#diagnosis of kidney stones
urosaketnarnoli · 7 months
Discover dietary guidelines to prevent and manage kidney stones. Our expert advice helps reduce risk factors and supports effective management of existing conditions. From hydration tips to tailored meal plans, we provide comprehensive support for kidney health
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ghostzzy · 13 days
related to lrb
i had kidney stones when i was 10yo. but when a 10yo girl starts complaining of intermittent stomach pain and blood in the toilet, medical professionals will laugh and say “congrats on becoming a woman, go buy some pads and go home.”
well. as you may imagine, kidney stone pain is significantly different than traditional cramp pain, and also significantly worse. like unimaginably bad. like genuinely being run through with a sword, being slowly twisted, for hours and hours at a time.
so being told “this is just your life once a month for the next 30-40 years” was perhaps the most terrifying thing i had ever heard at that point. and i remember, for the first time in my life, saying “i would rather kill myself” and meaning it 100%.
i got home from the hospital - again, 10 years old - and immediately started googling hysterectomies.
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stardew-bajablast · 2 months
so i guess i probably have interstitial cystitis
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efino-media · 1 year
Troubled by Kidney Stones? Here's what to do!
Kidney stones are a common and painful condition that affects many individuals. Formed over time due to the accumulation of waste substances in the body, kidney stones can cause severe discomfort and lead to urinary tract infections. In this article, we will explore the formation of kidney stones, their effects on the body, and the potential remedies offered by Ayurvedic medicine. Section 1:…
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ceruleanmage · 2 years
currently experiencing the worst pain i have ever felt in my nearly nineteen years of life
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kamlesm · 10 months
PHC health care facility
Was having soar throat since yesterday afternoon. In Evening felt feverish. Some kind of coughing also started. What you call खराश in English? Today went to PHC or Urban Health Centre, nearby our home. Took 2 minutes to reach by scooter. Had a shock when at counter I was asked to give Rs10. In fever and heavy head along with soar throat I had went hurriedly, without any thing in pocket. In…
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Kidney Stone Treatment in Bhopal - Dr Neeraj Gupta
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Are you suffering from kidney stones Meet Dr. Neeraj Gupta. kidney stone treatment in Bhopal. options may include lifestyle changes, medication to relieve symptoms, dietary adjustments to prevent future stones, and in some cases, procedures like shock wave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy, or surgery to remove or break up larger stones.
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khulkarjiyo · 1 year
24 घंटे में Kidney stone कैसे बाहर निकालें? हमेशा के लिए
24 घंटे में Kidney stone निकालने के लिए हाइड्रेटेड रहना बहुत जरूरी है ऐसा करने से गुर्दे की पथरी को तेजी से बाहर निकालने में मदद मिल सकती है। सेब का सिरका और नींबू के रस सहित कुछ पदार्थ गुर्दे की पथरी को घोलने में मदद कर सकते हैं, जिससे kidney stones आसान से चूरा बनकर बाहर आ जाती है। 24 घंटे में Kidney stone कैसे बाहर निकाले? हमेशा के लिए हाइड्रेटेड रहना महत्वपूर्ण है? अगर आपके गुर्दे में पथरी…
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Kidney Stone Treatment in Ranchi, Jharkhand from Kidney Specialist
Get your Kidney Stone Treatment in Ranchi at the hands of the best kidney stone specialists in Ranchi, Jharkhand. Open stone surgery, lithotripsy, and ureteroscopy are available for kidney stone removal in our hospital in Ranchi.
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healthglorious · 1 year
What Are Kidney Stones?
Introduction Kidney stones are a common health issue that affects millions of individuals worldwide, causing them to struggle. The kidneys develop hard mineral deposits, which can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. Dehydration, a diet high in sodium and sugar, and specific medical disorders, are a few of the causes of kidney stones, which can vary in size and composition. The definition and…
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lexingtonrenalcare · 2 years
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Lexington Renal Care
Provides comprehensive care for patients who are facing kidney disease, kidney transplant hospital in Lexington, KY transplants, dialysis, and hypertension.   Our patients are our highest priority. We understand that each the patient is unique and individual needs will be considered when deciding on treatment options.
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I'm the WORST at prompts. But something whumpy... I need that so badly. I dunno, maybe throw one of them off a high place. I'd take anything that hurts one and makes the other worry. 😭
I haven't written much whump before so I hope I delivered!
When Buck and Tommy first started dating, Buck knew the risks of being with another first responder. He had mentally prepared himself for the possibility of a helicopter crash or Tommy getting trapped during a rescue. He didn't want those things to happen, but at least he had experience with such scenarios.
What he wasn't expecting, though, were the awful words the doctor had just uttered: "Stage 3 kidney cancer." Buck felt as if his heart had stopped beating right then and there. "No!" he silently screamed. Not this... not now. They were so happy together. Buck had just moved into Tommy's house, and they had all sorts of plans to renovate and redecorate. They were going to plant a little garden and had talked about getting a pet. This couldn't be happening.
Tommy was so big, strong, and capable. Tommy, his Tommy, couldn't have cancer. Buck couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face.
Tommy, on the other hand, remained stone-faced, expressionless. His voice was steady as he asked, "What's the prognosis? What are my treatment options?" He paused for a moment, then added, "Just give it to me straight, is this the end? Am I gonna die?"
Buck knew that his boyfriend was a straight shooter, but hearing him ask that so matter-of-factly sent a chill down his spine. He choked back a sob, trying to compose himself for Tommy's sake.
The doctor's expression softened slightly. "Mr. Kinard, while stage 3 kidney cancer is serious, it's not necessarily a death sentence. The five-year survival rate for stage 3 kidney cancer is about 53%. With aggressive treatment, many patients can go into remission."
Buck found little comfort in those words. "53 percent," he thought, his heart sinking. "So almost half don't survive." He knew Tommy was a fighter, but those were not good odds. And just what exactly did "aggressive treatment" mean? The uncertainty was almost as scary as the diagnosis itself.
Tommy remained stoic, his face masking the emotion that Buck new lie beneath the surface. Buck knew Tommy well enough to know that he was terrified. "And the treatment? What does that look like?" he asked, his voice unwavering.
As the doctor began explaining the potential treatment plans - surgery, radiation, chemotherapy - Buck felt completely overwhelmed. Their life had been completely turned on its head in a matter of minutes. Everything they had planned, everything they had looked forward to, now seemed trivial in the face of cancer.
Buck tried to focus on the doctor's words, knowing he needed to understand what lay ahead. But his mind kept racing. He had to be strong for Tommy, he knew that. But in this moment, he had never felt weaker in his entire life.
A wave of guilt washed over him as a selfish thought crept into his mind. He felt like the universe was taunting him. Cancer again. Cancer had affected his life before he was even born. He was born because his brother had cancer and he couldn't save him. And here cancer was again, threatening the happiness he had built with Tommy.
He glanced at Tommy, marveling at his composure. How could he be so calm when their world was crumbling around them? Buck wanted to be that pillar of strength for Tommy, but he felt like he was barely holding himself together.
Buck reached out and grasped Tommy's hand, squeezing it tightly. To his relief, Tommy squeezed back, a small gesture that spoke volumes. In that moment, Buck made a silent vow. No matter how tough things got, no matter how weak he felt, he would find the strength to be there for Tommy every step of the way. They would fight this together, just as they had faced every other obstacle in their lives.
As the doctor continued speaking, Buck tried to prepare himself for the fight ahead. Their future was uncertain and full of challenges. But one thing was clear: he wouldn't let Tommy face this alone. They were a team, and together they would tackle whatever came their way.
When they climbed into the car, Tommy quietly asked, "Are you ok?"
"Am I ok?" Buck replied, incredulous. "Babe, are you ok? This is earth-shattering."
"I know," Tommy said, tears welling up in his eyes. "But you're not stuck with me. I don't want you to feel obligated, and I won't blame you or judge you if it's too much. You didn't sign up for cancer."
"Tommy," Buck gasped, his voice thick with emotion. "I would never leave you. We may not have officially said it yet, but I am here in sickness and in health."
Tommy didn't say a word but pulled Buck into a hug. His eyes met Buck's with a look of determination. It was a silent promise to fight - for himself, for Buck, and for their future together. Because they deserved their happily ever after, and Tommy wasn't about to let cancer take that away from them.
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
some of Eli Clare's writing about diagnosis feels very relevant to discussions on tumblr right now:
"It’s impossible to grapple with cure without encountering white Western medical diagnosis—ink on paper in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the International Classification of Diseases, a process in the hands of doctors, a system of categorization. I want to read diagnosis as a source of knowledge, sometimes trustworthy and other times suspect. As a tool and a weapon shaped by particular belief systems, useful and dangerous by turns. As a furious storm, exerting pressure in many directions.
Simply put, diagnosis wields immense power. It can provide us access to vital medical technology or shame us, reveal a path toward less pain or get us locked up. It opens doors and slams them shut.
Diagnosis names the conditions in our body-minds, charts the connections between them. It holds knowledge. It organizes visceral realities. It draws borders and boundaries, separating fluid in the lungs from high blood pressure, ulcers from kidney stones, declaring anxiety attacks distinct from heart attacks, post-traumatic stress disconnected from depression. It legitimizes some pain as real; it identifies other pain as psychosomatic or malingering. It reveals little about the power of these borders and boundaries. Through its technology—x-rays, MRIs, blood draws, EKGs, CAT scans—diagnosis transforms our three-dimensional body-minds into two-dimensional graphs and charts, images on light boards, symptoms in databases, words on paper. It holds history and creates baselines. It predicts the future and shapes all sorts of decisions. It unleashes political and cultural forces. At its best, diagnosis affirms our distress, orients us to what’s happening in our body-minds, helps make meaning out of chaotic visceral experiences.
But diagnosis rarely stays at its best. It can also disorient us or de- value what we know about ourselves. It can leave us with doubts, questions, shame. It can catapult us out of our body-minds. All too often diagnosis is poorly conceived or flagrantly oppressive. It is brandished as authority, our body-minds bent to match diagnostic criteria rather than vice versa. Diagnosis can become a cover for what health care providers don’t understand; become more important than our messy visceral selves; become the totality of who we are.
It is impossible to name all the ways in which diagnosis is useful.
It propels eradication and affirms what we know about our own body-minds. It extends the reach of genocide and makes meaning of the pain that keeps us up night after night. It allows for violence in the name of care and creates access to medical technology, human services, and essential care. It sets in motion social control and guides treatment that provides comfort. It takes away self-determination and saves lives. It disregards what we know about our own body-minds and leads to cure.
Diagnosis is useful, but for whom and to what ends?"
-Eli Clare, Brilliant Imperfection pg 41-42, 48.
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(TW: Medical/illness mention beneath cut)
//I think I may have gotten my last blood work test back (I hope) and with it along with the results of my other results, I’m a mix of relief and scared. Relief because yes, they’re indicating something is pretty wrong with my levels because they’re pretty extreme on the scales. Either plummeted or far and exceeding what they should be. Which is also frightening because wtf is going on with me 😰😭
I don’t want to self-diagnose, my doc will tell me the next steps to take and find the source. But ever the curious one I do look up the level indicators on Google (it kinda gives me ideas of what it could be a prepares me for possible diagnosis and even ask questions with doc). The last several times I���ve been seriously ill, including those two surgeries, I was told by nurse practitioners they weren’t what I thought it was and guess what? I was right, including the ones I needed surgery for! (Extensive endometriosis and then Gallbladder attack). Lmao I love back in Jan. I asked the nurse if it could be my gallbladder and she said dead serious “I guarantee it is not your gallbladder”. Two weeks later? Ultra sound showed extensive buildup of gall stones so 🖕Lol.
Anyways, it’s pointing towards a likely culprit being my adrenal glands, possibly tumors. Which hey if that is the cause I can prolly have them surgically removed (I’ve been under the knife 4 times already, twice in the last 3 years) so I’m not too freaked about the surgery part. But if it is tumors, that just makes me scared? I mean I dunno my full family medical history, I was adopted as an infant and have limited knowledge of what cancers and stuff are in my family line. But, um, this past year has shown a bit of unusual levels relating to my kidneys so, yeah…
Mun is a bit anxious right now on top of a lot of other things. Trying to keep positive and telling myself to wait to hear from doc and not assume anything, but I will say I suspect it is tumors on the adrenals at least, if not some other issues (with me it’s never one thing unfortunately. You can thank the Chronic Lyme Disease and its co-infections for that…)
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meowslim101 · 4 months
Posting for a friend :
“Hello everyone,
My name is Isabel and I am a mother of two children. At just 22 years old, I am facing immense health challenges that threaten my ability to care for them and myself. Recently, I received a diagnosis that turned my life upside down: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a rare and complex disease that affects my connective tissues, causing debilitating symptoms. Alongside EDS, I battle with kidney issues, including frequent stone formation and cysts, which have resulted in constant infections. Additionally, I suffer from two lesser-known conditions that significantly impact my daily life.
Gastroparesis is one of these conditions. It is a disorder that affects the normal and spontaneous movement of the muscles in my stomach, causing severe discomfort, malnutrition, and a series of other complications. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) is another challenge I face. This condition affects the autonomic nervous system, causing an abnormal increase in heart rate when moving from a lying down to a standing position. The symptoms include dizziness, fainting, fatigue, and difficulty regulating blood pressure, further adding to the complexity of my health problems.
Every day is a battle against my own body. Seizures and difficulty walking have become my new norm in the last two weeks, and for these symptoms, I still have no answer.
The challenges I face are not just medical; they permeate every aspect of my life. A restrictive diet, constant medical appointments, and the need for a new functional wheelchair are just a few of the urgent needs I must address to maintain normalcy for myself and my children, who are my greatest motivation to continue.
I am turning to you, kind-hearted individuals, for support. Your generosity can make an immense difference in our lives. With your help, I can afford the medical care, equipment, and assistance necessary to navigate these tumultuous times.
Your donations will directly contribute to:
- **Medical Expenses:** Covering the costs of ongoing treatments and medications.
- **Mobility Aids:** Acquiring a new wheelchair or adapting my current one, which will enable me to move with greater ease and independence, ensuring I can continue to care for my children.
- **Nutritional Support:** Meeting the expenses of a specialized diet and necessary nutritional supplements to combat malnutrition caused by gastroparesis. Currently, I am extremely malnourished and underweight, which delays my overall improvement.
- **Childcare Assistance:** Allowing me to ensure reliable childcare so I can focus on spending time with my children without compromising my health.
No donation is too small, and every contribution brings us closer to a brighter and healthier future. Your support not only provides practical assistance but also offers hope and comfort during this difficult time.
From the bottom of my heart, I express my deepest gratitude for considering my appeal.
Thank you for your kindness, compassion, and generosity.
Here are the details of my Wise USD account.
Account holder: Vinícius Gomes Tanure
ACH and wire routing number: 026073150
Account number: 8314526911
Account type: Checking
Wise address: 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor
New York, NY 10010
United States “
I can confirm the veracity of her claim please help her she really needs it.
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nekosd43 · 7 days
the saga continues
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I am still not moved. My partner just informed me that his mom (the reason we were held up) might be putting the move on hold indefinitely. I'm so tired. All my shit is in boxes. I've had to start UN packing because things I packed in May when I didn't need them (like my work clothes) I need now that it's September.
My partner had COVID for the 5th time so I haven't actually seen him in over a month. Our 19th anniversary is Monday but we're probably not going to get to do anything special because we're both just so worn out.
His cat has kidney stones and needs surgery.
My dad's cancer diagnosis is moving a lot faster than I think anyone anticipated. It went from an "oh we will wait and see" to a "you're going to die in six months if we don't start chemo immediately". He starts chemo this week.
My grandmother was hospitalized last week for what looked like it might be bladder cancer (thankfully it was not), but my family has been in serious denial about her situation. She turned 95 this year, is incapable of standing or walking for more than a few seconds, won't eat without being forced to, and is incapable of living alone.
My aunt and my mom have been living with her in shifts for two years, but they wanted to lie to the hospital about this because they refuse to admit they might need more help. I know they're doing the best job they can but they are not nurses and they are not trained, and their refusal to accept the reality of the situation is stressful.
Grandma gets out of the nursing home today and they're going back to the way things were without reflecting on the "maybe it IS time to get full time help instead of doing all this unpaid labor ourselves when we're not qualified." Which means half the week my mom will not be here to help with my dad when he's on chemo, which means it will be my responsibility because my brother is not available to help.
I'm working full time (not for full time pay of course because why would we pay a fully credentialed substitute who is doing all the same work that a teacher would do the same rate as a teacher???) at a school that is apparently the epicenter of the right wing insanity that has overtaken my school district.
Our school board is being held hostage by extremists that openly talk on social media how they think all teachers are child molesters and groomers. Apparently I was targeted by one of these people because I asked students for pronouns on the first day of school (it was a private, optional question on a survey of getting to know you questions). I intentionally have not gone looking for the attacks but I'm very afraid about what these people might be saying about me and what that might mean for my job.
Also my feet are just... fucked up. They just really hurt. My ankle makes crunching noises when I walk. I'm really tired. I probably have mixed IBS but I've been too busy to get it checked out. All my art supplies are packed and my ipad is starting to give up the ghost so drawing is hard and I haven't had any fun of any kind in at least two months. My ttrpg stuff is in boxes. I miss my friends, I miss hosting my game club, I miss having a cat, I miss DND, I'm frustrated with my family's behavior, I'm frustrated with my partner's situation, I'm frustrated with my work life, I'm tired and I'm scared.
I genuinely feel like I'm being stepped on.
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