#did i even spell michael right
msmerrysunshine13 · 7 months
istg if jonny and alex add anyone named fucking michael or michael adjacent i might end it all
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 month
WHB Series #1 (Cont.)
MC: *has put Raphael on a leash and muzzle; still with his restraints*
Amon: ...
Amon: That looks cozy.
MC: Bitch, what?
Bael: Is he still under your spell?
MC: Dunno. But he's suspiciously being docile.
Bael: What do you mean-
MC: *yanks Raphael's leash so he would lower his head* *ruffles his hair hard*
MC: I've been treating him roughly since he came here, but fucker seems fine with everything.
MC: You have any guesses why?
Bael and Amon: ...
Bael: Descendant of Solomon, are you experiencing any fatigue?
MC: No?
Amon: Are you using the seraph to replenish your energy?
MC: ...
MC: *checks out Raphael* Nah, I haven't taken a bite off him.
Raphael: *blushes*
MC: I didn't mean that in a sexual way, the fuck.
Bael and Amon: ...
Naberius: What are we going to do here, descendant of Solomon?
MC: What else? We're going to hunt his minions.
Naberius: Won't that be dangerous?
MC: Yes, but we've got this. *yanks Raphael again*
Naberius: ...
Naberius: I hope you don't mind me saying this, but are you certain he will be of help?
MC: Yes? He's the bait.
Naberius: ...
Naberius: Have you created a new weapon?
MC: Yes, sweetie. And I'm quite confident about it.
Naberius: *blushes slightly*
Stolas: Hey, you know they're not calling you that, right?
Amon: MC acts sweet in the taste of success.
MC: To be precise, it's the sweet taste of hard wor-
MC: ...
Naberius, Stolas, and Amon: *also became alert*
Raphael: *mumbling some words*
MC: ...
MC: Get ready. We've got a battalion.
*The angels appeared from above.*
The angels: You will die here today, descendant of Solomon!
MC: Oh really? *smirks* Even if I have your Seraph Raphael? *holding him close*
The angels: ...
The angels: He'll praise us for killing you.
MC: This m-
Raphael: *immediately flew towards the sky, attacking the angels*
MC, Amon, Naberius, and Stolas: ...
Raphael: *killing every single one of them*
Amon, Naberius, and Stolas: *looks at MC*
MC: ...
MC: This wasn't part of my plan. Quick! Go back to the castle and report to Bael!
Stolas: How about you?!
MC: I'll be fine! LEAVE!
Amon, Naberius, and Stolas: *hesitates, but follows their order*
MC: *when they're sure they left*
Raphael: ...
Raphael: *looks at them and smiles*
Raphael: I took care of them. Just for you.
MC: *looks at all the bodies of angels now on the ground*
MC: ...
MC: What's going on?
Raphael: *descends in front of them* *leans close*
Raphael: How did I do?
Raphael: God.
MC: ...
MC: What the fuck-
Beelzebub: Get away from them, Raphael.
Raphael: *holds MC securely*
MC: !!!
Raphael: I'm bringing them back to heaven.
MC: HUH??!!
Beelzebub: *laughs*
Beelzebub: I won't let you!
MC: These idiots-
MC, Raphael, and Beelzebub: *went back to the palace safely*
Raphael: *in his restraints again*
Beelzebub: *with a few wounds on his body, but he's completely fine*
MC: *on the other hand, feels exhausted*
Beelzebub: That was a smart move. I'll give you 1000 points.
MC: Shut the fuck up.
Raphael: *is in a terrible condition after MC activated the bomb inside his body, though he miraculously survived*
Beelzebub: ...
Beelzebub: You need to be more careful from now on.
MC: ...
MC: No. I'm going to exploit this.
Beelzebub: *surprised* What?
MC: A powerful seraph called me 'god'? *smiles* I'd be dumb not to use that opportunity.
Beelzebub: ...
Beelzebub: *laughs* Let's see what you can do.
Michael: Raphael killed a battalion of our angels?
A random angel: Yes, sir.
A random angel: Sir Raphael betrayed heaven for the descendant of Solomon!
Michael: ...
Gabriel: Raphael did? Why would he do such a thing?
Michael: That's what I would like to know.
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issdisgrace · 7 days
Hello, an apology, I don't know if you are still posting with the Slashers but if you can I would really like a reaction from them.
How would the Slashers react to seeing that their partner prepared a dessert with a somewhat sadistic theme? (Context: I saw a video where there is a person who makes a cake with details of a face, and when you cut it juice comes out of the red fruit, he also makes cookies with eyes [Clearly they are not real])
An apology if I have spelling mistakes, but I don't know how to write English very well. If you can't make the publication I understand. Have a nice day.
WARNINGS: disturbing imagery I guess, nothing else really
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This is what I had in mind when righting this
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Michael comes home from killing and he sees you taking photos of a heart on a plate. He's so confused. Did you kill someone and take their heart out while he was gone? He's even more confused when you pick up a knife and cut into. This is when he decides to make his present known. You look up and smile, all proud, asking him if he likes the cake. He is shocked that's a cake. It looks so real, it's trippy. But yes, he likes it and is now more interested in your craft. So be warned you will probably have Michael hovering around you next time you bake.
It's Halloween, and it's yours and Otis anniversary. So you decided to make something special for you and Otis to enjoy together. But you don't want it to be a plain and boring looking. So you rack your brain then the idea of making a cherry pie then making the top crust a face. It was perfectly macabre, so you slaved away in the kitchen making it. Then when you and Otis were alone, you presented to him and he is amazed to say the least. You thought of this? You made this? You are so creative darling; it looks almost too good to eat. So yeah, you created a monster, and he expects only beautifully macabre deserts when you bake.
It’s was yours and Patrick’s first Valentine’s Day as a couple. Taking this opportunity to show off Patrick you take him to Dorsia. You guys have a wonderful night before you head back to your place. You show Patrick the cake and explain how you made it. He listens intently, appreciating your work. He loves how real it looks. How you took your time to craft such a work for him. FOR HIM. He’s flattered and doesn’t turn down your offer to hand feed the cake to him before the nigh turned more macabre and the true fun started.
You wanted a pie but you knew Bo and Lester would want some so you decided to try a deterrent that being the creepy ass face you put in the pie. Boy did they both stay away from it claiming it was cursed. Proud of your work and new found deterrent you showed Vincent the pie. He found it quite funny that his brothers thought it was cursed. Yes it looked frightening but in a weird way it was beautiful. It was definitely a work created from your hands and mind and Vincent loved that. He loved anytime you made things like this. He also loved that he got a piece of the pie because most time it would’ve already been gone by the time he could get a slice so he appreciated your macabre deterrent a bit more than others.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
The Truth of the Matter
A four part miniseries
@wonderland-girl143-blog @gregre369 @420-hun
Part One
Part Two
Robin poured over the book that Eddie had bought at the Flea Market. She was reading it rather intensely. She looked up at Eddie.
"You said you bought this at a Flea Market?" Robin asked.
"Actually, it was free. There was this woman selling only this. I thought it was strange, especially when she wouldn't sell it until I came up. She said, "This is for you," and gave it to me," Eddie said. "I tried going back the next weekend, but she was gone, and no one ever heard of her."
"That is. . .odd," Dustin said.
"Well, everything else is in English, but the spells are in Latin," Robin said.
"No, they were all in English. I read English," Eddie said.
"Uh, Eddie, you weren't speaking in English when you said the spell," Lucas said.
"I wasn't?" He asked.
"No," Dustin, Mike, and Lucas said.
"Why are you still glaring at me, Michael?" Robin asked. "I almost punched you, but I didn't. . . Anyway, it says here that only people with Wiccan blood can automatically translate the spells in their head and perform them."
"Wait, does this mean that I'm a witch?" Eddie asked.
"Holy shit! This is the COOOLEST!" Eddie yelled.
"Hey, maybe you can use your powers to help Steve find his parents," Dustin said.
"Oh, shit, that's right. . .Harrington was kidnapped," Eddie winced and whirled around. "Sorry, man."
Steve had plopped down on Eddie's throne and leaned back against it as he crossed his legs. He was staring straight ahead, looking at nothing. Eddie tried to ignore how good he looked in that chair and also the fact that he wanted to untangle his legs to sit down in his lap. His face looked troubled, so Eddie easily pushed those thoughts away.
"You okay, man?" Eddie asked.
"Steve?" Robin asked.
"Shit! Robin, who's at the store?!" Steve asked, sitting up.
"I closed the store and hitched a ride with a customer. Keith is going to be pissed but I thought you were being murdered," Robin said. "Anyway, more important things to focus on here, babe. Are you okay?"
"Well, my parents aren't my parents, which I kind of always thought, but I didn't think they kidnapped me. Do you think they might have killed my real parents?" Steve asked.
"I don't know, but we're going to fucking find out because you look like a goddamn kicked puppy and the way you're inflating your eyes like that is killing me," Eddie said as he ripped the book out of Robin's hands.
"We're just going to ignore a lot of the secrets that Steve spilled, right?" Dustin asked.
"Even the sex dream about - " Lucas started to say.
"Yes, because that's my fucking sister and Will's brother!" Mike exclaimed.
"Ah, the sex dream. Did you mention the clown sitting in the corner watching while it made balloon animals?" Robin asked.
"No!" Steve scowled. "Fucking clowns."
"Did you really touch Steve’s dick?" Dustin asked Robin.
"Yes, and my lesbianism is still very much intact," Robin said. "Thank God."
"I thought we weren't going to talk about this!" Mike yelled.
"Mike's such a prude. He's afraid to talk about sex even though we're all sentient walking water bags made of sex and flesh," Dustin said.
"Okay. Now, you just made me uncomfortable. Never describe it like that again," Eddie said.
Dustin gave him a toothy grin, and he smiled softly before looking back at the book.
"What are we going to do if my parents are like dead or on the other side of the world?" Steve asked.
"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, Steve," Dustin said.
"You want to know, don't you?" Robin asked.
"Yeah. . .yeah, I guess," Steve said softly. "I guess it's the feeling that I don't know what to expect here that's overwhelming me. I'm trying not to get my hopes up for really good parents."
"That makes sense," Robin said softly. "I'm sure it'll work out."
"I can't believe Eddie's allowing you to sit in his chair," Mike said. "No one sits there except for him."
"It's cause he's pretty," Eddie said without looking up, and Steve giggled. "Hey, I found it! Steve, get your gorgeous ass in the circle and take off your shirt. Oh, you also need a blank piece of paper."
"Does it really need me to take off my shirt?" Steve asked.
"Yes it does," Eddie said seriously.
Dustin looked over his shoulder, frowned, and opened his mouth to say something. Eddie quickly put his arm around him and pulled his face to his chest, cooing at him. Steve looked doubtfully at him for a moment before getting up off the chair and pulling off his shirt. Dustin shoved Eddie away, scowling at him. Eddie grinned at Steve as he moved back into the circle with a sheet of paper. Eddie relit the candles and got the others to stand around Steve.
"Am I good?" Steve asked.
"Hold on, you need to be a little bit more even," Eddie frowned.
He placed his hands on Steve’s hips and moved him slightly.
"I think you're just finding any excuse to touch me," Steve smirked.
"Who? Me?" Eddie asked innocently.
"If I look in the book, it's not going to say I need to be shirtless, is it?" He asked.
Eddie smirked and moved his hands to Steve’s stomach. He dragged his fingertips up, moving softly over his skin. Steve shuddered. He rested his hands on his pecs for a moment before moving them to his shoulders.
"On your knees, big boy," Eddie said as he pushed him to his knees.
"I just want to remind you that there are children in the room, and one of them is me!" Robin yelled and Eddie jumped.
"What were we doing?" He asked as he blinked a lot.
"Oh my God! Finding Steve’s parents!" Dustin shrieked. "Have your way with our babysitter later!"
"You act like it's my fault!" Eddie exclaimed. "Tell Steve to stop being so pretty!"
"Steve! Stop it!"
"I can't help it! It just naturally happens," Steve smirked.
"Well, since you're not human, I guess you could say it's SUPERnatural," Robin said.
Robin and Steve giggled before high fiving each other. Dustin sighed.
"Steve, do you want to find your parents or not?" Dustin asked.
"Not if you're going to have that attitude," Steve scowled.
"It's his tone, right?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, let's get this done before our kid has a conniption," Steve said.
"He's really eager to meet his grandparents," Eddie cackled.
"Oh, now, you're in on the joke?" Dustin asked as Mike and Lucas laughed.
"Yeah," Steve and Eddie said.
Eddie opened the book and began to chant. The lights flickered, and the flames from the candles shot up in the air. Wind whipped around the room as Eddie continued to say the spell. Steve twitched and then shook before falling backward. He started shrieking in pain as the paper fell from his hands.
"Eddie! Stop! Stop! STOP! SOMETHING'S WRONG!" Lucas yelled.
Eddie stopped the chant, and as soon as he did, Steve stopped screaming.
"My back, my back. . .something's on my back," Steve said.
Eddie shut the book and rushed so quickly to get to him that he ended up sliding across the floor on his knees. He turned Steve over to find a painful looking rune flaring up in the middle of his back.
"What the fuck is that?" Mike asked.
Eddie opened the book and began flipping through the pages, cursing as he did so. Meanwhile, he had Steve’s head in his lap, blinking up at him.
"Okay, it says here that it's some sort of rune of protection. . . Against fae. . .you know, fairies. . .a witch placed it on you," Eddie said. "Well, that's fucked. . . No wonder your parents couldn't find you. . .well, let's see if we can't get this fucker off of you. . . Shit, I hope I can do this. . .it says I need to be related to the witch who placed the rune on you."
Eddie took one hand off the book and began stroking Steve’s hair. He muttered something, and the page turned. He did that quite a few times as he read.
"Eddie, what did you say to the book?" Mike asked.
"Oh, I said,"Turn the page." I guess I was speaking in Latin again," Eddie said.
"That's so cool," Dustin muttered.
"Okay. . .getting this rune off is going to hurt a lot. . .do you want to do this?" Eddie asked Steve.
"I'm used to a little pain. Bring it," Steve said.
"Okay, sit up," Eddie said and pulled a knife out of his pocket.
Steve sat up, putting himself on his knees again. Eddie sat behind him and muttered something else. The spellbook floated in front of him, and he opened the knife. Eddie sighed and hesitated before placing a kiss on Steve’s shoulders blade.
"Is that part of the spell?" Steve asked.
"No, it's just going to fucking hurt a lot. It's basically me cutting it out. . .so, yeah. . .sorry, so, so, so sorry," Eddie said.
He muttered another spell as he looked at the book and held the knife over a flame, letting it get hot. He chanted for a moment, and the flames flared up around the blade. Eddie hovered the blade above the rune and started to say the spell as he moved the knife as though he was actually cutting it off. Steve let out an inhuman shriek, his yells bouncing off the walls. The wind picked up, the flames grew higher, and the lights above them exploded as Eddie continued to chant. Tears rolled down Steve’s cheek as he threw his head back. Finally, Eddie stopped, and Steve collapsed in relief.
"Shit, that did hurt," Steve said, and he paused when he didn't get a response. "Eddie?"
Steve turned around and found Eddie still sitting on his knees. Blood was pouring out of his nose. He swayed and fell backward. Steve moved over to him and cradled him in his arms.
"Eddie?" He asked.
"There was a suggestion in the book to not overdo it. I was just like. . .fuck it, I can do it. I'm fine, I'm fine. . .I just need someone's lips on mine," Eddie said and closed his eyes, puckering his lips.
"Alright, I'll just go find Principal Higgins, shall I?" Dustin asked, peering over Steve’s shoulder.
"I'm up, I'm up!" Eddie sat up quickly. "Oh, too fast! Sleepy. . ."
He pressed his cheek against Steve’s chest and closed his eyes again. His snores filled the room.
"I guess we'll take him back to my place," Steve said and picked him up.
Robin pulled out a tissue and wiped Eddie's nose.
"Hey, Steve?"
"Your tits are still out, you slut."
"Right. Thanks, Robin."
When Eddie woke up, he found himself in a very ugly room. Plaid walls, plaid curtains, plaid sheets. . .Eddie screamed. He screamed louder at the single car poster hanging on the wall. . .it was all so sad. Steve burst into the room, wielding a bat with nails.
"Steve, where the hell am I?" Eddie asked.
"My house and my room," Steve said.
"Oh my God, this is your room? This is hell, Steve," Eddie said in horror.
"Well, my parents like everything neat," Steve said.
"You mean, your kidnappers," Eddie corrected.
"Right," Steve frowned. "Come on, let's get something in you."
"Hell yeah!" Eddie exclaimed and started unbuttoning his pants.
"What are you doing? I was talking about food. There's pizza downstairs," Steve said.
"Yeah, that's what I was talking about," Eddie said quickly. "I was just unbuttoning them to make room for the pizza."
"Right," Steve smirked. "As much as I would love to do that with you, some secrets should remain secret. I do not want the kids to know that I'm a screamer. Let's go, sweet cheeks."
Steve slapped his ass and Eddie cursed.
"I hate you!"
"No, you don't!"
Dustin immediately threw his arms around Eddie the minute he walked into the kitchen. Steve smiled softly at the sight of them and ruffled his hair.
"You scared the shit out of us, man," Dustin said. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Just needed some rest," Eddie grinned. "What time is it?"
"Almost midnight. Are you going to do the location spell again?" Mike asked.
"He just woke up, Mike. Let's get some food in him first," Steve sighed.
"After I eat," Eddie said, snapping his fingers at him.
Sitting down to eat, Eddie spent the majority of the meal laughing with the kids and playing with what he thought was Steve’s leg under the table. It had been Robin's.
"You could have told me!" Eddie hissed.
"Then it wouldn't have been funny," Robin replied.
They gathered in the living room and pushed the furniture out of the way to create the circle. Eddie knelt in front of Steve this time, the book floating beside them, and the piece of paper on the floor.
"You don't have to do this, you know," Steve said.
"I kind of do. . .I judged you harshly before. . .because you're a jock and because of the assholes who's bothered us in the past. I used to think that since you had a big house and a fancy car that you had it easy. I used to mock you mercilessly in Hellfire, and that wasn't right of me to do that," Eddie said. "Not all jocks are bad."
"Well, no one is perfect," Steve said. "This is a lot even for all of that. Thank you, you're a good man."
"I mean, so are you," Eddie said, blushing. "I'm still an asshole though."
"Yeah, that's true," Steve said with a grin.
Steve cupped the back of his neck and pulled him for a kiss. It was short and sweet. When Steve pulled away, Eddie let out a soft giggle.
"I am loving this," Dustin grinned and then frowned. "But also, gross."
"Yeah, kids never like it when their parents kiss," Robin said, and Dustin sighed loudly.
Grinning, Eddie performed the spells without any problems. Words appeared on the paper. One of them was an address in Indianapolis, and one of them was a plot number for the cemetery in Hawkins.
"Well, shit, I guess one of my parents is dead," Steve frowned.
"Sorry, Steve," Dustin said quietly.
"We don't have to do it tonight, but we can check out the cemetery whenever you want to," Robin said.
"I'm curious now, and at least, I'll get one answer tonight," Steve said. "Although, going at night seems like a bad idea."
"Don't be a chicken shit, Steve, let's do it," Dustin grinned.
So, now, here they were. . .at night. . .in a fucking graveyard. They had flashlights, and Steve made sure to bring his trusty bat. Meanwhile, Robin made sure to bring a thermos full of hot cocoa that she was currently sharing with the boys in front of them. Eddie was walking beside Steve, swinging his arms and letting his hand brush up against Steve’s.
"So, was that kiss just a one-time thing, or are you planning on doing it again?" Eddie asked.
"I definitely want to do it again. . . Would that be okay?" Steve asked.
"Definitely," Eddie grinned and then paused. "You said back in the drama room that you'd always be in love with Nancy Wheeler."
"Well, yeah, a part of me, anyways. There's just so much history there, and she's just so. . . Nancy. She's beautiful, and she cares so much about people. She's willing to put it all on the line for her friends and for her family. She's the bravest person that I have ever met. I don't regret falling in love with her. . . But I regret that I didn't get to know her best friend and I wish I could have been there for her when she needed me the most. I know what happened to Barb wasn't our fault, but I still can't help feeling guilty. I think there's always going to be that connection between us," Steve said.
"I know that Barb died, and she was Wheeler's best friend, but isn't it that Brenner's guys fault? The one Dustin told me about?" Eddie asked. "Why would you feel guilty?"
"Well, it was the first time that Nancy and I had sex together. While that was going on in my house, Barb was being dragged into the Upside Down and . . . Well, you know. . ." Steve said.
"Holy fucking shit. . .yeah, I could see how that could mess you both up," Eddie said.
"Yeah. . .it's pathetic, I know. . ." Steve said.
"No, man, it's not. You're not pining after her, you love her, and you accept the fact that you're not going to be together. I can see why either of you would want to hold onto the good parts of your relationship. You all have been through so much shit and if you guys can come through it all while still having love in your hearts. . . It's amazing," Eddie said.
"Yeah," Steve smiled and paused. "Have you ever been in love?"
"I've come close. I think at the time, we both had stars in our eyes, and all we saw when we looked at each other were plane tickets out of town. In the end, I couldn't leave town, but she could have, and after everything she did for me, I couldn't go with her. I wish I had done it better, but yeah, I pushed her away so she wouldn't come back," Eddie said.
"Damn, you white fanged her?" Steve asked.
"I mean, I guess you could call it that," Eddie said. "You know White Fang?"
"Yeah, it's not my favorite," he said and paused. "I wish things had gone better with. . ."
"Paige," Eddie said.
"Paige," Steve said.
"I wish things had gone better with Nancy," Eddie replied.
"Yeah," he said softly.
"You like women, too?" Steve asked.
"Yeah," he replied. "It took me a while to realize that I liked men at all or that I was even flirting with them. According to my best friend, Ronnie, it's not exactly very straight of me to go on rants about jocks' sweaty muscles."
"Was I in one of those rants?" Steve asked as he stopped and turned to Eddie.
He pulled Eddie into his arms, wrapping his arms around his waist.
"You were very prominent," Eddie said bashfully.
"Maybe you didn't hate me at all," Steve said, his eyes twinkling. "Maybe you just had a type."
Eddie kissed him, and Steve smiled against his lips. Eddie wrapped his arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss, moaning into his mouth.
Eddie growled as he broke the kiss and Steve bit his lip to keep from laughing.
"FOUND IT!" Lucas yelled.
"I don't think they understand the word subtle," Steve sighed. "Although, neither do you, so they're definitely yours."
"Were there doubts?" Eddie asked with a dramatic gasp.
Steve smiled softly at him, grabbed his hand, and laced their fingers together before pulling him in the direction of the kids. When they got to them, Robin and the kids were whispering together.
"There's no fucking way!" Mike exclaimed. "He never had kids!"
"That you know of. I imagine that it was probably painful to talk about your son getting kidnapped and being unable to find him in your own hometown," Dustin said.
"What? What is it?" Steve asked.
"Are we even sure it's the right plot?" Mike asked.
"Yes!" Dustin and Lucas exclaimed.
Steve moved towards the gravestone and shined his flashlight on it.
Part Three
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ciaoteamo · 1 year
Lost Girl
pairings: Captain James Hook x f!reader
summary: Following Pan with your siblings has either got to be the best or worst idea you've had yet.
(A/N): this is how long every story with a part 2 would be if i didn't break them up😅 a request from my DM's, enjoy :) also i didn't spell check so bare with me pls
warnings: 18+ content
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further warning: dirty talk, breast kink, pet names, creampie
It was one of the more warm nights in London. And there was the perfect cool breeze make your curtain dance gracefully.
You'd decided to open your window for a while and enjoy the sound of nature. You definitely needed the peace after playing with the younger kids all day.
You were the oldest of the bunch and only had your own room because your father practically kicked you out of the nursery. You were upset initially, but it wasn't as if you'd left your home.
Your eyes were growing heavy, and the noise arounnd you was lulling you into your dreamland. That was however until you hear...
You quickly sat up from your bed and rush out of your room and up to your siblings room.
You swing the door open with fret and your jaw drops with what you saw.
"what in the world is going on in here?" You look frantically left and right, trying to take in the scene.
Toy's were absolutely everywhere. Your father, on the ground, seemingly looking stressed and angry. Your mother, dressed beautifully for their evening out, and Nana balled in the corner of the room.
Everyone (excluding father) rushed over to Nana, showering the poor dog in hugs and kisses.
"poor Nana?!" Your father asks in disbelief. "this is the last straw, OUT! OUT I SAY" He came over and grabbed Nana by her collar, dragging her out of the room without another word.
Your mother shook her head in disappointment and looked over at you.
"(Y/N), could you help me tuck in the little ones?" She starts to tuck Wendy in. You assist her, tucking in your brothers and adding extra blankets in case they got cold.
Your mother talks to you all for a bit and goes to close the window, Wendy speaks up before she could lock it.
"oh, don't lock it, mother! He might come back!"
"him?!" Your mother raises an eyebrow and you chuckle.
"peter pan! see, i found something that belongs to him.."
"oh? and what's that?"
"his shadow"
"mm, Nana had it. but i... i took it away" Wendy yawns out.
"oh? yes, of course... goodnight dear" Your mother retreats out of the door, you say goodnight aloud as well but when you go to leave, she places a hand on your arm.
"(Y/N) dear, could you please keep an eye on the children for me? With Nana being outside, i'll feel uneasy without you in here" She places a hand on your cheek.
"as long as you bring back my favorite sweets" You smile. She chuckles and kisses your cheek.
"i promise, dear. see you tomorrow" She gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze and rushes down the hall to your impatient father. You close the door and slip into Michael's bed since he was the smallest.
You close your eyes and tuck yourself in well, drifting off into slumber.
You wake when you hear music from the nursery music box playing.
"tink! shh!" You hear someone whisper before the music stops. Your heart starts thumping. You stay still not knowing what to do. Why did you mother leave the window unlocked? This could be a burglar.
You flinch at the sound of a thud a decide to finally sit up. A boy in green was fighting someone... or something?"
The fight however stopped and the boy was turned around and tending to something on his shoe. How in the world could you possibly sneak the children out?
Maybe you could strike him over the head with a -
"Peter Pan!" You hear Wendy say. You and the boy snap your heads toward her. That's when he finally noticed and realized you were in the room.
The boy look terrified of Wendy as she scrambled towards him. This was your first time ever seeing this Peter Pan that your siblings always wanted you to read about.
Does this mean Santa is real?
Peter was speechless, hurriedly rubbing what look like soap on his foot.
"you cant stick it on with soap, peter!" Wendy took the soap and turned on the lamp. "it needs sewing, thats the proper way to do it"
You close your eyes and take a moment to blink, just to grasp the situation at hand for a moment.
Wendy was still talking Peters ear off, and sewing his literal shadow to his shoe.
"girls talk too much" He cut into her story.
"yes, girls talk too m-... oh." Her smile fades at the realization. You gently toss the covers off of you and walk towards the two.
"excuse me boy, why are you in our house? and Wendy, this is a stranger, you know better!"
"oh but (Y/N), this is Peter. from our stories!" Wendy halts her sewing and shoves a book into your arms. You open it and see the poor handwriting and green boy on practically every page.
"this can't be..." You say to yourself in shock.
"no, this still doesn’t explain why you're here?" You frown your eyebrows.
"for my shadow of course! the dog jumped at me while i was in the window and grabbed it"
"well, what were you doing at the window?" You and Wendy ask in sync.
"i was listening to your stories?"
"but all of our stories are about you" Wendy replied. Which was true. You were 3 years older than Wendy, making you an adult now. But you never did stop reading and creating new stories for your siblings.
You never thought those stories were true though, you just heard of the story of Peter Pan and made your own bedtime stories from there.
"of course! thats why i like em, i tell em to the lost boys" He nodded and began to play some sort of small instrument.
"the lost boys?... oh! i remember, they’re your men!" Wendy says and makes the last stitch.
"uh-huh" Peter jumps up and looks at his shadow on the wall.
"i'm so glad you came back tonight. i might never have seen you"
"why?" He asks, still making goofy gestures.
"because i have to grow up tomorrow"
"grow up!?" He whips around.
"tonights my last night in the nursery" Wendy says with a sad look.
"oh Wendy, maybe father doesn't mean it. I didn't leave until i was 14" You add.
"no, i'm sure of it. father never breaks his promises, good or bad."
"you're right... well it won't be so bad, me and you sharing a room" You try to make her feel better.
"i guess you’re right..."
"so that means... no more stories?" Peter asks.
"mhm" Wendy hummed, on the verge of tears.
"no! i wont have it" Peter exclaims. "come on" He grabs her hand and starts to pull her toward the door.
"wait a second! she isn't going anywhere with a strange boy!" You tug Wendy toward you.
"He's not strange, he's Peter Pan! And that would be wonderful but... what would mother say?" She contemplated.
"mother? what mother?" Peter crossed his legs.
"a mother is someone to cares for you and loves you and tells you stories and nurture-"
"great! you can be our mother" He grabs her again but she stops on the window seat.
"well i'd have to pack and get changed and leave a note.. and i can't stay for too long and then i'll have to... oh but it's Neverland" Wendy smiles and turns.
"oh, i'm so happy, i think i'll give you a kiss"
"what's a..a kiss?" Peter asks.
"i'll show you" Wendy starts to walk toward him and you grab her.
"oh no you don't" Shimmering dust rapidly flew around and you start swatting.
"Tink, stop!" Peter says, using his hat as a net to catch the fast speck.
"John, John! wake up, he's here!" Michael says excitedly and crawls out of bed.
"huh...?" John gets up and puts on his glasses and gasps loudly. "jiminy!"
"what in the world was that?" Wendy asks, holding her hear and looking around.
"i think it was a bug of some sort" You answer, not too sure of it yourself.
"Tinker Bell. Don't know what got into her" He says, peeking into his hat and examining whatever it was inside.
"hello Peter Pan, i'm Michael!"
"and my name is John, how do you do?"
"hello" Peter greets.
"oh! look a firefly" Michael opens the hat
"a pixie!" Wendy corrects him.
"amazing!" John adds.
"i haven't gotten you're name yet!" Peter leans in your direction. You were standing closer to see this Tinker Bell.
"(Y/N)" You simply say.
The fairy shakes her head and makes bell noises, raising question in Michael. "what's she doing?" He asks.
"what did she say?" Wendy asks.
"she says you're a big ugly girl" He chuckles and she laughs along before realizing. "oh... well i think she's lovely" Wendy compliments to the angry creature.
"well come on Wendy, let's go!" Peter walks toward the window and Michael grabs Wendy's hand.
"where are we going? He asks.
"to Never Land! Peter's taking us"
"Us?!" You and Peter ask in unison.
"Wendy, we’re not going anywhere with this boy!"
"but how could i go without you all?"
"when i said "we" i meant we" You point to all of your siblings.
"(Y/N), please!" Michael begs, tugging onto your night gown.
"i'm sorry, Michael, no" You sigh.
"just think about it a little, (Y/N), it could be fun!" John urges.
"or dangerous! i can't risk it"
"(Y/N), it's my last night in the nursery... you remember what that was like! please come with us, it'll only be for a short while, right Peter?"
"sure thing!"
As if you needed any reassurance from Peter. If anything he almost ruined her resolve. But she was right. You remember having to leave behind your siblings and grow up, it was no fun.
You at least would like them to have a fond childhood memory.
And that's exactly why you’re flying hundreds if not thousands of feet up in the air. The view of the morning was beautiful, the sky was pink and the water was still.
"oh Peter it's just as i dreamed it's be... oh look, John there's Mermaid Lagoon!" Wendy exclaimed.
"by Jove! and the Indian encampment !"
"oh look! there Captain Hook and the pirates!" Michael pointed our cheerfully.
A canon fires and Peter tosses Michael behind to save him.
"look out!" He ducks. "Tink, you take them to the hideout and i'll draw off Hooks fire!" Tink pouts and starts to fly ahead.
You all quickly rush to follow her but she was going too fast. "Tinker Bell, you're going to fast for us!" Wendy called out. The fairy sped up. "Tinker bell!"
Another canon fires, causes a nearby bird with missing feathers to crash into you, knocking you off of your course. You were dizzy from all of the spinning that the incident caused.
You were starting to feel sick. "W..Wendy? John?" You quietly called out, the world was still spinning around you. You could only make out the Island.
You do your best to safely fly down, but you have a rocky landing, sending you tumbling and hitting your head on a tree. You groan and everything goes black.
"oh? and how might a half-whit such as yourself go about Finding Pan? hm?" You hear a man rhetorically ask.
"w-well cap'm i'd say we go-"
"I COMMAND YOU TO GO AND GET THE PRINCESS, SMEE!" The man cut the other off and you heard whoever it was scatter.
You wince at the yelling, head still throbbing from earlier, and crack your eyes open a bit to examine your surroundings.
"where am i..." You ask, more to yourself.
"you, darling, are on the Jolly Roger"
"Jolly... Roger? that's a silly name" You go to reach for your head only to discover your bound wrists.
"silly? i won’t let a girl out in her nightgown talk down on my ship"
"oh, your ship? is that why you were yelling at that poor man?" You raise an eyebrow.
"you dare stick your nose in the business of Captain James Hook, girl? why i oughta make you walk the plank, hm?" He takes his hook and lifts your head with it, the cold metal made your skin tingle.
With him being so close, you could finally see him in his entirety. He was tall, had long and curly black hair, sported a mustache and a (somewhat) clean shave.
He looked great in his coat, it hugged him perfectly around the waist. You swallow thickly, imagining sinful things.
You were so distracted that you hadn't noticed that he didn't move away yet. You look up at his eyes and slightly move your head.
"that um... that’s too bad then" You clear your throat.
"hm?~ what’s too bad?" He asks, tone completely different from before.
"making me walk the plank.." You quietly remind.
"yes.. oh! yes! you're a lucky lass, you. i'm sure Pan will be here in no time, looking for you" He makes a pleased expression and tugs on his mustache.
"and if he doesn’t?" You challenge.
"then i guess i'll have you all to myself" He grins at you, showing off his gold tooth and sending a buzz down your spine.
"well, be back in a bit, and i suggest you don't disturb me crew with any shouting" He slams the door behind him, making your head tingle again.
You look around what looked to be his office. He had maps with markings and shiny collectables littered everywhere. Books and papers piled on the desk, it looked like he was making another map.
You sigh and close your eyes, hoping that Peter would eventually find you. You knew this was a bad idea.
"SMEEEEEE!" You hear the pirate scream out. You didn’t know when you'd fallen asleep, but you did.
"keep calm cap'm, i'm comin!" Smee calls out.
You hear screaming, and the sound of a ticking clock. Your curiosity was getting the best of you, making you want to go outside.
"okay, (Y/N), think of a big house... lovely animals... Nana" You close your eyes and feel yourself floating. You get closer to the desk and reach for the small knife on the edge.
Just as you had it in your grasp, the door swung open, making you fall onto the floor and cut yourself.
"ouch!" You groan, though no one heard you. Smee rushed in behind the hysterical Captain and placed a towel on his head and a bucket under his feet.
"oh Smee... he almost got me" You heard the mans lip quivering. You tried to sit yourself back up while the men were distracted.
"i know i know cap'm, you rest and we can go back out for Pan tomorrow" Smee cooed.
"be right back cap'm!" Smee left.
"blast that Peter Pan.." He grumbled. You kept quiet and he suddenly sat up, looking around. "the girl, where is she?" He looked around the room before finally spotting you near the desk.
"why you-" He winced at the sound of banging on the door. You both flinch and the constant loud noise and he gets up angrily.
He swings the door open and is hit on the head with a hammer by an unaware Smee.
He staggered back, losing his footing and landed back in his chair.
Smee came in with a smile and a tea pot. "oh, cap'm! it's good t see you smiling again" Poor man must’ve been knocked silly.
"you know, there's trouble brewin on the island. women trouble" Smee starts. "I wouldn’t want this to go any further, but supposedly Pan banished Tinker Bell.."
Well, this was new to you.
He began pouring the water into the buckets beneath his feet, you scrunch your face up, knowing how hot it must be. "um, Smee, was it?" You clear your throat.
"yes dear?" He asks, still pouring.
"i think that water's a bit too hot..."
"oh of course not, the cap'm hasn't said a peep abou-"
"wooooah!" The captain jumps up. He immediately grabs Smee by the collar. "well you doddering imbecile, i... did you say Pan has banished Tinker Bell?" He quesriones.
"aye aye, cap'm. that he has" Sme stumbles out.
"but why?"
"well on a count of Wendy, cap'm. Tink tried to do her in, she did. Tink's terrible jealous" Your jaw dropped at the news. Tink tried to kill your sister?
"well well" James taps his chin in thought.
"thats why we ought to leave, cap'm. this ain't no place for a respectable pirate." Smee dusts his shirt and puts his nose in the air.
"that's is, Smee! that's it!" James smacks Smee on the back, sending the poor man to the ground.
"i'm glad you agree cap'm" Smee adjusts his glasses.
"quick! me coat." The captain casts his blanket aside. "me best dress coat!"
"aye aye sir, the sooner we gets going, the better!" Smee rushed to grab the coat.
"ah yes, a jealous female can be tricked into doing anything. my case of hooks!"
"aye aye sir!" Smee grabs a small purple box near you and hold it out to the captain. "here you are, sir. your Sunday set, sir"
"If we impress the pixie, convince her we're eager to help her, the wench may chart our course, to a certain hiding place.."
"our best hiding place is the Spanish main sir, i'll set our course- oh!" Smee is snatched up by Hook.
"and where do you think you are going?" Hook asks with a cheeky grin.
"to tell the boys we sails with the tide, sir"
"you will go ashore, pick up Tinker Bell, and bring her to me." Hook drops Smee square on the head. "UNDERSTAND?" He shouts.
Smee blabbers out an "aye aye, sir" and quickly rows away.
"ah, looks like things are looking rather good for me lately"
"excuse me?" You speak up. He breaks his longing gaze at the ceiling and raises an eyebrow at you. "if you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you looking for Peter?"
Maybe it's because you haven't heard any new stories in years, but you didn't know why he would be out to kill Peter.
"it's not my fondest memory with that cursed Peter Pan... he cut off me left hand and fed it to a crocodile!" He touched his golden hook. "it still follows me, trying to take the rest o me to this day"
You ball your lips, fighting back your chuckle. "you must take good then, no?" You question, now crossing your legs.
"oh you think it's funny, aye?" He smirks. You expected him to blow up at you, so your smile faltered at his response. You only swallow, unsure of what to say.
"say, i'm in a good mood, i'll turn you loose for the time being" He walks up and reaches behind you, untying your wrists.
He hums and grabs your wrist. "how'd this happen, my gem?" He asks, holding your cut hand with his hook and carefully pulling back the long sleeves of your dress with his hand.
"and no that i think of it how did you manage to get from there, to here?" He asks, walking behind his desk and grabbing a gauze.
"i um... flew?" You ask more than answer.
"you must’ve hit your head pretty hard" He asks, gently wrapping your hand.
"it's the weird truth" You shrug, thankful to be able to move your arms again.
"do you drink?" He opens a chest and pulls out a glass bottle with dark liquid inside. He pinches two glasses between his fingers and carried the bottle over in his arm.
He set everything down and turned your chair to the desk.
"i've only tasted a few wines" You answer. "and thank you"
He pours you a shot amount and gets himself a full glass.
"for what?" He asks. You lift your hand and he waves you off. "that was common decency"
You pick up your glass and catch a whiff of the drink, immediately scrunching up your nose. You take a small sip and you're greeted with a burning sensation.
"this is very... unpleasant, to say the least" You frown.
"yeah, it definitely isn't for a lass like yourself, i'll tell you that much" He takes a sip from his cup.
"oh please, i could finish this... it just take time, that’s all" You brace yourself for the second sip.
"if you say so, missy"
"(Y/N)." You say sternly.
"apologies, (Y/N)" He says coyly.
"and so i say, what do you mean that's Peter Pan? i never met the boy before, i thought he was a figment of our imagination."
"i wish that wretched boy was only a tall tale. he's nothing but a pain in my arse"
Hook was leaning back in his chair, holding his 1/4 filled bottle. You were sitting on the desk, legs faced away from the man to not give him a peek under your gown.
You lazily hold your hand out and he hands you the bottle. "you know, you’re a lot quieter now"
"and you’re more talkative" He retorts. You tilt your head back and waterfall some of the beverage, spilling a bit of it on yourself.
"aye... aye!! that's me best rum that you're wastin!" He grabs the bottle from your hands.
He was close, so close that your noses were almost touching.
"sorry, Captain" You say in a teasing manner.
"it's quite alright, it's been put to better use this way, no?" He asks, looking down at your neck. "may i?"
You dazedly looked at his lips, making out his words as best as you could in your state.
"yes... you may" You nod. You didn't know what he was asking permission to do but you weren’t going to question it.
His eyes glance up at you for a moment as he stood up, only to look back down again and reach out.
He undid the bow that held your dress together at your chest, showing your cleavage.
"kiss me" You squeaked out. "please.."
He quickly granted your wish, a hand coming up to gently hold the back of your head.
The kiss was hungry and rough, from the both of you. You didn’t know his reason, maybe it's that he's a pirate. But you've wanted his lips on yours since you've saw him.
You found him charming in the, embarrassing kind of way. You wondered how he of all people became captain.
The kiss calmed down a bit and he took the opportunity to glide his tongue across the slit of your mouth, making you open in surprise.
"mmf!" His tongue slithered him, tasting of Rum and something sweet. You hold his arms and pull away from the kiss catching your breath.
"do you not have to breathe??" You ask in between breaths.
"why are you holding your breath? breathe through your nose" He says lowly, bringing you into another kiss.
This time, you took his advice, breathing through your nostrils. "better, right?" He states more than asks.
The top of your dress fell from your shoulders and to the crease of your arms during the heated make out sessions. Hook slid his arms along yours, dragging the dress off along the way.
Your breasts were exposed to the cool air, giving you goosebumps and making your nipples harder than they already were. Hook takes notice of this and chuckles to himself.
"a bit cold, hm?" He places the pad of his thumb over one and rubs circles around it.
"mhm" You bit your lip. His calloused palms caressed the soft flesh of your torso in a massage.
"almost forgot about me rum.." He mumbles before attaching his lips to your neck, giving you kitty licks as he made his way lower. "tastes better on you" You feel him smirk onto your skin.
"oh really?" You utter. Your breath hitches in your throat once you feel his warm lips wrap around one of your nipples.
You moan and tangle your fingers in in his thick hair, tugging at it lightly. "oh how soft you are, my jewel..." His breath ghosts over your now wet bud.
He shows the same affection to your other nipple, let it go with a 'pop'. You were very sensitive now, firm and ready to be touched again.
"how often are you told how pretty you are, missy?" He carefully slips the remainder of your dress down your legs. Your underwear was soaked in your arousal, only making the cheeky pirate grin harder.
"technically speaking... i'd say almost everyday" Your heart races in your chest as he slips his shiny hook beneath the damp cloth and moves it down your thighs.
"mm..." He kisses your inner thigh and your back slightly arches. "that's not nearly enough for a pearl like yourself..." His lips came closer and closer to where you wanted them with each kiss.
"what do you mean?" You ask out of curiosity. He pauses for a moment, looking up with pure eye contact.
"i would tell you every hour of the day~" Your cheeks heat and you put a hand over his face.
"oh shut it" You say bashfully and he chuckles, removing your hand and planting a tender kiss upon your knuckles.
"it is the truth" His fingers slip between your folds, making you gasp and grab his wrist.
He stops and looks at you, waiting for a look of reassurance. "would you like to stop here?"
"will it hurt?" You ask, started to feel the weight of the situation.
"do you trust me?"
You only nod. You let go of his hand and he starts to skillfully rub your clit. You bite back your moans, letting out only a sigh.
You made the mistake of exhaling through your mouth just as he began teasing your slick entrance. Eliciting such sweet moans for the Captain Hook.
His hands grab yours and slide them up to your chest. "try touching yourself here, my sweet" He suggests. You place the palms of your hands over your breasts and awkwardly squeeze them with a giggle.
"like so.." James reaches out and just barely rubs your nipple, making your lower back tingle.
You copied his movement and hummed at the new feeling. He puts you unoccupied hand back and lowers his head between your legs again.
This time however, he put your legs over his shoulders. You felt your lips being spread and something soft, warm, and fast brushing over the bundle of nerves.
Your legs immedeitly try to close on him, but he keeps them open. Your hips rocked in sync with his tongue and beads of sweat formed at the intensity.
"you taste phenomenal... i could do this all day.." His low voice vibrated through you, sending your hand flying to his hair and gripping the thick locs harshly.
One last and low "mm~" from James, and you were over the edge, subconsciously holding his face as close as possible to you while you rode out your high.
You collapsed on the table, back flush against the wood. Hook peered over you with a grin. And his hand searched your body again.
"you're so perfect, a true diamond" Hook smiles, dragging his cold hook along your still hard nipples. He slipped a finger into you, making you gasp again, but this was one that he caught with a kiss.
You moaned into his mouth while his finger went deeper and deeper into you. The previous orgasm allowed him to slide the digit in with ease, letting him know to add another finger.
He deepens the kiss as he slides the second finger in. Going in and out of you at an insane pace. Your arms wrap around his neck and you break from the kiss for a second just to roll your eyes and hang your head.
"it feels so good..." Your voice broke.
Not long after your statement, you came undone, shaking violently with a broken moan. "oh James~" You pant, feeling winded.
"what is it, darling?" He asks with a voice full of sultry.
"this is crazy" You look up at him.
"it's about to get even crazier"
You were pretty sure you moans were ringing throughout the ship. Poor crew mates weren't getting any sleep tonight. The sound of James's thighs sticking to the bottom on yours.
A mix of his and your cum making a mess between the two of you. He would probably fill you to the brim if you let him.
James's eyes fixed on the way your breasts bounced with every one of his powerful thrusts, and more importantly, the new deep sensational feeling between your legs.
His back rested against his large purple chair, and his hips thrusted into you like there was no tomorrow.
"James i'm gonna- shit!" Your eyes squeeze shut as you experience your 3rd and final orgasm in this position. You were spent.
"gem~" Hook called out.
"hm?" You lazily look down at him.
"i need one more favor from you, if your up for it~"
"shit... just like that" His eyes peer into you as he watches you, making you feel even more naked than you are if possible.
You were sitting in the chair now. Squeezing your boobs around this mans aching penis while he jerked his hips towards you.
You curiously stick your tongue out, being greeted with the salty tase and soft feeling of his tip.
He let out a sound almost like yours and started bucking forward. You kept licking and squeezing and he kept letting out something like a whimper, it was cute.
"oh... i'm cumming" His large arms grab on to the head of the chair and he cums on your lips and chin. His eyes were low and tired.
"i could tell that felt good" You tease.
"oh better than you could imagine" He wipes your chin and kisses you once more. But he could feel a smile tugging at your lips.
"what is it?" He smiled back.
You shrug and slump into the chair. "I strangely feel happy"
"it's not strange, i feel happy too, love" He reassures and your cheeks heat.
"okay where's your bathroom? I need to get clean" You ask, escaping the enclosure of his arms holding the chair you were inn.
"you don't want to go there to get clean, us pirates use mother nature" He answers. He grabs his jacket and his button up and walks over to the office door.
His head was on a swivel, making sure no one was up. He beckoned you to follow him, so you did. He tosses down a ladder and began climbing down into the water.
You peek over the edge and see nothing but still, open water. It as sparkling from the moonlight. You take a few steps back and jump. Letting out only a yelp instead of the scream that fought to errupt.
You swim to the surface and wipe the water from your eyes.
"you'd fit right in with me crew" He shook his head. "those crazy bastards"
"you should try it sometime" You shrug. You start you dip yourself deeper into the water, rubbing your arms and face to scrub them clean.
You hear a faint Tick- Tok, in the distance. You look around with your eyes narrow, as if it would help you see further.
"do you hear that hook?" You ask.
"hear what?" He goes quiet. You see constant ripple coming toward you and look in his direction to see him shaking.
"are you okay?"
"s-s-s-smee... Smee" The Tick-Tok grew louder. and you turn to see a crocodile. Your heart races in your chest and it swims toward you.
You try to swim away but it catches up, and fast. You just knew you were going to die, hoping for a nice eulogy at your funeral, but it swam past you, licking its lips.
It wanted James, James almost jumped out of the water when he realized. "SMEEEEEE"
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coraniaid · 7 months
In Season 1's Witch Buffy insists on defending Amy's apparent use of magic, even when she thinks she's been cursed by a life-threatening spell that Amy cast on her. "It's not Amy's fault," Buffy tells her friends, "She only became a witch to survive her mother".
This is an interesting moment for a couple of reasons. It's one of the last few times on the show that anybody will stand up for Amy Madison, a character who, despite going through multiple horrific experiences through the course of the show, is treated with considerably less sympathy or respect than .... well, take your pick, honestly: I'm not sure I can think of a recurring character the show consistently has less empathy for. But also, of course, Buffy is factually wrong: it wasn't Amy who cast a spell on her at all, but rather her mother Catherine who, we later learn, used magic to steal her daughter's body "a few months ago" and imprisoned her in own home in an attempt to relive her own high school glory days.
But it's also, I think, a possible bit of unintentional foreshadowing. Later on in the show, Amy will go on to become a witch. Not just any witch but, by the standards the show will later adopt, a surprisingly powerful one: already by her second appearance Amy seems to be able to cast spells that the Willow Rosenberg of Season 3 and 4 would have struggled with (the turning people into a rat and back one in particular), and Willow is clearly meant to be some sort of prodigy.
The show never bothers to ask how or why this happened. Amy presumably had access to her mother's old spell books (in the same way Willow was initially teaching herself from Jenny Calendar's notes), but until some point in Season 3, when she starts doing magic with Willow and Michael, Amy doesn't seem to have had any one else helping her. (Although one slightly depressing possibility raised -- I think unintentionally -- by Season 6 is that Amy was already going to see Rack as early as the high school seasons: how else would she know how to find him in Wrecked only days after being turned back into a human and after having been trapped in the form of a rat since Season 3's Gingerbread?).
But, again, why is Amy doing this? We know a lot about why Willow wants to become a witch. We can guess why Tara -- whose own relationship with her mother is almost the exact opposite of Amy's -- became a witch. What about Amy herself? What is her motive? There are much easier ways to cheat on tests, surely. Are we supposed to assume that being an evil witch is hereditary or something? (Certainly the show hadn't quite yet decided what it wanted witchcraft to be a metaphor for, for all that Amy's second appearance literally begins with her asking Willow if she's planning to attend the school's Valentine Dance.)
Well, consider how Witch ends. Buffy and Catherine are fighting, Catherine casts a spell to ensure that Amy "never makes trouble again", the spell backfires and Catherine vanishes. The audience know what happen to her, but none of the characters ever find out ("There's been no sign of her?" Buffy asks Amy after she's got her own body back.) Maybe Amy wasn't quite as confident about not having to worry about her mother anymore as she claims to be. Maybe she was worried that her new idyllic life with her father wouldn't last for long (and... well, it doesn't). Maybe she was afraid about what would happen to her if her mother ever came back looking for revenge and Amy still wasn't strong enough to defend herself.
So maybe Buffy was right after all. Maybe Amy did become a witch to survive her mother.
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ai3xx0 · 2 months
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some additional info about jack deenar (moral orel oc) for those who are interested
he was originally born in sinville but moved to moralton after he was told there weren't many hospital staff in it, and that the staff that WAS there had been insanely incompetent (millie fakey told him, they're good friends)
as for personal relationships, he dislikes nearly every person in moralton and thinks moving there was the worst mistake of his life, but he's staying for the sake of helping those in need properly and because he'd feel bad leaving those he connected with, knowing how terrible the entire town is (and he doesn't have the money to leave yet)
as for examples of people he does like...
he's good acquatiances with nurse bendy (naturally),
somewhat friends with stephanie (orel told him all about her and said he thought they'd be great friends, accidently stumbled into the shop at one point),
doesn't mind danielle too much and gives him credit for being the only honest and open asshole in moralton,
good with kids and doesn't blame them for most of their actions, tries to subtly push them in the right path (they do tend to annoy him sometimes),
just feels bad for roger papermouth (goes out drinking with him sometimes and lets him cry out his sorrows, he's a good listener)
did meet dr. chosenburg at one point, finds him pleasant (says "of course he's a good guy, he isn't from moralton")
good acquatiances with scott richman (another oc, met him from his frequent visits to the hospiral)
also good acquatiances with michael curington (ANOTHER oc, told him why he's moving to moralton, michael moved shortly after he did (medical field buddies))
I'd like to think that orel finding out men can be nurses too sparked an interest in medical care for him, and eventually lead to orel himself becoming a nurse
jack has witnessed most of orel's "bigger" injuries and hospital visits which lead to him despising clay for letting the kid harm himself and letting him get harmed the way he did, which includes all the times orel was brought back to life and his injuries after the camping trip. jack was on monitoring duty for most of the visit and got some insight on what happened during the camping trip which just made him hate clay even more
jack isn't really the best guy ever but at least he's better than most people in moralton -- he has a "black and white" way of thinking, but he can't let his actual feelings slip through. he acts nice and plays along with whatever nonsense they spout, and only ever "snaps" (tells them off) when he just can't bear to litsen anymore (frequently expresses his feelings toward clay in his face)
i think this is an obvious self insert except i made him hate clay instead of loving him because like realistically he wouldn't know anything about that dude that could redeem/explain any of his actions, he just sees an innatentive and immature "father" who drinks himself half to death and harms his kid ( and/or lets his kid harm himself) any chance he gets
thanks for reading to those who did (excuse any spelling or grammar errors i made this in a rush and english isn't my first language) (also I'm very very very sorry if any of this is out of character for the already established characters ummmm okay)
if u want to know more about him like and subscribe and hit that bell or if u want to know more about my other 3 moral orel ocs feel free to send an ask
banger art is on the way
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Sending Love Letters - [MUTI! BLLK X F!READER]
Staring: ness, otoya, karasu, Reo
pt1: rin, sae, shidou, niko, kaiser
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, cringe, scuff, etc.
[btw i imagine kaiser and ness as good friends (like they were pre-bllk) ]
Ness sat with Kaiser and his family at the table, sorting through Kaiser’s many love letters
“Wow Michael, this must be a new record” Kaiser’s mother laughed “Who knew so many people had bad taste?”
Kaiser glared at his mother “Least we know I didn’t get my pretty genetics from you.”
Ness held in a laugh as he sifted through the pile of love letters. Kaiser’s birthday was over the weekend, and today being Friday, all the fan-girls sent him mail.
“This one girl had sent me like 20…” Kaiser picked up a fat stack, all with the same name signed 
“That’s dedication…” Ness stared in awe at the stack.
But he eventually snapped out of it and continued looking through the pile
“Oh hey, this one’s for you.” Kaiser pulled out a slightly crumpled envelope (from him just shoving it into his bag) “At least it has your name on it… did you send it?” he was hesitant to believe that someone liked Ness
“No I don't think so…” Ness took the letter and inspected it carefully, it was in fact his name written on it. “Lemme read it real quick…” his small smile indicating that he was actually very excited to have a letter sent to him
Kaiser gave him a side-eye before going back to counting his own, silently jealous that someone liked Ness and not him
Ness, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. “AHHHHHHHHH WHAT IF [Y/N] SENT IT TO ME!! AHDOIFHABWIEUFBI”
He was smiling like crazy, he knew well that the handwriting, signature, and writing style was yours, he was all to familiar with it
For good measure, he pulled out a piece of your English homework and compared the two (how he got your homework? Don’t ask)
It was definitely yours, he was sure. You did have 2 classes with kaiser that day (don’t ask about that either), and you walked past them 6 times in the hallway.
At this point Ness was quietly squealing, he was so excited that you liked him back!
Kaiser silently laughed at this, not quite understanding why Ness was so happy, but also knowing full well that he may or may not be slightly(??) obsessed with you, so he didn’t bother
Ness was then day-dreaming for the next several minutes, and would even blank out occasionally for the rest of the day
“For f#ck’s sake Ness, just write back to her already…” Kaiser was getting annoyed at the heart pupils in his eyes “I swear if you’re gonna be like this on my birthday-”
“OK OK SORRY!!” Ness apologize before slipping the letter away “I’ll do later” he promised himself that he’d make it perfect, just for you :3
“No thank you, I’m alright” Otoya gently pushed the girl off his chest, the girl looked up at him with confusion 
Hiori and Karasu’s jaws dropped while Yukimiya just laughed, “See, told you. Pay up”
The two other boys grumbled as they pulled out a few coins “There’s no way he actually did that, wasn’t he making out with that girl just a few weeks ago?” Hiori questioned, it wasn’t like Otoya to reject a girl, if anything, he was usually the one making the first move. Something must be going on.
“I told you” Yukimiya collected the few coins “I swear there’s some other girl he likes, why else would he stop talking to the others?”
“Rejecting girls for another girl?” Karasu also found this really suspicious “Unlikely. That would imply that he actually isn’t a total ass. Which we know isn’t true.”
Otoya rolled his eyes “Who do you think I am? Also- if you’re gonna discuss your little ‘bets’, maybe don’t do it right in front of my locker.” he laughed, not answering their questions
Hiori and Karasu frowned, “cmon, tell ussss!!” Yukimiya nodded in agreement “I must say, I'm curious too. Who’s the lucky or… unlucky girl?”
Otoya scoffed “No one. I don’t like anyone.” he laughed “Do you really think I’d get attached to someone so easily? Only a fool would do that.”
As he said that, he opened his locker to grab his jacket, when an envelope fell out. It spun in the air before landing on the floor, face down with the signature showing.
“ ‘[Y/N]’, heart.” Karasu read, “Is that the girl?”
Otoya swiped the envelope up quickly, “You saw nothing.” he shoved it in his bag, pretending nothing happened
“[Y/N]? Do you like her!?!”
“Does she like you!?”
“Why is it signed with a heart!?”
“Is it a love letter!?”
The three boys bombarded Otoya with questions, to which he didn’t answer. “I dunno what you guys are talking about.” He laughed with a smile, but his heart was beating so fast. He was asking himself the same questions, “Does she like me? Do I like her? Is it a love letter? Why is it signed with a heart???”
“Wait [Y/N]? She’s in my chem class, I have a project with her.” Karasu remembered working on it with you
“Lucky bastard…” Otoya whispercursed with a smile under his breath, Hiori and Yuki gave him a side-eye, not knowing what he said
“Wait, doesn't she have a boyfriend-???” Karasu looked at him
“Does she?” Otoya internally panicked, there’s no way you were already taken by someone else. “That’s fine, I can work with that.” he shrugged it off
“Why would she send him a letter then?” Hiori questioned
Karasu laughed, “That was a trap, I just wanted to see if it really was her.” he gave a prideful huff “She is in my class though- I’ll ask her tomorrow.”
Otoya froze in playful betrayal, “I don’t like her. I swear”
Yuikimiya rolled his eyes “Right right.”
Otoya laughed before grabbing his jacket and bag “Whatever. I’m gonna go home now, cya tmr.”
“Make sure to read it!”
“Remember to write back!!”
“Bye lover-boy!!”
The three boys teased him about the newfound crush. Otoya only scoffed and smiled, before walking home, reading the letter on the way. 
He looked around him to make sure no one was watching, before smiling like an idiot at the confession. “Hm. Knew she’d like me.” He felt a surge of pride, “Now i’m guaranteed to win her over.” He tucked the letter away, already thinking about what to write back.
[Adding on from First/Second Encounters, SchoolAU!w/Otoya, Hiori, and Yukimyia]
You and Karasu had been passing each other notes for quite a while now, sometimes in class, or just in the hallway, whenever, really.
The two of you even went out a few times, as friends(??) of course. Eventually making your own codes together as a fun pass-time
Karasu was just eating lunch with Otoya, Hirori, and Yukimiya when you stopped by and slid him an envelope before walking off.
“oOooo, your girlfriend just gave you something~~” Otoya teased, knowing well that he liked you
Karasu just laughed, “She’s not my girlfriend.” He picked the letter up and looked at it carefully
“Not yet.” Hiori added, “You’ve been trying to confess for weeks now, but you always chicken out.”
“Yea, it’s getting kinda depressing.” Yukimiya nodded
Karasu just rolled his eyes before going back to the letter written in code. He took a bit to decipher it, reading it word for word
“What does it say?? I literally can’t read that-” Otoya squinted at the paper
“I think that’s the point…” Hiori commented, before looking back at Karasu “Looks like we lost him…”
Karasu just sat there, smiling to himself, not hearing a single word the other’s said. He was much too caught up in the fact that you had basically confessed, he was worried he mis-read it. He looked over the words again, before tucking the letter away, and covered his stupid smile with his hand, but his whole face was red.
“The words may be hard to read, but his face sure isn’t” Yukimiya laughed at Karasu’s expression “I’m guessing she confessed?”
“What? No?” Karasu tried to play it off, but he really couldn’t stop smiling.
“Awwwww, such cute love birds.” Hiori teased, “When will your relationships be this innocent, Otoya?”
The fboy only shrugged
“Back to Karasu,” Yukimiya turned to him “What are you gonna write back?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Karasu stuffed a spoonful of crappy-cafeteria food in his mouth, still somehow smiling, “You’ll see though. If I’m lucky, the next time you guys meet her, I’ll get to introduce her as my girlfriend”
“Reo, can we please take a break” Nagi whined
“Alright, we’re done anyway.” Reo took a sip of his water, finishing up their training. 
The two of them packed up, bagging their things before a small envelope fell out of Reo’s duffle.
“Hey Reo, what’s that?” Nagi pointed at the slip of paper that had fallen in a small puddle, the corner now wet
Reo looked down on it before picking it up and shaking it lightly to get the water off “Looks like another love letter.” He tossed it in a bin with a shrug 
“What if [Y/N] sent it?” Nagi said, knowing 
Reo froze for a few seconds, “What if [Y/N] sent it-” He did a 180° and shifted through the trash for the letter
He felt slightly embarrassed to be digging through garbage, but whatever. He picked the letter back up and inspected it carefully, what if you really did send it?
“Wow, what a sight… the richest boy in school is digging his hands in the trash for some letter…” Nagi mentally judged him, but shrugged it off, used to Reo’s desperation by now
Reo carefully slipped the envelope in his pocket, and turned to leave. He used to read all the love letters he got, he’d be lying if he said they didn’t boost his ego. But ever since he started crushing on you, he couldn’t bring himself to, always imagining it was you who wrote to him (until Nagi told him he looks kinda desperate so he stopped reading them all together). But surely reading this one couldn’t hurt, right?
Once he got home, he went to his room immediately. His caretakers found this a bit strange, but Reo was acting weird ever since he mentioned you, so they didn’t bat an eye
He threw his bags down and put the envelope on his desk, tilting his light to face it. It was like he was dissecting an animal.
He sat down, and opened it carefully, making sure not to touch the still wet corner. He took a few seconds to admire the kuromi theme before reading the letter.
Reo tried to keep a straight face while reading it, but his heart was beating 100x faster than before. He had to take a moment to process after he read it.
There wasn’t even a way to be sure you were the one who sent it, what if he was freaking out over nothing? He looked again at the name signed, but it was muddled out from the water. Reo cursed himself for letting it drop into the puddle.
All he could see was the first letter, and it was in fact yours. But Reo knew better than to get ahead of himself, what if sent back a letter and it wasn’t you!?
He sprung out of his chair quickly and went to go look for his parents.
“Mom! Do we have any restoration technicians?” Reo barged into the room, unaware they were in the middle of a small meeting, he gave a quick apologetic bow to the guests in the room
“Reo honey, is it urgent?” Ms. Mikage asked politely, gesturing at the clients.
“Yes. Very.” Reo nodded, 100% serious.
His mother took a moment to think before replying “There should be one in the services department, though I'm not sure if he’s what you're looking for. Ask for Mr. Deez when you get there.”
Reo bowed, “Thank you, mother.” and with that, he ran out the room and towards the Mikage office.
Usually, he’d book a chauffeur, but he didn’t have time for that, he had to get there now. 
He pushed the glass doors open and stumbled to the receptionist, “I’d like to talk to Mr. Deez from the services department-” Reo took a moment to catch his breath
“I- yessir, right away.” The receptionist quickly dialled the man up and poured Reo a glass of water.
Once the recoverist arrived, he sat down with Reo and examined the letter. “Hm, I’m not sure I can do much for you, but I might know a man who can.” he pulled out his phone and started typing, “What did you say this was? A love letter?”
“Don’t worry about that” Reo said quickly “so did you find someone who can help?”
 “Yes, though he’s a bit far.” He showed Reo the location, “This is his shop, he specializes in these things, often working with detective agencies. You can call him Mr. Nuts” 
Reo took a picture of the map and stood up, “Thank you, Mr. Deez.” Before he could blink, Reo was already running out the door. 
Reo checked the map as he ran, it’d be a 27 minute drive, there’s no way he could run faster. He stopped in his tracks before calling his chauffeur.
Once the car got there, Reo hopped in, coffee in hand. “Take me here.” he showed the man the location, and they were off.
Reo tapped his finger as they drove, getting anxious. What if they didn’t make it before he closed? What if they couldn’t help him? What if he finds out that you weren’t the one who sent it? What if-
“Mr. Mikage, we’re here.” the chauffeur parked and was about to open the door for Reo before he hopped out himself
“Thank you, wait here for me.” it was too late to turn back now, he’d already put a good few hours into this
He walked through the doors and looked around, it was a small shop, tools lying everywhere. “Hello? May I talk to Mr. Nuts?”
“Oh? A new customer? Welcome! I am Mr. Nuts, how may I help you?” an older looking man sat at a rusted table 
Reo explained the situation and handed him the letter, asking for his help.
“I see I see, let’s take a look” The man took the letter and put it under a special light
“Please handle it with care.” Reo couldn’t help but worry
The man pulled out a few tools, some napkins to dry it, and put it under a metal machine. “Here, do you see that?” He pointed at a small screen attached “There’s what you're looking for.”
On the screen showed a filtered picture of the letter, and there was your name signed. 
Reo’s eyes widened, it really was you who sent it to him! His entire face lit up, he couldn’t help but blush a little, the long chase had been worth it.
“Thank you, sir.” he took the letter back and held it tightly “For your trouble.” Reo threw a few bills down before exiting the store
The ride home felt much shorter than the ride there, but Reo couldn’t complain. He plopped down on his bed, letter still in hand. His heart was beating like never before, face still flushed.
Suddenly, a notification from his phone snapped him out,
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Reo grinned, “Great idea, Nagi.”
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another-lost-mc · 15 days
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(Fallen) Angels Round Table Discussion: Fashion
Featuring: A mixed bag of canon and OC angels and some of their fallen brethren.
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"So, honest question - who comes up with these outfit designs?"
GABRIEL: Most angels meet with someone from the tailoring guild and they can request what sorts of clothing they'd like.
SERAPHIEL: Clothing is also a popular gift for angels that pass their ascension trials.
"Does hierarchy or rank have anything to do with the types of clothes angels are allowed to wear?"
SIMEON: Not really. It mostly boils down to preference. Certain styles are more practical than others too. For example, most of the warriors choose not to wear robes on a daily basis. I only wear mine for very special occasions.
METATRON: Michael and Lucifer couldn't be more different style-wise and they were both Seraphs.
MICHAEL: I designed a new outfit for Lucifer that was a little bit more...relaxed...but he wouldn't wear it. Asmodeus even helped with it.
LUCIFER: That’s exactly why I refused. You show enough skin for both of us.
"Now that you mention it, is there a practical reason for designing tight clothes with, um, decorative cut-outs?"
RAPHAEL: It helps us stay cool and prevent heat sickness during our hottest season.
HABUHIAH: Loose clothing isn't comfortable to wear underneath armor.
RAPHAEL: I don't think that's much of a concern anymore.
HABUHIAH: You have more faith than I do when it comes to certain demons.
BELIAL: Are you still upset about our little scuffle in the human world? It's been nearly five-thousand years.
URIEL: You mean the pointless war that you started?
BELIAL: It was actually very profitable.
URIEL: You're the worst.
GABRIEL: Shh, darling. Just pretend he's not here.
BELIAL: That's not very nice, Gabe. You haven't missed me even a teeny-tiny bit?
HABUHIAH: You can't be serious.
METATRON: If we have time later, I'd love to talk to you about your involvement in that skirmish. The official records we have aren't very detailed.
BELIAL: Say no more! I'd be delighted to stay as long as necessary and—
GABRIEL: Absolutely not.
"So, back to the whole why angelic clothing is so revealing thing...?”
SERAPHIEL: Right. Well, from a utility point of view, form-fitted clothes usually work best because you still want to be able to move your body freely without any restrictions. Wearing something flimsy like a cloak is a potential disaster too, at least if you're in a fight.
RAPHAEL: Michael learned that the hard way.
URIEL: The younglings were in the garden and got a firsthand demonstration about combat safety so at least something good came from it.
MICHAEL: You set your cloak on fire by accident one time and your friends never let you forget it.
RAPHAEL: That was an accident? I thought you did it on purpose to get out of training that day.
SIMEON: The point is, a lot of those considerations aren't as important as they used to be. Now we simply wear what we like.
AZRA: Are we going to gloss over the other very important reason? That some of us just wanted to look good?
LUCIFER: Riveting input from our resident incubus.
HABUHIAH: What's that gesture Azazel is making with his hand?
SERAPHIEL: I'm not sure, but judging by Lucifer's expression it's probably not nice.
MICHAEL: Their demonic forms are much more impressive than the photos I've seen on Devilgram.
RAPHAEL: Should we try to stop them?
SIMEON: It's more entertaining if we don't.
METATRON: But I don't want anyone to get hurt.
URIEL: Wait, why is Belial fighting now too?
SERAPHIEL: He's upset that his suit got scorched when one of their wayward spells hit him by accident.
GABRIEL: I hope you're pleased with yourself since this was all your idea, Michael. But I have to admit, I expected much worse.
MICHAEL: See, I told you not to worry. It's just like old times!
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A/N: Here's something silly that helped distract me from real life stuff that's kept me busy lately. This vaguely incorporates some Celestial Realm headcanons/worldbuilding, and to be honest, I just wanted to throw these characters into a room and see what happened. (Chaos. Chaos happened.)
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ode2rin · 1 year
PLS DON'T LISTEN TO YOUR REPLIES !!! IT DOESN'T NEED A COMFORT PART 2 do you know what it needs? reader's pov 🙏🏻 because i am certain kaiser fucked up so good (i'm a kasier kisser believe me) to the point that we can't take him back ;)
you get me anon 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 i shrieked when i read this in my inbox. i'm hearing you out so here it goes !! (thanks for sending this, i needed a distraction after my previous exam soooo a kaiser angst might just be the best kind of distraction :D)
content/warnings. reader's pov of this (or the break up) | hints of a toxic relationship | heavy in narration !
you can’t say you didn’t see this coming.
you would be lying not to admit that you could sense the storm brewing long before it arrived, an ache that had been etched into your soul from the moment you fell under the spell of those mischievous blue eyes and enchanting smiles.
the world warned you, voices of reason echoing through the corridors of your mind. tabloids whispered tales of heartbreak, fans shared cautionary tales, and even ness, who knew kaiser better than anyone, tried to shield you from the impending storm.
they told you loving michael kaiser wasn’t for the weak. and you shrugged that off, because you know you weren’t one.
now, sitting in the balcony of your new apartment, your phone clenched in your hand, a message arrives from a familiar sender.
you know this all too well. and it reads heartbreak in every word, over and over again.
my mihya: i have a game tomorrow. would you come? my mihya: please come.
loving michael kaiser wasn't for the weak, and you thought you understood what they meant but you didn't. it wasn't just about being strong — it was about the insidious way his love eroded your defenses, leaving you vulnerable and exposed.
in those three haunting moments when michael kaiser arrived unannounced at your doorstep, exuding remorse with every fiber of his being, you had to clench your jaw so tight just not to tell him to come inside.
and every time he calls asking to see you once more, you grasped your phone as if it were a lifeline, the weight of your wounded pride pressing into your trembling hands.
with each time he does ask to try again, it takes everything in you to hold a yes that teetered on the precipice of your lips. it wasn't because you didn't love him, but because you knew all too well that kaiser excelled at chasing you when it was already too late.
it was as though he had finally paid attention to your place in his life, but by then it was too late, you’re too broken to grasp on.
don’t get it wrong, he did love you. fiercely, madly, deeply so. he loved you.
only in his terms, that is.
he loves you when it was convenient, when it was easy. he loves you when he stood high above everyone else, and come moments that he faltered, he dragged you into his lowest of lows.
and you. you accepted that.
accepting a love (if you could even call it one) like that?
it was consuming. such love painted vibrant hues of ecstasy, only to wield the darkest shade of anguish.
and yet again, we really do accept the love we think we deserve.
you spent two years of your life believing love came with thorns. you gave him all of your best, your endless empathy. gave him so much, but it wasn’t enough.
no, it was never enough.
it wasn’t all rain and storms. you had your better days. and when it was good, it was good.
but a few fleeting highs couldn't erase the moments when he tore you down, belittled your dreams, ridiculed your love like you’d always be around.
so, you ran.
was it the bravest thing you've ever done? these days, it's harder to convince yourself that you made the right choice.
to say you miss him is an underwhelming elucidation of what you feel. michael kaiser is written all over you. you feel him everywhere of you. his presence lingers within, haunting you.
and there are nights, that fuck, all you want to do is pick up the phone and have him near, even if that means risking another goodbye.
but leaving… you know it was for the best.
when you think of those destructive nights of 4 am, standing before a mirror seeing the permanent damage of loving a man who didn’t know what he had when he had it, you know it was for the best.
i did the right thing.
you can’t take him back. you can’t do that to yourself again, not anymore. you can’t go through another night of stifling your sobs, grieving for your partner when he’s right beside you. 
grieving for what could have been if he were a better man. if he loved you the way he loved his fame and glory. if he loved you like how your heart ached to be held.
but as they say, one should wait for the right man, but never should one wait for one man to be the right one.
and you refuse to be the casualty of a love that was never meant to be, the collateral damage in his pursuit of self-glory.
1:03 AM [xxx-xxx-810]: i have a game tomorrow. would you come? [xxx-xxx-810]: please come. 3:35 AM you: i hope you win, kaiser.
so, you hold on to your pride, because these days, it’s all you had left.
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cinewhore · 1 year
The Only Exception - extended cut
Pairing: Michael Berzatto x fem!reader - Carmen Berzatto & fem!reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: mentions of drinking, toxic family dynamics, smut 18+ (groping, male receiving oral, penetration, unprotected sex, facial cumshot), canon death, angst and fluff. 
A/N: I wrote something a tad bit sadder and decided not to post it because the episode (s2 ep 6) was bad enough but why not? Dedicated to my lovely friend @spiderispunk​. No beta cause I don’t wanna. Ignore all spelling errors. Hope y'all enjoy. Credits to the gif creator. 
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Nothing ever goes smoothly with the Berzatto’s.
Why you thought this holiday dinner was going to be any different was beyond any rational comprehension.
Trying not to be a complete klutz and ruin the side dish you’ve been working on the entire day, you delicately balance it in your left hand while adjusting your scarf tighter around your neck with your right. Putting a pep in your step, you round the corner from where you parked, spotting the stoop instantly.
It was a rare sighting to see all three of the Berzatto siblings together. With Carmy being away at culinary school, Mikey doing his own thing with the restaurant and Natalie living her life, one person always missed the other. It warmed your heart to see just how much they cared about each other, even if they didn’t show it in a normal or healthy way.
“Is that who I think it is?” Mikey’s voice booms over the light traffic passing by, handing Carmy the cigarette he was puffing on.
You crack a smile, despite it feeling like your lips were stuck together due to the cold weather. “Sorry, I’m a bit late. Fuckin’ cat had my keys.”
“How many times did I tell you to get rid of the cat?” Mikey leans down to kiss you but you turn your head, forcing him to peck you on the cheek instead.
“C’mon, baby.” he drawls, throwing you a bashful smile.
You huff out a sigh, lowering your voice. “You know I hate the smoking.”
Mikey nods, face fading into something serious before vanishing. “I know you do. You didn’t bring fish, did you?”
Side-stepping the tall Berzatto, you get pulled into a hug by Natalie, followed by Carmen.
“Hello, gorgeous! It’s so good to see you!” Natalie kisses you on both cheeks before making the move to grab the dish out of your hands. You pull back, shooting her a look.
“Nat, please. I got it.”
“Are you sure?” you watch as her bottom lip quivers a bit. You steal a glance at Carmy, who just shakes his head..
“Fuck. How bad is it?” you gaze at the disheveled trio, awaiting an answer.
Finally, Mikey breaks the silence.
“It’s at a five. Six, at best.”
You lick your lips, rocking back and forth on your heels. “That’s not too bad, right?”
“Right.” Carmy agrees, with Natalie humming in agreement.
“Just don’t fucking ask if she’s doing ok.” Mikey glimpses at his sister, placing hand on your lower back to guide you into the house.
You take a deep breath and exhale through your nose, plastering a smile on your face before entering the shit show.
You’d only been there an hour and you were called the wrong name three times, objectified, cursed at and now Fak was trying to get you to put up five hundred dollars for baseball cards.
Listening with great intent, nodding at all the right times, twirling the wine in glass in your hands desperately wanting to get another refill had your social energy spent.
“We could make you a lot of money, cousin.” Fak goes on, nudging his brother for support.
“Yeah-yeah! Think about what you could do with fifteen hundred bucks! Cold hard cash!” Theodore chimes in.
“Wow, no, yeah this-this sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime.” you murmur. Don’t take it the wrong way, you loved Fak. His personality was infectious, you’ve never seen him get overly angry despite the other guys giving him shit and he genuinely goes out of his way to help everyone. Back when you first started dating Mikey and moved apartments in the city, Fak volunteered to make sure your place was in tiptoe shape and refused payment.
Just then Steve, Michelle’s husband, passes by and you seize your opportunity.
“Steve! How are you?” you beckon him over, scooting over on the tiny couch so he could sit beside you.
“Ah, yes. Mikey’s girl who we aren’t sure how he managed to snag. Good to see you again.”
You brush off his comment with a tired smile, gesturing to Fak and his brother. “So, these guys have a proposition for you, right?”
You nod enthusiastically with them, giving Fak a secret wink.
“Oh, yes! Yes! Do you like baseball cards, Steve?”
“On that note,” you stand up and maneuver yourself out the nook. “I’m gonna go get a refill. Leave you gentlemen to handle business.”
Mocking a military salute, you dash towards the kitchen bypassing other members of the family.
Donna flurries around the kitchen, shouting instructions to no one in particular. You didn’t greet her as soon as you came in, knowing how she gets around this time of the year. To be honest, you were sure that she didn’t exactly like you.
“Donna, my goodness! You look wonderful.” you lay the complement on sweetly, smiling brightly. If you don’t wilt in her presence, she wouldn’t be able to smell the fear on you.
Donna swivels her head to look at you, cigarette dangling from her lipstick smeared lips. Eyes lined in thick mascara, her disapproving expression ripples through you. You smile wider.
“I brought over a little casserole. I figured it would compliment the fish nicely.”
Shifting to face you fully, Donna crosses her arms. “Casserole? What casserole?”
You point to the tin foiled dish. “That one. Mikey brought in, did he not tell you?”
She scoffs. “Yeah, just like he told me about him breaking things off with what’s her name.”
“Anna.” you mutter, swallowing the lump that quietly made its way up your throat.
“Yeah, Anna.” Donna turns back to the task at hand, haphazardly swinging a knife about. “I liked her better.”
Forgoing your much desired glass of wine, you stalk out of the kitchen. On the outside looking in, the Berzatto’s appeared to be your average family. The warm glow of the lights shining out into the frost covered sidewalks invited you in all those years ago and once inside, you then realized why people were so hesitant to accept invites or why Mikey refused to bring up his past.
You didn’t have this growing up. Your family life was much quieter, mom and dad both kept to themselves. Distant cousins never visited for the holidays and you were an only child so there weren’t any siblings to fall back on.
It was boring.
Drove you crazy.
So when the Berzatto’s welcomed you in with open arms (well, some of them) you threw yourselves to the wolves willingly. It helped you grow a thick skin, talk over people and man handle the biggest guys in the room. For that, you were thankful.
A hand reaches out and grabs your wrist, dragging you away from everyone and up the stairs. Mikey is headstrong in his quest to get you alone, not caring to see if you were keeping up the pace. You both stagger inside his room, the door shut soundly behind you, followed by the lock turning.
Mikey doesn’t give you a second to react, mouth leaving open tongued kisses along your jaw and collarbone, hands working at tugging up your skirt.
“Mikey, baby, baby, wait-” you plead, backing up to create space between the two of you.
He flops onto the bed, hands on his knees, fingers raking through his hair again and again.
You’re careful as you sit next to him, scratching your own fingers along the center of his back. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” is all he utters.
“Bullshit. Talk to me.”
He doesn’t have to say anything else, you get it. The party continues below you both, profanities and insults flying like it's nobody's business. It was too much. For Mikey, Camry, anyone. The more time you spent with his family, the more you realized why Carmen never came back to visit.
Why Mikey feels trapped.
“I know.” you whisper against his shoulder, mouthing pressing in tiny kisses. You lift his head up with both of your hands, cradling his face gingerly. The tiredness exudes for nearly every crevice, eye bags worn and solidified. You use your thumb to smooth out his forehead, laughing softly when he wrinkles it more.
“You’ll always have me, Berzatto.”
“I don’t deserve you. Never did.”
You tut. “That’s not true. You’ve always had me. From the moment you sold me that greasy, sloppy sandwich down at The Beef. I was a goner.”
Mikey chuckles, leaning into your hands more. “I got you something.”
Your eyes go wide, brows forming a skeptical look. “Is that so?”
Mikey flickers his eyes down to his pants and you scoff.
“Wow, Michael. Are you gifting me your penis? Again? I must’ve been too nice this year.” you gently slap his face is mock anger.
“Haha,” he deadpans. “Try my pockets, detective wiseass.”
You let go of his face and rummage through his pants pocket, producing a ball of torn tissue paper, kept together by a single piece of tape. Confused but curious, you unwrap the gift, facing dropping as your eyes find his.
The tissue tumbles to the ground, revealing a necklace. At the bottom of it dangled a charm of…cheese?
“I remember the first day you came into the shop. Like a goddamn bat outta hell. Never seen anything like it. You ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and asked for, um, what was it?”
That’s right! Fuckin’ havarti cheese! What the hell even is that?”
“How do you own a sandwich shop and not provide a variety of cheeses, I don’t understand it.”
Mikey gawks at you. “Babe, we’re called The Beef. Not the cheese. But you wanna know what I did?”
You encourage him to finish, as if you didn’t know the rest of the story.
“I told you to wait and-and I was gonna go check in the back. I booked it out of the back door, all the way down to Malik’s corner store and bought the most expensive cheese he had. I rush back to the shop and guess what?”
“You made the sandwich.”
Mikey’s face cracks into the biggest grin you’d ever seen, eyes crinkled at the corners. “I made the goddamn sandwich. Brought it out to you myself. Told you that we didn’t serve grilled cheese but for you, I’d make an exception.”
Your eyes well over in tears and you blink rapidly to keep them from falling. “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has done for me, ya know.”
“You’re telling me all I had to do was buy you some cheese to get in your pants? Hot damn.”
You playfully shove Mikey back against the bed, crawling over to straddle him. “Well, it worked after a while, didn’t it?”
Mikey thrusts upwards, growing erection sliding against your damp underwear.
“It sure did.”
He grabs the back of your neck, surging up to slot his mouth against yours. You aren’t delicate in the way you claw at him, nails digging into his tanned flesh. Pushing up your skirt, Mikey palms your ass, stroking it before landing a hard smack against it. You moan into his neck, biting down.
“Perkiest ass I’ve ever seen, baby, shit.” Mikey groans, voice an octave deeper.
“And it’s yours. All yours.”
Mikey secures the back of your head as he flips the two of you over, pushing you down on your stomach. You do the rest of the work for him, sticking your ass up, and curving your back into an arch.
Mikey readily pulls down the zipper of his pants, hands readjusting his briefs until he is able to free himself. Spitting obscenely in his palm, Mikeuy shoves your panties to the side and rubs his silvia across your slickness. You buck back into him, whimpering when he graces you with a lone finger to loosen you up. You whine, and wiggle your ass some more, ready to receive all that he was going to give you.
“Gonna give my baby what she wants, don’t you worry.” Mikey purrs, aligning himself to enter you. He slides in easily, the strained sigh as he fully situates him inside you never ceases to make you wetter.
You pull yourself up so that you were resting on your hands, peeking over your shoulder to catch a gaze at Mikey as you being to fuck him. He was enthralled at the sight of his cock pumping in and out of you, the way you were able to handle him without saying a single word.
He would love to take his time and thoroughly explore your cunt but time is of the essence. Wrapping his right hand around your neck once again, he yanks you up into a deeper arch, left hand on your hip in a deathgrip. He meets your thrusts with his own, dropping his left leg down on the floor to gain some balance.
Between the familial bickering creeping up the stairs, all that could be heard was the squelching of your pussy and the labored breathing of Mikey, muffled praises spurring you on further.
He slaps your ass again and you tighten around him, eyes rolling to the top of your head as you attempt to hold onto his arms for dear life.
“Mikey, oh fucking god, baby you’re gonna make me come so hard. Please, please, please!”
He answers you by sticking his fingers in your mouth and you automatically clamp down on them, sucking and gagging until spit dribbles down the side of your mouth.
Mikey picks up speed and the line breaks as you reach your peak, legs stiffening as you rear back against Mikey. He continues to fuck, albeit at a slower tempo, humming as you spasm against him.
“That’s my girl, my favorite fucking girl. Where do you want mine, huh? Tell me where you want it.”
He removes his fingers and lets them trail down to tease and pick at your hardened nipples that now poke through your shirt.
“I wanna taste. Want it in my mouth.”
“Fuck.” Mikey lets you go and you catch yourself before you fall completely face first into the bed.
“Get on your knees, now.”
You do as you're told, scurrying to position yourself on your knees in front of Mikey. Mouth open and head tilted back, you let a hand caress your breast as the other slithers up his thigh.
Mikey is affectionate as he goes to grab the back of your head, other hand tirelessly stroking his cock. A vein pops out of forehead as he grunts, a few milky droplets coating your face, before steady ropes accompany it. A few of them land in your mouth and you swallow them all eagerly.
Mikey tries to calm his breathing, watching you with hooded eyes as you lick at the tip of his cock, cleaning up the remnants of yourself off of him. You take him down all the way to the shaft for shits and giggles, pulling off of him with a low pop.
“Goddamn devil.”
You wink, swiping at the mess you could feel dripping on your face. Mikey helps to clean you up, both fixing each other’s clothes to appear less wrinkled. Seemingly ok with your appearance, you start to head downstairs but Mikey stops you.
He steps behind you, lifting up the necklace he got you. He fastens it, walking to your front to admire it.
You grab his hand and bring it to your mouth for a kiss.
“It’s you and me, Berzatto.”
“You and me.”
Inhaling heavily, you open the door to reenter the Berzatto family chaos, a new found confidence lighting your path.
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That was roughly four years ago.
Or maybe five.
You stopped counting.
You had been going about your day as usual, still getting settled into your new apartment. Boston was a whole new monster to wrangle with but you managed to get by so far. It didn’t feel like home but you figured over time, it would. A lie that spun around and around in your head until it sounded like a foreign language.
The invitation throws you off guard as you thumb through your mail, ignoring the pile of bills for the yellow envelope sealed with a stamp of a bear.
Your hands twitch a little as you instantly drop everything else you were holding onto the overly crowded dining table. You don’t think twice as you rip the stamp off, clawing to get the card out.
Missing you. The Bear opens soon, I’d love to have you come out for a pre-opening. Hoping that you’re doing well in Boston, we have so much to catch up on. My number is still the same.
See you soon - Sugar
P.s. - Fak says hi.
The bottom of the card details the information for the restaurant and the date of the opening. You bite at your lip, glancing around your apartment. It was a dream: your new job, the neighborhood, the coffee shop down the block with the best matcha latte. It was quiet, not complicated and yours. All yours.
Going home, back to the place you ran from seemed stupid. Everything would unravel and you’d fall to pieces again but this time no one would be there to put you back together.
Reaching across the mess, you fish out your laptop. This was a reunion worth unraveling for.
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You’re late. So fucking late. It wasn’t your fault though! The plane got delayed and then there was the traffic and you smelled like an airport and desperation so you rushed to the hotel to change. One thing always leads to another but it didn’t matter anymore because you were stepping out of the taxi, smoothing down your coat and anxiously fixing your hair.
You take powerful strides as you approach the restaurant, mouth agape. You couldn’t believe it. What used to be The Beef, the place you spent the majority of your time after work fucking with Richie until Mikey got off, was gone. It was now replaced with a groomed, streamlined, chic replica that stuck out like a sore thumb amidst the rest of the block.  
A car horn sounds and you’re brought back to reality, invitation gripped tightly in your hand. You mumble one last prep talk to yourself before pushing the door open.
A wave of amber and vanilla hit your nostrils first, eyes picking out the candles that were placed around the dining area. The place wasn’t packed but you knew this was because you were late and not because it wasn’t good. If you knew anything about Carmen and his career, it was that the fucker knew how to make good food. He just didn’t know that he did.
A woman clad in all black smiles as she walks up to you, a slight quizzical look on her face.
“Forgive me ma’am but I’m afraid that this is a private event. The restaurant will open to the public soon.”
You shake your head, waving the letter in front of her face. “Oh, I was, uh, invited. I’m so sorry I’m late, my plane-”
Richie strides out of the kitchen, stopping in his tracks once he sees you.
“Holy fucking shit.”
You couldn’t help the amused grin that crosses your face, taking in the new and improved Richie. You hate to admit it but he looks good. Tapered cut, fitted black suit, not too heavy on the cologne and simple accessories to match? What the hell did you miss?
“Holy fucking shit.” you whisper, voice morphing into a high pitched squeal as Richie hugs you, lifting you off the ground.
Upon putting you down, you stand back, motioning wildly at Richie’s figure.
“Oh my god! Are you in a cult? Did they brainwash you? Will the real Richie please stand up.” you clap in front of Richie’s face a few times, to which he swats away.
“A real fucking comedian, huh?” He pulls you into a hug again, inhaling your scent.
“How have you been, cousin?”
Richie pulls away, leading you to a fully set table. You thank him as he pulls out your seat, taking the one across from you. He shrugs at the question, gaze traveling around the restaurant.
“Been busy. Bustin’ my balls to keep this place in tiptop shape.”
You nod, momentarily distracted by a server filling up your wine glass. You pick it up and take a whiff, eyebrow raised. A classic white. Your favorite.
“This is really nice, like, I expected something but this,” you take a moment. “This is something else entirely.”
“Yeah, it is.”
Richie admires you as you sip your wine and continue to look around, getting washed over in nostalgia. He remembers the good days. The days were Mikey was happy, the two of you bantering while making dinner for him, Eva and Tiffany. You were making sure he stayed the course, keeping him sober. Then, for whatever reason he just couldn’t fucking understand, it collapsed. He lost everything he never really had in the first place.
Natalie barges from the back of the house a few seconds after, screaming at the top of her lungs the second she sees you. You both speak over each other, holding each other tightly and taking turns petting Natalie’s stomach.
“Oh my god, Nat! You’re going to be a mom!” you exclaim, hands pressed on the sides of your face.
Natalie sighs, tears falling. “I’m gonna be a mom!”
“I can’t fucking believe it.”
“Neither can I. It just sort of happened.”
You nod, plopping back down in your seat while Richie gets out of his, helping Natalie sit in it instead.
“Cousin, I’m gonna get your order sorted. I’ll be right back.” Richie announces, planting a kiss on Sugar’s head before disappearing to the kitchen.
“It’s been like four years?” you say, gauging Sugar’s expression. You didn’t mean for her to get caught up in your mess once you moved away but she was the only constant reminder of Chicago that you had and you were thankful. The eldest and only daughter syndrome really popped off with her.
It’s amazing how easy you’re able to flow back in conversation with her. You catch up with each other’s lives, tiny bits of gossip filling the cracks. You avoid bringing up Donna, not wanting to tamper Natalie’s mood as she happily chatters about the nursery. Dinner feels like old times and before you realize it, you were scraping your finger across the dessert plate to savor the sweet tanginess of the course.
“Where’s Carmy? I’d like to congratulate the man of the hour.” you wipe your hands with your napkin, polishing off your wine.
Sugar rocks her jaw, eyes cast downwards. You knew the two of them had a somewhat strained relationship but you figured since she decided to work with Carmy, things had settled between the two of them.
“He should be in the kitchen cleaning or probably out back smoking a cigarette. Filthy.”
You hum, sliding out from behind the table. You peck Sugar on the cheek and stroll through the kitchen, murmuring hello’s to those you haven’t seen in a while.
Sugar’s assumptions are true, Carmy perched on the concrete near the dumpster. He does a double take when he sees you but doesn’t get up from his spot.
You’re careful as you sit next to him and upon seeing that you’re wearing a dress underneath your coat he panics, trying to stop you before it’s too late.
“Hey, no, you don’t need to sit down here, we can go back inside-”
“Carmen, sit down. Please.”
Carmen nods and joins you. You dig around your coat pocket for your vape, taking a long drag before exhaling.
You two smoke in a comfortable silence for a while. Carmen was your favorite in this regard, knowing that around him you didn’t have to say anything. You could just shut the fuck up and enjoy each others presence.
Carmy nudges his knee alongside yours. “You think he would’ve liked this?”
You ponder on it a little, taking another hit from your pen. “You definitely would’ve fought over the menu. And where is the poster?”
“What poster?”
“The poster, Carmen.”
“What fucking poster? I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“The goddamn baseball poster! You know the one. It was in the office before, I think.”
“Oh, that one. Yeah, Sydney fell through the wall, tore a hole in it.”
You scoff, taken aback by Carmy’s nonchalant response. “Fell through a wall?”
“Yes but don’t worry. Richie taped it back together.”
“Fuck the poster, Carmy, how is Sydney?”
Carmen shrugs. “She’s good. Makes a good partner.”
You nod, staring back at the restaurant. “She managed to pull this shit out of your ass, color me impressed.”
Another beat.
“Hey,” you move your legs so that you are leaning against Carmy, huddling against his shoulder. “I want to apologize.”
Carmy takes the bait. “For what?”
“For leaving. I just ran. Didn’t say goodbye, didn’t look back. You didn’t deserve that. None of you did. Mikey fucking ruined me. I felt selfish though, you know? Cause I was just someone he dated but you, Sugar, Richie..y’all were his blood.”
You feel Carmy take a deep breath, head drifting over to the side so that it rests on top of yours. “You don’t need to apologize for that. You were his fucking heart, he talked about you all the time it was annoying as shit. Plus, everybody runs.”
“You didn’t.”
Carmy glares at the restaurant. “Not sure I can agree with you on that.”
“After Mikey, I just felt like I failed, you know? I tried so hard. I did. I thought we made it over the rough parts but just like that, he slipped. I couldn’t pick him up anymore.” you pluck at your legs, getting stuck in your thoughts.
“You didn’t fail him.” Carmy mumbles.
“Neither did you.”
For once, Carmy lets the words settle in his chest, soothing the frightened side of him that constantly tells him he’s not good enough. It was temporary, he knew this, but it didn’t stop him from indulging in the sentiment.
“You could stay, you know. I could take care of you.”
Camry’s offer catches you off guard and you untangle yourself from him to look in his eyes. Behind them you could see the Carmy you once knew. It hurt, knowing that he was still torturing himself over the loss of Mikey, grappling with the opening of his restaurant. So much pressure on one person who swore that he couldn’t feel it and wouldn’t dare let anyone help him carry the load.
You smooth his hair back, giving him a sad smile.
“I think it’s time I took care of myself, Carmen. Boston is good. I’m gonna be ok. You need to take care of you, man. Someone’s gotta make sure Richie doesn’t strangle himself with his new ties.”
Carmen laughs and even flashes teeth.
“By the way, what is up with that? Fucker looks like he belongs with the secret service.”
“He was mad about the forks.”
You give a half shrug. “Forks. Yup, got it.”
You weren’t sure what was going to become of The Bear but you knew that if Carmy kept his head on straight, he’d get through all the shit life put him through.
He was a fucking Berzatto.
They never went down without a fight. And god help those who fucked with bears.
639 notes · View notes
Dark felix Caton who sees beautiful girl (reader)at uni. He became obsessed with her right away. But then he finds out reader already has a bf. Then he plot an evil plan. He befriends readers bf and ask him to join him during summer vacations to saltburn. Felix also says he can bring reader along with him too.
Reader is hesitant but eventually accept the offer. Soo that's where felix would begin to corner reader whenever she's alone. Reader try to tell her bf about it but he turns her down too occupied by the lavish lifestyle. Finally felix get reader alone with him and r4pe her.
I´m sorry you had to wait this long dear anon. I really hope you enjoy this though. Your other requests will still be coming soon as possible though. I promise I have not forgotten and am not ignoring <3
To get you alone (dark!Felix Catton x reader)
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synopsis: He always had his eyes on you, however you had thought naively that he wouldn´t go past that.
warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, non consensual sex, smut, semi public sex, p in v, unwanted attention generally, mentions of reader being in a relationship with Oliver, afab reader
word count: 1.6k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall
(If you want to be tagged for a specific character/fandom or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
A/N: I tried to not be too graphic with this one, I still advise anyone reading to proceed with causion. SA is a real and serious topic and if you don´t feel in the right spot for reading this that is completely fine. Remember to be kind to yourself and you are loved!
Dividers by @saradika
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Felix Catton. If you were to be asked what you thought of Felix your answer would most often look something like “Yes, he's pretty handsome…” but beyond that there was very little you knew of the rich boy and that in and of itself made you wary of him. Especially because he seemed to go wherever you went. Mischievously sparkling eyes trained on your every move from the second you entered the grand hall for the welcome celebrations. Now, normally you probably wouldn't mind it that much, hadn't it been for someone else's sudden infatuation with whom your friends had jokingly begun to call your stalker.
You had met Oliver years prior, when your parents somehow for some reason befriended his parents. Well, not for some reason, they were lovely people, but nonetheless. Soon after that he had asked you out and with how nervous he looked you couldn't help but accept. It was really cute. Oliver was attentive and perfect and even if his friend Michael was a bit weird by most standards, it seemed like he was looking out for your boyfriend as well, as much as he could. But he was the first part of your life that Felix got his fangs into. Until you found yourself at the Catton’s estate over the summer instead of going home for the first time in forever. It was nice of him to extend the invite, his family was mostly nice in that dysfunctional, rich people way. Still, despite everything you felt like an intruder. No matter how often any of them insisted how great it was to have you there. Something felt off. Like a spell had been cast on Oliver so he couldn't see how weird his new so-called friend was. Ignorant to every slip off the hand underneath the table at meals or outside, every lingering glance at the pool, every oh so innocent seeming, hidden unwanted comment.
But especially to the frequency with which you found yourself trapped alone with the brunet rich kid. His hands resting on your hips as he leaned down to you, eyes sparkling with spoken and unspoken comments. Things he had dreamt doing to you, you did to him, things he wanted to try. It all fell upon deaf ears, no matter who you told. Venetia was the only one who even made the impression to believe you, but even her response was kept to a minimum. Keeping silent about it to the world, not doing anything to actively help when you told her how uncomfortable you felt alone with her brother.
No one ever expected the great Felix Catton to do something bad, he was just making jokes, you were told, but you knew better than them.
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Walking through Saltburn, you are distracted by mentally chiding yourself for still getting lost after having spent so much time there already. The constant, silent barrage of curses blinds you to the person walking towards you.
“Whoa there.” The voice and steadying hands on your upper arms quickly give away that it isn't Farleigh or your boyfriend you ran into, like you had hoped so dearly. Or even James or Duncan or literally anyone else but the person standing in front of you. In an attempt to bring distance between the two of you as fast as possible, you stumble backwards however and almost fall into the little coffee table behind you, prompting Felix´ hands to go right back to your arms.
“Are you okay?” He asks over a huffed chuckle, eyes glowing lightly with mischief as always.
“Y-yeah, thanks.” You rasp a short answer, dusting yourself off to get away from solitude with him as quickly as possible.
“Not so fast.” He stops you by holding out his arm to block the way to freedom. “Did I do something to offend you?”
The question nearly shocks the air out of your chest, fists balling instinctively as there is only one question that crosses your mind in return. “Are you serious right now?”
“Uh, yes? Why wouldn´t I be?” The baffling response is accompanied by furrowed brows and a still slightly amused quirk of the corner of the lip.
“Felix, it´s nice that you invited us here, but I´m not blind. I see the way you eyed the girls back at uni. I see the way you look at Olli and I see the way you look at me, have been looking at me for months and by God I´ve felt your hands when you thought no one is watching.”
Listening to you intently, Felix’ facial expression shifts to one less light. A knowing smirk replaces the half smirk and his brows relax, the brown of his eyes darkening to almost black.
"Oh, did you now? You notice everything, don't you?" The brunet straightens his back to tower over you. One of his large hands coming up to grab you by the chin. His thumb languidly swipes over your lower lip. “Aren't you just the cleverest girl?”
“Felix…” you whisper hesitatingly, too tightly in his hold to make another attempt at fleeing. All that you can do to keep him at a small distance is to cross your arms over your chest. An obviously futile, but desperate move that, perhaps rightfully so, gets chuckled at, before they get pinned above your head.
"Tell me, do you ever think of me instead of Olli?" Felix huffs above you.
“What?” Outrage burns it´s way through your veins, but as quickly as it ignites it is shut down again.
“Do you ever think of me when you are with Ollie.” Felix repeats slower this time, stepping even closer, even though it had seemed impossible prior.
For a moment you don´t know how, or if, to respond, biting your lip and averting your eyes to put off answering as much as possible. However, failing when his fingers dig deeper into your chin to turn you back to him. You nod, ashamed.
"Say it." He demands. "I want to hear it from your beautiful lips."
"I think about you every time I am with him. I think about you when I touch myself at night, imagining it's your fingers making me come until I can only moan your name." The confession isn't entirely true.
If you were entirely honest, your mind has shifted once, but you knew he wouldn't be happy with that. His breath shudders and you know he bought the lie.
"Fuck you're such a naughty girl. Thinking about me when you have him. And to admit it so freely." He chuckles
"Oliver could never touch me like you do. He could never make me feel as good." You continue lying, hoping to any deity that would listen, it would make this whole torture be over faster.
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Far from it was the case obviously. Felix lets out a low growl, swiftly leaning down to capture your lower lip between his teeth. Soothing the bite by pulling them into an unreciprocated kiss immediately after. It´s as if it happened solely to make one thing unmistakeably clear. He wanted you. To be desperate and beg him for more. He wanted you to need him just how much he needed you. And more.
His tongue presses against yours as he roughly moved the two of you away from the table, pinning you against the nearest wall. Even less time is wasted to push aside and open any clothes that potentially could be in the way of the one thing Felix had wanted to do to you ever since he had first laid his eyes on you. Letting go of your chin, his hand hooks underneath your thigh to ease himself into you painfully slow. His presence alone rendering you incapable of any clear thought of fight or flight. A realization at which he lets go of your wrists to grope at your breasts. Felix' own chest heaves with heavy breaths and quiet moans, held back as to not alert any of the staff nearby. Meanwhile you barely feel like you are in your own body anymore. It's like watching him from above as he did whatever he wanted to your limp body. The nausea, the tears pricking in your eyes as his lips latch onto your neck to suck his marks into it, they all feel so distant yet so overwhelming. You can see his lips moving, but the sounds are drowned out by a high-pitched ringing sound. Numb to the way his fingers dig into your skin or how every thrust of his hips pushes you back into the wall, head rolling from side to side as you try to drown all of it out even more. Again, futilely.
Still your inaction brings Felix enough enjoyment to keep on going for what feels like forever. His touch is so meticulous, so blushless, he is so focused on just violating every boundary you had tried to set up with him ever, he doesn't even see you anymore. How much he is hurting you. And if he does, he doesn't show much care for it.
You are lucky in a sense though as well or maybe it's just another cruel joke by the gods. As soon as Felix spills himself inside of you, he pulls out and away. Without so much as another word, but a look that very much promised more of what had just happened, he leaves you in the little corner of the hallway.
However, you don't come back to yourself yet. Taking care in mechanical motions to fix up your clothes and get to a bathroom to clean up and possibly empty your stomach's contents until you felt any better about yourself and the prospect of having to spend the rest of summer in these halls. Any better, no matter how little it would be at all. One thing you were sure of in your dissociated state. There was no escaping Felix Catton.
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vidavalor · 8 months
A theory about Aziraphale, Crowley, Mrs. Cheng, and high sensitivity
What's up with Aziraphale sensing love in Tadfield and thinking Maggie might be able to hear Heavenly trumpets and with Mrs. Cheng pausing weirdly at the bookshop door before entering The Ball?
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What if bad spelling isn't demonic and sensing love isn't angelic? What if Aziraphale (an angel), Crowley (a demon), and Mrs. Cheng (a human) all actually just have the same ability? What if they are all HSPs-- highly sensitive people?
Aziraphale's ability to sense love is something that has spanned both seasons now and I know some people think this is an angelic thing but there's evidence, imo, that it's not. The show has been putting forth a message that angels, demons, and humans are really not that dissimilar. They have different life spans and abilities but they're all under the same kind of umbrella and none are superior or inferior to the other. They suggest this with the symbolism of labeling all of them all as insects (humans are ants, angels are bees, demons are hornets, flies are Beez's department) and as different kinds of waterfowl. Pat's example magic trick of The Professor's Nightmare-- the rope trick-- during The Blitz, Part 2 is also this as well. You have three different ropes that seem like they're different lengths: the big one (angels), the medium one (demons), and the small one (humans) but if you put them all together under the same light and you pull (like the force of gravity, that Gabriel and Crowley talk about in S2), you see them as all the same length.
The idea then is that angels and demons are just like humans, in terms of their needs and wants, and some don't recognize it because their supernatural abilities inhibit their ability to consider why they might also have human corporations in the first place. All of the angels and demons really need to eat and sleep and to not feel alone. Some of them, like some humans, might be interested in romantic love and/or sex, and some of them, like some humans, might not be. Things the show has coded as "demonic" at times-- like being terrible with language-- they also quietly illustrate as not being fully true. It can't be that all demons are terrible spellers who aren't great with words because Crowley is a demon and a literal poet while Gabriel was the Supreme Archangel of Heaven-- and he once suggested that keeping the status quo would keep things "static and, uh, quo-y." Who is better with words: Lord Beezlebub or Sandalphon? Beez, by a long mile, right? But Michael is also better with language than Hastur. The point is that it doesn't matter if you're an angel or a demon or a human-- some people are good with language and some are better with other things.
So, just some of the demons are bad spellers-- which doesn't actually mean anything. There are plenty of terrible spellers who are very intelligent and who are just better at different things-- which is something that is true of humans as well, right? What if we apply those same ideas to the sensitivity thing?
For one thing, if all angels-- or, even, just a lot of angels-- had a high sensitivity to love like Aziraphale does, the end group scene in S2 should have gone differently. The only angels experiencing or sensing love in the bookshop during the Ineffable Bureaucracy scene are Gabriel (who is the one feeling it) and Aziraphale. Being in the presence of love did nothing for Michael, Uriel, Saraqael or even our sweetheart Muriel (who, to be fair, wisely had their nose in a book in the back of the room the whole time but still probably should have been able to sense something if that's actually an angelic power.) The only angel actually overwhelmed by the love in the room is Aziraphale... which is, mathematically, kind of interesting. Aziraphale is one-sixth of the angels in the bookshop in that moment, which equates out to the roughly 17% percent of the human population estimated to be HSPs, or highly sensitive people, some of whom are also empaths.
If you go back to S1, when Aziraphale and Crowley enter Tadfield and Aziraphale starts experiencing love, he says to Crowley: "I'm astonished that you can't feel it." This comment alone might be suggested to say that the high sensitivity that Aziraphale has is something that isn't an angelic ability. By saying he's surprised that Crowley can't feel it, Aziraphale is saying that he knows that Crowley is sensitive in the same way that Aziraphale is. Crowley, too, is then what humans would probably call a HSP. Crowley balks at the suggestion in S1 but we can see in S2 that it's true when Crowley has his version of being overwhelmed sensing emotion and, in his case in that moment, it was waves of distress. Who else experiences it at the same time as Crowley does? A human. Mrs. Cheng.
Mrs. Cheng is the only other character who gets the heebie jeebies during the arrivals at The Ball. Both she and Crowley actually experience it before the demons come up Whickber Street, around the same time. Crowley attributes it to the demons and his own anxiety over Hell circling closer to the shop while Mrs. Cheng gets pulled into Aziraphale's magic and forgets what she felt at the door. Why did Mrs. Cheng feel something when others who came to the door did not? Because she's a highly-sensitive person.
Aziraphale is an angel, Crowley is a demon and Mrs. Cheng is a human. They are all highly-sensitive people. They all have the same high level of sensitivity.
Maggie shown to be a bad speller? Maybe she's just a human who can't spell, like many humans and demons (and angels) are. Why does Aziraphale think she could hear the Heavenly trumpets sounding the arrival of angels? It could just be because Maggie runs a music shop. Maggie is a musically-sensitive human. Aziraphale thought that might make it possible that, if anyone could hear the trumpets, it might be Maggie. He's not really sure how this all works. Aziraphale thinks that if he can feel love between humans then maybe humans that know music well might be able to hear Heavenly trumpets.
Back in S1, we see in a couple of scenes that Adam has what Crowley calls "an automatic defense thing-y" that keeps him from being found-- and seen, to an extent. A shield of sorts keeps Anathema from reading Adam's aura, showing that such a thing is in place and intact. Because Adam is the antichrist, his power overrides the other demons shy of Satan, so the presumption could be made that those of us who think that the reason why it's when they cross into Tadfield that Aziraphale begins to feel overwhelmed by love is because Adam's shield overrode Crowley's own "automatic defense thing-y" are correct because, let's be real, Crowley with his sunglasses and his Bentley has never met a defense thing-y he's never given a whirl. It fails when they cross the Tadfield line and Aziraphale is then feeling Crowley's love for him.
This is also why Aziraphale is overwhelmed by it again at Tadfield Manor. At the moment that he has to stop walking, Crowley is looking up at the place and, inevitably, remembering dropping the antichrist baby off there eleven years earlier and how he was supposed to be with Aziraphale that night instead. He's thinking about his own love for Aziraphale and Aziraphale senses it and has to stop walking for a moment, overwhelmed. Adam does love Tadfield but Aziraphale is not sensing his love for his hometown. Adam wouldn't remember being born in a religious hospital that has now become a corporate bonding retreat and wouldn't feel an overwhelming love for the place that he's probably never actually been inside since he left it as a baby. Aziraphale is sensing Crowley, who has probably had an automatic defense thing-y up for most of the time for millennia because, otherwise, Aziraphale would be in a constant state of near-faint.
Maggie may or may not be more than we think she is. She might wind up yet being some kind of supernatural being but she also might just be a human who is a bad speller and can't hear Heavenly trumpets. Mrs. Cheng may or may not be a mysterious figure with more going on than we think but she also might just be a highly-sensitive human who helps to illustrate a commonality between angels, demons and humans by having the same ability to deeply sense emotion that Crowley and Aziraphale do.
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Maneater girlfriend - Multimuse x fem!reader
Pairing: Multimuse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Some mentions of mvrder, not much honestly, some jealousy, but I think that’s it?
Type: Blerps
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: The muses get maneater girlfriends, how they’d react/act about it.
Notes: Honestly, I know some of us may not always feel like it, but it’s fun to pretend. Just like miss Maddie Perez and my queen Rihanna said, even if you don’t feel like it just pretend. Love my maneater readers. Ps. this isn’t exclusively for fem readers, it can really be for anyone. kiss kiss.
I don’t really know what I was going for, I’m just trying to get my juices going, pls don’t hate. Will probably delete this one tbh
Jason Voorhees: Gets so starstruck around you. It’s actually super cute, he never fails to boost your confidence. No matter what you choose to wear, Jason will stare at you all the time in awe, which of course makes you feel like the prettiest person he’s ever seen. Especially when you decide to go all out, he just becomes a puddle. Jason would literally worship the ground you walk on, you definitely have him under your spell. If you want a fan for a boyfriend, Jason’s the one. The only con is that he’d probably forget to take pictures of you because he’s just daydreaming about his hot s/o.
Michael Myers: Honestly didn’t expect any less, but he is a tiny itsy bitsy threatened by your confidence. Depending on the status of your relationship, it could go one of two ways: He could be completely confident, obviously mopping the floor with the guts of the people who couldn’t keep their eyeballs to themselves, or he could be somewhat weary of the attention you get, no matter who it is. Michael definitely has one of the most toxic abandonment issues, but it’s not like you’d be able to get rid of him, he’d get rid of everyone around you before you could even think about skipping town. Michael would stare a little longer on the days you wear more revealing clothing, it’s your confidence that sells the whole look, he’s absolutely mesmerized by you.
Tiffany Valentine: All for it. Wouldn’t hesitate for a second to help you get into your outfit or finish up your makeup/hair. You’d catch her staring from time to time, which she’d laugh it off not expecting to be caught. I could see her getting jealous at times if it seems like someone has your attention and if they cross a line, a knife crosses their artery, no hesitation. Tiffany would absolutely take pictures of you and post you all over her social media, she wouldn’t mind the thirst comments you’d get, after all you were hers. Tiffany would definitely boost your confidence and you’d both become the ultimate deadliest hot couple.
Billy Loomis: Ok, controversial opinion, but Billy isn’t really used to having maneater girlies. He’s used to having cute, beautiful women, but no one willing to stare daggers into your eyes from across the room. He’s absolutely mesmerized, without knowing it, he’d do anything for you. Billy cannot keep his hands to himself, no matter what you’re wearing, or what you’re not wearing. He’s not the best at taking pictures of you, but you’re damn right he’d keep every picture of you he can get a hold of. Sure he can get jealous, but he also knows he has you wrapped around his finger and no one else.
Stu Macher: Everyone expects Stu to have the hottest girl in school, this is no exception. The way you don’t look away when you catch him staring at you is enough to make him fall in love. As much as I love Stu, I know he’s superficial, so if your looks caught his eye, he would do his best to make your relationship work. Even if it means he has to get the right angles when taking pictures of you. Stu would absolutely brag about you, first about how you look then about what you do or what your interests are. Just like Jason, unintentionally, Stu would worship the ground you walk on. 
Patrick Bateman: Ok honestly what else did you expect. Just like Stu, Patrick is superficial. He always wants to make sure he has the hottest/most confident person within 1000 miles. He’d never admit how he likes your lack of interest in impressing every person you meet. That’s probably the trick. Patrick will never forget the times you’d be approached by wealthy men, or simply attractive people that you just couldn’t care for. That would be one of Patrick’s biggest flexes. Of course he’d always want you to look your best, so he does his part in boosting your confidence through pictures, outfits and compliments. Patrick isn’t shy about showing you off.
Leatherface: Just like Jason, he’s stuck. He can’t believe someone like you is interested in him. You are the prettiest most beautiful creature he’s ever seen. Bubba would absolutely worship the floor you walk on. He’s at your beck and call. He’d do whatever he could to impress you, getting you flowers, learning to make your favorite meals, helping you around the house. He’d do anything to spend time with you and just stare at you. He absolutely loves having printed pictures of you, even if getting him a shirt with your face on it was a joke, he’d absolutely wear it without hesitation. To him, your face is a work of art that should be appreciated.
Billy Hargrove: Honestly, didn’t know what he was getting himself into until he realized how much attention you actually got when you’d clean up. At first he didn’t know how to handle it exactly. Of course, Billy would play it off, knowing if you would wander off, he wouldn’t waste his time. Still, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t completely infatuated with you. Your mannerisms are what kept his attention. He can’t describe it, but it’s definitely your aura that intoxicates him. The fact that others would consider you a “maneater” and that it was Billy Hargrove that pulled you? (I mean of course he did right?) he’d hesitate to admit that it boosted his ego a little bit, but he made sure others kept their hands to themselves. 
Steve Harrington: Steve would be a little more confident than the rest on this list I’d say. He knows you’re hot and he would remind you that all the time. “Well when I first saw you, I’m not gonna lie I thought you’d like, throw a drink at me and tell me to get lost. I don’t know how long I’ve been staring” Of course, being out if it got out of hand with others, Steve wouldn’t hesitate to step in, but otherwise, he’s of course constantly staring at you with a big dorky smile. He’d find any excuse to take pictures of you, even if you’re just relaxing. For sure he’d keep a picture of you in his car.
Bruce Wayne: An awkward little mess. Just the kind to stand there and look at you from afar. During the night, in his double life, he’d keep a tab on you. Of course if you went out frequently, it would only give him more of an excuse to try to bump into you. At first it’d be to just get a glimpse of you, later on to get to know you. Bruce was a billionaire, there must’ve been hundreds of models and wealthy women trying to tie him down and yet there you were not able to get more than a few sentences out of him. Eventually after he powered through to actually ask you out, he would do his best to make sure you were in the finest of clothing and enjoyed all kinds of luxuries. Even from time to time, you’d catch him staring from afar. Other times, you’d find magazines with you and him pictures laying about, but he’d never admit he just loved the way you would photograph.
Steve Rogers: Of course he was used to being among the most desired men to date, but that doesn’t mean at times he still seemed to fail at asking anyone out on a date. Especially you, who would just stare right through the men that would be entitled enough to think you were already interested in them. Eventually though, you managed to cross paths and who could really resist Steve’s charm? Just like the rest on this list, you’d catch him staring, but at times his gaze seems more sinister than the rest. Of course Steve would encourage you to dress whatever way you felt best in, but don’t put it past him to lay a hand over your ass in public when he’d feel the slightest bit of eyes on you.
Loki Laufeyson: His argument would be that he was a prince, of course he would have a maneater s/o, what else did anyone expect. Still, deep down there was a weary feeling of insecurity at times, especially growing under his brothers shadow. That’s when he’d become overly protective around you, when anyone else was present, but even more around his brother. Even if Thor swore to never lay but a finger on you unless you needed saving, Loki would be incredibly possessive. He’d never admit it, but you mesmerized him, he wasn’t shy about admiring you even at times when you’d catch him.
Spencer Reid: Kind of funny that you’d both fit the “nerd x maneater” trope, but I mean, of course you did. Just like Loki, there would be a tiny feeling of insecurity, but Spencer would trust you unless you gave him a reason not to. There would be a little bit more pressure on him to keep alert when you were out in public, even if you knew how to defend yourself. Spencer would love to take pictures of you and use them as bookmarks or keep them framed. He’d need a ton of reassurance and he’d be honest about it. I think he’d be the healthiest on this list about this trope, kinda cute. Would NOT be happy about the team suggesting to use you as bait though.
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puhpandas · 11 months
Garrett theory:
so you know how serial killers can be sentimental in a way? like theyll keep a trophy of their kill? i think thats why William kept Garretts plane.
why? i personally think that Garrett was Williams first kill. like ever. its so far from the Pizzeria. its in a random camping spot in the woods. it was so sudden. like it was a spur of the moment thing. he saw the opportunity and just. did it
and then we went as far as to keep the kids toy and give it to his own daughter. its horrible
but its JUST like Charlie Emily. im an Evan Afton was the first death believer, but Charlie can just as easily be. no matter what, Charlie was Williams first murder, and then he kept going.
with that in mind, lets look at the fact that Golden Freddy is inhabited by TOYSNHK. aka the movieverse Cassidy. that slot is filled.
Its Me appeared on the mirror in front of Mike. the puppets music box played during the credits. immediately after 'COME FIND ME' is spelled out with the fnaf 2 minigame robotic letters.
mike himself even said Garrett felt closer in the pizzeria! theres a lot of evidence right now pointing towards Garrett being the puppet. he was the first kill. the first before the MCI, like Charlie
not to mention how the Schmidts seem to be replacing the Emilys in a way. the family name vs family name type thing. dont forget theres also that theory of mikes dad being Henry.
but back to my other point about Evan and Charlie, and how either of them could be the first based on what you believe, it still counts. garrett takes both evan AND charlies roles in the story. like how Vanessa takes Vannys and Michael Aftons. Like Mike schmidt takes michael aftons but also the story of an innocent family who are victims of williams killings by losing a loved one.
Garrett is both the lost first kill of the 'good' family of the story (the emilys in gameverse), AND he has the role of Evan with mike, with mikes guilt and the idea that he can avenge him or save him in a way. hes the Its Me. hes the puppet
(the family (afton + schmidt) duality also works because of the symmetry theme in the movie. also Garrett would be two game characters combined, also applying. just like how the characters i mentioned above also have combinations of two game characters as their own)
anyway this universe is super intriguing and awesome and i cant wait to see what theyre gonna do next
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ardentpoop · 16 days
If you're still doing the opinions thing. What are your thoughts on the take that Sam is just as bad as or even worse than Dean in terms of how possessive they are over each other?
~~Not my personal opinion, just a comparison I saw on a wincest blog that I didn't agree with~~
total garbage. also unfortunately a very common bad take. the narrative likes to go “heehee hoohoo they are just as bad as one another” in the late seasons based on Extremely Questionable or even outright fabricated evidence and I love that the fans who are predisposed to this view of the brothers eat it the fuck up even tho it’s full of giant holes.
s10 is the most egregious example of this. not gonna get into it in depth rn bc it’s tiring but truly just grit your teeth and rewatch s10 while paying attention to what dean is telling the audience about sam and think about whether you actually believe him based on what we’ve seen sam do in s10 and previous seasons. there could not be a more screamingly obvious red flag than dean describing sam working with charlie on a cure for the mark of cain as “when you bullied charlie into getting herself killed.”
I diverted this away from “possessiveness” and into general Harmful Behavior bc it is their overall patterns of behavior that the narrative itself is dishonest about to the viewer. but to be extra clear - there is no world in which sam could be equally or more “possessive” over dean than dean is over sam because sam is not entitled to dean’s body and dean’s life in the way that dean is to sam’s. and furthermore, because sam is so accustomed to having his power of choice stripped away while being told that it’s what’s Best For Him, when he has the option of enforcing another character’s right to choose (usually a child or a woman or other vulnerable person) he almost always makes a point of explaining to them that the choice is theirs. see his interactions with jesse (s5), claire, and jack for very clear examples of this.
my personal favorite parallel however is what dean did to sam with the panic room in s4 vs dean’s comparatively brief and non-dehumanizing experience with the panic room when he was first on the verge of saying yes to michael in s5. samndean’s conversations in “point of no return” are so crucial to understanding their series-spanning power imbalance. like come on. dean’s “I’d let you rot in here. hell, I have let you rot in here.” followed by sam’s “I guess I’m not that smart.”
shouldn’t need to spell it out any clearer than that!!!!
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