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cooler-ian · 5 days ago
Obey me ship names suck ass actually. BARBSIM?? That's stupid as hell It's obviously Simatos. Hell I'd even take Barmeon. But barbsim? Repulsive.
Rant under the cut 😭
((I actually really like barzlbub wait omg))
Like, Barbeel isn't even the worse case of this.. Dialuci is the og shit factory, why are we slapping the first few letters of their names together?
It's always been [start of first name] x [end of last name] ,, [top] x [bottom]. This is the way God intended why are we like this, am I old? Is this how ship names work now and I've lived too long and seen the world change for the worse? Are we cooked?
I know the fandom won't bend itself to meet my arbitrary want but ,, why is it like this? ... Diasim...😭
Only exception is Solodeus. Fucking perfection, no notes, live laugh love.
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certifiedlucifersimp · 13 days ago
Simeon x Diavolo has to be one hell of a toxic ship.
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devildomwriter · 6 months ago
Some Horny Thoughts About Ships
Lucifer and Barbatos who help each other relax and relieve tension after a long day working with Diavolo.
Solomon showing Simeon now that he’s human it’s okay to engage in lustful activities and helps him out the first time he’s incredibly horny.
Asmodeus showing Raphael that parties aren’t inherently lustful and sinful and how to have more fun but instead proves Raphael’s point when they both get drunk.
Thirteen who show Mephistopheles how to loosen up and that he can choose love and affection when he wants with who he wants instead of waiting for a command Diavolo will never give.
Barbatos that is so exhausted with Mammon’s hijinks that he devises the only way to calm him down and account for him is to pull him into another room and tire him out himself.
Satan and Mephistopheles getting so excited that they pulled a successful prank on Lucifer that they accidentally kiss and end up rolling with it.
Diavolo going into rut and not having anyone to help him out so he turns to Barbatos for help.
Diavolo that’s very attracted to physical innocence and begins lusting for Leviathan until he can seduce him into his room.
Simeon realizing his frustration towards Diavolo is sexual attraction and accidentally admitting it in a fight that leads them straight to the bedroom.
Asmodeus helping Thirteen with her make up when they stare into each others eyes just a bit too long to be considered platonic. Asmodeus complaining when they inevitably end up messing up their make up.
Lucifer that so desperately wants to shut Solomon up and prove who’s in charge that he fucks him until he passes out and ends up enjoying it too much to leave it at that.
Belphegor who falls asleep next to Raphael and begins grinding in his sleep causing extreme sexual confusion in Raphael who’s supposed to remain pure of mind and body.
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warper-in-training · 9 months ago
ok but ya'll I had a diasim dream after this. they started to act like a divorced couple at the end of it sob
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A fight between Simeon & Diavolo would be so cool ✨
(Art belongs to Solmare)
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healthylifesthings · 2 years ago
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Τι σημαίνει να είσαι μαμά; 5 διάσημες μαμάδες απαντούν https://health.rodos-island.gr/ti-simainei-na-eisai-mama-5-diasimes-mamades-apantoun/
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spoilersgr · 4 years ago
 Με αφορμή την εξομολόγηση που έκανε ο Γιώργος Καπουτζίδης στον Νίκο Χατζηνικολάου για τη σεξουαλικότητά του και τις δυσκολίες που αντιμετώπισε, η Σοφία Μουτίδου τοποθετήθηκε μέσα από το The Booth.«Δεν είναι απλό πράγμα η σεξουαλικότητ��. Πρέπει να παραδεχτούμε ότι όλο αυτό το «δεν είμαι ομοφοβικός αλλά…», σκεφτείτε όλο αυτό το φλερτ που είχατε με τον συμμαθητή ή τη συμμαθήτριά σας στο σχολειό, το χεράκι – χεράκι, το φιλί, να μη μπορείς ποτέ να το εκφράσεις δημόσια. Ακόμα και το 2020 θα ακούσεις το κάζο, θα ακούσεις την ξεφτίλα.Ξέρει κανείς τι ξύλο τρώνε τα παιδιά αυτά; Σκέψου να προχωράς και να σε δείρουν! Γιατί; Για κάτι τελείως αυτονόητο. Γιατί έχει μπλε μάτια, ας πούμε. Είναι το αντίστοιχο», ανέφερε η Σοφία Μουτίδου.Στη συνέχεια, η ηθοποιός αιφνιδίασε ευχάριστα, με ένα απρόσμενο κάλεσμα. «Θέλω να περάσω ένα μήνυμα ακόμα. Θα φανώ πολύ κακιά. Θέλω να πω, ότι είναι πάρα πολύ σημαντικό, όλοι οι γνωστοί ομοφυλόφιλοι, οι διάσημοι, να το λένε. Κρύβοντας τη σεξουαλική σου ταυτότητα, το μόνο που κάνει είναι να αφήνεις μια βέβαια κληρονομιά φασισμού και βίας.Το ότι είσαι διάσημος και θα χάσεις χίλιες φαν, μη φοβάσαι, θα κερδίσεις χίλιους φαν. Υπάρχουν πάρα πολλοί τραγουδιστές, παρουσιαστές, ηθοποιοί, περσόνες, ρεπόρτερ, που δεν λένε ότι είναι ομοφυλόφιλοι. Μη φοβηθείς ότι αν πεις ένα καψουροτράγουδο και είσαι gay δεν θα πορωθούν οι γυναίκες. Θα πορωθούν κι ας είσαι gay», τόνισε η Σοφία Μουτίδου.Πηγή: TVNEA.COM
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about Diavolo's "birthday" event
Feel free to skip if you aren't into obey me but I have to rant for a bit
So I freaking love Diavolo, right? He's been on my homescreen since the undateables became dateable, I had his paws and claws outfit unlocked within approximately thirty seconds of getting that card, I wrote diasim fanfic for obey me less than two weeks after I started playing the game last year. I was so excited for his birthday event because finally!!! An event where I get to spend loads of time with Dia!!! I have been stockpiling ap and energy drinks for ages so I could grind for his birthday UR, I was so ready for his birthday event!
Except it isn't really his birthday event, is it.
He's not even the UR for the event, Belphegor is (an especially interesting choice since Belphie, uhhhh, really doesn't like Diavolo. canonically. nice choice for an event ur, to give that spot to the character who least likes Diavolo instead of to Diavolo. in his birthday event.) and his birthday UR is in the gacha. So all those points and energy drinks I saved up to get Dia? Useless, I had to gamble to get him.
Additionally, he doesn't have higher pull rates in nightmare, so there's not even a higher chance of getting his chapter a UR, which has eluded me for months now - I had been stockpiling DV, too, to try and get it. I don't want to talk about how many times I pulled to get his birthday card instead, but it was a lot. Even more so since normally the birthday UR is free as long as you can grind for it.
Thalfox has a great rundown about how this event screws over free to play folks (https://thalfox.tumblr.com/post/665889372059648000/im-confused-about-diavolos-birthday-why-are), but even pay to players like myself are getting shafted here - again, gacha is gambling, you have to gamble to get Diavolo's birthday card and even if you do get it on the free pull? This event still isn't a birthday event. It's a regular event in which Diavolo happens to have a birthday.
The emphasis through most of the event is how isolated Diavolo is, to the point he doesn't get to enjoy the celebrations that go on for his birthday. There's a sort of dreadful irony in that, given that he doesn't get a true birthday event, either. So instead of celebrating him, it feels like a pity event.
It's very frustrating as a Diavolo fan to have been so hyped up for this event and then you open the pop quiz and see this.
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Yeah, Belphie is not the one I want to see on the pop quiz screen, I want to see Diavolo.
Frankly I haven't even finished the keyed part of the story - I'm so disappointed and dejected that I'm only partially through it. Why spend energy drinks on more keys when unlocking them won't help me grind for a Dia card? Why bother with the event, really? It's so upsetting to me because I was so hyped for his birthday and now I barely want to finish it.
And, as always, the demon form Dia being darker skinned than nondemonic Dia is very frustrating. What the hell, solmare.
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That ain't cute, that's racist.
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xaroluph · 4 years ago
Thumamai prin 2-3 xronia hsoun prwto thema suzhthshs sta ask enos diasimou paidiou kai se thumamai apo tote me to gamato username! Se xana vrhka. Ti shmainei? Ama theleis pes, to eixa aporia gt sunithos to blepw ws "xarmoluph"
Σημαινει αυτο που διαβαζει ο καθενας, χαρα και λυπη και γραφεται χαρμολυπη. Το xarmoluph ηταν taken tho. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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claytinhojcs · 7 years ago
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#diasim #dianao (em Zoobotanico Joinville)
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devildomwriter · 1 year ago
“You know, you always have been difficult to deal with. Which is why I’m not fond of you.“
“Really? I'm surprised that the future Demon King would have trouble “dealing with” anyone. I was under the impression you were perfect”
— Diavolo and Simeon (Chapter 31-16)
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antaressmblr · 7 years ago
Относительно недавно мы с вами праздновали 70 подписчиков, потому что я пропустила 50, и тут такое! Вы не перестаете меня радовать каждый день. На данный момент я болею, вообще не захожу в симс, потому что решила сделать небольшой отдых, плюс еще и не хожу в колледж. Чувствую себя безумно неудобно перед вами. Вы ждете новых постов, ну а я устала и пытаюсь отвлечься. Зат��гиваю с постами, реквестом и челленджами. Извините мне за все😶 Обещаю, что закончу сим-реквест, выложу челленджи, что меня заинтересовали, ну и посты... Да... Может все дело в том, что у меня еще нет каникул. Я не знаю вот уже неделю как спланировать следующий пост. И тут я лежу сегодня в постельке, с насморком и больным горлом и вы меня просто закидали сообщениями (про звездочку). Я открываю страничку с уведомлениями и наблюдаю вот это прекрасное число возле “Читатели”)
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Хочу сказать, что я вам безумно благодарна. Если бы не ваша поддержка у меня бы уже давно опустились руки. И... я просто в шоке. Буквально чуть больше месяца назад в моем блоге было всего 5 читателей. Но с тем как я выкладывала новый контент, с ростом его качества, росла и моя чудесная аудитория. 
Мой 101 далматинец❤️❤️❤️
Мои маленькие звездочки✨⭐💫
Это наша первая большая победа и я уверенна, что не последняя😻❤
Люблю вас, как до края Вселенной и обратно✨
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@diasim , люблю тебя. спасибо за все😘❤️🤗
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xamosnews · 3 years ago
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Νίκος Χατζηνικολάου: Η ΚΡΙΣΤΥ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΠΑΛΙ ΕΓΚΥΟΣ! με τος δηλώσεις του διάσημου άνκορμαν #κόσμος #κρίστυτσολακάκη #νίκοςχατζηνικολάου https://xamos.gr/nikos-xatzinikolaou-i-kristy-einai-pali-egkyos-binteo-me-tos-diloseis-tou-diasimou-ankorman/?feed_id=138691&_unique_id=61208a9621ed5
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bird--trappedinacage · 3 years ago
♜ Kurosawa Family as Sims | Pt.1 ♜
OC's belong to: @kurosawa-family
⌜ Yvonne & August ⌟
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⌜ Convoitise & Aimer ⌟
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After a whole bunch of cc hunting and hours comparing references, i finally finished this project that was started and forgotten about last year.
⌈ Part 2. ⌋
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spoilersgr · 4 years ago
Διάσημες Ελληνίδες μαμάδες: Κατά τη διάρκεια του 2020, η Μαντώ Γαστεράτου απέκτησε τον μοναχοογιό της. Από εκεί και πέρα, η Κλέλια Πανταζή γέννησε επίσης γιο, ενώ η Φανή Χαλκιά απέκτησε το δεύτερο κατά σειρά γιο της. Ωστόσο, υπάρχουν και άλλες διάσημες αγορομάνες. Μπορεί να ήταν και της μοίρας τους να έρθουν έτσι τα πράγματα. Δεν ξέρουμε πόσο τυχαίο ή όχι είναι να αποκτήσει κάποιος αγόρι, όμως οι γενετιστές αναφέρουν ότι έχεις 50% πιθανότητες να αποκτήσεις αγόρι ή κορίτσι όταν συλλαμβάνεις ένα παιδί. Ποιες όμως Ελληνίδες είναι εκείνες που έχουν γιους; Μπορείτε να θυμηθείτε μερικές πριν δείτε τη gallery παρακάτω; Εμείς θα σας αποκαλύψουμε μόνο μία μαμά από τη λίστα μας και αυτή δεν είναι άλλη από την Σίσσυ Χρηστίδου. Μια σούπερ αγορομαμά που τα κάνει όλα και τα προλαβαίνει όλα. Και τι έγινε που δεν έχει μια κόρη να τις παίρνει τις γόβες της, τα μπιζού ή να χαλάει τα καλλυντικά της. Οι γιοι της έχουν γεμίσει τη ζωή της και για εκείνη είναι όλη της ζωή. Ακολουθούν ένδεκα διάσημες Ελληνίδες μαμάδες, με το γιο ή τους γιους τους: – Ντορέττα Παπαδημητρίου και Διονύσης Πηλαδάκης – Ντορέττα Παπαδημητρίου και Φίλιππος Πηλαδάκης – Φανή Χαλκιά και Κωνσταντίνος Καραμάνος – Φανή Χαλκιά και Πέτρος Καραμάνος – Σοφία Αλιμπέρτη, Μιχαήλ Άγγελος και Νικόλας Βαρθακούρης – Μαριά Μπακοδήμου και Άρης Αργυρόπουλος – Μαριά Μπακοδήμου και Νικήτας Αργυρόπουλος Οι υπόλοιπες διάσημες Ελληνίδες μαμάδες, με το γιο ή τους γιους τους: – Σίσσυ Χρηστίδου και Μιχαήλ Άγγελος Μαραντίνης – Σίσσυ Χρηστίδου και Φίλιππος Ραφαήλ Μαραντίνης – Νίκη Κεραμέως και Κωνσταντίνος Λουκάς – Νίκη Κεραμέως και Λουκάς Λουκάς – Κατερίνα Παπουτσάκη και Κίμωνας και Μάξιμος Πιλαφάς – Φαίη Σκορδά, Δ��μήτρης και Γιάννης Λιάγκας – Σοφία Καρβέλα, Νίκος και Νέστορας Πανουργιάς – Χριστίνα Αλούπη, Ανδρέας και Αλέξανδρος Κέφαλος – Μάντη Περσάκη, Βασίλης και Γιώργος Νικολαΐδης Πηγή άρθρου: enimerotiko.gr
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manuelmjsl · 4 years ago
momentos de inspiração
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Momentos de inspiraçãoOusadia sencivel no ser sencibelidadeEscrita em silencio interior Falando apenas de amorDigamos na intenção Nesse voar inspiradoPssarinho livre coração iluminadoO momento é de reflexão Descrevendo inspiraçãoA luz ilumina a alma preenche Constante a evoluçãoInspirando no inspirado É amor plantando amadoTudo me ensinas-te tudo me ensinasO tempo na terra tem de  Seguir em frente sem esperarO espirito é mutante assente na mutaçãoVida vida Luz é iluminar O bem é espiritualizarCada letra Cada escrever Simples nostalgiaApenas quero saber o q posso ser no hojeOu no amanhã novo diaEntregue á inspiração Voando na liberdade no escrever poesiaA verdade q me alimenta esse novo amanhãApenas mais um diaSim o meu sonho sempre fói apenas escrever poesia
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hellderdias · 5 years ago
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Diasim! https://www.instagram.com/p/B6uLFRTnjou/?igshid=1bh5r2ln9lltk
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