kokoinupi · 1 year
if sega didn't want us to assume that the entire yakuza cast is gay then maybe they should give some of those middle aged men wives. how come everyone is like 40 and no one is married. like its just not statistically likely. unless they're all gay!
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illarian-rambling · 7 months
Question for the writers out there: Who would your protag be if they went down their darkest timeline? (Assuming they aren't already in their darkest timeline, in which case, who would they be if things were better?)
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swtorpadawan · 1 year
The SWTORpadawan OC Sexyperson Tournament - Round 1 - Match 2
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tiredpapergirl · 4 months
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@illarian-rambling 's characters Astra and Djek.
As I said, I haven't done art in a while, so this I was kind of out of rhythm (I forgot to darken Djek's skin at all lol)
Anyway, this was fun.
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wyked-ao3 · 19 days
OC Questionnaire x3
sorry for not getting to these quickly, I was near the end of the unedited version and cut down on Tumblr time to complete it.
Thank y'all for the tags and I'll try to catch up on some of the other tag games but I don't always get my notifications so if I miss one I'm sorry or feel free to re-tag me.
TPKODR Oisìn is going to answer this one.
Tagged by @thatuselesshuman here with theses questions
What is your dream job?
Oisìn: not really sure, never thought about it.
2.What do you plan for the future?
Oisìn: help Queen Anne, kick some fae ass and survive a war....then we'll *glancing to Daimhín* :I have a tree to climb.
3. How many languages can you speak?
Oisìn: does sarcasm count? English, Merfolk their songs are weird. Perhaps more...
Tagged here by the lovely @the-golden-comet with these questions. I adore Tenshi
Who do you trust the most?
Oisìn: Taz, Mal, Daimhín
2. Where would you like to live, if you could choose?
Oisìn: faélánd is not half bad but I prefer the sea.
3. What keeps you motivated?
Oisìn: my stubbornness.
Thanks for the tag here by @illarian-rambling Djek grows on ya like a fungus (I picked three since you didn't specify)
If you were forced to forget one memory, what would you choose?
Oisìn: I wouldn't want to forget my enemies....but two stand out ..one is someone I wish I had never met the other is finding my mother dead.
2. Are you a good person?
Oisìn*snorts* : nay,that ship sailed long ago. I try to do my best but at the end of the day.... I do what I have to do.
3. What’s the worst thing you have ever done? Do you regret it?
Oisìn *glares* : yes I regret it and none of your business.
Your questions
Have you ever been trapped? Where?
Have you ever missed your home?
Have you ever robbed someone?
Tagging my TPKODR tag list
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker-writes @goth-automaton
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet @mauannacreates
@kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing @kaeru483 @differentnighttale
@theink-stainedfolk @unstableunicornsofasgard @mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze @an-indecisive-nerd
@smellyrottentrees @honeybewrites @pheonix358
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Character Interaction Tag
Thank you for the tag (x2) @illarian-rambling , to keep this simple I'll just use one of my OCs. Posting this again because I accidentally posted before I finished.
Rules: post the OCs of the people who tagged you and one of your OCs and say how yours would interact with theirs
Katie's OC #1: Ivander Montane is a 30 year old corrupt detective from the trade city of Unity. He has blue blood and double-pointed ears, wears fancy suits, and walks with a cane. His estranged family runs the banks of Unity, however he left them years ago, and in doing so, broke a divine contract, which left him cursed to slowly and painfully be transmuted into mist over the course of many years. Personality-wise, he's kind of a privileged shithead. He's got the catty attitude and love of gossip of a middle school girl, and can insult your outfit just as acutely. He doesn't have a sincere bone in his body and is afraid of any form of intimacy. However, deep down, he really just wants a friend and to not be in pain anymore. Show him the slightest hint of compassion and he will crumble. His hobbies include being a hater, fashion, and marksmanship (he's a crack shot with a rune rifle). All in all, he's got the snark of a drag queen, the heart of a lonely noir detective, and a body that's been through a cheese grater.
Katie's OC #2: Djek Kagura is a young man (19 in the first book, 23 in the second two) with a shifty appearance, red eyes, and a constant squint due to poor vision. He grew up on the streets after his parents tossed him out to cut down on mouths to feed, only to later join the brutal Tunnel Wasp smuggling gang, which he later split from due to his aversion to violence and need to do what's right. As a person, he's always quick with a joke or snide comment, loves sarcasm, and lies like a fish breathes water. His bad habit is that he loves to annoy people on purpose. At his core is a deep sense of self-loathing and abandonment issues, but he covers these with humor. He tends to try to find peaceful solutions to situations and has a bit of a bleeding heart, even if he pretends to be tough. His friends mean the world to him and he's loyal to the point getting himself hurt in fights he can't win. Also, he's surprisingly in touch with people's emotions and always trys to make them feel better, even he does it with a bad joke or by irritating them to action. He has a weak form of sorcery, specializes in shadow magic, and has incorrigibly sticky fingers.
My OC: (As of the start of Book 1) Narul is a 23 year-old slave at the Palace of Labisa, the Great City by the Lake. He is a forestfolk, a person or group of people who have been mutated or altered by the effects of wild or ambient magic. His birth mother was a priestess, his father is a mystery. He was adopted by an enslaved woman as an infant, thus how he ended up in the servitude of King Hutbari. He is a giant of a man, literally, at just a hair under nine feet tall. He is additionally quite bulky, much much larger than even the biggest human. He is so large that the door into the slave quarters had to be reconstructed just to fit him as he grew up. Aside from his size he is also just a bit rough in appearance, hairy and broad, picture a DnD Dwarf, just sized way up.
He is inhumanly strong, a fact that causes him a great deal of distress. Because of his size and strength, Narul has the potential to be quite dangerous to normal humans, as he has been repeatedly reminded of since his childhood. Narul has a great deal of anxiety around his body and his potential to accidently hurt others, as such he is quite timid and careful. He has a tendency to mumble when he talks, which unfortunately due to his low voice, often makes it sound like he is growling.He is a gentle person, he likes flowers and abhors violence. He cries relatively easily and gets easily anxious or overwhelmed.Despite all of this he is fiercely loyal and kind. He doesn’t talk much but loves to listen to others. 
His fatal flaw is a healthy dose of self-doubt and self-loathing. Narul hates his body, it scares him, and he believes that it scares others. He is often self-deprecating, though not in a joking way. He feels an intense jealousy towards those around him that are able to live normal lives and pursue normal relationships.
How they would interact: Ivander’s propensity for expensive clothes, his snarky attitude, and his privileged attitude is something that Narul is fairly used to, Ivander would fit in well with Labisian Nobility. Upon first being introduced, I imagine that Narul would be polite but ultimately not particularly interested in interacting with Ivander as a person. However, I think upon realizing that Ivander is having his own issues with his body (that pesky mist curse), Narul would begin to empathize. In a funny way, I think Ivander’s cocky exterior and his hidden longing for a friend would remind Narul of Ninma, and even though Ivander is older, I think some of Narul’s fatherly instincts would kick in.
Narul would get along fine with Djek. Personality-wise, Djek seems very similar to Narul’s adopted brother and best-friend, Suru. Both are witty, sarcastic, and quick to make a joke. The big difference between Suru and Djek is that Suru doesn’t have that sense of self-loathing. Suru is quite aware of his flaws and is happy with who he is, even if he isn’t happy with his situation (also Suru is a scrawny guy, with 0 magic and 0 fighting skills, Suru couldn’t hurt a fly not from want of trying, but because in a fight the fly would probably win.) Narul would enjoy having Djek around, so long as Djek didn’t pick on him too much. Narul would eventually try to help with that self-loathing, though with how awkward Narul is, and how deeply his own sense of self-loathing is, it seems doubtful how much he could actually help.
Tagging @roach-pizza , @mk-writes-stuff , @dyrewrites , @finickyfelix , and @kaylinalexanderbooks
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
OC interaction
Thanks to @somethingclevermahogony here and here, @illarian-rambling here, and @mk-writes-stuff here!
Rules: describe an OC, then describe how they would interact with the OC of the person who tagged you!
Under the cut, it got long:
C's OC #1
Narul is a 23 year-old slave at the Palace of Labisa, the Great City by the Lake. He is a forestfolk, a person or group of people who have been mutated or altered by the effects of wild or ambient magic. His birth mother was a priestess, his father is a mystery. He was adopted by an enslaved woman as an infant, thus how he ended up in the servitude of King Hutbari. He is a giant of a man, literally, at just a hair under nine feet tall. He is additionally quite bulky, much much larger than even the biggest human. He is so massive that the door into the slave quarters had to be reconstructed just to fit him as he grew up. Aside from his size he is also just a bit rough in appearance, hairy and broad, picture a DnD Dwarf, just sized way up. He is inhumanly strong, a fact that causes him a great deal of distress. Because of his size and strength, Narul has the potential to be quite dangerous to normal humans, as he has been repeatedly reminded of since his childhood. Narul has a great deal of anxiety around his body and his potential to accidently hurt others, as such he is quite timid and careful. He has a tendency to mumble when he talks, which unfortunately due to his low voice, often makes it sound like he is growling. He is a gentle person, he likes flowers and abhors violence. He cries relatively easily and gets easily anxious or overwhelmed.Despite all of this he is fiercely loyal and kind. He doesn’t talk much but loves to listen to others.  His fatal flaw is a healthy dose of self-doubt and self-loathing. Narul hates his body, it scares him, and he believes that it scares others. He is often self-deprecating, though not in a joking way. He feels an intense jealousy towards those around him that are able to live normal lives and pursue normal relationships.
C's OC #2
Mikrab is a spiritblood, half-human and half-spirit, a demigod. Mikrab is just over 1450 years old, his body is functionally immortal, though his mind is not. Time and loss has made him apathetic, and his memory has faded with the ages. He does not remember where he comes from, nor his family, he doesn't even remember his birth name, Mikrab is the Knoshic version of his original name (Like Juan vs. John), and his culture and language of origin have since gone extinct. While he does not relish in violence or destruction, he simply does not care if he causes it. He will kill and destroy for the sake of convenience. He wanders the world, not seeking death but also not avoiding it. He is lethargic and cold, save for moments of frustration, often with his predicament. As with all spiritbloods he is massive, though among spiritbloods he is on the short side, only about 7'8, and is a bit more lean in his build compared to the likes of Narul or Batricca. His supernatural strength and durability are what have allowed him to survive so long. Surprisingly, he is quite a skilled linguist and can speak in Kishite, Knoshic, Apunian, Korithian, Arkodian, Ikopeshi, and Namuti.
Katie's OC
Djek Kagura is a young man (19 in the first book, 23 in the second two) with a shifty appearance, red eyes, and a constant squint due to poor vision. He grew up on the streets after his parents tossed him out to cut down on mouths to feed, only to later join the brutal Tunnel Wasp smuggling gang, which he later split from due to his aversion to violence and need to do what's right. As a person, he's always quick with a joke or snide comment, loves sarcasm, and lies like a fish breathes water. His bad habit is that he loves to annoy people on purpose. At his core is a deep sense of self-loathing and abandonment issues, but he covers these with humor. He tends to try to find peaceful solutions to situations and has a bit of a bleeding heart, even if he pretends to be tough. His friends mean the world to him and he's loyal to the point getting himself hurt in fights he can't win. Also, he's surprisingly in touch with people's emotions and always trys to make them feel better, even he does it with a bad joke or by irritating them to action. He has a weak form of sorcery, specializes in shadow magic, and has incorrigibly sticky fingers.
My OC (created by my lovely gf): Nellie is a clone in her mid-twenties, although she’s only been out of the vat for about six months. She’s reasonably tall and pretty skinny, with pale skin, short black hair, and narrow red-and-gold eyes, which she usually hides behind sunglasses. Nellie is a sweet, kind, and empathetic woman who cares very deeply for others and wants to help, to the point where she sometimes struggles to put herself first. She also has a deeply traumatic history of abuse by her genetic donor that still troubles her deeply and gives her struggles with intimacy, as well as an addiction to mindsplit that she’s trying to shake. She longs for a simple, happy life - a good job, a nice place to live, good food, and the chance to live as her true self (Nellie is a trans woman) is all she’s really looking for (and maybe a partner one day if the opportunity arises - she’s met a friend who’s cute but he’s also a clone of Belladonna’s dad so she’s a bit uncertain). Nellie also has empathic magic, although she hasn’t trained it much, which she mostly uses to see how others are feeling and help them where she can.
Ash Hathaway is a thirteen year old (at the start of Pt1) girl with telepathic powers. She's ambitious to the point of self-destruction, where she wants to try new things just to see where her limits are. Part of it has to do with wanting to prove herself - that she can do it. If someone says she can't do something, she's likely going to go out of her way to do it. She lives in the moment with only some hindsight and no forward thinking. She seeks pleasure and thrill and risk, with no regard to how this could hurt herself or others. Not that she doesn't care about people, but more of she just doesn't recognize danger. She wants nothing more than to expand her powers just to see how far she can go. Despite being able to read minds and feel the emotions of others, she struggles to empathize or understand exactly what she's feeling, usually misinterpreting what others are thinking. Overstimulation and frustration can lead to her seeking ways to avoid her problems and more dangerous behavior. Ash needs to be kept busy - have her do something productive and hands-on, and she will be fine.
Ash and Narul
I think Ash would feel a little conflicted about approaching Narul, considering his size, and she doesn't like feeling physically helpless. However, I think she would, because she also likes risk and after a bit of debate would decide she could use her telepathy to her advantage. Being able to read his thoughts, I think Ash would figure out that he's not a threat, even if she doesn't understand being timid of himself just because he might hurt someone. She does get the fear on some level, since she has done so before herself, but she's always just reassessed how to go about testing her powers. Why limit herself? She may try to teach Narul that. You can't learn if you don't try. Narul I think would be scared that he might hurt her, a child, in the process, so probably wouldn't give in. I think Ash would get his frustration in his own skin, since she's felt that way many times. However, she will never understand not wanting to see what he's capable of. But I think that Narul will ultimately remind Ash of her best friend, Lexi. Jealous easily, cries easily, easily overwhelmed, hates violence...just a million times more reserved than she is. Narul may be jealous that Ash even has a friend group, even if Ash manages to admit most of her friend group was constructed by Lexi. I think they'd be able to connect on some level, but ultimately not understand each other quite well.
Ash and Mikrab
I think Ash and Mikrab could help each other. Ash is always eager to learn more, and through telepathy, could help Mikrab potentially regain some memories. She would love to absorb the knowledge he has, maybe experience what the long life was. However, if he's lost the ability to care, Ash may do this without consent, even if she believes it would ultimately help him. I'm sure she'd sit on it for a while, but in an intense situation, in an attempt to stop him, she'd easily rip into his mind to try and access what he once lost. She wouldn't do anything that deep without consent on impulse, I don't think. Unless we're talking about Ash toward the end of TSP, then I think she would, and in a way she becomes more and more apathetic like Mikrab. So depending on the circumstances, Ash could help Mikrab connect with memory and emotion again as she learns new things and tests her abilities, or Ash's drive to do that will get her severely hurt, killed, or just in a generally bad situation.
Ash and Djek
Djek may intrigue Ash a bit too much. She may be able to sense he's lying, sense him covering pain with humor, etc wonder why, and peak into his mind. May get a bit overwhelmed by the self-loathing thing. She has used humor before to defuse situations, so they have that in common, but she does not exactly covering up her own pain with it. She will try to understand Djek, but her curiosity may get the best of her, and I'm not sure he'll like her experiencing his own self-loathing and calling out every lie he makes. I think they would clash, at least at first. Djek being in touch with emotions naturally would be an interesting comparison. I feel like they'd call each other's feelings out, read each other and make the other one irritated as a result. However, I do think that if they were in A Situation in which they were forced to work together or bond, they could do it. Ash definitely would be interested in Djek's magic, weak or not, and may even encourage him to test his limits.
Ash and Nellie
Ash would probably accidentally sense Nellie is a clone, but she'd also sense she shouldn't reveal that to anyone. Her kind empathetic nature who puts herself last would remind Ash a lot of her friend Gwen. Hearing Nellie has empathetic magic would definitely cause Ash to be curious, and she'd ask her many questions about it. First, she may ask how she could learn to interpret emotions, but also may see if she can help Nellie expand her powers a bit more. Ash also has a bit of a developing addiction to telepathic probes that expand her mind and give her visions but start to take a toll on her - mentally, emotionally, physically. If Nellie is shaking off an addiction, I would hope she manages to convince Ash to stop using the probes. Cannot confirm if it would work or not - it may make Ash get irritated and want to use them more to prove she can do it. That last bit may cause a divide, but I think they'd mostly be interested in the other.
Well that was long.
Tagging @elsie-writes @winterandwords @sleepywriter00 @cherrybombfangirlwrites @duckingwriting @ceph-the-ghost-writer + anyone else who wants to play!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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tildeathiwillwrite · 5 months
Tag Game: OC Interaction (Round 3!)
thanks to @illarian-rambling for the tag!
Rules: Provide a short description of your OC, then using the description given by the person who tagged you, describe how you think the two of them would interact.
Tagger's OC: Djek Kagura is a young man (19 in the first book, 23 in the second two) with a shifty appearance, red eyes, and a constant squint due to poor vision. He grew up on the streets after his parents tossed him out to cut down on mouths to feed, only to later join the brutal Tunnel Wasp smuggling gang, which he later split from due to his aversion to violence and need to do what's right. As a person, he's always quick with a joke or snide comment, loves sarcasm, and lies like a fish breathes water. His bad habit is that he loves to annoy people on purpose. At his core is a deep sense of self-loathing and abandonment issues, but he covers these with humor. He tends to try to find peaceful solutions to situations and has a bit of a bleeding heart, even if he pretends to be tough. His friends mean the world to him and he's loyal to the point getting himself hurt in fights he can't win. Also, he's surprisingly in touch with people's emotions and always trys to make them feel better, even he does it with a bad joke or by irritating them to action. He has a weak form of sorcery, specializes in shadow magic, and has incorrigibly sticky fingers.
My OC: Diana Ozborne (as chosen by The Wheel) is a woman in her late thirties with red hair, freckles and heterochromia. She primarily makes her living as a musician, playing in taverns and street performing using a wooden flute and her voice. She is also a smuggler and spy, working with dreamshapers to dismantle an unfair societal system. She knows Saint's Shoal like the inner workings of a lock, and can navigate its winding streets like no other. She is incredibly kind despite a lot of trauma in her past, and will not stand for any sort of injustice. She has a vaguely maternal attitude towards Orian Goldeneye, who she sees as having suffered a terrible injustice when his predecessor abandoned him. Diana fights with a bo staff and avoids dealing killing blows. Between her various skills she is a force to be reckoned with on her chosen path.
How I think they'd interact: As a pair of people who toe the line between neutral good and chaotic good (from what I'm getting from the description of Djek at least), no one would be safe. They'd be an unstoppable vigilante/thieving/smuggling duo working to dismantle the system. Diana would also see this traumatized younger person and be like "Is anyone gonna adopt that? No? Okay, I'll do it myself."
Gently tagging @fourwingedwriter @faytelumos @gummybugg @annakayy @spitefulbull
@thewritingautisticat @writingphoenix @elizaellwrites and open tag! :D
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writingsfromspace · 5 months
Rewrite tag
Tagged by @kaylinalexanderbooks and @illarian-rambling - thank you!
@kaylinalexanderbooks' snippet:
Jack scrutinized the castle before him. It stretched up, up, up into the sky--and as they were already in the clouds, Jack didn’t want to know how high the tallest tower was above the ground--how he wouldn’t like to be the poor bloke who was defenestrated from it. The castle was made of some sort of dark stone, giving it the unsettling feel of a haunted house. There was the cobblestone path, yes, but on either side of it, Jack realized that yes, they were still on clouds, though where the castle was, the clouds were dark and gray, and when Jack listened closely enough, he realized that there was a booming irregular pulse of thunder that shook the ground ever-so-slightly, enough to cause the stone beneath his shoes to rattle.
My rewrite:
The fact they were already in the clouds made the sheer height of the castle that much worse. Jack didn't even want to know how far the highest towers reached; already his mind was wandering unpleasant places, like how long he could fall if he was unlucky enough to be defenestrated from up there. He didn't recognize the dark stone the building was made of, although he didn't particularly want to, either; it emanated enough of an unsettling feeling Jack thought the answer could only be sinister. The cobblestone path leading up to it seemed firm enough, but on either side, far too close for comfort, there was still nothing but clouds, deceptively solid white and fluffy for something that would drop him like a stone at the first misstep. Under the castle, though, even the clouds turned ominous, dark, grey--and reverberating with forceful booms of thunder, barely audible at this distance, but shaking the very ground under Jack's feet.
@illarian-rambling's snippet:
With a tightness in his chest, Djek got that familiar, sneaking suspicion that he was in way over his head. He’d see it through, of course—his morbid curiosity was always keeping him involved in things normal people would’ve run away from at the first chance. Perhaps he could have a little more caution this time, though. Do a little research. Gods forbid, read something if he had to. It was quite the little maze of secrets he’d found himself in, but he’d make the best of it.
My rewrite:
Djek's chest tightened. Oh, he was in over his head again. Not that that would stop him. Normal people might run away from these situations he seemed to keep finding himself in given half a chance, but his morbid curiosity always ended up getting the better of him. He'd see it through. Perhaps with a little more caution than usual, though. A little research. Some reading even, if absolutely necessary. The secrets twisting around him surely warranted a little extra effort before they could strangle him.
My snippet for you (translated from The king-eaters' grief):
[Fisk is Ignaz' pet Velociraptor, also referred to as a bird here]
They sat down on a bench, and Ignaz showed Muriel how to carefully approach Fisk, how to recognize Fisk was at ease about her presence, and how to stroke through the feathers without disarraying them. It was odd watching the two of them like this. Athanasios himself had never had much of a desire to take care of children, but he didn't have anything against watching one for a while, especially under the supervision of an adulter adult. And Ignaz... he'd never really seen him as a father figure--when they became real friends, his children were already out of the house--but now it truly hit him Ignaz had in fact raised two little ones. When Muriel got bored of petting the bird--far faster than Athanasios would have assumed--Ignaz ordered her to stay within viewing range and sent her off to play.
I was going to keep it shorter but. I figured the first paragraph added some context lkdsjg
Tagging @stories-by-rie, @njnetails, @talesfromaurea, @jezifster, @fixaidea, @gwens-fiction, @cass-writings + an open tag! No pressure as always <3
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raspberryjamnnn · 1 month
ddhdjj fjjdj jfio ifu thir8 niie jrj4ijd i m5nwn rjisb 5ji5 3u7ej in m4jw7n 5j8wj6 eni5 n4u3ij wi m5j3kj 6jw66 e3no5 3jiw 6 o m5wnne 6bw 6i3 3uiw5 i n4wn 6hwu6 snu4 wi5 nib kdkb ski35bjjehr njj5 4hwjsb tj n4n2e 5hst5e nj5 3jiw6 j nmra 5jjejjf jsjfjtj4j eutj rkjr rj5nay5 ji5 wjau5 j n 4wbn 6bwuy bkje tjat j mr s ybay t nneju rjkobr jin mrnwn 5hat dnoy ensut k mran 5hstd e ky enay j mrsn 6bsyd nky ehsh j m5wniiebiih kidnbujne krnsj tjayb ni5 eh5a o mens 5jjwy mo5 4m3wj in thay sb jotbwhats j mra tht rkk r smkrj that st nkr tehat i m4wn 5hwttsj njo5nr 3wji5wt j mtsnnthay f kdk m4na 5gsyts no6 3hqt j m4wb evuat di 52jwa i m4wn 5haf nksb ek anri mrs tja75e nk5 ewhjt snj nrnwb 6bwtro njy wwm5e i m4wn 6hwye onjo3 3hiwt i k4wn 6hw5 ei ji6 3hwy i nrwn 5hwtbei nj5 3jke i m5w 6hwu5b enkk rkjbr kdjr thattys noy yhst i mran thatd noy ehay j mran itnjeojtbjtubd d dnk9 mthat dnkt what i mrsnz fgsr di yueh8at ibjrna that enot wuuat i rnaj tgat8e jjitr jwhia tib rnab tgat ejit ehayt i nran tgar rj j95 ehqta i n5w a ygat ei nt 3hay ai 4mwb 5hatedi bky rwahur j mtab rjnwjtj r9j tifjn f xkk tjsyxjotn nigndbjesjt njj fnrant itbay dnosirbnkk r eiikwjfnnfhjrbbfinrjnnthH rk rkijhb that sidnjkrbrnri rjs j snmr abf ktbabthao nt ehwbat in krmne tha y br sinenj wjjdoat or jjr mne that st nitj whaht done jnrns thay fjnd jj dkk tin nrn s ktabnds notn djek dnkxk rkindnefk thatbsi jir wjsu ri mrbsn rhaybt jobt wjatt zu nt eanthats nky what i mra jrkndboiebej9ejrnjfi rjb tgay fjiwnfonibnonntesn thay inojt ejoa t dk dnbtdthau ttbafz nkg egayd i nnr s ybsiny hod j mran yhsi norn ejid gi mjex jtjatdnthwis i m5snkg thsim tjnribijmbtk an ejt.ji n4mao njknbrjmr tjay tniie thwa tkindjrm
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halfbakedspuds · 5 months
Thanks to @illarian-rambling for the tag!
OC interaction tag
Rules: take the OC description of the person who tagged you and provide a description of one of your own, then write how they would interact.
Katie's OC: Djek Kagura is a young man (19 in the first book, 23 in the second two) with a shifty appearance, red eyes, and a constant squint due to poor vision. He grew up on the streets after his parents tossed him out to cut down on mouths to feed, only to later join the brutal Tunnel Wasp smuggling gang, which he later split from due to his aversion to violence and need to do what's right. As a person, he's always quick with a joke or snide comment, loves sarcasm, and lies like a fish breathes water. His bad habit is that he loves to annoy people on purpose. At his core is a deep sense of self-loathing and abandonment issues, but he covers these with humor. He tends to try to find peaceful solutions to situations and has a bit of a bleeding heart, even if he pretends to be tough. His friends mean the world to him and he's loyal to the point getting himself hurt in fights he can't win. Also, he's surprisingly in touch with people's emotions and always trys to make them feel better, even he does it with a bad joke or by irritating them to action. He has a weak form of sorcery, specializes in shadow magic, and has incorrigibly sticky fingers.
My OC: Anastasia Retvenko is a young woman. Although people tend to think she's only in her mid teens for some reason, she's actually 22. She has light skin that has begun to tan and ash-blonde hair, and has an almost cat-like manner about her, with eyes that betray an intellect she tries quite hard to hide. She's an orphan from Rostov's satellite territory of Ulyensk, and never knew her parents. When she turned eleven, she was shipped off to a factory to make parts for war machines for little more than peanuts and water as payment, and after witnessing her best friend lose her arm to a misfiring machine and the callousness of their Rostovan overseers regarding the matter, she ran away and ended up fighting in an uprising. When the Rostovans responded to their little rebellion by gassing the entire city and killing everything within five miles of the city limits, she threw down her rifle and fled overseas, vowing to never touch a firearm of any kind again. Anastasia tends to not really speak that much, and that's often misconstrued as her being the stoic, quiet type. In reality, she's the exact opposite and just struggles with the common language, preferring to listen over trying to articulate/express herself. In her native Rostovan, though, she's been described as 'a fucking street preacher of running commentary' by her countrymen, and although it might take her a while to warm up to someone, if she starts trying to drive you up the walls with her jibes and jests, it means she sees you as a close friend. She also tries to hide her insecurity- both from appearing to be an ethnic Rostovan in a country that has as little love for them as she does and from being the only person on her team without magic- and trauma behind a smile, and puts on a willfully over-positive mask to make things seem more bearable. She values money and food because she knows what it's like to go without either, but she'd also put aside everything for her friends, and works tirelessly behind the scenes to help care for the one person she's ever seen fit to call her brother. She's also been known to punch way above her own weight class simply because she saw someone getting harassed (and most of her many, many scars are from situations like this)
How they'd interact: Anastasia's first reaction to Djek would be utter shock because she's never seen a non-human before, however I do think she has the discipline to not immediately throw a knife at him as a result. She'd watch him for a little while, then determine that he's friendly before approaching to satisfy her curiosity. His sarcasm and snideness might catch her off guard in the beginning, although I think overall she wouldn't really mind unless he found reason to call her a Rostovan (At which point he'd find his face slammed against the nearest wall and her gone, signalling an end to the conversation). She's quite prone to jokes herself, so the pair might manage to bond over that or simply become nuisance squared for everyone around them. They would likely also bond over having had to live on the street at some point in their lives. Djek's habit of befriending the toughest person around would likely extend to her if he ever learns what it was like to grow up in one of Rostov's colonies or if he ever got to watch her square up to a powerful mage as if her weak, vanilla human biology wasn't a mere stray thought away from being pulped. Djek might find her ability to seemingly vanish into thin air a bit unnerving, although whether he'd be terrified of her or just have his curiosity piqued if he were to learn that she has no magic to do what she does is something I can't say. By the end of their interaction, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd offered to get him something to eat simply because she'd gotten a craving for bunny-chow or spatlo and would've felt bad not buying him something as well.
Open tag for whomever wants it (I really should just set up a tag list some time, hey)
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mk-writes-stuff · 6 months
OC Bingo
Rules: create a bingo card for an OC or OCs and fill out the previous card for your OC(s)
Thanks @illarian-rambling for the tag! Here’s Twenari and Djek’s cards filled out for Nellie and Stellaris, respectively:
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The question marks are because age is a bit complicated when you’re a clone. Nellie is about 26 or 27 but is chronologically only about 5 months old
Nellie and Stellaris’s bingo cards:
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@kaylinalexanderbooks @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @elsie-writes would y’all like to play? Bingo link is here
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illarian-rambling · 6 months
Love playing this when I write Djek getting this piss beat out of him
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michiganda bear balany uyuno kaitaryp aldym al emy maine ubuyu uchurunda djek syaktuu daamduu' oshonduktan maine aga dostorun ecs kachan zhakshy korbogonumdu aittym emy al ketip kaldy, al meni daga bear az chalyp zhatat bakcha statind zhashagan bear zhigit bahr al maga anni buturganga cheyin zhasay turganybyzdy aitta. oshentip, maine aga music kutuugo arzyrlyk bolorun aittym birok al meni ashkanada kechki tabak menen kaalait maine ishenem, maine ishenem, maine ishenem, maine ishenem beese bolushubuz kerek dep birok koro albastyk, koro albastyk, koro albastyk, koro albastyk menin mykty aluu myna, maine kunul chogottuk degend bildirbeit, birok maine ar daim oshol ele catalardi ketyrip, ooba ar daim byrdei catalardi ketyrip algyla maine suyu zhaman (ookh-ookh) birok seine triin uchun meni kunyolyoy albait' bilesingerby, maine culp aytam" siz bear ele (ookh-ookh) akyr - ayaga , bull meni ondoy alat karap' menin tarykhym maine umuttongon zhaman california kozdoru bahr kyzdy aldym zana maine bull zholu al chinynda ele bolushu mumkun dep oilodum birok maine anni meniki kiluuga ecs kachan mumkunchulugum bolgon emes antkeney al kichinekey ichke ak syzyktardy suygon menen london kyz
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year
Burna Boy & Youssou N'Dour - Level Up Lyrics
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Burna Boy & Youssou N'Dour - Level Up Lyrics Intro Oh, I'd have to be twice as tall at least To feel better than I do Yes, I'd have to be twice as tall at least I mean me multiplied by two (By two) (I mean me multiplied by two, by two) Oh, I'd have to be thrice as wide at least To feel better, you'll agree Yes, I'd have to be thrice as wide at least I mean me magnified by three (By three) (I mean me magnified by three, by three) I've been kinda hazy (Hazy) for days Verse 1 I remember when I couldn't level up I was trying, but I couldn't level up It was rough, you see Start feeling like I had enough Then I contemplate giving up (Ayy) If you're feeling like you can't level up Omo make you no stop at all Because right when you start feeling like you can't level up That's when you haffi shut the devil up I remember when I couldn't level up No, my money couldn't level up Doing what I must, seems like there's always another level up That's why you always found me looking up But sometimes inna my life you know me haffi rebel up Might hear about my fights in the club Every day me try and level up so me striking them hard Me go hard until I get to God Chorus Niafer Ko, Djek Djekal ko You can do it, woah, woah Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop Gueumeul sa bop way Niafer Ko, Djek Djekal ko You can do it, woah, woah Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop Gueumeul sa bop way Ah, yeah Yeah, yeah Eee-eee Verse 2 I remember when I couldn't level up 'Cause the Grammys had me feeling sick as fuck Throwing up and shit Asking questions like, "Why it wasn't us?" Almost had a nigga feeling envious (Serious) Tell 'em, say them can't bury us Tell 'em, say them can't bury us 'Cause the love make me stand up every time when me fall Come back standing twice as tall (Mmm) I never thought that I could level up 'Til I started filling all these venues up (Now it's regular) All I wanted was weed in my Rizla And some VVS to ice my bezel up (Run it up) Some of my guys might never see the sun Some of them still peddle drugs (Run along) If you know that you ain't never show me love And you like me better when me gun ah buss Boy, I'm telling you I remember selling out my tour I remember feeling legendary in Wembley Arena And you can never take the pride away from my mama You'd be proud of me too if you knew where I was coming from And to anybody wey dey doubts me I swear to make sure you never forget about me If you think it's over, then you must be drowsy I'm a motherfucking legend and I say it proudly Bridge Djekal ko, oh, Djekal ko Djekal ko, djekal ko Eee, eee Oh-oh, oh-oh Chorus Niafer Ko, Djek Djekal ko You can do it, woah, woah Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop Gueumeul sa bop way Niafer Ko, Djek Djekal ko You can do it, woah, woah Never, never, never, never, never, never, never stop Gueumeul sa bop way (Sometimes you're in a situation where you have no choice) Ah, yeah (You have to fight) Yeah, yeah Eee-eee (Fight, my people) Outro Let's go Let's go Let's go Don't be afraid to step into your greatness, people I know it's scary (Wake up) But it's magical Read the full article
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criatito · 2 years
djdhdhdhji jejdkcncnxhjdjdncbhd jnfjhfj j jansj jk k ok,djek.
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