What Can One do?
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Hi there! Bi Guy in my 20sMale Pred writer Minors do not Interact! At all This is a NSFW Blog
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bannanasrus · 29 days ago
Full Disclosure
Not vore related but I’ve realised that my name makes kinda no sense, I started, writing content on this blog back in August, I think, but I’ve had my account for longer.
Lemme explain. When I made this account it was because tumblr kinda wouldn’t let me see anything without one and so, I made one but I put no thought into the name I think that, no I know that - this is turning into stream of consciousness oop s
It was meant to be bannasaurus like a dinosaur. But because I’m an idiot it didn’t turn out like that lol.
Ah well I’m attached to it now, even if it is pronounced completely differently to whatever I was thinking at the time I was actually writing it.
Ah well none of you probably care about this but I wanna ramble lol
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bannanasrus · 29 days ago
I love silly vore related misunderstandings
Prey meets an otherworldy/extraterrestrial pred. Pred is really affectionate towards prey and all of a sudden gobbles them up, because where they're from, it is normal to eat people as a sign of affection. Prey freaks out while being swallowed, but pred thinks they're making it more enjoyable for them. Pred doesn't realize something is wrong until they realize they can feel the prey screaming and feel them kicking.
One regurgitation and lengthy explanation later and the pred is profusely apologizing.
Takes some time for the prey to get comfortable around them again, but they do eventually!
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bannanasrus · 1 month ago
I think that Preds that are more submissive need to be appreciated
I think this is because whilst I lean Pred I also lean to being more submissive, so I don’t understand why we don’t see more preds that lean that way.
I get half of the love for Vore is the dominant aspect, but I don’t think, as I’ve said before that all of the power needs to be on the Pred’s side, I think that the Pred should maybe have to earn it, or maybe get stuffed to the gills by a feeder who praises them, for being so good
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bannanasrus · 1 month ago
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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bannanasrus · 1 month ago
I want you back
I like the idea of Pred loosing control and eating the one person that they were so desperate to avoid eating.
Contains M/f vore with digestion this is post vore though
Short little angsty vore drabble
He had eaten her. The full weight of what he had done hit him so hard. He’d eaten her. The woman who had trusted and loved him so much. He had eaten her. He wished that it wasn’t so but it was true.
He looked at his distended stomach feeling the tears well in his eyes. Why had he lost control, and why around her of all people. He had been holding back his hunger for so long and now… and now the one who he loved deeply perhaps obsessively was stewing down to more of him in his gut. Perhaps that was why he felt a small part of him be, maybe not happy, but almost relived by the outcome. She hadn’t left him, he had devoured her made her one with him.
“But, but” he cried “Now I, I want you back!” He caressed his stomach hating how good it felt to have so much weight in it, hating how he felt so good to have a whole woman deep within his core. He hit himself had across the face. He shouldn’t be thinking about himself, he and his stupid greedy stomach had eaten someone, someone with hopes and dreams and he had taken them all away from her, he had… killed her within his own body.
He crumpled to the floor. He was no better than a monster a horrifying monster people should stay clear of. He lay there howling “I want you back, I want you back, I’m so so sorry please come back, Please come back I’ll do anything, anything. His stomach churned in response. And a wet belch forced its way up his throat. That had felt good, oh how good it had felt. Whenever he had first swallowed her, now it felt horrible.
He heard a rustling of skirts and a soft tut. Through tear stained eyes he looked up at her. His beautiful lover and wife looking down at him.
“You, I want you back” he looked at her “you must be a vision…” he stared at her and her beautiful unblemished face. This had to be an illusion a trick played upon him by his mind. The real her was stewing in his gut. He began to sob once more.
She for her part knelt beside him. And began to stroke his head. “Calm my darling” she said “Calm”
“You must be a ghost” he said staring at her
“I am no ghost, I am flesh and blood” she said smiling
“But but”
“But you ate me” she stroked his head “My darling my own pet, did you not think I wouldn’t make preparations for an eventuality”
“You, You knew!?”
“Of course I did, my sweet, I knew you wouldn’t be able to help yourself. So I decided to put preparations in place” she laughed her usual tinkly sound “I luckily had just finished my preparations when poor you lost control”
“I’m not poor me” he choked on his sobs “I’m a monster, I’m so so so sorry”
“Shhhh shhhh my darling” she brought him into her arms “You didn’t hurt me, I think your stomach acid did wonderful exfoliation” he choked laughed at that “You can’t help yourself, I know that, this all is just to make it a little bit easier”
“but you shouldn’t have to protect yourself from me your husband”
“tsk tsk” she tutted “I am not protecting myself from you” she smiled “what would you do if I was in danger, say I was cornered somewhere”
his face darkened “I would devour anyone who trued to hurt you”
“exactly” she smiled “You would never hurt me”
“But I did I lost control and I ate you”
“I was safe, I forgive you for that”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” he buried his face in her neck reassuring himself that she was still there
“Shhh don’t let yourself get in that state” she said “Just tell me when your hungry next time and we’ll head something like this off, promise me that”
“I promise” he said
“Good boy” she replied stroking his hair, the poor thing really was in a state. “Now lets dry your eyes and we can go and cuddle together”
the two of them picked themselves off the floor and walked to their bedroom where they stripped and cuddled up against eachother him burying his face in her neck, soon they were both asleep.
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bannanasrus · 1 month ago
Shy Preds x not at all Shy Prey
Timid Shy Pred whose SO is a very not shy Prey.
The Pred neevously and stammering confessing to their Prey crush that they want to eat them, the Prey cooly responding with a yeah of course.
Or when the Pres gets insulted for being “a weakling” by another pred the Pred has to hold their Prey back from punching the rude Pred in the face
Shy Preds that are polite and respectful to their Prey but are very insecure about being a Pred, their Prey reassures them they are enough
a G/T vore idea with it
Gentle Giant Pred x Rage filled tiny who is a force of destruction and often has to be sent to tummy jail, by their embarrassed pred
Monster pred idea
A timid monster is coaxed out of their shell by a gentle prey who cuddles them and lets themselves be eaten to relax the pred
Adore the idea of shy preds
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bannanasrus · 1 month ago
Really love all of these ideas!
Idea I literally just came up with.
Not sure if it's all that new but I want to see someone do something with this concept sooooo
Pred and prey both reading together, in my idea it would be both having a copy of the same book. The pred is sitting on their bed while their prey is tucked away in their belly with a cute little lantern and they're both reading the same book because they want to enjoy it together. Maybe they ask each other what page they're on right now and if one is behind the other will wait for them to catch up
Tired nom ramblings :D
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bannanasrus · 1 month ago
Tummy Cuddles
Contains willing M/M safe vore cuddling belching other general fluff
Blake stood at the bottom of the stairs shaking the rain from his black hair and scowled out the closing door at the weather, he was cold, wet and miserable.
“Rough day?” Asked Miss Olgania sympathetically
“Ehh kinda, weather doesn’t help much” replied Blake
“The weather is terrible it never ceases to rain”
“It really doesn’t help when it’s cold either” said Blake
“I’m heading up to my flat to put on the kettle to have a cup of herbal tea and when I have finished that I will start on my dinner” said Miss Olgania as she and Blake began their way upstairs “I would offer you and Cecil dinner but I have not prepared for such an evening meal”
“Miss Olgania, don’t worry at all” said Blake “We should invite you to ours sometime”
“That sounds lovely dear” she replied “I do hope you have a nice evening” she said smiling as Blake was walked to the door of his apartment
“And the same to you Miss Olgania” said Blake smiling back at her as she carried on the stairs.
Blake made his way to the door his and Cecil’s own flat fumbling with the key in the lock before getting the door open and walking in. Cecil or as he sometimes affectionately called him, Hungry Hercules was stirring a pot on the hob and intermittently taking his glasses off to wipe them of the condenstion.
“Hey Herc” said Blake
“Oh Hi Blake” said Cecil turning round. He wore an apron that said “Kiss the chef” emblazoned in Black and red lettering
“Smells good, what’s cooking?” Asked Blake sidling up to Cecil
“Oh um stew” he said slightly distracted by Blake as he put the spoon back into the pot and stirred. “Perfect for a dismal day, evening and night like this has been”
“I’ll say” grumbled Blake
He felt Cecil’s hands on his waist pulling him close to the strong, broad chest of his Boyfriend “I missed you today” Cecil murmured feeling Blake’s arms wrap around him returning the hug.
“I missed you too”
Blake stepped back intending to go and change but felt himself being pulled back.
“Don’t go” said Cecil pouting
“I have to change” sighed Blake, “if you want you can come with me” he added playfully
Cecil blushed “Um” he heard a sound from the pot that made him turn “crap, it’s catching” he started to stir the pot again allowing Blake to go wash and dry himself and his hair and change into a teeshirt and jeans.
Blake got back to find cecil spooning stew into two bowls, smiling he took his seat as Cecil placed his bowl down on the table and then sat opposite him with his own, a basket of bread sat between them.
“How was your day” asked Blake raising a spoon of stew to his lips and blowing on it slightly
“It was ok, better now that you’re here” said Cecil blushing “what about you?”
“Awful” said Blake shortly causing Cecil to laugh “and I got soaked going home”
“Well at least you have stew to enjoy”
“Indeed” Blake said smiling wryly
They ate in companionable silence Cecil as always easily ate more than Blake. Blake slid off his chair and padded round to Cecil and sat on his lap, gently rubbing little circles on his stomach. Cecil wrapped his arms around him and gently bit Blake’s ear grinning at the way his cheeks coloured. “Mmmm, delicious” he whispered into Blake’s ear, making the latter squirm. “I think I have room left for desert”.
Blake’s hands squeezed the thick, muscular torso he was held against, Cecil wasn’t going to eat him straight away he knew that, he wasn’t some asshat to be treated as food he was Cecil’s favourite meal.
“Well you’ll have to be patient” whispered Blake, “your desert isn’t ready yet”
Cecil huffed slightly then squeezed Blake tighter “please” he gave puppy dog eyes that melted Blake if only slightly.
“Ok, you can have your desert” he said, he smiled trying not to laugh at Cecil’s rapid shift from sadness to joy. But you need to prepare it, and your desert needs to prepare you.
Cecil smiled, “that’s works for me” he said
“Good” said Blake softly kissing Cecil’s cheek. He moved back gently passing his hand over Cecil’s teeshirt. “First your desert needs you out of those clothes”
“Only if my desert does the same” replied Cecil
“Of course”
Cecil’s hands traced up Blakes body pulling off his teeshirt then his jeans Blake responded in kind taking off Cecils teeshirt then his joggers, grinning as his boyfriends Herculean physique was laid out.
Cecil meanwhile was appreciating the small but as he knew strong body of Blake. Blake kissed him on the lips his hand roamed up and down Blake’s body, he enjoyed doing this, part of the joy of having a returning prey, like Blake, was the preparation aspect, sure he’d had other preys that had come back but many seemed to want to become a permeant addition to him, and he didn’t like the idea of that. Blake didn’t, sure Blake wanted to be in him, but he wanted to be let out as well, which suited Cecil.
Today he desperately missed Blake and just needed him where he could hold him, to feel so completely full of the small black haired man, who was in spite of his appearance abject chaos himself.
Blake for his part, was enjoying being on Cecil’s lap. He wanted to be as close to him as possible, it had been a cold wet and miserable day and he wanted to be warm and safe, and he could get that inside Cecil’s stomach. However that didn’t mean he couldn’t appreciate the physique of his boyfriend before he went inside his belly.
“These Biceps belong on a statue of a hero” murmured Blake stroking the muscles as Cecil Flexed them for him. “You have the best Abs in the world” whispered Blake tracing his hands down the muscles of Cecil’s wide stomach grinning at Cecil’s cocky smile at the attention. “And these pecs are mighty fine”. Cecil flexed his pecs beneath Blake’s figertips, “all the better for you to bury your face in” he whispered, Blake giggled and rubbed his face in Cecil’s pecs, Cecil’s stomach growled not an agonised groan of hunger, nor a gluttonous cry but more of a polite intrusion - if stomach noises could be polite. “Is my desert ready?” He asked politely.
“Yes I think he is” replied Blake moving to straddle Cecil stroking his hands up and down Cecils abdomen his biceps, thighs and pecs - all received special attention. He moved up to kiss Cecil who received it and then gently, ever so gently - opened his mouth and began to swallow the smaller man down. Blake for his part was thinking - he’d probably need another shower after this was done, he also considered that it was a good thing he didn’t have work the next day, just because Cecil would let him out didn’t mean he would let him out in a couple of hours.
Cecil’s lips closed over Blakes feet and he let out a deep belch that reverberated around Blake. Had Blake been one of Cecil’s meals, that sound would have frightened him - a forceful pronouncement of doom - however, that deep belch caused Blake to chuckle to himself, he really is stuffed thought Blake to himself as he curled tighter inside Cecil’s stomach. He felt the bigger man rubbing circles on his stomach and moaning gently. Technically he supposed he wasn’t in Cecil’s digestive stomach, but rather his storage one so it wasn’t surprising that there was no sign of food inside.
“There truly could be no one more delicious” moaned Cecil “Or more filling - a five star meal, or three star perhaps worth a special trip”
“I’m glad my flavour pleases you” murmured Blake he was feeling sleepy his day having taken more out of him that he’d thought.
“You sound tired Danger Prone”
Blake groaned at the nickname - but it was fair “I am tired - today was quite taxing”
“Yeah pretty much - I think Martha, Andre and Cole need a spa day or two after the clients we had today”
“Were they awful”
“Um pretty much”
“Hey you a criminal psychologist do you think they did the deed”
“They’re guilty as sin”
“Oh dear”
“And not very polite” he sighed “if you’re going to pretend not to have solicited a hitman, at least try to be nice to people, and you know not tell me that you know a guy who can make me wish I wasn’t born”
“Clearly they’ve forgotten you’ve got me” said Cecil
“listen I’m going to get the dishes done”
“Aww no the dishes” he yawned “urgh I should have helped you with them” he added sleepily
“No, you sleep there, tucked up in my stomach and I’ll do them - it’s not much”
“Oh um ok…” his voice was fading as he slowly fell into unconsciousness safely tucked away.
Cecil stroked his distended gut where Blake was concealed occasionally he had been called upon to use this, sometimes to get Blake out of dangerous situations. Tonight however it was merely to spend time with him. Rising, he made his way to the sink with the empty bowls and began to wash up. Blake, he mused to himself - seemed to fill him up in a different way every time, sometimes it was the point of feeling deliciously overfilled and bloated and other times it was like this, comfortably full.
Finishing the dishes which didn’t take him that long Cecil, made his way to their bathroom. He took off his glasses and striped his boxers off - the last item of clothing Blake had left on him - and he had left on Blake - there was a time and a place for things like that and tonight they just wanted a closer cuddle. He turned on the shower and hopped in letting the warm water wash over him. It had been a horrible day but it was going to be a good night. He tenderly stroked his gut again feeling Blake shift inside him. This is so perfect he thought to himself. Blake where he’s so comfortable he’s fallen asleep.
“You are the best meal ever you know” he whispered to his gut he heard Blake murmuring in his sleep, he put his glasses back on and made his way to their bed and clambered in. “Sweet dreams” he whispered to his gut before he too fell asleep.
It was about 8 o’clock when Cecil slowly awoke, blinking his eyes. His hands slowly went to his distended stomach and stroked it
“Are you awake?” He asked gently, “if you are, good morning, if not keep snoozing I’ll get up whenever you want”. He got no response he gently kissed his stomach and patted it, “That’s alright” he said leaning back putting his massive arms above his head as he closed his eyes, “keep on kipping”.
Blake stirred and opened his eyes blearily he felt the warm wet embrace of a stomach, not just any stomach, but Cecil’s - he heard the steady breathing of his boyfriend above him, he stretched languidly pushing at spots in Cecil’s stomach he knew would gain a reaction, “Blake you are awake - ah that tickles” he laughed and Blake gently tickled a particularly sensitive spot on Cecil’s stomach coaxing up more giggles and laughs from the big man he was inside.
“Good morning handsome” he said relenting in his tickling and leaning back against the plush inside
“Good morning yourself” replied Cecil, “do you want me to let you out?”
“Not just yet” murmured Blake I wanna be in here a bit longer
“That’s fine with me, you don’t have an objection if I lay here as well”
“I’d prefer it”
“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. You fill me out so well” said Cecil grinning at the bulge that had been created by his boyfriend’s body wrapping his arms around it tenderly.
“I appreciate the compliment Cecil” said Blake reaching his hand up to make an ever so slight impression on Cecil’s bulging stomach, he felt the gentle reciprocated touch from his boyfriend.
“Hey it isn’t just a compliment it’s the truth” Cecil laughed “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Herc, I can make my own breakfast”
“Well since you’ve given me breakfast in bed I thought I’d return the favour” replied Cecil playfully
“You can make me pancakes you silly big idiot” teased Blake
Cecil laughed “Shall I let you out now, I wouldn’t say no to keeping you there while I make breakfast”
“Yeah, but I would have no objection to being swallowed down later today” he added the final part in a hushed whisper.
Cecil let Blake out in the bathroom and after making sure he was ok he left him to shower again and get dressed while he went to start on their breakfast.
When Blake returned, dressed in tee-shirt and jeans, the two of them sat and ate breakfast in companionable silence.
“So,” said Cecil as they moved to and sat on the sofa “what do you want to do today”
“Well I was thinking we could take a walk, are you going to the gym today? If you are then we can chill after you get back if you’re not going then what we could do is…”
Cecil listened to Blake go on making contingency plans if he was honest, Cecil would honestly be happy to just sit with Blake all day and enjoy his company, that being said he was going to go to the gym, hey he had to maintain and build his Herculean physique somehow. He could ask Blake to come with him, but he would be slightly worried about some of the more unpleasant Preds that frequented his gym, oh he wasn’t concerned for Blake’s Safety - he was concerned for their safety from Blake, that small man packed one hell of a punch, as he had found out on his first meeting with his short but mighty boyfriend.
“Cecil, Ces are you listening?” Asked Blake
“Oh yeah, I’m going to to the gym today, assuming there’s not been something disastrous that’s happened to it”
“I moved on from that about 3 minutes ago”
“What I was asking was, would you swallow me down again tonight” he leaned across making Cecil’s face grow very hot to be perfectly honest his face was also tinged red
“Um” his stomach betrayed him growling appreciatively at the thought of it’s favourite meal inside it
“I think your stomach agrees with me”
“You are always welcome in my belly” said Cecil kissing Blake on his cheek
“I know that, and I’m glad” said Blake, he loved being inside Cecil every bit as much as the Big man enjoyed having him inside him, they would always enjoy Tummy cuddles.
Fluffy Vore 👏 Fluffy Vore 🙌 Fluffy Vore
I’m really on a kick for writing this, if I was ever forced to only write one type of vore I think I’d pick safe, although I have a confession I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for like a month or so lol,
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bannanasrus · 1 month ago
Love Naga Preds ❤️
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A redraw/redesign of Manda with Kaede safe inside of him
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bannanasrus · 2 months ago
Slightly insane prey
Prey that’s just a bit too in to being eaten,
Prey that is so so desperate to get eaten that they make the Pred worry about their sanity
Prey that is more than willing, they are deserpate to be eaten and digested
Prey that practically worships the soft fat they’ve added to their Pred
Prey that chases after a Pred in a reverse cat and mouse desperate to be eaten
Prey that is just a lil bit off kilter
Prey that protects their Pred from other prey, after all their Pred is theirs
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bannanasrus · 2 months ago
"Honey- Honey, please. Put down the bottle."
"Bu' ish' New Year's Eve!"
"You're going to pass out drunk if you keep drinking."
"Thash the point, innit?"
"I want you to be sober enough to eat me, dammit!"
"Ohhh... Shorry, dear. M' gunna fall asleeb."
"Ugh. Fine. Tomorrow, then?"
"Shoooore. Jus'... Wake me in tha mornin."
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bannanasrus · 2 months ago
Crazy Pred and Observer couples
Pred and Observer who are both just nuts and are absolutely perfect for each other. Not so much for their prey.
Outlaw Couple who kidnaps people only for the observer to stuff their captives down the throat of their Pred whilst the Pred eagerly enjoys the feeding.
Vigilante couple who defeat evil foes and send them to their own special prison. The observer rubs their greedy preds belly as it churns up the food.
Royal couple. The pred devours threats to their domain and their observer rubs their gut. Perhaps they even do this at state council meetings. A corupt noble ensconced within the belly of the ruler or their consort whilst their spouse rubs away smiling round at the rest of the court as a warning, don’t piss me or them off or this will be you.
Insane Pred and insane observer who just straight up kidnaps people to stuff into the Pred. Off shoot of this a Yandere Observer who feeds their rivals to the Pred, the Pred is just as into it as the Yandere. The Yandere really was the only one who held their attention anyway. Or a reverse situation with a Yandere type Pred!
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bannanasrus · 2 months ago
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A redesign/redraw of Slaibhin keeping Charlotte safe inside him after she encountered him while hiking a snowy mountain
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bannanasrus · 2 months ago
Laying your head on a pred's filled belly after they just finished a meal, and you can hear the whimpering of the prey inside, and rubbing the pred's belly trying to comfort their prey. You've been them once, you know the pred is scary but means well, and you tell the pred's prey they'll make it out in one piece soon enough. The pred is disappointed you decided to calm down their prey but decides it's fine since their prey is filling enough, their fear isn't the only enjoyable thing about this.
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bannanasrus · 2 months ago
Vore Thoughts Possesive Prey
So I love Possesive preds they are really hot. Obviously mostly used in setting where they and the prey are romantically involved. But you know what I also love?
Possesive Prey.
A prey that looks at the Pred they are maybe or maybe not romantically involved with and thinks, you, you’re mine.
I just never seem to see it and I would love to find some of it!
Prey clinging to their Pred when the Pred wants or needs to do something, so the prey suggests they compromise and stuffs themselves down the Pred’s throat.
The Pred has to go out so the prey stuffs themselves down the Pred’s gullet making sure that the whole world can see that they are the Pred’s meal.
Prey that gets very jealous if they see the Pred scarfing down another meal. Sure they’ll rub the Pred’s gut, but they warn the prey in there that they’ll be just mush and fat in their Pred whilst this Prey, referring to themselves of course, is a frequent traveler in and out.
Bonus points if the Pred is equally possessive of their prey. It’s always good when the feelings are mutual!
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bannanasrus · 2 months ago
Again don’t know who I wanna be in this situation
Werewolf pred coming up to you, belly full of squirming prey, looking at you with those puppy dog eyes expecting you to call them a good boy.
You don't want to encourage their behavior, but then again they look so desperate for approval and you know they have self-esteem problems, but they literally ate a guy.
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bannanasrus · 2 months ago
I don’t know if I wanna be the werewolf boyfriend or the belly rubber
Rubbing your werewolf boyfriend's huge soft tummy after they ate and digested everyone you invited to your birthday party, and you keep on going "Who's a good boy?" They refuse to answer and you keep on rubbing and dotting all over him, and then you tell them they're such a good boy, but they start sobbing because they know it isn't true. You wipe away their tears and tell them they did a great job resisting their urges for as long as they did. They whine and nuzzle into your shoulder and you comfort them, you had no idea they felt this way, but you swear you'll make sure they feel comforted and accepted. It's not their fault, they're just some big hungry dog, it's okay for them to eat 17 people alive.
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