#digimon distribution service
remember-digimon · 4 months
Digimon Distribution Service!
For 🎃anon! Meet your partner, Ottorimon!
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Ottorimon is gentle and easy going. When partnered with their new friend, they get to learn about creating new stories and love hearing their partner's wonderful stories! They're a nurturing Digimon that doesn't usually like to fight, but they will if they need to.
🎃anon steps up to keep the group calm. They want to make sure everyone is happy, which can take a toll on them. Sometimes 🎃anon might put the needs of others before themselves; so, Ottorimon helps them to be mindful of their own mental health, and that it's okay to put yourself first.
🎃anon is slow to trust at first. It's hard for them to let others in, but they aren't cold or indifferent to others so it can be difficult for the group to know that 🎃anon has much more to them beneath the surface.
Ottorimon brings a sense of calm to 🎃anon, letting them put away the mask they wear when it's just the two of them. Ottorimon supports 🎃anon's imagination, always engaged in their storytelling and giving input on the characters that 🎃anon develops.
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pomsdoodlefort · 4 months
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You've Got DigiMail!
I am very bad at coming up with digimon names, but this little gal is for @remember-digimon.
I figure the Digimon Distribution Service seems to be getting a lot of hits recently, so you may need some help with the distribution aspect.
Enter, this cutie-mon! Fleet of wing and ready to help you get these digipartners where they're going.
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charcherry-weekly · 7 days
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 217
Hello everyone, Mage of Light Nick Card here. The autumn rains have arrived to quench the parched soil. it's nice to listen to the rain when nothing else is happening. for now though, it's time for the news.
Justice Quest Update
Early this week, after a bout of foggy conditions, Rogue of Heart Charles had arrived in Shoreport. Soon after arriving, they managed to locate the stabbing victim in need of justice at the local tavern. Charles managed to settle the situation by offering the person in question by giving them 1000g worth of desertian gold bars. The assailant now owes Charles the amount instead, details likely to be decided later.
While still at the tavern, Charles encountered three voidco operatives, a wizard, a warlock, and a rogue. With the skilled work of a mysterious magical performer that was also present, all three were relieved of their contractual obligations to the cursed company. The pact-broken warlock is reportedly searching for a new patron, one that won't slowly convert her into a copy of the Page of Darkness. It is very possible that she has already made progress towards finding a new one, though further news on the matter is currently unknown.
Return of the Movie Night
Rather recently after Charles returned home from Plit, they proposed restarting movie night, this time using an online screen sharing service and the memo already designated for movie night. The first movie chosen was the Digimon movie, complete with all three parts (including the one that eventually became the basis for Summer Wars), the infamous Angela Anaconda short at the beginning, and an additional mini-movie that expanded upon the second part of the movie. Overall, the event was a rousing success, with good times all around, no weird time-y stuff like the group used to experience with Katie's movie setup, minimal organizational delays, and plenty of laughs at Tai's mom's interesting culinary practices (onion juice! jerky shakes! 2 bean salad!). The next date and movie selection has yet to be chosen, but it is certain that the quicker setup will make organizing another movie night much easier in the future.
New Laptop!
Earlier today, Heir of Hope Hazel Serket received a huge package in the mail. It turned out to have a great deal of electronic paraphernalia from a particular Skye instance who needed to offload a number of things for safe keeping. Inside of the package, there was a big stack of captchalogue cards, absolutely chock full of various computers from different past eras, electronics and power distribution equipment, countless manuals, and a fetch modus development suite. Reportedly, one of the computers in the pile is a high-end 2011 PowerPC InterTeck ThinkPad running miniOS. Hazel is very satisfied with the veritable treasure trove.
Classified ads
Rail engineers wanted! Contact theUnderground for details.
Do you need therapy? Have you been impacted by the cosmic creation game in some manner? Do you have weird problems that likely have supernatural factors? Contact Dr. Winters at 555-555-0125 (new number) to schedule an appointment, new client slots open in October.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don’t write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (also has a Unity Village location!)
Brae's produce stall: - Potted vegetables - Jarred vegetables - Various jams
Herbalist shop - Leechwort (25 gp) - Nepenthe (400 gp) - Allnight (75 gp) - Merfolk’s Comb (750 gp) - Garlic (1 sp)
Scissors stand
Hammock stand
That should do it for this week. I think I've managed to get my stride back, though it took some irritation and recruitment to get back into the mix. I really need to step up my game on this, though its hard when I've got so many other obligations. At least the rain sounds nice. https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/454/charcherry-weekly-issue-217
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ahiddenpath · 2 years
This some Reddit level shenans, fam.
(I be drunk and I DESERVE IT).
I work for a biotech company as a researcher.
Plasmid: a genetic structure in a cell that can replicate independently of the chromosomes, typically a small circular DNA strand in the cytoplasm of a bacterium or protozoan. Plasmids are much used in the laboratory manipulation of genes.
1.)  Please input your order on our website
So when I generate plasmids, I need to confirm the sequence (ie, of nucleic acids comprising the DNA) before I do anything with them.  CYA (cover yo ass) and suchlike.  We use an outside service for this; they pick up our DNA, sequence it, and send us the results the next day.  The company used to have us email our orders in, but now, they want us to input them to their website.  I’ve been doing so for months.
Today, I couldn’t upload my order; I got an error message.  Being a conscientious little bean, I took a screenshot of the error message and emailed it to the sequencing company’s customer service (so their IT can problem solve) and requested that they please input my order into their system, since I cannot.
I received an email back saying that they no longer take orders by email, please input it to the site.
I was, as you can imagine, rather flabbergasted.  I explained to them again that I cannot upload to the site, as it is not functioning.  I expounded that, while I understand they have a new system and have been using it for months, I’m currently somewhat hobbled by said site not functioning.  They sent me another email a few hours later suggesting that I try the F5 key.  I genuinely could not make this shit up.
It just so happens that this company sent me a “how are we doing” survey a few days earlier, which I had neglected to respond to.  I availed myself of it today, because one should have fun when the opportunity arises.
2.)  Lab safety glasses
If you work in a lab, you might be asked to wear goggles (yes, I have spent years wearing gen-you-wine googles like a Digimon protag) or safety glasses to protect your eyes from the various threats of science.  I ordered them about two months ago, and it dawned on me that I still don’t have them.  I checked my email and found that they were delivered to our warehouse a month ago, but I hadn’t heard anything.
I emailed the lab safety person and found that she’s been on vacation, and they were left in her office.  SoOooOOooOO, five people have been sans lab glasses and haven’t done anything about it (including me, lol)!  The good news is that I was able to pick them up, but I’m still baffled that no one bothered to distribute them.  We’re literally required to wear these, ma’am.
3.)  Do you have the file?
I use specialized software to design plasmids.  Unfortunately, said software does that cursed thing where you have to pay for updates to the software (like, in addition to the software’s base price).  A few months ago, they released an update that allows scientists to select a region of DNA and find potential silent mutations to add restriction enzyme sites in that region, which is awesome for cloning work.  I needed it for a project, so I put in an IT request for an update license.  
A month ago.
When I put in the request, I explained what was happening: I have the software installed on my computer, but I need an update license purchased and installed (we don’t have the ability to install anything to our systems).  It was surprisingly difficult to make what I needed understood, and then the IT person sent me a weekly email saying they were working on it weekly for a month.  Yesterday, they said they were ready to set up a meeting with me to install the update.
In the meeting today, IT person made “hmm” sounds for 10 minutes while I gazed at the screen and wished for sweet, sweet unconsciousness.  Then they asked, “Okay, so do you have the license file?”
Sir.  My colleague.  My brother in Christ.  That is literally the exact thing I asked you for a month ago.  The one thing I need of you, my good man.
SO ANYWAY I don’t have the update yet.
4.)  Mouse Serum Madness
In order to estimate how quickly our immunotherapy drugs clear from the body, we have an animal group dose mice with the protein (the drug) and take serum samples from the mice at various time points.  I run ELISAs on the mouse serum to see how much protein is in the blood at what time, allowing us to estimate how long the drug circulates in the body before being reabsorbed or otherwise vanishing.  It’s a relatively cheap and easy way to see if the protein has any serious stability or absorption issues early on.
This time, our collaborator ran the animal study and sent me the samples.  And oh, what an adventure this has been.  They sent me a paper showing the protein name the mice were dosed with, the mouse numbers, and the time points at which the serum was harvested.  They neglected to mention the initial dose of drug injected in the animals, or if the serum was diluted (and if so, what it was diluted in).  My boss has been emailing them for a few days, to radio silence.
Today, I organized the samples...  And found that the labels were falling off.  I spent two hours smoothing and re-adhering labels, and as I sorted them, I found...  The animal handlers opted to use their own protein designation on the labels (without telling us what those designations are).  The animal numbers were also jumbled- mice that were supposed to belong to one group are apparently in another?
Essentially I know exactly jack and squat what serum is what!  This ELISA is complicated and delicate, so thaaaaaaaaat is not great!
I hope you’re all doing well and having a more... sane?  Reasonable?  Day than I am xD
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jippy-kandi · 5 years
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Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Movie Review
I've seen the film. It was pretty good! Spoilers under the cut.
So, before I watched it, I did read a few bits and pieces of random spoilers. However, I did NOT read the novel – because I wanted to judge the film on its own merits and not be thinking about “what the novel did better”. But I knew things like most characters were sidelined, who the villain was, and how the movie ends. I still have not read the novel.
This is not a “proper” review of the movie -- because what’s the fun in that? You can google actual reviews of the movie by anime websites, if that’s what you’re after. These are just my personal thoughts, impressions and fangirl ramblings (I bias Yamato hard). Plus, a few comments from two others I went to the screening with for a different perspective.
It was like nerd city at the movie theatre, LOL. So. Many. Nerds. Some people even brought Digimon plush toys to the screening! I’ve never witnessed that before. It was great though, being surrounded by so many Digimon fans. I think the cinema was more than half full -- and this was an 800-seat cinema! 400+ Digimon fans? Whoa! I actually thought like only 20 people would show up, LOL.
I tried to put the following thoughts in “order” but some of it isn’t due to the nature of what they’re about . . . plus, I couldn’t 100% remember what order the scenes were in.
Screen time distribution (most to least): Taichi/Yamato, Koushirou, the 02 kids (roughly: Takeru, Hikari, Daisuke, Miyako, Ken, Iori), Mimi, Jou, a hamburger, a whistle, a beer, Sora. (Sora got shafted hard.)
Taichi was exactly just Taichi, which is 1000x better than tri. Taichi. He really did seem like a 22-year-old version of Adventure Taichi, beer-drinking and porn-watching and all. Thank you, Toei. Please don’t fuck him up in the reboot. (Although maybe that’s the idea?)
Yamato is the coolest motherfucker on a motorcycle. He looked SO DAMN GOOD in this movie. There were even a few gratuitous shots of his arse for no apparent reason, LOL. Or maybe that’s just me thinking, whenever he’s bending over or his back’s to us, “That’s a nice arse.” XD (HE IS THE ONLY 2D CHARACTER I THIRST FOR, I PROMISE. I’m actually engaged to Jungkook of BTS.)
Koushirou was the same old Koushirou we all know and love, doing smart stuff and generally being useful. He has no pointed interest in clothes or girls (Koumi began and died in tri., you guys). When it was shown that he was a company president, some people in the audience laughed, lol.
Takeru was pretty bland. I guess tri. Takeru will always be the definitive Takeru to me. This Takeru definitely evolved straight from 02 Takeru (who was also bland AF). But he was fine? I miss overly confident, charming Takeru. Also, where was your crush on your big bro??? lol
Hikari . . . was also fine? I don’t have much to say about her. I like tri. Hikari better (because she was cute? *shallow*). This Hikari was just serviceable. I think because everyone really is just playing second fiddle to Taichi and Yamato, they didn’t really add charms to the other characters. They just . . . serve the plot. And it seemed, at the beginning of the movie, that Takeru and Hikari were going to be in it a lot -- but they have most of their scenes in the first third-ish of the movie before disappearing until the end.
Daisuke was also exactly the same. But I’ve never been a fan of him, nor do I hate him (though he did get on my nerves in 02 sometimes . . .). I just don’t care about him, or any of the 02 kids, personally. :P
I don’t think Ken had a personality in this movie, LOL. He was fine, though. Serviceable. I’m sorry I lack opinions here, but there really wasn’t much to go on. He has no Kaiser issues or anything, he just seems like a normal, well-adjusted kid . . . with no personality, lol.
Iori didn’t have a personality either -- but everyone has always known that. Ha! XP He is just an extra reading lines. I found it odd that he seems so short though? I kept thinking he was still a 9-year-old because of the height difference between him and the others . . . I think Toei forgot that HE IS 17 AND THUS SHOULD BE VERY CLOSE TO FULL ADULT HEIGHT. Puberty is amazing, Toei! (Yeah, he can just be a really short person, I know. I wouldn’t have made that design choice, though. Especially when he’s short compared to Daisuke . . . who is short compared to Yamato . . . and Iori really is a midget.)
Miyako . . . it’s probably due to her voice actress, but she was SO LOUD. And I found her annoying because of it. In fact, she was the only annoying character in the movie to me. Loud people can be charming . . . but I didn’t find her charming. Sorry, Miyako fans. =\
Mimi has an e-commerce startup at 21, lol. OK, you go girl. She was definitely shafted, but she was in it a bit more than Jou I think, and definitely more than poor Sora. Probably a few minutes? Yeah, not a lot, especially compared to Taichi and Yamato. In one of her (four?) scenes, she loses consciousness and ends up in the hospital -- and Taichi, Koushirou and Jou are in her hospital room when Yamato bursts in and goes, “Jou!” You know, instead of acknowledging Mimi, THE COMATOSE FRIEND IN THE HOSPITAL BED. I just found it funny that’s how they chose to frame that scene. :P
Jou only had a few lines, but he was still in it more than Sora. But he is really just a doctor here. He could’ve been an extra hired for a doctor role and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, lol. Oh, Toei, please give all the characters almost-equal screen time in the reboot? Please???
Sora had like four lines and thirty seconds of screen time, TOTAL. I think the decision to hold her back from THE ENTIRE PLOT was SOLELY to have the scene where she reacts to Taichi blowing the whistle, so you know that the sound is going out of Neverland and reaching the real world (or whatever dramatic effect they were going for). I really think that’s it. That, or her voice actress did something terrible to Toei and they’re punishing her. :P
The movie basically opens up with Parrotmon attacking. Takeru was the first to be shown, then Hikari, then Taichi. Taichi is wearing those special goggles Koushirou made for him and he looked goofy AF lol. At one point, Greymon tackles Parrotmon into a building where you see some people inside running away from the rubble. My sister said (without knowing anything about tri.): “Does Tai not care that his digimon definitely just killed some people in that building?” I chuckled because . . . well. ;)
Yamato enters the scene COOL AS FUCK on his motorcycle (most of his entrance is shown in a clip that Toei released) and thank you Toei for doing that for him. He deserves a showy entrance. :) Although I do find it funny that he’s obsessed with motorcycles, given I still remember giggling as a kid at him NOT liking riding on the back of some guy’s scooter in Digimon: The Movie.
The music was nice and nostalgic and I have no complaints.
There is a quick scene of Yamato seeing a kid in a music store getting a harmonica, and watching a street performer singing. Obviously he’s thinking about his passion for music as a kid/teen (and his childhood in general?) and it was a nice touch. I think by the end of the movie you would’ve understood that Yamato was letting go of his past (childhood) and heading towards the future (adulthood).
A friend of Yamato’s makes a comment to him that Japan’s Self-Defense Forces are going to recruit him into the military due to his experience as a Chosen Child. Yamato replies, “that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard”. BUT . . . this is Kizuna telling you EXACTLY what is going to happen, lol. I actually “predicted” Yamato’s career path years ago -- but it wasn’t hard, as there is really only two ways it could’ve gone, lol. Military test pilot or commercial air pilot -- which one, especially given the context Kizuna just gave us, is more likely? ;)
Yamato is shown wearing GLASSES in class (looking nerd-hot AF). Toei Animation must not have researched Yamato’s astronaut career as intensively as I did, and therefore did not know that astronauts need 20/20 vision lol. Oh well, he can get it corrected. :p (Or, he doesn’t actually need glasses but WEARS THEM AS A FASHION STATEMENT. Because I can believe that. XD)
I think Yamato had about three different outfits in the movie? And he looked good in all of them. Are there people out there who think he’s not fashionable? I'd find that opinion strange, given the fact that the staff behind 02 and tri. were actively designing him as the well-dressed cool guy of the group. He wears exactly the kind of clothes the well-dressed cool guys at my high school/university wore. Sure, sometimes they force green tops on him purely for nostalgic reasons and it therefore clashes -- there is only so much you can do with a green top -- but overall, he is supposed to come across as someone who cares about his appearance. If you don’t think so, you’re either not into fashion or you aren’t aware of 2005-2010 fashion as a teen/young adult. (If Yamato was a millionaire, I’m sure he’d dress identical to BTS with super expensive clothes lol. But he dresses very well for a “normal” person. :p)
Taichi was shown with two of his friends who were asking him about his aspirations or something, and the guy looked like an unattractive nerd. My sister said: “I didn’t like how they showed Tai with sloppy friends, but showed Matt with good-looking people.” LOL. Her favourite as a kid was Taichi, BTW. XD;
Menoa and Imura were . . . OK characters. Menoa seemed likeable enough at first, but when her real intentions were revealed she turned into a typical, crazy, possessed villain. Imura was really just there to service the plot, like a necessary extra on set. There was nothing more to him.
Menoa’s English is terrible. And it’s very noticeable because she inserts random English words into her Japanese sentences, lol. I laughed when Koushirou told her that her Japanese is very good (because SHE IS ACTUALLY FLUENT IN JAPANESE . . . and not so much in English). Yes, I know it’s because it’s a Japanese voice actress -- but it was still funny every time she spoke heavily accented English, followed by fluent Japanese. :P
Menoa’s partner digimon, Morphomon, was cute in design. Eosmon was the villain digimon and was Menoa’s attempt at recreating Morphomon, who disappeared on her. Does this sound kind of familiar? lol
Omegamon devolves into Koromon and Tsunomon when fighting against Eosmon. Back in Koushirou’s office, Menoa explains that you only have a limited amount of time with your digimon before they disappear and that fighting accelerates it. Taichi has a circle of lights on his digivice that lose a bar of light every time he fights with Agumon. When the lights all disappear, Agumon will disappear. Koushirou and Takeru look at their digivices to check if they’ve got it – they don’t, and they are relieved. Yamato then checks his and . . . well. He has it. His eyes start watering and he storms out of the room saying something along the lines of his bond with Gabumon will not be broken. I FUCKING LOVED THIS SCENE. Top 3 in the movie for me, personally. We all have weaknesses. Emo Yamato is mine, lol. I like it when he gets so emotional he cries in front of other people. :3
The “porn stash” scene with Agumon at Taichi’s apartment was HILARIOUS. The funniest scene of the movie. Everyone in the cinema laughed so hard. It was Taichi’s reaction that sold it -- it was BRILLIANT. The magazines actually had girls on the cover wearing bikinis, so, at least Agumon kept his innocence! lol
Gennai randomly appears in Taichi’s apartment to confirm the thing everyone should’ve always known (but that they just made up for Kizuna and which DEFINITELY led to “creative differences” with Digimon series director Hiroyuki Kakudou). This, of course, would be the whole idea that the more you “grow up”, the more your bond with your partner digimon breaks until, eventually, they disappear. Does the idea have problems? Yep. Menoa lost her partner digimon Morphomon at age 14 because she decided to accelerate her learning and go to university . . . meanwhile, Koushirou is the president of his own freaking company and still has Tentomon by his side. Yeah, OK, Kizuna. And, sure, you can argue that it’s about BECOMING AN ADULT -- but I think you’d just be drawing lines where YOU want to draw them. How mature is 14-year-old Menoa to be an “adult”? Is Koushirou really not mature enough at 21? And what about Jou, who I definitely think is an adult in all sense of the word? And so on. So arguments about this I think are valid, but at the same time . . . it’s Digimon. I think it’s a flawed idea but I also just shrug and accept it as it is, lol.
I “love” how Gennai just pops in when it’s convenient to the plot. Hello Gennai, what’s dark Gennai up to? Have you seen him around licking underaged girls anywhere? No? You’re just popping by to confirm shit to Taichi? OK, cool. See you in the tri. sequel, never. (He actually does give Taichi a reasonable answer as to why the growth/bond thing was never brought up before: that it’s like talking about how long you have to live. I bought it.)
Yamato is basically the reason the 02 kids are even in the movie, lol. He asks them to investigate Imura and Menoa for him and they do so. They contact him later on with info and they ask that he take them out for okonomiyaki (which is awful by the way, lol) as thanks and he smiles and says he can do that. This is just a nice exchange between them. :)
Yamato eventually confronts Imura (or is it the other way around, lol) and Imura HAS A GUN. Which was surprising to me because I remember that in the English dub, Puppetmon’s gun was censored, so seeing a gun in a Digimon movie was a little surprising. Anyway, Yamato doesn’t seem concerned by the fact that this dude can just shoot him dead, lol. Gabumon is with him, but still. Imura can still kill you before Gabumon kills him, you know. XD But it’s all good because Imura turns out to be an undercover FBI agent who wants to arrest Menoa, THE REAL VILLAIN. I was spoiled with this so no surprise.
There is a scene where Yamato has his hand tenderly on Takeru’s face because he lost consciousness. It was sweet, but I would’ve liked it more if Takeru had more of a personality in the film so I could actually care about him, lol. Yamato’s such a caring big brother, though. :)
Yamato was perfect in this movie. PERFECT. I had a few issues with his characterisation in tri. (I think he was, overall, about 80% Yamato), but he was ALL YAMATO, ALL THE TIME here. He is my favourite fictional character of all time, so DEAL WITH THE BIAS. I love him and, honestly, Yamato>Taichi all day, every day. I totally understand you, Sora. DON’T @ ME TAICHI STANS. XP
The ONLY minor quibble I had was that Yamato asks Taichi if they should really try to save the other kids, because fighting means it speeds up their bonds breaking. My quibble is: YAMATO IS NOT FUCKING SELFISH. He’s SO selfless. He would fight to save the other kids NO QUESTIONS, even if it meant he’s accelerating the destruction of his bond with Gabumon. But I give this scene a huge pass because it basically had to go like that, because ONE person out of Taichi/Yamato had to be reluctant so that the OTHER person pushes forward and has a “hero” moment. And who’s going to get that “hero” moment? The actual hero and MAIN CHARACTER of Digimon, Taichi, of course. SO I GET IT. I even agree and would’ve written it that way too, for Taichi to be the leader and reassure Yamato that this is what they’re doing (unlike in tri. where Yamato 1000% deserved the mantle of LEADER and Taichi could’ve whinged off the edge of a cliff and I. WOULD. NOT. CARE.). BUT I will still rant about this 30 second scene in my blog and scream to the universe that Yamato Ishida is the most selfless fictional being on the face of the planet and you better fucking know it. :)
Menoa is Maki 2.0. As soon as Menoa is revealed as being behind the evil stuff, she is instantly psychotic. So Maki 2.0 she definitely is. But . . . I don’t really care. Could Toei have been more original? Yes. But I can’t be bothered to criticise them for recycling a plot, because I’d rather criticise tri. for doing it in the first place, LOL. OK, honestly? At least Menoa’s plot had an actual resolution, instead of Maki being revealed and then . . . fucking off out of the entire series so abruptly. Like??? Kizuna followed through with it, tri. did not. That’s why I’m OK with the rehash, because Kizuna did tri.’s plot better. (Maki’s plot would’ve been good if the tri. writers didn’t get lazy AF at the end and just . . . didn’t . . . finish it.) I might also be giving Kizuna a huge pass because it made me feel things, lol.
The movie really picks up after Menoa reveals her intentions and they end up in Neverland (a place she created in the Digital World?) where she claims all the Chosen Children can stay as children with their partner digimon forever. It became a lot more interesting after that. But that’s also near the climax, lol.
In Neverland, all the kids who have lost consciousness are in their child forms (from the first season) and are basically Menoa’s puppets. This was really cool; it not only gave you nostalgic feels to see them like that, but it was also pretty creepy to see them with glowing red eyes. The Chosen Children, as kids, attack Taichi and Yamato. I laughed when Patamon attacked Yamato’s face and Tentomon tackled Taichi, lol. But I have to say though that Sora’s absence was VERY glaring here. Because . . . everyone was there, but her. :(
Other Chosen Children from the past are present in Neverland too. I FREAKING SAW MICHAEL, MIMI’S AMERICAN FRIEND, STANDING BEHIND HER. I was so surprised at his appearance that I didn’t catch anyone else. There were definitely others, but I didn’t make them out at all because I was so caught off-guard with Michael. XD; (I DON’T EVEN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HIM, LOL.)
Someone said that Taichi called out Meiko’s name in the movie . . . well, I’m pretty sure that Yamato does, and he calls her by her last name, “Mochizuki”. This is when they’re in Neverland and Menoa shows them her “collection” of Chosen Children. Meiko pops up for one second. It was like Kizuna went, “Oh! Hey, tri. existed by the way. Now let’s move on.” lol
While being attacked by the Chosen “puppets” in Neverland, Taichi manages to reach his hand out and grab Hikari’s whistle and blow it -- effectively “waking” them all up from their puppet states. Everyone in the cinema got hit with audible FEELS, because when Taichi blew Hikari’s whistle the screen flashbacked to that scene from the first movie. I found the collective audience reaction more powerful than the scene itself, lol. But I really liked it, too. :)
So while everyone else is in Neverland . . . SORA IS IN HER APARTMENT HUGGING PIYOMON. Thanks, Sora, you’re a real friend. *cough* After Taichi’s whistle blow, she intuitively knows what’s going on and says she believes in everyone . . . THANKS AGAIN, SORA, YOU CHEERLEADER. OK, look: I do think it is pretty selfish of Sora to choose not to fight. I understand all the reasoning behind it, I even think SHE DESERVES TO BE SELFISH FOR ONCE etc., and I am fine with it -- but I still think it’s selfish. Because it is. And that’s OK, nobody is perfect, and people are selfish from time to time. If only it wasn’t glaringly obvious that her selfishness happened only because Toei just wanted her out of the way for most of the film . . . her absence, as stated before, really was noticeable in scenes where literally everyone else was included but her. (I’d also just like to point out that her voice actress was STILL CREDITED THIRD after Taichi and Yamato in the ending credits. LOLing forever -- such little contribution, such big recognition. XD)
But don’t get me wrong, I love Sora. I really fucking do. Taichi used to be my second favourite character in Digimon for a long, long time -- but Sora managed to dethrone him from second place (fucking Yamato probably helped, LOL). I think, screen time-wise, Kizuna did her a bigger disservice than Our War Game did. Yes, let that sink in. Remember how little she was in that movie? It’s worse in Kizuna. But story-wise and character-wise? Kizuna probably did better, because Sora was angry over a hairclip in Our War Game lmao. If you haven’t already, check out her memorial story short “To Sora” that Toei Animation released online. It’s six minutes of Sora . . . which is 5 and a half more minutes than in Kizuna! XD;
There’s a scene where Agumon and Gabumon tell Taichi and Yamato that they like watching them grow up. It was very touching, but also very brief. It was one of my favourite moments though. It made me have quick flashbacks in my mind of itty bitty Taichi and Yamato growing up into who they are now. The enormity of everything they had been through since the first season. THE HISTORY. THE GROWTH. It hit me right in the feels.
Taichi and Yamato’s homoerotic-ness was actually toned down a lot, especially compared to tri.. They don’t have forced disputes where they get angry at each other and the gay sexual tension shoots through the roof. They’re just . . . friends. Two dudes who drink beer together and moan about their lives. The partnership between them and their digimon were the focus of the movie, more so than the friendship between them. I actually liked this, and I usually care more about the human connections over the human-digimon ones.
“Shipping moments” – if you squint hard enough. Takari: At the start, Takeru shields Hikari from harm. Sorato: While Taichi informs Yamato about the lives of some of the other Chosen Children, Yamato lets Taichi know what Sora is up to -- that she’s seriously studying flower arranging. Kenyako: Ken asks Miyako, and only Miyako, if she’s OK (when Daisuke is right next to her). Taiora: Sora says Taichi’s name when he blows the whistle in Neverland and she hears it all the way in the real world. (My sister legit whispered to me: “SHE DIDN’T SAY MATT’S NAME.” BITCH, he ain’t the one whistling! XP) Now, Digimon Adventure tri. shipbaited hard -- but Kizuna did not do this. All of these very small moments felt very organic and passed as if they were a natural part to the story, instead of something shoehorned in with the explicit purpose of shipbaiting. I really liked this approach. The Sorato one in particular (surprise, surprise) said a lot about Yamato’s relationship to Sora without being explicit about it. He knows what she’s up to when her childhood best friend doesn’t? Yeah, those two are definitely hooking up after classes. :P (I jest. But it does tell you with one sentence that Yamato and Sora keep in touch, which I appreciated. You gotta do that if you’re having babies together within the decade, you know?)
There were next to NO evolution sequences. I might remember it happening once or twice? Max. And . . . that was a REALLY lame choice. Especially when Agumon and Gabumon evolve to their newest forms; Taichi and Yamato are just floating with them up into the air and then, poof, the new evolutions are shown. Google tells me they’re just called Agumon -Bond of Courage- and Gabumon -Bond of Friendship- respectively . . . they were not named in the movie. Here’s the thing: I don’t really care about digimon and evolutions. But it was so underwhelming; they really should’ve amped it up with an evolution sequence to be like HERE BE THESE NEW AWESOME FUCKING DIGIMON ‘bout to kick your arse. It seems like such a no-brainer that I really don’t know who would sign off on a evolution sequence not happening. Oh well. As for the designs? They are OK, but definitely could’ve been better. I think “cool AF” when I see Omegamon and all his forms. I don’t think that of these new evolutions lol. (But my sister liked them and thought they looked cool, so . . .)
Also . . . the fighting scenes in this movie were pretty bad. Very underwhelming. Our War Game and Diablomon Strikes Back did a lot better. I both like and dislike the animation style in Kizuna. I do actually like the art of it, like how it looks. But I kinda dislike how it’s actually animated, because it doesn’t really look like they’re moving fluidly enough. It’s a bit too choppy. I just expected the fighting/action scenes to be more exciting (I was hoping Our War Game-level) and of a higher standard. But they are not, unfortunately.
Everyone in the cinema audibly GASPED when Taichi and Yamato were just talking to Agumon and Gabumon after the final battle, and then they turned around and they . . . just . . . disappeared. And then Taichi and Yamato CRIED. SO. HARD. And I actually started repeating in my head, DO NOT CRY, DO NOT CRY, lol. I didn’t cry! Almost, though. :p I really loved this scene. And I really think, narratively, it would’ve worked A LOT better for the movie to end on this scene. The actual ending scene that comes after it felt a little too out of place and tacked on to me. More on that later.
There was a small smattering of applause at the end of the movie, lol. But I did not clap, because I find that weird. :p (Even though I clapped, alone in my house, when Parasite won Best Picture at the Oscars LOL.)
The ending credits showed different photos of the kids. Unfortunately, I . . . don’t really remember most of them. XD; I think I saw Sora arranging flowers? And maybe Daisuke and Ken having dinner? I definitely saw Iori doing kendo, because I thought it was cool. And the one photo I definitely remember for sure: Yamato standing in front of a space shuttle. I stan astronaut!Yamato so hard, you guys have no idea how happy it made me that he’s pursuing his dream omfg my little baby boy. XD;
This is definitely Taichi and Yamato’s movie. Everyone else is just playing supporting/cameo roles -- some more than others, as outlined way above. (Well, except Menoa I suppose . . . and Koushirou to the extent that he’s just needed to be the Digi IQ.) But if you’re NOT a fan of either Taichi or Yamato? I think, though you’ll probably love all the nostalgia bits, you’ll also be really disappointed -- especially considering this is supposed to be the final instalment of the original Adventure continuity. It’s a great “love letter” to Taichi and Yamato specifically, but not for the other characters, sadly.
I saw the movie with my sister (a non-fan who used to like it as a kid) and a friend (a casual fan now, but she used to like it a lot years ago). I’ll refer to them as “S”(ister) and “F”(riend), respectively.
After the movie ended:
S: “Did you cry? Because two guys beside me were literally sobbing. SOBBING.” *Judging.* (LMAO.)
What was our favourite part of the movie?
Top 3 scenes for me were Yamato storming off with his eyes watering when he realises his bond with Gabumon has an expiry; the brief “speech” Agumon and Gabumon give to Taichi and Yamato about wanting to see them grow up; and Taichi and Yamato crying at Agumon and Gabumon vanishing. EMO EMO EMO.
S: “Sora doing fuck-all.” (LMAO.) F: “Yeah! What was up with that? It’s like they forgot she even existed.” S: “Sora is just a cunt.” (Note: S has a dry sense of humour and isn’t really being malicious. BUT . . . I do think most viewers watching Kizuna would have a poor opinion of Sora in this movie . . .)
F: “I liked the 02 kids. I guess it was mostly Davis. And I liked when Veemon was riding on Armadillomon’s back and Wormmon was trailing behind. It was just this random thing but it was funny. Maybe I just like making fun of Wormmon.”
About the idea that growing up affects your bond with your digimon:
S: “What I took from it was that you shouldn’t grow up too fast. Cherish your childhood, cherish your memories. But, eventually, you do need to grow up.”
F: “I don’t understand how this whole “Digimon disappear when you grow up” thing wasn’t known. Weren’t there older people with Digimon before? You’d think they could have made a more specific threat that was just affecting their digimon, not be like, “Yeah this happens to everyone, it’s just a fact of life that we’ve never addressed before.” It felt a bit like they were telling the audience to grow up and get over Digimon.”
What would we rate the film?
I probably have to watch it again to give a definitive score, but at the moment, I give it about a 7/10. It was good, but not great. The last half was pretty great though -- it definitely started out slow (there was a lot of exposition via Menoa vomiting words). Is it better than tri.? Chapter 3: Confession, no. Confession is better, I think, but I also haven’t seen it in years. But the rest of tri.? Probably. Especially the pile of shit that was Chapter 6: Our Future. *cough*
S: “4/10.″ (LOL.)
F: “It was better than tri.. I guess a 7/10 too.”
I think it’s definitely a possibility. I feel like the very last scene of the movie was slapped on just to be like, “Well, if we don’t do a sequel, you know that Taichi and Yamato are definitely going to reunite with their partners eventually for the 02 epilogue to happen.” The scene is of Taichi and Yamato saying something along the lines of meeting Agumon and Gabumon again one day.
And while it’s an uplifting ending, I actually think the movie would’ve ended better with the scene before that -- with the digimon disappearing and Taichi and Yamato crying. It would’ve made a bigger emotional impact and raised the movie up just a notch higher to end on such a ballsy note. But, of course, it would’ve meant a sequel definitely had to happen. So the actual final scene was added on so that a sequel doesn’t need to be made -- but that it leads to the 02 epilogue “off-camera”, in case they really don’t do a sequel.
I think there’s a 50/50 chance of a sequel. The movie actually does close the Adventure story pretty well -- it has all the ingredients to lead to the 02 epilogue without actually taking you there. But it also keeps the possibility of a sequel open, where they can show you exactly how Taichi and Yamato reunite with their digimon.
And, honestly, the only “barrier” I see to a sequel happening is that the reboot is airing next month -- and it’ll be confusing for the next generation of kids to follow one continuity, and then have a movie released with characters they recognise, but in an entirely different continuity. Unless, of course, the sequel comes out in another two years and the reboot has finished after one season (though there’s always a possibility it goes on beyond one season).
S: “Yes, I think there’ll be a sequel.”
F: “It seemed quite final. But obviously if the 02 epilogue is accurate that can’t be the end. Unless Matt finds Gabumon again on the moon I guess. “Oh hey yeah we don’t really disappear, we just go to space!” Yeah, it could go either way. Maybe they are saving Sora’s big part for the sequel!” (XD)
And that’s a wrap! I’ll probably read the novelisation of the movie eventually . . . and it’ll probably be like 95% the same, lol.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
OPINION: The Life and Times of an Indian Otaku
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  Makoto Shinkai's Weathering With You marked a historic first in my anime watching career. Contrary to popular belief, being the first anime to be released in Indian theaters is not the historic first in question (that honor goes to Shinchan: Bungle in the Jungle). Rather, Weathering With You would become the first film I'd ever watch on opening day — "first day first show" as we Indians call it. In the mad scramble to get tickets, I'd emerged a winner. Was it worth the struggle?
An emphatic yes. It was so good I went on to rewatch it twice.
    To fans in India: I’m so happy to tell that ‘Weathering With You’ (Tenki no ko) will release in India this October! We have licensed the Indian distribution rights to PVR Pictures and BookMyShow backed company Vkaao.
— 新海誠 (@shinkaimakoto) August 10, 2019
  The Indian theatrical release of Weathering With You in 2019 marked an important moment in the history of the Indian anime fandom. The story of how Shinkai noticed (and fulfilled) an online petition by Indian fans asking for its release here is already the stuff of legend. Because access to anime (especially in theaters) was so scarce in India, even in 2019, fans sought to have the film legally released in theaters. And thanks to Shinkai, it worked. To Indian anime fans, this represented the moment Japan — and the rest of the world — recognized our existence in the fandom. But Indian otakus didn't spring up overnight. Anime has had nearly three decades of history here. It just looks a little different than the rest of the world. The origins of anime in India go back to the '90s. Prior to the economic reforms of 1991, we had one — yes, only one — TV channel, the state-owned Doordarshan. The post-1991 wave of private TV channels brought with it a flood of international TV shows, among them anime like Robotech (which aired on the newly-created Star Plus). Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama, the anime adaptation of the Indian mythological epic of the same name, was released in 1992 and had a long and troubled production history, but the end product was a grand success, with its all-star Hindi cast and catchy songs turning it into a TV fixture for well over a decade. It even received a US release, with Bryan Cranston voicing the lead role. The remainder of the '90s would see various anime achieve varying degrees of success, from Nippon Animation's 1989 adaptation of The Jungle Book — which became a nationwide hit — airing in India starting in 1993, to late-night anime like You're Under Arrest and Gunsmith Cats. Despite this, there wasn't yet an actual fandom surrounding anime at the time. That would all change upon the turn of the century.
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  Cartoon Network revolutionized the Indian anime market when the channel arrived in 2001. The launch of dedicated anime programming block Toonami brought with it two anime that would permanently shape the future of the fandom: Dragon Ball Z and Cardcaptor Sakura (albeit in its heavily-edited Cardcaptors form). While I never watched Dragon Ball Z (compared to all my friends at school), I did watch some Cardcaptors with my sister, which would actually be the very first anime I watched. My own viewing habits notwithstanding, DBZ was very much the anime of the moment. Schoolkids would frequently shout out famous lines from the iconic English dub. We'd even invented various hand games based on attacks and moves from DBZ. In 2003, another monumental shift would come as the childhood classic Pokémon hit the small screen, followed closely by Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Beyblade. The merchandise associated with these franchises turned them into smash hits with a younger audience. All the cool kids had Pokemon cards and Beyblade tops. Battling with them at school was the stuff childhood was made of. To this day, these toys continue to sell well. Beyblade tournaments are still very much a thing. While many of my schoolmates were avid fans of DBZ, there were other trends in anime that could be observed, trends that had to do with language. From my experience, certain anime were only available dubbed in Hindi — a language spoken largely by the northern half of the country. Coming from a south Indian city with a significant north Indian population, I could observe a clear trend wherein Hindi-speaking north Indians grew up with these Hindi-dubbed anime, while people in the south (who spoke other languages) largely grew up with titles that were available in English (or Tamil, as fans of DBZ's Tamil dub can testify). Interestingly, these Hindi dubbed anime tended to be ones that were popular in Japan but not so much in the West — stuff like Doraemon, Shin-Chan, KochiKame, and Case Closed. This gave the north Indian anime scene a rather unique flavor. An even more interesting case is that of India's northeastern region (comprised of states like Nagaland, Manipur, and Meghalaya). Being culturally different from the rest of India, these states have had a history of consuming Korean and Japanese media, and they embraced anime and manga in a way the rest of the nation had not. Anime-related cosplay is huge in the northeast, with some of the best cosplay conventions in the nation taking place there and becoming a part of the local fashion scene. The general acceptance of otaku culture in the region continues to be high.
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Eventually, anime would become a little more accessible to all. The launch of dedicated channel Animax in 2004 represented another watershed moment in the fandom. The shows Animax brought over were unlike anything we'd seen in the medium. Shows like Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Inuyasha, and K-On! redefined what anime meant for Indian audiences who had previously seen anime as a childhood interest and no different from other cartoons. As the channel slowly began to shift its focus to the older teen/young adult demographic, more mature anime like Cowboy Bebop, Hell Girl, Akira, and Welcome to the NHK challenged our conservative notions of what was acceptable to air on TV, especially considering these shows aired in daytime slots rather than late-night. This honeymoon period did not last. Animax was delisted by service providers in 2012. The years to come would be some of the most frustrating for us anime fans, as availability was at its most inconsistent and uncertain. While the channel attempted to make a comeback later on in 2016, it eventually disappeared for good in 2017. Despite all these problems, I look back on Animax fondly. Thanks to it, we became aware of the existence of the entity known as "anime." We began to actively seek out anime over other forms of animation. In short, it resulted in the formation of an actual fandom centered around anime. Anime fan clubs began to pop up in major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Kolkata. Widespread conventions outside of the northeast region came next. Anime Con India was started in 2010, followed closely by Delhi Comic-Con in 2011. Anime conventions in India are a curious thing. They are very unlike the sprawling, sophisticated conventions of the West. The funds simply aren't there for that sort of thing. I don't recall a single Indian anime convention that was attended by a voice actor, animator, or the like. So what are Indian cons about? In an interview with The Citizen, Anime Con India founder Nitesh Rohit talked about his reason for starting the con: "like any other belief and faith they all needed a temple to congregate (at)." This statement really resonates with me, and sums up what Indian cons are about. What they lack in scale and facilities, they make up for in intimacy and a feeling of togetherness. They are more or less small-scale events for anime fans to find other fans, to network with them, and basically feel less alone. Because feeling alone was part of the original Indian otaku experience. The early fandom was largely an urban phenomenon, as going to cons wasn't an option for everyone and the internet wasn't what it is today. So, you had these disconnected pockets of fans. People around you were unlikely to share your interest in anime and may have even judged you for it. The general consensus in India was (and still is) that animation is a medium for children. And remember, for a long time, anime accessibility varied by region. So, if you were lucky enough to find a kindred otaku, there was no guarantee they were into (or had even heard of) the same titles as you. This meant that we hadn't really had the ability to develop any sort of unique culture or traditions of our own. Things like going to cons, renting anime DVDs, memes and in-jokes — these things didn't exist for the vast majority of early fans who were school-going kids or college students of little means. A culture of our own wouldn't arise until much later — when that generation grew up.
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  Of course, it wasn't just us who grew up — technology did, too. The internet became more ubiquitous. Social media and forums enabled us to network with each other regardless of location, in ways we'd never have imagined. To the scattered fandom of the early days, this has been nothing short of a blessing. The other big change ushered in by the internet was the era of streaming. Until then, most of our anime viewing took place on television and as previously stated, was not always very consistent. Accessibility improved greatly with the launch of Netflix in 2016. In today's India, Netflix is a household name, with a significant portion of young adults having access to a subscription. With a catalog of over 200 anime, Netflix has been responsible for pulling in many new fans. Plenty of people "come for the movies, stay for the anime." Series like My Hero Academia, Death Note, and One-Punch Man have become mainstream successes in this fashion, with a significant following even among non-anime fans. Another streaming service that is beginning to make inroads into the Indian market is Crunchyroll, with simulcasts like Boruto and originals like Tower of God, and the fact that it is free makes it accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Most Indian anime fans I know of have heard of Crunchyroll, and as more titles get licensed it is inevitable that its popularity will rise. And us otakus are doing plenty to help it do just that.
The success of Weathering With You is a shining example of the tight-knit nature of the Indian anime fandom. All it took was one person (an anime fan named Divishth Pancholi) to create a Change.org petition asking for its release in Indian theaters. The petition went viral, getting over 50,000 signatures and attracting the attention of Shinkai and the producers, resulting in its release here. Today, that event is seen as a smaller part of a greater Indian anime movement that is pushing for increased availability and acceptance of anime in India. Hashtags like #IndiaWantsAnime frequently make their presence felt on social media. This fandom isn't without its problems — it isn't the most inclusive when it comes to non-male fans, the "animation is for kids" specter hasn't been fully shaken off, and I'd love for anime BluRays/DVDs to be more widely available here. But I am grateful for the fandom's existence for getting me into anime in the first place. Without them, I'd have never been sitting in a movie theater on October 11, 2019, watching Weathering With You.
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wolfgabe · 5 years
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Okay I get it people are upset about the national dex but now its starting to feel like people are literally just looking for any excuse possible just to trash Sword and Shield as well as Game Freak in general.
I often feel I cannot stress this enough but alot of people really do not seem to have a grasp of the realities of modern game development or how big franchises work in general.
For starters yes all those 800 pokemon may be fully animated but there is still the matter of porting them over to a game that runs on an entirely new engine on top of the fact values and stats might be coded differently in Gen 8 compared to previous generations which was why you couldn’t transfer your Pokemon from Gen II to Gen III mainly due to differences in Maximum IV Values.
250 Digimon is still nothing compared to over 800 Pokemon still. Also from what I hear Game Freak is not exactly the best when it comes to model efficiency and maximizing use of cartridge space. Like in Sun and Moon they literally made 14 different models of Lillie for every area she appears in for example.
I never saw anything bad about Sword and Shields graphics. For a game like Pokemon it looks perfectly serviceable and fits in line with the primary aesthetic and art style of the series in general.
Do people seem to forget that Pokemon is a series aimed primarily at kids and such. If you go into a Pokemon game expecting a Citizen Kane level story that is your first mistake.
. I wonder if people realized things like Z moves may have been cut for the sake of game balance considering Dynamax as well as to reduce the amount of clutter making things more approachable for new comers
Your rival having the starter that is weak against yours is also pretty much a deliberate design choice to help ease newer players into the game as well as help explain how type matchups work.
If you seriously believe Game Freak is just swimming in cash from all the money Pokemon makes then you really do not understand how game development and publishing works. In most cases with a developer and publisher, the game publisher pays the developer before hand with the majority of profits from the game sales going to the publisher or parent company.
The rights to Pokemon are somewhat more complex as the ownership of the series is shared between Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. The three of which established the Pokemon Company which is generally responsible for general brand management, production, marketing, and licensing of the Pokemon Franchise. Nintendo meanwhile mainly assists with publishing distribution, and marketing of the Pokemon games which they retain exclusive platform rights to due to their stake in the Pokemon company. However Game Freak is still considered its own independent enity which is why you still see them release games on non Nintendo platforms such as Giga Wrecker Alt and Tembo the Badass Elephant.
As easy as it is to proclaim they should delay Sword and Shield just for the National Dex, you must consider the fact that Sword and Shield are understandably expected to coincide with so many other things including the new TGC line, movies, toylines, a manga, and of course the new season of the anime. On top of the fact that delaying the game would leave a massive hole in Nintendo’s Holiday 2019 lineup
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des-shinta · 5 years
So As I’ve been in a state of burnout for a significant sect of the year, I’ve been picking up number of Bandai models to relieve my stress, since building things I find a relaxing endeavor, and they’ve been making me feel better.
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(no, most of these were not built this year.  Only 7 of them in the first picture were ‘new’.  The rest are bits and pieces of my older collection I’ve happily been able to unbox and display for the first time in years.  Also: Hi Zoids models that didn’t get enough love during their release tenure!) I’ve actually been building models and Figures for years and years--I started out Heavily as A Lego kid--and since Gundam Wing Aired on Toonami in the late 90′s I’ve infrequently bought bandai’s various models as well, but most of the ones I built back then were...well, demolished by my younger step-brother.   My first ones were low-grade 1/144′s ToysRUs’ Got back in that boom, and they weren’t sturdy at all, thus had no chance to survive.
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They’ve since been replaced with all MG’s from that series. Well, except for that 1/100 scale HG Altron that was first released in 1996.  that P-Bandai one is stupid expensive, and Altron’s Endless waltz Redesign is the only one of them I OUTRIGHT hate. It was around 2005-ish when I got into it again, when my parents got me for Christmas the 1/60 perfect Grade RX-78-2.  It took me about Eight hours to build and I did it all in one sitting...but it wasn’t sturdy at all.  It couldn’t even lift its arm if the rifle was in it, it wouldn’t stay up.   All I had it do was just stand there...Menacingly.
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So from there on out--with the rare exception--I started to intermittently find and get as Gifts ones from the 1/100 Master Grade line.  THOSE--for the most part depending on what types of hands the figure uses and how well they even hold weapons--have been more my jam despite their 50~ish dollar price point.  Large enough they’re not easily smashed, small enough that they’re pose-able and easy to display, and with enough Complexity in their construction with the various implemented gimmicks to give me an immense feeling of satisfaction to see them done and on Display.  Yeah, there’s a LOT more variety and accessories to be found in the 1/144′s these days--in part thanks to the Gundam Build Fighters series making customization even easier than ever between that scale’s market--but I just don’t get the same thing out of them, despite only about 6 or less MG kits being made a year, with some of them being Shunted off now to Premium Bandai’s services to become stupidly overpriced for what they are and what’s supplied...even though I DO have a few P-bandai ones as well.  Stupid obsession with the Astrays, Tallgeese III, and Form/Equipment change gimmicks...
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Hell, I’ve even experimented from time to time with custom Color palletes, with one of the first to get that treatment being the sword Impulse that desperately needed more contrasting colors (also thank aura that bandai’s finally releasing the Blast Impulse MG...even if it IS P-bandai so the display isn’t oddly missing a mech).  I’ve got the MG of the Sengoku Astray still in its box (with a bunch of other Gundam seed Mechs I haven’t build yet ‘cause I adore Gundam Seed’s mecha design and will be using those to unwind between overtime shifts this December)  and when I build it, I’m going to repaint all its red parts yellow to Give the Gundam that kind of resembles Kamen Rider Gaim’s Kachidoki arms the full Kachidoki color treatment.  Think I have Enough spare pieces from wrecked stuff to try building it a Custom Tanigashima “DJ Gun” Rifle to go with it as well.
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Also the Gunpla hobby led me to doing the papercrafting thing for cheap-to-make Figurines or accessories or even scale props like the scaled-to-figure Gurren Lagann Giga drill pictured above, which I’ve moved onto doing custom templates for on occasion--
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--case in point, the 1:1 scale pepakura Pandora Box--
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--And my Gate of Ouroboros Broadsword which was a papercraft template I mapped onto Foam to get it near-damn-perfect...after I made a MK 2 of the original ‘cause the original ended up way too heavy.  I can basically trace a lot of my fun crafting stuff to being inspired by the creativity that goes into this kind of thing, and the work of other crafters and cosplayers, and then seeking to try applying that myself from all my learned habits.
But outside of the expected Gunpla you can find in Hobby stores and...for some reason Barnes and Nobles, which has retained a market throughout that time despite Bandai of America’s Idiocy thanks to bluefin Distributions, I’ve started tracking down some of bandai’s other model offerings.  Specifically, the Figurise standard and Minipla lines.
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For those not in the know, Super Minipla’s are basically model kit versions of previously released mecha toys, only with a far smaller scaling from their DX Counterparts which you then build yourself.  They seek to retain all of the originals play gimmicks where possible, but come off a LOT more pose-able by their end than the DX toy bricks. Featured above is the Minipla of the Super Galaxy Mega (Astro Delta Megazord) From Denji Sentai Megaranger/Power Rangers in Space.  and this thing is *PERFECT*.  Despite it being half the size of the DX toy, it retains *EVERY* single play feature the original had (transformation, combination, weapon accessories, the works), but has fully pose-able limbs in every single part of it.  The freaking thing cost me $80 when back in 1998 the DX toy versions cost a total of $60, and yet factor for inflation and the impossibility of re-aquiring the 20-year-old vintage toys and this thing was *SO* worth it to get back my second-favorite sentai/PR Mech.
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Hell, it’s not just the DX toys they compete against.  On the Right is the Super Robot Chogokin Gaogaigar with Goldion Hammer, and on the left is the Minipla figure of the same mech and weapon.  Both actually retailed for around the same price points on release, but there’s a more distinct compare and contrast between them. The SRC one has better paint apps, is constructed on a metal frame and has metal parts all over it, has distinct limb joints and proper articulation with a screen-accurate scale structure to it and has some weight to it so isn’t likely to topple over easily.  Frankly of the two...it just looks better in person.  Whereas the super minipla, while not perfectly in scale and doesn’t have the brilliance of the colorization to help it, Retains the transformation and combination gimmicks of the original toys which give it a lot more value to collectors that can’t afford the Full DX figures which bear the same.  Its Joints are also a LOT Tighter so the feet and arms aren’t likely to slip, and while not as good as the SRC, the screen-accuracy is far better than the original Takara-based DX toys or even the later Bandai remakes of them after Bandai bought the rights from Takara.  And with the right hand and hammer being a hell of a lot lighter, when I get this thing on a display stand it’ll be able to do more than just stand with the hammer planted on the ground.
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The Figurise standard line instead is a model kit version of an anime/live series action Figure--Mostly limited to Dragonball and Kamen Rider figures right now But Digimon ones for the line are coming soon-- with them ending up in competition with Bandai’s SH Figuarts High-quality-Figure line, albeit with a lower Pricepoint than the SHF since you make it yourself and some of the paint apps are replaced with stickers, and their ease of mass production makes them more available than the SHF’s by comparison. Sorry I don’t have the best picture of the figure on hand, but for those not familiar with the character, it’s the Pink/Neon green/black-colored character that’s surrounded by Gundams (the pic was taken in the midst of a bedbug crisis where we were packing everything up in our apartment so it wouldn’t end up damaged)  The Character is Kamen Rider Ex-aid action gamer Level 2, and up close it’s near indistinguishable from the SHF for the character. And yet...I kind of felt like I got more out of the FRS figure than the sole SHF I have, simply because I put my time into putting it all together.  Yeah, the markings are stickers instead of painted on, but if those fade or start peeling?  I can paint-app it myself.  It has all the details I want, it moves how I want it to, and it came with a great stand for it to be placed in a fantastic jumping pose.    I actually want to find more of those for Kamen Rider Figures from the series I like, as I think it’d be better than dealing with the SHF’s which...well, depending on the figure?  Are notorious for production line issues.  while some models can have loose joints or frail pieces (which can be fixed with an easy application of super glue.  And any other scratches, chips and imperfections?  Yeah, those will be my fault, and won’t result in me feeling as if I got gyped in the purchase.
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Sadly though, these figures aren’t exactly created equal.  On a limb I picked up the super minipla Shin getter robo set After My Roommate showed by GR Armageddon and we loved it; and...Eeeehh.  They’re not terrible, but they’re lacking for the expectation I had with the Minipla’s.  I think Kaiyodo’s Revoltech Figure line did better with these guys--out of print as may of those figures are now.  Black Getter 1 (Left) actually does look great with the Ragged cape and gun and razor arm...but the ball joints It, Getter Dragon (center) and Shin getter 1 (right) are constructed with do NOT like to stay together.  I can’t pose them at all without risking them toppling over or falling apart.  I think the Revoltech ones are bigger as well, making for better display pieces than these guys who’d be beaten out by 1/144′s.
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hell, this mazinger Z Model was a 1/144, and it’s in scale with the Master grades. ...Mazinger mechs be big. But that brings us to a more recent addition via Tsuburaya and Studio Trigger.
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One of the newer Additions to the minipla Line has been the Gridman figures, thanks to the anime series SSSS Gridman putting that franchise back on people’s Radar.  I had Gridman’s toys (when the series was imported and adapted into the series Superhuman samurai Syber Squad) when I was a kid and adored them...
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..and sure enough, when I built the Thunder Gridman one, it was like popping back to a little piece of my childhood.  Same play gimmicks to them, and while the scaling is not the same, the engineering is all there to invoke the proper good pieces of nostalgia. To the point it resulted in the best thing about these guys, and It almost didn’t happen. When SSSS Gridman was airing, I ended up enjoying myself so much by its end I jumped at the chance to preorder the DX mecha figures that Good Smile company was releasing.  Unfortunately, the seller turned out to be a con-artist, and never shipped me the figure...though i did get my money back thanks to buyer protection.  I saw vid’s on it, and it looked pretty good...but it was completely out of scale and reasonable relation with the old Gridman Toys.  So when I heard about the Minipla’s going out for a lot less than the DX’s original and jacked-up price points?  I put in an order with someone I knew who was reliable for these...and really, I should’ve done so from the start.
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The super Minipla Gridman Figures...are all perfectly in scale with each-other, and share all the same connection ports. I can put the SSSS Gridman Figures into the older Gridman armors.  That’s Primal Fighter Gridman wearing the Thunder Gridman armor (right).  Hell, I can swap the arms of the Gridman figures so the effect components can be put in the older ones as well as they use common components across the board in their construction.  I think in the future I’m going to put PFGridman in the king armor (left) as well, as the SSSS-Gridman figure has slightly Longer legs which would make the King Gridman armor scale better.  Because of this, I ended up a lot happier with these guys that I would likely have been trying in vain to get another decently-priced DX one, or even the Actbuilder release of the SSSSG Stuff that did scale with the minipla’s. So Bottom line?  I really like models, they help me relax, and I’ve been discovering some cool stuff this year that Bandai’s done which I wouldn’t have if I weren’t trying to find a way to vent stress.  Thank you disposable $16+ an hour Income for making such possible.
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
P J’s PokéAni Trivia Tuesday #13 (Global Tour edition)
This is part 3 of 5 PTTs digging into some really cool PokéAni facts from all over the world! This week’s global research was MASSIVE! I really wanted to cover as much EU as I can, since I know a lot of people in this fandom coming from Europe, but tried to make my post as minimal as I can! Due to a lot of info I’ve read, I will only mention 1 or 2 facts for each country (except U.K.). Good thing I had 2 weeks to prepare for this, otherwise this thing would have been more stressful to put together. Shoutout to all my European PokéAni peeps reading this! Let’s see if you may or may not know the trivia behind these countries 👀
Pokémon anime in EUROPE
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In the UNITED KINGDOM DID YOU KNOW? The Pokémon anime famously aired on ITV, a public service network station that broadcasts in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
SM:TV Live was a live Saturday morning entertainment show that replace the Who's That Pokémon? segment with small sketches that featured the famous English comedic duo, Ant & Dec as hosts, having their own "PokéFight" and even performed their own Pokérap.
ITV has skipped episodes or canceled airings mid-series. These are planned as the TV guides published over a week before date of transmission reflect this. It commonly happens other animated shows in the line-up such as ReBoot, Cardcaptors, Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
Pokémon has been cancelled prematurely TWICE on different TV channels! Once during the Orange Islands arc, and another just after Pokémon: Advanced started. Neither series has been seen on ITV since.
CN (Cartoon Network) TOO was the channel location for the world premiere of Pokémon Chronicles. The U.K. got their English dubbed The Legend of Thunder! specials first than the U.S. by a year early.
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In the Netherlands (Ik wil ze allemaal!), Fox Kids announced that it would stop broadcasting Pokémon on March 2001. Around 32,000 complaining children called to Fox Kids in outrage because of this, but it turned out to be an early April Fool’s joke. On April 1st, the channel announced that the 3rd season of the anime would begin airing the same day. GOT’EEM!!!
In Iceland (Þarf að fanga þá!), only the first 54 episodes of the 1st season aired. The first five movies were also dubbed. They pulled the plug on the Icelandic dub due to the lack of popularity it received in the country.
In Finland (Omakseni saan!), it was the first Nordic country to air the Pokémon anime, with Denmark, Norway and Sweden followed shortly in the spring of 2000. While it may have been the first, many episodes of the first couple of seasons in the Finnish dub were not shown (or skipped?) for unknown reasons. In fact, Advanced Challenge was the first ever season to be shown completely in the country, and moving forward after that, every season have been broadcasted entirety as well.
In Sweden (Måste fånga fler!), the Battle Frontier season broadcasted exclusively online via TV4+ and TV4′s site, as it got skipped and did not air after Advanced Battle, going directly to the Diamond & Pearl series.
In the Czech Republic (Všechny chytit máš!), Ash Ketchum’s voice actor was Radek Škvor, who was 10 years old at the time when the series first reached the country. He was same age as his assigned character! Eventually he got replaced by his older brother, Jan Škvor some time during the XY series. Ash may be 10 forever, but not the VAs.
In Belgium, the Pokémon anime is distributed in two dubbed languages: Flanders (Belgian Dutch) and Wallonia (Belgian French).
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In France (Attrapez-les tous!), they had an unprecedented 2-hour special for the first four episodes of the XY series on May 1st 2015 along with a bonus special airing Mega Evolution Special I afterwards. They did ANOTHER 2-hour special on April 13th 2016 with the premier of the first four episodes of the XY&Z season. The French sure do love the Kalos region...I mean isn’t Kalos based on the country of France?
In Greece (Τα θέλω τώρα εδώ! Ta thélo̱ tóra edó̱!), the anime first aired on Star Channel until it moved to Disney XD when they acquired the rights during Diamond & Pearl. Despite this, irregular broadcasts of specials and movies still show on Star Channel, especially during holiday seasons, but the regular series airs exclusively on Disney XD.
In Italy (Acchiappali tutti!), Brock's first Italian VA was Nicola Bartolini Carrassi. Who is Nicola you ask? He is a journalist, anchor, scriptwriter, anime expert, and the man who brought the Pokémon franchise to Italy in the first place. He has been chosen by Warner Bros, 4Kids, Pokémon INC., Nintendo Games Freak and Buena Vista to become the Italian dubbed voice of Brock and he has been praised for his work, even if it was only for 2 seasons. He left the show after the Orange Islands arc.
In Poland (Czy już wszystkie masz?), when the tenth season was dubbed by a new studio, Sun Studio Polska, they decided to ignore the previous cast of the series and choose all new actors for every character. There were a lot of mixed reactions among fans to the sudden recast, but in February 2009 when DP: Battle Dimension started, most of the original cast of the Polish dub were restored.
In Portugal (Vou apanhá-los todos!), the show aired in an irregular pattern, shifting from 6am to 10am, but it always in the same programing block, named LOL@SIC. On a side note, Ash Ketchum had no less than ten different Portuguese VAs over the years. Y I K E S
In Spain (¡Hazte con todos!), Adolfo Moreno has provided the voice of Ash Ketchum in the entire anime. This is quite rare as a lot of foreign dubs, constantly change VAs for their cast, and even the English dub had to recast Ash’s voice after Battle Frontier. One exception is the 3rd Pokémon movie and the Mewtwo Returns special since it had a different VA cast. On another interesting note, there were 2 different dubs for the Pokémon anime in Spain: an Iberian Spanish dub, and a Catalan dub.
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In Norway (Fanger alle nå!), the setting of the Pokémon movie Giratina and the Sky Warrior is based on Norway's nature. Three places were used as inspiration; Sognefjorden, Jostedalsbreen, and Bergen. The scene with the Glacier threatening to destroy the town was based on a little town of Geiranger, which is threatened by a collapsing mountainside in real life! Speaking of other movie trivia, the single Don't Say You Love Me, promoting the official soundtrack worldwide for Pokémon the First Movie, was performed by the Norwegian group M2M.
In Denmark (Jeg ska' fange dem!), the anime took a 3-season break from Danish TV after the episode Charizard Chiils. The series would not return until Address Unown! (with a new cast of voice actors) leaving no explanation as to why the episodes in between were never aired.
In Ireland, there is no Irish dub in the country since over 90% of people there speaks English as their primary language, and what they got was the English dub from the United States. For some reason though, two episodes from the Hoenn saga didn’t air. Specifically speaking the episodes: The Bicker the Better and Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?.
In Slovakia, only the first four seasons of the anime have been dubbed into Slovak, nothing else after. All the English theme songs were left in their original form, untranslated, however the Pokémon movies had both their opening and ending themes Slovak dubbed.
In Albania (Duhet ti kap!), Pokémon movies were dubbed in Albanian by "Jess" Discographic. This company is recognized for providing "illegal" dubbings of other shows they have done.
In Lithuania, the Pokémon anime debuted the Lithuanian dub at Christmas Eve of 2005 on BTV. The first seven Pokémon movies, on the other hand, aired at different channels, though the dates of their original airings cannot be traced and have gone lost.
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In Germany (Komm und schnapp sie dir!), one of Ash’s German VAs is named Veronika Neugebauer. She shares the same name (sort of) with Verinoca Taylor who is famous for being the original English dub voice actress for Ash. Unfortunately, Neugebauer died during the production of dubbing Diamond & Pearl, and they had to bring back the original German VA for Ash, Caroline Combrinck, who previously quit the show to study in New York City. Ash is currently voiced by, Felix Mayer, Sun & Moon. *Also I want to briefly mention one of the largest German Pokéfan sites: Filb.de. because I have been to that site a lot looking at screen-caps, and even using some of them for my posts (specifically PokéAni Highlights/Rewind). Basically the German Serebii.net!
In Croatia (Fes-te'ls tots teus!), they have dubbed a few Pokémon movies in their language, however the theme music remained in English.
In Romania (Să îi prind pe toți!), the Romanian dub has aired the first 5 seasons in the country, but everything else after that was skipped EXCEPT Diamond & Pearl (Sinnoh League Victors was SKIPPED though), and Sun & Moon which just recently debuted last month (as of this post).
In Serbia (Треба да скупиш све Treba da skupiš sve!), the only seasons to be fully dubbed in Serbian dubbed is the original series and Black & White. Advanced Challenge, and some of Pokémon Chronicles were dubbed as well. In the very few Pokémon movies they have dubbed, the opening and ending themes remained in English.
In Bulgaria (Да ги уловим! Da gi ulovim!), the anime was originally broadcasted on Nova Television, but eventually made the jump to Disney Channel Bulgaria. Some other countries air the series on Disney as well, so I guess America wasn’t the first country to make the jump, huh?
In Russia (Всех их соберём! Vsekh ikh soberyom!), after the first 104 episodes of the original series were shown, the Pokémon anime was not broadcasted in Russia for SEVEN years. Many Russian fans wrote to TV channels asking them to bring back the anime. Countless rumors of why the ORT channel pulled the anime off air included: newspapers and the yellow press pressuring the station to cancel the show for showing “offensive” content, while some say that Pokémon was “brainwashing children with subliminal stimuli”. ORT was worried about its reputation, so they stopped airing Pokémon, and that they couldn’t make an agreement on the price of licensing the anime with the Japanese creators. On September 20th 2008, the Pokémon anime made its miraculous return to Russian television via the TNT channel, where they premiered the first episode of the Diamond & Pearl series.
Source: Bulbapedia
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remember-digimon · 4 months
Digimon Distribution Service!
For @andithepunk
Meet your Digimon Partner, Kosomon!
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Kosomon is mischievous, funny, and likes making others laugh. They like to change their mask every so often; the Jack-o-lantern Kosomon has here was given to them by their partner, Andrea.
Andrea is the glue that holds the group together. She is always happy to make new friends, and welcomes everyone new to the group. They're the driving force of the group, always making plans and making sure everyone is included.
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officialotakudome · 4 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, Tech, and Geek Culture
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/one-piece-simulcast-event-announced/
One Piece Simulcast Event Announced
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Toei Animation & Funimation have announced a new One Piece global event for episodes 969 & 970:
LOS ANGELES – March 30, 2021. It’s no secret that anime fans around the globe have fallen entranced with the world of One Piece. With fans fully engrossed in the Land of Wano Arc, Toei Animation and Funimation are excited to bring viewers worldwide the “One Piece Wano Watch Party.” This live stream event of epic proportion will coincide with the simulcast stream of episode 971.  Special guests and One Piece voice actors Mayumi Tanaka (voice of “Monkey D. Luffy”), Kazuya Nakai (voice of “Roronoa Zoro”), and Director Tatsuya Nagamine will join hosts Justin Rojas (Toei Animation) and YouTuber RogersBase for the 75-minute long simulcast celebration. As always, fans can also look forward to giveaways throughout the live stream on Toei Animation’s YouTube channel and Funimation’s YouTube channel. “One Piece Wano Watch Party” kicks-off on Saturday, April 24 at 7 pm CT / 8 pm ET in the U.S. and Canada, and internationally, including 10:00 am AEST in Sydney and 12:00 pm NZST in New Zealand.
“One Piece Wano Watch Party,” A Virtual Simulcast Event
Presented by: Toei Animation and Funimation
Date:                 Saturday, April 24, 2021
Time:                U.S.& Canada: 7 pm Central / 9 pm Eastern
International:  April 25 at 10:00am AEST Australia / 12:00pm NZST New Zealand
Duration:          1 hour 15 minutes
URL:                  Simulcast on Toei Animation’s YouTube channel and Funimation’s YouTube channel
Hosts:               Justin Rojas (Toei Animation) and Roger DiLuigi of the YouTube Channel RogersBase
Special Guest: Special Guest Mayumi Tanaka (Voice of “Monkey D. Luffy”), Kazuya Nakai (Voice of “Roronoa Zoro”), and director Tatsuya Nagamine
Program:          “One Piece Wano Watch Party” featuring a live stream simulcast of episodes 969 and 970 on YouTube coinciding with the premiere of episode 971. The event will also include a pre-recorded Q&A with voice actors and director as well as promotional giveaways throughout the event
One Piece Land of Wano Arc Synopsis
Luffy arrives at the Land of Wano to find its people and its beautiful lands in a disastrous state. The one behind it all is Kaido of the Four Emperors, who is in league with the shogun! The Straw Hats search desperately for allies while the island’s tragic history comes to light. Amid the stories of the past, a tale of Oden and Gol D. Roger surfaces.
About Toei Animation Inc.
Based in Los Angeles, Toei Animation Inc. manages the film and TV series distribution of Toei Animation’s top properties – some of the world’s biggest anime franchises including Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, One Piece, Digimon, Saint Seiya, and many others – to North America, Latin America, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.  In addition, within these territories, Toei Animation Inc. handles all categories of consumer product licensing based on Toei Animation’s film and television brands. For more information, please visit toei-animation-usa.com.
Follow Toei Animation on social media at:
About Funimation
Funimation distributes the best anime to a passionate, global community of fans. For over 25 years, Funimation has been delivering anime to fans and is pioneering an omnichannel approach to engaging and entertaining millions where they want it most—streaming, home entertainment, theatrical, e-commerce, merchandising, live events, and more.
Funimation’s streaming services offer a growing catalog of over 700 anime series and 13,000+ hours of content available on 15 platforms and in 49 countries. Funimation’s in-house team designs must-have, exclusive collectibles distributed through major retailers and an e-commerce site; Funimation’s theatrical division has distributed and marketed 6 of the top 20 anime films in the U.S. As pioneers of the SimulDub™, Funimation is the gold standard for foreign language dubbing of Japanese anime with the highest quality standards and fidelity to the original artists. With a fan-centric approach, Funimation has built a social community of tens of millions of followers and earned the trust of Japan’s most iconic creators.
Funimation has nine offices in six countries and hundreds of employees worldwide. As an independently operated joint venture between U.S.-based Sony Pictures Entertainment and Japan’s Aniplex, a subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc., Funimation benefits from deep entertainment expertise across cultures, territories, and languages.
To learn more about Funimation, visit funimation.com and follow Funimation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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tokupedia · 7 years
How to invest in Tokusatsu Part 2: The List
Toei Co. LTD
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Ticker #: TYO 9605
Dividend (Late 2017): 0.45 USD per share
Dividend Yield (Late 2017): 0.05%
Price: $105-106 USD (Late 2017)
Licenses: Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes, various heroes created by Shotaro Ishinomori, Sailor Moon, Pretty Cure.
Toei is massive in terms of what cards it has on the table. Name a popular anime in the past 10-20 years and there is roughly a 7 out of 10 chance it came from this studio’s animation department.  Even Gen X American childhood favorites like Muppet Babies came from this studio’s animation department. Aside from that, they are the film and TV production company of Super Sentai, the original source material for Saban’s Power Rangers series, as well as Super Sentai’s older sister series Kamen Rider. Both are beloved staples of Japanese pop culture that make Toei some serious bank. If not for people like Shotaro Ishinomori, this company would not be known as the crown jewel of Japanese superhero media.
The downside is Toei isn’t cheap for some, 105 bucks is a lot to ask for. But it is justified as it is one of the most successful international animation studios outside of Disney and has made cult live action hits like Battle Royale.
The company as a whole has: Real estate, animation and live action film and television production, movie theaters, home video distribution (V-Cinemas and Hyper Battle Videos being an example), internet streaming content distribution, film studios for developing movies for clients, a high tech film R&D department, a Feudal Japan theme park (which many period piece shows or scenes use for filming). They also hold art exhibitions, stage shows and have a global marketing firm so people like Mr. Saban can get Toei licensed properties for international television.
Toho Co. LTD.
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Ticker #: TYO 9602
Dividend (Late 2017): 0.11 USD per share
Dividend Yield (Late 2017): 0.73%
Price: 33 USD (Late 2017)
Product: Godzilla, Mothra and various popular Kaiju characters. The now defunct Chouseishin series.
The House of Godzilla is a proud company that dates back to the early 20th century and one of the most respected Japanese film studios in Hollywood thanks to being one of the studios that supported the projects of film legend Akira Kurosawa.
As far as what it does, Toho has its own chain of movie theaters, an animation studio division that makes popular hits like My Hero Academia, a TV production company, Real estate, a movie studio, a theatrical play production studio and film production and special effects studios. They also hold the film distribution rights to many popular anime such as the globally beloved Pokemon series which gives them a slight edge on the competition. In recent years, Toho is adapting to the times in a good way by reviving Godzilla on the big screen and expanding into the market of online streaming/sales distribution. This has resulted in great financial growth in the past 2 years that could go on if Godzilla’s box office takes for both the Japanese and US film series continue and further expansion into the internet through digital distribution and partnerships with licensing to companies like Netflix. Proof that the King of Monsters can still pack a mighty roar!
Bandai Namco Group
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Ticker #: TYO 7832 
Dividend (Late 2017): 0.11 USD per share
Dividend Yield (Late 2017): 0.62%
Price (Late 2017): 34-35 USD per share Lowest price in 2017 was 27 USD
Owns: Digimon and various video game franchises, has partial ownership of Ishimori Productions though absorbing a large money sharehold of that company in 2007 (Ishimori Pro is still family operated though through Akira Onodera). 
Toy Licenses: Seemingly Almost EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN. Star Trek, Marvel, DC, Ultraman, WWE, Dragon Ball Z, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Metal Heroes, Sailor Moon, Gundam etc.
Easily the largest behemoth in Japan’s toy industry and now owner of the company that made Pac-Man among other things, Bandai is only spared from being compared to a maniacal corporate super villain in terms of power by having its global competitors live in harmony with it. 
It produces in toy manufacturing of various types including model kits, DX toys, card games, premium collectibles, stuffed animals, Sofubi, electronic toys and video games. It also owns a few theme parks, manufactures arcade game cabinets, makes movies, TV and music, owns a trucking company, has a bakery to sell seasonal food stuffs online to customers, gashapon vending machines, clothing...They also own the famed animation studio Sunrise and have their own media distribution network. Yeah, Bandai is scary big! 
However, that large amount of corporate product diversity and business means potentially that Bandai is stable and safe in most situations. If one falters, another could spring Bandai’s finances back on its feet. Bandai has recently expanded its global operations by opening a Premium website in the USA to sell adult collectible toys directly to customers online. So there is definitely growth potential!
Tohokushinsha Film Corporation
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Ticker #: TYO 2329
Dividend (Late 2017): 0.14 USD per share
Dividend Yield (Late 2017): 2.52%
Price (Late 2017): 6.79 USD
Product: The Garo Series
Tohokushinsha Film Corporation or TFC for short is the distributor of the Garo Series. While Garo creator Keita Amemiya has his own studio, Crowd Inc., to produce the show, it is a private company with no stock investments. So the best way to invest in Garo is to support TFC. While Garo is the thing they are most proud of, TFC’s core business is being a film dubbing house for Hollywood movies, taking the dialogue and translating it so the moviegoers in Japan can understand what the heck people like Harrison Ford are saying in their own language. Its other core business is film archiving and storage.
Owning TFC includes these sectors: TV/film production, special effects studios, Marketing firms, TV commercial ad companies, Cable TV (red flag!), Supermarkets, a furniture store chain, a beauty salon chain, a brewery, anime production, moichandising sales and home video sales. They also have a licensing firm in Los Angeles, CA called Cente Service (which presumably is how Kraken Releasing got the rights to those shiny Blu-Rays of Garo Season 1!). 
TFC is cheap compared to the others. But cheaper stocks below $10 always have higher risk in some capacity depending on company performance, so be careful!
Shochiku LTD.
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Ticker #:TYO 9601
Dividend: 0.26 USD per share  (Does not make payments quarterly)
Dividend Yield: 0.35%
Price: 150 USD
What you are Toku investing in: Ultraman films
Shochiku is the toughest of the film studios in Japan, as it has been around since 1895!  Don’t believe me? This one Kabuki theater company turned film studio has survived the following: the end of the Meiji Era, World War II, US occupation, several earthquakes, changing technology, and stared down a near bankruptcy without even flinching. You know you have something special when a 122 year old company is still profitable and still growing. While they now focus on movies and media, Shochiku did not abandon their heritage as the Kabuki theater company that built it is still in operation, now expanded to doing other stage plays. Their core film business is Samurai movies, dramas and action/crime dramas
Shochiku owns movie theaters, a music record company, a film studio, an anime production unit, several stage theater companies including a costume department, real estate, restaurants, home video distribution, TV broadcasting etc. They also hold the rights to film distribution of the Ultraman movies.
Stock is a bit pricier, but it has had decent growth the past 3 years. 
Takara Tomy Co.
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Ticker #: TYO 7867
Dividend: 0.12 USD per share
Dividend Yield: 0.72%
Price: 16 USD per share
Owns: The Tomica Hero series, Transformers (co-partnership with Hasbro), Tomica toy cars
Takara Tomy is a famed toy brand thanks to the popularity of its products like Transformers and Beyblade. Recently, the company threw their hats back into the TV tokusatsu ring by making the magical girl series Idol x Warriors Miracle Tunes to compete with Bandai/Toei’s Pretty Cure Series.
While beloved, the grim shadow of Japan’s declining birth rate is making investors wary of Takara Tomy as their target demographic is younger kids. This leaves them in a very vulnerable position if Japan’s birth rate screeches to a complete halt, as no new babies means no future toddlers or preschoolers to ask parents to buy their products like PlaRail. Another blow to them recently is the loss of their long running Pokemon toy license to a rival company which will start selling their own toys in 2018. 
Some meanspirited money men are even speculating Hasbro will just buy out Takara’s ownership of Transformers and ditch the remains if they sink. However, not all is gloom and doom as things seem to be doing better this year. Time will tell if this toy company, one half of which is one of the oldest toy manufacturers in Japan, will endure. In the meantime, give it some love so maybe we can get the Tomica Hero series back! (holding a large amount of stocks gives you voting power over who leads the company after all!)
Takara Tomy’s main business is of course toy manufacturing. It also deals in the making of baby products, children’s books, video games, gashapon toys, candies and various other youth marketed goods and apparel. 
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NYSE Ticker: SNE
Price: $44.81 per share (11/4/17)
Dividend: 9 cents USD
Yield: 0.40%
Owns: Funimation, therefore indirectly owns the distribution rights to the Garo anime.
Now, I know what you are thinking. Sony? Well, yeah. Given a very recent event, this counts. See just a week ago, Sony officially bought Funimation. And Funimation had a deal with MAPPA to buy the streaming rights to the Garo animes. Plus, Funimation was in the middle of simulcasting Infini-T Force when it happened! In addition, the company is a major partner with Bandai and Ishimori Pro in making Kamen Rider video games for its Playstation family of game consoles like the hotly anticipated Climax Fighters game.
The company is often overlooked for bigger tech stocks like Apple, but they are so much more than a video game company. In addition to consumer electronics, the Sony corporation has a movie studio (which is debated in merit due to the quality of some of their productions) a TV studio in LA that produces shows and beloved TV game show staples Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy, an animation studio and that is just the visual media part. 
They have semiconductor manufacturing plants, record labels and music distribution, Networking, medical firms, insurance, banking, telecommunications, advertising....In short, Sony is one of the most diverse businesses in the entire world and a worthy addition to a portfolio.
And now one NOT to invest in...
Fields Corp.
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Ticker #:TYO 2767
Dividend: ???
Yield: 2.62%
Owns: Part of Tsuburaya Productions, the company that makes Ultraman. Also has a stake in HEROS, the manga magazine that distributes the Infini-T force, ULTRAMAN and Kamen Rider Kuuga manga.
As of this year...this stock is not worth your time. Fields is in trouble right now as the reports of its financials indicate a hard time. The company has lost a big chunk of its yearly income. It is in the negative in terms of debt in some areas and it is reporting major losses. Its primary business is Pachinko machines.
Figures, a company that invests on gambling would go down this year!
So there you have it, places you can support tokusatsu in the world of finance!
I know this was probably boring, but I promise the next post will be fun! 
Note: This data is from November of 2017 and may not reflect future financial data. 
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mrjoelgarcia9 · 7 years
Let’s Talk #SailorMoonCrystal: The Season 4 Films
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I think it is safe to say that no one expected the recent announcement.
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However, it does make sense as the Dream arc is surprisingly dark.
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For more on the announcement and my thoughts on the upcoming season, feel free to keep reading. There will be spoilers.
According to Crunchyroll, the fourth season of Sailor Moon Crystal will be adapted as a two-part film instead of a weekly series. The announcement came more than a year after the third season finale. Since then, the only other news relating to the series were Viz Media’s releases of the first two seasons and the fourth season renewal.
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The shift from TV to film is really odd but also for the better since the Dream arc was the manga’s shortest story arc. SuperS, the original show’s fourth season which adapted the arc, had too much filler centering around Chibiusa trying to make up for the brief plot. It badly hurt the pacing and led to a lackluster finale that would not be fully resolved until the following season.
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The films could properly adapt moments from the arc which SuperS either downplayed or ignored, such as the Outer Guardians’ involvement, Nehellenia’s past with Serenity, and even the Amazoness Quartet.
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(In retrospect, they are not as bad as I thought and have far more memorable names than Chibi Chibi.)
Japan’s strict TV regulations may have also played a role in converting the season into two films due to the darker direction the manga began to enter at this point, such as Mamoru coughing up blood and the team being attacked by multiple monsters at once rather than one at a time.
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The third season already had to tone down one moment from the manga. Originally in Act 34, Sailor Moon was attacked by “Chibiusa” only for “Mamoru” to kill “her”. In Crystal, the latter part was simply implied.
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Despite these positives, there are some downsides. Since the entire arc will now be presented in two films as opposed to 12 or 13 half-hour episodes, certain story elements may either be rewritten or removed in order to accommodate the films’ respective run times.
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A possible example would be the Guardians’ power loss. Within the manga, four acts mainly centered around Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako losing and reacquiring their powers. A similar situation occurred with Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon due to an aging curse. The latter actually did appear in SuperS but with a different story.
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(It was in an episode that had a lot of wasted potential.)
The other major problem would be the films’ distribution outside of Japan. It takes longer for anime films to be distributed worldwide due to the preference for the films to first be released with multiple dubs, which take a lot of time to produce, and having to acquire the rights if they are not already attached to the overall franchise rights.
There are three possible ways the films could first be distributed:
A Theatrical Run: They could be shown in limited engagements with both the original Japanese and English dubs. Recent examples of this type of distribution include Funimation’s Your Name and Viz Media’s re-release of Sailor Moon R: The Movie.
In An Episodic Format: A great example of this type of distribution is Toei’s own Digimon Adventure Tri. film series. Outside of Japan, the films are being distributed online in multi-part episodes. At the time of this writing, the first four (of six) films are available to watch in this format.
Online: There is the slim possibility that Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Nico Nico, the show’s online distributors, may exclusively stream the films. Hulu has previously distributed a few films on their service under their “Hulu Originals” label, such as the documentary Batman & Bill and Becoming Bond.
The only other announcement made about the films is that they will be directed by Chiaki Kon, who previously directed the show’s third season. The first of these two films will mark her film directorial debut after having mostly directed episodes from series such as Bleach and Junjo Romantica as well as an OVA (Original Video Animation) of the latter.
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Regardless of when the films are released, this leaves the Stars arc (the manga’s fifth and final arc) in an awkward situation. It may all depend on how successful the films are if Stars will either be adapted as films, a weekly series, or not at all.
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The next major announcement relating to the franchise will occur this Monday at Anime Expo, where Viz Media may announce their involvement with Season 4 of Crystal, the third season’s English dub, and the new uncensored dubs of both SuperS and Sailor Moon S: The Movie.
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In the meantime, since the next season will now consist of only two films, I am reconsidering reviewing the upcoming fourth season of Gotham.
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Until next time, thank you for reading!
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apkdownloadd · 4 years
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An unknown Digimon calling itself Herissmon has appeared in your smartphone. Suddenly, a mysterious force known as “Spirals” attack…
This is the tale of your Digimon’s ReArise.
Dive into a story of new faces and old friends in this Friendship Digivolving RPG!
■ A story connecting Digimon and Tamers A completely original story that follows Tamers and Digimon as they grow and deepen their friendships. Brand new characters designed and illustrated by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru, one of the original character designers from the Digimon animated series!
■ Nurturing Digimon-Tamer friendships through shared moments Watch your Digimon interact and play together in your custom DigiTown. Connect with other Tamers and work toward common goals.
■ Test the strength of your bonds in battle Build a personalized Digimon team and prove the power of your friendship in real-time battles of up to 5v5! Go head-to-head in the Battle Park or team up with fellow Tamers against powerful Digimon in Clash Battles.
■ Train and care for your Digimon Help your Digimon work out, listen to their unique requests, and unlock the path to Digivolution. If you grow close and strong enough, they might even Mega Digivolve!
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/anime-streaming-showdown-crunchyroll-vs-funimation/
Anime Streaming Showdown: Crunchyroll vs. Funimation
Whether you’re new to anime or already a harcore fan, there are two streaming services that you need to know: Crunchyroll and Funimation. One brings you subtitled simulcasts of shows currently airing in Japan, while the other provides dubbed versions of all-time favorites. Either way, you’ll have more anime than you’ll ever be able to watch. Let’s see which one is best for your viewing pleasure.
The Contenders
No longer is anime confined to imported DVDs and late-night time blocks on premium cable channels. Now you can stream almost any anime onto almost any device whenever you want. Let’s take a look at the two big players on the field:
Crunchyroll Premium: This American-based distributor of East Asian media was founded in 2006 by a group of UC, Berkeley grads, and now boasts over one million paid subscribers. Their streaming service, Crunchyroll Premium, is known more for popular subbed anime like Naruto Shippuden, manga, and live-action dramas, as well as simulcasts of newly released shows in Japan.
Funimation Now: Founded back in 1994, Funimation found its footing distributing the popular Dragon Ball Z series on Cartoon Network’s Toonami block. From there, it grew and began to distribute other popular anime shows like Digimon. Presently, their streaming service Funimation Now is known for having a large collection of dubbed anime classics in addition to dubbed versions of some recently released shows.
While you can also find anime on streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, these two services deal exclusively in the popular import. Hulu also has a decent amount of anime on its platform, but both Crunchyroll Premium and Funimation Now offer an ad-free experience to subscribers.
Both Can Pretty Much Be Watched Anywhere, but Crunchyroll Has a Slight Edge
As long as you have some sort of internet-enabled device and an internet connection, both services can inject your eyeballs with cartoon awesomeness. Crunchyroll Premium and Funimation Now are available on:
Apple TV
Xbox One
Xbox 360
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 3
Playstation Vita
Windows Phone
Roku Box
Amazon Fire TV
Kindle Fire
Of course, both services can also be watched in the browser of your choice. Crunchyroll Premium has a few more options up its sleeves, though. You can watch Crunchyroll on Wii U, but not Funimation. And Crunchyroll has more support for oddball streaming platforms like internet-enabled blu-ray players and smart TVs. That may matter for you and it may not.
Both Offer Competitive Pricing and Free Trials
Crunchyroll will actually let you stream on most devices for free, but you’ll be subject to ads and the quality will be cranked down to 480p. The shows you can watch for free will also be pretty limited. If you want to avoid all of that, Crunchyroll Premium costs $6.95 per month if you go with monthly payments. If you want to save some money, though, they also offer a three-month plan for $19.95, and an annual plan for $59.95.
Funimation is a bit more expensive at the monthly level, asking $7.95 per month. But it also has an annual plan of $59.95 per year, which puts it right in line with Crunchyroll. Funimation Now also has an option for those who only want subbed shows for $4.95 per month. Both services offer a free 14-day trial, so you can try ‘em out and see what you like more.
Crunchyroll Is the Place for Current Shows and Niche Fair, Funimation Packs In the Classics and Dubs
Crunchyroll Premium has over 800 anime in its roster, many of which are popular shows that are still currently airing in Japan, like One Piece, Dragon Ball Super, Gintama, Blue Exorcist, and the recently concluded Naruto Shippuden. It also has a lot of the more niche anime shows, like Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Fuuka, Schoolgirl Strikers, and Kemono Friends. All of these shows are subbed—so you have to read while you watch—but many of them are also simulcasted, meaning you can watch them as soon as one hour after their original air time in Japan. Crunchyroll also has an extensive library of subbed, live-action drama and comedy TV shows, as well as digital manga titles you can read.
Funimation Now, on the other hand, is a more curated experience with its library mostly consisting of subbed and dubbed classics like Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball Z, and Yu Yu Hakusho. If a show has both a sub and dub version, you can choose which you prefer. There’s less niche and brand spankin’ new titles available, but that means there’s less stuff to sift through if you’re not a diehard anime fan. This makes Funimation a great entry point for someone who’s new to anime, or the perfect option for someone looking to relive the magic of after-school cartoons they watched once upon a time.
Both services will cost you $60 a year and are pretty much available everywhere, so it’s 100% about your personal preference. If you want the hot, new shows, and don’t mind subs, Crunchyroll Premium is for you. If you don’t mind waiting a bit to see shows, aren’t into the niche stuff, and hate reading subs, go with Funimation Now. Plus, both services have recently struck up a partnership where they’ll each start offering select titles from each other’s library. No matter which one you choose, you really can’t lose. And if you’re a hardcore anime fan that wants all, subscribing to both will literally cover everything.
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remember-digimon · 4 months
Digimon Distribution Service!
For @pom-seedss
Meet your Digimon Partner, Heronmon!
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Heronmon is graceful and appreciates all forms of beauty. They particularly like to dance and sing. When they fight, they move like a ballerina.
Their partner, Pom, is an artist that usually spends their time either painting the various landscapes of the Digital World, or worrying over the others. They want to make sure everyone gets enough to eat, gets enough sleep, and takes care of themselves. Heronmon teaches Pom to also take time for themself, to find beauty in themself, and not be afraid to let their real emotions show outside of the art they paint.
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