 4 months
Him Part 2
Hangman x reader, Rooster x reader
Tw: cursing, heartbreak unedited asf
Summary: Jake confessed his love for you and Bradley overheard, what are you going to do?
Word count: 2.8k
Hi guys! This is the very long awaited part 2 of Him, original summary: “You’re with him and not me! You’re in love with him and not me!” This is very angsty and I’m sorry if it is horrible writing, I’m not on a laptop and i also haven’t written anything in probably a year but i miss it so much and I’m trying to come back with some of my free time! I’m going to tag a few people that asked to be tagged when i posted the original story so I hope you guys like it! I’m sorry it took absolutely forever for this to finally come out but I’m hoping a part 3 will be coming in the very near future if y’all like this enough! Enjoy!
@dempy @budugu @theroosterperch
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Weeks had gone by now, you were still with Bradley, happy, and still avoiding Jake and all of the stares he gave you. The two of you hadn’t spoke besides if it involved work and you were okay with that because in your mind you had been battling yourself. You knew it wasn’t fair to Bradley, you doing all of this thinking behind his back as he thought the two of you were blissfully happy, but you couldn’t ruin something for thoughts that you weren’t sure were even true.
You played back countless encounters between you and Hangman and some of them threw up red flags that you should’ve noticed in the beginning. Times in dogfight football where he consciously let you win, being the only one to bring you the beer that you like when the group was hanging out in the bar because he knew you hated their usual, sometimes actually covering your ass when flying and many more. It was something you noticed he didn’t do for anyone else, and that Bradley didn’t do for you.
Bradley was the best though, he was everything you thought you were looking for. Caring, sweet, listens to you, opens doors for you, loves your family, and he was stable. He was everything to you but there was something missing. There was always something that didn’t fit all the pieces together and you weren’t sure what it was.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you were greeted by your favorite beer appearing in front of your face at the hard deck. Smiling graciously at the blonde haired man standing in front of you with a stone face you thanked him and took the beer as he went back to the pool table.He had been slightly cold to you since your talk in the room at the hangers after the exercise. You wanted to talk to him, you really did but you didn’t know what to say.
You watched as some of your team played pool and you waited for your other half to arrive. U weren’t sure how long it would take for Bradley to get here so you just waited patiently. You joined in with laughter as Hangman pulled another win and Payback groaned in defeat, again. Jake had racked up a high winning score against all of the Dagger squad and now it was a score of 12-3 Hangman against the entire squad. His smile shined brightly and beautifully as he laughed along as everyone gained on him for cheating. You couldn’t help but stare at how beautiful he was in this light. He really was pretty and no one could deny that.
The liquid courage burned through your body as you randomly stood up and came up next to him, looking up as he towered over you and tapped on his arm. It gained his attention though he knew you were there, his hair standing up on the back of his neck at your proximity. He always knew when you were around. Looking down at you he quirked an eyebrow, “Can we talk?” You asked, his eyes burning through yours making you look anywhere but his eyes.
Nodding, he led the both of you out of the back door and onto the deck overlooking the beach. There was a beat of silence as you both stared out at the ocean, watching the sun fall behind the horizon. It was beautiful out here. He cleared his throat taking your attention back. “What did you want to talk about?” He tone was hard, like he was trying to keep himself from being vulnerable again. You understood why.
“I-um I don’t really know.” You answered truthfully. You don’t know why you decided this was a good idea, you didn’t know what was going on in your head and you hadn’t gotten your thoughts together before asking him to come and talk. “Alright then I’m heading back inside.” He answered quickly before turning around which made you panic for some reason.
“Wait, Jake.” You rushed out, spinning around to see his back towards you. He stopped hesitantly, slowly turning back around, “What Y/N” He sighed looking at you, tired. You knew he was beating himself up about what he said, but you still weren’t sure what he meant by it.
“Is what you said true?” You asked, avoiding his eyes. You heard him sigh, looking up at the sky for a quick second before looking back at you. “Is what true?” He played dumb.
“Don’t do that, you know what I’m talking about because I’m not the only one that’s been thinking about it for weeks.” You admitted. His eyebrows twitched up in surprise for a second before he face went back to unfazed.
“It was true, but you’re in a relationship and it was stupid and unfair of me to tell you that.” Jake said with sadness to his voice. In truth, Jake had been beating himself up since that day. He knew that you wouldn’t reciprocate what he felt, you two were just friends, teammates. You were in a relationship and he understood where you were coming from when accusing him of wanting to ruin your relationship.You were with his enemy, of course you thought that he wanted to ruin what Bradley had, but what you didn’t know was that he would do anything to make you happy, even if that meant he was unhappy.
“Why would you tell me all of this now? After i got into a relationship? After we were friends for months while i was single? Why now?” You asked, desperation in your voice as you gripped onto your beer bottle for support.
He didn’t understand why you were so torn up about it, you were happy with Bradshaw. “Because I’m an asshole remember?” Jake defended. He was going back to who he was as you hated it.
“Don’t do that. Don’t deflect. Why would you tell me this now?” You doubled down with force in your voice. You wanted to know. Maybe this would help you figure out what was going on in your head.
“Because I have loved you for a long time and I’ve tried showing you that for a while and you never saw me that way. Do you know how much it hurts to finally admit that you love someone and for them to throw it to the side and say nothing but that you are a horrible person and are trying to ruin their lives? I poured my heart out to you since you couldn’t take any hint that I liked you and all you could do was throw it to the side and tell me that I’m an asshole and that I’m trying to ruin your life.” He broke and poured everything out, taking a few steps towards you and closing the distance to where you were almost chest to chest, looking up at his heartbroken blue eyes. Being this close, he could see the tears welding in yours, and how hard you were trying to keep them in.
Silence loomed between the two of you, nothing to be heard besides the noise muffled coming from inside the bar, the ocean hitting the sand and the mix of your breathing. The sound of the door opening and closing was muffled by his speech since you didn’t hear Bradley come onto the back deck. His presence wasn’t know until a throat was cleared and both you and Jake broke out of your staring contest to see him standing there, flicking his eyes between the two of you.
Your heart broke. You knew he heard everything and you didn’t know what to do. “Bradley.” You breathed out as you saw the rise and fall of his chest from his heavy breathing and the heartbreak on his face. He said nothing as he just turned around and went back into the hard deck at a quick pace. Your first instinct was to run after him, and you did before stopping short of the door and looking back at Jake. The torture on your face trying to decide where to stay was all he could see. You debated for a second and that made you feel even worse for Bradley. He didn’t deserve any of this.
“Go.” Was all that Jake said with a sigh. A single tear fell watching his jaw twitch. “Please just stay here, I’ll be back.” Was all you said after running back into the bar. You could see the Hawaiian shirt start to make its way out the front door and you moved fast towards it. “Bradley!” You called out but your calls were ignored.
You finally made it outside and found him almost to his truck. You sprinted after him calling his name but he continued to ignore you. “It wasn’t what it looked like, please!” You begged him as you reached his truck that he was opening the door to. He slammed his door in anger and started towards you with a pointed finger,angry.
“Then why did it just look like Hangman was just confessing his love for you and you just standing there and letting him?” He roared, chest heaving in anger. Maybe it was what it looked like.You were at a loss for words for a second, not only his words asking you by surprise but his anger outburst coming at you paralyzing you in fear. Men didn’t scare you till the anger came through, then you weren’t sure what to do. Flight or fight wasn’t an option for you, paralyzing fear was though.
Shaking his head and headed back towards his truck, as you snapped out of it. “I didn’t know what to say Bradley, its not like i asked him to admit his feelings for me!” But you did. You begged to know why he told you what he did weeks ago, but for some reason him telling you that he loved you wasn’t what you were looking for.
“So you’re telling me that you don’t have feelings for him too?” He asked, standing next to his open door, ready to get into it and drive away. You stood there, mouth opening and closing looking for an answer. You didn’t know, truly. You felt something for Jake but you weren’t sure what it was and you were on the verge of figuring it out when Bradley made an appearance.
Your lack of answer gave him all he needed to know and he started getting into his truck. You rushed to the open window, tears now freely flowing down your face. “Bradley I’m with you! I’m here with you, please don’t do this.” You sobbed trying to get him to stay. You weren’t sure what you were fighting for but losing him like this wasn’t the plan. None of this was the plan. You were happy, what happened?
”But you have feelings for him, so you’re not really with me.” Was all he said as his truck roared to life and he gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. “How do I fix this?” You cried, holding onto his truck hoping that he wouldn’t leave.
Bradley sighed, rubbing a hand down his face and finally looked at you, heartbreak in his eyes, looking at the desperation in yours. “You don’t. This, you and me, were over. You can go be with Hangman now, i don’t care what you do as long as it isn’t with me.” His words tore through your heart. You never meant to hurt him, you were just trying to figure out what was going on.
“Please Bradley don’t do this.” You begged him, “I’m with you, I’m here, why can’t you see that?”
“Because of him.” He clenched his jaw, as he nodded his head behind you. You looked back and saw Jake watching the two of you go through this exchange. You lost all the breath in your body as you stepped back trying to regain it, Bradley had shifted his truck out of park and started to roll off. “Bye Y/N” Was all he said as he pulled out of his parking spot and drifted out of the lot.
You sobbed, holding your chest before regaining your composure and your breath and now your attention was turned. You looked back at the entrance of the bar where the blonde still stood, watching you. Marching up to him with heat radiating off you, you walked right towards him and pushed against his check with anger.
“Why would you do that?” You roared. “You were supposed to stay away. You just made me lose everything!” You said while repeatedly pushing him back, and him just taking it stone face. Your sobs racked through your words, “You made me lose everything.” You pushed one last time before letting defeat take over and collapsing, but you never made it to the ground as he wrapped himself around you and held you while you cried.
Gripping at his shirt you tried regaining control but the sadness kept taking over. You never wanted to hurt Bradley, you didn’t want things to end like this, or at all. You just wanted to know what was going on with your head and your friendship. You knew having something too good to be true like your relationship with Bradley would come to an end but you didn’t know it would be to this extent.
Jake held you as you finally calmed down, being able to control your breath and slightly your thoughts. You didn’t want to move though, because then you would have to face him and the fact that you just broke up with your boyfriend and fell into the arms of the man he just watched confess his love for you. Your life was so fucked up and complicated and you wished this was all just a dream and it would be over when you woke up but you weren’t naive enough to know that wasn’t how life worked.
Finally working yourself up to face him, you sat up, wiping your face before looking at him. He had sadness in his eyes, and pity for you. He scanned over your face a reached up to catch a stray tear but you flinched away a flash of hurt flashed across his features but he covered it up quickly. You went to stand up and he followed your actions, both of you wiping off the dirt from your bodies from being on the floor. You kept your stare on the ground, avoiding looking at him.
“I gotta go.” Was all you said before trying to turn away before your arm was grasped and spun back around. “We need to talk about this.” He demanded, making you look up at him. “We need to talk about nothing Hangman, I need to go home and try to fix this.” You stated, but your arm stayed in his hand and you did nothing to move it.
“What are you going to fix? He’s gone and he knows you feel something for me too. You didn’t deny it when he asked.” He countered back. You didn’t know how much he heard but apparently most of it. You didn’t have anything to say back, he was right, but you weren’t going to let this go easily. “Bradley was here first, my priority lies with him, just because you come out of no where and admit that you have feelings for me doesn’t mean i will just up and leave him.” You spit out. You hated how you were treating Jake but the heartbreak and not wanting to accept that you and Bradley were over was taking over your emotions and you were letting them.
“They aren’t just feelings Y/N, I’m in love with you. Isn’t that enough?” He emphasized. You were so conflicted. “I-I dont know Jake.” You sighed. His face dropped and he finally let go of your arm. The cool air made the spot on your arm where his hand was just at even cooler and you felt lost without the contact. “Just go then.” He said calmly.
“Please Jake I can’t lose both of you, i don’t know what to do.” You started breaking again realizing that you might be making the wrong decisions all the way around. Losing both Bradley and Jake in the same hour would be torture for you, you couldn’t do it. “You won’t lose me, but we wont be how it used to be. I can’t do that to myself anymore.” Was all he said as he started back into the bar. You were frozen in your spot, you were going to lose him. You didn’t know what to do. You just stood there, staring at the door that he had entered through, losing sight of him, tears making a reappearance now.
What are you going to do?
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yankpop · 1 year
Yandere NCT Dream OT6
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Summary: Taeyong tries to get between you and the boys and that’s something they won’t tolerate.
DISCLAIMER: This is a FICTION work only made for entertainment purposes so please don’t take any of this seriously. I do not support or encourage any type of abusive behaviour. Please, be 18+ to read this. Make sure to read the trigger warnings before you get started, but almost everything is yandere and includes toxic behaviours.
All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge.
Check more: Masterlist.
Female reader
WARNINGS: Kidnap/captivity situation; implied future murder.
AN: Mark's not here, so it's only the rest of the boys. Hope you guys enjoy this 💖
I'm not back, just trying to get rid of what I have in my drafts.
Your heart beats faster than you’ve ever experienced, both adrenaline and fear pumping into your blood.
You only catch a few glances of Taeyong, unable to have a clear view with Jeno and Jaemin protectively standing in front of you, the last one a little far behind so that your body is pressed against his, making you feel Jaemin’s body slightly shaking.
Despite the visual obstruction, you can clearly hear Haechan and Taeyong discussing, as they keep arguing back and forth. “You can’t keep her like this, it’s not….okay.”
Haechan scoffs with disdain at Taeyong’s words. “We’re not keeping her. She wants to be here, obviously.” You frown at hearing that, how could Haechan lie so easily?
Standing on the sidelines, Chenle vehemently nods in agreement while next to him Jisung has panic written all over his face with head going back and forth through the members. Over the time you spent with the boys, it quickly became evident that despite his high height, Jisung was a scaredy cat and hated making decisions, unlike Haechan.
“If she wants to be here, then why won’t you let Y/N say it herself?” You look at Taeyong’s direction, catching a fleeting glimpse of the man looking at you with evident concern in his eyes.
The unexpected eye contact makes you want to plead for help, and you open your lips to say something - anything -, until Jeno moves slightly to the side, effectively hiding you once again from Taeyong’s sight.
His words definitely stir up the group, Chenle and Jisung share a concerned expression as Renjun lets out an exasperated sigh and Jaemin reaches for your hand, tightly holding it without changing his position. This whole ordeal makes you feel conflicted, for one side you badly want to call out Taeyong to help you but you’re afraid of the consequences.
Especially because there are 6 of them but only one Taeyong.
What if they hurt him?
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’re gonna scare her away, Taeyong.” Renjun tries to intervene, supported by Chenle. “Yeah, you’re probably gonna try to change her mind or something.”
“You’re not gonna get anywhere near her.” Jaemin declares, his voice booming with determination. His words awfully resemble a threat, and the room temperature seems to drop immediately.
The message was clear.
They weren’t going to give you up, no matter what.
And they weren’t gonna allow Taeyong to take you away either. Something you already suspected, but now Taeyong is warned too.
Haechan keeps quarreling with Taeyong but you notice as Renjun turns around to whisper something at Jaemin, who sternly nods and signals Chenle to come closer, followed by a frightened Jisung. Giving you a final look, he pushes your hand into Chenle, his face void of any emotion as he mutters “Take her to the safe room. We’ll call you when it’s over.” his words make you panic, what was going on?
“What? No, guys, I-” You try to push away Chenle, only for him to grab your hand impossibly tighter, forcing you to follow him as he goes for the door exit. You hear some commotion behind you when Taeyong realizes what was going on, yelling at the boys to let you go. Anxiety boils inside you at the radical change of events, making it harder for you to breathe.
You turn your head behind, catching a brief glance of Renjun standing on the side while Haechan, Jeno and Jaemin surround Taeyong.
The vision only lasts a mere second but it’s enough to fill your heart with fear, making you trip on your own feet. Jisung softly pushes you from behind, compelling you to keep moving.
They force you out of the room, closing the door with a loud noise just in time as a fight immediately begins.
Taeyong’s destiny is evident, making you realize that their determination in keeping you is more powerful than you ever imagined.
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
Kinktober Day 16 - Gags
Ghost x Soap - 2.4k (on ao3)
summary: Simon lets Johnny fuck him, but not in the way he's expecting. (Johnny POV)
cw: topping from the bottom, handjobs, cock gag
Johnny tries to give Ghost his very best pathetic expression, his eyes wide and teary, even throwing in a few sniffles for good measure. His shoulders slope low, hands tucked between his thighs and over his hard cock.
“Please, Ghost?” He begs, looking up at his Lieutenant. “Promise I’ll be good, I’ll get you off as much as you want.”
Ghost snorts, shooting Johnny a look that says you’d do that anyway from his spot at the head of the bed. “I don’t think so, Johnny. Not sure I trust a dumb pup like you to know how to fuck me properly.”
Johnny whines at that, dares to inch  a little bit further up the bed. The leash tied to the bedpost tugs a bit, but Johnny ignores it. “Please, please? I can make you feel so good, I just know it. Won’t come until you say, yeah? I can fuck you good, Simon, please let me?”
Ghost sighs loudly, loud enough that Johnny knows he’s being dramatic intentionally, and loudly shuts his book. Johnny can’t help but perk up a little, shocked he’s getting more than a firm No and an order to curl up on the floor for the night.
“You want to fuck me?” Ghost asks, one eyebrow arches high.
“Yes,” Johnny nearly moans, leaning forward and almost choking himself in the process.
“Want me to stretch myself out for you?” Ghost hums. “Fuck myself on a few fingers so you’ve got a nice warm hole to get off in?”
“Please,” Johnny whines, hips twitching up into the air before he forces himself still. Good pups don’t hump, he already knows that.
“Hm.” Ghost gets a thoughtful look on his face, the one that always means either unimaginable pleasure or the absolute destruction of his hole. Most of the time, both. “Alright, Johnny. You can fuck me.”
Johnny can’t quite believe it - Ghost has never capitulated to his begging so quickly, especially not to something so far from their usual routine. Simon’s never shown an interest in bottoming, and Johnny’s usually too horny to care. It was only today, when a gif of a man being yanked by his leash while fucking someone came up on his Twitter timeline, that Johnny started to get a real urge to fuck Ghost for once.
“C’mere,” Simon sighs, standing and untying Johnny’s leash from the bedpost. He rubs Johnny’s head while retying it to the headboard, giving him a few nice scritches down his mohawk. “We’ll keep you up here for a bit, so you don’t get too ahead of yourself.”
Johnny whimpers a little at that, quickly kneeling and keeping his legs spread so he’s not hiding himself - Ghost hates when he tries to cover himself up, says Johnny shouldn’t try to hide what doesn’t belong to him.
Simon grabs a bottle of lube and settles himself in the center of the bed, just out of Johnny’s reach. He stacks enough pillows up to use as a sort of chair, leaning back and setting his feet so his knees are bent, then spreading wide. With the way he’s sunk down, Johnny’s got a clear view of both his half-hard cock and the tight furl of his asshole.
Johnny’s nearly panting by the time Ghost opens the lube, lathering up several fingers on his right hand. He’d be embarrassed about how needy he is already, but he knows Ghost likes it best when he’s out of his mind with want.
Sure enough, Simon huffs a laugh when he makes eye contact with Soap.
“You want a show, pup?”
Johnny whines, jerks his head in a nod, and tries to lean a little further forward.
“Calm down,” Ghost scolds. “‘M not letting you get anywhere near me when you’re acting like that. Be good.”
It’s hard, but Johnny settles back on his knees. He takes a few deep breaths as he watches Simon’s pointer finger slowly circle his hole, entranced by the way the slick lubs spreads. He’s given himself more lube than he’s ever once given Johnny.
Ghost puts on the show he’d promised, moaning even as just one finger slips in. He doesn’t bother going slowly, pushing all the way to the knuckle in one go and shifting in his spot as he does. He thrusts slowly in and out of himself, his free hand jacking his rapidly hardening cock at the same pace.
“Ghost,” Johnny whines when he keeps that same, glacial pace. “C’mon, I can do it for you, let me-”
“No.” Ghost shoots him an unimpressed look, even as he lines up another finger and starts to slowly push in. “I don’t trust overeager puppies with my hole. You just sit still, I’ll use you when I need to.”
They both make a sound at that, Ghost because he’s slipped another finger to the knuckle, and Johnny because he’s so hard he feels like crying.
Ghost doesn’t take long to stretch himself. He works up to three fingers, shifting his hand in a way that tells Johnny he’s looking for his prostate, going even more limp and letting his eyes shut as he moans once he finds it. Johnny can’t do anything but stare, entranced, as the little slick hole is slowly opened. He wants so badly to be inside of it, can hardly breathe past the urge to lunge forward and touch.
He holds himself back though, kneeling stiff and as silent as he can be. Which, to be fair, isn’t very silent at all - using all of his willpower on staying still leaves him whimpering and moaning almost more than Ghost.
Finally Ghost deems himself stretched enough, pulling his fingers out and leaning forward to wipe away the excess lube on Johnny’s thigh. Soap is quick to lean back, spreading his legs so his cock just straight into the air.
Ghost laughs at his eagerness. “On your back for me, pup, flat on the bed.”
It takes some finagling for Johnny to manage the command without choking himself, laying sideways across the bed with his feet hanging off the edge. 
Ghost appears above him a moment later, something black held in his hand. Johnny can only see the bottom of it from his angle, but he recognzies it as a gag.
He whines a bit. “Simon, please, wanna talk to ye.”
Ghost tsks. “You couldn’t shut up just while I was fingering myself, you’ll wake up everyone in a five mile radius if I leave your mouth empty for this. C’mon, open up.”
Johnny listens with minimal grumbling, teething lightly at the small rubber insertion as Ghost ties it around his head. The gag has an oddly shaped panel on the front, right over the mouth, but Johnny hardly notices.
That is, until Ghost pulls a dildo out from their bedside table. That has Johnny’s eyebrows furrowing, has him making a small noise of confusion past the gag.
Ghost laughs as he… attaches the silicone dick to the gag, somehow. “What, you thought I was gonna ride that little cock of yours? Johnny, it’s tiny. I wouldn’t even be able to feel that thing.”
That has Johnny whimpering, tearing up a little at the insult. Ghost pats his cheek once he finally gets the sex toy secured, shifting to kneel on the bed and then over Johnny’s torso, facing his feet.
“Aw, don’t be sad, pup. I’ll still ride your face, that way you can pretend you’re fuckin’ me, yeah?” The smirk Ghost throws over his shoulder, neck bent awkwardly to look down at Johnny’s face, is downright mean.
The worst part is that the cock strapped to his face is bigger than his own. Johnny isn’t small by any means, would even consider himself above average, but he’s not sure he’d be able to full wrap his hand around the thing standing tall and proud above him.
He tries to show his displeasure as Ghost inches back, reaching up to try and paw at the man as the only way to beg he’s got left.
Ghost scoffs as Johnny grabs at his wrists, quickly pinning them down to his stomach with one hand wrapped around both wrists.
“Don’t pitch a fit,” he growls, giving Johnny a warning squeeze that grinds the bones in his wrists together. “I still haven’t decided if you’ll come tonight or not, but behaving like this is making my decision easy.”
Johnny’s cry is loud enough to be heard through the gag, and he tries to make his body language as contrite as possible as he stares up at the tiny gape of Simon’s asshole. A little drop of lubs drips onto his nose and he flinches.
“Now, you just lay there and be good while I fuck myself. I’m being nice, huh? Not even making you do any of the work.”
Ghost’s free hand reaches back to spread one cheek, and Johnny pants as he watches the man slowly lower himself closer and closer to his face. It takes Simon a couple tries to get the head lined up at the right spot, working his hips forward and backward until he’s got just an inch inside of himself.
“Remember Johnny,” Ghost starts, giving his held wrists a light squeeze. “Stay still.”
Ghost slams himself down on the dildo, taking it in one long thrust and imediately leaving his weight on Johnny’s face.
He can’t help but panic a little, hands flailing as best they can. He forgets to breathe for a moment, scared that his nose is blocked by Simon’s ass. He can hear Ghost moaning above him, watches entranced as his hole struggles to take the large invasion. It’s nearly white from how far it’s spread.
Johnny moans at the sight, hips working fruitlessly against his will, desperate to feel the way Simon’s hole would milk his own cock.
Ghost gives himself plenty of time to adjust, rolling his hips just a bit and grinding against Johnny’s face. He’s not even really riding his mouth - if he were, Johnny would at least get to taste him. Like this he’s just stuck trying his best to breathe, watching Ghost’s hole take all it’s given.
Simon raises himself off the dildo slowly, leaning forward and leveraging himself by pushing further on Johnny’s stomach. He lifts himself almost entirely off, leaving just the head of the enormous dildo inside of himself, then slides back down just as slowly. Ghost and Soap both moan in tandem, one in pleasure and the other in need.
“That feels good, Johnny,” Ghost says on a sigh. “Might let you fuck me more often.”
Johnny’s whimper is sad and pathetic, but apparently just loud enough for Ghost to hear because there’s a scoffed laugh as Ghost begins to truly ride Johnny’s face.
He doesn’t speak as he finds his rhythm, and Johnny is left feeling more and more like just the dildo strapped to his face. His cock goes completelty ignroed, and the only point of contact he’s allowed with Simon is the grip on his wrists. He’s being used for Ghost’s pleasure, but not like he usually is - he’s doing nothing essentially just holding up something for Ghost to fuck. It leaves him with a weird mix of desire and self-pity.
Simon doesn’t seem even the slightlest bit concerned with Johnny’s emotional state, far more focused on getting himself on. He drops nearly his entire body weight on Johnny's face with each thrust, slamming his hips down and leaving Johnny unable to see anything but his ass. There’s a brief moment where Soap thinks that if Ghost were to lean any further back, he could very well break his nose.
He must be making himself feel good, with how loud he’s being. At some point he seems to find his own prostate, his moan hitching as he stills for just a moment before riding that exact spot continuously, a stream of pleasured sounds the only noise in their bedroom.
Merciufully, it doesn’t take Ghost long to come at all. Once he finds the right angle, it’s just minutes later that his hips start losing their rhythm, and barely a minute later Johnny hears the slick sound of a cock being jacked, then a splatter of come across his chest.
Soap is wide eyed and panting as Ghost rides through his orgasm, lifting enough that he’s only got the first few inches of the dildo inside of him, and instead focusing on rubbing himself off. Once he’s milked himself completely he fully pulls off with a moan, shifting to lay shoulder to shoulder with Soap.
With his hands left unrestrained, it takes every ounce of control Johnny’s got left to keep from reaching down and giving himself a few firm tugs. It wouldn’t take much at all, he knows he just needs a little bit of sensation to get himself off.  
But he doesn’t. He sits still, takes deep breaths through the nose, and stares up at the ceiling.
It doesn’t take long for Ghost to catch his breath. Once he does he levers himself up on one hand, looking down at Johnny’s teary expression. He strokes his cheek with one hand smiling softly, before reaching behind him to undo the gag.
“Did good for me, Johnny,” he praises. “Sat nice and still while you fucked me, good boy. You wanna come?”
“Ye-es,” Johnny chokes out as soon as the gag is gone, reaching up with one hand to desperately grip Ghost’s wrist. “Please, please, sir, I was good, I was-”
“I know,” Ghost hums, lacing their fingers together and using his free hand to get a firm hold around Johnny’s throbbing cock, stroking slowly. It’s dry and a little uncomfortable, but he moans from the pleasure nonetheless. “Good boys get rewards, you know that pup. Come whenever.”
He’d be embarrassed about how long he lasts if he had any room for thought in his brain, but Johnny’s so stuck on the delicious pleasure, the perfect stroke of Ghost’s hand, the eye contact that leaves him feeling vulnerable, he doesn’t care at all that he hardly lasts a minute.
He’s loud as he comes, so Ghost dips down and gives him slow kisses while he wrings the last stripes of come from him, licking into Johnny’s mouth and letting him do the same. The whole thing feels slow and good in a way Soap rarely gets to be with Ghost.
They’re both breathing heavily as Simon finally pulls back, a thin strand of saliva connecting them.
“There you go,” he purrs. “What do you say, puppy?”
“Thank- thank you,” Johnny pants, eyes falling closed as the pleasure makes his bones feel heavy, sinking deep into the comforter. “Thank you for letting me come.”
The smile is audible in Ghost’s voice as he praises, “Good boy.”
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obsessedasusual · 9 months
Lonely No More - Nine
Bishop Losa x OC Series
Summary: There was never a dull moment, being the only Reyes sister. But between overbearing brothers, being the family peacekeeper, and countless disaster dates, Amalia finds herself wishing she had someone to unwind with after a hectic day. Funnily enough, Bishop Losa wishes for the same thing.
Warnings: swearing, feels, everything MC related really
Note: it's okay I hate me as well :)))
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The knock at the door came as Amalia was mid-sip of her second glass of red wine.
After a day of having a door slammed in her face by her younger brother and awkward prolonged eye contact from the man she couldn’t seem to get out of her head, a glass or two of red was more than welcomed.
She sighed quietly and hoped whoever it was would soon leave.
It wasn’t late, Amalia had only just finished cleaning up after dinner and had begun to settle on the sofa with reruns of ‘Say Yes to the Dress’, keen to erase the events from the past few days.
When the second knock came she threw her head back in frustration before pulling herself to stand and answer the door.
Seeing Bishop standing on her front step should have been expected, he was really the only person she knew in this town that bothered to knock, but it still caught her off guard.
He stared at her for a beat before breaking the silence, “Hey.”
He was still dressed in his kutte, having only just left the club. When Amalia peered over his shoulder to the driveway she noted the lack of motorbike, he must have walked from his place which would explain the silent arrival.
She looked back to him, replying with a soft, “Hi.”
Bishop looked at his feet and cleared his throat before speaking again, “Can I come in?”
“Uh… yeah sure.” She stepped back and opened the door further for him, allowing him into her home.
This wasn’t how she saw her night going. She had just finished compartmentalising everything going on in her life right now and had come to the conclusion that she and Bishop were just an equally lonely pair, whos paths crossed unexpectedly for a short time and they were going to revert back to how their relationship was a couple of months prior - essentially nonexistent. And she was totally okay with that. Absolutely. Cool as a cucumber. 
She wasn’t sure when she’d grown so fond of the older man, and it hurt to think that he didn’t feel the same.
Amalia followed to where Bishop stood awkwardly near the dining table, eyes anywhere but her.
“Could I uh, do you want a drink?” She offered helplessly. He shook his head, eyes on the carpet beneath him.
“No, I uh… I came to apologise,” he looked at her then, seeing how his words caught the Reyes sister off guard, “Been busy with the club and ah, time got away from me.”
Amalia nodded silently, not knowing what to say. He was the one turning up on her doorstep, he could do the talking. Admittedly it was a childish response.
Bishop continued at the silence, “I’m sorry for not reaching out sooner.”
“It’s okay.” Amalia mumbled. It’s not like she reached out either.
The President shook his head at her response, “Nah, it’s not, querida. I know the other night when I left… I should’ve reached out.”
It was clear that this conversation was making him uncomfortable, Amalia felt the exact same. This was uncharted territory for them. Hell - just over a month ago they were merely friendly acquaintances. It was crazy, how their friendship grew so fast. And it was about to derail even faster by the sound of this conversation.
She sighed and looked around the room, “Bishop look. It’s okay, I get it.” He looked at her quizzingly as she continued, “It was just a… a thing that happened. While we were messing around. I understand that’s all it was.”
Bishop studied her for a moment, remaining silent as he waited for her to continue speaking.
The red wine had started to infiltrate her system by now, and Amalia could feel herself loosening up and letting words fall more freely.
“I mean, look at us!” she gestured between them with a weak smile, “You’re President of an outlaw MC and I’m the communications lead for a building company. We don’t exactly have a lot in common.” 
Everything Amalia was saying was four days worth of pent up emotion. Did she mean all of it? No. But history had taught her that it was easier to be the rejector than the rejectee, “And then, there’s the whole thing with my brothers. Could you imagine if they found out? What a mess that would be.”
If Bishop disagreed he did a good job at hiding it, choosing to remain silent as Amalia rambled away.
She finally reigned it in, stopping herself from digging a deeper hole, “No hard feelings, Bish. Promise.”
After a moment of silence he repeated, “No hard feelings, querida,” eyes locked on hers, “I’ll uh - I’ll leave you to your night.”
Amalia nodded, “Okay.”
He made his way back to the front door and stared at her for a moment longer, “Okay.” He repeated, giving her a small smile and leaving her house.
Well that wasn’t awkward at all.
Bishop sulked the second her front door closed behind him.
We don’t exactly have a lot in common.
Did that really matter? Was having a lot in common with a person the make or break of a relationship?
He turned back toward her house when he reached the letterbox, catching her shadow moving across the living room. 
On each of the past few days Bishop had found himself staring intently at his phone, either waiting for it to alert him of a new message or in the hope he’d finally rip the Band-Aid off and call the subject of his infatuation.
He should’ve reached out. He regretted that now more than ever.
But this was good, he supposed. It’s better he know how she feels before he attempted to pursue anything further with her.
Sighing, he turned and started the short walk home.
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errielovesu · 6 months
Too sweet
chapter 1 of my first oc fanfiction, please be nice to be I cringe too don't worry, be sure to read the prologue for some extra context or something and yeah enjoy :3 (not proof read im too lazy)
cw/tw: none as of now
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Besides beer himeno is a sucker for strawberry milk and maybe banana milk, usually one or the other is in stock but this time had to be my lucky day when none of them are in stock and now i'm not sure what i'm going to fill the fridge with now since we can't just only have beer in there, frustrated I head to the checkout counter and pay for the pain au chocolat that i've always had since I was a child, casually I walk myself back to me and himeno’s apartment, it's around 10 am and she's probably still asleep.
Yesterday everyone in division 4 went out for drinks, rare thing now a days but himeno wanted an excuse to not drink alone or with me since apparently, lately i've just been quiet maybe that's why himeno took me out to drink, it was nothing out the ordinary just so light drinking for me and just having mindless conversation with the other members. As I approach the elevator to get up to my floor I spot a familiar face. “Val-len-tine!!!” Power’s voice echoes through the lobby as she runs at full speed towards my direction she quickly gets ahold of my arm and squeezes me, clear that someone did not want to cook breakfast for the hungry girl, Denji approaches with caution since Power dislikes him talking to me, “Hey valentine, the evil man over there told us no breakfast from him because me and power stayed up playing cards and he couldn’t get his beauty sleep” denji exclaims, looking into powers eye she nods and points at the tall “evil” man that did not cook them a breakfast, I walk towards him as he looks anywhere but my direction. 
“Hey aki..” I poke him on the shoulder, “did you not get your beauty sleeep?” I continue the joke, still not even a look from the man, power snarks at him, “Lets just go up to your apartment and you can make me a delicious breakfast, i'm starving hereeeeeeeee” power squeals, I sigh and nod in agreement, “You're welcome to join too by the way aki…ill let you use the balcony, yeah?” usually I wouldn’t dare let him near the balcony or himeno, I told them if they needed to smoke to do it somewhere else because I couldn’t stand my plants dying, aki looks back, making eye contact with me then power, he slowly starts walking towards the elevator, “I think I just convinced him to stop being evil power” I chuckle.
Opening the door to the apartment, denji and power scurry like rats into the couch and bean bag in the living room, I set my bag down at the kitchen and head to wake up the sleeping himeno herself, knocking softly on the door I call out her name and after a few russels and groans she's up, “You better wear something to cover yourself or no food for you” knowing she will not obey my instruction she walks out in whatever she passed out with. The tv is on, the apartment is loud and warm. “Powers plate is on the left, the rest of you can sit wherever you want” I slightly demand with my voice, everyone surrounds the table and aki is nowhere to be found but of course one glance to the right and he is right on the balcony just admiring the totally interesting sky, I get up from my seat and walk over to the sliding doors that enclose the balcony, sliding them gently and stepping over and sliding the door shut behind me. “I did your job, could you finish now and have something to eat?” He glances my direction, I can barely look at him because its so bright outside, squinting my eyes I ask him to come in, he throws the cigarette out the window, “before you sit down though, can you wash your hands? I can barely stand the smell on himeno when we eat I don't need you to add on to her please” I ask with a bit of sarcasm on my face, Aki never gives me any reactions when I speak, sometimes I hate speaking to him, it feels like i'm speaking to a wall that thinks im stupid or something. “I got it.” Finally a response comes out of his mouth, I motion towards the table and slide the door open again. 
Today is rather quiet, it's about noon now and everyone is doing their own thing around the apartment, himeno and aki are talking, and i'm over here babysitting power and denji. “You know she doesnt like boys, stop trying to talk to her” power sticks her tongue out at denji, “why is this always a discussion with you two? Denji doesnt even talk to me because you scare him away power, look at where he's sitting right now power” I laugh as denji is a good 2 feet away from me, powers attachment to me makes me happy, she's sweet and funny when she isn't doing anything for personal gain and her cat likes me so she automatically likes me more because of meowy. 
“Val, we need to start heading out soon, please kick them out I don't want to do it myself” Himeno says walking towards her room, I stand up and sigh, “well you heard her, you guys also have things to do so please make her happy” I start walking the duo towards the door, aki follows behind me as I open the door for power and denji to walk out, I move to the side to give aki a chance to leave as well, as hes walking out he looks at me, weird, he's just staring me down like he wants to say something, “Thanks.” That's it? It took him that long to utter the word thanks? I dislike non aggressive aki…it's hard to speak to him when he's giving me auto generated response, “anytime, but don’t think ill let you smoke near my plants again” I smile at him, he starts walking towards the elevator where denji is waving goodbye to me and power is just intensely looking at him, waving back I close the door and head to change myself. 
Himeno and I headout the house and embark on whatever Ms.Makima has planned for us and it'll always end with himeno complaining, either way it's the job we have to do so she’ll shut up eventually. Himeno opens the door for me to enter Makimas office, “Hello, valentine.” makima said to me, greeting himeno next. “I've been alerted about a demon with a piece of the gun devil is roaming around Shinjuku station, it's unknown what type of demon it is, if you could go and patrol that area to give everyone peace of mind it would be appreciated.” Quickly me and himeno leave to head to our destination, and soon the complaining will start. “Shinjuku? Really the most populated place we could go to, I hate her stupid assignments, its always some low level slime sucking devil!” I just let her take it out, we shortly started heading towards a train to take us. 
Arriving at Shinjuku station I'm quickly distracted by the thousands of stores I could be exploring but sadly I'll have to focus on finding the devil disturbing, me and himeno walk the streets up and down just patrolling with nothing to be found. Me and himeno stop for some lunch, i'm not really interested in eating anything so I just had a drink while with fascination I watch her eat the burger she bought, wondering what this day is gonna lead us to.
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Emily signed the paperwork and much to the disappointment of Jax that was the last time he had seen or heard from her in a week. He didn't know what it was but his head was full of her. She was a fucking pocket rocket for sure. She handled Noah, put that crow eater in line without using her fists and shot David Hale down quicker than Clay ever had the opportunity to. He couldn't stop thinking about her and Gemma could see it. Fuck, everyone could. But Noah? God Noah felt it full force. Jax had him busting his arse more than any other prospect, and everyone could guess at why. "When are you gonna stop messing with that kid and just go see her?" Clay questioned as he made his way into the empty clubhouse. Jax shrugged from his place at the bar. He was sipping a cold beer as he sat and watched Noah clean his bike on the security cameras. Yes it was the 4th time in two days he made him do it, but in Jax's eyes it was fair. "I dont know what you mean." Clay rolled his eyes as he poured himself a whiskey. "You got the hots for this girl. Gem told me. Just go see her and let the prospect sleep for god sakes. We have a shipment coming tomorrow, i need him in good shape." It was Jax's turn to roll his eyes at his step father. Never would have guessed Clay to take a prospects side. Standing from his seat at the bar, Jax nodded at Clay and made his way out to his bike. "Pack it up prospect, I've got somewhere I gotta go." Noah stood to his feet and awkwardly twisted the oil covered rag in his hands. "Can I talk to you quickly before you go?" Jax's eyebrow raised in question. Noah seemed to be wrestling with his thoughts, trying to work out how to phrase what he wanted to say without pissing his Vice President off. "Look, I don't want you anywhere near Emily. I know your track record with women Jax And I don't want her hurt." Noah clearly threw caution to the wind and tried to be as firm as possible with Prince of Charming. Noah couldn't deny that part of him hated that Jax could have whoever and whatever he wanted. Women looked at him like he was sex on legs. Perfection, with a physique that the Gods themselves carved. But Noah didn't see the appeal. In his eyes Jax was a dick, and it wasn't like he was the only blonde haired, blue eyed boy in charming. Jax's eyes widened in Suprise at the boldness of the prospect and laughter tumbled from his mouth. Noah felt his chest burn with both embarrassment and anger at the sound. "The last person I'm gonna listen to is you, grunt. Yeah she's hurt and your the one to blame. Hey, who knows? Maybe I'll pay her a visit, make her feel better. From what I hear it's not gonna be hard to fill your shoes." Winking at the prospect, Jax put on his helmet and sped out of the lot, leaving a disgruntled Noah scowling at the reaper that addorned his back.
30 minutes riding aimlessly around Charming did nothing to clear Jax's head and sure enough he ended up in the one place he was adamant he wouldn't go. Leaning against his bike across the road from Emily's home, Jax lit a cigarette and mentally wrestled with himself. He was never this nervous about a girl before. He was the prince, Girls fell at his feet all the time. But this girl? No this girl was different. Fuck. What was he doing? He knew minimal things about this girl, so why was she all up in his brain. Not even crow eaters could distract him from the purple haired pocket rocket. "Jax?" His head snapped up, the sound of her voice halting his pacing immediately. There she stood in joggers and a cropped vest, looking worried. Her hair was down, the long purple strands dangling over her shoulder and Jax's first thought was imagining running his fingers through it. Wondering if it was as soft as it looked. "Jax is something wrong?" Emily spoke again, the concern in her voice clear. Jax found himself frowning at her. "Yeah, there is actually. I havent seen you at the clubhouse." Emily scoffed at the nerve of the man infront of her. She had seen him from her kitchen window and the sight of him pacing, chainsmoking cigarettes made her worried. Now she felt stupid for caring. "Im not a fucking Crow eater Jax. I've heard how the club treats women, thats not me." Emily turned to walk away, but his gentle hand on her arm stopped her. "Thats not what i meant Darlin'. I meant...Fuck i like having you around okay?" Emily shook her head, completely dumbfounded. "Jax you met me twice. You dont know me. Look, if this is a way to piss Noah off, fucking his ex, im not here for it. Whatever he's done, leave me out of it." Jax rubbed his face frustrated. "This isnt about Noah Em. Infact I cant stand him. This is different. Is it so hard to believe that i may actually want to get to know you? That i enjoyed the time I spent talking to you at the clubhouse the other day?" Emily smiled softly at him. "I'm not different. Jax im boring. Your wasting your time here with me. You have multiple women who would give anything to spend a night with you. Dont be stupid. Go." Jax grinned at her as she gave him a gentle shove towards his bike. Throwing his arm over her shoulder instead, Jax guided her back towards her house.
"Well arent you lucky? Tonights your night Em, Im Yours. Let me be the judge of whether your boring." Emily couldnt help but laugh at the confidence on him. It was gonna be a long night.
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delicioussshame · 18 days
Now, have this porny fic set in the AU where TLJ is a supervillain. Warning: I literally just finished writing this and I haven't even reread it.
“This is not happening.”
“You lost the bet fair and square, didn’t you?”
“Nothing you do is fair and square!”
“Did anyone, any single person, notice the subterfuge?”
“Yes! Me!”
Tianlang-Jun gives him the disapproving look that response apparently demanded.
It is not Shen Yuan’s fault that people are idiots! They should have noticed that Shen Yuan would never ever have thought about wasting his time on an annoyingly long article proclaiming Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai’s influence on modern harem novel heroines. He would never shame himself in that way! The ladies deserved so much better!
But no, apparently, not even Binghe noticed that the travesty that was published under his name was written not by Shen Yuan but by his coworker, eternal enemy and possibly-maybe-sort-of partner, Tianlang-Jun. Shen Yuan’s heart is broken, shattered into pieces. His genius, his beautiful prose, his witty turns of phrase, all of that amateurishly imitated by Tianlang-Jun just to ruin Shen Yuan’s bibliography, and no one questioned it. To hear all of them, this was just something Shen Yuan would write.
Shen Yuan hates all his colleagues and students. They are 100% to blame for his current predicament. “We’re at work! We could both get fired!”
“Office hours are long over. No one is going to come knocking this late.”
“That doesn’t mean there is no one right next door!”
“You’ll just have to stay quiet then, won’t you?”
“Right, put this all on m-“
Of course Tianlang-Jun is going to shut him up with his tongue. He doesn’t have what it takes to debate Shen Yuan on an even playing field! If he would just let him talk, Shen Yuan would skin him alive.
Sadly, Tianlang-Jun does not know what playing fair even mean. It probably never crossed his mind to let Shen Yuan talk himself out of this ridiculous situation he’s trapped in, and out of the man’s hold, when he can just not let him speak and do whatever he wants on the egregious basis that Shen Yuan did kinda agree to let him do it if he managed to fool anyone with his attempt at mimicking him. Which he did, because again, people are idiots.
Also Tianlang-Jun is a supervillain and has no shame nor morals.
At least he thoughtfully cleared his desk before bending Shen Yuan over it. The last thing they need is students’ papers hopelessly stained.
He is not anywhere near as careful with Shen Yuan’s clothes. Goodbye nice shirt, you will be missed. “Hey! I need to be decent after!”
“I bought you a chance of clothes.”
Shen Yuan snarls. Like he has not noticed Tianlang-Jun’s tendency to repopulate his wardrobe as he wishes. Shen Yuan will not be wearing those slutty waistcoats to work.
But the shirts are nice. Damned old money.
His pants and underwear also follow the way of his shirt, until Shen Yuan is naked, spread over a desk and utterly embarrassed.
Tianlang-Jun, of course, feels not one sliver of embarrassment. “I don’t suppose I could convince you to relocate to my desk permanently? My own office hours would be so much more delightful.”
Shen Yuan glares. “You could also work elsewhere. Maybe you’d enjoy that more.”
“And be separated from you? How could I?”
The thing is, even if Shen Yuan cannot see him, he knows Tianlang-Jun means it. He knows his expression has turned soft. Even if he couldn’t feel it in the way the hands caressing his back turned tender, he would still know his smile did the same.
And because he knows, he doesn’t say anything more and lets Tianlang-Jun live his fantasy of fucking Shen Yuan over his desk, right here at the university they both work at, because “if we get caught you are obligated to bankroll me for the rest of my life.”
A gentle kiss over his nape even as less gentle fingers find their way inside him. “It would be my honor and privilege.”
Shen Yuan blushes. That asshole, again with saying things like that and meaning it! What is he supposed to do with that! He doesn’t know which is worst : being unable to respond out of embarrassment or because of the rising pleasure of the fingers teasing him open stealing his breath.
Tianlang-Jun’s other hand forces itself under Shen Yuan’s, finds Shen Yuan’s somewhat interested cock and decides to make sure it is completely on board.
Shen Yuan shivers and bites his lips. Quiet. The main goal here is to remain quiet. For all he knows, Shang Qinghua is right next door with an ear against the wall, eager for any inspiration for his next chapter. Shen Yuan knows he needs it. He can’t be making a sound, can’t be heard, can’t pant too loudly or let out one of those moans Tianlang-Jun always delights in tearing out of him.
Teeth pressing gently against the lobe of his ear. “Ready, darling?”
Is he? Is anyone ever ready to take that? Shen Yuan knows he’s never been. It always feels like too much, like this will be the time he won’t be able to handle it, and yet, he gets through it each time with tears in his eyelashes, throat raw and mind wiped by bliss.
Low laugh in his ear. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
That having been Shen Yuan instinctively spreading his thighs and pushing back against Tianlang-Jun, hips raised.
He will deny having done any of this on his deathbed.
Shen Yuan tastes blood on his tongue when Tianlang-Jun pulls out his fingers. He knows what comes next, and he must be silent for it.
He tries to focus instead on the push of the side of the desk in his belly, on the feel of expensive wood against his strained erection.
Please let the wood be unstained. He’ll never be able to exist in this room again if he enters and he’s faced by an unexplained spot.
He’s proud of himself for letting out nothing more than a gasp when Tianlang-Jun enters him, slowly, slowly, pushing Shen Yuan harder against the desk in a way that might be uncomfortable if Shen Yuan could spare the neurons to think about anything, anything at all. Alas, it’s too much to ask of him right now.
“Hush, we don’t want anyone to get curious and come looking, don’t we? You’re a spectacle only meant for my eyes.”
Shen Yuan bites down on his tongue harder, but not even the sting can keep him focused. He challenges anyone in his position to do so.
His sweaty hands slide over the polished wood, trying futilely to find purchase, to hold steady despite how his whole body is thrown forward with each overwhelming thrust.
Shen Yuan’s vision is blurry with tears and his mouth hurts with all the sounds he’s holding back by the time he comes, Tianlang-Jun’s cock inside him and the hand cruelly wrapped around him. But by the time Tianlang-Jun himself is done, Shen Yuan is a mindless mess over the desk, aches and pains far away sensations he’s almost blind to.
Shen Yuan trembles as Tianlang-Jun pulls out and the world slowly but surely reasserts itself. “Oh dear, I’m afraid I pushed you a bit too far. Oh well, I’m sure there is no one left at the university. I could probably carry you to the car like this and no one would be the wiser.”
That wakes Shen Yuan up. Carrying Shen Yuan’s naked and spoiled body all over campus seems like something Tianlang-Jun would love to do. “Absolutely not” is what he tries to say, but he ends up sounding more like “Absolty noth.”
Tianlang-Jun pulls out a towel and… a thermos? out of nowhere. “Let’s clean you up first. Can you sit up?”
Shen Yuan seriously does not want to sit up. That does not seem like it will be a pleasant experience.
“Roll over then. I’ll take care of you.”
It is still ridiculous that Shen Yuan trusts a supervillain, well, former supervillain, anywhere near him, and yet, here they both are, despoiling the ancient institution that is the university they are supposed to promote and respect.
Whatever. He’s tired. Tianlang-Jun won’t hurt him. This whole thing is his fault, he can deal with it. Shen Yuan can’t be bothered to do anything. He’s just going to close his eyes tightly shut and erase from his consciousness his current emplacement until they’re back into Tianlang-Jun’s nice house. That shouldn’t take too long.
“You were lovely. Thank you, darling.”
Shen Yuan really, really wants to tell him to stop with his nonsense, but for some reason, probably fatigue, he can’t be bothered. He settles for what Tianlang-Jun will certainly interpret as the slap he intended and not the caress he ended up with.
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stargirlsmooch · 2 years
me & you
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bucky barnes x fem!reader drabble
you meet bucky in wakanda after months apart. angsty + fluffy. 657 words.
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Wakanda was a home away from home for you. After being recruited as a part of their outreach program in high school, you spent years living within the walls of the palace with your best friend, Shuri. 
Running riot in the vibranium corridors, training with the Dora Milaje and building weapon after weapon in the lab. Thanks to this country, your mind and body had been sculpted into something you were proud of. 
That’s why visiting was always bittersweet. 
A large part of you wanted to stay and relive your happiness underneath the shield, whilst a larger part of you knew that you had to keep searching for Bucky. Your lover had been lost for months, and it felt like you had searched every square inch of the earth and he was still nowhere to be found.
The two of you met during the Civil War when you were interning at the Stark Tower and freshly back in the US. Tony had been so impressed with you that he asked for your help tweaking a new suit of his and of course you immediately jumped at the chance to work with your boss, leading to you quickly becoming a part of his team. 
But you switched sides when you met Bucky, yearning to be near him and be the rock that he needed. 
“That’s new.” You said to Shuri as you walked the kingdom’s land with her, just like old times. There was a round orange hut standing in the back corner of the field, goats grazing around the tree that grew next to it. You remembered running in this pasture with Shuri when you were younger, teenagers but acting like children, playing with the kids from the surrounding tribes.
“Yes. Well, we needed somewhere to house The White Wolf,” Shuri replied, smiling at a family that passed behind you both. The who?
Just as you were about to ask what she meant, a man emerged from the door of the hut, dressed in a traditional robe you saw many of the other locals wearing. You squinted at the figure in the distance, noting the shoulder-length brown hair and the… black vibranium arm. 
“I just wanted to come and see how my new invention is working out for him,” Shuri explained, but you had already taken off towards him, sprinting as fast as you could.
His head snapped up at the sound of your voice, he would recognise it anywhere, and watched you slowly come to a stop in front of him. 
“Hi, doll.” He whispered as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, squeezing him as hard as was humanly possible.
“Where the hell have you been?” You asked, raising your voice and stepping away to shove at his chest, “I’ve been worried sick looking for you.”
“I know, baby. But you have to understand… I didn’t want to hurt you.” He said, thinking about all the times he had those nightmares- being the Winter Soldier again and causing you pain that no one deserved. The last thing he would ever want to do is lay his hands on you.
“You could never hurt me, my love. I wouldn’t let you.” You giggled as your sadness quickly dissipated at the sight of him, remembering all the times you’d beat Bucky when you sparred together. Sometimes, he forgot you were trained by Wakanda’s strongest warriors. 
“I couldn’t risk it, doll.” He said, tears forming at the corners of his eyes that you immediately wiped away, hating to see any negative emotion on his face.
“I’m gonna help you, baby. Me and you… we’re gonna get through this together. This place can heal you.” You whispered against his lips. And you were telling the truth- the Wakandan air had cleared your mind of the monsters you carried more times than you could count. 
“Me and you, doll.” He repeated, sealing your lips together in a gentle kiss.
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imagine--if · 2 years
A/N: Wasn't a request this time, but I've had this idea in my head for a few days and feel like this could be an awesome mini-fic 😁 enjoy reading!! Also I'm gonna see if I can open my blog to post submissions from you all if you want to send some amazing inspiration in 💚
ₓ˚.୭˚○◦˚. Attention, Part I .˚◦○˚୧.˚ₓ Words: 858
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• My neighbour's kind of odd, maybe he just likes the attention? •
Living in Gotham comes with its challenges, and working there is just as bad. You know you get paid half of what you're supposed to, and work for far longer than you should have to, working twice as hard for everything. That's why you had to take that smaller flat instead of a proper, private house. That's how you met your neighbour.
Most apartments in the city aren't at all decent places to live, the flat buildings full of dropheads and thugs, a permanently out-of-order lift, spray-painted cement walls and smashed glass sprayed on the odd stair. This building is tall, overlooking the Iceberg Lounge - a place you promised yourself long ago not to go anywhere near - but it's the best you could find, for now.
It was unsettlingly quiet when you got the key to your apartment on the top floor, the cold corridors narrow and dark, the people quiet and glowering. You had a heavy backpack full of your books and gadgets weighing down on your back, and a suitcase dragging and thumping behind you, as you lugged them tiredly up the stairs, night falling quickly as ever outside. God, you hate this place. Why are everything and everyone so hopeless?
When you finally got to your door, the key having to be shoved and twisted several times to unlock the stiff mechanism, you let out a sharp exhale, running your fingers through your hair and back away from your face, dumping your backpack in the doorway. Faint, echoing footsteps could be heard from a couple of floors lower, heading up closer to your level, and you glanced down the staircase apprehensively, pushing your backpack further in and pulling your suitcase past the front door.
Peering in at your new place, your brows furrowed slightly as your eyes wandered the small hallway that branched off into the main room, and two cupboard-sized rooms to the left, a bedroom and a bathroom. The kitchen was connected to the main room, and cheap, grubby appliances stood out against the dirty white walls and dark carpeting. Well. It would have to do, until you can do better.
The footsteps had stopped whilst you observed your new 'home,' and by the time you looked back to close the door behind you, a figure was standing at the apartment door opposite, curious, intense eyes fixed on you when you flinched in shock. It was a man, no older than thirty, with a round face and a soft, dorky look, clear-framed glasses hiding his murky green eyes. But his gaze seemed to bore right into yours, as if he could see through all the layers on the outside and cave into thoughts you keep buried for good reason.
You blinked out of your trance, giving him a worn-out smile, and his eyes widened in surprise, a pink blush dusting his cheeks as he smiled back at you hopefully.
"Hi," you said awkwardly, "I, um, I'm new, so... sorry if I disturbed you or something."
The man stared at you thoughtfully for a moment, shaking his head slowly.
"You didn't disturb me. I've just got back from... from work."
"Yeah, work," you responded with a light scoff. "Fun." You told him your name, lingering at your door as you spoke, wondering if he might just be one of the very few polite people here that just want to get inside but won't say it. Still, he doesn't seem in any hurry, eyes bright and searching, his frame leaning against his door slightly.
"Edward," he breathed. "I'm Edward."
"Oh, okay, well, it was nice meeting you, Edward," you nodded with a half-smile. "I should probably unpack a bit before it gets too late."
"Unpack," he repeated steadily, his stare veering off to the ground in some distant thought, before they snapped back into reality, a dopey grin sent your way. "Right. I- if you ever need anything, I'm just opposite."
"Good to know. Have a nice night, then!"
Edward's eyes didn't leave you as you close the door, locking it back up and resting your hands against the cool, red metal surface. He seemed nice enough. A little eager, maybe. Was he still staring?
Craning your neck up and pressing yourself against the door, you looked out the small peephole, and sure enough, he was still there, his door ajar as he tried to make himself go inside. That bright smile was still on his face, and it took him at least a minute to back into his cluttered-looking apartment, a shrill, weird screeching and squeaking from inside gaining his attention. Edward sighed, closing the door, and you stepped back from your own, bemused.
- hey, how was moving day? or night i guess lol -
You smiled weakly at your phone screen a second after it vibrated, your friend's text popping up on the lock screen. You tapped on the message, thinking for a minute before you responded, Edward's unusually giddy smile in your head.
• My neighbour's kind of odd, maybe he just likes the attention? •
.˚◦○˚ ୧.˚ₓ To Be Continued... ₓ˚. ୭˚○◦˚.
.・ Taglist: ・.
@simestandswithtaylorswift-blog @carley-carley-carley @lostbunn @dencchan @dragovegogrimborn @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @r4iner @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @vaylordd @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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burstingdragons · 2 years
Zero Points [NaLu]
Natsu Dragneel knew something seemed off. He growled in increasing anger as he watched his best friend and partner be strung up and harassed by the fire wizard that was her opponent. She had seemed so strong moments ago, hell she had even been winning this battle at one point, but now it was like her strength had suddenly vanished.  
"Welcome back to GMG Broadcasting! Chapati Lola here, and joining me are Mr. Yajima and our guest, Jenny Realight. Incase you missed it, or for those just tuning in, THE TABLES HAVE TURNED FOLKS! Fairy Tail's Lucy Heartfilia who was dominating this fight just moments ago, is now being outclassed completely by Flare Corona from Raven Tail!" 
"Man, what gives? Did Lucy run out of power?" The dark spiky haired man standing next to Natsu questioned. 
"No, that's not it Gray." The redhead knight on the opposite side of the dragon slayer shook her head to the side. However, she too was wondering the same thing as her teammate. 
Natsu was thinking hard to himself what the case could be. He could sense she had plenty of magic remaining, so why did it seem as if Lucy was holding herself in check?
It's as if she is refusing to fight back. 
With a frustrated expression he began to fidget and try to break away from the group only for his shoulder to be grabbed by Erza which kept kept him in place. Her eyes met his.
"Natsu, you're not allowed to interfere with the match or Lucy will be disqualified." 
"Something suspicious is going on though Erza!" He argued, glaring at her.
"Maybe so, but there is nothing we can do about it. We must have faith in Lucy." Natsu growled frustratingly, but relented as he continued to watch the match intensely. His sharp canines revealed themselves momentarily once Flare had lit her hair ablaze as she continued harassing his partner. 
Dammit, come on Luce do something! He plead inside, hating seeing this chick burn her. He could tell a conversation was taking place, and so tuned everything out but the voices he was trying to hear. Erza noticed his eyes were shut and couldn't help but wonder what going through the dragon slayer's mind. 
"Then again, I'm feeling rather artistic today...and your body makes the perfect canvas!" Flare declared while giving her captive an evil grin. The burning hair materialized into her own guild's logo as Lucy began to tremble in fear. "I think I'll brand it with the Raven Tail emblem, would you like that? Think of it as a souvenir that you'll have for the rest of your days!" 
Lucy began struggling harder, trying to break free from her captivity. Flare began moving the fire emblem all around her. 
"So, where do you want me to put it?" She tauntingly asked watching the blonde before her shatter. "Oh, I know!" Her eyes lit up evilly. "You want it on top of your Fairy Tail emblem don't you!" 
That threat finally broke Lucy's obedience of silence. "No, please don't! Put it anywhere but there!" Slowly, the burning emblem began closing in increasingly near to Lucy's right hand, where her guild mark lay on the back of her hand. 
"I thought I told you to be quiet!" Flare shouted in anger as her fiery hair was directly above Lucy's hand.
"NO!" Lucy cried out in desperation, squeezing her eyes shut. "I'M BEGGING YOU!" Reopening them with tears about to fall from the impending doom. 
Seconds before, everything had finally clicked inside the pink haired dragon slayer. A sudden voice not long ago rang out through his mind. 
Asuka look out!
Before either Erza or Gray had time to process it, Natsu was racing down the stadium cobblestone pathway and to the steps where the rest of the Fairy Tail guild sat cheering.
"Natsu, wait!" Erza called out to her friend, but he was already long gone. 
The dragon inside of him angrily roared as he sprinted to his destination. He knew time was of the essence, he had saved Lucy countless times before, he would not let her down here!
"My ears don't lie to me!" His eyes caught sight of his mission. "I heard her loud and clear!" 
Lucy could feel the heat radiating off the burning hair as Flare sadistically smiled. She continued to shake waiting for the inevitable contact. Only, the contact never came.
Leaping over the guardrail separating them, Natsu spotted the family of three and landed right next to his target. The little dark green haired Connell daughter. Showing up unannounced, and surprising them, the mother wrapped her arms around the young child in protection. Angrily Natsu grabbed Flare's hair, that she had kept within striking distance of the girl beneath the ground, and lit his hand on fire incinerating it. 
"She was trying to protect Asuka!" Natsu roared with rage at the dirty trick. Flare felt the burn immediately as her hair extinguished and she looked over to Fairy Tail in surprise. Her stunned red eyes briefly met the coal black orbs of an infuriated dragon slayer. Lucy watched on in shock as she tried to figure out what had happened. He bent over the railing, his voice shouting as high as it could in order to reach his partner.
"You're in the clear Lucy!" 
That was all the Celestial Spirit summoner needed to hear as she grinned, brown eyes flashing alive once more. "Thanks Natsu!" Using the confusion to her advantage, she lowered her restrained arms towards her waist and grabbed the key she was looking for. Rapidly, her body began to glow in shades of bright gold.
"Piri-piri!" A voice cheered as two miniature blue spirits appeared in thin air. Each one shot out in a ball of light as one attacked Flare and sent her flying backwards while the other cut through the hair that had bound their master. Now free, Lucy looked up at her spirits. 
"We're doing the big one!" She announced causing one of them to wave their arms frantically. 
"But we haven't practiced enough!" The first revealed.
"We're not sure we can do it!" The other responded doing the same motion as the first.
Lucy extended her arm towards them, radiating in full confidence. "Don't worry just transform into me!" 
The two spirits combined their hands. "Piri-piri!" In a flash of white, Gemini transformed into a duplicate of Lucy, only this one was dressed in a bathing towel. Lucy took note of this as she embarrassedly yelled at her spirits. 
"Why are you dressed like that!" 
"It's not our fault, this is the outfit you had on the last time we copied you." Gemini explained nonchalantly as the crowd began going crazy. 
"There are now TWO Lucy Heartfilias on the battle field! Who could of ever seen this coming?" Chapati eagerly yelled into his microphone. 
"The Celestial Spirit she summoned must be Gemini, the twins of the Zodiac!" Yajami expressed.
Flare stared at the ground enraged. "I will kill that bimbo!" She stated in a whisper as she glanced back up at her opponent. Lucy and Gemini stood next to one another their palms held against one another as they closed their eyes and began speaking simultaneously. 
"Oh stars far and wide that embody the heavens. By thy radiance reveal thy form. I implore Tetrabiblos, eternal ruler of the stars above..." The golden tint once again formed around Lucy, and Gemini, as they began glowing brighter and brighter. 
Even with two of me here it's not going to be nearly as strong as last time. 
"I ask you that you lend your power to me." They continued chanting. But it will be enough to show her. 
Flare sat on the arena floor beginning to feel worried. "What sort of spell is she casting!" 
"Open the raging tumultuous gate!" Lucy and Gemini continued holding hands as they got back to back. Closing her eyes, Lucy could feel the power flowing between them. The power of Fairy Tail! This is it! I am placing all of the guild's pride into this one attack! 
"With all eighty-eight heavenly stars...shine!" She reopened them as a golden circle represented itself inside. Momentarily, the three competitors on the battle field imagined themselves in the sky as colorful stars began to illuminate themselves. 
"What? What's with the starry sky? This doesn't make any sense!" Flare shouted, shocked and frightened. 
Urano Metria! Lucy and Gemini cast their most powerful spell, bodies being shielded by the bright rays, as all the stars began their descent upon Flare. Golden beams of light shot every which way before merging and targeting one spot. 
Natsu stood grinning, lightly chuckling to himself as he watched Lucy's spell in amazement. Finish her off Luce!
It was Flare the one now trembling as she watched the oncoming stars rapidly race towards her at lightspeed. She held her arms out in front of her trying to defend herself in any way she could as the thunderous sounds came near...and then everything became quiet. The sand that had been picked up, courtesy of the extremely high winds made from the spell, flew up in the air before starting to disperse. Flare sat there in her defensive position while Lucy's arms were outstretched towards the sky in a frozen state. Gemini had disappeared. 
"What? What happened!" Natsu shouted as he noticed the immediate loss of power from his friend's spell. 
"Someone countered the spell..." Lucy muttered in a daze as she began to rock back and fourth uncontrollably. Hearing her words, Flare quickly turned around and looked to the booth where her own guild stood watching. The bird looking man simply nodded once. 
Obra! You saved me! 
No way...but how? Lucy could only wonder as she lost her footing and began plummeting toward the earth. 
"Well I expected something way more authoritative! But her spell was a complete dud! Mr. Yajami, any thoughts?" Chapati questioned his fellow commentator before jumping up in surprise. Yajami sported a rather dark glare in anger as he expected interference had been made. "Forget I asked!" 
With a small thud, Lucy finally hit the ground. All of her magic had been drained for that attack and it was futile. 
"And she's down! Looks like that's it for Lucy Heartfilia. You know what that means folks, the winner is Raven Tail's Flare Corona!"
Flare stood up smiling as the crowd began cheering all around her. "I told you I'd win, you never stood a chance against me blonde!" She taunted. "You are pathetic! How does it feel to be such a loser?" She laughed hysterically while slowly walking towards the downed mage. Before reaching Lucy, Flare felt someone watching her and turned her way back to the Fairy Tail side. She gasped and nearly stumbled as she encountered the menacing dagger from a certain fire dragon slayer's eyes.
He could feel the sear he was doing to the guardrail as his magic slowly wavered out of control. Keep yourself in check Natsu.
Having no other reason to stay as she had won the match, and a little alarmed by the boy's threatening aura, Flare turned and headed back for her guild. She did not turn back around until she had reached them. 
Seeing Flare had departed, Natsu gripped the railing and jumped over, landing on the arena floor. He could see his partner's broken state and could already hear her sobbing. He sighed as more anger resurfaced towards the redhead before he snuffed it out like a candle. Natsu slowly walked over as he stopped just behind her back. 
"Hey now." He lowered his voice to a soft whisper. "Don't cry." 
Hearing his concern brought a new wave of tears to Lucy as she continued sobbing on her side. "I...I can't help it...It's just not fair!" 
Natsu wanted to strangle the entire Raven Tail guild at that point, but knew he had to take control of the situation. Lucy's happiness came first. So, he smiled. "No it's not. We both know they cheated. Know what will make it more fun though?" 
"What?" Lucy wondered to his response as she slowly looked at him trying to ease her tears.
"When we pay these guys back tenfold and show them what happens when they mess with Fairy Tail." Lucy sat up on her knees as she held her head and tried drying her eyes. Natsu continued smiling. "I'm proud of you Luce, you were great out there." 
"Really?" She asked looking up at him in surprise.
"Yea, that was amazing. You proved that seven year gap means nothing. We still got a fighting chance." He stuck out his hand to which Lucy accepted it. Helping her up off the arena floor, Lucy couldn't help but notice his cheery smile had returned.
"Zero Points? Sounds great to me! This is our chance to make an epic comeback!" His sharp canines glinted in the sunlight as Lucy couldn't help but smile brightly despite her current overwhelming emotions. 
"Yeah...I'm fired up now." She declared as more waterworks made their way down her face. 
"Come on Lucy you really have gotta stop crying, you know I hate it when you do that." Natsu complained in a teasing manner as he kept looking down at his best friend in a supportive way. The two remained there for a time as Natsu let Lucy catch her breath and calm down. Not long after, once he was sure she was alright, he helped Lucy to her feet as the two stood up. 
"Ready to head out?" He asked and his answer was a shaky nod. "Then, come on lets go!" He grinned as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him back to meet up with the rest of their guild. Natsu could sense her restored liveliness and knew Lucy would be okay. Despite the smile on his face, the dragon inside of him was anything but pleased. Sabertooth, Raven Tail...I'm coming for you.
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floralcavern · 1 year
Continuing the adventures of my sapphic dnd characters
Lox wrapped around her long braid into a braided bun before flipping her hood up. 
“Ready to get going, Princess?” Titania asked, flicking her pocket knife in and out as she leaned against the willow tree they’ve been camping out near for about a week. 
They had been on a constant move for a matter of months, never staying in one place for too long. 
Lox rolled her eyes. She’s given up on getting Titania to stop with the nicknames. 
“Ya, I’m ready.”
Titania smiled and put her pocket knife into the holster on her leg before pulling her mask up. “Wonderful!~”
“You’re mask makes us look like bandits..” Lox said, exasperated. 
“I am a bandit!”
“I- Well, I’m not! And people may associate me with you!”
Titania giggled and reached up to poke Lox’s cheek. “People already do, princess~”
“I mean..! In our civilian forms!” She said, her pale face a strange shade of red. “People will think we’re suspicious and that we’re going to rob them!”
“Oh, calm down. We’ll be fiiiiine!”
Lox pouted and Titania shrugged before running ahead and flying into the trees, jumping branch from branch. 
“Ughhh!!” Lox hated when she did this. It made it harder to keep up with her. “I get it! You’re talented in gymnastics!” She yelled, chasing after her. 
She was panting as she tried to keep up with Titania. Wherever she got this much stamina was a mystery to Lox. Most likely her wings giving her an extra boost of wind. 
She reached the end of the forest and into the clearing that led to the local village. “Titania?” Lox called, not seeing her anywhere. “Where are you?!”
Titania poked her head out from the tall grass, yelling “Boo!” and scaring the bageezus out of Lox. Another annoying thing about Titania. Being a fairy, she was able to hide easily because of her height and scare the hell out of Lox. She was grateful that Titania was only half fairy, otherwise she’d be even smaller. 
She karate chopped her head in a panic. “OW! Shit, Loxxie!”
“Sorry, instinct!”
“Ugh. Whatever. Cmon, let’s go get our groceries.”
The two waded through the crops and tall grass on the outskirts of the village, passing by farmers who gave them anxious looks. 
“A whole village of Tabaxi!” Lox said in wonder. “Based on the farmers we’ve seen, I thought only a few of the people living here were.. but.. wow!”
“Hey, quit staring.” Titania bopped the back of her head. “They’re not a circus. Just people.”
“R-right!” She said, her face flushing from embarrassment. She quickly turned away from the villagers. She knew what it was like to be ogled at. But she still found herself being that way to other’s. Tabaxi are thought of as exotic. She’s always been disgusted by the stereotype, but still found herself being fascinated with them. 
“All right. What’s on our grocery list?”
“Nothing specific. It really depends on what they’re selling..”
She looked at the vendors and mainly looked at the fruit. “Ohh! They have dragonfruit!”
The man selling the fruit chuckled. “Yes, I bought them from a Dragonborn.. friend of mine..” he brushed his claws through his dark gray fur. 
“Hmm.. let’s see..” she picked out a couple of apples, dragonfruit, and bananas. 
“How much?” Lox asked. 
The vendor thought for a moment. “30 pieces of silver. 
Titania slammed her fist onto the counter. “You serious?! For some fruit?!”
“Hey, sorry, but this stuff is hard to come by,” he said. He didn’t seem sorry though. There was this mischievous flint in his green eyes. 
“Well then, surely if the guy supplying you your fruit is your friend, he’ll understand why you had to sell some stuff for cheaper. Maybe a couple of bandits came in and.. caused some trouble..” she said, reaching for the knife on her leg. 
“Titania, don’t!” Lox said, grabbing her arm. 
The people in the market place turned to look at them curiously. Lox blushed brightly and pulled down her hood in embarrassment. “We’re sorry, sir. We’ll be in our way.”
The vendor watched as they left, a smirk of curiosity on his face. 
They reached a secluded alleyway. 
“What were you thinking?!” Lox yelled at her. “Threatening him?! How idiotic do you have to be?!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, princess! But we’re outta food, and that guy was trying to scam us!”
“Who CARES?! We can just go to the next village and see if they have cheaper prices there!”
“The next village isn’t for miles! We wouldn’t make it!”
“Hunting is always an option!”
“W-well, ya, but-!” She blushed angrily. “I figured you’ve gotten tired of eating the same thing for months! You got so excited by the market, I-! UGH! Forget it!”
Lox stared at her, wanting to know what she meant by that, but she didn’t get the chance to when a bunch of curious Tabaxi  came over when they heard the shouting. 
They quickly sped walked away from them, avoiding eye contact. Two farmers, seeming to be brothers based on their matching tabby pelts and ginger fur, were holding two pieces of paper and looking at Lox and Titania, squinting their eyes at them before they jumped. 
“STOP THEM!” One of the brothers shouted. They lifted the papers, revealing Lox and Titania’s wanted posters. 
Everyone gasped. Some ran to protect themselves or their families. Some looked around for weapons. 
“Run?” Lox recommended. 
“Run,” Titania said in agreement. 
The two turned and dashed, Titania being much lighter on her feet and faster, as usual. 
A mob of angry farmers chased them, waving pitchforks. They turned, trying to escape into the grassy fields of their farmlands. But it was hard to escape them, with their sharp sense of smell. 
One came up close to them, one of the ginger tabby brothers. 
He was about to jump at Titania, but Lox pulled out her sword, which she had hidden behind her cloak. 
The sword was pure white with gold veins running through it. The hilt was silver and gold. There was a symbol on the hilt. Three ruby studded 4-pointed stars, the symbol of the royal court. 
She slashed her sword, intentionally missing, allowing for him to stagger back. She planted her sword into the ground, a large, golden bubble surrounding her and Titania. She let go of her sword, letting it stay in the ground. 
“The shield won’t last for long,” Lox said. “We gotta think of a plan to get out of her. Any ideas? No bad ideas!”
“I got nothing! I’m a bandit of the NIGHT. In the night, I can easily escape!”
Lox was panting and looking around desperately, trying to think of something. “We’re gonna die..” she whispered. 
“Not if you actually fight. Cmon, Loxxie! I know you can beat all of them with one strike of your sword!”
“I’m not going to hurt a bunch of innocent villagers!”
“Innocent?! They’re trying to capture us!”
“Still not gonna hurt them!”
She hesitated. “You run for the forest. I’ll keep them distracted.”
“You’re way faster than I am. Or you can just fly away.”
“You think I’m just LEAVING you?!”
“We have no other option!”
“But I won’t! I won’t!!”
“Titania, I’m not messing around here!”
The bubble began to flicker, revealing a group of farmers trying to stab through it with their pitchforks. The spell was about to wear out. Titania grabbed her hand. “Loxxie, I can distract them and you run!”
“We both know I won’t survive out in the wild without you!”
“My, my~” said a voice, echoing. The voice didn’t sound physical. Almost like it echoed in their heads. 
“Who’s there?!” Titania yelled. 
The voice giggled. Outside of the bubble, they could hear a loud “BOOM!” And then a light chime. 
Lox immediately knew it was magic. She could feel the aura of the spell through her bubble. Magic stronger than her own. Her sword jutted out of the ground before flying into the sky, the bubble disappearing. Lox caught her sword by the hilt as it fell back to the earth. 
All the farmers seemed to have been knocked out. 
“What happened..?” Titania said, lightly kicking one of the farmers. 
“I have no idea..” she said, sheathing her sword back in her back. 
There was a light wind coming from the tall grass, and out stepped a prowling Tabaxi. His grey and black striped tail swayed and his ears pricked from under his hood. 
“You..” Lox said. “YOU’RE THAT VENDOR!”
He smiled and laughed. “Yes I am~ I’m Wilting Willow. But I’m ok with just Wilt.”
“How did you..” Lox murmured, looking at the sleeping guards. 
“Oh, simple sleep spell. Not too much work.”
His tail swayed back and forth. “I had a feeling you two were the ones on those wanted posters.” He laughed lightly. “Cmon. Come with me to my hideout. You can eat there.”
The two exchanged looks. “I don’t trust him..” Titania murmured. 
“I do..”
“You trust everyone.”
“Cmon. He saved us.”
“Ugh.. fine..”
The two followed him to a cave near the village. 
“So you don’t, like.. have a house?” Titania asked. 
“Oh, no. I don’t live in that village. Just come by to sell my goods. Villages and society really aren’t my thing.”
“I feel that,” Titania said, nodding her head. 
The cave was cozy. A bookshelf in the corner with a lectern holding a thick book with mysterious runes and symbols. A couple of sturdy shelves that allowed Wilt a way to get to the bed hanging from the ceiling. 
A fire was blazing in the center of the cave with a pot hanging over, cooking a vegetable stew. 
“Welcome to my humble abode,” he purred. 
“Cozy..” Titania commented. 
“Thank you!~” he said happily, standing next to the fire, soaking in the warmth. He stroked his grey fur and let out a relaxed sigh. 
He walked over to a box sitting on an empty shelf. He tossed them both a dragonfruit. “Here, ladies. Apologies for the price earlier. Man has to make a business. And I promised my.. supplier.. that I’d get a lot of money for him with those dragonfruit.”
“It’s.. no problem..” Titania murmured. 
Lox was about to bite into it, but stopped when Wilt started laughing. “Don’t eat it like that! You cut into it. And save it for later. I’ll give you girls more supplies later. Just sit down. Dinner is almost ready!”
They hesitated, but Lox plopped down next to the fire. 
He grabbed a bowl and spun the spoon around in the stew. “My supplier gets me only the best vegetables!”
“Your supplier must be a cool guy, getting you all this stuff.”
He giggled mischievously. “I suppose you could say that.”
There was stomping near the cave entrance. “Oh! There he is now!”
There was a Dragonborn standing at the entrance. His jade green scales shimmered and his yellow eyes glowed. 
“Lecid!” Wilt said happily. He rubbed himself against the Dragonborn, Lecid, purring happily. 
“Wilt,” he said, standing still and not acknowledging the affection Wilt was displaying. He dropped a bag full of apples to the ground. “This week’s supply.”
“Oh, thank you! Say, why don’t you stay for dinner! I have guests!”
Lecid looked at the girls with a blank expression before grunting a greeting and sitting next to them. 
“Wow..” Titania murmured. “He is hot!”
“Titania!” Lox said. 
Lox pouted. She didn’t know why she was so mad. “It’s rude to just say that to a stranger!”
“It’s a compliment!”
“Enough fighting!” Wilt said. He sighed and handed a bowl of stew to everyone before sitting next to Lecid, staring up at him with a smile. Lecid ignored him and stared ahead as he ate. 
“So..” Lox murmured. “That spell that you performed earlier.. how did you..?”
He smiled, tilting his head. “A simple spell.”
“Are you.. a wizard?”
He laughed. “What did you think I was! Silly, silly Paladin.”
She jolted up. “Don’t you insult me like that!”
“Who said I was insulting you?”
“I-it was insinuated!”
He laughed again and finished up his stew before jumping onto one of his shelves, then the next, then the next, before jumping into his bed. It swung back and forth for a moment before he settled. “You girls make yourselves at home. Oh, Lecid! If you want, you can join m-“
“I’ll be leaving now,” Lecid said before standing up. 
“Aww.. w-well, thank you for the apples!”
Lecid turned to leave, flowers seeming to bloom from behind him as he left. 
“Cold..” Lox said. 
Titania shook her head. “I’m guessing he’s a Druid. Look at the flowers. He’s into him. Just repressing it. But his feelings are coming out through the flowers.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ve dated a Druid or two.”
“Of course you did..”
The two curled up next to each other. They were used to this. Titania ran her fingers through Lox’s hair and they breathed out a sigh. It’s been a while since they’ve had a proper meal. 
“Night, Titania..”
“Night, Princess.”
“Night, girlies!” Wilt said from his bed. 
“Um..” Lox murmured. “Night, Wilt.”
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You do me no favors you tell only lies
Somehow I still see through deep in your eyes.
So it should be no surprise the way you act
As fickle as flies, as a matter of fact.
I see you here I hear you there
you are in everything everywhere.
But I do not smile I only tire
The way things were who you were it's been a while.
It's not happiness that I miss
or the softness from your kiss
These arent the things Id choose if I had a wish.
No it's something else all these things untrue
If it's time I have I always choose you.
But this is not something I can choose to have
You've chosen a life that drives you mad.
You drag me through it on a thin piece of yarn
You spun it from me I gladly gave you my arm.
I thought you use it to keep yourself warm
But now it's you I have to mourn.
You are not here you are not there
You are not tangible so I grab at the air.
This life can be unfair but it's you who brings us there
This life could be happy but it's you who are unfair.
We cannot blame the universe it did what it can
It's always been you who always chose another man.
You were scared I would do it so you struck first
You always knew what to say what really hurts.
I cannot give you what you will not let me
It's you for my heart who is the real enemy.
Too scared to stand here in front of me
Too scared to say too scared to be.
You become no one and nothing twords me.
You give no effort like your heart is empty
I would say soul but that's easy to see.
You lost yourself in searching for me
But you never came where I told you I'd be.
You did not look for me in me
You only searched in others you see.
One day you'll realize
there is no prize.
There is no game there is no fun
And what you've done cannot be undone.
No longer blame me for these things, I see
I'm not the only one it's clear to me.
I know you're not blind unlucky or dumb
Did you just chose dumb things like short-term fun.
You thought avoiding what was really true
Would somehow help you get past and through.
You knew the answers and showed the rest
You gave it to me and I passed with glee.
For the test was not to see if I was the best
For in it you hoped I would fail miserably.
Then you would have justification to run and flee.
To give you a reason to hate me
But I already knew the universe meant it to be.
Showed up every second throwing you at me
But in those moments you cease to be.
You had no intention no matter how it came to be
To do the opposite and do it excitedly.
I tell you now, I don't know how many there will be
These chances the universe gives opportunity.
You destroyed so many like a fire burning endlessly
You may have desire but you try and burn it in the fire.
This no longer rhymes as the end comes its time
In the future you will come across me
But do not look me in the face
don't come anywhere near me not even with space.
You had your chance you had your time
Will always cherish you but no longer after this time.
You do not try and I see the chances me and the universe give
As you throw them away stomp on them and act like we never did.
But my heart was in there and my brain All of Me.
And you stomped and you kicked for the last time
I've seen enough the signs so Grand.
And if not here if now you do not come to me
I've run out of ways to try
You've made me no longer know why
Like a bad dream maybe I should forget.
But I grow tired and weary yet
I still do not see you in front of me.
This pointless dream you will never let it be
The dream comes to close as my eyes do too
In my arms you will not be
I will not hold you while you get a kiss from me.
Your forehead stays cold as I grow old
And from what I've been told your heart is icy cold.
I do not know what's left of you
But in the end when we finally die old
The stories of you and how we met will never be told.
You are not something I will speak of
Because you are no longer something I smile because of.
You're only this thing that follows and darkens me
And in my hurt you stay with me.
But in my heart I want no hurt.
I need room for happiness to grow you see
Love will blossom it pours out of me
But you do not drink love and you do not care
I'll give it to someone else they'll have my hot air.
These poems I wrote for you are unfair
For in the words there is beauty there
But in you there's only despair.
Your words have no weight they're only hot air.
And they float away like they were never there.
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night-eagle-flight · 2 years
Your Voice
You ran. You ran and ran and ran as far as you could straight into the forest. You didn’t care where you were going but anywhere but there would be better. Your tears streamed down your cheeks and after hours of running you tripped over and fell. Your dress snagged on a tree root and you scraped your ankle as you fell.
You laid there in the snow wondering why your family would urge you to marry a man like Charles Lee. 
“He’s a great catch.” They said.
“You would be set for life.” They said.
“He adored your singing.” They said.
But you hated him. He would act all kind and generous when they were around but as soon as they were far enough he would turn into a man of greed. My song bird waiting to be caged was what he told his Templar buddies. Stuffy men was what you thought of them. 
But you were far from them now.... you would be very far beyond anyone's reach if you didn’t find a place to warm up.
“O..o..O...o-w.” Your voice sounded horrible. You continued to try to use it but it got to the point no sound would come out. 
You hugged yourself in an attempt to keep warm.
“Do you need help?”
You looked up to see a tall man offering his hand. You grabbed it but fell back down. Wincing as you felt the roots dig into your skin when you were pulled.
“What is your name?” The stranger asked you as he walked over and cut the roots with his tomahawk.
Your mouth would open and close but nothing would come out. Instead you let out a sigh.
“Is something wrong?”
You nodded and pointed at your throat.
“You.... lost your voice?” He asked.
You nodded and began to shiver. 
The stranger put his jacket around your shoulders, “Come with me. You can warm up in the homestead.”
You stood up from the snow and were shocked when the kind man picked you up bridal style.
“My name is Connor.” He said as he walked, “I can treat your wound in the manor.”
You gave him a weak smile and nodded. His jacket smelled like pine and musk and it soothed you to the point you were nodding off.
“Don’t fall asleep yet. Wait a bit more.” Connor said as he noticed your eyes closing.
You shook your head and slapped your face lightly to keep awake. 
Connor smiled as he found it endearing. Once he went inside the manor he set you down on a couch near the fire place and went to retrieve some things. When he came back he saw you looking at the desk that had ink and paper.
“Would you like to use those?” He asked.
You looked at him and nodded vigourously. He gave you the items and as he worked on your ankle you wrote a note.
‘Thank you.’
“You are welcome.” He said. His fingers were gentle as he wrapped your ankle after cleaning it. “What brought you here?”
Your face fell a bit as you scribbled away, ‘I ran away from home.’
“Why?” He asked.
‘Forced marriage.’ you paused, ‘That man is not the man I am meant to marry.’
“I see.” Connor remained silent for a moment, “You are free to stay here. We have been needing someone to help in the manor. Would you be interested?”
Your face brightened up and you smiled. Your smile was infectious and Connor caught himself staring. He cleared his throat and stood up, “I will make you some tea for your throat.”
He saw you hastily scribbling, ‘Thank you so much!’
This was how communication was between the both of you and soon a week past. Connor was very hospitable towards you and you were happy helping him out in the manor.
You noticed how he always seemed eager to eat your cooking. You felt warm and fuzzy on the inside when he would take his first bite. His eyes would close as a hum of satisfaction would reach your ears.
‘You really like it?’
“I do.” Connor took another bite, “It is very good.”
Connor continued eating but stopped suddenly, “Have you tried using your voice?”
You nodded and inhaled, “I-i-t-T sti-” you started coughing.
Connor stood up and walked over to you, “Have some warm tea.”
He offered you the cup and made soothing circular motions on your back.
“Take your time to heal.” Connor smiled, “When the time comes I will hear your voice.”
Your heart began to beat slightly harder and a blush appeared on your face. Connor held your gaze for a second longer before he pulled away.
“I must go.” He stood up and for a second he seemed like he was trying to figure out how to say something.
You tilted your head a bit, curious of what he might say.
“I will not be back for a month or so.” Connor started, “But I promise I’ll be back.”
You were sad but you understood as you stood up and grabbed something. You filled it up with food and wrapped it with a cloth and gave it to Connor. 
‘Stay safe!’
Connor smiled and pecked you forehead shyly. Then began to walk towards the door, “Thank you for the meal.”
You smiled with a blush on your cheeks and waved as he walked away. 
2 Months Later
You were nervous. Really nervous. You had finally gained your voice and Connor was coming back home. You had made a large meal of his favorites and you were rushing to clean.
You heard the door open and ran to see who it was.
You couldn’t hold back as you rushed and almost tackled him to the ground, “CONNOR!!!!!!!! WELCOME HOME!!!!!!”
You felt him hug you close, “Your voice.”
Your eyes widened. You were so excited and happy that your nerves had disappeared.
“Um... my voice is back!” you smiled then looked down blushing, “Was it how you imagined it?”
“No.” Connor said as he gently lifted your face with his finger, “It sounds better.”
Your smile reached ear to ear, “Thank you Connor. Thank you for taking me in and allowing me to stay. Thank you for everything! I don’t know what I would have done if I was stuck with Charles.”
“Charles?” Connor asked, tone becoming serious.
“Yes. Charles Lee.” You said, “He was my betrothed but I wanted nothing to do with him or his friends.”
You felt Connor hug you tight, “He will not reach you. This I promise.”
You hugged him tight as well and then began to pull back, “I made your favorites! Let’s eat!”
You hummed as you walked away.
Connor smiled knowing that keeping his promise would be easy. Perhaps after all this Templar business, he would see if he you were interested in being more.
But until then, food awaits.
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cornishkat · 2 years
Just Friends - Pt 5
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Past Trauma, Harassment, Threats, Violence, Gun Fire
Summary: No matter how many times Hangman and yourself told the others you were just friends they were not buying it.  But maybe the past coming back to haunt you will be what is needed to for you both to admit to your feelings.
Notes:  Hope you are enjoying this, next part hopefully coming soon.
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Maverick walked out of the hanger and let out a deep breath, he trusted Y/N/N with is life and if she was asking this there was going to be a good reason behind it.  He owed her, he had let her down badly over Melson and would never stop wanting to make up for it.  He had believed her as soon as she had told him all those years ago, but he should have noticed what was happening, he should have seen what a monster the man was, but he didn’t for god sake he had even admired the man.  When he had found out he should have beaten the crap out of him, but he knew he had to let Y/N/N deal with it in her own way.
Pulling into the base you parked your car away from the hanger and after checking your weapons you checked in with the team.
“Ok I’m going to head in and hopefully there is going to be no need for you guys at all and he was just bluffing”
“Y/N/N be careful and don’t think twice to signal if you need us”
Hangman headed back into the hanger from the locker room, he was not happy, he hated it when he was all geared up to fly only to be grounded.  It happened sometimes but he was itching to get up there today.  He needed to clear his head, having you stay with him had only intensified his feelings for you and waking up with you in his arms and felt like the best thing in the world.  But what this man had done to you was still swirling around in his mind, if this guy was back, he was not going to let him within spitting distance of you.  It would kill him for anything to happen to you.
“Rooster, where are you, anything from Mav?”
When he got no response he headed to the back of the hanger, as he was about to call out again, he saw Rooster sprawled on the floor, face down.
“Shit Rooster”
“He is going to be fine, maybe a bit of a headache but he is not my concern anymore, you are”
Spinning around Jake found himself facing an older man, greying slightly at the temples but he knew it was Melson.
“I saw you and Y/N/N at the beach, you need to understand she is not yours’s, she belongs to me”
“She is no one’s property, I know who you are and what you did, if you think you are going to get anywhere near her you son of a bitch”
“You are not going to be around to stop me, I will have her back and do whatever I want to her, and you will not be able to do a thing about it”
Jake moved forward his hands clenching into fists, before he had even taken another step, he found a gun pointing at him and he froze.
“That’s close enough, now the question is do I just get rid of you now so she finds your cold dead body, or do I wait so she can watch you die?”
“Are you crazy, you are on secure military base and there are people everywhere.  You think you can intimidate me, but you don’t I will do whatever it takes to protect Y/N/N from you”
“There is nothing you can do to stop me, but your determination is admirable, maybe I keep you alive so you can watch what I do to her.  So, you can hear every scream, see every blow, watch her as I fuck her at last”
Jake squared up, if he was doing down he was not going without a fight but as he moved forward he heard steps behind him,
“NCIS drop your weapon”
“I knew you would come to me, Lieutenant Seresin and myself were just talking here about all of the things I’m going to do to you and how he wants to watch.”
“Just let him leave, this is not about him you know it is me that you want, this is nothing to do with him”
“Patience there will be time enough for us later, we will have all the time in the world.  But it is about him, he thought he could have you and I’m interested now in how far you will go to protect him”
“Drop the weapon, you have no way out of this my team have this place surrounded” “By the time they get in here he will be dead, I know you might shoot me, but it will be worth for you to have to live with his death on your conscious”
You saw his finger twitch on the trigger, diving in front of Jake you fired at him just before you felt his bullet slam into you and throw you to the ground.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, Jake had heard the shot fired as you threw yourself in front of him and he stood frozen as you hit the ground.
As he slid across the floor on his knees to your side it felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest.  As he reached your side, he could see your eyes were closed as you lay motionless.  
“What have you done, she was mine and now because of you she is dead, that bullet was meant for you”
Jake looked up, Melson had retrieved his gun as he yelled at him but he was slumped against the wall clutching his bleeding shoulder. He felt the anger building in him, his only thought of ripping him apart, he went to lunge for him as he raised his gun shakily at him.  
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