#did he even ask how the others were doing or if Gwen checked on them?
blackfilmmakers · 1 year
Lemme tell u man, nothin was quite like watchin atsv in an all black audience (jamaica bless up ✊🇯🇲) and hearing the collective groans of disappointment/annoyance when in miles' intro it showed his lil crush montage of gwen
Right like bro, I thought we got over this
Do the others not mean anything to you? Did Peter B. Parker mean nothing to you?
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whydoyoucare866 · 1 year
hai :3 can i request an enemies to lover miguel o hara fic where they get stuck in a closet together and reader kinda has to sit on his lap because there isnt any space and so after a few minutes of being in there, reader pisses off miguel and miguel kisses them to shut them up and then the rest is history ig 🙇‍♀️
also pls make the reader speak spanish im BEGGINGGG.
hi! ofc you can! I did my best! I’m sorry that it sucks and is cringy😀😭
Miguel O’ Hara x Hispanic Reader
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Warnings: Suggestive Language, Maybe a glimpse of smut, and Miguel being an asshole
You were one of Miguel’s first recruits, you had been working in the spider society for as long as it had existed, you and Miguel were close (or you would like to consider that) since you both shared the same culture and language and it was easier for you to communicate with him when your English wasn’t as good as it is (since in your universe Spanish was the predominant language) and he would be one of the few people who could understand your accent or you speaking Spanish when you forgot a word.
He took it as his personal job to teach you English until you perfected it and people who didn’t know you wouldn’t be able to guess that it wasn’t your first language( though sometimes you still would forget words in English or express yourself better in Spanish) you would both mutually bring food for each other or bond over music, so yeah you considered yourself close to him.
That was until he started becoming way more stressed about everything, yeah he has been a sour asshole ever since his canon event, but people were at least able to get small responses and have conversations that weren’t all about work with him, but as the spider society grew, he felt a lot of pressure on him and started drowning himself in work to the point that he would isolate himself for days until he got everything he needed done, he could spend weeks without sleeping and eating, and obviously as he became more stressed his memories started to impulse even worse emotions on him than they did before.
Of course this made you and your other teammates worried about him, so you started to bring him lunch, make sure he slept, and just went to see if he was okay, but you checking up on him started to annoy him as he got more irritating because of the lack of sleep and the accumulation of stress, so one day he just decided you annoyed him and soon that annoyance turned into hatred, or that’s what he thought it was.
This made him become snappy at you and we all know he can be the greatest asshole, at first you’re patient with him, thinking it will pass, but as it gets worse you reach your ending point and lose all patience starting to respond to him the same way he talked to you.
The sudden change weirded everyone out, but they also noticed that ever since you started hating Miguel back, his mood became even worse, well everyone noticed except for you, which surprised everyone since you were one of the smartest people in the spider society.
So thats why everyone refused to go to a mission with Miguel when he asked them to, arguing that they already had a mission, or that they had something really important to do, until Miguel had no other option but to take you and you had no other option but to go with him.
“Do i reaally have to go with him? I mean can’t he just ask Ben instead?” You said to Jess
“Nope honey, Ben has a really important therapy session”
“Okay? so then ask Gwen? Pavitr? Hobie? anyone else?”
“He already did, they’re all busy”
“Then why can’t you go”
“As important as the spider society is, I have an ultrasound appointment today, so I can’t go even if I wanted to”
“Well the world just hates me then doesn’t it”
“Maybe it does, or maybe it’s doing you a favor”
“Trust me, being alone with him is not a favor, i don’t want to be screamed at about how i’m annoying and a fucking- what was the word? uhm una carga? how did you say that?”
“A burden?”
“Yeah that! I don’t want to be called a burden and shit like that”
“You’re no burden, but I’ll tell you what you sound like, a teenage girl, come on, you’re an adult, you can take things in a professional way”
“Well the one that’s childish is him not me”
“Uh huh, well i’ve gotta go, good luck!”
“Yeah whatever”
You were now approaching Miguel’s office while wishing you were dead ‘Puta madre neta me lleva la verga, ahora si ya no tengo de otra más que ir’ (Fuck this shit, now I really don’t have any option but to go), you were starting to grow nervous as you approached his door, you hadn’t been alone with him since your last fight where he directly called you annoying and a burden, but now you had no other option.
After finishing the mission without actually talking to each other unless necessary, you both came back to the HQ, when you arrived it was weirdly quiet and no one seemed to be there doing their duties even if it was not that late, which was really weird, that was until you saw Peter B. approaching you with a worried look
“Hey y/n, have you seen MayDay? I can’t find her, usually it takes me an hour, but it’s been four hours and I haven’t been able to find her and I’m starting to get worried” Peter said to you while still running up to you and then catching his breath
“Oh, um I’m sorry but we just got back from a mission so we haven’t seen anything, but we can help you look!”
“No we can’t” Miguel said
“Yes we can, anyways where was the last place that you saw her Peter?” You said after glaring at Miguel as if looks could kill
“Well, I think it was in that one room that has a closet.. I always forget what it’s called”
“Okay yeah, I know which one you’re talking about, let’s go take a look”
Miguel followed them even if he said he wouldn’t be helping, Mayday being on the loose could press a lot of buttons and break a lot of things and cause a lot of problems, so there he was, inside of the closet with you, while Peter “looked” around the room, until they heard a loud noise of the door closing and now he was trapped inside with you, the worst thing is that because of the lack of space you ended up in his lap.
“Great, just what I needed”
“You know I’m not happy about being here with you either okay?”
“Oh is that so? or was this your little plan to get me trapped with you and to get all up on my personal space”
“WHAT? I would NOT do that, and I do NOT want to be in the same room as you you fucking asshole!”
“Oh yeah am I an asshole? sorry I couldn’t understand you with that accent”
“WHAT? okay now you’re being unreasonable, you want me to say it in Spanish? I will, Yo no planee esto wey, yo no quiero estar en el mismo lugar que tu, yo no quiero que me hables, yo no te quiero hablar y mucho menos molestar tu pinche espacio personal, así que neta hazme un favor y cállate un rato que ya no te aguanto cabrón, neta deja de cagar el palo y de ser un pendejo de la nada y ni me trates de culpar porque yo ni se que chingados te hice para que me odies tanto-“. (I didn’t plan this, I don’t want to be in the same place as you, I don’t want you to talk to me or to talk to you or even less to be all on your fucking personal space, so please do me a favor and shut up a little because I can’t deal with you anymore, please stop being such an asshole out of nowhere and don’t blame me because i don’t even know what the fuck I did for you to hate me so much-) That’s when you felt something on your lips, and it took you some time to realize he was kissing you, Miguel O’Hara was kissing you, you sure as hell felt as a teenage girl, butterflies in your stomach and everything.
On the other side Miguel was starting to get nervous as you didn’t return the kiss, he was starting to pull away and about to say he was sorry and he didn’t mean it when he felt you pulling him close and kissing him again, at first it was just a sweet kiss, but then it started to get heated, he couldn’t help but moan when he started feeling you grinding against him, with each second passing making him harder, he started kissing your neck and sucking “Fuck Miguel- you’re gonna leave marks” but he didn’t care, he continued, hearing your moans was paradise to him, he wanted to take you there so bad, until, they heard a knock “Um guys? are you okay?” Peter B said as he unlocked the door and opened it making Miguel groan in annoyance “This isn’t over.” he said before the door completely opened and revealed a Peter with a smiling Mayday in his arms.
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copperbadge · 3 months
I've had to introduce a moment in the latest novel where Eddie is having a minor crisis, and I wanted Simon to recognize it because he's cooking a specific dish he always cooks when he's dealing with anxiety or stress. But it took me for damn ever to figure out what that dish should be -- I don't cook as a coping mechanism for anxiety so I was no help to me. And I'm all for self care but if you Google "stress cooking" you mostly get "simple meals to cook when you're depressed" which is not what I was going for.
I did finally come up with something (see below) but it occurred to me this could be a fun discussion. If you cook to cope, even if it's coping with something other than stress like anger or sadness, what do you cook?
As an example, you can read about Eddie's stress cooking behind the cut...
(context: Simon is enjoying an evening chat with his brother Hugo and Hugo's wife Gwen when he sees Eddie post to Photogram.)
"What's he up to, anyway?" Gwen asked, as Simon studied the post.
"Process photos for a dish," he said, mildly concerned, because it looked like -- "He's making waffles. American waffles."
"Is that bad?" Gwen asked.
"It's not...good," Simon said.
"It's what he makes when he's stressed, and trying not to think about something," Hugo, who had witnessed the stress waffles before, explained.
"Because you can't see the waffles while they're cooking, and if you check too soon, you'll pull them in half," Simon added.
"How does that relieve stress?"
"It doesn't," Simon and Hugo chorused. Gwen looked amused.
"It just means you have to stand next to the waffle iron the entire time and watch it, and all the anxiety goes into that, instead of whatever you were worrying about," Simon continued. "So he explained it, in any case. His parents taught him that when steam stops rising the waffle is done, so you have to watch for the steam. As a wedding gift they gave him the waffle iron they cooked on when he was a child, so it's..."
"Comforting," Gwen suggested. "That's kind of sweet."
"Yes, but not entirely a good thing," Simon mused. "I do wish he'd let go of the idea he's not a baker. He's entirely adequate at most baked goods I've seen him make, and it would do him a world of good to really get into sourdough," he said to Hugo, who nodded knowingly. "I feel sourdough waffles would be a balm to the soul, and also taste better than the quick-rise kind."
"The heart wants what the heart wants," Gwen said.
"I suppose so," Simon agreed. "I'll speak to him tomorrow. Many confessions happen in a kitchen."
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 11 - Fake Date
@wolfstarmicrofic May 11, word count 875
“Eugh, my mum keeps asking who I’m bringing to my cousin's wedding!” Remus groaned as he checked the new message on his phone. “She’s getting worse. Ever since Oscar and I broke up it’s all she cares about.” He shook his head and put on a high-pitched voice, imitating Hope. “Reemuss,” He elongated his name like Hope did with her lilting accent. “Remus, why don’t you have a nice boy to bring to Gwen’s wedding? You should go find yourself someone, Remus.” He grimaced. “Like it’s so easy. She met dad in the middle of a forest when that guy jumped out of the trees at her and dad came to her rescue. Knowing my luck, the would be murderer would fall for me.” He leaned his head back and cursed the heavens. 
Sirius had sat there patiently listening to Remus grouse. He snatched Remus’s phone from his lap and typed a quick message to Hope. 
“There,” He said. “Now you have a date.” He grinned mischievously. Remus paled. 
“What did you do?” He picked up his phone and gasped. “Sirius! What the actual?!” His phone pinged as Hope started gushing about how happy she was and how much she’d always loved Sirius. He had to put his phone on silent to shut it up. Sirius had messaged Hope telling her that he was bringing Sirius as his date. Sirius who he’d had a crush on for years and told his mother every little thing about it. Oh gods, this was going to be a disaster. 
“It’ll be fine, Remus. I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend for the day, and then we’ll mysteriously break up, none of them will be the wiser, and it'll make your mum happy.” Remus groaned into his hands. 
They travelled to Wales the day before the wedding and stayed at Remus’s parents house. Lyall greeted them at the door but then disappeared into his study. He was happy in there and Remus was happy he was in there, to be honest. They’d never quite seemed to quite understand each other and this way was easier, much to Hope’s annoyance. 
Hope, on the other hand, wrapped them both in her arms and cooed over Sirius.
“I knew you’d end up together. You’re perfect for each other.” Sirius lapped it up. The only problem they had was Hope put them in Remus’s old bedroom. They hadn’t thought of that when they’d agreed to stay there. There wasn’t even another spare room. 
“It’ll be fun,” Sirius beamed. “Like being back at school.” 
“We never shared a bed. That was you and James,” Remus reminded him. 
“Well, better late than never then, I guess,” Sirius responded. So that was how Remus found himself in bed with Sirius. 
Thankfully, morning came quickly and then it was time for the wedding. 
Everybody made a fuss about Sirius.
“He’s so handsome Remus,” His grandmother had declared when he’d introduced him. “You ought to put a ring on his finger, so he doesn’t get away,” She’d said loudly. Remus went beet red. 
“Nain, you can’t just yell that out!” He hushed her. 
“And why not? I want to see some great grand kids before I pop my clogs, and you aren’t getting any younger,”
“Oh my god,” He didn’t know how to handle her apart from with a gin and tonic and the bar wasn’t open yet. 
“Don’t you worry, Mrs Howell, I’ll make an honest man out of him.” Sirius said, linking her arm with his and leading her away to her table. He turned and winked at Remus. Remus wished he could turn invisible. 
By the end of the wedding, Sirius had won over all of Remus’s family and all of the grooms. In fact, more people knew who Sirius was at the wedding than knew who Remus was. 
Remus was glad when they were on their way back to his parents house. It had been a long day. “So,” Sirius asked him. “When are you going to pop the question? Your Nain’s promised me her engagement ring.” He grinned, fighting back a laugh at Remus. 
“Oh, haha, Sirius,” Remus rolled his eyes and said no more about the subject. 
That night, much to Remus’s surprise, Sirius snuggled under his arm and rested his head on Remus’s chest. 
“I had fun today.” Sirius told him with a sleepy voice. “Your family is really nice, and I might just steal your Nain. She was brilliant.” He turned his head to look at Remus. “Thank you for letting me come.” He said quietly. 
“You invited yourself. I had nothing to do with it.” Remus huffed. 
He closed his eyes hoping Sirius would take the hint. But instead, Sirius pushed up and kissed him. Remus’s eyes shot open, and he stared at Sirius. 
“I was serious about that ring, Moony. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be there.” Remus didn’t know what to say, so he dragged Sirius’s face back to his and kissed him deeper than their first. He melted as Sirius kissed him back. “Took you long enough,” Sirius murmured against his lips. Remus had never been happier. He made a note to send a bottle of champagne to his cousin, because without her this might never have happened.   
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the-kr8tor · 24 days
KATY AGAIN, CONGRATULATIONS, HONESTLY I FEEL LIKE A PROUD LITTLE SISTER 🥳🤭💕💕 , YOU'VE COME SO FAR, I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! I just wished I'd met you sooner, then I could call myself an og 💪 *sigh*
Feel free to ignore my rec if you have no inspiration, or there are other recs that need tending to 🥺
Can I get a ❣️ shaped bottle full to the brim of epsom salt and Baby's breath, please! - a short fluffy drabble consisting of the twins helping their father out during his day to day tasks on the ship
Thank you ml ❤️❤️ you're an honorary og in my heart 🩷
Pairing: Pirate! Hobie Brown x fem! Reader
Word count: 3k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, cw pregnancy talk, cw food mentions, dad! Hobie, mom! Reader, an au of my BDAS series, Billie and Ramona AU, Twins AU. Fluff!
Katy's one year celebration 🎉
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“Wake up, guppies.” Hobie whispers, hands placed on Billie and Mona's shoulders, rocking them awake. It's easier when they prefer to sleep on the same bed even though they have their own right next to each other. He traces each of their noses, and they wiggle it in their half sleep state. “Thought you two wanted to help the captain today?”
Ramona is the first one to wake up, yawning, similar grey eyes cracking open. “Hi, dad.” She gives him a soft smile that Hobie reciprocates.
“Hello, guppy.” He gently rubs away sand from her sleepy eyes. “Good dream?”
“Yes, it was the mermaid dream again.” She whispers, ever so polite. “Bee and I were reading under the water while you and mum were making us hot chocolate.”
Hobie tilts his head with endearment. “How could you read underwater when the books would get wet?”
Her eyes shine, “mermaid magic.”
“I wouldn't have thought that, lovie.” She giggles, stretching on the mattress. Her hand smacks Billie to wake, groaning and frowning while she stirs.
Hobie senses an early tantrum. “G’morning, shark.”
She smiles at the ‘menacing’ nickname. Crisis averted. “Morning, daddy.” Turning towards Mona, she flicks her bicep. “You hit me.”
“Sorry, mon.”
Again, Hobie senses a fight. He's getting good at this. “What did you dream ‘bout, guppy?” He tucks away curls that have fallen in front of her face. That seemed to soften the twins away from fighting.
“I dreamed that grandad Miguel visited us on the ship and he was wearing a duck costume.”
“A duck costume?” Hobie and Mona ask at the same time.
Billie giggles with a shrug, “maybe he likes ducks.”
Hobie chuckles, too loudly. He quickly twists around to check on you. Thankfully, you still lay asleep, drooling on the pillow. Satisfied, he returns his attention towards his girls. “You two know the drill. Get dressed, brush your teeth—”
“And eat breakfast, then help the crew and captain dad.” They finish his sentence for him with a grin, twin telepathy working its magic.
He gives them a proud smile, patting each of their cheeks. “That's my girls.”
All three of them sit and eat outside with the ever rambunctious crew. Loaves of bread are being tossed around as people ask for them, jams are passed to and fro while Billie and Mona happily chatter with Yuri and Ned. Hobie smiles as the sun shines down on the long table, everything seems perfect with only Gwen, Miles, Pavitr and a handful of the crew with them are away on the second ship. The twins miss them dearly but after a few restless nights of them bawling their eyes out, they're counting down the days until they return back on the main ship.
The only person who isn't miles away but is very much missed on the breakfast table is you. Hobie resists the urge to wake you up, to pepper your face with saccharine kisses until you wake. But you need the sleep, especially that you're carrying the youngest crew member in your growing belly.
After breakfast, Billie and Mona help take down the dishes to the galley where Finn waits for each plate and utensil with a mountain of patience since the tiny crew members could only carry two plates at a time with some help from James. And James distracts them a lot with his stories. One time, Finn has been waiting for the next batch of dishes to be brought down, only to find the trio sitting on the stairs while James turns into their personal storyteller. Thankfully this time though, the only hang up is that Billie and Mona have small legs that don't cover much ground. With the combined help of James and Hobie (even though he needed to talk to Yuri) helped with the dishes.
Next on the agenda is a meeting with his navigator and a few of the crew members inside the captain's office. The twins seem to hate this only thing on the schedule. They sit and wait, and wait some more. With boredom etched on their faces, Ned had a brilliant idea to place a blanket down over a free table where the girls could hang out with their books, toys and drawing notebooks that Miles gifted them. Their giggles and own meeting about which biscuit is the best can be heard under the table while Hobie talks about strategy, he couldn't help but smile the entire meeting. Now it's their favourite part of the day until they see you awake that is.
Hobie brought them back on the deck with the sole purpose of teaching them how to tie knots. Or rather, they begged him to teach them. His calloused hands tie a simple ribbon around a bannister using a silk ribbon instead of the usual rough rope so that their hands wouldn't be irritated by it. His mind wanders back to the day that he first taught you how to properly secure a knot, it seems like forever ago now. But it's not so much a distant memory for him everytime he looks at you, and traces the scars on your palms— it's as if it happened just yesterday.
Waking up from his thoughts of you, he turns around to check on their progress. “Let's see what you've done then.” He's greeted by Mona's curly hair tied around the silky ribbon while Billie's curls are almost identical to hers. All tied around a cute ribbon. Though the pigtails are a bit wonky, they look absolutely adorable. He wishes that Miles could draw the moment so that he could show you later.
“Did we do good?” Mona smiles hopefully, Billie gives her dad the biggest, most adorable grin that could rival the brightness of the sun. Upon seeing this, Mona does the same, even making her eyelashes flutter. A trick that she must've gotten from you.
Hobie crouches down to their height, hands running along their hair and checking the neat ribbons. Surprisingly, they're pretty good at it. Wait till you hear your daughters are better at tying ribbons than you.
He exhales to compose himself from all the cuteness lest he scoops them up in his arms and scream into the sea, telling neptune himself at how adorable his children are.
“Brilliant, you're both brilliant.” They giggle, puffing their chests proudly.
Lo and behold, Hobie still scoops them up in his arms, giving them a squeeze. Both girls shriek happily, legs kicking about as Hobie rises to his full height. He has an idea, which might make Ned pop a blood vessel.
“How about we steer the ship?” Their eyes widened, excited screeching echoing around the deck as they nod furiously.
You wake up to the quiet lull of the sea. Waves lapping at the great ship, wood creaking, and blankets falling off your body when a tall wave meets the side of the ship. Water splashes against the porthole, stirring you awake further.
“—Bie?” Your throat scratches with sleep, eyes still heavy as you pat his side of the bed. “Hobie?” Finding it cold and empty, you prop yourself up by your elbows, sniffing at the cool air. “Billie? Mona?” Looking over your girls' toddler beds, you disappointedly find them both empty.
Their rooms aren't quite ready yet according to their standards, the walls aren't pink enough, and their desks aren't big enough. But you and Hobie think that they're still a little bit afraid of sleeping in their own room without the comforting presence of their mum and dad. You don't mind it at all, you also don't think you can sleep without their soft snores across the room. They are still your babies after all.
It's not unusual to find the captain's quarters devoid of your little family, not when both girls are starting to get used to their sea legs after spending the first three years of their life waddling around the shores of your shared home. They were beyond ecstatic when you and Hobie told them that it's the right time to go back to sailing the seas, something that you thought that they wouldn't even care about. But of course they would be excited, after all, their father is the greatest pirate to ever sail the seven seas (according to him and his girls.)
They're very much at home on the ship, so much so that they always wake up their ‘captain dad’ so they could help him with his morning routine even before breakfast is served. Hobie also loves being back, it's like he has never left the embrace of the tides.
Hobie has been a great sport the entire time, whenever the girls would cry about motion sickness or throwing tantrums when they want to climb up on the crow’s nest (because if aunt Yuri can do it, so can they!) he would be there helping you calm them down. Even though he hates waking up before the sun is barely peeking over the horizon, he loves it when he wakes up to his girls' smiling faces. There's nothing better than stirring awake with their little hands patting his face until they ultimately give up and use their feet to kick his legs. The girls would wake you up too but with you carrying the newest crew member in your bump, they're opting to just wake up their dad for now. Hobie has managed to convince the girls that you needed twice the amount of sleep because of the baby. Or managed to swindle them with hot chocolate in the morning, based on the fact that whenever you kiss each of them good morning, they always smell like the sweet drink.
You swing your legs at the end of the bed, socked feet padding along the room to grab your sweater, (or Hobie's old sweater for that matter) after changing and washing your face with the water basin, you head off towards the upper deck. Knowing that they're running along the floors trying to take the mop from James, who refuses to give up his job to a couple of four year olds. Walking along the corridors doesn't leave you winded just yet, you can still see your foot if you look down despite the bump. You have no idea if you can traverse the large ship once you hit the stage of having a stomach as big as a watermelon instead of the coconut sized belly you're strutting around with.
Passing along the galley, you pause at the open doorway, seeing Finn make pie crusts has you wanting to stay and help out. And by help out, you mean taking a little nibble of fruit while he looks away. You still remember the days where you used to spend hours helping in the kitchen.
“Knock knock.” You greet him with a smile. “Have you seen a certain pair of twins with their dad running after them?”
Finn chuckles, blue eyes crinkling at the corners. His grey hair weaved around blonde strands has the twins calling him Santa, or when they're in a good mood (when they want a sweet treat) they call him grandpa Finn, that has the older pirate folding immediately and making whatever the girls want. Unsurprisingly enough, he answers back. “A pair of twins and a pirate walk into a bar, I think I've heard of that joke before.”
“Different joke, Finn.” You snort, eyeing the bowl of blueberries on the counter. Finn, being the perceptive chef on board, notices your hard stare at the fruit.
Without a word, he nudges the bowl towards you, and then he points up towards the deck, replying to your previous question.
“This is why you're my favourite crew member.” Latching onto the bowl, you take it with a smile. “Don't tell Yuri.” He makes a face, putting both flour coated hands up in surrender.
You leave with a grin and a bowl of blueberries. It's still a mystery to you on how Finn keeps them fresh even after weeks of buying them from the last coastal town you anchored in for supplies. You guess you'll never know.
Walking up the steps towards the deck, you're greeted by blinding light as you open the door with a creek. The sight alone would've had you melting if not for the fragile bowl in your hands. Hobie stands on the highest deck with Billie and Ramona in his arms. While both girls are ‘steering’ the ship with their small hands gripping on the wheel as if they're actually sailing the huge ship.
“Mornin’ gorgeous.” Yuri nudges your side, hands dipping inside the bowl to take a handful of fruit, sunlight dancing along her features. “Sleep well? Or did the little pirate keep you awake?”
With the mention of the baby, your hand instinctively pats the bump softly. “Nope, the baby barely kicked me last night. And Hobie helped by letting me sleep in.”
Yuri hums, smiling softly between you and the twins laughing in their dad's arms. “He better, or I'll be the one to kick Hobie where the sun doesn't shine so he doesn't experience fatherhood ever again.”
You laugh, “that is bleak, Yuri.”
She shrugs, “I'm a pirate, Y/N, a pirate who hasn't shot her gun at a navy in months.”
“Sure, big bad pirate, who has made my girls' clothes ever since they were born.” She huffs with a teasing smile, taking another handful of berries. “Don't worry, once Gwen and the others get back from their scouting mission, you get to be a big bad pirate again.”
“I'm turning soft, doc.” She looks at you with puppy dog eyes, lashes fluttering teasingly.
“I know, Yuri, you made my girls puppets last week.”
“And they were fucking gorgeous.”
You start to walk away before she takes half of your stash. “They were! If you get tired of being a pirate, maybe being a puppet maker is your calling.”
She flips you off, grinning from ear to ear before going below deck to maybe annoy Finn instead. Bounding up the steps, Hobie and the twins heard you before they saw you.
“Mummy!” They simultaneously call out, wiggling out of Hobie's arms. He lets them gently back down on the floor, to which they immediately latch onto your legs, trying to climb up.
“Hello, my darlings!” You coo, patting both their heads. Their matching captain tricorns make you giggle. “What have you two been up to?”
“A lot!” Billie jumps up and down to reach your hip, you meet her halfway by crouching down to their level. “We fixed the sail with uncle Ned—”
“We helped auntie Yuri find land by looking into her te-escope!”
You nod enthusiastically, smile blindingly bright as you hold on to them. “What else? You two looked busy with dad.”
Hobie leans on the wheel that's still not activated with the help of a rope tied around the bottom and the other end wrapped around the bannister. The girls are none the wiser. The sun bathes Hobie in glorious light, rays of light seeping through his linen shirt, looking as if no time has passed.
“I should be careful, they're goin' to take my job as captain if they continue their trainin’”
You gasp, feigning hurt. “You mean they're planning a mutiny?! No, not my own girls!”
“What's a mu-tiny?” Billie questions, brows furrowed, an identical look that her sister is also sporting.
Hobie closes the small distance, boots thumping along the floorboards, looking softly at his girls while his hands find their way on their heads. “Tell you what, help uncle James clean the poop deck and I'll tell you.”
“Aye, aye, captain dad!” They say at the same time, even saluting Hobie. Before they could run off, you call them back.
“Take the blueberries, share them with each other, alright? Pass it around to the crew too.” You hand the bowl to them, both girls give you a grin and a smooch to each of your cheeks as thank you. Sometimes you wonder how they could be this sweet, you've joked once that they're a gift from the sea with how kind they could be. “Careful! Don't run— and they're already running off.” Their small feet bound away towards an unassuming James.
“They got that from you.” Hobie helps you up, hand warm against yours. “Always runnin’ off, always so bloody energetic.”
You prop your chin on his shoulder, smiling at him. “Did they tire you out, old man?”
“We're the same age, love.” His hand wraps behind you to cup your hip, fingers tapping along your stomach. He watches as his girls prefer to sit down on the stairs to munch on their snacks. “How's our growing pirate?”
“Good, he didn't kick me all night this time.”
“You?” Hobie leans on the bannister, back pressed on the wood while he guides you in front of him, arms around you, thumbs brushing along your spine while you cradle his jaw in your hands.
“I'm okay, Hobs, nothing of note.”
“You sure? We can still turn around so you can give birth on land.” Worry etches on his face, and you rub your hand on his forehead to flatten the worry lines.
“You forget that I was born at sea, and I've given birth to your pirate gremlins without a problem. I can handle it, don't worry.”
Hobie has a glimpse of you back then, legs coated in crimson, screams echoing around the small cabin that even silences the roar of the sea next door. “Just say the word and we'll find the nearest land, yeah?”
“I promise,” he raises a brow and you roll your eyes. “You know I never break a promise, Cap'n.”
Hobie opens his mouth to quip back, but James’ screech makes you and the pirate in your arms to look. Billie giggles as she runs away with a mop, tracking water droplets on the deck while Mona drags James down with her clinging to his leg with a laugh.
“I think we should save James before he falls overboard. Again.” You unwrap yourself from Hobie, before you could leave his side fully, he gently tugs you back in for a quick but affectionate kiss and a loving pat on your belly.
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yellowwithalisp · 1 year
Okay so like like hobie brown x goth!reader???
Like idk it just works!?!?
AS A GOTH MYSELF I HAVE TO DO THIS!!! - Yellow 💛🌻) (No proof read. )
• Ok so, as a non-spider. He meets you when he and his drummer are checking out other words. They were checking out The Spectacular Spider-Mans world first, then yours.
• Gwen wanted to looked around at some of the shops. Hobie was just following her around. They found a mall and a Spenver's in it and we're looking around when he lays his eyes on you. Holding up some chockers up to you neck and asking the worker which one looked better on you.
• He of course just casually walks by with his hands in his pockets and says.
❝I think the spider one looks nice on ya. ❞
• You blink and watch him walk be and up to a girl she was looking at sunglasses. Your friend tried to get you to ask for his number, but you were too shy. So you just stocked with trying to sneakily watch him as he walked around the store. He started walking in a pattern around some of the piercings and when you expected him to peak around the corner, he disappeared. You looked around where the man was supposed to be and didn't see him.
❝You lookin' for someone mate?❞
• He said from behind you as he gave you a heart attack. Of course you mumbled no as he had a light smirk on his face.
❝Nice snake bites. They match you're black lipstick.❞
• You barely manage to respond thank you. You friend was talking to the girl who came in with this strange man. You were busy comparing music and he started to help you pick out some new earnings.
• He helped you find a new outfit, some callors, earnings, and he picked out some spider patches for you.
• They soon checked out and he gave you a wave goodbye as he left. The slowly waved good back as you're friend was smirking and leaning over the counter.
• She slid over a receipt with a number writen on it. It was the guy's number on it!!
• You two had hung out sencs then. You both have went out shopping and he's even crashed at your place before. Played his guitar for you.
❝Lookin' very peng today.❞
"Oh-um. Thanks?"
• If someone was talking badly about you from behind you're back he was put an arm around him and pulled you close distracting you with some new lipstick brand or something. Anything to keep you from hearing the words other were saying.
• He'll let you do some eyeliner on him but that's it. You claim you wanted to try a new look and be angered to hold still for it. Nice look. He approves.
📱: Hobie, was that you?
📱: Yeah it's me open up. I go' some food.
📱: Hobie it's like- 11:23 pm.
📱: Yeah, it's 11:23 and i go' some food.
📱: Strings, could you come over here for the night?
📱: Sure thing sweethear'. I'm on my woy.
📱: Thanks.
• He makes sure to check in with this worlds Spide when he seen them and ask how your doing every now and then. If something ever did happen he mmaayyeee have built you a watch just in case. Made it so it would match you colors too.
• You try on some of you outfits to go out with him and he just enjoys seeing you happy. Pucks up some random make up that he thinks you would like on his "trips". A Beetlejust eyeshadow paper? Don' know. He thought you would like the colors. Yes, he had walked in on you blasting Bring Me to Life in your room when you thought that you were alone. He even learned some Evanescence songs on his guitar to play for you!
• You wanna get a tattoo but don't wanna go alone? He will be right there next to you holding your hand. A small guitar tattoo in honor of Mister "I hate labels."
• you made a necklace of one of his old guitar pick. Your lucky charm.
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hii love may i request hcs for a big brother figure hobie with a sweet innocent reader, how would he protect them and show his love etc <3
of course, this is so cute!
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★ ok so I'm imagining you're also a spider-person and a part of the society. you're a bit younger, and one of the newer recruits.
★ and you'll admit you were quite intimidated by hobie at first, but after talking to him you realized how nice he actually his. you were suprised at what a light personality he had, despite his very strong beliefs and views. he definitely wasn't afraid to be himself— unapologetically so—and you respected him for that, looked up to him.
★ you've come to learn that he's an extremely tactile person as well; he'd always greet you with a fist bump or even a hug when the two of you haven't seen each other in a while.
★ you weren't someone who enjoyed confrontation or disputes, so whenever someone did something you didn't particularly like, you'd bite your tongue to avoid any fighting. hobie didn't take with that though. if the two of you were together and he saw someone messing w you or being mean, he'd definitely be giving them shit for it.
★ he didn't really enjoy working with other people, but he enjoyed joining you on missions and vice-versa. he'd always say he just wanted to keep you company, but he also wanted to look out for you. he knew you were more than capable of looking after yourself, but it didn't hurt to have backup, right?
★ he's def your biggest hypeman too! you could've completed the smallest job, but best believe hobie's gonna be hyping you up like no other (i mean c'mon yall saw how he was hyping up miles in the mumbattan scene)
★ now if you're just a civilian and not a spider-person:
★ I'm imagining you end up in a somewhat similar situation as gwen, needing somewhere to stay for a while, and hobie's willing to help.
★ and of course he'd help you, that's just who he is, that's what he believes in. and remember, my guy didn't grow up the most comfortable so he knows what it's like.
★ maybe you get back on your feet and find a place of your own, but he still visits you frequently. checks up on you to see if you're still alright and when he's free, the two of you would go out and do whatever, or throw some of your scraps together and whip up a dinner at whoever's house.
★ when he's on patrol he'll makes sure to go and check in on you.
★ even if you don't necessarily end up in a rough patch—the two of you just somehow ending up friends—he's still looking out for you.
★ in terms of how he shows his love, i def think it's w quality time and acts of service. whenever he's free he'd always hang out with you and catch up on how you're doing. he enjoys helping you out whenever he can too bc he knows you'd do the same, no questions asked. you'd help patch him up after a rough night, or go over to his to cook for him, and he lets you know how much he appreciates it with his time and company.
★ he'd also tell you in words, small bits you'd catch here and there. 'ave to look out for each other, yeah? casually thrown into conversation.
★ it doesn't matter if you're not related by blood, he sees you as his family, and he always looks out for his family because that's what being punk is about.
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hyvnam · 1 year
Miguel O'hara x Reader
I think I'll be posting more on Wattpad instead of Tumblr since using this platform is kinda complicated for me,,, just search up Heartless by hash1ori on Wattpad ^^
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Gwen and Hobie were taking Miles around Babylon Towers for a tour and arrived at the Dormitories. You came out of your room, overhearing their chatter and laughter filling the empty hallway.
“Another spider variant?” Miles tilted his head,, then noticed you had no watch,
“Nah mate she isn't a spider person,,,” Hobie waved at you, you smiled back at him.
“Miles this is Dr. L/n, she's from this Earth and the one who handles the infirmary.”
“Dr. L/n, I'm sure you know Miles.”
You offered your hand after Gwen's small introduction and he returned the gesture by shaking it,,
“I heard a lot about you from Peter, Miles.”
“You know Peter??” you nod, “We're good friends.”
The three invited you to walk with them and you happily agreed. You were planning to go to the lab but it doesn't hurt to get some time to take a little detour.
Miles kept asking questions, he was so curious about this whole secret union.
“So you've been here for a long time?”
“I went to school with Miguel, I've been here since the beginning of this guild.”
“What...?? So he isn't that old?”
You laughed,, “Surprisingly, we're the same age." then shrugged jokingly.
“Did Miguel ever have a like relationship,” you paused, not expecting that kind of question.
“Who would ever date Miguel?” Gwen scoffed then crossed her arms, the others started to think about it and subtly agreed.
Miles and Gwen reminded you of each other,, once upon a time. It made you smile, Hobie beside you, noticing your gaze softened so much.
On the top floor, Miguel and Peter were talking.
"I've hurt her so much before, I've been a jerk but I have been trying to make it up for the mistakes I did when we were young.”
He usually ranted his problems to Peter, who listened carefully. Usually the topic of their conversations was you, maybe that's why you've been feeling the sniffles lately.
“When I had Gabriella,, I didn't think anything mattered anymore and I pushed her away. It was all a mistake,, and I don't know how to fix this.”
Miguel sighed deeply, pushing his brown locks back with his hands. He sat on his office chair, his foot tapping on the floor. Then when the weight of the multiverse was placed on him, you just stood there. Watching it all play out.
“Maybe cause you've been a workaholic, plus cheater your whole life that you don't really deserve her...” Peter sighed, then realizes what he said and started to panic as Miguel covered his face in defeats.
“What am I ever going to do?”
“It worked out for me and MJ,” he rests his hand on Miguel's shoulder, giving a reassuring smile, “Im sure it'll work out for you too.”
Infirmary, Babylon Towers.
Your POV
Maybe I would have some spiders come and go after a little bruise or light concussion and get a well deserved rest after the grand chase, or at least that's what I thought,, but before my break, Miguel came into the infirmary.
He said he needed some Rapture. But usually,, he was the one who injected it himself.
Even if something off was going on, I told him to sit and started to prepare. The nano tech on his suit disappeared and made space enough for the needle to enter. I put on my gloves and started to infuse the serum. He winced when I took it out and his eyes started to tighten. I started to check him, to see if anything was wrong.
So nothing was up with him him physically, just mentally cause I noticed
that he looked like he wanted to say something,,
It became more obvious that he did since felt his eyes on me while cleaning and sanitizing, at this point it felt like it was burning my back.
“Do you want a lollipop or what?” we both laughed,, I crossed my arms and turned to face him, “What's wrong, Miggy? You're being strange today.”
“You noticed?”
He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close,
“Oh please,,, I've known you for most of my life.”
I tried to stay as good friends with him, and we did do some stuff that was kind of a stress relief. It benefited us. Maybe that's why we were friends with benefits.
“Do you ever just wonder if we weren't here?”
I raised an eyebrow at his question,, “If you didn't create this,,?” I raised my arms to try and describe the whole big thing that's going on,, he laughed. God his laugh was so hot.
“Like, if I never tried to quit Alchemax and we stayed together.”
My lips pressed together, my face became filled with false confusion. I knew what he was trying to say,, but so suddenly?
I gulped and push him away, making there be distance between us. I hugged myself, feeling overwhelmed.
“No matter how much you reject me, I always find myself seeking you.”
Miguel stood up, explaining how much he yearned for me like it was some thesis defense,,
“I need you like how I need air to breath,,,”
He cupped my face,, I shook my head, the hope in his eyes started to drain.
“You didn't think that when you cheated on me,,” I looked up at him and said sadly, brushing him away.
He stood there, like a hopeless child that got lost. My face became serious. What did he want? Encouragement like some dog one last time? If I give him the same attention I did when I came back then I'd be wrapped around his hold once again,, and I promised myself to never do that.
But why do I feel little hope that he could do something (babe), say something (babe), risk it all and not lose me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by those “What ifs”. Like what if we worked out?
Miguel left after I scanned his body. Everything was stable and he left. Our conversation was short lived after the awkward confession he made, he was so corny.
I looked around the infirmary,, it was quiet, no one was there, and I decided to go to the canteen. Thinking that we were lucky that it wasn't a busy day. Unbeknownst to us,, someone was resting on one of the beds, covered by the curtains.
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onskepa · 16 days
Hello hello hellooo! I got a request for a fic. Its an atwow and across the spiderverse crossover.
So what if one the radioactive spiders ended up in one the labs in Hells gate, and Spider gets bitten by it. He starts acting weird cause he hides these new changes from everyone, he doesnt know how to even begin to talk about it. ( the bite also makes him able to breathe pandora air)
Then  Miguel sees something is wrong and sends Miles to check it out since he is an anomaly "you're not right but I got a job for mistakes like you" and Gwen tags along cause she wants to
ask you shall recieve!
P.S: cover made by meeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!!
Planet 2154
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“Alright my little darlings, lets see how well you can handle the new world” a young and ambitious scientist to his mass collection of spiders. Rare and many nearly endangered species of spiders. The young man was given a once in a lifetime opportunity. 
He was given a mission to see how small creatures can adapt to the planet called pandora. See how they can develop and grow. His precious spiders are all he has of the damned world. To be given such an opportunity was something he simply could not pass. 
Too bad he was unfortunately in the middle of a war that took his life in pandora. Leaving behind his unfinished work. His spiders? All gone. Well, almost all of them. One survived. Thrived in the new world. 
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“Junk, junk, junk here, junk there, what's that over there? Junk, what are we looking at? Junk, oh see that? JUNK!” maxed shouted the last part, clearly at his wits end of having to do more clearing out. He and other remaining humans were clearing out what was left of hellsgate. Looking for anything salvageable to reuse, fix, or make something out of. Anything else is considered junk which can be used as a burning fuel. 
It has been days and they have reached the last few sections. 
One of the rooms was opened and Norman walked in, instantly recognizing it was a specific lab. 
“Hey I remember this place” he says while looking at some old, dusty files. “Yeah, this belonged to that insect guy”. 
“The weirdo who had a thing for spiders?” Max asked. They remember the odd young man. Tasked with an interesting mission but to die in a fight he wanted nothing to be part of. 
“Yeah but he wasn't hurting anyone, just an oddball. Too bad he is gone” norm said as he observes the old spider cages. Many broken, some spiders are now old skeletons. It really saddened me. The young lad had a chance to revive dying species and now it is sad to know and see, spiders are now gone for good. Both on Earth and pandora. 
As they looked around and loud crash was hard. Norm quickly turned around to see Max moving away from a pile of now more broken cages. Norm sighs and gives his friend a disapproving look, “you are cleaning that up”. 
Max curses silently. 
However, unknowest to them, when the cages broke, one little creature of 8 legs crawled out. It was alive, and it was free. 
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“Come on! Last one to get there is a shit head!” lo’ak shouts out as he makes a run towards a desired destination. Kiri, tuk and spider were running while giggling. The wind hitting their faces, fresh crisp air, the energy flowing through them Another fantastic day for another fantastic adventure.  
Spider did his best to catch up, he is human after all. Running at full speed to beat his best friend. Last time he lost, spider was forced to carry baskets either full of fruits or other heavy materials. No way was he going to do that again. 
So he tries to run as fast as he can before-
“YEAH!! I WIN AGAIN!” lo’ak cheers as they reach their destination. 
Spider pants heavily, catching his breath. Sitting down in a soft moss, letting his feet rest. 
“No fair! You had a head start!” tuk accuses her brother. 
“No I didnt, I just reacted faster than all of you” lo’ak defended himself. 
Spider chuckled to himself, laying down enjoying the breeze. 
“Sleeping already monkey boy?” kiri teases as she bends down, smiling at him. Using her tail to tickle his side. 
“Hey! Can't help but enjoy the sky, you know. Pretty good stuff” spider says. 
Kiri rolls her eyes and goes off to do something else nearby. 
It was good for a few minutes until a sharp piercing pain was felt on his shoulder. 
“OW!” he shrieks. Quickly slamming whatever was causing the pain. 
Kiri heard him and was quick to be at his side. 
“Hey, you ok?” she asks concerningly. 
“Something bit me. Damn I felt that” spider grunts as he rubs off the pain. Looking around for the biter. 
“What is that…?” kiri asks, pointing at a small little creature. Dead by spider’s brute force. 
“I dont know, never seen anything like it” spider replies. Grabbing a small leave near a plant, he carefully wraps it around the dead thing. 
“Gonna show it to norm later, maybe he might know what it is?” spider suggests. 
“What if it was poisonous?” tuk asks. 
Kiri quickly inspects the spot, “its a bit red, might be swollen from the bite. If you feel anything funny, we head straight back to base” 
Spider nods in agreement. Though it was such a tiny thing, highly doubtful it can affect him in any weird way. 
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After a long day of running and doing other stuff, spider returned to the base feeling well exhausted. Its nice to use all that pent up energy in good exercising ways. Though spider wishes he had enough energy and strength like the na’vi, who are capable of more stuff. 
But that is merely wishfull thinking. 
After his shower, spider inspects the area where the weird thing bit him. 
The redness is gone and so far nothing has happened in his body. 
“Should I tell them…” Spider asks himself, he still has the little creature. 
“Maybe not, was probably harmless” spider shrugs it off and heads off to bed. Already thinking of tomorrow’s adventure. Tuk said she found a good spot to fish, they all plan to head there. Maybe go for a swim. Who knows. 
So spider closes his eyes, and lets sleep take over.
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Earth 1610
“Ok the black laces go on that one….so what shoe do you go to?” Miles Morales asks to the simple red single shoe lace. 
He was in the midst of reorganizing his closet, only to make a bigger mess and find lost and uneven pairs of everything. Like the laces that goes on his shoes. He paired them all with their rightful shoe place, but found one single red shoe lace. Other red laces were already in his shoes. And no other shoes are missing. 
“Yeah I'm gonna deal with it later” he mutters as he shoves the lace in his pocket. 
“MIJO!! Your friend is here!” his mother calls out to him. 
“COMING!!” he shouts back. 
Quickly shoving the last remaining stuff into his closet to make it seem he did finish cleaning. While shoving whatever else is needed in his backpack. Checking one last time that he has everything, he rushes out to the kitchen. 
“Mnn!! This is so good Misses Morales” gwen stacy happily compliments. Rio smiles proudly as she feeds this young skinny girl. 
“There is more where that came from” Rio says as she readies a plate for the girl. 
“Sorry ma, but we gotta go” miles intervenes as he starts to shove gwen towards the door. Rio slightly frowned. 
“Mijo, you didnt even eat breakfast, at least take a bit” she pleads. 
“Yeah miles? Come on, it would be a bit rude to just leave, don't you think? I like to be honest "Gwen sides with rio. Checking the time, mile sighs in defeat. 
“Ok, ok, just a bit”
1 and 35 minutes later 
“I cannot take another bite….” gwen huffs at she pats her stomach, 
“Me neither…” Miles agrees. 
Suddenly, at the same time their watches rang at the same time. Miles clicks on his faster. A hologram of lyla appeared. 
“You two better come up with a good excuse for being so late. A heads up, Miguel is already extra mad. Good luck!” was all she said before ending the call. Miles and Gwen shared a look of horror. 
“Hey ma? Can we take some more for the road?”
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Spider HQ 
“Haven't seen the big man so red before” Hobie was the first person miles and Gwen saw when arriving at HQ. Smirking while fist bumps the two. Miles released a nervous laughter while Gwen just looked like a nervous wreck. 
“We tried to leave on time but you see my ma, she made food and we couldn't leave, by the way you want some?” Miles offered the tupperware to hobie who gladly accepted the free food. 
“Let me guess, you brought some as a peace offering to the big man? That didn't work out well the first time, "Hobie reminded miles. 
“Yeah but it's gonna work this time. Gwen tried it out and she liked it!” 
“It might work” Gwen gave her response. Though secretly she wishes she had more to take home. It was so good. 
Lyla appeared again in the watches, “great you two are here. Miguel is still waiting for you guys, try to be on his good side” and disperses once again. 
“When does he have a good side?” miles questions. 
Hobie gave him a pat on the back, “I leave you to it. Let me know if anything good comes out of it” and leave them to go into the lion's cave. 
As dark as it can ever be, Miles and Gwen enter Miguel's office [cave?] where he stood there menacingly while staring at some holographic charts. 
“About damn time you two show up. Do you have any idea how much time was wasted waiting on you two? I better hear a good excuse from your mouths or else it is toon dimensions for a week! Miguel shouts, his eyes bright red and claws out just ready to slick anything to relieve a growing headache caused by the two unruly teens in his eyes. 
Miles quickly takes out a tupperware, “my mom made dinner and she insisted we ate before we left. You know how latin mothers are. Anyways, she made Ajiaco with croquetas on the side. It's very good” he says rather quickly. Gwen nodded to confirm. 
Miguel shoots out his web to grab the tupperware, opens it try a bit. 
“Fine, excuse accepted” 
Miles and Gwen took a long sigh of relief. 
“Anyways, what is the mission for us today?” Miles asks. Ready to start his work. 
“Lyla, show them” Miguel says as he continues to eat. 
Lyla appears before the teens, “when you have a mission in Earth V98, a variation of you is about to have a canon event within 3 days time. Your job is to make sure it happens with no interruption” 
“Alright, easy enough,” gwen shrugs. 
“Miles, you have a special case on your hands” lyla turns to miles. 
“Alright, feeling good about this” he grins. 
“Couple hours ago we received a signal that a dimension with no known records or even a name, that a canon event happened” 
Lyla pulls up some one hologram file with many blanked out parts. On the top where the name of the Earth is, it was glitching. 
“Something 2154??” miles read. 
“Shouldn't it say Earth 2154?” gwen asks. 
“That's the interesting part” lyla smirks as she expands the file. 
“Miguel thinks that a canon event happened on a completely different planet. One that is not an earth variation. This has never happened before. Already this is under the ‘anomaly case’ and it needs to be investigated immediately” 
“Oh, it seems interesting. Though, why me?” Miles asks as he turns to miguel. 
“You are an anomaly yourself. A mistake, and so is this new planet already in the system, I believe its a perfect job for you "Miguel responds as he finishes the food. 
“Wow, thanks” Miles replies with a deadpan expression. 
“Your welcome, now, you are to leave as soon as possible. Prepare whatever and often report to me. We don't know what kind of planet that is or the new spider person” miguel informs. 
“Cool, give me an hour and I'm off” Miles shrugs. 
“Hey im going with you” gwen touches his shoulders, smiles for a new adventure. 
“I don't think so girl, you have your own mission remember?” lyla reminds her. 
“You said in three days. We can finish this before that canon event. Besides, it does seem much and I think he could you a little help” 
“Fine, just hurry up and leave” Miguel sways his hand, wanting them gone already. Gwen and Miles do so happily as they start to pack their needed equipment. 
“Another spider man anomaly, kinda excited for this” Miles says as he walks with a slight bounce. 
Gwen shakes her head a bit, “we do have to be careful, this is on a whole unknown planet. Not an earth. I think we need some more back up” she suggests. Miles quickly waves his hand. 
“No no, I wanna prove I got this. That we got this, alright? C’mon, I'm sure this new spider person might be going through the same thing as we all did” 
Gwen raises an eyebrow, “and that is….?”
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Cold sweat, stick hands and feet, very loud thoughts, heart racing like a loud drum, anxiety and fear building up. 
Spider was standing upside down from the ceiling of his room. How did he even get up there? He woke up feeling very odd, feeling like he might have a cold or something. But no, this is much worse. His hands felt so sticky, clinging onto his clothes and walls like some tough clue. This can't be puberty, he already went through that a long while ago. So what is this? Spider was sure he didn't eat anything bad that could affect this. 
“Ok…ok….one step at a time” spider whispers to himself as he slowly takes his time to walk down from the ceiling. 
He needs to get out at some point, Norm or max will start to worry and might get into his room. Maybe visit mo'at to see if she can help him. So quickly he gets dressed with just his loincloth and other items, he does it so fast that he makes a run for it towards the exit of the lab. 
“Spider wait!!” he hears norm shout. 
“I WILL EAT AT THE VILLAGE!!” spider shouts back as he makes it out. Still running and not stopping until he reaches the edge of the village, catching his breath. Rubbing his rose and under his eyes to wipe off the tiny beads of sweat. 
Wait, his nose? 
Touching his face spider immediately realized something. 
He isnt wearing his mask, and he is breathing in the air. He is breathing pandorian air! 
Just what is exactly going on? 
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Woa…..” miles and gwen say in unison. 
They arrived at the unknown dimension, landing in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic place. Tall buildings covered in trees, plants, metals now rustic, vines covering what used to look like roads. 
“They sure this isn't an Earth variation…? Cause….kinda looks like Earth….did a zombie breakout happen?” miles questions as he observes everything. 
“I never see plants like these in any Earth variation…” gwen replies as she bends down to observe a very odd yet beautiful flower. 
“Signal is kinda weak. Gonna be tricky to report to miguel or lyla calling in” miles says as he taps on his watch. 
Standing up, gwen goes back to miles, “we better lie low. We better not catch any attention if there are humans or other life forms” 
Nodding, miles and gwen put on their masks and hoods. Shooting out their webs they start to swing away. Taking in the whole sight of whatever the area was. 
“Kinda reminds me of that one game I play, ‘The Few of Us’. Its like a zombie based game but man those zombies were terrifying! They made this weird noise that makes you want to-” 
“MILES HIDE!!” Gwen shouts. 
Miles turns to see a very large, terrifying winged creature coming straight at him. 
Quickly he swings the other way, trying to get out of that things view. 
“WHAT IS THAT THING!?” he shouts. Going zig zag at the tall buildings. Gwen shoots her webs at the wings but it was flying too fast, the wind was making it worse. It weighs like a ton  against her chest. Making her web rip. 
The creature roared out. Making sharp turns and following miles really closely behind. He makes a high flip and lands on top of a dome like building, quickly turning himself invisible. The creature landed right beside him, roaring out in anger. 
Miles stood still, trying to calm his breathing. 
The creature leaned down to look around in detail. This gave a close up of the creature. It had 4 eyes, two on each side, its skin was mixed of blues and black. Having very large wings with razor claws. Its sharp teeth, sharper than any creature miles has seen. Truly terrifying. 
After moments, the thing gave up and flew away. 
Miles released his breath, falling down on his knees. That was so close. 
“MILES!” gwen lands in front of him, checking for any injures on her friend. 
“Just what the hell was that?!” she asks. 
“Hell if I know…but lyla was right……this aint earth. No earth of any type would have a thing like that in their world..” miles says in between panting breathes. 
“So…where are we…?” gwen asks. 
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“This is so groooooooooooss!!” 
Spider felt disgusted shivers all over his body. 
He just wanted fruit, ok? He was reaching for a good banana fruit but it was too high. He wanted it really badly, so in a thrust of his arm, something came out. It was white but also transparent, and very sticky. 
It came out of his wrist. 
“What the hell is this?!” spider asks himself. 
He kept shooting more of the sticky stuff around trees and plants. The more he did it, the more gross and disgusted it was. 
He can't show this to his friends. What will they think of this? Norm and Max will want to check it out no doubt, though they might give him answers. Them being the nerdy and curious scientists they are, will want to experiment. That is something spider does not want. 
No, this is something spider has to figure out on his own. 
Could this be a gift from Eywa? Has she blessed him with something? Breathing the air without the mask is amazing, but did not expect to come with more stuff. 
Kiri might help but spider is scared she will be freaked out. 
So spider keeps on shooting, practicing his angles while figuring out just what to make of this new found ability. No na’vi has this. Not even the dreamwalkers. Maybe this is something only spider has? He isn't sure. 
“Only one way to find out” spider says to himself as he begins to cover the area with the weird stuff.
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“Ok, I think we can agree we are on an alien planet,” Miles says. 
“So alien” Gwen says while having a traumatized look in her eyes. 
Miles wandered around the large forest area. Having seen creatures that can only come out of the minds of  mad people. Large beasts, creepy looking insects, plants they have never seen before. This is more weird than anything they have ever encountered. 
“How the hell are we even going to find a spider person around here?” miles ask while climbing over a big tree root. 
“Is the spider person even human….” gwen whispers. 
“Are those webs…?” 
Gwen catches up to miles to see what he is seeing. 
There in front of them were large spider webs, plants and the ground covered in it. 
“We are getting close…” 
Before anymore can be said, their legs were lifted up high in the ground, making them hang upside down. More webs were wrapping them together, back to back. 
“Woa woa woa! Hey!! We arent gonna hurt you!!” Gwen shouts. 
“Mask! Mask!” Miles tried to take his off but his hands were tied. 
“Who are you?” a voice was heard. A figure landed before them. 
Gwen and miles looked to see who it was. A tall muscular young man with dreads and wearing nothing but a loin cloth was standing before them. The stood stared silently. Their spider senses were going wild again, telling them that the person in front of them was the other spider variant. 
“Who are you!?” the person asks again. 
“I-im miles! This is my friend Gwen, "Miles replies quickly. 
“Why do you look like that?” the stranger points at their faces. 
“These are our masks! We didn't want to re-” 
Without saying much, the stranger took off their masks. Revealing their real faces. 
“....you can breathe without the oxygen masks?” the stranger asks. 
“What?” Gwen and Miles ask at the same time. 
“No, look, this is gonna sound weird but we came to look for the spider variant. Im guess that is you” trying to get on to the main subject, miles chooses his words carefully. 
“We came from another world looking for you. Can you please let us go?” he pleads. 
The stranger crosses his arms, not impressed. 
“Why should I trust you?” he asks. 
“We can do the same thing, look” miles shoots webs near the strangers feet, gwen doing the same. 
“See? We have the same ability” 
“Well, almost all the same” gwen adds. 
“Can you let us go? We came just for you” miles says. 
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“Ok clearly we started off on the wrong foot. How about a redo, yeah?” Miles suggests as he rubs his wrists from being freed. The stranger agrees. 
“Alright, for starters, what is your name?” he asks. 
“Spider,” the stranger replies. Miles shook his head. 
“No, like your real name. Im miles” 
“Miles,” Spider says. 
“Yeah see? So, your name?” miles goes on. 
“Miles” the stranger replies. This kinda irked miles. 
“No, your real name” he pushes. 
“Miles” the stranger says as if the was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Boy are you a parrot? I said your re-” 
“Miles, I think that is his real name” Gwen intervenes. Miles looks at her, then at the new guy. 
“Your name is….miles?” he asks. 
“That's what i'm saying” the stranger says while raising his shoulders a bit. 
“You have a nickname or something?” Gwen asks. 
“Spider” the stranger replies. 
“Yeah that's not helping….” 
“I'm told I am also a ‘half Latino’...?” the stranger says. 
“That's worse” miles says while rubbing his forehead. 
“Miles, I think he is a variation of you” Gwen teases. This seemed to horrify him. 
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Spider was a bit conflicted. He hasn't seen these people anywhere, telling him they are from different dimensions? Is that even possible? On top of that, they know exactly what is going on with him? This day really is stranger all over. 
“Ok….um…spider, can you tell us where we are exactly?” the blonde girl, gwen was her name, asked. 
“You came here, shouldn't you know?” spider asks back. 
“We should but this is not earth, so it's not so easily readable and no records are kept. If you can tell us, we can write down what you know "Gwen reasons. 
“No” spider said. 
This came as a surprise to Miles and gwen. 
“What? Why?” Miles asks, not liking the answer they were given. 
“You are humans, how can I trust you that you won't use the information for terrible things? This place and the people have been through enough” spider was getting slightly angry at the moment. Despite being similar age, spider can't risk trusting these strangers. Eywa forbid they do something terrible. 
“We promise, we just need enough so it can be put in our records files. It is where we store all information of all dimensions and the different earths there are. Your world is a special case spider. And so are you "Gwen tries to make peace and she can tell tensions will rise soon. 
“Special?” spider repeats. 
“Yes, special, like us. You went through what is called a canon event. A very important moment where all spider people go through” miles adds. 
“You're losing me, what the hell is a canon event? Spider person?” Spider couldn't process what they were telling him. Is any of it true or just utter bullshit? 
“Maybe we should try another method,” Miles suggested. Nodding, Gwen and miles show their watches to him. 
“I am Miles Morales, and I come from Earth 1610, where I am….”
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It was so much to process, so many things to absorb. Spider man? Dimensions? Spider HQ? Canon events? Spider felt his head was going to explode. That was so much to process. On top of that, now he is part of this whole spiderverse? 
“So…..what now?” spider asks. 
“What now? Now you are the hero of this world, man” miles nudges spider’s shoulders. 
But spider shakes his head, “no, I can't be a hero. I'm only seen as a burden to everybody. They already have a hero in this world, and that is not me. I probably will mess up this whole thing” 
Gwen and Miles share a look, seeing spider this insecure touches a very familiar feeling to them both. Hearing these same words and understanding. They have been there. 
“No one is a burden spider, whoever says that, well screw them alright? If this world has a hero as you said, who said they can only have one? If anything, two is better” miles says, trying to uplift spider. 
“It's not that easy” 
Gwen leans a bit more, “its a big change. Trust me, it just happens. Waking up, feeling weird, not feeling like yourself. Finding out you can do things no one else can. It is a hard thing to accept, hell, we are still kids. But it is something that does happen. Sadly not a choice we can pick. But we are chosen for a reason. You were chosen for a reason” 
Spider looks down at the ground. Can he even be worthy of such power? Can he handle all the problems and situations that can occur? 
“Best part though, you are not alone. Yeah you might be the only spiderman in your world but not in the universe. Here, with this, you can contact us” miles puts a high tech watch on spider’s wrist. 
“I thought I was alone in this, thankfully I'm not. I have Gwen, and other friends. You have us too” 
“There is a saying that we spider people follow,” gwen smirks. 
“With great power comes great responsibility” she and miles say in unison. 
 Spider chuckles at that, responsibility. Oh he knows that very well. 
“Hey, about how about we make a little deal?” miles offered. 
“We help you with the basics on controlling your new powers, and you give us a detour of this place. Sounds good?” 
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Miles and Gwen were in such awe of this place. Pandora as spider said, was so astounding, something straight out of an alien movie! Well, it is an alien planet. 
The creatures were so beautiful yet terrifying. Spider explained the creature that chased them is called an ikran. Majestic things. Yeh nightmare fuel. Actually, that is almost all of the creatures in pandora. Beautiful yet scary looking. For miles though, he took a lot of pictures so that he can draw them later. 
“Let me take you to the village! But we gotta hide so they won't see you” spider says as he happily shoots his webs and swings from tree to tree. He has gotten better in how to shoot his webs, still can't get over how freaky it is. But amazing nonetheless. He can do so much more now with his new found abilities. 
Following his moves, Gwen and miles land on a giant tree and begin to crawl around. Spider was really silent, making sure to hide in the shadows. Gesturing them to come closer, spider pushes some branches aside so they can see. 
“This is the Omatikiaya village, its where my friends live and I come to visit” he says. 
“Oh my god….” 
Moving around were large, tall blue people! They have tails, 4 fingers, all wearing simple clothing and everyone was doing something. 
“Woa….” was all could come out of Miles' mouth. 
“They are called na’vi. Very peaceful and amazing” spider says, enjoying his new friend's reactions. 
Gwen was carefully recording it all. 
“Spider, this is incredible. I cant believe what I'm seeing” gwen whispered, surprised she can form words with how speechless she is. 
“Can we go down there?” miles ask. 
“Spider scratches his head, “I wish I can say yes but the people arent so keen on meeting new humans. They tolerate me and a few others because we aid them and the chief is close friends with the other humans” 
“What about the other humans?” gwen asks. 
“Also not a good idea. They too are effy about meeting new people, they get suspicious very faster” spider replies. 
“Its a long, long long story” 
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Spider showed more until it was time for miles and gwen to go back to HQ. But not before doing something special for spider. 
“Every spiderman has their symbol, their identity. They may all seem similar but everyone has their own twist to it” miles says as he is careful with the blue paint. 
“We cant wait to see you again, and this time with more friends for you to meet” gwen adds as she paints spider’s back. 
Hearing all of this made spider really happy. While he hasn't seen the HQ, he looks forward to seeing other people like him one day. 
“I get the feeling you might get along with our good friend Pav, he is super funny but loves tea” Miles chuckles a bit as he finishes up. He puts his hand in his pocket to grab his phone but felt something else instead. Pulling it out, it was his red shoelace! 
“I completely forgot about you” 
Spider turns to see miles holding out a red tiny rope. 
“You had it this whole time?” gwen asks. 
“Yeah, I was cleaning my room and found it. Couldn't find any shoe missing this” 
Miles looks at the shoe lace and at spider. His dreads are really long, while he isn't one to advice a haircut, perhaps an alternative. 
“Here, let me try something” was all he said before gathering spider’s dreads. 
“Hey, what are you doing??” spider says while trying to shove miles away. 
“Hold still! Let me tie it!” 
After a few short seconds, miles backs away. 
“There we go, now the spider is in full view and your dreads won't get in the way when swinging” 
Spider touches the red lace tied around his dreads, it was like a weird low poney tail. Though miles was right, he can swing without the worry of his dreads hitting his face. 
“Thanks…” he said 
“Hey, dont think this will be the last time we see eachother. We will come back, I promise” miles fist bumps spider as gwen opens a portal. 
“You better…” spider pulls both miles and gwen for a tight hug. 
“Thanks…for everything” he whispers. 
Gwen and miles hug him back. 
“Next time, Imma bring some of my moms food, you are gonna love it” 
“I look forward to it” 
Pulling away, gwen and miles wave one last time before entering the portal as it disappears. Spider smiles in happiness of this new path that he welcomes.
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Spider’s pov 
Alright everyone, lets do this! 
My name is Spider Miles Socorro. Or just spider for short. I was born on my awesome home planet, Pandora. Panet 2154 in the files. I was bitten by a weird mutant spider. Woke up feeling weird and all of a sudden I have powers! It is super cool and fun. Now I can do so many things. I can be as free than I ever was. Even better, I can protect my home. Fight alongside my friends and the people who raised me. 
Now I may be new to this whole spider thing, and I am learning as I go, but I know I will use this newfound ability to its full potential. 
So, until the next issue, this is spider the blue monkey! Out! 
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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH~!! I like how it turned out!! Both in story and my cover! I hope you all liked it cause I out it all in this one! Hope you all enjoyed it! Until next time! See ya!
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Sigh but like ok, ATSV spoilers but, that scene where Miguel is chokeslammimg and saying all that awful mean shit, which is kinda justified because from his perspective what Miles wants to do could, as far as he knows, destroy an entire universe. Well I'm such a sucker for "ok you burned me and betrayed me and now that you want my help or forgiveness, you don't get it" as a trope, so
imagine Reader being in a similar situation and of course Miguel is even starting to kind of catch feelings. You get introduced to him and the society and everything is hunky dory for a few months but, the Bad Thing Happening now has to happen to you, and, you feel hurt, you feel betrayed, you feel like all semblance of choice has been ripped away from you. Wait, you mean this super cool but massive responsibility that took you from a zero to hero... was never supposed to happen to you? You're a mistake? Like imagine you're actually doing an amazing job at being a hero and then running away from the Society, an above average gifted spider, maybe even potentially a mutant, but Miguel pins you down and says those things to you to try and get you to stop and it. Breaks you. Suddenly nothing you have ever done has ever even mattered. Wait, so they preach this horrible thing about to happen to you, that you're forcing you to not stop, THAT'S preordained, but you becoming a hero, you trying to make something of yourself, THAT'S a huge fuck up, a mistake, not supposed to happen? You don't BELONG there?
Miguel eventually comes to your cell and tries to speak to you, but you're just quietly crying and refuse to look at him. You won't talk to Peter or Gwen or anyone else, and they can't even get you to eat until you're practically vomiting from hunger and even then, it's just small, untrusting bites. They try to apologize and cheer you up but you reject any and all forms of communication and especially touch, if any of them tries to hug you, you shove them back, suddenly furious like you're about to throw punches.
You break down sobbing when you're told The Bad Thing happened, and you're asking, can you go home now? You look right at Miguel, look right in his eyes, "so you guys are going to leave me alone now, right? I get to go home and never see any of you ever again?"
That's... not quite what they wanted? You're a talented hero, just a little green! Just because you're kind of, an anomaly, doesn't mean they hate you! This wasn't personal! They realize a little too late that this didn't "forge you in the fires of adversity" or some poetic shit like that, it RUINED YOU. You hate them, you hate yourself, you hate ever donning this costume and risking your life for others only to be told it was all a mistake. You did this because you thought you were making a choice, but how is this any different than being some kind of slave, expected to burn yourself out and suffer for others?
But unlucky for you, there's some canon events Miguel will need your help with in the future, and if that means he has to atone by sticking to you like glue and forcing you to accept his mentorship as he basically drags you around forcing you to be Spiderman, then that's just what he's going to have to do. And if you turn out to be some kind of special mutant or other such creature that isn't affected by canon or shifting dimensions like they are, then, clearly there's no consequence if he wants to scoop you up for himself, right? And that will just be another reason he can have the Spider Society hunt you down with him if you ever escape his clutches
But also imagine you were destined to do something like lowkey amazing like cure cancer or develop groundbreaking tech or become one of the greatest spiders who ever lived and they check back in on you and you've like. Sold a vial of your blood to Osborne or something and you get royalties from whatever drugs he uses it for and you're just. Living a millionaire lifestyle refusing to care about anyone ever again and dont even own your spider costume anymore. Just the punishment and pain and manipulation of them realizing that they should've done things differently and they might have doomed your world in a different way altogether but also feeling guilt because they changed who you were, they don't have that person that was their friend anymore, you look at them with either hatred or indifference and just want to be left alone, and Miguel decides, ok, fixing you all up nice and better is going to become a little passion project of his
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idkbutatleastimcool · 24 days
Love is a chemical reaction
P/s: Hiii!! I’ve got no idea what I’m doing here and it’s been a while since I was writing. So pleeeeease don’t judge me and how I wrote the first chapter. Maybe it’s gonna be a series? Dunno??
Relationship: Hobie Brown x spider woman!lab worker!reader (kinda enemies to lovers??)
Word count: 1.5k
Chapter one:
Finally, just finally.
The work at the lab is of course very exciting and interesting, but oh boy how draining it is.
And the fact that Miguel is always sticking next to your side, checking if everything you do is correct, is not the most pleasant thing to experience every day.
But now, you could finally head out of the HQ and get your much required rest.
Or at least that’s what you thought..?
Your universe, to your delight, was never really attacked by anomalies or villains that wanted to take the world over, so that meant that you could stay in the lab and only go out patrolling when you really had to.
Not that you’re complaining, since it did help you stay healthy and safe without any cuts or injuries. The work there was really cool, since you loved science and loved the difficult equations you had to solve in order to get the answers. Your work actually always varied from what was required. Once it could be looking for an antidote for a spider person that was attacked on a mission. Or maybe it could be solving the issues with anomalies and where they possibly could land.
Now, your work was to solve the problem with a not so simple anomaly.
The Spot.
You’re not even sure what happened or why all of a sudden it was such a threat to the multiverse, but it definitely was irritating you, since you couldn’t solve it quickly like the other issues you had.
But the fact that you almost never had to communicate with other spiders was a pleasant thought that kept you going.
And yet, that never meant that other spideys wouldn’t want to communicate with you.
As you were walking through the endless alleys and roads of the Headquarters, you heard some really familiar voices.
Voices that were yelling your name as if their life depended on it.
You reluctantly turned around to face the individuals that seemed to be very excited to see you.
Who could that be if not Gwen and Pavitr? Your lovely companions and friends that you made during a mission a couple of months ago.
But who are the other two guys walking with them…?
You saw that one guy was walking next to Gwen, a not so tall, Latino looking guy. If you’re not wrong, his name was Miles, since Gwen was blabbering and yapping your ears full with stories of him and her.
You’re not really sure, since it was ages since she talked to you about him.
And then there was another guy that was strolling around with Pav. And Pav seemed to be very excited in telling the tall guy something you couldn’t quite hear.
As they finally approached you, Pavi was quick enough to jump onto you, but thanks to your spider powers it was no deal to hold him like a clinging child.
“Working yourself half dead?” Gwen chuckled out, clearly amused by the fact that you looked like a walking corpse.
“Very funny.” You mumbled, patting Pavitrs back with a hand, since he clearly wasn’t planning on leaving your arms soon. “But what are you even working on? It’s not like someone was hurt on a mission, or at least I didn’t hear that” She continued on asking, clearly curious about what you possibly could be doing day and night.
“Well, there’s an anomaly that’s like, going nuts or something, and it’s actively jumping from universe to universe. Miguel is constantly yapping about how dangerous that is and how I should be quicker and stuff even though he isn’t doing anything..” You finally let Pavi on the ground, still keeping eye contact with Gwen. “So yeah. That’s what I’m doing.” You explained and nodded several times. “And what’s your deal? Where you heading to and who are those?” I glanced over to the two guys standing next to Gwen and Pavitr.
“Those are Miles and Hobie! Miles is the new guy that wasn’t invited, and Hobie helped to break the shield that the Spot created!” Pav explained, looking really enthusiastic about the situation.
‘Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. The Spot?!’ You thought.
“What did the Spot create? A shield? What do you mean by that” You had to clench your teeth in order to not snap at your friends for not finding and taking Spot with them.
‘What were they even doing all this time? And they left him? Didn’t capture him?!’
“Well..” Gwen started, “I and Pavi were sent to a mission to eliminate the Spot. Miles here, came and didn’t quite help..” You looked at Gwen with a baffled look.
“Why didn’t you capture him? Why’d you let him escape?!” Your voice started to get rougher and angrier, but did you care? Not a single bit. Earlier that day you were going crazy because you couldn’t find out where the Spot was, and here they had the perfect opportunity to eliminate him without your help!
“Ey, ey, slow down.” You heard a deep and yet smooth voice from behind your back and when you turned around, you saw the tall guy from earlier that was talking to Pavitr. Hobie.
“It’s not that we wanted ‘im to escape. It just ‘appened. No need to get aggressive.” He shrugged without a care, and yet a bit defensive since you scolded them.
“You had the perfect chance to get him! You want to tell me that four Spiders can’t catch an anomaly?” You threw your hands a bit in the air, frustration getting the better of you.
“Do you ‘ear me clearly? I said that we wanted to catch him, but we couldn’t”
“I see that clearly now that you couldn’t catch him! Since he is now ruining other dimensions while we’re talking!”
“If you’re such a smartarse, why didn’t you catch ‘im yourself? Too weak for that, eh?!”
“I’m doing other things at the lab! Do you think I’m doing nothing there? I literally don’t get enough sleep!”
“Aww, go cry ‘bout it. Or go to your boss and let ‘im tell you how to live”
“No one’s telling me how to live! And what does he have to do with anything?” You started to snap, getting more and more irritated by his words.
“Everyone does it! Wouldn’t be surprised by a little prissy girly getting told how to do so!”
“Watch your mouth!”
“Watch yours first! Since you’re so smart!” He leaned a bit closer, crossing his arms to his chest.
“Hey, come on guys! We will capture him and everything is gonna be alright!” Gwen interrupted the bickering.
“Gwen! Stay out of this!” You both yelled, facing Gwen before looking at each other again.
“Go! Work a little bit more at the lab! Maybe it’ll help you!”
“Play some guitar! Maybe the screeching will help your ears!”
He scoffed and backed off
“I will! No need to tell me nuthin’!”
You watched him walk away, Pavitr following him, trying to make him feel a bit better. Maybe even pursue him not to fight with you.
“Hey.. it’s okay. We’ll find the Spot and you’ll go back to finding antidotes and your usual stuff…” Gwen put a comforting hand on your shoulder “..Hobie is just a bit frustrated himself for letting the Spot escape..” she explained.
“Mhm.” You hummed, still boring holes in Hobies’ head “I figured.”
Some hours after the encounter with a certain someone, it was already late evening. You were working at the lab, in hopes that it’ll help your nerves and calm you down before going home. As you were sitting at your lab desk, mixing some weird looking liquids into a test tube, you heard the automatic door opening, followed by heavy steps.
“What do you want, Miguel.” You mumbled as you concentrated on the liquids.
“I wanted to talk about something.”
“I’m listening.”
“I want your full attention.”
“Miguel. At least you don’t annoy me.” You gritted through your teeth, losing the concentration on the mixture.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes at your response.
“Alright. Just listen.”
“I’m all ears.”
“You heard about the Spot, right?”
“The Spot?? Who?? I have no clue who he is!” You mocked him, your irritation multiplying by 10.
“No need to get bratty.”
“Oh, my deepest apologies!”
He sighed, facepalming his face just the slightest.
“Fine. The spot is ruining many dimensions, and we finally tracked him down and we know where he is” he started. “Since you know how to handle the antidotes you can go and help another Spider capture him.” He explained carefully. You sighed softly before turning around in your swivel chair, facing Miguels’ big form.
“Fine. Who am I going with?” You asked lazily before the door opens and the sounds of heavy, clacky boots filled the room. You followed the sound with your eyes, turning your head to face the person, before your unattended mixture explodes..
“Hello, darlin’”
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caniruineverything · 28 days
i can feel it in my fists, it’s time to shatter
a ben tennyson h/c fic
Summary: After a fight goes terribly and Gwen gets hurt, Ben blames himself. Kevin and Gwen find him taking his anger out on the punching bag, and do their best to comfort him.
read below or on ao3
The fight had gone terribly. As Captain Edward A. Murphy had predicted, everything that could have gone wrong did. First, they had been ambushed. Then, their communication system died and Ben’s Omnitrix was on the fritz again. And to top off the world’s worst sundae was Kevin’s car deciding to break down, leaving them stranded.
They had done their best and had even managed to force the enemy to back off, but it was costly. Gwen had taken a particularly nasty hit and was somewhat dazed for a while. Kevin thought that maybe this was the moment something snapped in Ben’s brain.
Up until that point, Ben had been fighting as he normally did, albeit slightly handicapped by the malfunctioning Omnitrix. It would be funny in any other circumstance, but Kevin saw no humor in it now. Ben, too, was getting pummeled by the countless DNAliens, struggling to keep them at bay. Kevin swore the Oknitrix gave its wearer the worst possible aliens for the current fight.
Ben was managing, barely, to avoid getting overtaken, but it likely wouldn't last. Kevin was busy with his own squad, as was Gwen, though Ben had it the worst.
That is, until a scream rang out. Kevin’s blood ran cold, his body recognizing Gwen even before his brain did. He glanced over, and there she was, on the ground, dazed and surrounded by overeager DNAliens.
Just as Gwen’s scream faded from his ears, a loud roar rang out. Ben, now a Humungousaur, swiped a giant claw down, taking out at least ten aliens. The hairs on the back of Kevin’s neck stood up at the look of sheer rage on Ben’s face.
After witnessing their fellow aliens get decimated, the remaining DNAliens fled. Ben chased after them, yelling, but to no avail.
Kevin immediately raced on to Gwen, who was sitting up, though still seemed a bit hazy. A detransformed Ben rushed over, silently checking to see if his cousin was alright. Kevin helped her stand and the two slowly walked over to the car. Kevin could hear Ben muttering angrily to himself under his breath, but he only made out a few words.
“... stupid... useless... how could... hurt... I hate..."
Kevin helped Gwen into the passenger seat, while Ben climbed into the back, still angrily muttering. The ride home, after Kevin had managed to start the car, was pretty quiet. Kevin couldn’t tell what either of the Tennyson cousins were thinking, their faces the same eerie blank expression.
Kevin would never tell them this, but sometimes they were so alike, it was terrifying.
The resting seemed to have helped Gwen, who was able to get into the house without assistance. She settled on the couch, while Kevin finished checking out the car. He still couldn’t figure out why it had failed, and it was really bothering him.
Neither of them noticed Ben slink away, hands clenched into fists and sheer anger on his face. Only when Kevin wandered inside to check on Gwen and asked where Ben was that realized they hadn’t seen him in a while.
"Should I go find him?," Kevin offered, thinking Gwen might want to stay put. But she shook her head.
“I'll come with you. He's been so quiet, it’s weird.” Kevin agreed. Ben was often loud, his big personality demanding attention. Sometimes it got annoying, but most of the time it was endearing. For him to be silent for so long was unlike him. Kevin tried to push away the voice that whispered that something was wrong.
The two searched the house, finding nothing until they wandered outside. There, they heard noises coming from the garage, and nearly ran inside. There, in the dark, was Ben, hitting the punching bag as hard as he could, over and over.
Gwen flicked the lights on as they entered, but Ben didn’t seem to notice.
“Ben?,” Gwen called out, confused. Ben didn’t look over, didn’t even falter, he just kept punching. Gwen reached out to grab his shoulder, but Kevin stopped her.
“Careful. He's angry. I don’t want you to get hurt again.” Gwen looked back at Ben, then sighed.
"What do we do? He’s gonna hurt himself." It was Kevin's turn to sigh. Then, he walked behind the punching bag and moved it out of Ben's reach. Ben had already begun a swing, and the momentum threw him into Kevin.
Kevin gently grabbed Ben’s wrists, careful to avoid his bruised, bloody knuckles. Ben looked up at him, and the intensity of the anger on his face took Kevin’s breath away, before it vanished, leaving terror and sadness in its place.
Ben all but collapsed into Kevin's arms, shaking. It was only when Kevin felt his shirt getting damp did he realize Ben was crying. Gwen ran over and wrapped her arms around her sobbing cousin.
“What’s wrong, Ben?,” she asked gently. He said nothing for a few moments before answering shakily.
“Everything.” He paused, and neither Kevin nor Gwen breathed. "I couldn’t work the Omnitrix, I couldn’t stop the DNAliens, I let you get hurt!” His voice caught and Gwen grabbed him tighter.
“Not everything is your fault, Ben. Sometimes things happen. Cars break down. People get hurt. You’re not responsible for everything.” He glanced up at her, teary eyed, and Kevin watched Gwen’s heart break.
"But I should have fought better, then you wouldn't be hurt.”
“No, Ben. Listen to me. It wasn’t your fault. And besides, I'm okay. We’ve all had worse.” She was staring directly into Ben’s eyes, clearly imploring him to believe her, and some miracle - no, that was all Gwen, wonderful Gwen - he did. Kevin felt Ben sag into his chest and the younger boy let out a deep sigh.
“Hey, Tennyson,” Kevin interjected, voice softer than he meant it to be, “let me bandage your hands.” Kevin felt Ben nod, entirely drained. Kevin picked him up, carrying him into the house and setting him onto the couch where Gwen had just been recovering. Gwen sat next to him, wrapping an arm around him.
Kevin went in search of a first aid kit, soon finding one in the bathroom cabinet. When he returned to the living room, Ben was resting his head on Gwen’s shoulder, looking tired but a bit happier. Gently, Kevin took one of Ben’s hands and winced. He had really done a number on them. The bruising had spread, creating a large dark splotch on each hand. The knuckles were split, and dried and wet blood covered the back of his hands and wrists.
"Jeez Tennyson. I understand the urge to punch stuff, but that must have hurt."
Worryingly enough, Ben responded with: “Didn't feel it.” He followed it up with: “Hurts now, though.” Kevin wasn’t surprised. Still, he was as gentle as he could be. Ben still winced and exhaled sharply on occasion, which was in a dagger in Kevin’s heart every time. Once was done cleaning the wound, Ben relaxed, and by the time Kevin had wrapped Ben’s knuckles, the brunette was asleep.
Gwen pushed Ben’s hair out of his eyes, then settled next to her cousin and drifted off to sleep. Kevin gazed at them for a while before seating himself on the other side of Ben and falling asleep as well. And if pictures of the three were taken by the first person to happen upon them, well, they don’t need to know.
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not-soup-333 · 1 year
I'm Nobody's Rockstar Girlfriend (pt 1)
Hobie Brown x Fem Musician!reader Warnings: N/A Synopsis: Hobie ends up missing part of the most important gig of your career to date, and not only has it been an increasing theme, but you're getting fed up. Other Details: a little angst maybe? (happy ending tho), reader doesn't know Hobie's spider-man, use of pet names instead of y/n, established relationship, Gwen is in this but it's like Gwen in Hobie's universe so she's not a spider person, I'm assuming with earth-42 miles and other Miguel there are others of all the spider people A/N: I'm more in the metal scene than punk so wish me luck. (I am a musician tho so sorry if desc of show stuff/slang seems a little funky weird or technical.) Also, I may have accidentally gotten a little too into how much the music industry hates women a tad sorry guys. (Also if you guys want to see more please don't be afraid to send me some asks!!)
You loved Hobie Brown. Especially when he was on stage. There was something magical about being in an audience full of people and still knowing every song he sang was one that you'd heard first. Every lyric had been bounced off you before it ever made it under the stage lights. The way the light hit his dark skin always made him almost look like he was glowing. Long fingers gliding over the fretboard as he played.
You loved him even more after the performance when he made a beeline for you. Those long fingers you loved tracing designs into your hips as he asked you what you thought, the look in his eyes hoping you loved it each time.
But right now really wasn’t the time to be focusing on Hobie’s music. You were supposed to be focusing on the show you were playing tonight. As you finished checking the tuning of your guitar for the third time, you glanced out of the dingy side room you and two other bands had been shoved into. You definitely weren't looking for Hobie. Even though he'd promised he’d bring you dinner and a pep talk before the show since you’d forgotten to grab something after load-in and sound check had started. Especially when Gwen’s drum set had fallen apart halfway through her setting it up.
As your eyes scanned the large room, it was nearly packed wall to wall with people. "Be back in a minute!" You called over your shoulder to your bandmates before slamming the door behind you. (It had a habit of not closing if you didn't do it forcefully.)
Wandering the large room, you saw a lot of faces you recognized and many more you didn't. Finally after what felt like an eternity of searching you found a few of Hobie's friends standing near the far wall. Walking up, you stopped in front of the group. "Have you seen Hobie?"
One of them looked down and smiled. "Hey, what are you doing here?"
That question made you pause and glance around again. Had Hobie not invited them? You hadn’t thought about that before he’d walked up, he was usually the loudest person in the crowd during your sets. "I'm playing tonight."
"Oh! Congrats! We'll make sure to cheer for you." One of Hobie’s other friends raised his beer in agreement.
"Did Hobie not come with you then?" You felt your face heat by the question, not liking how it probably made you seem reliant on your boyfriend to them.
"Nah. He was supposed to, but then he ran off. Said he forgot something at home or something like that."
Your throat went dry with the answer and you nodded once. He didn't miss gigs. Something had to be wrong. "Oh, okay."
"I'll give him a call and let you know if I see him after the set though."
"Thanks." You mustered up as you turned away from the group. "I'll see you guys later."
As you returned backstage a few people called out a hello and you mustered up a smile before slamming the door shut behind you again and leaning against it. Gwen, looked up from her phone and saw your face, immediately turning to concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Hobie’s… god I feel stupid saying this it’s just… Hobie’s not here.” You covered your face with your hands and tried to push the tears down that were welling up in your eyes. You didn’t like feeling this way. Like your heart was about to burst out of your chest simply because your boyfriend had missed a gig. You had been a fiercely independent person your whole life until you’d met Hobie about a year ago at a basement show. From that moment you’d felt like your life had been tied to his, and suddenly it was important that he missed your show.
“Oh… it’s okay I’m sure he’ll show up. He’s not the kind of guy who’d miss a gig this big for you.”
That sat heavy in your stomach for a long moment before you felt anger rise up in your throat. “This isn’t the first time he’s missed one though, and he’s been missing them more frequently lately. I mean, I haven’t missed one.”
Gwen fell silent but placed a hand on your shoulder as you continued spiraling further and further into your thoughts. “I’m almost always there for his shows and when I’m not there it’s usually some crazy circumstance, and I always listen to his songs before he plays them on stage. I’m supportive of him all the time so where is he right now? Gwen, I will not just be some rockstar’s girlfriend. I have my own career to worry about.”
Gwen nodded and her hand slid off your shoulder. “It sounds like you need to talk to him.”
“Well, I’d love to if I knew where he was!” You shouted, kicking the door right before the headliner’s manager pulled it open. “You guys go on in five.”
Turning to grab your guitar and sling it over your shoulder, you gave your band a look and said. “Let’s go prove we’re a real fucking band yeah?”
While the rest of your band nodded in agreement, Gwen just sighed and grabbed her sticks from where they lay next to her drum pad.
Nothing but adrenaline was going through your veins as you stepped out onto the stage, the bright lights making it impossible to make out most of the crowd as per usual. Still, you noticed when halfway through your set a familiar head of wicks entered the door. That was enough for you to boil over the edge. Turning to the rest of the band after the song was over you pushed the mic you’d been near away from your mouth. “Let’s finish with the new one.”
“But you haven’t been able to finish it without messing up.” Your singer said, pushing her own mic away from her mouth for the moment. 
Knowing this was precious time wasted you shook your head. “Let’s do it.”
“Is this about Hobie?” Gwen said from over her cymbals as your singer turned back to the audience.
“No.” You lied. Well, only partially lied. You needed to prove yourself, but it was also a better closer than the one you all had settled for. And you’d gotten the riff at least once in practice without messing it up. “It’ll be fine. We're going to kick ass." You walked back to your amp and hit the pedal switching the channel for the next song and the show went on.
Your eyes, betraying you, continued to flit back to Hobie as he joined his friends and continued to watch you from the corner. You hated him right now, and the guts he had to show up late to the gig that could possibly be your break. But still his eyes met yours and the smile he gave you made the rest of the world melt away. If only for a moment. Because then you remembered you were mad at him and turned your focus back to your guitar.
By what was either talent or sheer adrenaline, it was the best show you’d ever played. At the end your fingers were sore, and one may have been beginning to crack, but it was good. Incredible even. As you stepped off the stage, breathing heavily and grinning. You saw Hobie leaning against the door to get backstage, arms folded over his chest and legs crossed.
When his eyes met yours he immediately pushed himself off of the wall and began walking to you, a grin on his face. You couldn’t decide if you wanted to kiss him or yell at him. “You were on top of it Love. That was amazing.”
“It would have been even better if you’d been here for the whole thing.” You replied without fully thinking. Well, you supposed it was going to be the latter now.
“I’m really sorry, something came up. I got here as fast as I could.” One of his hands went to your hip but you pushed past him.
“Unlike one of us here, I’m reliable and have to go help with load-out. Let’s talk about this later.”
“I ain’t the one picking a fight here Ma,” Hobie said, wrenching the door open and holding it for you. A twinge of annoyance had entered his voice which left you feeling both oddly satisfied and like a black hole had opened in the pit of your stomach. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it for the whole thing but I really tried to be here.”
“Yeah well, sometimes trying just isn’t enough. I’ve never missed a gig of yours. Except that one time I was really sick but that doesn’t count. And not only that, but this is the most important gig I’ve ever had.” You laid your guitar in its case and latched it shut with more force than was likely necessary. You unclipped the ring that had the key on it from your belt loop and locked the case with such a loud click for a moment you worried that you’d broken off the end in the lock before you pulled it out and put it back on your hip. “I always do my best to support you as much as I can and I haven’t been getting that in return lately. And Hobie I may love you more than even I understand but I am not just some rockstar’s girlfriend and I’m not going to be.”
“Okay.” Hobie’s face was unreadable as he reached out and grabbed your guitar case from where it still lay on the ground. Guilt already began settling in your stomach.
“Car’s in the back yeah?” His deep brown eyes didn’t look at you as he pushed the door open and walked out behind the venue.
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angelynmoon · 3 months
Merlin and Lancelot emerge from their self imposed isolation after three days, Merlin with a skip in their step and Lancelot with a smile that Gwaine called smug.
Hunith handed Theron over with little fuss and no comment on Merlin's change, Effie and Ellie also don't comment except to start calling Merlin mum rather than daddy.
Merlin does refuse to turn the handful of people who ignored their warning back into humans, stating that they needed to learn their lessons about interrupting their time with Lancelot, though Merlin assured Arthur later that the effects would wear off within the week.
Lancelot, while always protective of Merlin, takes it to a new level now that they are carrying a child, he stands guard for Merlin and Gwen both as they talk about what is to come for their pregnancies with Freya, Merlin insists that Hunith stay, they refuse to intertain the idea of someone else delivering their child, and Hunith has assisted in many births, their villiage was very small.
Gaius checks in on Merlin and Gwen, but he has other duties and both are more comfortable speaking with Hunith about woman's problems that crop up.
Arthur is suddenly glad he'd thought to invite Hunith to Camelot, she gave the Castle a softer touch and it was good for Gwen and Merlin to have a mother around, plus all the children adored Grandmum Hunith, even Morgana would only sit still for lessons if Hunith was the one teaching them.
Lancelot is not the only Knight to get more protective over Merlin and Gwen, Arthur knows he has, insisting that Merlin sit whenever possible, and there may be a squire whose only job is to follow his wife with a padded chair for if she needs rest.
Both Merlin and Gwen roll their eyes at him when he offers them chairs, but neither stop him and he's glad for that.
He's worried, more than he thought he'd be, about both pregnancies, his mother died in childbirth, and though no one speaks of it, Uther tried for a spare heir many times, only Morgana survived of his siblings and none of their mothers left the birthing bed alive.
So, Arthur worries and he tries to make life as stress free for his wife and his best friend as he can, he keeps Lancelot in the Castle when he'd normally send him on missions hexd trust to no one else, Gwaine and Percival have taken over those missions, Elyan kept close for Gwen.
But sometimes he dreams, they are not happy dreams, he dreams of blood soaked sheets, of hands pushing a screaming babe at him and of sorrow filled eyes as news of his wife's death are dilivered, the person dead in the birthing bed switches between Merlin and Gwen with no rhyme or reason.
On those nights Arthur cannot bring himself to stay in his marriage bed, it's the bed that would bring his wife's death on those nights and he can't stay there.
The guards make no comment as he leaves his chambers, both of them remaining at the doors as Arthur goes for a midnight walk.
Hunith finds him in his mother's garden, she does not speak, only sits next to him on the bench and pulls him into a hug that he sinks into, he can't help it, it's a mother's hug, something he never got until Merlin came into his life and stayed there.
"Merlin won't let anything happen to Gwen, and neither will Freya." Hunith told him.
"I can't stop dreaming about it, my mother..." Arthur said quietly.
"Your mother's circumstances were quite different, as were all the others." Hunith stopped him, "Your Father banned Magic, you cannot commit the atrosities that he did without consequence, that it came at the expense of other's lives was his own selfishness because he did not stop at the first woman."
"How can I stop dreaming of them dying?" Arthur asked, "I can't stop seeing them die, I can't..., I don't want to have a child at Gwen's expense, and I don't want Merlin to die either."
Hunith looked at him and hummed, "I can give you a draught for the dreams, but it doesn't relieve the cause of them, only a successful birth can do that. But Merlin and Gwen are strong, they have good odds, especially with a Goddess on their side." Hunith motioned to the pond that Freya often lounged in, though she appeared absent tonight,nfir which Arthur was glad.
"It's alright to be frightened, Arthur, I was scared when I realised I was going to have Merlin, I was alone, unwed, and Merlin showed signed of Magic long before I gave birth, it's normal, things will turn out right, you'll see. Now, come on, I'll make you a snack and some warm milk before you head off to bed." Hunith said as she got up.
Arthur followed her, anxieties soothed over for the moment, he was sure to continue his protectiveness but no one was blaming him for that, even Lancelot seemed to understand Arthur's overprotectiveness when it came to the man's Mate and shared the sentiment with Gwen.
Come to think of it Gwaine was extreemly protective of Gwen and Merlin as well, perhaps it was a Dragon thing, either way, Arthur was glad that so many people were looking after his wife and his best friend, even if he still worried.
A/n: So, I figured that Arthur might have some anxieties about Gwen and Merlin's pregnancies and this chapter came along to explore them.
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iluvxiaaa · 10 months
— dimension // 1610!miles x spiderwoman!reader
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“ here in this dimension , you and I are meant to be.. ”
— in which the reader visits miles with their newfound power.
— the story takes place after the first movie.
— fluff
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it’s been three months since you were fighting doc ock to close the collider with some spider people from other dimensions.
to be honest, the spider people you met was really cool. you all got really close in less then a week.
but there was one person you were specially close with. miles morales. you both had such a good chemistry. there was no time to rest when your trying to get back to your dimension, but both of you somehow found a way to have fun together. he was the best friend you could ever ask for.
but to everyone else it wasn’t like that. it was obvious you both liked each other. the way he looked at you and blushed every time you ‘jokingly’ flirted with him wasn’t just platonic.
gwen would always tell you this.
she was just looking to deep into it, right?? like of course you don’t like him. he’s only your best—
you were snapped out of your thoughts as you heard your teacher calling your name.
“you weren’t listening again, weren’t you?” the teacher said, annoyed. “you need stop getting lost in thought and pay attention sometimes. i know you’re smart, your test results show that. but class participation is 40% of your grade. please, try to pay attention and answer more.” “sorry. It won’t happen again.” you mumbled, looking down at your desk.
the teacher sighed and started closing the subject.
as soon as the bell rang, you were out. your backpack been packed ever since you walked in.
you had a group of friends but you didn’t stop to see them. all you wanted to do is just go home. which is quite weird, you love hanging out with your friends.
you sat on the roof of your apartment building in your suit, thinking about the friends you met just because of an incident.
miles, gwen, peter b. parker , peter porker, spidernoir, and peni. they all held a special place in your heart. but if you had to choose, miles would’ve had the most impact.
in your defense, not just anyone could make you feel how he made you feel. he had a special type of charm and personality that you like and—
maybe you didddd like him a bit.
but there was no way to see him again, so you might as well get over this little crush you have, right?
you boredly shot a web out and suddenly a portal summoned where your web was supposed to land.
“the hell..?” you mumbled. This never happened to you before. It was extremely unnatural and weird .. so….
you hopped in.
whats the harm in a little fun? it’s not like you couldn’t protect yourself just in case. it could’ve been different if you couldn’t.
you checked out your surroundings and it looks pretty similar, but you can’t remember where from.
suddenly, you heard footsteps coming from outside of the room. you quickly hid inside of the closet. you didn’t have invisibility like miles did.
but you accidentally had knocked a figure down while scrambling to quickly hide in the closet.
“how did this even fall..?” the boy mumbled as he picked back up the figure in the box and placed it back on the shelf.
yeah, you could hide ‘n stuff, but you couldn’t hide your big ass feet hitting everything in their path.
the boy had heard you kick something down and he went to go check.
he opened the door and you saw his face.. Miles?!
“..! I know you’re there. your clumsiness and scent isn’t hard to spot.”
getting out of your hiding spot, you tackled him into the bed and hugged him, happily.
“hey, how did you get here?” he brightly smiled back and hugging you back.
“ I MIGHT have a new powerrrr~! ” she happily said, looking up at him.
“I missed you a lot.” he said, his smile and voice turning softer.
“I missed you too miles.”
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— nun too speciallll
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thiccpettybitch · 1 year
🕸 Bitter Sweet - Ch. 4 Miguel O’hara x F!Reader 🕸
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What would you do for a fresh doughnut?👀
Slight smut. Upcoming chapters will have a lot more mature content!
Part 5
The following morning, you woke up feeling great. Reaching for your phone, you noticed that Gwen had asked how it went. She had even sent you a few worried wellness checks, prompting you to reply right away, even though it was early in the morning.
(You: "Hey! Sorry for not responding earlier. I ended up falling asleep a bit earlier than usual. It went really well, though. I had fun and even found a new comfort food. Save a seat for me in art class?")
After getting up, you took a quick shower, brushed your teeth, and got dressed. Opting for simplicity, you chose a pair of jeans and an oversized T-shirt that you could tuck into the front of your pants. Standing in front of the mirror, you did a quick spin, satisfied with the end result. Moving to your dresser, you selected a few matching pieces of jewelry and put them on. Your attention then shifted to the bracelet on your wrist. Grabbing onto it, you turned it around so that the letters faced you:
"Best friend."
Shaking your head, you silently grabbed your backpack and headed downstairs to say good morning to your aunt and uncle.
As you entered the kitchen, expecting to see your aunt, you found your uncle sitting at the table, reading a newspaper and sipping his coffee.
"Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?" he asked, looking up at you with a smile.
You nodded your head and replied, "Mhm, s'was great," you said between bites of his toast. He playfully swatted at your hand, snatching his toast back with laughter.
"Get ready, and I'll drive you to school if you want," he offered. You shook your head, as you put your shoes on, "That's fine, uncle Ben. I enjoy the train ride in the morning."
He frowned slightly but reluctantly agreed. "Tell you what, sweetheart. Why don't you treat yourself to something sweet from the café down the street? It's my treat for all the help you've given me this summer." Your uncle held out a folded bill, and you accepted it gratefully.
"Thank you, I do have a bit of a sweet tooth this morning," you grinned, and he chuckled, shaking his head. You jogged over to your uncle, giving him a kiss on the cheek as you accepted the bill. "I'll see you later!" you said as you grabbed your coat and headed for the door.
"See you later! Stay safe! If you come across any trouble, turn around and head the other way immediately! You hear me?" he advised.
You smiled and quickly replied, "Got it, bye!" before closing the door behind you. Glancing down at the money in your hand, you realized it was a ten-dollar bill, enough for a quick coffee and a doughnut.
Deciding to take a different route and walk an extra block to reach the station near the café, you made your way there, thoughts of yesterday lingering in your mind. Lost in your thoughts, you suddenly remembered that you hadn't checked your phone for any messages or responses. Curiosity got the best of you, so you grabbed your phone and checked, only to find that there were no new messages.
You would be lying if you said you weren't a bit disappointed, but you also weren't expecting anything in particular. Glancing at the time, you cursed under your breath; it was too late to stop for a doughnut now. Instead, you made your way to school on an empty stomach.
Arriving at school, you headed through the hallway towards your first lesson. Suddenly, someone grabbed your shoulders and spun you around, nearly sending you flying if they hadn't held onto you. Looking up, you realized it was Gwen, glaring at you.
"YOU!" she almost yelled.
"I'm sorry!" you pleaded, and she sighed loudly.
"Don't do that again, y/n! I was really worried when you weren't responding! I almost called your aunt just to make sure you were okay." She punched you in the arm, not too hard, but enough for you to rub it with a quiet "ow."
Hobie came up behind Gwen and saluted you. "Yo! Glad to see you didn't get eaten," he said. You rolled your eyes, and Hobie smiled. "What? You've seen him, big as a bear. We was worried he might have turned you into a snack." Gwen reminded you that class was starting, and you all made your way to the art hall. You noticed the brown bag in Hobie's hand, and as he saw you staring, he held it up questioningly.
"I missed breakfast. What do you have in there~?" you purred with a smirk on your face. Hobie took a step away from you, shaking his head. "Oh no, this here is some quality English breakfast." Furrowing your eyebrows, you inspected the bag. "You've got eggs, bacon, and... beans in there?" Hobie stopped dead in his tracks, as if you had just said something foul.
"Are you MAD?! This right here is the backbone of every British citizen's morning! A bacon roll!" Both Gwen and you exchanged a look of confusion before turning back to him. "What, you guys never heard of a bacon roll? It's bread, bacon, and tomato sauce!"
Gwen simply shook her head and continued walking towards your next class. "You put tomato sauce on that? As in tomato sauce? The stuff you put on pizza?" Once again, Hobie made a face as if you had just said something unforgivable.
"You put tomato sauce on your pizza?! Nah, that's just foul, mate. Tomato sauce belongs on hot dogs, and that's about it," he replied. You blinked at him, dumbfounded. "Are you talking about ketchup?" Hobie looked around, as if he was making sure people were hearing the same thing he was.
"Yes! Ketchup, tomato sauce. Same thing, innit?" You ran a hand down your face as you all entered the classroom. "I can't believe you just said that, Hobie, honestly." He laughed and sat down at a table with some of his friends.
Meanwhile, Gwen had decided to sit down a bit further away and was waving you over. You took a seat next to her and smiled; she still seemed a bit upset but returned the smile. As the class went on, Gwen slowly forgave you, and soon you found yourselves joking around while sketching using human references.
The rest of the day was rather uneventful, with classes passing by somewhat quickly. During lunch, you were joined by Hobie and Miles, making it a fun and lively hour filled with conversation and laughter. Occasionally, you couldn't help but glance around the cafeteria, hoping to catch sight of a certain tall and brooding man, but he seemed to be nowhere in sight.
By the end of the day, you ended up following Gwen almost all the way to her house. You were still hungry, having been unable to finish your lunch in time before class. The money your uncle had given you in the morning practically burned in your pocket, you were determined to treat yourself to some fresh doughnuts! You both discussed plans for the weekend, where to meet, and what you were going to wear. Eventually, you decided to meet up at Gwen's place and then head to the party from there.
After giving her a hug, she headed home while you made your way to a nearby café. You had heard good things about the place, although you knew you'd have to take the train home since it was on the opposite side of the city. Walking down the road, you suddenly heard sirens blaring, which wasn't unusual for downtown. However, this time the sirens sounded like they were coming toward you. Glancing back, you had a clear view of the street but couldn't make out anything that looked or sounded like sirens.
Turning back and continuing to walk, you suddenly heard a loud shriek next to you. When you turned around, you barely had time to react as a police car came crashing towards you, its sirens blaring.
Jumping back, you watched in shock as the car flipped in the air and landed close to where you stood. People around you screamed and started running away in panic. Pressing yourself against a brick wall, you were more worried about getting trampled than being hit by another falling car.
Horror washed over you as you witnessed a massive green lizard-like creature barrelling towards you, with police cars following closely behind. It spun around, using its tail to smack one of the police cars into a nearby wall. Fear overwhelmed you, and you turned to run the other way. However, someone collided with your shoulder from behind, causing you to fall over and crash to the ground, hard. Letting out a pained groan, you looked up just in time to see the lizard creature dashing towards you, with police officers shooting in its direction. Filled with terror, you covered your head, bracing for the worst as bullets whipped past you.
Suddenly, you felt something wrap around you and pull you up, knocking the air out of your chest. Letting out a scream, you opened your eyes and realized you weren't in the jaws of a large lizard beast. Instead, you found yourself in the arms of the one and only Spider-Man.
"Hold on tight!" he commanded, and without hesitation, you did. Gripping onto his large frame, you tried not to dig your nails into his back. Looking up, you realized that the lizard creature was now fully focused on both of you. It was barrelling towards you, ready to slash at you with its claws. You held on for dear life, letting out a whimper.
Suddenly, Spider-Man aimed his arm at a nearby building and webbed onto it with ease. Clinging onto him even harder, you watched as the ground below you became smaller. He climbed up onto the roof and carried you to safety. He gently placed you down on the rooftop and quickly examined you for any injuries.
"Are you okay?!" he asked urgently. You stared at him speechless, your body trembling.
"Are you okay?!" You nodded fervently, and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Okay, stay here. Keep your head down. Do NOT move. I will be back for you!" he said, motioning with his hand for you to stay put before turning around and leaping off the building.
You sat there, shaking, as you heard continuous shooting, people screaming, and an explosion going off. The sounds of the beast echoed below, making you pull your knees up to your chest, wrapping your trembling arms around them. Human shouts filled the air, likely police officers, yelling about not allowing the creature to reach the sewers.
Time passed, and the shouting and shooting quieted down until it finally stopped. You sat there in silence, listening to the sound of ambulance sirens, and a fire truck arriving somewhere nearby. Your body was still shaking, and you couldn't bring yourself to move.
You had heard about these kinds of things before. Sometimes you would see them on the news or on social media, but you could never have imagined what it would be like. After what felt like hours, you finally stood up on shaky legs. You must have looked like a newborn calf trying to take its first steps. Glancing around, all you could see were other rooftops and taller buildings. If the situation had been drastically different, you would have loved the view, but as you were stuck on a random rooftop, you felt more than a little unsafe.
Walking up to the edge of the roof, you cautiously glanced over, but quickly jumped back, shaking your head. Nope! You were way too far up to comfortably lean over the edge. What if he didn't come back? What if he was dead?! No way – he was Spider-Man, a superhero. Are superheroes immortal? You stopped, took a deep breath, and opened your eyes.
Your hands still trembled, but you told yourself to calm down either way. Taking another step toward the edge of the roof, you were about to call out for help when you heard something land behind you, causing you to almost jump out of your own skin. Spider-Man had landed behind you and stood there safe and sound, not a scratch on him. His masked face looked you over slowly.
"Hey, Didn't I tell you to stay put? Are you trying to—" Before he could finish his sentence, you dashed forward, wrapping your arms around his torso and clinging onto him. Your trembling arms held on tightly, and quietly, you begged him not to leave again.
Spider-Man stood there, caught off guard by the surprise embrace. His arms were held out in uncertainty as he looked down at you. Slowly, he lowered his arms embracing you, his right hand stroking your hair soothingly. You stood there, your head resting against his chest, feeling the soothing rhythm of his breaths as he held you.
After a few minutes, your arms stopped trembling, and you slowly let go of him. As you moved, he dropped his arms to his sides. You looked up at him, and his masked face stared back down at you silently. Both of you stood there for a moment, locked in a gaze.
"T-Thank you. You saved my life," you whimpered, your eyes red from the tears that had been streaking down your cheeks moments ago. He reached up toward your face, his gloved hands wiping away some tears from your cheek, and you stilled under his touch.
"You are very welcome, miss," he said with a warm tone, and you felt the color return to your face, especially your cheeks.
"Are you ready to join the rest of the people down below?" he questioned, and you blinked a few times, breaking the trance you had found yourself in. You nodded.
You watched as he placed one arm underneath your legs and the other supported your back, cradling you in his arms, close to his chest. Bashfully, you looked up at him as he stared ahead. Walking up to the edge of the roof, he jumped up onto it, causing you to let out a frightened whimper. His grip on you tightened. "Not a fan of heights?" You shook your head. He chuckled softly, his voice warm and comforting.
Webbing onto the building with one hand and holding you up with the other, he slowly descended. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, feeling the muscles underneath. His arm remained wrapped around your hips as he held onto you tightly. Together, you both descended the building until you saw the ground below your feet. He gently placed you down, his arm still wrapped around your hips. You followed the length of his arm up to his masked face, and suddenly, it clicked. He let go of you.
"Thank you, again." You said softly and he awkwardly cleared his throat and nodded his head.
Looking around, you heard people gathering around, shouting his name in praise. They clapped and cheered, and you smiled. Spider-Man focused on helping the injured police officers, checking on them and assisting in turning the flipped over car back onto its wheels.
Turning around, you made your way home, your heart still pounding in your ears. As you finally entered your house, you saw your aunt standing there with tears in her eyes. Spotting you, she let out a cry and ran up to you, embracing you tightly. She wept and held onto you. "When you didn't come home—and then the news! Oh God, we thought we had lost you!"
The tears you had managed to hold in so far burst out, and you cried into her chest as she held you tightly, rocking you back and forth slowly. The front door flew open as your uncle came running in, clearly in a panic. He had been out looking for you, and when his eyes fell on you, he ran over and joined in on the hug. They held you there, telling you how much they loved you, kissing your head, and stroking your back. They were so relieved that you were home and, most importantly, safe. Nothing else mattered.
That night, you ended up FaceTiming Gwen, telling her what had happened and showing her the scratch you had received on your chin when you fell. She had panicked at first, but after you reassured her that you were okay, she calmed down.
"You mean THE Spider-Man saved you?" Gwen stared at you in disbelief through the phone.
"Gwen, he saved my life!" you exclaimed, placing a band-aid on your chin, not the most flattering, but it would do.
"What did your folks say when you told them?"
"I didn't tell my aunt or uncle anything. I just said I was nearby and fell over due to a panicked crowd. I couldn't tell them; they'd never let me leave the house again," you admitted, biting down on your bottom lip. You felt a bit guilty for lying, but it was the truth. You couldn't risk putting them in cardiac arrest every time you left the house.
After a while of talking, you said goodnight to each other and ended the call. Lying in bed, you prepared to sleep, but sleep never came. You thought you would be crying into your pillow after what you had been through today, but instead, you found yourself filled with leftover adrenaline and excitement. All you could think about as you lay there was how it felt to be in Spider-Man's arms, how he held you, and how he sounded when he spoke. You sighed and rolled over in bed, trying to push away thoughts of his muscular chest and arms. The more you thought about it, about him, the more you could feel a heat growing between your legs. You quickly dismissed those thoughts though. Closing your eyes, you attempt to sleep.
Your eyes shot open as your phone rang loudly next to your ear, pulling you back from the brink of sleep. Groaning, you reached for your phone and flicked it open, momentarily blinded by the brightness until you adjusted the settings. It was a text, a text from Peter.
[Peter: Sorry, I know it's late, but your aunt called mine and told her what happened. I hope you're okay! I know I’ve been busy lately, things are new with me and M.J., and I'm trying to be a good boyfriend haha! Call me sometime, I miss hanging out. M.J. and I tried out the place where you, me, and Gwen used to go. She really likes it. I called a few days ago and was going to invite you along, but you were out. M.J. has this friend who I think you—]
You clicked off his messages dropping your phone with a frustrated sound coming through your nose. You chalked it up to being woken up that caused you to be annoyed, and not the fact that his check-up on you had turned into an update on his adventures with M.J.
Again, not mad, just... read the room, dude.
You thought to yourself as you snuggled back into bed and closed your eyes, letting sleep slowly overtake you again. But it wasn't meant to be, as your phone went off once more. Letting out a frustrated groan, you grabbed your phone as it buzzed. Your finger swiped across the screen, accidentally answering the call that had popped up.
You did not want to talk to Peter right now, holding your breath you tried to come up with some kind of excuse to hang up quickly. Then a voice came through the phone.
You froze, your eyes darting to the caller ID, and for a moment, you didn't breathe.
"Oye, you there?" Miguel's deep voice came through the phone.
"Oh, hey, Miguel. W-what's up?" You struggled to control your voice, quickly muting the call for a moment to clear your throat before unmuting again.
"Is this a bad time?" he questioned.
"No, not at all. What's up?"
"I heard about what happened.’’ He paused for a moment, ‘’Are you okay?"
Your heart hammered in your chest, and you took a moment to calm your breathing. Truth be told, you felt fine. The adrenaline had long passed through you, and now you were just filled with giddiness and excitement.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you replied quietly.
"That's good. I'm... glad to hear it," he said, sounding genuine. You could feel your cheeks heating up, and you awkwardly played the hem of your covers.
"Well, I should let you sleep," Miguel said.
"Miguel?" you asked, sounding a bit awkward.
"Can I tell you something? But you gotta promise not to tell anyone," you said, your tone serious.
The line went quiet, and for a moment, you feared that he had hung up on you. However, after a few more seconds of silence, you heard him speak again.
"Okay," he replied.
A man of few words, you thought to yourself.
"I met Spider-Man. He saved me. I wasn't just in some crowd nearby; I was there! I saw the big beast thing and the cops and... oh my god! I actually thought I was going to die..." You rambled, barely taking a breath.
Miguel was silent as he listened to you.
"But then swoosh, suddenly, I open my eyes, and he's there. I mean, he's really there! I would never in a million years have thought that something like that would happen to me. I mean, I was really scared, and now I feel fine. I have so much energy, and I can't stop thinking about him! I mean, I was just there to get a doughnuts!" you exclaimed energetically, almost panting from your rambling.
Miguel scoffed, and you could imagine him smiling and shaking his head at your silliness.
"So, Spider-Man saved your life, did he?" he asked.
"Yes! Do not tell anyone, though. I feel embarrassed, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, but yeah... wow," you said, in awe.
"Wow?" Miguel questioned.
"Yeah, I mean... you know... it was Spider-Man! Have you ever seen him?"
"Yes. I mean... I've seen him in pictures and ads and things. He's not exactly subtle or easy to miss," he remarked.
"He's huge! I mean, he's tall, but he's so strong, too. Muscular and stuff," you giggled, falling back against your pillow, phone in hand.
"Oh yeah?" Miguel asked, with a hint of amusement.
"Man... it feels good getting that off my chest. Thank you, Miguel," you said, with a smile on your face.
"You're welcome. Anyways, it's about time we wrap this up," he stated, letting out a yawn.
"I didn't realize you charged by the hour, Miguel," you joked.
"You wish. Hasta luego."
"Wait, Miguel?"
The line went quiet, but you could hear him breathing on the other side.
"Ya?" he replied.
‘’Thank you for calling. I… I really liked talking to you’’
The line was quiet again for a moment before his voice came through.
‘’Yeah. Get some sleep’’
‘’Goodnight, Miguel’’ You, said with a warm smile on your face as you hung up.
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