Ranger in the snow
76 posts
Snowcore,forestcore,campcore,and Rangercore
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woolensnow · 2 years ago
A faint memory
Hello dear ranger, Long time no see. The snow is starting to melt and I know I have been away for a very long time. But I have come to check in again. You have met many creatures no, friends while I was away? That is great news to hear! You managed to grow this far I am proud of you dear ranger. You met with the mosslings of the forest and they welcomed you to their fair. Not only that You met with the dwarves of the iron hilts to earn new weapons and learn to mull their drinks! Now, dear ranger you not only met friends, but you learned new dangers and overcome them?  You fought against the Root King and his army. Saving the village of the mosslings. You saved the dwarves from the yonder dragon and finally the biggest challenge you overcame was the year. You know the villagers are saying it was the year of the frost night. Meaning now we ring in the new year of the Melt hopefully it is a wonderful one dear ranger. If not I am sure the new friends you have made so far will help you along your journey. Now you are setting off to the land of Gravos the land of the Lava barbarians. I heard they are a sturdy yet kind people despite their exterior. Good luck dear ranger until we meet again at the next night fall. I shall return dear ranger, No dear friend.  
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
A little taste of spring
Hello dear ranger, remember as you walk along the path covered in Moss draping the cobblestone as a mosaic much as you wish to turn back. Think of how far you've come. Think of the little taste of spring, The little taste of spring. What is that you may ask? That is a little bit of crisp fresh air and morning dew hitting your face as you inhale the valley in front of you. Remember as you watch, the berries grow off of my My sister, she will guide you safely through your clearing in your path. Do not be afraid. Do ranger to also take a rest as needed when you tire, remember as you lay down your head next to fields and woods of animals playing as you listen to the birds trip their last chirp before their rain comes. You know dear ranger there is a saying when it comes to March the month of which we're in it goes on but there's also another saying some people choose to say in like a lion out like a lamb that also apply to many other months. You've scaled mountains and climbed peaks. You've danced with ghosts in the past few weeks, but also you've listened to stories of bakers and potters and little Millers who live with their daughters. But dear ranger, remember that this is almost the end of a very deep winter. It's not quite spring but once it is it will be the beginning. Life is going to flourish and so are you so do not give up to your ranger for there is another year in stored for you.
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
An entrance to spring
Hello dear ranger, remember as you pass through this march as the little marshes wash away against your boot as you trip over cobblestones and jump over walls The forest will always be watching and waiting as you trace my leaves that have started to grow from my branches. Pick the fruit from my from my trees as my arms. Reach down to curse your face with my leaves as the raindrops onto your head The wind will constantly whisper your name, whisking you away too far away places, but also do not forget my sister the highlands as her grass grows into a warm summer. We will currently be entering spring. Don't forget to rest against her deer beds as you carefully make your bed of hay. Don't forget the cows that are grazing in the fields or the sky. That is so blue and wondrous like a sea up above instead of seafoam you'll be looking at clouds washing away the night sky as the sun dips into the day. But dear ranger, I do not only have a sister in the Highlands. I also have a sister in the mountains. Remember as you climb her rocks and her terrain as her snow melts as you step and crunch through the harsh winter into my sister's and their spring. Remember how you feel and how you have survived through this harsh winter many things have come gone but you and my sibling stay constant now. Go along dear ranger, I'll always be waiting with my branches extending to you.
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
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Still alive, still doing shit ❄️
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
A Rainy day
Dear Ranger, As you wake up this morning listen to the sound of the pitter-patter of rain as it hits your tint. Listen to the breeze rush through my canopy as droplets hang from my leaves like crystals. Remember the snow is beginning to melt as the grass starts to peak through. See the mushrooms beginning to spore on my body as the owls rest in my chest. Now, dear Ranger as you pack your watered-down things as you think today may weigh you down. Remember the silence and wonder in the rain. Yes, mud may swallow you as you tread up my hills or water slicks your footing on rocks. But soon you will reach the top as the rain dries there will be a pass as snow slashes at your face like emotions. You see the darkness of the night wondering am I alone? But you are not my dear Ranger you will never be fully alone. The owl is my watcher following you making sure you reach your destination safely. Those impasses mean they will pass. Soon the snow will melt forever and the rain will dry. Just like your tears and emotions, it leaves room for openness in the spring to come. Now My dear Ranger when you reach my meadow at the top my owl will rest in my chest again as the deer come to graze nearby. You may take solace in this, but you stayed determined and reached my valleys and meadows at the end. I am proud of you, dear ranger. Now, as you unpack, do not be frightened. The meadow my child will care for you until you are ready to tread on your next adventure. You may now rest and you may now breathe. 
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
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A Windy Autumn Day by Masako Metz This photo was shot in the forest on the Oregon coast. It was so windy, and the leaves are flying around in the air. https://flic.kr/p/2mEMMcv
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
A new year
Dear ranger, as the sunset on the final day as the hour, hits twelve on a new year remember as you sit upon your hill watching the fireworks bounce off the evening sky glimmering as new stars and ending as ash. The year you spent and the year that was. Adventures through the old woods as you danced with the ghost on Mabon, in their masquerade through the square. As you made new friends with all that you along the way on your path. Remember the rolling hills of summer and the quiet whistle through the meadow in spring. But overall the dreams of winter and the fog rolling as you walked through hillsides. This year dear ranger I will say before I leave for now I predict greatness in you. You are going to climb great mountains and tread strong waters. The friends will become old and you will make many new ones. But remember dear ranger I predict no one this year will be as strong as you. Now go along now dear ranger with your pack on your back and your curiosity in your eye. Through the woods again as I will be watching you once more to provide and gift in the spring something wonderful for you. 
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
A sleep in a tavern
Dear Ranger, As you lay on your feathered pillow listening to the wind of a cold winter's night. Think of your travel. Think of the beginning in a small little village in a small little country. Out in the open. Think of the steps you have climbed,The creatures you befriended, The ones you traded with, And the ones you passed. Think of the sun as it shined through the trees or the meadows you saw straw sticking out of. Think of the doe as she lay with her child. Think of the winter cold as it swept in touching all with a chilly kiss. Think dear Ranger as you pay for your lodgings. Being indoors does not make you less outdoors it can be an adventure as much inside an inn as it is out there. Think dear Ranger before you dream of the winter festival you enjoyed with the villagers of this new town. Now dream dear ranger drift off in your river of sleep. And for you dear ranger have a sweet dream of your happy holiday.
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
A remembrance of winter.
Dear ranger remember the air of winter as you sit on the stone wall at the edge of the woods. With crisp air breaking in and out of your frozen nose as your hands run over every finger of the other for heat. Oh dear ranger remember the love you had for the fall before as you danced amongst the stones with ghosts in the highlands listening to their instruments. Remember the warmth of summer as you lounged on hills watching horses drink from creeks below as you chewed on fresh corn you traded the farmer for. Remember finally the fresh scent of spring the rain of a rebirth after the dead in the snow. Now dear ranger as you sit on your stone wall running your fingers over eachother look to the sky for your next adventure. We woods will stay as you travel through us once more. Waiting to flourish for your spring. So go along now dear ranger were waiting for you.
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
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Friends grow together
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
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Cougar Mountain, October 2021
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
Try smaller custom made shops from etsy they usually will work with you better and are much more pleasant I usually buy my swords from that site
Just wanting to put out my thoughts on the bow I got last weekend from Stickbow Archery (based out of Ohio, traveling vendors at Renfaires all over the United states), just havent had time to vent. Not a fan, of Stickbow Archery and their practices and I do not reccomend them.
I suppose first off, the guy running the booth was overly smug and rude, who, before I even made my purchase of their bow, insulted the arrows I'd made after I opted to ask him to check them and see how I did and his thoughts. He said they looked fine as decorative arrows, but other than that he called them "unusable" and that if I wanted to be able to shoot my bow I'd better buy his (which honestly didnt look good).
Next, every bow was very unprofessionally written on in... ... blue ball point pen, stating when they were made and the poundage in poor handwriting. When I checked with them about "...so how do I remove this to stain the bow" their reply was "I wouldnt do that, it voids the 6 month warranty." So.. 'finishing the u-finish bow' is what they reccomend to not-do.
When asking about staining the bow, they told me to use an oil based stain, and to absolutely not sand the bow first. I bought my oil stain, stained it, and turns out they already had applied a lacquer coat to the bow prior to selling, meaning any stain I get won't penetrate the wood ever, it only filled in grooves and made it look dirty. The bow just looks like a moldy version of what I started with now. And the way to fix it would be to sand the shit out of the bow to sand down to and remove the lacquer layer they stupidly put on it, which again is something you shouldn't do to a bow (all the intense over sanding).
So, for nearly finished bow prices, they sell an unfinished looking bow, pre-sabotage any attempt at staining/finishing it, and of all things write all over it with a blue pen that if you do anything about voids your warranty.
I should have not bought from them at all, and spent the money on a real bow that wasn't pre-sabotaged. Pretty crappy practices for a company that's been selling traditional bows for decades. I'm going to have to try and straight up paint my bow to finish it now instead of staining it like I wanted.
Buying a bow from Stickbow Archery is a waste of money.
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
Sorry about not being active lately I'm training currently at the gym to hike a giant trail when spring rolls around so I can get to posting please understand and Happy travels friends!!!
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
Deities of crossroads for safe travels Greece
Here are some deities for any ranger to ask for guidance when lost or for safe passage on a journey I will break down history for each one starting with Greece
Hermes has been known as a jack of all trades god but what he is well known for is guidance. If it’s helping souls pass to the other world or just docking a boat. He was the man with a plan. Hermes was prayed to by multiple people ranging from merchants to well theives. Depending on the location to his form of worship was changed some just worshipped his staff and would have buildings with it craved into the door frame, but some would have a statue of him in their town. Most though, would have a temple dedicated to him. Not only was he a god of travelers, but he also was of taxes and tricksters. But overall he was a protector even if a Merchant would pray for safety and a robber would pray for loot. In the end it would come in Merchant gets safety by not getting stabbed and robber gets money.  So it’s a win win. Overall, he is much more powerful than people give him in depiction as well. But judge as you must he is worshiped by many today. So remember on your travels in the Mediterranean that you may pass a man standing at a cross roads resting on a sign don’t forget to wave hello for you don’t know when thieves might be lurking nearby. 
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
An Adventure Hunter's Dreamscape
(Excuse my broken English. It is not my mother tongue. I hope despite that you can read this well.)
This place I want to be; this place that my heart aches and yearns for: A township not too big, not too small, somewhere that embraces all 4 seasons equally.
With Springtime farms and meadows, where streams trickle and fields are topped with small lavender flower visited by flittering butterflies. Cows and goats sing their songs as I walk down spring time paths. Village homes surrounded with flowers galore. Gardens giving birth to blooms and new born animals making appearances from the ends of woodlands. In the woodlands mosses start their migration of woods and rocks, new birds sing and baby rabbits and deer dart about unthreatened. New shops open up in the villages, making exploring wandering streets all the more fun and adventurous.
With Summertime beaches with azure clean waves and sun bleached beaches, where dolphins sing and dance and majestic ships cross the waves escorting adventures to find lost treasures. Forests hued in emerald, rivers and lakes spraying cold waters to restore summer exhaustion. Summer bird songs echoing over the trees while bands of amber sunlight streak across the forest air. Picnics on green hills and valleys. Street and plazas hum with the sound of marketeers. Where there are oceans of sunflower fields. Nights are filled with endless parties and fun for all.
With Autumn for when the world goes from Greens to Golds. Golden fields of wheat lowered to reveal a harvest of bounty. Village bakery smells fill the streets along with a distinct earthen smell. Garlands and wreaths of cones decorate every window and door with autumn hues. Where gourds with faces watch you closely as you go. People huddling together under warmer cloaks. Harvests festivals abound. Crows caw the season's songs and shops all smell sweet with various warm drinks and confectionaries. Hearths of all sizes glow and crackle to keep the autumn chill off.
With Wintertime when the earth is covered in is white blanket. People huddle even closer now in sheepskin and furs. Candles and lights of many colors attempt to illuminate the world. Fireplaces and hearts glow bright. Streets and homes are festive in foods and decorations. Where people gather close and feast of warm drinks of teas and brews and bellies are filled with soups and stews. Forests now are a dark and rather barren and still. Colored only by daylight sun and cardinals, yet despite it all they are still a welcome walk. And above it all a glorious mountain covered in white and dotted with fir green forests. A monument of earthly and divine legends and lore. the treasures we collected over he years becomes gifts for family and friends. Even total strangers.
If nothing else, a place where people are friendly, caring, helpful, joyful in life. A world where smiles abound and laughter and shared knowledge fill the are. Where one can swim in and ocean of human kindness. A place no one goes without. A place where Forests, Fields , Beaches, Gorges, Rivers, Gardens and Valleys abound and last forever, unhampered by fences and borderlines. A place ride ride, walk and travel endlessly.
Gods help me, its a place I think of and dream about every seconds of the day. I have drempt and envisioned it so much I can pick out the smallest details. I can point out every flower, every cloud, every raindrop off a roof. Every leaf, nail and paving stone. Its a world I want to build and make so real. So much, so badly it hurts inside.
Please gods, help me. Help me make its real. If not for me, then for others. Or, if nothing else, then take me to this place.
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woolensnow · 3 years ago
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Last Light in the Pacific Northwest // By Nathan Peterson
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