#disciples of evil
pin-crusher2000 · 2 months
The Disciples of Evil
Based on a conversation I had with a buddy of mine (shout out to @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65)
It would be cool if there was a group of evil kids similar to the legion of doom (plus a rival to my kid teams)
The name: Disciples of Evil 😈
Rex Luthor: a young nerd kid (born on earth in my universe) with a high IQ that looks up to Luthor and villains in general (compared to other kids who look up to heroes.)
He wears a power armor just like lex Luthor himself, but has a massive arm to deal double damage.
Dr. Light II: Chris Ramsey (nephew of the OG Dr. Light; Nightwing: New Order) was devastated when he learned that his uncle was killed by Robin VI (Jake Grayson, accident) so he create a suit similar to his uncles but more powerful to get revenge
Unknown to him (until later) that the Robin who killed his uncle was his basketball teammate and bully victim was Jake Grayson.
Kid Amazo: Reggie Meyers is a bratty teenaged bully who got the ability to copy abilities from others (plus spilt himself into clones) from a meteor that landed in his backyard.
He wears a outfit similar to the OG kid amazo but purple suit and orange bandanna mask, gloves, and boots
He wears his Amazo suit years later after getting super injured by the super-sons (suit acts like darth Vader and has swords out of the wrists)
War Boy: Isaac Bowers is one of those stereotypical bullies that likes to pick on anybody who is weaker than him a alpha man type of character, a middle school jock with blond buzz cut hair and blue eyes, (rival to Hunter Trevor)
One day after football practice, Ares appears as a glowing orange orb and gives Isaac the powers of Ares himself
I say he wears a black and red gladiator outfit (chest piece is black with red lines, and there is a skull for the belt) and a black and red helmet with red “feathers” or brush on top, also a red cape, plus he has a battle axe that can create fire.
He has all the powers of Ares (strength, speed, fire etc)
Inertia: Thaddeus Thawn is a clone of Bart Allen (impulse and later Blue Mercury in my universe) who has the powers of super speed.
He wears a green, dark green, and black lightning outfit (comics) and has blond hair and gold eyes
Respawn: Jack Wilson (name I give him in my universe) is a young villian who is a secret kid of deathstroke, who also looks up to him and wants approval.
He wears a half orange and half black deathstroke outfit with a leather jacket over it
Jack is a well trained kid that has a healing factor like his dad.
Kid America/Earth Boy: James Oliver is a young kid who is also a member of the Blue Earth Movement, who hates illegal aliens (both outer space and on earth) and is a patriot who puts America first (thanks to conservative upbringing)
He wears a blue skin tight suit with white markings around the waist and some on the elbow (think of the outfits the super powered members wears) and wears a red cape, a American flag, or a white cape that shows earth on it.
In my universe, the super powered members have magic energy (blasts, beams etc) instead of stolen Kryptonian powers.
Got any questions, comments, or concerns (maybe suggestions too) let me know ;)
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So, in PIDW, there was obviously wife plots that could bring back the dead (mushroom body being one of them), and since we know Airplane is a hack that reuses concepts over and over, there’s probably multiple wife plots that could work, so like, where’s the PIDW fics where Liu Qingge somehow comes back to life, memories of Shen Jiu trying to save him intact, and goes to hunt the asshole down so he can repay his life debt, and along the way accidentally clears Shen Jiu’s name of all his crimes and now everyone is convinced Shen Qingqiu is a saint.
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arolegos · 1 month
the yaoi amoeba ate my brain
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extra sketches cause i need them to kill each other in the show
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grumfield · 3 months
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I personally think Chu Wanning would want to fucking slaughter Obi-Wan if he heard that guy ditched his disciple and left him to burn lmao
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carrot-felisidad · 5 months
If you think about it, Nie Huaisang's plans aren't as meticulous as Jin Guangyao's. His plans could be stopped immediately by unforeseen forces with enough bad luck, like what if Mo Xuanyu was not banished and instead killed? What if the ritual did not work? What if JGY denied his cryings in the Koi tower, disabling the messenger to deliver the letter to Qin Su? What if Qin Su wasn't that repelled from the fact that they're siblings? What if Qin Su did not believe the truth about their son's death? What if Si si refused to drop the bombs? What if the Sect leaders refused to believe the two random and unknown women? WHAT IF WEI WUXIAN DID NOT PLAY "WANGXIAN" IN THE DAFAN MOUNTAIN?
So many plans were released to the wind with a little prayer "I hope this works!", and you know what? They did! Because Nie Huaisang isn't actually an evil calculating meticulous mastermind who has plans from A to Z. That's Jin Guangyao. NHS is an artist, a theatre kid, and a grieving little brother.
He was also sided by the gods. (And the author)
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lemon-pilled · 2 months
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i have work tomorrow and instead my ass stayed up to draw all the hunters.
youre welcome (god i have to tag everyone. augh.)
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fischotterkunst · 1 year
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finished at last! thank you to everyone who sent in suggestions! this was so much fun, i definitely wanna do it again some time.
all these portraits are available as stickers on my Redbubble! (link in pinned) and i am working on getting them made as prints too, so keep an eye out if you'd like to grab one!
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definitely-mothman · 5 months
Identity V Tsum Preorder Countdown: Days 5 and 6!
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Sorry about not posting yesterday! My tumblr was acting up and not letting me post, and I only figured out how to fix it last night-
The rest of the countdown will continue as usual, so please follow to see when the charm preorders open!
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laughingherring · 1 year
I bet Baek Suryong's past disciples from his time at the blood cult were shocked and in disbelief at the news of his death. And for the longest time they doubted it to be true, expecting a kick to the gut if they dared to skip out on training. Because they simply assumed you can't kill the Devil. Such evil terror cannot be felled by mortal death
So imagine their surprise when several decades later this rising star of the Azure Dragon Academy has some disturbingly familiar mannerisms...
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
OPM webcomic chapter 142 review: Unforgivable.
So after nearly two years of absence, ONE once again drops a ninja update of the webcomic on us. This is a normal-sized (15-16 pages) webcomic chapter, but we've no idea whether there are any follow-ups to come soon. Combined with the fact that this is an action-packed release with very little in the way of conversation, it's a chapter that just whizzes by in a kinetic stream of beautifully-composed action shots.
We open with the city under attack. A bird (looks like a crow) is perched on a telegraph pole. As it is startled into the air by the laser beams cutting through the building in the background, we see the building explode. The next scenes are confused voices emanating from the surrounding buildings, with people asking what is going on so early, what alarms there are, urging loved ones to get up and get out… and these voices become less coherent as the horror of the reality overtakes them.
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The robots march through the city, systematically and thoroughly destroying every building, car, person, and object in sight. They miss no one and overlook nothing and they keep formation to ensure that no one gets a chance to double back and slip through their ranks. This is not an attack. It is an extermination.
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Their progress is halted by a figure landing in front of them. It's Genos and the footprint he stamps into the road is apparently a challenge, a wordless declaration that none shall pass this point. He doesn't spend time posturing, but charges straight into the ranks of the robots and…
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…robots start to disintegrate, some punched so hard they fly to pieces, some slashed in two, some apparently shocked. Genos mows them down so fast they appear suspended in the air, their slowly falling bodies the only indication he had ever been there. As the entirety of the division is destroyed, we finally see Genos again, walking through them in the same manner that Saitama had walked through the attacking robots the night before.
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A figure appears before Genos in the dust and smoke, and he punches it, realising too late that it's Saitama. Fortunately, Saitama had adroitly dodged around him, and no harm was done. Saitama smiles slightly as he declares that Genos has become strong: the doctor's final upgrade was a success.
Genos does not acknowledge the praise, thinking briefly before suggesting that he and Saitama split up, Saitama to tackle the remaining forces in the city while he Genos goes ahead to Metal Knight's hideout. For a few moments, Saitama is silent. He slowly turns around and then waves to Genos as he starts walking off, telling Genos that he understood and the latter was to be careful.
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Genos doesn't spend time looking wistfully after Saitama. If anything, the inner rage stoking him seems to flare up even hotter. He takes off (the very first time we've seen him fly in the webcomic -- anyone wishing to dispute that is confusing it with the manga) and flies off. En route, he encounters a monster nonchalantly perched on a building, playing with a truck like it's an overgrown Lego piece. Thinking that it stands to reason that Metal Knight would use monsters as biological weapons in conjunction with robots, Genos slashes at the air with his fingers, and the monster is cleaved in several places as if with a sword. Genos isn't to know it but it is Meat Dumpling and with the monster's destruction, Zaedat's murder is avenged.
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Unforgiveable, Genos says to himself, as he flies off.
That's where the chapter leaves off. Shall we meta?
A: It's Needs O'Clock
I'm going to try to make this the only place I compare this with the manga. Manga readers will notice a similarity between the slashes that Genos used to dispatch Meat Dumpling and Bomb's Whirlwind Cutting Iron Fist. It can't be because of the former having observed the latter in the webcomic as Bomb never used such a move in the webcomic. It's something he (well, Kuseno) has come up with independently.
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One of the things you have to accept as a webcomic reader is that characters are capable of doing things when the narrative requires that they are: there isn't time or space to go into development unless it's super-critical to the plot. If you want to see characters grind, you need to read the manga. It doesn't bother me, but it's something to note and respect.
B: A whodunit resolved
With the appearance of Meat Dumpling, an important set of troublesome coincidences ties itself up into an incriminating body of fact beyond a reasonable doubt. The fact that Meat Dumpling was out there in the middle of a robot uprising clinches it: it was sent out precisely to target Zaedats. This ties in perfectly with how Destro and Erimin were able to recover both Zaedats and Infelsinave: the monsters are under their control and of course the monsters relinquished them without a fuss (or without harming those precious heads of theirs).
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this looked like such bad luck, including the suit's failure to allow him to escape, but no longer
Those two Neo Leaders weren't unlucky, they were the subject of hit jobs so that their resources could fall under The Organization's control.
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A's total lack of surprise was also suspicious but then again, it's A: a guy without a shred of morality
Hoo, so now we know that the robot uprising and the cyborg conspiracy (and whatever fuckery is going on at the Neo Heroes) are all linked. We suspected it was because the body suits they'd been handing out to Neo Heroes looked suspiciously like modified versions of the suits Hammerhead and crew the Organization allowed them to steal. Sonic recognising those suits strengthened our suspicion.
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The appearance of cybernetically modified, remotely-controlled monsters whose actions happened to benefit the Neo Heroes but not pro-heroes strengthened our suspicions still further.
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With the Machine Gods (an Organization special) declaring to Genos that the day of reckoning was about to begin, we knew that The Organization was up to something big.
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However, there was still a tiny bit of room for there to be another bad actor to take advantage of the situation to carry out their evil plans. With the monster appearing, there is doubt no longer: Destro, Erimin, the rampaging robots, the Machine Gods, and the Neo Heroes are all of a piece.
If someone had tried putting these pieces together, they'd have been shouted down as a swivel-eyed conspiracy theorist. But there you go: occasionally, what seems to be a shadowy, well-resourced, well-organized conspiracy to subvert justice and subjugate society IS JUST THAT.
Only just about nobody believes it…
C: Half the Reason
…except Genos and Kuseno. Genos seemed mad to a lot of readers when he first came to Saitama talking about rampaging cyborgs and the total extermination of everyone in his home town, and of shadowy enemies that were all but impossible to track down. We'd seen monsters, sure, but what was this about cyborgs? Was he making it all up? Even though we saw at least one cyborg associated with The Organization early on in the series, we had no real leads as to what was really happening, how extensive it was, and how it all fit together (well, we still don't have the last) until now.
Why would anyone in their right mind give up their human body and become a living weapon? Well, One-Punch Man has been clear that there are many reasons that people become cyborgs for, but in Genos's case we now have half the reason: because nobody wanted to believe that what had seemed a random series of attacks was part of a much greater war, and thus nobody was prepared to challenge it. This was the only way available to him to take that stand.
Something that is both observable to readers within their own lives and observable to readers within the confines of the story is that it is really difficult to kill everyone in a place. Kill at least one person? Not too bad. A few? Tougher. Many? Tougher still. Most people? That's quite the ask, even with heavy artillery. Everybody? That takes some serious planning and execution. We've noticed that monsters, for all their strength and size, are remarkably bad at killing lots of people: they can nab some people randomly and knock some buildings down, but the sort of kill numbers are far lower than one would initially expect -- if one forgets about the propensity of people to save themselves. We're not chickens stuck in a chicken coop, painfully shivering as we're grabbed one by one. The heroes are useful, yes, but damn do the monsters help by being more interested in intimidating people than killing and eating them for the most part.
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Chillingly, the most economical explanation is that once the method of achieving total kills was validated, it no longer needed the human input of a cyborg and could be automated.
The difference between what monsters do and what the robots were doing is chillingly clear. Not a single person woken up early that morning survived. That's the sort of thoroughness it takes to kill everyone in a town and I praise ONE for showing this to us in such an economic manner. This scene must have been a horrible flashback to Genos's fateful day. It really takes a certain kind of mind to execute this. One thing often misunderstood in the story is the word 'bosu' -- it does not so much mean mad as it means rampaging, out of control. The mad cyborg is less mad than it does go on systematic rampages, rampages that have resulted in the total destruction of multiple towns. The only thing special about Genos's former town is that it's the last known place struck.
And his literally taking a stand to stop repeats of these exterminations is incredibly admirable.
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D: Prelude to a Tragedy
However, happy as everyone is to see Genos wrecking the bots like wrecking is going out of fashion, I don't think there are many who are optimistic about what is unfolding. For it's the first act in a tragedy. A tragedy whose full impact we are surely going to see unfold over the rest of the arc, and quite possibly in many arcs to follow. Genos is going to attack Metal Knight, the latter having successfully been framed by Drive Knight. The chances that the Metal Knight who has been watching Organization operatives with such suspicion is himself the culprit is slim. However, Drive Knight gloating about how Metal Knight was blindsided by the rise of the Neo Heroes very strongly suggests that the doctor, for all his crabby, misanthropic presentation, is indeed innocent.
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There's still room for reasonable doubt when it comes to Bofoi's intentions and actions, but Genos is not in the mood to listen. He's entirely fixated on killing. Whether he kills Bofoi, is killed by him, or they take each other out, the only beneficiaries are the enemies of mankind currently trying to break civilization with machines and modified biological weapons.
Perhaps Saitama should not have let Genos go alone with only the exhortation to be careful. Genos will need all his wits and all the luck he has never had to thread this particular needle without tragedy.
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Good luck: the ease with which the unforgiving can become the unforgiven is truly terrifying.
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it may be a bit late as Easter has passed so people not already on the jcs tag are likely not going to see this but.
reminder that Catalan JCS exists and is absolutely amazing
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spellshite · 8 months
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Oh, I like you. That was inventive, and efficient.
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But I can caress as well as cut. That's why you should stay on my good side.
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summerfevers · 5 months
"Our Lord used the whip only once in His life—to drive the crowd away from His church." ok but we get that the fact of there being a lot of people in the temple was not itself the problem right. like it was not the fact that going to the temple was not an exclusive little club that he took issue with right. it was that it had turned into a marketplace and people were selling goods and livestock and not treating it as a sacred space but instead as a place to get richer. right.
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jin-zixun · 3 months
"so since u (me) are only posting about suyao and sms/lwj and maybe suxun does that mean u (I) have given up ok sms/lsz?"
me, up at 1am rewatching episode 44 trying to puzzle out why lan sizhui goes from calling su she 'zongzhu' to calling him 'jiazhu' in the span of two seconds: huh?
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otakusparkle · 1 year
Identity V 2022 Character Day Illustration (Part 2)
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unforth · 2 years
y'all help I started thinking about how utterly tragic chu wanning 0.5 is and now I can't stop.
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