#destiny2 fanfiction
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netraptor · 7 months ago
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A poster I made for my Destiny 2: Final Shape fanfic adapt, Heart of Light, Shape of Darkness.
Jayesh accompanies the Vanguard inside the Traveler to stop the Witness from turning the whole universe to stone, aka the Final Shape. But once there, they discover Cayde-6 back from the dead, which causes a lot of unexpected friction between Zavala, Ikora, and Crow. But they must settle their differences before the Witness conquers the Traveler from the inside and brings the end of everything.
Basically it's the plot of the game, except the Traveler is about 1000% more badass.
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thewildnopeboat · 1 year ago
Guardian, back on their bullshit in the Imbaru engine: so I've asked some other Guardians about this.
Ghost: yeah, I've seen your notebook
Guardian: you've seen A notebook
Ghost, Vietnam flashback: I've seen the fanfic one
Guardian, vibing: But I am right with the pairings!
Ghost: Why are you pairing Crow with a good night's rest and a cup of Hot cocoa?
Guardian: Because our little brother deserves it!
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mythophosfox · 1 year ago
The Darkness Inside of You Ch.2/6
Reader x Rhulk (Destiny 2)
You are a new light. A new guardian reborn as the situation on Europa worsened. You can control Stasis better and more naturally than anyone else, alienating you from the others at the tower. While on a high-importance mission, you find yourself within the grasp of Rhulk, a creature disciple to the Witness. Both of you gradually find comfort within each other. The hatred turns into a twisted obsession, in which both of you will inevitably suffer.
Chapter Summary:
You finally arrive at the final battle, the final stretch. You meet face-to-face with Rhulk, the uphanded. If you're lucky, you and your team will come out alive.
The reader is gender-neutral, Not proofread
Tags: Mentions of blood, mentions of death, Enemies to Lovers, raid, Canon Divergence, Human experimentation, emotional/psychological abuse, Body Worship, Reader as a love interest, Stockholm syndrome, descriptions of gore, the reader is alienated by others, found family, family death. ch.1 || ch.2 || ch.3 || ch.4 || ch.5 || ch.6
Chapter Two: The Drowning Deep
Your feet land on a large white-marbled platform. It spread for meters ahead, floating above the endless abyss still fogging under you. The atmosphere was intoxicated with dark energy, making every guardian shiver under their thick armour. A collection of structures decorates the platform ahead, all joined by a large flat flight of stairs at the center. On each side, a dozen more large columns made of white marble. They all erected from the ground, each of them having a ruby-like gem above its extremity. 
Once everyone landed safely on the smooth white flooring, you all looked around both amazed and on-guard. Some guardians started to cock their guns and awaited what could be the final battle. You felt something gazing your skin again, but nothing was there—the weight of something greater than you was somewhere ahead. You could feel it, the gaze of a powerful enemy. You gulp silently to yourself. 
Damien took a few steps ahead, observing the area before him. He looked up at the enormous cubic form of black marble in front of him. It took most of his vision, looming menacingly between puffs of amber smoke. He sees a smaller room at the center of the cube, the final phase.
You felt a sudden rush of worry pass over you. For the first time, the stasis inside of you felt cold, chilling you. You looked at your hands, tiny ice crystals forming at the edge of your fingers. The potency of darkness was so immense that your power seemed to overcharge itself. You felt anxiety compress your chest and you exhaled heavily.
A member of your team noticed, quietly bringing it up to the attention of the others. They thought that maybe you were stressed about the big battle arriving ahead.
Your thoughts flowed inside your mind, unaware of the other guardians approaching you. What if you weren’t good enough for this mission, for this team? What if the people at the tower were right? What if you were weak and untrustworthy? You couldn’t let down your team, you couldn’t let them think the same as everyone else. You suddenly felt the warmth of two pairs of hands pressing softly on your shoulders. Your vision cleared as you turned your head to the side. One of your teammates was looking back at you, their hand on your shoulder. -’’ Do not worry y/n, we’ll stick together!’’ They said calmly 
-’’ Yeah y/n, There’s no need to worry! You are us to fight with!’’ Said another guardian. -’’ There is no need to fear, the light and your family are with you.’’ Another one spoke from behind you.
-’’ Aw..You guys!’’ You manage to answer, overwhelmed by the support of your found family. With all the encouragement you’ve received, you regained the pep in your step. You laughed as one of them shook your helmet teasingly like a brother would. 
Your leader observed the scene, smiling to himself. He sighed before resting the arbalest on his shoulder. -’’ Enough joking around, let’s get this going!’’ He exclaimed. -’’ Yes, Sir!’’ You all replied. …
Rhulk snapped his eyes open as the sting on the light grazing his skin. He sat up, his body stiffening in aggravation. They were not killed yet? How persistent was this team going to be? He stood from his slumber, laying his gaze mockingly upon the guardians below him. The creature saw you, surrounded by other members of your team, he smelled your anxiety and scoffed at it. Was the light desperate enough to send you, a weak mind, to this life-or-death battlefield? A low growl purrs out of his throat. When he gets this over with, he’ll collect your body to study you. That was his goal. For now, all he wanted was to crush the bugs throwing off his routine. 
-‘’ The light’s ungraciousness…shows itself once more.” He boasts loudly enough for the guardians in front of him to stare in confusion, unable to see him yet.
With that, he stood at the cube's edge before letting himself fall backwards slowly and gracefully. A curious guardian approached him foolishly.
One of your teammates walks confidently towards the voice. His shoulder squared, ready to punch the descending creature at any moment. Your leader calls out to him, but he ignores it. The rest of you stare at the creature, some of you wincing. -’’ I’m tired of waiting, Show yourself!’’ Shouted your teammate, getting dangerously close to Rhulk. You all grab your weapons, ready to fight. The creature finally stands up upright, revealing his true height as he menacingly looms over every single one of you. From where you stood, he looked gigantic. Your teammates stopped in his tracks, realizing how bad his idea of pushing in was. The creature stood gracefully, floating a few feet above the white marble flooring, looking down a you with disdain in its eyes. It radiated a warm, soothing aura and gave a cold gaze. You couldn't help but stare at its form. It had armour of unprecedented materials and a pure black body. After a few impatient seconds, it spoke, revealing to be the one talking to your team all along.
-‘’ You have served your purpose,’’ it said in a deep voice, his gaze unmoving.‘’ All that awaits you now is the gift of death.’’
You all cocked your guns as he arched his back backwards, the creature's arms spreading, to reveal a large spear-like weapon appearing in his hand. You all felt an immense amount of dark energy radiating from the weapon. Your leader’s eyes widened, calling out to the guardian who’s wandered too close. 
-’’ Guardian, watch out!’’
The guardian in question stared in awe, as the spear collapsed on the ground, emitting a powerful wave of dark energy. The powerful realize blew the guardian away in an instant, his body flying off even past all of you. You all followed his body with your eyes, in shock and in realization of what was awaiting you. -’’ Lucas!’’ You Leader exclaimed as Lucas’s body was shoved into the abyss of pyramids inside. A few seconds later his ghost appeared, activating to bring him back to life. He appeared in front of your team sheepishly. He rubs his hand on the back of his head. He slowly stood up and chuckled.
-’’ Don’t worry, ladies; it’s just routine.’’ He joked around before you smacked his helmet semi-hard in annoyance. You looked back to your leader. He was staring at the creature with a cold, worrying gaze. Damien knew that whatever was in front of them, it hadn’t even used a fraction of its power. You all regained composure, forming a triangle behind him. You all prepared for the challenge to begin, staring up at the creature in front of you. You grasp your f/e/w, hand resting on the trigger. 
  Rhulk smelled the dark energy you also processed, He could almost taste it on his tongue now that you were so close. He squinted his eyes, his pupils shortening at the view of you. You annoyed him and made him feel anger at the sight of you. He let his thoughts consume his mind just a bit more. Thinking about all the way he’d study you once your body is his. A simple heavy huff escapes his helmet. If they are so willing to die, why stop them? A sudden thought clicked in his mind, like a lightbulb. He raised his pointy finger to his chin as if to ponder. Yes…maybe this could work. Who said you had to die. After a few seconds, he snapped his fingers and the second to last phases began.
The battle was fierce and your team had a couple of mishaps trying to figure out the puzzles that controlled the mechanisms. Fortunately, the members responsible for the puzzles were smart and figured it out within a few tries. Your job was to control the mobs of enemies and protect any puzzle handler. You haven’t missed a shot yet, downing every enemy you aimed at. Maybe you will accomplish your challenge after all. Damian fought at the center point of the platform, helping you control enemies further from the frontline. Suddenly, the way ahead opened and the mobs disappeared. -’’ It’s time! Go, go!’’ Damien screamed. Waving at your team to follow him. 
You all rushed to his side, following him to the floating flight of stairs ahead. You all breathlessly entered the cube, inside a small room with nothing but the void on each edge. 
There, Rhulk waited, aggravated and only wanting to spread your team's blood on the black-marbled floor. The anger he felt made him forget his plan to keep you alive, only wanting to annihilate the insects in his domain. Even with all of these feelings, his face remained blank. He kicks one of your teammates, the guardian flying off in the distance before his ghost appears. You quickly retrieve the ghost, initiating the revival process. Your teammate thanked you before rushing back into the fight.
An army of shadowy thrall began emerging from statues, attacking any guardian they came across. You shot the Uphanded, but the bullet ricocheted off his plated armoured body. You grunt in frustration, swearing under your breath. Damien noticed the invulnerability of the creature as well. -’’ Don’t stop shooting!’’ He screamed. ‘’ Find a weak point! Find out a way to make him vulnerable!’’           You never stopped jumping, never stopped moving, you kept looking for any clue while shooting the horde of thrall appearing. The thralls would poof into a cloud of black smoke before one more appeared right after the other. You felt the sudden sting of claws shredding you, and you gasped, jumping away. Those shadows could hurt you, severely, which wasn’t a good sign. You kept moving, not realizing how close to the edge you were. 
Damien fought viciously with the thralls, shooting at Rhulk when possible. As the creature was preparing one of his charged attacks, your leader saw you in the corner of his eye. You were dangerously close to the edge, directly in front of the attack” 's blast. As rhulk kneels to unleash his attack, your leader realizes what’s to happen. He rushes towards you, his eyes widening behind his helmet. You jumped, avoiding a thrall’s attack, unaware of what was to come.
-’’ y/n!!’’ Damian screamed hopelessly. 
You turn your face towards the guttural scream of your name as the attack is unleashed. You widen your eyes in surprised horror. Unable to move away or land in time. Your blast hits you violently, numbing the front of your body as you’re flung off of the platform. The hit took the air out of your lungs, causing you to gasp. Eventually, your body rapidly fell into the void below you. The coldness stung you as you lost consciousness. You awaited the buzzing of your ghost, but only the screams of your leader could be heard as your vision faded to dark.
Alarms rang at the tower as an unauthorized ship flew hazily towards the hangar. Panic spread among the workers, who ran towards the mains area of the tower. Both Amanda and Saint-14 stayed, awaiting the ship with weapons in arms. Soon after, Crow, The Young Wolf and Rook arrived at the scene. All had their weapons, unsure of the reason for this sudden invasion. The ship arrived in fast paces, nearly crashing as it landed on its side, unbalanced. Dust rose from the sudden impact, getting a few coughs from the small crowd. The cockpit opened slowly as everyone readied their weapons. A man emerges from the ship, he’s limping, taking a few steps before collapsing down the stairs of his ship. He hits the ground with a loud thud. Saint-14 lowers his weapon first. -’’ It’s a guardian!’’ He exclaimed. 
Rook, a void hunter lets go of their weapon to assist the man who collapsed on the floor. Crow joined them closely. The two guardians lift the man to drag him away from the landing pad, gently laying him down on more solid ground. The man coughs, slowly regaining consciousness. His eyes open hazily as Rook removes the helmet from his head, allowing him to breathe better. Rook starts to observe the man’s body, looking for any injuries. Unfortunately, they find some pretty nasty wounds. They rest the man’s head on their forearm. -’’ He’s badly injured.’’ They exclaim, looking at the crowd. ‘’ Someone fetch medical assistance quick!’’ Someone in the crowd volunteer before running towards the tower’s base, looking for help.
Zavala arrived at the scene as Crow tried to reanimate the collapsed guardian. Zevala let out a deep gasp under his breath. Saint-14 approaches him and witnesses the sudden change in expression.        
-’’ Do you reconise him Zavala?’’ Saint asked, now standing next to the Titan. 
-’’ Indeed. That’s Damien, the commander of the team sent towards the pyramid this morning.’’ Zavala explained with a blank expression. 
-’’ What happened to his team…’’ Saint asked, already knowing the answer. 
Crow lightly slaps the cheek of the unconscious guardian, hoping to bring him back. Suddenly, the man gasps heavily as if waking up from a bad dream. He instinctively throws a punch at Crow. Unfazed, Crow catches the man’s fist. The man hyperventilates, looking around frantically in a panic. Rook takes his fist from Crow’s grip, giving it a gentle comforting touch.
-’’ You are safe, guardian.’’ Says the Crow, in a gentle voice. ‘’ You’re at the tower, help will arrive soon.’’ 
The man periodically calms down. Resting his head on Rook’s forearm again. His expression changes as he remembers when or why here. He suddenly looks dejected, his eyes darkening.
-’’ Where’s your team, what happened?’’ Asked Crow, wanting answers. Rook shot him a glare, thinking that now was the right time for these types of questions.  
-’’ There’s all dead…’’ Damian answered. His voice was low and wavering.
-’’ Huh?’’ Both Crow and Rook hummed in unison. -’’ There’s all dead!’’ Damian screamed, causing the two guards to recoil in shock. Damien starts sobbing silently, distressed. 
Rook tried to calm him down as the Crow looked through the crowd, staring directly at Zavala and Saint-14. The two titans look at each other before Zavala signals him to follow him. As they leave the scene, a medical personnel arrives with the volunteer right behind them.
The two men walked to a secluded area, away from the crowd to discuss important matters.
-’’ We need to interview the guardian, any intel he had could be usually to us.’’ Started Zavala. Saint-14 sighed disappointedly at the fellow titan. 
-’’ Valuable inter or not, look at him Zevala. Let the poor guardian rest before we question him.’’ Saint retorted, not wanting to press the mourning guardian too far.
Zavala ponders for a few moments, before sighing also. He knew Saint was right. Even if the situation was urgent, questioning the guardian in this state would be detrimental. 
-’’ Very well, but afterwards we need to figure out what he saw. Whatever’s happening in that pyramid it needs to be dealt with.
You slowly regain consciousness. Your body is stinging, and sore from the fall. You barely open your eyes, half of your body submerged in inches of cold water. You kept laying on your stomach for a few minutes, shivering at the freezing breeze. You slowly raised yourself on your elbows, your hair dripping down, back on the submerged floor. The surface of the water reflects the blinding light at the top of the pyramid. You have no idea how far you have fallen, but apart from the single light source, you can’t see anything above. Your body stiffened as you tried to raise your body higher, as you sat on your knees. You look around slowly on each side. There is nothing but the same shallow water for kilometres on end. You exhaled, noticing the steam of your breath, It was so cold here. You got up on your feet slowly, hissing at the pain in your left leg. You choked a sob, noticing your leg covered in blood. You limp pathetically towards any direction. 
-’’ Hello!? Anyone?! Damian, Jake, Nifa?! Anybody!’’ You screamed hopelessly, waiting for someone to call back to you, but no one came.
You can feel yourself going into hypothermic shock, your extremities becoming numb from the cold. You started to rub your hands together, trying to regain a semblance of warmth. You finally realized that your ghost is nowhere to be seen, it should’ve been here, it had to since you were alive from that fall. You begin to call it too, but like the others, it was nowhere to be seen. You start to lose hope. Were you going to die from cold, at the bottom of a pyramid? You collapsed on your knees, unable to bear the pain any longer. You felt your consciousness leave you slowly. You sob silently, helpless and alone. The worst death you could’ve asked for. You fall back into the freezing waters, your eyes closing on its own. If only you could see your family once more…
Suddenly, your body feels something in the distance. Warmth in the middle of this desolate lake. You felt a gaze on you, the heat radiating from its form. Unable to move or think, you breathe shakily, begging for any type of warmth. Whatever was standing next to you, it was observing you, warming you up by proxy. Before succumbing to unconsciousness, you felt something grab you by the fabric on your back. It picked you up gently, as if you were glass, and placed you on something resembling hot metal. The warmth wasn’t too intense as you subconsciously embraced it. The thing who took you, walked silently with you within its grasp as you fell back asleep. 
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jillybean-seighdrasov · 23 days ago
Stardust and The Crow ch 230: Eido's potions are torture
Seighdra woke up to an empty bed.  A folded note lay on the nightstand beside her.
~Seighdra, out in the field, see you soon~
She sighed, letting the note fall back onto the table, and flopped onto her pillows, hoping for a few more hours of peace.  It didn’t last long – her communicator buzzed, shattering the quiet.
“Fuck,” she grumbled, snatching it up with a groggy hand.  She clicked it on and exhaled sharply.  “Yeah?”
Eido’s voice came through the comm, cheerful and slightly cautious.  “Seighdra, did I catch you at a bad time?”
She rubbed her temples.  “Not really, Eido.  What’s going on?”
“I visited Eramis in her cell,” Eido began.  “We’ve been talking a little.  I think we’re making progress.”
Seighdra raised an eyebrow.  “Oh, really?”
“She’s been more responsive.  You’ve been out there, protecting our people – even she has to admit that much.  I mentioned that I’ve been working with Variks to track down information about tonics.  Eramis said she knew a couple of older Eliksni with knowledge of such things.  If we could track down and Apothecary, it would speed up my research considerably.”
“An Apothecary?” Seighdra echoed, pinching the bridge of her nose.  Great.  Now I’m a galactic medicine woman, she thought wryly.
Eido continued on.  “In the meantime, Eramis also spoke of a Salvation enclave that might need our help.  I sent Crow the coordinates.  I… might have left out the part where Eramis gave them to us.”
Seighdra sat up, her brow furrowing.  “Crow isn’t going to like that.”
“I know, but… ,” Eido admitted, “I think we can trust Eramis to look after the interests of her own people.  I’m sure Crow will see that soon enough.”
Seighdra’s tone sharpened.  “Eido, I’m not sure about this.  I’ve been at odds with Eramis for years.  The things she’s done – why?”
“Because I’m asking you to,” Eido replied, her voice soft but firm.  “Trust me on this, please, Seighdra.”
Before Seighdra could argue further, Eido cut the comm.
“Fuck,” she groaned, falling back into the pillows.
read ch 230 on ao3
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space-bean-uwu · 2 years ago
This is the response to an ask from @artistinyou2 asking for a Zavala x OC oneshot from Season Of The Lost. I hope you enjoy!
"Hey Zaddy." A soft robotic voice sounds, the Exo covering Zavala's eyes from behind him. He sighs, turning around to look the girl in her eyes. 
"Hello, hunter." A smile crosses his face. She was dressed in mostly the normal garb- leather armor, swirling cape, even so far as the normal sniper rifle on her back. The major difference, though, was that there was a giant blueberry on her head. The rest of her garb matched, of course, being shades of bright blue and purple rather than its normal shades. Her ghost, floating next to her, had a little paper cut-out looking spider costume on. Zavala chuckles at the ensemble, holding his hand out for Euphi-5's ghost, taking a closer look at them before turning his attention back to her.
 "Did you make this yourself?"
 "I did! Yeah." You could hear the beaming smile in her voice, and she bounced on her toes a bit in excitement. 
"Thank you for joining the festival with me, it really means a lot, Zavala." 
"Of course, Euphi. I wouldn't miss it." He says, starting to guide her in a walk around the tower, keeping in mind her low vision from the paper-mache helmet. They walked for a while, talking about random stuff within their days, what had happened between strikes and schedule mishaps. Euphi-5 enjoyed the sound of Zavalas voice, and continued to ask him questions about his work, and the current festival, things around the tower while she was away. He always responded to her questions enthusiastically, explaining things she didn't understand or process, and reminding her when there were things he couldn't tell her. After a while of walking in the multicolored engram lights, she'd gotten tired of the noise of the city, and had asked to go somewhere quiet. Zavala agrees, rerouting the trek toward his office. When they get to the elevator, he smiles down at her.
"I enjoy your company, Hunter."
 "I enjoy yours too,- more than you know." She says, following him to his office as they reached the bottom floor. Euphi-5 steels herself for the impounding conversation, her internal fans working overdrive at the thought. She takes the mask off instinctively, not wanting another item to overheat her, or worse, catch fire.
"That's actually what I wanted to talk about." She says, sitting in one of the chairs in his office as the door closed behind them. 
"Oh?" Zavala asks, sitting in the chair next to her. 
"Yeah, actually I uh.. I like you a lot. You're really funny, and kind, and you treat me like an equal, rather than talk down to me. Not to mention that you're really handsome." A shy smile covers her face by the end of it, and she looks down, unsure of what reaction she might get. Zavala simply cups her chin, leading her to look into his eyes.
 "I think all the same for you, little blueberry." He teases, before leaning in to give her a gentle kiss on the lips. 
"I, uh- wow." She says, a wide smile spreading across her face. 
"Wow?" He chuckles. 
"Wow." She repeats, bringing her arms up around his neck and pulling him in again.
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I cannot contain my delight at art being made from one of my stories - especially that one because it is soft and gentle (and *very* nsfw).
Thank you thank you thank you!
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happy heresy release day 💚 tender drifteris moment inspired by @imonthemoonitsmadeofcheese's fic, hypnagogia, which you can read here [warning: spicy, sexual material!] archiveofourown.org/works/57168970
please keep the two of them safe in heresy PLEASE
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makoredeyes · 1 year ago
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Mako - 38 - Neurospicy - Artist - Writer - 18+ content creator please curate your own safe experience accordingly.
❗️Frequently using character designs for Timur, Felwinter, and young Osiris created by @/Sylenth-l, with permission. Please check out her blog for loads of breathtaking art!
BLUESKY -art and writing WIPS
Bluesky is now open to the public! No invites needed! Fuck Elon and come play!
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brilliantbehemoth · 3 years ago
Underscore-5 prt1
I made a tumblr account just so I could write this down somewhere while I was thinking about it. So anyway, this is my headcanon for my Guardian
Name: Underscore-5, but more commonly referred to as Blank (For context, my Bungie username is Mr._, and all my online friends usually call me Blank)
Race: Exo
Gender: Male
Class: Titan
Description: Underscore-5 is a kind, gentle, and generally very soft-spoken person. Despite this, he can still be VERY hotheaded when it comes to things and people he cares about. He has been known to be very protective of those he would consider to be friends, and get fired up when they get hurt.
When he was first risen, he was very timid. However, through encouragement from his ghost, Niko, the positive influence of those around him, and the expectations born from a very unfortunate coincidence, he eventually came into his own.
Red War: Underscore-5 was resurrected outside the Cosmodrome by a ghost named Niko, shortly before the Red War. He arrived at the Last City for the first time just to see it being burned to the ground. He landed his ship out side the city and watched as the Traveler was caged cutting him off from the light. 
As the light faded away, an overwhelming sense of fear and dread washed over him. He was telling himself that he needed to go and help, he knew that it was his duty to protect the city and it’s people, but his body wouldn’t move forward. So, he ran away instead.
He eventually came across a group of survivors being led by a fireteam made up of two warlocks, and a titan. They introduced themselves as Anbos, Bagelz, and Bladed, respectively. They informed Underscore-5, that a transmission had been sent out stating that there was a refugee camp in the EDZ, and they were on their way there now. So, he tagged along.
About a month and a half had passed since Underscore-5 arrived at the farm. Alot had happened since then; rumors of a guardian regaining their light that turned out to be true, the Vanguard getting back together, and now plans to retake the city. They were asking for volunteers, both guardians and civilians, to help. And once again, Underscore-5 told himself that he should, no, he needs, to help, but that same fear still had a grip on him. The same fear that made him run when they city needed him most. The same fear that now made him sit alone on the roof of a barn, quietly talking to his ghost while others were off to risk their lives.
Underscore-5 sat quietly, holding onto Niko as they both watched the Shard of the Traveler, until he finally let out a sigh and quietly asked, “Why me?” 
“What do you mean?” Niko responded weakly. Underscore-5 turned Niko around so they could look at each other, “Why did you pick me over literally anyone else?”
“Before I found you outside the cosmodrome, I had been searching for my guardian for about 5 years. When I finally found you, I saw something that told me you were the one.”  
“What did you see?”
“I saw a kind person, with the potential for greatness.”
Underscore-5 looked at Niko with a slight surprised look on his face and tears in his eyes before looking away.
“Potential my ass. I’m supposed to help protect the city and yet I ran away when it needed me most... TWICE!” He exclaimed, as he threw his arms outward.
“Underscore, listen to me, it’s ok to be scared. You don’t need to be some big hero right away. Just go at your own pace and know that I’ll always be there with you every step of the way. You will get there one day.”
Underscore-5 sat quietly for a moment thinking about what Niko had just said.
“Alright,” he said wiping the tears from his eyes and nodding, “thank you for the advice.” He turned Niko back around towards the shard of the traveler, and they both watched as the sun rose over the mountains.
That’s all for now, I do plan on continuing this at some point. But when is predicated on when I’m feeling inspired to do so.
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thedistantstorm · 6 years ago
A Shipwright Worth Her Salt Chapter 01
“I know you’re there.”
A scuffle. A small, shadowed figure comes out from around the damaged concrete pillar of his shelter.
“Uhh, I think your radio is broken.”
He drops the gun he’s got pointed at her head to a less threatening position, holstering it on his belt. His ghost brushes the edge of his consciousness, alerting him that she’s alone. No identity in any database in the fledgling city. Likely a newer refugee. She doesn’t seem too startled by the gun pointed at her, instead staring at the fizzling exposed wires of his radio scanner.
Warily, she crouches low and approaches. “Are you a guardian working on the wall? To keep the bad guys out?”
He nods. “And you are?”
“Someone who can fix that,” she says, little hands already trying to pull the radio out of his.
“This is official Vanguard equipment.”
“It’s still ‘ficially broken,” She drawls. “You got any food?”
He chuckles. She’s not the first to come around asking for food. “If you’re hungry, I will feed you.” He lifts the radio up above her head. “But this is not a toy for little girls.” At her sulking pout, one corner of his mouth curves upward. “Broken or not.”
He’s heating up two rations of stew over a small thermal cookfire when he hears the triple thuwip-thuwip-thuwip of Fallen gunfire. The girl bites her lip when it trembles, and he immediately turns off the burner, the orange glow fading into black. The only thing she can see are his eyes, glowing electric blue in the dark.
“Take cover in the corner furthest from the windows and do not attempt to move from this building. Be silent. I will return shortly.” He shoulders a much larger gun than the one at his belt, and she blinks up at him owlishly. “Everything will be fine,” he promises, as an afterthought, already at the doorway. “Do not worry.”  
She spends the majority of the night listening to the sounds of gunfire, creeping out of her hiding spot only once, to procure the broken radio lying forgotten on the floor beside the burner. The most recent shots fired were far away, and she hopes that the guardian will stop their enemies and come back soon. Her stomach is hurting and she doesn’t want to eat the man’s food without him.
She traces the sigil on the radio in the dark, feeling the straight lines that contrast with the round, badge-like shape of the logo itself.  Without really thinking about it, she’s taken to fixing the radio, deft fingers untangling and righting the frayed wires. She reaches for her belt and pulls out a small soldering tool the size of a pen, relinking them immediately thereafter. Carefully checking the volume to prevent from giving away her location to any lurking enemies, she flicks it on. The static is a balm for her nerves, the voices across the air sounding cool and collected like the soldier she was attempting to get a meal from.
She drifts off to sleep against her will just before dawn, a combination of hunger and exhaustion. The radio drones on in static, the soldiers carrying on in their communications.
A low, waspish sound jolts her awake less than half an hour later, her aching body curling in on itself. She chances a look, her eyes downcast and she feels like her body has been doused in icy water.
There’s four of them.
They’re in the room with her.
She forces her body to go slack, but it wasn’t quick enough to avoid the enemies’ notice. Their chatter became louder and more hostile sounding, until a wraithlike bellow from the leader (she assumed, her eyes were scrunched closed in an obviously failing attempt to play possum) silences them.
Her fingers find purchase on the radio’s knobs and she thinks up a prayer to the Traveler, to her Ma and Pa, to anyone or anything that is feeling particularly inclined to help her.
Save me, she pleads. Please, please, help me get out of this.
She knows that if she attempts to make radio contact that they’ll shoot her before she can utter two words. It’s been a few moments though, and none of them have shot her yet so maybe she can use how little of a threat she is to her advantage. At least to attempt to escape. And she doesn’t hear anyone else around, so she’s pretty sure that guardian she met earlier was either pulled far away from her location or that he’s reported back to whatever guardians report to (he said somethin’ about a Vanguard?) and forgotten her entirely. Something in her gut sours at that. The quiet, strong man she encountered earlier today doesn’t seem like the forgetting type. He seems straight-laced and honor-bound. She wants to still like him on the other side of this mess.
Slowly, silently, she opens her right eye a crack and assesses the situation. If it weren’t so dire, she’d give them an earful, as the strange-looking aliens are slurping at what was supposed to have been her dinner and chattering loudly about it. Her eyes darken at the realization that they’re either convinced that she’s dead, or maybe they have some compassion in their veins (assuming they’re built the same) and won’t murder a little girl like her in cold blood. She scoots slowly to the base of what used to be a stairwell to the upstairs but now goes to open sky. They still haven’t noticed her movements.
She continues her micro-movements until he’s very nearly out of sight, her green eyes still half lidded, in case they look at her. Once she makes it the two feet over to the stairs, she knows she has to stand if she’s ever going to get out of her invaded shelter. The radio static will fade and the stairs will creak until she slips out the window she came in. It’s a dangerous plan.
The little girl inhales deeply through her nose and exhales silently.
Amanda Holliday is used to danger. These walls they’re building are supposed to keep people safe from stuff like this, but she was born in the wilds where there were no walls and even fewer shelters. She feels the smirk on her face and knows her Ma’d be proud. She ain’t gonna let these fallen get her. She’s gonna get outta here.
Without giving herself time to think, she springs up, one hand clutching the radio. She bolts up the stairs and has one leg out the window frame when an icy cold clawed hand grabs at her other leg, slashing through her grimy, frayed pants and lacerating her calf. She grits her teeth and kicks hard, all the while twisting the radio knobs until a loud blaring sound is emitted. She pushes the radio in the direction of what she assumes is her assailant’s ear and he recoils, giving her just enough time to flop out of the window and fall, landing in the bushes below.
The air leaves her lungs all at once, but she forces herself not to panic and breathe. She’s got to move and quick, because now she knows they’ll hurt her, based on the gashes on her legs. She gasps a breath of cold, damp air and pushes herself up into shaky legs before moving away quickly as they’d allow.
It’s almost morning, and she can see the edges of light at the horizon, a faded orangish purple color that at least gives her the ability to see where she’s going. There’s thick brush at the end of one of the war-torn streets and she realizes that she’s probably better off in the bramble than any of these dilapidated buildings.
She makes a wide loop around a block and screeches to a halt. They’ve fanned out to try and catch her, and she’s all but run directly into the Fallen Captain and the barrel of their rifle. Two of their Dregs fan out on either side, and she’s sure the other two are somewhere in the vicinity.
Her eyes widen and she turns back in the other direction, heart pounding and chest heaving with both panic and exertion. The others aren’t behind her, so she pushes her right foot hard against the crumbling blacktop in an attempt to build up speed.
Something she can’t see trips her about ten meters away from the Captain and she hits the ground, skids a bit further, crying out. He laughs in his strange synthesizer-esque tongue, the sound of his armored boots clacking against the pavement almost as loud as her heartbeat in her ears as he approaches her.
She pushes her scuffed palms under herself and tries to get up, but there is an invisible force that assaults her side with a pain that burns unlike any other kick she’s ever felt, and it nudges her none too gently into her back. Her jacket is smoldering from the contact, and as she looks up, electric pulses and the stench of ether burn her eyes and lungs as the other two Fallen appear out of thin air. Stealth Vandals, she remembers them being called. They crow at her menacingly and she feels her lip tremble against her will. The Captain still approaches, taking their time.
“I don’t got nothin’ y'all would want!” She screams, fists clenched tightly against the ground. “No weapons, no glimmer, no food!”
The Captain pauses, and she thinks maybe they understand her language, but it chatters to its subordinates and they step back as their leader raises the rifle at their prey.
“Don’t kill me! I’m just a li’tle girl! I can’t do nothin’ to ya!” Her eyes scrunch shut and she sobs.
The reply from her enemy sounds like Fallen-speak for ‘Not yet, but someday you could,’ and the rifle’s aim at her chest does not waver. Tears cascade down her face in hot, angry rivulets, but she opens her eyes to face her fate like she knew her Ma and Pa would tell her to, if they hadn’t met a similar fate.
She feels like life has become slow motion as the Fallen squeezes the trigger: two things happen at once.
A shot is fired and a large figure jumps to the ground from a building behind the Captain, fist first.
The ground beneath her lights up blue and wisps of warm current seem to buzz under her aching fists in a way that’s practically soothing. The Fallen scream in agony, the Captain’s subordinates vaporizing from the ground up. The Captain misses their shot, barely grazing the side of her torso with a painful but non-lethal blow.
Amanda’s face lights up in awe at sight of the guardian from earlier. His armor barely looks scuffed, and his face is contorted in rage as the Captain turns toward him, their gun looking to make contact with the new enemy. The guardian’s fist glows blue and he leaps forward, punching the ground twice at the feet of the last Fallen enemy, and it screams again, firing shots that bounce off of his armor like pebbles. Emptying their clip, the enemy brandishes a dagger and moves to advanced, despite looking rather worse for wear.
Zavala bellows, “Your kind made a mistake the second you entered this place. This is not, and will not ever be your domain.” He steps forward and easily disarms the Fallen team’s leader, landing the killing blow with the Captain’s own knife. They screech as they perish, but Amanda does not look concerned. She’s too busy pushing herself to her feet and running toward him.
“Are you unha-” Her little hands are touching his and the amount of concern in her eyes practically steals his breath from his lungs. She turns his palms over in his hands and looks up at him after a moment of intense inspection.
“How are your hands still in one piece?” She looks skeptical, but very, very relieved. “If I had done that mine’d be broke,” She continues in a smaller voice.
He can’t help but give her a little smile. “I am guardian. I have.. abilities that regular humans do not.”
“Oh,” she accepts, and the Awoken can’t help but feel a bit relieved that he does not have to go into a fuller explanation. “How’d you find me?”
“There was a report of a scout radio tuned to the emergency relay frequency that happened to be assigned to myself. They have location tracking equipment in them. I take it you fixed the radio when I was called away?”
She nods. “Got lucky that that’s what I tuned it to. Just wanted to spook ‘em,” She admits bashfully. “Needed to get outta that house with ‘em crawling all over in’it.”
Speaking of, the titan looks in all directions before speaking again. “We will need to get moving. There shouldn’t be many more, but I am required to report in, and you cannot stay out here if the enemy has a way to get in.” He turns her around and guides her in the direction of the civilian camp, where he will inevitably drop her off. She reluctantly follows. “What were you doing out this far,” he asks after a moment or two of watching her dirty shoes scuff the pavement.
“Turn in good stuff, ‘n they feed ya,” she says with a shrug. “Shank shells, ammo, metals, wiring, stuff that ya can use to fix other stuff.”
“Your parents don’t worry?” He immediately senses that he’s asked the wrong question, because she doesn’t respond for a long while, and there’s a nagging feeling in the back of his brain he can’t shake.
She finally spoke, and it was in a whisper he strained to hear. “Ma died a coupl’a years back. Pa died few months ago, ‘fore we got here.” She looks up at the understanding look on his face. “Been scrappin’ since before all that though, this ain’t anything out of the ordinary, ‘cept it’s easier to hide out there when they come after ya,” she gestures toward the fledgling wall and the wilderness outside it.
He quirked an eyebrow at that. The little girl had a very near miss with death, and she seemed to process the more frightening situations she was exposed to with little pomp and circumstance. It was an impressive thing, in his eyes, though also terribly sad. “You are one brave little girl -” He pauses and looks down at her. She never did tell him her name.
“Amanda,” She replies. “Amanda Holliday.”
He stops to turn toward her, kneeling so that she comes up to the middle of his chest instead of his thigh. “Zavala,” He says in kind, extending a hand.
Her gaze is drawn to the swirling light under his skin, but she reaches out without hesitation, her palm fully engulfed in his larger one as they shake hands. “Thank you for saving me, Zavala,” She whispers bashfully.
“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Holliday. Thank you for fixing my radio.”
They trudge along for a while more before the titan reaches into a pouch at his waist and pulls out the scuffed but functional radio. He hands it to her and she beams, examining her earlier handiwork. The radio has definitely seen better days, but she figures he knew that. She hands it back to him. “Y’know, those Fallen guys were scary, but you ‘n that glowing fist trick are way more terrifying. ‘M glad you’re on our side.”
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fireteam-survivor · 3 years ago
Looking for Destiny 2 Blogs to Follow
Hey! I went through ALL the blogs I was following and cut it down drastically, many had not been active in years, or had changed course/theme/fandom from when I originally followed them.
So, if people could please let me know what Destiny blogs you think I should be following (If I am not already) let me know so I can go check them out!
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netraptor · 1 year ago
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Chapter 2 of When A Ghost Hates a Ghost. Jayesh's brutal deaths in this chapter are the least of his problems.
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thewildnopeboat · 1 year ago
Eido, tinkering with an old earth radio: There.
*the radio's audio crackles, and outputs the Drifter's program*
Drifter: For our special late night hour, we have a special bit of information, straight from the Young Wolf's ghost himself!
Ghost, whispering but the audio is still audible: You said I wouldn't have my name here.
Drifter, laughs: what's the worse that could happen?
Ghost, spins and sighs: Let's get this over with. Tonight's story: "Drifter and a-,"
*the broadcast is interuppted by a large explosion that threatens to break the speakers of the radio, but it soon settles to an eerie quiet*
Drifter: Heya Sista! Took you long enough.
Guardian, barely coming through the radio: Ghost, a word?
Ghost, nervous chuckle: uh... we will be back soon.
Eido, suddenly too enraptured by the angry yelling: oh no. I hope they don't come asking who made the copiers work...
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mythophosfox · 1 year ago
The Darkness Inside of You Ch.1/6
Reader x Rhulk (Destiny 2)
You are a new light. A new guardian reborn as the situation on Europa worsened. You can control Stasis better and more naturally than anyone else, alienating you from the others at the tower. While on a high-importance mission, you find yourself within the grasp of Rhulk, a creature disciple to the Witness. Both of you gradually find comfort within each other. The hatred turns into a twisted obsession, in which both of you will inevitably suffer
Chapter Summary:
You your team are assigned to raid into the pyramid in the miasma. You fight your way in, conquering every challenge, but you hear a mysterious voice in the distance. It's powerful, and it wants you.
Tags: Mentions of blood, mentions of death, Enemies to Lovers, raid, Canon Divergence, Human experimentation, Reader is gender neutral, emotional/psychological abuse, Body Worship, Reader as a love interest, Stockholm syndrome, descriptions of gore, Not proofread, reader is alienated by others, found family, family death.
ch.1 || ch.2 || ch.3 || ch.4 || ch.5 || ch.6
Chapter One: The Amber Smoke
The haze of the miasma surrounding your horizon blurs your vision of the pillars ahead of you. Your brothers and sister-in-arms were preparing their weapons. On the other hand, you were staring at the large black pyramid in the distance, in awe. Behind those bone-like hive doors lay the alien ship, covered with thick and potent amber smoke. Your lungs burn at the sight. The energy of the darkness surrounding you was heavy, fetid. It left a sour, bitter taste in your mouth.
You were known as y/n, an y/s from the y/c guild. You awoke from your supposed eternal slumber after the death of Eramis. You’ve proven yourself as a dutiful, skilled and enthusiastic member of the vanguard. You fought solo until you were adopted by a team of fellow guardians. You quickly found familiarity with them in battle and enjoyed your close bond dearly. These people were your friends, your family, a comfort in the harsh, undying reality of your new life.
Your team always excelled at missions such as strikes or dungeons. This time, to your coworker’s joy, your team was sent to its first raid. Being new at high-level missions, you were both terrified and excited beyond belief. It all came down to a meeting your leader went to with Zevala and Ikora. Predictably, your leader was ecstatic and accepted the mission with ease. To which, he announced the news to your team. Of course, all of the instructions and planning were explained a few hours before the mission itself. 
As it stands, the mission will go as follows: Infiltrate the pyramid, investigate the content inside its walls, and most importantly find who was in control of it.
-’’ Everyone round up! It’s time for the mission review.’’ Your leader exclaimed to the members, including you. 
Your team regrouped around him and you followed. You all awaited his instructions. While waiting for his teammates to arrive, he unlocked the safety of his arbalest. 
Your leader, or Damien as he insist everyone to call him, was always the first one to jump into any situation you would find yourselves into. He had the strongest spirit out of all of you, the wisest mind too. Compared to everyone else on your team, he was the oldest by far. Unfortunately, for what he had in strength, he lacked in patience. Although he had a short fuse, he never screamed at you or your comrades once. He says that his anger is better off released towards the enemies. Apparently, his secret to a successful mission was to imagine his deaths as always being the last. Which you found, unsuitably morbid for his joyful personality.
Once he sees everyone in front of him, he raises the arbalest on his shoulder, the muzzle pointing behind him.
-’’ Alright, here’s the plan. Stay grouped at all times when possible, avoid being separated for too long, respect your positions and watch your and your fellow’s back. Be wary of lightless zones, it will contaminate you if you stand around for too long. Remember to communicate your progress and your normal callouts for the team.’’ 
Some members of your team nodded their heads while others made sounds of affirmation. Damien smirked under his helmet.
-’’ Whatever is waiting for us inside of that ship, will be big and powerful. So let’s show them humanity’s true power. For the traveller!’’ He shouted. -’’ For the traveller!!’’ You all cheered back with a fearless dynamic. -’’ Get your equipment ready, we’ll be heading towards the gates soon.’’ -’’ Yes, sir!’’ You all answered with enthusiasm. Following the speech, your fellow guardians scattered around the area to prepare their weapons or train their light powers. You took hold of your f/e/w, reloading it to full capacity. You felt a warm grip on your shoulder, causing you to look behind your back. Your leader stands before you, his hand softly letting go of his grip on you. You turn back towards him, needing to look up to reach his visor.
-’’ Ready for your first big mission y/n? Feeling nervous at the stakes or are you handling yourself well? ‘’ He asked, his gaze observing you behind his helmet. He witnessed the subtle grip that tightened around your f/e/w. You titter, avoiding the subject of nervousness. 
-’’ I’m all good, everything is under control for me.’’ You managed to exhale. ‘’ Just gotta make sure I don’t miss a single shot.’’ 
Damien laughed at your challenging comment. Enjoying your perceived fearlessness and challenging nature. 
-’’ I’ll call you out on that later, once we’re done with this fiasco.’’ He proposed, giving your helmet a gentle bonk on the top. With that, he left to discuss with other members. 
You signed in relief, hiding how uneasy and scared you were. You take a deep breath, smelling the murky and acidic atmosphere around you. It’s potent and causes you to wince as it burns your throat. You turn your head back towards the gates, the pyramid looming menacingly behind its doors. Only this time, it felt as if the structure was staring back at you. 
They stood gracefully upon his black marble platform. Stoic and proud, staring at the ants under his feet. Their eyes wandered around the armies of scorn below the floating marble. They raised their shoulder, looking at the horizon through the walls of the pyramid’s inside. The creature perceived every single member of your team from kilometres away. He sighed, unimpressed and bored. He watched lethargically as your team fought its way through the flood of scorn blocking your way. The mistakes, the deaths, the rescues, and the unfortunate success. it squinted its eyes with frustration and annoyance when your team succeeded in the first phase of the raid. A low growl emerges from his throat, planning to squash this team of aggravating insects. The light your team glowed hurt its eyes, frustrating them further. It quickly lost interest, not thinking much of something so benign to them. As the creature looked away, it noticed a flash of dark energy in the corner of its eyes. It looked back, curious. Only when it sees your stasis ability that its eyes widen with potent interest. 
You’re team sparrowed through the water, until you all reach the opening of the pyramid. You all disembark your respective sparrows, climbing a few flights of stairs made of smooth black marble. A silent gasp escapes your lips, in awe of the architecture in front of you. It was an impressive sight. Damien waited at the tight, but excessively tall door behind him. -’’ Everyone alright?’’ He asked, his voice raspy from all the screaming from phase one. You all nodded. ‘’ Good, let’s go. The next phase awaits us.’’ With that, you’re team enters the corridor one by one. It opens to a large flooded area. The inside is strangely beautiful, surrounded by black marble and brutalist edges. You couldn’t help to whisper a soft ‘’wow’’ under your breath. As your team advances, you slowly follow under the mirrored ceiling. The center of the room presented a deep, lighted void. It was impossible to see the bottom from up there. You gulp nervously. Your leader led the way, jumping down the abyss with potent confidence. Other members of the team joined in before you eventually jumped in yourself. After a few seconds, you all find yourselves in another room, still made of the same black marble. However, the floors were now a bright white colour. Furthermore, all around the room, you could see some ancient artifacts. The walls were covered with shelves of vases, pots, and other assortments of objects. While your teammates shivered uncomfortable from the cold feel of darkness, you couldn’t help but feel at home. Deep inside, you knew it was wrong so you did your best to alienate your comfort. As some members looked for a way forward, you and another guardian stayed put, guarding the area. Both of your weapons are drawn, ready to defend a teammate at any moment. Unfortunately, your guilt got you lost in your thoughts. 
You remember waking up in the cosmodrome that faithful day, your Ghost guiding you to safer grounds. When your current team took you in, you all joined Europa to help with the eliksni refugees. Elsie took it upon herself to introduce the team to stasis: a power derived from the darkness. Unlike your teammates, who had a hard time or even suffered trying to use its power, it came naturally to you. You had no struggles or injuries while wielding the darkness. Even better, it felt like you were whole, complete as its energy ran through your veins. Needless to say, it has become your main power since. Unfortunately for you, the vanguard and other guardians didn’t seem amused by your familiarity with the darkness. Since then, you kept getting nasty looks from other guardians. Sometimes, you could hear whispers scatter as you pass by. You found yourself alienated, ignored and even sometimes badmouthed. You didn’t want to admit it at first, but it deeply affected you. You felt guilty for finding a power that suited you. You felt guilty over something that wasn’t a choice. Fortunately for you, your team always defended you. When people were mean to you, they’d call them out. When people made rumours, they’d shut it down. Your leader even defended you against Ikora, stating that you were an invaluable asset to the team. You snap out of your thoughts when you remember how he held you as you cried that evening.
-’’ Hey! Over here!’’ One of your teammates waved to get attention from the other members. ‘’I found a sliding door!’’ She announced. 
Your team rushed towards the door, waiting for your leader to join in. When Damien approached the door, it opened. He looked back at the team before nodding his head and heading in. You all followed. The next room was enormous. It looked roofless and opened to the rest of the pyramid’s inside. A strange cubic shape was floating in the distance, surrounded by that same amber smoke. Below the cube lay an unconscious goliath of a hive worm. You all gasp at the sight, in awe. Your leader took a few steps forward, staring at below the platform you were standing on. Suddenly, a voice resonated throughout the room. It was deep, sultry and emanate an apathetic sense of dread. -’’ The witness…sees light fall. Glimpses you..free of chains.’’ It said. 
   You and your teammates winced at the voice, it felt heavy on your bodies. You all see different rooms covered with runes on each side with pillars between them and two enormous blocks of black marble. A giant rib stands above the blocks of marble. The voice reappears, whispering deeply. -’’ Boundaries. Truly limited potential. Domination unbound.’’
The voice brings shovers to your spine, it prickles your skin with a chilling touch. You could feel the strength of whatever the voice came from. Your team seemed to feel the same, some of them flinching, others cocking their weapons. Your leader let out an unamused huff. He turned around, his visor facing you, an expression of disdain behind it. He tightens his grip on the arbalest. -’’ Onwards, let’s get this over with.’’ 
Rhulk observed the team of guardians as they succeeded in the second phase of defences. He grunts, squinting his eyes with mild resentment. He wondered if this group of guardians would succeed in reaching him before they perished like those before them. He wondered if this group knew that others died where they stood. He looked at every member of the team with a taste of disgust, except for you. You raised his curiosity and brought questions to his mind. Although other guardians before you had stasis, he could always see cracks, a flaw in their technique or balance. But you, you were completely homogenous with it. Stasis flows through like the blood in your veins. It formed around you perfectly, as if you were capable of containing it, and maybe you could. His interest in you didn’t stop him from being aggravated by how persistent your team was. He floats off the platform he stod, floating down slowly on the ground below.         
-‘’ These children of light are…difficult to discourage,’’ he murmured to himself. ‘’If they're are so desperate to protect a traitor so be it.’’ 
He kept thinking about you, your powers, your abilities to control what he trained to use for so long. He wanted to learn more about you, and how your body dealt with the strain of darkness. He wanted to dissect you, study your insides, crack your bones, and search your genetics. He fell victim to imagining the smell of your blood on his hands. Would it smell different? Would it feel warm? You intrigued him and it was pissing him off. He stared at the horizon once more, observing your team through the walls. He witnessed you fighting the Caretaker, avoiding his deadly fists as they shook the floors. He felt the stress from every single member as the taken overwhelmed every crevice of the area. He mostly set his gaze on you, watching you flawlessly summoning your stasis powers. Rhulk's expression winces menacingly, stoic and curious. He wanted you.
The encounter with the Caretaker cost a lot of energy from your team. You all gasped in relief once he collapsed from lead poisoning. You all eagerly leave the three-storied room only to find kilometres of thigh parkour in front of you. A few of your comrades, including you, groaned loudly at the sight. Since there was no other choice, one by one your team started to jump from platform to platform. You found yourself lagging by a few meters. The platforming wasn’t your forte, and you found it hard to concentrate when there was a bottomless pit right under you. Slowly, but surely you made your way toward each platform. You stopped at a platform to observe the horizon in front of you. You felt something in your chest. The giant piece of marble floats above a smooth white platform. You felt a weight on your shoulders, something was watching you. Your body felt as if it was vibrating from unknown gazes. You winced and exhaled, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling. You turned your head towards the next platform in front of you. You notice Damien waiting for you. Suddenly flustered, you hurry your jump to avoid making him wait longer. Once you land next to him, he offers you his hand. -’’ Need a hand guardian?’’ He asked, honeying his voice with the grin behind his helmet.
- ‘’ I can handle it.’’ You say, trying to hide the embarrassment in your voice. 
‘’ If anything, I’m practicing my skills.’’  -’’ Is that why you’ve been staying close to the edge and staring downwards when you jump?’’ He asked with a titter in his voice. You slowly look at him, your helmet hiding your embarrassed, flushed face. To which, he laughs. You huffed, annoyed at how well he read you. -’’ It’s normal for new lights to be skittish during parkour phases.’’ He says genuinely, almost comforting you in the process. ‘’ Let me give you a hand y/n.’’ He whispers. You couldn't refuse at that point. Dammit. You sheepishly took his hand before he grabbed it and pulled you closer to him. You swallowed a gasp, feeling your cheek go red from the touch. He wraps his free arm around your waist, supporting your weight better. His actions were so gentle, it made you feel funny in your stomach. He looked down at you, your eyes meeting from behind your helmets.
-’’ Shall we, guardian?’’ He murmured. -’’ Yes.’’ You answer immediately, still baffled by the tenderness he’s showing towards you.   
With that, he secured his grip around you and leaped both of you from platform to platform. He was faster than you would ever be, fearless and confident with every jump he made. You were too busy concentrating on landing safe and sound to notice his gaze towards you, making sure you were safe. You both finally arrive inside a floating room, where the rest of the team is waiting for you. After a few seconds, Damien slowly let go of his grip on you. You shyly looked away from him, crossing your arms in front of you. -’’ Thank you…’’ You said softly, averting your gaze from him. -’’ No need, a leader should always be there for the members of his team.’’ He answered, hiding the flush in his voice as he patted your back before joining the rest of the team. You follow him with your gaze, watching him walk away towards the others. You smile gently before following his trail, your team awaiting you.
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jillybean-seighdrasov · 11 months ago
From the Fanfiction Writing Asks: 50, 58 & 76
 #50, my writing style.  Let’s see if I get this right.  I think I am narrative in a 3rd person and past tense.  I used to write in 1st person and present tense, but that was my personal, never sharing, writings.  However, that being said, I do find when I am editing my works that I accidentally use 1st person/present tense here and there.  I hope this is what you were looking for in an answer. 
#58, off that top of my head, I can’t think of one.  I know I have written things that made me laugh when I worded it, but I would have to go back and find one.  One is coming to mind, but I need to go back and search for it.  I’ll get back to you on that one.
#76, They way I deal with writing pressure is done in two different ways.  I am the one putting the pressure on myself, so I have to remind myself to step back.  When I feel like I am stuck at a point in my story and just cannot figure out what to write, I will jump on Destiny2 and play to clear my head.  Another thing I do is try and work on another piece of writing that I put aside.  Now there are times that I just don’t write because I am stuck, so I do a lot of thinking.  Coming up with ideas for my story as playing them out in my head over and over.  It helps. 
Chapters 183 and 184 were the hardest chapters to write.  It was only supposed to be one chapter, but I had to break it up.  It took me almost two weeks to write it.  I was dreading it, I was procrastinating and finding any excuse not to do it.  I just didn’t want to say “goodbye”.  I did finally get it done, but it was a struggle. 
I really hope this is what you were looking for in my answers.  I tried to do the best I could.  Thank you for the asks!
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wrenandthemachine · 2 years ago
Wren and the Machine Chapter 94 is up on Ao3, I'll get it up on ff.net when I don't feel like crap
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zdots · 3 years ago
Fanfiction where The Crow and The Young wolf inevitably get drunk and start hitting it off only for the YW to mumble Uldrens name out instead 👀
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