#did i mention that this is my last semester?
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secretly-tword-obsessed · 23 hours ago
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Hello Gigglers!
This is going to be last fic in a long time, like a parting gift!
I am about to start a whole new semester of tertiary education that I am super looking forward to - but that also means I won't have time anymore to write tickle fics. Thank you for all of the support Iv'e received on all of my recent Squid Game content and I will keep reading and interacting with all of your stuff. All of your fics bring me so much joy!!! (:
Anyways, as requested, this is another Frontman and Salesman fic. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: The Salesman has been a close friend of In-Ho for years. So why is the Frontman asking him for a pat down as an extra security check?
(This idea came from @lord-of-hyperfix )
Warnings: Mentions of death, pinning, this is a TICKLE FIC
The Salesman scoffed - he loved his formalities. The fact that something as brutal as the Squid Games, where desperate people had to fight to the death, even had procedural formalities was so amusing to him. I mean, if your going to be in charge of dirty criminal activity, you may as well do it politely and follow due process.
"Name?", the gaurd with the triangle mask asked him.
He smirked, lifting his briefcase, "Classified, although my code of entry is G-O-N-G-Y-O-O".
The guard checked the code on his computer, "Welcome".
The Salesman stepped forward. He had a meeting planned with the Frontman - nothing scary, just a general check in on how the recruitment process was going. Although, to the Salesman, he wasn't known as the Front Man but rather as In-Ho. They'd been working together for such a long time, and each of them was thrilled that they had found a fellow man as sadistic and sarcastically heartless as they were. Thus the status of their relationship transformed from employer and employee into two friends - they never agreed on that explicitly, but it was an unspoken fact.
The Salesman knocked on the door of In-Ho's office. In a few seconds, the man opened the door. His dark and brooding expression was immediately replaced with a sly smile at the sight of the Salesman, which the latter delightedly returned.
"You got a new suit", In-Ho remarked, still standing in the doorway.
The Salesman nodded, "One of those broke bastards attacked me and ruined by old one".
The Frotman glanced down, "This one has more pockets I see".
The Salesman nodded, before stepping forward.
"Hey", In-Ho said, blocking him, "How do I know that you aren't storing weapons in those pockets?"
It took a while for the Salesman to process the question. When he did, his expression dropped.
"Why would I have weapons on me, In-Ho".
"You refer to me as the Frontman", In-Ho responded.
The Salesman's heart sunk a little bit. Okay, maybe a lot. He was completely oblivious to to his employer's mischievous tone. Noticing the Salesman's lack of awareness, the Frontman had to try really hard to suppress a grin.
"Er, Okay", the Salesman responded, trying with every ounce of his being to sound unphased and professional. The Salesman's desperate attempts highly amused In-Ho, making this exercise all the more fun.
"Great", he said with a formally polite smile, "Now could you please turn around so that I can give you a pat down".
The Salesman's cheeks went red with somber resignation, and he faced away from his boss as requested.
In-Ho couldn't help but chuckle now, "You forgot to lift your arms up".
The Salesman gulped, embarrassed that he had forgotten such a key part of protocol. He certainly didn't love formalities in this insance.
A million questions were running through his head - why was In-Ho doing this? Why had In-Ho changed his mind about their relationship? Were they even really friends in the first place, or had that all been wishful thinking on his part? I mean, being the character he was, it was pretty hard to find any friends, and if the Frontman were his buddy than he would have been his only one.....
The man's thoughts were interrupted by a rather stiff poke in his side, making him squeal and slap his arms down. Since when were pat-downs this rough?
"Excuse me?", he snapped at the Frontman. There was silence for a few seconds, before the Salesman remembered his current situation. Not only had he just lost his shit during a regular pat down, he had taken it out on the man who was simply performing his duty. He was humiliated at how unprofessional he had been.
Meanwhile, In-Ho scoffed, which the Salesman couldn't see as he had as back to him.
The Salesman coughed - "Sincerest apologies boss".
In-Ho put on his best stern tone, "Just make sure that it doesn't happen again".
The Salesman gulped. He lifted his arms, bracing himself. If the pat-down was going to be a bit rougher than usual, surely he could handle it.
As soon as he felt those hands return to his sides, he whimpered, and quickly bit his lip to prevent any further sound from coming out. The Frontman was firmly pressing up and down his sides, his fingers digging in slightly, causing shivers to run up his spine. This feeling was so alien to him, he couldn't quite place it. All he knew was that it was uncomfortable.
The Frontman than moved those wicked hands to his legs, and the Salesman felt his whole body jolt forward with a chuckle when his knee was squeezed. That was when it hit him. Shit, I'm still ticklish aren't I?
The Frontman smirked, "What was that?"
"Nothing", the Salesman responded, keeping his cool, "You probably just came into contact with one of my injuries by accident". Nice save, I'm thinking on my toes.
The Frontman, knowing this was bullshit, nevertheless decided to have fun with his employee for a little longer, "Okay, I apologize. It's almost done".
The Frontman than started patting his arms - first his shoulders, than under them, and than-
The Salesman felt a finger poke at his armpit, and squealed once again, jumping away from the touch.
In-Ho chortled, "What was that? Another injury?" Now his teasing tone was obvious.
All of a sudden, the Salesman realized what was going on. At first he was relieved - he did have a friend after all. But than he was overcome with borderline fury.
"Fuck you", he muttered menacingly, turning around, "That was not funny".
The Frontman laughed out loud, smacking the other's shoulder, "Aww, too bad, well I'm hoping that this will get a laugh out of you at least-"
Before the Salesman could process his words, In-Ho had grabbed his shirt collar, pinned him against his office door and immediately started digging into his sides.
The Salesman convulsed with a snort, before doubling over with loud, free laughter.
It was funny, his laughter was so innocent and adorable - it definitely didn't match his conniving and psychotic personality.
"Hehehehe, *snort*, fhuhuck ohohoff!"
The laughter was both high pitched and loud, an incredibly endearing combination - endearing for his attacker at least.
"Aww, is my recruiter a little sensitive on his sides?"
With that remark, the Frontman switched spots, pinching at his belly, "Is this any better?"
The Salesman screamed, thrusting his tummy forward in a futile attempt at resistance. The Frontman just chuckled evilly and pushed his stomach against the wall with the elbow of one arm, using the hand of the other arm to scribble and poke all around the Salesman's navel. The thin suit he wore provided minimal protection.
"Plehehease! I cahahan't!", the Salesman cried, his knees buckling beneath him, the Frontman having to hold him up to prevent him from collapsing.
"Hold on, this doesn't make any sense", In-Ho remarked in a matter-of-fact tone, delighting in how poking a particular spot just above his victim's navel made said victim squeak, "How could the man that I hired to recruit people for my deadly games have such a silly little weakness?"
The Salesman's face went pale - as it did when he was embarrassed. His version of blushing was all the blood rushing from his face, not to it. Another one of those quirks that made him all the more menacing - although it certainly wasn't the slightest bit menacing in this circumstnace.
That was when the Frontman had a wicked idea, (if he wasn't being an absolute asshole already). He lifted the Salesman into the air with his instructible muscles, and slowly laid him down on the ground.
It all happened too fast for the Salesman to think, but than the Frontman sat on his legs, straddling him, and giving him an evil smirk that said I'm about to tickle the shit out of you.
"Wh-what the fuck is your problem", the Salesman spat out, trying to repress the anticipatory giggles rising in his chest.
As previously mentioned, the Frontman was the Salesman's only friend. In fact, he was the only friend he'd had in his entire life. He'd never really developed the ability to empathize with anyone else. And because of that, he had never been tickled by anyone his age before. He had only ever been tickled by his parents, when he was a little kid, but that wasn't the same as being playfully attacked by someone your own age, as knowing that a person who had no instinctual reason to care for you actually sought out your joyous giggles...
The Frontman couldn't help but melt, just a little bit.
"Oh come on", he said in mock offence, "I'm just having a little fun. Iv'e actually been planning this moment for a while now..."
"Oh, you heard me. Remember when you called me a few weeks ago on my birthday, and than you just informed me that you'd spotted 456 on your morning walk".
Oh yeah, the Salesman remembered that. He was trying to mess with In-Ho by making him think he'd forgotten his birthday. He did wish him happy birthday at the end of the call though. Still, he'd managed to pluck up the courage to take his desire for cruelty out on his boss, convinced that they were now close enough for it to be playful. It was playful.
The Frontman continued - "Well, you had a laugh at my expense. So than I thought, how can I get you back for this?". The Frontman tapped his chin, as if reliving the moment. "And than I remembered what I used to do to my little brother when he was making mischief, and was wondering if it would also work on you-"
The Frontman than tweaked the Salesman's sides, making him jolt with a giggle.
The Frontman beamed, "And I'm so glad it did".
For a moment the two just looked at each other.
And than that moment carried on for a few more moments.
So...when was he getting tickled?
"You know", the Salesman said, breaking the silence, "I thought that merely hearing 456's player number would be enough of a birthday gift, considering of how obsessed with him you are-"
Than, scoffing, the Frontman raised an eyebrow.
"Oh really? So your trying to provoke me into tickling you again, huh?"
The Salesman sputtered, "I-"
"Well, it worked".
And the room was once again filled with bubbly - informal - laughter.
Ahhhh I'm sorry it took so long for me to get this out! I am already drowning in work ):
I really hope you enjoyed it!!
Your appreciation of my work means the world to me and I legitimately think you are all so awesome!!
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persephone1700 · 2 days ago
The boy is mine- Michael Gavey x Reader
Hello! This is the finale of the 3 part story of Michael Gavey x Reader.
I'm sorry it took so long for me to publish this. I had a couple of rough months last year and when 2025 started I made it to my purposes to write more, learn to do it better and publish more things I have in mind.
Special Mention to: @anukulee
Please enjoy!
Remember English is not my first language so be kind:)
Warning Tags: +18 ONLY , Smut, explicit content, Oral Sex (male receiving), Oral Sex (reader receiving), sex, swearing.
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Part 1 Part 2
Michael’s POV:
By Saturday evening, Michael was seriously considering whether he was losing his mind or not. He had spent half the weekend recused in his dorm, staring at a math problem that didn’t make sense.
When did math become difficult for him?
Oh yes, around the same time he’d been foolish enough to start daydreaming about a spoiled brat who clearly wasn’t wasting a single thought on him.
The problem wasn’t just math, gods knew it was the easiest assignment he had this semester, but the constant stream of memories about her… The what ifs clouded his mind and derailed every attempt to focus.
Sighing, he made his way down to the nearest pub on campus. Soon enough, Michael found himself nursing his third pint, a petty attempt to drown his shame and stop thinking about her.
As he took a sip, he noticed you and Felix at a table in the background, drinking and laughing with your friends. 
The sight made his blood boil.
God, what’s next? Were they going to appear on his morning cereal too?!
His frustration bubbled over and he knew he needed to do something, anything, to get his mind back under control. 
The memory of your touch, your laughter, was too fresh… too intoxicating to let go.
A spark of boldness flickered within him, likely fueled by the pints he'd nursed earlier so he gathered up every ounce of courage to approach your table.  He expected to be ignored, or worse, laughed at. But when he reached the table, his words stuck in his throat. 
Farleigh spotted him first. “Go away, you little perv.”
Your gaze met his, and Michael’s jaw clenched.
“Knock it off, Farleigh,” you snapped, then turned to him with a smile. “Hey, Michael. How are you?”
“Oh, is this the creepy math genius Ollie’s been talking about?” Felix chimed in, his curiosity piqued.
Michael’s eyes zeroed in on Felix’s arm draped over your shoulders. The sight struck him like a gut punch, heat rising from his chest to his neck. His fists clenched at his sides as his focus narrowed on how Felix leaned in closer to you, laughing in that effortless, casual way that grated on Michael’s nerves.
All logic abandoned him, replaced by a smoldering jealousy that twisted in his stomach. Seeing someone else so comfortably close to you…it was driving him mad. 
And it was Felix, of all people. The wanker would tire of you eventually, discard you when he pleased. You deserved better. Someone like him.
Before you could step in, Michael’s words broke through. “Yeah, that’s me. And you’re the plonker failing every class and paying off teachers for grades.”
The words left his mouth easily, bitter and satisfying, and though it wasn’t the greatest insult, he knew Felix would hate the truth in it. For a fraction of a second, Felix’s brows furrowed before his grin widened, clearly entertained by Michael’s bluntness.
“Well, aren’t you charming?” he chuckled. “What can I say? I’m all about enjoying life.”
Farleigh snorted. “ Oh Felix but our little perv right here wouldn’t know about that, he is the one who needs to loosen up and stop watching us from the dark corners. "
You shifted in your seat, preparing to stand and pull Michael away from the situation.
Felix raised an eyebrow, catching the movement, and added, “Tell you what, Miguel… that's your name, right mate? Why don’t you come to the party at the student hall tonight?” He left cash on the table, flashing Michael a smug smile, the mispronunciation of his name landing with a deliberate sting.
Michael rolled his eyes, his suspicion flaring. He’d expected hostility or indifference from Felix, not this casual invitation. 
Was it a setup? 
Another ploy to humiliate him?
Farleigh’s laughter faded, replaced by a scowl. “What? Are you serious?”
A silence fell over the group, everyone waiting for Felix to reveal the joke, but it never came.
Farleigh snorted again. “What is this, a freak show?”
Annabel got up with a huff, walking over to Felix. “Come on, Felix, you can’t be serious… haven’t you already befriended the other one?”
“Besides, that one is a scholarship kid!” she sneered. “It’s pathetic! People will think anyone can just join us, and they can't!”
You cut in, your tone sweetened with fake kindness. “Oh dear Annabel but I thought you hooked up with that ‘scholarship kid,’  the night Felix dumped you?.”
Annabel’s mouth opened, but she had no comeback. She sighed, grabbing India’s arm, and stalked off with Farleigh trailing behind.
Michaels head was working hard as he tried to come up with an answer that may as well determine his future.
Did he really wish to hang out with Felix and his stuck-up friends? No, obviously. 
He wasn’t Oliver. 
But he cared about getting closer to you, even if it meant stepping out of his comfort zone for a night.
Does he have anything better to do? Certainly not. 
He would just be in his room, eating scrunchies and staring at that stupid problem due for Monday.
It was a choice: drown in his loneliness for the rest of the weekend, or take a chance and figure out what the hell was going on with you. He needed to know where he standed.
So he agreed to go.
To his first party. Ever.
Felix's POV:
Of course Felix's intentions were not innocent at all. Normally, he would never have invited a tosser like Michael to a party, but what Ollie had told him about the "weird math genius" was hard to ignore.
You’d taken a peculiar interest in Michael, and it was driving Felix mad with curiosity and suspicion. 
It had been a long time since the two of you were together, but somehow, Felix found himself missing you in more ways than just a friend would miss another friend. He started feeling neglected and he needed to know why.
Just that week, you had fought over something, and when he kissed you, you pulled away. It was a surprise for sure, it hit him like a bucket of cold water. Not a single one of the girls he had kissed ever pulled apart, so  he realized then that you must have your eye on someone else, like a predator eyeing a small animal.
He couldn’t help but feel both curious and possessive over his best friend.
He hated that he missed you, hated how you lingered in his mind, and hated even more that his curiosity was shading into something darker, a desire to control the way you looked at him again.
Were you seriously  drifting away from him?
And because of that?
He thought back to Saltburn and all the years the two of you had been close. Your families were friends and he couldn’t even remember a time when you weren’t around. His mother, Elspeth, always beamed when she saw you, gushing over how you’d grown.
Of course he’d noticed it too. How could he not?
It was hard to miss the soft curves your body had developed.
And as he grew older, that easy friendship turned into something that fed a different kind of need. Yet, no matter how many times he tried to turn it into more, you insisted on keeping it simple: you knew his reputation and you wanted to prioritize your friendship above every other feeling, no matter how amazing the sex was.
Despite the countless girls he held in the palm of his hand, he found himself missing you lately. The sting of you pulling away whenever he got too close,  left him with a frustration he couldn’t shake. 
He needed to know if Michael had something to do with this. As much as he hated the idea, he wanted to confirm his suspicions.
And so, here he was, extending an invitation to a guy he barely tolerated, for all he knew this Miguel guy may turned out to be a sociopath or a killer… Still he did it all for the chance to know what was really going on between you and the little bastard.
Venetia got up from the  table and followed Farleigh and the others outside. Just as Farleigh passed Michael, he tossed him aside and Felix felt a little satisfaction watching him press his lips in a tight line. Then he swung his arm casually around your shoulders,  and steered you towards the door. 
Just for the fun of thinking how much it would get to the tosser.
“Oi! You're just gonna sulk there all night, or are you coming, Miguel?” Felix called back with a grin.
Michael’s POV:
Michael's fists clenched as he reluctantly followed. The cool night air brushed against him, and the dim street lamps cast long shadows along their path to the student hall. He could already hear the faint thump of music, getting louder as they approached, mingling with the sounds of laughter and murmurs from people smoking on the lawn. For a moment, he hesitated, feeling the sharp sting of being out of place.
Rich kids and their privileges. 
He forced himself forward, but a nagging thought kept clawing at him: Why the hell did he agree to this?
Too deep in his thoughts, suddenly  he looked up and realized he’d lost sight of the others. Panic clawed at his chest, and his gaze jumped from one unfamiliar face to another. Strangers laughed around him, louder than they needed to, shadows seeming to mock him. 
Even Annabel’s presence would’ve been a comfort. 
What if this was their plan all along, get him here, then ditch him, expecting him to disappear? 
The thought dug in, but his resolve only hardened. No way would he let Felix Catton play him like that.
Just as his frustration began to simmer into anger, he spotted you near the building, pouring a drink and locked in a heated argument with Felix. Felix's scowl said it all: he was not enjoying himself. Curious, Michael moved closer, catching the tail end of the conversation.
Felix’s voice sliced through the thumping music. “Why do you care so much if we make fun of him?!”
Your answer was sharp, a tone Michael hadn’t heard from you before. “Because not everything is a joke to me, Felix! Maybe you should try taking people’s feelings seriously for once.”
Felix's bitter response came instantly. “You want to talk about feelings? What about mine, then?”
“Oh, come on, Felix! I’ve known you for years! Do you really think I can’t tell when you’re lying?” You shook your head, frustration flashing in your eyes. “You don’t feel that way about me, you’re just upset I turned you down.”
Felix’s voice dropped, his gaze hardening. “Come on, you can’t really like him… he’s a knob. Besides, when we are at Saltburn this summer you know I am the one you will be fucking!”
“Well, I do like him!” you shot back, your voice firm. “So quit the act.”
A small, twisted satisfaction curled in Michael’s chest as he watched the exchange unfold. Seeing Felix squirm was rare, and he couldn’t help but savor it. But then, as if sensing him nearby, you turned and spotted Michael.
“Come on, Michael,” you called over the music. “This party is dead boring. I’m sure we can find other ways to make our own fun.” You snatched a bottle from the table, giving Felix a pointed look, before walking over to Michael and taking his hand, pulling him toward the building.
Michael stole a glance back at Felix as he let you lead him inside. Felix stood there, fuming, looking every bit the fool he was.
Oh my my my, how the tables had turned.
The atmosphere inside was hazy, a faint scent of smoke clinging to the air, the hallways were only partially occupied, with a few students smoking, flirting, and sipping on drinks, you were barely paying attention to your surroundings as you led Michael deeper inside the hall into the dorm rooms.
When you finally reached your room, you opened the door and let Michael in. He took a look around and noticed the wooden floors, your desk beside your window along with a big bookshelf filled with books, the closet on the opposite wall, and in the middle a big bed with lavender sheets.  
The room looked pristine. As he had imagined it would look like. 
Not that he had ever imagined or fantasized how your room looked like. Nope.
Definitely not that.
You released his hand and popped open the Champagne bottle, sending the cork flying into a nearby couch. The fizz bubbled over, spilling onto your hand. Without hesitating, you took a deep sip straight from the bottle and held it out to Michael.
“Excuse my manners,” you said, a trace of anger lingering in your voice. “I’m not in the mood to be questioned.”
Surprised but saying nothing, Michael took the bottle and drank. Your eyes danced over him as he took a careful sip, the slight burn of the champagne catching him off-guard.
“Are you mad?” he asked quietly.
“At me? For coming here?”
You shook your head, a scoff escaping. “No, not at you. Actually, I was hoping you’d show up.” Your expression softened slightly, though a hint of irritation remained. “It’s my friends, the ones I am mad at. But you... I think we have some unfinished business, don’t we?”
Michaels cheeks turned pink and he awkwardly nodded.
“Don’t hold back on me, Michael,” you said, your gaze challenging. “I didn’t bring you to my room just so you could stand there.”
He swallowed a big gulp,  flush creeping into his cheeks, but he didn’t look away. Instead, he set the bottle down and took a step closer, bolder than before, drawn to you by something he couldn’t name.
The air thickened between you both suddenly aware of the thrill of the moment, the faint sound of muffled laughter outside.
Your fingers traced a line up his arm, slowly, lingeringly. “Tell me,” you whispered, voice teasing as you leaned close, your lips barely a breath away from his ear. “Do you still think about… last time?”
Michael’s breath hitched, his hands twitching as if he didn’t know whether to pull you close or keep his distance. The memory of your touch, the intensity of it, filled his mind, making it harder to think clearly. He felt the darkness closing in, a dizzying pull of desire and fear all tangled together.
“Y-yes,” he stammered, barely able to meet your gaze. “I can’t… I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”
“Good,” you said, drawing out the word, letting him see the hunger in your eyes. You moved closer, pressing your body against his, feeling his breath catch, his hands tentatively settling at your waist. 
“Then let’s not waste time,” you whispered, reaching up to tilt his chin, pulling him into a kiss, slow, searing, as if you wanted to torture him.
For Michael, it was overwhelming, intoxicating. Every sense was heightened, the soft scrape of your nails on his chin, the warmth of your breath against his skin. You moved with practiced ease, guiding him, teasing him.
You let your hand trail up Michael’s chest, feeling the nervous tremor beneath his shirt. “Do you want to pick up where we left off?” you asked, your voice a sultry whisper.
Michael swallowed hard, his eager nod unmistakable. “Y-yes… yes, please,” he managed, his voice a raw edge of desperation.
You gave him a smirk, brushing a finger along his jaw. “Good boy.” Your voice softened as you gestured toward the plush bed. “Go sit down, right there.”
He obeyed, settling into the bed with a quiet intensity. The dim lights of the lamps cast long shadows over you as you slowly lifted your shirt up, revealing your breasts, then you began to undo the buttons of your skirt, letting it slide down to the floor. 
Michael’s eyes followed your every movement, wide and hungry, his breath hitching with each piece of clothing you let fall to the floor. His gaze devoured you, lingering on every inch of newly exposed skin until you stood before him, wearing nothing but a pair of black lace panties, an unspoken invitation hanging in the air.
His lips parted, awe and disbelief flickering in his eyes.
"Touch me," you murmured, stepping closer, positioning yourself between his knees. His hands hovered for a moment, unsure, trembling slightly as they found your skin. His touch was light, almost reverent, until you guided him, his fingers trailing over your breasts, growing bolder under your silent whimpers.
A mischievous spark lit your eyes as you sank to your knees. Michael watched, his breath shallow, as you unbuttoned his jeans and tugged them down, along with his boxers. His cock sprang free, already hard and eager for you.
 You wrapped your hand around him, stroking him slowly at first, teasing him, before quickening your pace. His head fell back with a deep groan, but he lifted it again, needing to watch you, the sight of your mouth taking him in, inch by inch, making his hips twitch involuntarily.
Tears pricked your eyes from the stretch as you worked him with your mouth and hands, your gaze never leaving his. The muscles in his stomach tightened, his abs flexing, and you knew he was close. But you weren’t ready to let him finish. Not yet.
With a final, deliberate suck, you pulled off him, leaving him throbbing and desperate. His eyes snapped open, confusion and frustration flashing in them.
You rose to your feet, sliding your panties down and stepping out of them gracefully. He barely had a second to take in the sight before you climbed onto his lap, straddling him. Your hands found the hem of his shirt, tugging it upward. He helped you, yanking it over his head and tossing it aside. It was that stupid burgundy shirt with the "That's how I Roll" joke written on it. You rolled your eyes, such a dork.
The moment his mouth was free, he claimed yours in a desperate, hungry kiss. His lips tasted like champagne, sweet and heady, while yours carried a saltier flavor, his own taste lingering on your tongue.
His hands wandered, gripping your ass, pulling you tighter against him. His cock pressed against your wet folds, and you moaned softly into his mouth, the friction deliciously unbearable.
When you broke the kiss to catch your breath, his lips trailed down your neck, leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses over your collarbone and chest. Your head fell back, fingers tangling in his hair as he sucked lightly around your nipple, drawing a gasp from you.
You pushed him back against the mattress, taking control once more. Grasping his cock, you lined him up, teasing him by rubbing his tip along your slick entrance before slowly sinking down.
Michael groaned, his head falling back against the pillow. His hands gripped your hips tightly as you adjusted to his size, the stretch burning in the best way.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he murmured, voice strained.
You began to move, rolling your hips, setting a slow, deliberate pace. His hips bucked beneath you, meeting your thrusts, his awkwardness melting away with each rise and fall.
Michael’s hands slid up your waist, guiding your movements, his confidence building until something darker flickered in his eyes. Without warning, he sat up, wrapping an arm around your back and flipping you beneath him.
You gasped, the sudden shift leaving you breathless. He hovered over you, his eyes locked on yours,  hunger written all over them. He spread your legs wider, positioning himself between them, and thrust into you hard.
A broken moan escaped your lips as he pinned your hands above your head, his hips moving with newfound determination. The sound of skin meeting skin filled the room, blending with your gasps and his ragged groans.
Sweat beaded along his neck, a single droplet trailing down to his chest as he pounded into you. With a new and deeper thrust, you moaned beautifully and he knew he had found that perfect spot inside you , the one that made you see stars,  and he hit it over and over again, making your body tremble beneath him.
"Right there, Michael," you begged, your voice barely a whisper.
His lips curled into a wicked smirk. He doubled down, driving into you with relentless precision, his cock dragging against that spot until you were a writhing mess beneath him.
Just when you thought you couldn’t take anymore, he pulled out, flipping you onto your stomach. He grabbed your hips, lifting you up, and landed a sharp slap on your ass. A startled moan escaped you, and he chuckled darkly.
"Such a brat," he murmured before pushing into you again from behind, filling you in one smooth thrust.
You cried out, the new angle making you feel him impossibly deeper. His hands gripped your hips tight enough to bruise, guiding your body back against him as he fucked you harder and faster, chasing both your releases.
Your body trembled, thighs shaking as you felt the coil in your belly tighten.
"I... I’m close," you gasped, voice breaking.
Michael groaned, thrusting even harder, his rhythm faltering.
Your orgasm slammed into you, walls pulsing and tightening around him. He cursed loudly, his hands digging into your hips as he followed, spilling inside you with a final, shuddering thrust.
He stilled, his breath ragged and uneven, before slowly pulling out.
"Shit... I didn’t even ask if I could cum inside," he stammered, his voice shaky and unsure.
The shy boy resurfacing.
You laughed softly, turning to meet his worried gaze. His cheeks were flushed, his hair a mess, and his glasses had slipped down his nose.
"It’s okay. I have an IUD," you reassured him with a smirk.
Relief washed over his face, and he smiled sheepishly.
"Wanna get cleaned up? You can stay the night" you asked, nodding toward the bathroom.
Michael’s smile shifted into something more mischievous. His hand curled around your waist, pulling you down against him.
"Who said I was done with you, spoiled girl?"
 You raised a brow, smirking. "Didn’t think you had it in you, nerd."
His grin widened, eyes dark with promise.
"Oh, I’ll show you just how much I’ve got left darling," he murmured against your ear, his voice low and teasing before trailing kisses down your body.
He slid off the bed, sinking to his knees between your legs, his hands spreading your thighs wider. His eyes never left yours , dark, hungry, as his tongue dragged slowly along your slick, sensitive folds.
A shiver ran through your spine, your body arching into his touch, his name falling from your lips in a breathless moan.
Gods… what have I gotten myself into?
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0oxxo · 1 year ago
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I wanted to say thank you to everyone who reblogged, liked, or left a comment in my previous posts.
It means a lot 🩷
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fearandhatred · 1 year ago
my greatest achievement to date is finding a way to mention good omens in my religion paper about movies and television and getting an A-
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horsescary · 6 months ago
tbh its not that difficult to win a debate if you do like at least some amount of research before hand and say a lot of bullshit confidently
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orcelito · 8 months ago
yet again, i have put off all my homework for the last day. i feel like this week i deserve a little more forgiveness for it, though.
reasons aside, the result is the same. im locking in for an extended study session. here's hoping this one doesn't go as badly as last week's did.
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travellingdragon · 2 years ago
‘I wonder if it is not the effects of the protea,’ Dorset said absently, poking through the pot with a stick and fishing out the remnants of a spiny blossom. ‘I do not believe we have seen it used as an ingredient before. The Cape vegetation has quite a unique construction within the plant kingdom. I must send the children for some specimens.’
Empire of Ivory, chapter 6
As a botanist (which I guess I kinda am? a bit?) I'm so exited at this throwaway mention of the very unique vegetation of the Cape region! Capensis is the smallest of the foral kingdoms and developed as it did because it was isolated from the Palaeotropis to the north by deserts, Protea is one of its notable genera.
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iamthepulta · 1 year ago
I know it's just the normal phase of the writing process to be mid-chapter, make mediocre progress, and be disheartened at how much there is to go. But I am disheartened.
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kiyoomiee · 14 days ago
one. two. three. four.
Your bestfriend, Yuuji’s older half-brother Sukuna, who always had this grudge towards you and you can’t pinpoint why.
You first met him during summer break. You couldn’t keep up with your dorm fees anymore and happened to mention it to Yuuji one time.
“You could stay with me! I have a spare room nobody’s using.”
“Are you sure Yuuji? I don’t want to impose on you.”
“Of course I’m sure. You don’t even have to pay rent or anything.”
A home that’s close to uni and has no fees? It was heaven sent for a broke college student!
“That’s the last of them. Thank you Yuuji, I really appreciate the help. If there’s anything I could do around here just let me know.” You told him after dropping your stacking your last moving box into your new room.
“No problem. Just a heads up though, my brother also lives with me. Is that okay with you?”
“Sure, it’s fine with me.” Your famous last words.
You should’ve headed the red flags when Yuuji tried to warn you about his brother.
“Sukuna can be..difficult sometimes. But it’d be nice if you two would be friends. If not, ehh, just avoid him if you can.”
You should’ve headed the red flags when Yuuji tried to warn you about his brother.
To say that Sukuna had a bad day at the tattoo shop was an understatement. His new assistant never arrived, he was dealing with a shit client plus, his ink almost ran out.
His frustration echoed throughout the two-storey house when he slammed the front door shut.
He was confused by the smell coming from the kitchen as he walked in. Is Yuuji cooking? Nah, his idiot brother would burn the house down if he even tried to get near the kitchen.
Instead, he finds a woman’s figure busy behind the kitchen counter. It made him stop his tracks.
Beautiful, he thought. But too young for Sukuna’s taste. Plus, he doesn’t like it when a stranger touches his favorite spot in the house.
So great, his bad day is about to become worse.
“Who. The. Fuck. Are you?” You almost screamed when your eyes went to the man that appeared behind you.
He looked similar to Yuuji, but the aura was very different. His build was larger, jaw sharper, and he had looked furious.
Oh, he must be Yuuji’s brother, Sukuna. You tensed up unintentionally while his eyes wandered on what you’re wearing.
“You one of Yuuji’s girls? I told him not to bring his hookups here.” He uttered, eyes not leaving yours.
You wore a tank top with cotton pajama shorts. You looked too comfortable just to be visiting.
“No! I-I’m Yuuji’s friend. It’s nice to meet you.” You said nervously.
“Can’t say the same sweetheart. I’m not so fond of strangers in my house. So open the front door and walk outside.”
What? Is he kicking you out?
“Wait! Yuuji didn’t tell you? He allowed me to stay at the spare room down the hall.”
“He what?” Sukuna was fuming. Every step he took closer to you looked like he was going to eat you alive.
“YUUJI!” His voice thundered all over the house.
“I-I think he’s sleeping in his room.” You winced at the string of curses that came out of his mouth.
“Whatever conversation you had with my dumb brother, it’s not happening. You can’t stay here.”
“But it’s the start of the semester, I can’t find a new dorm in a snap!”
“You shouting at me, girl?”
“N-No, I mean-just please, I can take care of the house. I can even cook for you. I can’t afford to leave, not right now.”
Before Sukuna could open his mouth, Yuuji’s footsteps rang out from the stairs.
“Sukuna, you’re back! Wait, did something happen?” Yuuji looks at your nervous face.
“Yeah we’ve met alright.” Sukuna muttered, arms crossing to his chest.
“Yuuji, your brother’s kicking me out.” You tried to hide behind Yuuji’s form.
“What? You can’t kick her out!”
“I can because it’s my goddamn house. If don’t want some girl in here, she’s got to go.”
“You can’t! To be fair, I did tell you that my friend’s staying with us for a while and you agreed.”
Yeah he did agree but he thought that black haired kid was moving in, not you.
“Oh, for fucks sake,” Sukuna exclaimed and you could tell he’s about to lose it.
“I’ll stay out of your way all the time, I promise. You won’t even notice I’m here.” You pleaded him.
“Yeah, I doubt that. Clean up your damn mess.” He said harshly and glared at you before stomping his way upstairs.
“I’m so sorry. My brother’s not so good at making first impressions.” Yuuji pouted.
He’s an asshole, you wanted to say.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad he didn’t kick me out.” You exhaled in relief.
If that was his reaction during your first meeting then what about the upcoming months?
“He won’t. I’m sure you’ll grow on him, you kinda have that effect on people.” Yuuji tried to cheer you up but you just gave him a faint smile.
Yeah, somehow you doubt that would work on Sukuna.
note: Sukuna is 29 in this fic and your age gap is 6 years. I don’t like doing age gap with minors, so just think that everyone in this fic are 18+.
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queercatboyrights · 1 year ago
anyone got any tips on getting art industry jobs w/o a college degree bc holy fuck this shit is horrendous /oAo;\
#nebbles talks#s.struggling to. survive working full time and still trying to get an illustration degree..#wish i. couldve taken the semesters off for work again like i did last year#but. unfortunately. since someone decided to change lanes w/o checking for. yknow. traffic in that lane. i now have an extra $200/month#to pay in bills. :)))))#not to mention the horrendous interest rate i got fucked over with :)))))))))#not even looking at the terrible financial stress the stress of these classes themselves is INSANE#like. one prof says hes ''simulating working with real clients'' with how he formats the class#which to him just means 'im going to assign you three major projects at once'#each of which have overlapping and hard set due dates for an asinine amount of preliminary work that can take up to 6 hours EACH#plus you have to submit at least 2 pages for all your preliminary work describing WHY you chose your colors or shapes#and HOW the colors and shapes are effective visual elements#and then you also have to submit a mini essay that describes how your art might fair against other real businesses art and illustrations#like. my guy. i have to work 35 hours a week. and do homework for 4 other classes.#i cannot physically keep up. with that kind of a pace. without killing myself in the process with self-neglect#just. do not understand why i have to run myself ragged and to the brink of total collapse and failure.#just so i MIGHT get improved odds of getting a decent job that wont even help me get above the poverty line#like. i wanna be able to make art for a living and be able to live comfortably#but that just doesn't seem like its possible in the society thats currently set up rn#just. AUHG#;w;
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sugarverse · 4 months ago
Hiii! I was wondering if I could request either long or short fic about Tenya Iida. Likes it can be set in a modern setting where's he's a senior college student who's majoring in business and he has to take one more class to get his degree. It just so happened that the class is in the art building, and it is figure drawing (aka nude drawing) . Since he's just now hearing of the extra class he has to take, he's suddenly shocked when the model is an old friend of his from back home, whom he had a childhood crush on. Not only does his feelings for her come back, but he also has to have 1 on 1 section with the model for educational purposes. I kinda want it to be smut and fluff or however you see it fit. Anyway, I hope it's enough+
hi babe! omg I love this idea I kinda went a lil crazy and made it way too long. I hope u enjoy :)!!
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𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙣 𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧
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word count: 3.5k
mentions of: This is really just the fluff portion of it, kinda suggestive bc he pops a boner and leads to sex in part two. I think I’m going to make a third part simply so the two of you can go on a genuine date andsotheresmoreiidaxblackreaderouthere.
a/n: hells yeah that’s enough, hopefully I did what ya asked and so sorry I went overboard I have serious problems. here’s the smut part bc a 6.7k fic is doing too damn much but i can’t stfu my fault gang
moodboard here!
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Tenya Iida.
4th year, Senior in college majoring in International Business and minoring in Spanish at Angelwood College of Arts and Sciences.
The visual arts building had only been a few minutes away from the business side of campus, which he gladly enjoyed the walk. This spring all he needed to finish was two gen ed classes, the rest revolved around his major and minor. His counselor helped set up his ‘missing’ classes before winter break considering he had to fly back to Japan to see his family for the holidays. He was ecstatic to learn all he needed was an art class with lab and a communications class. 
When he asked what the class entailed, all he was met with was “beginner artists learning anatomy.” It didn’t sound difficult, just draw what you see. It would be nice to try something new anyway. He was not much of an artist but like all things Tenya does, he planned to give this class his all. The first week had been pretty easy, learning how to draw what you see with the use of models, shapes, and lines. Nothing too hard to follow. He would practice drawing his friends on the sketchpad he bought specifically for the class as a form of studying in the free time he had.
He neverminded it for the most part, excelling his knowledge in different countries in his free time to get better at his major. Sure they could teach you the technical way to do things, but in the end, everyone is still human. It would be inconsiderate to do business with a country and know little to nothing about their culture! It took almost two weeks for him to finally be able to even start the art project anyway.
As time went on and the January snow grew less and less, it was time to start their first real project of the semester. One on One figure drawing. The class needed to fill out a form explaining their free hours due to the limited art space and everyone's different schedules. Tenya happily filled it out when it was posted, continuing to work on class work from the library so that the lecture room could also be used for said project.
Their professor had explained that in-person class would remain on Mondays and Thursdays. It just worked out better for the models and students to have so much space.
He made the small walk over to the arts building for his last class of the day, a small shine in his glasses as he entered the white light of the room. The walls were anything but bare, artwork and unfinished projects sat in every corner of the room. Paint racks, canvases big and small, even stacks of unused clay. There was a stool sitting on a small platform in the middle of the room, assuming where the model will sit. 
He stood next to the stool for a moment, looking up at the grey February sky through the skylight. The natural lighting was great, almost like a spotlight. He adjusted the lights in the room a moment, dimming them slightly so the white light hadn’t been so harsh on his eyes. He headed over to a more organized table, setting out the art supplies how he liked. He knew he was early, but he wanted to make a good first impression. What’s better than being on time?
He pulled out his laptop, checking that the few assignments for today were done and submitted. A small frown tugged at his lips as he realized he hadn’t finished something completely, typing in the last few answers. He always double checked, technology was reliable.. When it wanted to be. He couldn’t hear the shuffle of slippers against the floor over his typing and frankly, loud thinking. 
He could see someone walk past in a teal robe representing the university's colors. Glancing up from the computer to give the model a proper hello, Tenya opens his mouth to speak but pauses. 
“Y/n?” He asked, almost in a whisper in case he was wrong. A small look of confusion caused him to tilt his head to the side slightly. He hadn’t been able to see you for awhile with such busy schedules, but he knew your silhouette by heart. 
You turn at the sound of your name, mid sliding off the slippers and fumbling with the gold silk of the belt. “Tenya?” You smile, asking as you turn to slide your shoes back on and quickly shuffle your way over to him. He felt his face burn red, frozen in place for a moment with his jaw slack. He stood as if needing to detach from the seat, smiling at your happy demeanor and your quickness to wrap your arms around him. 
“It is you! I know those shoulders from anywhere!” You beamed, feeling his hovering hands slowly place themselves on your back to return the hug. He was very hesitant, simply because you were only in a robe. You pull away, hands resting on your hips and giving him a big smile. “Now what are you doin’ taking a figure drawing class, Mister businessman?”
He let out a sheepish chuckle, “I needed an art credit, W-What are u doing here?” He never had any classes with you at Angelwood, A few honors classes and gym in highschool but other than that, nada. Throughout the course of growing up, your interests drove you to different classes. 
However, classes don't matter when your families are as close as yours and the Iida family. Shared Holidays, playdates, game nights.. It wasn’t like you were some stranger. You both always made time to hang out a few times during the year to catch up without the family just to give a real check on each other. It was his favorite, almost like a mini holiday to talk to you.
He loved spending time with you. You were smart, articulated and incredibly creative. You never took slack from anyone.. Even in middle school he can remember you being the one to stand up and say something when things weren’t right. You were headstrong and determined in anything that you did.. Art majors always get a lot of grief but you never let that deter you. And that was admirable in itself! ..And he had always thought you were so pretty. 
He felt like a kid again, heart feeling as if it’d beat out of his chest at the mere sight of you. It had been around Halloween the last time he saw you, and here it was. Almost Valentine's day.. Still as pretty and bright as he remembered. Your next hangout wasn't for another month or so, so it was nice to see you sooner than that.
“I'm your model, silly!” You head over to the stool, continuing to speak. “The art department asked if I’d help in modeling and I said yes! People were too scared to sign up for the most part. I’m surprised this is the class you picked. Did you want to learn how to draw people?” You slide your slippers off once more, untying the cute bow on your hip that held your robe shut. 
Suddenly the room was very hot and he couldn't breathe. Now his heart really WAS beating out of his chest. He quickly did a 180, shielding his eyes and removing his glasses for extra measure. “WHY– do yoU have.. nothing on underrrrneath?” He croaked, voice cracking as his tone raised slightly.
You tilt your head at such a question, the gears clicking a little later than they should have. “Figure drawing is um.. Nude drawing, Tenya. You didn't know that?” You slide the robe back on, giggling at the flustered man across from you. You could see his shoulders tense, shaking his head slowly.
Now how the fuck could he have missed that.
“I um.. No, I didn't. I thought that it was.. I don't know what I thought. My counselor picked it for me and I.. Most models we've used so far have.. had skin colored undergarments… On.” He let out a nervous laugh, keeping his glasses off. He turns around, cleaning them with the end of his shirt but refusing to look up at you. He needed to mentally prepare his brain to be professional in a situation like this. Not that he minded the glance, he just never thought this would be how..
You prop your feet onto the edge of the stool, interrupting his thought. You held your knees up to your chest so he couldn’t see anything but your bare legs. “Oh Ten, I’m sorry! I can ask someone else to-”
“No! I am perfectly.. capable. It's professional and I can be.. professional..” He put his glasses back on, hand refusing to be steady as he did so. He let out a shaky sigh, smiling at you and finally looking at you once more.
You let out a small laugh at the blush on his cheeks. He was so handsome, but to see him so flustered over little ol’ you? It made your week. “We can start slow, that might help.” you slide the robe down your shoulders, slowly putting your legs back down so he could see your robed torso once more. You stopped at the top of your breasts, letting your collarbone show. “Do you have any specific poses..?” You ask quietly, trying to hold back your amusement.
He sits down, red faced and completely flushed. A nude model.. jeez. From sleepovers to recess, studying together to graduating, and now almost graduating for the final time together. That's something you don’t get to have in every lifetime. But why do these thoughts keep coming back to him now? 
There was no way he could still have romantic feelings for you. He’d never put your friendship at risk like that!
“I um.. yeah, small.” He cleared his throat, “Could you um.. Could you stand slightly off of the um.. Almost like getting up?” He fumbled over his words, staring at the empty paper as if he could burn the quick image in his brain onto the page to get the embarrassment over with. He sighed once more, trying to focus as he began sketching circles and lines as a starter sketch of the pose he wanted.
“When you need to draw a certain part I'll move it, Sound fair?” You ask, resting one foot onto the stool and one onto the ground. Your hand gripped the seat as your butt sat on the edge, similar to when people do that supposedly hot thing where they throw their head back and pull some weird rope to have water get poured on them. 
It was second nature at this point for people to see you. Of course some of them were flustered and it was pretty awkward at first, but normally not to the point of stuttering and stammering. It wasn’t often that you saw Tenya fall apart, but this was way different. Especially considering you flashed him without warning. He was one of the most endearing people you had ever met, there was no way you would have done that without proper context.
He could only nod in response, not wanting to further make a fool of himself. Lightly tapping the pencil against the table, He looks up at you. “You can um.. re.. remove the top part, y/n..” It was hard to simply draw your arms and collarbone without including the robe, so you might as well rip the band-aid off and start with the top. 
You nod, dropping it happily and letting the robe pull around your hips and between your legs. You close your eyes, facing up toward the skylight in an attempt to make him less nervous. “Sorry for flashing you at first, I would have explained but I assumed you had already known..?” You laugh quietly to yourself at your own mistake. Why would someone like him even take this class if he knew what it actually entailed?
And God, did he feel like a pervert staring at your chest like this. The boner poking his thigh almost immediately didn't help, making it even harder to concentrate. Way to keep composure. He pressed his lips together for a moment before speaking. “I had no idea, I’m sorry for my r..reaction.” He answered, stopping the pencil tapping to actually begin sketching more than just circles and lines. He hadn’t meant to yell, but he felt like he was close to passing out. 
“I think it was a pretty valid one.” You send a reassuring smile his way, seeing him send you one right back. Trying to ease the mood, you look back up at the ceiling and close your eyes to avoid staring at the ugly overcast sky above you. “How was winter break? You get to go home and see your family? How are they?” 
His smile grew wider at your question, scooting under the desk a bit more so that you hopefully wouldn’t notice his body reacting. “They’re great, Tensei is getting married soon,” He sounded excited at the thought alone, incredibly proud of his brother. 
“And my mother has started a hobby making soap, if you can believe it. She sent me some to bring back one that smells like lavender and another that smells like oranges mixed with I believe she said papaya.? She made a coconut smelling one for you– I was going to give it to you the next time we saw each other,” 
The sound of his sketching stopped and started as he spoke, giving your body small glances as he tried to study each part of your upper torso. The way your stomach creased, The way your shoulder was slightly lifted causing your collarbone to be more prominent, the curve of your breasts.. “How was your Holiday, y/n?”
“No way, Tensei is getting married?!” You accidentally stop posing, fully facing him in genuine shock. The robe was still covering your lower half, you had tied the belt to avoid accidentally flashing him again but here we are. You watch his face become even more red, eyes very obviously not meeting yours but still like a deer in headlights. 
You quickly get back to posing how you were, “Sorry Ten, That's amazing!! I hope everything goes smoothly for him and his soon to be wife.. And tell your mommy I said thank you for thinking of me. I can't wait to try it!”
A smile stayed on your lips as you thought about the times you’ve spent in the Iida household. His mother always had the best candles and incense burning, you were positive the soap would be the same. “My family is up to the same old shit, you know them..” You let out a small groan, the holidays weren’t an absolute disaster, but after not being home so long makes you remember why you aren’t going to school anywhere near home. 
“I did get some cool stuff for Christmas though! I got some new clothes and they got me a few art kits. You know, where it teaches you how to crochet? I also have a new diamond painting kit, I haven't opened either yet because it's just been so busy.” You replied, tapping your fingers on the side of the stool where your hand sat. 
You look up once more, this time because the skylight was beginning to be covered in snow. You watched as it fell, thinking back to old times when you and Tenya would spend the last three major holidays with each other. You’d always make sure to trick or treat together, your families have been sharing Thanksgiving for as long as you can remember, and spending the night in your basement on Christmas eve to wait for Santa until you were both too old. Then instead of waiting for Santa, you’d all eat at least one meal together on Christmas day. Sometimes homemade breakfast, other times a small trip to IHOP or Waffle House.
“God damn it.. It’s snowing again..” You let out a small laugh, looking over at him over your shoulder, fingers still tapping away at the base of the stool. “Hey Ten, Do you remember when we used to have those big snowball fights? The one near Red Fern?” 
“Of course I do! You refused to wear any kind of gloves and my mother would make you at least put socks on your hands so you didn’t get frostbite!” The two of you shared a small laugh at the memories of being young and dumb.
“Gloves always made my hands too itchy! They still do– But I kicked your ass in snowball fights with gloves or not.” You retort, a smirk appearing on your face. “Ice queen y/n of everything.” You could remember the insane snowball fights the neighborhood kids would have every. time. It snowed. If there was enough to make a few snowballs, there was enough to start a war. Tenya was always on your team, but it never stopped you from throwing a few his way. The ‘winner’ was King or Queen of the hill and first to sled down, which often enough was you.
“Remember when you almost broke my glasses throwing one right at my face?” He snickered, watching your smirk turn into a small pouty frown. He knew you didn’t mean to, that same day you helped your mom make cookies for him and his family as an apology, even though he wasn’t upset to begin with. But you knew it could have broken his glasses and you would be devastated if you were the reason for it. You were a real sweetheart, even if you had a weird way of showing sometimes.
“Hey! You know that wasn’t on purpose, I felt really bad after! I even let you get me back!” Which was true, but he never aimed for your face. Always a spot on your fluffy coat, never your legs because you hated your pants being wet… and a face shot just felt wrong to him. 
“Yeah, Yeah. I remember that part too,” He smiled to himself. “Those were really good times.. I remember Tensei always bringing us hot chocolate and we’d sit on your porch and draw things in the snow..”
“Oh! And when we’d come back all wet and mom already had spare clothes in her hands because she didn’t want it on the carpet. We’d put on too big clothes just to sit and watch Christmas movies..” You missed those times. But they never really had to stop, you two could have a huge snowball fight after this if you wanted to and the snow stuck. Was he too grown for that? Would it even sound fun to him?
“Do you still watch A Year Without Santa Clause every year?” He asks, breaking your train of thought. You nodded quickly at his question, grinning like a maniac. “Of course I do! And I watch Charlie Brown’s Christmas, Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer.. And sometimes Spongebob's Christmas Special. Do you still watch old Christmas cartoons?”
“Why wouldn’t I? Don’t wanna ruin tradition.” He answered, pressing his lips together slightly as he stared down at the paper. You can tell he freezes a bit, the sound of his scribbling coming to a stop. He set the pencil down, rubbing the sweat of his hands onto his thighs.
 “You can um.. remOove-..” He quickly cleared his throat, “The rest.” He let out a disappointed sigh at his inability to keep composure. This wouldn't be half the problem it was if it was someone else modeling. But this is you we're talking about. 
“You sure? If you need a minute we can take a break, honey.” You gave him a sympathetic look, still smiling but this time more.. warm. The kind of smile someone gives to another when they genuinely care for them. Or love them for that matter. He adored it, it was the same smile you'd give him when saying he needs to take a break, the same smile you give him when the two of you out to get coffee and catch up. The same smile he's fallen for many, many times. 
But to tell you the truth? It’s driving him crazy. All of this. Was driving him crazy. No matter how hard he tried to be professional, he could stop his wandering mind. You were a goddess. What else was there to do besides take a break and hopefully release some steam in the bathroom or something. Completely inappropriate, but the pain from being hard for so long was starting to cloud the best judgment. 
He looks down at the sketch so far, then back to you as he rubbed his hand upward against his face. It pushed his glasses up, causing them to be crooked when going back down. “I um.. I think I do.. need a minute.” His voice died out as he watched you slide the robe back on, words failing him because couldn’t think completely straight.
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© if you like what you see please reblog! It means a lot and helps me out. Want more? Heres my m.list! I write for x black reader so throw me some requests :P my other account are icons and x black reader moodboards if you’re interested!
thank you @thecutestgrotto for the banners and thank you @fizzintine for coloring the top pic!
have a good day/night/whatever!
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hyuckiefluff · 18 days ago
call out my name | lee jeno
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pairing: stepbrother! lee jeno x fem reader genre + wc: smut / enemies to lovers-ish | 17k+ summary: your stepbrother suddenly starts acting a bit different after fixing your laptop, and you wonder if it has anything to do with the endless posts you’ve made about wanting him to fuck you brainless. content warning: stepcest, voyeurism, masturbation, cheating, smoking and brief mentions of drug use, unprotected sex, hard dom jeno, oral (fem receiving), face riding weee, semi-public sex, multiple orgasms, jeno is a bit mean (but like in a hot way), lmk if i missed any! a/n: haven’t written for jeno in soooo long and my body needed it. also, beatbox era jeno still has me in a chokehold, so i imagined him looking exactly like that while writing this. that mullet-undercut combo was LETHAL i need him to reheat his own nachos expeditiously. also the lowercase is back too, i'm still trying to figure out if i like this more lol ps: if u catch the twilight reference you’ll get a kiss from me :p
jeno stomped into your room, hands shoved deep into his hoodie pocket, jaw tight with irritation. your voice still echoed in his head.
‘fix my laptop and i won’t tell your dad you’ve been skipping almost every class since the semester started.’
fix it? he wasn’t a damn IT guy. and how the hell did you even know he’d been skipping? what were you, a stalker?
seriously, it wasn’t his fault you couldn’t take care of your stuff. and why couldn’t you just take the damn thing to a repair shop?
“i need it for college work,’ you’d said.
yeah, right. like he didn’t hear you at night. his room was right next to yours, and those walls were way too thin. not only were you loud, but you also needed headphones, because he could hear exactly what kind of videos you watched.
he exhaled sharply through his nose, stepping up to your desk. the laptop sat there, taunting him in its sickly sweet pink case covered in hello kitty stickers.
“god, what a child,” he muttered, dragging a hand down his face before plopping onto your chair. the cushion was still warm from you sitting there earlier. he flipped the laptop open, and a password prompt appeared.
he tried your birthday first. denied.
with a sigh, he scanned your desk. you were forgetful, he was sure you had the password written somewhere. his eyes landed on a cluster of polaroids, mostly of you and your boyfriend. he grabbed one and flipped it over. sure enough, there was a scribbled note in your messy handwriting.
‘happy anniversary, my baby ❤️’ and a date.
jeno scoffed but typed it in anyway. the screen unlocked with a soft chime.
the moment your desktop loaded, he was met with a picture of you sprawled out on a beach towel, skin sun-kissed, in a tiny white bikini that barely covered anything. jeno swallowed.
several seconds passed before he snapped himself out of it, shaking his head and forcing his attention elsewhere.
your laptop was a disaster. it was clogged with files, random downloads, and so many pop-ups it was a miracle the thing still functioned. he clicked around, deleting error files and clearing out junk.
then a notification popped up from a browser window that was open in the background.
he opened the tab out of habit, not expecting anything interesting, but then the page loaded and he had to blink twice to make sure he was seeing right.
it was a blog called ‘horny antidotes.’
"what the hell is this?" he snorted.
he scrolled, thumb hovering before tapping on a section labeled confessions. a list of posts loaded, the oldest ones stretching back to the beginning of last year. against his better judgment, he clicked the most recent entries.
i tried it again tonight. used my fingers since the new toys i got don’t really feel good either. i think my boyfriend’s starting to suspect something. it’s kinda weird that i barely get wet when he touches me (╥_╥) we even try watching porn together, but it does nothing for me. we just scroll through hundreds of videos and i feel nothing, while he gets hard so easily. so i end up sucking him off.
jeno’s brows lifted. jesus.
i get more turned on looking at pictures of LJN. but i can’t touch myself to him… it feels wrong. so i gotta find an alternative. any tips? (>д<)
his lips parted. those were initials. your boyfriend’s? no… his.
L. J. N.
lee jeno.
his pulse jumped. before he could think better of it, his fingers typed LJN into the blog’s search bar.
hundreds of posts popped up.
he let out a soft, disbelieving laugh.
no fucking way.
today LJN helped me with my homework. he looked like he hated every second of it. it was hard to focus when he sat so close… his cologne makes me feel so… hot (/ω\).
jeno dragged a hand down his face. he’s not imagining all this? right?
my boyfriend and i broke up again (kinda) (μ_μ). same reason as always… our sex life sucks. he thinks i’m not into him, but that’s not true. he tries… i just… anyway, LJN knocked on my door today. he was only wearing a towel. i almost dropped to my knees right there and then. how does someone get abs like that? god, those arms… veiny and strong… maybe i should call my boyfriend and try again…
a slow smirk stretched across jeno’s lips. so your boyfriend can’t get you off, but i make you wet that easily? he thought.
his gaze drifted to your bed. the sheets were a tangled mess, barely clinging to the mattress. did you write that post after touching yourself last night? thinking about him?
he exhaled through his nose, head shaking like he couldn’t believe it. but god, his stomach clenched at the thought of you squirming with his name in your head.
sure, he knew people found him attractive. girls threw themselves at him all the time. but you? who argued with him over stupid shit, called him an asshole just this morning while throwing a sock at his head?
you wanted him. wanted him so bad you spilled it online for strangers to read.
his gaze flicked back to the screen, to the words where you described his cologne driving you crazy.
he should’ve stopped reading but instead, he clicked on another post.
the next morning, you woke up to find your laptop working perfectly. no note, no sarcastic comment scribbled on a post-it, nothing. just fixed.
you headed downstairs, fully expecting jeno to be in his usual morning mood, grumbling about chores, throwing half-hearted jabs just to rile you up. but when you found him on the couch, he was… quiet.
"hey," you said, grabbing a drink from the fridge. "so… thanks for fixing my laptop."
he barely glanced up, his gaze flickering over your bare legs for a heartbeat before settling back on his phone.
"yeah, no problem."
...that’s it?
you waited. no snark about your messy folders? no whining about how you owed him now?
your brows knit. "you okay?"
jeno stretched his legs, shorts riding up just enough to show more of his muscular thighs. "yeah, why wouldn’t i be?"
"i dunno," you said, eyeing him. "you’re acting weird."
he chuckled, head tilting as he shot you a lazy grin. "i’m always like this in the mornings. maybe you just don’t pay enough attention to me."
"trust me," you muttered, taking a sip from your drink, "i pay plenty of attention to you."
jeno’s lips twitched almost into a smirk.
then he hummed.
"yeah, i know."
the next few days, jeno turned it over in his mind—how to play this.
sure, the whole thing was entertaining, but you were still his stepsister. technically. your parents weren’t married, but they’d been together for about four years, and you’d been living under the same roof since last year.
not that you and jeno were close. you barely crossed paths, always out with friends or holed up in your room when you were home. plus, he found you immature. spoiled. maybe it was the three-year age gap, or maybe it was how quickly you’d settled in and made this place your own. his dad had asked him to be patient with you—“it’s a big change for her”—but if you were struggling, you hid it well.
especially with how you put on that perfect little act for your parents. sweet and responsible. as if you weren’t sneaking your boyfriend in through the window at night. or slipping out when you thought no one noticed. jeno noticed.
he just never cared enough to call you out. but the hypocrisy definitely grated on him. pretending to be miss goody-two-shoes when, by your own confession, you were getting railed by a guy who couldn’t even get you off?
the irony wasn’t lost on him. neither was the opportunity.
he could confront you. he’d definitely enjoy to watch you squirm, see that spark of defiance flicker into panic. tempting.
but maybe… maybe he’d keep this to himself a little longer.
drag it out and see just how much fun he could have before you caught on.
the perfect opportunity presented itself only a few days later when your parents announced their trip to italy for valentine’s day. conveniently their anniversary was also coming up, so they’d be gone for two whole weeks.
“we’ll be back next sunday,” jeno’s dad said, ruffling your hair. “don’t do anything stupid while we’re gone.”
you rolled your eyes, half-smiling, but then his tone shifted as he turned to jeno.
“jeno, take care of her. don’t let her get into any trouble. no parties or anything reckless.”
jeno nodded without a word, eyes flicking toward you before he turned back to your dad with a forced grin. “got it.”
you mom stepped forward, kissing your cheek, her hand lingering on your shoulder a moment longer. “be good, okay? we’re trusting you.” her gaze softened but held an unmistakable warning beneath it.
you knew exactly why. after all, it wasn’t like you had a spotless record. just three months ago, you had come home drunk after sneaking out to a friend’s party. what was supposed to be "just a few drinks" had turned into you singing on top of the table and someone posting it to their story. your parents found out the next morning, thanks to your neighbor, of all people, who’d seen the video. it hadn’t even been that scandalous, except for the fact that you were obviously drunk and under 21 at the time.
the hangover was bad, but the lecture was worse. "you’re lucky jeno was there to drag you home," your mom had said, shooting you a disappointed look. jeno had played the responsible older kid that night, carrying you out before things got worse. but that didn’t stop your parents from being more protective now. especially of you.
still, it annoyed you that all the warnings were directed your way while jeno stood there looking like a saint, when you knew he was anything but. sure, he hadn’t gotten wasted like you, but he was at the same party smoking weed on the back porch, making out with some girl whose name he probably didn’t even know, and encouraging shots like he was the party host. he was just lucky none of that was caught on camera, unlike you.
when the front door closed behind them, a strange silence settled over the house. you watched through the window as they loaded their luggage into the car and drove off. two weeks alone with jeno. what could possibly go wrong?
“guess it’s just us now,” you muttered.
jeno’s lips twitched into a small smile. "looks like it."
his gaze flickered over your body while you were distracted. this will be so much fun, he thought.
the house felt bigger without your parents around. normally, you’d take full advantage by inviting friends over, staying out late, and enjoying in the freedom. but something about being alone with jeno had you on edge.
not uncomfortable, just… wary.
he’d been acting strange lately. not openly, but enough that you noticed. it was in the way he looked at you now, like he knew something you didn’t.
you were scrolling through your phone in the kitchen that night when he strolled in.
"big plans while they’re gone?" he asked, pulling open the fridge.
"nothing crazy," you said, thumb still flicking at your screen. "just enjoying the peace and quiet."
he let out a low hum, the kind that sounded like he was holding back a laugh. "right. because you’re such a quiet, well-behaved girl."
your scrolling stopped. your gaze snapped up to him. "where’s that coming from?"
jeno didn’t answer immediately. instead, he stepped closer reaching past you for a glass in the cabinet overhead. the movement brought him close enough that his cologne hit you warm, musky, annoyingly good.
"you know," he murmured, voice just above a whisper, "you might fool them. but not me."
your heart skipped. "i have no idea what you’re talking about."
he dipped his head slightly, eyes flickering to your cleavage.
"sure you don’t."
then he was gone, leaving you in the kitchen with your pulse pounding and a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
the weekend arrived quicker than expected, and despite jeno’s weirdness lately, nothing out of the ordinary happened.
until saturday.
jeno was sprawled on the couch, mindlessly tapping his fingers against his knee. his gaze drifted up just as you wandered into the living room, barefoot and still in your sleepwear—a thin tank top and shorts that barely covered your ass. you didn’t even glance his way, too focused on your phone as you padded toward the kitchen.
it was almost funny, how careless you were around him. clueless, really.
jeno bit back a smirk.
"you’re up early," he said, breaking the quiet.
you glanced over your shoulder while pouring cereal into a bowl. "uh… yeah?"
he shrugged. "figured you’d be catching up on sleep after sneaking out last night."
your hand faltered for half a second. it was subtle but enough for him to notice.
his grin widened as he leaned back against the couch cushions, arms draping lazily over the backrest. "right."
you set the cereal down with a little more force than necessary and turned to face him, arms crossed. "okay, what’s going on with you?”
"me?" he feigned innocence, eyebrows raising. "nothing, just making conversation."
your eyes narrowed, studying him. when he offered nothing else, you scoffed and turned back to the counter, muttering under your breath.
he’d never cared before. never commented on where you went or what you did. why was he suddenly so interested in you?
jeno used to treat you like background noise, a mild inconvenience at worst. now his gaze lingered longer whenever you walked into the room, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make your skin prickle in ways you didn’t want to think about.
later that evening, you curled up on the couch with your laptop, half-heartedly scrolling through an assignment you had no intention of finishing. jeno sat across from you, phone in hand, occasionally flicking through something with the tv playing low in the background. it was peaceful enough… until he spoke.
"you know…" he stretched, shirt riding up just enough to expose the waistband of his boxers. "your boyfriend kinda sucks."
your fingers froze mid-typing.
"what?" you asked, tone clipped. you didn’t look up, but your jaw tightened on instinct.
he hummed, "if i were sneaking out every night, i’d hope it was worth it."
you shut the laptop with a snap. "why do you even care?"
jeno grinned, clearly satisfied that he’d gotten under your skin. "i don’t."
you stood abruptly, blood buzzing with irritation. "whatever. i’m going to bed."
he chuckled under his breath as you turned to leave, but the sound grated on you. it echoed in your head as you stalked halfway down the hall before…no. screw that.
you spun on your heel, storming back into the living room. "you don’t know shit," you bit out.
jeno glanced up, unconcerned. "about what?"
"me. my boyfriend."
that finally got his full attention. he set his phone down and tilted his head, eyes gleaming. "oh, you mean the boyfriend who keeps getting dumped and crawling back like a stray?"
your nostrils flared. "fuck you."
"i’m just saying—"
"no, you’re not ‘just saying’ anything," you cut him off, stepping closer. "you think you know everything about me just because we share a roof?"
"you’d be surprised," he shot back, annoyingly calm.
your fists clenched. "you don’t know what i need. so stop acting like you do."
for a split second, something flickered in his expression, gone too fast to name. then his usual smirk slid back into place.
"i don’t need to know what you need." he leaned forward, elbows on his knees. "i already know what you want."
your breath hitched. you hated that, hated the way your pulse jumped at his words, at the confidence in his voice. what the hell did that even mean?
"you’re an asshole," you snapped. "i don’t owe you an explanation."
jeno nodded, like he agreed. "then why are you still standing here?"
your face burned with frustration, but you bit your tongue. there was nothing you could say that wouldn’t make this worse. so you did the next best thing, you turned on your heel and walked away, slamming your bedroom door behind you.
and yet, lying in bed later, the back of your mind replayed his words on a loop. you still felt like you’d lost.
hours passed and you were still pissed.
your whole body ached with it, hot and restless, like something crawling under your skin. jeno’s words sunk in deep, wrapping around you like barbed wire, too sharp, too true.
‘your boyfriend kinda sucks’ his voice rang in your ears.
no, your boyfriend was nearly perfect. he had all the right looks, the right voice, the right everything and yet… somehow, even after months of trying, of letting him touch you, of trying to want it—
you never got turned on with him. not the way you were now after a simple argument with jeno.
your hand moved before you could think, fingers slipping under the waistband of your shorts, finding that sticky warmth between your thighs. a shaky breath left you, head tipping back against the pillows. it wasn’t enough. god, it wasn’t nearly enough. you needed—fuck, you didn’t even know what you needed. just more. something to fill the ache, to drown out the way his voice echoed in your head. i don’t need to know what you need. i already know what you want.
you squeezed your eyes shut, forcing yourself to picture your boyfriend, to think about the way he kissed you, the way he whispered your name, the way he touched you.
but your body rejected it. the images blurred, twisted, morphed.
and suddenly it wasn’t his hands you were thinking about.
It was jeno’s slender fingers.
your fingertips grazed that sensitive spot, slick and throbbing, pulling a broken sound from your lips. your hips rolled up into your hand, chasing any semblance of relief. you let out a quiet, shuddering breath as your stomach clenched, your pulse kicking up as you fought it, fought him, fought the way his image took over.
but it was useless.
your body didn’t listen. it latched onto the memory of him. the way his pretty lips curled right before he was about to say something you knew would piss you off, the way his voice dipped when he was toying with you, the way his hands always fidgeted, tapping against his thigh, against his lips, always doing something.
your lips parted as your fingers moved faster, your other hand slid up your stomach, pushing up your shirt as your breath stuttered.
would he keep his rings on while touching you?
the thought sent a sharp pulse of arousal through you, your body tightening, the wetness between your thighs growing slicker.
you imagined his long fingers and the coolness of the rings against your skin. would he drag them over your stomach, trace your thighs, tease you with them first? or would he shove them inside right away?
you bit your lip, your fingers pressing down harder, teasing yourself the way he would, the way he might if he ever—
a moan slipped from your lips before you could stop it. “jeno…”
outside your door, jeno’s world fucking stopped. his body was tight, his breath stuck in his throat as he pressed himself against the wood.
he shouldn’t be here. he shouldn’t be standing outside your room, shouldn’t be looking through the small crack where the door hadn’t shut all the way.
but fuck.
fuck, you were so loud. did you even realize?
did you know how needy you sounded? the way your voice cracked, the way your breathing hitched, the way you whimpered when you…
jeno exhaled sharply, gripping the doorframe, trying to keep himself in check. but his mind was already too far gone. because if you were touching yourself to him, and if you were so desperate you couldn’t even keep quiet or make sure the the door was closed all the way… then maybe you wanted to get caught.
maybe you wanted him to see.
his breath came out slow and measured as he peeked through the crack, his body heating at the sight before him. the dim glow of your bedside lamp cast soft shadows over your skin, your legs spread wide, fingers buried deep inside yourself. the slick sounds of your movements, the rise and fall of your chest, the way your lips parted as you moaned his name. fuck, it was too much.
he felt himself throbbing painfully against his sweats, already aching from just watching you. his cock was so fucking hard it hurt.
he pulled himself out, his fingers wrapping around the thick length, hot and pulsing in his palm. he let out a sharp breath as he started stroking himself, matching his pace to the rhythm of your fingers slipping in and out of your pretty cunt.
he wanted to be the one touching you.
he imagined it, his fingers stretching you open, pumping in and out, his thumb circling your clit until you were shaking, whimpering against his mouth. would you let him fuck you raw the first time? god, you’d feel so good around him, so tight, clenching down on him like you never wanted him to pull out. he let out a quiet groan, biting his lip to keep himself from making any noise, even though part of him wanted you to hear him, wanted you to know exactly what you were doing to him.
your moans were getting louder, your breaths coming faster, more frantic. you were close, he could tell, your body was begging for release, and he wished, more than anything, that he could be the one to push you over the edge.
he knew that no one else could make you feel like this. not even your boyfriend, the one you pretended was enough for you. that idiot had the privilege of touching you, of being inside you, and still you weren’t getting off on thoughts of him. no, it was jeno’s name spilling from your lips as you fucked yourself.
his hand tightened around his cock, his strokes quickening. "cum for me, baby," he whispered under his breath, his forehead pressing harder against the doorframe.
maybe you heard him, maybe you didn’t, but your moans pitched higher, your fingers moving faster, your body trembling on the other side of the door. fuck—you were close, so fucking close, and he was right there with you. his jaw went slack, his breaths coming in ragged pants as the pleasure slammed into him, hot and heavy. his cock pulsed, his body shaking, cum spilling over his fingers in thick streaks as he saw you falling apart in your bed at the same time.
his body tensed, every nerve sparking as he milked himself through the high, swallowing back the urge to moan out your name. he barely had the presence of mind to tuck himself back into his sweats before he started dripping onto the carpet. that would’ve been a dead giveaway. but even as he came down from it, the heat in his chest didn’t fade. because now he knew just how badly you wanted him.
and he wasn’t going to just let it go.
so, he was back outside your room the following night.
your door was closed all the way this time. he swallowed hard, his pulse hammering as he curled his fingers around the doorknob, testing it. it turned just a fraction before stopping. it was locked. he expected this. he had the feeling you suspected he’d seen you or at least heard you last night because you were unusually fidgety around him earlier today.
he exhaled slowly, lowering himself down until his face was level with the keyhole, his breath shallow as he listened. the obscene sounds of your fingers working between your thighs were unmistakable, each wet stroke sending another pulse of heat straight to his cock. he knew you were thinking about him again. your boyfriend wasn’t here, who the fuck else would you be touching yourself to?
he let his hand trail down, palming himself over his sweats, but this time, it wasn’t enough. he needed more.
his fingers drifted down to his pocket, curling around the small, thin tool he’d stolen from mark’s junk drawer earlier. jeno wasn’t an idiot, he knew to be prepared this time. hearing wouldn’t do it for him, he needed to see you again.
he slid the tool into the keyhole, his other hand steadying the knob as he worked it. it wasn’t his first time picking a lock. he’d done it plenty of times as a teen, sneaking into forbidden rooms at school, usually to make out with random girls. but this was different. he was breaking into his stepsister’s room so he could watch her touch herself. his hands itched, his whole body thrumming with a dangerous kind of thrill.
the lock gave a quiet click and he held his breath trying to listen for any indication that you noticed. after he thought it was safe, he twisted the handle and pushed the door just enough to crack it open.
and fuck, what a sight it was.
you were sprawled on your bed, your legs were in a butterfly position this time, your skin glistening with sweat. your shirt was hiked up all the way giving him the perfect sight of your tits. your panties were pushed down completely and he could see the way your fingers disappeared inside you. his name started slipping from your lips again, breathy, ruined. he clenched his jaw, his cock started to throb painfully at the sight.
you were so fucking beautiful like this. needy, desperate, chasing a high that only he could truly give you.
he licked his lips, watching the way your back arched, your fingers curling inside you as you edged yourself closer. his own hand slipped into his sweats, wrapping around his length, stroking slow, lazy, savoring the moment. he should leave. should close the door and pretend this never happened. but instead, he kept watching, his lips parting in a silent exhale as he imagined once again what it would be like to replace your fingers with his own.
or better yet, his cock.
you had no idea he was here. no idea you were putting on a show just for him.
there was no way in hell he was going to stop now.
you’d been locking your door more often now. you weren’t sure why. it didn’t make sense, but the feeling just wouldn’t go away. the feeling that you were being watched.
maybe it was the fact that you thought you heard a moan outside your door the other night. or maybe the fact that your panties had mysteriously gone missing from the laundry basket. and there was only one other person living with you at the moment. you tried to tell yourself it was paranoia. after all, why would jeno do something like that? he didn’t have fantasies like you, right?
still, something felt different when he was around. especially when you bumped into him in the kitchen or living room. the tension was so thick as if the space between you was charged, waiting for something, or someone, to cross the line.
you tried to distract yourself, flicking through jersey shore reruns with half your mind still on him. but as soon as you heard footsteps approaching, your pulse spiked. your body clearly not knowing the difference between riding a roller coaster, and your stepbrother entering the room.
you glanced up, trying to force a bored expression. the moment your eyes landed on him, however, everything in you froze. his damp hair stuck to his forehead, a towel draped loosely around his neck. his sweatpants hung low on his hips, his boxers peeking, and the way his white shirt clung to his chest made it feel like the room was closing in around you.
you swallowed hard.
he caught your gaze, and for a split second, it felt like he saw right through you. like he knew what you were thinking, what you were feeling. but he didn’t say anything. he just walked over, sitting close enough that his leg brushed against yours. the space between you was so small, but it felt like a chasm, a void that you couldn’t bridge. you couldn’t move. not when your body was so painfully aware of him.
“you like this trash?” his voice was casual, but his eyes were anything but. they were on you, studying you.
you blinked, the question throwing you off guard. you hadn’t even realized he was talking about the show until he nodded toward it. “uh... yeah. it’s... entertaining,” you stammered, your voice sounding foreign in your own ears. you wanted to say more, to defend it, but the words wouldn’t come. your mind was fixated on him.
you tried to focus on the screen, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. his towel slipping from his shoulders, water droplets sliding down his neck and disappearing beneath the collar of his shirt. you could feel that familiar flutter in your lower stomach.
your fingers twitched, desperate to do something, anything, to alleviate the tightness.
jeno tilted his head slightly, his lips pulling into that almost imperceptible smirk, the one that made you want to either scream or crawl into him.
“what’s wrong?” he asked, his voice soft, but there was something dangerous underneath. “you look tense.”
you didn’t answer immediately. instead, you shifted uncomfortably, your pulse hammering in your ears. he didn’t push, but the way he was looking at you made you feel exposed, like he had you cornered.
suddenly, the doorbell rang, and you shot up from the couch like you’d been electrocuted. your pulse was still racing, your thoughts tangled in knots you didn’t want to acknowledge. this was good. maybe whoever was at the door would shake you out of this haze.
but the second you opened it, you almost wished you hadn’t.
your boyfriend…or ex? you didn’t even know anymore, stood there holding a single rose in one hand and a bag of snacks in the other.
“happy valentine’s day,” he greeted, flashing that charming smile he knew melted you.
your eyes widened. you’d been so distracted you totally forgot the date. damn you, lee jeno.
“i’m sorry i didn’t call in advance,” he pushed the rose into your hand and leaned to kiss you “and i know we agreed to take a break… still, i couldn't just not come today…”
he lifted the bag on his other hand. “movie?”
you forced a smile, your stomach twisting guiltily for a second. even though your relationship was a bit unstable as of late, valentine’s wasn’t something you ever wanted to half-ass so it was a good thing you’d planned ahead.
you bought his gift the previous week, carefully wrapping the box yourself because you wanted it to feel special. a pair of shoes he’d been eyeing for months, a new band for his apple watch since his favorite one had broken recently, and a handwritten letter tucked inside, detailing how much you appreciated him, how much you loved him. You even spent extra time decorating the envelope, adding little doodles and stickers just to make him smile.
you should've felt some kind of relief, his presence should distract you from the wild thoughts swirling in your head. but as you stepped aside to let him in, that sense of relief never came.
because the moment you turned back, you remembered jeno was still there on the couch. you silently willed him with your mind to go to his room, maybe leave altogether.
but of course he didn’t.
“oh. hey, dude” your boyfriend said as he finally noticed him. “didn’t know your brother was here.”
you winced. that word. brother. your tongue itched to correct him, but what was the point? he knew you weren’t really siblings. he just chose to say it anyway.
jeno let the word hang in the air before he finally stood up, stretching his arms over his head before settling into a straighter posture. he never stood that straight, but he was making sure to show that he was at least two inches taller than your boyfriend. It was a subtle move, but you saw it for what it was. a challenge.
you almost scoffed at the sheer pettiness of it.
“ah, hello…” jeno drawled. “sorry, remind me of your name again?”
your boyfriend told him, his tone polite but slightly stiff.
“right,” jeno said, half-smiling. “didn’t know we’d be having visitors today…”
your boyfriend cleared his throat. “ah, that’s my bad. i didn’t tell her I was coming since I wanted to surprise her for Valentine’s”
“hm,” Jeno hummed. “well... as long as you two keep it in the living room, should be fine. gotta look out for my little sister while the parents are out, you know?”
you squeezed your eyes shut for half a second, inhaling slowly, forcing yourself to stay calm. he never called you that. also, who did he think he was playing house police all of a sudden?
“sit down, babe,” you said, your tone so sweet it sounded forced.
jeno scoffed under his breath, soft enough that only you heard it.
you ignored it, settling onto the couch as he disappeared into the kitchen. your boyfriend sat beside you, oblivious, scrolling through movies, while you shoved a chip into your mouth just to distract your mind.
suddenly, you heard clattering from the kitchen followed by a curse.
“uh, y/n… can you come help me real quick?”
you squeezed your eyes shut.
“what did you break now?” you called, already exasperated.
"your mom’s china," he called back. "think i broke like two plates. maybe three. hard to say. pretty sure she’ll notice, though."
shit. you were on your feet before you could think, muttering a quick, “sorry, i’ll be right back,” as you hurried toward the kitchen.
the moment you stepped inside, irritation flared hotter in your chest.
“are you kidding me? what were you even doing near those? my mom explicitly said—” you voiced trailed off when you saw there was no broken china. no mess. nothing.
just jeno, standing there with his arms crossed, watching you with a smirk so infuriating you wanted to slap it off his face.
your hands curled into fists. “what are you doing?”
“really?” he ignored your glare, tilting his head mockingly. “he brought snacks and a single rose?” he let out a dry chuckle. “it’s valentine’s day for god’s sake, he could’ve at least tried.”
“i like simple things,” you shot back. “i don’t need a big fucking production”
jeno took a step closer making your breath get stuck in your throat. he wasn’t touching you, wasn’t even crowding you, but fuck he might as well have been, with the way your body tensed.
his voice dropped lower. “are you trying to convince me or yourself?”
he clearly wanted to get a reaction out of you and you refused to give it to him.
his gaze flicked down to your lips, pursed at him, and yet so pretty. he could still remember them parting and gasping his name last night.
"bet it gets tiring to pretend so much” he leaned in slightly.
you took a sharp step back.
“just… get out of my business,” you snapped, breath uneven.
jeno’s lips curled. “sure thing.” his eyes glinted with dark amusement. “hope you have fun with mr. buzzkill.”
your jaw clenched as you spun on your heel, storming back to the living room. who the hell did he think he was? since when did he have an opinion on your love life? he’d never cared before, never questioned, never even acknowledged it. so why now?
he kept pushing, prodding, playing with you.
and the worst part was that you were letting him. you knew you should ignore him. his opinion didn’t matter anyways.
so why couldn’t you stop paying attention to him?
you decided to push jeno out of your mind, and what better way than by surrounding yourself with people you actually liked?
a pool party seemed like the perfect distraction. it was nothing too crazy, just a few close friends from college. the weather had been unusually nice all week, the kind of warmth that made everything feel a little hazy, the sun kissing your skin as you lay stretched out on a lounge chair, still damp from your swim. it was the perfect excuse to bask in the sun, let the tension ease from your body, and pretend jeno didn’t exist.
jenny, lying beside you on her stomach, propped herself up on her elbows and let out an exaggerated sigh. “by the way, where’s your hot brother?”
you sighed, not even bothering to open your eyes. “stop calling him that. people might actually think i'm related to that jerk.”
“honestly, though,” natty chimed in, rubbing tanning oil on her arms. “how have you not jumped his bones yet? he’s so fine.”
you scoffed, finally cracking an eye open to glare at her. “he’s really not all that. if you guys lived with him, you wouldn’t think like this.”
jenny turned onto her side, her smirk downright sinful. “girl, if i lived with him i'd let him do unspeakable things to me every night.”
you fingers tightened around your drink as something hot and unwanted curled low in your stomach. if only they knew the things you did thinking about him late at night.
belle made a face from where she sat at the edge of the pool. “you guys are gross.”
jenny just shrugged, a sly smile tugging at her lips. “why? they’re not even related.”
belle wrinkled her nose. “yes, but they live together. it’s still weird.”
jenny hummed, resting her chin on her shoulder as she eyed you knowingly. “whatever, i meant what i said.”
“does he have a girlfriend?” natty asked, stretching her legs out as she adjusted her sunglasses.
you shrugged, taking another sip of your piña colada. “i don’t know. i mean, he barely leaves the house. i doubt he has much of a social life… probably the most socially inept guy i’ve ever met.” the words left your mouth lazily, but the moment they did, a shadow loomed over you, blocking out the sun.
you didn’t need to look up to know who it was.
you tilted your head back after a few seconds of silently cursing your big mouth. your heart did a million backflips as you locked eyes with jeno, who was now standing directly behind your chair. his head was tilted just slightly, a slow smirk playing at his lips.
you gulped slowly, and wished the chair would just swallow you whole. did he hear what you just said?
his gaze flickered over you, amused, but there was something heavier in the way his eyes traced over your bikini-clad figure. and then you realized he wasn’t in his usual hoodie and sweatpants. instead, he wore a fitted jean jacket over a graphic tee from a band you didn’t recognize, paired with tight black jeans. even his hair was styled, it looked like he got a fresh undercut, even added some designs on the side. he felt like an entirely different person. he looked good. too good.
“hello, ladies,” he greeted smoothly, his voice deep.
your friends giggled, but you barely registered them because jeno’s attention was back on you in a second.
“does dad know you’re having a party?” he asked, his voice had a teasing lilt to it, but there was something slightly patronizing underneath.
you rolled your eyes. “it’s just a few people.” get off my ass, you almost added but bit your tongue.
his smirk didn’t falter. “mhm… hope so, ‘cause he can see everything through those.” he pointed toward the security cameras, and something about the way he said it made irritation prickle at your skin.
he had the audacity to call your boyfriend a buzzkill, yet here he was, trying to kill any potential fun you could have.
“anyway,” he continued, “this socially inept guy is heading out.”
you breath caught in your throat. so he did hear you.
his eyes flickered over your body once more, and before you could respond, his hand brushed over your shoulder in a touch so fleeting, so meaningless, it shouldn’t have made your entire body lock up the way it did.
“call me if there’s an emergency,” he said. “be good, yeah?”
the second he was out of earshot, the giggles started back up, hushed and scandalized. your skin still burned where his touch had ghosted over you, and you hated that you wanted to turn your head, watch him leave, memorize the way he looked just now.
you swallowed hard, pressing your cold glass against your lips and forcing yourself to pretend that none of it affected you.
after several minutes of listening to your friends gush about jeno, how good he looked, how he smelled like expensive cologne, blah blah blah, you decided you’d had enough. you pushed yourself up from the lounge chair and made your way inside with the excuse of refilling your drink.
as you passed through the living room, a flicker of movement outside caught your eye. jeno was still there, standing near the edge of the sidewalk. his fingers dipped into his pocket, retrieving something small, and curiosity got the better of you. you squinted, trying to make out what he was holding.
despite knowing better, you grabbed a lightweight cover-up dress from the hook by the door and slipped it over your shoulders before stepping outside. the afternoon air carried the scent of chlorine and the faintest trace of citrus from the trees lining the house.
“since when do you smoke?” you asked, approaching him cautiously.
jeno turned his head slightly. the corner of his lips curled in that maddening way of his. without breaking eye contact, he placed the cigarette between his lips, the unlit end resting against the soft curve of his mouth.
“i don’t,” he said dismissively but then, he struck a match against his finger and the tiny flame came to life. the sight of it held your attention for just a second too long. probably because you’d never seen anyone light a match like that, or the fact that he was gaslighting you so casually.
“i thought you said you were going to hang out with friends,” you pressed, crossing your arms as you watched the flame kiss the tip of the cigarette.
“i said i was going to hang out,” he corrected, taking a slow drag before exhaling it in your direction, the smoke curling between you. “i didn't say with friends.”
you barely resisted the urge to cough, your throat tightening at the thick scent of tobacco. before you could call him out on this, the low rumble of an engine broke through the silence.
a black jeep screeched to a stop at the foot of your driveway, tires skidding slightly against the pavement. you instinctively took a step back as the vehicle came to a jarring halt. the tinted window rolled down, revealing a girl with jet-black hair that framed her face in glossy waves. he lips, painted a deep cherry red, curved into a smile that was just a little too perfect.
“sorry, i’m late!” she said, her voice airy, with a sing-song quality that immediately set your teeth on edge “there was so much traffic.”
“sure you didn’t just get pulled over for reckless driving?” jeno chuckled before taking another slow drag from his cigarette.
“mo, silly!” she giggled, her voice turning annoyingly flirtatious as she leaned a little closer over the window. “did you doll up just for me?”
“sure,” jeno replied casually. you didn’t catch the way his eyes flicked to you for just a split second because you were busy trying to mask the seething annoyance that was threatening to show in your expression. you didn’t even know this girl, and yet, the way she was acting was irritating you deeply.
“let me drive,” jeno said, pulling the door open for her to step out. you noticed the way she purposely wobbled slightly to fall directly into his arms.
“careful,” he said, his voice deep and resonant as he steadied her, the sound of it sending a heavy vibration through your chest.
“if your wet blanket of a boyfriend shows up later,” he continued once inside the car, his words laced with a hint of condescension, “just try not to fuck around in the pool, okay? remember, someone’s always watching.” the way he said that left a strange, uneasy knot in your stomach, the implication of his words lingering far too long.
before you could even muster a response, he slammed the jeep into gear and drove off.
it was around 9 pm when you decided to call it a night. your boyfriend hadn’t even shown up. he claimed he had to help his dad with “stuff” but you hadn’t really paid attention to the details. you weren’t interested in hearing excuses anyway.
your friends pouted, complaining that you should let them stay and have a sleepover, but you weren’t in the mood. they only left after you promised to do it another time.
you wandered upstairs, feeling the fatigue from the evening settle in your bones. the water from the shower was almost too hot, but you welcomed the burn as it stripped the chlorine from your skin. you lingered under the steam, savoring the quiet of the house.
once you were done, you meticulously moisturized your skin with extra attention to the dryness that clung to your arms after the pool and the heat of the shower. you threw on your usual pjs, a loose tank top and shorts. you thought of the way jeno’s dark eyes followed you whenever you wore them.
you made your way to the living room and sank onto the couch to watch tv, hyper aware of the ticking sound of the clock. the hands crept closer to 11 p.m. and you found your thoughts drifting despite your best attempts to focus. jeno’s face floated into your mind, his dark eyes flickering with amusement whenever he saw you. you tried to push it away but your mind kept returning to him and that girl with jet-black hair.
the sting of your nails digging into the palsn of your hands is what snapped you out of it. the thought of him with her… doing what? it didn’t even matter. why should it matter?
you decided to go to bed after realizing it was stupid to wait for him to come back.
it was around 2 am when you were jerked awake by the sound of shuffling outside your door. you heard a giggle followed by a hushed voice right before your door creaked open, and you quickly squeezed your eyes shut again.
"shit, wrong room," you heard jeno whisper, and your breath caught in your throat. you opened one eye just enough to see him standing in the doorway, the girl with jet-black hair practically draped around his neck.
she pulled him down into a kiss, and you watched, frozen, as they made out right there in front of your door. her soft moans echoed through the space along with the sounds of their hands fondling each other’s bodies.
they continued, oblivious to the fact that you were very much awake, until jeno finally pulled the door closed behind him, muffling the noises just enough for you to breathe again.
the anger hit you immediately, and the indignation that followed was almost comical in its intensity. with what face had he told you not to "mess around" at home because your parents were always watching, only to go and do this? right in front of your room, no less?
you heard the shuffle of movement in his room next door, and a chilling realization sank in.
they were about to have sex, and you’d hear every damn second of it.
it wasn’t like you’d never snuck your boyfriend in late at night before. But all you ever did was suck him off or let him finger you. you never actually had proper sex. not for lack of trying, but rather the issues you’d been having getting… aroused with him.
the moans started, soft at first, then louder. each sound felt like a needle, digging deeper into the pit of your stomach. you squeezed your eyes shut again, wishing, begging to be anywhere but within earshot of the noise that now felt like it was tearing your insides apart.
you could hear everything. the soft thuds of their clothes hitting the floor, the creak of the mattress as they fell onto it. jeno’s rough groans, the breathless whimpers he tried and failed to suppress. the wet, obscene sounds of him moving inside her. the desperate gasps, the frantic whisper of his name from her lips. their mouths meeting over and over again, the muffled, needy sounds of them colliding filling the space.
every movement, every noise, was painfully clear, as if you were right there in the room with them.
you wanted to disappear. crawl under your bed. evaporate into the walls. oh, the walls. the godforsaken, paper-thin walls that some sadistic architect clearly designed just to ruin your life.
you pressed a pillow over your head, begging for the sounds to stop, but it was useless. they only grew louder.
“jeno… i’m close,” she whimpered, voice high and shaking.
“cum for me…” he responded, breathless.
and suddenly, amidst the debauchery of sounds, you heard it.
your name.
spoken in a broken moan.
your breath stilled. for a second, you thought you must have imagined it, that your mind was playing a cruel trick on you. but then—
you heard it again. louder. needier.
jeno was calling your name as he came.
a paralyzing shock shot through you, pinning you to the mattress. your pulse hammering so hard you thought your heart might bruise your chest cavity. you stared at the ceiling, unblinking, as his moans settled over you like a suffocating weight.
silence followed, broken only by their uneven breaths. then you heard the rustle of sheets as they untangled from each other.
“can i stay the night?” the girl asked, her voice still heavy with satisfaction.
“no,” jeno said, voice oddly cold and detached. “my parents are gonna be here in the morning.”
that was a lie. your parents weren’t coming back until the following weekend.
you were still too shocked to move, too shaken to process what had just happened. but as you listened to her gather her things, to the sound of jeno walking her to the door without so much as an ounce of warmth in his tone, one thing became terrifyingly clear...
he hadn’t just used her. he’d been thinking about you while doing so.
you didn’t sleep. not for a single minute.
the shadows in your room shifted as the hours crawled by. it felt impossible to close your eyes without hearing it all over again. your name on his lips.
when your phone screen finally read 6:00 a.m, you gave up on sleep entirely, throwing off the sheets and slipping out of bed like a ghost.
you tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen, fingers numb as you grabbed a glass and filled it to the brim. the cold water slid down your throat in greedy gulps, but it did nothing to cool yourself.
then, a breathless laugh tore from your lips, unhinged and bitter. the sheer absurdity of it all crashed into you at once, like a sick joke the universe decided to play on you. jeno had been inside another girl, and yet, it was your name that spilled out of his lips.
the laughter bubbled up harder. it must have been loud enough to wake him, because a few moments later, footsteps padded into the kitchen.
jeno stood in the doorway, eyes heavy with sleep, brows pinched together as he took in the sight of you, your back was turned to him, shoulders trembling with laughter that didn’t seem to belong to you.
“the hell is wrong with you?” his voice was groggy.
you stopped, forcing the manic grin off your face before turning slightly away, shielding yourself from his scrutiny. god, if he saw the way you were smiling right now, he really would think you lost your mind.
“are you high?” he asked, a little more forcefully this time.
you let out a dry chuckle, shaking your head. i wish. maybe if you were high, this wouldn’t feel so real. maybe you wouldn’t still hear his voice in your head from the night before, broken and desperate, calling for you.
a shiver ran down your spine when you felt jeno move closer behind you. you could feel the heat radiating off his bare chest, the faint smell of sleep and last night’s scent clinging to him. his hand clamped down on your shoulder, turning you around with an impatient tug.
“no, seriously.” his voice was lower now, forcing you to meet his gaze. “did you do drugs last night?”
your breath hitched when his chest brushed against yours, and that’s when you remembered you weren’t wearing a bra. the thin fabric of your tank top did nothing to hide the way your nipples hardened at the contact.
you saw the flicker in his expression, the brief second of realization when his gaze dropped.
“what do you care?” you shot back instead, tilting your chin up defiantly.
you liked the way his jaw ticked when you pushed him.
his grip on your chin was sudden, firm, tilting your face until your eyes locked with his. his fingers were rough and the touch sent something dark and electric crackling under your skin.
you ripped yourself from his grasp, grimacing. “don’t touch me. i know where that hand has been.”
jeno laughed, a rich sound that made your throat close.
“oh, so you heard.”
you scoffed. “of course i heard. it was impossible not to when you were being so loud.”
his smirk deepened. “then you know my struggle.”
he stepped forward, pressed you further against the counter until there was barely any air between your bodies. this was the closest you had ever been to him.
your heart slammed against your ribs, but you refused to shrink away. if anything, it only made you glare harder, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing you falter.
“i hear everything you do in your room too.”
he paused, letting his finger curl around a stray hair falling over your face.
“every night.”
your lips parted, but nothing came out except a sharp inhale.
his eyes fluttered across your features, lingering on your lips, still wet from the water you just drank.
“yeah.” his grin grew sharper, his perfect teeth peeking out to tug at his lower lip. “every time you sneak your dumbass boyfriend in.”
his fingers brushed against the counter beside you, caging you in completely.
“every time you touch yourself…”
you swallowed, looking between his neck and shoulder, unable to meet his dark eyes.
“and you do that a lot lately.”
you gulped to soothe your dry throat, wishing he couldn’t somehow smell how aroused you were getting. you hated the way your body reacted to him, how your thighs pressed together on instinct. he noticed. the bastard always noticed everything.
he was still pressed so close you could feel the steady rise and fall of his hard chest against yours, the heat of his skin bleeding into yours like fire licking at gasoline.
“i—” you started, but your voice cracked.
jeno tilted his head, “what?” his voice was a murmur meant for just the two of you. his lips curved, but the smile wasn’t kind, it was wicked. “got nothing to say now?”
you clenched your jaw, forcing yourself to hold his gaze even as your stomach twisted into knots. “fuck you.”
his smile widened. “i mean, that’s what you always think about, isn’t it?” he murmured.
your breath caught in your throat. he leaned in, his lips so close to your ear that you felt the ghost of them graze your skin.
“you touch yourself thinking about me.”
a wave of heat crawled up your neck. you shouldn’t be reacting this way. shouldn’t be giving yourself away this easily.
you inhaled sharply, gathering every ounce of strength left in your body before shoving at his chest, pushing him away. he let you, barely stumbling back.
“go to hell, jeno.”
you turned on your heel, ready to storm out, to get as far away from him as possible—
but you barely made it two steps before his hand shot out, grabbing your wrist. he yanked you back against him, spinning you around so fast that you barely had time to register the shift before your back was against the counter again, his body crowding yours.
his grip tightened, but not enough to hurt just enough to hold you there.
"what are you doing?" you demanded, pressing a hand to his chest. "i have a boyfriend."
he laughed bitterly "oh, please. we both know he doesn’t even make you wet."
“how do you—?” you swallowed, barely able to get the words out.
the realization suddenly settled like lead in your gut. he read it. your blog. the one you used to vent frustrations you couldn’t say out loud, the one that held every unspoken insecurity, every late-night confession you never meant for anyone to see. every filthy thought about him.
and jeno of all people had gotten his hands on it. that’s why he’d been acting so strange lately.
your fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt, not pulling him closer, but gripping like you needed something to hold onto before you lost your mind.
his smirk deepened as he saw the expression of horror in your face.
“you should really clear your browser history,” he mused, tilting his head slightly. “or, better yet…maybe don’t keep the tabs open on a laptop you asked me to fix.”
the bastard wasn’t even sorry for invading your privacy.
your pulse roared in your ears as you tried to school your expression, trying to make it seem like you weren't two seconds away from spiraling.
“i don’t—” you started, but the words wouldn’t come.
he leaned in, voice dipping lower. “oh don’t quit on me now. you had plenty to say in that little blog of yours.”
his fingers traced your jaw softly.
“especially about me.”
he grinned, teeth grazing his bottom lip as he watched your reaction unfold in real time. “what was it you said?” he pretended to think. “oh, right. he pisses me off more than anyone else, but i bet he fucks like a god.’”
you shoved him again but he barely stumbled, just let out a low chuckle like he was thrilled by your anger.
“what’s wrong?” he taunted. “embarrassed?”
“shut up.”
“aww, c’mon, don’t be shy now. i read the whole thing, you’ve definitely thought about this exact moment before.”
you wanted to die. right there on the kitchen floor. just disintegrate and never have to endure the smug, self-satisfied look on his face ever again.
but worse than the embarrassment? worse than the rage twisting inside you like a coil ready to snap?
was the terrifying, undeniable truth.
he knew you wanted him.
jeno moved closer, and you instinctively backed into the counter, your hands gripping the cool edge.
his smirk was insufferable. giddy, almost.
“god, you should see your face right now,” he murmured, tilting his head. “all pink and flustered. just like i imagined.”
your eyes darted across his face in shock.
“oh yeah,” he continued, watching the realization flicker in your eyes. “you’re not the only one who’s fantasized about this, baby”
“i don’t fantasize,” you said quickly, hoping to salvage some dignity.
jeno just laughed. “save it.”
he reached up, tucking another stray strand of hair behind your ear, the way someone might handle something delicate, except the glint in his eye was anything but soft.
“i said i read everything,” he reminded you, voice dripping with satisfaction. “i even memorized that one post, the one where you talk about my fingers—”
“don’t,” you interrupted, slapping a hand over his mouth before he could finish that sentence.
bad move. because now his lips were pressed against your palm, his breath hot against your skin. and he didn’t pull away.
instead, his dark eyes locked onto yours making your pulse stutter. he reached up, prying your hand away from his mouth, but instead of letting it go, he brought it lower flat against his bare chest, over the steady thump of his heartbeat.
“i like knowing your secrets,” he murmured. “i like knowing what gets in that pretty little head of yours late at night.”
your stomach flipped.
“and you know what i like the most?” he dipped his head, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. “i like knowing that no matter how much you fight me on this,” he whispered, “you’ve already given yourself to me.”
his lips brushed from your ear down to the corner of your mouth, until finally, they met yours. you barely registered how easily your lips parted for him until his tongue slid in, claiming you. a groan slipped out before you could stop it.
you knew you should push him away. you should. but the thought barely even formed before it was gone, lost in the heat of his mouth.
"aren’t you gonna stop me?" he murmured, pulling back just enough to make you chase his lips.
you didn’t move, didn’t shove him away, didn’t say a damn thing.
his lips curled. "didn’t think so.”
then he kissed you harder, rougher. his fingers cradling your face while his other hand slid lower, gripping a handful of your ass. you gasped, and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, pulling you flush against him.
his knee pressed between your legs, shifting just right, and you moaned. his lips curved against yours. "there’s my good girl."
heat flared up your spine, equal parts humiliation and arousal. some semblance of reason came over you and you pushed at his chest, but he caught your wrist, pinning it against the counter.
"you wrote about how bad you wanted me to take you right here in this kitchen," he murmured, his breath warm against your lips. "want me to remind you?"
"shut up," you groaned, twisting your wrist free and shoving at him properly this time.
he didn’t budge. he only laughed, nipping at your lower lip before angling your face up, kissing you deep and slow, like he had all the time in the world. his hand slid from your ass to your thigh, hiking it higher around his hip.
the new angle made you feel him, every inch of his hard length pressing right against your core, and you gasped. he thrust against you and the groan he let out sent a pulse of heat straight to your stomach.
"fuck," he rasped, pressing his forehead to yours, his hips rolling again. "you feel that?"
your fingers curled into his shirt, whimpers spilling out of you as he kept humping you.
jeno’s grip tightened on your thigh, fingers digging into your skin as he rocked against you, his breath hot against your lips. “look at you,” he murmured, voice thick with amusement and something darker. “clinging to me like this when you were just pretending to hate me a few minutes ago.”
you opened your mouth to argue, to deny, but all that came out was a sharp gasp as his hands slid under your tank top, fingers tracing lazy patterns up your ribs until they found your perked nipple. his knee pressed more insistently between your legs.
“shh.” he breathed against your lips. “you don’t have to say anything. your body’s already telling me everything i need to know.”
the way his lips ghosted over your jaw, then down your throat, made your breath hitch. you felt like you were drowning in the way he touched you, just enough to drive you crazy but not enough to give you what you really wanted.
“you’ve thought about this,” he mused, voice laced with satisfaction as he pressed a slow, open-mouthed kiss just below your ear. “haven’t you? late at night, when you’re all alone…”
your nails dug into his shoulders as he ground against you again, harder this time. he was right. and that infuriated you.
“jeno,” you hissed, half warning, half plea.
“say it,” he murmured against your skin, hands slipping lower. “say you want me.”
you couldn’t do that. you still wanted to cling to some semblance of dignity. but then his fingers slipped inside your shorts, and the illusion that you ever stood a chance shattered.
your gasp turned into a strangled moan as his fingers dipped between your soaked folds, tracing slow circles, teasing you with featherlight strokes that had you melting against him. his breath was hot against your temple.
“if you don’t want this,” he murmured, “then maybe we should stop.”
and just like that, he started to retreat, his touch vanishing like a cruel tease.
“no,” you choked out, your hand gripping his wrist before he could pull away completely. “don’t stop… please.”
he tilted his head, savoring every ounce of your desperation. “you sure?” he mused, feigning innocence even as his lips, swollen and slick, curled into something devilish. “because if you think this is wrong, we really should stop.”
the bastard was toying with you, and worst of all, you found it maddeningly hot.
your nails dug into his arm, your body thrumming with frustration and need. “jeno,” you warned, voice dangerously low. “if you don’t touch me right now, i’ll go upstairs and do it myself.”
you saw the moment his pupils dilated, a dark, almost feral hunger flashing in his eyes.
“oh, princess,” he crooned, his hand slipping back into your shorts in an instant, fingers resuming their torment with renewed urgency. “you really shouldn’t have said that.”
but instead of touching you like you needed, he yanked your shorts down, your panties dragging along with them in one swift motion. before you could form a single word, he hoisted you onto the counter with ease, the hard surface pressing into the backs of your thighs. your legs instinctively tried to close, but his grip tightened, keeping you open for him.
and then he dropped to his knees.
your stomach plummeted, anticipation coiling so tightly inside you that you felt dizzy. he looked up at you from beneath his thick lashes, eyes heavy-lidded, pupils blown wide with hunger. his hands dragged slowly up the inside of your thighs, spreading them further. his tongue darted out, wetting his lips like he was about to devour the best meal ever.
your walls clenched around nothing.
“jeno—” his name came out in a broken gasp.
“you’re shaking,” his breath ghosted over your core, making you jolt, making you ache. "what’s wrong, baby? nervous?"
the way his voice curled around the word baby, sent a fresh wave of heat straight between your legs. but you didn’t get the chance to answer.
because then he dove between your thighs.
the first stroke of his tongue had you gasping, hands flying to his hair as your head snapped back against the cabinets. the heat of his mouth had your body jerking before you could stop yourself, pleasure so intense it almost hurt.
his hands flexed against your thighs, spreading you wider, keeping you still as he licked deep into you. and when he groaned you nearly lost it. the vibration shot straight through you, your stomach clenching, your thighs twitching against his grip.
“jeno—” his name was barely a breath, a desperate sound that made him hum against you, pleased. he pulled back just enough for his lips to brush over your skin.
“god, you taste even better than i imagined” he rasped.
and then he was back on you, tongue working faster, fingers digging into your thighs like he needed this, like he was getting off on the way you gasped, the way your body trembled under his mouth.
he wasn’t just eating you out. he was devouring you.
his tongue moved in slow strokes, drawing out every whimper that spilled from your lips. you tugged at his hair, grinding down harder, but he just chuckled against you. cocky bastard.
“needy, huh?” he murmured between licks. “thought you could handle it.”
you barely registered his words, too caught up in the way he worked you open. but then he pulled away, making you gasp at the loss.
“jeno—” you started to protest, but he was already grabbing you by the waist.
“quit whining,” he smirked, hoisting you up easily. you yelped, legs locking around his hips as he strode toward the stairs. “you wanted this, didn’t you?”
your back hit the mattress a second later. you barely caught your breath before he tugged his pants down, the outline of his dick straining against his boxers.
jeno climbed onto the bed, gaze flicking over you with heat. you expected him to take you right then but he leaned back instead, hands behind his head.
“ride my face,” he said.
you froze, thinking he was joking for a second, but then you saw his his eyes and realized he was being completely serious. panic came over you, you’d never done this before, your boyfriend had never even eaten your out before, only fingered you. this was way more than that though.
he raised a brow. “what, shy now?” his hands shot out, dragging you toward him. “c’mon, don’t start getting all sweet on me now.”
he positioned you right above his face. you swallowed, “jeno… i-i don’t know—“
“don’t worry baby, trust me”
and then he was spreading your legs further apart so you sank on his face slowly. his nose nuzzled between your folds first, the sharp line of it pushing against your core and making a guttural moan escape you.
his tongue followed, licking up and down, and prodding your entrance with insistence.
“oh, fuck—me” you whimpered, his hands on your hips guided you to press even harder against his face and even in your pleasure you worried he would drown in your cunt.
but when you looked down, there was nothing but pure bliss on his face, his eyes rolling back and his brows furrowed as he lapped relentlessly. it looked like he was enjoying this as much as you.
as your orgasm approached again, you couldn’t help but roll your hips against his face. the movement made his nose press further as his tongue continued licking long greedy strips against your clit.
“jeno—i...i’m—“ you moaned,
and your orgasm crashed over you with such a violent force it made you lean forward barely catching yourself with your arms before you could actually suffocate the boy under you.
you crawled down his body, your breath hitching as you took in the sight of his face glistening with your juices. his tongue swept out as he licked up every trace, dark eyes fixed on you.
his hands remained anchored on your hips, fingers flexing just enough to press you down against his body. you could feel him hard and burning through the thin fabric of his sweats. the instinctive grind of your hips had him exhaling a low chuckle. you wanted this, he wanted this, but something held you back. if you crossed this line… would you really be able to turn back?
you didn’t have time to find out because the sound of the doorbell ringing snapped you both out of your daze.
jeno blinked, looking toward the bedroom door. “seriously...?”
“shit—” you scrambled off him, tripping over your own limbs in the process.
“i’ll get it,” he offered, starting to sit up.
“no!” you shoved at his chest, pushing him back down. “your face, jeno— it’s covered in my—just—go wash it off!”
he grinned lazily. “didn’t hear you complaining a minute ago.”
“not the time!” you hissed, picking up your discarded clothes and putting them on.
jeno started, “i read somewhere that cum is really good for your skin—”
you didn’t dignify that with a response, slamming the door shut on your way out. your reflection in the living room mirror was a disaster: hair tousled, lips kiss-swollen, fresh marks blooming along your neck. you tugged your collar up and plastered on what you hoped passed for a normal expression before opening the door.
and promptly felt the ground vanish under you when you saw who was standing outside.
“hey, beautiful” your boyfriend said.
your mouth went dry. “oh. wow. hi—”
he held up a bouquet. “i realized we didn’t really do anything special for valentine’s, and you were so thoughtful with your gifts…” his other hand revealed a small box.
your heart twisted at the sight.
“figured you deserved something nice after everything you’ve done for me.” he opened the box to reveal a delicate necklace, your initial glinting in tiny diamonds. “also, i wanna take you out today”
you swallowed. “it’s... beautiful, thanks.”
“here.” he stepped forward, gently brushing your hair aside to fasten it around your neck. his fingers grazed your skin then stopped.
“you’ve got a mark,” he said, frowning. his thumb skimmed over the hickey, sending your pulse into overdrive.
“mosquito bite,” you blurted.
he raised an eyebrow. “looks... aggressive.”
“it was a big mosquito,” you managed with a nervous laugh.
“massive, actually” came jeno’s voice.
you turned just as he was descending the stairs, towel-drying his face and now dressed in…god help you, only sweatpants. fresh hickeys also peppered his collarbone and chest.
your boyfriend’s smile tightened. “hi, man. hope i didn’t wake you.”
jeno shrugged. “nah, i was just eating a delicious meal.” his gaze flicked to you with something too close to amusement.
you fought the urge to kick him in the balls. “so! you said something about... going out?” you blurted, trying to shift the topic.
“uh... yeah. a new amusement park opened up nearby. thought we could check it out.”
“sounds amazing! i’m in!” anything to get out of this situation.
“i’ll just… shower real quick,” you said, stepping back.
“i’ll put the flowers in water,” your boyfriend offered, heading toward the kitchen.
as soon as he disappeared, you turned to jeno and hissed, “are you insane?”
he chuckled. “i didn’t even do anything.”
“you’re standing there shirtless covered in hickeys i don’t even remember giving you!” you whisper-yelled.
“yeah you went a little crazy, who knew you wanted me this bad?”
you shot him a glare. “this isn’t funny.”
“it’s a little funny.”
you let out an exasperated sigh, rubbing your face. “god, you’re impossible.”
jeno leaned in just enough for you to feel the warmth of him. “wouldn’t be nearly as fun if i wasn’t.”
you shook your head and darted upstairs, pulse still racing. what the hell was your life right now?
you gave yourself only twenty minutes to get ready, worried about leaving your boyfriend alone with jeno for too long. god only knew what kind of things jeno might say if left unchecked. you quickly threw on a pair of high-waisted jeans and a knitted sweater, keeping it simple with just a swipe of lip gloss and a touch of mascara.
when you came downstairs, you found them sitting at opposite ends of the couch. jeno was scrolling through his phone, legs spread out, a bored look on his face. your boyfriend was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, glancing around as if searching for a conversation topic that didn’t involve glaring across the room.
“i’m ready,” you announced, trying to break the awkward tension hanging in the air. both boys looked up.
you noticed Jeno had changed into fitted jeans and a black t-shirt.
“i hope you don’t mind,” your boyfriend said, his smile too stiff to be genuine, “but i invited jeno to come with us.”
“what?” your head snapped to jeno, who didn’t even have the decency to look guilty.
“yeah,” jeno said, casually running a hand through his hair. “a few of my friends are heading there too, so i figured we could all hang out.”
“oh… how nice,” you muttered through clenched teeth. jeno just smirked, waiting for you to snap in front of your boyfriend but you held back, drawing in a calming breath and turning toward the door instead.
outside, your boyfriend wiped a tiny smudge off the driver’s side door of his car with meticulous care. jeno scoffed audibly.
your boyfriend paused, glancing over his shoulder. “jeno, do you have a car... or do you wanna ride with us?”
“my car’s in the shop,” Jeno replied without missing a beat.
“oh yeah? what do you drive?”
“a ’69 mustang fastback,” jeno said smoothly, shoving his hands in his pockets.
your boyfriend’s lips parted slightly. you knew he was impressed—he loved cars—and even if he tried to play it cool, the way his eyes widened gave him away. “that’s a classic. was it your dad’s?”
“nope.” jeno grinned. “saved up since high school and bought it myself at the barrett-jackson auction last year.”
your boyfriend’s eyebrows shot up. “that’s... actually really impressive.”
yeah, jeno thought, satisfaction bubbling in his chest. he lived for moments like this, when people looked at him like he was something special. he just couldn’t let it slip that his dad had footed most of the bill for the car’s custom work. it wasn’t like he asked for that help, but there was no way he was turning it down either. and he sure as hell wasn’t about to admit that in front of your boyfriend. not when the guy was looking at him with something close to respect. honestly, jeno kind of liked having that edge over him.
you could practically see the mental competition unfolding in front of you. jeno stood there like he’d just scored a point, while your boyfriend’s jaw tightened, clearly thinking of how to reclaim the upper hand.
“are you guys done with the dick-measuring contest, or should i grab a ruler?” you asked, arms crossed.
jeno laughed under his breath. your boyfriend glanced away, muttering, “yeah, yeah, let’s go.”
the ride was somehow worse than you expected. normally, when you’d ride with your boyfriend, the car was filled with pleasant conversation. he’d ask about your day and tell you about his… but now, with jeno in the backseat, the air felt suffocating. not even the faint music playing on the radio could ease your discomfort.
“were you sleeping before i came?” your boyfriend asked, glancing at you briefly before focusing back on the road.
you tensed. sleeping? far from it. you’d most definitely come before he arrived, and now your face burned with the memory. you shot a quick look over your shoulder at jeno, hoping to gauge if he was going to say something incriminating. he was scrolling through his phone, but the corner of his mouth curled up in that stupid smirk of his.
“uh… no,” you said, clearing your throat. “i couldn’t sleep very well last night, so i just had an early breakfast.”
“ah,” your boyfriend hummed. “and your parents are back sunday, right?”
“yeah,” you replied, grateful for the change in subject.
the silence that followed wasn’t comfortable. your boyfriend tapped the steering wheel rhythmically, occasionally glancing at you like he was expecting conversation but you were too busy trying not to spontaneously combust from how tense everything felt.
he reached over and turned on the car’s bluetooth. “let’s put on some music,” he muttered, scrolling through his playlist. he settled on a song, and you relaxed until you recognized the beat a split second before the lyrics started.
"thoughts of you keep me up at night..."
heat immediately started creeping up your neck. of all the songs... and of all the lyrics to play right now.
"i think about all of the ways you turn me on... and my bed gets lonely whenever you’re gone..."
you stiffened, eyes wide as you stared out the window. you could feel jeno’s gaze burning into the side of your face, and when you dared to glance back, you saw his eyes fixed on you, an eyebrow raised like this was the funniest thing to ever happen. your boyfriend, oblivious to the lyrical implications, simply tapped along to the beat.
you reached for the phone. “let’s put something else—”
“what? you don’t like this song?” your boyfriend asked, glancing at you with a smile.
“it’s… just—” you floundered. jeno chuckled under his breath.
“leave it,” Jeno said. “I think it’s pretty relatable.”
your boyfriend shot him a look through the rearview mirror probably wondering what he meant.
you squeezed your eyes shut, praying for the ground to swallow you whole. why did the drive feel like it was taking forever?
when you arrived at the amusement park, you were pleasantly surprised to see jenny and natty waiting near the entrance, drinks already in hand.
“we’re the masterminds behind this whole thing, by the way” jenny grinned, looping her arm through yours when you reached her.
“yeah,” Natty added, slipping in on your other side. “we told him he was an idiot for not doing something nice for you on saturday, so this is his redemption, and we’re here as the judges.”
the revelation should’ve surprised you—maybe even disappointed you—but it didn’t. things with your boyfriend had been...off lately. neither of you was really trying, and you couldn’t blame him for that when you weren’t putting in much effort yourself.
still, you plastered on a smile. this is supposed to be fun, you reminded yourself. and it was, you went on nearly every ride. your boyfriend, though, wasn’t a big fan of fast rides due to his motion sickness, and you didn’t miss the way jeno scoffed every time he turned down your suggestions to ride together.
you were heading toward the food stalls when something caught your eye. “ooh! let’s do that one!” you pointed to a shabby building draped in fake cobwebs and flickering lights. a crooked sign above the entrance read bloody encounter in dripping red letters.
jenny made a face. “why would you willingly do that to yourself?”
“come on,” you urged, tugging her arm. “it’ll be fun! i saw a video of it on instagram! it looks insane.”
“that’s exactly why i don’t want to go,” jenny shot back, glancing warily at the entrance.
natty, wide-eyed, whispered, “have you seen that movie where a group of friends goes into a haunted house, and there’s an actual killer inside?”
“that’s literally a movie,” you said, but your attempt at sounding confident fell flat when natty added, “it was based on real-life events.”
you rolled your eyes but glanced over your shoulder at your boyfriend trailing behind. he looked at the ride and grimaced.
“eh... i don’t know, babe,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “you know i hate this kind of stuff.”
you visibly deflated and before you could respond, another voice cut in. “i’ll go with you,” jeno said, stepping forward, hands stuffed into his pockets.
“I—” you started to object, nerves twisting in your stomach. jeno? alone? no way. that felt like walking into a trap. “weren’t you going to meet up with your friends?” you tried, hoping to backpedal.
“they texted that they got a flat on the way here, so it’ll be a while before they arrive” he shrugged.
“you two have fun,” jenny said, already pulling natty away. “we’ll grab food in the meantime.” natty threw you a look that screamed good luck before disappearing into the crowd.
your boyfriend lingered. “you sure you’re gonna be okay?” he asked, eyes darting to jeno, whose expression remained unreadable except for the subtle roll of his eyes.
“yeah,” you lied, forcing a reassuring smile. “i’ll be fine. see you in a bit.”
stepping through the entrance, you were swallowed by darkness. the air was thick with the artificial scent of fog machines and that weird plasticky smell of cheap props. distorted laughter and screams echoed through the narrow halls, looping over speakers that crackled with static.
beside you, jeno looked about as thrilled as someone waiting in line at the dmv. he glanced around, gaze skimming lazily over the walls. "spooky," he deadpanned.
"wow, you're really committing to the whole fun-hater thing," you shot back, glancing over your shoulder. you knew something was about to jump out, it was just a matter of when. "if you hate this so much, why'd you come?"
“figured your dumbass boyfriend wouldn’t,” he shrugged, mouth quirking into something between a smirk and a sneer. "someone had to make sure you didn’t cry."
“excuse me—”
a hidden panel to your left slammed open and a clown with cracked white paint on its face and red bulging eyes lunged out, blaring a horn right in your face. your soul practically left your body as you screamed and instinctively grabbed onto the nearest thing which, unfortunately, was jeno.
he didn’t even flinch, his arm simply went around your shoulders, comforting you even as your heart tried to beat out of your chest. you looked up, breath catching when you met his gaze. his eyes flicked down to where you were clutching his hoodie before lifting back to yours.
you pushed away, but his hand didn’t fall away immediately. it trailed from your shoulder down to the small of your back, you felt his warmth seep through the fabric of your sweater.
"so," he drawled, "should i hold your hand for the rest of this?"
“i swear to god…”
“—because i don’t mind”
“keep talking and i’ll feed you to the next clown,” you shot back.
he snorted. "like you’d make it through this without me."
you flipped him off without looking back, which earned a low chuckle in response. you stalked ahead, determined to focus on not tripping over the uneven floor, but his footsteps stayed close behind. annoyingly close.
the mirror maze was where things went downhill. everywhere you turned, warped reflections of you and jeno stretched and twisted in the glass. dark shapes flickered just out of sight, and the speakers just made everything worse by echoing whispers that felt like they were breathing down your neck.
your reflection twisted, making your head look three times too big. jeno snorted. “look, they got your good side.”
“bite me” you said, peering around a corner. your reflection multiplied into a dozen versions of you, all looking equally pissed.
“tempting,” he muttered, mostly to himself.
jeno’s fingers suddenly wrapped around your wrist and he tugged you in the opposite direction.
“it’s this way,” he said.
“how would you know?”
“we’ve been stuck in here for like ten minutes,” he cut in. “you’re clearly not the best guide.”
you bit your tongue, resisting the urge to snap back.
jeno pointed at a door partially concealed by a tangle of fake cobwebs. “that’s gotta be the exit.”
“that looks deliberately hidden,” you said, eyeing it warily. something about it seemed off.
“well,” he shrugged, “either we try that or we keep wandering in circles. your call.”
fine. you followed him, trusting—against better judgment—that his instincts were better than yours.
they weren’t.
the door creaked open to reveal a forgotten section of the attraction with dust-covered boxes, broken props tossed in corners, and walls lined with peeling fake blood. the air smelled like damp cardboard and stale fog machine fluid.
“...okay,” he said, unfazed. “so not the exit.”
“wow. color me shocked.”
he shot you a look. “didn’t hear you coming up with better options.”
you rolled your eyes and turned back to the door. “whatever, let’s just—”
it didn’t budge. frowning, you tried again, putting more weight into it. nothing.
your pulse quickened. “uh... jeno?”
“the door’s stuck.”
“just turn the handle—”
“i am!” frustration and panic crept into your voice. “i know how to open a damn door!”
“move.” he gently nudged you aside, grabbing the handle. he twisted while shoving his shoulder into it but the door held firm “...shit.”
your stomach dropped. this wasn’t funny anymore. “no, no, no… this can’t be happening.” you raked a hand through your hair.
jeno stepped back, scanning the room like there might be another way out. “it’s gotta be part of the attraction… like some escape room or…”
“yeah? you really think they’d make a whole escape room and hide it behind a side door that was clearly not supposed to be opened?” your voice cracked, breath coming quicker now.
he glanced at you, expression shifting. “hey.” his tone dropped, calmer. “don’t freak out.”
easy for him to say. your brain was already spiraling. you were locked in some creepy back room of a haunted house... with him.
you leaned back against the door, shutting your eyes as you tried to calm your racing heart.
“do you have your phone?” you asked, voice tight as you pushed away from the door and walked toward him.
he patted his back pocket and pulled out his phone, holding it up before showing the dead screen. “no battery.”
you let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing your temples. “of course.”
“the staff will probably notice we never came out,” he said, glancing around the dimly lit room. “they’ll be looking for us soon.”
“i didn’t even see anyone else besides that clown,” you muttered. “this is what i get for coming in here with you.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” his voice dropped a note lower, and when you looked up, he’d stepped closer. your back nearly hit the door again, tension sparking between you like static electricity.
“you’ve clearly upset some kind of energy around me, and that’s why all these things keep happening,” you snapped, trying to push away the sudden awareness of how little space there was between your bodies.
“are you being for real right now?” he chucked bitterly, dark eyes flicking to your lips for a fraction of a second before meeting your eyes again. “you’ve been writing dirty fantasies about me for months but i’m the one somehow upsetting your energy?”
heat surged to your face, both from anger and embarrassment. “and that’s all they were! fantasies!” you shot back, voice rising. “i never wanted you to read those.” your breath came quicker. his proximity was messing with your ability to think straight.
“yeah?” he leaned in, close enough that you could feel the warmth of his breath. the playful glint in his eyes burned away, leaving something far more dangerous. “you say that like you didn’t mean every goddamn word.”
your fingers curled into fists at your sides. "is now really the time for this?"
“how come my presence didn't bother you when my mouth was between your legs?” he growled.
your hand shot up, ready to shove him away but he caught your wrist, pinning it above your head. your heart kicked into overdrive.
“not here,” you breathed, but it was weak, barely convincing.
“nobody’s around,” he rasped, chest flush against yours. “and you don’t really want me to stop.”
his lips dragged along your neck greedily, teeth scraping your skin before his tongue soothed the sting. your knees nearly gave out.
“jeno—fuck—we can’t,” you gasped, even as your hips arched toward him, desperate for friction.
“i’m sure i can make you cum before anyone shows up,” he promised, voice like rough velvet.
then he grabbed your thigh, hauling your leg around his waist and shoving his hips against you. the contact had you gasping, heat blooming everywhere at once. his grip was bruising, grounding you and shattering you all at once.
“you have no idea—” his breath was ragged, words spoken between gritted teeth, “—how fucking hard it was to sit back and watch you with him. i wanted to drag you away and remind you exactly whose tongue had you shaking mere hours ago.”
that snapped something inside you. your fingers twisted in his hair, pulling him in as his mouth crashed against yours. his hips rolled, grinding against you in rough motions that stole every coherent thought from your brain.
you should stop. you should care about where you were or the fact that your boyfriend was waiting for you outside, but the way he was touching you, kissing you, claiming you.
he pressed you hard against the wall, hands pulling at your sweater with urgency. the second it was off, his mouth was on you, sucking against the lace of your bra. his groan was barely controlled.
“fuck, so fucking perfect,” he muttered, his words shaky. his gaze was hungry as he tore your bra off, his lips tracing the curve of your chest.
his mouth found your nipple, sucking hard. your back arched and a gasp slipped from you.
“god, perfect tits,” he growled. his hands were shaking now, and there was no control in his voice, just raw need.
without warning, he pulled your pants off, almost knocking you off balance. you barely steadied yourself before he turned you around, shoving you forward. Your hands gripped the wall for support, and you felt him push his erection against your ass.
“fuck, gonna make you feel so good. better than your fingers ever could. let me fill you up” he groaned, his voice desperate. you could feel how hard he was even through his jeans.
you bit your lip, refusing to let him have the satisfaction of knowing just how much you wanted him. before you could look back, his hand was on your jaw, turning your head to face forward.
“be good and i’ll let you look,” he growled, his breath hot against your ear.
he pulled your panties aside, the fabric stretching tight against you. it felt like it might snap any second, but before the thought could even settle, his finger was buried in your folds. the cool touch of his rings against your heat made you gasp, your body shuddering in response.
“oh god,” you mewled.
if your mind was clear enough to process anything, you’d laugh at how absurd this was. your fantasies, the ones you’d written about in your blog, were unfolding before your eyes, all within a day.
“barely even touched you, and you’re already dripping like this?” his voice was laced with amusement, though there was a growl beneath it.
“jeno, please don’t… tease me.” the words barely left your mouth, a plea you couldn’t hold back.
he smirked, his thumb brushing over your sensitive spot as he circled your clit. “i thought you were the one who didn’t want to do this here,” he taunted.
“please,” you whispered, barely able to form a coherent thought.
he chuckled, drawing another slow circle, teasing you, making you ache. every motion of his finger made your body respond, pushing your hips back instinctively. “so eager,” he muttered, his mouth hot against your shoulder.
his finger plunged inside you, and before you could adjust, another joined. he pulled them out slowly, spreading the slickness of your folds across your skin, making you squirm in desperation. you felt the pressure of his cock growing against your ass, and you clenched around his fingers, your walls yearning for more.
“ready for me, baby?” his voice was low, dark, almost a growl, and you nodded, mind too fogged to say anything.
he spread your legs wider, forcing you open for him, giving him better access. you felt the tip of his cock swipe against your folds, teasing the entrance, and you couldn’t help but steal a glance down. his pre-cum smeared against you, mixing with your slickness.
“when i’m done with you, you won’t even remember who came before me…” his words were gruff, hot against your hair.
and then, just like that, he thrust inside. you heard him inhale sharply as your gummy walls welcomed him, stretching around him, pulling him deeper. he felt thick, too thick, and you weren’t sure if he was all the way in, but the fullness was overwhelming. his body pushed against yours, your legs trembling under the weight of him, but he wasn’t stopping.
one hand snaked around your waist, pulling you closer as jeno continued to push deeper. your moans grew louder, and with each thrust your inhibition was slipping away. it felt too good to care about being caught, to think about anything else but the feeling of being so full.
but then, just as you were losing yourself completely, the sound of footsteps and distant voices jerked you back to reality.
“guys, they probably already came out,” you recognized jenny’s voice, and you froze.
“y/n isn’t picking up her phone,” your boyfriend’s voice followed, too close, so close you could practically feel him in the room.
you pushed weakly against jeno, trying to make him pull out, but he wasn’t paying attention. instead, he thrust into you again, harder, his cock pressing into you so deeply that you bit your tongue to hold back the moan threatening to slip out.
“that’s cause i have it,” natty’s voice rang out, innocently. “she gave it to me when she went on the roller coaster earlier.”
jeno’s hand moved to cover your mouth, muffling the sounds you couldn’t stop from escaping. he continued to pound into you, relentless, while pulling you flush against his chest, his pace steady but punishing. panic clawed at your throat as your breath quickened.
“when were you gonna tell us that...?” jenny’s voice sounded sharp, you could even picture the scowl that came with it.
“did you try jeno?” your boyfriend asked, the concern in his tone making the situation even more unbearable.
“we don’t have his phone number,” natty replied casually.
“i do,” Jenny said, her voice almost sheepish.
jeno’s hips stuttered for a brief moment, the pace slowing as he briefly pulled away from you. you thought he was stopping but before you could even react, he spun you around, forcing you to face him. his forehead glistened with sweat, his lips swollen from how hard he’d bitten them, his breath labored.
“what? since when?” natty asked, her voice sounding confused but amused.
“i stole it from y/n’s phone,” jenny muttered quickly. “don’t tell her, though.”
before you could even process her words, jeno thrust back into you, pressing you into the wall with each brutal stroke. the wall rattled violently with every movement and you could barely form the words to warn him.
“j-jeno, stop… they… they’re gonna hear us,” you gasped. your whole body felt like it was being torn apart in the best way, but the fear of being caught made it impossible to enjoy it fully.
“let them,” he growled against your ear, his grip tightening on your waist. “let your boyfriend know i’m the only one who can make you cum.”
you couldn’t help the loud whimper that came out when he said that.
“did you guys hear that?” your boyfriend’s voice rang out, sharp with suspicion.
your eyes widened in sheer panic, your body stiffening around jeno. but instead of stopping, he only smirked, still buried deep inside you. the bastard was enjoying this.
his hand trailed down, fingers finding your clit, and the second he started rubbing tight circles, your head lolled back involuntarily. another strangled whimper escaped before you could stop it. the feeling of his fingers working you over while he continued driving into you relentlessly had you seeing white.
“what?” natty asked, her voice tinged with unease.
jeno didn’t stop, his movements staying controlled except for the way his breath hitched when your walls fluttered around him. his lips parted slightly, a muscle in his jaw twitching as he fought to keep from moaning out loud.
“it sounded like… a person?” your boyfriend said, his voice closer now.
your head snapped up in terror, eyes locking onto jeno’s, silently pleading with him to stop. but he wasn’t even looking at you. his teeth were digging into his lower lip, dark eyes fixed on where your bodies were joined, watching the way he disappeared inside you over and over again.
“it’s probably just the scary audio replaying on the speakers,” Jenny suggested.
“and that rattling sound?”
jeno’s eyes flicked up at that, finally registering your panic. without pulling out, he wrapped an arm around your waist and lifted you off the wall effortlessly, carrying you a few paces away before pressing you down onto an old, dusty table.
before you could even think to protest, he shoved your knees up and entered you again, deeper this time, making you arch off the surface with a muffled cry. your teeth sank into the flesh of your hand to keep the noises in.
the table creaked with each sharp thrust, dust kicking up into the air around you. tears pricked your eyes, whether from pleasure, mortification, or both, you weren’t sure.
“maybe rats or something,” jenny suggested, her voice fading as she moved further away. “who cares? let’s just go. they’re not here anymore.”
the moment the voices started retreating, jeno leaned over you.
“we almost got caught,” he whispered, his teeth grazing your earlobe “...and you’re still fucking dripping around me.”
you didn't even get to feel embarrassed by his words because soon he was already moving again harder, deeper, like he needed to make up for the interruption. the table kept creaking under the force of his thrusts, and your fingers scrambled for something to hold onto.
when you looked down, your breath hitched at the sight of his cock drilling into you over and over, slick coating both of you in a wet mess. you were mesmerized by the sharpness of his hip bones, the way his veins bulged with every flex of his muscles.
you wanted to touch. you needed to.
your fingers twitched with the urge. why is he still so covered? you’d seen him shirtless before, had spent far too long secretly admiring the cut of his abs, but seeing and feeling were entirely different. you wanted to feel them ripple under your hands, to feel the heat of his skin against your palms.
driven by that need, you pushed up on your elbows, reaching for the hem of his shirt. he didn’t stop you, just watched with dark eyes and parted lips as you dragged the fabric up, exposing smooth skin and the taut muscles beneath. your fingers splayed over his stomach, feeling how hard he was clenching, how his body responded to you.
jeno tensed the moment your hands made contact with his skin, a sharp inhale hissing through his teeth. his hips faltered for a second before slamming back into you with even more force. your breath stuttered, and when you looked up, his eyes were already locked onto yours, pupils blown wide with something wild.
suddenly, he leaned forward and his lips crashed into yours, all-consuming. a deep grunt rumbled from his chest as he licked into your mouth, greedy and desperate, sucking at your tongue like he couldn’t get enough of your taste. you gasped, clutching at his shoulders, your fingers digging into the sweaty skin under his shirt.
he groaned against your lips, voice ragged. “you—” another thrust, deeper this time, knocking the air from your lungs. “—are driving me fucking crazy.”
you felt your orgasm building fast, your breath catching as pleasure coiled tight in your stomach. words tumbled out of your mouth, barely coherent, dissolving into soft gasps as your body clenched around him. jeno moaned against your lips, his hand sliding back to your chest, fingers toying with your nipple. his hips didn’t slow, driving into you with almost manic thrusts that had your head spinning.
“fuck, i’m close,” he breathed out, voice rough in your ear. “where do you want it?”
you blinked through the pleasure, brain too sluggish to register the question. when it did, warmth flooded your cheeks. you were on the pill and the thought of him stuffing you up with his cum, just like you’d written about, made your walls flutter instinctively. “inside,” you said, voice barely above a whisper.
jeno’s jaw flexed, his gaze darkening. “yeah?” his pace quickened, rougher now, his lips brushing against your neck. “couldn’t wait for me to fill you up, hm?” his words melted into a groan when you clenched around him.
“jeno—i—” the rest of the sentence dissolved into a cry as your orgasm crashed over you violently. your body arched into him, trembling.
he wasn’t far behind. you felt his rhythm stutter before warmth flooded you, his hips pressing deep as he let out a low, drawn-out moan. his lips found yours again, kissing you slowly, even as both of you tried to catch your breath.
when he finally pulled back, his gaze held yours for a while. you wanted to ask what he was thinking, but the words stuck in your throat.
you felt him slip out of you along with the slow drip of hia cum trailing down your thighs. he reached for your discarded underwear, swiping it between your legs with surprising gentleness before, without hesitation, tucking it into his back pocket.
“hey—” you started to protest, but the look he shot you shut you up fast. apparently, those were his now.
a few quiet minutes passed, both of you fixing your clothes, when the door groaned open. you flinched as an older staff member peeked in, eyes widening upon spotting you two.
“what on earth are you two doing in here?”
you quickly stepped forward, feigning wide-eyed innocence. “so sorry, sir! we got lost trying to find the exit, and then the door jammed. thank you for helping us”
“yeah. where’s the way out?” jeno added, right behind you.
“just head left twice. you’ll see the exit sign.” the man shook his head, muttering something under his breath as he waved you off.
“thanks again!” you called, already pulling jeno with you. once outside, the cool night air hit your flushed skin, and you wrapped your arms around yourself with a shiver.
“if we’d followed my directions,” you said, glancing sideways at him, “we would’ve been out a while ago.”
jeno’s jacket appeared over your shoulders before you could argue further. “yeah,” he smirked, eyes glinting under the neon lights. “but then we wouldn’t’ve had all that fun, would we?”
likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3 my inbox is always open for any feedback about the fic or if you just wanna talk
support me here if you want (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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peachylynnie · 4 months ago
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word count: 1.8k
synopsis: in which sylus sneaks into your apartment and finds you sick. yet, you're not resting. why?
contains: sylus x mc!reader (they're not dating but sylus is pining and reader is confused), reader is implied to be in college, slightly obsessive sylus, mentions of violence and sickness, suggestive themes, cussing, and fluff.
a/n: i got sick yesterday. what better way to rest than to write about sylus? do NOT copy or steal my work. sylus WOULD NOT endorse plagiarism :)
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you don't want to admit it. you really don't. but you're sick. there's no denying that with how short of breath you are, how nauseous you feel, and the goddamn soreness in the back of your throat that didn't go away with the first sip of water.
"shit…" you mumble as you sluggishly move to empty the dishwasher as your roommate asked. it's bad enough that you were sick, but you were also stressed out of your mind. midterms have been kicking your ass this semester. big assignments have been piling up on your already heavy shoulders. in essence, this was a burnout month, and all that lack of sleep and unparalleled stress had finally caught up to you. in the form of a cold, that is.
"of all the times," you grumble as you struggle to stack the dishes in the cabinet. "why now…" indeed, this was a terrible time to get sick. how were you to complete all your tasks while feeling absolutely miserable? you glance at the microwave clock in desperation. 10:00 PM, it read. although you meant to sigh a breath of relief, you let out a painful cough. maybe you could finish an assignment or two by midnight. that way, you can focus on studying tomorrow, you thought to yourself.
you sniff as you return to the dishwasher to unload the rest of the dishes. as much as you were happy for your roommate leaving for the weekend to finally see her family, you couldn't help but feel resentful. why were you here struggling to do the dishes while she got to have fun? shaking your head at your bitter thoughts, you bend down, trying to grab the utensils from the dishwasher. keyword: trying.
the sudden pair of strong arms that wrapped around you prevented you from doing so. normally, you would've swiftly elbowed the person behind you and turned around to land a hard blow that would have them seeing stars. instead, you exhale shakily. you recognize the mysterious backhugger's scent. the scent of sweet wine and sharp citrus. sylus.
how the hell did he get in? you don’t remember giving him a spare key when you told him your address. you look behind you, angling your head to meet his garnet eyes. "i did not give you my address just so you can sneak in like this," you say, trying your best not to sound like you're dying.
unfortunately, the nasal tone of your voice does not go unnoticed by sylus. instead of offering his usual quips, sylus furrows his brows and unclasps his right arm from your waist. you try not to flinch at the chill of his slender fingers touching your forehead. he frowns. "you're sick."
you immediately avert your gaze. "i'm not sick," you mutter as you try to bend down once more to grab the stupid utensils from the dishwasher. sylus doesn't let go. this time, he spins you around with his left arm, making sure that he can see you properly.
"you're burning up, sweetie." sylus says as flips the hand on your forehead for good measure. "you're sick and you know it."
you roll your eyes, squirming to get out of his grip. you did not want sylus to see you like this. a sick, miserable mess incapable of doing something as simple as emptying the dishwasher. you had an image to uphold after all. being vulnerable with someone like him could mean getting hurt again. last time you were vulnerable with someone… well, let's say you learned your lesson.
weakly, you push at sylus' arm around your waist with your small hands. you try not to think about how minuscule they looked next to sylus' deliciously veiny forearms. great, you're sick, and your mind decides to lust after sylus' arms. you shiver at your thoughts and attempt to push sylus' grip away once more. normally, escaping sylus' hold would be a reasonable task for you. after all, your sparring sessions with him prepared you to get out of sticky situations. but you were sick and exhausted out of your mind. all you could manage was a feeble squirm.
sylus' gaze moves from his hand on your forehead to your eyes. your half-lidded baggy eyes. his frown deepens. you looked extremely fatigued. your face was noticeably pale, and your intake of breath was short. not to mention, sylus could see the slight wince of pain whenever you tried to swallow your saliva. sylus sighs as he removes his hand on your forehead and replaces it with his own. you were neglecting yourself again.
under normal circumstances, you would've shied away from sylus' physical advancements. his hand on the small of your back? an immediate flinch and glare, signaling him to stop. a tap on the crown of your head? a swift jerk of your neck and avoidance of eye contact. instead—again, you blame it on your exhaustion—you tiredly close your eyes, relishing in sylus' cool forehead against your heated one. no resistance to be shown.
you don't see it, but sylus' sharp eyes soften at the sight of you accepting his touch. even with the eye bags and ghastly skin, you looked ethereal. like an angel sent from heaven to save him from his own solitary hell. as much as he wants to savor this moment of you finally giving into his touch, sylus knows what he must do. you're unwell and unrested. you need to be in bed immediately.
"you should be in bed, sweetie." sylus murmurs as he pulls away from your forehead. you try not to sulk at the loss of the soothing chill of his skin. though, not without feeling conflicted because why you would even sulk about him? for god's sake, he was a criminal. he's taken countless lives. not to mention, he choked you upon meeting you, called you a disappointment, and tried to alter you after three straight days of relentless attempts at a forced resonation… just thinking about him drives you nuts and being driven nuts is the last thing you want right now.
"i'm fine, sylus." it was your turn to pull away, trying to put as much distance between you two as his firm grip around your waist would allow. "besides, nothing a little old tea can't fix."
with that, you turn to face the dishwasher and reach for the utensils for the umpteenth time of the night. sylus sighs and pinches his nose bridge with his free hand. as much as he admired your stubbornness, he could not help but resent it at times like these. times when you were in desperate need of a break. before you can grab the utensils, you feel yourself get lifted off the ground effortlessly.
sylus' arm on your waist had moved to your shoulder, and his other arm was hooked under your thighs. he had you in bridal style in less than a second. your eyes widen, realizing the sudden change in positions. "what are you doing?!" you cough painfully. "put me down!"
you do your best to escape sylus' new grip on you by kicking your legs and squirming uncontrollably, but it was hopeless. you were weakened due to your sickness, and sylus was determined to make sure you looked only at him instead of the goddamn dishwasher. one more look at it, and he swears he's gonna break it with his evol.
quickly and confidently, sylus exits the kitchen with you in his arms and arrives at what he guesses is your shared bedroom with your roommate. he tries not to get distracted by the fact that this is his first time in your room. god, the entire space smelled so much like you, he wanted to become one with it and watch you forever and ever. dismissing his intrusive thoughts, sylus gently places you down on your bed and starts to cover you in your blanket.
"wait, sylus," you start, trying to get up. "i have to empty the dishwasher. i have homework, too." sylus tuts as he shakes his head, his messy silver locks following suit. although he doesn't respond, sylus continues to spread out your blanket. you furrow your eyebrows at his strange behavior. "sylus…" you whine. you actually whined. something you never thought you would do, especially in front of sylus. you could feel his intense gaze prick at you like little needles. you avoid his gaze, hoping to hide your flustered state.
adorable. that's what you are. incredibly adorable to the point sylus wants to grab your chin and force you to look at him as he coaxes more and more of your pretty whines out of you.
trying to fight his indecent thoughts, sylus locks eyes with you, a firm yet pleading look on his face. "you need to rest, sweetie," he leans in to adjust your pillow. "you won't get anything done in this state." you try to protest again, but sylus beats you to it. "rest. i'll take care of everything."
well, fuck. how can you say no when sylus, in all of his gorgeous glory, is centimeters from your face, telling you that he will take care of everything and asking you to do the one thing you've been longing to do for a very long time? besides, you felt sleepy ever since sylus took you in his arms. just this once. just this once, you'll allow yourself to be vulnerable with him. so that you can rest, of course. totally not because sylus had a way of comforting you so sweetly and breaking your defensive walls so charmingly.
your labored breathing slows as you cautiously nod. "fine," you yawn. "the utensils go in the very left drawer of the island while the pots and pans go in the stove oven, and…" you can feel sleep beckoning for you as you continue to list instructions. sylus can't help the grin that appears on his face as he watches your cute blinks grow in intervals.
"noted, sweetie." he caresses a stray hair strand out of your face. "i'll make sure everything is back where they belong." like you to him. though, he doesn't say that part out loud. maybe another day. when you are no longer wary of him and are willing to acknowledge his very obvious affection for you. deep in his fantasy, sylus almost misses your cute snores. he chuckles, taking this chance to admire you now that you've fallen asleep.
you truly were an angel. the way your eyebrows furrowed here and there in your sleep. the way your plump lips parted at times. the way your button nose twitched sporadically. oh, sylus loved it all. he could watch you sleep forever. but he had a better task at hand: to take care of you. he assured you that he would take care of everything. and sylus is a man of his words. carefully to not wake you, sylus cups your face with his right hand. closing his eyes, he places a delicate kiss on your forehead.
"rest well, sweetie. i'll see you soon."
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starmapz · 2 months ago
what you know - ch9: (ex) friends || r. sukuna
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❦ ryomen sukuna x f!reader [college au] [ongoing series]
❝ you've heard his reputation and you've seen first-hand the way he's late to class if he even bothers to show up. paired with him for the most important project of the year, you choose to give him the benefit of the doubt- but maybe that's more than he deserves when your perfect grades depend on him, or maybe there's more to the aloof and irritable sukuna than meets the eye. ❞
❦ cw ; mdni, 18+ only. contains explicit sexual themes and content. use of alcohol. use of cannabis. use of nicotine/cigarettes. angst. hurt/no comfort. hurt/comfort. implied injury. family trauma. mutual pining. smut. slow burn. anxiety. panic (attacks). mentions of difficulty eating. vomit. tags will be updated as series continues.
❦ additional tags ; college parties and themes. sukuna ooc warning as this is a realistic take on modern sukuna. reader is fairly preppy and implied to be smaller than sukuna, but he's 6"11.
❦ words ; 12.2k.
main masterlist || series masterlist || previous chapter || next chapter
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With a soft click, the Career Services Office door shuts behind you. Dropping your bag on the bench just outside the door, you pull Shoko’s attention from her phone.
“So? How did it go?”
Slipping paperwork carefully into your bag, you nod. “Good! I only need to make a couple of changes to my resume and cover letter and they gave me some good suggestions for options,” you explain.
As a part of your final couple of semesters in your final year, your Copy Editing and Proofreading class has an internship requirement. On one hand it’s stressful, especially given that you’ll need to adjust your life to the schedule of having an internship on Tuesdays and Thursdays on top of classes throughout the week, but you’re also excited.
And then there’s the case of Sukuna.
Although you wouldn’t exactly call the last time you saw him a pleasant encounter given Sukuna had broken down, not to mention his abrupt departure, his emails had been a bit more reassuring.
[email protected] - Friday, 6:02 PM home?
[email protected] - Friday, 6:24 PM Home! Thanks for checking in, Kuna :)
[email protected] - Friday, 6:29 PM yeah. thanks for earlier. makes it easier to be around the kids
You had smiled to yourself as it seemed he was finally admitting to the fact that maybe help wasn’t so bad. Maybe he didn’t have to handle everything alone.
More encouraging still, was his follow up email.
[email protected] - Friday, 6:32 PM can you watch them more? i’ll find a way to pay you back after the trial
You hadn’t exactly considered the repercussions that looking after Sukuna’s little brothers would have on your schedule on top of the fact that you’re required to get an internship to graduate.
But if Sukuna can handle it, then you’re more than willing to bear some of his burden if it means he’ll accept your help. Maybe you can lessen the dark circles that seem burnt into his skin like a brand, even if it means you take on a burden of your own.
It’s worth it. He’s worth it.
Shoko groans, pulling your thoughts back to the present. “God, I hope my resume only needs a couple of tweaks. I don’t think it’s very good,” she mutters, pulling it out of her bag.
Peeking over the top of the paper, you shrug. “If it’s any consolation, it’s pretty.”
“Did you just call my resume dumb but pretty? I feel like you did,” she chides.
You laugh in unison with her, shaking your head. “I haven’t even read it! It’s probably more impressive than mine is.”
As her laughter dies down, Shoko rolls her resume up in her hand, batting your shoulder with the paper. “Nice save,” she snorts. Giggling, you step aside as she stands up to head into the Career Services Office next. “I’ll catch you later,” she waves as she steps inside.
Slinging your backpack over your shoulder, you make your way to the car and return home. As if projects and studying weren't enough, to think that you now also need to apply to publishing houses while competing with every other student in your program is… a lot. 
With a sigh, you stretch your arms over your head as you take a seat at your desk and begin the long application process of applying to nearly every publishing house in town.
Rocking back and forth on the ball of your heels, adorned in cute knee-high boots that match your beige knit sweater, you await one of the three brothers at the door. Over the past couple of weeks, your tattooed counterpart has slowly allowed you to help him.
And thank god for that.
After the intensely emotional moment you’d shared with him outside his apartment after meeting with Hiromi, Choso and Sukuna’s behaviour had grown increasingly worrying. Yuji’s boisterous personality remained somewhat dulled with an underlying sadness, but every so often he would relax under your care and his giggles would light up the apartment.
Choso was a different story. You wondered often if he had heard the discussions between the four adults chatting about legal papers. His already extremely reserved personality had faded into a monotonous and ghostly presence of what was once a very bright and lively child. If ever someone had seemed to be running on auto-pilot, this was it.
Your concern had only grown when you’d stood beside Sukuna just outside of your Literature History class as he received a phone call from Choso’s teacher, concerned for his mental health and well-being.
How Sukuna is meant to explain his child brother refusing to speak not only to classmates, but even his teacher, neither of you truly knew. The pride Sukuna carries on his back that strains and weighs down his already heavy shoulders prevented him from telling the truth. He’s not the picturesque guardian that the school expects him to be at the end of the day, but to admit that he’s about to fight to keep his brothers in his custody feels like defeat to a man like Sukuna.
The battle hasn’t even begun and he’s already losing.
Sukuna remained nestled carefully within your heart, lighting a fire deep within that urged you to help him fight. Like a firefly, it seemed to buzz within, guiding you towards the man you’d come to know as surprisingly warm and thoughtful, in spite of his rougher edges.
Yet it seemed that man was buried under so many layers of stress that you hadn’t caught wind of that warmth in weeks. Sukuna had become somewhat of a shell of his former self too, more on edge and growing wearier by the day. You may see him every couple of days as you look after his brothers or he manages to make it to class or lunch, but between his quick departure and the bone-tired state he returns in after his shift, you don’t get many opportunities to speak.
The only positive you can find across the whole situation is that he’s accepting your help. He’s trying with what meager energy he can find.
In the midst of your troubles with the three brothers, your schedule had briefly become a scattered mess as well. Between running to interviews, classes in which Sukuna struggled to arrive in a timely manner, and looking after the boys, you had been spread thin as well.
At least your schedule would become more predictable, beginning today.
The door creaks open just far enough for Choso to peek up at you. His eyes are devoid of anything beyond recognition as he steps back to let you in. It tugs at your heartstrings to see him so withdrawn.
“Hey sweetie,” you greet him softly, gently ruffling his dark hair. He blinks as his hair, which has grown quite long now, falls into his face, obscuring his vision, though he doesn’t otherwise react.
With two months until the court date, you pray he comes out of his shell again. Two months of reserved silence doesn’t bode well for his mental health, especially when you’re certain Sukuna will win the case regardless.
Sure, his odds aren’t amazing, but those kids love him and in spite of the fatigue that plagues his mind and body, you catch glimpses of the fire lit within to win the court case.
“Where are your brothers?” You query with a small tilt of your head.
Choso’s gaze drifts to the hall where the bedrooms are. You shoot him a tight-lipped smile, sighing as you reach the hall. The bathroom door is shut, the sounds of running water penetrating the barrier. Brushing past the room, you poke your head into the open door to Yuji’s room. The most lively of the bunch, his feet are kicking as he sits at his desk, crayons scrawling across paper.
Stepping inside, you greet him with a smile.
His response isn’t as enthusiastic as you hoped, but he still calls your name out as his eyes brighten at the sight of you.
“Hey, sweetheart,” you ruffle his hair as you step up behind him to peer at his coloring page. To your surprise, it isn’t the Avengers book that he’s been coloring over the course of the past few weeks (Spider-Man is his favorite), but a page with a familiar blue hedgehog on it. You blink once as you recognize the pose, it looks like it’s straight from the cover of the GameCube game you’d left here a while ago. More notably, you notice that the lineart doesn’t gleam in the same way the printed pages usually do under the lamplight.
It’s drawn in marker.
Faint traces of erased lines remain at the edge of Sonic’s eyes (are they eyes? Is it one eye? How does that work?) and now that you’re standing over the desk more, you can see the faint outline of another character at his side. Shadow.
You smile to yourself, somewhat bittersweet, at the sweet sight of Yuji leaving the sketch blank and staying in the lines to the best of his ability. He likely hopes that at some point he’ll be able to complete his joint artistic effort with his brother.
The sound of a door opening grabs your attention and you excitedly make your way over to Sukuna, who’s clad in a blue polo and khakis. Clearly he’d be stocking shelves for the evening. Running a hand through long salmon locks, his eyes slide over to you as you appear from the doorway of his brothers’ room.
The dark circles under his eyes don’t look so bad today, though his expression remains stoic. There’s no cracks to his practiced facade of control, his crimson eyes set on your face as he examines the way you actually bound towards him, clearly excited. He raises an eyebrow as he casts his gaze down to your hands, fidgeting with the hem of your sweatshirt.
“Something happen?” He brings a hand up to casually scratch beneath the collar of his shirt, the polo material irritating against his skin.
“You remember how I needed to get an internship this semester?”
“Aaaaand you remember how I was really hoping to get a position in that printing house on the main bus route to save some money on gas?”
His lip quirks upwards at the corner as he takes a step towards you. One strong arm wraps around you in something between a headlock and a hug, causing you to giggle. “‘Course you got it. Atta girl,” though his tone lacks the usual timbre he reserves for you and his brothers, you can see the way something within him shifts, something akin to pride resonating through him.
With your face practically shoved into Sukuna’s way too bulky chest, your cheeks quickly warm. You’re more than positive that he can feel it when you stumble back as he releases you after a moment, a glimmer of mischief buried deep beneath the haze of exhaustion.
“Thanks Kuna,” you can’t help the way your eyes crinkle at the corners as your heart pounds in your chest.
Loving him from afar isn’t easy, but it’s better than not loving him at all.
Sukuna makes a motion that he’s headed for the kitchen. You trail after him, watching as he reaches into the fridge for leftovers and a water bottle. 
Choso sits silently at the table towards the back of the apartment, leaning on his palm as he stares outside. With tupperware in one hand and a large metal bottle in the other, Sukuna pauses to stare at him. Something akin to guilt flashes through his eyes, but he quickly steels himself.
You briefly wonder if he believes he can win, something you’ve been doing your best to reassure all three brothers of. Something you genuinely believe.
“When do you start?” Sukuna gruffs, turning his attention back to you.
“Tuesday next week.”
“I’m a bit nervous, but… yeah,” you smile, grateful he’s entertaining the conversation given how clipped chats with him have been over the last couple of weeks. During lunch or classes on campus, you can usually goad him into a conversation about your professor’s strange obsession with conspiracies (which turned out to be true, much to your dismay), but that’s the extent of his chatty mood usually. You don’t blame him, though. You know he’s worn thin.
The only sign that the Sukuna you know is still there are the minute breaks, the moments where he silently seeks your company, falling into step with you and letting his arm brush against yours. The days when he spreads his legs while he sits at the lunch table and you would give him a hard time for manspreading when his thigh leans against yours, but he only does it to you, so you second-guess teasing him.
“You’ll be fine,” he assures, taking a seat on the couch as he stuffs his dinner into his backpack. “You’re a hard worker.” He smirks, though it doesn’t reach his eyes. 
“Compared to you, I seem like I sleep on the job.”
Your smile falters as Sukuna forces a laugh. “Hmph. Maybe.”
Sukuna’s capacity for conversation has grown infinitely thinner as the days pass and his sleep lessens. Where that leaves his anger and frustration simmering beneath the surface, he does what he can to keep it at bay, especially when it comes to you and his brothers. Unfortunately, it comes at the cost of his conversational skills.
The air grows quiet, interrupted only by the gentle creak of the chair that Choso shuffles quietly on and distant cars in the January cold.
“I can’t believe this is our last year,” you comment mostly for the sake of creating conversation. You know Sukuna doesn’t have much gas in the tank for it, but you find yourself wondering if talking at him helps ease his worries and distract him from the thoughts that plague his restless mind.
“Mm. You lookin’ forward to working?”
“I think so! What about you?
His gaze flashes towards you, narrowing slightly as he straightens, pulling a pair of keys from the bottom of his bag. “No.”
Heat creeps up the back of your neck. “You have time! Especially if you decide to change your major-”
“Why would I do that?” He snaps, lip curling into a snarl. Crimson irises flit between your wide eyes, your brow knit together by a crease.
That carefully composed facade Sukuna’s been sporting the last week cracks, his simmering frustration crashing through the walls he’s erected to protect those around him from his own gripes.
Biting your lip in uncertainty, you stammer as you attempt to backtrack under his harsh stare. “I- I just thought-”
“Thought what? Thought I’d be better off doing something more useful? Something that makes more money?”
“What?” You blink as you process his cold tone. “No, I-” your words die in your throat as you examine his set jaw and the way he’s gripping his backpack with white knuckles. What really strikes you is the way something akin to offense gleams in his eyes. You’re accustomed to accidentally prodding where he doesn’t want you, but his edge isn’t usually so cold when you dig a little too deep into his psyche. “It just seemed like you were considering something else.” You want to tack on a mention of an art degree, but Sukuna scoffs before you can continue.
“Is history not good enough now, princess?”
You visibly recoil at the cold way his nickname for you slips off his tongue like venom. What nerve had you struck? “No, what-? No. I’m sorry, Sukuna. I just got the wrong idea, I guess.”
Maybe you shouldn’t have prodded into something that can be a touchy subject for him, but you thought you’d moved past this, and he asked first. Then again, this isn’t the Sukuna you’ve come to know after all these months. The man staring back at you is a product of a world that’s tearing him apart, his emotions awry.
But it still hurts when he takes it out on you.
With a sigh, he checks his watch. “I gotta fucking go,” he mutters, zipping up his bag and grabbing his coat from the rack near the door. Tossing them both on, he slips his hand into his pocket, surely shuffling through it in search of a cigarette, before the door shuts behind him with a slam.
You can only watch in confusion and dispiritedness as the lock flicks shut and the sounds of his footsteps fade outside.
One step forward… two steps back.
You sigh, shutting your eyes for a moment as you stare where he last was. Dragging your hands over your face, you push to your feet, deciding for once to forgo studying in favor of finding something to do with the kids. Maybe it’s time you litter the apartment in bead frogs to go with all the lizards that are still haphazardly strewn everywhere.
To your dismay as you turn towards the hall, you find Choso staring at you from the table. Fuck. You’d forgotten he was there. His expression is unreadable and your chest tightens.
With the most convincing smile you can muster, you usher him from his chair and lead him towards Yuji. “Did you two ever figure out how to make bead frogs?”
Choso’s deep brown eyes examine you as he stares straight up at you. “Are you okay?”
It chokes you up to hear the little boy worry about you. You don’t dare look at him, lest he see the way your eyes burn with salty warmth. So you just smile, nodding. “Of course! Let’s go find your brother.”
Hopefully your tone was more convincing than your expression.
The door opens thirty minutes later than usual. Both boys are already asleep (you hope), and have been for a while now, which is unusual for Sukuna’s evening shifts.
He pauses at the door with his keys, a habit you’ve noticed he picked up since the day he found Choso asleep on your lap and had nearly awoken him with the clattering of his keys on the table. When his eyes meet yours, he drops the keys onto the table and locks the door behind him without a word.
His backpack slides from his shoulder with a thud and a muffled clattering of utensils. “You can go.”
You purse your lips at his blatant dismissal of whatever the hell happened earlier. Had you really upset him that much?
“Sukuna, can’t we talk about-?”
He firmly says your name, his eyes steely as you stand and take a step towards him in an effort to reach out. “Not right now.”
Your heart drops into the pit of your stomach. It’s almost embarrassing; to stand there and so blatantly have him deny your request to talk things through after you’ve looked after his brothers for over nine hours. After he’s finally accepting your help and allowing himself to be vulnerable in your presence. “Please, Sukuna-”
Your name rolls off his tongue again, unyielding. “Go home.”
It’s always like this with him. Where that hole in your heart that Sukuna’s nestled so comfortably within eats away at its own chasm. It punctures you, twisting along with the way you still feel for him, knowing that his cold demeanor is the product of a world that threatens to crush him.
But the rational part of you is reminded of Kento and Shoko pulling you aside to warn you not to let him step on you.
Picking up your jacket and bag, you pull your boots on without shooting him another glance. “Asshole.” It slips past your lips before you can really think twice about it, but you’re too caught up in your emotions to care.
You’re gone before Sukuna’s frustration can flare and he’s standing alone in his apartment. The air is still, sound for the heavy air that suffocates him. The TV is still on, you were quietly watching Holes. He supposes there aren’t many non-horror options that you likely haven’t seen with the kids at this point given that he doesn’t have cable or any subscriptions of any kind.
His hair is sticking to his forehead, his skin sweat-slicked between his shoulder blades as he sits down on the couch, dragging his hands roughly over his face. The kids don’t usually pick this movie. He doesn’t remember it.
“You’re mean.”
Carefully guarded, Sukuna raises a brow. “Why’re you awake, brat? You got school tomorrow.” Choso doesn’t reply. With a sigh, the oldest brother scratches the back of his head. “She’ll come around, Choso. Go to bed.”
Choso stands his ground, not moving.
God, the first words he hears from his brother in days and it’s that he’s mean?
Is he really?
He examines Choso’s face, his eyes trailing up to the two bundles of his long hair gathered at the back of his head. Had you put his hair up? Surely the kid hadn’t done it himself. It suits him, and frankly Sukuna’s just glad his hair is out of his face.
He pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he has a stare-off with his little brother.
This isn’t that big of a deal. He just didn’t want to hear you point out his inadequacies. He knows his major is useless. He knows he shouldn’t smoke. He doesn’t want to hear it. Surely he hadn’t been enough of a dick that he was wasting what had been laid out clearly as his last chance with you. Right?
You don’t curse often, but even you had called him an asshole.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters, pushing up from the couch and pulling on his shoes without a second thought. He’s down in the parking lot as fast as his legs can carry him, searching for your car. To his relief, you’re waiting for the engine to warm up in a guest parking spot.
He jogs over, knocking on the window. You bristle, practically jumping out of your skin at the sight of the burly man at your side.
“Sukuna, you scared me,” you gasp.
You frown, avoiding his gaze as you set your phone down. “It’s fine,” you mumble quietly. “What do you want?”
“To talk. About how I was an asshole.”
You stare blankly at him, quietly examining his face. “I told you that you had one chance-”
“Then don’t let it get that far. I’m not wastin’ my chance, I’m fixing things before it gets to that point.”
“It’s not fair that you get to decide when we do or don’t talk about things.”
Sukuna leans his forearms in your car, sighing as he hangs his head within the heat. Your car dips somewhat under his weight. “I know, princess.” He lifts his head, his crimson eyes gleaming in the glow of your dash lights.
You figured he would keep talking but when he just stares blankly at you, you find yourself sighing. “I thought you were letting me in. Letting me help.”
“You are helping me,” he points out.
“I’m helping the kids.”
“That helps me.”
Groaning, you frustratedly run a hand through your hair. “That’s not what I mean,” you grumble, shooting him a glare. “You keep pushing me away.” His fingers flex into fists as he leans into the warmth of your car further.
“It’s better this way.”
“You’re so frustrating,” you groan, slumping back into your seat. “It’s not better! I’m trying to be your friend, I’m trying to be here for you, but I can’t if you won’t let me in.”
Sukuna’s jaw clenches as he merely listens.
“Honestly, tell me what you would have done if I’d left like you asked me to when you had a panic attack.” You look at him expectantly, watching the way that the lights on your dash suddenly seem very interesting to him. He swallows hard, crossing his arms as he continues to lean into the car, perched on his elbows.
Your heat is working overtime to keep you warm as the air that slips past Sukuna clings to your skin, raising it in its wake. Sukuna seems unaffected by the cold, focused anywhere but you. His mind is racing, searching for an answer in the white noise of the car, as though the check engine light will provide the answers he’s searching for.
“You should check your engine.”
You want to groan, roll your eyes, and scream in frustration all at once, yet all you can manage is to stare, stunned to your core that those are the words he chose. Your hand finds the gear shift to put the car in reverse and finally he gives in.
“Fuck, wait.” He huffs, reaching way too close across your body with his long arm to stop your hand from moving the gear shift. His fingers are chilly as he pulls your hand back, proceeding with the familiar act of fiddling with your fingers.
Sensing that this won’t be a short conversation, you flick the key in the ignition once, shutting off the engine, but keeping the heat on. As the engine rumbles to a halt, the distant sounds of cars down the road and faint chatter fill the air. The bulb that illuminates the entry of Sukuna’s apartment continues to flicker, the occasional darkness casting a serious air over his sharp features.
“The first time I ever had one was the day after my dad died,” Sukuna admits with a strained voice. His thumb slides along your knuckles. “It didn’t matter how sick he was. He never wanted me to have to take care of my brothers more than for a few hours.” His face contorts into something between sadness and anger. “I didn’t know how to change a diaper. Didn’t know what Yuji liked eatin’ ‘sides chicken fingers and shit. I think he really believed she’d come back n’ take care of us, or at least them.”
Your lips part as you sympathetically squeeze his fingers, but you don’t dare interrupt.
“Had to look it up on YouTube. How to change a diaper, I mean.” He scoffs, bitter resentment painted across sunken eyes. “Yuji wouldn’t stop cryin’. It was all fuckin’ day, all the time. Must’ve been five in the morning when I finally got both kids asleep at the same time.” His tongue runs along the seam of his lips. “Dunno if you’ve had one before,” he casts a glance at you as he references a panic attack, as though he’s unwilling to admit what it is. You nod. “But I just remember layin’ on the floor of the washroom, staring at the ceiling. Couldn’t tell ya how long I laid there.”
It never seems to matter how upset you are with Sukuna, his situation always manages to twist your heartstrings. He can play you like a violin and he doesn’t even seem to have any clue of the kind of influence he has over you.
“So, if you wanna know what I woulda done,” he shrugs half-heartedly. “That, probably.”
Undoubtedly, this is his best effort of letting you in. Showing you he’s listening. Fixing things before they’re blown out of proportion because he got short with you.
You offer him a sad smile. “I’m glad it didn’t come to that.”
He doesn’t hesitate. “Me too.”
“Next time, can we just talk before things get this far, Kuna?”
He lets out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding as the familiar nickname slips so easily off your tongue. “There won’t be a next time.”
Your lips quirk upwards, brow raising as you challenge his statement. “With you? There will be. Next time though, just start by telling me you aren’t in the mood to talk about something, okay?”
His lips press into a thin line at your lack of faith in him. He knows it’s founded, but it hurts regardless. Still, you somehow seem to find the space in your heart to be patient with him when he needs it most and for that he’s grateful.
“You got it, princess.” He pauses, tapping the side of the car as he drops your fingers into your lap. “Listen, I think I gotta start taking more shifts.”
The concern etched into your brow is cute. “Yeah. I need to almost double how much I usually make. So, double the shifts.”
“You already missed class yesterday,” you point out.
He shrugs. “Wouldn’t be the first time. I get by.”
“You’re lucky you’re the type of guy who barely needs to study to pass,” you grumble with narrowed eyes.
He snorts, amused. “Yeah, maybe.” He sighs. “I know you got your internship startin’ up next week, but…” he trails off, as if he’s debating whether he should even ask you.
“You need help?”
He sighs. “I gotta take some night shifts.”
Dread churns in your stomach. “You’re never gonna get any sleep.”
“I’ll find time.”
“Where? Your schedule is full.”
“What other option do I have?” He grunts, exasperated. “An extra months’ rent ain’t gonna appear outta thin air.”
“You could always ask Toj-”
You should have expected that. Red irises stare you down firmly, pupils mere pinpricks.
“You can take my bed if you stay,” he doubles down, scratching his chin.
Heat travels up your neck, finding a place on your cheeks and the tips of your ears. Something about staying in his room, in his bed, makes your heart take off. Yet he can mention it so casually, like it’s not a big deal.
“Um- right. Sure,” your words come out more mousey than intended, and you can only pray that the dim light that barely illuminates you is hiding the nerves that would otherwise show in the way you avert your gaze and chew on your lip.
To your dismay, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Sukuna blows air out through his nose in a faint laugh as he slides a bit closer to you. The heat of his breath is warm, hotter than anything the car can manage as it tickles your neck. “Cat got your tongue?”
The battle between warm and cold air suddenly seems suffocating. The distant chatter seems to scream, and the motors of passing cars feel as though they could shake the ground you walk on.
“No!” You exclaim, a little bit too quickly as you find yourself wincing. “I’m fine. Just cold,” you lie, shrinking as you hug yourself.
His chest rumbles in laughter as he stands, slapping a hand down on the roof of your car. “I’ll email you my shifts. Go home.” This time when he says it, his tone is mild. “Didn’t waste my last chance?” He asks, turning his attention back to you with a conviction in his eyes that has you smiling sympathetically.
“Not yet.”
“Good. Let me know when you’re home.” With that, he turns on his heel and heads back into the warmth of his apartment building.
Your eyes trail after him as he pushes through both sets of doors, leaving you alone in the quiet of the night. Shutting the window, heat wraps around you, enveloping you once again within its embrace. Yet for some reason as you stare at the spot where you last saw the tattooed man, a shiver wracks your body.
Smoothing your pencil skirt, you push through the doors of a warmly-lit restaurant. The little local spot has an air of familiarity to it, decorated mostly with photos of dishes served nightly and the occasional photo of the owner’s family. Tucked away in the corner is a table with a spare seat reserved for you.
With a sigh of relief, you take a seat beside Suguru, your eyes trailing the length of the table to see who was able to make it. You notice two things at a glance. One, you’re severely overdressed, though you knew that would be the case after coming from your internship. Two… Why is Toji sitting across from you? No, the real question is how are Toji and Satoru sitting beside one another?
The question must be written across your face in bold lettering, because Toji nudges Satoru with a chuckle as everyone greets you happily. Satoru’s mischievous grin matches Toji’s smirk as he spots your confusion.
“They have more in common than I think anyone expected,” Suguru comments with an amused smile.
“Aw, that’s sweet,” you grin, taking a moment to attempt to rub the tiredness from your sunken eyes without smudging your makeup. “I’m glad everyone’s getting along.”
Suguru leans forward to get a better look at you, eyes narrowed as he examines your expression. “Can you look at me for a moment?”
Confused, you tilt your head as you turn to face the raven-haired man. Leaning back in his chair, you watch his expression subtly downturn.
“Have you been sleeping?”
“Of course!” You jump to your own defense quickly, straightening in your seat as you brush imaginary crumbs from your lap. “I’m fine, Suguru. I just had early class today, then my internship, and now dinner.”
“I see,” he hums, moving on. “How’s the internship?”
“Ooh, I wanna know too!” Shoko leans forward over the table to better see you. You can practically envision her kicking her feet under the table in search of details (and gossip).
At this point, even Kento’s attention is now drawn to you from the end of the table and you feel yourself shrink as the table begins to turn their collective attention to you. Everyone here may be your friends, but it’s still a lot of pairs of eyes.
“Um-” You chuckle, running a hand through your hair. “It’s going well! Everyone’s been really nice. Well, mostly everyone- but they have me doing coffee runs and shadowing the other editors right now,” you explain.
“Sounds like you’re well on your way to your career,” Suguru smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Suguru, you gotta ask the hard-hitting questions,” Shoko scolds playfully with a light smack to his bicep. His brow raises as she practically tries to lean over him to get to you. “What do you mean ‘almost everyone’?” She asks, her interest piqued.
Chuckling, you shake your head. “It’s really not that exciting,” you insist. “There’s this one Literary Agent, I think he’s the boss’ nephew or something, that’s just a bit much. I can’t really tell if he’s hitting on me or insulting me half of the time.”
Shoko’s nose wrinkles in disgust as Nanami recoils with a roll of his shoulders.
“And our graphic designer is just weird. She cooks bacon in the breakroom on one of those plug-in hot plates.”
“That is odd,” Suguru agrees.
“I think I get six coffees per day for her alone. Oh- and the other day I spent my whole break listening to her talk about this book she read over the weekend. I swear I could tell you the whole plot.”
“Sounds riveting,” Suguru chuckles, a glimmer of light passing through his gaze. “I’m sure the rest of your colleagues are fans as well.”
“Our publicist was telling me they have a drinking game during Christmas parties where they send the graphic designer to talk to the boss and every time he yawns or checks his watch, they drink.”
“Sounds like my kinda people,” Shoko snorts, grinning at you as the table returns to individual conversations.
Throughout the dinner, you’re quick to notice the way Toji seems to meld to the group seamlessly, offering snide remarks that have you wondering at times if you have a second, more gruff Satoru. It’s almost like he’s a strange blend between Satoru and Sukuna in a sense, and you can definitely see how Toji and Sukuna would be friends.
It’s heartwarming to see him blend in so seamlessly, because if Satoru can get along with Toji, he can get along with Sukuna as well, if they can both quit being haters for ten seconds.
Despite how worn out you are from the long day, the dinner with friends was much needed (even at the cost of two drinks for Satoru and one for Suguru), given that you’ve had to skip out on lunches with them every Tuesday and Thursday and even the occasional other weekdays as well in favor of your harsh schedule. Once you’ve paid, you get to your feet and pull your coat over your shoulders, brushing yourself off and grabbing your keys when you’re tugged aside harshly.
Yelping, you blink as you’re standing in front of Kento and Shoko.
“C’mon, we’re going for dessert,” Shoko insisted, tugging you along.
“What? I’m not hungry.”
“Doesn’t matter, dessert goes in your second stomach,” Shoko dismisses you.
“My second what?”
Before you know it, you’re whisked away to a small bakery down the street that you’re beyond certain is Kento’s choice. As much as he gives Satoru a hard time for sweets, the man has a fairly big sweet tooth himself- as long as the sweets include pastries. A good strawberry mille-feuille would have the man starry-eyed with his wallet on the counter.
Shoko, on the other hand, opts for a single macaron, which you second. Who can say no to a macaron shaped as a little kitty after all?
Holding the treat delicately in your hands as you smile at the sweet orange decorated kitty, you cross your legs and take a look around the bakery. Loaves of bread likely line the walls during the day, the displays usually vibrant with the reds and blues of fresh fruit pies. It’s fairly barren now, but the smell of bread and warmth of the oven still carries with it a sense of peace that puts you at ease.
“This is nice,” you comment, taking a bite of the macaron.
Kento nods. “It’s been a while since it’s been just the three of us.”
With a scoff, Shoko points her brown macaron straight at you, a bite taken out of it. “Yeah and whose fault would that be?”
Pouting, you nibble at the shell of your dessert. “There’s just been a lot going on,” you insist, leaning back in your chair. “Sukuna’s been-” you pause, lifting your head at the realization that Shoko doesn’t know about the lawsuit. Your eyes trail to Kento, whose gaze flashes with understanding.
“Sukuna’s been what?” Shoko pushes. “I swear I’ll shove his balls so far up his-”
“WOAH, woah! Okay Shoko,” your eyes widen and you find yourself nearly dropping your treat at the mere mention of whatever the hell she was gonna say. “As i was saying,” you flash her a glance, willing away the heat creeping up the back of your neck. “He’s been taking more shifts than usual, so I’ve just been balancing that with the internship and classes.”
“And sleep, and studying, and projects,” Kento points out, crossing his arms as he finishes his blueberry mochi cake. “When was the last time you read a book, or watched a movie?”
Hesitating, you find your gaze drifting to the wall. “... I watched Ice Age.”
“No, you watched Yuji watch Ice Age,” Shoko accuses, a brow raised. Finishing her macaron, she dusts her hands off on her pants and sighs. “Listen, we know you like him a lot and it’s great that you’re helping him- and thank god Kento knows so I can talk to him-”
“You’re such a gossip,” you mutter under your breath.
She just shoots you a sweet smile, continuing. “But seriously, you need to put yourself first. I’m glad he’s treating you better-” she pauses, staring expectantly at you.
Your gaze flickers between your two friends. “He’s treating me fine, stop worrying.”
“Great. The point is, he needs to go easy on you. I know he’s got a lot of shit going on, but so do you.” Shoko taps her fingers on the table, leaving the ball in your court.
“Sho, I swear I can handle it,” you roll your eyes, “but if it’s too much, I’ll talk to him. Promise.”
“Pinky swear, girl. You’re way too sweet to that man and I know you’d put him before yourself.”
Wrapping your pinky around hers, you roll your eyes, though you’re unable to help your smile.
“You owe me a girls’ night for bailing the other day by the way.”
“I’m sorry, Sho,” you pout.
“I’ll get over it. Ken here got to be my girls’ night buddy. I couldn’t convince him to get a color but he did get his nails done.” Shoko pulls his hand out from where it was crossed over his chest. You can faintly make out the gleam of clear polish on his nicely manicured nails.
“I have no need for colored nails,” he neutrally declares, shooting Shoko a mildly distasteful look as she holds his hand out to you.
Leaning back, you squint at him. “I think blue’s your color.”
Kento frowns. “Did you mishear me or are you choosing to ignore me?”
Shoko hums. “No, I see it. Like a darker blue.”
“Girls. Please,” he sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose at your antics.
“Don’t act like you’re above this, Kento. I bet you still have a bottle of black nail polish back home somewhere,” you tease.
“That was a long time ago-”
Shoko leans in, resting her cheek against her fist. “Oh yeah, you had an emo phase, didn’t you?”
Laughing as Kento blushes profusely, rose dusting his cheeks, you lean back in your seat, relaxing in the warmth of your friends’ care. Your bed may be calling you, but Kento had a point when he asked when the last time you’d read a book or watched a movie was. But it wasn’t a book or movie that you were really missing, it was a girls’ night (featuring Kento).
You stay at the cafe much longer than intended, finding yourself curled up in thick blankets well into the night, but with a content smile on your face.
After the fourth day that you don’t see Sukuna at lunch, Uraume had approached you to bring him some worksheets, not to mention he has a paper due literally tomorrow that he doesn’t know about and you won’t see him until the weekend.
His schedule had been rough on you, but it had been downright cruel to him.
When he did manage to make it to a lunch or class, he would pass out within seconds, softly snoring on whatever surface he found himself on. It seemed he had to be physically moving in order to stay awake, otherwise he was dragged into the clutches of the sandman with no fight left to give.
The worst sign of his fading will was when you had gotten a call from Choso and Yuji’s school that Sukuna hadn’t arrived to pick them up. There was a surprising amount to unpack with that call between the fact that Sukuna had missed their pickup time and the fact that you had now been marked down as their emergency contact.
The latter… That was something you would unpack later.
As for the former, when you arrived at his apartment with both boys and rang the buzzer not once, not twice, but thrice, he was little more than a zombie, barely managing to stay on his feet. You swear you saw his drowsiness pop like a bubble over his head at the sight of you with his brothers, downright shocked.
Swears had poured from his mouth like floodgates had opened and all you could do was watch as he dragged his hands over his face in frustration, thanking you before shutting the door, claiming he would be getting some real sleep, lest this happen again.
Making your way up to his door now, you hope the man who greets you has a little more life in him than that day, but it’s not usually a good sign when you haven’t seen him for a bit.
Squinting as you approach the buzzer, you raise your brow at none other than Toji Zenin, sliding his finger along the metal box hanging on the wall in search of the number to dial for Sukuna. Stopping beside him, you stick your finger out to point at the number, which happens to be unmarked.
Toji flips to face you, face relaxing from his squint.
“Fancy findin’ you here,” he grins, the scar at the corner of his lips stretching.
“Hey, Toji!” You greet, returning his smile. The sight of another of Sukuna’s friends at his door is relieving given just how drawn thin he’s been lately. “Visiting Sukuna?” 
“Mhm. Got somethin’ for him.” He wiggles a small box in his hand as he dials up to Sukuna’s apartment. “Fuckin’ asshole didn’t even tell me he moved, had to steal his address from Uraume,” he grumbles, more to himself than you.
You blink at him. Huh. Well that’s… Considerably less reassuring than Sukuna reaching out to Toji. Especially if Toji isn’t aware that Sukuna’s dad passed away, he’d have no clue about-
There’s a small click and the sounds of shuffling, before Choso answers with a disheartened “hello?”
“Choso?” Toji’s brow furrows in confusion. “That you, kid?”
“Oh. Uh, yeah. Toji?”
Your brow raises as Choso recognizes Toji’s voice. You’re aware Toji’s known Sukuna for a while, but you honestly weren’t expecting him to know Choso if he didn’t know about Jin’s passing.
“You visitin’ your big bro?” Toji queries.
“... I live here.”
Toji scowls deeply, casting you a confused glance. When you don’t mirror his confusion, he clicks his tongue.
“Hey, Cho! Can you let us in?” You call out, attempting to warm your fingers in your pockets as Toji doesn’t budge.
Shuffling resumes on the other line, followed shortly by the telltale buzz that the door’s unlocked.
“I’m missin’ somethin’ here, ain’t I?” The raven-haired man asks, a gruffness to his tone that’s familiar in the way Sukuna also speaks. They’re so similar in some ways, though Toji is far more outgoing than Sukuna. You suppose it’s probably the fact that he’s the Football team’s resident kicker. Still, they share a resemblance in their attitudes.
With a tight-lipped smile, all you can do is nod in reply.
“Shit,” he mutters, following you into the building as you lead the way up to Sukuna’s apartment.
You knock politely, clutching the folder of papers you have for Sukuna to your chest.
“- and add the potatoes when the water starts boiling. Use your fork to test- what are you doing here?” Sukuna turns his attention to his friends at the door mid-sentence, slipping outside and shutting the door behind him abruptly. You step aside, casting a glance between the two ridiculously tall and muscular men as Sukuna glares at Toji.
Sukuna looks… well, better than you were honestly expecting. He doesn’t look like he’s on the verge of passing out or being sick, a The Misfits black hoodie hanging loosely over his shoulders while a pair of dark gray joggers cling to his hips. His hair isn’t styled, stray strands of pale pink sticking out in different directions while some hang over his forehead.
“Got somethin’ for ya. And since your stubborn ass never shows up to lunch and you won’t answer my damn emails, I know ya need it.” Toji holds a visibly calloused hand out, the unmarked box you’d previously noticed now held expectantly for Sukuna to take.
Sukuna’s sharp glare flickers between Toji and the box. With a huff, he lifts the box from Toji’s hands, opening the tabs and peering inside. An old Samsung with a crack through the side of the screen sits at the bottom of the box. Sukuna’s head whips up to face Toji, his eyes blazing. “I don’t fucking need this.”
“My ass. Your phone’s been broken for months,” Toji scoffs, completely unphased by Sukuna’s irritation. “It’s just my old one anyway, but it’s better than nothin’.
Sukuna straightens and you spot a familiar flicker in those crimson eyes. Offense. “If I needed a fuckin’ phone, I woulda bought one,” he grits, shoving the box against Toji’s chest.
As he straightens, it strikes you just how tall and imposing Sukuna is. You can’t imagine it’s easy to make Toji look small when he’s nothing to scoff at either, but Sukuna manages it without fail.
“Don’t gimme that bullshit. I’m not fuckin’ stupid, Ryo. I know somethin’s up and you need a hand.” Toji rolls his eyes, shockingly relaxed for someone under Sukuna’s fire. You know they’ve been friends for a while, but you can’t say for sure how much time they ever spent together. Yet, Toji stands up to him like he knows nothing will come of his anger, as though it’s a facade.
“I’m managing just fine,” Sukuna hisses.
“Are you?” Toji quips, a brow rising behind the black strands of his bangs. “‘Cause I know Jin wouldn’t dump Choso on your ass outta nowhere, so what the fuck is goin’ on?”
Sukuna’s seething at this point, taking a step towards the football player. That may work on others, but Toji isn’t so easily intimidated.
“That’s none of your fuckin’ business,” Sukuna grits.
“Stop bein’ such a fuckin’ prick!” Toji finally snaps, his free hand flying through the air in exasperation. “You used to be my best friend, asshole! You were my fuckin’ family and you fucked off like it was nothin’!”
Sukuna doesn’t respond, brow furrowed and jaw set. His teeth grind from the pressure of his clenched jaw, sending the tension straight to his head as a headache begins to set in.
Left in silence, Toji continues. “Don’t look at me like that. I tried to get you out to the basketball courts with me, to see a movie, anything’. Somehow, you became more of a colossal asshole than I am,” Toji hisses.
As you realize this isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, your eyes flit to the door, wanting to slip inside and escape the uncomfortable situation you’ve found yourself in the middle of. Unfortunately for you, Sukuna’s blocking the door and you don’t exactly feel like interrupting is the best course of action here, leaving you to simply watch.
You’re accustomed to Sukuna being quiet, he’s never been all that chatty, but during arguments is when he tends to run his mouth. Now, standing in front of Toji, the silence of his simmering anger is off-putting. Toji seems to realize this too, shifting on the balls of his feet.
But words evade Sukuna. His mind races with rage-induced insults, anything to drive Toji away, get the man out of his business.
Yet his tongue is tied because Toji is painfully right.
Toji has always had an attitude that rivaled Sukuna’s and never backs down from a fight. His sharp and witty tongue would tell off Sukuna whenever he needed some perspective and the two were fiercely protective of one another. Toji was like a brother to Sukuna back then.
But he was also an asshole. Still is. He was raised by a family notoriously well-known for being as equally wealthy as they are terrible and Toji had always been on the receiving end of it. He’d grown rebellious and indifferent at a young age and acted out at every turn, eventually settling as he got older into brutish and cocky indifference, though most just branded him as an asshole.
Yet Sukuna made him look like a saint as of late.
“Christ, Ryomen. You really got nothin’ to say ‘bout all of this?” Toji runs a hand through his hair in exasperation, the black strands slipping down over his forehead once more. “Maybe I should just ask your fuckin’ brother, I swear sometimes it’s like Jin didn’t even raise yo-”
Sukuna’s anger flares once more, pulled from his thoughts of the past. “He’s fucking dead, Toji.” Venom drips from Sukuna’s words, silencing not only his friend, but the world around you seems to hold its breath too. Nothing about the tense situation is comfortable but you don’t dare move, biting your lip to keep from making any noise.
Toji blinks once, twice, three times. The words take a moment to process as he stands straight, before his brow furrows deeply. His mouth opens and closes a number of times as he searches for something to say, his spare hand scratching at his chest before hanging there for a moment, clutching at his shirt.
“When?” To your shock, Toji’s eyes are glazed with tears, and all you can do is shuffle from foot to foot, feeling nothing but sympathy for the poor man. From what you know of Jin, he was patient and kind and if Toji was Sukuna’s best friend, you can imagine he likely shared that kindness with Toji.
Sukuna’s expression takes a somber turn, the tension in his jaw dissipating somewhat. “Been a bit over three years.”
Toji blinks, a warm trail running down his cheek which he quickly wipes on his sleeve, burying his unprocessed grief beneath a layer of anger as something occurs to him.
“You didn’t think I’d wanna know?” It’s more of a rhetorical question, they both know the underlying issue of their problems all stem from Sukuna’s stubbornness. “You didn’t think to fuckin’ tell me?” This time, there’s more bite to his words. He may be glossy-eyed with sorrow, but he’s equally pissed now.
“It’s not your fucking business!” Sukuna barks, gripping the door frame with a white knuckled hand as he grits his teeth again. You peer past him at the door, searching for an escape, but Sukuna’s still soundly in your way.
“Like hell! He was more of a father to me than my parents ever were and you know that!” Toji takes a step back, turning to pace in a circle as he drags a hand down his face in disbelief. “Y’r such a fuckin’ prick, Ryomen. You always were, but shit.”
Someone clearing their throat down the hall turns your attention towards them. A kind-looking older woman with gray hair and soft eyes is just barely leaning out her door. “Sukuna, dear. Can I ask you to take this elsewhere?”
Turns out she’s your guardian angel.
To your relief, Sukuna simply points at the elevator, making a point of staring down Toji. The football player sighs deeply, rolling his eyes as he leads the way in silence. Sukuna casts you a glance, which then flickers towards the door in a silent question.
You nod, relieved, and slip into his apartment, finding Choso standing in the kitchen alone staring at the floor. He looks startlingly like a puppy with its tail between its legs.
Of course he would have heard everything.
As the door clicks shut behind you and you shuffle to slip your boots and jacket off, his gaze rises to you. A deep crease knits his brow, his eyes searching yours for something he doesn’t seem to find. Kneeling down, you wrap your arms around him in reassurance.
“Hey, sweetie.” You keep your voice soft and kind as Choso’s arms gingerly wrap around you. “Your apron looks great.”
He doesn’t reply, clinging tightly to you.
“Have you checked the potatoes?” A nod. “Are they ready yet?” A shake of his head. Frowning at his silence, you nod. “Do you wanna sit down?” 
Choso nods again, pulling back and plopping down right in the middle of the kitchen.
“Oh, I meant-” Choso looks up at you with those sad puppy-dog eyes and you plop down beside him. “Nevermind.” Sitting cross-legged, you glance around, but you don’t hear or see Yuji. “Where’s your brother?”
“At a friend’s.”
That’s a relief. You nod, ruffling Choso’s hair. At least you’ve gotten a couple of words out of the reserved little boy.
“What are you making?” You ask curiously, trying to peer up at the counter. From where you’re sitting, all you can make out is the top of the pot that you assume the potatoes Sukuna was giving instructions about earlier are boiling in.
Choso fiddles with the bottom of his apron. “Pie.”
“Pie? Shepherd’s pie?”
Choso nods.
“That sounds great,” you grin in an effort to lighten the mood, but Choso isn’t receptive to your efforts. You shuffle to sit closer to him, wrapping your arms around your knees. You’re not built for the floor like the kid is. “Do you wanna talk, Cho?” You query, quietly observing the way that his little hands, fiddling with his apron, slow to a halt before dropping into his lap.
“Why’s Kuna mad at Toji?”
You sigh. “It’s complicated.”
“I like Toji. He’s nice. Mostly.”
You blow a breath out through your nose in a semblance of a laugh, a faint smile drawing your lips upwards. “Mostly?”
Choso doesn’t share your amusement outwardly, but he entertains your question. “He was like another older brother,” he shrugs.
“With all the good and bad of a big brother. I get it,” you chuckle, shifting to lean back on your arms as you struggle to find a comfortable way to sit on the kitchen tile. “Did you spend a lot of time with Toji?”
Choso nods. “They ditched me at the theater once.”
Your brow raises. “At the theater?” Your question is laced in disbelief.
Choso nods.
“They wanted to see a scary movie.”
“Wow, they were mean older brothers,” you agree, absolutely planning on giving Sukuna a hard time for that.
“Dad grounded Kuna for a month.”
“He deserved it,” you smile, rubbing the kid’s back gently. Looking for any excuse to get up off the floor, you point up at the pot on the stove where the water continues to boil. “Let’s check the potatoes again.”
Choso nods, getting to his feet and stepping up onto a small stool.
“Careful not to burn yourself,” you urge, standing behind him as he takes a fork and stabs a potato. When it comes up on the fork easily, Choso turns off the stove, shooting a glance at you in a silent question of whether that’s what to do. You nod, helping him dump out the water and potatoes into a strainer and teaching him to mash them.
As he jabs the masher into the bowl of starch, he sticks his tongue out in concentration as you add salt and milk to the mixture for him.
Out of nowhere, Choso slows to a halt, his head whipping to face the window. Tilting your head, you follow his gaze when you realize that the two men who walked outside to continue their argument have raised their voices and they must be right below the window as you can faintly make out their words.
“Why wouldn’t you ask for help?”
“I don’t need help!”
Turning to Choso, you smile. “Keep mashing, okay?”
His eyes trail after you as you grab your boots and slide the balcony door open, stepping out into the cold. Hugging your arms around yourself in an attempt to keep warm, you peek over the railing at the two men below.
“If you weren’t my friend, I swear I woulda socked ya in the jaw by now, you-”
“Hey!” You call down, catching their attention as they both look up at you. “You’re upsetting Choso.”
Sukuna inhales a long breath, sighing loudly. “Look-” Sukuna begins, his voice strained in an effort to keep it down for Choso’s sake. “I don’t need any help-”
“Don’t need any help or don’t need my help?” Toji interjects, casting a glance at you. Your eyes widen slightly, heat rushing up your neck. Yeah, you could understand Toji being a bit hurt at the idea that Sukuna let you in while he pushed away his best friend.
Sukuna’s fingers curl at his sides into fists. “I don’t need your help,” he snarls.
“Fine.” Toji finally gives in, sick of not getting anywhere with the brash and stubborn history major. He shoves the box against Sukuna’s chest, turning on his heel to walk away. “My number’s on the note in the box. Call me if ya decide to stop bein’ a prick.”
Sukuna seethes as he watches Toji get in a beat up old Honda and drive off. If it were any colder, you swear you would be able to see steam coming from his ears. When the car’s out of sight, Sukuna’s sharp gaze rises to you, his expression unreadable besides his obvious anger. “Go inside. You’ll catch somethin’,” Sukuna calls.
“I will. You come inside too, you don’t have a jacket,” you point out.
Sukuna hardly even noticed, in truth, but regardless he makes his way inside just as you do. Shivering as warmth envelops you once more, you run your hands up and down your arms a few times in an attempt to generate heat while you pull your boots off.
Choso’s standing by his potatoes, unevenly chopping carrots and putting them in a smaller pot alongside some corn. He’s shockingly good in the kitchen, making his Christmas gifts and his eagerness to follow you as you cook make more sense.
Returning to Choso’s side, you help him fill the pot with water, setting it on the stove as you wait for the veggies to boil.
“Why are Kuna and Toji mean to each other?”
You ponder his question for a moment, dreading the idea of the former walking through the door anytime now. “They’re not very good at talking about their feelings,” you land on as an explanation.
Frowning, you contemplate his query.
You’re glad Choso’s speaking more, but his questions are giving you a run for your money.
“Not everyone is as good at understanding their feelings as you and I are,” you explain. “Your brother isn’t very good at it.”
“At what?” He gruffs, pushing through the door.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Luckily for you, Sukuna isn’t in the mood to argue with you. “Need a minute to cool off,” he grumbles, trudging to his room and shutting the door with an unintentional slam.
Sighing, you return to the vegetables as they steadily come to a boil.
Choso stares hard at the boiling pot above his line of sight, his brow knit into a deep scowl.
“What’s up, honey?” You ask with a tilt of your head, leaning down a bit to his height. He shakes his head in an effort to get his long hair out of his face, deep in thought. When it doesn’t work, he pushes it from his face, but it just falls back into his eyes. “Can I help?”
He nods, watching your movements as you quickly jog to the washroom to grab a couple of hair ties that you’d left behind the last time you’d helped him put his hair up. It only takes a moment before you’ve tied two messy buns up at the back of his head.
Now able to see, Choso’s thoughtful expression returns. “What’s up, honey?” You try again.
“Will you talk to Kuna? He listens to you.”
You chuckle quietly. “I don’t know about that.” Still, he does listen to you… a portion of the time, which is more than can be said for most. “What do you want me to talk to him about?”
“Being friends with Toji.”
Your heart twists at the meaning behind Choso’s words. Whether he misses Toji or simply wants Sukuna to be happier, you can’t say for sure, but it’s endearing nonetheless.
Gently rubbing his back, you nod. “Sure. When you can stab the carrots with a fork, turn the stove off, okay? Be super careful.”
Choso nods.
Making your way over to Sukuna’s door, you cautiously knock.
“Come in.”
Twisting the knob, you push inside slowly. His room is a bit messier than the last time you were in here, the memory making your heart race as you recall your heated kiss. Light floods in from the window, better illuminating the art and posters on his walls, as well as what you’re sure is a pile of lightly used hoodies that seems to have taken over his desk chair. His weights are scattered carelessly in front of his dresser, his work polo discarded atop the wooden furniture.
Sukuna eyes you from where he leans against his headboard, his gaze still filled with mild irritation, though he is holding the phone that Toji handed him. You suppose that’s an overall positive.
“Whaddya want?” Sukuna grumbles, though the frustration within his sharp gaze doesn’t carry over to his voice.
“Well,” you begin softly, making your way over to his bed to take a seat beside him. “I originally came to drop off some stuff and let you know you have a paper due tomorrow-”
“Fuck that,” he groans, slumping down as he goes through the new phone setup screen.
“- five thousand words, by the way.”
“On what?” He sighs, the phone illuminating his features as he continues going through setup.
“Charles Dickens.”
“No. You’re fuckin’ with me.”
“I’m unfortunately dead serious.”
Crimson eyes finally part from the phone as Sukuna scowls at you, searching for any sign that you’re lying. When he doesn’t find one, he flips onto his stomach with a muffled groan into the pillow. His bicep brushes your thigh and you swallow hard, reminding yourself he doesn’t feel that way for you and it’s just an accident.
“I fuckin’ told you she’s a conspiracy theorist,” he gruffs from deep within the pillow, barely audible past the material.
You giggle, thankful for the somewhat lighthearted subject. “I still can’t believe you were right.”
“Wish I wasn’t.”
Silence falls over you as Sukuna remains buried in his pillow, finally raising his head with a prolonged sigh. He rests his chin on the pillow, staring tiredly at the gray material of his headboard. The fabric is worn where he usually sits, beginning to tear where his back slumps against it when he uses his laptop.
Not like he has the cash for a new one anyway.
“Is that all ya came in here for?” He asks finally, eyes still trained on the way threads are pulled taut in the fabric, barely held together as they wear thin.
“Uraume had me drop off a couple of things too. But-”
“Why’d you bring Toji?” Sukuna interrupts suddenly, lifting his gaze to scowl at you.
Blinking at his sudden change in demeanor, you shake your head. “He was here when I got here.”
“That prick,” he mutters under his breath, dropping his chin to stare at his headboard.
“You know, Choso sent me in here.”
“Great,” the salmon-haired man mumbles, “what does the brat want? I left the recipe for him.”
“Be nice to your brother. He’s going through a lot,” you scold.
“And I’m not?” He hisses, his head raising to look at you. When you return his scowl, he backs down, chin on his pillow again.
“Cho misses Toji. He wanted me to talk to you about being friends with him again.”
Your words silence Sukuna’s sharp tongue as all he can do is stare down at the black pillowcase beneath him. He shuffles slightly, his arm pressing into you.
He may be stubborn about Toji, but his brothers never fail to crack his tough exterior. As of late though, his demeanor doesn’t simply crack when it comes to his brothers, it crumbles. Sukuna flips onto his side, eyes downcast as he faces you now with one arm under the pillow and the other moving up to rest on your thigh.
Your breath catches in your throat at the feeling of his large hand squeezing the plush of your thigh.
Mirroring Sukuna’s frown, you set your hand over his softly. “What happened between you two anyway?”
Sukuna sighs. “Nothing, really. We just didn’t talk about heavy shit so I never told him what was goin’ on.”
Of course that’s all there is to it. Grimacing, you drum your fingers lightly over the back of his hand as you debate whether you want to say something. His eyes watch the movement intently, drawn to the way your fingers feel so soft on his skin.
“I’m gonna say something-” you pause, watching his eyes flicker up to meet yours, “- and you aren’t allowed to get upset with me.”
Sukuna’s brow twitches, curling into a scowl. “I don’t get mad over every little thing.”
If ever there was a time you gave Sukuna a look, this was it. “So last week, when you chased me down to my car-”
Flipping back to his stomach until his face is shoved back in his pillow, he mutters a “shut up” that barely makes it to your ears, thoroughly muffled. Regardless, you laugh, gently patting the hand that remains on your thigh.
“I know you’re letting me in, and that’s great, but Toji’s just trying to help too,” you point out.
Sukuna doesn’t move, the musculature of his back rising and falling steadily as he stubbornly keeps his face buried in his pillow.
“You never told me he used to be your best friend.”
“You never asked.” Again, you can barely make out his words.
Sighing, you rest a hand on his back. His muscles seize briefly beneath the tips of your fingers, before relaxing as you rub small circles between his shoulder blades. Sukuna lifts his head finally after a moment, turning his face to you as he remains on his stomach. He looks more at ease than he has in a long while, likely because he obviously skipped class to sleep, though you’re sure the gentle massaging of your hand is nice too.
“Why is it so bad to let him in?” You query, the tips of your fingers brushing against his spine. A shiver overtakes him, though he does his best to mask it.
“I took the damn phone,” he grumbles, as though there isn’t a bigger point to this whole situation.
Your lips press into a thin line as you stare at the stubborn man. Your fingers pause as you contemplate your next words. “The Zenins are pretty rich, aren’t they? Why don’t you ask for a hand with the lawyer-”
“I’m not a fucking charity case,” he hisses, every muscle pulled taut as he glares at you, an unspoken warning laced within his tone that you’re pushing his buttons.
You work your fingers across his muscles again, soothing him to release the tension in his shoulders. Slowly but surely, he relaxes in the silence, basking in the warmth of your hand.
“I never said you were. You could pay him back.”
“No.” He gruffs firmly.
It takes everything in you not to raise your head to the heavens and groan. Sukuna can be so ridiculously frustrating sometimes.
Stubborn as a mule, you have no other option but to give in. “Well… Just remember what Choso said.”
“I took the phone, isn’t that good enough for the brat?”
“It’s a hand-me-down phone, not a friendship bracelet,” you point out, unable to stifle the giggle that comes with your words.
Sukuna cracks an eye open, rolling it dramatically before flipping his face to stare at the wall. A comfortable silence hangs over you as Sukuna shuts his eyes after a moment, enjoying the feeling of your fingers smoothing across his muscles. The sun warms your skin through his window, goading a yawn from you as you find yourself leaning against his headboard. Your fingers slide along his shoulder blades as you find yourself shutting your eyes in the serene warmth of the afternoon sun.
Your hand slowly begins to still as fatigue overtakes both of you, and you bask in the cozy environment like a cat finding a patch of light.
It’s not until you hear a clank from the kitchen that you’re snapped out of your drowsiness and realize that Sukuna’s not the only one with a paper due tomorrow.
Glancing at the time, you pat Sukuna’s back gently. His head raises as he blearily looks you over, a questioning look on his face. It’s painfully sweet, the way he seems to be wondering why you stopped like a cat wondering why you’re no longer petting them.
Seems like you were a pair of happy cats for a moment.
“I need to go write that paper, and so should you.”
He hums in acknowledgement.
“I’ll help Choso get the food in the oven, sound good?”
Sukuna hums again, rubbing his eyes.
“Send me your number, by the way. I’ll see you in class tomorrow?”
“I have a morning shift after I drop the brats off,” he grumbles. “I’ll try to be there.”
“Just don’t forget about your paper!” You remind him, slipping off the bed towards the door.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Bonus points if you talk about Dickens’ death conspiracy theory!” You chant when you reach the doorway, a mischievous smile pulling at the corners of your lips.
He snorts, rolling his eyes as he pushes himself into a sitting position. “Where he died doesn’t fuckin’ change anything.”
With a grin, you just giggle along, heading out the door.
With his hands clutching the edge of the mattress, the burly man stares silently at the gray carpet beneath his feet. He can barely make out the sound of your voice, saccharine sweet and gentle, as you direct Choso while helping him put together the meal.
Lifting a hand, he subconsciously scratches at his spine between his shoulder blades, sending a shiver through his body.
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❦ a/n ; soooo this was originally meant to end on a different scene but by the time i hit 20k words i figured i should split it LOL sorry for the delay! had to take a small break for my mental health, but! the next chapter is already at 8k since i chose to split this, so i should be able to get it out soon <33 as always, thank you so much for all the love! i've gotten so many sweet comments, rbs, and asks and i absolutely love hearing everyone's thoughts on the chapter. ily all <33
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writing & format © starmapz. art © 3-aem. dividers © adornedwithlight & cafekitsune
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cutebat · 8 months ago
You know what, fuck it. I'm going to write my own neglectful yandere batfamily cause everyone else is doing it, but I'm going to do it in a different way.
Yandere Batfam x Neglected, but Defiant Reader
Prologue (Diary Entry)
Warning(s): Mentions of yandere themes, neglect, emotional abuse, mentions of physical abuse, forcing to drop out, attempted guilt tripping, reader is just venting out her feelings
(I made this in the reader's POV to make the whole 'diary entry' thing more sense.)
July 22, 2024
It's funny when someone tells their story.
Only to be told back that it's unrealistic.
Almost as if they're afraid to believe it's real...
Oh, God, that sounded dark.
For everyone who doesn't know,
Bruce is a billionaire who's also a shitty dad
Dick is a dick, like actually
Jason uses his trauma to let all his frustrations on me
Tim is a delusional bitch
Cass was okay until she knocked me to the ground
Damian is just a thing who you want to burn to ashes
Alfred... I guess is just Alfred
I was basically raised as what people would call a 'black sheep'. Kind of like... actually, I don't need to explain all that.
Basically, I was adopted by the infamous Bruce Wayne when I was ten for whatever reason. After the first day of living with him and the family and giving me the new role of Batgirl, everyone just pretended as if I didn't exist.
I tried to interact with every one of them and all I got were "sorry, can't talk right now" and "can you shut up".
Is it because I'm prettier than all of them and had barely any trauma in my past? Seriously, why are people so jealous about these kinds of things?
Bruce really signed all that paperwork for nothing.
Of course, my little ten year old brain would think that if I tried to impress all of them with what I could do, maybe I could gain their attention.
So by the time I was twelve with my ten year old mindset goal in my head, I did nine different after school activities, won over fifteen awards for my achievements, and went out to patrol at least six nights a week.
And none of that worked! Those fuckers wouldn't even spare me a glance!
After a while, you don't see a point in trying your best.
I dropped out of most of the clubs I regret joining, I just laid back in my classes, and most of all...
I quit being Batgirl.
I didn't want to, but like I said, where's the point in that?
So with that, I just gave up on everything and just... stopped trying.
But then one year all of that almost changed?
For the first time ever, I found myself suddenly really pretty, and after a month I entered eighth grade, I was suddenly asked out by one guy, then two, and all the way up to ten!
It was like really cool!
The popular girls became my best friends, more guys would ask me out, and the teachers started pointing out that I was their favorite student, even the ones who weren't my teachers.
It felt like I was on top of everything. That I was special. The world is revolving around me.
Finally, I was in a place to build a great reputation.
And then life was like FUCK THAT!
After the first semester of eighth grade, Bruce was weirdly in my room and he said wanted to have a 'talk' with me.
So, during this talk, he was basically talking about the last three years of me being neglected by him and his family. To be honest, I forgot everything he told me, but honestly, I don't really care.
He also told the others about all this and now they suddenly feel bad which I don't give a shit about. But, I knew he was doing all this to guilt trip me, which was honestly so stupid.
Now, after he dropped that bomb, he told me that I had to drop out of school to do some "bonding time" with the others along with him and the people who actually cared about me didn't really matter at all!
All I said was "FUCK YOU" and just stormed out of my room with the only thing that I took was my diary that I had for quite a while that I never used before.
So, yeah. I'm currently in the attic, venting my feelings all out on this stupid glitter diary with a random pen that I found on the ground.
But whatever.
It doesn't matter.
Nothing matters...
My life is just a game.
A sick, hopeless game.
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briseroyawritingsblog · 3 months ago
𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 — 𝑨𝑼
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𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒓!𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
• +21 minors do not interact. this is actually taboo, mutual flirtation, desire, inappropriate thoughts, large age gap, heavy kissing, professor is so horny in this (beware), darkish AU, light stalking (if you squint) mutual pining (little) mentions of rough sex, thinking of unprotected sex.
𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒂𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 / 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
dividers by @anitalenia
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Yes it happened, he’d overwork so he didn’t have to return home. That home of his was nothing but cold, empty, and lonely. Another evening of sitting in his office and marking the last semester papers. He’d secretly drink some whiskey out of a coffee cup and remove his shoes to feel comfortable. Stretching his limbs he’d sigh and think what happened to his life. Children grown up and wife somewhere out there with a new man. Yes- divorce was messy but at the end the feeling in his chest could’ve been compared to elation, maybe freedom. Divorces ended up being messy because of the heartbreak but man in his age? He desired peace- adjusting the reading specs on the bridge of his nose and sighed coming across your semesters quiz. Naturally loving the way you curved the font of your name on his papers. Reading your essay only to the half way and marking it ‘excellent’ because to be truthful you were a very creative writer. Thoughts drifting to many places as he touched the coffee cup to sip on his whiskey. He could also definitely just retire because being a teacher in his late 50’s was quite challenging. Not because of the age range, he lost patience. Yes… it happened. Secretly hating his colleagues guts, but oh god when he saw you… there it was. The weak spot- what he liked the most that you’d always catch his gaze. Sitting at the back of the classroom leaning on your elbow and catch his gaze. Seeing you press your thighs together under the desk, at the praise he gave you for your test results. He liked praising you.
Being newly enrolled, finding new friends which you did instantly and they were cool people. Sharing mutual interests and forming a little study sessions in the library. It was honestly so good. But the moment you saw him passing by holding that green smoothie in his hand from cafeteria you loved so much. You caught yourself staring, goodness he was tall. That hair slicked back, and the specs, your chest felt like giving up. A breath caught in your throat as he locked his eyes with yours. Gripping the book against your chest you ran up to him “Mr..” stilling his feet he acknowledged you “Y/N” a smile greeting his features and you grew weak in your knees. Secrets… secrets again. You had tons of them. “Did they have any different flavors?” You pointed at his smoothie and he chuckled shrugging. “I’m not entirely sure, but this one caught my eye today.” You nodded “it’s pretty great. I get it all the time.” He moistened his lips as you spoke. “Oh don’t say, that good?” Bringing the straw to his lips he tasted it. The sweet flavors leaving his tastebuds dancing. “Very healthy, it’s sweet” he hummed. “Walk with me?” He motioned to his office at the end of the corridor. Your heart needed to calm down because god, you couldn’t stop the feelings. Holding the book against your chest forgetting about your study session and your friends soon finding yourself sitting in his office. Leaning back against his chair he sighed. Finally having you for himself- it’s been days since he last time saw you. “Read your essay, i must say it’s amazing” he praised. “Really? You think it’s good?” You relaxed your shoulders taking a breath. “I know it’s very good, you don’t have to study so hard in that library you already have it.” Answering you with so much confidence your attraction level towards him spiked off the roof. “Thank you Sir..” you smiled, eyes sparkling. “Most welcome” the Sir part definitely surged through his body and straight to his cock. You had no idea…
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Throwing his briefcase on the passengers seat, it was time to go home but he didn’t want to. He really didn’t want to walk into that cold empty house alone. Maybe divorce was fine but he didn’t expect to feel so goddamn lonely whenever he was at home. He could eat out, join his awful work colleagues because they constantly invited him. About to start his car he noticed you running across the road, he leaned back in his drivers seat adjusting his specs, your skirt bounced as you ran flashing him a sight of your thighs. You got in the car with a man he figured it’s your father. How much he wanted to drive you home, maybe hold your inner thigh with one hands and maybe- only maybe touch that sweet pussy of yours. He would trace your little folds and make them wet. He wanted to fit his cock right between those folds and fuck it until you’d cry for him to stop. Maybe a little rougher- maybe causing you a little lust filled pain. Snapping his hips right into you, faster and faster gripping you around your neck. These thoughts ran through his mind, making his cock heavy in his dress pants. Hissing softly as he touched his growing cock through his pants shifting in his seat, god he hated this. He hated not having you for himself and pound that little pussy of yours at every chance he’d be able to. Fill you right up with his cum, and stuff it back in you as it would leak out of you.
Seeing your professor sitting in his car, on the other side of the car park you waved. He seemed to be looking down perhaps reading something- and in fact yes he was reading a book because what else he’d have to do to make his little ‘problem’ suffice away. You told your father that you’d rather walk, the car park was nearly empty and it was getting dark maybe it was your chance to tell your professor about your new story what you were writing. No harm in that right? Getting out of your father’s car waving him goodbye, you ran back across the road to your professors car gently knocking on his window. He looked up, and god his heart sunk in surprise seeing you there. Sliding his window down slowly you stuttered at first “I-I just saw you sitting here thinking you were reading and yes you’re.” He nodded slowly masking the awful need in the pit of his stomach. “Hop in.” You excitedly did- getting on his passengers seat. “It’s actually a novel by my favourite author.” Handing you the book locking the doors. You eagerly read the info about the plot and bit your lower lip. “Have it. It’s from my library at home, I really don’t borrow books from the campus.” Your eyes grew wide. “Really?! I can read it?” He smiled nodding. “Of course! Give it back once you finish.” Your heart thumping against your chest cavity not containing yourself anymore kissing his cheek telling him endless thank you’s. Closing his eyes the moment your lips touched his cheek his breath hitched. He chuckled lightly giving your hand a gentle squeeze. Then it hit you- you kissed your professor even though it was not allowed at all you felt like breaking the rules. “I can show you.. the book, umm- in my home.” He offered, and you swallowed. Was this happening? Really? “I - I cannot accept it Sir. Honestly.. you’re too sweet.” He hummed at your words but not saying anything. “What if I like being sweet with you?” He then answered. Your cheeks deepened in red, lord… what on earth was happening to you?
“First editions? First official printings?” You gazed in utter awe tracing the books in his library. He was leaning against his table, arms folded in his chest. “What’s this?” You asked innocently trying to reach for a book much higher not aware that your professor was sweet enough to sneak up behind you reaching for it your hands touching. Alone just you two in his house. Tilting your head towards him your faces inches apart, your heart was jumping and juddering in your chest as his cologne hit your nose. It was woodsy, hint of spiciness, perhaps even a little tiny bit floral. “Here” whispering taking a whiff of your hair. “I should go-” you realized that this hole you were about to fall into would be hard to get out of. “So soon?” He whispered giving you some of his warmth, his chest pressing to your back. Warmth radiating from his body- your lips parted. Dropping the book by your two feet turning around his large hands capturing your ribs. Leaning down his mouth was on yours kissing you fiercefully. You moaned gaining him the access to your tongue and he kissed the hell out of you. Wet kisses, full of cravings and desire painting your soul in reds and oranges. Your hands finding rest on his back as you indulged yourself in the warm feeling, his large body pressing you against the books his hand hiking your thigh around his waist. The way your tongues glided and touched in your mouths the saliva strings connecting your mouths as you both hungrily kissed again and again moaning in sweet lust. Tilting his face to one side as he devoured your lips, you couldn’t stop the mewls which escaped you making his cock possibly harder. Your panties getting in twist pussy leaking with wetness drenching your own panties you both found pace rubbing against each other. The rough material of his belt buckle giving your clit a cold touch causing you gasping for air against his lips and his large hand gripped the back of your neck. His grunts and groans, surged through you. “S-Sir” gasping at the neck kisses wrapping your arm around his neck pulling him down on you feeling his kisses on your soul. His arms wrapped around you “let me make you feel good angel, i wanna take good care of you” your brain was telling you to stop heart telling you to give yourself to the man who was so passionately ravishing your mouth. Your body betraying you- you were so lost. “Been needing you so much lately” admitting all these things while touching your body in ways hand on your breast kissing your chest sniffing you his thumb circling your hardened peak through your bra and blouse. Your hands holding his back, wanting him all over you. “M’so scared this is not allowed but I want you” admitting making him kiss you passionately touching your pussy through your panties. Those kisses and touches were unforgettable that’s why it took you everything to gently push him away and run out of his house with tears spilling down your cheeks because this was not allowed. You might’ve loved your professor yes and he might have loved you back- but this could not happen at all. Wiping your tears with the back of your sleeve you ran as fast as you could. Even though your heart hurt immensely- you both knew you’d steal moments to be together.
My secret lover… my secret- only mine. “To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further. There is no other pearl to be found in the dark folds of life.”
(Apologies for any mistakes and typos in advance)
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