#this also made me want to go out and get a fucking vape so bad
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shouyuus · 4 months ago
OH MY FUCKKK. college roomate!vi is fucking killing meeee. the last one made me literally squeal when i read about vi's vape 😩😩 i am a silly little smoker myself and i was wondering if you'd write something about vi introducing reader to smoking? like one night they're sitting and talking on the couch, maybe watching a movie or something and vi whips out her lost mary (i KNOW thats what she'd smoke) and reader asks kinda out of nowhere to have a hit, and vi laughs a little and then teaches her how to use it (it is an art form), and their faces keep getting closer and closer and they're basically kissing because they're hitting from the same vape, right? RAAAHHHHHH 😩
college roommate!vi cinematic universe not me having to google the brand but yES ur rite she woULD
+18, no sex but vape usage, mdni
"l-like that?"
"yeah, just like that -- breathe in -- hold it -- breathe out --"
you let out a soft groan, the "cherry peach lemonade" flavored smoke slipping from the corners of your lips in streams, vi's eyes flickering down and back up again, her own lips parted, her pupils dark.
"it's -- it's a good flavor," you say, blinking as you hand the vape back to vi, who grins and takes a long hit, leaning back slow, one hand on the vape, the other slung lazily across the sofa back, letting the smoke unfurl from her mouth. you watch, mesmerized as she rounds out her lips and blows out little smoke rings just to make you laugh.
"yeah, it's nice," vi says, her voice soft as she glances back at you, at the way your eyes have gone just a bit hazy. she leans forward, tugging your chin towards her with a thumb and forefinger, a mischievous grin sweeping across her face.
"open your mouth for me, pretty girl."
you do, letting your mouth fall slack as vi takes another long hit and blows the smoke into your mouth. like this, you can feel the cool of the smoke, the warmth of her breath, the strange duality sending tingles shooting down your back, a coil tightening in your gut as you breath in.
your lashes flutter as the high slips through your body, the weightlessness gathering in your loosening muscles.
"i-i've seen people do that before --" you say, grasping for something to fill the strange, ethereal silence, "at parties," you clarify, hoping for... you're not entirely sure what.
vi chuckles, "yeah? it's called shotgunning. it's... a bit gentler than just taking a hit straight from the vape so --"
she pulls you towards her again, this time, you lean in and your lips are so close you can feel the heat of her skin against yours.
you open your mouth without her prompting, and you don't miss the way her pupils dilate at the motion. and just for a second, you can taste your own heartbeat -- the sweet cherry peach lemonade tang of it at the back of your throat -- before vi's blowing another steady stream of smoke into you and you're breathing it in, tasting her -- wondering if her lips would be just as sweet without all the flavored smoke --
"there... think that's enough for you for tonight?" vi asks, pulling back with a grin.
you lick your lips, glancing at the tv screen.
"we've missed like... half the movie."
vi laughs, grabbing for the remote, "yeah well. we were busy. luckily, there's a rewind button."
you keep quiet as she rewinds through the parts of the movie the both of you missed, your mind a berry-tinted haze of half-formed thoughts. you inch closer to her, pressing your thigh to hers, letting your head drop onto her shoulder.
"thanks, vi," you say, your eyes cast towards the tv but not really seeing it at all.
she stills beneath your touch.
"what for, princess?"
you nuzzle your head deeper into her neck, "nothing just... glad you're here."
after a beat, vi curls an arm around your shoulder and gives you a squeeze.
"i'll always be here, princess. whenever you need me. and even if you don't. got it?"
you giggle, closing your eyes and letting the bright neons of the movie play out behind your eyelids like the passing of so many days and nights.
"i'll always need you, vi... even if you think i don't." and your voice is so, slow, honest. so honest that vi feels her chest squeeze. she settles for brushing her lips along the seam of your hair.
"then i guess we're stuck with each other for the long haul, aren't we princess?"
you let out a sleepy little laugh, nodding.
"yeah. guess we are."
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granddaughterogg · 1 year ago
You Let Me Complicate You - Part 3
SUMMARY: Simon "Ghost" Riley is a consummate fuckboy who uses fleeting trysts to blow off steam collected at his deadly job. You - the Reader - are a cynical, world weary girl with a penchant for one night stands. None of you are prepared for the horror of Actually Falling In Love. Also - the mask stays on for ridiculously long. Tags: From Sex to Love, Flirting, Random Encounters, First Impressions, One Night Stands, Dirty Talk, Swearing. So. Much. Swearing, Reader Gets Harassed By Assholes, Simon Beats Up An Asshole, Rough Sex. It's all fully consensual tho!
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Music pulsated in your temples, but you've completely lost the will to dance. Streaks of murky blue light cut across the dance floor, where the crowd rippled along with the rhythm. You made yourself comfortable on the plush sofa and watched people for a while. Fortunately, this mass of heads, arms and legs in motion was dense enough to hide that wired fucker from your sight.
You hoped to never see him again.
The one you wanted to see has vanished into thin air like Cinderella. A Cinderella who was six feet four, great at chatting women up and built like a wrestler. Who smelled like a heady mix of drugstore cologne, expensive whisky, sweat – and for some fucking reason also like fireworks.
Could it be that his ride has turned into a pumpkin? You would start to ask yourself whether you've imagined him – the man was larger than life after all – but you could still taste that smokey, alcoholic kiss on your lips.
A kiss which was deranged and therefore unforgettable.
You'd have to wipe your brain with a Scrub Daddy to get rid of that memory.
Son of a bitch.
Disappeared, but left the bottle. He clearly had money to throw around.
You ignored the liquor, pouring yourself a healthy glass of water instead.
It seemed that life had offered you an abrupt comedown from this short, all-consuming high. You sat and swallowed tasteless liquid in a sober – and sombre - manner, considering your options.
Option 1.  You could go ask that bartender with the face like a slapped arse whether he's seen your beau around. Which surely would be Humiliating.
Option 2.  You could give up on vanishing hunks and go home. Which was probably the sensible option, if one you didn't feel like taking.
Option 3. You could do what you usually did whenever life served you with a plot twist: have a smoke break.
You were a woman of culture and therefore perfectly aware that those days, smoking is bad form – almost as much as admitting that one does not intend to go vegan. But then, you were also sensible and knew what kind of end awaits persistent cigarette enthusiasts. A cough which sounds just like torn cardboard, a tracheotomy, or death.
The thing is, you've always considered the spectacle of smoking one of the sexiest feats for a man to perform, while the taste of nicotine soothed your nerves and restored you to the state of being serenely one with the universe. All those vapes smelling of fucking strawberries felt as appealing as Boris Johnson's ass.
So you let out a sigh, finished your water, threw on your jacket, grabbed your umbrella and marched across the club, guessing that smokers have been traditionally banished to the outside.
The iron door creaked open like the hatch to a bank vault. 
Your suspicions were correct. Nicotine hostages stood around the entrance, some on the grass, others on the cracked concrete path. Milky serpentines of smoke blew away quickly in the night wind. Fortunately, the rain had abated somewhat. Instead of an icy wave splashing in your face, you were greeted by a cold drizzle.
That you could deal with.
Unfortunately, fate had yet other things in store for you.
You've managed to pat all your jacket pockets, fish out a box of cigarettes, experience relief, because it wasn't soggy, pat your pockets again, find a lighter, and stick a fag into your mouth...It would take in this damp air, so for a moment there you focused on the wobbly little flame instead of your surroundings.
Which was a mistake.
"Need help with this, beautiful?" Asked some stranger's voice.
"Jesus on a stick", you grumbled without even bothering to meet his eye.
"I said", the voice wasn't to be deterred easily, "Do you need help?"
You looked up. Some dude has obstructed the light coming from the small bulb, hanging above the entrance in its industrial iron casing. He was big, even stocky - not as big as your fleeting masked acquaintance, naturally, but quite thick in his own right. Had a pudgy face that you wouldn't be able to describe even at the police station. The patchy beard didn't help either. That's all you could say about him because he didn't spark your interest.
"Nope", you said flatly.
"What do you mean, nope?" 
The man leaned over you, hanging his head unpleasantly close. He smelled like beer and Axe body spray.
You sighed. "I mean it in general. Go away."
"But I've just come here", the dude grinned, as if he'd said something truly brilliant.
"That's not my problem." 
The tip of your cigarette finally took hold of the fire. You shielded it with your palms, taking half a step away from the persistent bloke. Only a half, because the door was right behind you.
Unfortunately, your new friend wasn't about to take a hint.
"Oh come on now", he whined. "Don't be rude to me like this. Let's have a talk."
You never had a lot of patience, not even on your best days. Now it was running dangerously low.
"I don't have to be nice to you", you hissed right into his stupid grin. "I don't have to talk to you either. Go bestow the gift of your company on someone who'll enjoy it."
You've made two mistakes. The first one was assuming that gassed pick-up artists understand sarcasm. The second one was using words and not just your boot instead.
He leaned forward and grabbed your arm. It was not a firm grip, but the touch of this stranger's sweaty fingers on your skin made you nauseous.
"You don't understand how much you're fucking yourself over" - he went on in that slow, obstinate manner of a drunkard, sizing you up with a glazed look. " You're depriving yourself of a chance...yes, a chance. For something better, something to elevate that sad, lonely, fuckless life of yours! A man walks up to you like a gentleman...chimes in with utmost tact and gets mauled. Women of today don't understand -"
You didn't find out what is it that women of today don't understand. You hurled your lit cigarette straight into his panting mouth and pressed your elbow against the handle of that cursed door. It swung open with a groan - not loud enough to drown out the surprised yelp of your aggressor. He let go of your hand. You jumped inside, trying to slam that door right in his face, but even an agile woman, one well aware of her surroundings is much weaker physically than an average man. 
It was a long time since you had to grasp that bitter truth because you had avoided places like this. Well, that was your reminder.
The dude broke in when you were already halfway into the dark club premises, walking as fast as possible without just bolting it.
Music blared from the speakers, making the walls tremble, but you were still aware that he was coming after you. Slow but tireless, like fucking Michael Myers. You didn't have to look over your shoulder to know. Every woman has this radar installed.
You hauled ass, pushing people aside and collecting bemused looks. You headed straight for the bar like a sailor towards a lighthouse in a storm. You intended to chain yourself to that bar; to make Geoffrey call the cops if necessary.
Eventually, you managed to come ashore. You pushed your way through the crowd of patrons queuing for a drink, ignoring their shouts of disapproval. You climbed onto the first available stool and set your elbows on that cold concrete counter. The bartender was nowhere to be seen. Ain't that just the way.
"Hey, Governor!" you hollered towards the row of glittering bottles behind the counter. "We have a problem!"
"Why hello there", said a high-pitched voice to your left. It didn't sound particularly friendly.
You jumped as if at the push of a spring, spinning around on that stool. Your heart jolted abruptly. For in the dim light, you spotted this long-haired fuckhead from the dancefloor. He sat there, measuring you with a glassy look and sporting a wide, deadpan grin.
You took a long swig of air. This was a fucking nightmare, a Halloween special, and you were drowning in it. Drowning in the waters coming up to your chin, black as ink. A woman who went out simply to have fun.
"I thought I'd find you here", he continued, his voice eerily flat, his gaze pinned to yours. "You ugly slut."
"Geoffrey, shake a leg!" you yelled into the void behind the counter. 
"Think you can just walk around and kick people?" asked the long-haired man as casually as if he'd wanted your opinion on the weather. He leaned closer, adding in a low voice:
"Rabid bitches like you shouldn't be let off the chain."
From what you could gather he wasn't that muscular, but you'd already met men with such hollow eyes and a flat affect. Getting into a tussle with one of them was always a bad idea. Whatever fueled this fucker – illegal substances, his own charming personality or both - you didn't feel like dealing with it.
You jumped off the stool, putting him between you and the guy, spun on your heel...
... only to run face-first into the armpit of that specimen from the front of the club. It turned out he didn't stop his TED Talk this whole time.
"...men and women ought to be friends, there should be a sense of CAMARADERIE between them, a sense of friendship, not this, whatever this is. I am being FRIENDLY to you, I am treating you with reverence, yes, REVERENCE and what do I get in return? I swear -"
Two gorilla arms pawed at you, pressing you against his chest. Your nostrils filled with his nauseating smell and the odour of Axe. You couldn't breathe.
"...this war between the sexes must end, or you will all die alone and you'll be so UNHAPPY, you hear me?" He panted into the top of your head. "You will cry your eyes out, surrounded by sex toys and CATS instead of children -"
You gathered all your strength and pulled yourself away from the numbing stench, driving your nails into your assailant's chest. The dude yelped and let you go. You fell back, parting the crowd. Suddenly two capable hands held at your shoulders, firmly but without causing pain.
You got enveloped in the familiar mix of scents - man, cheap cologne, expensive whisky, fireworks.  Oh, thank god.
"One can't leave ya alone for a minute, eh?" said Skullface, calm as ever.
You almost burst into tears of relief - and into tears of anger, too. He's left you all alone in this shithole and let it happen.
You jumped back, darting your head up to look into those dark peepers of his. There he was, all composed, towering effortlessly over everyone in sight. Tall like an unconquered mountain.
"Where the fuck were you?! I'm being harassed by creeps!"
"Plural?" The skull mask tilted in amusement, but you've noticed how his eyes swept the perimeter, and his hold on your shoulders loosened, but not to the point of release.
"You sure are popular."
You scoffed. 
"This shit ain't fun. But seriously, what were you doing?"
He shrugged. With shoulders like his it was a pronounced shrug.
"For that long?!"
It was an undignified squawk, but you didn't care. You were stressed. You felt scared and fed up.
The man fell silent for a moment. Then he scratched the back of his head.
"If you really need to know, I also laid a brick."
You stared at him in disbelief, but that covered face betrayed nothing, and his eyes seemed sincere.
"What? You asked", he added.
It was as if some lever had been pulled inside your stressed mind. Suddenly you no longer felt like tearing him a new one. Instead, you wanted to burst out laughing.
"Alright then. I hope you washed your hands", you murmured, stepping forward and touching the front of his hoodie. He cupped your much smaller hand in his big one, tracing over its back with his long fingers. They were so warm.
You both smiled. His eyes looked strangely charming when they creased under all that eyeshadow...or whatever that black stuff was.
"You don't have much faith in the opposite sex, don't ya."
"That's EXACTLY what I've been saying!" 
The stocky dude from before emerged from the fray, pushing people aside and beelining to you as if the three of you were good friends. 
"I'm trying to explain to her how DETRIMENTAL this hostile approach towards men is, but she won't listen -"
"That's Creep No. 1", you murmured.
Skullface got visibly alert. He put you right behind him, blocking access like a guard dog. He straightened up to his full impressive height, but you stuck your head out from his armpit anyway. Now that the danger has dissipated, you felt curious as to how this shit would end.
"You." Said the masked man, pointing his finger at the idiot. "Get bent."
"The fuck you saying to me, mate?" The TED Talker was clearly an obstinate drunk.
"I'm a free man, a citizen of a free country! Can do whatever and talk to whoever I please, including this stuck-up bitch right here and you can't make me -"
Skullface's long, bulky arm shot forward, hand closing around the neck of this champion of men's civil liberties. You watched, transfixed. Your eyes have barely registered movement.
"The lady doesn't want to talk to you", Skullface explained, his tone almost friendly. "You better apologise."
The other dude stared at him with bulging eyes. Then he glanced at the large hand, gripping him like a vice. He tried to swallow – not an easy feat when your airways are being compressed – and finally tapped at Skullface's hand with his own shaky fingers.
Your masked friend released him. The bloke staggered, massaging his throat and breathing heavily. He was anything but frail, clearly possessing some strength of his own. And yet there he was, reduced to an ungainly, panting mess. 
"Alrighty then", he gasped. "Sorry..."
"Not to me." Skullface's already deep voice dropped a notch, dark and metallic. You felt a sudden chill licking at your spine. " To her."
The other dude cut you a quick look, his eyes wide and scared. Drunkedness has clearly been choked out of him. 
"Yeah yeah, sorry to you both. Jesus, mate. Chill.."
A snigger tore out of you while you watched that asshole slink away. It felt great. 
"Having fun?" Skullface's tone dripped with amusement.
"Yeah!" you admitted, stepping past his wide frame and looking him in the face. "I wish I had popcorn!"
He blinked at you. Slowly, like a pleased cat would.
"Let's go," he ordered and began pushing his way deeper into the club. You followed suit.
You two found yourselves back in that corner near the dancefloor. Skullface reached for the flask of whisky.
"We're leavin', eh?" he asked.
"Let's," you agreed. "That's enough clubbing for one day." 
You looked around, searching for your jacket, but it was nowhere to be seen.
"Fuck," you hissed. 
He raised his head. "What's goin' on?"
"I left my jacket at the bar. Don't disappear on me again, okay?”
"You got it." 
He sat comfortably and poured himself some more liquor, downing it promptly. You wondered about this man's incredible alcohol tolerance but didn't have the time to ponder on it. 
You squeezed your way back through the crowd, grappling with rapidly growing irritation. First, you'd shout "Excuse me!" again and again and then you'd just work your elbows. 
You told him the truth; you were fed up with partying, with the crowd and with the noise. Wherever this masked man was going to take you would be an improvement.
You finally made it to the bar, threw your jacket on and turned on your heel, starting the journey back immediately, like a ferry connecting two shores.
"Excuse me, excuse me, oh, fuck, sorry, excuse me -"
You stumbled over someone's foot, fell face forward into their T-shirt, pushed yourself away with both hands and then got grabbed by the wrist, which someone held at and jerked it so abruptly that you heard a crunch. Your whole body pivoted, led by the force of inertia. You tried to break free but to no avail. The man twisted both your arms and pinned them to your back, his breath right in your ear, hot and stinking like beer. His words were a searing sludge of intoxication and malice.
"Sorry's not gonna be enough."
You looked up - right into the blank face of that psycho from earlier. His pupils were two black holes. Icy panic flooded your veins, raising little hairs all over your body. He was dragging you somewhere away from the bar, his grip strong and painful. He was elbowing his way through the fray, and nobody around you in this densely populated club seemed to care – or notice for that matter. If they did, they cast you both one glance and decided that they don't want trouble.
You tried your darnedest to fight him, tensed all over in an attempt to break out of his hold, but with your arms twisted there was not much room for action. Or the guy was simply stronger than you. 
Every average man is so much stronger than an average woman, after all. A reminder of this truth came back to you in a bitter wave while your unwilling feet scraped over the concrete floor. 
In moments like these, you saw everything in razor-sharp HD. The dregs of intoxication evaporated from your system while you gained a cool, detached view of the mess you were in.
You looked in all directions, trying to find something that could aid you. It crossed your mind to call your new friend for help. But what name were you supposed to use?
The attacker dragged you into some dark corner and threw you onto an armchair standing there. Its aged springs groaned under your weight. The man pressed both hands into the wooden backrests and leaned so close that you smelled his sour breath.
"I'll put you back in your place", he promised, undoing his belt buckle.
To do this he had to let go of you. It was a small opening, but you took it.
You sat up, reached quickly into your loose chignon, slipped out the hairpin, clenched your hand around it and swung, aiming for the gut -
"The fuck you doing?" he sniggered, grabbing at our hand and stilling it mid-way. "I'll cut you open, you daft cow -"
He did not, in fact, cut you. He didn't do shit, because a dark mountain shaped like a man appeared behind his back.
This time Skullface didn't engage in Manly Posturing. He struck your assailant once, somewhere between the ear and the jugular. The bloke staggered, fell forward, but regained balance, turned on his heel and pounced. Skullface dodged, fast like a bullet, grabbed the other man's arm and twisted it downwards with a profound crunch, at the same time driving his other fist into his stomach.
The dude let out a stifled groan. For a moment he sagged like a rag in your companion's grip but came to quickly and began thrashing around, emitting some unintelligible, high-pitched noises. 
Skullface picked up the floundering man as if his opponent was a rowdy cat. Then he held him at full arm's length, clearly considering the way forward.
"He's on drugs!" You offered. "I don't think he feels pain!"
"Figures," he said. "Should've gone down already."
"Then take him down!" You asked, growing impatient.
Skullface shot you a look from under creased eyebrows.
"S'not that simple,", he explained. "If I hit him again, it prob won't cut the mustard. Bloke's foamin' at the mouth, see? But if I hit him real hard, he might stay down for good. And then Price will yell my noggin' off -"
"SUCK COCKS IN HELL!!!" Chimed in the subject of his deliberations. 
Skullface shook him a little.
"Who's Price?" You asked.
"My boss. He's a real stickler when it comes to those things."
"What things?" Your head was swimming. " Killing people?"
Skullface rubbed his nose with his free hand.
"He says we have an image to uphold...that we need to inspire public trust. Some such tosh." 
He noticed the hairpin, which you were still holding.
"Gimme that. I got an idea."
You handed him the pin and watched in a stupor as he hurled the guy to the floor, using a kick to stretch him flat. The man spat, snarled and threw himself around like a fish out of water, but it didn't do squat. Your masked companion grabbed him by the forearm, pressed it against the wooden backrest of one of the armchairs - and drove the sharp end of the pin right into his outstretched palm, literally pinning him in place. Blood gushed out.
You held your breath. The man howled like a thing possessed, but Skullface had already turned away.
"You broken?" He asked, hunkering down in front of your armchair. His eyes scanned all over you, seeking for signs of injury.
He sighed and shook his head.
"Nevermind. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, he didn't have the time to do anything..." You moved your affected hand and squirmed, seeing a fresh bruise. "Apart from fucking up my wrist, maybe. but I'll live."
He stood up and helped you clamber out of the armchair.
"Let's go", he said.
You followed him while he shouldered his way through the club.
You two arrived at the bar, where Geoffrey The Pinched Face begrudgingly poured someone a tequila.
"Geoff, call the coppers", instructed Skullface, putting both forearms on the counter. His voice was low and confidential.  "You've got quite a specimen in here. Mad as a badger, bein' a nuisance to the ladies. Careless with sharp objects, see. Went and nailed himself to a chair."
"Nailed himself?" Geoffrey raised his eyebrows. "On his own? I swear to god, Ghostie. If I didn't like you so much..."
"Then you'd have casualties here every fuckin' Friday." Skullface extended a hand. "Gimme the key. We'll wait this out upstairs."
Geoff silently handed him a small key. The masked man set off across the dark hall. You had to run to keep up with him.
" Ghostie?  Should I start calling you that?"
"It's Ghost", came from behind his broad back. 
"What kind of a name is Ghost anyway?" you inquired, but he didn't grace you with an answer.
You've reached the foot of a winding, narrow staircase made entirely of wrought iron.
"Up there", he ordered. "Watch your step."
You did as you were told. Your boots raised sharp echoes in the steps. The stairs winded upwards for what felt like forever; finally, you stood very high above the dance floor, in front of a black door. The paint was peeling away. A red neon reading HELLO adorned it, but the O had gone out and HELL alone remained.
Fitting,  you thought.  I'm following a stranger into an unknown place. A man who is darkness, yet somehow I am not afraid. 
You were hardly the naive, virginal Persephone. But hey, even myths need to get on with the times.
"That was seriously cool what you just did," you said, turning to your companion, walking right behind you. " Stab! Right between the metacarpals!"
"He'll stay put until the law arrives." He didn't seem to be impressed by your high praise.
"You've sharpened it, didn't you”, he added. "The hair thingie."
You shook your newly freed hair and shot him one incredulous look.
"I'm a woman who's endeavoured a solo night on the town in a tiny dress. What do you think? Of course I've sharpened it."
Ghost nodded slowly.
"A woman after my own heart..."
"Aw, thanks!" you sent him your best seductive smile and invited yourself into his personal space, your back almost leaning on his warm chest and head tilted upwards.
He only pulled you closer.
"Can we go back to having fun now?" You asked. "I'm fucking tired of being hunted for sport."
His long forearm settled across your chest, hand drawing small circles on your opposite shoulder.
"Yeah", he said softly. "We can."
He had to loosen his embrace to insert the key into the lock. The door swung open, creaking ghastly. Your nose filled with the scent of wood and rooms long un-aired. It looked like a typical attic with slanted wooden walls and a small window just below the ceiling. When Ghost turned on the light - which was faint red - you saw low tables and soft futons scattered across the floor.
Music from the dancefloor reached in here too, although it wasn't as loud.
Truth be told, you wouldn't care if they stored onions in there. 
Your attention was fully on the man.
His mask went up again. He slammed the door behind you with a kick, hand already cupping your chin. Then he leaned down. The rough cotton of his mask rubbed at your cheek, followed by the silky flutter of his eyelashes.
You opened to him without hesitation, but this time the kiss was slower, more deliberate. His lips traced over yours, tasting you, discovering this fairly new sensation, nipping and sucking at your mouth with delighted curiosity. He's clearly had a lot of practice.
You tried to fall into this fickle rhythm, but impatience got the best of you. You bit at his lower lip.
A low noise reverberated in his throat – not quite a chuckle, almost a grunt. He turned you to face him, embracing you tighter than before and gave you his tongue. You nipped at the sensitive tip and that's when he lost it. Suddenly your mouth was full of him, claiming you voraciously, setting your blood on fire once again, and you heard your own breathless moan. Somehow your fingers traveled under the back of his mask and ran through cropped hair at his nape. It was butter-soft. He groaned with pleasure under your touch and that sound pierced right through you, making your insides soft and wanting. 
"Oh my god", you panted right into Ghost's mouth, holding at his nape. "Can we just screw already -"
"That's the plan." Could that rough voice of his get any deeper? Smile tapered the edges though, like a glimpse of gold in gravel. 
You weaved your wanting fingers into the longer part of his fade, sliding the mask further up.
He stilled your wrists. 
"Hey. Hey", he whispered cautiously into the bridge of your nose. "Don't even think about it."
"So...the mask stays on?... Like, all the way?" You inquired breathlessly between nipping at his mouth.
You looked this peculiar man in the eyes, now gleaming with fun, but dark and puzzling nonetheless. What was he hiding? Scars? Being a plain ol' butterface? Facial deformity of some kind?
You examined this thought thoroughly and found out that you don't care.
"All right", you said. "But tell me one thing. Are you Deadpool?"
He snorted softly. "I'm just Ghost."
"Kiss me."
And kiss you he did.
Holy fuck, he was so good at this. Even when he let himself loose, abandoning all fuckboy moves in favour of feral lust. 
And maybe especially then.
Your tongues entwined in a blind dance, devoid of any rhythm. It was as un-romantic as humanly possible and you liked it that way. That frenzied, rushed approach of his told you that the man was truly starving, losing himself already in this newly acquired flavour, in your feminine warmth. His desperation set your blood ablaze. 
Because you were hungry too.
Ghost finally broke contact, but before leaning away he glided his tongue over your half-opened mouth. It was as if he just couldn't part with the taste.
"Hold on...fuck, you're something else." He sighed and put both of your hands around his wide neck.
"Hold tight, love", he cautioned as if you two were boarding a ride. 
When you did as told, he grabbed at your ass.
You yelped when his hands pressed into the soft flesh under the thin velvet of your dress. He effortlessly pulled you off the ground and lifted you up. 
"Wrap your legs around me", he asked.
You were not a dainty lady. When other guys attempted such stunts, you usually started to fear for their backs. But not for Ghost. This guy was born for heavy-duty activities. You recently watched him sweep the floor with a grown man.
He could take you. You suspected that he'd carry you out of a battlefield as well.
You pressed both thighs to his wide waist, crossing your booted legs over the small of his impressive back. You felt his firm core underneath you, covered with a healthy layer of soft flesh. That width of his didn't come just from muscles, and the discovery excited you. You liked your men strong, but not starving.
"That's right..." Ghost slid his large hands under your thighs, tearing another yelp out of you, followed by a stifled moan as he pressed your ass against the nearest wall. 
"What are you doing?" you breathed, holding on for dear life.
"Keepin' a promise." That low gritty voice reverberated in your bones.
Right, he had said this earlier.  I could pin you to a wall if you ask nicely.
The next moment all thoughts - the very ability to think - drifted away from you, for he glided his tongue across that space behind your ear. You moaned, your head falling back as if electricity had just pierced you. He chuckled into your collarbone and was already going lower, kissing, licking and sucking the sensitive skin of your throat. His tongue felt like a flame.
"Jesus Christ...", you breathed. "You're gonna fuck me like this?"
"If that's what you want".
"I dunno. It's kinda – aah! - uncomfortable..."
You tried really hard to rein your thoughts, but they fell apart while this impossible man held you against a wall.
It felt like being sandwiched between cold wood and a living furnace.
As if trying to make the thought process even harder, Ghost dug his fingers deeper into your buttcheeks, bunching up the fabric. It slid up your thighs, eliciting a high-pitched squeal from you.
"This fuckin' skirt is in the way", he murmured. After some more finagling, he got away with the velvet and stroked at the sheer pantyhose underneath. His long fingers nudged the lacy elastic, keeping your stay-ups in place.
"Stockings?" He asked, as if unable to believe his luck.
"Yep", you grinned at him.
" Fuckin' hell."
That came out low and guttural. You felt a sharp tingle within as if someone tugged at a string attached to your core.
That narrow strip of lace awakened something in him. He stepped away from the wall and threw you onto the nearest futon. You landed on your back with legs splayed out, but you didn't have time to collect yourself because he was already on top of you, pressing you to the ground with that huge torso, obscuring the dim light, filling up your whole world. He put his arms over your head and pressed them against the soft surface.
Then he leaned over you and dragged his mouth across your cleavage, biting on the skin on your throat, eliciting another moan, and then he let go. You moaned again, protesting this abandonment.
"I know, love", he murmured into your mouth. "But we need to get rid of your knickers."
A breathless, joyful noise tore out of you when he was pulling up your dress.
Ghost's hands pressed firmly into your buttcheeks, sliding the soft cotton down. Yeah, it was your everyday cotton. You preferred stockings over tights simply because they didn't gradually slide off you, creating that abysmal webbing situation in the crotch. You didn't leave the house tonight expecting to get lucky.
He threw your underwear away and held at your hips with more force.
"Listen, are you gonna...", you asked and got quiet mid-sentence. He was already putting your thighs on his shoulders.
His hot tongue glided along your fun parts, making you almost choke on air. He licked you up and down, parting your folds with the tip of his long tongue, tasting you, exploring you, driven by the shameless joy befitting a kid in a toy store. His hungry lips have found your swollen clit and sucked on it as if it was candy. When you answered with a prolonged, ragged moan, his mouth curled up against your pussy. He was smiling.
"You know what I dreamed of at night, sitting out there in some shitty safehouse in the desert?" he asked all of a sudden. 
You had no idea what was that about, but you didn't have the bandwidth to process it either, for he sucked at you again. Your synapses flared up with pleasure.
„Of what?...” you panted with your head thrown back, all tense and wanting.
He looked up, his stare mischievous.
"Of a girl in black stockings, but with no panties on".
"Hey...you got your wish."
Ghost tilted his head and pressed his face against your pussy. The tip of his long nose parted your pubic hair. He stilled, taking in your scent like a yearning animal.
"Fuuuck, love. Need to taste you."
He licked at you again, across the slit and slid his searing tongue inside of you. Your whole body yanked up, suddenly electric. He was exploring you shamelessly until he found that special point within your wet inside. He pressed his tongue to it, forcing a loud, ragged sob out of you. And then he pulled out.
Cool air licked at your moist, swollen, exposed pussy. The unfulfilled desire in your veins surged with fire. You felt like screaming in protest. Instead, all that came out of your mouth was an uneven, helpless, rather embarrassing moan.
He slowly licked his lips, savouring your taste.
"Need me inside you that bad, huh?" He asked, his voice thick and heady. He slurred over his consonants even more than usual.
"Yes!.." you cried out in frustration. "Will you spare the ceremonies and fuck me already?"
Ghost tilted his head and lowered you onto the futon. You could see a thought forming beneath the black cotton, under that surprisingly soft hair of his.
"You don't like being eaten out?"
"Nah, not really. It's usually boring..." you admitted. "Nothing ever comes out of it. It feels like a waste of time." 
Ghost leaned over you, his massive body obscuring all the view. His masculine scent tinted with sweat filled your nostrils, your mouth - and now probably your nether regions as well. You were keen with desire, wanting more of this. More of him.
"One day I'll show you how it feels when it's done right", he murmured.
"Mhm". You cared little about empty promises. 
You cradled his head, pulled his face close and kissed him deeply, relishing his heat and his musky taste, now mixed with yours. Your tongues intertwined again in this dance without fixed steps. For a while all that you heard were the sounds of kissing and your rushed breath. 
Your hips raised on their own, moving up to press against his. 
Ghost grunted in appreciation and ground onto you. You felt his tantalising hardness poking through the fabric. He rubbed onto your exposed sex and you lost yourself in the sensation. Dissolved into this big man tending to you as if you belonged to him. As if he was never about to let you go.
He sold this illusion so well.
"You got a condom?" you whispered into his mouth.
„Always. ”
He sat up, reached into the pocket of his jeans and produced a shiny metallic rectangular.
"Allow me", you offered, sitting up as well. He kneeled right in front of you, those powerful tights splayed. You sidled closer and met his gaze while opening his fly. Thankfully the zipper didn't put up a fight. He let you do it. Watched with his lips curled up when you palmed his hot bulge, clothed in plain black cotton.
"Holy fuck", you breathed, pulling his cock out of its confinement. It sprung out half hard, not as ginormous as you were imagining, but decidedly girthy. You sighed in appreciation, sliding your fingers up and down its pale, hefty shaft. It was enchantingly warm and as smooth as fine suede.
You got reminded how much you love dicks. Beautiful, supple creatures.
"It's so shapely. May I...?" You raised your eyes at Ghost again.
He nodded and repositioned himself on the futon to be more comfortable. Those legs of his seemed to just never end when he sat with them splayed. A smile glinted in his eyes.
You curled your fingers around his root, placing your other hand on his thigh. Then you leaned down, giddy from want. His pink tip felt smooth like porcelain – if porcelain could be alive and searing hot, that is. You noticed a shiny bead of precum and licked it away.
Ghost sighed when you wrapped your lips around him.
He tasted like all men tasted, but also uniquely like himself. You detected a day's worth of sweat, a note of fresh laundry, the faintest whiff of that woodsy-citrusy cologne of his - and salt, for he was already leaking into your mouth. 
Greedy boy.
You didn't try to perform any feats worthy of a porn star. You just sucked, licked and rubbed your tongue at that tender bundle of nerves right under his crown, enthralled with the sensation. He was so smooth and  robust and expanded by the second.
You've always preferred to give head than to be given.
He hardened in your diligent mouth. You could feel his large thigh tensing under your touch, too. You glanced up – he was watching, eyes wide, blinking slowly, those featherlike white lashes of his giving him an ethereal look.
He seemed entranced.
You smiled around his cock and sucked harder, giving it all you've got.
A long, ragged sigh tore out of him.
And that's when you pulled away. A string of saliva bridged his glistening tip and your open mouth, gleaming under the red lights.
He stared at you, dumbfounded.
"Not so fun when it's being done to you?" You gave him a shit-eating grin. " You're lucky that I'm really, really horny. Now give me that rubber."
Ghost snorted, handing you the silver packet. You made short work of it and then used your fingers once again, this time to roll the condom down nice and easy. It slid effortlessly over his stiff manhood.
He swallowed loudly somewhere above you.
"Hands-on approach."
"Yeah." You held at his nape, pulling him closer until you were breathing each other's air.
"Fuck me, Ghost", you asked.
You didn't have to tell him twice.
He leaned over you, forearms pressed into the futon on both sides of your head, positioning his hips just the right way. You watched his eyes, wide, dark and fixated while he pressed his tip to your entrance, already swollen, tender, open and begging. 
He didn't tease you anymore. Just rolled his hips into a slow, measured thrust.
"Oh riiight", you called out, your insides being parted by his hot, rigid, indomitable presence.
He wasn't crazy long, but he was wide. Thick.  Sizeable. It didn't outright hurt because he only went halfway in - but you sure felt stretched. You buckled your hips, trying to make him go deeper. 
"You okay?" he whispered hoarsely, visibly tense from trying to contain himself. "Fuck, love, you're so tight  - "
"Yeah!... Go for it. I can take you", you pleaded, your stare locked onto his.
His eyes were two starless skies when he plunged into you for real. You both cried out when that happened. 
"Oh god!"
„Oh fuck.”
He withdrew almost completely, but before you could raise your voice in protest – thrust all the way back into you, sliding in and out with more and more ease each time. Your insides softened rather quickly, letting him claim as much space as he needed. Letting him fill you with his delicious, delicious dick.
You needed this so badly.
But so did he. For a moment neither of you said a word. Music still played somewhere beyond on the club floor, muted and unimportant, while you two screwed on the dusty futon, creating your own melody. One consisting of ragged moans and rushed breathing, which quickly fell into a rhythm of its own.
The undone zipper of his jeans chafed painfully at your exposed underbelly, but it was a problem for future you. Right now you didn't have a care in the world.
Not when this enormous man took you, groaning through gritted teeth right into your ear. He licked it from time to time and then took it all into his mouth like a mango slice.
You sobbed out loud when he did this.
Ghost let out a breathless, rumbling laugh.
"Enjoyin' the ride?" He asked, sounding way more drunk than before.
"Yes. Go harder..."
Next thing you knew he grabbed at both of your wrists with his one hand and pinned them over your head. 
You cried out in sheer delight.
His eyes glinted. That unwavering stare of his saw right through your kinky soul.
"You like being manhandled, don't ya", he murmured, clearly enticed by his discovery. His other hand reached down, slid under your long-suffering dress and fondled crudely at your breast. His fingers found your nipple and squeezed it without mercy. You moaned again.
"You like to be made...helpless." Dark delight laced his words.
"Yes", you admitted, shameless and staring into the skeleton mask.
Ghost grinned at you like a wolf. "We're gonna have so much fun."
He amped the tempo. You started moaning nonstop while his cock viciously slammed into you, producing obscene wet sounds.
For you were now loose and dripping. He fit snugly into that warm space while your juices trickled out of you. All for him, the burly stranger. You were being fucked with vengeance, that little poach of flub on his stomach meeting yours with a rhythmic slap. He had you pinned down. There was nothing you could do but let him use your body the way he saw fit.
And that's just what he did. He satiated his gnawing hunger with your body, your warm presence, with your mouth, which he would claim one time after another, covering it with sloppy, fervent kisses. Sometimes he didn't even use his lips at all, just pressed the flat of his tongue to yours. It felt so raw, setting your body and your mind ablaze.
"Fuck...you feel so good." His voice right in your ear was a presence of his own, low and gritty and commanding. " Eyes open. Don't you fuckin' look away from me now."
You blinked. His semi-masked face materialised in your field of vision.
Right now you couldn't put a lucid thought together if your life depended on it.
"I love your cock", you confessed dumbly.
His stare got downright manic.
"You like being fucked hard? Like a fuckin' whore?"
Usually, such terms of endearment made you want to kick the idiot in the face, but not this time. Not with this idiot. 
Somewhere inside your soul sizzled a shameful flame of submission. You could be a  whore  for Ghost, and for Ghost only.
"Come on my cock, sweetheart", he ordered, voice low and dripping with authority. Maybe he heard your thoughts. "Come for me."
He reached between you two, pressed his thumb to your clit and started massaging it, going along with the punishing rhythm of his thrusts. You splayed your pantyhosed legs shamelessly wide, crying out from overwhelming pleasure.
"That's right", he rasped into your neck. "Come for me, ya slag."
"Yes", you wailed. "Yes, oh god – Ghost, don't stop – don't stop – don't stop -"
The sounds that came out of you after that weren't words. You dug your nails into the expanse of his firm back. 
Ghost didn't seem to mind one bit.
"Fuck yeah", he growled. "Dig harder. Fuckin' hell!"
A wave of hot, sticky sweetness was rising fast, drowning your wits, washing away all your senses except for touch. Except for this sensation of being taken, being possessed without mercy. You were full of cock. You were full to the brim like a jug of water, ready to overflow. The wave came crushing over your eyes, so you grabbed at him blindly and cried right into his mouth, cursed, and moaned. 
Or maybe it was a prayer. 
Maybe all of the above. 
He held you through it, anchored you while you felt weightless, pressing your chest flush against his - so hard and wide and still fully clothed.
When you came down from this high, he still held you for a while before letting go and falling flat on his back, long limbs splayed.
"You crazy thing", he muttered in delight, slurring the words.
"Ghost...", you breathed, lying flat like a pancake. That futon must've dented under you. Your throat was sore from all this screaming. " I have a question."
"Right now? T'better not be about maths..." 
You chuckled and turned to the side to look him in the face.
Fuck, those eyes,  you thought.  People shouldn't have eyes this big. Eyelids this heavy. I'm never recovering from this man.
"Can we do this again?"
He smiled at you, half-lidded, relaxed. Then he reached out and traced his fingers over your jawbone. Like back then in the beginning.
"M' not in a hurry tonight. You?"
~~to be continued~~
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thefourthwifeoftengenuzui · 11 months ago
May I please ask for headcanons Aoba Johsai with a manager whose skilled with archery and sharpshooting please
Yes of course! Sorry for the wait I was working on a Rindou piece and my physics exam. It’s like 3Am right now, but I still want to finish this for you boo. Thanks again For requesting Anon, if you like this, don’t forget to like and ask if you have any other ideas. Also, you didn’t specify which you wanted, so this can be interpreted as romantic or platonic. Status: unedited
warnings: crackfic, bad grammar, cursing, violence, oikawa exists, oikawa slander, color coded characters, reader is a whole ass menace, mentions of vaping
🩵🤍Aoba Josai With a Sharpshooter/ Archer Manager🤍🩵
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As a Team (platonic)
Oikawa, Iwazumi, Kunimi, Kiyotani, Kindaichi, Matsukawa, you
My first thought when I looked at this post was simple. How many times and we hit oikawa in the head. Everything else kinda spiraled from there. Just imagine being able to do that shit with pinpoint accuracy, and when he turns around to see who did it, be like the gremlin chick from hotel transilivania and be like ,” I didn’t do that”. And then he proceeds to blame Iwa, and pure unrefined chaos erupts from there. *clears throat and sips matcha* good shit
But on a more serious note, these boys are completely ready to take full advantage of your skills. Remember when oikawa sprained his ankle? Guess who had to replicate his serves instead so they could practice receives. That’s right, you. And your aim is a little too good sometimes (Kindiachi has been hit in the face) but they honestly don’t care, they just looking to get practice in, and maybe a few tips here and there for aiming.
But that’s just during their practice. During your archery or other practice. Oh my god. Imagine having like 12 annoying older brothers. Like both Archery and Sharpshooting are pretty quiet sports. But with these mfs at your practice? Oh dear lord. These gon be the most obnoxiously loud humans to walk the planet (3rd only to Fukurodani and Kurasuno). Imagine with me. It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. You’re trying to concentrate before you’re pulling back your string. You take a deep breath and just as you’re about to let go- “WOOOOOOOO THATS MY LIL SISSSSSS/BROOOO!!!” “SHUT UP SHITTY KAWA!THEY NEED TO FOCAS!” “HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IWA!?” “YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH AN DUMBASS!” “IF YALL DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP ILL SHUT YOU UP MYSELF” yeah they’re THAT kind of sports parents. They got kicked out last time :)
I just know yall have made oikawa put an apple on his head and see if you can hit his head. Ofc you can, but it’s funnier hitting him with the Velcro arrows and watching him rip his hair out, and ruining it for the day (his fangirls hated you for that lol.)
I just KNOW that the other teams got some crazy ass conspiracies about you. They call you the Seijo Assassin, and that you kill the best players of the opposing team, and they never find the bodies. And tbh it was probably oikawa who started it, to get back at you for getting Velcro stuck in his hair. So while you’re just as hot as kiyoko, everyone is terrified of you, and are only referring to you as L/n-sama (even though you’re only a second year.). I swear to fuck hinata pissed himself when tsukki told the team about you.
also yall know the sharpshooter shaving cream balloon prank thingy? I know damn well the whole team is having a competition for who can do it best. Like it’s literally so funny, especially when someone not on the team gets hit. Like I know oikawa has accidentally hit the coach with one of those. Do with this information what you will.
Individuals: Could be romantic or platonic, either way fits (though both are seriously on crack.)
Somehow or someway, Oikawa will convince you to be his bodyguard. And not even like paying you money. Just like a, “ YoU wOnT wALk yOuR pOor dEfEnSLeSS FRiEnD tO cLAss? WhAt iF my FAnGirlS Kidnap MeEEEEE?!” “yep.” “Do you even Love Meeeeeee!?” “Nope.” “…I’ll pay you~” “pay me what?” “Food~” “DONE!” *throws chair out window* yeah y’all’s relationship is pretty much just blitz and stolas in the loo loo land episode. Like when Stolas was just walking while Blitz is pretending to be Batman, lurking in the shadows and pointing a gun at anything with a pulse? Yeah that’s you two walking around the school, except with a nerf gun instead.
oh and you know the team jackets? He bought you yours. But not just any jacket oh no. Yours is special. He payed extra to have it say, “The Seijo Assasin; Oikawa’s bobyguard.” He also might have gotten it in 4xl because he doesn’t know your size, but still wants it to be way to big on you so he can make fun of you. He’s an ass.
Iwazumi is much nicer on the other hand. He (regardless of if it’s platonic or romantic,) is all about helping you carry your stuff. He doesn’t even ask either, he just kinda picks it up and does it. He says it isn’t a big deal, and that you’re carrying enough with your archery equipment anyway, and that he needs the weight training anyway. Def the kinda guy to use your backpack as a dumbbell and use it to lift while y’all in the hall.
I know y'all have a running competition on who can hit oikawa in the head the most. Body shots are one point, head shots are worth 2, and the groin is worth 3, especially if he’s being creepy to someone. The score is currently 34-31, slightly in your favor. Whoever hits him the least by the end of the month has to buy the winner ramen. Oikawa doesn’t approve of this game, and ends up attempting to bump everything back your way. But on the bright side, it’s a good way to scare off his fangirls :).
Kunimi just kinda vibes with you. Like he doesn’t really acknowledge much of what you do, just kinda goes like, “ oh so that’s why you were so good at that. I just thought you hated oikawa. Anyway can I have your Chez-its?” Yeah my boy don’t care enough, but he cute so yeah.
also I just know this mf, plays Fortnite and vapes blue raspberry burst. Do with that what you will. ( to be clear, I wouldn’t ever vape, i just know he does, and honestly had to look up what flavors there are.
The honesty biggest thing you do that impresses him is the whole good aim card slicey thingy. Idk man, he just seems like he would be good at that, and would try to fight you on it.
Despite everything, Kyotani is actually relatively nice to you? Or at least as nice as he can be. His version of nice is avoiding you like the plague, cause he’s scared you’ll be scared of him. He actually really likes you and wants an excuse to talk to you. So what does he do? Asks you to help him aim while spiking, so that he can use his strength more efficiently. He actually is pretty patient with your teaching, and genuinely respects you enough to take your advice. ( tell him to shower pls, I can smell him through the screen, luv him though)
He also uses a whole bottle of axe body spray every time he walks out of the house . Be careful not to get too close to him. Please find someone strong, or stupid enough to bully him out of it, for the sake of the teams lungs🙏
Kindaichi is probably the only person on the team who still calls you Y/n- senpai. He’s way too precious. That being said, he still did give you a twenty if you hit kageyama with a vollyball during warmups. He may be nice, but he mad petty. And $20 is $20 man
Matsukawa is definitely a COD type of guy. He knows a lot about guns. Bond over that (then give me his number pls)
Thanks for reading, sorry the last part was rushed, I am just not feeling it rn. If y’all liked this make sure to follow, Like, and request something of your own. I literally have nothing else to do. Love y’all sm, peace
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soupbowl18 · 5 months ago
Ordinary Hangout Sesh with Sero Hanta 
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˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Stoner!Sero X Stoner!Reader
A/N: MY OWN HC. I DON’T CARE, I DON’T CARE. THIS IS FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCES. I DON’T CONDONE DRUGS AT ALLLL. PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE AND DO RESEARCH. Basically things I found attractive when I hanged out with people during certain seshes.
COMMENT YOUR FAV SESH MEMORY ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Warnings: Smoking, Marijuana, flirting :/, 21+, bad language, MDNI.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Hanta & Weed:
✪ I like to think that he only smokes on weekends with no plans
✪ I know for sure he doesn’t use before training nor class. He trying to become a hero so he needs to concentrate.
✪ I like to imagine he doesn’t smoke after training nor classes either because he needs to study or hangout with his classmates.
✪ The only time he does smoke is on the weekends when everyone is busy and he has the day to himself
✪ I also like to think hanging with the Baku-squad can be overwhelming, with Katsuki yelling first of all (he doesn’t smoke because he thinks smoking will effect him from being the number one hero), no one likes negative energy, Denki probably freaking out because the edible was a lot for him, trying not to be a handful for Eijiro either (also doesn’t smoke because it might effect him as a hero), and Mina just giggles her ass off. “Guys, ummmm, can yall shut the fuck up, yall are fucking up my high”
✪ They’ve never seen him this upset.
✪ So he rather hang out by himself, vibe on his own. Where no one is bothering him or freaking him out. Just lays on his bed and listens to music.
✪ ONE DAYYY, Hanta found you a bit far off trail on UA grounds, smoking a joint. “No way!? You smoke too!?”
✪ Scared the fuck out of you of course, wanted to join and brought his own joint. “So what’s your vibe? (・・?) (asking because of his friends) What strain you smoking? Can I hit it real quick? Do you want some of mine?
✪ Was happy to know that you’re chill(^∇^)
✪ Hung out a bit and y’all went to Hanta’s room and sat in total silence.
✪ Solo hangouts turned into silent company.
════ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*:☆゚. ════
Before Sesh:
✪ When he ask you to hang out, he texts you around sunset. (Because he does chores to get it out of his way) “Yooo wyd? Just finished cleaning my room if you wanna come over? Can I hit your vape tho? (If you own one)
✪ He likes you so much that he rolls joints for you. Afraid of you finding out, he only does it sometimes. “I had extra weed and so I rolled an extra one for you or whatever” ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
✪ He’ll sometimes come over to your dorm and take out this materials
‧₊˚✧ Materials he for sure owns ✧˚₊‧
A grinder
Definitely a hand me down tray(−_−;)
Wrappers but for you pattered (SAFE; NON TOXIC) wrappers like Hello Kitty type shit
A also hand me down bowl, he cleaned it good as new
A lighter that barely works (~_~;)
════ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*:☆゚. ════
During Sesh:
✪ Y’all definitely have a playlist (that y’all made sober and he definitely did not add tracks that drops hints that he likes you) “I think you would like Thinking Bout You by Frank Ocean”
✪ Y’all go on “walks” because you don’t wanna stink up each others room.
✪ He actually sparks up the joint for you while you have it in between your lips (because you let him and you want him too) “Wait I got you, pretty” (HELLO!?)
✪ He’s a light weight because man is SKINNYYY, so by himself, he smokes half of the joint. (Up to you if you wanna decide to imagine you finished the joint or smoked half the joint together because you’re also a lightweight BUT EVERYONE WORKS DIFFERENTLY)
✪ (YALL KNOW WHEN YALL DONE SMOKING AND THEN LATER YOU FEEL THE RUSH OF HIGH) That happened to Sero, (idk if it happens to you, you can join ig lol) he had to stop walking for a moment to let the rush go through. “Woah, hold on, it’s hitting me at this moment”
════ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*:☆゚. ════
After Sesh:
✪ Y’all know you guys are BIG on snacks so you guys head to the convenience store and get snacks and the munchies start to hit almost before you got to the dorms. Ya’ll held hands because y’all kinda stumble the whole way.
✪ Ya’ll like make a weird but somehow delicious parings when munchies hit. “Okay okay okay, PB sandwich, but add banana and Twix” (GUYS I RECOMMEND PLZZZZ, MADE THAT AND THAT SHIT WAS INSANELY GOOD)
✪ After the muchie fiasco, to whoever’s room ya’ll go, Hanta will be cuddly, but he wouldn’t say anything because he has no thought behind those eyes.
✪ This man would send you TikToks and/or IG reels even tho he’s next to you. Because man went non-verbal
✪ When you check verbally, Hanta will make a yes or no sound. When Hanta checks in, he’ll squeeze your hand, and you’ll squeeze back.
✪ As he’s coming down from being high, he’ll say a couple things here and there.
✪ Definitely says I love you here and there but he barely remembers saying it though. He just thinks out loud and for sure says a lot of things when he’s looking at you. “Pretty” *looks at your lips* “I love you” *checks you out every 5 minutes* “mmm” “so pretty”
✪ And of course, He falls asleep. On your bed or his, he’ll fall asleep while cuddling because he in love with you thinks you’re so comfy. So you’re stuck in place, until you have to pee.
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satosugusandwich · 1 year ago
𝔏𝔢𝔱 𝔐𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔢 𝔜𝔬𝔲’𝔯𝔢 𝔐𝔢𝔞𝔫…
True Form!Sukuna x Fem!Afab!Reader (This is an AU!!! Sukuna is not a homicidal maniac cannibalistic murderer! I think he’s sexy and my morals say no dick from crazy murderer BUT dick from crazy 😍)
CW: violence in this chapter, threats, bloodiness, implied sexual violence and objectification
Description: You've been friends with Yuji Itadori for some time now and have seen the best, the worst, and the strange in all your years of knowing him. You've never thought he was one to have any crazy secrets and well... you were wrong. And now the demon bound to Yuji is bound to you too! How fun! Good thing that you aren't stupid and won't fall for a being that by no means should you have ever interacted with! Right? Right...?
*despite this being an aged up version of yuji, there will be no sexual stuff involving him, also the violence is only in the first chapter with a few mentions after that!!! Cross posted on Ao3 under Spicycrunchroll! THERE WILL BE LOTS OF SMUT LATER ON!*
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Chapter 1: Never Again.
Poor you, stuck with a gay best friend and his gay boyfriend and exclusively terrible, gross men. The struggle of getting a good man was hard enough, let alone getting some good dick. Even gay men will tell you how bad some dudes are. Its one thing to finish in 2 minutes and cry after, at least there's sympathy, but a whole other thing to just be kicked out of the guy's house immediately and left wearing d r y panties with cum on your shorts. Yeah, never hooking up again, you tell yourself each time. Now, you found yourself wiping the oil off your face with a clammy hand while dialing Yuji's number, having just been booted out this guys house in the middle of the night. It rang only about twice before he picked up.
"Please don't tell me something bad happened." He said on the other line.
You sighed, walking to the end of your date's driveway and sitting on the ground. "Worse than usual. Can you pick me up? I'll send you the address." Your head hung low and your eyes felt heavy, wanting to cry but not having the energy to do so. At this point, you're never fucking anyone again. Let alone agreeing to suck them off before you get off. "I should've known that all his talk were lies."
You could hear him breathe in. "Yeah, I'm coming. Wanna stay over?" He asked jubilantly, as if to raise your spirits.
You smiled softly. "Could you stay at my place instead?"
"Hell yeah!"
You said your goodbyes and opened your phone, aimlessly scrolling on social media while looking for something to distract you from the disappointment of being used up and left to the corner, dehumanized again by a shitty man with a big ego. God, it made you sick. It wouldn't take long for Yuji to get to you, but it wasn't fun waiting either. Each minute ticked on by as if an hour had passed and all you wanted to do was throw away your shorts and shower off the stench of vape juice and alcohol. You didn't want to get in his car and start sobbing about how you wished you never did what you did, not because Yuji wouldn't listen, but because of your own embarrassment. Itadori has always been kind and much more level-headed (at least with this, he's usually just as stupid as you) so its extra embarrassing to have to tell him you sucked off a guy who didn't even get you wet. At least he was clean, you tell yourself, deleting Tinder from your phone for the last time. Never again will you take subpar dick from grown men who act like children! No, from now on, your body only allows worthy men, men that would worship you like you'd worship them!
After sulking for another five minutes, the engine of a car in the distance rumbled in your ear. Straightening your back, your head turned in the direction of where it’s approaching. It’s approaching way too fast for a regular suburban neighborhood. Rising to your feet to take a step back, it already turned down the street you happened to be on and you could hear sirens go off in your head, especially as you noticed that none of their lights were on and they definitely didn’t have tags. The van sped past you but they started to slow down before they reached the end of the street. You felt your heart rate surge when you realized they came to a complete stop. At that moment you realized that they were turning around.
Quickly, your legs brought you to the house you had just left and you banged on the door for a few seconds and screamed.
“Hey! Let me back in!!! It’s not safe!” The roar of the car started again and your intuition told you to run so that’s what you did.
Fuck, who knows who these mother fuckers are! Your mind is racing thinking about what they could potentially do if they caught you. Did they know you were here? Did they just happen to see you? Or… did the motherfucker inside of that house tell them you were here? Oh fuck… that’s why he kicked you out.
Tears started falling from your eyes as you ran through these people’s yards, you could see lights coming on in some houses, but it was no use because the car behind you stopped and three men came out the side door. You prayed that your human survival instincts would kick in and catapult you to go faster than you were, but they were bigger than you and right on your tail. Your legs ached and burned, practically sprinting and trying not to trip in the road. You didn’t dare look behind you, scared to slow yourself down, and scared of them. You kept on running and running until you reached the end of the road and saw headlights.
“Yuji!” You screamed, recognizing the shape and color of his car. With you out in the road, he stopped abruptly and you could see his body jerk with the impact. The men behind you cursed themselves but you felt hands on you faster than Yuji could process what was going on.
“Get her now! He’s coming behind us we’ll throw her in!” The man lifted you and you screamed again, but a hand swiftly covered your mouth. Yuji was out of the car and lunged at the guy holding you captive but was quickly stopped and apprehended by the other two.
“The kid has some fucking balls!” The biggest of the guys holding Yuji shouted, earning a strong blow to the chin. You thrashed against the man’s body as the large van from earlier came up right behind you.
Yuji looked at you as blood dripped from his nose. “Y/n! I got it, I promise!”
You held out hope and believed him even as you were thrown inside the van and the driver pulled away from the scene, leaving the two men with Yuji and you with a man wearing all black pressing you into the floor of the van. Tears spilled from your eyes, angered and terrified at the same time.
“Looks like we got a real good catch!” The driver harrumphed. “Bet she’ll go for a pretty penny.”
Your mind practically stopped when you heard those words. You were going to be sold, like an object, like a slave. The horror of it all made your body go numb and eyes go wide and then you closed them.
“Please.” You begged. “Please let me go.” Your voice was hoarse and you could taste your own tears as your mouth opened.
“No can do. We were told that you’d fetch a high price with your skills. Don’t worry, some girls get a good owner.” His voice was menacing and cold, but he spoke as though he actually fucking believed it. He didn’t even laugh at your pain like a monster would, he was just indifferent, emotionless.
“Please.” You begged again. “I can’t do it, please let me out!” This time your voice raised. “Help!” Your mouth was stuffed with cloth and your face was buried more into the floor as he bound your wrists.
The driver started to chastise the other man. “Why didn’t you gag her right away, the dumb bitch is louder than a dying cat!”
The other man cussed back. “Shut the fuck up, there isn’t nobody coming after us!”
The van stopped so fast you and the man were flung to the front of the car, colliding with the back of the front seats.
“What the fuck!” The man that was holding you down swore. His arms were now off you and the bindings he attempted were loose enough that you released your wrists and went for your gag. “No you don’t!” He reached for your clothes, yanking you back. Before you were held against your will again, the entire van split down the middle, from door to door. The back half of the van was flung off to the side before it became a cut up mess in the middle of the road.
Then you saw him. His hair was the same color as Yuji’s but was much less controlled. You could see what looked like four arms and a giant smiling mouth in the middle of his stomach. Every single person in the van went still and silent, staring at him. The creature looked inside and dead at you, bright red eyes gleaming in the moonlight. All four of them. Even the two on the side of his face that looked almost like a mask. He can’t be real. The tattoos all over his body were arranged in such a pattern that it was beautiful but something that scared you even more.
The creature spoke. “Now.” His gaze shifted from you to the man holding you. “I prefer it when I can get a good fight out of my opponents, but you lot are pathetic.” He looked disappointed. “Normal humans…”
No one spoke and he pouted. “Not a single retort? None of you pathetic excuses of flesh can say a word? You had a lot to say about selling the woman, can’t you entertain me? Or are your brains so simple you can’t think outside of making money off selling one of your own?”
Their own? Did he mean… humans?
The man behind you was shaking. And you could definitely feel his pants getting wet.
The creature before you sucked his teeth. “Boooring.” He narrowed his eyes. “And pathetic.” The vehicle was slashed once again, this time cutting into thirds, leaving you and the man holding you isolated in the middle while the other two thirds, including the driver collapsed around you. You heard squelches of flesh from the front and gasping. “You said she sounded like a dying cat, hm? Since you prefer the quiet so much, I thought I’d help you.” The creature chuckled.
The man holding you finally let you go, and he turned around to see the driver. You didn’t look. You knew what the creature did. Scurrying away, you realized headlights were approaching again and… it was Yuji!
“Ahhh, the brats already here. Well, I can’t kill you lot so how about I leave the piss-soaked one with a lesson.”
You didn’t know if you should thank the monster or run from him. You decided to run toward Yuji’s car.
Another crack resounded in your ears and then a gut-chortling scream resounded from behind you. “There we are. Something nice and fast. I hope they don’t find you until the morning.” You didn’t want to know what he did, you didn’t want to dare to turn around, all you cared about was the car door opening for you and Yuji’s comforting presence.
He looked so relieved to see you. “Y/n. I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. Don’t worry about those guys. I got you now. Sukuna won’t kill them, he can’t, but they’ll never ever do anything like that again to anyone.” Those were the first words to meet your ears. You didn’t say anything, all you did was sob in the seat next to him as he drove off and away from the scene. You didn’t ask anything. You didn’t want to. All that mattered was getting the fuck away from this and home and into a clean bed.
You could care about this later.
“I would’ve killed them if it wasn’t for this contract.” Your heart jumped out of your chest as the monster’s voice resounded in the backseat. “Sorry you don’t get the pleasure of knowing they’re dead.”
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scientia-rex · 1 year ago
If you don't mind, I saw your post about smoking while on hormones recently and I have a couple questions.
Obviously quiting smoking is better for you in general. But are the adverse effects while on hormones the same for testosterone and estrogen?
Secondly, is this mostly about the nicotine in cigarettes (generally what people mean when they say smoking) or is it about smoking anything at all (weed, vapes, nicotine vapes, etc)?
Good questions and unfortunately I have to say that we don’t have enough solid data for great answers on either.
Testosterone raises risk of heart attack or stroke, in part because it causes an increase in red blood cell production. You might be familiar with blood thinners that can be used to prevent heart attack or stroke; blood thickeners do the opposite. However, this data is nowhere near adequate in the transgender population. I cannot tell you much at all about how dose, method of delivery, duration of treatment, or T levels during treatment affect this long-term risk, especially over decades. The best response to this uncertainty is for trans men and transmasc people on T to protect their cardiac health from all other risks as much as possible.
Which then leads to the question of type of smoke. I would love to be able to offer you conclusive answers on that, but the Feds made it virtually impossible to study marijuana until a couple of years ago, so I can’t tell you whether marijuana is as dangerous as tobacco or not, or whether mode of intake matters. I can tell you that tobacco is bad but that people consistently underestimate the risks of nicotine by itself. Nicotine is the insecticide component of tobacco. It will cause your small blood vessels to contract, decreasing blood flow to critical areas of the body and heart. Nicotine impedes healing—smokers are notoriously bad at healing after surgery to the point where I know multiple surgeons who will literally do a blood test for nicotine metabolites before doing higher risk surgeries. They don’t trust patients to tell them whether they smoked, and they have reason to distrust. You want top or bottom surgery? Quit smoking. Now.
I had an attending once describing to me watching what happened to a woman who had fingers reattached. He warned her that if she ever smoked again, she would lose the fingers. She didn’t believe him and thought just smoking a little would be fine. The fingers necrosed—died—immediately, because those small blood vessels are critical to healing a process like a reattachment or transplant. So then she had open wounds with gangrenous fingers attached to them. Great.
We don’t have long-term health outcomes data on vapes yet but for my money they’re going to turn out to be really bad for you as well. Nicotine is a poison. Your lungs don’t love poison delivery by any mechanism. The combustion products of tobacco are also REALLY FUCKING BAD for creating cancerous mutations in your cells, but don’t inhale poison if you want to live a rewarding life where you get to enjoy doing things you want to do, like fucking. (Erections also depend on blood flow and healthy blood vessels. Treat yours with kindness.)
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drdemonprince · 9 months ago
Heyyo - autist here who’s still figuring out my physical and emotional needs. I use weed every day, and part of me has shame around this (as I am a “professional” and supposedly it’s “bad for you”, and it costs money) and the other part of me says “fuck it, there’s no moral value in not using drugs and you should do what you need to”. I guess I’m wondering what perspectives you can offer on this. I’m ruminating on it a bit lately and need some outside people to share their thoughts to get me out of that cycle. Thnx
I find that I am a lot more in tune with my bodily sensations and emotions when I am high, and that I find it easier to enjoy things and to chat amiably with random people when I'm high too. It makes life easier and more pleasant to such an extent that I wonder if I ought to smoke weed daily to medicate all my Problems and Difficulties and general irritation at of most aspects of existence. But then I don't. Because I get freaked out by the brain foggy weed hangover that drifts into the next day, and I assume that it will be bad for my writing to be high, and perhaps most of all, because I am terrified of building up a really high weed tolerance and then needing to use a ton to feel anything, or to even return to a baseline.
A couple years back I tried out vaping almost nightly for a few months, and it definitely reached a point where simply *not* being high felt like being anxious, it seemed, so I decided pretty quickly to reduce my weed intake. I don't like NEEDING any substance to function or to just feel okay. so for now I keep it to the weekends. I often think of using weed more often than that, and kind of want to, but i don't.
The research on chronic long-term weed use is quite encouraging! There are no cognitive or motivational downsides to using weed every day, or even multiple times per day. Conversely, there are many emotional and psychological benefits. @testdevice and I discussed the latest scientific research on the subject at length here:
There's really only one rub to the study's findings: people who use weed multiple times per day have a baseline lower mood than people who use weed frequently, but not quite that often. NOW THIS IS NOT A CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP. Chronic heavy weed use is not CAUSING people to be more depressed -- it simply seems to be the case that people who are chronically depressed are reaching more frequently for weed to cope with it.
The study shows weed use does raise mood including for members of that group, so there really is no serious drawback to using marijuana here!
But It does align with a finding that I've made in my personal life: the moments when I want to use weed the most frequently are when something in my life is completely out of wack. When I'm super overworked and stressed out, the temptation is to use weed as a way to down-regulate my anxiety, but what actually works far better for me is taking actual steps to reduce stress in my life. I COULD use weed for depression or for failing to find life activities enjoyable, and it works, but it's also worth asking myself which aspects of my life need to change so that I can feel less depressed and get through the day feeling okay. negative emotions are a signal that something in life is going wrong and needs to be fixed, and I do not want to ignore that alarm system.
Those are just some things to think about. Personally, I think that if you have some ability to make choices in your life that can improve your general circumstances, it's better to do that than to use weed to make a life that sucks a little more tolerable. But if daily weed use is helping make your life better or less hard, the weed itself is not the problem!
Lots of people determine that daily weed use has considerable benefits for them with relatively few costs. For me, using a couple times per week is what hits that sweet spot. but ymmv.
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weixuldo · 2 years ago
Linecook Anakin HCs
pleaseeee i cannot get this idea out of my mind (maybe i’m just tryna romanticize my job lol) also lemme just say this list is hella unorganized ( just like my brain lol)
warnings: cursing, ani is a typical horny young adult, smoking; weed
Muscular arms, veins!!
Beautiful blue eyes look up at the screen to see the next meal prep (you imagine those same eyes looking up at you like that if you ever get him on his knees)
He always finds something to compliment you on (even though there’s not much room for expression due to the standard comply uniform)
He’s almost always working cause he wants money and honestly doesn’t mind the atmosphere of the kitchen. 
Plus weed isn't cheap and he likes to smoke :)
On breaks you’ll often see him out back smoking a cig or a vape (depending on his mood).
“You know that stuff is bad for you right?” 
“Yea, i dont really give a shit tho”
You roll your eyes, “well don’t tell me I didn’t warn you when you’re carrying around an oxygen tank in thirty years”
He sent a play sad face your way and exclaimed “That’s so sweet, you’re looking out for my health”
“You’re so full of shit Skywalker” you say as you go back inside.
Though, after that encounter you notice he started to chew a lot more gum and smoke a lot less
He flirts with other waitresses too, but you are definitely his favorite
Reaches stuff on the top shelf when you can't. 
“Need some help princess?”
Winks at you from behind the window
Before you got to know him, you were a little afraid of him
He’s honestly so good at his job that it’s scary- he rarely messes up an order and if it's messed up it’s usually ‘cause someone rang it in wrong.
He’d be messing around one minute then barking orders at people when it got busy- he was always so focused on whatever he was doing whether it be cooking the meat, tossing salads, making desserts, etc
You used to see him roll his eyes or talk shit to other waitresses when they didnt do something right. 
“There’s a button for that ya know-”
“You didn’t tell me no onions”
“Ring it in if he wants it that way- I got too many orders to keep up with the shit you’re tellin’ me”
But he seems to be nicer to you…
“Hey Ani- could I get no tomatoes on this please”
“Sure thing, sweetheart”
“There’s my favorite girl” he says when you walk into the back. 
Some servers get jealous of his blatant favoritism (he takes longer on their orders when they’re nasty to you)
The other cooks get along with him fine
You can often find them goofing around in the back
But they think he’s waaaaay too handsome for his own good.
“Why you workin’ here when you could be on the cover of a magazine?”
“He’s here cause Skywalker’s got terrible manners and no game” another cook laughed.
“the fuck I dont” Anakin responded as the rest of the cooks all laughed along. 
His coworkers like to tease him when they see how flirty he gets when you come around. 
Nicknames include: “Pretty boy”, “player”, “heartthrob”
The heat of the appliances mixed with the rush of the night end up giving him a sheen of sweat and a warm blush to his pretty face. 
Ngl, this man would get greasy by the end of the night…
Dried food, condiments,and oils staining his black shirt
By the end of the shift he would have a lingering smell of char from the grill as well as a combined smell of all the food in the kitchen and his own musk from his sweat.
But the blend of labored scents mixed with his cheap cologne and deodorant made for an oddly enticing aroma.
You would joke with him during closing about how bad he smelled, though deep down you knew you liked it. 
“Yea, well we can’t all be in the front smelling like daisies and sunshine” he joked. 
He thought you smelled nice? You had worked a full day too- there was no way.
You insisted you didn’t smell much better than him but he shook his head, “nah princess, I could breathe you in all day”
That may have been a little creepy coming from anyone else, but it was anakin… the hottest guy in the restaurant, the talented cook, the guy you had a huge crush on. 
He’ll saunter into the back while you’re rolling your silverware and chat with you
“Ugh, I’m so ready to ge the fuck outta here” he sighs.
“Tell me about it, today has been so long” 
“Have you atleast made decent money?” 
He laughs
“What’s so funny?”
“I don’t know why I even asked if you made good money- I should know the answer to that when talking to a girl with such a pretty face,” he says, before slipping back into the kitchen, leaving you with a heavy blush. 
He loves when you’re on ice for side work because the ice machine is right by him in the kitchen 
He likes to watch your ass as you bend down to shovel the ice- if he’s lucky he catches a glimpse of your lacy panties as they ride up your hips. 
When it’s not busy he carries the bucket for you and revels in all of your adorable “thank you’s”
His least favorite side work for you is when you are assigned to the front house because that means you’ll be spending most of the night in the dining area rather than in the back with him. 
Asks what you’re doing on your day off. 
“Probably gonna get high with some friends”
His eyes widened, “you smoke?!”
“Weren’t you the one who told me i’d be toting around an oxygen tank?” he quipped and you rolled your eyes. 
“Chill out pretty boy, I mainly just do eddies”
“And you never told me this?!” he grabbed at his heart with a dramatic expression. 
With the new info he spends the next few days working up the nerve to ask you to smoke with him sometime. 
Lucky for him, you’re closing on Saturday and so is he. 
After you check out all of the other servers and do your side work, you head to your car but Anakin calls your name before you leave the kitchen. 
He invites you to hot box in his car before you go and to his surprise you agree (you had a rough night, so why not? plus he is your crush after all)
You get into his car and unbutton your top a bit, it was hot in the restaurant today. 
He turns on the AC and steals a glance at the lacy bra you have on. 
After passing around a blunt the two of you are getting up there; maybe it’s the delirium or maybe it’s the weed, but he is looking finer than ever
you can’t help but hold the blunt between your fingers as you lean across the center console and press your lips against his
he sucks in a breath in surprise before he returns the action.
soon you’re on his lap, grinding on his growing bulge as he runs his strong hands through your hair and all along your body
tbh, you don’t even care that you have open shift tomorrow- this is worth being sleepy
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bainofjustice · 11 months ago
Kitty's Notes On Episode 2 Of The Payday Web Series
It is really funny to me that they made a “previously on” part for a web show and to recap a episode that clocks in at 6 minutes 
It's funny that Dallas & Houston have time for a very small argument. Also helps set up the insane amount of tension the web show portrays them having
The editing/camrea is so choppy like this isn't a review but omg I had to write that down
Okay it looks like Wolf keeps zip ties on his belt, makes sense both for the game stuff of tying up civis and also is probably helpful for his mechines
Chains and Houston demask INSIDE A FUCKING VAULT post running out of ammo and while they do tell the civis present to not look this is just such a bad idea especially because the vault is basically surrounded by cops 
But also the bromance between Houston & Chains is real, like they're in a bad situation and they plan it out
Also it seems like Dallas and Wolf are the main movers of goods within this heist, I'm not sure they're the best picks but with the limits the gang had at the time I suppose they aren't the worst, it just feels like in general the plan doesn't cater to the real talents of the gang. Which tbh is probably because the web show is meant to be a ad, so they wanted more action which required mostly gun fights and they didn't do fight scenes in a intelligental way 
Also I just realized for some reason Chains is using a damn hand gun meanwhile it's Houston with a assault rifle, which really doesn't seem catered to their skills
I just remembered a little later after writing the above that Chains mentioned being out of ammo for his own assault rifle so not as bad as I thought, still wonder why they didn't switch at any point, like it worked out but yeah
One thing I do like about the action scenes is that the gang uses more than juet guns and use melee attacks as well
Houston is able to flat out flip a guy over and steal his gun, I feel pretty confident in saying Houston has probably taken some hand to hand combat lessons.
Also it appears that both Dallas and Wolf are using assault rifles which makes sense given their roles in the heist.
In better lighting it seems Wolf actually has a shotgun which is even better for him actually 
We see the escape driver when Dallas and Wolf are ambushed at the escape van, he appears to be at most middle age, white, brown hair, slightly fatter build and wears a black hoodie with a band or event tee-shirt under the hoodie, grabbing a pic to see if I can locate the shirt later.
We see several of Vlad's men during the ambush including who we later learn seems to be his right hand / personal bodyguard
Vlad's intro is so funny to me, like he holds the gang at gunpoint and stalls their escape and this actually manages to end with him getting the gang to work with him, like I am sure that Bain or Vlad carefully planned this part but it could have easily gone wrong if for example Wolf shoot someone without thinking it through, or if a officer managed to follow them to the van, especially since everyone unmasks!
Houston Vc: Do you know these guys?.    Dallas, who is being held at gunpoint vc: does it look like I know these guys?
1. Vlad decides to shout “Bain” while explaining he is a ally, 2. He calls Bain in this instance “Mr Bain” which I find to be a fun detail of characterization and also to how at the time the only people sorta comfortable enough around Bain to be confident when saying his name and such is the core members of the Payday gan
Ah and then Dallas has to go back uncover which requires faking a injury, which he lets Houston do the honors of punching him, only adding to the family feud they seem to have in the web series. Also this one punch is enough to knock Dallas to the ground.
Also funnily Dallas or should I say, “Nathen Steele” is the one to call in the first world bank heist
Bain vapes! We see him vape, we also hear him in game talk about smoking cigars, so either he does both or in my opinion more likely he lies about the details of his smoking habits even to the gang.
We can see that Bain wears a leather jacket with a design on the back & front when in his lair, the design most looks like fire to me but it's very dark, I would love to someday see some behind the scenes footage or something with the costume.
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2-m0use · 2 months ago
Ramble/using tumblr as my diary below. Some bits more venty than others, not much connection from point to point
Birthday party is in 3 weeks, I'll go insane if I don't lose by then
Weighing myself tomorrow to see if it's changed at all in the last few days (I maintained exactly so I didn't bother to log it and forgot exactly what day it was :P)
I need to be at or under 120 STAT. I'd love to be 118 or less 🙏🙏
Low key feeling hopeless rn, can't place why. Maybe starving and losing weight will help/s/j
I'm excited to try different drinks and such next month for my birthday, but I'm afraid of the calories in alcohol. Also I've had like a deep gut feeling for years that it's only a matter of time before I become an alcoholic or something. I've always had impulse issues and I can't seem to live without a vice, I'm either starving, cutting, or pulling my hair, and I'm worried about adding another option to the list.
And my mom has suggested I vape CBD to help with my pain and with sleep, and I've been considering it to at least try, but what if I get addicted to vaping? I'm not actually nearly as concerned about that as alcohol, but still. And if I start vaping, and cigarettes are a nostalgic smell for me, I feel like it's only a matter of time before I start smoking?
I have a lot of bad things I'm convinced will eventually happen to me. Idk why I think that, but it feels so true, like it's almost spiritual.
Also I want to trade hair with someone I'm fucking of my thin fine hair that gets greasy so fucking fast.
Also my knees make a gross crackling noise every time I stand up off the floor, which isn't exactly new, but I can't not notice it now.
I'm so fucking sick of winter, my joints ache all the time. I'm greatful I don't have to work in winter bc I would not survive that. But like. Idk what I want to say here. I'll just never stop grieving the body I could have had and the things I used to be able to do relatively pain free. I can't even fucking dance without needing a bit to recover. And I don't mean like dancing as a sport or smth, I just mean like dancing around my room.
My knuckles keep locking in the cold and it's really painful, and it's made me realize that my condition really is getting worse over time, and while I currently might not hands hand issues while it's not cold, it might not be that way forever. Not only would this be a moderate issue at work, but it would be a huge issue in my hobbies. What if I reach a point where I can't sew anymore? Or even draw?
I have that homesick feeling in my chest, but I am home, I'm literally sitting in my own bed right now. I don't know what I want.
I have been craving chocolate cake lately, I just want to eat a fistful right out of the pan. I hate frosting so much, it sucks that you at least need a small layer to keep it from getting dry. But I do like cakepops even though they're made with frosting. Omg maybe I'll make cakepops for my birthday. They're nice and small, so I won't feel like I have to eat a lot.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 8 months ago
little brain wiring things ✨
i helped plan a party that we decided to throw together last second. It was a fairy themed garden party with a planned mini-concert. The concert had a $5 cover that would be donated to a trans mutual aide fund. it was just supposed to be a house party that was also a nice little community event on my friend's lawn.
my friend knows that i smoke to manage my joint pain and i have very specifically, and clearly, been given blanket permission to smoke on the property because they know me, i can handle myself, and again. it's not just recreational, even if other people (not my friend) think so based on the amount i fucking smoke.
the group of friends i have rn have never made me feel judged or wrong for this, which is extremely important to me bc this is an extreme source of shame for me that i'm still working on unpacking bc of the way I was raised.
anyways, there was a miscommunication where I was not told about this being a dry & sober party, which meant that It was NOT on the invitation that I made and was sent out to a few friend groups, who all did show up with alcohol. I also was not told about 1 of the 3 organizers wanting the event to be dry/sober until I arrived at the house with food, decorations, ect at 3:30 day of, so I couldn't make alternative arrangements.
but i had already like. made specific ones to smoke discreetly regardless bc i'm not an asshole. i use a vape if we are somewhere people might catch a glimpse of me. so this also had me frustrated with the interaction that i was going to have later. like i would have gotten some edibles or smth bc i knew my pain level was gonna be high from how busy the day would be.
it was really fucking hot, I have pretty bad heat intolerance already from disabilities, but also am on medications that make it harder to handle the heat. I had been overheated for 6 hours at that point, had been on my feet for most of it, and like. again. i helped organize the event, so i was there early for set up.
my friend whose house it was at is VERY good about understanding my disability and i cannot stress enough that they're like. 10/10. no judgement. they let me stay inside while people were setting up outside bc they believed me when I told them how sick I get. since i couldn't do anything outside, I set things up inside (food, cleaning, getting garbage) and made sure to clean up after the people who had come over early to hang out inside moved outside.
so i was tired. my hips were fucking hurting. i made an ice pack with the decision of going out and sitting on the lawn to draw and chill. to paint an image, we are all out on the lawn. people are clearly drinking. i'm minding my business, had just finished doing a puff-puff-pass with my vape that INCLUDED ONE OF THE OTHER EVENT ORGANIZERS. and again, i was just smoking a fucking vape.
this group of people all arrived together after we had been out on the lawn smoking and drinking for 15-20 mins. This child fucking zeroed in on me and just came over to me to tell me the event organizers said this was a sober event.
again, people were drinking. and i,,,,helped organize shit. i have a hard time emotionally regulating when I'm overheated like. I cannot handle too hot, it overwhelms me and i get overstimulated VERY quickly. which means i'm more emotional when dumb shit happens
it was such a small fucking interaction, but I heard this child like 5 mins later return to their group and loudly talk about how they had told the friend whose house it was and my friend covering my ass by saying "oh, it was for inside, only. outdoor isn't dry c:"
i was already not feeling the vibe. i felt really alienated earlier bc it's hard to connect with neurotypicals and i don't do well interacting with people in group settings once the numbers get too large. the house also was still empty bc my friend is moving in, so the sound echo inside was SO bad. i had nowhere to go to just let my senses calm tf down, my AC in my car doesn't work when the humidity is this bad, and i just
i a party i helped set up, decorate, and even provided foood for, and cried the entire way home and i feel like such a fucking dumb lmao
I just felt incredibly alienated in a way I hadn't felt in a long time. and i had already felt uncomfortable prior to this incident. there were a lot of people there i didn't know who were writers, but neurotypical. i was struggling to process anything anyone said bc of how loud it was inside, which was making me come off as extremely rude. i had someone tell me they were too intimidated to talk to me based on my appearance, but we had a lovely one on one and they realized i'm just very quiet.
and i can't fucking talk about where the root of THAT specific problem is bc we can't have a fucking conversation about desirability, beauty, and femininity without the "oh it must suck to have pretty privilege" bullshit. it's really fucking frustrating when you present as hyper femme, but are viewed as standoffish/bitchy simply bc you didn't accompany the hyper femme aesthetic with being overly bubbly, friendly, and social to accommodate for other people's own discomfort from your presence. like you have to make up for their perception of you by performing approachability.
i also hate the way people view weed vs alcohol. i hate that i'm made to feel this way for something that helps me manage a condition that i cannot get medical help for. it used to be the only thing i had for my fucking endometriosis pain, too, when i still had my uterus.
all those people were around the lawn drinking recreationally, but I got zeroed in on. while i was just trying to fucking bring my baseline pain back down bc i didn't realize how high it had gotten from being on my feet all day.
i'm just. frustrated. i don't even know what the fuck the crux of it is.
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azusaluvclub · 2 years ago
Hi! I absolutely adore your writing! Every single thing I read on your blog is just *chefs kiss* 😍
I was wondering if you have any particular hcs about Myles Joo and Dongha Baek you're willing to share? 👀 Also Wolf. Always starved for more Wolf content. Only if you feel like it obv ")
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hello !!! thank you to both anons for these asks ! i decided to do them both in the same post since it was easier this way lol, hope it's okay- honestly thanks for giving me an excuse to write more myles content (even though yall probably shouldn't allow me this much power), lord knows i needed it :D
anyways, hope you both enjoy !!! this was fun to answer lol
weak hero headcanons; myles, dongha + wolf
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myles joo / joo seungjin
⋆ used to be star player on his middle school basketball team ! grew up playing with his big bro and made the team in his first year. was really good at it too. loved being on the court, and winning itself, of course. near the end of his second-year, though, a teammate started a fight with him which resulted in him getting kicked from the team
⋆ still likes to shoot hoops in his free time; it's relaxing for him, honestly. thought about joining the high school team but he didn't have time for it and the union. even though he does now, he still feels like something's holding him back from pursuing it
⋆ not a crazy cat person like teddy, but has a soft spot for the strays in his neighborhood they like him, surprisingly lol. can't leave them food since he lives in an apartment, but carries a few treats in his pocket for ones he sees~ there's a black cat who really likes him that's been around for a year now; secretly wants to keep him, but he can't see it going over well with his dad :,)
⋆ not a headcanon so much as my opinion, but would totallyyy suit an eyebrow piercing (because somebody needs to compete with donald lol). gave himself one in middle school, but it got infected after his face got fucked up in a fight and he had to remove it. thought about redoing it, then realized it wasn't safe to have with all the fights he gets into-
⋆ including the black one he always wears, he has a big snapback + baseball cap collection ! his favorites are displayed proudly on his wall, the rest boxed up in the closet
⋆ his hair looks like that because he cuts it at home. had one too many bad barbershop experiences and now he doesn't trust them, but his own skills are... subpar at best :,)
baek dongha
⋆ dongha is the type of mf who refuses to wear shorts- no matter what. it could be 900° and he will still wear pants, only because he hates how his legs look and feel in shorts. would sleep in them if he wasn't normal lol
⋆ dongha has known seongmok since childhood, even before they became friends. truth be told, dongha was a nasty little kid, so he didn't hang out with a lot of people. but seongmok (who was very quiet even back then !) started following him around one day and dongha, who tried to scare him off at first lol, soon realized he really liked having someone by his side :)
⋆ i know he smokes cigs in canon, but imo he's more of a vaper than anything. def one of those people who has 500 vapes and has to hit one every 2 minutes before suffering withdrawals- only elf bars, only fruity flavors
⋆ got this idea from an ask, but he lives with his grandma and has since middle school ! he's in a weird, defiant time in his life so he's not as close with her as she wants, but she loves him just the same~
⋆ to add onto this, when he isn't at his grandma's, dongha's couch-crashing at seongmok's house- he's a lot closer to his family and they've basically adopted him, lol. it's not that he feels excluded at his grandma's, but she wasn't present for a lot of his life up until moving in with her. so, for now, seongmok's place is his true "home"
⋆ avid video gamer, lol- he likes doing multiplayer ones with seongmok or hitting up the arcade for some Tekken, but he's really into anything. keeps some gacha games on his phone for when class is too boring, but he usually regrets the money he spends on them :,)
wolf keum / keum seongje
⋆ surprisingly smart ! doesn't take school seriously, so much as it comes easy to him? + ganghak isn't an idiot cesspool like some of the other schools, so he didn't get in on connections or money alone- he's not a fan of studying or showing up to all his classes, but he manages to make consistent As and Bs and, if his attendance were any better, he'd be an almost perfect student !
⋆ doesn't have much for hobbies lol. its not like his life revolved around the union, but he's never really stuck with one thing. you could say his hobby is fighting, but i think he used to be a bit of a bookworm~
⋆ loved books about mystery/crime and detective-type novels that he could solve himself; he was a bit of a nerdy kid :,) he still enjoys media of that genre but doesn't read as much as he used to. if anything it benefitted him, since he was able to figure out jared's plan pretty easy
⋆ whether he says it or not, he considers hwangmo a good friend. i imagine they went to elementary school together where social-butterfly hwangmo tried to befriend him, though seongje wasn't too interested lol- didn't even remember hwangmo until he asked seongje about it
⋆ but out of all his lackeys, he's the only one who actually respects him and sticks by his side, and has a brain on his shoulders lol- so seongje respects him, too :) sometimes gives hwangmo extra from their funds like a raise lol, buys him a snack/drink after meetings, or offers him smokes; hwangmo thinks they could be friends someday, once this union stuff blows over
⋆ ik a lot of people subscribe to "homophobic gay wolf" but i honestly think he wouldn't care that much- his sexuality isn't anybody else's business, or something he even cares about. he likes who he likes, though he doesn't really like anyone... :,)
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sturnioloblogs · 1 year ago
Y/n x sturniolos
Summary: y/n’s anxiety has always been really bad. one day she starts vaping to cope with it. Her brothers find out, what will happen?
Extras: you are 15 and your brothers are 20. Ava is your bsf. Also, sorry if the vape part isn’t accurate, I don’t vape so I don’t know how to do it LMAO😭😭
Warnings: vaping. Anxiety. And language. Ava is lowkey toxic and mean lol. Guys please don’t get into vaping it’s really addicting and it’s not worth it. Lmk if I missed anything.
A/n: hiiii I hope you enjoy and give requests! I am also working on part2 of tipsy, I just don’t know if you guys want me to add anything in particular. When I was writing this, the song that I put in reminded me so much of the story I don’t know why😭
Ever since I was 10 I’ve had horrible anxiety. And I’ve gone through so many different medication‘s, ways to cope with it, and I just feel like nothing is helped.
I have always been very open about my anxiety to Matt, because he also has anxiety and I feel like I can relate to him the most.
When I was 14 the triplets moved to LA. It was the hardest thing in the world for me. I need them. I needed Matt.
My parents knew that Matt was a huge part of my life and that he could always help with my anxiety whenever I needed.
But one day everything became too much.
So I convinced my mom to let me move in with my brothers at 15. I knew my mom was scared and worried for me to go to LA with my 20 year old brothers, but she knew what was best for me so she let me move in when them.
Time skip 5 months
I had just walked into school on a cold Tuesday morning. I started school in LA only a couple months ago and luckily I have already made a couple friends!
But my favourite was Ava. She was so kind to me the first day I came and she was stunning. One thing that was surprising to me, is that she vapes. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing I’m just saying it’s unexpected..
My brothers hated her. They thought she was a bad influence on me. I think they just didn’t want me to vape like her.
Ever since I met Ava I have always told her about my anxiety, and how nothing helps.
Lately Ava had been getting on my nerves, and by that I mean she wants me just to trying vaping. She says it will “calm my anxiety”and that might be true, but I just wanted to stay sober. And if my brothers found out.. only god knows what will happen.
As I arrived at my locker Ava was already waiting for me, with her books in one hand and a black bag in the other.
“Oh hey Ava!” I say as I open my locker. “Y/n I wanna show you something, come with me.” She says not showing any emotion.
I don’t say thing and grab my books Before closing my locker and following her to the bathroom.
When we walked in, she placed her books on the counter and opened the black bag and pulled out a vape.
“Your anxiety is really pissing me off lately. And All you do is fucking complain about it.” Says harshly, shoving the vape in my face. “What the hell a-“ I was cut off by her saying “take a fucking hit! Trust me it will help y/n” I slowly started to back up into the wall behind me just wanting to get it out of my face. But she only walks closer.
“A-Ava please stop” I say tears threatening to fall “oh my fucking god stop being such a baby” she answered.
I just wanted it to be over and the only way it would be over if I took just one puff.
I stuck my shaky hands out and grabbed the vape. I put it against my lips and breathed in the flavoured air. I immediately tasted a pink lemonade flavour on my taste buds. I pulled the vape away and blew the foggy air out of my mouth.
“See wasn’t that fucking bad” Ava said laughing. I tried to give it back to her but all she said was “no keep it, your anxiety might go away, so you don’t have to complain to me” she said picking up she books and walking out the bathroom.
What was her problem? She never acted like this. Was she actually annoyed about my anxiety?
I went through the rest of my day like normal except Ava just wasn’t there. She probably went home. I thought to myself.
Time skip to 7:30pm
I still had the vape in my pocket and I haven’t dared to take it out. I almost felt scared of it?
But I eventually did, and I looked at it for a while debating if it’s really worth it. I decided I was gonna take another hit just to see if it would actually help me. And so I did. I sat in my bed and took about 2 more hits before my body got all tingly and funny. It felt nice…
And with that I couldn’t keep my hands off of it. I would bring it everywhere. I noticed how my anxiety definitely was not as bad as it was before the vape, no more random breakdowns, overwhelming thoughts, and and when I would feel like that, I would just take a puff and I’d feel better. I just had one problem.
My brothers.
It was easy at first but the more and more is used it the more and more I wanted it. Every time I was in my room I would lock my door so no one could abruptly come in and see what I was doing. Till one day.
I had just been done eating supper, so I walked up the stairs not paying attention and just scrolling on my phone, I went in my room and closed my door. But my stupid self didn’t lock the damn thing.
I pulled out the vape from my pocket and took breathed in, just as I was exhaling the smoke I could hear muffled voices, and then my door swung open, revealing all my three brothers. “Y/n we are goi-” Matt immediately stopped talking when he saw the smoke come from my mouth. 
I froze in fear.
I couldn’t speak.
“What the fuck?” Chris said in shock “g-guys I-i can explain” I say, my voice scratchy and quiet “start fucking speaking then” Matt said looking me dead in the eyes.
“I-I’m sorry! Ava made me try it a-and then I couldn’t stop I’m sorry! My anxiety has been so bad and this is the only thing that helps, nothings w-working not even the m-medication” I say sobbing into my hands, at this point I had no control over my tears.
On my left and right I felt a dip in the bed, and then in front of my someone was sitting on the floor rubbing my knee.
I had to calm myself down quickly or else this would lead to a panic attack. This has happened before, but not in a while.
Matts arms came around waist and he pulled my head into his chest, whispering reassuring words into my ear.
“Shhhh y/n shhh” he said running his fingers thru my hair.
After a couple minutes or so, I finally calm down. I was still sniffling, but not as bad as I was a couple minutes ago.
Nick broke the silence by saying “y/n we absolutely love you so much, and care about you, and your health. We know your anxiety has been so bad lately, but vaping isn’t one way to go with it.”
“Maybe we need to find a new medication or a new therapist. Whatever you want.” Matt said smiling softly at me.
“O-okay yeah maybe that would be good” I whisper looking at all three of them. “I love you guys”
A/n: IM SO BAD AT ENDINGS HELPPPP…. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this!
Also, if you guys are struggling with any mental health problems and need to talk, my Dms are always open💝
For some reason, I find my stories cringe, sometimes 😭😭

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wegonbealright-09 · 2 years ago
So I've been thinking quite a lot about a lot of things since Tae debuted since the release of slow dancing and I've decided to put my thoughts into words
So since Tae released and debuted officially there's been a lot going on around his debut at the same time nothing at all. I'm very surprised by the company's quietness. Hybe's quietness. Geffen records quietness I haven't seen a single post from the companies with regards to the debut and the release.
It's so bad like really bad. I'm pretty sure he's rethinking his decisions maybe wishes he has taken a different route because his debut is not that much different from the rap line. It'll be by luck if he sees the bb100 top 30. I mean the schedule was fucked up. How do you release the same day as the industries plant and expect good results. Kths trydefending themselves by saying that he didn't have a Collab before his debut like the other members. That's not an excuse good enough it's not a valid excuse at all considering that fact he "the most popular idol". You should have to have excuses when it comes to delivering. I knew they wouldn't do good in streams but I thought they could do better in MV views considering the fact that when they called him the most famous idol they would bring fancam views and engagements as evidence. By the way is it only me who notices that not only army has stopped posting updates about jimin they have stopped completely engaging in his posts and brand posts.?
So with what's going on rn. Many thought that scooter probably has beef or a problem with jimin but it doesn't only seem like that but it's also crystal clear that they're indeed pushing the "Jungkook biggest pop star" agenda. It's clear now that they've invested in jk only. Which makes me raise an eyebrow with regards to the group's future
Whilst on JK. I truly don't get him now. Idk I feel like whatever ever it is that he's doing its definitely not good and it's going to backfire in the long run. First of all his behaviour during the second chapter is very mhhhh. Idk he's been serving weird vibes and I feel like this is the real him. He's done concealing and putting on a facade and his personality is pure shite. First of all he smokes that's not very surprising to me. He's always wanted to be viewed as this tough guy, nonchalant guy who got zero chill and gives zero fucks. He's drank on live showed alcohol on a live not even Jin the CEO of Jinhit does that he's always made sure not to show alcohol when he drinks on a live. He's smoking nicotine and all that shite he probably smokes a blunt too. He's got a whole sleeve of tattoos. All these things I think he's tryna appears tough and all. But he behaves like a teen going through adolescent. You're 26 grow tf up and stop lurking on the internet, tryna be a bad boy you're half way to your thirties. Behave like your age.
And a part of me thinks this may all be fabricated, with the bad boy, fuck boy image he tryna have for his debut looking at seven the lyrics and all that now seen in the streets of NY smoking clearly looking at a camera knowing his being photographed, looks staged to me. When he was in SK he clearly panicked in that live when his vape was visible, that doesn't seem nonchalant to me because of he doesn't really give a fuck he should have gave a fuck then also, because he tries hiding the vape then. He might just be seen making out with a female or in a club somewhere with strippers shaking their ass on him. Which reminds me of the wild JB during his debut years scandal after scandal. Classic.
With all that's going on rn idk if BTS is really going to come back as a group in 2025 if they come back as a group jk is going to stand out like a sore thumb because you can't try and convince me that the members are absolutely okay with this. Them getting the bare minimum and jk getting everything. There's already been a shift in the group's energy you can see who's who. That ot7 shite don't exists no more. Tell me why would scooter invest millions on a guy that'll be gone in the next 7-8 months unless he's not going to serve with the rest of the group or when BTS comes back they'll be ot7 with the maknae gone. Gone to be the biggest pop star.
If BTS comes back in 2025 it'll be very much forced. Namjoon before FACE. He looked like he was done with the group barely mentioning it he looked like he was happy being a solo because his album was doing good. The FACE was released nigga was on some "I want better numbers" blah blah. He became jealous and insecure. Then there's yoongi with his bitchy attitude towards jimin which I won't even address. Then there's Tae and Jimin whom it is very clear that they're divorced the friendship is gone they're no longer close everybody can see. Now tell me how would it look like if they bahave like besties in their comeback when we clearly know they're not that close anymore? The there's JK, I know none of the members are okay with this preferred treatment him being treated like the next MJ. So you tryna when they come back as group if they will, it'll be rainbows and sunshine's, ot7 forever? Hell no.
There's alot going on rn. Tae trying to feed his delulu shippers by name dropping jk 100 times before his debut. Jk in his emo era again can't wait for jimin's birthday I want to see something
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Well well well
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teddybeartoji · 10 months ago
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5, 13 and 33 for your ask game :3
5. tell us some funny drunk story
😭😭😭 idk how funny it is to everybody else but it sure is to me. it's more embarrassing actually but i'm gonna tell you anyway:333 soooo cue me going to the club after a 12h shift. i hadn't eaten anything since like 3pm and my work day ended at 9 aaaand we were at the party at like 11 already. it's not looking too good already now is it.............. i also vaped at that time. and i am a terrible lightweight :D so i am starving and two drinks in, vaping and dancing my ass off, and i'm already starting to feel a little off yk? so i think that taking a piss will fix me.
it did not.
oh and also this was during february so it was cold as shit and we didn't even take our coats off (just bc we kept going outside and then back inside). so now. i'm in this bathroom that's exactly the size of ONE toilet i kid you not. it's literally the door - you - toilet and that's the whole room😭😭😭😭 i was already struggling with my long coat bc fuck my head is dizzy and there's no room and there wasn't anywhere to put the damn thing either so i ended up just holding it in my lap. i finally manage to actually take a piss and then...
oh no...
i feel SO bad. like sick. like i'm about to vomit. FUCKFUKCUFKCUFK THE ONLY THING IN MY HEAD WAS HOW THE FUCK AMI EVEN GONNA PUKE IN HERE?????? AHGSHASHGAGHSGHA I WAS ABT TO FREAK THE FUCK OUT. i took a few deep breaths and made a plan that i'm gonna rush outside immediately. i will not vomit all over the floor of the club. i will not. i know most of these people i would actually have to kll myself.
i push up i manage to pull my PANTIES on and... voila.
so i just ended up bent over the toilet bowl with my big ass coat in my hands with only my pink panties on i didn't have the time to pull up my pants, and since my ass was facing the door i just couldn't stop thinking abt the lousy ass lock on the thing... what if somebody actually pulls it open😭😭😭😭😭😭
i was just stuck in that pose for like two whole minutes bc i just... was kinda shocked that it even happened lmao AAAND THENNN as a cherry on top - i could fucking hear my friends ahshgasgha calling from me. i heard them talking to someone else being all like ":oo we lost mickey we lost mickey" but i didn't have the free hands to reach for my phone eitherrrrrr ajshhgsghaghsaghsgha plss it was so ridiculous.
after i finally regained some energy lmao i dragged my ass outside into the BLIZZARDDD BTWWWW IT WAS SO FUCKING COLD and i was sat there for like 40 minutes i think. my friends came out with me dw they brought me tea and everything:3333 but yeah the whole thing was soo stupid esp since i don't puke. like ever. i don't even get hangovers lmao
13. if the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?
FIRST OF ALLLL THIS IS SCARY AS FUCK HELLO😭😭😭 I DO NOT WANT THAT MANY PEOPLE LISTENING TO ME HASHGAHGSAHA hmmmmm but... i'd either just go for the good old "i love you" because why the fuck not orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i'd fucking rick roll all of you:33
33. something you are good at?
mmmmmmmmmmmm being very straightforward lmao and taking things literally. can be a bad thing but i think it's good too. i think i'm pretty good at finding solutions for the silliest problems just bc i think a bit differently than most i guess. autism<333
interview the mayor
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theloonatic · 1 year ago
What The Fuck Happened In Cadets summer camp
(Ps. I've censored names of people and places as I don't want to get in trouble for people getting any bombs under their cyars)
Tw: Bugs, Throwing Up, most if not all illegal shit, child neglect and the Ramen Sink
*let's start with a banger, a kid beat someone with a belt so bad that the police had to escort them out. We hated the kid so much we threw a party
*a kid got permanently kicked out for r@pe threats and kicking a locker over
*Five kids got in "trouble" for shoving q tips up their.....posteriors....and in peoples mouths when they were sleeping. I say "trouble" because one who I'll call Chris P became Lance corporal :,) as a result we called him "Lance corporal q tips" or "Lance corporal poo tips"
*The tuck shop was chaos. I mean chaos. These bitches were bringing out 6 and 7 tubs of pot noodle and candy floss, and a colleague of mine I'll call Spiders Georg for anonymity had taken 3 bottles of lucozade out every day. The pot noodle issue got so out of hand (and boys were spitting them on my first dorms window) they opened them after they cooked them to stop people taking them away. This only (seemingly) worked for the boys as my first dorm had a kettle and like 25+ pot noodle packets.
*I say first dorm. There were 3 girls dorms and I went through all. The first one was full of older girls, addicted to vapes and alcohol and only really talked about sleeping with boys and hiding the pot noodles. The second was full of girls from my school, pricks who bullied my friends.
The third was me and a girl just, but she left before the last day from sickness.
*I made two friends, but they went fairly quick. I'll call them Danny and Soda. Danny got a seizure halway in and was sent home, and Soda got homesick and went home.
*We found a fully empty wine bottle under the stairs while cleaning
*THE CAMPING TRIP :). The camping trip had so many ants that they'd actually crawl around u and on you as you cooked stuff, stinging u at every opportunity.
*The Duke of Edinburgh tryout was hell on earth. The tail of a hurricane was hitting, and so I and 5 others strode along the beach in rain and sleet and horrifying wind. I wasn't able to tell if it was water, spit, snot or tears in my face and on my clothes, and it was so cold my fingers went numb
* The pot noodle, both from dorm 1 and the tuck shop, caused so many issues. First, people drank it and threw it up/spat it on our windows. Second, there was the ramen sink incident, where someone put ramen in our sink. It wasn't cleaned till the last day, and I was the only one who stepped up. 💪 built diff fr
*they didn't let us use phone alarms. They had to wake us up, and the clowns didn't ever do it on time. Hence lots of rage.
*speaking of alarms, on a camping trip, aforementioned colleague Spiders Georg left his in his locker, and said alarm was "Good morning Vietnam" followed by 40 minutes of Paranoia by Black sabbath.
*There was a raid. The other section's boys raided our section's, as a result they couldn't go to the tuck shop or parties. 4000 pounds was stolen, along with earphones and underwear.
*there was also suspected internal theft. One girl lost 14 bras, and another lost her headphones. They suspected me at second (their friends first), but then some of my socks went missing too. None were ever found
And last but not least, This Was A Promo Club. For the British Army. I thought it was just like a club scouts thing, but it was truly hell on earth, followed with children being encouraged and trained into joining the military. Don't ever fall for this.
Well that's it moral is don't be afraid to give up (I didn't give up, I'll admit the last night in my own dorm was kinda nice and the free toast and hot drinks too) and also don't trust the army. 👍
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