#do i even have to use critical tags? i haven't seen anyone use it
countlessofvoids · 1 month
Rewatching RTTE currently (for like the fourth time now lmao) and I have some critical thoughts about it;
There was no need to bring Viggo back after season 4. Don't twist my words, I enjoyed his character and writing, mostly. But I don't see any point in bringing him back outside villain rivalry and more scenes with Hiccup. You already introduced Krogan as the new antagonist, why bring back previous one when you have a brand new one that needs developing? Viggo gets a whole angst arc with Hiccup meanwhile the most Krogan gets is working for Drago, and we don't learn that until the last season! Otherwise he's just your typical "I love torturing people" villain, whom I personaly don't find any interest in (sorry Krogan fans).
Then Johann is revealed as another antagonist, and he's got it even worse. Honestly season 6 in itself has issues. Immediately after Johann's revealed to succesfully trick Hiccup along with entirety of Berk without anyone even once suspecting him - he suddenly becomes an idiot who throws temper tantrums when something is not going his way and can't keep his treachery secret in front of Hiccup. I wonder what his motivation is? Oh he wants to be the richest man in the world. The most depth he gets is hating to pretend being some incompetent, annoying merchant. What was even the point then? You can't even give him a good motivation. Fans say it was a genius twist they didn't see coming but makes perfect sense. To me it feels like a last minute decision and the reason I couldn't see it coming was because none of his scenes indicate any betrayal, except of course the reveal episode. His scenes would work pretty much same as if there was no twist. It's more of a coincidence that writers took a notice of and went with it. In regards to his interactions with Viggo - it's a bummer that Johann should be at similiar level of intelligence, yet loses most of it the moment they meet. A rivalry between two extremely smart villains with the same enemy but different end goal would be fun to see playout.
In the end; Krogan and Johann are left with crumbs of development and nuance, meanwhile Viggo goes through character arc and leaves with a redemption. This isn't a bad thing on it's own; Triple Cross is a great episode and one of my favorites, although I think it should have been a two-parter like Alvin's redemption episode. A villain getting a development like this is amazing. My problem is with the fact it comes at the expense of other characters' writing.
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void-ink-studios · 11 months
Prohibitedwish rambling I haven't seen in many (or any) fics but would like to pretty please
Y'all seemed to like my rambling in the last post, so have some more! I have a lot of thoughts about these two, okay? These might be more like prompts of fanfic I would write if I had the spoons for it.
Scarab having chronic pain/balance issues. The ripped wings head cannon (which I can imagine gets phantom pains or never healing right), along with people noticing his missing antenna (which is critical to a lot of insects for balance and orienting themselves), and I've had many thoughts about it. Scarab using his cane as a weapon to hide the fact he's not stable on his legs. Keeping himself prim and proper to disguise the fact he's on the verge of shaking because what's left of his wings hurts so much. And of course, Prismo notices. He notices his new roommate/frenemy teetering without his cane or hiding in the Time Core shaking in pain.
Prismo does not strike me as the type to say no to people. He's everybody's friend, he knows that's his reputation, and he does what can to maintain it. Meaning, he says yes to a lot of things he doesn't want to do. Scarab notices. And maybe, after they've developed a more mutually friendly relationship, and Prismo has helped Scarab be less defensive with people who might actually be chill with him, Scarab returns the favor. He defends Prismo and helps him get the ability to say no. Maybe to unruly gods, or even exceptionally rude wish makers.
Scarab gets really into some kind of craft or hobby (like Prismo's pickle making or banjo lessons) and at first tries to hide it because liking things are for losers and opens you up to hurt, but then Prismo actually likes/encourages it. It culminates in Prismo giving Scarab his own little room for it, like the pickle chamber.
Prismo reconnecting with his friends, with Scarab as a new addition to the group. Cosmic Owl and Death seem like good bros (at least before New Death takes over, but I don't know where in the timeline between Fionna and Cake and Together Again that falls). Scarab is hella awkward, and everyone's kind of cagy about him, but the walls eventually come down. They're all losers and dorks, but they can be that together.
This isn't really a prompt but an observation: Their whole dynamic is Scarab's "Must follow routine and rules to the letter" autism clashing with Prismo's "deadlines and regularity are poison and I will wither" ADHD. They overlap in a fanfic hyper fixation.
If anyone ends up using these ideas, please tag me so I can read it!
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Something that I've noticed for a while now, and something that's honestly become really irritating for me, is that people have suddenly apparently lost the ability---or maybe just the courtesy/empathy---to filter their fandom experiences and leave people alone.
I've just seen @antianakin's recent post of them responding to someone who didn't like that they posted about hating Anakin, and it just reminded me of all the fucking comments and reblogs I get about people seeing posts where I'm critical of a character, or a show, or something the fandom does---and, instead of just blocking me and moving on like a normal person, they feel the need to express how much they disagree or think it's stupid that I've decided to make a whole fic/post/whatever about how much I hate or am critical of that one particular thing.
And it's not just me!
Plenty of my mutuals and the people I follow, and tbh plenty of the Pro-Jedi/(x character/show) critical people who I don't follow but whose posts I see, have responded to countless comments and reblogs and asks from people who won't just fucking filter their content. It's always-
"I don't see why you felt the need to make a whole post about this." - a response I've gotten many times on some of my anti-Anakin posts.
"I think it's ridiculous that you're just writing a whole fic to bash a character." - a response I got to me being critical of Ahsoka in the Ahsoka show and my anti-Anakin fic ideas.
"Why do you want to make a whole event just to express your hate of one character?" - a response I got to me pitching the idea of an Anti-Anakin Week, so us that hate Anakin could blow off steam.
Like...are people being fucking serious?
I haven't been on Tumblr for a very long time, not even a year yet, but I knew as soon as I got on this hellsite that---if I didn't want to see certain content---I needed to filter the tags and block the people I didn't like.
I don't understand why so many people can't just fucking do that.
It's not like we're not tagging our fucking posts properly or purposefully trying to make people who disagree with us see our stuff, we're just posting our own shit in our own spaces!
And, ironically enough, those people who often come on these posts and complain about us making them---namely anti-Jedi people and Anakin Stans---are apart of the same group of people that literally will not tag or purposefully mis-tag posts so that the rest of us with the tags blocked have to see it!
This has probably been an issue for a while on Tumblr and I just haven't been around long enough to remember, but holy shit can everyone just start blocking people and filtering tags instead of making your discomfort everyone else's problem?
Guess what? I also like stuff in Star Wars, and it makes me upset when I see critique or hate of that stuff too! But I also understand that not everyone likes that stuff and that it's not their responsibility to cater to me---it's my responsibility to make sure I don't see that shit. The only responsibility anyone else has is to tag their posts properly, the rest is 100% on me.
So can y'all please get with the fucking program?
Filter your tags.
Block people.
Leave the rest of us the fuck alone.
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okayto · 2 months
Biannual Research Instruction Reflections
My research post is going around again (RIP my activity page), which always brings a bunch of fresh comments on a variety of related topics, and I always wish I could add some little addendums that people should keep in mind:
The original point of the post is that you shouldn't automatically assume a mid-high research familiarity with anyone, even people who have previously completed university degrees (outside of specifically-demonstrated proficiency as an admissions requirement or something). The post was particularly sparked because the master's program that student was in, at the time, did not include a library orientation that even showed students what databases were or the program-specific guide, and I hated that the program thus relied on students to realize they should use the library and just intuit how to find everything.This has since changed.
It was also sparked because, as seen in the dialog, the student did not demonstrate even basic computer-search semi-critical thinking skills like "maybe I should try rephrasing my search."
Yes, it is fairly common AFAIK in the US for first-year college/university students (or students in beginning-level college courses) to get some sort of library or research instruction. To my knowledge it's also pretty common in certain disciplines to have a dedicated research methods-type course at a higher undergrad level before graduation.
It's a reasonable assumption that students in a master's program have had information literacy instruction (or a full research class) before since everyone had at least one prior college degree, but I strongly believe all programs need, at a minimum, a basic library introduction (even a virtual tutorial, which is what this program now does) so they know/are reminded of what resources exist.
Pretty sure it's not uncommon to get some sort of instruction in high school, and even basic skills earlier than that. IDK what's widespread at pre-college levels, guys, I was homeschooled. But educational standards vary from state to state, and education is, if you haven't noticed a notoriously politically-influenced profession (in that often people spouting opinions and making rules are not educators).
That said, I have personally seen many instances where students did get a very good introduction, tutorial, or in-depth lessons on how to research, and they didn't pay attention or take it seriously. This is not a problem that lies solely with people designing educational courses or standards. The problem of equating "I can google for basic questions on a phone" with "therefore it's easy to look for academic and/or specialized publications and research in subscription databases or other less-public locations" is something students also do all the time.
Research is also a skill, meaning that if you don't use or practice it, you'll likely lose some of that knowledge. This isn't a judging statement; it just means if it's been a while since you had to use those skills, even if you knew stuff before, you might need some help to refresh that knowledge.
This was true when I wrote the post and it's true now: reaching out for help is a good option.
My research and library tips tags would probably also appeal if you like that post.
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bibibbon · 2 months
Hi! So I've been reading posts regarding my hero academia criticals since they've caught my interest, and I'm at it, I've stumbled upon your posts and account and...
Oh my gosh!!
I did not expect this series to go this bad😬😬😬 and I didn't want to watch the full episodes of the series since the debut of some of the characters like Bakugou and Endeavour, as I'm not a fan of them since their character traits really grinds my gears a lot (Bullying and the 'S' Baiting for Bakugo and Familial Abuse from Endeavour) and I only convinced my self that I'll watch it if they have some sort of consequences... But the series seems to their treat is as a joke or praised them for doing the bare minimum. And I Hate It😬😒😭😫
And because of this, I kinda wanted to write my own fanfiction about this series - as it was inspired by some of the authors I've read and seen on other social media platforms like Instagram for even design their OC's and how they would fit into the canon universe - to somehow address some of the issues here and there, while also giving Izuku the love, care, and support he deserves.
So yeah, enough of the rambling. I just wanted to ask you if it's alright for me to use the canon universe with its flaws to be pointed out by some of the characters - they are mostly OC's and one of them is my fanfic protagonist or something else, (I want to write Bakugou being the bully he is or endeavour rotting in jail for life😈😈😈)
And I don't where to start, to make this ask short (it's so long now, wow sorry about that) I want you to list what you think are the most glaring issues of the series in a summary form or anything that makes you comfortable and what sort of things and factors I need to consider. It's mostly just for reference for my fanfictions and I would give you full credit for all of this. It is also my very first writing project and I want it to be perfect when I'll officially publish it online.
So yeah, that's all. Thanks so much for reading this long-ass ask and I wish you the very best. Thank you again🥰🥰🥰
No problem I don't mind long asks but it just takes me longer to answer them sometimes!
Fanfiction and the realm of fics tends to be a very legal grey space and it's partially the reason why making fanfics into books can sometimes be very controversial. In my opinion there's no problem in using the MHA world to inspire your own story and even take elements of it however, I am not the creator of MHA so I can't give a definitive answer but I can say that when you decide to post your story do credit the author of mha!
Now onto the list!
Give victim characters agency and autonomy through the story
Give proper concequences to the oc's you create that maybe similar to enji and bakugo
Address societal issues of your stories using various elements
Make sure to use show and tell
Focus on the pacing of the story
If you're planning on redeeming certain characters please humanise them
Add to the worldbuiling. If your story is going to have superpowers and such please add to the law side of the universe
I think these are probably my most glaring issues but the one that makes me bothered the most is characters not getting proper concequences and the lack of properly addressing societal issues that MHA has.
Now I think it's better for you to hear others opinions as well since my list is far from perfect. So if @mikeellee @doodlegirl1998 @sapphic-agent @palesweetscherryblossom @nutzgunray-lvt @moonsb1996 @theloganator101 @tardigradetheking @amethystoceandespiser or anyone else who I haven't tagged wants to add more to the list please reblog this and add your own opinions.
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pixiecactus · 28 days
I’m a Book Arya only fanboy too! Let me tell you something. I have been rereading the books and actually paying true attention this time. Show Arya was a travesty. She was not Arya at all. “Most girls are idiots”? The real Arya would never say something like that. “The woman is important too”. Real Arya is not afraid to show her emotions and to make new friends. Show Arya is a stoic cold hearted loner who likes killing people. Book Arya tries to avoid violence whenever she can but she will defend herself if she must. And Show Arya became a Sansa sycophant who sided with her over Jon. The real Arya would NEVER side with anyone (not even Ned) over Jon. Sorry for the rant. But it saddens me that Show Arya is what a lot of people think of when they think of Arya and that is not Arya. That’s partly why I can’t rewatch the show anymore. Because I will never be able to enjoy Show Arya ever again knowing how much of an insult she is to real Arya. Also real Arya would have become easy and close friends with Dany. I firmly believe they will become friends. Become like sisters
how it's that i found a book!arya fanboy first (well you found me first, semantics i guess) that those dude bros that hate female characters on the basis that those characters like feminine things like stansas told me... and the most dude bro i found in the arya tag was an anti targaryen pro stark (pro sansa) and pro robert baratheon stan. once again, i do think that type of man actually exists but i still haven't seen one in the wild.
kidding aside, i did the same thing this time rereading arya's chapters last year, because my memory was really fuzzy and it mixed book and show even i stopped watching during got third season back then. and when i tried to reconnect with my love for arya and the fandom would you have guessed that the first thing i saw was stansa's posts about how "the stark sisters love each other and you are just a misogynist that doesn't understand their dynamic" or “how you should let little girls be ugly when talking about arya” or “how sansa is the one stark sister that is just like lyanna” or “how arya always wanted to be a knight and that’s why she should be sansa’s underling”. that’s why now i’m really obnoxious with my “sansa critical posts” because i don’t want more people, arya stans to be specific, to fall victim to stansas rancid lies and distortion of canon.
i have seen that people that still praise the show usually say that the first seasons were really similar to the books... and to that i’ve to say... did we watch the same show?? arya was always adapted badly, with her being better at the bow and arrow than bran and having her parents looking at this situation fondly somehow, treating her siblings bad when they were meeting the baratheons in season one, showing her throwing food at sansa unprovoked it seems because we never saw how sansa and jeyne bullied arya and how they completely destroyed arya’s self-esteem.
a scene i have engraved in my mind is young maisie williams stabbing repeatedly a wooden surface, i think it was a table (?) looking extremely menacing for a little kid in season one… excuse me but is this supposed to be the same character that played all the games possible with wintertown’s children, the little girl that gifted flowers to her beloved father, the little girl who always took interest in other people no matter how high or low they were classified in the westerosi social ranking. the little girl that named unborn babies when she saw them in their mother’s bellies. the little girl that punched a ghost!jon because he made her baby brother cry.
(i want to say that i have a bone to pick with the casting too because what do you mean that in the book the only one of the stark-tully children that has a different appearance to the rest of her siblings is arya and the show gave us sansa being the only auburn ginger haired between a lot of brown haired siblings… we were doomed from before the start)
that’s the thing, arya doesn’t have a love or passion for violence, the times when we see her being violent is because it’s a life or death situation of the kill or be killed kind, she is mostly a victim of the circumstances, which in this case it’s a actual war going on while she is trying to get back home with no name or status to protect her of the cruel world and crueler men, only her intelligence and knowledge. and the other time, she is looking for justice for crimes committed against the smallfolk, as a example when we see her naming chyswick to jaqen h���ghar after hearing him boasting about gangraping a 13 year old girl and the fact he made it to her list due to the fact he tortured the smallfolk.
and you’re absolutely right about how arya will never betray jon for anyone else. i’ve said this before i’m a gendrya shipper (only bookwise) but i honestly think that arya’s safest place for her to be is in jon’s embrace. and you meant to tell me that fucking hbo had their arya character tell jon that sansa was the most intelligent person she ever met, just reminding myself that was a line in the actual show makes me want to puke.
i have to admit that i just saw season eight last year, because the only thing i knew about the show after i stopped watching in 2014/2015 was in 2019 when i found out that gendrya fucked each other because i saw a gif on twitter of all places… and let me tell you, i’d like to go back in time and just stay with that knowledge because in this case with this trainwreck of a show, ignorance is bliss.
oh god, arya would admire dany so much and vice versa, i think they would have a rough start when meeting each other, because you know the targaryen/stark conflict during robert’s rebellion era… but after all of that is resolved arya and dany (and missandei of course) would get along like a house on fire. 
sorry for rambling as well, hope i’m making some sense, today my brain is not really working well in english.
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my-mt-heart · 10 months
I want to address a few things that Norman said in Le Parisien. The article isn't free, and I'm not going to encourage anyone to pay for something they might not like, but if you do want the link, DM me and I'll send it. Thank you to the person who read and translated this:
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Defending himself against others trying to throw him under the bus is one thing, but denying all responsibility for the title accomplishes absolutely nothing except further insulting a significant portion of Daryl's fanbase. These fans, specifically Carylers, were all paying close attention when he said the exact opposite on Jimmy Kimmel. Watch at 8:45:
The video is from late last year. Melissa's negotiations for S2/S3 started last summer and her deal closed at the end of the year per my sources, which means there was (at least) a loose plan to bring her back before S1 started shooting. Norman confirms Pilgrim was a working title at some point, but he doesn’t mention Raise the Dead, which was more than likely planned as the official title of the show while they were shooting between October '22 and February '23.
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I bring up the timeline because even if you believe Melissa was always part of the French spinoff, Norman’s other favorite narrative right now, the implication is still this: Norman, AMC, and the other EPs were fully aware that Melissa was coming back when they officially landed on a title excluding her. You could argue Daryl has the most name recognition from being the most marketed character or that his tags on SM have 6 billion views or, hey, let’s make it 6 trillion (how much of that overlaps with Daryl and Carol content btw?), but as we saw, that doesn’t guarantee all those viewers will watch the show, which is how AMC makes money. If there are two leads on the show, naming it after one lead doesn't make any sense from a marketing perspective because AMC is missing out on attracting more audience, promoting two characters and their chemistry instead of just one character.
So. They either manipulated the situation to give Norman and the other EPs what they wanted or, once again, they dismissed Melissa’s/Carol’s vitality to the show. Or both. Regardless, it poses a big problem for me, because Carol's ability to stand her ground against anyone who thinks less of her is what draws me to her character. I can't reconcile that with the obvious tactics Norman and the other EPs use to claim the show for themselves, completely ignoring fans who may be critical, yes, but ultimately just want the story both Daryl and Carol have earned.
Speaking of being ignored, I heard from multiple fans that AMC did in fact send out a survey regarding the title. I can't confirm because I haven't seen the survey myself, but if you're doing market research, you need a target audience, and if you're doing market research on what you know will (eventually) be a Daryl and Carol show, you should probably target Daryl and Carol fans, shippers or otherwise. Not that it's the most appropriate way to choose a title (not even close), but where's my survey? Did any Carylers get to participate? Did anyone bother to check? Because to me, it sounds like the focus group they used for their market research wasn't aimed at their target audience at all. It's possible they did the market research with a sample audience of the flagship show or just Daryl fans who are a percentage of their audience but not all their audience. If they used an audience that incorporated Carylers, Daryl fans and GA — the feedback for that title would've been mixed. If they focused their market research on mostly Carylers, the feedback would've heavily leaned towards having an inclusive title.
So many fans, not just Carylers, hate the title. It's boring, it's offensive, it's pretentious, it's misogynistic, etc. etc. These are fans who want to watch and enjoy the show, who are expected to pay for it, so why don't their opinions carry more weight? Why is there still such a strong disconnect between AMC and Carol/Caryl fans when that's exactly what caused the backlash last year? Why are they not doing everything they can to avoid the same mistakes?
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As for this:
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Most of it is true except for one important detail. Angela Kang's spinoff was going to be a road show shot and set in the U.S. That's the phone call Norman is alluding to. That's the spinoff Melissa signed on for. To say otherwise makes her look unprofessional and flaky for "dropping out" knowing all along she'd have to relocate, and that's not what happened at all. It's like there's no consideration for his co-workers' images while he's trying to rebuild his own, and that is unprofessional.
To be very clear, this is not meant to be a smear campaign. My intention here is to point out how deceptive the PR/marketing strategies have been and how they're hurting everyone, including Norman. I can't for the life of me see any business sense in repeatedly gaslighting and alienating a profitable fanbase, treating Daryl and Carol fans like they're stupid, or insinuating a Daryl and Carol show can't belong to Daryl and Carol fans. The more Norman talks about the spinoff's inception, the more it ensures people will never trust a single thing that comes out of his mouth ever again, and that sucks because if he just focused on what the audience wants, insisting that Melissa is his equal on the show, talking about the characters in meaningful ways, supporting Daryl's and Carol's relationship, he could sell it easily. Fans should be getting excited for their story, not reliving last year's trauma over and over and over again. Melissa is back and that's exciting, but story still matters. Both on and off screen (precisely why we need someone else on board who can manage all of that really well). I've asked this several times before. I'll keep asking until someone listens. Can we please move the fuck on from the spinoff fiasco?
And change the title.
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drop-dead-dropout · 6 months
NEW USERNAME local-queer-disappointment -> drop-dead-dropout
unpinning my other post because i want to talk a little about me and this space that i've created! hi i'm alex and i dropped out of high school twice lol
i think a dni is stupid because people never listen anyways, which is why i haven't had one, but i still see the value in at least telling people who this little corner is for.
anyways opinion stuff under the cut. you don't have to read it, and you don't even have to listen if you do, but i might argue with you (<- serial arguer) so if you want to avoid the Discourse here ya go.
you are welcome here:
- ALL queers. trans men, trans women, nonbinary, intersex, poc queers, xenogender, "contradictory" labels like mspec gays/lesbians lesboys/turigirls/sapphileans (omg it's me!!), slur reclaims, detransitioners (who are not transphobic), mspec lesbians, aro/ace and all variations thereupon, unlabeled, questioning, etc. i love all of you. i love the community that we share. we are family, whether or not some of us want to be, and exclusionism is Not Funky Fresh!!
- pro Palestine!! i don't always rb posts as much as i used to (i am scared of spreading misinformation) but i think i'll start doing that again! (don't forget your daily click guys)
- jewish people. i am specifically adding this one to say that because of the shitty Everything, i've seen a lot of concerning antisemitic stuff recently so i'm just, yk, putting this out there.
- disabilities/cluster b disorders/systems/AAC users. i am not any of these things so if i say/do something out of line please tell me! but i love you guys and you're absolutely welcome here.
- proshippers (if this bothers you block and move on)
- furries. not personally one of y'all but i think you're neat and you make cool art :]
- literally, like, anyone, as long as you're not a dick
you are not welcome here:
- terfs, transphobes, exclusionists, anti-mspec, anti-lesboy, and people who think transandrophobia is "fake" or whatever. go away i don't like you (or at least be prepared to be blocked or yelled at)
- similarly to last, anyone who starts queer infighting or hates on less visible queers/strangers who don't "look" queer, the whole "bi girl's straight bf" nonsense (i don't care if you think someone is cishet. you have no way of knowing that. let's stop hating people for immutable characteristics and start having thoughtful criticisms of people's actions thanks)
- (but also antisemites because come on now let's notttt. judiasm ≠ zionism)
- ableists, fatphobia, racists/bigots, general dickheads
- antishippers (again, you can either leave now or expect to be argued with)
other general stuff:
- i accept anonymous asks! and also non anonymous ones. ask me shit idk
- i am autistic and VERY gullible. if i reblog a "bait" post, or something that's clearly fake or a joke with a genuine reaction, i'm probably not playing some 5d irony chess i'm probably just stupid. sorry y'all i'm trying :\
- i don't rb nsfw. not as, like, a rule, i just don't see the value in doing so lol. if i ever did i'd tag it and probably update this
UPDATE: thought i should clarify, i don't rb nsfw but i do rb nsfw humor, like dick jokes and stuff. hope there's no confusion
- i argue with people!! i enjoy arguing with people!! usually it's in replies and not reblogs but still. if you are allergic to stuff like that maybe don't follow me? i also rb "discourse" posts, mostly transmasc support stuff and callouts of transandrophobia, general solidarity stuff with the trans community or lgbt community as a whole, proship stuff, politics, current events, that kinda thing.
- this is, shockingly, supposed to be a fandom blog! (i got carried away; i always do.) current fandoms include: ace attorney (the one this blog was supposed to be about), doctor who (childhood hyperfixation come back to bite my ass), and splatoon (no excuse). also mha is basically my abusive boyfriend stockholm syndroming me to stay at this point but i'm trying to get better (not). you can find the records of my failing recovery at @alex-is-losing-sleep-over-krbk /hj (i also sometimes shamelessly rb this blog's posts over there lol)
and i guess since i'm mentioning fandoms, here are my fav ships: wrightworth, klapollo, franmaya, thoschei, pearlina, agent 24, & cuttletavio.
anyways, that's about it. love you all :]
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witheredoffherwitch · 11 months
Find it very funny how someone with a handle that shows they very clearly can’t stand Aemond as a character replied to tumblr comments made from a YEAR ago claiming that the showrunners can’t do anything in adapting alysmond’s relationship or add any sort of complexity that takes away from the fact that their relationship is not consensual and he is a r*pist. “No amount of pet names or cute moments will change that.” They are so unbelievably incapable of critical thought towards fiction. It’s unbelievable how they attack anyone who sees a FICTIONAL DYNAMIC as compelling and interesting. They had the audacity to accuse someone of “victim-blaming” for thinking Alys genuinely wanted to be with him of her own free will. You can absolutely recognize their circumstances were problematic but that does NOT mean people who enjoy dark pairings in media condone r*pe and to insinuate that is honestly disgusting. They even have “alysmond shipper? go kys” in their bio 💀 Imagine going that far because someone enjoys the possibility of a haunted romance. Just insane.
OMG 💀💀
I haven't seen this blog yet but there's a good possibility that I am already blocked by this individual... since my own blog doesn't shy away from showcasing my explicit biases for certain characters and their ships lol.
That being said, how FUCKING sad?? I totally get not liking a popular character or one of their ships, but to go out and make an entirely new blog dedicated to posting/reblogging 'anti- X' tags is so beyond ridiculous! It's a work of FICTION we're talking about here; how can another person's opinions really affect your own well-being? Asking people to KYS over a ship/character is the epitome of LOSER behaviour. I do consider myself a TG sympathizer, but I CANNOT imagine myself enjoying a fandom without my lovely moots who certainly don't align with my tastes or biases. That's why I try not to use anti- tags in my posts, opting instead for pro- ones which better represent my stance on a topic/discussion.
Anyway, I would just ask y'all to let them be! It's everyone's right to curate a fandom experience to their own liking. While I don't like my own experience to be this isolated, I can't fault anyone else looking to have their own 'exclusive' fandom experience.
That's all! 🤗
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logicalarachnid · 11 months
I have an idea for a potential new Parksborn/Dark Irondad fic, and it has A/B/O in it, but non traditional, sort of. I need help deciding Harry's status.
Anyway, I have this idea, and I don't wanna say too much about it plotwise yet, however the dynamic of Peter and Harry is relatively important for their relationship. So I'll talk a bit about that, there is a poll at the end. I'd appreciate at least having ppl let me know which of the a/b/o options/concepts for Harry Osborn they'd prefer reading about.
Peter's dynamic is set in stone. He is an omega, but he is an oddity, there hasn't been an omega like him before. He doesn't experience the 'head empty only smutty time' mindset that omegas typically have. Instead, it's like he gets a period, but it's just slick and he experiences little to no excitement. He does however display great strength like a typical alpha and his emotions can spiral if he isn't careful. He does display some typical omega traits like wanting frequent affection from his parents (his alpha dads Steve & Bucky), and being comfortable and even pleased at times with their protective and doting attitudes towards him.
I won't talk about that further, I'll leave it for when I get around to uploading the fic on ao3. I'll post a link to it on my blog when I do. For anyone interested it will be dark irondad vaguely inspired by Prodigal Son. I haven't seen it, as it isn't available on any streaming platforms I have, but I've looked into the dynamic Martin and Malcolm have, that is what got me interested in the first place. I found it through a post on here actually, I'll be tagging/linking them for the inspo when I get round to posting about the fic.
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So, this is where I was hoping for some input. It is a parksborn fic and I like having Harry being a simp for Peter. What I'm struggling with is deciding what his dynamic is going to be because I am leaning towards them having an 'untraditional' relationship as far as a/b/o worlds go.
To help give a better picture of their relationship, at least regarding Peter, while he is an omega he is by no means 'biologically normal' by the standard of society. It isn't a bad thing, just 'weird' and 'baffling' to them, meanwhile Peter is not bothered by it, instead, he welcomes it. He would be kind and tender hearted as he usually is, which fits the sterotypical omega list of traits, but he will be prone to experiencing some mood swings (these won't always be obvious). He experiences his emotions strongly and a bit erratically. He views them critically and analytically this is primarily because of his job and a habit of repressing himself. Some alphas might feel intimidated by his differences (bcs insecure men always are), and some alphas might think by some of his behaviours and mannerisms that he is an alpha.
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The thing about Peter though is that he is will be deceptive in apperence. He would seem warm and welcoming, he dresses up a bit (not much though), he probably does skin care and looks after himself, and he keeps his hair long (I can imagine Tom's wavyish curls, are they called curls, if not what should I call the texture?). However, despite his inviting appearence it can actually be a weapon of sorts to manipulate those around him. Peter isn't bad in this fic, to him he is just trying to survive in a world where omegas are few, fetishied, occationally mistreated, and underestimated. So, what is an omega like him to do when he seemingly has an advantage? He uses it. So, he subtly manipulates everyone he comes in contact with if he deems it necessary, behaving in a way that is authentic to himself but appeals to the outsiders view of a 'good' omega. He doesn't want to be restricted or limited by others, so for him what he does is helping him survive in a world that isn't made for him to succeed. But I can see how it might come across that he could be morally grey and maybe he is...a little..deep deep down.
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He can use his pheremones/scent more effectively too, it is kind of like a dr*g he can cast in the air to calm people to the point it manipulates their perception of what is going on. So, angry alphas in the room? Peter puts out a calming scent or one of hurt and sadness that is strong enough to have those alphas become distracted and decide to comfort him instead of arguing. They might even forget why they were fighting or suddenly dismiss the importance the conversation might have held. I imagine that he would have practised this a lot with Stucky, haha. Basically Peter is kinda 'biologically' enhanced in some aspects. With Harry in the picture, Peter would be analysing him, thinking over the best way to navigate him, and uh, yeah, act accordingly. Harry would prefer Peter at his most authentic, that is the whole reason he gets so attracted to him in the first place. He likes how Peter is, no masking, no manipulations, no pretending, just Peter as his lovable, chaotic, maybe mentally ill self. Now that is love.
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No matter what Harry will be, he will be facinated by how different Peter is and is attracted to his more authorative-ish (?) nature. I'm not saying they'd be in a dom/sub kind of thing. They're both kind of different, or at least Peter wakes up something kinda feral in him that is like "yeah, this one, this is my man, and I'm gonna stand beside him". Harry will have an obssesion with Peter. Maybe he got addicted to Peter's scent, or maybe he was exposed to too high of a dose in a short time, or maybe they're fated mates like Harry will believe they are. He'll just need to convince and 'prove' to Peter that they are, which will be something, ha. When they do get together though they'll be cute and kinda weird, but its fine bcs they're them yk.
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That was long winded, but I wanted some context for how Harry was gonna be paried up with Peter and what Peter will be like. I'm struggling to decide which of the options in the poll I prefer more.
So which would be more appealing?
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starrtoon · 8 months
Question pal, have you had any interest watchin' H*zbin H*tel now that its out (just censored in case you wanna avoid having the fans on your tail) & if so, what did you think and if not, I'm curious as to why! Just because I know you've done art for it & stuff before. (Obviously you don't need to explain yourself, I'm just curious. I know that I watched the whole thing because I couldn't suck myself out of it and there are bits and pieces I enjoy in a more solo-context but others I (Christian) take pretty heavily as like....I don't like it. Big parts feel very off, even with the themes on redeming sinful souls and such. So I just wanna see your thoughts on it if possible as another Christian for some perspective.)
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ok, so... yes I watched the first 4 episodes. (through Kimcartoon 😏)
possible spoilers below(?)
besides the OBVIOUS blasphemy and biblical inaccuracies, the show does have a lot of issues with writing and pacing. I didn't laugh at ANY joke in those 4 episodes (though Angel calling Vaggie the actual V word almost got me for some stupid reason 🤷‍♀️)
I don't like some of the VA changes they did, Vaggie sounds bland, Husk's voice doesn't really fit the design of the character IMO, and even tho she isn't a big/important character I DO NOT LIKE THE NEW VOICE THEY GAVE KATIE KILLJOY. I got used to all the other VAs, and kinda prefer the new voice for Alastor over the old. also I would like to congratulate the show for being the first to make canon ships feel like unbelievable cringe fanon ships (the cat and spider, and snake and cherry)
I'll also sometimes scroll through the tag on twitter to see what's going on and what criticisms other people have, like with the whole Angel Poison episode (and which imo when she hires a storyboarder that has a r4p3/n0nc0n f3t1sh to do it, I think that's pretty messed up)
and of course I find out in the episodes I haven't seen they added St Peter and made him a white guy with blond hair, same with making Adam white (I dunno if Adam coulda been darker irl but 🤷‍♀️) as I said in a post on twitter, it's clear Vivz has some animosity towards Christians/Christianity so she's gonna twist and be inaccurate. (true accuracy wouldn't even allow her show to exist, as Adam's song has some truth in it "Hell IS forever" so there'd be no chance of redemption)
[SPOILER] I've noticed from some posts that they got Pentious to heaven, so I see that it actually IS possible for the sinners to be redeemed.
will I watch the new episodes? when I get around to it. I'd say the show is 90% trash. and even tho I don't necessarily like it, nor Vivz as a person, I still like some of the characters (and their designs) even if I don't agree with their actions. if anyone has a problem with me still drawing characters while '''hatin''' on the show, they can just deal with it tbh 😏
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transmutationisms · 1 year
I’ve spent the evening going through your tags and vigorously nodding along with all of your analyses of Succession, specifically WRT addiction, drug use and the way drugs are framed throughout the show as performance-enhancing agents for life under capitalism (to sum it up basically, though certainly more nuance could amend that characterization which I think you have covered). Specifically with season 4 and eps 405-408, I’m thinking about the narrative reemergence of cocaine as the waystar universe’s primary “business drug” of choice- though where we would typically see this play out with Kendall’s arc, there’s been fascinating parallels with the Tom/Greg and Shiv/Mattson of it all in terms of their characters conceding to the drug/feigning the appearance of drug use to stay close to the seat of power. IMO next to Kendall, Tom may be the character shown to be most entangled in this inescapable dynamic between drug use and self-image/actualization/esteem; he seems preoccupied and obsessive about the effect of drugs on his personal and financial prospects (“I took the wrong drugs in the wrong order and can’t get happy”) and even moreso in the most recent episode with the whiteboard coke scene (played as a hard comedy scene which I find so interesting!!!)
Meanwhile, we have not seen Kendall explicitly use drugs anytime throughout the season, yet he admits (with a rather surprising candor and self awareness) in 401 that he knows what it’s like to “smoke horse” and therefore needs a business venture as readily able to consume his priorities, and through the season we see him shirking obligations to his family and other loyalties in a seemingly self-destructive spiral that might mirror a normative discourse of “the addict.” So that is just some braindump lol, this is hardly a pointed question but you’re such a thoughtful critic on these themes and I find myself similarly engaged by them as well. am wondering if you have made any similar/different connections or new themes WRT drugs and addiction you’ve seen this season!
yeah, so, tom's drug use is something i haven't really written about and should, because it's a really fascinating angle to his character as well as the portrayal of drugs on the show in general. for purposes of this post i'm just going to assume anyone reading is familiar with the reading of drug use on succession as an expression of neoliberal capitalist subjectivity, and with coke in particular as being a way for the characters to access and perform bourgeois masculinity. also, when i talk about masculinity and femininity in this post, i'm going by logan's definitions of those terms, where the masculine is rational, violent, dominant, and so forth, and the feminine is embodied, passive, submissive, &c. these are the rules by which these characters still live.
what's interesting with tom is that he speaks the language of masculinity and drugs, and therefore also masculinity-qua-drugs, differently than the roys. in 'prague', for example, he sees greg doing coke and tells him to "suck on those big white dicks"—the opposite of what coke means in the text when kendall uses it. for kendall it's a way of enhancing his masculinity, kill drive, &c, which is why his use tends to be SO tracked to his relationship with logan and the demands logan is making of him (for example, seeking it in 'no one is ever missing, using it in 'vaulter' after logan orders him to gut vaulter, or in season 3 when he's at peak patricidality). the fact that tom sees greg using coke as discursively equivalent to sucking cock tells us that tom simply doesn't understand how the roys perform masculinity, or what that means to them. in 'too much birthday' he makes a different mistake, trying to use coke to make himself happy. again, what we can see as viewers is that this is simply not how coke functions for the roys. it's not a party drug or a chemical joyride; it's almost utilitarian in how it's meant to make up for a lack of masculinity or business instinct. it makes kendall capable of functioning in logan's world, where the language spoken is one of violence. tom taking it for fun is kind of doomed from the get-go.
so, there are a few elements of the coke scene in 'america decides' that i find interesting. one is that, although tom actually is now trying to use coke as a performance-enhancing drug à la kendall, the person he's trying to live up to is cyd, who's been ousted. this implicitly feminises tom by suggesting his spectral role model in business is not even his father-in-law, but a woman. second, as plenty of people have noted, greg doing the coke off tom's hand is quite intimate, even tender, and suggests that for tom, coke is homosocial in a distinct way (gayer, to be blunt) than kendall allows it to be. third, tom pressures greg into doing it—again, suggesting he doesn't see it as some kind of competitive advantage but as a male bonding activity, where he wants greg's company (or at least wants someone's company, and uses greg instrumentally). fourth, as you pointed out, it's played for laughs. generally kendall's coke use is portrayed with more nuance: it's not flattering, and there are certainly moments of levity, but it's contextualised as both the ultimate embrace of the logics of capital, and as part of kendall's futile efforts to please his father. both of these elements mean kendall's coke scenes are usually played more seriously. for tom and greg to be hunched behind a whiteboard comedically doing bumps together again stands out, making both of them look a bit foolish and emphasising how tom's relationship to masculinity, coke, and coke masculinity is different to kendall's. both kendall and tom fail at masculinity, but in distinct ways; kendall tries repeatedly to use coke in order to make up the difference, whereas tom doesn't even understand consciously that that's an option.
shiv's refusal of matsson's coke to me parallels roman turning down coke with asgarov. roman and shiv do business and gender differently than kendall. although shiv instinctually identifies with a more masculine role (ie, she sees herself as dominant, in control, the smartest one in the room, &c), she doesn't have the wild insecurity that drives kendall to compensate using coke. shiv prefers to try a more deliberate strategy than the way kendall just goes in swinging his cock around, hoping he'll intimidate someone. meanwhile, roman identifies with a more feminine, coquettish role, which is precisely what logan always perceived as being so disgusting in him. roman's business strategy often reads as flirting, but without following through (inviting matsson to come piss with him, but then refusing to actually take his own cock out; following asgarov to the bathroom but turning down the coke; the lotion situation with mencken). so, shiv and roman have now both had scenes where they're directly offered the chance to try on kendall's overcompensatory masculinity for themselves, and they've both turned it down, telegraphing the way their strategies for surviving in the world of waystar diverge from kendall's.
kendall, of course, has been interesting this season drug-wise by negation. the heroin line is interesting, although unclear to me to what extent he was serious (and, even if he was serious, we have no idea whether he's talking about anything recent), so it mostly just suggests that this is something he and his siblings are comfortable acknowledging / joking about. whether it's a joke or not, the invocation of heroin specifically to convey basically immediate, overwhelming enjoyment / pleasure fits in with how the show distinguishes between uppers and downers, with downers being the drugs more likely to be taken in pursuit of pleasure rather than as tools for neoliberal self-improvement like coke / uppers. besides that, the past 10 in-universe days have essentially been a process of kendall deciding more and more baldly to pursue his father's ceo position once and for all. kendall's drug use is in response to both logan and the broader demands of capitalist masculinity, so i don't want to read too much into his non-use this season (& it honestly wouldn't shock me if we saw him do a bump or two in the last episode or something), but i do think that at the beginning of the season, we catch him at a relatively relaxed point, as he's been removed from his father and had his siblings nearby. so, the show is capable of portraying him spiralling out (as you point out) without using a drug narrative or conventional addiction arc to telegraph that, because his coke use means very specific things in relation to masculinity and capitalism.
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ephemeraljellyfish · 7 months
why is it so inconceivable to you that the transmisogynistic guys who talk about transandrophobia would be behind the ask-harassment? why are y'all allergic to taking any sort of responsibility for the sexist stuff that your peers say? you can't in confidence deny that transandrophobia truthers had anything to do with that shit. you cannot use your status as a "marginalized group" as a defense when transfems are literally more marginalized than transmascs. newsflash, male privilege and female oppression still exist in trans people
like, okay, i don't appreciate the condescension here but i'm going to respond to point by point because this doesn't cross into "anon hate" territory yet. and i'm a believer in hanlon's razor.
honestly i don't think this ask deserves a well-thought-out response, but i'll give one anyways:
why is it so inconceivable to you that the transmisogynistic guys who talk about transandrophobia would be behind the ask-harassment?
i'm going to assume you refer to all the big transandrophobia blogs who post in the tag. and it's not inconceivable to me, actually. it's not inconceivable to other pro-transandrophobia blogs either, if you look at the response from yharnamsnewslug. (i've got other examples too.) i've seen only one transmisogynistic response to the ask in the transandrophobia tags and that person was criticized. heavily. but they deleted the comments from transandrophobia blogs telling them they were being transmisogynistic.
additionally, i just tend to abide by the rule "innocent until proven guilty"? i also don't believe in collective punishment. even if a few transmisogynistic guys did this, i really don't think the concept of transandrophobia has any less merit—and let's be real here, calling people "transandrophobia truthers" IS a way to discredit the idea. but i also find it conspiratorial to assume a bunch of transandrophobia blogs organized to do this. why is this the instinctive belief? it feels like a leap in logic to me. are there provable steps you took that led to this belief?
why are y'all allergic to taking any sort of responsibility for the sexist stuff that your peers say?
i don't know if y'all implies i'm also one of the trans guys implicated here. i'm nonbinary. and i've seen trans men/mascs call out transmisogyny. i block transmisogynistic people, so i don't have the post to show you anymore, but it's likely still in the transandrophobia tag if you wanna look for it, but OP deleted all the posters calling them out. (also see the post i referenced previous question for an example of calling out transmisogyny.)
you can't in confidence deny that transandrophobia truthers had anything to do with that shit.
i don't deny that it could be literally anyone. but why are we leaping to accuse anyone at all? shouldn't there be proof? i wonder, if the people blocked the anon, will they still see the "transandrophobia truther" blogs they haven't blocked yet? would that prove who didn't do it, at the very least? i'm spitballing ideas here. do we care to get to the bottom of who's guilty or are we looking for a group to blame?
you can't deny that it might be a shit-stirrer, so why are we holding a group of people accountable without proof? there's no "proof" in the idea that everyone has capacity to be transmisogynistic lending itself to blaming transandrophobia truthers specifically. if you go with that line of logic, then implicate everyone for the anon.
you cannot use your status as a "marginalized group" as a defense when transfems are literally more marginalized than transmascs. newsflash, male privilege and female oppression still exist in trans people
i'm going to blow past your use of "male" and "female" because honestly, as a nonbinary person i'm unnerved when people use "biological sex" categories in discussions about trans people. this made me consider not answering. this screams "TERF" to me. but let's offer you the benefit of my doubt. (i don't think the transfems you're trying to defend would be comfortable with these terms either btw. screams exorsexism too.)
i mean we all knew it would come to this final point. this idea that you hold so dear—that there's a "more marginalized" group—it's an unsubstantiated one. there's no easy way to tell who is objectively "more oppressed." do you really think some transfems don't also wield their marginalization like that? that there aren't bad actors in literally every identity under the LGBTQ umbrella? i personally don't believe marginalized people are absolved of sin, i think their marginalization makes it easier for them to lash out because they've been hurt. i also know their pain is very real and needs discussion. that goes for all marginalized people.
since you believe in tiered oppression and listening only to the most oppressed person in the room (i don't believe i can change that), tell me, who's more oppressed? a white lesbian transfem? an east asian nonbinary person? a black transmasc? a two-spirited Navajo? any queer identity that exists outside of "Western" countries? queer identities within religious minority groups? no, really, are transfems more marginalized across the board? or is this just a dispute between white people that i shouldn't be a part of?
i'm fully aware of the marginalization dynamics at play here. i think you're the one who needs to introduce more complicated ideas than "men bad and women good." also guess what? saying that transfems are the most marginalized person in the room leads to tokenization, which is BAD.
i can honestly go on, but i think i've used up enough time and effort for an anon who didn't put any effort to make any good arguments for me.
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
🌍 - Which nation do you find to be the truest adaptation of their real life counterpart?
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I got a bunch of anonymous asks all at once, so I'm presuming they're from the same person. I'm gonna answer all of the ones they submitted that I haven't answered yet all at once. I also apologize in advance for any typos or grammatical errors I've not caught???? My cat keeps getting in my way and stepping on my keyboard
🌍 - Which nation do you find to be the truest adaptation of their real life counterpart?
I literally don't have the authority to speak on any of the characters other than Alfred and Amelia. It's not my place to talk about the accuracy of a character whose culture I am not a part of. I do know that Scandanavian fans are very passionate about rewriting the Nordics better to their cultures
I think Alfred is. Fine. I used to not care about him but now I've come around to him and he's probably the one I talk about most.
I have a lot of justified reservations and criticisms about my real life country. I'm very pessimistic about my country and am not patriotic in the slightest. I've had a lot of international friends before and I can think of two separate people who've praised me for being "not like other Americans" and bashing other Americans, calling them stupid, and other choice words and holding me on a pedestal. It made me very uncomfortable. What's that even supposed to mean??? I felt like I had to act a certain way for them to continue approving of me. We're no longer friends for completely separate reasons to what I just mentioned, but those people were in my life at separate times.
So anyway, canon Alfred is fine. When I write for him I really like to lay heavy on my East Coast experiences and biases (cough Pizza snob Alfred). Alfred is East Coast and Amelia is West Coast.
👑 - Which nation has the most appealing design?
We know this one already. Y'all have seen me unapologetically be Not Normal about Norway in the tags. He's just so pretty to me, I'm sorry. It's really just the hair and the blue/purple color scheme
👕 - Which nation's military uniform(s) do you like the most?
None of them. I won't draw anyone in military uniforms unless it's for DTIYS challenges or memes like this one
💥 - If you could take a character, tear them down, and rebuild them to your liking, who would you choose?
Probably the Nordics just from how I've seen Scandanavians talk about their countries?
I also feel like a lot of the heta girls deserve more beef to their characters. A lot of them feel like accessories to the male characters and I love when we get to see them hanging out (Hungary, Ukraine, and Liechtenstein in The Beautiful World) or having conflicts of their own (Liechtenstein and Czechia in World Stars). Arguably I think Hungary has the most development, but even then she's so tied to Austria and Prussia in both canon and fanon. If I'm wrong on this PLEASE point me towards some good food
Hetalia Asks
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hislittleraincloud · 11 months
Are you familiar with the concepts of ship and let ship? Don’t yuck my yum? Don’t kinkshame? It’s okay to vehemently disagree with other fandom pairings/scenarios/etc., but posting screen shots that openly shame other users for their preferences is very unkind.
I’m genuinely sorry that you were triggered. It would have been easier to use the block button than to create a post saying “Wyler people are gross” and specifically calling the screen-shotted user garbage.
At the very least, please keep any shaming off the general fandom tags. I would have preferred to not see any of this and I don’t even ship Wyler.
It's not kinkshaming to call someone who said that they hoped that a beloved character in fandom was "ripped to shreds" 🗑️.
Context, hun. Did you completely miss the part of the post where I said I had no hate to the OP/the potential for that story? It'll be a good story if real justice is served. The little screencap was served not against its OP, but to the sentiments that it incurred in the comments. Violent stalking/murdering someone else's boyfriend is acceptable to that person, and that's just rank.
I've posted before that I cannot stand Wyler. Fuck That Monster is my 'vehement disagreement' with that, and I am open to that story... I'm not open towards shitty comments about murdering Joel just because Wednesday was dating him. I would love to read that stalker story for justified comeuppance, but I can't say that's what it'll be about given the comments. The real diff there is that my hope as a reader is for real justice to happen while there are people like the 🗑️ poster who hope, as a reader, for INjustice to happen (since there's a real injustice towards two characters being happy only to have one other be gross, inappropriate, and threatening to their happiness). I would have said that poster was 🗑️ regardless of their chosen ship for having posted comments like that, but so far I haven't seen anyone in the popular ships who post 🗑️ like that...because they don't tend to be 🗑️.
Thick skins only grow in the face of adversity. This fandom is full of the thinnest skins imaginable because somewhere along the line, people got the idea that no one's ideas or comments are open to any criticism; that 'staying in a lane' is the way to drive, even though we're seriously all on the highway to Hell here together (especially in this fandom, let's not sugarcoat that). Why do you think that I don't give a flying 💩 about what anyone says about Wenovan and can defend it (maybe not to everyone's liking since they cannot conceive of AB Wednesday having such strong agency at her age/regurgitate whatever the moral line is atm)? Because I've been through that war before. It's nothing new to me.
Senseless death is already happening in realtime in this world. Don't be 🗑️ and wish death upon...how did the Millennials call it before Gen Z became teens...a precious cinnamon roll like Joel just because Hunter Doohan [in a role that was, by general real world consensus, a milquetoast character] makes your panties wet. Yeah, sure, write whatever the Hell you want, it's all fiction. But it still isn't immune from crit, just as the show itself isn't at all immune to crit.
My story isn't immune to crit either, but not one greyface anon has actually read it to criticize WHY things don't work within or don't make sense to them (those are actually in the comments at AO3, and I've responded to them... like the fan who didn't like AB Wednesday in love, even though that's...what she's been LOL). It's just all general "ew gross" or "it's illegal!" or some inane broad brush about the premise with nothing to react on its substance. "But I don't have to read it to know that it's wrong!!!" ... 😐 ...If I am willing to read a Wyler with the above premise to see where it (hopefully) ends up, I think others could be as open minded.
But anyway
If you seriously yum a murderous stalker over love--even while that's 'cute' in this fandom given the solidly frozen misanthrope that is our favorite heroine--then I can't help you. There's something broken there. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Wenclair and Wavier are at least based on 💕 love💕, so I guess that we've got that to be thankful for.
As for tags, for real? As if the tags on this shit app actually work? 💀 You said you don't even ship Wyler, but I'll give 'em a new tag anyway: Wyner/Wyners. Because that's what it all sounds like rn. Wyners whining about why they can't have nice things because ✨Hunter is so dreamy✨, and no one should ever be called 🗑️ just because they hope for a universally loved character to die a bloody death.
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avatar-state-kate · 1 year
No that Barbie gendered criticsm post was in specific reference to a post where someone accused people—critical of the Barbie movie for being a commercial/just Not being indie arthaus groundbreaking cinema—of being misogynistic because “no one does this for transformers or marvel” (which seems misogynistic as well. Comic books aren’t “for boys” dolls aren’t “for girls” but the way these products are being marketed to us as freethinking adults is perhaps something we should question)
Oh, I got that, my tags were more in reference to the "consumerism seems girl-coded and military propaganda boy-coded" bit. That joke format implies that people are projecting gendered stereotypes onto something, except the idea of their being a gender link to these properties is by design - Barbie is being marketed to women and girls, and the cultural idea of what women and girls do/should like and Marvel is marketed to the cultural idea of what men and boys do/should like.
I'm not disagreeing with OP of that post, I'm disagreeing with the idea that there is no gendered level, especially with what is being marketed - consumerism is much more aggressively marketed to women ("women be shopping", the pink tax, women as responsible for household shopping etc.) and the military is marketed more to men. I think this level of analysis is being ignored in favour of calling anyone excited for the Barbie movie stupid for not knowing it's an ad. Which that's a case-by-base basis, definitely most people are going in uncritical but that's true of most media so I wouldn't call anyone out here for being especially stupid.
But yeah, people have always pointed out that toy brand shows are just ads, and we have been complaining about the military-industrial complex in film, but also with everything when its a "girl" (and like again this is marketing, I never liked barbie or girl toys as a child so like my girlhood isn't being represented here, and maybe the idea that brands get to decide what girlhood and boyhood is is a more interesting discussion) property the analysis gets weird - like you have good faith criticism and then people being much more aggressive then the conversation might need.
Like the movie hasn't come out yet and we have already gone from the over-praising the thing to backlash/hatred of the thing - again both phases have genuine and reasonable arguments to them - be excited for a movie with practical sets in a CGI cinema landscape, to see some of our biggest stars together, to see a movie that looks fun- be critical of a film that is a 2-hour long commercial for a doll brand, be critical of a film that supports rampant consumerism and the beauty industry - but the intensity is...a lot already, again for a movie we haven't actually seen yet
TLDR: I don't think it is sexist to critique this movie, or the existence of criticism or a backlash is wholly sexist, however, like with most things parsing out where the genuine feelings stop and sexism ramps them up is an impossible thing to parse. I can believe this while also feeling like anyone trying to say there is no gender element is wrong - like it's Barbie, a toy that even girls who don't play with Barbie are told is representative of their childhoods - like gender analysis is called for but just maybe not the one that is happening.
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