#disney live action remakes
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life-in-toontown · 2 months ago
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madame-helen · 3 months ago
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artist-issues · 1 year ago
How to Stick to the Point About Rachel Zegler and Snow White
"Rachel Zegler is just an actress doing her job, Disney is the one to blame for the Snow White changes!"
Just because she didn't write the changes doesn't mean she's not responsible for the words that come out of her mouth and the tone in which she says them. If anything, her skills as an actor, which usually include control over intonation, make her even more responsible for tone and attitude, not less.
Disney didn't write her a script for her interviews that said "now include a childhood memory that insinuates a negative opinion of the original Snow White!"
If you want to make it about how well she's doing at her "job..." She's not being professional: if her goal is to promote the new movie, alienating fans of the original is the worst way to accomplish that goal.
"Why are you attacking her just because she doesn't like the original? Lots of people don't like the original!"
The problem isn't that she doesn't like the original. Harrison Ford didn't like Han Solo, and he did a great job playing Han Solo anyway: because he understood the character, even if he didn't like him. Zegler is demonstrating that she doesn't understand the original movie, and doesn't like it based on that misunderstanding.
"You're just criticizing her because you're racist!"
Not really, because the point of Snow White as a character is pure love and pure innocence: and that point has been retold across all cultures. Rachel Zegler's skin color takes very little away from the role: it has nothing to do with her comments. Why are you making everything about a person's race? Kind of racist of you.
"You're just criticizing her because you hate women!"
If I hate women, why am I defending one of the greatest female characters of all time?
"Snow White is a movie where the Prince has to save Snow who does nothing but sing and dream of being rescued. It SHOULD get an update!! You're just worshipping the old one because you hate empowered women."
You don't understand the original movie. Snow White is a movie where the main character has faith that pure, innocent love will find her even when the odds are impossible.
She is the only character in the movie, contrasted with Grumpy and the Queen, who is genuine and doesn't hide what she is, because she's not afraid. She has several lines in the movie pointing that superpower-of-character-strength out. The Queen is afraid everyone will see how ugly she is in the inside if she's not Fairest of All. Grumpy is afraid his tender heart will lead to heartbreak so he hides it with grumpiness. Snow White hides nothing. She's the strongest character in the movie for that reason.
Again: Snow White IS an empowered woman: she's empowered with strength of character that can't be broken or twisted by circumstances even as a child. My definition of power is just different (and truer, and more powerful) than yours.
The Prince has two scenes: one where he falls in love with Snow White and promises to give her his heart in one meeting because that's how amazing she is, and the other where he fulfills that promise. His "effect" of waking her up wouldn't have happened without her "cause" of being a worthy enough woman to love.
They're not just "reimagining" the old version: they're replacing it. They're claiming to fix what's "broken" about the original. Therefore attacks on this movie are not attacks against the patriarchy or attacks against bigotry: they're attacks against the previous VALUES of faith, innocence, and the worthiness of pure love. Love that doesn't have to fight because it's powerful enough on its own. Faith that isn't corroded by circumstances. Innocence that doesn't turn bitter and inspires others. That's what they're saying is "broke" and trying to fix.
Do not let people derail the actual argument. Stories matter because they represent values. Values shape a culture. Rachel Zegler isn't a target: she's an example of what's happening in the culture, and makes a good entryway into talking about it. Don't get it twisted.
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bluebird167 · 5 months ago
My reaction to the new backstory they’re giving Snow White in the live action remake to justify her not being white.
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Rachel, Disney Company, let me put this plain and simple. Nobody dislikes this woman because of her skin tone. They dislike her because she is mean. That is it.
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And by the way, you’re so called new backstory that supposedly came from a different, historical, version, that’s the same origin story to Once Upon A Time’s Snow White.
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slaket-and-sprash · 2 years ago
Honestly I think it would be funny that you should be legally required if your making a Disney live action remake to watch every peice of content from that ip. Want to make a live action Peter pan? Fuck you, you need to watch Peter pan 1, Return to Neverland, all the Tinkerbell movies, and every episode of Jake and the Neverland pirates. Go fuck yourself
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 1 year ago
The whole "Disney villain hates something because of trauma" meme that started with Cruella makes me kinda angry because it's one of the earliest examples of people either not understanding what actually happened, or worse, people not bothering to actually see the movie in question and just basing their thoughts on reviews they've seen.
Estella/Cruella never shows any kind of real hatred towards the Dalmatians themselves. She steals them as revenge, but they're shown to be taken care of and never actually harmed. Most she does is make a bad joke about maybe turning them into a coat, but that never actually happens.
And she never blames the dogs for her mother's death. First, she blames herself, in a similar way to how Simba blamed himself for his father's death - assuming that her mother just got caught in the crossfire, since the dogs had been chasing her daughter and she got caught in the middle. And when she learns her mother was targetted, she turns her anger towards the person who sent the dogs after her mother, not the dogs themselves.
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hopeymchope · 3 months ago
Snow White and the Seven Had-to-be-CGI Drarves
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I don't understand all the bitching about the dwarves being CGI creations in the Snow White trailer. Like AT ALL.
Disney was beaten over the head with "You never, EVER should cast regular actors as little people/dwarves!" and THEN they got hit with "It's so insulting to cast real-life little people as mythical dwarves!" wave.
So they made the ONLY logical choice available to them.
Now, you can debate the visual designs and the finer details of how they handled these interpretations/adaptions of the characters, sure. But all this crying of "WHY ARE THEY CGI?!" is like... because there was no other fucking choice that they wouldn't get eaten alive for???
Well. There was the choice to NOT make another live-action remake of an animated Disney classic, but let's face it: That was never a valid choice with these people, because $$$$$$$$. When people finally stop going to see these goddamn things, maybe we can finally know peace on that front.
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@deepclover80 said this, and I thought... well shit, that's a really good point about actors with dwarfism.
Maybe the point here, then, is that Disney tried to take the only option that seemed to avoid controversy. And as it turns out? They failed. It's still going to be controversial. There was no "winning" this fight outside of not making the movie in the first place.
But at least this is a better controversy for the media to focus on than the"Rachel Zegeler isn't White" bullshit.
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missamerican-pie · 2 years ago
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astridhoff03 · 2 months ago
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The Nostalgia Trap of live action remakes
With the upcoming httyd remake we enter now a new phase were the live action remakes just like the marvel and star wars sequels can’t be stopped anymore. At least for Disney, for DreamWorks, we the audience can still stop them if we just don’t go into this nostalgia trap these remakes are. And yeah the live action adaptation of httyd looks somewhat good, even if I think it looks like a fanmade film, and even those look better than this and also it looks so far like a shot for shot remake, were they changed little to nothing. Also I find it really disrespectful that httyd 2 has now to share its Anniversary with this upcoming remake. And yeah, they really played on Nostalgia in this trailer and promotional material with a blender, somewhat worse version of Test Drive. I can’t believe John Powell re-composed this. It’s just the first httyd again but without the emotion and the beauty of the scenery. What made the original trilogy work so well, was the fact that it was animated.
It might be a good movie but it’s probably the same movie all over again but less beautiful and impactful. In this case I’m glad Remakes are so forgettable. They ruined Test Drive already with making some shots way too fast. This is not why Test Drive is a masterful scene in the first place. It’s as I said it’s just a nostalgia trap were you can simply watch the original at home and can feel the same nostalgic feeling and recall old memories. And let’s be real they do this not only for a simple cash grab but also to promote their theme park. Also half of the movie will obviously be cgi animated. So what’s even the point? This movie will prove how out of ideas Hollywood really is and how they disrespect animation as a lesser form of art.
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the-blue-fairie · 2 years ago
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Look, David Lowery, I love your other work, but... do we seriously have to sit directors down and have them watch that "Same place as the music" moment from the Lord of the Rings cast commentary?
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life-in-toontown · 7 months ago
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Welp now I can’t unsee this
I was gonna say “Should we bully them into fixing it like we did with Sonic” but honestly this movie isn’t worth it, it’s still gonna be a soulless cashgrab no matter what
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fannyspammy · 2 years ago
just saw an early screening of the Little Mermaid!! & as someone who did not love any of the other live-action remakes I was surprised to find myself thoroughly entertained
like I actually enjoyed it as much as the original
the parts they kept from the original were spot on, but it’s definitely its own. I liked the changes they made & I think it brought more depth and clarity to the concept
good job on this one disney!!!!
[will post a more in depth review soon]
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chaosandstardust · 1 year ago
What? The cartoon to live action cash grab created to capitalize on your nostalgia is LAZY and BAD? Who could've seen that coming??? No WAY!!
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impishlavenderthrone · 7 months ago
What the fuck is this
What the fuck
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What kind of fucking UE4 hair texture brush, ashy blue, flat nosed, malproportioned, shit ass, CGI rodent is this? And why the fuck are we being told this is Stitch?
This isn't Stitch. This is his ugly disowned cousin, Seam Ripper.
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not-wholly-unheroic · 2 years ago
I hope to write a full review of Peter Pan and Wendy at some point in the near future once I’ve had the chance to rewatch it a few times, but in the meantime, it makes me sad that so many people seem to have hated it, and I need to just gush about a few of my favorite parts.
(Warning: This list will contain SPOILERS for the film.)
Wendy’s very realistic reaction to having her favorite bedtime story character show up in her bedroom in the middle of the night (“How are you real?!).
The reworking of the “kiss” scene. Although the childhood romance/first love thing between the two of them in most versions is adorable, seeing Wendy sort of mentally panic and scramble to find SOMETHING to give Peter when, after getting hurt, Michael suggests someone give him a kiss to make it better and Peter says he doesn’t know what that is but he thinks he needs one is hilarious and totally something an awkward teen girl would do when confronted with kissing a boy in front of her brothers.
Mr. Smee’s good heart and kindness. Gaffigan’s Smee tries on more than one occasion to shield the kids from the worst of Hook’s wrath and/or scary situations as best he can while still being loyal to Hook. And it is openly acknowledged that there is a sort of father/son relationship between Hook and Smee due to Smee having pulled him from the sea when he was just a boy. Law’s Hook isn’t always good to Smee, but he very much recognizes he wouldn’t be alive without him. It’s also nice to see that although a bit of a dork sometimes, this Smee isn’t stupid, and actually seems pretty perceptive at times.
The sea shanties!!! I love that they found a way to work a few songs into the film without it feeling too out of place in a live-action movie that isn’t a full-on musical. The songs themselves are catchy and the lyrics (which are mostly about things in the deep that will eat you…) serve to remind us of the hellish nightmare Hook lives every day in fear of the crocodile. We also get a nod to the Disney sequel. (Props to the songwriter for managing to work the word “cephalopod” into a song and actually having it fit the rhyme.) Also, the second song arguably has a ticking motif in the slow drum beat.
The crocodile’s appearance and attitude. This thing is terrifying. It’s HUGE. There is absolutely no one in their right mind who wouldn’t run from this creature. While it wants Hook most of all, it isn’t opposed to eating others either (and does apparently nab a few men who get shoved out of the way by Hook or who aren’t fast enough). Also, all the spears sticking out of its hide. Makes me think of Moby Dick. The crew has apparently tried on many occasions to get rid of this crocodile but it refuses to die.
The similarities and differences in Peter’s fight with Hook at Skull Rock as opposed to the animated film. Hook ALMOST steps off a ledge at one point like in the animated version, but Smee is there to grab us coat and pull him back before he can fall. We also get some good shadow sequences like in the animated film…but apparently, Hook’s shadow can harm Peter’s with the effect that Peter himself actually feels it.
Hook’s reaction to the crocodile. His first words on seeing the creature are just a very quiet sort of shaky, “Oh, God….” When it lunges for him at one point, he freezes in terror for a second before his instinct to run kicks back in. This man is traumatized.
Hook and Peter’s relationship. Okay, yeah, I’m upset they went with the very cliche “Hook was a Lost Boy” deal which has been done so many times now in book retellings that it’s not even new or interesting anymore (not to mention Hook really needs to be an Etonian to make him who he is…) BUT I am very pleased at the emotional depth the actors and writers went to here for BOTH of the characters. Hook is still clearly capable of brutality but he’s also deeply wounded. Peter is selfish and cocky like any little boy might be, but he’s not evil and genuinely misses the friend he used to have in James. They weren’t black and white hero/villain tropes. They were complex characters who both dealt with things poorly, and it takes Wendy pushing on their emotional walls and asking hard questions to finally make them see they can stop hurting each other and maybe repair what has been broken.
The quotes they gave Law as Hook. So many good ones that I may make an entirely separate post about it but the entire brig scene with Wendy is gut-wrenching. At first, my reaction was, “Why is he telling her all of this?” But then, I remembered that even Barrie’s Hook has a tendency to monologue and I think part of the reason he tells her so much is simply because she might be the first person other than Smee to actually want to LISTEN to his side of things. (Much as how Tink points out later in the film that Wendy is one of the first people to really hear her.)
Peter actually needing and accepting help. While admittedly, I think they may have leaned into the “girl power” thing a little too heavily in this version, it was nice to see Peter actually realize that he DOES need people in his life and that it’s OKAY to ask for help sometimes.
Everything about the ending. Peter apologizing to Hook and flat-out refusing to fight him. Hook’s initial anger and disbelief. Peter reaching out and grabbing him by the claw to keep him from falling. The pained and terrified look on Hook’s face as he scrambles to come up with just one happy thought and can’t find any. The look of horror from Peter as he watches his former best friend fall to what he assumes will be his death. The fact that Peter MOURNS for him. The symbolism of “Hook” falling away and dying while “James” survives. The little hopeful smile he gives when he sees Peter coming back. UGH! It was SO GOOD!!! 😭 And that’s not even including the emotional scene with Peter and Wendy saying their goodbyes on the rooftop in London.
This film wasn’t without it’s flaws. The pacing was a little off in places, and it doesn’t feel quite like an epic adventure…but BOY, does it have some heart to it.
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kairithemang0 · 10 months ago
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