callme4app · 2 years
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Yes! You can receive a DIET plan while sitting at home. Simply search id of health specialists on CallMe4 app
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kitty-lemon · 2 months
Words cannot describe how much I hate this for her 😢
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dieticiankajal1 · 9 months
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mohitbansal01 · 1 year
10 Refreshingly Healthy Fruit Juices You Can Make At Home In No Time || Mohit Bansal Chandigarh
Looking for a refreshing and healthy beverage? Mohit Bansal Chandigarh suggests making homemade fruit juices! Simply blend fresh fruits like watermelon, pineapple, and cucumber for a hydrating and nutritious drink. Add in some ginger or mint for extra flavor and health benefits. Enjoy a delicious and healthy treat! For more details visit- https://mohit-bansal.in/healthy-fruit-juices-you-can-make-at-home/
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findyourfit · 2 years
The sports ecosystem has emerged as a relatively new concept that all the spheres of sports and sports-related activities revolve around. Post-pandemic, almost all the sectors have gone online and so is the sports ecosystem. FindYourFit is one such platform that provides a one-stop solution for all fitness-related queries and helps to uplift the wellness community.
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Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance found in our blood that is essential for building cells, making vitamins and producing hormones. Cholesterol comes from two major sources one is the liver and the other is the food that you eat (eggs, meat etc.) It is important to focus on foods that can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol. High cholesterol can lead to fatty liver and other liver related issues and maintaining lower cholesterol level is important for a healthy liver. 
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The following is a list of seven foods that can lower your cholesterol levels:
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Oats are highly effective in reducing cholesterol levels because of their high content of soluble fiber. Oats can energize your body and maintain your digestive health also minimizing the risk of heart health and improve the liver functions. In the digestive tract, the dietary fiber binds with bile acids, causing the body to use cholesterol to replace these acids, cutting LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Barley and other whole grains play similar role as oats further helping in weight management.
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These crunchy snacks are not just tasty but also good for your health. Nuts are rich in    unsoluble fats that help to reduce LDL levels. The antioxidant property of nuts reduces bodily inflammation and boost immune system. These nuts include, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios.
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Avocadoes are rich in monosaturated fats and fiber that help in lowering LDL and raising HDL content. One can eat avocadoes in different forms such as salad, toast and guacamole. Avocadoes block the absorption of cholesterol providing a range of heart healthy nutrients including potassium that regulates blood pressure.
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Legumes or pulses that include beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas commonly used in the form of soup or boiled. They have high soluble content with nutrient dense quality. The fiber and protein in legumes help in stabilizing blood sugar levels, preventing insulin spikes and improved cardiovascular health.
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Vegetables are the top gut friendly food with high soluble fiber content that not only support weight management but also lower glycemic index which is linked to higher cholesterol levels. They can either be consumed boiled, in juice form or even cooked with minimum amount of spices.
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Olive oil is known for its light nature with antioxidant property which contains vitamin E. Extra virgin olive oil reduces chest congestion that one faces after consuming heavy processed foods. It can be used with salad or in cooked food.
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Please consult your dietcian before starting any diet plan. 
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dietclinic0 · 1 year
Dietcian Sheela Seharawat webinar on 12th may at 9 pm Therapeutic Diet Plans at Diet Clinic can help you cope with your medical conditions
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Sheela Seharawat, the founder and chief mentor at Diet Clinic, is a well-known name in the field of nutrition and wellness. With over 20 years of experience in creating customized diet plans for various medical conditions, she has helped thousands of people to achieve their health goals through a holistic approach.
In this webinar, Sheela Seharawat will share her insights on how therapeutic diet plans can be a game-changer for people with medical conditions. She will discuss the science behind such diets, the key principles to follow, and the common mistakes to avoid. She will also showcase some real-life examples of people who have successfully managed their conditions through diet and lifestyle changes.
So, why should you attend this webinar? Here are some reasons:
1. Learn from an expert: Sheela Seharawat is not just a dietician but also a certified diabetes educator, a life coach, and a motivational speaker. She has been featured in various media outlets and has won numerous awards for her contributions to the field of nutrition. By attending this webinar, you will have the opportunity to learn from her wealth of knowledge and experience.
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3. Connect with a community: By joining the webinar, you will be part of a community of like-minded individuals who are also looking to improve their health and well-being. You can share your stories, inspire others, and get inspired by others.
To register for this webinar, visit the Diet Clinic website or social media pages. Registration is free, but the slots are limited, so hurry up and secure your spot. By attending this webinar, you can take the first step towards a healthier and happier life.
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emmacoffeeshop-blog · 5 years
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Another walk walk 3 miles today I will lose my weight and be healthier never would I thought 32 weeks after starting my journey would I be able to walk like this 32 weeks ago I could not even walk from my bed had to aided at all times due to having herinated discs and since started on this coffee I also lost 6stone 8lbs which for me is a amazing achievement I've struggled all my life with weighloss done all diets you can think of #slimmingworld #weighwatchers #cambridge #ackinsdiet #helpfrom #dietcians you name it I've done yeah lost weight but then it would creep back on So after 15 years suffering hating my body the way I look used wear baggy clothes to hide all my fat now I'm wearing clothes to show my figure and feeling a lot more confident on myself I have the #motivation the right mindset and all to do with this amazing drink If want to know how I over come this message or comment below https://www.instagram.com/p/B3m1HdOnk9P/?igshid=3vjhzrh2od6f
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healthandlife · 4 years
…Living to die…? Living to be alive? Are you sure about it?
…Living to die…? Living to be alive? Are you sure about it?
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What do I mean by it? Just a simple question, accept it or not,  your life’s first requirement is health. Your body is first point, where you actually learn and experience, what truly health is? Once you understand the value of good physical health, then your focus will automatically shift to mental and spiritual health. 
What is the catch? Your life will only become fantastic and superb, if you are healthy in all 3, I mean perfect balance of physical, mental and spiritual health. 
If you don’t understand the value of physical health then how will you even begin mental and spiritual health practices.,   
In real, you have not even started the healthy first step i.e. your body. But you dream of becoming master of three types of health. 
I am sure. You are out of your mind. It is idiotic approach to look at health. 
To be healthy, you must know, what “health” truly is? You must experience health at emotional level and not to be easily get convinced just by reading good health’s book. 
You must bring changes starting from your body. Why and how? Let’s check out entire process with some historical background. 
Looking back over the century gone by, the comparisons of diseases are remarkable. In early 1900s people primarily died of infectious diseases like Tuberculosis, Diptheria and Influenza.  As we move into the twenty first century, we find people suffering and dying from chronic degenerative diseases. This includes coronary artery disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, muscular degeneration, cataract, Alzheimer, dementia, Parkinson’s diseases, multiple sclerosis and rheumatic arthritis. This list goes on and on. Even though the average life expectancy has increased dramatically during post century, our quality of life due to these chronic degenerative diseases has taken major hit. We are essentially almost deadly alive. No one look forward to live long due to severe joint pain. No one seems to die of old age anymore but disease. 
The point is, now it is high time to teach ourselves to understand, why such life threatening diseases are common and how can we figure out the solution to fight against  these effectively. Our overall well being is directly proportional to the performance of our organs. In last blog, we talked about body clock and NOW let’s focus on organ clock.
Each organ has two hours time period each day, when it’s in spot light. This is the time when that particular organ and it’s related meridians are said to be more energized and working hardest and effective on our emotions and productivity. When the organs are not able to cope up with our bizarre lifestyle our body communicates with us through symptoms.
Here let’s take a tour to our body organ to understand their effective working hours. Let’s learn how to optimize it through diet and lifestyle choices.
3.00am to 5.00am
Active organ: lungs
At this time lungs are highly active and completely synchronize with your body.
Breathing exercise is the best at this time to remove toxins and increase efficiency. Natural and neutral medical practitioner generally do breathing exercises at this time and the effect of it we can see in their synchronize thoughts and calm behavior.
5.00am to 7.00am
Active organ: Large intestine
Drinking warm water and gentle workout ease the process of waste elimination.
Don’t drink tea or coffee as first drink in the morning as they dehydrate body and disturb functioning of large intestine.
7.00am to 9.00am
Active organ: Stomach
Eat hearty warm breakfast. It’s a time to build long lasting energy for the day. Warm drink like green tea, warm lemon water as these propel water enhances the process. Avoid shakes and smoothie at breakfast they cause stomach's natural functions to contract and shut down.
9.00am to 11.00am
Active organ: Spleen and Pancreas
This is a high energy time your emotions are also at peak. During this time, spleen and Pancreas releases enzymes and hormones to ease digestion. If feeling stressed or chaotic then to ease your mind, drink some soothing drinks like buttermilk, coconut water, green tea or any fruit which is natural instant source of energy which calm your mind. Calm mind promote better secretion or release and balance of hormones.
11.00am to 1.00pm
Active organ: Heart
It is ideal time for lunch. Heart pump blood to your body efficiently at this time hence nutrient will be supplied to all organs effectively.
1.00pm to 3.00pm
Active organ: Small intestine
Here the separation of good from bad and organization process of absorption and assimilation of nutrient take place. Unnecessary munching during this time interferes with absorptions of nutrients.
3.00pm to 5.00pm
Active organ: Urinary bladder
Detoxification time, so lay off tea or coffee during this time. It is best time for study, which stimulate brain challenging capacity.
5.00pm to 7.00pm
Active organ: kidney
Chemical balancing time hence it is best time for healthy dinner. Once body is chemically balance it is ready for next course of meal for effective utilization of nutrients. Dinner should be very light as it is time of sun down and as we discussed earlier in last blog of body clock, our body work according to natural light. In present scenario, it is quite difficult to follow early dinner then best way is to split your dinner. Wind up taking carb by 7pm max and if still feeling hungry after dinner then hot milk or home made vegetable soup are the best option post 7pm.
7.00 pm to 9.00pm
Active organ: Pericardium
Pericardium supports heart functioning. This time is good for gentle exercise, relaxing with loved one, stretching, meditation, taking bath. Basically it is a heart healing time and winds the body down for the day during these hours.
9.00pm to 11.00pm
Active organ: Endocrine system
We can also say triple warmer times as hormones are replenished; glands are active and homeostasis time of body. Hydrate your body well before bed. Water is the best medium for transportation of hormones and controls body temperature.
11.00pm to 1.00am
Active organ: Gall bladder
Gall bladder digests healthy fats. It stores energy for next day. If you are not resting by 11pm you could have issue with digesting fats and emotional components of decision making.
1.00am to 3.00am
Active organ: Liver
It is time to remove full day’s garbage and toxins out from the body. Toxic liver trolls your emotions like anxiety, frustration, unaddressed anger etc.
Now, we should understand why degenerative diseases taking troll on our life. Just knowing the functions of the organ is not enough. Our conscious synchronization with their effective working time wins the game.
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deepakverma123 · 4 years
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Gaurav Arora is a famous dietician-cum-actor hailing from a middle-class family of Delhi. Once dreamt of being a cricketer, he changed the flow of his life by finding multiple opportunities for himself after he faced failure in the initial stages of his life.
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callme4app · 2 years
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Doctors, astrologers, Lawyers, Dieticians, Homeopathy, YouTube experts, Financial advisors, Relationship advisors, and many more experts are available on CallMe4 app.
APP LINK: https://linktr.ee/callme4
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dieticiankajal1 · 10 months
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wiefit · 3 years
 Nutritionist in mumbai
Certified Nutritionist | Customized Diet Plan | 1:1 Consultant
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healthasters · 2 years
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Treat PCOD with Yoga as it is soothing and calming for the body and it also helps to relieve stress.
WhatsApp: +91 8878849993 Please visit: http://www.healthasters.com/
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mrsmarymorstan · 3 years
CW Weight Loss/Gain
But Good Medical news for once! I lost 4kg since my last weigh in! Which was done just after Christmas, in fairness, but is still really good news =D
The dietcian is also happy with my diet on the whole, I just need to cut out Fruit Juice and Baked Goods. Which is incredibly sad, but also if the option is No Cake or Diabetes, I know which one I would prefer!
Hopefully once I'm off the steroids my blood sugar will go down to a healthy level on their own and I can have biscuits again. But for now I will just stick with satsumas -- which are very much dietcian approved =)
It's really nice to come away from a medical appointment with some positive news and actual solutions for once!!!!
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trust-the-hours · 5 years
FINALLY saw my og therapist today. thank god. The moment she walked out to get me, I felt like I could cry I was so happy. I came clean about everything that had happened in the last 5 months. How invalidating my new therapist was. How bad my depression is. The lying and sneaking around. I even told her that when I had been “doing good” that I was semi trying the keto diet, I never even told my dietician that. I wanted to cry letting all that out, but I was so hyped to see her that I couldn’t. 
I told her I was frustrated without the option of going to treatment, but she reminded me, “Emily, you do great in treatment, you’re a model patient. But you do better overall in your life, in your schedule, your routine.” She’s right. I know it. I need to do this outpatient. I need to succeed and work through this, actually work through it and not push it away. 
Unfortunately, she is away now for 2 weeks, but I feel ok about it, not great, but ok. I see my dietician Friday, and I need to be honest with her about that stupid keto shit. It just makes me so mad, cause my body was responding to keto, and lying on my food logs. My dietcian was like, “you’re doing great following your meal plan! your body is responding” but it was a lie. and it makes me think I HAVE to diet to get to my set point. 
Idk, I guess I’ll see what she says on Friday. 
I didn’t binge today, but I kinda overdid it I think, maybe not, idk even know anymore. And I did spend money on food, which I’m not happy about. But I’m thinking I might do some harm reduction, maybe “allow” 1 binge a week. It's not what I want, at all. but maybe for now, it could help? idk, another thing to ask my dietician. 
Need to journal about what the binging/hiding is really doing for me. 
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