#digestion with reformation
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Slightly insane prey
Prey that’s just a bit too in to being eaten,
Prey that is so so desperate to get eaten that they make the Pred worry about their sanity
Prey that is more than willing, they are deserpate to be eaten and digested
Prey that practically worships the soft fat they’ve added to their Pred
Prey that chases after a Pred in a reverse cat and mouse desperate to be eaten
Prey that is just a lil bit off kilter
Prey that protects their Pred from other prey, after all their Pred is theirs
#vore belly#vore writing#vore thoughts#vore drabbles#willing prey#digestion#digestion mention#digestion with reformation
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on some kinda drawing wave today for reals.... silly doodle digestion sequence . really just to figure out how id draw this kinda thing
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"Shhh, I know it hurts, but please settle down. I promise, it'll all be over soon. Once I'm done, you'll wake up back in your bed as if none of this has ever happened, it'll be like a dream. Just relax, let the pain wash over you... You're doing such a good job digesting, it'll be over before you know it, so please, settle down."
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preds that can use magic. whooof.
teleporting prey into their stomach. there's no chance for the prey to struggle, to escape. they're immediately bathing in the pred's gastric juices.
or, alternatively, preds who like to play with their prey so they use magic/a spell to shrink down their prey. but after they've had their fun and swallowed them down, they reverse the magic/spell and their belly expands and bulges out with a full-sized person.
using magic to rapidly speed up digestion, turning the panicked prey into soup and nutrient mush in seconds.
and then, using magic to absorb the prey's soul/essence into their body after they've digested, basically turning them into sentient fat that can only jiggle and sway on their pred's soft belly
preds can also reform their prey, but sometimes, the prey reforms right back in the pred's stomach, back again for round two... or three... or four... or however many times the pred has reformed them in there. the prey doesn't really have a choice in the matter.
#tabbygrumbles#soft vore#digestion#implied digestion#vore kink#vore talk#v0re#sentient fat#unwilling prey#reformation#magic pred
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Still here
Contains Implied Sexual Content
Contains safe M/F vore internal rubs and angst
The man lay lazily on his bed rubbing a pale stomach full of the woman who was his wife. Weeks ago he would have been terrified by this idea but here and now he felt no fear only two feelings - the first a sense of deep gratified fullness and the second of relief - there was no safer place for his wife than in his stomach. Yet how had this happened he pondered from the day they had met he had feared the idea of devouring her or anyone he had sworn off that for years and yet now here he was both fullness and the knowledge that the woman in his gut was going to be safe and in his arms in the morning.
The man’s actual name was unpronounceable to humans so he tended to go by a simple name of Leopold or more simply Leo. The woman in his belly was called Theodora or simply Dora.
Leo was not a human, he was well not quite a demon but certainly not quite an angel, he had gotten lost one day in the human world and was fascinated by them - there was just one problem, he needed to eat them, if there had been any sustenance that would have done he would happily have taken it but no only whole live meals would do to settle the aching pain within him. He who feared harming people most of all tried his best to find the worst of the worst to devour but even that hurt him to do, for he was in his hearts a gentle soul. So he tried his best to limit his indulgence.
Then he’d met Dora a beautiful woman with long and flowing hair and an appreciation for his wonder of the world.
He and she and fallen for each-other and he asked her to be his bride.
It was surprising that, prior to their relationship Leo had never had anyone. He was handsome and rich, the lack of family, well it was assumed that they most likely had passed. However most women it seemed prior to Dora found him well - annoying. Dora liked him and her own family were glad that after a succession of unfortunate escapades with a variety of rakes that she was now with a stabler sort of person “Even if he is a little odd! But after all, aren’t we all”.
Now there came a problem he hadn’t eaten in the year before he met Dora and after they had courted it was another year still, he was so so hungry on their wedding night that he was shocked that he hadn’t devoured her then and there.
instead he turned his attention to other foods hoping that he could distract himself from the thought of eating humans by eating alot of other things, and whilst some came close none of the things or indeed how much he ate was ever able to cure the pain in him. Cooks and hosts alike were delighted to have him come and eat for he easily and happily devoured twice or three times the amount of food others did. He always put it down to a naturally fast metabolism.
But one night he simply could not hold back anymore he was feeling iller and iller he needed food, proper food a proper meal.
“Beloved come to bed” said Dora sitting in her teagown at the edge of their bed.
“Darling I I - Can’t” said Leo pacing up and down
“Dora” he said he felt close to cracking, she smelt so so good, but he couldn’t - he’d never forgive himself if she died because of him. Or rather in him.
In me where she belongs said a dark part of his mind, where she can’t get harmed where she’s a part of me all tucked up and safe.
He wasn’t sure what was causing it but pretty soon he was walking towards her.
“That’s more like it Leo” said Dora as he sat beside her “Now tell me whatever is the matter”
“That you” he began then stopped he was a monster - he couldn’t do this to her he’d have to man up and find someone who wouldn’t be missed, but that meant leaving her alone and who knows what might happen if he was gone too long looking for the perfect meal. It should be her growled the dark part of him make he the part of you she was always meant to be “I can’t” he finished lamely. His stomach grumbled she looked at the organ and up at him smiling in her sweet and kind manner “do you want me to make you something to eat?” She asked. “I want to eat you” the words were out of his mouth before he realised what he was saying the part of him that wanted her there in his belly was taking over. “What?” She said
“You heard me” he heard himself say “I want you inside me in my stomach whilst I belch and moan” he felt a blush rise to his cheeks, previously those he had eaten had been just that, meals there was nothing more to it than that, but this was so different, this felt, well - naughty. He flushed deeper and moved back from her. She however moved closer to him. “I’m sorry I’m sorry” he said forgetting his hunger for a moment for sheer embarrassment. “Oh I won’t forget it” she said “I am assuming the devouring of me isn’t metaphorical” at this she tugged at her teagown teasingly exposing her nightgown beneath and the neckline of the garment which was quite low indeed. In spite of himself Leo felt blood rush to a certain part of his body. “Tell me why”
“I, I”
“You arn't exactly human are you”
“How did you know” he asked
“Most in fact no humans that I know are incapable of devouring an entire woman of my figure”
Dora was indeed voluptuous but that hadn’t been why Leo had married her though physical attraction was of course part of his reason for his deep love of her
“I am something slightly indescribable, I’m not a demon” he said
“I rather assumed that based on the fact that you were able to go into the church were we were married” she said
“I’m not an angel either, I am I suppose the best word would be a neutral spirit”
“hmmm go on” she said
“Years ago I well got lost and decided that I wanted to learn all about humans and I joined your society, the problem is I need to, well I need to”
“Eat people to survive”
he looked shamefacedly at the floor “yes”
“So how did you deal with it”
“I started by trying to only eat some of the worst people, violent criminals and that sort of thing - but even that hurt too much so I tried to limit myself as much as I could”
“And then you met me”
“I hadn’t fed in the year before we met - then after that we were moving through a dizzying amount of events I was so tired, but something was growling within me, on our wedding night I don’t know how I was able to stop myself from devouring you then and there” he paused “Since then, my hunger has only become stronger and I think it’s because of a twisted desire to protect you and to fill myself” tears filled his eyes “sometimes I dream that I can lie here on this bed with you filling me up - but I could never do that and be happy, you are too important” he began to sob into his hands “I’m sorry you married a monster, I’ve eaten people they’re a part of my body I’m a living graveyard” he managed to say or rather groan out between sobs.
He felt a gentle touch upon his shoulder, then a weight pressing down on his lap, then his hands being pulled away from his face whilst his wife looked at him. Not with fear or hatred but with compassion and maybe slight exasperation.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why, why do you think?” He choked out
“I would never think that you are a monster” she said gently cupping his face in her hands
“You don’t”
“No I don’t” she said
“but I”
“Yes you ate people, but someone as kind as sweet as you are wouldn’t do that lightly”
“But nothing” she wiped his tears away “You shouldn’t have let yourself get into such a state, you should have asked me”
“But you would have died if I’d eaten you!”
“You aren't the only one with a secret Dear Leo” she said leaning forward to kiss him
“What?” he said as she lovingly tousled his hair
“Look at me” she said “I want to see your beautiful face” he looked at her his face still slightly wet from his tears his blue eyes slightly red from crying
“I’m a witch”
“You heard me a witch, you can eat me, digest me even, and I will be perfectly safe”
“Why with the aid of this” she said pulling a necklace from out of her nightdress.
“What is it”
“Reformation necklace she said smiling, she had intended to use it in case she had ended up actually being in danger but, she wasn’t in any danger with him.
“So, I can give in and you’ll be ok?” he asked gazing at her his eyes slightly red from crying
“Perfectly fine, I’ll wake up in your arms in the morning
Suddenly she found herself being gently but firmly flipped and pinned beneath him, his hand supporting her head.
He looked over her like a lion about to devour a gazelle. She grinned, enjoying this power she had over him. “Are you sure you don’t wish to taste your meal?” she said. She guided his slightly shaking hands to her teagown and then her nightdress.
Leo looked at her, she was like a goddess to him, her long hair pooling beneath her body, which was full and voluptuous all of it, her breasts and hips stood out to him especially, she needed no padding to help achieve the fashionable silhouette. He hungrily took in her body feeling blood rushing to his face - this wasn’t how a gentleman was meant to act, but at the moment he didn’t care, as his hands went to his nightshirt
“Fair’s fair right?” he said looking down at her, now it was his turn to guide her hands to his nightclothes, helping her take off his nightshirt and drawers.
Dora looked up at him and flushed she had never seen him naked, underneath his clothes he hid a gorgeous body. Biceps thick and strong off of a torso that was thick with muscle, and formed the perfect V with his slender hips light patches of hair ran up and down his body. Sure he was going to eat her but she licked her own lips at the man atop her.
“Do I please you?” He asked
“Yes” she breathed “and me?”
“Yes” he whispered literally drooling over her
They were both naked and she was beneath him it occurred to him then that they had never actually consummated their marriage he looked down at her she looked back a hunger of her own in her eyes.
“Do you want to…” she asked
“Yes” he said leaning downward and kissing her deeply.
Once their desire for each other had been sated it was now time for Leo’s stomach’s hunger for his wife to be sated.
Leo lay beside his wife holding her hand panting slightly unsure of where to begin so all he could say first was “Can I eat you now please?”
She rolled over and propped herself up on her right elbow “Yes of course” she said
“Promise me you’ll be fine?” He said propping himself up on his left elbow and gazing into her eyes
“I will be fine” she promised
“Shall I take you by the head or by the feet” he asked
“I’m your meal” she said “you choose”
He grinned “I choose head then”
He was gentle with her sitting up and then after she had done the same pulling her onton his lap he gazed into her eyes for a few seconds then opened his mouth wider than a normal man is able to and gently gave his wife’s face a lick he moaned “so good”. Slowly and gently he titled her head towards his mouth and engulfed it gently he brought more and more of his wife down his gullet savouring her taste, sure he’d get to do this again but that didn’t mean his first time doing it didn’t have to be special.
God she was delicious her entire form seemed designed to drive anyone with a penchant for eating women mad. But no one else was going to touch her, he thought jealously as her legs started to tip down his gullet, no one but him her husband could devour her, she was his just as he was hers. No one could eat her except for him and he wouldn’t eat anyone except for her.
His lips closed over her feet and he belched - a low rumbling sound that surrounded Theodora- and moaned “you were incredible” he said “you are incredible” he added “I am so so glad I get to taste you again and again”
“Indeed” she said from where she was curled in his belly it was clean his dinner and evening cake and tea clearly cleared from it. His stomach had a pinkish colour and was almost hugging her like it knew she was a special guest that wasn’t merely food. It gave a gurgle and she heard her husband belch and moan from above her.
“He’s sticking true to his word” she said to herself, whilst her husband enjoyed himself feeling full they were the practical concerns and she quickly muttered the spells necessary to allow herself to reform.
“You feel so good inside me” moaned Leo as a fresh belch brought up more of her flavour
Theodora smiled at her husbands clear forgoing of manners ordinarily he might have excused himself but not this time, he seemed more than happy to let go of all manners and enjoy the feeling of her inside him. She was very happy in him, she felt safe in his arms at night, but inside of him she couldn’t feel safer, no one could harm her Leopold, her darling wouldn’t allow it, his body was strong and he could take on nearly anything that might wish to harm her. He could protect her, and she would protect him she thought dreamily.
His stomach gurgled happily around her bringing forth digestive fluid which began rising steadily about her. It didn’t hurt at all in fact it felt quite pleasant.
“I’ll see you in the morning my beloved” said Leopold clutching his belly tightly and kissing it as his body began to claim his wife as its own, making them for the time at least he thought one he belched again more of her flavour coming up and lay back on their bed. “So so good” he moaned.
Some time during the night true to her word Theodora reformed beside her husband and was enveloped in his arms soon after.
The morning dawned and light streamed in over the sleeping couple comfortably lying together.
Leopold was the first to wake and took in his sleeping wife with joy - it had worked she was still here and she was still safe, he nuzzled into her hair breathing in her scent. She herself woke up a little after him and smiled
“Good morning handsome” she said
“Good morning beautiful” he replied
They kissed, gently at first and then with a bit more passion, it seemed like it was his turn to be beneath her when they heard a knock outside the door.
As fast as they could both got under the covers and drew them well up to their chins “come in”
One of their maids - Penelope - entered, whilst others might have gotten flustered at the sight of what was presumably two naked people, judging by the night clothes still lying where they had been cast off on the floor, Penelope was seemingly someone with absolutely no interest in humanity what so ever, she might have witnessed the events of last night with no comment other than a grumbled one of “drooling on the sheets makes extra work”
As it was all she asked was whether her employers would be taking breakfast in bed or whether they wanted to eat as normal in the morning room. This information ascertained, she left with a prim curtsy.
“Incredible, she has no interest in anything untoward” said Leo pushing the covers down
“She is one of those people who has accepted that she will see all sorts of things” remarked Dora with a rueful smile
Penelope meanwhile was laughing to herself imagine the look on Eliza’s face when I tell her I saw our employers naked, she thought oh the entertainment they bring me I should never like to leave this job.
Sighing Leo stretched and said “we should probably get up” he said Dora nodded and got out of bed.
She pulled on her chemise and as she was getting into her corset, her husband said, “Theodora, am I bigger than I was?”
He turned to find her husband standing looking at himself in the mirror, he had his drawers on and was clutching onto his stomach, normally this was trim and flat forming the manly V shape he usually had. Now however she noted with pride, thanks to her he had a slight overhang of soft pudgy fat.
She came up behind him and gripped the additional pudge with a smile kissing him on his back.
“You certainly are”
“How… wait a minute is this because of you?”
“Yes” she said “I think it is”
He wrapped his arms around her then, holding her close to him. “I want to do this again!” He said
“Tonight” she asked grinning
“Yes” he said a smile spreading across his face showing his sharp canines
“I think you and I have found something brand new to enjoy” she said
“I think we have indeed” he replied
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach in some cases yes, but Theodora had already captured Leopold’s heart and his soul without needing to go through that route, so perhaps it was the case that his stomach had brought them closer together instead of driving them apart.
#male pred#female prey#m/f vore#vore belly#digestion with reformation#same size vore#soft vore#Theodora and Leopold
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I want to be there.
Don't be shy - I'm not afraid. Not anymore. You're not the worst of monsters; humans are much scarier sometimes... And your present state is nothing but a mask for a soul that is aching.
Please, open your mouth. Let me inside.
Perhaps, I can cease your pain.
Perhaps, I can calm your rage. Fill your emptiness. Satisfy your undying urge.
So, don't deny me.
Give me a chance. Trust me.
I'll be gentle with you.
I'll listen to you.
I'll lull you.
Tell me your tale. Make me feel: laugh and cry.
Allow me to go through, in the very depth: via veins and flesh. Break me down. Absorb me.
The only thing I ask in return is...
Let me stay with you tonight. I seek to hear your voice, feel your body around me. To be meaningful. To be loved.
Don't leave me alone.
Let us be in this together.
#soft vore#willing prey#reluctant pred#comfort vore#vorefixation#e a/t#sfw vore#tw digestion#painless digestion#implied digestion#implied reformation#vore reformation#extreme cuddling#nonsexual vore
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Hhhh ohh god fuck~ I’m in love with the concept of wlw long term melty digestion 🥵
Imagine two women who are seeing each other and the more dominant one coaxes her submissive partner into being eaten by her… she’s a bit reluctant, but does have to admit… it gives her a “funny feeling” to imagine, and she always wants to make her girlfriend happy… so she sheepishly agrees…
And after she gets swallowed, maybe she’s whining and protesting a bit… with little kicks to the inside of her gf’s big, swollen belly. The pred lets out a belch and rolls her eyes, giving her gut a teasing pat. Always a drama queen, this one. But the pred knows she’ll be fine, and so she stretches across the bed, ready to sleep off her big meal~
Throughout the night, the pred’s stomach gets louder and the prey’s muffled sounds get softer… quieter… subdued <3… she sounds almost peaceful as she gets churned by the belly of her beloved~
It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a bit of a strange experience. She moans from within the rotund belly and whimpers pitifully as her form is melting and bubbling away. And eventually, at some point in the early morning, the sounds stop all together 💕
The pred hums in her sleep and places a hand over her hard-working gut; it’s all soft and sloshy now. Her tummy lets out a long groan in response to being touched. The middle begins to sag, and there’s a big scchlrp… sssqquelch~ as what’s left of her sweet girlfriend collapses beneath those churning stomach walls. All sludge now~ ☠️🫧
In the morning the pred kneads and rubs a much smaller stomach, getting aroused by the feeling of her prey shifting around and slipping deeper into her guts for even more lengthy digestion <3
“See? I’m so happy you came around, darling~”
Of course, when her beloved DOES come back, she’ll have to tease her and cuddle her and tell her what a wonderful evening snack she made… but for now she just enjoys her partner’s eventual dedication to making her all soft❤️🥰
#v.ore#v0re#soft vore#vore writing#wlw vore#vore scenario#vore talk#digestion#unwilling prey#well… kind of#implied reformation#unwilling to willing#vore digestion#f/f vore#pred/prey#reformation vore
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Request for awesomebqg
stadium was vibrant as its lights shined on the field. Players scattered from their huddles to their assigned positions, waiting for the chance to chase after the checkered ball across the yard as the opposing side derailed their assault. Declan approached from the left side of the offensive team, eyeing the soccer ball as it zigged and zagged between players’ legs. Hot on the heels of one of the flanks, he blitzed between two players as he pounced on the ball, taking it from the opposing team’s clutches as he kicked it into the net.
The crowd roared in a fierce beat, sending a buzz of electricity through his body as he raised an arm. "Please please, It was only a goal. No please I..no no, I do.”
His feet swept from under him as was placed on a pedestal of his team’s shoulders, ushering him around as if he were a royal in a place. The sound of cheers roaring in the air, the weight of his team on his back, it was moments like these that made him enjoy the true feel of soccer
After minutes of parading the middle field, the team merged into one as they entered the narrow pathway between the bleachers. Before long, the cemented floor kissed beneath his cleats, the soft pats and shakes fading from his teammates fading as the team dispersed into their own section of the locker rooms. Declan made his way down the middle path, stopping at a locker on the end of the path as he unlatched his lock.
He wiped a towel along his drenched neck. "Another game, another victory." he wiped down his back, losing himself in the chatter of passing members as they made their way to their lockers.
But a distant voice began to make itself known, tearing through the vocal flow like an anti chord as it reached his ears. He barely had the chance to turn before a thin mass tackled him into the locker, sending them both tumbling to the floor. He squirmed beneath its weight, catching a glimpse of a lean man resting on his shoulders blades.
"For the love of-..who puts a jockstrap in the middle of the floor?" They pressed into Declan's shoulder, causing him to release a stern grunt. "Hm? Oh shit, how'd you get down there?"
"I was on my feet, until someone knocked me over."
"Ah..was wondering what where that arm pit smell was coming from. like opening a fresh bag of chips." the man sniffed the air, his fingers sliding beneath Declan's arms. "Name's Roy, I'm sort of...new around."
How formal. He eyed the man as his fingers slid out from his pits, easing to his feet. "Declan, I'm-"
"Declan?! Like, the Declan Rice?!"
“Is.. there a problem?”
“None at all, I’m your number one fan!” Roy gasped, shaking his hand vigorously. “ Oh man, it's a pleasure to meet a legend in person!!"
Declan arms jerked with the man’s force, as if it were about to pop out of its very socket. "The pleasure’s..Mine!!"
"Oh no, it’s all mine! It’s not everyday you get to see your celebrities. Surprised I didn’t see..Ah God I’m such a dunce! I tackled into Declan Rice!" Roy crumbled to his knees, clutching Declan's palm in a choke hold as if he were a beggar. “I am so sorry! Can you find it in your heart to forgive me!”
"It's fine, it's fine! It's no big deal."
"Really?" Roy asked, sighing to himself. "Thank goodness. I don't know what I'd do if I hurt you before the project."
"Er..project?" Declan asked.
"Nah, classic Roy, I forgot to tell that part." He palmed himself. "I meant to ask you if you could help me with a filming shot I'm working on. Come be the first and see the true legends at work on the fields. They'll show you why they put the 'So' in soccer."
"That sounds..like a documentary!"
"Yeah I'm still working on the trademark." Roy admitted. "But it's missing the most important thing, a sponsor! You could be that sponsor to kick it off!"
Ah, another sponsor asking for a contract. "Sorry but I don't do advertisements for free, if you wanna make a business offer, you can talk with my manager." He dusted flakes of dandruff from his shorts, reaching for his clothes folded in the locker.
"Ah, you're right. It wouldn't be right to have you help out my project without compensation." Roy dug his fingers through his side pocket, drawing out a phone. He tapped at the screen for a moment, pulling up a website with a graph flowing toward the upper right corner of the screen. "This is the following I have on the project, at least for the past week."
Declan eyed the lining of the graph, numbers adding to the digits along the corner of the screen. "Those are all viewers?"
"Uh huh," Roy lowered his phone back into his pocket. "And they could all be following you. Just imagine, with your support behind my project, we could make it soar through the ratings. New deals, new sponsorships, and most importantly, more exposure!"
Declan blinked as Roy searched his phone, coiling a finger along his chin. More exposure could be effective, it could boost his rating,no, it could boost his very career if he went up for it. But would the team allow that? Would the coach?
He turned towards the opening of the hallway for the coach to hear his insight, but stopped in his tracks. Why should he consult the team like this, they'd suck up all of the exposure and leave him with the crumbs. He couldn't live with himself if he fumbled that big of an opportunity. No, it opened up to him first, and to him, he will ensure that it will remain to him alone.
"So?" Roy said, his cheery tone seething in his voice. "We got a deal?"
Declan shuttered at the chance this would be, reminiscing over the future achievement that spun around his mind. He turned towards Roy, nodding at the question. "It's a deal. so, where's-"
"Sweet! Trust me, you won't regret it!"
Palms clutched his shoulders as Roy ushered the two of them down the pathway, cutting the corner to the other side of the locker room. The deeper they went, the amount of players withered down as the once filled corridors became empty. They reach the end of the exit of the locker room before Roy stopped in his tracks, patting frantically at his pockets.
"Oh damn it, I forgot my water bottle, I must've dropped it. but where did..Oh!" He moved towards one of the side doors of the pathway, slinking past the frame as he disappeared into the darkness. "Oh! here it is! it's under this object!"
"Well, best get it before it gets lost again."
Shuffling lingered in the dark abyss, metal rattling together as Roy grunted. "I would..But it seems to be stuck on something in here." Roy said. "This is embarrassing to ask, but can you give me a hand?"
"For a bottle?"
"Please? It’s stuck tight."
This is starting to seem like a hassle rather than an opportunity. "Fine, I'm coming.”
He opened the door as wind dispersed into the locker, darkness staring back from its mouth. He squinted to the metal walls a few feet away, their handles the only thing barely visible, but no Roy.He placed a rock against the corner of the door as he ventured deeper, holding a hand out to guide as it brushed against the smooth metal pipes.
"Alright, Im in.” Declan said. “Where are you?"
"Just a little further, Just in the next room."
The next room? How deep did he go just for a bottle? The cold walls met the bottom of his palm as its metallic texture morphed into cement. The solid hum of a heater filling the air like a sonar.
"Okay, now what? I don't see you any-" His words were cut off as a sharp pain sunk into the side of his neck. It spread to the rest of his body as it lurched to the hardened floor, the sounds of steps echoing behind him as the tip of shoes prodded against his arm.
"I can't believe that worked, I guess you really can lure a soccer player."
"Roy?..what are.."
"I wouldn't try to talk too much Declan, you’ll get a headache that way. " Roy replied, a needle sensation searing his neck. "Why don't you go ahead and take a nice long nap."
Declan gritted as he slumped to his feet, Roy backpedaling as the soccer player reached a palm outward. The stinging sensation from the injection began to spread as it climbed his neck, his ears starting to ring as his vision grew hazy. Soon hisnwhole body began to throb, and he fell to the floor, darkness swallowing him as everything faded to black.
A deep hum rang in Reclan's ears, a blistering pain throbbing through his head as it laid against a plastic floor. "What happened? Where..am I?"
Through his hazed vision, he sat up as he scanned the area. He found himself inside of a plastic cage on a desk, a single fan looming above. Its size dwarfed his, looming overhead like a giant windmill up as its cold gusts blew against the translucent wall.
But it wasn't just the fan that was big, the whole room morphed before his eyes, stretching to far horizon like a great plain as light danced a twirled from the windows
“Roy..that bastard, what the hell kind of drug did he put in me? It’s making me hallucinate."
"On the contrary," A second voiced said, streaking through the air like thunder. "This is no hallucination."
The ground shook as the bottle wobbled beneath him, the plastic bottle darkened by a shadow as an unbuttoned shirt swaying into view. Standing before him was Roy, looming overhead like a giant gazing upon an ant hill.
"Glad to see you’re finally woken up," Roy added. "and here I thought you'd sleep through the best part."
"Roy? What is the meaning of this? What did you do?!"
"Nothing really!" He replied, picking up the bottle between his fingers. "Just made you a little more manageable is all."
Declan tumbled as he raced to regain his balance, Roy’s palm dwindling along the curvatures of the bottle. With a simple tilt, gravity shifted as the plastic cap slammed against his back, lurching the other way as he rolled back to the center.
Roy giggled as he aligned the bottle with his eyes. "Gotta say I like this version of you, pal. like having a little ship in a bottle."
Declan floundered as the bottle see-sawed between his palms, spreading his arms and legs to keep him from falling. "You call this supporting your heroes?!"
"Watcha mean?"
"Aren't you supposed to be a number one fan? You told me you wanted help with a project, to help bring light to soccer!"
"Oooh that?" Roy said, shrugging his shoulders. "That was just something to get you to follow through."
Declan's heart tightened at the man's words. "You..were lying?"
"You got me! I have to admit I did have second thoughts about it." He tossed the palm from palm to palm as if it were a hacky sack. "I thought I'd give a sob story of some charity bullshit, but I knew you'd see right through that." Declan pin balled from wall to wall, his body pulsing upon each impact. Before long, He fell to the bottom of the bottle, just as Roy's beaming smile returned.
"Liar!" Declan hurled his fist into the wall, its blow absorbed into its plastic. "When I get out of this you'll be dead meat!"
"Such fiery spirit, guess it's true when they say soccer player’s are known for their resilience." Roy chuckled. "I may have told a little fib about the whole fan thing, but I wasn't lying about having you for a project."
The bottle spun toward the desk, sending a blistering pain radiating Declan's rear. Roy strolled the room to his backpack along one of the wooden chairs against the wall, unzipping the middle as he pulled a camera and a pair of metal legs. setting them up before placing them near a torn projector along the wall.
Roy's spun backpack against the side of the desk, sending the bottle in a tailspin as Declan held his stomach. "Careful where you swing that thing!"
"Oh ho, that's the least of your worries pal." he heard Roy say, sensing anticipation in his voice. He opened one of the side pockets pulling out a clear vile as he brought to his eye level.
Declan eyed the small bottle as it sloshed between its fingers. "What..what is that?"
"Lube of course! And a nice portion to get you nice and slick for your long trip." He held the bottle close to his waist, his crotch cushioning against the glass like a sponge. "Afterall, I can't just squeeze just anything in my balls."
Declan's heart skipped a beat. "Your...balls?!"
"Yup yup, you're going down the good old slide of life." Roy said, a giggle seething from his lips.
He untwisted both bottles before lowering his cage to the table, hovering the bottle of lube overhead as its clear liquid lurched to the opening. Its lukewarm substance poured from the bottle like a waterfall, coating his feet in a puddle as it filled the bottle. Declan pounded against the plastic, tackling its walls in hopes to knock it over the edge.
Skin skidded against the wall as Roy laid his phallus against, a single throb forcing the bottle back. "Ah ah ah, can't let you do that, Decy."
The waterfall tilted as it showered Declan, coating him head to toe as the puddle climbed to his waist. When the last drop fell, the bottle was cast away, the cap sealing. Roy picked up the container as he tilted it sideways, see-sawing it on its axis. It was as if Declan was thrown into a washer machine, each tilt sending a tide of lube as he slipped and glided across the walls.
Roy giggled at Declan's floundering like a child with a ship in a bottle, watching the waves toppled and overwhelmed him. He stirred the bottle for a few more times before he finally let up, Declan splashing against the cap before sloshing to the bottle.
"There it is, nice and slick. You'll slide right in." He said.
Declan wobbled to his feet, clinging to the wall for support. "The hell is wrong with you! You're treating this like it's some sick game!"
"A game? I'd hardly call this a game. More like..playing with my toys. Yeah, that's it!"
"Whatever the hell you want to call it, it's crazy! You can’t think that this is okay!"
"Aww what, is the big time soccer player trying to talk me out of it." Roy cooed, holding one of his testicles against the glass. "That's just adorable. Pathetic, but adorable."
Declan grimaced as the clammed skin skidded against the bottle, shielding his gaze with an arm in hope to erase the view. Palms wrapped around the frame as it lifted into Roy’s abdomen, his balls still plastered to the glass as their round spheres undulated along his thigh. He sat down in a wooden chair in front of the camera, adjusting the lens until he filled the projector on the screen.
Roy untwisted the cap, flicking it to the floor. "Let's begin, shall we?"
Gravity lurched as the lube fell out of the opening, dragging Declan with its current as he fell from the plastic. He bounced off the pudgy shaft, just as a thumb pressured into his foot. Roy stirred the remaining lube over his shaft, drizzling over his glans as if he were pouring syrup on flapjacks before he discarded it.
He choked his girth and lathered the substance into his skin. "Mmm, just a little more twist and..There, the rocket is nice and ready." He unlatched his palm from his glistening cock. "Now it just needs its daring astronaut."
Pressure increased as he was hoisted to the air, smacking against the cock's oily skin as it lathered his torso. He slid higher as Roy's navel rippled into view, undulating as Roy chuckled at his flailing display. Declan struck the fingers holding his foot, but his blow barely caused damage, bouncing off their forms as if he were hitting them with a wet noodle.
"That's it, keep that fire going, my guy." Roy massaged his phallus. "I wanna feel every bit of it when you're in my knockers."
Declan's head hung above the rising shaft, its length flexing to life as it smacked against Roy's abdomen. He grimaced at the fingers massaging the sides of the cockhead, the slitted orifice stretching and closing as its soggy lips smeared together.
"I'm not going in there, you sick bastard." Declan continued his assault, gritting as a sting crawled along his heel. "Put me down!"
"If you insist." Roy’s hand lowered as it hurtled toward his throbbing shaft. He pinched the corners of the head, and the slit yawned opened.
"No! that what I mean-" His words were snuffed as his head plunged into the mouth of the cock, the orifice sending wet squelches into his ears before clamping around his neck.
"It wasn't? Huh, imagine that." Roy replied, listening to the soccer player's muted protests.
Declan pawed against the sponged flesh, his palms slipping under the loose foreskin as it coiled its juices into his fingers. He felt the fingers climb to his waist, corkscrewing the rest of his body into the gummy orifice.
The fleshy chamber squeezed at his body, muscular ripples battering into his sides like waves as he slithered deeper inside. "Mmm, It's like my body's giving ya a great big hug isn't it?" Roy cooed, "Hope you like it, cause it's only gonna get tighter from here on out."
Declan grice as the orifice climbed over his legs, drooling greedily as they were sucked inside. His feet bobbed against the tip of the head, its spongy form suckling his entire body as if he were a ring pop. With a mere flick from Roy's finger, his feet tilted as they sunk inside, slurping past the clammed lips as they sealed shut.
The world he once knew was replaced by dark pink walls, coated in Roy's salt and musk as creamy fluid lathered the crevices. Pull after pull, he was dragged deeper into the urethra, carried by Peristalsis as the gargantuan cock devoured him whole.
A lump punched into his gut, a finger trailing on the other side. "Lumpy lumpy nice and jumpy." Roy chuckled. "You certainly aren't gonna like what comes next."
He wheezed as the finger pushed down, hastening his pace through the shriveled walls as cum parted the folds like webs. The bottom of the barrel rushed into view as it quivered, welcoming Declan with a messy kiss before taking him past its ring and into the labyrinth of Roy's insides.
It clenched as he was deposited into the tender bean in the core of Roy’s body, Flesh snagging along his arms and legs as fluid filling the crevices lathered against him. If he doesn't do something he'll..No, he's not letting himself end up as this bastard's pastime fun. He scaveaged the walls for the hole he came in, Punching every corner he could manage as he pawed against the firm tissue. It was gone, hidden away somewhere in the chamber, but where?
The chamber jostled with his captives' laughter. "Sorry pal, can't have ya trying to walk out on the fun."
"Let me out of here, you piece of-"
"Woah woah, language. Is this how you soccer players treat one of their 'fans' ?"
"That's not the only thing you'll be treated to once when I get out here."
"keep telling yourself that. But looking at how that little lump is all squeezed up in my prostate, I don't really see that happening." Roy said. "Speaking of squeeze, you might wanna hold your breath."
The muscular bean became alive, salted seed oozing from the walls. A fold pushed beneath him as he skyrocketed into a meat pocket, and his head was jammed into a hole no bigger than himself. It yawned over his head, separating the rest of his body as succumbed to the whim of the other chamber.
Seed belched from the tight tunnel as it spilled into the prostate, a heavy suction pulling him inside. "Its corrosive! It's getting into my mou-"
"Told ya to hold your breath." Roy giggled, his voice fading into the sounds of his body.
The valve around his neck yanked at his body, his shoulders slipping past the small ring as it chewed down to his legs. Its warm texture coiled his toes, ejecting him from the prostate and into the unknown of Roy's body. He dragged through the muscular labyrinth at snail's pace, looping around steep curve as the walls siphoned tighter.
After almost minutes passed, gravity shifted as plonking arose below, sloshing deeply as if it were underwater. A tight orifice crowned his head as he was expunged from the tube, his body curling against a soft layer of tissue as it spooned him against a round boulder of flesh.
"Welcome to my balls! Your home away from home!" Roy said.
Declan tried to turn his head, gritting at the stinging pain building in his neck. "I can't..move!"
"Of course you can't goofball, it's not some bubble you can just stand in." Roy fondled his left nut, watching its swollen underbelly throb with its new guest. "Gotta say though, you're a lot tighter than I thought you'd be, almost looks like a tattoo out here."
"Bastard!" Declan gritted, "Your ass is getting the beating of a lifetime when I go get of-"
“Again with the whens? Honestly buddy you’re like a broken record. But I suppose you can only bark up threats when you're swinging between my legs.”
Declan's face soured his words, straining against the soft tissue to lift the meaty ball spooning his back.
He stopped when an odd sensation resonated from his fingers. He could feel them there, but it was hollow, as if they were phantom limbs. He pulled his arm from underneath a meaty fold, and his eyes widened. His middle finger was drenched in goo, dripping into the fleshy crevices. When it returned, there was nothing in the middle, not even as seed spilled in the middle of his palm. the numbness began to spread to his other fingers, and his heart started to race.
"My hand! What's going on with my hand?!"
"Ooh shit, I forgot to mention another thing." Roy said. "See ‘when’ you do come back out, you'll kinda be well...melted."
"Yeah! crazy right? But don't worry, I'll build you back together good as new. Better than new in fact!"
"You're not putting shit back! And you're not melting me!" The siphoned chamber bucked as Declan thrashed about, causing the bulging nut to throb. "Let me out of here! I..I'm not ending up as some bastard's seed."
Oh, but you are, you just need time to bake.”
The spongy testicle pressed the side of his face, fingers prodding along his back as the chamber jostled vigorously. He lurched against gravity before another soft layer draped over his back, the sound of a zipper streaking the walls as pressure hugged his sides. Roy's steps boomed as the hollow atmosphere changed, distant whistles and chatter lingering in the distance. Is he really..no, he can;t leave him in here like this..
Declan writhed to free himself from the weight of the testicle, causing Roy to giggle. "Hey, keep it down in there" A deep pound echoed from above. “Don’t want me to bust a nut in front of the crowd now do you? Once you;re melted you ripple and shake all you want in there."
Declan gritted at the man's words, his heart shuttering at the individual word: melted. He looked beneath a fold covering his arms, seed spilling from its corners. He pulled his forearm from underneath, revealing its drenched form. He couldn't feel his hand anymore, its clumpy form slid from his wrist like fresh clay, melting with the rest of the mush as it dispersed to corner of the sac's tubes.
An hour passed as Declan swayed inside Roy’s balls, the numbness traveling through the rest of his arm as it withered away as if it were sugar in water. With each voice he heard pass by, shouted for their attention, to allow him the chance to be seen before it was too late. But his efforts fell on deaf ears as they faded in the distance, adding to his captive entertainment as his cock throb with pleasure.
As time withered farther, Declan became more restless, punched as hard as he could against the soft wall, but it only absorbed every blow that was dished its way. In his fit of panic, the whistles drew closer as Roy's balls undulated, the sound of a roaring crowd muted but the suffocating walls.
"Oo, cotton candy! Perfect for the occasion." Roy said, the chamber to twist and rotate as he moved freely outside.
"Roy! you bastard! Don't treat me like your.."
the side of his face grew numb, his view blurred as milky ooze seered from his cheek. As its tingly sensation climbed higher, his nose slanted as it slid from his face and into the increasing pool. The walls throbbed as waves rippled the chamber, scooped the loose seed into the center. it climbed to his neck, siphoned the last of the space as his lips danced against the sphincter.
He soon lost his lips in a wave of cum, the last of his face sinking into the mush. "R..Roy....S..sto.."
"Buddy....buuddy..." A palm tapped at declan's head. "wakey wakey."
Declan stirred at the call. "W..wha?"
"There you are! You sagged in my sac for the whole game I thought you kicked the bucket."
"Christ it's you..." He groaned at the sound of his captive’s voices.
"Aww, you still mad about the whole being balled thing, I promised I'd get you out didn't I?"
"That still doesn't make being in there any better." His winced as his head throbbed, his left side still liquified. "God my head hurts. Its feels like my whole spine's a fucking cactus tree."
"Yeah..heh, funny you should say that. When I jacked you out, let's just say I had some hard trajectories."
"Trajectories? What the hell are you-" he tilted his head when a prickled surface nudged the back of his head, wincing at another poked near his cheek.
He wiggled for the rest of his body, his spine twisting normally, but he couldn’t feel his legs, or even his balls. He looked down as spiked leaves sprouted from his waist, rooting from a pot of soil was stationed along a table.
Declan's eyes grew white. "What the hell happened to my body?!"
"Well it turns out the game was a complete bust so I had to rub one out. Found a good spot behind a tree and went to town." Roy said, scratching nonchalantly at his head. "You were so gunked up, you splattered all over the tree."
"You ejaculated me onto a tree?!"
"Yeah, crazy right!" Roy shrugged. "I was aiming for the grass but hey, I managed to get some of you off the bark."
"You didn't have the decency to use a fucking cup?! My legs are a freaking plant!" Declan yelled.
He thrashed his head around, causing the pottery to rotate on its sides. It leered to the edge of the table, dirt splashing along papers as he spun out of control. The pot tilted as gravity pulled at Declan's head, but Roy caught its side midway.
"Easy there, can't go trying to knock yourself off."
"You better fix me right this second!"
"I already told you, I could only manage to find most of you. Bet the seed’s already dried up at the field by now."
Already dried? Wait, does that mean that he's stuck like this?! His heart gripped in his chest, his career flashing in his mind. the games, the fans. "No, I'm not remaining stuck like this! There's..There's gotta be a way to reverse it!"
"Reverse? I can't just uncum and bring you back." Roy shook his head. "But look on the bright side, all that soccering stick is all in the past now. But not to worry, your old pal Roy's gonna take care of you." he drawed a camera from his back and aligned it near the edge of the table. Declan eyed him cautiously.
"What? You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you take care of me!"
"I can't? Huh, well shoot I guess I should just let you go. just hop off the table and..oh wait."
"You cocky son of a-" Declan head's bucked against a prickly leaf, cutting his words. "Just let me come to close that ugly mug of yours!"
"Aww, don't be so butt hurt, and smile for the camera!"
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How did Chris's friend first react when he ate him? I mean his old roommate
"H-Hey man, this really isn't funny, a-and it's... it's fucking hard to breathe in here, Chris, get up!"
He didn't have the best time. Not exactly smart to make a joking deal with your roommate who has a penchant for eating people, especially when you're both high...
#soft vore#g/t vore#implied digestion#male pred#digestion#chris tag#he gets reformed he's fine but. deeply deeply traumatized <3#mdni#not too happy with this one but blegghghh i'm gonna post it
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reform stuff where the prey reforms before they're completely digested, so they're able to go back to the pred and see their still-full stomach hard at work breaking them down. maybe they help the pred along by massaging their belly, or maybe they sit nearby and listen as it works.
#speakin words#v0re#soft vore#vore talk#digestion#reformation#nonsexual vore#18+ nsx vore#i just think itd be so fascinating#to be eaten and wake up just fine and go back and see what is Clearly You still in that stomach#its not you anymore but it Is. i think more prey should be freaks about it
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something or other
#v0re#g/t vore#soft vore#monster vore#digestion#reformation vore#<- all kind of vague but yes this is the implication#a little bit of a vent comic ueueue. being digested would fix me ...#drawing tag
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Pred who promises they'll leave room for you to be dessert, but then they eat enough food to feed a family of 6. When they're done, they tell you they're too full and can't eat you, and you feel so heartbroken, so you just force yourself down their maw, even with their protests, but as you find yourself in their stomach, you realize they were right. You're incredibly squished with all the food, and the pred can't stop groaning in pain from how much they've eaten. The pred begs you to leave their stomach, but neither of you can do anything. The pred's too full to spit you out, and you're trapped, unable to move with all the food around you. So, the only thing the pred can to is to sit through the pain and digest you with all the food.
#v.ore#v0re#v/ore#digestion#reformation#<- Couldn't figure out a way to imply this in the main post. Also could be interpreted without reformation if you want#connie's concepts
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Here’s an edit/audio gif I made into a sound video with a short filtered vocal at the end. Artist that done this is @gigifabulous98 and don’t forget to show them some love💜
#male vore#male pred#m/m vore#same size vore#soft vore#male prey#vore belly#implied digestion#gay vore#digestion#implied reformation#by me
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Good day everyone!
Warning: plant pred/human prey; angst; a character in pain; platonic relationships; healing vore, yet open ended.
I've been haunted by some thoughts on a sci-fi story where a crew of an exploratory space ship includes two best friends: 1) a sentient plant with mimic abilities who works as a paramedic; 2) a tough female warrior rescued from a planet which inhabitants are stuck in their equivalent of our medieval era - her job is to protect her new mates during missions outside of the ship.
The plant is carnivorous and needs to hunt periodically. Yet, it refuses to devour anyone of the crew due to the attachments it has formed and the moral code it has learnt to respect communicating with other races. Also the plant doesn't have a gender, but goes with she/her pronounce, appears as a human girl and calles itself Nova. Meanwhile, Nova's tough friend is Valerik.
One day, when the ship lands on another planet, those who go on the first mission are assaulted by the local tribes. Valerik, shielding a crew member, gets severely wounded. Weak and whimpering, she is brought back on board.
There it's discovered that her body is infected with a very strong poison of unknown origin.
Nova and other doctors try to find the antidote, but, no matter what they do, nothing seems to work. Meanwhile, Valerik has to endure horrible pain violating her entire body; it can be barely blocked by medications. It only grows stronger as days pass by, causing the woman to scream and cry in despair, unable to sleep, or eat, or at least distract herself from the feeling of her bones being tied in knots.
Nova can't watch her dear friend suffer this much anymore. She shows up at the Valerik's door with a risky proposal.
Sometimes plants of Nova's kind can heal other creatures by processing them and keeping the cells alive within while the recipient's immune system is studying the problem and producing the cure. Afterwards, the "prey" gets reconstructed. Yet, there is no way to predict if the outcome will be successful; some plants have been registered consuming the cells they've been assigned to carry for their bodies were powerless to do anything with diseases they faced.
Therefore, if Nova was to "eat" Valerik, the latter might never come back...
Nova explains everything to her friend and asks her if the warrior agrees to try this last solution. The plant admits that she can't give any credits for Valerik recovering soon: the process might take months, or even years to complete. It may not end well at all. However... at least the woman would be saved from pain.
Valerik is deeply touched by her friend's care. Despite the risks, she accepts Nova's offer. The poison would kill her anyway, sooner or later. With that in mind, becoming a part of her friend, temporarily or permanently, doesn't seem to be a bad alternative.
Nova informes the staff about the experiment, then returns to Valerik. The plant shows her true form: long flexible vains coil around the warrior's limp body and gingerly tug it into a huge blue blossom which gently closes around its prey, encapsulating her into a soft live cocoon.
The woman looks around. Sweet honey scent lingers in the chamber. Fluorescent walls soothe her restless mind with gentle shimmering. The woman's form slightly sinks into pliant, warm folds beneath - lying here already eases soreness in her joints...
Yet, suddenly, Valerik's breath hitches in her throat. Admiring the view, she hasn't been paying attention to the thick vains squeezing her legs and torso with more determination than before, firmly holding her in place while smooth flesh of the plant suddenly begins to ooze and ominously sizzle with viscous dark liquid.
Before she starts panicking, a familiar small hand lays on her forehead.
- N-Nova? - Valerik mummbles, stunned, blinking at her friend sitting nearby.
- Yes, darling, it's me. - Nova, her human form coos, stroking the woman's hair. - How are you feeling?
- ...I'm scared. - Valerik confesses, flushing in shame. Her red cheek receives a loving kiss.
- I know... It's OK. I won't hurt you, Valerik. My body will be exceptionally careful; it will make you feel very, very good. Plus, you won't be alone! All the way through, I will be here, with you, talking to you, and you can tell me anything that concerns you, sweetheart.
Soon, slimy juices begin to flood the "stomach"; petals, which looked so fragile and tender from the outside, tighten around the prey with unexpected force.
- Digestion is starting. - Nova replies at Valerik's confused gaze. - I know you've been hurting, badly, but once my acids touch you, your turmoil will end. It's scary, and you want to fight, I get it - and I won't blame you if you try, it's a normal reaction! But... trust me - all I want is to help. Just let go. Let me do this for you.
- I... I believe you, Nova. - Valerik smiles meekly. - I'll try.
Eventually, her muscles relax; the vains loosen their grip too and slide into their invisible gaps. Valerik's clothes swiftly drinks in the juices, making her skin tingle at the contact.
At first, sensation is rather unpleasant - the warrior has to force herself from jerking away. Yet, as the liquid is gradually rubbed into her skin, she notices changes.
The pain is gone. Dissolved into nothing.
Valerik gasps, shoked... then rolls her eyes with a long, satisfied groan.
- Oh, Gods... That's... Incredible!..
Nova barely holds away sobs as she watches Valerik laughing - and turning into formless goo down below. She brings the woman closer to her chest, their hands entwined.
- Thank you so much... - The warrior breathes out, her eyes sparkling with childish joy.
- Your welcome, Valerik... - The plant whispers, affectionately stroking the woman in her hold, eyes never leaving a peaceful face of her precious friend.
Valerik has already fallen asleep, exhausted after a row of insomniac nights, with a wide smile on her pale, bitten lips.
She is numb and relieved, at last.
When Nova is back at work, her colleagues do their best to cheer her up. The plant grins and pretends to be fine. Nevertheless, when no one is looking, her face drops.
She takes off her work robe and looks at herself in the mirror.
Intentionally, she has given her avatar a rounded belly; Valerik is digesting slowly, and Nova wants to be aware of this even while being in disguise. Her hands idly caress the lump - it's still solid and full, and it will remain like this for a good week.
But nothing draws her attention more than her forearms covered in greenish patterns. They are moving and lighting up ever so often, separate tiny dots dancing like fireflies from her elbows to the neck, tangling into complicated shapes and stars of immence beauty.
Those are the cells, Valerik's soul tucked safely beneath Nova's skin where no one and nobody can hurt her again. The plant traces them with remorse on its pretty human face. Nova wishes things would never come this far. Now, she has eaten someone she loves so devotedly...
...Who knows if they ever see each other again?..
The only excuse she finds for herself is the last gleeful smile adorning Valerik's angelic face at her last moments.
In upcoming future, all the plant's body will be covered in swirling lines of cells travelling around in its veins. Sometimes, when Nova's grief will consume her mind, warm green light will embrace her crooked form, as if Valerik was trying to comfort her, reminding Nova she is still around, loyal to their bond.
Nova will never give up on her.
Even if hundreds of years must be taken away, she will still wait for her friend to wake up...
#soft vore#extreme cuddling#sfw vore#e a/t#vorefixation#willing prey#nsx vore#willing pred#vore angst#nonsexual vore#healing vore#open ended vore#platonic vore#implied digestion#reformation vore
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It would be an absolute dream if whenever I was struggling with my mental health, a big pred lady just flopped her belly onto the table in front of me and told me to get into the “therapy tank” while gingerly patting it
Cue the warm, slow, gooey digestion that could factory reset my emotional state into a better one~ ☺️
#v.ore#v0re#soft vore#vore talk#nom’s thoughts#female pred#vore scenario#wlw vore#f/f vore#been struggling with contamination anxiety for the last two hours and I just want to go back to sleep dammit#implied digestion#digestion#reformation vore#same size vore#similar size vore
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flatworm food part 2
[part 1]
#vore nsft#nsft vore#cock vore#cockvore#digestion#vore digestion#digestion vore#{this would be reform but. you cant really see that ghjdfh}#furry vore#vore art#voraphilia#voraphilia nsft#nsft voraphilia#voreblr#pred#v0re#vor3#v0r3#voreposting
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