#do NOT vape
fo0lizsh · 1 year
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Couldn’t NOT do a vaping Dr. Feelings.. and let me say, I love him <3
He created a whole presentation on why he should be allowed to vape, and the benefits of it. Alas, no one listened.
Vape Mikey AU goes to @cokowiii. Go follow them, they get angst done RIGHT.
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crowpossum · 23 hours
vapes are lame and all but if you put a bubblegum flavored cancer tube in front of me rn id hit the fuck outta that shit i fear
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Electra vapes
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reprrise · 12 days
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Saw a tik tok and got inspired
insta | twt
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veese-gorbins · 7 months
How do I define self-cafe?
Hitting my vape
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scrombit · 10 days
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daniel.... phantom ?!?!!!!?!!!!
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calkale · 7 days
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bros looking for his vape
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vader-anakin · 6 months
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"Fucking bitch"
Joe Keery as Gator Tillman | Fargo Season 5 Episode 8 - "Blanket"
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timisntdeadyet · 10 months
Figuring out how to put Scarecrow's fear gas into a vape cartridge seems like a good idea tbh. Microdose that sh*t, not only would it build an immunity to the fear toxin itself, but constant mild hallucinations of your worst fears would build an immunity to real terrifying situations (you can't show me anything worse than what I see everyday). Why has noone done this?
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camgoloud · 10 months
okay sorry to be That Person but i’ve seen this in a couple of places and it’s been bothering me. guys babs didn’t smoke. no way in HELL did naberius tern ever touch a cigarette i mean look at him. you want to talk about someone who needs everyone to know that his body is a temple. IANTHE smokes because she saw augustine do it and thought it looked cool and everything for ianthe is forever and always about the aesthetic. the reason pal brought it up in his argument is that he’s been in ianthe’s mind and has thus absorbed the knowledge of how to smoke from IANTHE. which he then uses to be like “see, when souls overlap they will always bleed into each other.” he’s not saying that he learned how to smoke from babs. or even that ianthe learned how to smoke from babs! babs never touched a cigarette in his life. he was too concerned about “work[ing] his little butt off” (thanks ianthe for that phrasing I’m never going to stop thinking about it) to attain physical perfection so that he could win shiny trophies in every dueling competition the nine houses had to offer. i mean. come ON. it’s BABS
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zeeckz · 4 months
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anotherpapercut · 11 months
genuinely so many of you want to be leftist and "punk" and countercultural soooooo bad but you refuse to become comfortable with the concept of people taking drugs for fun because they like it and not because they were somehow tricked or forced into it without knowing what they were getting themselves into
you'll be like "addiction is a disease!!" but think you're better than those degenerate stoners because you only drink energy drinks and white claws and would never touch "illegal drugs"
many if not most drugs CAN be consumed completely safely with almost 0 risk to the user and even if that werent true and all drugs were extremely dangerous you still wouldn't be better than those of us who love doing drugs recreationally
lighten up and grow up. get offline, talk to real adults, and stop being shocked to discover that they enjoy doing stuff that adults do like have sex and do drugs and even listen to rock and roll
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ninyard · 14 days
ur response to my vape question is so real… I agree andrew seems like the person to go cold turkey. also if he did vape YES he would be so obnoxious about it.
I guess I wasn’t thinking about him vaping to stop smoking but in conjunction to it…I was on the fence because that man does NOT care about just smoking inside so he probably doesn’t have a use for it… but I can also imagine him with a… how did u put it… blue razz elfbar at the exy banquet or inside edens. ESPECIALLY if while medicated.
now ooc but imagine andrew exclusively vaped and he always smelled like blue raspberry ice mint strawberry banana and neil is forced to replace the memory of his dead burning mother with… that
anyways thank u for listening to my brainrot. nicotine is uncool and I’m glad andreil are peacefully blowing bubbles on the roof now
“Neil Josten let his disposable vape glow until the light started flashing”
Andrew smelling like triple melon pineapple ice sour razz apple. Neil picking up his vape and saluting him.
I could see Andrew in some ways vaping some fruity stuff purely for the fact that he does have a sweet tooth. The foxes would be sitting on the bus during a long, through-the-night trip and somebody suddenly smells mango and Wymack just shouts ANDREW HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP VAPING ON THE BUS
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keklordkaotic · 3 months
Just started watching Beast Wars. Behold, my first piece of Beast Wars fanart.
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It entails Cheetor getting VAPED by that MAXIMAL ZA-ZA
(I am a danger to myself and others.)
Referencing this image. It’s a great image.
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rickybaby · 5 months
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Daniel addressing the negative reaction to his team’s new name
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cokowiii · 1 year
Just my luck~
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Stayed up late and I managed to get a page done!! (Currently 3am as I’m typing this)
Someone got a lil too braggy and spoke too soon~ I hope y’all like the page! I may be a lil busy but I promise I see and read everything y’all comment, tag and mention me on!!!
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