meant to be used and thrown away.
1K posts
 i have a rules page. please read it. ​
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
angekketet · 10 years ago
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                        小      it’s because i am humble.      狐
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angekketet · 10 years ago
as you can see, it’s noiz week. (god bless) i will be posting all that i write here, though i probably won’t write a fic every day. i’ve only gotten one done, and my summer classes begin tomorrow. :c i will then archive this blog, tbh.
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angekketet · 10 years ago
fandom: dramatical murder title: tastes. pairing: koujaku/noiz rating: teen+ word count: 811 summary: in which koujaku cooks for noiz. written for day 1 of noiz week. read on ao3.
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angekketet · 10 years ago
fandom: touken ranbu title: centuries. pairing: kogi/mika word count: 2992 content warning: awkward first times, come swallowing, lots of fluff and a bit of smut and angst to top it off 
It wasn't particularly great, he knew. He just used his hands to hold the other in place as he rolled his hips into soft flesh. He didn't want to be too rough, though he was quietly consumed with the urge to nibble the other's ear or dig his teeth into collarbones that looked as fragile and pure as porcelain. He didn't though. His rhythm was that of a metronome on allegro. He wasn't pushed any faster by his partner than he felt comfortable, and he didn't go any slower than he had began. But he still felt like he was letting the older male down. Like he ought to have done better, like he ought to have the other exalting his name and punctuating every syllable. It was clear that, at the very least, this was not Mikazuki's first time.
And that bothered him a bit.
Knowing that, his feelings of inadequacy nearly quadrupled and he couldn't help the droop of vulpine ears. He didn't know why it mattered so much that he did well, but he was afraid that if he didn't, the elder blade would vanish as mysteriously as he had arrived to the citadel. They had done so much growing together, he didn't want that time to end, to fade to memories. Not when...
read on AO3.
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angekketet · 10 years ago
oh hello everyone i’ve been hiding out on my personal, and if you’d like to follow me you so can. 
i’m posting a touken ranbu fic i had to write bc it was driving me crazy and then i’m going to get started on noiz week things. i’m already behind though, so due to personal preference i’m only going to write for the days i really feel led to write for? i have one fic maybe a quarter of the way done but i think i lost it somewhere. i might finish that noicle fic for this week! wouldn’t that be silly.
after noiz week is over though, i may permanently retire this blog. it’s kind of sad, but i don’t feel led to roleplay anymore, and in a way it just kind of leaves a bitter taste logging on. at some point in time, everyone moves on i suppose. it’s been a great run though, so i thank you guys for that.
i still love dmmd and surely always will. i’m just not so up for roleplaying right now. who knows, maybe i’ll remake if the roleplay community flourishes sometime soon again.
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angekketet · 10 years ago
epiproctan replied to your post: important
ohhh man we should talk tourabu sometime
sword boys using actual swords sword boys using actual swords
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angekketet · 10 years ago
after some consideration, and very careful consideration at that, i think it's time to say that this blog is going to be semi-inactive. i say that because, i don't foresee myself roleplaying any time in the future. i'm at home now (and pretty deep in tourabu like the rest of the fandom) so time to write just isn't really there. that being said, i'm not abandoning this blog altogether. i AM writing for noiz week, and will be posting my work here as well as AO3. i still love dmmd and i still love noiz, i just don't feel the willpower to roleplay right now. that doesn't mean i won't by the end of summer or once i finish these fics. anyway, i'll still be around and ready to discuss plots, as well as other dmmd related things~
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angekketet · 10 years ago
There will be mornings where you wake up feeling light and beautiful and you will wear your scars proudly. The memories do not hurt; you do not think of them.
from this post (via asphyxiiant)
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angekketet · 10 years ago
even on tumblr i’m the quiet kid that sits in the corner and doesn’t really know anyone
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angekketet · 10 years ago
You can love a monster, it can even love you back, but that doesn’t change its nature.
Eliza Crewe, Crushed (via quoted-books)
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angekketet · 10 years ago
There has to be a long German word for this feeling: “Look, I don’t disagree with you on any major points of fact or opinion, but you’re being such a smug pretentious bastard about it that I want to shove your face in regardless”
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angekketet · 10 years ago
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How the heckie have I reached 200 followers in less than a week?? I mean, this blog was made a week ago, but I didn’t start getting many followers/interactions until Saturday. Anyway, I’m a piss baby and might not have many people on here, but w/e this is my list.
                                                 MEME PIT 
                                  Aka, the memest people you’ll ever know
        I swear we/re slowly building this community on our own, and it’s the absolute best. Let’s drag                                                 everyone into MEME hell.
carnivoreisms  ♥ cxrnivcre  ♥ 2d-escapist  ♥ voresque  ♥ cxtallenaa  ♥ maneatcr  ♥ otakuiisms  ♥ 2d-escapist   
                                     OTHER HUGE MEMES
erottomaniac  ♥ tohiadedi  ♥ angekketet  ♥ crxmsonsparrow  ♥ sharpdressedheir  ♥ ceneridisperanza   ♥ indignxum  ♥ king-zetsubou  ♥ saldainiu  ♥ liepsnos  ♥ cxtacean  ♥ dievaitis
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angekketet · 10 years ago
if you think my contribution to noiz week isn't going to be 5 delicious kounoi fics then have i got news for u
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angekketet · 10 years ago
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In celebration of Noiz’s birthday, which is exactly one month from now, we present to you: NOIZ WEEK!
Seven whole days will be dedicated to our favorite bunny boy, Noiz. It will run from June 7 (Sunday) up to his birthday, June 13 (Saturday).
Huge thanks to kittlekrattle and felliss00 for helping us out!!
→ DAY 1: Sweet / Sour
Sweet: Show us Noiz’s softer side – the Noiz who likes bunnies, has a sweet tooth, and can oftentimes be a romantic gentleman.
Sour: Show us the Noiz that we first encountered – the Noiz who is aggressive, honest to the point of being rude, and likes to pick fights.
→ DAY 2: Style / Physique
Style: Noiz is (in)famous for his piercings and his uh, interesting fashion sense. But if it were up to you, would you rather retain these or change them?
Physique: Despite his “diet��� consisting of only pizza and pasta, Noiz has good looks and a strong figure to go with it. Besides these traits, what more do you think his versatile body is capable of?
→ DAY 3: Old Burdens / New Beginnings
Old Burdens: Noiz is only 19 years old, yet he has gone through so much. What were these burdens and how did they affect him?
New Beginnings: The past can be a burden, but it can also lead to new experiences. What opportunities have been laid out for Noiz?
→ DAY 4: What If…? / AU / Crossover
What If…?: Many things have happened in DMMd, but what if Noiz had met one of the characters before the Common Route? What if Nitro+Chiral had retained Noiz’s original beta designs?
Alternate Universe: Noiz is an information broker and an avid Rhyme player, but what would he be in a different universe, let’s say, in a Bartender AU? High school AU?
Crossover: How would you like to see Noiz in a sports anime? Or perhaps Noiz as a ghoul?
* These are just suggestions; feel free to come up with your own!
→ DAY 5: Pain / Pleasure
Pain: Noiz, without his sense of touch, doesn’t know physical pain. Isolated and rejected by the world since birth, what kind of suffering did he go through?
Pleasure: Noiz, with his sense of touch, has now experienced what it’s like to be understood and accepted. Which sensations, tangible or not, does he enjoy?
→ DAY 6: Friends / Lovers
Friends: Building bridges isn’t easy for Noiz, but when he does, who will it be with?
Lovers: As the name suggests, you’re free to show Noiz with his chosen significant other(s)!
→ DAY 7: Happy Birthday, Noiz!
It’s finally Noiz’s birthday! Let’s celebrate and congratulate Noiz for becoming a year older! You’re free to use any theme you want!
You can either choose one of the prompts or use both.
For more information, please check out the FAQ or ask us. :)
This blog is run by noizs-pizza and supcl4ra!
** The amazing banner was made by karekareo ♥
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angekketet · 10 years ago
Asset Protection
Sei’s Desire/Sei
He was supposed to have been destroyed, but it seemed that hadn’t happened after all. He was now aware, thinking and feeling, and coming together more quickly with every passing minute.
When Sei finally grasped this fact, he experienced a burst of anger, white-hot and shocking.
Read it at AO3
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angekketet · 10 years ago
» C:\\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe :
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     ❝You are programmed to be the perfect wife. But, I would hope my wife could make a decision for herself, especially one as simple as how she would like to spend the evening.❞ Noiz knew well she was still a program. She was surely incapable of making a choice for herself, but he was curious to how she would respond when put under the pressure of free will. Maybe she would learn?
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                         “I will do anything you request me to do, Master.” An answer that didn’t answer his–but told him none the less that she’d be willing to do anything Noiz had wanted her to do. After all, that’s how she was programmed. “Would you like me to remind you of what I was programmed to do if you forgot?” Bright lavender eyes would flutter innocently as she inquired this. Perhaps he had forgotten and thus why he had aid that.
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angekketet · 10 years ago
Seiao au where “i fucked this cute guy at the gloryhole and got his number turns out it was my twin brother”
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