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squick-writes · 8 years ago
🍰 What should I write for Trip’s birthday?
My dashboard is so dead that I haven’t checked back in over a month and still instantly caught up in literally 3 minutes but if you reply to this post with all ur hopes & dreams, your suggestions might make it into my next fic! You can also send an anonymous ask, a submission, or reply on twitter. Go wild!
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soundlessway · 9 years ago
Para: @kuroosthighz​ ♥  ¡¡Feliz (muy tarde) cumpleaños!!
Chapters: 1/3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Koujaku/Seragaki Aoba
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Circus
Koujaku entró a la carpa principal de Platinum Jail una vez hubo pasado por las demás atracciones que la compañía ofrecía. Entre ellos, estaban los típicos puestos para comprar comidas, ganar peluches o incluso ver a los miembros -o mejor dicho atracciones- del circo, que dentro de poco interpretarían sus actos en la carpa principal.
Tan pronto como entró y ojeó sus alrededores, sintió que había algo fuera de lugar...
Ya que hoy es 22 de Abril, ¡¡¡Feliz cumpleaños, Aoba, Sei, Ren, Desire!!! ♥
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ahmerst · 9 years ago
[DMMD Fic] After Hours [2/4] (NoiAo)
(Other chapters)
Rating: T
Summary: Aoba has a lot of regrets in life. Interning in Germany is pretty high up there on the list. Even higher up is meeting his coworker’s brother, Noiz.
Notes: For day 3 of NoiAo week, the prompt of which is AUs. Many thanks to Blooper-boy for beta'ing.
‭ ‬Aoba was happy to pretend that he never met Noiz.‭ ‬In fact,‭ ‬he was happy to pretend the floor that Noiz‭’‬s office was on didn‭’‬t even exist.‭ ‬But being happy about it didn‭’‬t mean he was any good at it. No matter how well he repressed the memories at work,‭ ‬they eventually came creeping back,‭ ‬surfacing as he was washing his hair or about to sleep.
‭ ‬With Theo as his only friend,‭ ‬and time zones proving it difficult to talk to those back at home,‭ ‬Aoba was running out of ways to distract himself.‭ ‬So when Theo came to his cubicle with a‭ ‬sign-up sheet in hand and an explanation that there was an upcoming gift exchange for the holidays,‭ ‬Aoba readily agreed to participate.
He wondered who he‭’‬d end up getting a present for.‭ ‬It became the new thing his thoughts went to when he was alone.‭ ‬He imagined all the possibilities of who he could get,‭ ‬and conjured up lists of presents.‭ ‬He created imaginary conversations in his head,‭ ‬running through them each time.‭ ‬Each inner production was perfect.
‭ ‬When Theo came back to Aoba‭’‬s cubicle the next week with an envelope,‭ ‬Aoba wondered what could be inside of it.‭ ‬Then he saw the letter,‭ ‬the name written on it making his blood pressure spike and his mouth go dry.‭ ‬His eyes moved over the name two more times before he looked up.‭ ‬Theo was watching him expectantly.‭
“You did this on purpose,‭”‬ Aoba said.
‭ ‬“I did this on purpose,‭”‬ Theo reaffirmed.‭ ‬“Let me know if you need any help picking out his gift.‭”
Then Theo was gone,‭ ‬leaving Aoba to look once more at the name he was so desperately trying to forget.
‭ ‬---
‭ ‬“I think I‭’‬m going to take you up on that offer of help for picking out Noiz‭’‬s gift,‭”‬ Aoba said over lunch the next week.
‭ ‬“About that,‭”‬ Theo started.‭ ‬“I changed my mind a little bit.‭”
“I‭’‬m going to pretend you didn‭’‬t say that.‭”
“Well,‭ ‬I know I offered it to begin with‭─‬ but think about it,‭ ‬if I tell you what‭ ‬to get it won‭’‬t be all that heartfelt.‭”
“I‭’‬m not sure why‭ ‬‘heartfelt‭’‬ and‭ ‬‘office gift exchange‭’‬ would ever go together,‭”‬ Aoba countered.
‭ ‬“You‭’‬ll figure out something,‭”‬ Theo said,‭ ‬waving away his hand as if to shoo the topic away.‭ ‬“Before I forget,‭ ‬I have to leave early today for a dentist appointment.‭ ‬Think you can deliver some files for me‭?‬”
“Yeah,‭ ‬no problem,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬not thinking much of it.
He regretted accepting the task once Theo stopped by his office an hour later with a folder to drop on Aoba‭’‬s desk.‭ ‬Aoba saw the name written on it and could do nothing but level Theo with a dead-eyed stare.
‭ ‬“Is there some kind of office hazing ritual I‭’‬m unaware of‭?‬” Aoba asked.
‭ ‬“If there is,‭ ‬it‭’‬d be my first time hearing about it,‭”‬ Theo said.‭ ‬“Think of it this way,‭ ‬it gives you an excuse to see Noiz,‭ ‬and maybe you‭’‬ll get an idea of what gift to get him.‭”
Aoba was unable to see the situation with the same positive light,‭ ‬but he committed himself to the errand regardless as Theo left.‭ ‬Not that he committed to performing it in a timely manner.‭ ‬By the time he‭’‬d steeled his nerve to deliver it,‭ ‬the sun had dwindled to nothingness,‭ ‬not a trace of its setting left in the sky,‭ ‬the cubicles that flanked Aoba‭’‬s now empty and quiet.
‭ ‬Passing by a coworker scrambling to leave,‭ ‬Aoba took a steadying breath as he stepped into the elevator.‭ ‬The music that was piped in was hardly audible over the sound of his own pulse in his ears,‭ ‬his stomach lurching in time with the elevator when it halted at Noiz‭’‬s floor.‭ ‬It was similarly empty to Aoba‭’‬s,‭ ‬and relief had started to snake its way into Aoba‭’‬s blood when he saw Noiz‭’‬s door.
‭ ‬It was half open,‭ ‬light spilling out from it into the hall.
‭ ‬Aoba checked his watch.‭ ‬This couldn‭’‬t be right‭─‬ Noiz couldn‭’‬t still be in the office,‭ ‬not this late at night.‭ ‬It had to be a janitor,‭ ‬or security.
‭ ‬But as Aoba found himself peering into the doorway,‭ ‬he saw it was neither.
‭ ‬Noiz sat at his desk,‭ ‬a book laid out in front of him.‭ ‬Unsure of how to interrupt,‭ ‬Aoba didn‭’‬t.‭ ‬Instead he watched as Noiz read the same page again and again,‭ ‬never turning to a new one.‭ ‬Or maybe he wasn‭’‬t reading at all.‭ ‬His eyes didn‭’‬t seem to move,‭ ‬instead glazed over and barely blinking.
‭ ‬Accepting that there was no artful way to go about his delivery,‭ ‬Aoba cleared his throat softly before asking,‭ ‬“Making much progress‭?‬”
“I will once you‭’‬re done distracting me,‭”‬ Noiz said.
‭ ‬Aoba was glad Noiz didn‭’‬t look up and catch his bewildered expression.
‭ ‬“I‭─‬ sorry.‭ ‬Your brother asked me to give you this,‭”‬ Aoba‭ ‬said,‭ ‬stepping forward and handing the folder to Noiz.
‭ ‬Noiz took it only to set it down on his desk without sparing it a glance.‭ ‬Instead he looked at Aoba,‭ ‬face impassive.‭ ‬Not wholly unpleasant,‭ ‬simply observant.‭ ‬Aoba would have considered him handsome if Noiz didn‭’‬t have the kind of stare that made Aoba reflexively defensive.‭ ‬There was a distinct lack of blinking on Noiz‭’‬s side that wasn‭’‬t helping.
‭ ‬“Do you drive home‭?‬” Noiz asked.
‭ ‬Aoba frowned,‭ ‬shaking his head.‭ ‬“No,‭ ‬I take the metro home.‭”
“I‭’‬ll give you a ride home,‭”‬ Noiz said.
‭ ‬Aoba wondered for a fraction of a second if there was another person in the room.‭ ‬But no,‭ ‬it was him and Noiz,‭ ‬alone for the first time.‭
“It‭’‬s fine,‭”‬ Aoba said quickly,‭ ‬waving Noiz off.‭ ‬“I need to get going anyway.‭”
Noiz‭’‬s expression went from passive to a unique sort of perplexed.‭ ‬The kind of look a child would have when they realized they were being told‭ ‬‘no.‭’‬ Aoba imagined‭ ‬‘no‭’‬ was a word Noiz didn‭’‬t run into all that often with his position in the company.‭ ‬Aoba really hoped the followup to Noiz‭’‬s expression wouldn‭’‬t be the usual tantrum that kids tended to throw.
‭ ‬“I‭’‬ll give you a ride home,‭”‬ Noiz repeated.‭ ‬His tone wasn‭’‬t any different from before.‭ ‬It had never been a request to begin with,‭ ‬merely a statement of fact.
‭ ‬Considering it a blessing that Noiz hadn‭’‬t gotten any moodier than before,‭ ‬Aoba caved.‭ ‬“Well,‭ ‬if it‭’‬s not too much to ask.‭”
Aoba expected Noiz to finish up with work after that.‭ ‬To set his papers aside and put down his pen.‭ ‬Noiz did neither,‭ ‬his eyes returning to the folder Aoba had given him,‭ ‬flipping it open and glancing over the contents.‭ ‬He spent all of half a minute on it before he moved onto a new set of paperwork.
‭ ‬Resigning himself to being stuck at the office for who knew how long,‭ ‬Aoba sat in the chair before Noiz‭’‬s desk.‭ ‬It was stiff,‭ ‬overstuffed,‭ ‬and judging from the small mote of dust that appeared when Aoba sat,‭ ‬barely used.‭ ‬Aoba didn‭’‬t have a hard time imaging that Noiz didn‭’‬t get many visitors that stuck around.
‭ ‬Busying his‭ ‬fidgeting hands by clasping them in his lap,‭ ‬Aoba glanced around the room.‭ ‬There wasn‭’‬t much in the way of personality among the certificates of various achievements hung on the walls.‭ ‬A large book case was lined with titles he couldn‭’‬t make out,‭ ‬a pair of bronze rabbits displayed on one of the shelves.‭ ‬It made Aoba think back to the story Theo had told him about the rabbit dinner from his childhood.‭
“So what is it you do‭?‬” Noiz asked.
‭ ‬“What...‭ ‬do I do‭?‬” Aoba said.
‭ ‬“What‭’‬s your job,‭”‬ Noiz clarified.‭ ‬He was finally organizing his papers into a neat stack,‭ ‬looking up at Aoba with half-bored eyes.
‭ ‬“Oh...‭ ‬uh.‭ ‬Paperwork stuff,‭ ‬I guess.‭ ‬You‭?‬”
Noiz paused to think for a moment before answering,‭ ‬“Paperwork stuff.‭”
For a moment Aoba thought he was being mocked,‭ ‬but Noiz‭’‬s expression was cool and aloof with no sign of sarcasm.‭ ‬Aoba supposed it was an honest answer anyway.‭ ‬‘Paperwork stuff‭’‬ likely covered the majority of the jobs in the building.‭ ‬And the way he thought it over first before he spoke...‭ ‬it struck Aoba that maybe Noiz hadn‭’‬t been asked it before,‭ ‬didn‭’‬t know how to respond.‭
As he stood with a sigh,‭ ‬Aoba could see Noiz‭’‬s youth in the low light.‭ ‬But there was something off to it,‭ ‬a tiredness.‭ ‬Like a child that was made to grow up too fast.‭ ‬Perhaps it wasn‭’‬t that he was cold and hardened,‭ ‬but simply someone that never learned how to interact.
‭ ‬Ugh,‭ ‬no.‭ ‬Aoba shook his head as he stood.‭ ‬Noiz was his boss.‭ ‬He was also totally weird and probably an egomaniac.‭ ‬Aoba had to stop all of Theo‭’‬s sweet talk about Noiz from softening him up.‭ ‬His mission was to survive getting home,‭ ‬figure out what the hell constituted a decent gift,‭ ‬and then avoid Noiz for the rest of his life.‭
Surviving getting home didn‭’‬t seem entirely doable as he got into the elevator with Noiz.‭ ‬Aoba didn‭’‬t know what to do with his eyes,‭ ‬his body‭─‬ his very presence.‭ ‬There was no elevator music piped in as they descended,‭ ‬only the sound of their breathing,‭ ‬the slight rustle of their clothing.‭ ‬Aoba stared at his own reflection,‭ ‬sullen,‭ ‬silent,‭ ‬and most of all,‭ ‬stressing.
‭ ‬The only thing harder than talking to someone you didn‭’‬t like much was talking to them in an elevator.‭ ‬Not even the most simple of small talk came to him.‭ ‬No comments on upcoming‭ ‬weather or mention of holiday plans,‭ ‬nothing but the awkward air hanging between them and the low hum as the elevator passed floor after floor.
‭ ‬This would be on his quarterly review,‭ ‬Aoba was sure of it.‭ ‬Withdrawn and uncommunicative.‭ ‬Not a team player.‭ ‬Up for the chopping block.
‭ ‬Aoba gave a slight start as the elevator came to a halt before the doors opened.‭ ‬The underground parking lot was nearly barren due to the late hour,‭ ‬and Aoba blinked owlishly as he stepped out of the elevator,‭ ‬glancing around to see which car was Noiz‭’‬s.‭
“You‭’‬re so high-strung,‭”‬ Noiz remarked.‭ ‬“Afraid you‭’‬ll get jumped down here‭?‬”
“It‭’‬s not that weird to get creeped out in this sort of place,‭”‬ Aoba countered.‭ ‬Not that he‭’‬d been afraid of that.‭ ‬All anyone would get off him was old train stubs and spare change,‭ ‬but he‭’‬d take any excuse he could get for his nerves.‭
“Tch,‭”‬ Noiz said,‭ ‬clicking his tongue as he strode by Aoba.‭ ‬“Acting like I wouldn‭’‬t be able to take them on.‭”
“You don‭’‬t have to get so hotheaded about it,‭”‬ Aoba said under his breath,‭ ‬following Noiz toward a secluded area of the lot.‭ ‬He could see a single car in the corner,‭ ‬dark and sleek.‭ ‬Costly.
‭ ‬“If you‭’‬re so unconvinced,‭ ‬I‭’‬ll prove it to you.‭”
“Excuse me‭?‬”
“Fight me,‭”‬ Noiz said as they reached the car.
‭ ‬“I‭’‬m...‭ ‬I‭’‬m not going to fight you,‭”‬ Aoba balked.
‭ ‬“Why not‭?‬” Noiz asked.
‭ ‬“Because I don‭’‬t want to fight you,‭ ‬I want to go home.‭”
“Fine,‭ ‬fine,‭”‬ Noiz said,‭ ‬eyes dulling with disappointment.‭ ‬“But next time I won‭’‬t let you off so easy.‭”
Aoba tried not to think about what that meant as the taillights of the car flickered on and off as Noiz unlocked it.‭ ‬But as Aoba went to open the door,‭ ‬Noiz was faster.‭ ‬Their fingers brushed for the slightest second as Noiz gripped the handle,‭ ‬a surprised shiver zipping up Aoba‭’‬s arm.
‭ ‬Aoba wanted to say sorry as Noiz opened the door for him,‭ ‬but he wasn‭’‬t exactly sure what he was sorry for.‭ ‬So instead he mumbled his thanks softly as he got into the car,‭ ‬buckling himself in as the door shut.‭ ‬He glanced around as Noiz made his way to the driver‭’‬s seat,‭ ‬taking in the leather interior and minimal aesthetic of the dashboard.
‭ ‬A lucky rabbit‭’‬s foot hung on the rear view mirror,‭ ‬and as Noiz‭’‬s hand reached up to adjust the mirror,‭ ‬Aoba caught sight of a series of small pink scars on his hand.‭ ‬They were deliberate and organized.‭ ‬Aoba wondered what caused them.
‭ ‬“It‭’‬s fake,‭”‬ Noiz said,‭ ‬starting the car.
‭ ‬“Fake‭?‬” Aoba prompted,‭ ‬unsure of if Noiz had caught him staring at the marks.
‭ ‬“The rabbit‭’‬s foot,‭”‬ Noiz clarified.‭
“Oh,‭”‬ Aoba said blankly.‭ ‬“That‭’‬s good to know.‭”
Aoba gave Noiz his address as they pulled out of the underground lot and onto rain-slicked streets with sparse traffic.‭ ‬The heater hummed along and heated the car as obscure dance music played over the stereo.‭ ‬The smooth road and the warmth were quickly making Aoba drowsy,‭ ‬and he leaned his forehead against the window,‭ ‬letting his eyes close as his breath fogged the glass in small puffs.
‭ ‬In the next instant Aoba was nearly lurching from his seat,‭ ‬the seatbelt‭ ‬locking as his body fell forward,‭ ‬cold air striking his face.‭ ‬He let out a choked yelp as he blinked his way into awareness,‭ ‬sitting back as his muscles tensed.‭ ‬He took two shallow breaths before he realized his door was open.‭ ‬And that Noiz was standing outside it.
‭ ‬“We‭’‬re here,‭”‬ Noiz said flatly.
‭ ‬“No kidding,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬giving Noiz an incredulous look.‭ ‬“Couldn‭’‬t you have given me a little warning‭?‬”
“I didn‭’‬t know how to wake you up.‭”
“So you did...‭ ‬this‭?‬” Aoba asked,‭ ‬gesturing at the open door before unbuckling himself.‭
“Yeah,‭”‬ Noiz said.
‭ ‬Aoba supposed the technicalities were in order.‭ ‬Noiz hadn‭’‬t woken him up.‭ ‬The sharp drop had.‭
With a sigh Aoba managed to unbuckle himself,‭ ‬thoughts still heavy with exhaustion.‭ ‬He mustered the most passable smile he could as he got out.
‭ ‬“Thanks for the ride,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬suppressing a yawn.‭ ‬“I‭’‬ll see you at work.‭”
“It‭’‬s on my way home anyway,‭”‬ Noiz said,‭ ‬ignoring Aoba‭’‬s parting words as he walked alongside Aoba.
‭ ‬Noiz followed Aoba not to the front of his apartment complex,‭ ‬and not the elevator within.‭ ‬He walked the long corridors with purpose,‭ ‬and only when they reached Aoba‭’‬s front door did he stop.‭ ‬Aoba wondered if Noiz was going to invite himself in,‭ ‬but when Aoba opened the door Noiz made no motion to follow.
‭ ‬“Well,‭ ‬uh...‭”‬ Aoba started,‭ ‬frowning to himself.‭ ‬Had Noiz really walked him to his door like some kind of old school gentleman‭?‬ “Night‭?‬”
“Night,‭”‬ Noiz echoed,‭ ‬nodding in a parting gesture before Aoba was closing the door.
‭ ‬Aoba had to admit to himself that maybe Theo was right.‭ ‬Maybe Noiz actually was a teensy bit nice.‭ ‬Aoba decided to sleep on the events that had transpired before he made up his mind,‭ ‬still wrestling with his own opinion as he shuffled through his small apartment,‭ ‬toeing off his shoes and shrugging off his work clothes.
‭ ‬He was halfway through brushing his teeth when he checked the clock,‭ ‬his mind stuttering when it that nearly two hours had passed since he left work with Noiz.‭ ‬Even by train,‭ ‬it never took Aoba more than half an hour to get back.‭ ‬Aoba stared dumbly at the hands on the clock as the white foam of his toothbrush dripped from the corner of his lips.
‭ ‬How long had he been asleep in Noiz‭’‬s car‭?
Resurfacing in his mind were Noiz‭’‬s words.
‭ ‬‘I didn‭’‬t know how to wake you up.‭’
Aoba groaned as he rinsed his mouth out and splashed his face with water.‭ ‬This was it,‭ ‬the undeniable proof that Noiz was nice‭─‬ if not in a strange way.‭ ‬He‭’‬d wait to tell Theo though,‭ ‬already knowing he‭’‬d never hear the end of it.
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transkovsky · 9 years ago
Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder Pairing: Clear/Aoba, ClearAo Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15046 Summary:  Clear loves Brahms' waltzes, and hasn't played them in a long time. When he finds someone to duet with, it's much sweeter than he remembers.
I’ve been working on this for months... and thanks to the wonderful and beautiful @halfincubus for so amazingly editing and helping me finalise, it’s finally done! Please enjoy :-)
Clear had never been a person who was blessed with alone time. When he was not at college, he was looking after his grandfather; when he was not looking after his grandfather, he was looking after his brothers, and when his brothers weren't around, Clear was cleaning or cooking or working, or at school. Even in those in between moments, the nurse who had been visiting on regular intervals was usually there as well, asking questions, making notes, giving Clear very specific dietary instructions for his grandfather.
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ayuuka · 9 years ago
Title: Monster, Monster Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder Word Count: 1814 words Pairing: Koujaku/Noiz Language: Indonesian Summary:  Hubungan Koujaku dan Noiz mengejutkan teman-teman mereka, termasuk Aoba. Tapi selama mereka bahagia, tak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan, tentu saja. Mereka bahagia karena merasa bisa melengkapi kebutuhan satu sama lain. Walau cara manusia merasakan kebahagiaan, nyatanya, sangat beragam.
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juju-on-that-yeet · 9 years ago
Ryuuhou Appreciation Week Day 6: AU/Crossover
This is pretty much just a long drawn-out headcanon about how things could’ve been different for Ryuuhou. My thought is, what about an AU where Ryuuhou actually wasn’t evil? (Said long-ass thought below)
Like Ryuuhou was working with Toue, but Toue kept him in the dark as to what his real aims were. Ryuuhou didn’t really know why Toue hired him at first, but money is money, so Ryuuhou stayed with him. When Koujaku and his mother came to the mainland, Ryuuhou was in the same area working as a tattoo artist under Toue. He’d tattooed other members of Koujaku’s father’s yakuza syndicate before, so he knew the man relatively well. He ended up meeting Koujaku, and ended up becoming the child’s only friend. When the abuse of his mother got too much for him to bear, he would seek refuge in Ryuuhou’s shop. Ryuuhou could see how bad his situation was, but there wasn’t much he could do. So instead, he simply allowed the child to come to him for comfort and even spoiled him with candy and small toys to make him feel better. For Koujaku, Ryuuhou was almost like a father. Koujaku even wished Ryuuhou was his father, and told him so once. Ryuuhou had smiled and said he wished that could be true.
Then, Koujaku’s father asked Ryuuhou to tattoo Koujaku. Ryuuhou didn’t want to, having become so close to the boy. But he knew that if he refused, Koujaku’s father would just get a different tattoo artist, one who would likely be meaner than Ryuuhou. Toue saw his conflict, and decided to use it to his advantage. He wanted to test out the mind-control ink he’d developed, so he told Ryuuhou that the tattoo ink was supposed to increase strength in the person being tattooed, mental and physical both, so that Ryuuhou would be tricked into thinking that the ink would help Koujaku. Ryuuhou had no reason not to believe him, so he took the ink and used it to tattoo Koujaku. Ryuuhou told Koujaku about the ink’s properties, and apologized for having to tattoo him against his will. While he was tattooing, he was as gentle as he could possibly be. But it still hurt, since tebori is pretty painful anyway. And even though deep down Koujaku knew Ryuuhou couldn’t have refused, he still felt upset that he would do this to him. And of course, the tattoo ink’s true power began to sink in, and Koujaku became angrier and angrier as the session went on. Ryuuhou was alarmed by this, but he couldn’t stop until the tattoo was done, lest Koujaku be forced to come back to have it finished. Better to get it over with in one session, he thought.
Unfortunately, the session ends the same way it does in canon: Koujaku loses himself and goes on a murderous rampage. Ryuuhou, horrified by what’s happening and that regretful that he caused it, flees. When Koujaku comes out of it, he’s convinced that Ryuuhou intentionally lied to him about the ink, and therefore never actually cared about Koujaku at all. It proceeds like canon: Koujaku almost kills himself, doesn’t, becomes a hairdresser, goes back to Midorijima, and reconnects with Aoba, all the while harboring hatred for the beast inside him and anger for the man who he believes betrayed him. Just like in canon, he vows to get revenge.
When Aoba and Koujaku go into Platinum Jail, things also go according to canon, and when Aoba tries to go into a nightclub after Koujaku, Ryuuhou helps him get in and gives him the membership card, also like in canon. When Aoba meets him a second time, Ryuuhou talks to him briefly, again showing kindness. Instead of warning Aoba about how his good nature could get him in trouble with someone he trusts like he says in canon, Ryuuhou sadly tells him that there’s a lot more to the past than he knows, and then leaves. Aoba goes back to Glitter, confused, and the assault by Koujaku happens. Aoba leaves Glitter afterwards, and goes back to that club. He meets with Ryuuhou again, who expresses concern for Aoba, seeing how unhappy he looks. He invites Aoba into his private room in the club for some tea, and Aoba accepts.
This is where everything completely diverges from canon again. Ryuuhou gives Aoba tea (without any knockout drugs), and the two have a conversation. Aoba doesn’t want to admit his unhappiness at first, but at Ryuuhou’s insistence, he admits that he’s having some problems with a friend, being that he’s not sure how well he knows him after all. Ryuuhou gets a little quiet at this, and it’s clear to Aoba now that he’s hiding something as well. But unlike Aoba, Ryuuhou won’t admit what it is, claiming that it’s not his place to discuss it. He does admit, rather sadly, that there was someone he wronged once, long ago, and he knows that person must have a different image of him know than they did before. Despite not knowing the full situation, Aoba feels bad for Ryuuhou, and advises him to find the person and clear the air. Ryuuhou points out that this would be good advice for Aoba’s problem as well. Before they can talk any further, Koujaku bursts in.
Obviously, Koujaku immediately assumes the worst, and Aoba frantically tries to reassure him that they were just talking and having tea, all the while being confused as to how Koujaku knows Ryuuhou and why he’s so angry (we all know Aoba’s a little bit slow, so it wouldn’t be that surprising for him not to immediately put two and two together). Ryuuhou has changed as well. He was composed and calm before, even while talking about what saddens him, but now his expression is that of anguish now that he sees how much Koujaku hates him. They passionately argue, and Koujaku reveals the tattoos on his face. As the argument goes on, Aoba realizes that the person Ryuuhou claimed to have wronged in the past was indeed Koujaku, and that Koujaku is still angry over this wrongdoing. They each allude to some bigger event that came about as a result of this wrongdoing (the massacre), but Aoba has no idea what. Ryuuhou maintains that he hadn’t meant to hurt Koujaku the way he did, but Koujaku doesn’t believe him. So Ryuuhou explains what he’d been doing ever since what happened on the mainland.
He tells Koujaku how Toue tricked him into thinking the tattoo ink would help him, and how upset and wrought with guilt he was (and still is) over it. Ryuuhou wanted to quit working with Toue, but instead he thought of a better solution. He made it clear that he wouldn’t tattoo anyone for Toue again, so Toue gave him more of a publicity role, in which Ryuuhou would use his fame to endorse Toue Inc. Ryuuhou reluctantly accepted, and moved to Platinum Jail when Toue did and made his tattooing business there. All the while, he looked for opportunities to get revenge on Toue and take him down from the inside, but no opportunities ever came. But now that Koujaku’s here, they could finally stop Toue and get revenge on him–together.
All those years, Koujaku had secretly wanted so badly to believe that Ryuuhou hadn’t meant to hurt him. He’d wanted to believe that Ryuuhou wasn’t like his father. He’d wanted to badly to be able to trust someone for once. And now, hearing Ryuuhou’s impassioned speech, sounding as genuine as he ever did, Koujaku realizes that those wants he’d tried to push aside weren’t just wishful thinking, they’d been true all along. Koujaku’s anger melts, and he’s able to forgive Ryuuhou right then and there. The two tearfully embrace, apologizing to each other for everything, while Aoba smiles as he looks on. Ryuuhou promises Koujaku that he’ll atone for his mistakes by being the father-figure Koujaku always wanted him to be. It’s not completely hunky-dory for long though, since Koujaku’s now transferred his hatred to Toue, and wants to see him fall even more than he did before. Ryuuhou joins Koujaku and Aoba, and the route progresses like normal from there (except, you know, Ryuuhou’s there), up until they finally get into Oval Tower.
So, I know in the actual route it’s implied that Ryuuhou’s tattooing had some sort of influence on the Benishigure members that caused them to attack Aoba and Koujaku, but in this AU, it goes differently. Ryuuhou tells the group about the way Oval Tower works and what they’ll be up against, including the Alphas. He was able to produce some earplugs in case they attacked, but he wouldn’t have had enough for everyone. Only himself, Koujaku, and Aoba were able to get earplugs, and Benishigure just has to hope the Alphas won’t show up. Of course they do, and Benishigure is quickly incapacitated, leaving Ryuuhou, Koujaku, and Aoba to fight the Alphas themselves. Koujaku’s pretty pissed about what’s happened to his teammates, so he’s just ever-so-slightly animalistic in the way he’s fighting. Aoba notices this, but has no idea what it means. Ryuuhou notices too, and gets a little worried, but continues fighting the Alphas.
Suddenly, Ryuuhou is mortally wounded by one of the Alpas. Both Alphas gloat over their victory as Aoba and Koujaku stand in shock, watching Ryuuhou die but not being able to do anything about it. Ryuuhou weakly murmurs, “I lied to you again, didn’t I? I’m sorry I can’t keep my promise, Koujaku…” after which he dies, a sad smile on his face. This is what sends Koujaku over the edge, and causes the tattoos to activate fully and change him into a beast. He mercilessly destroys the two Alphas as Aoba looks on in horror, still shocked from Ryuuhou’s death. After this, Aoba scraps him, and is able to bring him out of his beast form and help him heal from the past. The route is more or less the same as canon from this point on, with the sadness of Ryuuhou’s death hanging over the remaining events.
In the Re:Connect, Aoba and Koujaku think of Ryuuhou as Koujaku lets Aoba see and touch his tattoos. They remember him fondly but sadly, with Koujaku expressing guilt about hating him for all those years and for not being able to prevent his death. Aoba reminds him that he can’t blame himself for not being able to perceive the future. The past is the past, he says, and all that can be done is to accept one’s mistakes and move on. When telling Koujaku this, Aoba suddenly thinks of the temple visit the two of them made after the events at Oval Tower to pray for Ryuuhuou. He thinks that he never knew much about Ryuuhou, and admits to himself that he wishes he could’ve known him better. But he quickly overcomes that thought, taking his own advice. Koujaku also agrees with Aoba’s advice, and the rest of the Re:Connect is normal to canon.
So, basically I just made the KouAo route about ten times sadder and more dramatic… ;w;
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nebuvoid · 10 years ago
there are 1000 different aus in my head and yet i keep adding more
like, its cliche but what about host club!dmmd ? 
ren is the chill mori
koujaku would be a more chill version of tamaki
noiz as kyouya
clear as honey
mink as another mori lmao
aoba is very clearly haruhi
mizuki and sly as the twins omg
like obviously it doesnt need to be a replica of ohshc. just the general gist of it.
the squad being suave and serving you tea and biscuits ... /w\
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angekketet · 10 years ago
fandom: dramatical murder title: tastes. pairing: koujaku/noiz rating: teen+ word count: 811 summary: in which koujaku cooks for noiz. written for day 1 of noiz week. read on ao3.
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dreaming-shark · 10 years ago
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: DRAMAtical Murder (Visual Novel), DRAMAtical Murder - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ren/Seragaki Aoba, Koujaku/Seragaki Aoba, Koujaku/Ren (DRAMAtical Murder), Koujaku/Ren/Seragaki Aoba Characters: Ren (DRAMAtical Murder), Seragaki Aoba, Koujaku (DRAMAtical Murder), Beni (DRAMAtical Murder), Mizuki (DRAMAtical Murder) Additional Tags: Slow Build, Fluff, some angst later on, Post-True Route Summary:
Ren was human now, and that was nothing less than a miracle that he would always be grateful for. But learning to be human is no easy task...
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squick-writes · 8 years ago
The White Day Massacre
AO3 Link Rating: Mature Warnings: Gun violence, blood Relationships: Trip/Virus (DRAMAtical Murder) Additional Tags: White Day shenanigans + Yakuza bullshit (you’re welcome) Summary: Virus and Trip are laden up with gifts and ready to pursue somebody - but who will be their lucky recipient?
It was still March 14th for me when I posted this, shh. Read below or on AO3!
                                                                                                                  ♡  ♡  ♡
"If you eat all of those by yourself, you'll get sick again, won't you?"
"Don't care."
Trip was sitting slouched against the champagne-ivory cushioning of their sleek white rental limousine, his jacket open, his tie loose, untucked, coming out of its clip and dangling unattractively over his crotch. He stared straight ahead into nothing, lost in thought as he stuffed his face with one marshmallow after another. The decorative chiffon drawstring pouch was perched open upon his knee, already half empty.
Virus sat across from him at an angle, not quite as prim as he would normally be in the company of others but still somewhat more tightly held in demeanor when compared to Trip, who he had been watching for several minutes until he noted the speed with which the marshmallows were disappearing. Virus was very close to sighing in exasperation. Instead, he merely allowed his eyelids to flutter shut for the briefest instant.
"Don't you think that might not be such a good idea, on a special day like today of all days?"
Trip only paused for a second before offering the bag to Virus. "So help me."
"No thanks. I don't like marshmallows very much."
Trip put the pouch of marshmallows back on his lap and made a long, drawn-out, inarticulate noise of complaint. "We didn't even want these, did we? They just pushed it on us with everything else."
"Mm," Virus agreed. "Nothing sends a message like a generic, uncustomized White Day package. Although I suppose it's so extravagant that nobody should care. It's only a consideration, after all."
Having apparently been sated, Trip ceased snacking on the marshmallows and instead casually flipped the tag over on the enormous bouquet of flowers on the seat beside him to read the fancy hand-penned script off the back.
"They got the right names on, at least."
Virus hesitated a quiet moment, then reached forward to scoop his fingers into the abandoned bag of marshmallows still balanced on Trip's thigh.
"Maybe I will have one."
One turned out to be a couple, before they finally arrived at their destination: an office building towards the back of the Aqua Forest District of Platinum Jail. Stepping out of the limo, they carefully gathered their rather heavy sheaf bouquets of long-stemmed white flower arrangements from the backseat and Virus approached the security guard standing outside the glass front doors with a friendly smile.
"Good evening," Virus greeted him, bowing his head politely. "We're here to answer Suzuki-san's Valentine chocolate. It's to be a very special surprise for White Day, so could you please let us go up the back way? She works on the 10th floor."
The security guard, who by now had probably seen more than his fair share of White Day deliveries and seemed quite tired of it already, merely waved his hand for them to follow and directed them to the service elevator around the back of the building.
"Those are some big flowers," he commented as he unlocked the elevator for them. "Be careful swinging those things around, yeah? Might knock someone out." He shot them a cringe-worthy smile at his own joke before he left.
Trip chuckled lowly to himself the minute the doors closed, slinging his massive bouquet over one shoulder. "You think he got any Valentine's chocolate?"
Glancing sideways at Virus, something suddenly caught his attention.
"Oh. Shit," Trip muttered a curse, reaching out to rub his thumb over a gelatinous red substance that had stained the waist of Virus's white jacket in the mysterious shape of a fingerprint. "This blood?"
Virus twisted his body and pulled at the fabric to look, then clicked his tongue loudly in annoyance at his suit being ruined already.
"That's from you. Must've gotten some on your fingers from the jelly donuts you had this morning."
"Ahh.. Sorry," Trip grinned. "Those were good though."
"Mn," Virus responded noncommittally. He listened to the grinding of the elevator for a moment - no innocuous music playing for the service entrance - then looked down at his wide bouquet of flowers and buried his nose in one. "I used to be allergic to these flowers."
Trip was apparently thinking of something else entirely. "What do you like about doing this sorta thing?"
"Eh?" Virus looked up curiously.
"Like, what's your favorite part? I guess."
"Oh. I don't know." Virus folded his arms around the flowers. "I suppose it's fun to get dressed up and pretend. What about you, what do you think?"
Trip adjusted his stance slightly in anticipation, holding the bouquet over his shoulder with one hand and idly stroking the wrapping paper with the other. He both heard and felt it crinkle satisfyingly beneath his fingers.
"I like the way it slides right in.. and when it gets stuck."
"Fufu," Virus chuckled. "Really? Me too, I guess. But.. well, I don't like shooting inside."
The elevator dinged as it came to a halt and the doors opened.
"Here we are," said Virus. "Ready, Trip?"
"Yeah, yeah."
The inside of office buildings in Platinum Jail were brightly designed to promote better productivity; their digital holographic "windows" currently displayed a pleasant cloudless day, around 11 o' clock in the morning, which contrasted sharply with the permanent nighttime that encompassed the city outside. Virus and Trip moved past several glassy, new-age cubicles without attracting attention to themselves, silent but for the rustling of their suits and the flowers they held ready. They located the receptionist's desk in a matter of minutes.
"Hello," Virus greeted her brightly. "Suzuki-san? You are personal assistant to Ishikawa-sama, right? Is the head of the company in her office? We have a special White Day delivery surprise for her."
"And these are for you too," said Trip, reluctantly withdrawing a box of white chocolates from where it had been pinned inside the bouquet. "Here." He tossed it to the receptionist, who barely caught it. She was blushing harder than anyone he had ever seen.
"Oh my goodness, thank you.. May I ask who these are from? I've never heard of a White Day service like this before.."
"The names of our employers are on the cards," Virus explained, closing his eyes with a smile and tapping his bouquet. "But like we said, it's a surprise, so you'll have to wait and see."
"Of course! Come right this way."
The receptionist led them around the corner, where she knocked a few times on the tinted glass door to Ishikawa's office before entering and bowing to her superior, a stern-looking woman - visually in her mid-to-late thirties but probably older - with slight frown lines and her hair styled on top of her head in a neat black bun.
"Sorry for the interruption, but these men have White Day presents for you."
Surveying them with shrewd, glossy dark eyes, Ishikawa replied impatiently, "Did I not say to keep any gifts at your desk so I could come and get them later? I'm about to make a very important phone call to the mainland."
"Our instructions were to deliver this message in person. It won't take but a minute, we promise," Virus assured her smoothly. "Could you come stand over here so we can get your picture, please? Hold this too, if you don't mind."
Ishikawa seemed to be developing a smile in spite of herself. "Well, this is rather impressive.. I suppose I can humour you for just a moment," she said as she rose from her desk.
Virus pressed a white lily into the hands of both women and guided them closer together in front of the artificial window display. Once he had Suzuki and Ishikawa standing next to each other, flattering them with many briefly teasing, lingering brushes of his hands against their arms and waists, Virus stood aside to allow Trip to snap a picture on his temporary phone - the two women smiling against the faux digital backdrop of a sunny day - which he did while looking bored and balancing the cumbersome bouquet against his leg with one hand.
"Now, for the main event."
Virus and Trip knelt down before the two businesswomen, bowing their heads and holding out the bouquets lengthwise to present them by the base first, as if for the women to take hold of them, the heads of the white floral arrangements resting on their shoulders. Neither Suzuki nor Ishikawa noticed their other hands slipping into the flowers.
"Happy White Day." Virus and Trip glanced to the side to meet each other's eyes, then looked up at their victims. "From the Yakuza."
They waited just long enough to see the dawning horror in the women's eyes as they began to understand their situation, then squeezed their own respective triggers, having pushed the flowers apart and reached into the middle of the bouquets which disguised their weapons. Muffled by twin silencers, gunshots fired through the wrapping paper, which began to smoke.
Blood splattered backwards onto the white petals as the bodies crumpled to the floor.
The holographic window display behind them had also fractured violently, bathing the entire office in the calming artificial darkness from the coolly lit streets outside. Pieces of glass littered the carpet, some glimmering in the women's clothes and hair as the parts of digital screen that remained intact went haywire before shutting off.
Virus and Trip stood up, tugging their white camouflage rifles roughly out of the thick flower arrangements where they were hidden and sending sprays of loosened blossoms showering down around them. They carelessly dropped the rest of the bouquets to the floor.
"That should do it," said Trip, bending down to pick up the box of courtesy chocolates he had given the receptionist. "Shit, window wasn't s'posed to break though. Think anybody heard?"
"Most likely," Virus replied, suddenly sounding tired. "Although these buildings are designed to be pretty soundproof. Who knows?" He nodded to the woman Trip shot. "So, is there an exit wound or did it get stuck inside?" Virus asked, referencing what Trip had said he liked earlier.
"Dunno." Trip leaned back down to roll the body over. He took a minute to check for bullet holes. "Nope, looks like it went clean through. Must've been what broke the window."
"Oh well, that's a shame. Better luck next time."
"We've never shot anyone point blank with these before," said Trip. Wriggling out of his white jacket, the back of which was now covered in cherry-red droplets of varying size, he draped it over the deceased head of company and tucked it in around her shoulders. Apart from the stains, it made her look like someone who might have just passed out drunk after a night on the town. He snapped another picture on his phone. "More or less blood than you were expecting?"
"More," Virus grimaced in response. "C'mon, let's get out of here."
They got away by climbing through the broken window onto the fire escape, leaving the bodies behind amidst the mess of flowers, and hid their guns inside a dumpster behind the building, to be picked up later by one of their lower ranked yakuza associates.
"So, how should we celebrate?" Virus asked cheerily, back to his usual self now that he had divested himself of his own stained attire.
Celebrate what, Trip almost asked as he disposed of his tie and rolled up his sleeves, but then thought better of it and said instead, "Think that new cake shop will be crowded? We could grab one to go and think up a better story to tell the guys at the bar later."
"How can you even still think of eating," Virus began, his eyes narrowing accusatorily, "after consuming half an entire bag of marshmallows by yourself in one sitting?"
Trip shrugged, popping some of the white chocolate into his mouth.
"You've got blood in your hair, by the way," Virus pointed out.
Trip tried to do something about it, but only managed to rub it further into his scalp.
Virus chuckled. "Now you look like a red-head again."
"What? Nuh-uh."
"You do, your roots are showing."
Trip moved to catch his reflection in one of the nearby windows as they passed by, then rejoined Virus on his other side.
"Bullshit, shut up."
Virus laughed again, leaning closer for a brief moment. "You know for someone who eats a lot of sweets, you really have got a filthy mouth."
"I'll leave the sugar-coated words to you," said Trip as they rounded the corner. "So what are you going to tell the guys?"
"Well, we could pretend that it was harder for us to get in... Maybe you had to bribe someone with a kiss or two, hm?"
"What, and I kept them distracted while you did all the cool dirty work? Not a chance in hell."
"Okay, so maybe it was me who did the kissing."
"Better. Keep going." They had reached the busier street in front of the office building. "So what else did you do?"
Virus hesitated, looking for their car, then smirked when Trip poked him in the side. "I'll tell you the rest inside the limousine. You killed like six people though. It was a massacre."
"Sounds good. I wonder if the limo driver can supply us with popcorn."
"We'll probably have to kill him too."
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soundlessway · 9 years ago
Needless to say, Aoba would be the chosen cardcaptor ♥
Sin necesidad de aclararlo, Aoba sería el elegido para ser un card captor ♥
Clear has to be the one who films Aoba whenever he can :9
Clear tiene que ser quien graba a Aoba cada vez que puede :9
Mink designs/makes the costumes Aoba wears >:3
Mink diseña/hace el vestuario que Aoba se pone >:3
At first, Aoba thinks Clear makes those costumes (since Clear is who hands them to him), but then imagine how surprised Aoba would be once he founds out that Mink is the one to blame for the embarassing moments he had to go through (thanks Mink ♥)
Al principio, Aoba piensa que la persona que hace los disfraces es Clear (ya que éste es quien se los da), pero imaginen qué tan sorprendido estaría al enterarse que Mink es el culpable de los momentos vergonzosos por los que tuvo que pasar (gracias Mink ♥)
Read more details! Enjoy! ♥ ¡Leán más detalles! ¡Disfruten! ♥
As @still-waiting-for-godot​ said, Noiz would 'be’ Shaoran :D
Como Jen dijo, Noiz tendría el rol de Shaoran :D 
>>Imagine him blushing when he tries to tell Aoba he loves him 0 v <)-b
>>Imagínenselo ruborizado al intentar decirle a Aoba que lo ama  0 v <)-b
Koujaku as a big (overprotective) brother! (Here I have to say that Jen said that the Mirror card would be Desire -love you Jen ♥3♥) so:
Koujaku como el (sobreprotector) hermano mayor! (Acá tengo que aclarar que Jen dijo que la Carta espejo sería Deseo -te amo Jen ♥3♥) entonces:
Tumblr media
Twitter: Jen pregunta pues entonces quién sería su amante, y le dije la Carta espejo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
PS: Now that I think about it, the Hope card is also.... a possibility... but also sad _(:’3 /)L
PD: Ahora que lo pienso, la Carta esperanza también es... una posibilidad... pero es triste a su vez _(:’3 /)L
I also thought of Ren as the Sun Guardian and Mizuki as the Moon Guardian?
¿También pensé en Ren como el Guardián del Sol y a Mizuki como el Guardián de la Luna? 
Plus.... I like to think of Sei as the wind card? :D Is the one Aoba finds first and he has this special bond with it :’D 
(That, or Sei ‘as’ Elliot ♥)
Además... ¿me gusta pensar en Sei como la Carta viento? :D Es la primera carta que Aoba encuentra y por eso tiene un lazo especial con ellla.
(Eso, o Sei ‘como’ Elliot ♥)
SO! Any idea? Comment? :)
¡Entonces! ¿Alguna idea? ¿Comentario? :)
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ahmerst · 9 years ago
[DMMD] Death by Summer Camp [2/2] (NoiAo)
Rating: T
Summary: You die at summer camp, you die in real life. Except when you show up over a decade later to call someone a mouth breather.
Notes: For @artemisgrace, as part of the dmmd Valentine’s express exchange. Many thanks to Blooper-boy for beta'ing.
Chapter one here.
‭ ‬“So what you‭’‬re telling me is that you have a date,‭”‬ Mizuki said the next evening when Aoba mentioned the text.
‭ ‬“No,‭ ‬I‭’‬m saying he wants to get dinner,‭”‬ Aoba corrected from the bathroom,‭ ‬redoing his ponytail for the third time in ten minutes. ‭ “It‭’‬s a date.‭”
“It‭’‬s‭ ‬dinner.‭”
“You‭’‬re primping,‭ ‬Aoba.‭”
“I want to look good is all,‭”‬ Aoba said.‭ ‬“Since he grew up to be hot,‭ ‬shouldn‭’‬t I at least look presentable‭?‬”
Mizuki appeared behind Aoba in the reflection of the mirror,‭ ‬batting Aoba‭’‬s hands away and fixing his ponytail once and for all.‭ ‬Aoba watched Mizuki‭’‬s reflection shake his head and sigh,‭ ‬a good natured smile on his lips.
‭ ‬“You always look good,‭”‬ Mizuki assured,‭ ‬clapping his hands on Aoba‭’‬s shoulders and squeezing reassuringly.‭
“But I want to look good without looking like I‭’‬m trying,‭”‬ Aoba said.‭ ‬“Like,‭ ‬cute and casual.‭ ‬Cute that says I woke up like this,‭ ‬as opposed to I took four hours to pick jeans and a sweater and make my hair look appropriately messy.‭”
Mizuki clicked his tongue against his teeth as he stepped back,‭ ‬hands held up in surrender.‭ ‬“I haven‭’‬t read enough magazines to know those secrets.‭ ‬Just be yourself.‭ ‬Or like yourself,‭ ‬but with less of an attitude.‭”
Aoba turned to shoot Mizuki an unamused look.‭ ‬“My attitude isn‭’‬t that bad.‭”
“Your attitude is entirely charming,‭”‬ Mizuki said,‭ ‬easy and soft like he was trying to talk down a bear about to charge.‭ ‬“All I‭’‬m saying is not to call him an asshole or kick him under the table.‭ ‬At least until you‭’‬ve got him eating out of the palm of your hand.‭”
“I think I can manage that,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬glancing at his reflection one final time.‭ ‬“And like I told you a million times,‭ ‬it‭’‬s not a date.‭”
Aoba checked his coil as a chilling wind blew through him.‭ ‬It was nearly seven,‭ ‬and Aoba pulled anxiously at his scarf‭─‬ no,‭ ‬Noiz‭’‬s scarf‭─‬ as he waited for Noiz.‭ ‬Aoba wasn‭’‬t sure what they were going to do.‭ ‬He hadn‭’‬t been given an address to go to,‭ ‬a place to wait.‭ ‬Instead Noiz had told him the cross street to meet at,‭ ‬and when to be there.‭
As the last few minutes before their meeting stretched on,‭ ‬Aoba‭’‬s own attempts to distract himself by people began to fail.‭ ‬Everyone was paired up.‭ ‬They held hands or linked arms,‭ ‬footsteps in sync as they walked by.‭ ‬All happy couples enjoying their Valentine‭’‬s Day while Aoba stood alone.
‭ ‬“Been waiting long‭?‬” came a voice from behind Aoba,‭ ‬startling him out of his gloom.
‭ ‬“Not really,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬turning to see Noiz.
‭ ‬In the low light of the street lamp,‭ ‬Aoba sized Noiz up.‭ ‬In the place of his previous getup was a more relaxed look,‭ ‬a collared shirt peeking out from beneath a comfortably fitted sweater,‭ ‬his slacks an off shade of gray.‭ ‬His shoes now looked like they cost half of Aoba‭’‬s paycheck,‭ ‬instead of the entire thing.
‭ ‬God damn it,‭ ‬he had the effortless casual look going on that Aoba struggled to achieve.‭
“Did you roll out of bed like that or what‭?‬” Noiz said.
‭ ‬“I‭─”‬ Aoba started,‭ ‬unsure of what to say.‭ ‬He was suddenly afraid that he‭’‬d gone too far,‭ ‬falling short of his goal and bottoming out at frumpy and disheveled.‭
“Looks nice,‭”‬ Noiz added.
‭ ‬The short compliment kickstarted Aoba‭’‬s pulse.‭ ‬It then doubled as Noiz‭’‬s‭ ‬hand found its way to the small of Aoba‭’‬s back,‭ ‬the pressure light as he started to walk.
Aoba found his tongue uselessly tied as they passed small cafes and greasy diners.‭ ‬When others walked their way,‭ ‬Noiz‭’‬s hand found its way to settle on Aoba‭’‬s waist,‭ ‬drawing him nearer to make room as they were passed on the sidewalk.‭ ‬Aoba decided he wouldn‭’‬t tell Mizuki about this later,‭ ‬because then he‭’‬d insist it really was a date.
‭ ‬When Noiz stopped,‭ ‬Aoba thought at first they’d gotten lost. Before them was a well-lit restaurant,‭ ‬a patio encircled by a wrought iron fence between them and the door.‭ ‬Heat lamps glowed next to outside tables already set with silverware and a flickering candle that served as a centerpiece.‭ ‬Romantic was Aoba‭’‬s first impression,‭ ‬expensive was his second.
‭ ‬A host came to greet them,‭ ‬two menus in hand as he asked if they had reservations.‭ ‬Noiz gave his last name,‭ ‬and Aoba was glad he hadn‭’‬t tried to spell in on the Valentine he made so long ago.
‭ ‬“So how was,‭ ‬uh,‭ ‬work and all‭?‬” Aoba said as they were seated,‭ ‬unsure of what to talk about.
‭ ‬“Really‭?‬” Noiz asked,‭ ‬narrowing his eyes in mock disappointment.‭ ‬“After all this time,‭ ‬you‭’‬re going to make small talk‭?
“What else am I supposed to talk about‭?‬” Aoba said,‭ ‬grabbing his menu and hiding behind it.‭
“Did you miss me‭?‬” Noiz asked.
‭ ‬Aoba peered over his menu,‭ ‬cheeks flushing with heat.‭ ‬“Excuse me‭?‬”
“We haven‭’‬t seen each other in over a decade.‭ ‬Did you miss me‭? ‬Did you think about me‭?‬”
“To think such a cute,‭ ‬quiet kid would turn out to be as brash as you,‭”‬ Aoba sniffed,‭ ‬eschewing Mizuki‭’‬s advice.
“You thought I was cute‭?‬” Noiz coaxed.
‭ ‬Aoba pretended not to hear the question,‭ ‬hyper focused on his menu instead.‭ ‬He was in the middle of deciding between the mushroom risotto and the white wine fettuccine when Noiz pulled his menu away.
‭ ‬“I missed you,‭”‬ Noiz said bluntly.‭ ‬“I thought about you,‭ ‬and I still think you‭’‬re cute.‭”
“Oh,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬needing several breaths to let the words sink in.‭ ‬“Wow.‭ ‬I can‭’‬t say I was expecting that.‭”
“I asked you to dinner,‭”‬ Noiz said pointedly.‭ ‬“On Valentine‭’‬s day.‭”
Aoba could hear Mizuki‭’‬s voice in his head,‭ ‬telling Aoba it was a date.‭ ‬And it...‭ ‬was.
Before Aoba could respond,‭ ‬the server was at their table,‭ ‬chipper as he asked them for their orders.‭ ‬Aoba forgot entirely what he‭’‬d been thinking of,‭ ‬and instead blurted that he wanted the special.‭ ‬Noiz asked for the same.‭ ‬Aoba had no idea what the special was.
‭ ‬“I guess you‭’‬re pretty cute,‭ ‬even now,‭”‬ Aoba admitted as the server left.‭ ‬He kept his eyes on the candle between them.‭ ‬“And I did wonder what happened to you.‭”
“For starters,‭ ‬I didn‭’‬t die after summer camp,‭”‬ Noiz said.‭ ‬“My parents decided I was a shitty kid and that we should move back to Germany,‭ ‬which I guess they thought would make me less shitty.‭”
Aoba frowned at Noiz‭’‬s mention of parents.‭ ‬They had seemed strange,‭ ‬even back then.‭
“It didn‭’‬t,‭”‬ Noiz added.
‭ ‬“I‭’‬m sure you weren‭’‬t a bad kid,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬reflexively wanting to comfort Noiz.
‭ ‬“To my parents I was,‭ ‬and they were the ones making decisions.‭”
Noiz‭’‬s voice was flat and distant as he spoke,‭ ‬and Aoba looked up to find his gaze averted,‭ ‬eyes dulled.‭ ‬Aoba reached out with one hand,‭ ‬laying it over Noiz‭’‬s and gently taking it in his own.‭ ‬This was kind of weird and deep,‭ ‬but Aoba reasoned that Noiz had started it.‭ ‬As his thumb smoothed its way along Noiz‭’‬s palm,‭ ‬Aoba could feel the flat scar that spanned it.‭ ‬The contact seemed to snap Noiz back,‭ ‬his eyes bright and present as he met Aoba‭’‬s gaze.
‭ ‬“Anyway,‭ ‬they‭’‬re not important anymore,‭”‬ Noiz said.‭ ‬“I have more interesting things in my life now.‭”
Aoba didn‭’‬t miss the way Noiz‭’‬s eyes regarded him with a certain sharpness,‭ ‬making his blood run hot.
‭ ‬“That‭’‬s‭─‬ that‭’‬s good,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬swallowing thickly,‭ ‬working up what little nerve he had before speaking again. “I think you should definitely pursue your interests,‭ ‬then.‭”
The wolfish grin Noiz shot Aoba let him know that was the plan.
‭ ‬Dinner passed in a blur of conversation and eating.‭ ‬As Aoba‭’‬s nerves settled,‭ ‬his tongue unwound and speaking became easier.‭ ‬He found out more about Noiz than he‭’‬d ever known before.‭ ‬Noiz‭’‬s family was a mix of Japanese and German,‭ ‬and he spoke both languages with total fluency. He‭’‬d spent his childhood bandied back and forth between the countries,‭ ‬and continued in adulthood to travel between the two as often as his family business dictated.‭ ‬He had a younger brother who did the same.‭
But there were things Aoba noticed about Noiz that were unspoken.‭ ‬He had an array of scars and scrapes,‭ ‬some faded and old,‭ ‬some new and reddened.‭ ‬He was reckless in his movements,‭ ‬unfazed when they stood from dinner and his hip caught on the edge of the chair,‭ ‬not even the smallest wince elicited from him when his finger was momentarily caught in the front door on the restaurant as they left.
‭ ‬Aoba didn‭’‬t comment on it,‭ ‬but it piqued his curiosity regardless.‭
Noiz offered Aoba a ride home,‭ ‬and Aoba made no effort to feign that he didn‭’‬t want to impose.‭ ‬Their date was coming to its end,‭ ‬and despite the anxious twist his stomach did each time they brushed against each other,‭ ‬and the way his throat would tighten when he spoke,‭ ‬he didn‭’‬t want it to.
‭ ‬The ride back was quiet without being uncomfortable,‭ ‬and over all too soon.‭ ‬As the car pulled up to the curb,‭ ‬Aoba found his hands fidgeting in his lap,‭ ‬unwilling to unbuckle his seatbelt.
‭ ‬“That scarf looks better on you than it ever did on me,‭”‬ Noiz said as he killed the engine.‭
“Oh,‭ ‬uh.‭ ‬Thanks,‭”‬ Aoba mumbled.‭ ‬“It looked really good on you too,‭ ‬though.‭”
Noiz snorted,‭ ‬his fingers tapping on the wheel.‭ ‬He seemed equally as apprehensive about letting this end.‭
“You know,‭ ‬I liked that valentine you made me,‭”‬ Noiz admitted,‭ ‬reaching to unbuckle his own seatbelt.‭ ‬“And I hope you liked mine.‭”
Aoba ran his hand along the scarf that Noiz had given him.‭ ‬He was about to say how much he liked it when Noiz leaned over.‭ ‬Not to kiss Aoba,‭ ‬but to reach into the backseat of the car.‭ ‬There was a rustle and crinkle before Noiz drew back,‭ ‬a box held in one hand,‭ ‬a bouquet of flowers in the other.‭ ‬Both were instantly familiar.
‭ ‬“Oh my God,‭”‬ Aoba bleated,‭ ‬shocked as the presents were pushed artlessly into his arms.‭ ‬“It‭’‬s official,‭ ‬I was a dumb kid.‭”
“I‭’‬m starting to think you‭ ‬might be a dumb adult,‭ ‬too,‭”‬ Noiz said.‭ ‬“What with your mouth breathing starting up again.‭”
Aoba quickly shut his mouth and swallowed down the knot forming in his throat.‭ ‬The bouquet was much like the first one,‭ ‬though fuller than before.‭ ‬But the box was identical,‭ ‬the golden script still impossible for him to understand.‭ ‬Now he knew why it‭’‬d escaped him before‭; ‬it was in German.
‭ ‬“Of course I liked your Valentine‭─‬ back then,‭ ‬and now,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬unable to suppress a smile as he opened the box.‭ ‬“But,‭ ‬uh,‭ ‬I might need some help figuring out which is which again.‭”
“I think I can do that,‭”‬ Noiz said,‭ ‬leaning over to pluck the same cream-filled chocolate he‭’‬d taken in their childhood.
‭ ‬They were halfway through the box before Aoba had to admit to himself this couldn‭’‬t go on forever.‭ ‬As much as he wanted it to continue,‭ ‬his prolonging of the inevitable slowly turning the atmosphere uneasy.‭ ‬He quietly put the lid back on the chocolates and started to unbuckle himself,‭ ‬hugging his gifts to himself to say goodbye.
‭ ‬“Wait,‭”‬ Noiz said,‭ ‬his hand grasping at Aoba‭’‬s upper arm.‭
In a swift motion Aoba was tugged closer to Noiz,‭ ‬his face turning to see what Noiz wanted.‭ ‬Aoba barely had time to blink before Noiz‭’‬s lips were pressed against his own,‭ ‬chapped and warm.‭ ‬Though his pulse sped,‭ ‬Aoba‭’‬s body relaxed into the kiss,‭ ‬his eyes shutting as he returned the affection.‭ ‬His stomach squirmed like it had as a child,‭ ‬his adult self now able to identify why.
‭ ‬Neither of them pulled back from the first kiss as it became a second and a third before they began to blend together.‭ ‬When Aoba sighed into the kiss,‭ ‬Noiz‭’‬s tongue skimmed over his lips before pressing forward.‭ ‬Aoba‭’‬s hold on his flowers became crushingly tight as Noiz‭’‬s tongue glanced against his own and explored his mouth.
‭ ‬When they drew back at last,‭ ‬Aoba found he was mouth breathing again.‭ ‬God,‭ ‬he had to get that under control.‭
“I wanted to know what the strawberry chocolate tasted like,‭”‬ Noiz explained,‭ ‬the satisfied look on his face saying that wasn‭’‬t the sole reason behind the kiss.
‭ ‬“There are probably better ways to figure that out,‭ ‬but okay,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬too flustered to say anything else.
‭ ‬Noiz shrugged.‭ ‬“Better to be direct.‭ ‬Speaking of which,‭ ‬we should do this again.‭”
Aoba nodded.‭ ‬He couldn‭’‬t think of a reason to say no.
‭ ‬“Breakfast it is then,‭”‬ Noiz said with all the finality that left no room for argument.
‭ ‬“I‭─‬ sure.‭ ‬Alright,‭”‬ Aoba said,‭ ‬trying not to think of how much he dreaded waking up early.‭ ‬But he‭’‬d done it for Mizuki,‭ ‬and he could‭ ‬do it for Noiz.‭ ‬“I‭’‬ll see you then.‭”
Aoba didn‭’‬t look back as he left the car,‭ ‬jogging up the steps to his apartment.‭ ‬The lights were already on,‭ ‬the door unlocked as Aoba let himself in with his gifts pinned beneath one arm.‭ ‬The compact living room smelled faintly of popcorn,‭ ‬the television screen airing a romantic comedy with generic actors.
‭ ‬“So‭?‬” Mizuki asked,‭ ‬looking up from the couch.‭ ‬He had a pint of ice cream in one hand,‭ ‬a spoon in the other.‭ ‬He looked strangely empowered.
‭ ‬Aoba came around to‭ ‬the couch,‭ ‬laying the flowers across the coffee table before sitting with a soft thud.‭ ‬He traded his box of chocolates for Mizuki‭’‬s ice cream,‭ ‬spooning a bite into his mouth as he relaxed back into the cushions.‭ ‬With the excitement of his night out wearing off,‭ ‬he was ready to unwind.
‭ ‬“It was good,‭”‬ Aoba said.
‭ ‬“And‭?‬” Mizuki coaxed.‭ ‬Aoba could nearly hear his eyebrows quirking.
‭ ‬“And...‭”‬ Aoba continued,‭ ‬taking the spoon out of his mouth as he finally let himself acknowledge the truth aloud.‭ ‬“I‭’‬ll admit‭ ‬it.‭ ‬You were right‭─‬ it was a date.‭”
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transkovsky · 10 years ago
PAIRING: Clear/Aoba RATING: General A/N: I’ve been working on this one for a while... rip.... its multi-chaptered and unfinished but here’s the first chap.   WARNINGS: mentions of death, mental illness, sad boys, etc etc SUMMARY: When the world seems vast and unconquerable, the sound of your voice lit the fire that kept me going. 
Clear had never been a person who was blessed with alone time. When he was not at college, he was looking after his grandfather; when he was not looking after his grandfather, he was looking after his brothers; and when his brothers weren't around, Clear was cleaning or cooking or working, or at school. Even in those in between moments, the nurse who had been visiting on regular intervals was usually there as well, asking questions, making notes, giving Clear very specific dietary instructions for his grandfather.
read on AO3! 
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epiproctanwords · 10 years ago
A Day Without
words: 1280 pairing: RenAo rating: general summary: Ren at least has time for a kiss before he goes out for the day, right? notes: for RenAo Week day 7--Discovery!  AO3 link 
Ren was going out.
Earlier in the week, he had promised Tae that he would go help her with a patient today. He wasn’t entirely sure why she had asked him to accompany her, seeing as he still struggled with various fundamental parts of being human. Things like speaking to strangers and understanding when it was the time to say things and when it wasn’t and even just simply holding things in his hands without dropping them. And, of course, being anywhere at all without Aoba. Perhaps, he supposed, that in particular was why Tae had asked him. Aoba had to go in to work today, and Ren had to head out with her early in the morning to a faraway patient’s house and wouldn’t be back until late.
A day without Aoba.
He knew it wouldn’t be a terribly large issue. He’d spent a whole year without Aoba once. It hadn’t been easy, but it had happened. However, the mere knowledge that he could didn’t stop his anxiety from rising when the alarm clock went off in the morning, hours before the time Aoba usually set it to. Ren hurried to turn it off as not to disturb his bedmate, but as he could have predicted, Aoba didn’t even budge at the noise. Before even leaving the warmth of the sheets Ren set two more alarms for him, since he wouldn’t have anyone around to wake him for work.
Ren rose, dressed, washed his face, brushed his teeth. He could do these things on his own now, completely without help, and he was proud of these small accomplishments. It meant that Aoba could keep sleeping peacefully as he got ready to leave, Aoba could stay in bed for awhile longer without being disturbed.
He knew he had to hurry and meet Tae downstairs at the time she wanted to leave, or she’d call through the house for him, potentially waking Aoba. Even worse, she could come up here and bring her usual racket with her, which would absolutely mean rousing Aoba. Ren had to be punctual and arrive downstairs before she could even consider shouting for him, which meant he didn’t really have any time to dally.
But there was one thing he had to do before he left.
Ren went to the bedside and stood over it, dragging the sheets up into the empty space he’d recent vacated. Aoba slept on, undisturbed, his hair splayed wildly across his pillow, lips parted in deep respiration, arms spread to occupy the entire bed as though Ren had never been there at all. Leaning down over Aoba, Ren gave him a single kiss, light and quick and quiet, and then pulled back some inches and hovered to take in the loveliness that was Aoba’s face. He hadn’t retreated very far, and Aoba must have felt his presence, because in his fractionally awake state he pursed his lips as if expecting more kisses to come raining down on them. When they were not forthcoming he frowned, concerned creases showing up in his forehead, and he lifted his head a little to search for Ren tactilely, eyes still shut tight.
Ren would have to scour his memory later to think about if he had ever seen anything cuter in his entire existence. But for now he could feel his chest closing up with how warm and thrilling it felt, and the way Aoba looked right now, with his neck craned up off the pillow and a pout and seeking lips, was so rich in its simple joy it made his fingers twitch. After a moment, Aoba, apparently having given up, dropped his head back to the bed and gave a sleepy sigh, his eyes never opening, his breathing pattern turning deep and even.
Again. Ren wanted it again.
He bent down close over Aoba again, whose lips parted almost expectantly as he came near, and pressed their mouths together, slow and lingering, before drawing back again. This time, only far enough so that Aoba’s face could be in focus as he, expectedly, continued to move his lips in a wanting, hopeful manner. The unconscious frown that appeared on his face as he slipped his tongue out to run over his lips made a laugh bubble up from somewhere deep inside of Ren. He had to go, but watching Aoba tilt his head as though preparing for someone else’s nose to nudge up against his own was by far the more important thing to do right now.
One more time.
This time Ren allowed his lips to hover only centimeters from Aoba’s, feeling his breath ghosting over his face for a moment. There was an electric tickle on their surface, a magnetism that he couldn’t fight even if he wanted to, and it felt like he was vibrating subtly with the want of him. But in an instant Aoba shoved up with more force than a mostly-sleeping person should really have and crashed their mouths together, and the tingling was replaced by a full-scale buzz all through his body. Ren was only taken by surprise for a second before he allowed his tongue to trace over Aoba’s lips in a broad, wet stroke, and then reluctantly, unhurriedly, pulled away.
This time Aoba used his arms, jerkily reaching upwards as he frowned his dissatisfied frown, the cute unaware pout that made Ren’s heart flutter almost painfully. Aoba fumbled one hand against Ren’s shoulder, but the other caught in the hair at the base of his skull and tugged him downwards again. Ren missed his lips and bumped his nose against his cheek, but he quickly oriented himself against Aoba’s mouth again and buried himself there, overcome by a moment of desperate happiness.
He had to leave.
He pressed in against Aoba once, twice more, before finally detangling himself from Aoba’s snaking arms and pulling further away. In response, Aoba made a muted frustrated, needy sound in the back of his throat, and Ren had to clench his fists in the sheets to keep himself from settling over Aoba and enjoying his lips for the rest of the morning. But the sound of his breathing quickly returned to his sleeping pattern, and Ren stood up straight and turned away to leave the room.
With his hand on the door he glanced back one last time at Aoba’s dozing form on the bed. As he was about to open it, he was surprised to hear the rustling of bedsheets, and turned to watch Aoba roll over onto his stomach, then slowly squint into full, or at least partial, wakefulness and prop himself up on his elbow. Hazel eyes unfocused, he looked for Ren, and when he found him he gave a satisfied yawn.
“Heading out?” he asked around his throatful of air.
“Yes,” Ren said quietly. He could hear the quiet bustle and clang of Tae moving around downstairs in the kitchen from here.
Aoba, appearing to not quite be completely in charge of his motor controls yet, let his eyes slip shut again for a long moment, though he remained up on his elbow. “Have fun today.” And then, lethargically, like a sigh in sleep, “I’ll miss you.”
He was disheveled, his hair hanging loose around his shoulders in bed-tangled clumps, his mouth and eyelids heavy with the weight of his drowsiness. But Ren had never seen anything so beautiful.
“I love you, Aoba,” he said.
Aoba’s face flopped straight down into his pillow in response, apparently having lost the strength to continue supporting himself. And although his answer was muffled into his bedding, Ren heard the sleep-slurred words loud and clear.
“Love you too, Ren.”
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juju-on-that-yeet · 10 years ago
Hey guys, happy Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day! Today, we’re supposed to give love to the authors of our favorite fanfics via kudos and comments. In addition to giving my favorites both (or maybe just kudos because I’m shy ;w;), I decided to share some of them with you! I have 65 fics bookmarked on AO3, so for the sake of brevity, I’m only sharing my ten absolute favorites, in order of most recently to least recently updated. Luckily most of them are already completed, so you don’t have to worry about waiting for more :p Even with only ten fics, this got pretty long, so all the recs are under the cut. Please read them and see if any of the fics strike your fancy!
Loose Ends by Amherst Fandom: DMMD Rating: Mature Status: Complete Pairing(s): MinAo, Mink/Desire Word Count: ~19k This is a bad end fix-it AU in which Mink saves Aoba from Clear and takes him and Ren back to America. I’ll admit, MinAo isn’t my favorite pairing, but god this this fic is so good. Amherst is a brilliant writer, which you probably already know if you’re into DMMD. I loved watching the progression of Mink and Desire’s relationship. Slow burn is my shit, honestly.
Under the Curve (Witness Me) by coldhope Fandom: Mad Max Rating: Mature Status: Incomplete Pairing(s): Nux/Capable, Cheedo the Fragile/The Dag Word Count: ~25k An AU where Nux lives, praise! Also Max and Furiosa try to change things in the Citadel. I actually never planned on reading any Mad Max fanfiction, since even though I loved the Fury Road reboot, I haven’t seen anything else. But I’ve loved this author for a long time (their Homestuck fics are top notch), so I tried it, and I love it! Everyone is written so well, and there’s a bit of a mystery in there that still has to be solved. In the meantime, Nux is adorable, Max is beginning to lose his tough outer shell, and just, it’s great. Check it out.
Caged by kittypox Fandom: DMMD Rating: Mature Status: Complete Pairing(s): KouNoi Word Count: ~63k A KouAo bad end AU where Noiz gets captured and kept with Koujaku, and the two manage to get a relationship of some sort going. It’s sexy, it’s dirty, it’s really fucking sad and the ending’s gonna punch you in the gut but oh my gosh it’s so worth it. Also there’s Shiroba, who is delightfully terrible until he’s just terrible, but either way it’s hard to stop reading when he’s around. Totally a must-read!
and then you bring me home by truejaku Fandom: DMMD Rating: Explicit Status: Complete Pairing(s): ViTriNoi, MizuNoi Word Count: ~194k Oh Lord, this fic’s practically famous by now, I think. It’s about Noiz using Virus and Trip to feed his self-loathing, but then Mizuki pops up and stuff begins to change. The writing is so vivid, with so much emotion. Really, the fic is an emotional roller coaster. I don’t recommend reading it all in one sitting unless you wanna lay on the floor murmuring “oh my godddddd” for the rest of your life. So good, guys. So good.
Our Sharpest Edges by Shadowbob Fandom: DMMD Rating: Unrated Status: Complete Pairing(s): SlyAo Word Count: ~13k Bad end, not-quite-fix-it AU where Desire comes out, escapes Virus and Trip, and finds Noiz. It just goes downhill further and further and you think it’s gonna get better but it doesn’t and just…I’m gonna give it away, you have to read it. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but honestly this fic killed me. I have been dead inside ever since I finished it. Suffer with me
To Seek Asylum by MiyabiDreams Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Unrated Status: Incomplete Pairing(s): DaveKat, EriGam, SolBro, EquVris, Tavros/OC, EriKat (pale), Bro/Eri/Sol (gray), EquNep (pale) Word Count: ~597k It’s a post-Sburb Homestuck AU beginning with Dave and Karkat rooming together and going to school together and it just became…? Everything??? I mean guys, almost six hundred thousand words. There’s so much there and none of it is boring. The character development, the plot, everything just works. You might be looking at some of those pairings like “wtf?” but they all work. Everything works and it’s amazing.
For The Birds Series by Harukami Fandom: DMMD Rating: Explicit Status: Complete Pairing(s): ToriBeni, MinAo Word Count: ~28k Okay so, technically this is a series and not one fic, but the fics are constructed like chapters in one storyline. It takes place after the MinAo end, in which Beni and Tori begin to correspond while Koujaku’s stuck in the past in multiple ways. There’s like, maybe three BeniTori fics on AO3 so this fic was like a gift from the heavens to me. Even aside from that, Tori and Beni are characterized so well, and Tori gets a lot of character development. The plot is consuming in that you really wanna stick around to see it out. Love it love it.
speak like you by truejaku Fandom: DMMD Rating: Mature Status: Complete Pairing(s): KouNoi, RenAo Word Count: ~84k Another truejaku fic (they’re the tits, they really are), this one about Koujaku and Noiz fighting and fucking and feeling their way towards a decent existence post-MinAo route. I describe it so crudely but this is a lot like “and then you bring me home” in what makes it so good: Beautiful writing, amazing characterization/character development, and pure all-around greatness. Please read it, it’s so nice.
Gimme Shelter by feelslikefire Fandom: DMMD Rating: Explicit Status: Complete Pairing(s): KouAo Word Count: ~17k Absolutely the most beautiful KouAo fic I’ve ever read. It’s an AU where Koujaku is a yakuza leader and Aoba as a prostitute. The writing is…decadent? That seems like a weird word to describe writing with but that feels like the best word to me. The progression of Koujaku and Aoba’s relationship is so great to watch, and Koujaku’s development in general is awesome. The plot is definitely engaging right from the get-go, just…read it, please.
Fever by feelslikefire Fandom: DMMD Rating: Explicit Status: Complete Pairing(s): MizuClear,  Word Count: ~67k I only just realized the author of this fic also wrote “Gimme Shelter” as I was making this post, oops. Must be why I love it so much. Basically, it’s a post-KouAo AU in which Clear starts visiting Mizuki at the hospital and they start getting close, meanwhile something shady is going on in Midorijima that the guys are trying to get to the bottom of. Great characterization, great writing, and the plot is so cool gosh. Not to mention the art in it! It’s so perfect, you should definitely read it.
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nebuvoid · 10 years ago
Dreams of Sand and Sea - a Noiao Ficlet
had the greatest idea for a dumbass au. its inspired by some shit i heard on the news during dinner - some poor fucker kept sleepwalking and literally walked a mile to the seaside while sleepwalking. 
so what i thought of was. imagine aoba to have a terrible habit of sleepwalking due to repressed desires and feelings. and imagine noiz catches him doing so. 
Noiao; G-rated (pre relationship); slighty AU as Sei is there
He hadn’t been to the seaside in ages even though he lives on a fucking island - but he won’t let himself because he needs to take care of his gran and his brother (don’t tell them he said that. They’d be so mad.)
Because his gran and sickly brother are his number one priority Aoba had always neglected his own desires, his wishes and his health. This causes him to develop a bad case of sleepwalking since teenhood.
Cue to the current night. Aoba’s sleep walking levels up and the poor soul doesn’t just go for some cookies to the kitchen; Aoba fucking walzes right outta there and keeps on walking until he reaches the beach. He’s lucky no one fucking stabs him on the way.
He later vaguely remembers dreaming of sand between his toes and a cool breeze caressing his shoulders.
And it’s not a one time occurrence. Tae and Sei don’t notice as Aoba is always back in his bed by the time morning comes (good for him as Tae would strangle him for sure if she knew.) He does it maybe two times a week, always leisurely walking to the beach, staring forewards without seeing at the ocean and then going back.
Fast forward to a couple of weeks later: Noiz, a man who lives in a ridiculous rich kid condo with a balcony looking right at the ocean, had by then noticed that weirdo that comes to the beach in the middle of the night in dog paw print pajamas. 
Noiz is usually awake as he’s either working on his latest programming project or his insomnia is keeping him up. Oftentimes he likes to sit on the balcony because the ocean currents calm him. 
The first time he sees Aoba he thinks he might be more sleep deprived than he thought. 
The second time he’s convinced it’s a dead spirit or some shit, so he keeps a lookout for that blue mane from then on.
The fourth time he notices the pajamas and snorts at his own naivety - it’s just some freak going to the seaside in the middle of the night, of fucking course.
By now it’s turned into this habit for him to search the beach for that almost glowing blue hair at night.
Noiz only ever watches, never approaches. Until.
Until one night blue boy doesn’t leave after a couple minutes - instead he sit’s down with his arms curled around his knees, seemingly listening to the waves.
Curiosity gets the best of Noiz and he quickly puts on his booties (those aren’t boots ok they’re tiny booties) before that guy decides to leave again.
When Noiz tries to approach blue boy with an awkward “Yo” and he doesn’t reply or even give signs of recognition Noiz’ mind goes ‘Oh shit what if it actually is a ghost’.
So he kneels next to Aoba, pokes him. Ok, so the man is actuallythere. Noiz waves a hand in front of his face. Nothing. Looks him in the eye - Ok so his eyes are...looking at the ocean but like no really?
Then it dawns on him. Oh my god. This guy must be sleep walking. How is that possible, who even... Noiz has to suppress an actual bark of laughter, something he hadn’t done since childhood.
Next thing you know he’s sitting next to this weirdo guy he knows nothing about because he actually wants to know things about him - who regularly sleepwalks to the seaside? So Noiz sits and waits for the guy to maybe, y’know, wake up; he has heard that you’re not supposed to forcefully wake sleepwalkers.
What happens instead is that after maybe 20 or so minutes Aoba close his eyes and slinks into himself, dropping onto Noiz’ lap. Noiz is startled to say the least. 
He awkwardly holds his hands above the warm body in his lap. Well now what? He scratches his head and sighs. Well then. Not like this changes his plan.
And so he leans back, listens to the waves and he would never admit it but he enjoys the warmth of another person close to him.
Before he knows it, Noiz is woken up by a not so manly screech. He blearily opens his eyes; must’ve fallen asleep. Dang that ocean, it was too calming.
 He looks towards the source of his unusual alarm clock and is greeted with a beet red face framed by unruly blue locks. Dang. The guy looked gorgeous, how didn’t he notice before?
So Aoba is just kinda sitting there like he jumped right out of Noiz’ lap as soon as he realized where he was. After accusing Noiz of kidnapping him and bickering some, he listens to Noiz’ explanation.
When Aoba realizes how Noiz witnessed his really wacky behaviour for weeks he flushes yet again and hides his face in his hands mumbling “oh my god” over and over.
Noiz can’t help but grin. Who would’ve thought blue boy would be so cute?
He teases Aoba about his fashionable paw print pajamas and gets a smack on the head in return. Noiz instantly knows: he hasn’t felt this much joy or amusement or this alive in ages. He needs to stick to this man.
Noiz insists to escort Aoba back to his house. He tells him to wait and returns shortly with a pastel green cardigan (of course) and matching sneakers. 
Before Aoba can object Noiz gives him the sound argument that his neighbours will probably think him a weirdo for running around in his baby blue doggie pajamas in broad daylight.
So they leisurely walk back exchanging casual banter all the way.
Aoba barely walks over the threshold of his doorway as he is ambushed by Tae. She yells in anger but he knows she must’ve been terribly worried and he apologizes. 
Tae thanks Noiz for finding her idiot grandson and invites him to breakfast.
You can imagine everyone’s faces when Noiz states he usually eats pizza. At all day times. 
By the end Tae has made Noiz agree to continue to keep an eye out for Aoba’s night shenanigans - a thing Aoba begged her not to do and Noiz is only happy to agree to.
Aoba walks Noiz to the door. He’s about to thank the kid for the help but is stopped when Noiz gently grasps a strand of his hair and kisses it. 
Noiz smirks at the other’s blush, dodges the smack attack and walks out the door with a wave of his hand and a “See you soon, Aoba~” over his shoulder.
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