#detrimental mercury
d4rkpluto · 2 months
ᴅᴏᴍɪᴄɪʟᴇ, ᴇxᴀʟᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ᴅᴇᴛʀɪᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴀʟʟ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ
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beginning with domicile planets, whenever a planet is in domicile, it means that the sign is in a planet that rules the sign ⬎
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exalted planets happen whens a planet is in a sign it can easily display its energy through.
♇  people with an aries sun could find it easier compared to other sun signs to be a leader, knowing how to control their impulses and goals. might have it easy when it comes to support from others
♇ people with a taurus moon could find it easier compared to other moon signs to emotionally nurture themselves and other people. could be talented at styling, baking or cooking. could find it easy to find beauty within themselves.
♇ people with a virgo mercury could find it easier compared to other mercury signs to speak to other people, being able to control their anxiety. knowing how to read a room and humour people around them.
♇ people with a pisces venus could find it easier compared to other venus signs to know what type of love they deserve. how to create art and love others. can understand art and beauty better than others and can be empathetic.
♇ people with a capricorn mars could find it easier compared to other mars sign to be ambitious, aim for their goals and having discipline. know how to follow rules and be respect by others and being individuals who can be healthy with having authority or they can learn to be, having much responsibilities and knowing what to do with it.
♇ people with a cancer jupiter are very empathetic people, can make a name for themselves and are excellent at creating a foundation, a home to themselves and other people. care-taking and can handle money good.
♇ people with a libra saturn can be very diplomatic people, can age very beautifully, and are respected by those around them. this placement can indicate that the individual likes peace and can move to social groups who can give them that, know how to cut off people.
♇ people with scorpio uranus can be very imaginative and psychic, they know how to follow their gut-feeling and are excellent at being friends as they can be ride or dies. those with this placement can be people who always find a way to make money, could be considered a genius.
♇ people with leo neptune can be amazing performers, the stage is for them, i believe the iconic stars we know who have passed do have leo neptune. they are the most photographed people as well, people who belong to leo neptune are people who can connect with others very easily, thus their fame.
♇ people with leo or aries pluto are innovative and assertive, leaders who can make a change and have influence to the people around them. can be very trendy people and could always leave a mark when they leave.
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planets in detriment move differently to how a planet in a sign is supposed to, it could be difficult for the native to express the themes of the planet through the sign, but they end up having a unique perspective of it that amazes others at the end. the planets are normally in opposite signs they usually rule.
♇ instead of thinking of self, aquarius suns are people who think for everyone. being those who are humanitarians and seeing the true potential of the world. they bring out the unique side of themselves society arent used to, but because of this they become trendsetters.
♇ instead of being emotionally open, capricorn moons must learn how to love thyself. and during that time of loving themselves, they become emotionally wise and can teach others how to do the same, the love they werent necessarily taught, can be given and taught to their children, if they want them.
♇ instead of being direct and forward, [even though sagittarius mercuries can be] people who are sagittarius and pisces mercuries learn to read between the lines. being those who can decipher the unseen and because of that and of their depth, they can come up with think-pieces people have not heard before.
♇ instead of being soft and stereotypically "feminine" those of aries or scorpio venus learn to be bold with their passion and their sense of style. they're people who learn to handle and balance the feminine and masculine essence, being innovative and authentic with how they display themselves, they usually inspire other people and become muses in fashion.
♇ instead of being tough and stereotypically "masculine" those of libra and taurus mars learn to be diplomatic with their anger and passion. thought sometimes this could lead them into being passive and non-confrontational. this placement[s] helps them become people who are very patient.
♇ by not being the usual people who are used to abundance, those with gemini and virgo jupiter can be over-whelmed by how fast life moves around them, however it helps them with multi-tasking, being people who can ease the fast thoughts in their mind, if not careful, they can become people who are too relaxed with how life is and end up stalling.
♇ by not being the usual people who are used to comfort and nurture, those with cancer and leo in saturn learn to become nurturers and emotionally intelligent. at first, they can be awkward with signs of physical affection, but they go through the journey of loving their body, their inner-child and the lessons life has taught them about self-acceptance.
♇ by not being the usual people who are used to society accepting who they are, people with uranus in leo learn to navigate life with comprehending that not everyone is going to love them because of their big energy. they're people who are usually the life of the party, but the uranus in leo puts a social battery in them which causes them to go into hermit mode, but it helps them go on the journey of understanding themselves without the need or help of other people.
♇ by not being the usual people who are used to order and preciseness, those with neptune in virgo get confused, especially in their mind. could have a lot of deja vu moments that makes them feel crazy. they become more in touch with the spiritual side of life instead of the physical, reaching out to the higher-self and becoming spiritual moguls.
♇ by not being the usual people who are used to vast intensity, they are people who have to learn to control their sensuality, their greediness and even possessiveness, this placement is a huge twist to the usual taurus slow-pace, they learn that life doesnt move the way they want it to move and learn to become adaptable in scenarios that involve them thinking quick on their feet.
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when planets are in fall they have to find a different and original way to comprehend themselves, there is a big struggle but they gain knowledge and wisdom through the planet they're in.
♇ those with sun in libra might struggle with finding their place in society, so this can cause them to become people-pleasers and even walking matts to everyone around them. they need to learn to live for themselves and not for the pleasure of other people.
♇ those with moon in scorpio struggle with finding eternal peace, its chaos in their mind and heart, they're vengeful as they normally interact with people who have malicious intent, could be friends or family members, what they have to do is end the cycle, becoming people who transform the hateful energy into something that is healing and creative for themselves and even other people, that's why a lot of musicians that are mass-liked have a scorpio moon, ex, beyonce, miley cyrus, kali uchis and the weeknd.
♇ those with mercury in pisces struggle with finding confidence, they might've been people who have been ridiculed and pushed to the side by others who demean their intelligence and their spiritual views in life. thus, becoming people who find their tribe who aid them on their journey of being assured.
♇ those with venus in virgo struggle with finding their true self, thus their need for perfection in themselves and other people. they have to learn to become less controlling and be pleased and grateful for the things and people in their lives.
♇ those with mars in cancer struggle with being assured, always double-backing or stalling in projects they can thrive in. always thinking what they give is the worst, paranoia strikes for cancer martians, so they become dependent to other people to make them confident, finding their individuality is a big theme in their life.
♇ individuals with jupiter in capricorn normally do have it better than most capricorn in planet placements as jupiter gives it a great boost, however as it is in fall, capricorn jupiter natives learn to be people who build their foundations from the start to the top, having to be people who had to become responsible and serious at a young age, most of their childhood might've been taken away from them, so people with this placement learn to have fun with childhood nostalgia that might've been taken away from them.
♇ individuals with saturn in aries have to learn to be disciplined, with aries being such a fiery and excited sign, [plus even a bit immature], the saturn essence practically forces the sign to take life more seriously, they end up becoming people who start projects and goals and finish them instead of leaving it midway through the process. stepping into the roles of leaders, saturn in aries natives learn to be people who can exercise their authority position towards events that can have them flourish in the future.
♇ individuals with uranus in taurus learn to be people who are unique with the ideas they come up with, most uranus in taurus people are uncomfortable in this placement, because it goes against everything they're used to, peace? now there's chaos? slowness? now its fast. though this makes them very versatile people, when it comes to cooking, baking, writing and even having a unique singing voice people can recognise.
♇ individuals with neptune in aquarius learn to be those who have to break out of social "norms" that are actually unhealthy, this is why many of them make up worlds in their own mind. it's like a way to be free from what society puts them through, however, the coping mechanism can become toxic as they slowly begin to get trapped in their own minds, being maladaptive day-dreamers and unintentionally stopping themselves from taking on tasks in the real life, unaware with how much time passes by, when they finally snap out of it they realise how much time they have lost that could've been used for them to progress in life, what they need to learn is being able to separate dreams and reality and not fall into their own built matrix.
♇ individuals with pluto in libra learn to be people who dont need chaos in their life, learning that being negative is really draining. they then become people who allow life to carry them, being non-confrontational with disasters that happen in front of them, unfortunately this sometimes causes them to be people who do nothing in their life. howbeit, this can manifest into them being people who take control, being leaders, politics and humanitarians, they're a huge force and people can end up fearing/respecting it.
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soberpluto · 1 year
Explaining Dignities: Detriment (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus)
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2nd post on dignities! Hope you enjoy 🤩
Context: In Hellenistic (traditional) astrology, planets in detriment (or debilitated planets) are planetary rulers who sit in its contrary sign (the opposite of its domicile sign), such as Moon in Capricorn. They are said to be like foreigners in a land where they don’t speak the same language and are not familiar with the resources available in that place. Because of that, they cannot express their personality well and find success easily, as they need double the effort to accomplish their goals. With time, they can learn to make the best out of what’s given, but things will not be as easy as with exalted planets or in domicile. Planets in detriment tend to create delays and challenges in the house they occupy.
*Mind that below I’m speaking metaphorically of “house” as the SIGN the planet is exalted, and not the astrological house (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) as such.*
Also, my intention is not to "condemn" people with these placements. As with everything, there are positive and negative interpretations, but for the purpose of this topic, I'll be centering on the challenges only.
Sun in Aquarius: When the Sun is in Aquarius, his powerful and charismatic personality feels threatened. He’s at odds because he cannot be a creative leader and a community ally at the same time. He trades his uniqueness for a sense of belonging and feels like an outsider when he doesn’t achieve this. The Sun is frustrated, as he’s pushed aside from the limelight. He has to accept that his host prefers transcendence and unity over fun, passion, competition and recreation… the things he loves! Aquarius tries to get rid of his need for recognition and superiority in an attempt to make him fit into the masses, and while the Sun finds some sort of value in it, he misses his followers, as he feels underappreciated and misunderstood. After all, he lives for the drama, the theaters! His charisma is of no use in this gray and futuristic laboratory, where he has to learn to get in touch with his shine and brilliance from a mental place instead of his heart. His natural self-expression and emotionality need to be contained and transformed into scientific and innovative concepts that will help humankind, not amaze, or entertain it, as he wishes to.
Personality keywords: detached, stubborn, arbitrary, isolated, alienated, misfit, misunderstood, cold, unemotional.
Moon in Capricorn: When Capricorn receives the Moon, he finds her sensitivity too overwhelming and disturbing. He finds it hard to tolerate her fragility and self-expression, as he wants to keep things under control and practical. Facing drama makes him nervous, so he tries to avoid anything disturbing the Moon may complain about; this creates distance, insecurity and discomfort between hosts. The Moon feels misunderstood, lonely, and alienated from what makes her happy. In this ancient and lonely place, she’s gloomy because she cannot create a cozy and hearty home, where people feel welcomed and she’s able to take care of them without feeling judged or weak. Since she’s ripped away from emotional closeness, depression and exhaustion enter right away, as her host seems to be obsessed with duties, work, and material goals. She does not understand why life has to be so cold and serious. What is she supposed to do with all this vulnerability and depth in a place that sees them as undesirable?
Personality keywords: stern, lonely, gloomy, distant, restricted, pessimistic, overly ambitious, materialistic, incredulous.
Mercury in Sagittarius: Sagittarius is adventurous, expansive and preoccupied with the larger picture, so when Mercury lands into this spacious and disorganized household, he’s overwhelmed and lost. He wants to rearrange things and be as scrupulous as he can so he can make sense out of it all, but in here he has no idea where to begin, or if it’s even possible! He’s not interested in philosophy or spirituality as his host does, as he prefers facts and logical explanations to understand the world. Where he comes from, knowledge cannot beat experience, contrary the abstract and diluted things he finds in this amusement park. Because there are no clear guidelines, books or archives to find his answers, he has to turn into his underused intuition and sense of faith to find clarity. His host just wants him to be excited and have fun without worrying about the minor details! Therefore, his valued brain power seems to not be as useful as before, making him feel ungrounded and confused most of the time. He finds out that it’s better to just go with the flow and ends up sacrificing his methodical approaches for disorder, recklessness and impulsiveness because he gets tired of trying to do things objectively and rationally.
Personality keywords: blunt, distracted, careless, reckless, unclear, outspoken, non-sensical, wanderer, disorganized, lacks attention, messy, inconsistent, excitable.
Mercury in Pisces: Because Pisces is boundless and diluted, Mercury experiences a similar effect of anxiety and frustration as before when he enters the watery and nebulous chambers of his host’s homebase. Mercury needs libraries, schools and constant communication and interactions to feel happy, but in here, he feels alone in the middle of nowhere and things are just too mystical to be digested with common sense. He finds it hard to navigate the temple of the unseen realms, as he’s used to approaching life from his scientific rationale. There are so many things that don’t make sense here! Yes, there are interesting concepts in here and while he learns a thing or two, he loses track of applicable information for “the real world” and inadvertently turns impractical because the knowledge he stumbles upon can only live in the lands of the intangible, dreams or fairytales. He cannot differentiate between illusions and lies from real facts. Because there’s no impartial or logical point of reference, he frequently may be caught up by deceitful communication. His confusion can drive him towards victimhood or self-undoing tendencies, in an attempt to escape what he cannot cope with logically (which can be a lot!).
Personality keywords: disoriented, deceitful, confused, lost, mentally ill, escapist, unreal, delusional, self-absorbed, distracted, martyr, unreal, highly Influenceable.
Venus in Aries: When the planet of love, beauty and harmony enters this host’s home, she feels threatened and uninvited. She feels too weak and scared in a place where war and blood are the bread of everyday. She does not tolerate violence well, but this is what is expected of her in here. Venus understands that she must defend herself to survive, and although she has the resources to do that, she feels unhappy because her soft, passive, gentle and kind approach towards life cannot be expressed without being seen as a liability, a weakness. Cooperation and partnerships are hard to maintain here, because her host couldn’t be less interested healthy connections or other people's wellbeing. He only looks out for himself and makes sure Venus knows this! She feels unable to relax because she’s constantly pushed towards violence and exhausting combat. Venus hates so much chaos and egoism! She and her host bump into each other because both want to follow their own agendas. Tension and ego-clashes will surface, especially if her provoked violence goes to extremes. In an attempt to preserve her values, she can lash out unnecessarily or become passive-aggressive because she is constantly irritated or frustrated about her surroundings. After all, the way she's allowed to love is contrary to what she's used to.
Personality keywords: tempestuous, passive-agressive, visceral, contradictory, tense, over sexualized, highly masculine, too controlling or pushy, self-centered, tough love, competes for love, hyper sensitive.
Venus in Scorpio: Although Scorpio values intimacy and emotional depth like Venus, when she enters this hidden cave of mysteries and forbidden things, she becomes overwhelmed and terrified by the darkness she bumps into. Venus is used to thrive in a place of beauty, peace, and relaxation, but in here, her host loves the tenebrous and complicated. She’s left to her own devices and is obligated to find her way out alone. Exploring this realm can feel like a house of horror ride for sweet and innocent Venus! Her host is an enigmatic creature that allures but frightens her, because she’s not able to guess if he’s a friend or an enemy. This is a place where she is forced to find beauty and resilience in the darkest of corners, as daylight is very hard to be seen beneath the ground. She has to become familiar with sorrow and pain too, and she does this by going through constant deaths and rebirths because her need for understanding and closeness drags her to the extremes and into unknown dangers. Venus builds a thick crust around herself to protect her vulnerability. This makes her painfully isolated at times because she will always crave for love and intimacy; a secret she cannot tell. The intensity and uncertainty of this place can make her hyper controlling or mistrusting, but also resilient.
Personality keywords: intense, vengeful, possessive, jealous, secretive, insecure, mind-player, exploitative, dark, uses sex as a weapon, gold digger.
2nd part coming up! Thanks all for reading! 😘
Written by @soberpluto
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
personal planets version
domicile: the planet is in it's home sign (comfortable)
exaltation: the planet is elevated (comfortable)
detriment: the planet is opposite to the home sign (uncomfortable)
fall: the planet is opposite to the exalted sign (uncomfortable)
when a planet is in domicile or exaltation it means the planet is comfortable in the sign it is in. this results in:
the placement becoming powerful (strong)
the placement being "too much" (overabundance of the planet's energy)
when a planet is in detriment or fall it means the planet is uncomfortable in the sign it is in. this results in:
the placement becoming weak and poorly expressed
the placement becoming "embarrassed" with how to behave or express itself (leads to coping)
domicile in leo, exalted in aries
♡ why it's powerful: confident and focused on the self as the sun wants to be.
♡ why it's too much: self-absorbed and places themselves at the centre of attention and situations (without the consideration of others).
detriment in aquarius, fall in libra
♡ why it's weak - aquarius: focused on society, ideals and groups (other people) and not the self and only knows who they are in relation to (their knowledge on) these things (which is other people). feels left out - alienated or isolated, black sheep.
♡ why it's weak - libra: insecure and focused on other people and seeks approval from others to validate identity. self-unaware and only knows who they are in relation to other people (who they're around or who they idealise).
domicile in cancer, exalted in taurus
♡ why it's powerful: secure, unfiltered emotional expression. easily defined emotions which can be translated effectively - "predictable" and expected emotions. treats (takes care of and spoils) themselves easily. naturally trusting.
♡ why it's too much: overindulgent in order to seek comfort, doesn't easily understand different emotional expressions, ruled by their emotional life (moody to the outside world). naive and too easily emotionally attached.
detriment in capricorn, fall in scorpio
♡ why it's weak: hard relationship with the mother, insecure and restricted emotional expression. secretive and suspicious. afraid of allowing themselves to seek out comfort. doesn't form close connections easily.
domicile in gemini (extroverted expression) and virgo (introverted expression), exalted in aquarius
♡ why it's powerful: quick thinkers and active communicators. • gemini: easily communicates with all people • virgo: highly effective planners and clever strategists • aquarius: lightning bolt epiphanies, understands different forms of information easily.
♡ why it's too much - gemini (extroverted expression): talks too much and too quickly (misses words, tells stories in the wrong order, lies etc.). says the wrong thing, can't be silent (offends and overshares).
♡ why it's too much - virgo (introverted expression): too practical (overly focused on plans and details), nagging, particular, pedantic.
♡ why it's too much - aquarius: easily defined by their knowledge - god complex.
detriment in sagittarius and pisces, fall in leo
♡ why it's weak - sagittarius: meaning over facts (and turns personal experiences into facts), unable to explain themselves effectively and tells stories in a confusing way.
♡ why it's weak - pisces: says one thing but means another, naive communicators (can be easily lied to), logic easily swayed by emotions.
♡ why it's weak - leo: one-way communicators, doesn't understand what others are saying easily, dramatic and ineffective storytelling.
domicile in libra (extroverted expression) and taurus (introverted expression), exalted in pisces.
♡ why it's powerful - libra (extroverted expression): connects easily with others, easily understands others' needs and wants, sharing and fair to others.
♡ why it's powerful - taurus (introverted expression): understands security and earthly matters, understanding of and appreciation for beauty and aesthetics, naturally sensual.
♡ why it's powerful - pisces: easily able to connect and empathise with others, flexible and adaptable to the lives of others, sharing and giving.
♡ why it's too much: lacks independence (needs possessions or other people) • libra: people pleasers, overly focused on romance • taurus: hedonistic and hoarding (possessive) • pisces: easily loses themselves in others.
detriment in aries and scorpio, fall in virgo
♡ why it's weak: self-concerned, can't easily open up to others and share. • aries: too selfish for give and take with others • scorpio: love has conditions (can't naturally give of themselves) • virgo: too critical of other people, perfectionistic and unaccepting.
domicile in aries and scorpio, exalted in capricorn
♡ why it's powerful: go after what they want straightforwardly, stands up for themselves, good energy and not lethargic about their goals.
♡ why it's too much: selfish and goes after what they want at the expense of others. • aries: blunt and inconsiderate (their rights over your rights) • scorpio: easily jealous of others and revenge-seeking (wants to tear others down, their rights over your rights) • capricorn: ruthless. can be extremely malicious and cruel, doesn't care who they hurt to achieve their goals even more so than aries and scorpio.
detriment in libra and taurus, fall in cancer
♡ why it's weak: procrastinating, lazy and can't stand up for themselves (sometimes needs others to stand up for them or needs others to help them do things - doesn't want to do things alone) • libra: stands up for others and causes but not themselves, feels the need to manipulate others to get their way, passive • taurus: inappropriate anger (anger simmers for long periods - is patient until they explode, creates unclear boundaries with others), passive about going after what they want • cancer: can't stand up for themselves and throws tantrums instead, argues too emotionally.
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pinkobjectmilkshake · 22 days
if this wasn’t PBandai (I’m Aussie and we don’t have that) I’d be so down to order this little Cruel Jerk
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medicinanocturna · 2 years
Planets in detriment
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What is the detriment essential quality of the planet, and the huge potential it is bearing you can read in this part of my blog.
Sun in Aquarius is one of a kind position. Here I wrote about how the main luminary of the chart is expressing itself when in exile.
Moon in Capricorn can be sensitive and caring to the degree that Cancer Moon cannot understand, because the Capricorn Moon is not only driven by emotions but also by the sense of inner axis and responsibility that can give even more depth to any caring feelings. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the teacher of karmic lessons. Add this to the planet like the Moon, and you will see the potential to feel out the karmic roots of the emotions. Capricorn Moon’s sensitivity is more about energies than emotions and it makes it potentially more fine-tuned with the higher planes. Saturn quality of the Moon can make it disciplined in the most humble way and thus highly susceptive to the emotional states of others. 
Mercury in Pieces can be more profound in understanding than the Mercury in Virgo or Gemini because of its strong inclination towards intuitive perception, and the ability to absorb the enormous volume of information in its own abstractly creative way instead of relying on mental understanding and structuring. Mercury in Pieces is non rational and mystical. It has a talent to discover the very depths of complicated subjects. The water quality of permeating into every millimetre makes this Mercury telepathic and empathic. It also has its own way of putting thoughts into words that can be more comprehensive and concise thanks to its poetic and artistic nature.
Opposite to Venus in Taurus, which loves lavish aesthetics, refined sensuality, and the material pleasures on all levels, Venus in Scorpio is considered to be in exile in the sign where all tangible things have little value by themselves. The intensity of the Scorpio Venus may seem rude, intrusive, and even perverted. Her major lesson in this position is to learn how to relax into trust before it let herself go into feelings and emotions. Her gift is to turn her own intensity into the sensuality that is penetrative, outspoken, and has a healing potential of cutting through the layers of the others. Scorpio Venus not only appreciates pain sexually, it knows how to disentangle it and live it through either relationships or forms of art. Her touch of love can be compared to a surgery and her aesthetics can pierce to the bones, but what it leaves you with is the naked truth. 
Mars in Libra may go much farther than the Mars in Scorpio because of its excellent diplomatic qualities, its talent to build connections and lead others in a graceful and harmonious way (in fact many successful politics and business owners hold this position of Mars in their chart). Libra’s sense of beauty differs from that in Taurus or Pieces. It very much relies on the sense of balance (Saturn exalts here). Add this sense of balance to the planet of action, Mars, and you will see the actions that can be highly efficient in any domain, be it an athlete, an entrepreneur, or an artist. This Mars’s spiritual purpose is about the sense of beauty and equilibrium, which easily makes it a peacemaker where the fight seems to be inevitable. 
Jupiter is considered being a detriment in Virgo. Virgo’s key principle is to put things under scrutiny, to break the entire picture down into pieces, and to be critical before anything else.
Jupiter is the benevolent planet, which we love for its expansive quality, its generosity, and the helicopter view. In Virgo, it can indeed seem inharmonious. However, here the Virgo can teach the Jupiter how to understand all the details as an important part of the picture, and the Jupiter will reciprocate by giving the Virgo more freedom for a larger view. In this position the Jupiter becomes a discerning teacher and benevolent. Something that Sagittarius is often lacking. The Virgo Jupiter in the leadership position will be like an eagle with a magnifying glass. This is an excellent gift for creators. While keeping the entire process of the creation in their mental sight this Jupiter stays considerate of every single step within this process, thus ensuring both the smooth acting and the polished result. A spiritual person with this kind of Jupiter in their chart will hardly become a victim of a false teaching, and vice versa will rip the masks off the fake gurus. 
For a personal examination of your chart, drop me a line…
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k-atsukibakugou · 9 months
i love love love sleep but i wish i didn’t need it
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manmetaphysical · 10 months
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3) Is Mercury really that bad in Sagittarius?
This is a whole other discussion, but relevant here since it’s a review of all that Sagittarius means and those born with sun in Sagittarius are most likely to also have Mercury there. The short answer to the question is Mercury really that bad in Sagittarius is ‘No’. But there’s a long answer too that defuses the common mantra which is trotted out with regularity.
Astrologers say that Mercury is in ‘detriment’ – they make it sound like a ‘bad boy’ scenario- or at least that it suffers there. And anyone with this placement might be jinxed into thinking this is fated. In quantum terms, nothing is ever that fixed, but it is probable, potential, depending on various mitigating factors. The word ‘detriment’ comes with a lot of negative associations. Astrological lore is that Mercury is out of its ‘domicile’ which is the opposite sign Gemini. The analogy used is that it is in a foreign land which is exactly the terrain that Jupiter loves, the joyousness of roaming around the world, bringing good will and seeing the ‘holistic’ picture. But Mercury – Hermes in his original Greek guise- was pretty adventurous, mischievous, extremely resourceful, he could steal or lie as needed like it was a fun thing to do.
He could walk backwards to cover his tracks, and is not afraid to go anywhere, even into the underworld and back in his ‘psychopomp’ aspect, so it always seemed to me that, unless there are other configurations pointing to a depletion of its energy, Mercury performs just as well in Sagittarius as it would in any other sign. But it might just be inactive through lack of effort to develop potential, or Mercury is pressured to bring out a few of his tricks and demonstrate his dexterous skills.
It all depends on what the Sagittarian native does with the energy, how they make use of its presence and the way with words that works best in that sign. If you say that a person with Mercury in Sagittarius will be challenged to be a good writer, perhaps they rose to that challenge anyway. There’s Jane Austen, Gustave Flaubert, George Elliot, Noel Coward, C.S. Lewis, Shirley Jackson,  Philip K. Dick, and even Bram Stoker.
In Stoker’s case his sun was in Scorpio,, so not a Sagittarian, but his Mercury was in Sagittarius. It is true that he did have a prolonged difficulty with writing that could have been related to dyslexia- the Mercury was square to Saturn. The drafts of ‘Dracula’ were confused and revisions were numerous, but the power of the book once it was published is indisputable. Jane Austen had Mercury in Sagittarius and she  is number one author most beloved by the British reading public. She has a moral tone, but with a light comedic touch, revealing a fondness for her incorrigible characters  who are not judged, just chastised. People adore that but the skill in the writing is evident, crisp and cool with no wasted words on the page.
I have this placement too and feel there is definitely a bit of cognitive dissonance here and struggle to be understood when the attempt to say the impossible begins. Wasn’t it the Queen in Alice Through the Looking Glass who practised thinking of at least six impossible things before breakfast? But I always felt there’s something too reductive in saying that Mercury is badly placed in Jupiter’s house.  When challenged to express to left-brain centred listeners the voice of the right brain, people pull out the stops to overcome the difficulties with words and phrases, and their deeper qualities eventually shine through. What natives with this placement have to do is not let the  message be lost in the words, or by jumping around from topic to topic. It’s the triumph of wisdom over intellect and integrating all that you know which the Mercury retrograde will allow you to do.
I would never say Mercury is  is automatically ‘bad’ to a client, as he is so equivocal. Plus we words have incredible power – they act as spells to create illusions in the mind. They are the essence of what’s ‘Mercurial’ which by its nature is hard to pin down. He just keeps slipping through the fingers. Every placement has some benefits, but they do need to be strategically activated. They just may not be so obvious and may need as in every hero’s journey, to be called upon  like a magic sword in the hour of need.
So whether Mercury is challenged or not, depends on the effort of the native to see their way through the obstacles. As they say with jokes  ‘‘it’s the way you tell ’em‘ that matters, not the joke itself.
Those who struggle harder to express themselves work harder, for longer, and eventually reach greater heights. One perfect astrological example is the work of Johfra Bosshart, born 15/12/1919 with his sun in Sagittarius, Saturn in Virgo lending an industrious ability to toil, Jupiter and Pluto in Leo but he had his Mercury in Sagittarius at 2°.  But it was square to Uranus.
He described his own work as “Surrealism based on studies of psychology, religion, the Bible, astrology, antiquity, magic, witchcraft, mythology and occultism”. He belonged to a group of ‘Metarealists’ who were not that popular for a long time, but what’s fascinating is that he had a triple conjunction of asteroids Psyche and Eros the eternal lovers together and Pallas Athene, the strategist, all in Aquarius.
Mercury conjunct Venus in Sagittarius produces explosions of fiery virtuosity as with Jimi Hendrix playing guitar like no one else ever could.  Others like George Elliot, Georges Seurat had this conjunction near their sun in Sagittarius as well as Nicki Minaj who uses her physicality as a female with enhanced breasts and butt to deliver the message.
And Mercury conjunct the Galactic centre produced a singer like Edith Piaf whose guttural and emotional delivery of songs spoke to the entire world. The Galactic centre taps in to all that is transpersonal and super charges it with energy aligned directly to the centre point of the Milky Way that is beyond this solar system. Non, Je ne regrette rien would be a good anthem for the Sagittarian as they sometimes blame themselves as much as others but it packs a punch.
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dakethumoses · 1 year
no it doesn't matter but i know in my HEART the second house is on saturn and the fourth is on mars. i don't have "explicit proof" for this but i do believe it very strongly. a lot of this argument DOES boil down to astrology which DOES sound insane but you do see wrt sixth & seventh & arguably ninth astrological allusions btwn the vibe/purpose of the house and the planet it resides on. bc the whole vibe wrt the fourth is that they're rushing in to battle half cocked, very young house overall (exemplified by jeannemary and isaac being FOURTEEN and talking about how the only reason they didn't leave for the front was when they were supposed to they got mumps) - the line about aiglamene (see 4th ouse originating aiglamene theory) not seeming like a brandishment baby - the fourth house is rushing in. it's impulsive and energetic and young in its structure, that's MARS in astrology, baby. vs the second house which is intensely more structured and the host to the nine house's military; saturn's whole role in astrology can be boiled down for the sake of this conversation to be about resilience, justice, hard work, foresight, and long term planning (there's a whole thing about your saturn return, esp your first one around 27-30, being about kicking you in the ass to make you see what you need to actually work on and bringing back all the things you've sown for years) which much more aligns w the second house's whole deal imo.
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little-ajax-56793 · 1 year
God I hate modern home design. Why is there natural light in the bathroom. You don't need natural light to piss. People outside can also see through windows. Why is there a mirror across from your clear-walled shower. Where are you going to hide when there is a tornado. There is a window in your bathroom
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harmoonix · 6 months
(astrology observations)
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🖼️: Moon in the 8th house has a lot of deep meanings behind it and the sad part is that sometimes it can cause pain/suffering but it comes with its good things as well if you have your moon at 8° or 20° you can feel the same
🖼️:Water Moon + Fire Sun combo in your chart gives a vibe of both short temper + chill temper, is like a mix between a spicy and sour seasonings
🖼️: Ascendant at 4°, 16° 28° degrees have the cutest face expressions (Cancer Energy), like when they smile or make a specific face
🖼️: Ascendant at 10°, 22° degrees can give you a beautiful looking face and in general your body too, so many people out where look stunning with those degrees on the ascendant
🖼️:Those with Jupiter in the sign of Cancer/4th house can feel the most lucky when they think about their family or creating their own families, it gives them an excitement energy
🖼️: Most people will argue about this but Venus in Scorpio is tricky as hell with the relationships because Venus is in detriment, Scorpio Venus may not know how to act when they're in love or in a relationship
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🖼️: Sagittarius Risings will 100% wanna look for someone who is very communicative with them, and someone who can express their feelings in a relationship (Gemini in the 7th house)
🖼️:Moon in Capricorn/Moon in the 10th house natives can be the ones who have a hard time with telling their true feelings, most of them are close people and don't want to get hurt
🖼️: Lilith asteroid (1181) aspecting Mercury gets excited about hearing other people's voice, like some voice can turn them up just by hearing them
🖼️: Saturn in the 10th house feels like a dad who is constantly watching over you, because Saturn feels at home here is a healthy placements for Saturn and let's say Saturn transforms into a dad figure
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🖼️: Chiron in Aries/ at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees can struggle with their anger issues or having a hard time to calm themselves sometimes having a hard time to focus on themselves too and tends to forget about things that make them happy
🖼️: Taurus in the 4th house/Venus in the 4th house > They don't express their sensuality often but when they do people get stunned by it. Most natives with this energy make people to feel safe and at home/peace
🖼️: Most Taurus Risings i know have such cute voices and I think is because they have Gemini and cancer rulling their 2nd and 3rd houses (The combo of air + water makes this energy). Definitely they got the physical touch love sign with their Scorpio in the 7th house
🖼️: When it comes to the past I think South Node in the 9th/12th and 8th house makes the native to wonder a lot of about it or to have a lot of questions towards their past lives
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🖼️: Natives with 5th house empty usually don't want kids, until there is some love asteroid like, for example i have asteroid Aphrodite (1388) in this house but overall my house is empty (no planets just asteroids) and I don't want or wish kids
🖼️: I think Air Risings and Air Moons are the most social people out there because of their open communicative aura/social skills/ they're pretty ambient in their energy as well and they have a good humour tho
🖼️: Sun in the 1st house natives makes the native to be so determined and focused towards their life, they're so ambitious and powerful and their energy overall is just amazing
🖼️: Neptune aspecting Pluto or Uranus makes the native so spiritual, like is amazing they're getting more wise with their age and more mature
🖼️: Neptune in the 12th house has a surreal needy of getting closer with other people's feelings/like they want to know your soul first and before all
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🖼️: Pisces/Cancer and Virgo placements especially Moon are vey underatted when it comes to being clingy and clinginess, they're so clingy but they don't show it at first
🖼️: Virgo Risings have a very dirty way of talking because of their Scorpio in the 3rd house, they're so so so dirty in talking (when angry they may cuss a lot)
🖼️: Taurus Lilith is so so touchy and needy but they dont usually show it...like they will give you some signs or indications but most of these natives are just hidden sensualists
🖼️: Be careful if you have Lilith in Cancer or Lilith in the 4th house or at Cancer Degrees because you can "absorb" in a way the negative things from your mother, and the meaning of this placement is to NOT be like your mother (you know what I mean like in toxic ways or tendencies)
🖼️: You will never know what is going through the mind of the Uranus in the 1st house, they are thinking at multiple things at once and often can get distracted
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🖼️: Groom asteroid in your 9th house can indicate having a foreign spouse (if you are attracted to men) if you are attracted to women check Briede asteroid
Asteroids Codes: 5129, 19029
🖼️: Groom 5129 in the 12th house can indicate soulmates or twin flames, maybe even a karmic partner, someone's who's very passionate and sensitive
🖼️: Mercury aspecting Neptune or Mars (Or having those planets in the same house) makes the native "sharp mind - sharp tongue", they are extremely intelligent but can also fool people
🖼️: Jupiter aspecting Venus (all aspects) are so beautiful, when Jupiter aspects Venus it expands your beauty/charm/love to everyone and puts you in the spotlight
🖼️: Jupiter aspecting the Ascendant are the most underrated when it comes to beauty in Astrology, Jupiter literally is blessing you when is touching the ascendant
🖼️: Scorpio/Aquarius/Pisces/ Risings are having 2 ruler planets that can influence their lives, check your both ruler planets when you have one of these 3 risings. Look for Mars and Pluto for Scorpio/Look for Jupiter and Neptune with Pisces/Look for Saturn and Uranus with Aquarius 💅🏼
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✨ With all the love, bless you all! ✨
✨ From the past, present or future ✨
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atrologynuances · 3 months
astrology observations pt1
(some are brutally honest and some are very very general)
all signs included!!
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- cancer mars actually hate everyone in their head but will never show it.
- unevolved cancer suns are one of the worst friends along with leo suns, maybe is their need to shine brighter than everyone else
- libra mars, especially men, are scared to look weak in society so they’ll do anything in their power not to be in such position-it usually involves lying.
-people with saturn in the 4th house have had a rough childhood filled with limitations and oftentimes had to be displaced from their home at a young age.
-people with saturn in their 1st house do not really know how they look or their impact in society, some just exist if that makes sense.
-capricorn risings will go through hell and back before they find a lover, this is because their 7th house of relationships with other and open enemies is ruled by the moon which rules over emotions, and the moon is in detriment in capricorn.
-same concept with pisces risings, I find that they date people or might surround themselves with people that have a lower educational level than them (mercury is in detriment in their sign)
-pisces risings have the most beautiful captivating eyes yes, but they’re also pretty intimidating, an energy one cannot quite put their finger on, which is what makes it intimidating and scary.
-I know libra rules beauty, but all the libra risings i’ve met always had something off with their face (i’m so sorry). with them is more about the beautiful vibe they exude once evolved, as opposed to their looks alone.
-most scorpio sun men do look like rats, they’re small, talk fast, and have sharp teeth, or noticeable teeth.
-sagittarius seem to not like school that much or they really do, no in between.
-sagittarius sun men are the dirtiest men i’ve met, they’re also chronic liars and cheaters, and have the biggest victim complex. they will drop you if they think you bring them “bad luck.”
-most taurus sun women are opportunistic and liars, they have the face card for it though, which is why they always get away with it.
-taurus sun men are the creepiest people i’ve met, there is always something sketchy with them. the type that will love bomb you two weeks into the relationship and then drop you the week after if they don’t think you’ll be useful to them.
-leo venus, specifically the men, will never be satisfied with their partner long term. they tend to “settle down” with partners they’re not that physically attracted to.
-i’ve noticed that aquariuses, regardless of gender always have pretty long hair (please confirm if this is you or if you’ve noticed this as well). if they don’t have long hair they have an eccentric hair colors like fuchsia pink or neon green.
-aries sun men look musty, or at least the ones i’ve encountered.
-on the other hand, aries women are the most gorgeous people i’ve met, they have a tall pose that exudes confidence; they do tend to be two faced though, still very beautiful. also, they always work hard for what they got! “mama i’m the rich man” vibe.
-people with north node in the 1st yearn for relationships, even if they don’t admit it.
it never seem to happen for them romantically, or at least not until the second part of their life.
-people with venus in the 7th are either loved of hated by people, they are mostly loved depending on the conditions of their venus but there’s something about them people can’t seem to shake off (something positive).
-a gemini anything will scam you and you won’t know until two years later lol.
-seriously though, am I the only one that has noticed gemini suns (only) being favored by the universe when it comes to them seeing the consequences of their actions. they could do half of the world wrong, and will still come out winning in the end. this is why most of them go about life like there’s no tomorrow.
-virgo risings struggle with their health from a very young age.
-virgo venuses are quite captivating, I know venus is at fall here but their elegance will have you second guessing why.
-since we’re talking about virgos let me add that virgo suns are very consistent with how inconsistent their personality is. they’re also picky eaters.
-if the ruler of your 5th house falls into your 6th house you might be a controlling and manipulative mother.
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astrobydalia · 11 months
Predicting the chart of your future spouse
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First of all, thank you to @harmoonix for inspiring me to make this post!
I wanted to share some key thing I've observed that you should look out for in your Groom (5129) and Briede (19029) persona charts if you want to know what placements your future spouse might have. Look at Groom PC if you're looking to marry a man and Briede PC if you're looking to marry a woman. These asteroids move very slowly so in order to get more insight about your person looking at these charts is important
For other options you can apply these to Descendent PC and to a lesser extent Juno PC, those can ring true as well, but the main research of this post is focused on Groom/briede
These are patterns I've extracted based on my research analyzing the charts of married couples. Presented in no particular order
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work by astrobydalia
The Ascendant/1st house/Placement of asc ruler
… in the groom/briede pc. This I’ve seen correlated mainly to the Sun or Asc of spouse since it is indicative of their main personality traits and characteristics. It can also relate to other prominent placements/energies of spouse
Hailey Bieber has Scorpio ASC in her Groom PC and Justin Bieber is a Scorpio ASC
Justin Bieber has Sagittarius ASC in his Briede PC and Hailey is a Sagittarius ASC
One of my clients had Cancer ASC on her Groom PC and her husband was a water ASC with moon in his 1st house
Blake Lively has Sagittarius ASC with Uranus, Saturn and Neptune 1st house in her Groom PC and her husband Ryan is a mutable rising. It’s worth mentioning the he’s also known for having a bold, eccentric (Uranus) and humorous personality, he's also older than her (Saturn) and he's from a different country (sag). He also has Sagittarius IC and Venus
Joanne Woodward has Virgo Asc in her Groom pc with its ruler falling in Libra and her husband Paul Newman was an earth rising with Venus and Mercury conjunct his Asc
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Moon placement
this one is so important! 9/10 your spouse's moon will have similar qualities as the moon in your groom/briede pc or spouse might have placements in this sign
Most common case in my research: spouse’s moon is in the same element or modality as the moon in the Groom/Bride pc
Other example is a client of mine had Cancer moon in his Briede pc and his wife had Moon-Jupiter conjunction in her chart (jupiter expands moon’s qualities and is also exalted in cancer)
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Part of Fortune/Vertex
I’ve seen these being a less literal indicative of actual placement but it does show prominent energies in spouse definitely, specially within the relationship
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pay attention to this one!!! I’ve seen it being SO accurate! I’ve noticed that if a planet (particularly inner planet) is in good or bad dignity in your groom/briede pc, your fs will likely have that planet in one of its signs of domicile, exaltation, fall or detriment. This also makes that particular planet significant in your person’s chart (meaning it might be dominant, on the angles, in joy houses, etc)
Mila Kunis has Scorpio Mars (mars’ domicile) in her Groom PC and Ashton Kutcher is a Cancer Mars (mars’ detriment)
She also has Sun in Aries (sun’s exaltation) in her groom pc chart and Ashton in an Aquarius Sun (sun’s debilitation)
The client I mentioned above also had Aries Sun in his briede pc and his wife had her Sun in the 9th house (sun’s joy)
Blake Lively has Taurus Moon (moon’s exaltation) in her Groom PC and Ryan is a Scorpio Moon (moon’s detriment)
Grace Kelly had Libra Venus (venus domicile) in her Groom pc and her husband was a Taurus Venus (venus domicile)
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Angular houses
similar to the last point. The common consensus I’ve seen with this one is that if you have a certain planet in an angular house in the groom/briede pc, your spouse likely has that planet in an angular house too or that planet is significant in them
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planets at critical degrees in your groom/briede pc can be significant or manifest quite literally in your person’s chart
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work by astrobydalia
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astrolovecosmos · 4 months
*Pluto Natal Aspect Snippets*
Sun Trine Pluto: May be charismatic, influential, magnetic, and highly perceptive. They can easily read and intimidate, persuade, or manipulate others. They can handle pressure and change well, believing what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. While the trine aspect is generally harmonious, the connection between the Sun and Pluto can sometimes lead to a tendency towards being overly intense, obsessive, overbearing, or controlling.
Sun Opposite Pluto: May struggle with their darker side often, especially obsessive and compulsive behaviors. They may deal with a lot of power struggles in life, feeling like they always have to defend and fight for themselves. But they can develop sharp intuition, self-awareness, and inner power.
Sun Square Pluto: May deal with a lot of tension and conflicts with others in life. Others may find them to be too intense, intimidating, mysterious/private, or others may be jealous of their authenticity, passion, or depth. They may feel like others are always out to one up them, control them, or put them down. HOWEVER they must also mind a possible paranoid side. The tension between the need for self-expression (Sun) and the deep, transformative energy of Pluto can lead to obsessive thoughts and behaviors. A positive to this aspect is these individuals do not fear their shadows or the skeletons in their closet. They may be brave, strong-willed, and always willing to grow.
Moon Trine Pluto: This can be a highly deep and intuitive individual. At a young age they learn how to sooth and heal themselves and can act as a great healer or guide for others. But their emotions are intense and they can be highly controlling towards their closest loved ones.
Moon Opposite Pluto: May easily overreact, is hypersensitive, volatile, and can easily drain themselves or others emotionally. Can fall into relationships that have a lot of hidden tension, leading to feelings of resentment, manipulation, or emotional blackmail. Over time they can have a great understanding of their emotional landscape and the ability to transform their vulnerabilities into sources of strength and wisdom.
Moon Square Pluto: Could be a highly manipulative individual. Can find themselves caught in a cycle of emotional highs and lows, frequently feeling consumed by their own intensity and drowning. This can lead to a sense of inner turmoil and difficulty in maintaining emotional balance, often resulting in stress and anxiety. Can grow to be emotionally strong and very self-aware.
Mercury Trine Pluto: Likely a deep, insightful, perceptive, and investigative person. They have a love for researching and analyzing subjects in depth. Could become a master of a subject. Can be a passionate teacher/professor. But this aspect is famous for becoming too obsessed with a subject or obtaining knowledge to their detriment.
Mercury Opposite Pluto: May be combative or competitive in their communication style. Could try to "dominate" conversations. Can easily misunderstand others or become misunderstood. May be plagued by paranoia at times. Can easily mistrust others. They likely learned to trust their intuition at a young age and may heavily rely on it. They may have a talent for always getting to the heart of an issue.
Mercury Square Pluto: Can be stubborn in their opinions and have an all-or-nothing mentality. Can overlook what is important by jumping to conclusions or being preoccupied with finding hidden meanings or uncovering perceived deceptions. But they mentally approach the world with a lot of depth and sensitivity. They notice what others don't and some can be a good judge of character.
Venus Trine Pluto: Intense and passionate in their relationships but in a way that is magnetic, sexy, and maybe commanding. It's a great aspect for deepening intimacy and fostering meaningful growth in relationships. But those with this placement can become unchanging or controlling in their relationships too. Their attachments may usually be harmonious or loving but they can also be extremely strong.
Venus Opposite Pluto: There can be intense emotional power struggles in relationships. There can also be profound transformations or challenges in many of your relationships that lead to empowerment and self-mastery.
Venus Square Pluto: Associated with control, power dynamics, jealousy, and possessiveness in relationships. Needs to learn to manage their own intensity when it gets out of control or unhealthy. Or may need to learn how to listen to themselves more in relationships, follow their intuition/heart.
Mars Trine Pluto: Is a focused, passionate, magnetic, and inspiring or leading individual. They have a lot of confidence with heat, power, and determination to back up their confidence. But they can have an overpowering side to themselves that causes friction with others or gets them wrapped up in competition or conflict.
Mars Opposite Pluto: May be a ruthless individual who is out for conflict, finding it to be stimulating, to feed their ego, or to feed their hungry drive. Can be self-destructive and reckless. May be manipulative or controlling and really struggle with collaboration and cooperation. They can have a lot of willpower and endurance.
Mars Square Pluto: May be aggressive, forceful, could frequently and quickly escalate situations. May push others away from being close to them. But may be a survivor in life, someone who has to empower themselves often. They might be a very strong individual on many levels. Must learn to open up and find peace in their own way.
Jupiter Trine Pluto: A whole lot of inner strength. This aspect fosters a deep sense of purpose and the ability to influence and inspire others, making it easier to effect positive change on a larger scale. However their intense drive for success and transformation can sometimes lead to an obsession with power or control, potentially causing strain in personal or professional relationships.
Jupiter Opposite Pluto: Can indicate someone who deals with a lot of explosive power struggles in life. May be manipulative or power hungry themselves. Can give into obsession and extreme behavior of all types. Has a great ability to empower themselves by facing their inner demons head on.
Jupiter Square Pluto: May be a dogmatic, closed-minded, judgmental, and overly harsh person, especially in their beliefs. A desire for control may manifest through philosophies or religion somehow. But this person can have a lot of determination and depending on their ethics may be a great force to change the world around them for the better.
Saturn Trine Pluto: Makes individuals perceptive, hardworking, diligent, strong, and determined. We have two powerful planets working together. Pluto brings depth, destruction, healing, transformation, empowerment. Saturn brings wisdom, maturity, strategy, lessons, and realism. They can be blessed with self-mastery and a strong, effective willpower. But they may be overly serious, negative, or controlling, and easily stressed.
Saturn Opposite Pluto: May struggle with inner power struggles. They may swing from intense confidence to crippling anxiety or self-doubt. Can easily feel overwhelmed or restricted by responsibilities and limitations, resulting in periods of frustration and potential burnout. These individuals will likely experience many profound transformations in their life. Introspection and honing their intuition will be helpful to them.
Saturn Square Pluto: May feel like they never have enough control or power over their life. Leaving their comfort zone, sticking to discipline or a routine, inner authority, independence, and ultimately empowerment may seem extra hard for them. But they can learn to be resourceful, perceptive, and enduring over time. They may find empowerment in unexpected ways.
Uranus Trine Pluto: May be highly unconventional, radical, or revolutionary in their mindset and goals. They can navigate big changes in society or historical events a little easier than others. They are open-minded to the future and can be adaptable and enduring. However they can get obsessive with some of their ideas and opinions. May also not see the value in older structures or traditions. May not learn from past mistakes of others.
Uranus Opposite Pluto: A tornado within and chaos outside - these people are likely very familiar with instability in life. They can also struggle to deal with sudden changes whether they are burnt out from many upheavals in their life or have experienced events that cause them to fear change. Internally they may have a tug-of-war between the desire for freedom and the need for control, leading to feelings of being torn between competing priorities. However this placement can learn to embrace authenticity in themselves and others, they may be passionately honest, and can find hope in the future.
Uranus Square Pluto: May be use to power struggles throughout life, especially in terms of them trying to be more individualistic, independent, or moving forward with change and adaptability. Can encourage others to be rebellious, despite this square's challenges they can have a rebel heart themselves.
Neptune Trine Pluto: This aspect fosters profound spiritual growth and transformation, allowing individuals to deeply connect with their inner selves and pursue meaningful, soul-enriching experiences. They are likely highly intuitive, may be prone to intense dreams, and has a knack for digging up the truth or is a natural healer. However they can be highly unpractical and may neglect the more day-to-day needs and demands of life.
Neptune Opposite Pluto: This aspect can lead to intense inner turmoil and confusion, as individuals may struggle to reconcile their deepest fears and desires with their idealistic visions, resulting in periods of uncertainty and emotional instability. They may be very familiar with deception and betrayal. They can have a great capacity for self-awareness, healing deep wounds, and finding empowerment in soft or spiritual ways.
Neptune Square Pluto (2050s - 2070s): May face a lot of disillusionment in life, both in belief systems and people. "Don't meet your heroes" is an important message for this placement. Has susceptibility to deception or escapism, as individuals may struggle to see situations clearly and might resort to avoidance or denial when faced with harsh realities. They can grow to have a lot of psychological depth and insight.
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celestialtarot11 · 6 months
Astrology Observations 🧎‍♂️‼️
Hi friends! Today we’re just doing a general post for the astrological signs 🤭✨ Please enjoy and share! Your feedback is always appreciated.
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Earth sign energy is heavy and dark, not negative, but they are very connected to their roots, ancestors and past lives. They carry lots of baggage from the past to heal in this lifetime, and thus may feel they lived through many timelines and cycles. They can feel similarly to Scorpio that experienced tons of transformations.
Libra moons can be indecisive in relationships, not because they have a bad sign placement but because they care a lot about people’s feelings. Sometimes too much to their detriment. They’d rather keep the peace than to rock the boat, but that’s what causes tension. Libra moons just need more confidence and security in their choices, and focus on themselves 🧘
Cancer Venus from a young age experienced misunderstandings from the people around them. Cancer venus wants a close community and people who understand their emotions, but in an emotionally unavailable society they can feel neglected and lonely. Its why cancer venus develops walls to protect their heart. They still care, but it takes them a long time to open up.
Virgos remember little details of everyone and hope they can do the same for them. They essentially give what they need and Virgos need attention and someone who creates quality time.
Gemini venus crave communication and mental stimulation in their connections. They love to learn and interact with people. Gemini Venus can also experience lots of isolation or periods of alone time because they aren’t finding the right people to connect to. They’d rather be alone than to have surface level interaction and filler conversations.
Leo + Aquarius pairing in a chart can indicate the native is truly unique and unforgettable. They strive so much to be themselves that it inspires others to do so. Some may even idolize the native, and others can get jealous because the native has qualities they wish they had. The native basically inspires others to get a personality 💅🏻
Mercury 8h can be so funny. We can get picky about what personal info to leave in the outside world. Even the idea of leaving behind our birthday info can irk us 😭 why? I think being in the spotlight or being perceived can be difficult for us.
Adding onto that, mercury 8h can channel spirits, occult knowledge, spirit guides, etc. when they tap in, they TAP in. They did not come to play 😍 All they need is a good meditation sesh and they’re good to go 🧘 all powered up.
Jupiter 8h can go through so many endings and terrible situations and still somehow come out stronger and better. They take their healing and growth seriously, and I think Jupiter 8h people have big hearts, so they always reconnect with that energy which is what carries them 😤
Cancer + Leo in a chart makes someone mystical, ethereal, private, yet somehow well known. There will always be an aspect to these natives to hide to protect themselves, and yet their Leo side will try to guide them out their comfort zone.
Aries rising females always knew who they were since birth 🤭 they could’ve photographed a lot, dressed up a lot, and it’s iconic. Since birth they knew! Aries rising females can be human rights activists too, because they have strong opinions, perspectives and believe in empowerment. Aries rising females may also be into modeling, because since a young age they were surrounded by cameras and people who thought they were beautiful ❤️
Aquarius rising children always look upset in their pictures or they have that thousand mild yard stare 😭 help #me
Sagittarius rising children always had that mischievous look on their face in every picture, or they looked incredibly angry. They had no issue letting their true selves out 😤
Pisces women tend to move far from their home town or childhood home. Lots of them have dreams of living far away from their roots. I think its to discover who they are and rebuild themselves after going through a lot. They physically need to disconnect from toxic environments to heal.
Gemini sun women are like teachers in many ways. Especially when they’ve healed a lot. They can be a teacher to the siblings around them or people. Many turn out to be motivational speakers because they have so much wisdom to share.
Thank ya’ll so much for reading 💗☮️ feel free to like comment and reblog to support the blog 🧘✨ Have a great one!
Paid Readings ✨
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sunkissedchld · 5 months
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝒗𝒆𝒓. 𝒐𝒏𝒆
the piles go from left to right. therefore, pile one is the clear quartz, pile two is the tiger's eye, and so on and so forth.
take your time to use your intuition to choose the pile that will best resonate with you. lastly, please don't be afraid to say if the message resonated or not; it helps me in determining if my interpretations are correct or not, and i appreciate any sort of feedback - even if it's "bad".
good luck to you, reader 🔮
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heavily craving or avoiding physical touch, prominent first house or major first house transits right now, 9/99/999, heavy fire sign placements or embodying fire sign energy recently (or needing to), archangel gabriel, heavy sagittarius and/or cancer energy, mercury, uranus
“Confessions” by Usher
“Lost Without U” by Robin Thicke
“Insecure” by Amare La Negra
“ICONIC” by Aespa
“3RACHA” by Stray Kids
Ace of Cups, Page of Wands (Rx), Knight of Swords (Rx), Broom, Knight of Pentacles (Rx), Queen of Pentacles, Justice, The Hermit, The Star, The Magician
It feels like there’s two camps of people for this pile: those with project ideas in mind for work or for their own personal lives and those interested in a potential crush or relationship. I’ll try to give examples for both and keep things semi-neutral, but sometimes things aren’t always that clean, so apply to your situation as needed. 
You may feel excited about this new project or relationship. You’re excited about potential prospects and have all these ideas running in your mind about how to go about things or how things will turn out, but this excitement is actually proving to be unhelpful or detrimental in a sense. Excitement with the right work ethic and listening ears can be a blessing, but without direction and input from others can cause you flail. It seems you could be rushing into things and trying to make pieces fit where they don’t so to speak. You could be thinking your plan is perfect and if everything just went the way you wanted, then all would be great, but this isn’t true. You need to get rid of this idea of you being this know-it-all who knows exactly what’s happening right now. 
For those of you who are used to always pursuing and making things happen; you need to step back and allow the universe to play out its wants. You could be the type of person who thinks they have to sacrifice everything in order to be happy or live comfortably, and the truth is that is not the case. You can have a balance between your work life and romantic or personal one; it’s okay to love working and coming up with all these ideas, but you also need to learn how to get comfortable with being with others and yourself outside of that professional, work-minded setting. 
For those of you who sit in the background and are a little more lazy, the opposite is true in that you need to step into taking control of your own life instead of leaving decisions and everything else up to the universe or other people around you. you could be too hedonistic and concerned about personal connections to the point where you put your livelihood and financial security at risk. In both instances, a need to balance is present. Also for both instances, there’s an emphasis on spending a little bit of time with yourself to determine in which way you need to expand and in which way you need to pull back from some of your habits. 
This pursuit versus lackadaisical attitude can also be applied to pursuing relationships. Some of you are constantly on the look for this person you’re interested in, or you’re always thinking of how you want to be in a relationship or how you can get into one when you need to step back and let it come to you when you need it. Others of you are acting as if you’re completely out of the game and are putting in no effort to create and maintain relationships when the reality is humans are interactive creatures, and you too need interaction! Again, a balance is needed for those this aligns with. 
Ultimately, you can have whatever it is you want: the lead on the project, the relationship, the good work ethic, the hedonistic lifestyle, but you also need to balance that with what it is you’re avoiding. The perfect recipe or spell concoction isn’t made with too much of any one ingredient. Everything has to work together in order for so-called perfection to be derived.
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lack of sight, “going in blind”, prominent twelfth house placements or transits, heavy pisces placements or energy, 1212, venus, 3/33/333, “i’m walking on sunshine”; “i’m trying to ascend”; “i’m crucified like my savior; saint-like behavior”
“in my head” by Ariana Grande
“Cry Baby” by Megan Thee Stallion (feat. DaBaby)
“Say My Name (Live)” by Beyoncè
“Emotional Bruises” by Madison Beer
“Streets Is Callin’” by B2K
Page of Wands (Rx), Page of Pentacles, The Chariot, Ace of Swords, Seven of Cups, The Patient Witch, Three of Cups, Three of Pentacles, Good Luck Charm
Those choosing pile two might be in an intermittent state currently. Previously, you could’ve felt like you were on top of the world with everything set in stone, but now you’ve lost your footing, and you can’t necessarily figure out why. You might’ve started a project or new endeavor, and now you’re running into unexpected troubles which are making you want to give up. 
You might be someone who is obsessive about the things they want; you need everything to turn out exactly how you pictured it - to the point of refusing to be happy with anything less or slightly different even if the bulk of what you want is given to you. When you do encounter differences (or what you’d consider roadblocks), you have a habit of abandoning things or believing you must’ve messed up in some way – even when that’s not the case! You get so focused on “fixing” things that you forget to be appreciative of what you do accomplish. 
It seems you recognize you’re on some sort of journey, and you’re excited to do so much; you have so many ideas you want to pursue that sometimes you confuse yourself about what to do. In some ways, an abundance of choices is confusing you. You could inherently know that you likely can’t pursue everything (or that you shouldn’t), but your curiosity is getting the best of you. For some of you, I feel like some of these illusionary good choices have already come forward, and you’ve figured out the hard way that not every choice available to you is a good one. 
Those of pile two are being called to do a few things. One is to be patient and listen to yourself. Again, you can have all these ideas about what you want to do, but you need to figure out a way to “be still” and concentrate your energy on what’s best for you. You don’t have to be making moves or plans all the time; I know being told to meditate can feel frustrating, but the truth is that it’s hard to make good decisions without fully thinking them through. This act of listening to your inner self does not have to be done completely alone though (although parts of it should be). Don’t be afraid to ask friends, your guides, or other people around you for advice or help. Talk through your ideas, work with others to achieve them – you might see more success creating a community as opposed to acting totally alone. 
Overall pile two, things will work out for you depending on how you act and whether or not you listen. If you keep pursuing things faster than you’re ready to, then you can expect rude awakenings about needing to slow down and think before acting. If you take the time to get in tune with yourself and determine what it is you truly should be going after, then you can expect better outcomes and results.
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9/99/999, feeling sick recently, not trusting yourself, “don’t trust yourself”, uranus prominence, the color red, lack of fight, dogma, fire dominance or being drawn to fire, 3/33/333, swords, prominent air energy or dominance, 6/66
“Right Here” by Alex Aiono
“Princess Going Digital” by Amaarae
“King’s Dead” by Kendrick Lamar (feat. Jay Rock, Future, & James Blake)
“Muwop” by Latto (feat. Gucci Mane)
“Die A Little Bit” by Tinashe (feat. Ms Banks)
Six of Swords, Six of Wands, Four of Pentacles, Nine of Swords, Five of Swords, The World, Nine of Wands, Temperance, The Tower, Ten of Cups (Rx), Ace of Swords
I think this pile is mainly for those thinking about or experiencing a romantic situation – not everyone will be, so don’t be alarmed because the overall message will be able to be applied regardless of whether romance is in your life right now or not. Those who chose this pile may be the type to close themselves off from others; in a lot of ways you’re hiding your light and existence from people who would appreciate and celebrate you. You could be someone who has social anxiety or worries often about the way people perceive you; you might find it hard to make friends or to establish relationships (romantic, platonic, maybe even familial) where you feel comfortable revealing your authentic self to others. 
You’re being called to leave this unsure part of yourself behind. You could be insecure when it comes to interacting with others – maybe you have a stutter or there’s some other factor that impacts your speech or how comfortable you feel when talking to people. For some of you, you may not understand what makes you special or what would draw people to you as a person, but Six of Wands in the deck I have says, “you’re kind of a big deal, so start acting like it!”. Even if you can’t see your own beauty, draw, or light other people can and want to connect with you because of it and because of who you portray yourself to be. 
Going back to relationships and trying to make connections with others, you may be someone who always thinks the worst of people. You may often think, “no one will like me”; “I won’t be able to make friends here”; “I’m not interesting enough”; “all my relationships go to shit in some way, so why try”, and the advice to you is “you can’t be right all of the time”. The worst possible outcome is not the only outcome. There’s almost a guarantee that if you get out of your comfort zone and be intentional in establishing relationships with people, then you may find the outcomes you fear so much won’t happen. “You have to give people the chance to show you they’re not like the people who have been in your life previously”. 
There’s an emphasis on the fact that you’re still standing even though you may have experienced times when you didn’t think you would keep going. The only/main thing holding you back right now is not your guides or the universe or the people around you or some outside evil force that you think only has it out for you – you are imposing limitations on yourself because of your fear of being hurt again. Although you’re being urged to try and pursue relationships out of your own volition; it’s important to note that some people are coming forward regardless. You must get rid of this idea that you’re unlikeable or unlovable, and you’ll likely have a Tower moment regarding your idea of and the way you act in relationships soon.
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the color purple, feeling restless or tired, sun dominance or needing to go out in the sun, prominent capricorn, libra, and/or gemini placements, red orange/blood orange, second house placements or transits, “trust yourself”, artemis, poseidon, water dominance or working with water, hades
“libidO” by OnlyOneOf
“Focus” by H.E.R
“Victory” by Yolanda Adams 
“UGOMDN” by chlothegod
“Star Lost” by Stray Kids
Page of Pentacles (Rx), Seven of Cups, The Patient Witch (Rx), Queen of Swords, Page of Cups, Five of Wands, Ten of Wands (Rx), The Lovers (Rx), Ace of Pentacles, Eight of Cups. Judgment
The message for those of you who chose pile four is going to be a little harsh – just as a disclaimer. Your guides may be at their wits end in trying to tell you nicely or in trying to contact you in general, so this could be a message you’ve been ignoring or not understanding for a while. This could be a lesson you keep running into; I heard “you’re tired? We’re tired too”, so take that as it resonates. This pile also feels adjacent to pile two because some of the same cards came out, but I think this pile is for those of you who have little time to make your decision to change your ways because you’ve already been warned multiple times. 
At your core, you embody the Queen of Swords; you may be quick-witted, steadfast in your knowledge of who you are and what you want, outspoken, and independent to a fault, but currently these attributes are manifesting in the most negative ways. Currently, you could be acting childish and “rotten”; I’m reminded of Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You’re so stuck in this idea of how you want things to play out and what you want that you’ve backed yourself into a situation where you come off as immature and lazy if things don’t go your way. What seems to be coming through is “oh, you’re stubborn? We can be stubborn too”. 
Your guides are wanting you to loosen up and be open to experiencing what’s thrown to and/or given to you. You have the ultimate control over your life, but I’m seeing some of you specifically asked for your guides’ help and aid, so if you want it, then you have to listen to their suggestions also. Your work with them is not a one-way affair, so stop treating it as such. They are not magic genies who are to drop everything and give you everything you want at your beck and call. I heard “cruisin’ for a bruisin’” which could be related to your need to control things. 
The advice of this reading is really to be mindful of how you're treating your guides and your intentions in your journey with them. For one, you’re shouldering too much responsibility to the point where you’re burning yourself out. It is not possible to go through life all by yourself with no help or input from anyone else. It’s also not possible to have a relationship with your guides and never listen to them or treat them like they’re your servants. If you keep running into obstacles and misfortunes going on your own, then maybe try their way for a while and see how it works for you. 
Overall pile four, your guides want to work with you. They want to provide you with abundance and see you prosper and above all happy, but if you refuse to listen, then you will keep stumbling.
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bivht · 7 months
Astrology Observations
😎Virgo moons are polite and respectful until you cross their boundaries. But people accuse them of being rude even when THEY were the ones put in a super uncomfortable situation
😎Aquarius and sagittarius placements are free-spirited. You tell them to do something and suddenly it’s an obligation rather than a choice and they don’t want to do it anymore lmao
😎Cancer risings and their low-key unhealthy relationship with food :0
😎Taurus is branded as the foodie of the zodiac but I think Sagittarius is the ultimate foodie
😎I like to see the moon sign as who a person is at their core. And the moon sign in your mercury persona chart is very insightful to how you express yourself.
for example:
Aries moon- expresses themselves passionately, perseverant, doesn’t give up easily, likes to keep things tidy, hard working, could be naggy, aggressive
Taurus moon- sweet and charming way of talking, logical, doesn’t like believe anything without concrete evidence, self care, words of affirmation, has definitive personal boundaries, slow down when you’re eating babes, when they’re toxic they’re some of the worst kinds of toxic
Gemini moon- domicile (home sign), real sweet talkers, witty, critical thinking skills on point, charmers, just the right amount of flirty, know how to talk themselves out of a situation, scatterbrained, PERFORMERS
Cancer moon- sweet, will remember your birthday, wants to include everyone, confused easily, overstimulated easily
Leo moon- humorous, dramatic af, will spread love to whoever gives them attention, gives their love to everyone, critical thinking not their forte
Virgo moon- domicile, polite, respectful, knows how to remain professional in awkward situations, hates the feeling of being stuffed full?? 7/10 full is sufficient for them, due to this they’re usually slim, “perfect” self expression, neat and tidy, expresses gratitude for every tiny thing, eats slowly, critical thinking on point, extremely private (esp. about relationships)
Libra moon- diplomatic, likes to agree, charming, soft and sweet but also vengeful, avoids confrontation, talks shit behind backs instead of addressing issue directly with person
Scorpio moon- opinionated, probably a coffee addict, death stares at people they dislike, private but not the same as virgo, virgos tell you things but won’t go into detail, scorpios just won’t tell you. so fiercely loyal, their charm is fatal
Sagittarius moon (detriment)- happy, seems like they’re always having fun, don’t take themselves too seriously, charmers, funny facial expressions, stuff themselves full. they DEVOUR food, tendency to overindulge so can be chubby cheeked, struggle to articulate themselves in a professional manner, hates being nagged, lacks critical thinking, they get bored easily so consistency is an ongoing struggle, can be flirty
Capricorn moon- logical, down to earth, realistic, charming, articulate, their smart little jokes, a bit reluctant to try new things but they will, loves feeling in control (more than anyone else), really patient, consistency is key, can be rude and dry, may make shy, insecure people shifty
Aquarius moon- they talk in a very self-important way, very recognisable tone of voice, an intellectual, research whore, likes to share their found knowledge with people, lecture people, full of themselves
Pisces moon (detriment)- ehhem OVERSHARER to the T, silly humour, a bit unreasonable as they don’t follow logic, poor critical thinking skills, either super empathetic or lacks any empathy, can be flirty
😎More of an assumption but Leo+Virgo (and/or taurus)= hating slimy and mushy textures like eggplant, okra, durian
😎Chiron in the 6h can be obsessed with hygiene and cleanliness. My brother has this and he will not eat from the same spoon or drink from the same straw as anyone else, not even his own mother. He’s criticized and scolded by his mother because of this
😎A mother with 10h mercury is scrutinizing their childrens’ speaking abilities and how they interact with people in public
😎Aries mars has a fit looking body
😎People with sun 1h in the mars persona chart can seem really athletic
😎Sometimes individuals with neptune hard aspects (esp. square) are accused of having a mental illness (bullied)
😎Mars square neptune is a really anxious placement. Their panic is so clear on their face. They get really nervous about things more than others. Their intentions are confusing and people find it hard to figure out what your intentions for your actions are
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