#distribution accounting
pomsdoodlefort · 26 days
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You've Got DigiMail!
I am very bad at coming up with digimon names, but this little gal is for @remember-digimon.
I figure the Digimon Distribution Service seems to be getting a lot of hits recently, so you may need some help with the distribution aspect.
Enter, this cutie-mon! Fleet of wing and ready to help you get these digipartners where they're going.
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elijah-loyal · 4 months
i think the craziest thing about getting back into dinosaurs after close to 10 years is the fact that science has helped us predict more accurately what they looked like, and they are SO DIFFERENT from when i was a kid
like when i was a kid, compsognathus was my favorite because it was a fast little fucker, and it looked like this:
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standard old dino design, right?
but now, one of the most common depictions of compsognathus is THIS:
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like ur kidding! my favorite guy turns out to probably have looked like a little lemur?!!!?!! thats insane and so cool!!
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elloratic-ttrpg · 8 months
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sketchy wee thing but I've been thinking about vamps my Coppelia might know from their pre-chronicle life and :] considering they ARE a massive nerd with the knowledge hungry flaw I feel like they at some point got Quite close with one of those feratu , ,, friends of circumstance on account of they're the only two bitches in a several mile radius who know or care what exocognitive psychosis means
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havethetouch · 8 months
*gives you a live salmon*
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Hands you an embroidered salmon. Hello again delightful person of the fish. Thank you for your offering <3
I was not able to do much yesterday bc I was staying with my cousin but when I came home a couple of hours ago I figured, why not do a little embroidery. I did a quick sketch and then went in there with the colours. I will maybe add some crossstich bg at some point but that would take too long right now xd
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superchat · 5 months
Nijisanji goin THRU IT
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bananonbinary · 1 year
im still thinking about the idea that microwaved boiling water is somehow worse than stove water. what is there even to be snobby about there, it's not like the water is gonna be heated unevenly or have the fat separated out and scalded, there's only one thing in water and its water. there's nothing for the microwaves to fuck up.
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coloursofaparadox · 3 months
im. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
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oswaldddavis · 7 months
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(They think the other is a idiot)
#asktotag#sonic exe#xhouse#((No idea how to explain we have like way too many interpretations and spoofs of the guy))#((Like I could ramble about the ''Master File & Distributions'' or ''Spoof'' variants but honestly talk so much I end up saying nonsense?))#((Main reason why my art seems to have no context is because I literally voice chat and ramble for 4-6 hours))#((Essentially about the newest hyperfixated multiverse we've created-))#((-for our far to energetic ideas for us to narrow down & ''choose'' one because there's no singular correct interpretation of art))#((There's far too many variables to consider one universe as the most canon so obviously we have to branch from every possible angle-))#((-and end up with at least 30 of the same character but in different flavours))#((NOT ACCOUNTING FOR THE FACT THAT IT'S ADDICTING TO MAKE SPOOFS FROM JUST ONE INTERACTION TO SEE WHERE THEY GO))#((Like. There's so much potential in the morality and development of a character based off of one or more events-))#((-that derail from their original situations! ENVIRONMENTS & SITUATIONS SHAPE SO MUCH FOR A PERSON & I HAVE TO SEE EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE.))#((Sorry for the rant/ramble here-))#((-I never usually have the confidence to express how much I love making things.))#((I tend to bury my thoughts and say so little cause I usually think no one would be interested or would think I'm annoying for it))#((Sometimes you hear voices say the most stupid take & feel so enraged by its obsurdity that you temporarily lose your social anxiety))#((It'll probably return eventually because the moment I post this I can guarantee it will cause it's happened before. I am not immune.))#((Unrelated but I like having a variety of papers to draw on again. I can't share much yet due to conceptuals but Soon!!))
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savvathun · 1 year
i made the cake i reblogged yesterday <3 it's pretty good! not the best i've ever had, but it was nice. i think it could have used an extra lemon, two didn't feel sufficient.
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happy10thousandyears · 6 months
Crazy how I have like , 6 accounts scattered across the internet ppl say a sly rabbit has 3 holes in its burrow am I twice as sly as a sly rabbit?
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boyfeminism · 7 months
i know officially bottom growth isnt reversible but it fucking feels like it is i need to get back on testosterone 🧍‍♂️
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xomoosexo · 8 months
i wasn't here pre october 2022, what was dtblr like back then?
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ilostyou · 4 months
there is no greater feeling of assurance than seeing a tiktok with what you thought was a completely preposterous hateful biased quite frankly bigoted awful take with hundreds and thousands of comments agreeing with it being just as awful hateful bigoted then feeling more unsettled and very very bothered for genuinely days after leaving the video be and still stewing in the icky feeling it left you only to then come across a bunch of videos echoing your original thoughts on how hateful and harmful of a take it was with plenty of people in the comments agreeing it didn’t sit well with them and they also felt very put off by how awful hateful etc etc etc it was
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melonymint753 · 10 months
ngl I do not understand "have your age in bio to follow me" headers, like have you not lived through the era where everyone below 13 lied about their age to get Neoboards access
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hinadori-chan · 1 year
low key wanna like
set up a queue for posts i like that don’t circulate anymore so that way the recirculate but also i don’t spam but like
i don’t think i’ve ever used a queue before tbh lol
#listen i’ve always been the kind of blogger where you just know what i’m about when i’m about it#but since this is more of a fandom sidespace than my actual blog maybe that’s the better route?#cause there’s a lot of really good fanart and fanfics and analytical pieces that just#don’t get as much love since they got burried by time and i wanna bring them back to the forefront becuase they’re GOOD#and people put their heart and soul and time into them and i want them to be appreciated becuase i love them and they make me happy#but also i’ve hit post limit multiple times becuase if this blog and i’m scared it’ll happen again#cause i think you still hit it with the queue too#and like#i do actually use my main blog a log and the posts come from the same pool#(pro tip for new users btw if your side blogs are connected to your main account all your posts come from a pool that your account gets)#(kind of like a deck of cards that has to be distributed between all players)#ANYWAY it might be the better move for now#i’ll stew on that while i try and get myself out of writers block#cause i’ll need to get the first draft of peghawks2023 done this weekend if i want ot done in time for the 16th#need to figure out how to trick my brain into working#had this problem in school also#the only reason i passed is because most my teachers loved me and wanted me to succeed in spite of my executive dysfunction#and my other two teachers hated me so much (adhd kid with a pension to cause problems) that they passed me#just so they never had to see me again lmao#it’s okay feelings were mutual fuck those guys#(or love those guys for the teachers that adored me)#(hope they’re doing good)#what was i talking about#RIGHT queues and writing#yeah i should go do that okay bye for now!!!
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gracefullou · 11 months
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