madmarchhare · 1 year
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Magnificent. I love how they all look!
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13 Days
You rubbed your temples, taking deep breaths. Devi, help you from the sheer stupidity of demons. Slowly, you raised your head to look at the current idiots seated before you.
Trying your best not to strangle anyone. Honestly... it was like dealing with toddlers! "So, let me see if I understand this correctly." Your tone was stern and indicating you didn't want to be interrupted.
"You want me." Pointing at yourself to make sure that you got your point across. "To be the new Demon King." You gestured to the empty chair that had been vacated for what seemed like eternity.
You watched as several members of the 13 crowns nodded. Some though glared poisonously at you. How the hell had it come to this? You glared at Baal, who glared back just as angrily with a clenched jaw.
This was all his fault. You just knew it deep down in your core. It all happened because he just had to mention replacing the demon kind at the party. Although you could tell it wasn't his expected outcome.
Henri stood up from his seat. "You are probably the most capable for the position outside of the 3 greats who have made their disinterest clear." You offered a blank stare in return. You certainly didn't want it. You were a parent to 13 children, and you didn't have time to goof off.
"Your strength has made you very appealing as a candidate as well." Amaymon agreed. You looked at the wolf in horror. No! They can't agree on this! This is betrayal of the highest order!
Amarylilis purred in excitement. "Your charisma is off the charts. You are very popular amount of all the clans." Oh devi, this wasn't happening. "All that mischief you cause in your wake to is most amusing." Belial commented, adding to your internal panick. How dare he!
"You've also shown that you are through in all your work as well. There is a lot of backlog due to the absence of a demon king." You shuddered at Astaroh's remark. Just how much abandoned paperwork was there with that title.
Oh... wait a minute. No, no, no. "Some would claim that you being rankless automatically disqualifies you." Levi said calmly you nodded hopefully, yes! Can't do it.
"But..." Why the hell was there a 'but'????!!! "Your disregard for such a system is precisely how previous kings have acted. I'd say it practically makes you king already!" Why! Just why devi did she have to look so happy about it???
You counted in your head '3, 4, 5, 6....6????' You couldn't have another yes that meant majority vote. You glanced at Sullivan trying to convey the 'this is insane' & 'don't you dare do this to me!' At the same time.
Sullivan stood up and made his way to you. "In the end, the choice is yours. But I'd like to offer a solution that could satisfy everyone. How about a trial period? That way, you can say with certainty whether or not this is something you want."
You looked at him warily. "13 days, and if I don't like it, I'm stopping effective immediately." Sullivan smiled and patted your shoulder. "Of course, my dear. That being said," he knelt down before you and took your hand gently resting his temple to it.
"I will support you in any matter no matter what." He had sealed your fate. You let out an annoyed huff. He looked far too satisfied for your liking. "13 Days," you reminded. "Papa will make sure of it." He confirms.
**Day one**
Opera had far too much fun dressing you up for your first day as Demon King. You couldn't find it in yourself to scold them, though. You looked devine. You had seen paintings and pictures before of what was assumed to be images of deities. And you looked like you could walk among them.
Tight leather that clung to your figure in such flattering ways, dark eyeliner that made you look bold and fierce. Nails and hair made to perfection. Boots that reached mid calf and had thick steel toes, good for delivering heavy kicks.
Of course, Sullivan made a big deal about it and took a billion pictures of you throughout the day. First and foremost, you plowed through all that freaking paperwork that had been forgotten.
It took you hours! Of course, you weren't gonna just sign or stamp something without reading it. You were no puppet. By the time all 13 crowns had arrived, they found you in your chair finishing up a mountain sized pile.
You glanced up. "My time is precious to me, and you think you can just come and go as you please?" You gestured to the piles of paperwork that laid at each chair. "Nobody is leaving this damn room until we're all caught up." Several crowns paled at the workload. It was rather large.
"How efficient!" Henri praised as he stared his own pile. "No efficient is that I have gone through, stacked, sorted, edited, and presented all of this and the other papers currently waiting in my office before you got here." Annoyance clear in your tone.
"There's more!" Yelped Amaymon, earning him a quick smack from one of the other crowns. You shifted so that you were lounging sideways in your chair. "Papa, what time did I arrive here?" You asked sweetly.
"Why you walked through the doors precisely at midnight, my dear not a second more or less!" His response quick and egar to please. "And the current time?" You asked while eyeing the 13 crowns. "It's a half past six, my dear!"
You nodded while setting another paper neatly in your ongoing pile. "And who was here to greet me the new Demon King when I arrived?" This question makes several of the crowns flinch.
"Why that was me, Belial, Levi and Belzebuth!" He cheered. You nodded again before sitting straight back against the large throne and drumming your fingers on one of the arm rests.
"So would anyone care to state why, most that supported me accepting this title were not there for my first moments as Demon King?" Again, another flinch. "No? Fine then, Bezlzebuth, tell me why you arrived?"
The older demon looked up from his paperwork. "Regardless of whether I supported your coming to power or not, you are my king now, are you not? I should be available to you at all times as your assistant." You hummed in response.
"Yes, and you have been worthy of your position. Your assistance is most appropriate." You eyed the others who remained standing. "What are you all standing around for? Get to work. I'm gonna make every one of you work till the moment this trial ends. By day 13, you'll be begging me to quit."
**Day two**
Well, you had accomplished catching up with all the paperwork. Most of the crowns looked like zombies at this point, but that didn't matter. Not when you were meeting with all the heads of clans in an hour.
You quickly brushed through your hair. Sent reminder texts to all the kids and put on more perfume because there was no time for a shower at this point. Guests were already arriving, and you had to change.
Away went the leathers now you draped yourself in warm pelts and furs. Adorning yourself with jewelry made up of bone. This wasn't about looking good. It was about sending a warning not to touch you or yours. This image was about intimidation.
Sullivan helped you paint runes on your arms and neck and even drew a few on your bare back in case. A more barbaric look. Yet, it suited you in a strange and disturbing way.
Making your way down the hall your feet quick and confident as the doors swung open for you. Many leaders eyed you. Instead of seating yourself on the thrown, placing yourself above them, you grabbed a cushion and placed it on the floor. Their eyes watching your every move.
"I am not stupid, I will not be looking down on you from on high while I hold a temporary position." You sat and waited. A buzzed filled the room. You seemed to have pleased many of them just by doing this.
Negotiations lasted 3 days. But many disputes had been settled. A large amount of trade had been discussed, and you seemed to gain favor with many demons in regard to how you handled everything. You were their king.
Clever with words, patient when hearing. You simplified many problems and narrowed down options. You also weren't a fool. Tired, though you may have been, you did not allow anyone to try and strong arm you or to make strange dealings.
**Day five**
Not gonna lie. You spent most of the day sleeping with the 13 crowns. Not your usual source of sleep cuddles, but after 4 days straight of no sleep, you couldn't complain.
**Day six**
You examined the borders. Dressed casually and wearing a veil to prevent anyone from recognizing you. It almost felt relaxing that you were outside again, but you really missed the kids.
This took 4 days to complete, and after almost getting eaten by various plants or stabbed by stray weapons coming from nearby battlefields, you were done. You waved off any concerns with a-. "I have no time to worry about death." Assaination attempts were possible, but you just knew that Sullivan wouldn't let anything harm you.
If you had so much as a scratch, you'd worry he would destroy an entire clan. You really didn't want that to happen. Too much paperwork afterwards.
Arriving back to the tower on day 10, you were met with a surprise. Poro-chan. Standing in the middle of the room, looking ready to kill you.
**Day ten**
You eyed the demon with ire. You really couldn't understand their reasoning at all. They had such a warped personality. Especially when it came to the former Demon King.
"HOW DARE YOU TRY AND TAKE HIS PLACE!" They roared. Fury blazed in their eyes as you looked at them. Truly, Poro looked ready to eat you and spit you back out.
"How dare you be such a hypocrite." You snapped back. Startling the musical genius. "Oh, you love him, but then you leave him alone for who knows how long while he is bound here by responsibilities! Then, you come back practically waving your freedom in his face as you go on and on about all you've seen. Only to leave him again!"
You advanced slowly, watching as Poro backed up, looking at you, heartbroken. "But you already knew that, didn't you? You knew how much he wanted to explore and break free, and that terrified you." They gasped and stumbled falling backwards.
"You were scared of never seeing him, so you wished for him to be bound to a single place so that you would always know where he was!" Pointing your finger in his face as you hissed out words of conspiracy and resentment.
"N-no i -" He tried to gasp out shock, covering his features now. "But he loved you!" You said lowly, lowering your hand. "What?" The question is small and hesitant as if unsure what had been said.
"I SAID HE LOVED YOU! YOU FREAKING IDIOT!" You shrieked tears now forming in your own eyes. "He loved you so much, and he knew that tying you down wouldn't make you happy. He knew you were the loveliest when you were free. Coming and going like the wind. And time after time, he let you go."
Poro was now a sobbing mess before you. You offered no comfort. "You say I am taking his place? Fine then. I'm taking it. I'm taking it, so stop it, Poro-Chan. Enough already. Set him free. The one you seek is no longer here.... move on from this place." You walked past the mourning demon.
His sobs filling your soul with dispare. If he saw you as the villain, then so be it, but he needed to move on. A love like his was toxic, ruining him from the inside out.
Your back was facing the once proud demon. You would allow them to have the smallest amount of privacy you could offer. You weren't sure if what you said had been true. But he needed some kind of closure at this point. He had been holding on for too long. Even by demonic standards.
"We'll speak again after we've both composed ourselves." You stated bluntly before exiting the room. You spent several hours on the phone with your kids after that.
**Day 11**
Sullivan and Opera covered you in silks and satans of various colors. The breezy feeling you got reminded you so much of walking on air. Your hair had pearls woven in, and you walked barefoot about the tower.
It was a look that screamed innocence, and it was the armor you would wear when facing Poro a second time. You opted to not met in the tower itself but in a meadow just outside of tower. It was peaceful and less intimidating than the inner walls.
You sat calmly by the pond and waited. It did not take long. The tall demon lowered himself besides you. Both of you are sitting in silence.
"Are you gonna tell me what they want with Iruma?" You eventually asked. The former 13 crown member flinched. You looked at him.
"I'm not stupid, and neither are you. But you are desperate and desperate ones believe anything." You kept your voice calm and measured.
"They want his mana. It's Del-chans mana." The musician sounded so broken as he admits his betrayal. "And what you believe that just by having it, he'll be brought back?" You questioned.
"I j- I just want to see him again." The miserable sound coming from his throat was raw and guttural. "Do you believe he would be happy? Do you think he'd like being forced back?" You were cautious knowing that the demon you were questioning was close to an evil cycle.
"Stop that! Stop acting like you know him! I know him!" Even as he started throwing his fit, you remained. Unmoved. "That's why I'm asking you." Your words floating on the breeze.
Somehow, for the rest of the day, you had a large crying demon in your lap as you continued your work and messaged your kids. Making you miss them even more than you had already. 'Just two more days.' You thought trying to vanish your stress with that.
**Day twelve**
Party planning. You were setting up a party for tomorrow to celebrate your last day as Demon King. It seemed like the whole netherworld was invited.
You happily tasted sweets and allowed Poro to be as picky as he'd like with the music. Your father happily helped you pick and plan everything as you went. While the others excluding a few.
*cough* Baal *Cough*
We're actually trying to convince you to stay. Absolutely not. You had done more than enough. You had done more in a few days than most of them had in the years they had this position.
You had 13 kids you couldn't wait to go home and cuddle with. You might not leave the house for several days after this. Sounded sooo lovely.
**Day thirteen**
You practically flew through the day. Paperwork? Done, Decorations? All set up and on display. Your outfit? You looked like part of the Milky Way, considering how many gems are attached to you.
You shone throughout the entire night. Spinning around on the floor, excited to actually see all your children. You hugged, you cried, you laughed, and you cheered.
You happily escorted Clara around her first fancy party. You kept up with all of Lied and Goemon's exciting news that you missed. All while ensuring that Kamui didn't harass any of the ladies tonight.
Alice and Sabro danced with you a few times while you watched Iruma. Trying everything on the tables like the hungry little demon he was turning out to be. Kerori and Elizabetta chatted about all the designs they had seen tonight, and Jazz would teasingly swipe your accessories throughout the event.
You rested from time to time with Picero on his comfy cloud. While Allocer and Soi seemed more content with being wallflower and watching as the chaos went on through the night. Overall a great night.
But as soon as the clock struck midnight, you kicked off your shoes. Picked up both Soi and Iruma, who happened to be the two children closest to you and ran out the door screaming.
"Frrrrreeeeeeeeedddddoooommmmm" With your other children laughing and racing to catch up. Yes, you definitely hated every moment you missed.
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I think this silly blue furry guy is precious. He definitely isn't sick and tired of the crowns (*cough* Baal) being annoying and stupid 24/7. Give him a vacation
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artxii · 1 year
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reno-matago · 4 months
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''Eʟᴀɴ Rᴇʏᴀ Aᴍᴀʏᴍᴏɴ''
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crownedarsgoetia · 1 year
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"Do you have time to hear about our lord and savior?" Amaymon dressed as a nun because why not? He likes dress up.
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Top 9 Anggota Terkuat The Thirteen Crowns Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Berita Anime Jepang – Dinamika kekuasaan di Dunia Iblis ‘Netherworld‘ sangatlah menarik. Dalam dunia di mana kekuatan menentukan peringkat, setiap iblis harus bekerja keras untuk meninggalkan jejak mereka. Tentu saja, upaya Derkila telah mengubah Dunia Iblis menjadi lebih baik, dan kekacauan tidak lagi berkuasa mutlak disana. wall.alphacoders.com Simak Juga : Top 10 Karakter Pria Anime Harem…
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randomys-art · 2 years
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Happy Halloween y’all
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Amaymon. King of the South.
Illustrated by Joel Innes
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Amaymon - Monster Strike
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stories-of-the-sun · 11 months
Writing Snippet
A voice pierced his ears. “How do you plead?”
The world spun, nonsense and reason toiling to make sense of what surrounded him. The Hands were grotesque and twisted, their rings seemingly cutting off the circulation of their pale and gray fingers. A light shone in front of him - the piercing voice - that fell shy of his fiery red hair strew against the blood-stained rug. 
Oh, the rug. It spoke things he couldn’t understand. It was unintelligible - pain and agony that coiled and bent into devilish hope and mercy. The wet warmth beckoned him, tongue filled with distorted desires pleading with him to rest, to give in, to let the cold bury him. 
“Do you want to fix it?” Galen had asked, stroking a drab tablecloth with fraying edges. 
Amaymon lifted his head, pressing against the chilly metal. He spoke the words he knew should never be spoken.
“I nominate Amaymon as a candidate.” 
0 notes
Never had he seen such arrogance. It made him clench his teeth. Henry growls out to the younger demon.
♤You better show some respect! Check your behavior. No one speaks to Sullivan that way.♤
His eyes narrow. That blasted imp in question stared at him gleefully from where you had kicked the doors to the meeting room open. The audacity.
♤Did you expect us to sit back and take your insolent, brazen display?♤
You laugh. Flashing a bright grin and jumping up onto the table. Strutting down like it was a runway. Shrugging and giving a casual response.
☆You've got it twisted. I'm not the one who needs a new attitude.☆
Henri drew his weapon and charged. You ducked and dodged it. Basically, dancing around him. Nothing more than a game to you.
☆Well maybe you missed it, but I'm just that bitch, and I will do nothing less than what I please. I'm the backbone of these thieves.☆
Delivering a roundhouse kick to his stomach, sending him back. He skids across the table and grunts the other crowns stood up ready to join the fight.
You smirk. This is what you had wanted to spread chaos. You give a fake pout and shrug, avoiding Amaymon's claws.
☆Mad that I acted redpectless? Well, it's cause no one can respect this.☆
Tossing Astaroh over your shoulder like they were a rag doll. Giggling and avoiding Amuryillis's kick. Grabbing her tail and swinging her to the side and dopping her.
☆Sorry, group attending, but since when are the crowns too scared to fight? You're long past trending. Sorry, babes, but I ain't swiping right.☆
Waving your finger right in Sullivan's face. The older demon just sits there a glint in his eyes. But you weren't intimidated. If anything, it made you excited.
☆You've lost your relevance.☆
Sullivan calmly says stands up. Looking you dead in the eye. He leans forward and with an even tempered tone says.
◇We can't act without more intelligence.◇
You make a face. Rolling your eyes and crinkling your nose in disgust as you dodge another attack from behind.
☆Ugh. No wonder I'm so respectless. I could eat you lot for breakfast.☆
Henri strikes again. Your tail stops him from getting closer. He snarls. Baring his teeth at you in rage as he pours more of his strength into his attack.
♤You and the six are inane and uninformed. Smug wannabes who don't heed when you've been warned.♤
Twisting turns and flips out of the way. It's just too hard to catch you. How excruciating. Not even ariel attacks seemed to faze you.
☆Well, it's just cause no one can respect us! Just cause no one can respect this! No one can respect us! Respect us!☆
Laughing and weaving out of the way. Skipping in front of the big three and playing with your nails. Tou can't help but taunt them.
☆Oops, did I strike a nerve? Cause when I brought up the former head, couldn't help but observe. That your wrinkled faces turned red.☆
Side stepping a spear. Looking over your shoulder at Baal. A knowing look on his face as he stalks towards you. You wiggle your fingers at him and yank the spear out of the table, ready to fight for real.
☆And why are you avoiding war? That's what demons were built for.☆
Clashing against each other. The sound of metal striking against metal. Baal's tail slapping you across the room. But you bounce back up.
☆Mad that I'm acting respectless? Well, how could you ever respect this?☆
You gestured to yourself before charging again. Avoiding several others and focusing on Baal instead. He smirks. Summoning his lightning.
You narrowly dodge it. Brushing your hair out of your face. Giving a playful mocking bow to everyone in the room.
☆Sorry, group attending, but since when are those in charge too scared to fight? You're long past trending. Sorry, babes, but I ain't swiping right. You've lost your relevance. ☆
□I admire your diligence.□
Baal jeers. You feel your heart flutter at the compliment. He's not really known to compliment others easily when it comes to the six fingers.
Sure, he'll speak honey'd words when nessisary. But a real compliment? You couldn't wait to rub it into Atori's face later.
You give a fake scoff and spin your stolen weapon into position. Again, you lunge. It wasn't a fair fight. But going against so many strong demons made your blood rush.
☆No wonder I'm so respectless, I could eat you all for breakfast!☆
Suddenly, Henri manages to grab you from behind. The two of you grapple on the floor. His low voice rumbles in your ear.
♤You and the six are insane and need reform. Smug and naive, you should heed when I warn.☆
You manage to buck him off of you. Rolling away before Paimon could land a blow to your skull. You jump up to your feet quickly.
☆Well, it's cause no one could respect this. It's cause no one could respect us. Cause no one could respect this. Respect us.☆
Hours later, when you're icing your wounds. Relaxing against a couch. You had just narrowly avoided being captured.
Baal enters seeing your feet propped up. He leans over the side of the couch. He strokes your hair out of your face.
"You did well." He praised. You giggle. The medicine you had taken for the pain had made you a bit loopy. You lean into his touch.
☆Mad that I acted respectless?☆
□How can anyone respect this?□
He doesn't seem bothered and answers back in kind. Pressing his forehead against yours. Rubbing your cheek gently.
☆No wonder I'm so respectless, I ate them all from breakfast.☆
□mm thanks to you for being respectless. One thing I'm starting to suspect is... he knows why that group is headless.□
You lean back further into the couch. Nodding along to his statement. Yes. It was true. There was definitely a secret when the crowns hadn't moved on and found a new king at this point.
☆Well, let's just keep being respectless. One day, we'll make them respect us.☆
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madmarchhare · 1 year
Don't touch the Child!
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crownedarsgoetia · 2 years
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Amaymon is a Prince of Hell who represents the sin of Wrath along with being an Archdemon under Asmodeus. King of the cardinal direction East
*Not in the Ars Goetia, but brother to Aamon*
Abilities He can cause visions and enable people to fly. He provides familiar spirits and can cause other spirits to appear and assume diverse forms Including himself.
Like his brother he too is related to witchcraft and specializes can summon protection and revive the dead. He created his own sigil of magic that he uses on others: Brand of Sin - Wrath: As long as he feels rage, the one inflicted shall feel no pain nor fear. Only the overwhelming desire to kill his enemy.
(When Summoned) He is said to have fiery breath and in The Lesser Key of Solomon states the Exorcist or conjurer must be in possession of a Silver Ring, duly consecrated and worn on the middle finger as a form of protection against this poisonous astral breath. A curious characteristic of this spirit is alleged in almost all copies of the Ars Goetia in English, that during the evocation of Asmodai to visible appearance, the exorcist must stand upright with his cap or headdress removed in a show of respect, because if he does not do so, then Amaymon will deceive him and doom all of his work.
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the-mortuary-witch · 3 months
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Also known as Ashmodai, Asmodeus, Asmody, Asmoday; appears as a Great King 'Asmoday' in the Ars Goetia, where he is said to have a seal in gold and is listed as number thirty-two according to respective rank. He "is strong, powerful and appears with three heads; the first is like a bull, the second like a man, and the third like a ram or a goat; the tail of a serpent, and from his mouth issue flames of fire." Also, he sits upon an infernal dragon, holds a lance with a banner, and amongst the Legions of Amaymon, Asmoday governs seventy two legions of Spirits.
Asmodeus is one of the “seven princes of hell,” a demon whose wickedness is matched only by his talent. He specializes in spreading lust, and he doesn’t just prey on common people. Kings, queens, and even divine beings have been affected by his touch!
Appearance: a strong and attractive young man with shoulder-length black hair, fiery orange-yellow eyes (like burning embers), black draconic wings, and ram horns. When angered, his hair catches in flames and burns to become short, blazing like embers. His horns become more prominent, and his eyes become even more fiery. He goes into battle with a staff or sword commonly, but sometimes with a mace. The dragon he is sometimes seen riding is a trusted friend of his from ages past. He can also appear as a bull or ram, which are aspects of his. His traditional art which shows him as having three heads is simply a symbolization of this. 
Personality: Asmodeus is tremendously strong at heart and holds a great deal of wisdom and passion. Overall, he has a very resilient and noble attitude, and is also connected to lust and domination, as he indulges in sexual pleasures. Asmodeus enjoys luxury and sensuality, but can also be very dark and serious when needed, and can become quickly impatient with those who earn his disfavour. He can also feel war-like at times, but in a way that is similar to heroism. But his darker side, however, is called Asmodai, who is one of the most destructive and terrifying of all the demons.
Asmodeus is a master of emotions and knows how to rapidly gain favour by playing to the emotions of crowds, masses, or even single persons. He doesn’t have to lie, he simply uses emotional reasoning to appeal to peoples’ hearts in order to be convincing. He tends to be very kind-hearted, loyal, passionate, and steadfast. 
Symbols: upside down red pentagram, cards, snake, crown, scorpion, seal of Asmodeus, money, the element air, and gambling
King/God of: demons, lust, passion, sex, valour, inner-strength, knowledge, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of power.
Culture: Demonic and Jewish
Plants and trees: rose, mint, sunflower, blackthorn tree, mandrake root, belladonna, nightshade, yew tree, lavender, poppy, cypress tree, jasmine, and snakewood tree
Crystals: leopards skin jasper, carnelian, peridot, ruby, cinnabar, black tourmaline, red jasper, and garnet
Animals: bull, snake, scorpion, ram, cats, and rooster
Incense: frankincense, rose, vanilla, cinnamon, and dragons blood
Colours: red, black, yellow, and silver
Numbers: 32 and 3
Zodiac: Aquarius
Tarot: The Devil, King Of Wands, and 6 Of Swords
Planet: Venus
Days: Friday the 13th, full moon, Valentine’s Day, Beltane, Summer Solstice, and January 30th-February 8th
Parents: Agrat bat Mahlat and King David
Siblings: N/A
Partner: Bensozia, Lilith, Sarah (the daughter of Raguel), and possibly many other demons and spirits
Children: N/A
• Lust and carnal desires: Asmodeus is said to have great power over matters of lust and sexuality, and is often depicted as a seducer and temptress.
• Love and passion: he is believed to be able to stir up powerful emotions of love and passion in humans, leading them astray from their true path.
• Sexuality and physicality: Asmodeus is associated with the physical realm and is said to have great understanding and influence over the physical body.
• Material wealth and luxury: sometimes portrayed as a being of great material wealth and luxury, and is often depicted surrounded by opulence and excess.
• Power and authority: Asmodeus is a high-ranking demon in the hierarchy of hell, and is believed to have significant power and influence over humans and other supernatural creatures.
•’Use of seductive and manipulative techniques: Asmodeus is known for using charm, persuasion, and deception to achieve his goals and manipulate others.
• He HATES water, shellfish, seafood (especially fish), complaining, and pettiness.
• Known for his gambling or being over gambling.
• He is also associated with music, battles, and vengeance.
• He rules over the gambling houses of Hell and can bestow luck in gambling and loves to play poker and blackjack in the astral with his practitioners.
• Can be invoked to help with justice or vengeance spells.
• He dislikes birds, but likes cats.
When working with Asmodeus, it’s important to approach him with respect and caution. Remember that he is a powerful demon and should be treated as such. Be open to receiving his gifts of passion, sex, valour, inner-strength, and more, but also be prepared for his darker side. If you’re looking to connect with Asmodeus on a deeper level, try meditating with his enn (Ayen avage aloren Asmoday aken) or creating a sigil in his honor. And always remember to thank him for his gifts and offerings.
Here are some additional tips for working with Asmodeus:
• Build a relationship: Like any deity, building a relationship with Asmodeus takes time and effort. Try making regular offerings or dedicating a space in your home to him. You can also try researching more about his history and lore to deepen your connection with him.
• Focus on inner strength: Asmodeus is known for his rulerships of inner strength, which can come in handy when facing obstacles or challenges in life. Try working with him to cultivate this quality within yourself, and remember to thank him for his guidance.
• Use protection spells: Asmodeus can also be called upon for protection, especially in matters of the heart. Try creating a protection spell or talisman with his sigil to ward off negativity and attract positive energy.
• Connect with sexuality: Asmodeus is strongly connected to sexuality, making him a great deity to work with for matters of the heart and relationships. Try connecting with him through sexual energy or using his energy to enhance your own passion and desires.
• Always show respect: When working with Asmodeus, it’s important to always show respect and approach him with caution. He is a powerful demon, and should be treated with the reverence and respect that he deserves.
Another fun way to work with Asmodeus is to create a vision board that reflects his rulerships. Cut out pictures and phrases that represent passion, sex, valour, and inner-strength, and arrange them on a board or piece of paper. Place this vision board on your altar or carry it with you as a reminder of the gifts you’re seeking from Asmodeus.
"Oh mighty King Asmodeus, ruler of the underworld and master of the infernal realms, I call upon you in this moment. I beseech thee to draw near and manifest your presence before me.
By your divine power and authority, I seek your guidance, protection, and assistance in the matters that concern me.”

“I acknowledge your greatness and offer my respect and devotion to you.
Hail Asmodeus, King of the Fire and Ruler of the Underworld!"
• He shows up in your dreams.
• Shows up as the King of Wands when using tarot cards.
• Feeling of being watched or accompanied by a supernatural presence when alone.
• Seeing or drawing toward animals associated with him (bulls, snakes, scorpions, rams, cats, and/or roosters).
• Unusual dreams or vivid visions, often involving themes of love, lust, or sensuality.
• Experiencing feelings of intense desire, passion, seductive, or sexual energy (in my personal experience).
• Feeling a sense of connection or communication with a supernatural entity or presence, especially during meditations or rituals.
• A sudden need or desire to explore darker or taboo aspects of your personality or desires.
• Feeling a stronger connection to the elements of fire or earth.
• Observing unusual synchronicities or patterns in your life that remind you of him.
• Sexual acts.
• Roses.
• Cards.
• Frankincense.
• Dice.
• Food and drinks: pineapple, oat meat, alcohol (red wine, spiced rum, and whiskey), spicy food, lemons, limes, chestnuts, honey, chocolate, and natural made lemonade
• Bull, ram, or narwhal horns.
• Sunflowers.
• Black or red candles.
• Shadow work.
• Carnelians.
• Axes.
• Maces.
• Ornate swords.
• Money.
• Cinnamon scented candles, incense, perfume, (anything cinnamon scented overall).
• Participating in activities that he may appreciate, such as creative pursuits, sexual expression, or pursuits of power and control.
• Boundary work.
• Leaving offerings such as wine, herbs, or flowers on his altar.
• Engaging in acts of passion and pleasure.
• Working towards personal goals and desires related to sexuality, power, and success.
• Singing and overall talking to him.
• Making a meal in his name.
• Shadow work.
• Knowing how to stand up for yourself.
• Learning to stand up for others.
• Lighting a candle or incense in honour of Him.
• Coming to terms with your sexuality.
• Body worship.
There is no clear consensus on whether it is safe to eat or drink an offering given to Asmodeus, as beliefs and practices vary greatly within different occult and magical traditions. Some practitioners may feel that consuming an offering is a way to establish a deeper connection with the deity, while others may prefer to dispose of the offering in a respectful manner after the initial ritual.
It is important to use your own judgment and discretion when deciding whether or not to consume an offering given to a deity. It is also advisable to research and follow established protocols and procedures for working with demons, deities, and entities.
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randomys-art · 2 months
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The youngest of the Abaddon family, searching her purpose in the great scheme of things: helping her father find a proper relationship again.
Though typically she is busy with annoying her older siblings or her studies.
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