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allinlist · 10 months ago
National DNA Day
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Every April 25 of every year since 2003, the biologists, genetics enthusiasts and scientists come together to witness the National DNA Day, observing the discovery and the research of DNA and the methodical advancements that assist to make a progress possible. It is yearly organized by Human Genome Researches Institute the National DNA Day encouraged the people to discover more about science that will make them genetically unique.
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On 25th of April 1953, James Dewey Watson, a molecular biologist had academic paper presenting the DNA’s double-helix structures were published in scientific journal, Nature. After nine years, the three scientists had been awarded with a Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for unearthing a molecular structure of the nucleic acids and the significance for genetic data transfer in human beings.
On 14th of April, 2003, Human Genome Project, the international scientific researching project with the aim of verifying the base pairs which will make up the human DNA and recognizing all genes of human genome, had been completely declared. The project lasted in 13 years, finished for two years ahead from the schedule, and was funded publicly by the government of U.S. It initially set to chart the nucleotides enclosed in the human haploid genome, however, the scientists then realized that genome of any given person is totally unique, so mapping a human genome will involved mapping a DNA of the small number of people and piecing them all as on to make the total sequence for every individual chromosome. It means that the total human genome is even more-so a medley instead of a representative of any individual.
Following the finished point of a Human Genome Project, equally the House of the Representatives and the Senate proclaimed 25th of April, 2003, a DNA Day and then April as the Human Genome Month. This day marked the 50 years since Wilkins, Watson, and Crick academic paper had been published and this month itself had been considered significant in the genome discovery. But, they only state it just a one-time festive rather than a yearly holiday. Since then, the National DNA Day event and celebrations had been hosted by National Human Genome Researches Institute just in order to promote further research and also to celebrate and to continue acknowledge every hard work that had been dedicated to this DNA study.
1953 (April 25) - Important Day for DNA
Biologists James Watson, Maurice Wilkins and Francis Crick published their findings of DNA.
1989 - NHGRI Starts It's Work
This National Human Genome Researches Institute starts carrying out the task of NIH in Human Genome Project.
2003 (April 14) - Mapping Human Genome
This Human Genome Project settled the research project from two years before the schedule.
2003 (April 25) - 50 Years from the Discovery
Both the House of the Representatives and the Senate declared April 25 to be a DNA Day, and this April month as Human Genome Month.
25% genetically similar – Normally, siblings who shares with similar father and mother — excluding identical twins — appeared to be 25% heritably identical and 50% as half identical. This takes place because every child gets 50% from the genetic makeup from the father and 50% from the mother, meaning 25% from both of them has the possibility to be heritably identical whereas the other 50% will be a slightly diverse genetic pattern passed to every child.
90% exclusive third cousin – There’s a 90% probability that the third cousin will share sufficient DNA for the connection to be detected however, only about 50% chance that you’ll share sufficient DNA with the fourth cousin for a relationship to become identified. It is since a random way that the autosomal DNA is being inherited, causing the fourth, third and more distant cousin to not essentially have any visible half-identical regions.
In between 25,000 and 20,000 genes –Human Genome Project expected that human beings have between 25,000 and 20,000 genes; but genes don’t code for protein. In human beings, genes differ in size from the hundred DNA bases up to over 2 million bases. Each person has two duplicates of every gene, one passed from each parent. Nearly all genes are similar in all individuals but less than a percent of the populace genes are slightly diverse. Alleles are outlines of the similar gene with small disparities in their sequences of DNA bases, and making up little differences to each individual’s unique physical features.
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What is DNA stand for?
The DNA stand for an acronym of deoxyribonucleic acid and that is the molecule that contains the genetic codes of organisms.
Why is April named after Human Genome Month?
During 2003, the House of Representatives and the Senate declared April to be Human Genome Month since this is the month which marked the achievement of Human Genome Project and also the month wherein the biologists Wilkins, Watson, and Crick published their findings about DNA’s double-helix structures 50 years prior.
When was the initial National DNA Day?
The National DNA Day had been initially celebrated on 25th of April, 2003, 50 years right after the DNA’s double-helix structure discovery.
Take the DNA test – Because of the scientific breakthroughs of Wilkins, Watson, and Crick and the HGP, we now have codes like “23 and Me” and Ancestry” just in order to chase your family history by the use of DNA. Fulfill your interest and discover more about your family and yourself by investing in the DNA testing.
Participate in the local event - National Human Genome Researches Institute hosted a yearly National DNA Day Event. If you would like to attend in a local event, or you want to host an event for your city or for your family, check out the events page of the National DNA Day.
Have an exposed conversation with the family - The easiest means of learning about your genetic record, with some extra allegorical context, is by the stories you can gain from your family members. Although family stories are usually like a decade long game of phones, where some facts may not be totally accurate, there is that sense of pride which will come from hearing those stories that will lead to your existence now.
It recognizes advancements in the scientific discovery.
Since Aristotle days, the known Father of Biology, the scientists had been studying living things and contributing in the genetic discovery that had been published in 1953 that keeps on today. On the National DNA Day, people recognized the efforts that direct us to the facts we have today and the constant researches that will lead in the discoveries of our tomorrow.
It supports people to discover more about the genetic history.
The researches that lead to National DNA Day celebration is the science which brings us closer with our roots. The day feeds that meaning of belonging through encouraging us in taking the dive in learning more regarding where we really come from and who we are.
It is the day where the people can discover more about genomics and genetics.
From genetic history up to the gene editing, there are lots of things to discover when it is about the function and the structure of genomes. During the National DNA Day, people is being encouraged to have an access to every and any available facts to discover more regarding genetic makeup and about the molecular biology of every living thing.
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elendsessor · 20 days ago
ngl i think its so important how the metaphor cast feels like a found family both in comparison to atlus’s/studio zero’s backlog and the general jrpg landscape
repeat after me: metaphor is not a megami tensei game.
this being said, there was definitely some influence because of the devs working on it, though this is due to the gaming landscape. save for indie titles, you’d be hard pressed to find a studio, especially one owned by a big company, to even be given the chance to make a new ip. atlus in particular has a history of financial flops, which is actually why the sega merger is so important. without sega, no matter how successful persona got, they would have died out in the 2000s/early 2010s. this is also why they lean on persona a lot more. of course, persona isn’t the only influence behind metaphor despite the big names having worked on modernsona, as some of its dna draws from traditional fantasy rpg tropes and digital devil saga. however, this has influenced how the game was approached on several levels, as diverting too much could have caused the game to flop. metaphor hinged most of its success based on studio recognition and marketing, and considering how persona is atlus’s cash cow, it needed to take every advantage it could get.
metaphor can definitively be best described as experiencing some first game syndrome pains + development hell complications, but in general, its plot and especially character dynamic writing seems to have been an exercise for the studio they couldn’t get while sticking to persona. no matter how you feel about the series, there’s no denying that, particularly with p3 onwards, it became a very mainstream-influenced anime rpg, filled with tropes and fanservice galore. only issue is how this alienates potential players. everything wrong with persona’s team writing is one reflected throughout the genre because it was made to fit that genre.
the anime rpg market is over saturated, the fandom reputation didn’t help, and to be honest, like many jrpgs in general, the party relationship falls into the trap of having minimal group chemistry outside of a shared goal, leaving them to not truly feel like a collective group of friends once the big bad goes down, especially if there’s a punching bag. as such, there seems to be plenty of reevaluation of how topics and characters are handled in order to attract a new player base turned off from the genre.
and that’s probably why i love the approach to metaphor’s main cast the most. while all end up having a shared goal aka we need to kill that fucking twink, they’re really initially brought together because they’re societal outcasts one way or another, then grow to like each other overtime due to exposure breaking down several barriers.
the biggest example for me is how heismay begins to shut down his perception of paripus after the eht ria arc, as its the first time he hears about what was actually going on the day his son was killed—there was an uprising from a tribe often forced into slavery and becoming lab rats, and unfortunately, an innocent bystander got caught up in it.
his relationship with basilio is really interesting in that regard tbh. there’s a growing respect once he and fidelio decide to help them out in defending other innocent kids caught up in a mess, and i think seeing him lose a loved one really put into perspective paripus aren’t inherently violent. sure, the magnus brothers were on louis’s side because at least fidelio believed might makes right, but having the courage to not abandon morals just to people please? takes a lot of guts.
that’s really where that respect starts to be gained even if it isn’t obvious. by the time the final day rolls around and they help hold the line? heismay actually being nice to basilio and even saving his life feels earned.
junah’s also really important. while initially from a shitty place and not holding sanctist beliefs or at least the extreme parts of it, given how she gets taken into a powerful family, finds success really easily despite her tribe, plus a lot of special treatment from every major group really gives her that unintentional superiority complex. she only goes along with will because they’re both from the resistance, initially treats him like an assistant, and one of the first things she says on the runner is denouncing how it isn’t up to her standards.
it’s another quiet background development in that it’s subtle, but she does end up challenging her worldview upon meeting eupha. being raised in an entirely different culture only to start seeing parallels in terms of faith being warped, causing unnecessary loss of life? that’s why she came to the conclusion she wants to help. this isn’t mentioning the follower ranks, furthering that understanding of how not everyone gets the same treatment as her because of things out of their control.
also noticed how everyone loses someone close and how at least one team member fills that same gap. extra bonus points for gallica because what’s this? a navi character that isn’t beating up on a single character and even then comes from a place of caring, praising those when they deserve it and showing worry when things don’t go as planned?
not a lot of games have this close knit relationship gained, usually only sticking to a couple characters liking one another and everyone liking the protagonist. it’s refreshing. the writing team deserves so many kudos for it it’s insane.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months ago
I did the DNA thing when 23-and-me first hit the market because my dad thought the science was really cool and I agreed with him that it'd be really damn cool to see what it gets from both of us.
It was generally interesting, and it's been neat to watch the geographical estimates sharpen and shift over time as dataset grows and the science advances. It's also been neat to see little details that it gets wrong. It says there's like a 70% chance that I have brown hair. I'm dark blonde. My dad has the same result and he actually does have brown hair. That's a good first hand example of how genetic probabilities aren't hard and fast truths.
But for me, the most interesting part of it was the Neanderthal DNA results. I can look at a part of my own body (well, a digital representation of it) and see an actual piece of ancestors who lived so long ago and so removed from me that I can't even imagine how they lived. They spoke languages that weree unlike any I could ever learn today, they had rituals I'll never hear about, they ate meat from animals that I've only seen the fossilized skeletons of, the music they listened to and the stories they told and the things that were important to their everyday lives are gone forever.
But they're still here. Their bones are forgotten fragments in the back of a cave, but their DNA, which is a much a physical part of a human body as a tooth or a liver, is right here right now and part of the me that's typing a Tumblr ask instead of doing the dishes.
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misfitwashere · 6 months ago
We thank you, Joe
Tonight is for you
Robert Reich
Aug 19, 2024
Tonight’s opening of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago will be an opportunity for the Democratic Party and the nation to take stock of Joe Biden’s term of office and thank him for his service.
He still has five months to go as president, of course, but the baton has been passed.
Biden’s singular achievement has been to change the economic paradigm that reigned since Reagan and return to one that dominated public life between 1933 and 1980 — and is far superior to the one that has prevailed since.
Biden’s democratic capitalism is neither socialism nor “big government.” It is, rather, a return to an era when government organized the market for the greater good.
The Great Crash of 1929 followed by the Great Depression taught the nation a crucial lesson that we forgot after Reagan’s presidency: markets are human creations. The economy that collapsed in 1929 was the consequence of allowing nearly unlimited borrowing, encouraging people to gamble on Wall Street, and permitting the Street to take huge risks with other people’s money.
Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration reversed this. They stopped the looting of America. They also gave Americans a modicum of economic security. During World War II, they put almost every American to work.
Subsequent Democratic and Republican administrations enlarged and extended democratic capitalism. Wall Street was regulated, as were television networks, airlines, railroads, and other common carriers. CEO pay was modest. Taxes on the highest earners financed public investments in infrastructure (such as the national highway system) and higher education.
America’s postwar industrial policy spurred innovation. The Department of Defense and its Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration developed satellite communications, container ships, and the internet. The National Institutes of Health did trailblazing basic research in biochemistry, DNA, and infectious diseases.
Public spending rose during economic downturns to encourage hiring. Antitrust enforcers broke up AT&T and other monopolies. Small businesses were protected from giant chain stores. Labor unions thrived. By the 1960s, a third of all private-sector workers were unionized. Large corporations sought to be responsive to all their stakeholders.
But then America took a giant U-turn. The OPEC oil embargo of the 1970s brought double-digit inflation followed by Fed Chair Paul Volcker’s effort to “break the back” of it by raising interest rates so high that the economy fell into deep recession.
All of which prepared the ground for Reagan’s war on democratic capitalism. From 1981 onward, a new bipartisan orthodoxy emerged that markets functioned well only if the government got out of the way.
The goal of economic policy thereby shifted from the common good to economic growth, even though Americans already well-off gained most from that growth. And the means shifted from public oversight of the market to deregulation, free trade, privatization, “trickle-down” tax cuts, and deficit reduction — all of which helped the monied interests make even more money.
The economy grew for the next 40 years, but median wages stagnated, and inequalities of income and wealth surged. In sum, after Reagan’s presidency, democratic capitalism — organized to serve public purposes — all but disappeared. It was replaced by corporate capitalism, organized to serve the monied interests.
Joe Biden revived democratic capitalism. He learned from the Obama administration’s mistake of spending too little to pull the economy out of the Great Recession that the pandemic required substantially greater spending, which would also give working families a cushion against adversity. So he pushed for and got the giant $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.
This was followed by a $550 billion initiative to rebuild the nation’s bridges, roads, public transit, broadband, water, and energy systems. He championed the biggest investment in clean energy sources in American history — expanding wind and solar power, electric vehicles, carbon capture and sequestration, and hydrogen and small nuclear reactors. He then led the largest public investment ever made in semiconductors, the building blocks of the next economy. Notably, these initiatives were targeted to companies that employ American workers.
Biden also embarked on altering the balance of power between capital and labor, as had FDR. Biden put trustbusters at the head of the Federal Trade Commission and the Antitrust Division of the Justice Department. And he remade the National Labor Relations Board into a strong advocate for labor unions.
Unlike his Democratic predecessors Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Biden did not reduce all trade barriers. He targeted them to industries that were crucial to America’s future — semiconductors, electric batteries, electric vehicles. Unlike Trump, Biden did not give a huge tax cut to corporations and the wealthy.
It’s also worth noting that, in contrast with every president since Reagan, Biden did not fill his White House with former Wall Street executives. Not one of his economic advisers — not even his treasury secretary — is from the Street.
The one large blot on Biden’s record is Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden should have been tougher on him — refusing to provide him offensive weapons unless Netanyahu stopped his massacre in Gaza. Yes, I know: Hamas began the bloodbath. But that is no excuse for Netanyahu’s disproportionate response, which has made Israel a pariah and endangered its future. Nor an excuse for our complicity.
One more thing needs to be said in praise of Joe Biden. He did something Donald Trump could never do: He put his country over ego, ambition, and pride. He bowed out with grace and dignity. He gave us Kamala Harris.
Presidents don’t want to bow out. Both Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson had to be shoved out of office. Biden was not forced out. He did nothing wrong. His problem is that he was old and losing some of the capacities that dwindle with old age.
Even among people who are not president, old age inevitably triggers denial. How many elderly people do you know who accept that they can’t do the things they used to do or think they should be able to do? How many willingly give up the keys to their car? It’s not surprising he resisted.
Yet Biden cares about America and was aware of the damage a second Trump administration could do to this nation, and to the world. Biden’s patriotism won out over any denial or wounded pride or false sense of infallibility or paranoia.
For this and much else, we thank you, Joe.
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piglet26 · 10 months ago
A Year In the Mess and the Millennial Cross Rory Bears. WINTER
Let's address the elephant in the room while I have you front and center. Rory in A Year in The Life was a commentary on millennials. Amy Sherman-Palladino, the creator, confirmed this was the inspiration for Rory's turn in AYITL. Rory was saddled with all the complaints the previous generations have of millennials such as millennials are spoiled, entitled, privileged blah blah blah. Hey now, now that we have not one but two generations under us I do understand the desire to complain (and be terrified). Gen Z and Gen Alpha general aesthetic is to be Billie Eilish lite as in angry, depressed, violent, or, antisocial. They have the lowest attention span recorded in human history and Taylor Swift is their greatest philosopher. Jesus take the wheel
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The problem? None of this was in Rory Gilmore 1.0-character DNA. Matter of fact who the hell was Rory in the revival?! What the hell happened to her? We don't know. The Palladino's don't even bother expanding on it, but who does?! When it comes to Millennials we're to be mocked not understood. Most millennials came of age where there was a horrible job, house market and were in an economic recession. Our lives were being taken over by technology and social media. Rory picked a profession that was still mostly print at the time of her college graduation.... this is an entirely digital market now and one readers now pay for if they want something of substance. How lucrative is a real authentic journalism career? Not just think pieces or a seat on CNN or Fox News roundtable?
This is why A Year in the Life was a Mess
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Believe me, I wanted to love it. This is my childhood we're talking about here. I loved Stars Hallow. Love my Gilmores. Yet, when I finally tuned I did so when just a hint of dread.....gradually all my fears were realized. Thus after 6.2 hours concluded somehow, we got somewhere, nowhere, found out little, nothing at all, were satisfied and just plain frustrated. So, let's break this mess down by episode. While mainly I will cover how the revival failed Rory - I will mention other frustrations because I can.
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Why is Rory only in town for a day?! She's gotta leave for London soon. What has she been doing?! Ok, she's written a piece in the New Yorker, but how does that work?! Are you on staff? Do you submit freelance pieces and they choose them? She's a good writer, she's always been a good writer, and she's shown she is capable of running a paper - why is she struggling?! They doubled down on the millennial annoyance by having Rory abandoned Brooklyn as it was going condo and Lena Dunham. Subtle.
Super-Proud Luke is and always will be cute and Rory is so his kid. He's now a subscriber to The New Yorker which he reads every week just to support Rory. Also, he's attached her article to his menus so everyone can read it. Which she treats as cringe instead of sweet and supportive, but I'll let it go. Luke, Lorelai and Rory really are found family and super adorable.
Yes, the bit about everyone forgetting Paul is funny but THIS ISN'T RORY?! Paul seems genuinely sweet and thoughtful not just to Rory but her whole family so why are we doing this? Again, this is someone's depiction of a millennial. I guess we're really shitty to great guys. Rory had never been previously depicted as self-centered jerk just slightly oblivious as well all are.
It's a thrill to see all the old characters make a cameo.
The loss of Ed Herrmann was a gut punch to his cast. You can tell. It's also serves as a gut punch to the audience. We will miss you old chap. Rory following Emily around at the repast is the first hint of old Rory we've seen on this show yet.
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It also serves as another wasted opportunity. No one except Emily seems to be genuinely affected by Richard's passing. The Gilmores are a small family, but a tight one. The patriarch passing surely would've affected all three gilmore girls deeply. It would've been better had we found Rory on a cooperate writing staff in London (employed by Logan) that she quit to spend more time at home to support her mother and grandmother. It would've been nice had Richard's passing compelled her into finding meaning beyond professional success. It would've been nice if they showed her pursuing something related to Richard from a journalistic perspective. They could've showed her on the road chasing a story to run into Jess or Dean or hell any of the countless characters. SOMETHING. Instead, we got spiraling millennial which is continuing to just seem misguided.
Berta and her roving family is trash and I didn't need them.
Emily starts in on Rory current state of homelessness which bring me to my next point of contention..... How is Rory broke?! She's had Trixie/Gran, her grandparents, Logan, Luke and her father?! I don't care that she's privileged unlike a lot of the privileged but not as privilege youtubers who enjoy spitefully and bitterly complaining. Despite what these grips say no, Rory's success has never come easily to her. The reality she was studying and investing her teenage years in academic pursuits while Rory's haters were partying or watching TV. Rory's always been resourceful and yet can't find a way to make a steady income in addition to writing. What's going on?
April/ Knock-off Rory is annoying, and it doesn't escape me that Luke prefers Rory. I'm glad hehehe. I mean he has a kid biologically and yet he considers going to Rory's graduation as going to his kids graduation. Side note: I know the creators would like to pretend that season 7 never happened but what are we doing here?! LnL have seriously never talked about having kids in the last 9 freakin' years?! Well at least we know why..... miscommunication and we needed a way to write medical Paris Geller into the story. Surrogacy is actually perfect for a medical student that doesn't actually like sick people.
Paris Geller ah I love this cold-hearted little psycho.
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Okay Rory is writing a book with a queer drunk brit who steals food from other people, this is who she wrote her New Yorker piece on. This is the depiction of the feminist on the show.
I love Logan and I Love Rogan, but WHAT ARE WE DOING?! Why are they both having affairs with people they don't care about. Rory cheated once? twice?......okay Rory is a cheater, but why?
Paris and Doyle but of course they did! Can't have a happy couple in Stars Hallow or anywhere near it for long. I can see them having problems though because they've always had problems and sexually resolved them. Plus, in Paris's ideal functioning world she's married to Rory and Doyle.
WHY DOES RORY GILMORE HAVE ALL OF HER SHIT ACROSS FIVE HOMES?! How much stuff does she have? Honestly. Rory was always organized. At this point we've just got a personality transplant.
Once again, this is the main problem with the revival. None of this is behavior or characteristics we've associated with Rory. It's insert millennial here from a jaded baby boomer.
This is exhausting....................................... and I'm gonna have to take this in shifts. Next up spring.
Side note: Christmas here would be amazing and so charming.
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[VERY SERIOUS DISCLAIMER FOR THE FOLLOWING TEXT: I wrote this about three hours ago. It is currently 11:45am CST on 10/7/2023, and about an hour ago news sources started reporting Palestinian liberatory action. This situation concerned me before, and due to the connections the genealogical industrial complex has with the Israeli occupation and the Mormon church, I believe eyes should be on this. I do not believe this is a Palestinian effort, if I know anything about anything of US white supremacist extremist hate crimes, this reeks of it. Anyone saying that it is a Palestinian effort must be approached with extreme caution, especially if they are a Zionist. This is exactly the kind of thing that could be scapegoated. Do not let it. This is also about Chinese Americans and indigenous Americans, who have had a blood quantum measurement also put onto us.] I'm Ashkenazi Jewish + indigenous North American and I have been warning people for almost a decade that this was going to happen. I have had an extremely difficult time with reconnection to my bio family, and I am not the only one. 23andMe and other DNA database sites have capitalized on adoptees and lost indigenous people since their inception. It was a part of their initial business model. I keep my identity close to my chest, largely from white people but I'm also careful about who I share it with IRL - I'm passing as an active adjective. One of the reasons I don't get into it is because of these companies alone. When I have spoken about who I am with people who it was a mistake to talk about it with, their answer to all my woes is to "just take a DNA test if you really want it so bad." When I explain further what these companies do and how this data is collected, with several of them having headquarters and offices in Israeli-occupied Palestine and Utah where the Mormon church is extremely involved (solidifying a very legitimate business connection & alliance between two religious self-claiming "authorities"), I am dismissed. It does not matter to people. There is a staunch belief that if you "really are that thing, you have to prove it with DNA," AS IF THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO DO THIS.
This data is dangerous. I'm an anthropologist, currently working on digital anthro among other things. It has never been safe for the thing that white supremacists use to determine our humanhood to be collected by a company whose mission is to profit on eugenics and genocide. This was always going to happen. In this instance, it was specifically Jews and Chinese people which this article title does not do justice.
If you have taken one of these tests in your life, there is now not really much you can do except protect yourself in the ways you can. Their ToS and copyright agreement are extremely unethical and always have been. You can request for them to destroy your data, but that doesn't actually guarantee that it's going to happen or that they haven't already sold it/shared it or your other information for research or commercial marketing purposes. Otherwise, I highly recommend a) doing the most you can to protect yourself online, b) locking down your finances and credit if you feel comfortable and confident doing so, c) and familiarizing yourself with the Nuremberg blood quantum chart below to see if you are affected by this given your results because yes, this is their end-game. If you fall on this chart at all, you are at risk. This is about the blood that runs through your veins, not about your social and cultural life as you know it right now.
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Given my disclaimer above, please watch out for further news on this. This is not nothing. This is extremist terrorist planning that has the potential to be very far-reaching.
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zerosecurity · 2 months ago
The Hidden Cost of Convenience: How Your Smart Devices Are Mapping Your Life
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In an era where smart devices have become ubiquitous in our homes, a disturbing reality lurks beneath their convenient features. Is that robot vacuum diligently cleaning your floors? It's creating detailed 3D maps of your home. The biometric scanner at your local grocery store? It's collecting more than just payment data. These revelations come from data privacy experts Aram Senriq and Jesse Gilbert, authors of "The Secret Life of Data," who warn that our digital footprints are far more extensive – and permanent – than most people realize. "Data isn't really an object so much as it's a frame of mind," explains Senriq. "You can take any aspect of the human experience and reduce it to a set of numbers that has value for somebody somewhere." Take Amazon's Roomba, for instance. While marketed as a simple vacuum cleaner, its LIDAR sensors create comprehensive 3D maps of your home's interior, tracking everything from furniture placement to the number of residents and pets. According to Gilbert, this data has value far beyond improving cleaning efficiency. "The vacuuming function is why we invite them into our homes, but it's not the value for Amazon," he notes. This detailed spatial data helps build sophisticated consumer profiles that can be packaged and sold to third parties – or potentially accessed by government agencies without a warrant. The implications extend beyond individual privacy concerns. Amazon's acquisition of One Medical and its collection of biometric data through Whole Foods' palm-scanning payment system creates an unprecedented intersection of consumer behavior and health data. "Correlating your shopping habits with your medical risk factors... are very consequential and very high stakes," Gilbert warns. Even more troubling is how today's innocent data collection could have tomorrow's unforeseen consequences. The authors point to a stark example: during the decades when abortion was legal nationwide, millions of Americans used Google Maps to locate healthcare clinics. Post-Roe v. Wade, that same location data could potentially be used as evidence in criminal proceedings in states where abortion is now illegal. So what can consumers do? While completely opting out of digital services isn't realistic for most people, the authors suggest a three-pronged approach: - Support federal data privacy legislation - Take practical steps like using VPNs to encrypt personal data - Foster a culture of privacy awareness and normalized protective behaviors The message is clear: We need to move beyond the "nothing to hide" mindset and recognize that all data, like DNA, exists as part of an interconnected web that can reveal far more about us—and those connected to us—than we might imagine. As our homes and lives become increasingly connected, the question isn't just about what data we're willing to share today, but how that data might be used tomorrow. The convenience of smart devices comes with a price tag we're only beginning to understand. Read the full article
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unpluggedfinancial · 3 months ago
Bitcoin Doesn't Care Who's in the White House
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In a world where headlines are dominated by politics and who's in power, it's easy to think that the fate of everything we value hinges on elections and leadership changes. But Bitcoin stands apart from all of that noise. Bitcoin doesn’t care who occupies the White House, which party controls Congress, or what policies are being debated on the Senate floor. It's a global, decentralized network that transcends borders, ideologies, and political shifts.
While the financial markets might respond to political promises and fiscal policies, Bitcoin follows its own code — literally. The fixed supply of 21 million Bitcoin, the halving schedule, and the consensus rules that keep it secure are immune to the whims of any political figure. No executive order can change its monetary policy, no legislation can increase its supply, and no government agency can decide its fate. This independence is at the core of what makes Bitcoin powerful. It's money for the people, designed to be resilient against central authority.
Every four years, nations might change leaders. Promises are made, broken, reinterpreted, or forgotten. But every ten minutes, another block is mined, adding to Bitcoin's blockchain — a symbol of consistency in an inconsistent world. Bitcoin provides financial freedom and sovereignty for anyone, anywhere, regardless of their country’s politics. It’s a reminder that while governments may come and go, and the political landscape can change like the wind, Bitcoin’s mission remains the same: to provide a fair, open, and predictable form of money for all.
This detachment from politics gives Bitcoin a unique appeal. It’s a form of savings that isn't tied to the political leanings or economic policies of any nation. People from every walk of life, regardless of political beliefs, are finding value in it. Bitcoin doesn’t discriminate; it’s not about left or right, but about forward. Forward to a world where individuals, not institutions, have control over their financial destiny.
Bitcoin’s resilience has been tested time and again. It has faced bans, regulations, misinformation campaigns, and skepticism from powerful institutions. Yet, it continues to grow stronger, largely because it cannot be controlled by any central authority. When governments print money to stimulate their economies, Bitcoin remains untouched by inflation. Its scarcity is coded into its DNA, making it a hedge against the devaluation of fiat currencies. This stability, in the face of economic uncertainty, draws people to Bitcoin as a secure store of value.
Consider the global nature of Bitcoin. It’s not only Americans who benefit from it being immune to Washington’s influence. Citizens of countries dealing with hyperinflation, strict capital controls, or political instability have turned to Bitcoin as a lifeline. It allows them to move value across borders, escape oppressive economic regimes, and preserve their wealth in a way that was never possible before. For many, Bitcoin represents hope — hope for a financial system that respects individual rights and freedom.
And while Bitcoin doesn't care who is in power, its very existence is a challenge to the traditional systems that thrive on centralized control. The beauty of Bitcoin lies in its simplicity and its fairness. Anyone with an internet connection can participate in the network, mine, trade, or hold Bitcoin without needing permission. This permissionless nature is revolutionary. It provides an alternative to those who feel left out or marginalized by the existing financial systems.
Bitcoin is often called “digital gold” because, like gold, it holds value beyond the reach of governments. But it’s more than that — it's programmable, portable, and easily divisible, making it accessible to everyone, from large-scale investors to individuals with only a few dollars to spare. Its technological foundation ensures that it remains a constantly evolving system, ready to adapt and improve without losing sight of its core principles.
In an ever-changing world, Bitcoin is a constant. It’s not influenced by campaign promises or election cycles. It continues to operate predictably and transparently, offering a form of financial security that doesn’t depend on political stability. It’s a system built by people, for people, where the rules are clear and can’t be manipulated by those in power. Bitcoin doesn't care who’s in the White House — and that’s exactly why it matters.
Take Action Towards Financial Independence
If this article has sparked your interest in the transformative potential of Bitcoin, there's so much more to explore! Dive deeper into the world of financial independence and revolutionize your understanding of money by following my blog and subscribing to my YouTube channel.
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zeydaan-isabella · 8 months ago
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The Cosplay Machine
Story by Metroid711 - Zeydaan and Isabella finding a strange cosplay machine at a convention that's a little more thorough than they were expecting
Zeydaan would take a step through the doors after fully signing in and getting their lanyard pass. They had attended many a Comic-Con but this one in particular was special. Besides the usual slew of fantastic costumes, cosplays, events, and merchandise of all kinds, this one advertised something known as a “Cosplay Machine.” It marketed it as some kind of costume generator, and while Zeydaan usually brought their own cosplays to wear, they wanted to give this a try just to see how it worked. It took a bit of wandering around, of course checking in booths that interested them along with any particular cosplayers they wanted to take pictures or compliment.   Eventually they made it to a set of large double doors sporting a colorful sign: Cosplay Machine. There were a few people lined up to head in, with the exit assumedly being on the opposite side, as they didn’t get to see anyone leaving. Once it was their turn, they had to show their pass and the doors were opened for them. The hallway heading inside was somewhat techno, with colorful lights flashing. A set of tinted glass doors were closed at the end of the hallway, with a touch screen on the wall right next to it. A credit card device to pay for a cosplay would flicker, the digital text sporting “10 dollars” scrolling across it, which wasn’t too bad in hindsight.  They would pay for it, and the screen would light up with a search bar and a number of categories. Tons and tons of pictures of characters from across all forms of entertainment. They would pass by several choices that interested them; however, they would put in a specific name for the cosplay they wanted to try, Nia. The well-loved, sassy Welsh kitty from Xenoblade 2. Once she was selected, Zeydaan would step up to the tinted glass doors as they opened for them. Their tail would sway back and forth a little in anticipation, with the doors closing behind them as they stepped in. The inside of the machine was a large chamber about the size of a walk-in closet, with several metallic plates and flickering neon squares surrounding the fey. In no time at all the machines would whirr to life as they would step around to stare at it. Some of the plates would tremble and slide open, robotic arms popping out and rotating around them.  Some shining bright green segmented light over their body, assumedly scanning and taking their measurements. And after a small moment of silence, the machine would clammer to life. The wolf would find themselves being gently massaged by a set of robotic gloved hands firstly, making sure they were nice and relaxed as they let out a happy sigh. However, this was for another reason, unbeknownst to Zeydaan, the massages were stretching and reshaping their very DNA, with their dark furred skin starting to brighten. With every crease and knead it would get slightly thinner and more feminine, with pale pristine human skin taking over in patches across their arms first. Their hands softly held as they were thinning, becoming more feminine and daintier with a bit of a toned strength to them.   Zeydaan would be none the wiser, especially as the hands would crease and push in their waist to make it slightly curvier and more toned. This would pump out their hips to grow rounder and wider, with their thighs being swelled out to be much more toned and thicker. This of course was followed up with the cream fur and skin creasing away for the human skin that glistened and almost pristinely glowed in the neon lights. Their chest was pat and rubbed down, made a little softer and flatter, a smaller bust than they usually had; but this was also the point when they noticed what was going on. Before they could exclaim, a hand would push against their muzzle and cheeks and begin to rub and massage it, making their head feel a bit fuzzy as it would start to shrink their snout. The grey fur flattening as their larger nose would begin shrinking and shifting to be smaller and girlish.  Their resistance was dwindling as they leaned into the amazing sensations of the molding and sculpting of their entire body. It felt just too good to have all that fur be smoothed into such soft and perfect skin, with a nicely sized body to match. The hands would tilt their chin up, conditioning their body down further as it was shrinking in height, losing a couple feet as their muzzle was shrinking in further and further. Another set of gloved hands would massage and knead their scalp and horns, with the latter getting smaller. Their ears were tugged and pulled up in place of the horns as well, starting to merge with their hair as it was shortening and shifting in hue. It was going from a navy blue to a lighter platinum blonde color. With the newly forming feline-like ears mering in color and shape with the newly sculpted hairdo. Their once messy black casual look had been reshaped into a bob cut, with two sets of hair tied up with yellow bows.   Zeydaan’s pink eyes began to swirl as their face and cheeks were pushed and massaged, two hands beginning to rub their tail as it would lose its feeling. It became number as it would soon be nothing but more of the soft human skin, with their rear sculpting to be a bit jutted out to match the hips and thighs. With the last pieces of their body succumbing to the gorgeous human-like aspects. Their face was fully being sculpted, the last finishing touches being performed with their eyes becoming a nice light gold color, along with being larger and more stylized. Their face had triangular white like markings in their skin that surrounded their face, with their snout fully massaged into a smug smirk and dainty nose. They felt their neck massaged as their usual voice would gain a thick Welsh accent. One that was rough and feminine but also commanded a slew of tomboy smarm to it.   Of course, they found their body fully changed, but what would come next would take the cake. Their current outfit would be pulled off by the gloves as they would reveal several articles of cosplay. Starting off with a tight yet comfy yellow jumpsuit that was pulled over their feminine and catty body. It would be zipped up nice and tight as they, no, she would smirk as she patted down the outfit. Her dainty arms would be slipped into thick patterned gauntlets, perfectly attaching to the ends of the overly puffy sleeves. With her hands finally being slipped into soft white sleek gloves. All of it rubbed against her new supple skin and she couldn’t help but blush at the new sensations of the body. For 10 dollars she really was becoming the character, the ultimate cosplay as several accessories were added to the outfit. A fluffy red and white scarf collar with a black choker around her neck. Arm bands, a belt sporting sheathed daggers and a gold belt buckle. And finally, her legs were squeezed into big overly designed boots that clanked whenever she walked.  She felt heavy and snug inside the layers of clothing and accessories, but she didn’t mind at all as she felt one last touch be added. The hands would massage her newly changed prettied up head, and Zeydaan felt new memories fill it. Her eyes began to swirl in glee as she felt Nia’s personality and mannerisms become like second nature to her. She felt entire new memories added to her old ones, so she could perfectly and pristinely play the character. Or rather, play herself~ While Zeydaan remembered everything before, she concluded she was more Nia now. The hands retracted and the outer doors opened to another area of the convention. Several others who were perfect copies of characters were walking around talking. And as the cat-blade woman stepped out: she took a deep breath, gave a smug grin, and was ready to take on this convention, the best Nia she could be~
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apcseo · 9 months ago
The Benefits of Working with Advertising Agencies in Delhi for Your Business
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Discover the strategic prowess of advertising agencies in Delhi, serving as partners for businesses seeking effective brand communication.
The Vibrant Hub of Advertising Excellence in Delhi
Nestled in the bustling landscape of Delhi lies a network of dynamic advertising agencies, pulsating with creativity and strategic prowess. These agencies, positioned strategically within the National Capital Region (NCR), serve as invaluable partners for businesses seeking to unlock their full potential through effective brand communication and marketing strategies.
The Role of Advertising Agencies in Delhi: A Gateway to Success
Strategic Expertise and Industry Insights
Advertising agencies in Delhi possess a wealth of strategic expertise and in-depth industry insights. They serve as custodians of marketing strategies tailored to suit the diverse business landscape of Delhi. Their comprehensive understanding of local markets, consumer behaviors, and emerging trends empowers businesses to navigate the complex terrain of advertising with finesse.
Creative Ingenuity and Innovative Solutions
Creativity is at the core of these agencies' DNA. They boast a team of visionary minds—creative directors, designers, writers, and strategists—working collaboratively to craft innovative solutions. From compelling visuals to thought-provoking campaigns, they infuse creativity into every facet of brand communication, ensuring that businesses stand out amidst the noise.
Multi-channel Approach and Amplified Reach
In an era dominated by multi-channel marketing, these agencies leverage a diverse array of platforms—from traditional media to digital channels—to amplify brand reach. They adeptly navigate through print, television, social media, and emerging digital spaces, tailoring strategies that resonate across various touchpoints and target audiences.
Cost-effectiveness and Efficiency
Partnering with advertising agencies in Delhi often proves cost-effective for businesses. These agencies possess established relationships with media houses, vendors, and influencers, enabling them to negotiate better rates and optimize resources, thereby maximizing the return on investment for their clients.
The Tangible Benefits of Collaboration
Tailored Strategies for Diverse Business Needs
One of the key advantages of working with these agencies is their ability to customize strategies according to the unique needs of businesses. Whether it's brand building, product launches, or lead generation, they craft bespoke solutions aligned with specific business goals, ensuring maximum impact and results.
Enhanced Brand Visibility and Recognition
By harnessing their expertise in market analysis and consumer behavior, these agencies develop campaigns that elevate brand visibility. Through compelling storytelling and strategic positioning, they engrain brands into the minds of consumers, fostering recall and recognition.
Access to Specialized Skills and Technology
Businesses partnering with advertising agencies in Delhi gain access to specialized skills and cutting-edge technology that might be otherwise inaccessible. From advanced analytics tools to creative software, these agencies equip businesses with the tools necessary to thrive in the competitive market landscape.
Time-efficient and Focused Approach
Outsourcing marketing and advertising responsibilities to these agencies allows businesses to concentrate on their core competencies. It streamlines operations, saves time, and enables a focused approach towards achieving business objectives without the distraction of managing intricate marketing campaigns.
Delhis Advertising Landscape: A Collaborative Ecosystem
Cultivating Innovation through Collaborations
The collaborative ecosystem in Delhi fosters innovation. These agencies often collaborate not just internally but also with other businesses, tech firms, and startups. Such collaborations result in fresh perspectives, out-of-the-box ideas, and groundbreaking campaigns that redefine industry standards.
Tech Integration and Future-Forward Strategies
With technology driving the future of advertising, agencies in Delhi are at the forefront of innovation. They seamlessly integrate technology—AI, AR, VR, and data analytics—into their strategies, paving the way for future-forward campaigns that resonate with the digitally-savvy consumers of today.
In conclusion, the benefits of collaborating with advertising agencies in Delhi extend beyond mere marketing endeavors. They serve as catalysts for business growth, empowering organizations to navigate the complex landscape of brand communication and marketing with finesse and innovation.
Businesses leveraging the expertise of these agencies not only witness enhanced brand visibility and consumer engagement but also experience a strategic edge in the competitive market. As Delhi continues to evolve as a hub of advertising excellence, these agencies stand as pillars of support, nurturing brands, fostering innovation, and guiding businesses towards a flourishing future of success and recognition.
This post was originally published on: Apppl Combine
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connectusportal · 1 year ago
Unlocking Digital Triumph: Your Gateway to Trusted SEO Agency in Dubai
Embarking on the quest for the Perfect SEO Agency in Dubai is akin to finding the treasure map in the vast digital landscape. Picture a collaborator who not only decodes the intricacies of SEO but also guides you through the labyrinth of ever-evolving algorithms. This enchantment is precisely what a Reputable SEO Agency in Dubai brings – your passport to conquering the online realm.
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In the thriving hub of Dubai's business scene, rising above the competition is no stroll in the park. Trustworthy SEO Agency as your digital compass, skilfully navigating your website through the twists and turns of search algorithms. Trust becomes the linchpin, ensuring a transparent journey with ethical practices and enduring results.
Dubai, with its majestic skyscrapers and forward-thinking vision, demands a digital footprint that mirrors its dynamism. An adept SEO partner doesn't just boost your digital footprint; it intricately weaves your brand into the tapestry of trust and reliability, integral values within Dubai's vibrant business landscape.
Picking an SEO ally is like finding the ideal pair of shoes; a universal fit simply doesn't exist. A Reputable SEO Agency in Dubai excels in tailoring its strategy to your business needs. Imagine a meticulous process involving keyword research, content optimization, and ethical link building – a bespoke strategy propelling your website to the zenith while ensuring your part of the journey.
Beyond the numerical tale, the narrative gains depth with a personal touch. A trustworthy SEO agency comprehends your business's unique DNA, weaving a customized strategy that transcends generic solutions. In Dubai's fiercely competitive market, this personalized touch is the catalyst for unlocking doors to previously untapped audiences.
Within Dubai's bustling metropolis, where innovation converges with tradition, the gravity of trust cannot be overstressed. A reliable SEO agency isn't just a service provider; it's your digital confidant, adept at navigating the ever-shifting currents of the online world. If you're geared up to elevate your digital standing and triumph in the SEO race, trust emerges as your ultimate asset – and a reputable SEO agency in Dubai stands as your covert arsenal.
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intellibeanstechnologies · 1 year ago
Empowering Businesses Globally: The Success Story of Intellibeans Technologies
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, outsourcing has become a key driver of growth and efficiency. One company that has been at the forefront of this transformative wave is Intellibeans Technologies.
Who is Intellibeans Technologies?
Intellibeans Technologies is not your typical outsourcing company. It’s a dynamic force that empowers businesses worldwide by delivering top-tier outsourcing solutions. With a commitment to excellence, innovation, and client success, Intellibeans is rewriting the rules of outsourcing.
The Art of Web Development
In a world where a strong online presence is a non-negotiable asset, Intellibeans shines with its exceptional web development services. The team doesn’t just build websites; they create digital experiences. Their web development solutions are a testament to quality, functionality, and creativity. From e-commerce platforms to corporate websites, Intellibeans excels in crafting digital assets that make a difference.
Digital Marketing Expertise
In the realm of digital marketing, Intellibeans Technologies is a true virtuoso. Their digital marketing strategies are tailor-made to propel businesses to new heights. From search engine optimization (SEO) to pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, they understand the intricacies of online promotion and deliver results that matter.
Graphics that Speak Volumes
At Intellibeans Technologies, graphic design is more than just images and colors; it’s a language. Their team of skilled graphic designers crafts visuals that communicate your brand’s story, identity, and values. From logos to banners, they create visuals that resonate with your audience.
Words that Engage
Content is king in the digital realm, and Intellibeans Technologies is the knight that wields the pen. Their content writers are masters at crafting engaging, informative, and SEO-friendly content. From blog posts to website copy, they ensure your message hits home.
Unlocking the World of Remote Work
As remote work gains prominence, Intellibeans is ahead of the curve. Their expertise in developing remote work solutions has made them a go-to choice for businesses transitioning to a distributed workforce. Communication tools, project management platforms, and collaboration solutions are all part of their toolkit.
Quality Above All
One of the pillars of Intellibeans Technologies is a relentless pursuit of quality. Every project they take on is executed with precision, care, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. They understand that the success of their clients is intertwined with the quality of their work.
Innovation as a Driving Force
Innovation is in the DNA of Intellibeans Technologies. They are continuously exploring new technologies, trends, and approaches to stay ahead of the curve. This forward-thinking attitude keeps their clients ahead of the competition.
Join the Outsourcing Revolution with Intellibeans Technologies
In an era where businesses must adapt and evolve, Intellibeans Technologies emerges as a beacon of support for those looking to harness the power of outsourcing. With their web development prowess, digital marketing acumen, and commitment to innovation, they’re a trusted partner for businesses on the road to success.
For those seeking to unlock their business’s full potential, Intellibeans Technologies is the answer. Join them on a journey of collaboration, growth, and global success.
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madhukumarc · 1 year ago
Brand Awareness vs Brand Identity
Brand awareness and brand identity are two crucial aspects of building a successful brand.
While they are related, they serve different purposes and contribute to different aspects of a brand's growth and success.
Let's dig deeper to provide you with more information.
Brand Awareness vs Brand Identity:
1. Brand Awareness:
Let's start with brand awareness.
Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers are familiar with a brand.
It is all about getting your brand name out there and making sure that your target audience knows who you are.
It's like being the popular student in school - everyone knows your name and what you stand for.
Brand awareness is important because it lays the foundation for brand recognition and recall.
When consumers are aware of your brand, they are more likely to recognize it when they see it, whether it's on a billboard, a social media post, or a product packaging.
This familiarity can lead to increased trust and credibility, as people tend to gravitate towards brands they are familiar with.
There are various strategies that businesses can use to build brand awareness.
One common approach is through advertising and marketing campaigns.
This can include traditional methods like TV commercials, print ads, and radio spots, as well as digital marketing techniques such as social media advertising, influencer partnerships, and content marketing.
“The power of word-of-mouth marketing cannot be underestimated in building brand awareness” – Semrush
2. Brand Identity:
On the other hand, brand identity is about the values, personality, and unique characteristics that define a brand.
It's like the DNA of your brand - it sets you apart from your competitors and shapes how people perceive you.
Brand identity encompasses elements like your brand's logo, color palette, typography, tone of voice, and messaging.
It's about creating a consistent and cohesive visual and verbal identity that resonates with your target audience.
A strong brand identity helps consumers connect with your brand on an emotional level and build a relationship with it.
Developing a strong brand identity involves understanding your target audience and what they value, as well as aligning your brand's values with theirs.
It also requires consistency across all touchpoints - from your website to your packaging to your customer service interactions.
“A potent brand identity acts as a lighthouse, steering consumers toward confident choices” – Level343
3. While brand awareness is about getting noticed, brand identity is about leaving a lasting impression. It's about creating a strong brand image that people can relate to and trust.
Both brand awareness and brand identity are important for the success of a business.
Brand awareness helps you get noticed in a crowded marketplace, while brand identity helps you differentiate yourself from competitors and build loyalty among consumers.
“Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has described a company’s branding as “what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” In other words, your brand is people's feelings and emotions when hearing your company name” – HubSpot
Brand Awareness vs Brand Identity - Tabular Comparison:
Here's a tabular comparison of the most important aspects of brand awareness and brand identity:
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Image Content Source - Generated through ChatGPT
In conclusion, while brand awareness focuses on getting your brand known, brand identity focuses on creating a unique identity that resonates with your target audience.
Both are crucial components of building a successful brand, and businesses should invest in strategies that help them achieve both.
So go ahead, and put effort into building your brand's awareness and identity - it will pay off in the long run!
Here's related information that you may also find helpful - Why do companies brand their products?
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axad11 · 2 years ago
The Key to Performance in Digital Marketing with AXAD
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In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of digital marketing, achieving high-performance levels is crucial for any business striving to stand out and succeed. From small startups to global enterprises, everyone seeks that competitive edge that drives results and maximises ROI. This quest for excellence in digital marketing finds its perfect partner in AXAD, a leading Digital Marketing Agency that has redefined the landscape of performance-driven marketing.
The Power of Performance in Marketing
In the digital age, traditional marketing strategies have taken a backseat, making way for a more data-driven and performance-focused approach. Performance In Marketing refers to the art of optimising every aspect of a marketing campaign to achieve the best possible results. It revolves around metrics, analytics, and constant refinement to target the right audience with the right message, at the right time. AXAD recognizes the significance of performance marketing and has mastered the art of leveraging it to empower businesses across the globe.
The AXAD Difference
Data-Backed Decision Making: AXAD is committed to understanding the unique DNA of each client's business. By utilising powerful data analytics tools, they gain invaluable insights into consumer behaviour, market trends, and the performance of past campaigns. This data-driven approach ensures that marketing efforts are both targeted and impactful.
Holistic Strategy: AXAD understands that digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Their team of experts crafts tailor-made strategies, combining various online channels such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing, to create a cohesive and effective campaign.
Constant Monitoring and Optimization: AXAD believes that continuous improvement is the key to staying ahead in the digital realm. They meticulously monitor campaigns, analyse real-time data, and make data-backed adjustments to enhance the performance of their marketing efforts continuously.
Customer-Centric Approach: At the heart of AXAD's success lies its unwavering commitment to understanding its client's needs and goals. By aligning their strategies with client objectives, they build strong and lasting partnerships that drive mutual success.
Unlocking the Full Potential of Performance Marketing
With AXAD by your side, unlocking the full potential of performance marketing becomes a reality. Their innovative strategies and unwavering focus on data-driven insights ensure businesses can:
Enhance Reach: AXAD's finely tuned campaigns reach the right audience at the right time, boosting brand visibility and engagement.
Maximise Conversion: By optimising campaigns to resonate with the target audience, AXAD boosts conversion rates, driving more leads and sales.
Improve ROI: Every marketing dollar invested counts. AXAD's commitment to performance ensures that each penny spent yields measurable returns.
Stay Ahead of the Competition: In the dynamic world of digital marketing, AXAD's agile approach enables businesses to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to ever-changing market conditions.
In conclusion, performance in marketing is no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses to thrive in the digital landscape. AXAD's innovative and data-driven approach to digital marketing empowers businesses to reach new heights of success. By unlocking the full potential of performance marketing, AXAD continues to lead the charge in propelling businesses toward unprecedented growth and unparalleled success. SOURCE URL: https://axad1.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-key-to-performance-in-digital.html
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tenaciouschildengineer · 2 years ago
The Importance of Understanding Energy Conservation in a Transforming AI Economy.
Written by: Neoneela Boevets
JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! This topic has been on my mind a lot lately… Not only because I have been on the job hunt, but because the job market is shifting at a catalytic rate. In the age of automation, robotics, AI, climate change, and government policies being implemented- it leaves us wondering what the future holds for us. What does the job market look like in 30 years? Or 50 years? 100 years?
“Machines could take 50% of jobs in the next 30 years”
-Moshe Vardi, CS Professor, Rice University
The new industrial revolution will set new grounds of what our values are and what value can humans provide. Do you remember when travel agencies were a relevant service when booking a vacation? They were certainly a higher demand then compared to now. Do you remember Blockbuster? What happened to all those jobs? They shifted, zero marginal cost businesses such as Netflix and TripAdvisor replaced them.
In the article, “You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think”, Kevin Drum argues that the post golden age will create an even wider economic gap for the rich, and that there will be little to no jobs left for humans. Because of this, It is up to our government to ensure that social welfare and environmental regulations should take place in order for us to be ready for the future of AI, and unfortunately this is not what’s happening, the article discusses that our government is not prioritizing the future of AI, stating that: “They refuse to see that global warming is behind changing weather patterns because dealing with climate change requires environmental regulations that are bad for business and bad for the rich. Likewise, dealing with an AI Revolution will require new ways of distributing wealth. In the long run this will be good even for the rich, but in the short term it’s a pretty scary prospect for those with money—and one they’ll fight zealously. Until they have no choice left, conservatives are simply not going to admit this is happening, let alone think about how to address it. It’s not in their DNA.” This cannot be said better, we are too ignorant to shift the tectonics of macroeconomy as the digital minds of the future. 
A UBI (Universal Basic Income) system will be needed in case of emergency for sure. This is actually one of Andrew Yang’s central missions in his political campaign. And he's not wrong. UBI will be basic minimum food and a place to live, basic necessities. It's not supposed to be luxurious. Not every American will need it. Jeff Bezos will be okay without it.
The article fails to mention new jobs that will also occur as automation and AI use increases. Humans will shift towards new jobs or no job at all which may require the government to create a universal stipend. We cannot imagine yet how humanity will keep itself busy in the AI world. A caveman would have no concept of being a web developer, so same goes with humans of 2023 trying to grasp the future of AI.  We will have jobs. I know that there are plenty of opportunities for people to be able to make the standard of living they want under the circumstances that we are in - if they want more than the standard of living. Just take a look at social media influencers as an example…will we shift to jobs that are more creative & fun?! There is always something to hustle from. But making sure UBI is set in stone, is always a good back up plan to have, again not knowing what the future holds in regard to the job market. 
*This is a similar argument of Americans living on welfare, they want to make more too and be a part of a working-class society. Will there be a better standard of living with the age of automation Hopefully, yes. But a UBI system will be needed just in case.
** Here's more on "Debunking the myth of the Lazy Welfare Recipient" Debunking the myth of the lazy welfare recipient | Harvard Kennedy School
On the flipside (yay! positivity!), we also have a culture that is becoming more environmentally conscious and finding ways to minimize resources- making it a cheaper standard of living. We got the tiny home movement, van life, etc. There are all sorts of innovations happening right now! Not to say that's practical for everyone- especially with big families- but could be one day, with the inclusion of a sustainable system. 
The biggest point that the article makes is that the government has failed us in preparing us for the AI revolution. The party system inherits “short term thinkers” which is why environmental problems are not prioritized when they should be, the article states,” renewable energy already gets plenty of attention, even if half the country still denies that we really need it. It’s time for the end of work to start getting the same attention. “With that being said, there needs to be more governmental involvement in the future- as we do not have a choice, in universal income, the age of AI, and climate change- we need a proper leadership and direction. In my work, I can vouch that politics, robotics, and environmental problems are VERY interconnected. 
Which leads to the next topic… Energy! 
In regard to energy conservation, it is important to take into consideration the goal of having a cleaner environment. This is vital for a president in having a non- partisan diplomacy in understanding climate change and all science practices. Key decisions revolve around technology. Stay skeptical, promote energy efficiency, have a diverse set of sustainable energy practices. People in higher levels need to be educated in the application of physics in technology. Heat is a transfer of energy and the ability to do work. Nobody can create nor destroy energy. This is an important concept to learn how to control energy. We need to challenge how we utilize energy today. For example, car engines use 10-30 percent of energy from gas alone. Most of the energy is lost! How do we save more energy? We must look for other sources that utilize most of the energy produced efficiently or even look at sources from the past like radial engines (might be a landslide), not only newer technologies. Utilizing energy is what makes the world go round especially with the huge surges of population growing at an extreme rate. 
Energy conservation is a vital concept in the manufacturing, industrial worlds, and everyday life! 
This leads us to a more efficient economy and environment, a decrease in overtime relative costs, which is hopefully what the many goals are for presidents to engage in. If a president does not understand the importance of these concepts, they would not know how to keep up with the developing world.” As a solution, citizens need to care more about politics, vote, be more educated and involved in order to have a better government. FUND EDUCATION, OUR FUTURE! What makes it hard is the how. To point out the obvious- it would be so much more productive for our society if all people cared to make a difference, and all cared about this problem. We need to make environmental products profitable; everyone likes money. I am hopeful that we can get there; it has to happen pretty soon though. Science will play a role in finding solutions. And we need elect people who inherit long-term thinking to help us towards these goals.
If you are interested in this discussion and would like to dive more into this topic, here's a good book to read: https://www.oecd.org/futures/35391210.pdf
Drum, Kevin. “You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot-and Sooner than You Think.” Mother Jones, 26 Oct. 2017, 
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