#digestive system expert
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drjigarpatel ¡ 2 months ago
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Best Gastroenterologist in Ahmedabad Dr. Jigar Patel
Expert care for liver and digestive health by Dr. Jigar Patel, your trusted gastroenterologist in Ahmedabad.
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strangelittlestories ¡ 4 months ago
There’s a larp (live action roleplaying) game that I play, where there exists a creature we have dubbed a ‘Chronovore’.
This planet-sized sci-fi beastie eats time via a cool-ass external digestive system that ranges out from its main corpus (what are effectively its digestive enzymes look like glowing blue-winged angels, which are creepy as sin).
My character in this game fell victim to said chronovoric digestion and was aged 30 years by the experience. They lost what they expected to be the most valuable years of their life - the time when they expected to most make a difference to the universe.
I have a lot of emotions about this. Especially because when I look at my life aged 39 and consider the shape I am trying to hammer it into, one thought keeps recurring: I wish I had started this work sooner.
And then I consider my ADHD (a condition I am really certain I have, but am still seeking diagnosis for) and damn if I do not feel like it straight up ate decades of my life.
That’s how it feels, gang. There’s this bubbling resentful rage and grief for years spent with an invisible wall between me and what I wanted. For the nights where I spent (and still spend) revenge procrastinating and wrecking my days. For all the hours chasing short-term dopamine that was often destructive for me.
Hours. Days. Years. Eaten by a part of me that often feels like a monster squatting in my brain, hiding in my bones.
It reminds me, too, of that scene from a Hammer Horror movie where a monster expert is talking about vampires and says something like “Oh, you still think vamps are just things with big teeth that gotta bite your neck and drink your blood? Sweet baby, there’s all kinds of these creatures; some of them just fully suck your life straight out of your soul.”
This is why I don’t think I’ll ever think of my ADHD as a superpower. Or, at least, if it is: it’s from one of those gritty think piece superhero stories where your power is also a hecking curse.
I am preoccupied by what my own brain has taken from me.
And the thing is: it’s not really true. At least, not all the way true.
Those years I think of as lost were filled with good times. I made meaningful connections. I wrote poems and stories that I love. I performed art that meant something to me in front of people who enjoyed it. I consumed a lot of good media. I learned and dreamed and tried really hard to be a person I could be happy being.
But I also let a lot of the things fall into the background. I started a lot, but didn’t finish a lot. I missed the chance to work on skills that are now harder to learn because I’m older.
So I find myself cursing the Chronovore.
I nearly wrote this as a piece of fiction. If I had, I would probably have ended with the protagonist finding a way to subvert or redeem or work with the Chronovore.
Maybe the satisfying ending just this: none of us get as much time as we want. We all give time away - whether it be taxed by things we resent or gifted to what is important.
The Chronovore is not special.
And if it is not special, then it is mutable.
Maybe that is enough.
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cryptotheism ¡ 9 months ago
do you think warframes have digestive systems? I'm wondering what would happen if one tried to drink that fermented Ostron tea
I have discussed this with experts. I think the individual frames are biological batteries, and the Helmith is what actually respirstes and digests for them. They only breathe when they're not equipped.
I don't think warframes are physically capable of drinking tea.
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poiseandprogress ¡ 2 years ago
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Poise & Progess: Formulating My Meal Plan
Firstly, I am not an expert or dietician or whatever. With the help of Chat GPT I’ve compiled a list of meals and snacks that I can incorporate into a meal plan and that will allow me to reach my fitness/body goals.
I will also mention that I mainly follow a pescatarian diet but I am not entirely strict with it. I find that cutting out meats, not including seafood, works well with my body and digestive system but I don't mind a grilled chicken salad every once in a while.
So below you'll find my balanced meal plan grouped by meals.
Certainly! Here's the balanced meal plan grouped by meals, without the days specified:
Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes
Greek yogurt parfait with fruits
Oatmeal with bananas, nuts, and cinnamon
Whole-grain pancakes with yogurt
Whole-grain toast with scrambled eggs
Smoothie (spinach, banana, berries)
Overnight oats with almond milk
Avocado toast with fruits
Grilled chickpea salad with quinoa or rice
Chickpea stir-fry with noodles or rice
Lentil and vegetable soup with a roll
Spinach and feta stuffed bell peppers
Quinoa and black bean bowl
Shrimp wrap with a side salad
Tuna or chickpea salad with whole-grain bread
Greek yogurt with nuts and honey
Hummus with carrot and cucumber sticks
Cottage cheese with mixed berries
Apple slices with peanut butter
Handful of almonds and dried fruits
Celery sticks with almond butter
Baked salmon with broccoli and sweet potato
Lentil burger with mixed greens and veggies
Grilled shrimp with quinoa and veggies
Tofu stir-fry with brown rice
Grilled fish with sweet potato and asparagus
Baked fish with roasted veggies and couscous
Stuffed bell peppers with a side salad
If you'd like, you can feel free to mix and match these meal ideas to create a balanced and varied eating plan that suits your own preferences, goals, and dietary needs.
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topazadine ¡ 6 months ago
Writing Research Notes: Horses
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I have complained before about fantasy writers (and others) using horses without really knowing anything about them, so I'd like to share some basic Horse Facts. These aren't things about horse physiology, because you probably don't need that for your specific story, but things that you can add into your story for verisimilitude.
I'm not a horse trainer or Horse Expert, just someone who loves horses and rides on a regular basis. This is a casual guide to help give you some inspiration (and know what to look up for more information.)
So, what will we discuss in this embarrassingly long post? This.
General horse knowledge
Approaching and sanitizing Horse
Tack, the Horse Accessory Kit
Putting the tack on Horse
Getting on Horse (second best part!)
Riding Horse (best part!)
Being nice to Horse (most important!!)
General Horse Knowledge
Horses are generally classified as hotblood, warmblood or coldblood.
Of course, being mammals, they are all actually warm-blooded. This is more about temperament and size.
Hotblooded horses are lighter, bred for speed and maneuverability. Thoroughbreds and Arabian horses are hotbloods. They're known for being a bit more temperamental, but they are also very fast and responsive.
Coldblood horses are larger, stockier, and more even-tempered. This includes draft horses like Percherons, Gypsy Vanners, and Clydesdales.
Note that a big horse doesn't necessarily mean they're a good war horse, because war horses need to be fast and light. Draft horses are meant to pull, not carry. In a military series, you can use them as cannon horses or cart horses.
Warmblood are crossbreeds of hotblood and coldblood, giving them a good temperament but also relatively good speed. They're often used for hunting, dressage, and showjumping: disciplines that require both maneuverability and a strong working relationship between horse and rider. Quarter Horses, Tennessee Walking Horses, and Irish Sport Horses are warmbloods.
Horses are herd animals and need friends.
Having a singular horse all by themselves is going to cause them distress and lead to mental problems. This is why people who only own one horse often stable them so that they can get social stimulation and professional care.
Like humans, horses have buddies, acquaintances, and enemies.
There is often a pecking order in a herd, with a leader and followers. Horses may make friends, break up with them, reconcile, etc, just like people do.
And horses, of course, have people they like more than others. To get a horse to like you, be gentle and mindful of their boundaries, pay attention to their feelings, groom them, and speak in a soft friendly voice.
Horses aren't mindless animals: they think, feel, and strategize.
They're actually very sensitive and empathetic animals who can get jealous, have their feelings hurt, or need a little bit of TLC on a hard day. And yes, they can scheme.
Similar to dogs, horses are a bit like toddlers: they need firm but compassionate guidance.
This is why you need to think both for yourself and the horse when riding, keeping your mind clear and focused on your goals. Horses can notice when you're not paying attention and they will do their own thing.
Therapy horses are chosen for both their good nature and their sensitivity to human emotions. They will notice when the rider is getting upset or losing focus, and they will stop what they are doing until the rider is back in the right mindset.
They should get as much outside time as possible.
Horses will come to accept and even like their stalls because it's a safe, quiet space for them, but they should be allowed free time outside as much as possible.
It's important to make sure that their pasture is clean, free of dangerous plants or pesticides, and safe from tripping hazards (horse legs are very delicate).
Make sure they are not gorging themselves on grass, though, as this can cause colic. Horses cannot throw up: they've got a one-way digestive system. Intestinal blockages are a medical emergency.
Horses do like working with nice humans.
This isn't cope, I promise. Just like dogs, they have been bred over thousands of years to look to humans for guidance and to see us as caretakers.
Horses who are treated well like having a job, just like dogs who are treated well will like training sessions. Jobs offer them mental stimulation, offer them praise and rewards, and keep them busy so they're not bored.
You can see this in happy horses. The therapy horse I use, Truly, used to be a jumper and hunter before she came to the therapeutic stable, and she gets really excited if she sees vaults because she loves doing that! She gears up for the trot; you can feel it in her stride. She's ready and wants to go.
But, this implies that you're treating your horses well, praising them regularly, and bonding with them outside of sessions.
Horses that are being mistreated will balk at work because they associate it with pain and fear. Horses that are treated well will happily come out of their stall, ears forward and eyes bright, because they associate work with fun and stimulation.
Approaching and Sanitizing Horse
Horses have a blind spot in front of them and directly behind them.
Unlike humans, their eyes are on the sides of their head because they are prey animals. This means approaching a horse directly from the front or directly behind them may make them spook - and, if you are by their butt, kick you.
Generally, younger riders are taught never to pass behind a horse for safety reasons, so you go around them in a wide circle or duck under their neck. You can also walk behind them if you are out of kicking distance (about 3-4 feet) or right up against them so they can't get their leg up to kick you.
When tacking up or grooming, you should keep a hand on the horse as you move.
This lets the horse know where you are if you are in their blind spot and is especially important if you are around their butt so they don't spook and wonder where you went.
With grooming, you go with the curry comb and hold the bristle brush where you intend to go next so they know what to expect.
Grooming improves circulation and is a good bonding activity.
You use a curry comb, which is a rubber comb with little nubs, and then a brush. The curry comb is moved around in a circular motion to lift dirt and shedding hair, then the brush is angled with the grain of the hair to sweep it away.
Don't use a curry comb on a horse's face, legs, or stomach, which are sensitive areas. If you do want to use a curry comb in these areas because they are super dirty, be VERY gentle and light.
Horses generally like to be groomed because they do this to each other in the wild. It's a good way to make a horse like you.
Picking a horse's hooves, and having regular farrier checks, are crucial for their health.
Like human fingernails, horse hooves grow continuously; they're made from the same material as our hair and nails, keratin. They have a V-shaped "frog" in the middle of the underside of their hoof that is sensitive, but the rest of it isn't very sensitive unless you, like, stab it.
Farriers will file down a horse's feet so they are even, and they will also apply horseshoes if necessary (not all horses wear shoes). You can't just put any old horseshoe on a horse: it has to be fitted to their particular foot. This is a specialized job that not everyone can do, so if your character is not a farrier, they're not going to apply horseshoes themselves.
Cleaning a horse's hoof involves a hoof pick.
When picking a horse's hooves, you take an angled piece of metal called a hoof pick and dig out any dirt or manure or whatever has gotten stuck around the frog, then brush it out with a small brush. If they wear horseshoes, you also need to make sure you get the crevices underneath the shoe.
Generally, we pick feet both before and after riding.
Horses need to be trained to give you their leg. This usually means leaning your body weight into their shoulder, sliding your hand down their leg, and squeezing at the soft indent right above the hoof. You might also need to say "pick it up" or whatever command they've been taught to use.
It's a little scary for a horse to be off-balance like that; how would you feel if someone made you stand on one leg while they clipped your toenails? Be mindful that they may get nervous or put their foot down before you're ready. If this happens, just try again until their feet are clean.
Keep your feet and hands out of the way of the horse's hoof!
Pay attention to where your feet are in conjunction with the horse's hoof so they don't slam their hoof down on your toes. Horses may not even realize they stepped on you because they don't have a lot of sensitivity down there.
Never curl your fingers around the horse's hoof; that's a surefire way to break your hand. Hold it like you're cradling a baby's head.
Do not wear steel-toed shoes in a stable.
It's a common misconception that you should wear work boots or steel-toed shoes; after all, big horse very strong very heavy smash on foot!
Yeah, but a furry hydraulic press will crunch that steel right into your damn foot, and then you have guillotined all your toes.
Wear special riding boots instead. These don't have the ridges that hiking shoes or tennis shoes have, so they won't get caught on the stirrup. Cheap short ones cost like $40 and will last you a few good years. No need to go whole-hog on the long dressage boots if you're a casual rider.
Horses are usually taught to be groomed, tacked up, and mounted from one side.
This may not apply to therapy horses, who are trained to accept whatever way is easiest for the rider.
For dressage horses, they are taught to be groomed, tacked up, and mounted from the left. You should stand on the horse's left side when leading them. You'll dismount from the right.
Tack: The Stuff That Goes on Horse
No matter your discipline, you'll have these general things:
Halter. This is for leading the horse around before you tack them up. Generally, you will tie up the horse to cross-ties while you're grooming and tacking them. It is removed right before you put on the bridle.
Saddle blanket/pad. Western uses saddle blankets, but with English, you'll use a pad. Sometimes, with older horses or those that need a bit more comfort, you will have a blanket and a pad. This goes on before the saddle.
Saddle. Western saddles are very big, made for riding long distances. They are made mostly of leather, including the stirrups, which are attached directly to the saddle. English saddles are much smaller and lighter, and they have more removable parts. I won't get into all the specifics of them because it's probably irrelevant to your story.
There are also more specialized saddles, like jockey saddles.
Girth. Old-school Western saddles have cinches that you tie with the same knot you use for a necktie, but modern ones that detachable girths just like English saddles. They have buckles on both sides. One side will have leather straps; this is the one you put on first, from the left. The other side has elastic so it's a bit stretchier. This goes on the right side.
Bridle. How you control horse. Goes over the face and you hold onto the reins. This is put on last, right after you remove the halter. Put the reins over the horse's neck so you have something to hold onto after you remove the halter!
Bit. This is a metal bar that goes in the horse's mouth, over the tongue. Snaffle bits are the most common; they are made of two parts that meet in the middle. They aren't as uncomfortable for horses as other types. Some people are moving away from bits entirely and using bitless bridles.
Putting Tack on Horse
English stirrups are "run up" when tacking up and leading a horse.
The metal stirrups can bang against things and hurt the horse if they are not pulled up against the saddle by running them up the leather strap they hung from. You'll then tuck the excess strap into the stirrup to hold them in place.
Stirrups can be adjusted with a buckle hidden under the saddle seat. You'll run them up, pull the buckle down to a comfortable height, and then adjust as necessary. Then pull the stirrup down to the bottom, put your hand against the seat, and lift the stirrup up to run along your arm. It should brush against your armpit for most people.
Most dressage stirrups have numbered holes so you can remember what your height is.
Western saddles have leather stirrups that may or may not be detachable or adjustable.
Never tie a horse's reins to anything.
Don't listen to old Western movies that show this. If the horse spooks and they are tied up, they could rip the bit out of their mouth and really hurt themselves.
Horses have bars in their mouth - a blank space with no teeth. This is where the bit sits.
To get a horse to accept a bit, you can stick your thumb into this blank spot to make them open their mouth, just as you can do with dogs.
You then pull the bit up over their front teeth and settle it in there so it's comfortable.
There should be a small bit of pull you can see from the wrinkles around their mouth, but it shouldn't be squeezing them to death. Gentle pressure, happy horse.
Tighten the girth (the strap around their tummy) right before you get on.
Horses like to "bloat," meaning they suck in a bunch of air when you're putting the girth on, then relax so that the girth is loose. You don't want this, because then you can slide off. So put it on loosely at first, then put it up a few slots once you're about to get on.
Don't rachet it up to the highest possible setting you can reach, and don't yank on it, because this hurts the horse. Gently pull it up until it's tight enough to hold on, but not so much that it becomes a corset. You should be able to slide three fingers between the girth and the horse's stomach.
Getting On Horse
Lead the horse to where you want to go by bringing the reins over their head and holding them under the chin.
Do not use a death grip! You don't need to. Loose and happy. Keep the excess in your other hand so it's not a tripping hazard.
Then, of course, put the reins back over their head when you're ready to get on.
Mounting blocks are convenient and safer for the horse.
These are kind of like step stools, and they get you closer to the horse's back. Mounting from the ground puts a lot of pressure on the horse's back and should only be used sparingly.
The procedure is like so for English:
Gather the reins in your left hand, which should be placed near the front of the saddle.
Put your right hand near the back of the saddle for balance.
Put your left foot in the stirrup.
Swing your right leg over.
Settle your right foot in the stirrup.
Don't jump up; you might fall the hell over, lmao. Gentle easy swing.
The stirrup sits on the ball of your feet, with the heel pointing down.
This is true for both Western and dressage. You want it on the balls of your feet so you have leverage and can pivot your ankle to lightly tap the horse on the side, and you want your heel down to help maintain your balance.
A lot of riding boots, including cowboy boots, will have stitching that runs across the top of the foot. You can align this with the stirrup so you know that you don't have your foot too far back in the stirrup.
Your leg is slightly bent when in the saddle.
You do not have your legs straight out, because then you don't have leverage and can't maintain balance.
My instructor says it should feel like you're kneeling, and then when you post (rise out of the saddle during the trot or canter), you should feel like you're coming out of a squat. You're not springing all the way out of the saddle and standing up, because then you will fall over.
Your leg should stay as still as possible, with your heels pointing down to the ground. You shouldn't move them up or forward when you're trotting, a common beginner mistake.
When training in a ring, you don't have a right leg and left leg: you have an "outside" leg and "inside" leg.
Outside leg is the one closest to the wall (or fence), and inside leg is the leg closest to the middle of the ring. This keeps you from getting confused when you change directions.
Horses also have an outside leg and inside leg that you use to determine when to post or perform other maneuvers.
Horses need to be trained to go both clockwise and counterclockwise.
This helps them maintain balanced muscle tone on both sides of the body; otherwise, it's like doing leg exercises with only one leg. When getting a lesson, your instructor will ask you to change directions once you've done a certain exercise so that you can try it the other way, too.
Actually Riding Horse
You shouldn't yank on the reins like you're in a tug-of-war.
This can really hurt the horse and, paradoxically, make them more disobedient. It's like someone put their fingers in your mouth and then stretched your lips as far back as possible.
Keep your body loose.
Your horse is listening to your body language and will feel when you're tense. Every little movement means something to the horse. If you're tight, they think they should be nervous too.
Stay calm, upright, and loose. Legs slightly bent, elbows flexible, hands in line with the sides of the horse's neck and a bit above the front of the saddle.
Squeezing or tapping the horse is called impulsion.
It should be used lightly and with just enough pressure to get their attention. Don't kick the horse with all your might. The more movement you need from the horse, the more intense your impulsion will be.
Don't squeeze with your knees.
Pressure on the horse comes from the thighs and calves, not the knees. Your knees are there to bend.
Yes, your inner thighs will be super duper sore when you're done. It gets better though, prommie.
In dressage, you post at the trot in rhythm with the horse.
This reduces pressure on their back so you're not banging on their spine with each hootbeat. You post when their outside shoulder comes forward and lightly land back in the saddle when their inside shoulder rises: not sitting all the way down, just crouching a bit lower.
When you want the horse to walk again, you will sit down and pull (gently!!) back on the reins. The added pressure makes them not want to trot anymore because it would hurt them when you bump around on their back.
Being Nice to Horse (so Horse Is Nice to You)
Respect a horse's personal space and power.
They are big strong animals that can break your spine if they buck you, or crush your foot, or give you brain damage if they kick you in the head. Healthy respect (not fear) is crucial.
If a horse is pissed off, leave them alone. If they're scared, treat them kindly and speak soothingly. If they're not doing what you want, find a way to redirect them instead of screaming at them and making them more anxious.
And remember that they are prey animals despite their size and power! They may get nervous about things that you wouldn't even consider. Truly, the horse I ride on the regular, gets freaked out by jackets hanging over fence posts and barking dogs.
That's okay and natural; I just have to reassure her that she's going to be alright. You are the leader and caretaker of the horse, making them feel confident.
Training tools like whips, crops, or spurs should be used sparingly.
Any trainer who tells a beginner to use spurs as soon as possible is an asshole who doesn't actually know how to train horses. They don't know how to teach riders to control their body pressure, so they go right to the aversives.
I left a stable because the trainer demanded I buy spurs after like two lessons; my current stable doesn't use these at all, ever.
You should be able to control the horse with your hands and feet without these tools before adding them, and they should always be used as gently as possible: a slight tap with the spurs or crop, not beating the horse with a crop or digging your spurs into their sides. Horses are very sensitive animals and will respond well to a light kick with your heels if they are properly trained.
I've developed such a good rapport with the therapy horse I use (and she's such a good girl) that she can tell when I want to her trot. I start working her up to her "party walk" as my instructor calls it, and then click my tongue, and she's off. No kicking necessary.
Reward, Don't Punish
Same as when training dogs. Don't yell at them and say "no!! bad horse!!" Instead, offer a small correction, like checking the reins, or redirect them.
Do not hit or kick horses when they don't do what you want. They are trained that tap means go; you're going to make them gallop instead of stop.
Give them a pat on the neck and say "good horse!" when they do a good job. You can also talk to the horse while you're grooming and riding, offering them compliments and assurance.
Again, horses look to riders as leaders. They want to know the're performing correctly; if you've built up a good relationship, they want to make you happy and perform well.
Most of the time, horses are not trying to make you mad. You're just miscommunicating with them and need to figure out how to make your commands clearer.
Abusive training tactics are counterintuitive in the long run.
This makes for a nervous, flighty, disobedient, and anxious horse who may become dangerous. They're 1,200 pound animals, and if they don't like what you're doing, they will kick, buck, or bite.
Kicking, hitting, excessive use of spurs or crops, and screaming at horses doesn't make your horse respect you: it makes them fear you. You want your horse to be excited to work with you, to look forward to your training sessions, and to have fun.
I've created a masterlist of writing resources that you can peruse at your leisure, all for free.
The posts I write can sometimes take me hours - they're always intricate, always thoughtful. This one took me about three hours to complete.
I do this as a labor of love for the writing community, sharing what I have learned from almost 15 years of creative writing.
However, if you'd like to support me, maybe you'll consider buying my book for $1.99?
9 Years Yearning is a gay coming-of-age romance set in a fantasy world. It follows Uileac Korviridi, a young soldier training at the War Academy. His primary motivations are honoring the memory of his late parents, protecting his little sister Cerie, and becoming a top-notch soldier.
However, there's a problem: Orrinir Relickim, a rough and tough fellow pupil who just can't seem to leave Uileac alone.
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The book features poetry, descriptions of a beautiful country inspired by Mongolia, and a whole lot of tsundere vibes.
Oh, and horse!!! Horse love!! SO MUCH HORSE LOVE.
You can also check it out on Goodreads for a list of expanded distribution.
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chrysanthemumgames ¡ 2 months ago
I have a perhaps personal ask, and at the same time struggling with how to phrase it. I've been looking into making an interactive story myself, however, I... cannot code. For the life of me. I can tell one hell of a story, but coding it beyond my grasp, and the system I currently use, while it ought to be simple enough even someone like me could do so, isn't exactly working for how I want it to. Do you perhaps know anything anywhere that I might start looking for someone who would be willing to work with me? I am so sorry if this is a bothersome ask.
Hi anon!
I'm probably not the best person for advice on this, because I've never been in that situation before. I've put some thoughts under the cut, with the caveat that only a small portion of them actually address the question you've asked, with the majority being related but perhaps not helpful for you, depending.
So, I think where you'd go to find a coding person depends on what language you're using. If it's ChoiceScript, probably the forums. If it's Twine... I honestly don't know. Maybe the subreddit, though you'll want to double-check that such requests are not against the rules there.
I sincerely doubt you'll have an easy time finding someone, though. Most folks who code in the systems used for IF are IF authors who taught themselves the coding techniques in order to tell their own stories, not someone else's.
That said, and this is the part you can ignore, because you know yourself better than I do, but... I'm pretty sure you can learn to code. It's not easy, necessarily, and it doesn't come intuitively to everyone, but there are resources out there to help you. Again, this will depend on what system you're using, but the CS forums are very useful for figuring out CS (as is the wiki, once you know enough to parse it). For Twine, there are loads of archived posts on their forums and on the subreddit for specific questions, but for general ones, the documentation for your preferred program (e.g. SugarCube), the Twine Cookbook, and similar resources will break things down into smaller, more digestible chunks. I personally recommend the Twine Grimoire (volumes 1 and 2), for basic interface aesthetics, once you get to that point.
Here on tumblr, @/nyhelism, @/cerberus-writes, @/manonamora-if, @/idrellegames, and others have all answered questions about Twine coding or even in some cases made templates that take a lot of the work out of it. Most have a masterpost regarding things they've answered about Twine or made for others' use, but be sure to check that they're currently accepting coding questions before sending them any, of course.
Learning to code may be slow and incremental, and lots of people manage better if they start with a small project just to learn how to do the basic things in their language of choice. I'd really recommend figuring out what you need your game to be able to do, and learning those functions one by one—it's less overwhelming than trying to tackle everything at once while also writing a huge project.
If all else fails, my most esoteric suggestion is to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of symbolic logic. I took a class in it as part of my degree, and have since also taught that class, and I think understanding things like the logic of conditionals (if statements) as they're used in coding (rather than natural language) really gave me a leg up in learning to code. Not that I'm an expert, but I know enough to make a basic game, at least.
Most (all?) of these things should be findable with a google search; I know there are at least some Twine tutorials on youtube as well, though I'm unsure of CS or any of the languages I'm less familiar with, like Ink, etc.
I do apologize that the section where I encourage you to do the thing you don't think you can do is longer than the one where I answered your actual question, but that's the part I might actually have something useful to say about. If you're absolutely certain you can't do it, I'm sorry for banging on about it, but if you're not sure or on the fence, maybe give it another go before trying to find another person. I've seen a lot of writers looking for coders in the past, but maybe only once was a coder offering their services to writers (and that was a long time ago).
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covid-safer-hotties ¡ 6 months ago
Black Americans Are More Likely to Get Long COVID. These Clinical Trials Can Find a Cure - Published Sept 12, 2024
Millions of people worldwide, especially Black Americans, are experiencing long-term health effects after recovering from COVID-19, a condition known as Long COVID. While the initial stages of the pandemic saw significant progress in diagnosing and managing the virus itself, Long COVID remains a major public health challenge.
To address this growing concern, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched the Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Initiative. This initiative aims to understand, prevent, and ultimately treat Long COVID.
What is Long COVID? Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), is a condition that can develop in individuals who have recovered from COVID-19. It is characterized by a range of symptoms that persist for weeks or months after the initial infection. These symptoms can vary widely from person to person but commonly include fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, joint pain, chest pain, heart palpitations, and digestive problems.
The exact cause of Long COVID is still being investigated, but it is believed to be related to the body’s immune response to the virus. Some experts suggest the virus may damage organs or tissues, leading to long-term health problems. Others believe that the immune system may continue to attack the body even after the virus has been cleared, causing ongoing symptoms.
The severity and duration of Long COVID can vary greatly. Some people experience mild symptoms that resolve within a few weeks, while others suffer from severe symptoms that can significantly impact their daily lives.
Why are clinical trials for Long COVID important? There are currently no established treatments for Long COVID. Clinical trials are crucial for developing effective therapies. The RECOVER Initiative includes a program called RECOVER-CT, which is the largest national clinical trial network specifically designed to investigate treatments for Long COVID.
Why should Black Americans consider participating in Long COVID clinical trials? Studies suggest that Black Americans are disproportionately affected by Long COVID, experiencing a higher prevalence of symptoms compared to other races. Participating in clinical trials allows Black Americans to play a vital role in the development of treatments tailored to their specific needs.
What are RECOVER-CT trials studying? The RECOVER-CT program is exploring a wide range of interventions for Long COVID, including medications, rehabilitation strategies, and alternative therapies. These interventions target various Long COVID symptoms, such as fatigue, muscle aches, cognitive dysfunction, and sleep problems.
Early success and looking forward The RECOVER-CT program has already achieved significant milestones. It has initiated five clinical trial platforms, encompassing eight trials and testing thirteen interventions across more than 100 sites nationwide. The program’s success is further exemplified by the rapid enrollment of the first trial within nine months and low participant drop-out rates.
Trial's official website: www.rti.org/impact/long-covid-clinical-trials
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talonabraxas ¡ 6 months ago
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Seat of Prana Talon Abraxas
What is Prana?
"He who knows Prana knows Vedas" is the important declaration of the Srutis. You will find in Vedanta Sutras: "For the same reason, breath is Brahman." Prana is the sum total of all energy that is manifest in the universe. It is the sum total of all the forces in nature. It is the sum total of all latent forces and powers which are hidden in men and which lie everywhere around us. Heat, light, electricity, magnetism are the manifestations of Prana. All forces, all powers and Prana spring from the fountain or common source, 'Atman'. All physical forces and all mental forces come under the category 'Prana'. It is the force on every plane of being, from the highest to the lowest. Whatever moves or works or has life, is but an expression or manifestation of Prana. Akasa or ether also is an expression of Prana. The Prana is related to mind and through mind to will, and through will to the individual soul, and through this to the Supreme Being. If you know how to control the little waves of Prana working through the mind, then the secret of subjugating universal Prana will be known to you. The Yogi who becomes an expert in the knowledge of this secret, will have no fear from any power, because he has mastery over all the manifestations of powers in the universe. What is commonly known as power of personality is nothing more than being successful in life, more influential and fascinating than others. It is all due to the power of this Prana. Such people manipulate everyday, unconsciously of course, the same influence which the Yogi uses consciously by the command of his will. There are others who by chance tumble unaware of this Prana and use it for lower purposes under false names. This working of Prana is seen in the systolic and diastolic actions of the heart, when it pumps the blood into arteries in the action of inspiration and expiration during the course of breathing; in the digestion of food; in the excretion of urine and faecal matter; in the manufacture of semen, chyle, chyme, gastric juice, bile, intestinal juice, saliva; in closing and opening of the eyelids, in walking, playing, running, talking, thinking, reasoning, feeling and willing. Prana is the link between the astral and physical body. When the slender thread-link Prana is cut off, the astral body separates from the physical body. Death takes place. The Prana that was working in the physical body is withdrawn into the astral body.
This Prana remains in a subtle, motionless, unmanifested, undifferentiated state during the cosmic Pralaya. When the vibration is set up, Prana moves and acts upon Akasa, and brings forth the various forms. The macrocosm (Brahmanda) and microcosm (Pindanda) are combinations of Prana (energy) and Akasa (matter).
That which moves the steam-engine of a train and a steamer, that which makes the aeroplanes fly in air, that which causes the motion of the breath in lungs, that which is the very life of this breath itself, is Prana. I believe, you have now a comprehensive understanding of the term Prana about which you had a very vague conception in the beginning.
By controlling the act of breathing you can efficiently control all the various motions in the body and the different nerve-currents that are running through the body. You can easily and quickly control and develop body, mind and soul through breath control or the control of Prana. It is through Pranayama that you can control your circumstances and character, and can consciously harmonise the individual life with the cosmic life.
The breath, directed by thought under the control of the will, is a vitalising, regenerating force which you can utilise consciously for self-development; for healing many incurable diseases in your system; for healing others and for other various useful purposes.
It is within your easy reach at every moment of your life. Use it judiciously. Many Yogins of yore, like Sri Jnanadeva, Trailinga Swami, Ramalinga Swami and others, had utilised this breath, this force, the Prana, in a variety of ways. You can also do so, if you practise Pranayama by prescribed breathing exercises. It is Prana that you are breathing rather than the atmospheric air. Inhale slowly and steadily with a concentrated mind. Retain it as long as you can do it comfortably. Then exhale slowly. There should be no strain in any stage of Pranayama. Realise the occult inner life-powers which underlie the breath. Become a Yogi and radiate joy, light and power all around you.
Pranavadins or Hatha Yogins consider that Prana Tattva is superior to Manas Tattva, the mind principle. They say, Prana is present even when the mind is absent during sleep. Hence Prana plays a more vital part than the mind. If you go through the parables in Kaushitaki and Chhandogya Upanishads, when all the Indriyas, mind and Prana fight amongst themselves as to their superiority, you will find that Prana is regarded as the highest of all. Prana is the oldest, for it starts its functioning from the very moment the child is conceived. On the contrary, the organs of hearing, etc., begin to function only when their special abodes, viz., the ears, etc., are formed. Prana is called Jyestha and Sreshtha (oldest and best) in Upanishads. It is through the vibrations of psychic Prana that the life of the mind, Sankalpa or thinking, is kept up and thought is produced. You see, hear, talk, sense, think, feel, will, know, etc., through the help of Prana and therefore Srutis declare: "Prana is Brahman."
The seat of Prana is heart. Though the Antahkarana is one, yet it assumes four forms, viz., (i) Manas, (ii) Buddhi, (iii) Chitta and (iv) Ahamkara, according to the different functions it performs. Likewise, though Prana is one, it assumes five forms viz., (1) Prana, (2) Apana, (3) Samana, (4) Udana and (5) Vyana, according to the different functions it performs. This is termed as Vritti Bheda. The principal Prana is called Mukhya Prana. The Prana, joined with Ahamkara, lives in the heart. Of these five, Prana and Apana are the chief agents.
The seat of Prana is the heart; of Apana, the anus; of Samana, the region of the navel; of Udana, the throat; while Vyana is all-pervading. It moves all over the body.
Naga, Kurma, Krikara, Devadatta and Dhananjaya are the five sub-Pranas.
The function of Prana is respiration; Apana does excretion; Samana performs digestion; Udana does deglutition (swallowing of the food). It takes the Jiva to sleep. It separates the astral body from the physical body at the time of death; Vyana performs circulation of blood.
Naga does eructation and hiccup. Kurma performs the function of opening the eyes. Krikara induces hunger and thirst. Devadatta does yawning. Dhananjaya causes decomposition of the body after death. That man is never reborn, whenever he may die, whose breath goes out of the head, after piercing the Brahmarandhra.
Prana is said to be of the colour of blood, red gem or coral. Apana, which is in the middle, is of the colour of Indragopa (an insect of white or red colour). Samana is of the colour between that of pure milk or crystal or of oily and shining colour, i.e., of something between both Prana and Apana. Udana is of Apandura (pale white) colour and that of Vyana resembles the colour of archil (or that of ray of light).
This body of Vayu is 96 digits (6 feet) in length as a standard. The ordinary length of the air-current, when exhaled is 12 digits (9 inches). In singing, its length becomes 16 digits (1 foot), in eating it comes to 20 digits (15 inches), in sleeping 30 digits (22 inches), in copulation 36 digits (27 inches) and in doing physical exercise it is much more than that. By decreasing the natural length of the expired air-currents (from 9 inches), life is prolonged and by increasing the current, duration of life is decreased.
Inhaling the Prana from outside, filling the stomach with it, centre the Prana with the mind, in the middle of the navel, at the tip of the nose, and at the toes, during the 'Sandhyas' (sunrise and sunset) or at all times. Thus the Yogi is freed from all diseases and fatigues. By centring this Prana at the tip of the nose he obtains mastery over the elements of the air; by centring at the middle of his navel, all diseases are destroyed; by centring at the toes, his body becomes light. He who drinks air through the tongue destroys his fatigue, thirst and many other diseases. For him who drinks the air with his mouth, during the two Sandhyas and the last two hours of the night, within three months, the auspicious Sarasvati (Goddess of speech) is present in his Vak (speech), i.e., he becomes eloquent and learned. In six months he is free from all diseases. Drawing the air at the root of the tongue, the wise man thus drinking nectar enjoys all prosperity.
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the-pea-and-the-sun ¡ 2 months ago
or: why do namekians look like that? : the sequel to "why does namek look like that"
disclaimer: im no dragon ball expert, or biology expert, this is all just for fun and my own personal satisfaction because thinking about alien biology makes me very excited. what im doing is a little closer to hard sci-fi than the type of sci-fi generally present in the franchise, and i am straight up ignoring some aspects of canon here to make a version of namekian physiology that feels more realistic and interesting to me personally, so this is more of an au than an analysis (but i mean. this is an extremely retcon-able franchise anyway) also im of the opinion that namekians are in fact not ken dolls down there, and im gonna talk about what i think they might have going on so JUST A WARNING in case that sorta thing grosses u out or whatever. i can and will speculate about namekian junk 👍also this ended up running kinda long so... click at ur own risk!
namekians getting bigger
this happens in db and super hero movie. but im ignoring it because it doesnt make sense and isnt interesting enough for me to magical hand-wave it away. like supposedly it gives piccolo no greater strength than at his normal size yet it gives him more leverage when pushing cell?? also if hes the exact same strength that kind of implies to me that he has like …. the same mass too… which unless piccolo is SUPER dense already (and i dont see him breaking any floor boards.. but maybe thats why hes outside all the time) then his super low density would make him kinda…. weak… kind like how its easier to blow away an open sheet of paper than a balled-up sheet of paper. im sure there are some ways you could make this fun but the franchise just doesn't do anything interesting enough with this for me personally so im ignoring it
eggs coming out the mouth
this is a controversial one SORRY it just makes absolutely zero sense to me… they obviously at minimum drink and breathe out of their mouths why on earth would their eggs exit from there too… im also going to argue that even though they dont need food they do in fact have a digestive system so unless their mouth is the most horrible cloaca in the world they have more than one major orifice anyway (can you imagine having a tongue and teeth down there..) if this is really important to you then maybe this could be something certain namekians CAN do but generally dont, or its something that like . king piccolo can do specifically (because hes like. an evil demon or whatever. i dunno im not super familiar with dragon ball demon lore tbh)
also like... even if you REALLY wanna stick to the idea of namekians as a species that doesn't require food and never did, they should still have liquid waste. even plants have liquid waste. and since namekians dont seem to be shedding off big outer layers of skin on the reg (though this could be a neat concept, i like the idea of someone encountering a piccolo-husk) it makes sense that they'd have an additional orifice for shedding waste anyway. so it just makes sense to give that orifice one more job. even as narrow as namekian hips are, the egg has a whole lot more space than it would if it went through their fucking throat
or, stuff that's commonly assumed to be canon that i think is not
FIRST MYTH: namekians cannot eat and digest food, and have always sustained themselves off of exclusively water
they CAN sustain themselves off of water, but i think of them as being able to eat and benefiting from food in certain ways. there's been some examples of them eating, but im not really concerned with the fringe examples of namekians eating from video games, rather we know namekians either have or used to have the capacity to consume food because they have teeth! (and a tongue, and a uvula!)
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and from the looks of it, some serious canines too! they dont just eat, they eat meat! given their ability to fight and create weapons, i think of namekians as likely being or having at some point been omnivorous apex predators like homo-sapiens. if you wanna believe that they don't actively need to eat anymore, then id like to think that some dragon ball magic had to happen to accelerate namekian evolution, because there's just way too many vestigial structures otherwise - if you're hand-waving the amount of energy required for namekians to be able to move around as much as they do, and assume that they photosynthesize or something like plants, and don't mate (which im about to argue against but we'll get to that) then...why would they even evolve to walk around at all? what im thinking is that namekians do need to eat, just very infrequently as we see in canon, and just used to need to eat a lot more. im attributing this change in namekians need for food to the big ecological disaster that gets talked about in dbz, so you could think of them as having pre-disaster biology and post-disaster biology, which accounts for namekians being able to sustain themselves on so little while also being a species that has so many body parts just for eating, and that eventually farms and has advanced technology. pre-disaster namekians ate frequently, possibly requiring a calorie content comparable to humans, and post-disaster biology occurred so that namekians could survive the kind of ecological disasters that guru lives through - and that they likely have to live through quite frequently on a planet with the kind of tides namek would have, being a planet with three suns and all. lots of tsunamis, earth-quakes (namek-quakes?), etc. so maybe a sequence of these disasters caused them to evolve to need very little food. so, like i said, if you'd like to think of them as needing no food, then the dragon balls would have to be involved for me to find that believable that since a mouth full of parts clearly meant for eating is just too evolutionary expensive to stick around as vestigial structures for any other reason.
but assuming they aren't completely vestigial, then there's a few different options we can consider, like that post-disaster namekians can survive without food and under extreme circumstances for a very long time, but they still gotta eat, like, once in a while. my current favorite theory is that they're a bit like tardigrades, and post-disaster they've evolved (or magic'd) into extremeophiles. that is that, they can survive extreme circumstances, such as going almost indefinitely without eating, but they enter a sort of cryptobiosis-like state where some of their functions stop working, such as reproduction and development. in other words, not eating won't kill them, but if a namekian wants to grow or have children, then they're gonna have to eat. they'd also likely rarely experience a hunger or desire for food because of this.
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this would explain why all the namekians who are stated or implied to have had children look like they're carrying body fat. they're the ones who eat food! it just doesnt really make sense for that to just be the results of them aging... the fats gotta come from somewhere. and even for humans, atrophying due to aging comes as often in the form of losing weight as it does gaining it, but we've yet to see an older looking namekian who's thin. rather it makes more sense to think that these namekians were eating since they were planning to produce offspring, and rather than eat too little and have their egg come out underdeveloped, they eat more than they need to develop the egg and the rest of the energy gets stored away as fat, possibly never to be used since their cryptobiosis-like state where they don't need food is sort of a default for them once they're fully developed.
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it would also explain why dende ages so much differently from both piccolo and gohan (besides retconning) piccolo just kind of jumps to adult form - much faster than both humans and saiyans, while dende's development kind of seems to freeze for a few years. their development, rather than being stunted, can just be frozen indefinitely if needed. (why dende is choosing not to develop i have no explanation for... he's just in no hurry i guess? or just isnt hungry? maybe there's some cultural explanation there) this goes well with namekians being a long-lived species too. if there's no food or very little food available until they're 100 years old, then they can just wait until they're 100 to finish developing and reproduce.
there's also something to be said here about how namekians dont have separate sexes but there are still kind of two types: "warrior" and "dragon clan" namekians, and maybe they have differences in development too, like warrior namekians needing to eat more often than dragon clan namekians, who might only ever feel the need to eat while developing or while producing offspring. although, i'd personally rather think of that distinction as more cultural than it is biological, as it's just more interesting to me that way. like, the natural genetic diversity that makes some namekians more equipped for fighting would cause them to choose or be chosen to become battle-types.
SECOND MYTH: namekians reproduce exclusively asexually
a lot of people assume this since asexual reproduction is the only type of namekian reproduction we see or hear about, BUT I DONT THINK ITS TRUE! they CAN reproduce asexually, but they have a LOT of genetic diversity, even more than most sexually reproducing species. so WAY to much to be an exclusively asexually reproducing species. just look at any picture of a group of namekians, they're clearly not all clones of each other.
toriyama said in an interview that they "may be hermaphrodites" and i like that! being a species of simultaneous hermaphrodites that can also self-fertilize goes well with the whole slug thing too, so thats the reproduction method that i think makes the most sense.
some species produce a small number of offspring at a time and invest more heavily into their offspring, and some species produce a large number of offspring at a time and don't invest very much into each individual, using the larger number as their reproductive strategy since the majority of their offspring will die off (think elephants on one end of the extreme, and spiders being the other end). given that namekians appear to only be able to have one child at a time, and seem to have tight-knit social groups that seem to care a lot for their children indicates a lot of investment into each child, so it just doesn't make sense to me that they would only be able to reproduce asexually anyway, as that tends to fit better with the reproductive strategy of having a large number of offspring who mostly die off. i think of sexual reproduction as being their preferred method, and asexual reproduction as being the alternative method they've evolved as extremeophiles, only choosing this method when there aren't any other namekians around to get genetic material from.
knowing that namekians reproduce sexually means we can do some fun extrapolation about how they do about that ! (or, fun to me at least. are we not all excited about namekian junk??)
SO namekians obviously have to breathe, we see piccolo breathing all the time - android 17 even points it out at some point - and like i said i think of them as having digestive tracts (again, whether you'd like to think of them as vestigial or otherwise is up to you) so it kind of just makes more sense for their internal stuff to be structured like us primates in the same way so much of their external stuff is. seeing the way piccolo breathes (and like. has a nose on his face) indicates that their respiratory systems are in their chests too, and their clothes seem to cover all the same bits we cover, so they probably have at least one other major orifice down there. either they have just one orifice for both expelling waste and mating like a cloaca, as amphibians and reptiles do, or they have more than one like we and most other mammals do. you could pretty much justify any genital situation you want, hermaphroditic slugs have penises*, and so do primates of course, so if you like the idea of piccolo having a dick there's justification for it 👍there's honestly ways to justify all kinds of genital situations. its the only external part of namekian bodies we never actually see, so if this sorta thing interests you like it does me, get creative! use ur imagination! the only thing that i feel would have to be pretty set it stone for me to believe it would be at least one orifice for expelling waste and eggs and for in-taking sperm (or sperm packages...yknow how it is with slugs) and this same orifice could also expel sperm as cloacae do if you wanna go no-penis route, it just doesnt have to. they could be mostly internal or mostly external, or internal until they're about to be used, or internal until a certain stage in development, whatever boats your float. again, many options here. i encourage you to imagine the version of namekian genitals that pleases you the most.
im also imagining that namekians can store sperm for later fertilization too (like slugs!), since it kind of doesn't make sense to me that such a small population would have so much genetic diversity after all descending from a single member otherwise. so im imagining that guru had sperm stored up from various other namekians before the big extinction, and that guru's first batch of sons had two genetic parents - that is, guru himself and whatever namekian's sperm he had stored. and possibly even more than two! some species can have three or more genetic parents, which would do a lot to help increase the genetic diversity of a population after a huge population wipe-out like the one referenced in the namek saga of dbz.
also, sexual reproduction means sexual selection! since we're assuming all namekians are the same sex, any primary or secondary sex characteristics would apply to all namekians, but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be any selection. whether an individual in a breeding pair would choose to take on the male or female role would depend on a LOT of factors, for example being the male would be less costly, but if sperm can be stored it wouldn't guarantee it would be used, and in circumstances where few breeding partners are available, taking on the female role would be more advantageous (which, as we've established, is a situation namekians would be frequently subjected to). not to mention all the cultural circumstances that would influence which role is more advantageous at any given time. im thinking that most namekians would probably experience being both roles at some point in their lives, depending on these circumstances.
anyway, i find it fun to think about the traits that namekians would consider desirable in a mate. for a species like namekians, a lot of those traits would probably be cultural, which id like to tackle later in another post, but in the mean time i wanna talk about what physical traits that namekians might register as secondary sex characteristics. like i said their primary sex characteristics, like genitals and internal organs, are a bit of a mystery, BUT there's one trait that namekians have that i don't think can be explained any other way than as a secondary sex characteristic!
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WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE PINK MARKINGS!! there isn't really any reason for their skin texture to be different in these sections, and it's obviously not providing any sort of camouflage. they're super bright, and contrast directly with the rest of their skin.
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also, it looks like its absent on babies! so... LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE A SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTIC! im thinking that these markings are a sign of sexual maturity and health, like pubic and armpit hair in humans, or like peacock plumage. they also look kind of... muscle accentuating? the horizontal stripes serve to emphasize these curves a bit. which means that this is a trait that at least some namekians are selecting for. apparently some namekians find big muscles sexy... NEAT!! though given their variety, and given the fact that "warrior" namekians are in the minority, it's certainly not the only thing they're selecting for. as a long-lived species with no gestation period (because of the eggs), namekians would probably benefit from mating with a diverse variety of partners over the course of their lives. lots of fun material for cultural worldbuilding here!
~another fun reproduction option~
so... namekians dont actually have to be simultaneous hermaphrodites. dende doesn't seem to have any concept of sex, but it might just be because his concept of sex is inextricably linked to his concept of age, so the "two types" of namekian may just be old and young. namekians are hierarchical, and their hierarchy isn't linked to any sex they have at birth or assigned gender role from that sex, but it is based on age. this hierarchy could easily just be cultural, possibly a cultural consequence of the oldest namekian being responsible for preventing extinction of the species, but if it isn't just cultural, then their hierarchy actually kind of resembles clownfish hierarchy, and clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites. they're all born male, and then whenever the dominant female in a group dies, the largest and strongest (and generally, oldest) male becomes female and takes over. fish are also pretty much the only hermaphroditic vertebrates, so it makes sense to model namekians after them, too.
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other people have pointed out that older namekians are colored a bit differently than younger namekians, but we never really see this happen gradually. that is, we never see a middle-aged namekian with a skin tone between these two tones, so there isn't really any reason to think that it's a gradual consequence of them aging. you can kind of assume from this then that the color change comes from a sort of second puberty, as a result of their sex change - or rather, sex addition, as they still have the ability to self-fertilize after this. so before they change their sex, namekians only have the ability to fertilize other namekians, and can't produce their own off-spring asexually, whereas after changing their sex namekians can produce their own offspring, and can self-fertilize but can't fertilize other namekians. also for some namekians, it also looks like the pink and red part turns yellow and orange, so that could be indicative of a part of their sex change too? we do see the pink on king piccolo, but it seems strange to me that it would "fade" to that color as a result of atrophy due to aging, so im thinking it might be something that triggers when they change their sex too.
~alternatative explanation for the canine thing~
if you don't like the idea of a species as peaceful as namekians being meat-eaters, i have another explanation for you! having teeth at all definitely indicates a species that consumes food, however those sharp-looking canines don't have to have evolved as a consequence of eating meat. there's at least one herbivore with big sharp fangs too!
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CHECK THIS FREAK OUT !! water deers have fangs for the same reason other hooves animals have antlers! so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think of namekians as having their sharp canines for the same reasons. it could be a fun secondary sex characteristic!
ALRIGHT THATS ALL I GOT FOR NOW THANKS FOR READING!! I HAD A LOTTA FUN WRITING THIS feel free to argue abt any points made here btw!! if anyone's got any ideas about namekian biology id love to hear em!
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drjigarpatel ¡ 2 months ago
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000marie198 ¡ 2 years ago
In the second episode of Defenders of Berk, Fishlegs didn't know about rocks that well. He was anxious and confused in trying to recognize and remember which ones Meatlug ate.
However, he did know about limestones not agreeing with Meatlug'a digestive system back in season 1. Which makes sense of course considering limestone releases a lot of CO2 when calcite reacts with any acid.
Anyways, thing is, he didn't know that much about rocks in RoB/DoB, just having a general idea.
In RTTE though, Fishlegs seems to have become an expert petrologist, enthusiastic enough about rocks to build a rock garden and know about the various different types.
I believe he picked up learning petrology for Meatlug as she eats rocks so it would be best to know more about what she eats so he could provide her with the best rocks for her, especially after the whole fiasco in the Iron Gronckle episode. He would do whatever he can to make sure such a thing doesn't happen again and Meatlug stays healthy and happy.
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disturbingstar ¡ 5 months ago
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐝𝐞
Shoutout to @aereaseastar for giving me the idea to post a kind of horror movie breakdown so others can know what the film is about without watching it
Plot summary
A mad scientist kidnaps and mutilates a trio of tourists in order to reassemble them into a human centipede, created by stitching their mouths to each others' rectums.
• In the UK, the film has been refused classification a by the BBC. The ban was eventually lifted, but only after several cuts were made.
• In Germany, as much as 17 minutes had to be cut, but even then, this wasn't enough to placate the authorities, ultimately banning the film outright.
• In Australia, the film initially passed uncut but ultimately had to be edited, albeit not to the extent of the UK cut, to pass.
• This film remains banned/has been banned in New Zealand, China and Iceland
• Tom Six drew inspiration from his time as a director for Big Brother, where he observed the strange things people would do when they were alone and thought they weren't being watched.
• Akihiro Kitamura improvised his dialogue in the scene where Heiter explains his procedure
• The heating wasn't working in the scene where Lindsay falls into the pool, so Ashley C Williams's shivering was real
• Tom Six (the films director, writer & producer) kept the actual method of how the centipede would be formed secret from nearly everyone as long as possible
• The main villain is a surgeon, because Tom Six has a personal fear of hospitals and doctors
• Dieter Laser contributed many ideas about Heiter's character, the most notable of which was him swimming naked in front of his victims; he felt that since Heiter viewed the 'centipede' as his pet, he wouldn't be ashamed to be naked around them
• Tom Six claims that he got the idea for the film from discussions with a friend on how to punish child molesters
Lindsay and Jenny are two American tourists in Germany who attempt to drive to a local nightclub when their car breaks down in the nearby woods. After refusing a ride from a dangerous-looking truck driver, they walk through the woods looking for them when it begins to rain. They stumble upon a rural country house owned by a crazed surgeon named Dr. Heiter. Dr. Heiter pretends that he is calling for them when he serves the two young women drugged water, which upon drinking it they pass out. The women awake in a makeshift medical ward in the basement and witness Heiter informing a kidnapped truck driver that he is “not a match” and then killing him.
When the women wake up a second time, Heiter has secured a new male captive, Japanese tourist Katsuro. The doctor explains to his three captives that he is a world-renowned expert at separating conjoined twins but dreams of making new creatures that share a single digestive system. He describes in detail how he will surgically connect his three victims mouth-to-anus. After Lindsay fails in an attempt to escape, Heiter performs the surgery on his victims, placing Lindsay in the middle, Katsuro at the front, and Jenny at the rear. Before beginning the operation, Heiter explains to Lindsay that he had experimented with creating a 'three dog', also joined mouth-to-anus, which died shortly after surgery. Heiter tells Lindsay that the middle dog of his creation experienced the most pain, and as a punishment for her escape attempt she will become the middle part of his human centipede.
Once the operation is complete, the doctor tries to train his centipede as a pet and watches with great delight as Lindsay is forced to swallow Katsuro's excrement. However, Heiter eventually becomes irritated after being kept awake day and night by the constant screaming of his victims, and he soon realises that Jenny is dying from blood poisoning caused by the surgery.
A few days later, two local detectives, Kranz and Voller, arrive at the doctor's house to investigate the disappearance of tourists. Heiter decides to add them to his centipede as replacements for Jenny. Heiter fails in an attempt to drug the detectives, and they leave the house to obtain a search warrant.
The victims attempt to escape from the ward, crawling up the stairs, and Katsuro attacks Heiter, stabbing him in his left leg with a scalpel. Their attempt to escape ultimately fails. Katsuro confesses to the doctor, in Japanese, that he deserves his fate because he had treated his family poorly. He then fatally cuts his own throat with a shard of broken glass. Just then, the detectives return to the house and conduct separate searches, as Heiter hides in the basement near his swimming pool. Kranz finds the makeshift ward and then hears a gunshot. He discovers Heiter's victims before finding Voller dead in the swimming pool after being shot. Heiter comes out of hiding and shoots Kranz in the stomach, and Kranz responds by shooting Heiter in the head. Kranz then falls in the pool, dead.
Back in the house, Jenny and Lindsay hold hands as Jenny dies from her blood poisoning. Despite being aware that their captor is dead, Lindsay is left alone in the house, trapped between her two deceased fellow captives.
I haven't personally watched this film, so apologies if I made any errors
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anatheyma ¡ 1 year ago
btd/tpof characters don't seem to have official birthdays so i wanna share my zodiac sign hcs
(i'm not an expert in astrology this is just for fun)
strade: sagittarius
this is a bit awkward to explain since i'm a sagittarius myself. i don't relate to him, but he definitely has to be a fire sign and this one seemed the most fitting out of the three. first of all sagittarians are considered lively, passionate, outgoing and charming - traits that i think fit strade's description. he's carefree and fun-loving i guess you could say, but also intelligent in a way, or at least has a good technical information. gato has mentioned that strade has a fear of being limited or locked up which goes well with the thing sagittarians have with their freedom.
lawrence: capricorn
now that is a capricorn man if i've ever seen one. they're described as critical, sensitive and cautious, struggling with letting people in. capricorns are happy being on their own and fall in love slowly, they have to take time to understand you at first. it's clear that lawrence doesn't trust people easily. to me it seems like he wants to be in control of things, too. on surface level, those antlers remind me of the symbolized mythological creature of capricornus and regardless of his love for plants, i associate lawrence with snowy forests instead of green. (capricorns are born december 22 - january 19)
ren: libra
i'm not only saying this because i tend to be head over heels for libras okay let me tell you something; libras are often extroverted and sweet. they avoid conflict which is why they tend to be people-pleasers and we know ren is one. even when he's older in tpof, you can kind of call him out for not making his own decisions, but instead relying on the chat's suggestions and opinions. maybe he struggles with making them himself... and what's the biggest libra stereotype again? yeah, exactly that. librans are ruled by venus, the goddess of love, so they adore beautiful things. of course he'd want to dress you up all pretty for the live streams <3
mason: taurus
i admit i haven't actually diven that deep into this character yet, but right off the bat he strikes me as an earth sign. taureans love to relax in serene, bucolic environments, which i guess you could call his cabin in the woods. they're also built for endurance and tasks requiring concentration and determination, traits that i assume must be helpful when hunting. mason comes off as resourceful and tough, just like taureans.
celia: virgo
my beloved celia... like virgos, she's hardworking and intelligent, but also uptight and easily frustrated. understandably so, imagine being married to a man when you could run away with me 🙄 anyway, they're also perfectionists at heart and she'd probably enjoy training you with diligent and consistent practice, you're her little mouse after all. oh, and virgo rules the digestive system. hand over those donuts, ma'am!
derek: leo
bet you thought i'd say scorpio because of his tattoo? nah, he has leo energy. he's confident - even arrogant - and fits the leo description of both luxury-loving and drama-loving. leos love to lead, be admired and receive praise and respect of others. i imagine derek's like that due to possible daddy issues. sorry to come for him like that. my opinion might be completely based due to growing up with a couple of brats from upper middle class families who happened to be leos.
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nye-the-ravenclaw ¡ 7 months ago
Hogwarts Legacy (Modern Medical AU)
(I’m currently watching medical dramas now and I just needed to get it out of my system - I’m sorry Medical Professionals and Nursing Dept if its inaccurate. It’s lengthy so more under the cut.)
MC / Protagonist : Emergency Medicine / Trauma Surgery - Caring for illnesses or injuries requiring immediate medical attention (ER) as well as a history in conducting surgery for trauma wounds (stab, car crashes, crushes, falls, 3rd degree burns, gunshot wounds)
Definitely someone that jumps into action and the jackknife of medicine. Able to perform under high pressure and maintaining her cool. She works alongside Head Nurse (ER) Everett Clopton who is just as high-strung, reactive and able to keep up with her. Pages medical specialists for various patients, so she sees her colleagues periodically. Ominis Gaunt does come by to discuss certain patients’ care when required but the ER is frankly too noisy and fast-paced for him. In extreme situations where there is no medical posts or other specialists available, she is able to perform trauma surgery or provide assistance.
Sebastian Sallow also likes dropping by often to check in on her unannounced (though he also secretly enjoys the heated atmosphere of the ER).
Sebastian Sallow : Cardiothorasic Surgeon - Performing surgery on organs in the chest, such as heart, lungs and esophagus
Smart, fast, performs well with the adrenaline that comes with high pressure heart and lung surgery. Withstands long hours of precision surgery, able to perform bedside manner with respect and care. His need to jump with an action that is risky and yields the most results with success makes him prime for this department as nothing can be more dangerous than taking someone’s heart out and resetting it a hair away from death if done by the untrained and the weak-hearted. And Sebastian is none of those things.
Ominis Gaunt : Public Health / Health Policy - Researching evidence-based medicine and working with physicians to improve guidelines for treatment of conditions
The blind son of the Gaunt family, a renowned powerhouse and stronghold of medicine in the country. Ominis chooses to work at their least affiliated and poorest hospital (coincidentally also the furthest). His job is purely desk-bound, assisted by Anne Sallow as they work together to improve policies and garner funds for the hospital in the name of public health. Though nothing will stop them from heading out into the field to handle cases that they prefer to approach hands on.
Anne Sallow : Infectious Diseases Specialist - Diagnosing, treating and preventing infections in patients
An expert on Infectious Diseases and was a surgeon-in-training. After she had been diagnosed with cancer, she had to give up her studies to be a surgeon. She decided on helping others instead, affecting change at a higher level with Ominis. Shrewd, confident and charismatic, she and Ominis make sure the hospital is run to a t while dealing with insurance companies, philanthropists and the Gaunt family board members. She is in remission.
Natsai Onai : General Surgery - Performing surgery, treating diseases of abdomen, chest, head, neck, blood vessels, digestive tract, injured and deformed patients
The best surgeon this hospital has. She transferred over from Uagadou and with her experience, she is able to accomplish any surgery easily. With her strong need to help people, she has amassed extreme knowledge and drive to learn as many possible ways to carry out surgery on different ailments. She also allows the hospital direct affiliation with her mother hospital in Uagadou for resources and second opinions on abnormal cases.
Garreth Weasley : Pediatrics - Medical care of infants, children and adolescents
Family and children have always been a pillar of Garreth’s life. A cheerful and positive doctor, Garreth is a natural with children and has a hand in his family’s pharmaceutical company for manufacturing the branch of vitamin-based supplement chewables that are friendly for children. He is definitely an advocate of wearing a mask in his clinic as children really are the melting pot of diseases. He occasionally organises parties where he makes a lot of mind-numbing drinks for the other doctors, but those are rare as everyone never stops working and no one is willing to work hungover. He works alongside Poppy Sweeting often as their departments intersect. In a pinch, he is also able to deliver babies.
Poppy Sweeting : Obstetrician Gynaecologist - Treatment of pregnant woman, delivery of babies and the care of women’s reproductive organs and health
A firm but comforting presence in the OB/GYN unit, Poppy follows her patients from advisory stage and into the delivery room. When facing complications, she is able to keep her cool and remains a strong pillar of support for starting families. Poppy’s grandmother was an OB/GYN as well and Poppy decided to follow in her footsteps.
Leander Prewett : Oncology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer
With family and history in medicine, Leander follows after the footsteps of his parents who are prolific doctors, gleaning their expertise and knowledge as pioneers in Oncology. While it is a study that is rife with morbidity, Leander possesses the tenacity and drive to keep a cool head and determine the best treatment and clinical trials for his patients.
After Anne was diagnosed with cancer, Sebastian stopped by Oncology way more often than he should for Prewett’s liking as he is akin to a fireball. But after working with him, Leander finds himself open to accepting newer, and riskier forms of clinical trials with an improved set of guidelines he formulated with Sallow’s opinion. In the past, he had low confidence in himself and believed that Sebastian was better suited for Oncology than he was, but after taking on Anne as his patient and seeing Sebastian’s reactions - it cements Leander’s confidence that only those with his measured temperament can do his job.
Imelda Reyes : Neurosurgery - Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disorders that affect the nervous system, brain, spinal column, spinal cord and extra-cranial cerebrovascular system
Extremely intelligent, precise, determined and focused, Imelda possesses an eye and expertise for the human brain like no other. She does not tolerate nonsense in her office and in her operating room as one wrong move throws a patient into brain damage for life, a fate she decrees worse than death. She plays chess and sports in her spare time, her chess skills equal to being a grandmaster.
Amit Thakkar : Pharmacy - Dispensing and advising medical practitioners, patients, and nurses on safe, effective and efficient use
While it seems like a job with little excitement, it is the clear attention to detail and memory of every drug and pill in his storage that separates Amit from the rest. On top of dispensing medicine, he is also adept at chasing away unwanted abusers of his counter and is currently an advisory to procuring, discerning and looking for new drugs that could speed up patient recovery with lesser side effects.
Everett Clopton : Head Nurse with MC in Emergency Department - Directs nursing service activities in the emergency room
Everett is a trusted second-in-command to MC, and is able to handle, support her orders, and keep track of all patients and their welfare in the room. His main forte is dealing with all chains of command and patients in the chaos with a smile on his face and a sliver of veiled threats to keep them in line. He also takes time to make sure that MC is not overloading herself as she has a penchant for taking on more work than she should.
(I know I’m missing some friends but they should be reserved for other areas such as anathesiologists, radiology, psychology, that sort. I might add on the Professors as well, but that is another post.)
Lucan Brattleby is definitely an intern with a flair for surgery but for which department? If anything I know he definitely idolises Sebastian and has a minor crush on MC.
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entering--hyperspace ¡ 4 months ago
My Veilguard Thoughts (spoilers included)
I want to preface this with I am not an expert writer, and neither am I proficient in critiquing games in a way that is easy to digest or perhaps best gets my thought across. However, I care alot about dragon age and it greatly influenced be as a teenager, so I have a lot of thoughts on my first On Release Dragon Age game!
So, after finishing my playthrough and thinking about what I had experienced, I have come to the conclusion that Veilguard is a fun, whimsical if not somewhat cheesy ball of popcorn of a game with a lot of potential that it at times reached if only to stumble back. In my eyes, a solid 7/10, which is not a bad thing, but for dragon age fans might be divisive.
To start, we have returned to a more solidified character backstory for Rook, an attempt to merge the gaps between origins, Da2, and Inquisition. Not as much as a fill in the gaps blank Mc as the inquisitor was, while not as much as a pre-built solid character as Hawke, or the time given to the very diverse set of Origins the Warden had. This was Mostly a positive, and at times something I kinda just looked around during. I played as an Elven mage (male) Shadow Dragon Rook, which I definitely felt satisfied given the amount of dialogue I felt included in, while at times being alienated by the game just assuming my investment in its own pre-established characters like the Viper, though no work was done in game outside of a written up quick summary to endear me to those it wanted me to feel for.
Continuing with Rook, I felt odd about them for a long time. Having a mc thrown into the chaos without the time to establish how you want to play them in a huge plot was not something I really like. In origins you have a plot itself, Da2 sets up the beginning of Hawke's story, and Dai works with the character being thrusted into the role of Herald because your character was truly someone just at the wrong place at the wrong time. None of things really apply to Rook, so it took me some time to really get into the role of them as the Protagonist.
I also think the responses weren't strong enough in their differences, and seemed to lack the more emotional responses I liked about Inquisition.
On the romance side for Rook, at least for Lucanis, I definitely feel not all the characters were given equal treatment bc man did his romance feel sorely lacking on content compared to the others. This isn't even about it being a slow burn because a slow burn has acknowledgement of what it is in how its story is told, this was just,,, a nothing burger. The almost kiss for Lucanis felt more romantic and longing than anything else his romance produced going forward, which was really just a lot of standing next to each other and talking. But anyway
Speaking of things missing! I was really disappointed that the gift giving system was so lackluster. I was hoping a short conversation about whatever was gifted, but its a simple reply. I did enjoy adding to the companions' space anyway!
Speaking of the Companions, I really adored each and every one of them, which is rare for me! There's at least ONE companion in Bioware game casts I usually don't like or care for, but this time around I found myself drawn to them all, some more than others, of course, but still! I felt the beginnings of their stories were all very genuine, and tangible. I particularly related To Bellara's grief over her brother, and not about accepting the death, but rather accepting her role in what happened. Or Taash, who struggles with their sense of self as a multicultural person, I am also Multiracial, and was excited to explore that. Lucanis reconnecting with family, Emmrich's respect and love for the deceased despite and because of his own fear of mortality, Davrin learning how to be a gentle caretaker to a young griffon, suddenly thrust into that role despite knowing only to protect and the sword he wields, to name my favorites. I have my own opinions i'll briefly talk about later about all of these, but for the most part I loved the companions! They were probably my favorite part of the game, which is why It frustrates me that the lighthouse is structured in a way that makes getting to them in their ambient conversations with each other inconvenient. This was a problem with Inquisition as well, to be fair, nothing but Origins' close camp-fire made it particularly easy to talk to your companions. Least of all when there's now no satisfaction in greeting them in the first place.
They chose to remove the ability to say hello and engage with your Companions at any time. to Save time, I think, but for me as a player, this limits my connection to them. It's removing the choice, the knowledge that I could go say hi just to do so, or to listen to another instance of a dialogue wheel again. Even if it's an arbitrary thing, It's the availability of that choice that makes me feel good, removing that hinders rather than improves, in my own experience.
I also just wish they felt more of a team outside of duty-Oriented group cutscenes, but more so as friends in a group than just 2 of them conversing somewhere.
The story of Veil-guard is definitely a mixed bag, purely taking it as it is, not even mentioning the lack of continuing with the world state. Games do this thing where they love tip-toeing in between being exploratory and linear while not giving either the attention needed to truly make this work. I thought the maps themselves were fine on a level design standpoint, big enough to not get too boring as parts of them unlock, but small enough to not seem as empty as they were in Inquisition, kind of returning to the older games’ layout. What really hindered the story was the tendency to bounce around all of these different areas, for freedom of choice, rather than focusing on an area and unlocking more as the game goes on through that progression.
It was The SIege Of Weisshaupt where I truly felt invested in other parts of the story outside of the interesting connection between Rook and Solas. It was the moment I recognized Veilguard has such potential in it’s story telling, giving us a very big, grand moment in the story that isn't afraid to take itself seriously and raise the stakes, which is perhaps why I’m not as disappointed in the story as much as I could’ve been, bc the potential was THERE. But instead of continuing the forward momentum some of these story beasts give us, they're dropped, and lose the momentum. Fire and Ice, fighting the blighted dragons felt like nothing after I had to take care of companion quests or conversations lest they disappear on me. The moments that fuck in the story, fuck HARD it’s so clear they have potential, my favorite parts of the story where genuinely where the momentum isnt afraid to keep going until it naturally needs to drop, as in The Point Of No Return Onward. God, the cutscene with Rook falling into the prison, the prison section in of itself, THE REVELATION OF VARRIC, Climbing out, getting back and choosing what the team needs to do, it was so GOOD AND COOL, but it was literally the last 3 hours of the game.
Outside of the main story before that I was really mainly invested in the companion’s stories and getting to the next conversation with Solas, or unlocking things within the maps, its a shame then, that none of these feel they were given the time to be fleshed out. I liked the Demon haunting Minrathous, but the set up is so sparse that the revelation doesn’t feel as satisfying as it would have had it been given just the tiniest bit of more attention or gravitas.
Smaller mistakes in the story happened in my mind all the time, WHat do you mean MINRATHOUS was just as affected by the blight as Treviso would be? If they had changed it to Dock town, the choice would’ve felt harder. But no, it was the Minrathous city of magisters or risking the blighted waters that run throughout the lives of a city only really “protected” by Assassins.
Why did nobody mention Varric as a clear mortal casualty? Just one mention of Solas making Rook forget mentions of him and maybe especially any mourning periods directly after his death would’ve made sense.
This is also not even mentioning lost plot-threads or dropped lore, that is better left to more knowledgeable people, but I can see how that may add to disappointment.
I actually switched my opinion on this, at first I was in the boat of I could see why the world state continuing wasn’t needed. We were in Northen Thedas, surely we wouldn’t need as much information although I still gripped about the more important decisions in Inquisition not being included like the well of sorrows or the next Divine.
For most of the game this opinion didn’t change too much, it wasn’t until the last parts of the story that it shifted. Once the game started singing the tune of how this was the BIG CULMINATION FINALE, and EVERYTHING LEAD UP TO THIS, I started to be like, now hold on a second, it doesn’t feel this way. It doesn’t feel this way because no, I didn’t have a lot of satisfaction in seeing even hints of what I had played previously being mentioned. Inquisition felt more like a culmination from the amount of lead up, references, and acknowledgements than Veilguard did. Where was Kieran in the talks or mentions of arche demons, wardens trying to find reversals of blights much like our warden, Divine justinia? Hawke in the aftermath of Varric’s death? The tiniest mention would’ve made me feel so much better, yet they were lacking.
Now, the inquisitor, well,,,,,I’ve always been in the boat that this should’ve been their story to finish, and for the most part I was fine with Rook untl I reached certain moments like everything with Mythal where I felt my inquisitor, having drank from the well, would’ve been a way more interesting person to be included, or even having them in the background fighting alongside Rook in the final boss given a choice in what class they were, you could see them offering assistance. Man, Even getting to talk more with them, maybe choosing what emotional dialogue they leaned more into like we did with Hawke so their statements didn’t feel so broad.
THAT BEING SAID, THE CRITICISMS LEAVING MY BODY AS SOON AS I HEARD THE INQUISITION LEITMOTIF, I regardless, enjoyed every second of them on screen, I literally screamed and scrumpt seeing them appear at the end to (in my canon) Help talk Solas down which felt a bit like the Hannah montanna taking off the wig when they revealed themselves I mean this in the best way possible I was eating everything up.
Music to me was fine, what I’m grateful for since playing FFXIV is I have learned, love, accepted that I want music to be different, its COOL when genres don’t stay to the same old tune. I actually loved what I heard of Veilguard’s style, obviously some people said it sounded like Mass Effect music due to its use of more electronic sounding tunes, but considering we are dealing with ANcient Elven gods in advanced tech architecture and cities like Minrathous, I didn’t even see it as out of place. Honestly, OSTS rarely blow me out of the water on an initial playthrough, but I implore people to maybe open their minds to the idea that not every game needs to sound the same, even if theyre from the same series, I would have rathered this than the same style as inquisition, bc they are not the same game with the same story and environment. Personally, I find it boring to only contain one musical genre to one thing, Taking more leaps in creating a different sound to reinvent what we might consider “fantasy music”(for example) IS something I will always back.
GRAPHICS ARE INCREDIBLE, I love the more stylized look, I loved the lighting direction, I loved everything about the actual style of the game. I do agree about missing previous DESIGNS, but the ART STYLE itself I have no notes on, what a beautiful game.
Combat was so fun, it’s clear Bioware is taking notes from the pace of Andromeda’s gameplay, which I also enjoyed. Not a lot of thoughts here, it was fun, I was never a big fan of tactical games which made origins not very fun for me combat wise so I wasn't affected by the series continuing to evolve away from that over time was was prevalent since Da2 into Inquisition. I just wish we had more ability options ready to use.
The Tone:
I do think its silly to not acknowledge the clear tonal shift throughout dragon age, yes you could always CHOOSE to be silly, but to not see Origins as clearly tonally dark is a bit ignorant. I don't mind (I actually prefer!) Light hearted ganes, what I like most however, is sincereity and the ability to allow your story to be what it needs to. Veilguard has shown it has times where it is clear in wanting to have a serious mission, but also fails to deliver on it consistently.
I don't really have much of a problem with its dialogue as some? Gamer bros tend to? But I also want to point out one thing: sometimes, due to the fact you grow as a person, grow older, things you once saw as super cool serious and good, may not be so at your current age. Was the dialogue "millenial" or are you (talking to random gamerbros here) perhaps so unwilling to let yourself enjoy things you once did bc in your eyes they are "cringe" now? The nostalgia can be so blinding, and to ignore that the humor of the series has always been there is so incorrect. But these are also the same people who said veilguard is too woke when it was DA thay had 2 bisexual companions while bioware was getting hounded on by FOX news for its same sex romance, so....
It was Clear this game struggled with things cut for time, or ease of new players, if not both. I can only speculate an EA decision which hindered things, a tale as old as time, given weight since we know its production start was rocky alongside the dire state of AAA game industry. However when i am reviewing something I try not only to take account of the things that we may give marks to, like a consistent story, graphics, music, but more so one single thing: Did this game do what it set out to do? The answer, I feel, is Yes.
The game introduced us to memorable companions, it finished the set up of a previously started story, it was fun to play, it got an emotional reaction out of me, I do not regret buying it.
That perhaps, is most important. No game is perfect, certainly not ones as ambitious as Dragon Age as a serie. It is hard to implement every choice, to satisfy every player. In the end, it is not a perfect game, certainly not a perfect DA game. Especially not with 10 years of expectations and weight on its shoulders. To me, it didn’t need to be. I am allowed to be disappointed, but I am also allowed to be satisfied with the imperfect, and simply have enjoyed the ride. Video games are Art, Art is subjective. There are ways we can frame the basis of critique given the quality and what we expect from a studio, even at the whims of greedy overlords, but most importantly I think we should ask ourselves if our enjoyment matters most.
In a world where it has become easy to hate, where hate and anger and disapproval gain more clicks and reactions than those of joy, It is equally important for us to speak of our joy with as much weight as we would a critique. Joy is just as important to share, love for something is just as important to share as much as what you didn’t like.
I loved Veilguard. It wasn’t perfect, but I had fun running around, I had fun listening to my new friends, and perhaps that is what I take with me the most. If it’s any indication, I have decided to replay DaI and veilguard again right after, it scratched my DA itch.
As a side note, if you want to listen to a good video essay about the acceptance of the mid and the enjoyment still that shouldn’t be shamed in video games being ranked less than 10/10 which I recommend “In defense of the 7/10 games” by Nakey Jakey.
If you’ve reached this point I hope you enjoyed my thoughts!
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smokingtomas ¡ 2 years ago
An Indecent Encounter
A/N: Please tell me you’re also thirstrapped by Kenshi’s new design for MK1. This fic is written so I can get it out of my system hoping I can think about him a normal amount lol. Thank you @cryinginthebackseat for the moral support/beta. Love you 4everrr!
Pairing: Kenshi Takahashi x female reader
Warning: light smut
Read part 2 here!
You casually leaned onto the wooden bar, ignoring the apple martini a stranger bought for you earlier. That sleaze bag should’ve known better–  a scotch with a side of courage to actually talk could go a long way. This right here, was a hard, hard pass.
But what caught your eye next was too hard to miss. This man had intensity drawn across his perfectly sculpted jawline. His brown eyes hunted around the room, seemingly searching for someone and ending up at the bar before standing next to you.
Up close, you noticed how his hand was covered with intricate tattoos down to a part of his fingers. You assumed the rest of it was hidden under his gray suit, which you wouldn’t mind taking off to see what’s like underneath. To have those drawn hands hovering all over your body, oh you would kill. The mere thought of it got you biting down your lower lip.
“Do you need something?”
Fuck– you’d been staring way too long. The gentleman’s voice awakened you on your spiritual journey to Dirtyville.
Thankfully, you were an expert when it comes to getting under a man’s pants. So you fetched the most charming, friendliest smile you could now and slowly leaned towards his ear while secretly hoping it didn't come out awkwardly.
“Just placing a bet with myself which one of those lovely ladies on the corner would be the first to get under you.” You were thankful that those were honest truth– geez, those girls could not be more obvious. “I’m guessing you didn’t notice.”
“Not that I care much about it.” He shrugged before he fully averted his gaze to you, “On the other hand, you… I wouldn't mind.”
Of course you'd boast about his interest in you to yourself, but you scoffed at the remark to seem nonchalant, “Excuse me, I don’t sleep with strangers like you.”
“Strangers like me?”
“Well, a stranger in LA who actually hates the city but you’re in town for some inescapable family business?” You guessed wildly, “And you probably ended up in this bar because you’re alone and in need of validation that you’re intimidating when you’re actually a vulnerable being who’s a bad kisser.”
The man smiled for the first time– you swore that smile could make those girls sitting in the corner quiver so hard they could come.
"For a stranger, those wild accusations only covered a speck of the truth." He replied, "I'm Kenshi."
"Telling me your name doesn't make you less of a stranger."
"I'd buy you a drink, but I can see that you already have one."
"Are you underestimating my ability to drink?"
"Fine, I'll take it as a yes." Kenshi gested, "I wouldn't take you as one who drinks apple martini, anyway."
Boom. Jackpot .
"What do I drink, then?" Your tone was challenging.
He thought for a second, brown eyes scanning you from the top to the bottom before gesturing to the bartender, "Two scotch neat. With a twist."
Double. Fucking. Jackpot.
He did everything right– It was time to change gears.
"Cheers," you said, clinking your glass to his once the bartender fetched your drinks, "to strangers."
"I believe it's to uh, not-so-strangers."
"You just want to speed things up, don't you?"
"Can you blame me if I tried?"
You smirked at him before taking a sip of your drink, and kept eye contact even after you put down the empty glass.
And so one scotch turned to three, digested alongside some more heavily flirtatious banter and oh-so-innocent grazes– at this point, you were sober enough to know you wanted to fuck him, but tipsy enough to not give a fuck about the consequences of getting it on with a complete stranger.
"I bet I was right before," This time, you dangled your hand on his broad shoulder, "When I said that you’re in town for business."
He snickered, "I might as well tell you that I'm here to take back a family heirloom."
"Like a ring?"
"A sword… An ancient katana ."
Hearing him saying a Japanese word made you want to tear off everything he wore, but something about an ancient sword really tickled your brain, "Ah, a big sword for a big shot."
"As I was saying, it's a family heirloom."
You were tipsy, but it finally clicked, "I know a guy who collected one of those."
You expected a surprised response– hell, it should've been something that jumped him off and followed by more inquisitiveness.
It might have been the alcohol, but his actual reaction had him grinning, pulling himself closer to you. His fit physique towered over you and you could care less about your expectation when God had something better off his sleeve.
"Oh, you do know a guy, don't you?"
"Oh, I do," You welcomed his gesture with both hands caressing his stubble, "But right now, I guess you only want one thing, do ya?"
It didn't take you by surprise when Kenshi's lips touched yours. Instead, you welcomed him with both of your arms around his neck to taste the whisky off his mouth.
His soft lips tasted like malt you found yourself melting within each brush. The last thing you wanted this time was for him to stop kissing you, but of course he had to.
"Remember when you said earlier," He murmured against your ear, his breath gently teasing the tip of it, "that I probably am a bad kisser?"
You did. Only to provoke him. Even before those godly lips were on yours, you were certain if those lips ended up anywhere near you, you would turn into a mess of a puddle.
“You want me to say it?” You purred, your fingers gently teased his abs, riding up to his chest, “But I’m more of a… shower.”
In this position where you were nicely trapped between him and the bar, once again, both of your lips meld into pure bliss. Yes, it was a quiet night at the place and people could easily spot your little action, but you didn't care and neither did he seem to with how eager his mouth was to explore yours. You darted out a tongue before you felt his mouth formed a satisfied smirk.
What started off as soft and sensual soon turned into something carnal. Kiss was getting deeper, both your tongue were satiated with lust. He teased your skin so deliciously but he never touched you where you wanted him the most, and the fabric covering you had started to bother you.
You wanted him, and it was obvious that he wanted you too. So out of curiosity, a hand of yours reached down his pants before finding him hot and hard against your palm.
"Oh, you naughty little… what would I do to you." He growled, but with that wolfish grin on his stupidly gorgeous face, you knew he liked it.
Biting your lip in response, you looked up to your surroundings– initially for some air, but instead you found a few pairs of eyes in your direction. You couldn't exactly blame them for looking– you just heavily made out and groped a man in a public place. Being the center of attention had never been your problem and you could certainly continue this little quarrel where you were, but Kenshi was looking like a piece of meat and you had other plans in mind.
"Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes." You hushed with an implied promise a man would know too well.
"Oh, I thought you don't sleep with strangers like me." His tone tinged with cockiness.
You grin devilishly, "Who says anything about sleeping?"
Leaving one last, teaseful peck on his cheek before fleeing to the bathroom and making sure you smelled minty fresh.
Kenshi arrived three minutes later when you were spraying some perfume on yourself.
“Someone’s early. You’re not supposed to be here until–”
The last thing you saw was Kenshi locking the door hastily before slamming you against the nearest wall. With a fistful of your hair in his grip, his hungry lips were on yours once again and he had seemed to ditch the teasing game plan he had outside. This time, you found his hands rode up your skirt and cupped your curves, teeth had traveled to the junction of your neck and sent you writhing in pleasure.
There wasn’t much room to maneuver, but Kenshi got hold of both of your thighs so effortlessly that you let out a gasp when you found yourself on the countertop. Didn’t take long for him to break off the kiss to loosen up the buttons of your shirt. Soon enough, his suit touched the floor as well.
With Kenshi worshiping your newly exposed skin ever so religiously, every wet trail he left had set you ablaze, and the fire burned even more when his teeth found your lace-covered nipple.
"Oh, f-fuck me, Jesus." You moaned.
"That's… not my name, but I'll take his place."
His cheeky remark made you giggle– he totally deserved that little shove on his shoulder.
But when he kissed you again, overwhelming you with a mouthfeel of alcohol, the flame was still there burning. It pooled into your stomach and as he tugged down your underwear, you saw him licked his lips. Maybe he'd found you… too eager.
He put your lacy garment in his pocket before zipping down his pants just enough to free himself. It was really bound to happen, and all the haziness almost made you forget something.
"Wait, wait!," You hurriedly roam through your purse, "Here."
You handed him a rubber and without hesitation, he ripped open the foil before rolling it onto himself. Yes, you wanted Kenshi to relentlessly screw you, but you just met this guy– who knows who or what kind of shit he'd done with that dick.
But when Kenshi sunk himself into you in one effortless move, my, my– it felt sensational you had to bite back a groan. Though the attempt seemed useless the minute he immediately started thrusting his hips back and forth in a pace that felt monstrous for your senses.
You couldn't speak, let alone think. Only letting out a whimper each time his pelvic bones hit yours. You were dying to kiss him. To dig your fingers in his broad back, especially when his tattooed hands held down your thighs and effectively changed his angle.
But you couldn't really complain when that lustful face of his was yours to look at in the moment– eyes tense yet drowsy, bottom lips popped open. Still, you wanted more. So you mustered a strength strong enough to pull him onto you, but gentle enough so you could sit up and continue kissing him intensely.
"I want you to fuck me senseless against the wall." You demanded.
"I thought you'd never ask."
Complying with your request, he crashed your back onto the wall once again, this time supporting both of your thighs and proceeding to penetrate you deeply, repeatedly. Hands entangled behind his neck, red swollen lips dueling, throaty moans echoed in the heat of the moment. It was like the satan himself came up to bless this indecent encounter.
You didn't want him to stop. You were so, so close that you tightened your circling legs around his torso. You wanted him to keep going even when a knock on the door was heard along with an attempted turn of the doorknob.
Really, what rang through your ears were the squelching sound of your arousal, and the tempo picked up as Kenshi's pounding got a little too hard for you to keep it hushed– you knew he was close too with the way he cursed repeatedly.
That was the final stroke for your body to explode as your vision finally faded to black. You cried out his name, and Kenshi's raspy groan followed soon. It took a few seconds for both of you to finally catch a breath, sealing off an out-of-this-world sex with a sloppy kiss before finding yourself melting onto the floor in his cradle.
"You know it's illegal to smoke in California, right?" You stated as Kenshi flickered his lighter for the cigarette pressed to your lips.
"Laws don't scare me," He inhaled his own stick as if it was the source of oxygen, "Besides, you were the one citizen dragging me out here to have one."
It was true– you thought cigarettes were necessary to sober up. So here you were with Kenshi at the quiet parking lot at the back of the bar.
"I think laws only exist if you choose them to be. Isn't that why you're in LA as well? To steal someone's belongings?"
"That sword is rightfully mine."
His voice turned deep and possessive, but you sneered at his remark, "Man, you really are a Takahashi. You sound just as I imagine them to be."
"Well, I–" You really had seemed to stun him to a state of shock. Took him a few seconds before he gathered himself together. "So you were serious before. You do know someone."
"To be fair, there's really not a lot of Japanese running around LA looking for an ancestral sword either." You shrugged as you took another hit of nicotine, "All I did was connect the dots."
"Tell me what you know." His tone was on the edge of threatening, but you couldn't give two shits about what was going on inside his head.
"Sento, isn't it? Supposedly belonged to one of your ancestors, now it's mounted nicely at Johnny Cage's penthouse who got it through some petty auction for a few million dollars."
"What else?"
You paused for a second, contemplating if you should share the following, "I've seen it glow. Once. But Johnny didn't seem to know."
"It can't be…" He expressed disbelief, "How could you know so much about it?"
"I guess the glow intrigued me as I am a martial artist trained with swords. So I did more digging about your lineage. Honestly, I thought Takahashi had gone extinct."
Those revealed information got Kenshi thinking for a moment longer than expected, but you realized it wasn't your problem to force him to talk. This was his affair, anyway.
Then, he put out his cigarette, stood up and commanded, "Take me to Johnny Cage."
"What? I can't. We don't have any sort of relationship anymore."
"But you do know where he lives. It should be enough."
The nerve on this guy . "He lives in a pretentious household in Beverly Hills. Top-of-its-class security system. You can't possibly gain entry just by walking through."
"Are you underestimating my ability to hack a security system?"
"Say you got in, are you prepared to fight him? Because he wouldn't just hand out Sento like a piece of cookie."
Kenshi smiled pompously at your attempt to convince him to back down, "I am skilled. I can take him down."
This could be interesting– you breathe, live, drink danger like it was your oasis. The possibility of ruining a jerk of an ex's life would be a cherry on top too.
But of course, you wouldn't easily accept Kenshi's offer without some negotiations– this whole thing could get sketchy pretty quick.
"So what's in it for me?"
Kenshi fished something out of his pocket and smirked as he displayed a black lace you had known so well, "I think you'll need this back."
Oh, he was going to be insufferable after this.
"You know, I wanted you to keep it, but I see that you can't get enough of me."
"I didn't hear you complain about my performance earlier either."
Well, so much for a dine-and-dash situation you've always had a sense of familiarity with. A little more adventure wouldn't hurt, you supposed.
"Fine. You twisted my arm." You threw your hands in the air, "We gotta use my car, though. The guards would let me in."
"Seems fair." He agreed.
"It would be, once you've done something I have in mind in the backseat of my car."
"Care to elaborate?"
You thought Kenshi knew the meaning behind your secretive smile his way. You could swear you saw a mischievous grin as you turned away to unlock your car.
"A Thai bull never tells."
A/N: I’M BACKKK! Yes, I haven’t written anything for the past 3.5 years (and my last few fics were for Shokugeki no Soma) but Kenshi’s looking yummy these days. Anw, apologize if I seem rusty. Constructive criticisms are sooo welcomed!
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