#f/f vore
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naszircrock4 · 2 years ago
Blake on Blake action By AdelineLeona
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whitchygaythem · 2 years ago
Dont eat ur gf stupid
Aisha tapped her foot in excitement as she drove her old pick up truck down the dusty dirt road. Bubbly pop music blared out of open windows and warm winds whipped her fluffy pink afro around her head. The sun had begun to set, casting the countryside in a hazy golden glow. Aisha looked over her shoulder as the song ended and the ads started, checking if she had everything she needed. Blankets? Check. The last of her closet? Check. Her backpack sat in the passenger seat next to her and the greasy, fragrant smell of lots of cheap Chinese food spilled out of the plastic bags in the back of the car. She had everything. Another ad started, just as the road turned and widened into a circular driveway in front of a well kept blue farmhouse. It stood out against the dusty green grass covering the land around it. Once she parked, Aisha jumped out of the truck, almost leaving her bags in the bed of the truck. She ran up to the porch, fumbling around for her keys in the pockets of her skirt, finally unlocking the door and pushing it open. 
"Hey Louise! I'm here!" 
Aisha rolled her bag into the living room and sank onto the couch. She heard creaking steps and she looked over at the woman walking downstairs. Aisha hopped up and ran towards Louise, nearly leaping into her arms and wrapping her in a hug, though Aisha could only reach Louise's chest, since she was a good two feet taller than her. Louise looked startled but hugged Aisha back.
"I thought you were coming tomorrow?" Aisha peeled away from the hug to look up at Louise's face. 
"I finished packing early! I wanted to move in as soon as I could." She stood on her tip toes and gently guided Louise's face down to meet her own, kissing her softly. "Do you want me to leave and come back tomorrow?" Louise shook her head, avoiding Aisha's gaze as her face flushed pink. 
"No… I missed you. So much." Louise scooped Aisha up in her arms, holding her close in a bridal carry. "It's just… I'm, um sick?..." She tucked her face in Aisha's hair, holding her tight, as if she would ever try to leave. Aisha felt her forehead. She was hot. Like really hot. 
"It must be bad, are you sure you want me to stay?" 
Louise tightened her grip around Aisha's body. "I'll be fine, please just stay here." 
"Of course Lou." Aisha kissed her forehead, smiling as she felt Louise's face flush with heat.
Louise straightened, standing to her full height, dwarfing the woman in her arms. Aisha giggled and yelled as Louise rushed her up the stairs.
"Wait wait wait, don't forget the takeout!"
Once upstairs in their bedroom, Aisha had set out the food and turned on the tv, sitting in the middle of the bed. Louise was sitting at the head of the bed. She had just barely let Aisha go, acting as if it might hurt her to have Aisha leave her arms. Louise had started tearing into her food as soon as Aisha was out of biting range, wolfing down her food like a starving predator. She worked her way through her fried rice, lo mein, dumplings and, after some sad looks and a hungry growl from her stomach, the rest of Aisha's pork wraps. Aisha watched her eat it all, wondering how she could still be eating. Eventually she did finish, and immediately tried to grab Aisha to cuddle. 
"Please?" Louise pleaded as Aisha gathered the trash off the bed.
"I'm coming back Lou! I just gotta throw this out." She half climbed back onto the bed to give Louise a peck on the cheek. 
"Can't you just leave it out in the hall?" Louise looked at her with a begging look in her eyes. "I promise I'll get it later." Aisha sighed and smiled.
"Alright babe." She dropped the greasy bag outside the doorway and plopped down on the bed. "And I assume you want to be big spoon?" Louise nodded. Aisha laid down on the bed, and Louise held her close. She wrapped one arm around Aisha's stomach and the other around her chest and one of her arms, rendering her mostly immobile. "I might take a nap ok Louise?" Aisha looked up to kiss Louise's chin. She didn't respond, only snuggling closer to her. Surrounded by warmth, Aisha began to drift off. 
She woke to a heavy, almost painful pressure over her chest. Louise was asleep, breathing in quick, shallow gasps as she tightened her grip on Aisha's arm, hard enough to leave a bruise. 
"Hey Lou?" 
"Can you, uh, loosen up? I think you're about to crush me." 
Louise jumped away from Aisha, hands up and eyes scanning for injuries. Her gaze landed on Aisha's arm. 
"Shit, sorry I'm so sorry!" She backed away, looking horrified. She had gotten dark circles under her eyes, and her face looked thinner. How could it have done that? Louise had just eaten a meal for three people, how could she look like she was starving? 
"Hey, hey Louise," Aisha grabbed Louise's hands and pulled her back to sit on the bed. "I'm alright. You didn't hurt me. But I need you to tell me what's wrong." Louise looked down at  her, eyes filling with tears.
"I'm just so hungry Aisha!" Louise choked out. "It hurts and I feel empty and food can't fix it!" Aisha reached towards Louise, climbing onto the bed to wrap Louise in a hug. 
"I'm so sorry love. I had no idea. How can I help?" I could go out to get something else for you?" 
Louise shook her head. 
"Actually, could I just… kiss you? Please?" 
Aisha smiled up at Louise. "Of course." 
Louise slammed down, crashing her lips into Aisha's, holding her face in both hands. She was voracious, barely stopping to let Aisha breathe. When she did, it was to press kisses all over her face. She lingered over Aisha's neck, and Aisha felt long teeth against her skin. Then Louise looked back at her, and Aisha saw something in her eyes. Something distinctly… inhuman. Louise held Aisha's face tight.
"Close your eyes."
She did. But she peeked.
Louise's jaw had stretched wide, and every one of her dozens of teeth were sharp, especially her canines. Louise had always been big, but now, when she was looming over her with a primal hunger in her eyes, Aisha became very aware of just how small she was. Louise glanced down and their eyes met for a second. Then she began eating. 
Louise's clawed hands kept Aisha's arms in place at her side, while she kept Aisha's head stuck in her maw. Aisha screamed and tried to kick away from Louise, but was squeezed into her throat when she swallowed. Louise never stopped swallowing after, gulping Aisha down as if she was the first thing she had eaten in months. She felt more pressure around her shoulders, then on her chest. Aisha felt a sharp pain just below her shoulder blade, then screamed out as it dragged down her back. Aisha thought her vision would go dark. Well, it was already dark. There doesn't tend to be much light inside someone's esophagus. Aisha felt herself slipping down much faster as Louise stood up and tilted her head back. Aisha felt the tight grip of Louise's throat loosen, as her head was pushed into her stomach. Her shoulders and arms followed, and after a few more resounding gulps, Aisha was sealed inside Louise's stomach. 
Shifting slimy walls ground at Aisha's body. She was surrounded by darkness and gurgling noises. 
"LOUISE LET ME OUT!" Aisha screamed. "LET ME OUT GODDAMNIT!" She kicked one of the walls surrounding her. She heard a groan of pain, somehow coming from everywhere. Aisha kept kicking as best she could with her legs being pressed up to her chest, forcing her into a fetal position. She felt a bit lightheaded. Despite being surrounded by warmth, she was hyper aware of the warmth seeping into her shirt from her cut back. "Please Lou, let me out…" 
Aisha woke up on top of the bed, a torn sheet covering her. She groaned. Her head felt fuzzy. What had happened? Then it hit her.
The spit.
The teeth 
The blood.
The hunger.
Her heart beat faster as she began to panic. But that couldn't have happened? People can't just.. swallow each other like that. It was just a nightmare. A horrible nightmare. And-and it was such a bad nightmare, she ripped the sheet while she was asleep! Yeah, that sounds right. 
Aisha stretched, reaching her arms toward the ceiling, when a line of pain shot down her back.
"AGH, Shit!" She twisted to touch her back, wincing as the tear along her back burned with fresh pain. So last night did really happen… Louise actually… ate her. "Oh holy shit… holy shiiit" Her girlfriend had eaten her. Swallowed her. Louise wasn't… human. Aisha wasn't sure what she was. 
Aisha changed out of her torn, blood stained t-shirt and showered. By the time she had walked downstairs to get some coffee, she had forgotten about Louise. That is, until she saw her sitting at the kitchen table. Louise looked up. She smiled weakly. Aisha noticed that her fangs were on display.
"Um, hi Aisha… sorry about, um, yesterday"
"What the hell happened to you? What… What are you Louise?" 
Louise sighed.
"That's a bit of a long story. You might wanna sit down."
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maplesyrupandgt · 2 years ago
Happy Vore Day!
Amber noms Keqing for protection ^^
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tastylittlepixie · 1 month ago
you're in her dms, I'm digesting in her stomach
we are NOT the same
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lesbianoms · 4 months ago
Woman who hypnotizes me into being her edible pet. The trance is only long enough to last the evening, but fortunately for her, that’s also how long I’ll be lasting…
She scratches my head and pets my hair, calling me a good puppy, as I nuzzle into her flat stomach that I’ve been conditioned into thinking I want to make so very round and full.
Lying down on the bed, she beckons me over and we cuddle, as she slowly teases and tastes me, licking the side of my face and peppering little kisses down the side of my neck. Meanwhile I’m getting so horny, and she smiles because she knows that if I’m slick and wet, I’ll slide down her throat much easier…
Snapping a collar around my neck, my pred pats me on the head and says goodbye to me. She slurps me down greedily, squeezing my sensitive, naked body into her gullet. Thick, wet gulps echo around the bedroom as my fate is sealed.
Her belly is a plush, moist, flabby blanket around me as I stretch out her stomach. The walls hug me tight as I shift around and squirm inside of her, to which she reacts with a delighted moan. Her stomach is rotund and swollen, almost bigger than she is. With a dazed grin, she flops her back onto the bed, rubbing and patting the beast of a gut I’ve bestowed upon her.
“Ooooh, puppy…. ❤️ you r-really hh-*hic!* hit the spot~ oouuh, it’s gonna take sooo long for Mommy to digest you, darling…”
She’s right. Her stomach is still getting used to me. The groans her belly lets out are muted and strained, smothered by my weight, and the acids are bubbling slow, trying to make sense of the moaning, panting lump within its confines. But I’m enjoying every second of it. Pleasure tingles through my body as I wiggle around and reach down between my legs to rub my folds.
I hear my pred whine, the playfulness in her voice suddenly retracted, and she moans in discomfort as she tries to soothe her churning gut.
“Hhhmf… ow… I think you’re giving me a tummy ache, puppy…” *hic*
The hiccups are all she’s able to let out. I’m packed so tight in her gut that there’s not a lot of room for those digestive gurgles to relieve pressure around in a more convenient manner. From the depths of her belly come the grumbliest noises as waves of warm air and juices bathe my body, and I continue to touch myself, completely high on the sensation of being her food.
Hours pass. Her stomach has barely made any progress on me, and her gut is still as massive and glorpy as it was when she first swallowed me. I shift around a bit inside of her and I hear her let out a low moan— her belly does the same. It’s gonna be a looooong “digestion session” for the both of us… 🫧
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dvorrak · 1 year ago
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Cel-shaded comm
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tastylittlepixie · 1 month ago
fuckkk I keep waking up so vorny but there's no one around to help with these urges
I just need to get plowed/finger blasted by a hot pred girl ten times my size until I can't form a coherent thought and then dropped in her mouth like nothing but a post sex snack
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lesbianoms · 1 year ago
Hhhh ohh god fuck~ I’m in love with the concept of wlw long term melty digestion 🥵
Imagine two women who are seeing each other and the more dominant one coaxes her submissive partner into being eaten by her… she’s a bit reluctant, but does have to admit… it gives her a “funny feeling” to imagine, and she always wants to make her girlfriend happy… so she sheepishly agrees…
And after she gets swallowed, maybe she’s whining and protesting a bit… with little kicks to the inside of her gf’s big, swollen belly. The pred lets out a belch and rolls her eyes, giving her gut a teasing pat. Always a drama queen, this one. But the pred knows she’ll be fine, and so she stretches across the bed, ready to sleep off her big meal~
Throughout the night, the pred’s stomach gets louder and the prey’s muffled sounds get softer… quieter… subdued <3… she sounds almost peaceful as she gets churned by the belly of her beloved~
It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a bit of a strange experience. She moans from within the rotund belly and whimpers pitifully as her form is melting and bubbling away. And eventually, at some point in the early morning, the sounds stop all together 💕
The pred hums in her sleep and places a hand over her hard-working gut; it’s all soft and sloshy now. Her tummy lets out a long groan in response to being touched. The middle begins to sag, and there’s a big scchlrp… sssqquelch~ as what’s left of her sweet girlfriend collapses beneath those churning stomach walls. All sludge now~ ☠️🫧
In the morning the pred kneads and rubs a much smaller stomach, getting aroused by the feeling of her prey shifting around and slipping deeper into her guts for even more lengthy digestion <3
“See? I’m so happy you came around, darling~”
Of course, when her beloved DOES come back, she’ll have to tease her and cuddle her and tell her what a wonderful evening snack she made… but for now she just enjoys her partner’s eventual dedication to making her all soft❤️🥰
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dvorrak · 1 year ago
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Cel-shaded comm
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yourgutslut · 1 year ago
i hopped into a vrchat world just earlier, it was a hangout world but with the gimmick of allowing players to shrink/grow themselves
i happened to be in there while this girl with a legit pred avatar was having a nap and. when she woke up she pretty much decided i looked snack shaped and i 😳
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vulcanette · 27 days ago
vessel + iv vore screams ‼️‼️‼️
🎥: @ cheyontour
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lesbianoms · 9 months ago
The scene with the prey stripping down and eagerly offering herself to the pred is so cute <3
Sometimes casual fatal makes me sad but sometimes it can be really cute and comforting. I like to imagine maybe the delivery girl reforms somewhere, ready for another shift, anticipating the moment in her not-so-distant future when she gets devoured once more~
Hazy Daze
CW: casual vore, weed, digestion
Hazel sat down on her living room floor, leaning against the couch. It was her day off, and she was gonna make it a good one, starting with some smoke, snacks and games. She carefully packed a bowl for her trusty Kirby bong, lit it up and popped open a box of cheese snacks to nibble on while she booted up her Wii for Mario Kart. Today was gonna be a good day.
Hazel was having a great time. Her living room was sufficiently cloudy, she was beating the computer drivers within an inch of their lives and she was relaxed enough that even the occasional Blue Shell didn't bother her (or the following Red Shell, or Green Shell, or Star…). Even so, she was still hungry. Two hours into the day and she'd already eaten all the snacks.
She shook her bangs out of her eyes as she crossed the finish again, dirty blonde hair falling right back into her face as she reached for her phone. She had told herself she wasn't going to order anything, but her tummy had started grumbling at her–which she absentmindedly rubbed through her tank top as she looked at her delivery options. Pizza was always a good choice, plus it wasn't too expensive. She cracked a grin when a popup of "Still hungry? Order the delivery person for dinner too! Take advantage of our Delivery Delivery deal today!" showed up on the app.
"Not this time, capitalism. I'm watching my bank account today." Hazel giggled a bit, ordering her pizza and packing a tad more in her Kirbong. It shouldn't take more than half an hour for her pizza to get here, and she wanted to have the perfect amount of munchies by the time it got delivered.
After the third time of falling off the track on Maple Treeway, Hazel paused her game to laugh at herself. The pot was definitely affecting her now. She guessed after a few hours of smoking even someone with her tolerance would start to feel it. Polite knocking grabbed her attention and she got to her feet, throwing a pair of pajama pants on before she answered the door.
A cute girl stood on her dingy welcome mat, complete with a hat starring a pizza logo and a single pizza box balanced in her hands. She barely came up to Hazel's chin, but at 193 cm most girls were shorter than her anyways.
The delivery girl looked up at Hazel with a brilliant smile, beaming up at her. "Thank you for choosing Happy Helper's Pizzeria! I hope you enjoy your order!"
Hazel blinked slowly, brain struggling to break through the fog before she reached for her pizza. "Thanks, I'm starving." Her belly gave an audible grumble, which she tried to stifle by placing a hand on her midsection.
The smaller girl glanced down shyly before looking back up at Hazel's face. "It sure sounds like it! Good thing you ordered the special!" She reached up and took off her hat–straight dark hair dropping to just above her shoulders–before moving to unbutton her work uniform, still smiling all the way.
Hazel quickly raised a hand to stop the delivery girl (although not before giving her a quick once-over), lifting the pizza box in one hand over her head before speaking up. "Uh, I only ordered the pizza. No offense." The shorter girl looked up at Hazel before pointing at the pizza in her hand.
"On your order it says you upgraded for Delivery Delivery though."
Confused now, Hazel looked at her receipt to see, yup, one pizza and one Delivery Delivery special. She quickly grabbed her phone, opened the app and looked at her orders. As she did, the clouds in her head parted just enough for her to remember opening the app shortly after placing the order and adding the deal to her delivery. Looks like the munchies took another victory on her bank account.
She shrugged, pocketing her phone and opening her door up for the delivery girl to walk in. "Hey, I won't turn down a meal like you! Especially after I already spent the money…"
The girl laughed, her smile not as brilliant as before but much more genuine. "Pretty sure we've all made bad decisions when we're high." She finished unbuttoning her top, tossing it on the floor before she reached down to untie her shoes, giving Hazel a fantastic view of her next meal's assets.
A plump ass, juicy thighs, smooth skin, this was someone who took good care of themselves and probably knew they weren't gonna last long around predators. As she kicked off her shoes and socks she turned around, showing off a small muffin top and perky boobs. Catching Hazel staring she laughed and winked at the tall pred before dropping her pants and panties in one movement, stepping out of the pool of clothes and smiling salaciously.
"So, how do you want me?" The girl posed a little bit, showing off for Hazel as the tall girl put her long forgotten pizza on the counter. The pred walked forward, grabbed the girl's shoulders and quickly stuffed her head into her mouth, moaning at the taste of natural shampoo (coconut?) flooding her mouth.
She quickly worked her way down, gulping down her neck and shoulders, giving some extra attention to her prey's tasty tits. She felt the girl jerk in surprise before feeling soft hands kneading her stomach, giving gentle rubs and pinches. Wasting no time Hazel lurched forward, relaxing her muscles and stuffing the girl into her throat down to her belly button. Now for the annoying part.
Hazel leaned back, picking her prey up off the ground and holding the young girl above her head. The experienced pred stepped back, leaning against her counter before beginning to gulp her meal down in earnest, gravity helping deliver the girl into her stomach. With a few powerful swallows Hazel quickly had the girl tucked away in her belly, tank top riding up and pajama pants pushing down under the dome of overstuffed gut.
Hazel stood there, panting to herself as her meal shifted into a more comfortable position inside her. Already she felt her stomach groaning and squeezing around her meal, and she grabbed her pizza before waddling over to her couch and plopping down on it. The pred moaned at how full she felt, rubbing her stretched skin as she felt her passenger start to play with herself even as her belly did its best to digest her.
Hazel started to get hard listening to the muffled pants and moans coming from her tummy. Unable to think of an excuse not to, the buck toothed pred reached under her stomach and into her pants, grabbing her cock and beginning to rub one out. With one hand in her pants and another rubbing the taut skin of her belly Hazel was quickly bringing herself to orgasm. The feeling of a stuffed, bloated belly was made even sweeter with the gasps and moans coming from within, the noises starting to get drowned out by the grumbling of the organ itself. She could feel every twitch and movement from her prey inside her, and could tell when the smaller girl came, her stomach deforming slightly as the girl arched her back, screaming in pleasure before relaxing.
Of course, relaxing just meant Hazel's body won the little war of attrition they had between them. The muscles quickly clenched and squeezed the girl within her into a tight ball, and a final powerful belch signaled the last of the air being forced out. Hazel came hard as she burped, panting and moaning as she made a mess of her pants. She leaned back against her couch, breathing hard for a minute before glancing at her Kirbong, a smile on her lips. She still had the whole rest of the day to herself, didn't she?
Hazel jerked awake at a loud bang, followed by some choice cursing. "Seriously, Hazel?! What the fuck! We were supposed to go to the movies tonight!"
The tall pred looked up at her friend Trixie. The short girl was fuming, red faced and glaring. Hazel looked around her living room, noting the empty pizza box and her character idling in front of a wall in her game, the race long over. She rubbed her head before belching, putting a hand on the much smaller bulge in her middle.
"Sorry, I didn't think I was gonna fall asleep." She noted Trixie's flushed face and the way she completely refused to look at her bloated belly. Grinning, she leaned forward, her stomach gurgling as another burp popped out of her mouth. "But that doesn't mean we can't find something to do here."
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novanoms · 4 months ago
Thinking hard on a large pred friend losing their little prey in a dangerous situation. They're separated for days. Their home has always been deadly, even to the largest of beasts. So to lose their small friend, one they were supposed to protect, it's devastating. They don't give up the search, but their heavy heart continues to weigh them down with each moment their friend isn't found. Then, after nearly a week of being apart, the little prey finds their way back to their friend. The pred instantly zeros in on them, picking them up and looking over them for only a second before scarfing them down as gently as they can while practically tossing them into their throat. They don't even stop to taste, taking them like a pill to get their tiny friend to safety as soon as possible. The prey is squeezed in the stomach, only to be squished even more by the rumbling organ that's caved in on itself. The smooth muscles feel desperate in its attempt to encompass the prey, as though their little friend would vanish the second they let go. Depending on the prey, they may put up with or even appreciate the strong muscles pressing against them like the biggest bear hug possible. Or, maybe the extremely cramped space isn't helping, and the prey needs to try and calm their large friend down. Gently petting the overactive walls, trying to comfort the pred and convince their insides to give them some space. Maybe the pred was talking to them, or maybe they've been silent this entire time, washed in relief that their friend is okay. Whatever the case, the larger is not going to let them out anytime soon, at least not without protest.
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lightsonmywalls · 3 months ago
Being inside a pred while they shower has to be such a nice experience. I wonder if the sound of the water running off their skin sounds like rain on a window, and how long they'd sit with their legs crossed on the tiled floor enjoying warm water on their belly.
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tastylittlepixie · 1 month ago
god I so desperately need to make out with a pretty girl who's much larger than me and wants to eat me
may have posted something similar before but. I care not.
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lesbianoms · 3 months ago
I have a belly full of Chipotle if any hot pred ladies want to gorge on me... if she wants to greedily slurp me down, moaning as my round tum gets me stuck in her gullet, forcing strained and wet *gllk gllk* sounds out of her, as the new orb on my middle bobs up and down as a bulge in her throat... and she whimpers with effort, before there's that final delectable swallow that sends me down to where I belong, followed by a big, satisfied sigh exhaled from her pretty lips... hhhmmm...... 🥰❤️
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