#disney oc ares
flickynightdarkness · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes with my Disney/House Of Mouse OCs Ares and his bed of lambs
Ares: What? Not my lambs. [hugs his lambs] They've always been so loyal to me!
Daisy: But do you want to stay at this club?
Ares: [narrows eyes] Yes
Daisy: Then I'm afraid they'll be no more lambs
Ares: [tears in his eyes] All right, my children. You've got to go. I [sobs] can't keep you anymore!
Unnamed lamb of the bed: Ok Ares sir!
[The children all follow Minnie Mouse]
Ares: No, don't resist. This is how it has to be
[Ares begans crying as he watches his lambs walk away. Mickey, looking awkward and pats him in the shoulder]
[Hades and Dr Facilier get into an elevator, the lamb bed, Pain and Panic attempt to follow but Faciler blocks the flock with his cane]
Hades: Hold it here! [to Pain and Panic] You both are gonna watch those "cheerful cuties" and have em guard the front until i return
[Pain and Panic both salute and the lift ascends]
Unnamed lamb of the bed: Oh look. August is up here [points to the lift which August is inside, pounding on the glass]
Unnamed lamb of the bed: We have names?
[The lift reaches the top and opens, where Hades, Facilier and August walk out. August sees two other villains being Maleficent and Jafar enter. August watches in wonder. Chernabog stomps over her, which makes her move out of his way and falls over to the floor. August follows them in and stands near Hades' seat. Grimhilde, who was sitting next to Maleficent turns to look at August who is staring and waves at her with a smile]
August: [waves at Grimhilde] Your really pretty! By the way, why do you have a crown on your head? Does that make you [gasps] a Queen?
[Grimhilde transforms into an old hag and then cackles at August. August becomes startled, then hides behind Hades' seat]
[As many of the villains leave except for Hook, Smee, Shan Yu, Jafar and Maleficent, who go to an another room. As for August, Hades noticed her walking up to the lift]
Hades: Hey fuzzball. Yeah you, I'm talking to you, c'mere. I got a small job for you.
August: Oh. Yes dear god of the Underland!
Hades: Go follow those villain fellas here and fetch out this gold scarab beetle in here
[August salute and gives chase to the other villains who are in the other room]
[Scene changes to rest of the lamb bed attacking Pain and Panic while their yelling in pain]
[The elevator door opens and Hades is waiting for the lamb August to return after grabbing the gold scarab beetle. She was about to join the others when Hades stops her]
Hades: So, did you get the beetle
August: First, I manage to grab onto it, but they all saw what I was doing so, the pirate grabbed his sword, swiping it at me. Then I jump on top of the pirate's hat and ran fast to the lift, but i was stopped by a staff, but the top of it looked like a snake with red... eyes, and while i stare at the snake's eyes
Hades: And what was the last thing you did
August: ...tried to snap out of it–
Hades: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Let's just keep this whole gold beetle thing [grabs August by the chest] between us. You... and me. Deal? [reaches his hand out]
August: Deal, dear god from the Underland! [reaches her hand out]
[Blue flames rise from Hades' arm, then it surrounds the entire place until it goes out]
[Scene changes to Ares getting ready for bed in his home with his bed of lambs in pyjamas]
Ares: Ah! How was your day with... Hades, my lambs?
August: It was awesome Ares, I went to this meeting and there was a Queen, a pirate and a literal demon!
Ares: Mmm, that's nice!
August: And the pirate grabbed out his sword when I grabbed a golden beetle from the top! And I... was not supposed to talk about it.
[Ares clearly doesn't understand about this]
Ares: Oh. I'm pretty sure that you'll might see the club tomorrow, but now is time for sleep. Goodnight my sheep.~
[The lambs walk to Ares and cuddle together as August yawns to sleep]
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spartanexperience · 6 days
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So people here seem to like my fan designs for the three other Anemoi, the cardinal winds, which makes me so happy!! <3 So thought I'd make some proper refs/character sheets of them just for funsies.
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*Ares, Hades, and Persephone stand in line at the IRS for Nemesis*
Ares: Apples!? What kind of offering is this for the God of War!? I’m a red meat type of god! I mean, look them! *picks up a rotting apple* They’re practically rotten!
Persephone: Excuse me, but I made those apples and I can assure you they were fresh when I made them. Do I seriously look like the kind of goddess that would grow rotten apples? Deliberately?
Ares: *looks at Hades* I dunno, you married one deliberately.
Hades: *flaring up in anger* You’re skating on thin ice, pal.
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violetrose-art · 2 years
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Meet Mars, the Roman God of War
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quohotos · 1 year
what's something you would want to see in an animated adaptation of the underland chronicles?
Oh BOY where to begin?
These are going to be in no particular order...
Each trailer should have the prophecy read out in a dramatic voice. The trailer for the first one will go "And eight will be left when we count up the dead" and then a quick montage of some pretty scary shit happening but the cuts are too fast to see what's actually happening. The only exception to this is the marks of secret where the fact that the song is a prophecy is a reveal (however the song plays in full in the trailer, it's just structured different from the others)
The animation should be a little edgy. Give things hard angles, stay away from the bulbous smooth (Modern) Disney look.
Really go nuts with the bat designs. Embrace the warrior cats OC-ness of it. Let all the background bats be just as vibrant and wacky as the main cast.
Everyone's bond should sorta look like them, kinda the way that dogs kinda look like their owners. Solovet's bond should look like a total villain. Euripides should look like Vikus. I mean, Aurora's got that gold thing going on which Luxa also has with the crown. The bonds gotta look like they belong together spiritually.
The nibblers need to have more of a role before the marks of secret. Have them in the background of other shots, have them actually get lines in the jungle, see if they can be more present at the council discussing the plague, write some new scenes for them, etc. I wouldn't even be against them inventing a new nibbler character and putting them on one of the earlier quests. The audience should already know and care about them before we see them being horribly brutalized in a reenactment of a real world genocide.
Ares, and all the other bats for that matter, need to have very expressive eyes. They don't always get a lot of lines so they should still have a way to have visible presence in the scene's that they're in.
Every time the bats do that thing where they detect rats and their ears shoot up it should play a musical sting
All the underland creatures/factions should have their own leitmotif. Ripred's lieitmotif should be this uncanny blending of both the rat's theme but also with hints of the Regalians and Gregor's. After Gregor think's that boots has died in the labyrinth there should be this super dramatic and gutwrenching theme, and then all the music just stops for the rest of the movie until they reunite and then the music can come back. The most you get is like a minimalist drum and base sequence, but nothing properly melodic until we know that boots is safe.
The sequence Gregor escaping with Ares and Pearlpelt from the labyrinth should be all in one take.
Every time Gregor slips into the Rager state it should be accompanied by a recognizable sound effect sting and have it's own sound effect and muscial sting. Something like glass shattering mixed with reverb and pitch shifted down. Rager sequences should be in first person and show just how much he's dissociated from the violence he's doing. The audience just sees that split vision with all the weak points highlighted and one by one they get crossed out.
I hope they cast someone appropriately nasally to play Ripred, I think he should be a little high pitched and scrungly. However, I would make an exception if they somehow got Kieth David to voice him. I would be very unsatisfied if they cast Ryan Reynolds
I hope they cast someone with a deep voice to play Ares. He needs to be big and imposing and scary. He needs to be like the big kid at the playground. The fact that there's a more pained sensitive side to him needs to be a revelation. He needs to be a bit monstrous so you can understand why everyone sees him that way, and why he's dying not to be seen that way but has basically given up and accepted how the world sees him. I would be very Unsatisfied if they cast Ryan Reynolds. It would be fucking hilarious if they cast Chris Pratt... I would hate it but it would probably work and that makes me very mad.
I don't really care how Gregor is cast. Caleb McLaughlin would be a perfect Gregor, but he's all grown up now. He could probably still voice him but it wouldn't be the same. I do not care so long as it's not Ryan Reynolds.
Please don't have anyone call Gregor "Greg"... that just feels wrong. Well maybe Ripred would do it specifically to piss him off.
Henry needs to have a dumb haircut, like... it has to be stupid and ostentatious.
The audience should get to see Ripred from close to Gregor's perspective often. Have the camera right over his shoulder and tilted up to see just how tall this beast is.
Let us see more of the happy times that are alluded to at the start of the marks of secret. Even if it's just a montage, let us see them being normal. Let us see Gregor and Ares play that ball game and see the kids just hanging out. Please 😭
Make Gregor more talkative. There's great moments of internal monologue that could be lost in a screen adaptation, let him talk to Ares or Luxa or even temp about it.
In the code of claw Ares should go with him to the prophecy room to learn that he's going to die. Gregor should tell him about the stone knight and it can be something they share. You can even set it up with them doing the bond handshake there while laying on the floor so that it's a visual callback later (Fuck, I just thought of that and now I'm destroyed again).
I mentioned this in another post, but I think it would be cool to have Gregor get a walkman or other battery powered music player from the museum. They can have a few tunes to bond over, but eventually they have to take the batteries out to put them into flashlights.
A huge missed opportunity in the books is how basically every single human in the Underland we see is royalty or part of the military. I think it would be cool to let us see a bit more of how the regular people live. Maybe have one or two characters who aren't royal or soldiers.
Earlier entries should try to cut away from the violence, simply showing the character's reactions to the horrible things happening around them. Later entries should stop hiding it, paralleling the loss of innocence of the characters. By the code of claw Gregor and Ares, or at the very least Ripred, should be allowed to swear. There's no way you're getting that story on screen without at least a PG 13 rating, and these people just witnessed a genocide and are about to kill a bunch of people in a war. Gregor can say "Holy shit" instead of "aww Jeez" at least once. I also just think "What's your plaaaaaaan" is great but "What's your fucking plan?" lands pretty hard as well.
Don't make the underland too visible. Don't add global illumination. Let there be darkness, let there be long shadows, let us only barely see distant things. When Gregor finally gets echolocation then make the distant things visible through a strange shader... but cut out the bit where he can echolocate heat that makes no sense.
Ms. Cormaci needs to sound exactly like how she did in the audiobook, this isn't up for debate.
When the Bane calls Gregor and Ares to battle it needs to be one of the most disturbing, blood chilling things the audience has ever heard. It needs to be loud, and painful, and monstrous. You gotta see that the pup we all loved and coddled has fully lost it and become this fascist ball of hatred and murder and violence. It should cut through the audience's core and silence everything else in the scene. Just have it hold there after he's shouted, showing them locking eyes on each-other and cutting back in between the two. Yes, the Bane has completely been subsumed as a symbol of his side, but so has Gregor. He's in the black armor, he's the figurehead as well. There are parallels, y'all.
Let the Shiners be at least 20% less awful. They're funny, but let them have their hero moment where they're redeemed in the marks of secret rather than saving it for the end of code of claw.
Old Hamnet in the flashbacks to the flooding of the garden should be hot. Flashback Ripred who was there is of course also hot. He remains so in the present as well.
The narrative that Gregor is told in the first book, that the natives just let Sandwitch have the Underland because they weren't really using it... it's heavily implied that's a lie, especially after we learn about the Diggers and how they were genocided and basically expunged from history. I think there should be a direct callback to it, make this implication an explicit part of the story.
Give my girl Aurora some more lines. She goes on all these adventures and never gets to be more than "Luxa's bat".
Oh no I hit character limit for this post... uh... I have a lot of thoughts and I probably will have more in the future 😅. Probably way more than you asked for but you opened the floodgates and this was the result.
Thank you for the ask!
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atd-everything-girl · 5 months
A Demigod of my own.. Ch. 1 my little seashell.
This is a fanfic about Triton from Percy Jackson series and his point of view along with an couple of ocs of mine to make the story interesting. (With a couple of my hcs enjoy!)
The prince Triton, the son of poiseden.. That was his only identity so far.. expect for that dumb Disney movie the little mermaid (he swears that movie portrayed him way too old). Triton had been feeling more insecure than ever, a thought he had heard a couple of fish gossiping about earlier 'Prince Triton takes so much pride in being poiseden's heir he's immortal it's not like he gonna die anytime soon.' and then another fish said 'you know a couple years back I heard poiseden telling that Demigod boy of his that he was his favourite son.' Triton had left not wanting to hear more (he silently destroyed those fish later on due to anger) but the thought had remained with him since had that stupid Jackson boy accepted immortality instead of telling the gods to be better parents his father would have replaced him in a heartbeat for Percy, the thought still silently terrified him though he knew that confronting poiseden and demanding to ask why a puny Demigod was his favourite; he knew that he would only be asked a thousand questions and probably punishment 'How do you know I said that? ' 'He saved olympus twice what have you ever done to become my heir besides being my oldest son?' 'He beat Ares in a fight when he was 12 tell me do you have the guts to fight Ares?' and so on Triton had silently been growing more resentful of Percy and more depressed worrying about how much importance did he really have and that his father probably couldn't care less about him in general, he'd been growing more paranoid as well. However, some help and comfort he had received due to a certain friend. A couple years back he had been answering calls on Poseidon's behalf because poiseden had some 'matters' to attend to (probably chasing a poor Ocean nymph) when a certain call by a minor god only a few years younger than him intrigued him a son of Hades called Zagreus, the younger god had been rather friendly with him and told him that they should meet sometime when he comes to the surface, Triton had agreed on the condition that they would not be up there for more than 7 hours since his mother would question him if he were and those questions would annoy him, Zagreus had told him to meet at a beach near one of the exits out of Hades's realm. They had infact met there and Zagreus said ' Dude, try assuming human form so can roam on land and we can a proper conversation ' ' what's wrong with me being in the water?' Triton had asked. 'Well I don't like sitting on sand for too long and also your face looks like a monster-like green.' 'Thank you for your honesty Mr underworld prince but I don't know how to walk on legs. ' 'come on just try it I'll teach you ' 'fine.' so he had transformed, his skin colour was a perfect tan, his Curly Black hair still tied in a high ponytail, he had some black leggings and blue sweater on and of course he stumbled a couple times but Zagreus had taught him how to walk properly soon Triton could run, for a while it has become a weekly thing Zagreus would ires-message him to meet up, Triton would make his father was too busy to notice that Triton had stepped out of his realm and then he would talk with Zagreus for hours, despite being two princes/heirs of two different realms they had a lot in common their fathers being rather neglectful and distant, them having better relationships with their mother figures,them feeling rather questionable due to their fathers having obvious Demigod favourite ism (Though a difference being that Zagreus actually liked his Demigod brother a lot), there had been a couple of times where they couldn't meet due to the war with gaea and Kronos and during approximately 2 or 3 years before Percy's intial claiming, Triton had met a certain woman a lifeguard who worked part time at wallmart, Sofia malician. A beautiful red headed woman with olive skin colour and kind sky-blue eyes. He had met her when zag had ires-messaged him and he was waiting for him. He had saw her sitting and ended up staring at her, Sofia caught him once he turned his face away, twice he turned his face away again.
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joyfulmagic · 2 months
Muse List
[Updated 08/12/2024]
Blue muses are primary Red muses are secondary Pink muses are by request only
Harley Quinn circa the Harley Quinn cartoon, The Suicide Squad, and Birds of Prey —> FC: Ma.rgot Ro.bbie Poison Ivy circa the Harley Quinn cartoon, and other various inspiration —> FC: J.essica Cha.stain Steven Grant Rogers circa Marvel/MCU —> FC: Ch.ris Ev.ans Clark Kent circa My Adventures With Superman —> FC: H.enry Ca.vill Diana Prince circa multiple media and headcanons —> FC: M.ay Calma.wy Atom Eve circa Amazon Prime’s Invincible —> FC: Ab.igail Co.wen
[Illya Kuryakin - Canon Divergent from The Man From Uncle 2015 with heavy MCU/616 influences]
[James “Bucky” Barnes - MCU + 616 Mix]
[Arina Bondar- MCU/616 + TMFU (2015) OC]
[Adeliana Bondar-Kuryakin - MCU/616 + TMFU (2015) OC]
[Farah - The Tower]
[Theodore - The Devil]
[Vasily - The Emperor]
[Jane - High Priestess]
[Rosie - Justice]
[Relta - The Empress]
[Aislin - The World]
[Keife - The Hanged Man] Disne.y/Fairytale/Folklore Based: 1. Hercules (Hercules 1997) —> Sa.m Heu.gan & Hen.ry Ca.vill fcs 2. Flynn Rider (Tangled 2010) —> Seb.astian St.an 3. Dmitri (Anastasia 1997) —> De.rek K.lena - Megara (Disney’s Hercules 1997) —> Elizabeth Gilles - Sir Guy of Gisborne (BBC’s Robin Hood 2006-09) —> Richard Armitage
Mythology: [Lord Ares — FC Lee Pace / Richard Amirtage ]
[Queen Persephone — FC Charlotte Hope] [ Only shipped with King Hades]
[Queen Hera — FC Simone Ashley] [Only shipped with King Zeus]
[Lord Apollon — FC Chris Evans]
[King Hades — FC Keanu Reeves ] [Lady Aphrodite — FC Keira Knightley] [Freyja — FC Freya Mavor]
[Catherine of Aragon’s Muse Bio & Verses] [Henry VIII — Verses & Bio]
[Mary I’s Muse Bio & Verses]
[Relta’s historical verses] * [Prince Alastair] * [Lady/Princess Madeline] *
[Lady Marguerite of Gisborne — BBC’S Robin Hood / Sherwood OC]
[Maid Marian of Knighton — BBC’s Robin Hood / Sherwood] * [Lady Jane Grey — Amazon’s My Lady Jane] * = modern verses available
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cloudybrews · 5 days
Rowena Macleod
Sam Winchester
Castiel Ace
Jessica Moore
Jody Mills
Meg Masters
Bobby Singer
Jack Kline
Chuck The Writer
Kevin Tran
Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon ( aroace)
Umbrella Academy
Klaus Hargreeves
Vampire Diaries:
Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine Pierce
Pirates of Carriabean:
Jack Sparrow
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Harry Potter
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Remus Lupin
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
AU Alive James Potter
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
Cal Kestis
Darth Vader
Baby Yoda
Iden Veriso
Obi Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Doctor Who
River Song
Bad Wolf (Rose Tyler)
Jack Harkness
The Master
12th Doctor
Bill Potts
Timeless Marty OC Time Lord
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski
Fbi Stiles
Jurassic Park / World
Alan Grant Ace
Ian Malcolm
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Spellmen
Midnight Mass
Father Paul
Stranger Things
Jane Hopper
Jim Hopper
Will Byers
Steve H
Greys Anatomy
Amelia Sheppard
Mike Schmidt
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Luke Casetllan
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therealnightcity · 8 months
OC Personality Quiz
Tagged by @arcandoria to take this quiz, thanks!! 💕💕
1.) Steve Harrington (90%)--Stranger Things
2.) Spike Spiegel (87%)--Cowboy Bebop
3.) Marty McFly (87%)--Back to the Future
4.) Jack Twist (86%)--Brokeback Mountain
5.) Poe Dameron (86%)--Star Wars
1.) Abby Sciuto (91%)--NCIS
2.) Dr. Ellie Sattler (90%)--Jurassic Park
3.) Rey (87%)--Star Wars
4.) Mulan (85%)--Disney, Mulan
5.) Ciri (81%)--Witcher
1.) Dr. Bedelia (92%)--Hannibal
2.) Lena Luthor (90%)--Super Girl
3.) Varys (88%)--Game of Thrones
4.) Miranda Priestly (85%)--The Devil Wears Prada
5.) Thomas Shelbey (84%)--Peaky Blinders
1.) Dr. Lecter (92%)--Hannibal
2.) Number 6 (92%)--Battlestar Galactica
3.) Loki (87%)--Marvel
4.) Beth Harmon (85%)--Queen's Gambit
5.) Margaery Tyrell (83%)--Game of Thrones
Tagging: @shinycorvidae, @dreamskug, @aldecaldhos, @wraithsoutlaws, @pinkyjulien, @ghostoffuturespast, @vayneoc, @elvenbeard, @lokiina, @chevvy-yates, @dustymagpie, @sammysilverdyne, @ouroboros-hideout, @fly-amanitaa, @z-lagorio, @kharonion, @jaymber, @onlymeandlife, @oceanlilo, @peaches-n-screem, and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it--no pressure tho!
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somethingeden · 10 months
Book help - Series + Characters and Love Tropes
[Firstly, here is post for the fandoms]
Hello, I am a writer on Wattpad and I am trying to think of a story. I do get writer's block so I have old books but I am to lazy to rewrite them. Okay so I have a few ideas but may you use about a minute to vote or even give me suggestions, it would be appreciated! I could also do a cross over.
Series and the characters that I am considering of doing is (I am also okay with character x character and oc x oc:
Narnia (Edmund Pevensie/Peter Pevensie/Caspian X/Lucy Pevensie/Susan Pevensie/Aslan/Eustace Scrubb)
MCU (Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Wanda Maximoff/Peter Parker/Harley Keener/Hope Lang/Scott Lang/Same Wilson/Natasha Romanoff/Pietro Maximoff/Tony Stark/Thor/Loki/Stephen Strange/Wade Wilson/Peter Quill)
Harry Potter (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Neville Longbottom/Blaise Zabini/Pansy Parkinson/Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Bellatrix Lestrange/Ginny Weasley/Fred Weasley/George Weasley/Bill Weasley/Charlie Weasley/Cedric Diggory/Tom Riddle/Mattheo Riddle)
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Albus Potter/James Potter II/Rose Granger-Weasley/Scorpius Malfoy/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Ted Lupin)
Marauders (James Potter/Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Bellatrix Black/Marlene Mckinnon/Mary Mcdonald/Dorcas Meadows)
Doctor Who (9th Doctor/Jack Harkness/10th Doctor/Donna Noble/11th Doctor/Amy Pond/Clara Oswin Oswald/12th Doctor/13th Doctor/Yasmin Khan/Ryan Sinclair/14th Doctor/Donna Noble/Rose Noble)
Heartstopper (Ben Hope/Harry Greene/Imogen Heaney/David Nelson)
Grease (Danny Zuko/Sandy Olsson/Kenickie Murdock/Leo Balmudo)
Disney (Ariel/Maleficent/Briar Rose/Ursula/Prince Eric)
Greek Mythology (Medusa/Hades/Poseidon/Apollo/Ares/Hermes/Demeter)
The Mortal Instruments [I haven't read all the books] (Jace Wayland-Herondale.../Alec Lightwood/Raphael Santiago/Isabelle Lightwood/Magnus Bane/Jonathan Morgenstern/Maia Roberts/Jordan Kyle)
Percy Jackson [I sadly don't have the books but I am going to base it off the tv series that'll come out next month] (Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase/Grover Underwood/Luke Castellan/Ares/Poseidon/Hades/Clarisse La Rue/Medusa/Hermes/Hephaestus)
Enola Holmes 1 and 2 (Enola Holmes/Tewksbury/Sherlock Holmes/Mycroft Holmes)
Jurassic Park (Ian Malcolm/Alan Grant)
Jurassic World (Own Grady/Zach Mitchell/Maisie Lockwood/Gray Mitchell/Ian Malcolm/Alan Grant)
Little Women (Theodore Laurence)
Lord of the Rings (Frodo Baggins/Legolas Greenleaf/Aragorn/Eomer/Faramir)
The Hobbit (Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield/Kili Oakenshield/Fili Oakenshield/Thranduil Greenleaf/Bard/Legolas Greenleaf)
Uncharted (Nathan Drake/Victor Sullivan/Chloe Frazer)
Supernatural (Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester/Jack Kline/Claire Novak)
Mamma Mia 1 and 2 (Sam Carmichael/Harry Bright/Bill Anderson/Sky)
Love tropes:
Enemies to Lovers
Friends to Lovers
Forbidden Love
Secret Identity/Billionaire/Royal
Best friend's Brother/Sister
Second Chance
Fake Relationships to Lovers
Wedding – Runaway Bride/Runaway Groom/Jilted/Arranged Marriage
Strangers to Lovers
Amnesia/Mistaken Identity
Holiday Romance/Flings (Can lead to a baby)
Already Together
Hero x Villain
Sworn off Relationships
Opposites Attract
Secret Baby
Two Person Love Triangle (Mistaken Identity)
Fairy Tale Retelling
Blind Date
and more...
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spartanexperience · 18 days
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The duality of sibling support (roasting the hell out of you while also being the ultimate wingman)
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jesshq · 1 year
So I made a update version of my Pokémon au teams for pain, panic and neurosis, and their OC little siblings paranoia and hope as well as for hades too.
But I’ll explain abit about how each character is with their pokemon, and the Pokémon choices are based on my Disney Hercules headcons.
Also the green travel buddies on some of the Pokémon mean that, the Pokémon that has the green dot means it’s basically like ash’s pikachu and is always with them travelling.
Let’s start off with pain:
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Most of his Pokémon choices are due to my headcons example: blitzle and tsareena is basically due to my headcon of ship of pain x Pegasus and pain x tele (oc).
pain is accident prone so he has a lot of caring or healing or just protective pokemon.
Most of the choices are to fit with pain’s personality and hobbies especially from headcons: he likes to cook and bake so an alcreamie fits perfectly, where as munchlax and impidimp remind me a lot of pain in body shape and colors.
And since in my headcons he is the caretaker for the hydra where as panic is for Cerberus, neurosis is the harpies, hope is pokey’s care taker (the families pet gold fleece sheep), and paranoia take care of the underworld fire hounds (basically they’re ares’s dogs of war breed but underworld and look abit like Cerberus only one head but sometimes have 2 as that is a 50/50 chance of happening when breeding them) so that’s why he has the three headed dragon Pokémon ^^;
Time for neurosis:
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Like pain most of my choices revolved around headcons, hobbies from said headcons or from canon show or movie and that the Pokémon reminded me of or would fit well with the character:
but neurosis’s goodra and frostlass fight constantly as like ash’s bayleaf they love him, but abra has neurosis’s 24/7 attention due to it’s basically a baby, most of his Pokémon are used in the anime or games to help relax pokemon so he has a lot of fairy or grass type as their sweet scent from their flowers helps him focus.
neurosis is also very stealthy as in his episode he goes almost unseen till phil sees him when Hercules was fighting the man eating mares, so Pokémon that are stealthy, fast or hard to see or notice are the best choices for him
His dusk lycanrock is a reference to my ship for him: neurosis x mayhem (oc) and floette is a reference to: neurosis x clover (oc)
And his frigibax is from my headcon he can breath a cool mist like breath and breath fire but he’ll mostly use mist breath to make people nervous.
And the bravairy is referring to in my headcons his pet harpie: avara
Ok now for panic:
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Most of his Pokémon choices are like neurosis and pain’s from my Disney Hercules headcons or they fit with the character.
Like neurosis panic has Pokémon have moves or have a tendency to help to relax and focus, he however also has Pokémon that like pain are protective of their trainer.
Scyther and finizen are referring to my ships: panic x Hermes and panic x Lethe (oc)
Panic is show in the series to be a good fighter so Pokémon that aren’t that strong pre evolution but after they evolve are most of Pokémon like chardet, frokie, etc.
I didn’t give panic a Pokémon to reference the family pet Cerberus where as pain and neurosis as well as hope and paranoia do have a reference Pokémon for their family pets they care for, because hades own mostly Cerberus, but I gave him leafeon as it’s grass type smell helps him focus.
His morgrem joined him as a impidimp and kinda thought panic was it’s parent due to their skin colors matching.
Time for hades:
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I think the choices speak for themselves ^^;
Dispute his Pokémon’s looks His Pokémon are very parental and gentle  with hades’s kids and their Pokémon. And if you seen my headcon that hades’s is pain, panic and neurosis, hope and paranoia’s father you would know hades’s was as good adopted parent till his bipolar temper disorder got the best of him, but pain and panic (later neurosis, hope and paranoia) learn hades really doesn’t mean it as he will check them over for injury if he hits them by accident while in raged.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 2 years
The Boy With The Snake Birthmark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Bve42O
by Maylalupa
Varian's life has been turned upside down when he discovers that his long-lost father is actually the Norse God, Loki. He gets sent to Camp Half-Blood just two weeks before school is let out for the Summer.
Now he sets out on a quest to find out why an ancient Enchantress is mad at him.
Words: 2351, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Tangled Half-Blood 7
Fandoms: Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (Cartoon), Big Hero 6: The Series (Cartoon), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Varian (Disney), Rapunzel (Disney), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider, Andrew | Hubert (Disney: Tangled), Dae (Big Hero 6), Mayla Lupa (OC), Quirin (Disney), Adira (Disney), Amora (Marvel), Chiron (Percy Jackson), Tony Stark, Darcy Lewis, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)
Relationships: Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider/Rapunzel, Andrew | Hubert/Mayla Lupa, Darcy Lewis/Loki, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Son of Loki!Varian, daughter of Apollo!Rapunzel, Son of Hermes!Eugene Fitzherbert, Son of Ares!Andrew, Son of Aphrodite!Dae, Daughter of Lycaon!Mayla Lupa, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fanon, Swearing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Bve42O
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twisted-funderland · 1 year
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Ares Abhiratha (twisted from Purple Fate)
Age: 18
Best Subject: History of Magic
Birthday: January 8th
Dorm: 3rd Year, Ignihyde
Club: Basketball
Height: 158cm
Hobby: Sewing
Homeland: Land of Dawning
Likes: Zodiac Astrology and Tapestries
Dislikes: Grass Stains and Loose Stitching
Favorite Food: Jerky
Least Favorite Food: Carrot Cake
Unique Magic: Future Sight
He can prophesies the future and it can come with warnings or advice to how the future can be changed.
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iconac · 2 years
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revanchist, n. [...] the bastard resplendent. the confluence of justice and revenge. a study on the weight of terrible purpose, the cost and echo of war, divinity that consumes personhood, and duality as a curse. [ on stretching the limits of redemption till you can see the dark undercurrent that lies just beneath the skin ]
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headcanon-based + canon-divergent revan of bioware and lucasart's star wars: knights of the old republic. based in legends/expanded universe lore, not compliant with the revan novel and revan's appearance in the old republic mmo. divined by ares. affiliated with @ecsile, and @cosmodr0me​. highly selective. low activity. disney canon (somewhat) + crossover + oc-friendly. mutuals only. minors dni. personals who interact with my posts will be blocked.
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info. – headcanons. – meta. – aes sideblog. – starter memes
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flickynightdarkness · 2 months
List of all of my Disney OCs(along with info about them):
Sunburn the Cobra
Tern the Scorpion
Niles the Possum
Terra the Possum
Jewel the Pirate Hound
Saber the Cobra Demon Hybrid
Reap the Soul Collector
Connie and Connor
Maroon the Gargoyle
Nolan the God of Wonder
Cheryl the Goddess of Hope
Lady Iris
Lady Clover
Swirly the Demon of Hypnotism
Noon the Sleeping Demon
Halo the Goat
Opal the Goat
Scythe the Scarecrow
Hallow the Scarecrow
Pumpkin and Reese the Trick or Treat Cats
Dove the Goat Skeleton
Moonlight the Baphomet
Gore the Baphomet
Soul the Baphomet
Polka the Clown
Venom the Spider Performer
Fawn the Quiet Deer
Tam the Mute Rabbit
Paw the Cat
Tak the Fox
Kig the Rabbit
Mac the Dog
Vein the Vampire
Rose the Ventriloquist
Sal the Props Imp
Lord Humility
Humility's Cherubs
Celina the Sheep Angel
Lord Vanity
Vanity's Imps
Cell the Spider
Lord Hubris
Hubris' Exorcist Angels
Berry the Exorcist Angel
Lord Crimson I
Van and Bris
Crimson's minions
Lord Rage II
Rage's minions
Lady Sweet III
Sweet's minions
Lord Jade IV
Jade's minions
Lord Alexandre V
Alexandre's minions
Lord Marine VI
Marine's minions
Lady Cotton VII
Cotton's minions
Sin Spiders(Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy and Sloth)
Ares' lambs
Lady Humble I
Destiny, Humble and Meek
Humble's angels
Lord Patience II
Patience's angels
Lord Temperance III
Temperance's angels
Lord Generous IV
Generous' angels
Lord Chastity V
Chastity's angels
Lady Kindness VI
Kindness' angels
Lady Diligence VII
Diligence's angels
Hanged Man
Bloodstone the God of The Pride Sin
Jasper the God of The Wrath Sin
Zircon the God of The Gluttony Sin
Chrysophrase the Goddess of The Greed Sin
Azurite the God of The Lust Sin
Kumzite the Goddess of The Envy Sin
Morganite the God of The Sloth Sin
Lan and Jin
Heart and Vorce
Wei and Lui
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