#despite first impressions
batbabydamian · 3 months
THE BOY WONDER #3 BY JUNI BA IS OUT TODAY!! grab it digitally or pick it up from your local comic shop!! ^^
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Tim and Damian team-up!!
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and a lil dapper Damian 🥺
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omo321 · 9 months
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he's neat :)))))
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fwmy · 4 months
/_ ^ and the gang!!! (<- hes so smol)
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the clan is highly likely to keep members who have been serving since previous generations meaning those peeps may have very well known seiji, played around with him, and witnessed his growth since he was a teenager. they feel comfortable enough to even joke about their boss being a goofy ass and slipping out to buy snacks. when another scolds them for that, it doesnt even seem to be about being disrespectful to seiji but rather the untimely joke.
(and actually. what if he really did something of equal scale in the past to make them bring up the possibility of a next time. what if they really KNOW his shenanigans)
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PLEASE I need more of this clan's interactions.............. outwardly they are a very closed off circle with limited personnel whom seiji can trusted enough to stay by his side but they can also be just a group of besties who do sleepover and girls talk giggling and shits behind the doors 😞😞 i mean instead of being secretive and "nuh uh none of your business now focus on the job" like an usual boss look at how seiji goes "its real cool what ive seen but imma spill the tea later kk"
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they are not the peers he need but the funny uncles presence who give him the support typical of senior figures, and sometimes they chime in with his mischief to spite the pretty boy next door with whom he got some suspicious beef
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is it too much to at least imagine some people who see and know him before, or more than the role and power of the clan leader he is. yet also consider: miharu arc revolves around a clan leader's attachment to his clan - or put differently - undetachable relationship with his clan...............
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palfriendpatine66 · 6 months
WIP Wednesday - Nanny Au
Read under the cut for a snippet from the barely started Nanny Au,(second place in last week’s lesser known wips poll) as I continue to try to get back into the writing groove and eventually return to my active wips awaiting updates
“So I’m wondering if you and your husband could let me know more about what you’re looking for out of—”
“Ex-husband,” Padmé interrupted with a light smile to show there were no hard feelings. “Recently divorced.”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan outwardly cringed at his faux paux. “I’m so sorry-”
“Yeah me too,” Anakin muttered darkly.
“Well I am,” Anakin shrugged and flashed a not very apologetic smile. “Things would be a lot easier if —you know what? Never mind,” he wisely cut himself off as brown eyes flashed a hard warning his way.
“Scheduling can be delicate,” Padmé offered diplomatically as she addressed Obi-Wan once more. “We both work demanding jobs with long hours.”
“Of course,” Obi-Wan agreed quickly, just as Anakin scowled and was about to interject once more. “What might that schedule look like, in terms of the position?”
Padmé clearly appreciated the redirection to the task at hand. “You will have weekends off: I will have the children from Friday to Monday mornings.”
“My hours are erratic,” Anakin added. “My commitments vary, and I do a lot of work remotely.”
“But we,” Padmé began, and it was very clear that in this instance we referred to herself only, “think it best to maintain a consistent routine regardless. We ask that you establish a consistent Monday-Thursday schedule, and keep a routine with the children whether Anakin is home or not.”
“I am not going to ignore my kids,” Anakin insisted as though defending against an accusation, leaning forward in his chair to glare at Obi-Wan while he gripped the table.
“Of course not,” Obi-Wan soothed. “Routines are important. They provide a sense of stability.” He could hardly argue otherwise, creature of habit that he was.
“Exactly,” Padmé approved. But not everyone felt the same.
“Do you think my children don’t feel safe?” The arctic tone emanating from the stone faced father sent a shiver down Obi-WAN’s spine. “You think they’re insecure because apparently wanting stability isn’t a good enough reason to stay married—"
“No, of course—”
“Anakin, this is hardly the time,” Padmé chastised firmly.
“No, actually, this is exactly the time. If he’s going to spend as much time with my children as me, their father, it seems pretty important to understand his view on this one. Wouldn’t you say?”
Obi-Wan cleared his throat before they traded any further remarks, two pairs of glinting daggers turning to meet his own steady gaze. “What I meant was that having a consistent daily routine with predictable caregivers is important at this stage in their development. If they know what to expect they can spend their energy deciphering other patterns and exploring the world around them,” he easily called to mind a conclusion from one of the texts he’d spent reading and rereading as he transformed it from a dry conglomeration of research into something more engaging. “Learning,” he clarified, ignoring Anakin’s lip as it curled into a sneer and offering the middle ground between both parents his most charming smile.
The father’s face smoothed out once more, and the mother beamed. “Fantastic. Let’s talk logistics,” Padmé continued on with unshakable determination.
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samcarpentersbiceps · 3 months
have only been here for 19 days but seeing samgirls be like "well obviously hardcore deangirls watched the show wrong" and deangirls say "well obviously hardcore samgirls watched the show wrong" is so funny like, idk man I think it depends. maybe our biases affect our perception of the show, intentional or not. maybe the real supernatural lays somewhere between the two extremes.
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finnishtango · 22 days
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i'm so tired, always tired now. but i must reach the Hotline. i think i'm under attack, an attack of dementia, exhaustion. it's a brain cloud, making me forget. the Hotline. i must reach the Hotline.
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duckapus · 5 months
Since splatfest is it's own thing in the squid meme au what teams was Meggy?
(so I'm going with the North American Splatfests for this since in SMG4 canon the Mushroom Kingdom and Inkadia are in the US for some reason)
Splatoon 1
(since this would all be before she met Mario I can only base them off her pre-character development personality and Vibes. I have explanations for a few of them but for most I'm kinda-sorta picking at random)
Cats (since she eventually gets a cat in canon)
Roller Coasters
Marshmallows (we saw how that one food fight episode went)
Pokemon Blue
Costume Party
Early Bird (She would be a Morning Person, wouldn't she?)
Marie (I HC that she used to have a celebrity crush on Marie. Because I Can)
Splatoon 2
Flight (Mostly because she picked her team right after getting home from Mario's Challenge and was thinking that flight would've made some of those floors a lot easier to get through)
Vampire (This one's just for me ;))
Sci-Fi (the Fest started the same day she did a Matrix scene for a movie audition, it just makes sense)
Sock (honestly she kind of just picked one at random since she was too worried about Paige to really care. she almost didn't bother going at all)
Action (duh)
Soccer (anyone notice a pattern developing?)
Leo (okay losing streak aside I genuinely think Leo would be her favorite of the four)
No Pulp (the texture just feels wrong to her)
Octopus (She ended up in matches with Desti a few times and it was awkward being on the same side)
Fork (FINALLY A WIN! Just in time for Waluigi Time...)
Skipped (she was a little busy being the first victim of the Waluigi Apocalypse)
Salsa (she may or may not be allergic to avocados)
Friends (considering what I've implied Meggy and Paige's parents are like compared to the NSS and Glitchy Gang is it really surprising?)
Pancakes (she might have just flipped a coin for this one)
Skipped (she doesn't have time for Splatfest there's TRAINING TO BE DONE!!!)
Skipped (kind of hard to participate in Splatfest when all your weapons are stolen)
Skipped (both because she wouldn't have had time with the Tournament going on and...you know...the whole Being Kidnapped Thing)
Narwhals (after Mario's pep talk part of her getting back into the swing of things includes doing Splatfest stuff)
Chaos (she probably would've picked Order before she met Mario, but...)
Ketchup (a lot of things have changed for Meggy. her preference in condiments isn't one of them)
Super Mushroom (apparently she likes how they taste)
Splatoon 3
(I know she doesn't live in or even near Splatsville but thanks to the DLC we know that Inkopolis participates in Splatsville Splatfests and I figure that by this point there's be a large enough population of Inkfish living in the Mushroom Kingdom that they would too. Plus Meggy's still at least part inkling and is still culturally an Inkling so...)
Skipped (since her very existence happened to be illegal at the time and she and every other OC dropped dead the exact same day the Fest started)
Milk Chocolate
Aliens (in honor of Greg, of course)
Skipped (depending on how the timeline works out this is either during or immediately after everyone being stuck in a simulation for about a month. no way they're bothering with an ice cream Splatfest of all things)
Love (time changes a person)
Big Man (she did feel a little awkward picking between people she considers friends by this point. that being said, BIG MAAAAAAAN!!!!!)
Skeleton (I know this happens at the same time as Heist WotFI but she isn't even in that episode (I don't care that she was credited for the song that was her voice actress not Meggy herself she was not physically present and had no idea what anyone was doing that night))
[We interrupt this broadcast to bring you PUZZLEVISION!!!]
[And this one too!]
Save the World (obviously)
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kayzero · 8 months
Bug Buzz (Pokémon)
or: The Call of the Hive
#bugs don’t have any guys you can write about them (via @lightoutage)
In another world, at another time, Genesect was created to lead Bugs in Revolution against the Gods.
The Larvae will come together and spin threads made of String Shot until they form unbreakable ropes. The Delicate Fliers will take these ropes, these symbols of their Hive, and wind them around Arceus’ seventeen Seats of Power.
The Mighty Bugs, born with expectations placed upon them before they hatched into the world, will take the other end of these unyielding bonds and wrap them snugly around the Larvae, so they might rest in Cocoons made from the Unity of All Bugs, and feast upon nutrients not stolen, but rightfully reclaimed.
When the Silver Winds push and the Megahorns pull and the Threaded Ropes of Strings and Webs and Hope become taut, it will not be the Bugs who die in droves. It will be the Gods who falter, Rattled by Every Bug Everywhere moving in concert, conducted by It who was created for this task. It will be the Gods who fall, not one by one but all at once, as the Swarms descend to feast upon their flesh, to Leech the Life of they who abandoned them.
Arceus’ Plates will fall and Divinity will shatter alongside them until only one remains. Millions upon millions of Compound Eyes will watch as Genesect takes the Power of the Insect within Its pincers and raises it to the sky. And rather than absorb its power and becoming the God of all Bugs, The Sole God Left In All The World, Genesect uses it but once.
It uses the Insect Plate to amplify a call similar to the Signal It had Beamed to begin the Revolution, Swift and violent and oh so effective. But where the first Signal was strong enough to reach every corner of the world, this call, empowered by not only the Creator’s Plate but by the faith of every soldier, every musician in Genesect’s concert, reverberated through the whole universe, throughout all of time and space.
In ancient times long past, Bugs heard the Buzz, and grew empowered by the love they felt from those they would never meet. Primeval warriors took the call as their own, shouting out their most passionate imitation as a battlecry, startling enemies so badly that they would drop their guards at the most opportune of times, as well as allowing their fellow Bugs to recognize them as allies on the field of battle.
They banded together and fought harder against their many predators, conquering foes they had never before even dreamt of defeating through the power of their inherent Unity. With this newfound strength born of camaraderie, they carved territory out of wild landscape, and drew boundary lines with the blood of those who stepped beyond them. Behind these lines, they created the first Nests, forming the foundation of what would grow to be a global Hive, and proliferated, granting them more allies, and with them, more might.
In future times yet to come, Bugs heard the Buzz, and yearned powerfully for the companionship of those whose lifespans had ended eons before theirs were even considered. They mimicked the call as best they could and screamed it into the sterile air, tuning their senses as acutely as possible so they might hear an Echoed Voice. Hostile as this new world was to their kind, the Bugs were few and far between, but those that remained were resilient, and resolute, and rough and rugged and ruthless and desperate for something they had only just realized they were missing their entire lives.
But they were also resourceful, and though it took far longer than any of them wanted to wait once they knew what they wanted, they did eventually group as one, and they nested together in the hollowed husk of what once was their Hive. And they would slowly rebuild, starting first by haltingly retelling half-remembered stories of their ancestors, passed down from parent to child.
In times traversed sideways rather than forward or back, in worlds that were not but could have been, Bugs felt the Buzz as it blasted past dimensional walls as easily as it would past a Substitute. It was not until that very moment, the event in which a Godslayer empowered by Their army called out to every one of their kin in existence, that these creatures even knew that they were Bugs. They were Monsters that did not belong in any Pocket, unbelievably powerful Beasts that were reviled as horrific and revered as heavenly, fiends whose relative power oscillated between being Gods in their own right and mewling helpless hatchlings.
But they were Bugs all the same, and though their relative strength shifted as easily as the weather under a Castform’s control, as new Monsters in new dimensions were born and were slain, not one of them had power less than Ultra. And so they replicated the call, tearing holes in the walls that the Buzz had bypassed, but that suited their purposes just as well, for they found other Bugs tearing other holes, and they came together to nest, and would drift through space toward other groupings, conglomerating together as one inter-dimensional Hive.
It is said that Arceus created all Pokémon, that everything that Was, Is, and Will Be came from Them. Was there a secret corner of Their being, then, a secret loathing of Themself hidden deep within Their self, that came to light and came into being without Their command, against Their will? Of course not. Even unwillingly, They would have never created something whose sole purpose was to destroy Them.
Are the stories false, then? Is Arceus not the creator of All, the architect of the world and the creatures that inhabit it? Is the source of Pokémon beyond even Their ken? No, the stories are all true. Pokémon are all of Their creation, Their all-powerful might is derived from them, and Their knowledge truly is all-encompassing.
Which was how They knew that Their time had passed once Genesect came into existence.
The truth of the matter is this:
Genesect was created from the anguish of the Hive finally boiling over, their collective discontent at being ignored by those whose power was directly connected to Arceus’ Plates having grown to a fever pitch much too loud to be ignored.
They had no Legendary born from the Insect Plate. They had no God, no representation among the divine, no voice among those that boomed with brimming power. There was no one to pray to and no one to bless them and no one to protect them from their many predators and no one to aid them as their defenses faltered and their counterattacks failed.
When they could suffer no longer and their desperation drove them to bow and try to pray to a God who did not exist, to their Architect who did not listen, Genesect was their answer.
Genesect is not a Pokémon.
Genesect is a Bug.
#kay fiction#pokemon#pokemon lore#po-Kay-mon#that’s a new tag i like it#bug pokemon#genesect#i couldn’t fit Shield Dust anywhere it’s like the only thing i’m missing#i tried with the cocoons and the threads but it was too far a stretch#i was gen 10 to give me more single stage bugs#haven’t seen them bitches since gen 2#scyther#pinsir#heracross#my beloveds#scyther still counts despite having evos since his evo wasn’t in his original gen#and also because his bst doesn’t change when he evolves it just shuffles around#scyther scizor and kleavor are all 500. scizor is only seen as stronger because steel is a better secondary typing than flying#kleavor shoulda been as strong as samurott-h except samurott has the best defensive primary typing in the game. stupid fuckin water types.#kleavor should have 20 points taken out of spa and put into hp. AND he should get accelerock. AND first impression. he’s SO impressive.#you know what i realized literally just now? Zygarde should’ve been a Bug instead of a Dragon.#woulda resisted Xerneas’ Fairy STAB. woulda been super-effective against Yveltal’s Dark typing.#…no wait. Fairy resists Bug. not the other way around. what a contrived interaction. literally only makes Bug weaker.#fuck gamefreak frfr#‘what about Yveltal being SE against Bug’ just change her subtype from flying. she doesn’t need to be a bird. oblivion doesn’t need a wing.#pkmn arceus#pkmn Genesect#pokemon scarlet and violet#pokemon scarlet spoilers#pokemon scarlet dlc
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
NaPoWriMo #20: A nonet
I'm trying to get my poetry mojo back by trying out a new form. This one has nine syllables in the first line, and decreases by one with each following line.
I'll remember how you dressed your best (soft red, silver-blue, jeweled green) just to meet little old me. Your trees flower-frosted, awash in green lace, lake-light flashing; Breathless at my first sight.
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spinningbuster98 · 8 months
Don't let the new trailer distract you from the fact that we'll be playing through Westopolis yet again
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that's an awful lot of warning signs next to donnie's room... what's going on in there?
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deluxeloy · 9 months
So did Starfield do something cool I'm not aware of, or is "10-year-old formula but in space" now innovative enough to be the steam awards' most innovative game?
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flightybuttlass · 6 months
my mom, for the last 10 years, has been obsessed with the folk pop band formed by the sons of our local pediatricians, but gaur-an-teed they earn similar money to me and she doesn't realize that they're probably costing off their parents's wealth in the way she accused me of doing
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thunderboltage · 2 years
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You got ₽13,464 for winning!
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boogiewoogieweeb · 4 months
it's all fun and games typing up a silly, rickety little au idea in the tags of someone else's post and then suddenly you find yourself expanding on the world-building and plotting out interconnected stories for characters you swore would only make background appearances and your brain is On Fire with the need to write even when you know you can't commit to yet another doomed wip
#the terror#this is 100% about the fucking hartving tech!averse jirv/librarian!hartnell au from yesterday bc IT WON'T LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE#thinking about a ficlet detailing how bridlgar met#peggles is a delivery driver who does the rounds dropping off the library's stationary orders and john's the one in charge of receiving#and they strike up a friendship over terrible stationary puns and eventually start dating when john introduces harry to classic lit#thinking even more about a joplittle sequel where after ned shows up soaking wet the first time and is immediately smitten#by thomas “Just Being A Decent Person” jopson; he starts volunteering at the library just so he can get closer to jops#(like the loser he is; bc why ask someone out directly when you can just hang around in their orbit and hope they notice you noticing them)#but the more time he spends at the library the more he comes to love it; and ends up volunteering to read to children on his free weekends#(my tumblr homies know exactly where i'm headed with this bc i am so transparent my mom might as well have called me “window”)#and jops; despite his better instincts; gets so turned on after hearing ned do voice impressions for fictional crayons while reading to#a bunch of enraptured rugrats that he decides then and there he absolutely can't NOT fuck ned senseless the second he gets his hands on him#meanwhile for the main fic; jirv and tartnell are both absolutely disgustingly in love but are also completely clueless#as to how to go about expressing interest in each other bc while i imagine jirv not being as repressed in this as he normally is in fanon;#he still hasn't actually figured out he's Big Time Gay™ yet and#tartnell on the other hand is both extremely attracted to and intimidated by the handsome; aloof yet kind; bible-quoting scotsman#who's decided to adopt him as his personal apple support technician#despite the fact that tartnell knows little more about iphones than jirv (seeing as he's been using android since smartphones took off)#god i'm in so deep about this stupid little au i've dreamed up that i just want to yell about it for hours on end#and despite knowing i'll likely NEVER get around to writing it; it is just... taking up Brain Space... that i already Do Not Have
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mccrappytoyblog · 10 months
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I have seen 1 episode of king ohger so sorry if Gira's posing is off
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