girlthingmaddie · 6 hours
You’re not like other girls. You’re dumber. You’re more obedient.
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girlthingmaddie · 13 hours
born to be a sweet polycule’s housepet forced to be employed
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girlthingmaddie · 13 hours
Affini to therapist: All I wanted was a challenging domestication project, so I brought home a dog girl and cat girl. They had clashing personalities, different tastes in food, coping mechanisms, enrichment activities. Everything. There should have been no worse pairings in all of terran protectorate space! So why has my only challenge been getting them to stop rutting into each other all day?!?
Therapist: I believe the terran term for it is "hate fucking"
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girlthingmaddie · 13 hours
Tshirt that says Mommy's little chewtoy
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girlthingmaddie · 13 hours
my girlfriend does this thing to me where she'll force me onto my knees and grab my hair or my face and hold my head back and pour water from a water bottle into my mouth and sometimes it goes all over me and soaks me and other times im a good girl and drink it fast enough to avoid getting wet and idk why but this makes me horny as fuck. im such a slut for liquids i love having stuff filling my mouth.
its even hotter when she just got done fucking my throat and i ask for water and she grabs my hair and forces me to drink it all on my knees 😵‍💫
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girlthingmaddie · 13 hours
Nice estrogen idiot did your Mistress pick that for you?
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girlthingmaddie · 14 hours
i humped her leg and she grabbed my hair and said " good dog "
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girlthingmaddie · 4 days
Kinktober Day 9: Night Stroll
On this starry night with nary a person in sight I’m trying something new with my girlfriend. She wanted me to take her for a walk. At first I thought she meant going for a stroll around the neighborhood, and I wasn’t too far off …
“Rebecca! Hey, are you listening to me?” I wasn’t. Instead I was attempting to come up with ideas to draw, though the way Claudia was acting stole whatever attention I had towards that pursuit. 
“Sorry,” shutting down my desktop while unplugging my drawing tablet. Swiveling my chair around to properly face my needy girlfriend. “What is it, love?” A subtle warmth immediately spread over Claudia’s pretty face. She’s so weak to pet names . “My attention was elsewhere when you came in.” And it wasn't doing a damn thing to help.
A small smile appeared on her face. “There’s something I want to try tonight. Are you busy?” Claudia was lightly tapping her fingers together.  Not anymore . Regardless I can sneak away and not have to currently deal with artist block.
“Not really. Did we make plans?” Truly I was coming up blank. There wasn’t anything planned tonight, specifically because I made sure there wasn’t so I could work unfettered. 
“No no,” little hand waves meant to put me at ease instead made me slightly turned on, “I mean a little, but it’s something I’ve been waiting for until a good night.” Claudia slowly paced around my cramped bedroom before plopping on the bed, “Wanna go for a walk?”
“Sure, let me get my shoes.” Before I could turn around to go pick up some flip-flops my wrist was lightly (tightly in Claudia’s case) gripped.
“...should grab a...” What did she say? My girlfriend mumbles so softly sometimes, and this was one of those instances. 
“Sorry I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat for me dear?” I don’t know why her face suddenly reddened. Is my hearing messed up ? Maybe I should lean down to get closer. 
“Grab a leash!” Too close! My ears are painfully ringing. If anything, my hearing is now messed up. Though, what’s with the leash?  
“Like the one we use during sex?” My girlfriend quickly exited my room while fanning her face. As I was about to follow her Claudia slammed her door shut. A few moments later she returned to my room with the dog collar she had before we started dating. The dog collar was almost the only thing she had on. A white dog collar covered in paint splotches paired with a long black overcoat. “Claudia, do you want to go out?” The smile plastered across her happy face was all the answer I needed. With that we were on our way out the door, and I was holding the leash while we walked side by side. 
Thankfully there isn’t a person in sight. I know Claudia is the one who’s taking the risk, and yet I can very clearly hear my blood rushing and my heart loudly thumping. If someone catches us and calls us perverts there isn’t much wiggle room to disagree. Besides the cicadas and ribbits off in the distance we truly are alone. As if time was paused so we could have this kinky night, and we’d be dumb to waste it. 
Walking down the dark sidewalk in front of Claudia while holding the leash by my waist is very nerve wracking. Every few seconds I’m throwing my head back to make sure we’re still alone. My girlfriend is in a state of bliss that I wish I could be sharing. To be feeling that serene in this moment would be a boon. Instead I have an anxiety that’s stepping in the path we’ve left behind and hiding behind every tree and telephone pole, shadow, and bush. How could she feel so intouch and in her element when she’s stark naked except for an overcoat protecting little? Maybe she could teach me a few things. Doesn’t this adventure count as a learning experience? Claudia is being oddly quiet; we both are.
My stark nude girlfriend is the first to speak up. “How are you doing, own er?” Right now she’s collared and leashed to me with a tag engraved with my name and phone number in case she gets lost. I’m her owner, master, handler, walker, whatever she wants to call it. 
Never thought I’d be using this outside of our apartment. “I’m fine.. mostly. A little off actually,” getting it off my chest feels nice. It feels like the instant I let my guard down we’ll be in danger. Claudia caught up to me and jogged past until she was directly in front walking backwards.
“We’re all alone Rebecca. No cars, no people, no lights, nothing. Even the night animals are giving us room.” She shrugged the black overcoat off and exposed herself to the bright moon; our only lighting. Her amber hair almost glowed. Shadows cast themselves over her body, except her large chest ( compared to mine ). Her neatly trimmed bush exposed her dainty penis. She kicked off her flip flops to finish her transformation. “Feel better?” Surprisingly I did.
“Get on your paws.” I’m her handler. She’s my dog. “It’s not a walk if you’re on two feet.” Quickly Claudia got onto her hands and knees. Once she found a position that was comfortable we started to walk. The tag jangled as she put one arm in front of the other. Claudia’s ass along with her breasts jiggled as she trotted. Honestly it’s getting difficult to walk with how hard I am. Almost painfully erect. 
It’s amazing how far we’ve ventured without being interrupted. There’s a park closish to our apartment that isn’t too busy at night. No night lights were installed to deter people from coming to the park during closed hours. Perfect place for us to try this out. I helped Claudia back onto her feet until we got to where the “nature path” started. At my call she eagerly dropped to the ground. Her leash tenses up as she attempts to pull me, except I won’t lose! Digging my heels and shifting my position effectively stops the bratty dog in her tracks. 
“You aren’t in control here. If you want to lead so badly, come take the leash from my hand and walk yourself.” I held the white leash out but Claudia didn’t turn around. “Claudia, do you want to-” she bolts down the dark path dragging the leash with her into the shadows. “Claudia!” The coat and shoes are an annoyance right now. I want to throw them behind me and take off after her, but I really don’t feel like hunting for her clothes after this.
Running down the trail and taking some turns here and there reveals a path that leads to a large pond with a dock. It had a railing with a few wood benches next to it. My runaway pet was sitting pretty, waiting patiently. I sauntered over to the bench closest to Claudia and sat down. Feels so damn good to sit down and relax my feet. Also feels great to see her submit to me. Doesn’t really feel like I earned it . All I did was walk her here, pick up her clothes, and chase her to the pond. There’s gotta be more. 
“Claudia,” her ears perk up and cranes her face to look at mine. Fucking delicious . “Crawl over here.” I point at the space in front of my feet for her to grovel at. Slowly she crept up and rested her nose on the spot I had my finger fixed to. “ Stay .” And she is, so it's my turn to have fun. I can't contain myself anymore.
Slapping my hands on her ass cheeks elicited the sound I wanted, and I'm keeping them spread. She's about to say something, but I remind Claudia that dogs don't speak my language. A soft whimper lets me know I can continue; so I do. I’m gripping her glutes and massaging them in circles. One moving clockwise, the other counterclockwise. Occasionally stopping to tease her about her cute twitchy hole. Claudia is so hard, it's so fucking cute! My tongue gently introduced itself by slowly lapping and rimming her before making itself at home inside of her. What did she do to deserve this? Claudia acts bad, and then I can’t keep my hands or mouth off of her. Loud moans that evolved from panting take me away from thoughts of my inability to properly rein in my sub. 
She’s had enough ass play, and if I’m letting her run wild I might as well do as I please. I flip Claudia on her back and start working on her princess cock. Using one hand to hold her pinned to the ground while the other keeps her waist where I want. Sliding both my lips and tongue up-and-down her shaft while burying my nose in her bush. I'm so happy to take long huffs of her sweaty pheromones while she's throbbing and thrusting inside of my mouth.
It wouldn't bother me anymore if someone did happen to be at the park this late at night. My girlfriend is such a hot bitch. I don't mind if others know. She's collared by me, and even if she happens to have a playdate, she comes bounding back to me. The poor thing is trembling when I pull my lips away. I think she’s ready. This time Claudia’s going to listen to me.
“Climb up here, pretty girl,” Patting my lap after sitting down on one of the benches. While I work to get my black denim jeans off Claudia starts to tug the hems on the legs. My helpful puppy pulls them off the rest of the way for me, and places her paws on my v-line as a reward. Intuitive puppy is right on the money. It’s also getting too difficult to keep myself contained any longer . My panties are clawed off by my partner which whips out my rather large member. The way it slaps her cheeks and drags across Claudia’s lips was sexier than it was cute, and I wish my dick would’ve gone in her mouth. My desire is soon sated when my tip is circled and explored by her wet tongue. I groan loudly because we’re alone, and I can. As her mouth works further along my shaft I bend forward a little instinctively. Not now… It’s going to be a bit before I can thrust as much as I please. Claudia is now able to take more of me in her mouth, but I must restrain myself from mouthfucking my pup. I grab hair where I imagine her floppy ears would be as my shaft is further inserted down my girl’s throat. As long as she can hold me here I won’t let go. Once I feel her fingers tap out on my legs I pull out.
Being edged by my girlfriend’s blowjob is too powerful. She still hasn’t truly submitted to me yet. “I thought I told you to climb up here babe.” Again I pat my lap, and my dog defiantly puffs her cheeks out. Claudia crossed her slender arms over and across her stomach. 
“Mmf.” Head turns away from me but not enough I can’t notice one eye trained on me. She even scoots back a hair to drive in whatever point she has. What the hell? I don’t get it. Take her for a kinky walk and she runs off on me. I catch up to her, then she lets me touch and lick her as much as I want while servicing me back. Yet I ask her to climb up on my lap and she’s doing everything she can think of to put it off. What gives? The longer this goes on, the more difficulty I’m having trying to figure out who’s currently playing the lead. Worst case scenario we’re two stubborn girls who don’t want to submit to each other. I’m the one who took her for a walk. It should be her that submits. Claudia’s the one who suggested it, and wanted to go for a walk naked. Yeah I’m done letting her do what she pleases. She’s going to learn who holds the leash, and who walks who.
“ Claudia ”, the usual cheer I put in my voice so people don’t think I’m constantly pissed is gone. It’s cute how she opens her eyes to look up at my face and is puzzled by my expression, unfamiliar with the tone I’m using. If she’s set on being a defiant puppy I can let loose a little, right? Unsurety is a sexy look for my confident girlfriend. Overconfidence is what led to Claudia’s downfall. “ Come here. ” And she does. Slowly she crawls and sits like a pretty girl down in front of me. Glaring got her to scoot as close as she can. 
“Why are you being so defiant?” Dominating Claudia is a ton of fun, however it’s hard to fully invest myself. That though, felt amazing. A little too good. Actually hurt my head a bit. In the future it’d be fun to try it out more, but I got what I wanted – an attentive puppy formulating a response.
“Mm what if I’m not?” Claudia couldn’t look me in the eye, yet I could tell she meant it. 
“You weren’t being defiant and disobeying me despite the fact that I’m the one taking you for a walk?” She bit her lip. If I could look into her eyes I’m sure I could piece together what she’s thinking. “If a dog were to break away during a walk wouldn’t you classify that as being unruly?”
“Maybe, though you did help yourself to my body.” Tch. She had me there. Was I wrong to pleasure myself via pleasuring my misbehaving sub? Probably, maybe I’d care more if I was a better dom or owner. What is bugging me is the disconnect between us right now. 
“So, do you want to walk me then?” Honestly not sure I’m down for that. 
“No…. I’d like to lead, as puppy.” Okay, that’s doable? I feel a bit better knowing we’re not switching places. “Dogs don’t speak English so I couldn’t say it.” I did tell her that.
“Alright then. I’m at the mercy of my slutty dog.” With that I lift my hands, and to my surprise Claudia finally is climbing onto my lap. Straddling my hips with her warm thighs. Running her slender fingers through my hair and caressing my ears with her paws. First to make lip contact is Claudia as my top lip is bitten and sucked into her hot mouth. Though I am submitting I'm not letting her win the tongue battle. I’m getting growls in response, but I have pride too! Yet I’ve been letting her lead me around by my nose all night. Built up saliva started to leak out of the corners of our mouths. I pulled away to swallow, however Claudia had the opposite idea. 
“ Bwa-bub-bub-bwub. ” My dick is covered by my girlfriend in a mixture of our spit rendering it more sensitive when she started to jerk me off. Claudia doesn’t need to work to make me harder, I’m painfully erect. At some point I really got into this, and maybe I will let my pup run the show for a while more often. Pressing her weight against me while wrapping her legs around my waist gave her more room to get her body closer to mine. Our girl penis’s rubbing up against each other feels absolutely amazing. Neither one of us cared or were trying to stifle our moans. It felt wrong to not vocally express how great we’re currently feeling. While Claudia strokes my shaft and massages my balls I lube one of my hands with our spit mixture. Canine-In-Command was too busy attacking my neck and shoulders which made it easy to apply a generous amount of saliva inside of and around her twitching asshole. Finger number two is now joining the first inside of my bitch in heat. My shoulders and neck area can feel relief now that it’s my lips and tongue being attacked. I want her so fucking badly. I need to breed her. Definitely am close to my limit and pretty sure Claudia wants this as much as I do. Probably should check in first.
As my horny puppy madly grinds and rubs against my gock I manage to choke out a pathetic, yet audible, “can I please put it in you?”
“You better! I’m in charge here!” The way Claudia flutters her eyelashes at me when she’s in heat really does something to my lizard brain. Took teamwork from both of us to slip myself inside her from the awkward position we were in, and the small space we had on this old wooden bench. If I get splinters on my ass or thighs so be it! Heaven really is a place on Earth as I’m being proven at this moment by how warm and tight my girl's pussy is. Her ass undomesticates me every time her walls close around and clench my cock. I transform from a loving partner into a wild beast looking for something to stick itself in and savagely rut in a matter of seconds. Thankfully this fuck doll looks, tastes, makes sounds, and acts just like the girl of my dreams. 
“Fuuuck, I love you so goddamn much Claudia!” Happy yaps reverberate in my ear drums as my dick thrusts up inside of her and pulls back to thrust forward repeatedly. I’m going to take her on so many more walks in the future. Have Claudia wear a collar, leash, and tag I picked out for her. A better mistress or owner or whatever the fuck I am wouldn’t let their subby puppy take control of the leash and then reward them with sex. I’m barely fit to walk Claudia, yet here I am letting her mark me as much as her little heart desires, and I’m balls deep inside of her desperately moaning and groaning for her. Small fingers with manicured almond nails dig into the skin on my shoulders as Claudia loudly gasps and spurts on my stomach. Even though her limbs are loosening, her insides are still gripping me. With every deliberate slam of my hips I inch closer to finishing. I was basically at the end and felt tears welling in my eyes as I bit my bottom lip. It was my turn to dig my painted fingernails and scratch down Claudia’s unmarked back as I finally came and pounded against her soft ass cheeks until my stamina depleted. I’m out of energy and can barely muster strength to pull out or push her off me. My legs have also gone numb; pins and needles all over. We rested sweaty and naked on the damp wooden park bench until we found the energy to get up. I put my clothes back on, but Claudia still insists on being in the nude. 
“So did you enjoy it?” We’re both walking back on our two feet and I put the coat over my shoulder so my girl can enjoy the cool night air. Did I enjoy it? I didn’t really expect that question.
“Yeah, I’d say so.” It was a pretty fun night, and it was nice to shake up the usual with a little spice.
“Is that all you have to say after having ravenous loud sex in a public park? ‘Yeah I’d say so . ’” How can she try to seriously chew me out when I can see it’s making her erect? 
“ Yeah, I’d say so. ” If she’s gonna mock me I’ll mock her right back. “I had a lot of fun, but tonight was for you.” 
Claudia stopped and repeatedly stamped her feet in protest, “no it wasn’t! It was for you!” I really don’t know what she’s talking about.  
“No no, this walk tonight was for you, love. You’re the one who asked to go for a walk! How isn’t that for you?” There’s no reason to raise my voice or get agitated, though I am confused. Not understanding my girlfriend is pissing her off, and I really don’t want to do that after such a fun time. 
“ Yes , the walk was for me, but I wanted to go on it with you for your benefit.” Claudia keeps on walking at the same time I lag behind dumbstruck. Was it really for me? Apparently I look so lost Claudia has to swallow her pride and shyly explain it to a dense girl like me. “You weren’t making much progress at work and I thought trying something new would be helpful.” Either I started walking faster or she stopped because I caught up to Claudia sooner than I expected. Bumping into her in fact. 
“Thank you. It’s been difficult for me to think of anything to draw today. Somedays work sucks the energy to draw out of me, other days all my ideas come to me at work. This is one of the rare days where it feels like I’m almost incapable. I could just draw something, but it doesn’t feel right.” Her small hand slowly wraps around mine while I ramble. For some reason I feel like I need to defend my lack of creativity even though Claudia wasn’t grilling me or doing anything to make me feel bad. “...Thanks. It’d make me happy if we did this more.” Dark of night did nothing to help hide my blush. Claudia isn’t paying attention so I turned mine towards swinging our arms until my face didn’t burn. 
“I had the most fun so I should be thanking you. Plus I took up your time-”
“Our time,” I correct Claudia.
She tilts her head slightly downward with a small smile. “Yeah.”
“You don’t take up my time. I’d say no if I really didn’t want to. It was fun walking my girl.” I forgot my girlfriend is currently naked, and we’ll soon be getting closer to busier streets the closer we get to our apartment. Our little stroll will sadly be coming to an end soon. 
“If you liked it so much I should walk you next time!” What?? I couldn’t be walked. Not entirely sure if I’d enjoy it. 
“No no no, really.” All the hand waving and head shaking isn’t dissuading my pup. In fact it’s only getting her more excited.
“Yes, yes, yes! I’ll walk you next time, and puppy will be the owner!” My partner zoomed forward but the snap of the leash brought her back. 
“I don’t mind wearing a collar, but I’ve never been on the receiving end, and I have to do it naked? Can’t, sorry babe.” Maybe getting home and cooking up some new ideas to draw really is what I should be focusing on.
“Come on! Just think about it. One day you’ll be wearing a collar along with me, and we’ll be holding each other’s leash.” I’m starting to stammer and feel my face warming back up as the horny sub continues. “Both of us naked under the moonlight. Possibly under the influence. Only speaking in barks, yaps, arfs, whimpers, and whines. Howling during sex and letting our girl musks travel as far as they can.” This bitch is positively drooling. I hate to say it, but that sounds like a ton of fun. 
“Hmph, maybe. Maybe.” I speed up and walk with my arms crossed over my modest chest. Don’t want Claudia to see how hard I’m grinning to myself.  
We manage to get home unseen without any issue. My girlfriend ran off to her room and was fast asleep before I walked into her room. Instead I headed back to my bedroom to drop off the leash and decompress. Despite being clothed and in control, I felt defeated. If this were a contest between us based on boldness and inhibition Claudia definitely would have trounced me. She even was disobedient and bratty yet got everything she wanted. A real go-getter attitude. Next time I really should take my partner's advice and act like nobody's watching. I'm glad there's going to be a next time. 
About half an hour or so later I finally feel like I'm ready to cuddle with my silly dog until we fall asleep. It feels like the only times I can loosen the collar that is perpetually around my neck is when I'm sleeping. Tonight felt like the start of being able to breathe a little better while I'm still awake. Almost feels like my face and hands are trembling. I sketch a small rough draft of a naked girl being leashed under a streetlight by her partner. Maybe a car will be driving by with its bright headlights spotlighting the sapphic duo. Perhaps they're completely alone like we were. I can leave working out the details for tomorrow. Right now I have a dog bed to cuddle up in with my sweet angel who's about to be marked and possibly put to use again.
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girlthingmaddie · 4 days
turns out i can do it without unbuckling the belt
cmon sweetheart, tilt your head back for me~
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girlthingmaddie · 4 days
I bring a certain "goes nonverbal and follows around the one person i know" type of energy to the party, that makes all the bad bitches go "aww, she's so cute, can we pet her???"
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girlthingmaddie · 4 days
kinda need to keep you in your collar for safety. So you won’t stray too far, so you won’t get lost or forget who you belong to. So you won’t get any ideas about being anything more than mine. So you’ll always feel owned, so you always know you’re mine mine mine mine mine mine.
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girlthingmaddie · 4 days
The only way to cope about hdg not being real is to become a cute tgirl's pet
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girlthingmaddie · 4 days
robot girl with a swappable tongue. you’re on a date and you offhandedly mention your tumblr and she’s browsing it in her head while you talk and then you go back to her place and she switches to the longest, slimiest tongue she has
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girlthingmaddie · 5 days
Heaven must be missing an angel, because she's here with me humping my boot. She's pressing her face into my thigh, weaving her little fingers into the material of my pants. Holding on for dear life. Whining, begging with her big wet doe eyes. Gazing up at me in such complete and utter adoration, the likeness borders on that I have only seen in the most pious of church dogs.
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girlthingmaddie · 6 days
Tumblr media
More tummy !!!! :3
I look like. Actually kinda hot..
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girlthingmaddie · 6 days
A fantasy I’ve had:
A big sleepover where a bunch of friends come over and we spend a few days in various states of undress, hanging out and playing games, crafting, listening to music.
Everyone is just hanging out and having a good time, sometimes making out, maybe giving each other head while we’re all watching a movie. Just a nice and fun, casual week where we’re all just relaxed and fucking each other.
I think that might fix me.
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girlthingmaddie · 6 days
i want to be bound, getting fucked by a fucking machine (with the power set just high enough to get me desperate, but not high enough to push me over), blinfolded, with my own files playing in my ears. hours of getting fucked, listening to myself whimpering and begging, listening to me gasp mantras....that stuff's always fun, but hearing myself act like pathetic porn while i'm edged for hours? god, it sounds so good
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