#desi health tube
meeradurvasainfotech · 2 months
Understanding the Advantages of Natural Desi Dantmanjan
Natural Desi Dantmanjan, an Indian traditional tooth paste or powder, has become well-known globally for its all-natural approach to dental health. Organic Desi Dantmanjan, which is free of artificial chemicals and additives and is made from a mixture of herbs, spices, and minerals, provides a more natural substitute for toothpaste found in stores. Let's explore the several advantages of this traditional dental care remedy.
Natural Ingredients: Desi Dantmanjan utilization of natural ingredients is one of its main selling points. Herbs with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic qualities like neem, clove, and peppermint are frequently included in traditional recipes. Together, these organic ingredients effectively clean teeth, improve gum health, and freshen breath.
Purging and Brightening: Desi Dantmanjan fills in as a characteristic cleaning agent for the teeth, eliminating plaque, food particles, and surface stains. Fixings like stone salt go about as delicate abrasives, scouring away pollutions without hurting the veneer. Ordinary utilization of Desi Dantmanjan can assist with keeping a brilliant, white grin without the requirement for cruel brightening synthetic compounds.
Gum Wellbeing: Sound gums are essential for generally oral wellbeing, and Desi Dantmanjan can assume a fundamental part in advancing gum wellbeing. Fixings like neem and babul have astringent properties that help fortify and fix the gums, diminishing aggravation and dying. Customary use might forestall gum infection and keep up with ideal gum wellbeing.
New Breath: The antibacterial properties of Desi Dantmanjan assist with combatting scent causing microbes in the mouth, really refreshing breath. Fixings like clove and peppermint leave an invigorating smell, giving durable breath newness over the course of the day. Not at all like business mouthwashes that might contain liquor and counterfeit flavors, Desi Dantmanjan offers a characteristic answer for fighting terrible breath.
Responsiveness Alleviation: People with delicate teeth frequently track down help in Desi Dantmanjan. Fixings like clove and alum have pain relieving properties that assist with mitigating tooth responsiveness, giving help from distress brought about by hot, cold, or sweet boosts. Ordinary use can lessen responsiveness and make eating and drinking more agreeable.
Comprehensive Methodology: Desi Dantmanjan offers an all encompassing way to deal with oral cleanliness, tending to numerous parts of dental consideration in one regular equation. From cleaning and brightening to renewing breath and advancing gum wellbeing, it gives far reaching care to the teeth and gums without the utilization of manufactured synthetic substances or added substances.
Harmless to the ecosystem: notwithstanding its oral medical advantages, Desi Dantmanjan is likewise harmless to the ecosystem. Dissimilar to business toothpaste tubes, which are frequently produced using non-recyclable materials, Desi Dantmanjan commonly comes in eco-accommodating bundling, like recyclable paper or cardboard boxes. This pursues it a maintainable decision for eco-cognizant customers.
All in all, natural Desi Dantmanjan offers an abundance of advantages for oral wellbeing, from regular purifying and brightening to renewing breath and advancing gum wellbeing. With its utilization of regular fixings and all encompassing way to deal with oral cleanliness, Desi Dantmanjan gives a protected, successful option in contrast to business toothpaste. By integrating Desi Dantmanjan into your day to day oral consideration schedule, you can partake in a more splendid, better grin while supporting in general prosperity.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
July 16, 1972
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HOLLYWOOD - Indomitable funny girl Lucille Ball, with a messy scoop hair the color of an orange popsicle, flashes on the scene in a sad predicament. 
She's got a lame leg.  
Lucy hobbled from her sleek silver Rolls Royce and into the yellow cubbyhole dressing room which is a sunny retreat near the Lucy set which Is crawling with rehearsal activity. 
On the surface, everything's ha-ha-ha. But the fact is that surgeons have inserted pins into the shattered leg bone suffered last year in a Snowmass Peak, Colo., skiing accident. The leg brace is a semi-intolerable ball and chain. But, as always, crippling situations must be mastered. Lucy's inextinguishable spirit pulsates despite the physical handicap. 
Lucy Is showing a smiling color photograph of herself in a flowing white hooded cape coat rimmed in fluffy fox. The picture, radiating exterior happiness, doesn't reflect the inner pain. Lucy's leg, in a hip cast, is disguised under a blanket. 
You know the familiar Lucy grin? She's grinning it and saying hell no, baby, she's not ever going to ski again. She couldn't stomach another goddam ordeal like that. Besides, on the immediate horizon is an operation to remove the pins.
Lucy, being Lucy, bears the cross with humor: "Honey," she says, "skiing is just getting into those nice winter clothes and being a show off." The burdensome subject of broken bones is dismissed with frivolity. 
Brainy Lucy, now 60 and president of a $30 million corporation, is an American institution. 
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But, like all super-successful females, she vibrates complex contradictions. The fashion plate - who initiated her career as a Hattie Carnegie hat model - is a winsome dumb broad on the tube. In reality she's tough executive who barks orders left and right. Staffers instantly do like the lady says. God has spoken. Lucy runs a tight ship, but she is more respected than feared. 
Yet Lucy is softie with a heart of spun sugar. Trappings, which she has in predictable abundance, aren't a psychic crutch. 
"Success is knowing that if everything were wiped away tomorrow, it wouldn't really matter. I wouldn't die if I lost my things," she says. Then the awesome simplicity: "Dear, I still go home and let the cat out" 
Lucy has always run her home life with a liberal hand.
Desi Arnaz, Jr. is currently Involved in well-publicized liaison with Liza Minnelli. There was a previous Desi scandal regarding Patty Duke. People gossip a lot here because they live in a city where the major industry is make-believe and fact and fiction become blurred. 
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Lucy isn't deaf to the talk about her son's romances: 
"What the hell, they're having a fine spree. I just hope it lasts for Desi and Liza. They don't have time to get married. Their scene is the world and they're swinging in there. I'm the one who talked marriage to them. One night I said: Look, kids, don't get married too soon. They were upset. Desi countered with the observation that you don't have to settle down when you get married. So I go -  well, that's true son! The subject of marriage just never came up again. They're a nice couple. They present themselves well without becoming asses. I've told the kids to do as they wish." 
Lucy, who was a good friend to Judy Garland, makes no bones about her affection for Liza. And once Lucy loves, the feeling lasts. After 20 years of marriage to Desi Arnaz, there was the divorce. Still Lucy looks people straight in the eyes and says the present Mrs. Desi Arnaz is a "wonderful woman." And she can see it in her heart to rent ex-husband Desi studio space on her lot so that he can work in the shadow of a success they initiated together. 
When Liza Minnelli was a child, Lucy kept a scrapbook of Liza's activities at play, in ballet school, attending birthday parties. There, in a battered old photo album, are the precious pictures. Liza didn't know about the book until recently. Desi brought Liza home and Lucy accidentally-on-purpose left the book on a coffee table. "Oh! Wow!" exclaimed Liza through a flow of uncontrollable tears. 
Lucy; "And I said to Liza, honey-baby, I told you I've known you for a long time. Didn't you believe me?" Lucille Ball speaks in an affectionate aside about Liza and the loyalty is simultaneously visible and audible: 
"That kid is liable to explode any minute. I just hope I'm around to pick up the pieces. No one knows why she works so hard. She's made it her objective to clear her mother financially. Those b--- lawyers took her --- really took her. But she's paying back every damn cent herself." 
Life is, of course, an inexplicable mixture of tears and laughter. Buoyant Lucy can see the funnies in everything. Love, she says, is looking beyond someone's minor faults and caring passionately despite the irritations. Lucy's 80-year-old mom, Dede (Desiree Ball) lives near Lucy's sprawling colonial house in Beverly Hills. Dede has a longstanding idiosyncrasy which used to drive Lucy wild but is now an amusement. 
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In that familiar screechy scratchy soprano voice oozing feigned stupidity, Lucy sing-songs the dialogue; 
"I say to Dede: Hey Dede, I've got a pain in my elbow. Dede always says: 'stupid, it's because you're not eating right!" Honest to God, if you've got a pain in your big toe, it's not because someone stepped on it it's the food. Drives you nuts! Dede really has a thing about food. The other day I went home and cooked a batch of chicken. 'Chicken!!" says Dede, 'you know it's gonna make me sick.' Of course Dede eats more chicken than anybody. Next day I say: Dede you been up all night throwin', huh? Naw," says Dede, the chicken wasn't half bad.'"
The ridiculous story illustrates two things Dede taught Lucy early in life. One: That without good health you've got nothing. Two; That without a non-pliant, thoroughly independent attitude, you've got less than nothing because show business kills the weak. 
Lucy is in constant awe of Dede. When Lucy built the five-story ski chalet 9,800 feet on the side of a Colorado mountain she was certain Dede couldn't take either the long trip or the altitude. Besides, once you get to Lucy's place, there are a million icy steps to climb before you make the front door. "Even the dogs stop to get their breath," says Lucy. "But when I start huffing, Dede looks over her shoulder and sorta snaps: Aw, Lucy, you're a sissy!' That woman is my challenge." 
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Does Lucy ever get down? Do the burdens of crushing disappointments halt her enthusiasm even temporarily? "Jesus," she says, "I cry. I cry a lot. Then anger sets in. When I'm angry, I become a fighter. And I always fight to win." 
When Lucy talks to you, she taps your knee in a natural gesture of intimacy. Her gaze is through black fringed x-ray eyes that sear through trivia. She smokes her cigarette twirled ceremoniously between her thumb and forefinger. Lucy always spews gut honesty: 
"Love is a great peace of mind. There's no panic in the relationship. It's never having to prove yourself. Love is not playing games. Baby, some women have to put up with mysterious absenteeism. That's always a sign of hanky panky-ism. Christ, I never have to worry where Gary is." 
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Gary is Gary Morton, Lucy's husband and executive producer. Suddenly he bursts into the dressing room and asks for the afternoon off. Lucy's going to work the full day. Her answer is affirmative, but she doesn't use the word "yes"; "Just don't forget to tell the cook to get out the steaks and have a big salad ready." 
The show is all in the family. Lucy's sister, Cleo Smith, is another producer. Lucy is having the talk-about twosome of Desi Jr. and Liza written into a script. Little Lucy, who has been Mrs. Phil Vandervort for a year, is a regular. She, too, bursts into the dressing room to use the john. The jeans are already embarrassingly unzipped. As she whizzes by she comments only to her famous mama: "Jeez, I though you were alone!" 
But an emergency is an emergency. Lucy, quick to seize the humor, quips: "Our togetherness is only occasionally splintered." 
In retrospect, Lucy is pleased with her real-life mother role. "I've been one hell of a mom," she says. "I always knew where they were every minute." Lucille Ball is a profound woman who often uses great simplicities to get her points across.
Once, when the kids were small, a nurse observed to Lucy that Little Lucy was calling Desi Jr., "fatso," and jabbing him in the stomach-when no one was looking. Desi didn't hit back because mama had said never to hit defenseless little girls. Lucy relives the old conversation with her daughter, first announcing each "part" and changing voices to portray the back-and-forth swing of conversation: 
Big Lucy: "Got a problem, Little Lucy?" 
Little Lucy: "Me? No." 
Big Lucy: "Let's talk. Whose fault is it? No, actually it doesn't matter whose fault it is. Next time one of you is hurt, I'm going to hit the one who is hurt." 
Little Lucy: "What does that mean, ma?" 
Big Lucy: "You'll see." 
Soon there was another battle. As usual, Little Lucy elbowed Desi in the stomach and he howled, Lucy illogically whacked Desi hard on the rear and his screams got louder. Little Lucy immediately became hysterical: "Mom, don't hit him! For God's sake, why are you hitting HIM?" 
Lucy delivered the punch line which is the credo of their life: "I hit Desi because you let things go too far. Never let things go too far. Someone innocent always suffers. Do you understand?" 
That was the end of sibling squabbling. Forever. 
Once, before her chorus girl days, New York-born Lucy worked as a fashion mannequin for various Seventh Ave. houses. She's still got a clotheshorse figure but she won't splurge on couture: "I'm just one of those normal working women who doesn't go in for hifalutin’ fashion." 
Lucy haunts three fabric shops in Beverly Hills and has local movie set seamstresses make all her clothes. "I'm not the type who dresses and goes out," says Lucy who long ago graduated from the silly-but-necessary movie star game of being seen in the right places. 
"Once when I was in Paris, I bought a designer dress grey flannel, I think and wore it out from the salon to my car.  When I sat down the damn thing was so strictly constructed that the neckline popped up to my nose. I was on my way to Switzerland and I mumbled to my driver, God, did that designer expect me to stand up on the plane?" Lucy can afford emergencies. When she got to Orly, she bought a dress from an airport boutique and changed in the ladies room. 
And, so, the sweet saga of Lucy continues, there are no plans to quit. The word - retirement - isn't in her vocabulary. "I can't imagine doing nothing," she says. "If you don't keep moving, you're buried." 
The beauty is still there. The complexion is like alabaster. Lucy confesses that she washes her face with Ivory soap, colors her own hair and occasionally gives herself offbeat facials." 
"Honey, the idiot who said to put honey on your face never explained that it has to be mixed with cream," she says. The face melts into that wonderful famous grin. "I put honey on straight from the goddamn jar and it closed my pores for a month." 
That's lovable Lucy. 
[Ed. Note: The original photographs were degraded by copying so similar shots were substituted as close to the originals as possible.]
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vapewale-in · 5 years
Hookah is not Benign, but Specialists say
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Smoking hookah could be addictive and dangerous, although many dabblers might not realize the risks, according to another review.
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"The chilled and sweetened taste of hookah tobacco makes it enticing to kids and they believe it's less detrimental," Tracey E. Barnett in the University of Florida in Gainesville told Reuters Health. Vape Battery Charger For Sale
Barnett has studied the current rise in adolescent hookah smoking. The practice rose to prominence around the Indian subcontinent one of Hindus in the 15th Century and then spread throughout the Ottoman Empire.
Although the water-pipe device with its series of tubes and mouthpieces appears nothing like a cigarette, it is virtually always utilized to smoke tobacco, and as such carries lots of the risks inherent in cigarette smoking.
"While water is a filter, it doesn't filter any of these toxins," Barnett said. The brand new review brings together the results of many studies on addiction, lung damage and health risks associated with hookah smoking.
According to the World Health Organization, 1 hookah session and Vape Bottles typically lasts 20 to 80 minutes plus a hookah user can inhale as much smoke during a session for a cigarette smoker could from smoking 100 or more cigarettes. In a single 2013 research in Nicotine & Tobacco Research, researchers treated cells in the lining of lungs with tobacco and non-tobacco smoke by a water pipe smoking machine. They discovered that smoke from a hookah pipe slows down and stunts lung production no matter if the smoke came out of a cigarette or tobacco-free item.
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People do not normally appear to know exactly how hazardous hookah smoking could be,'' said Adrienne J. Heinz. She studies drug and alcohol use patterns in the Stanford University School of Medicine in California and wasn't involved in the new review.
"But, hookah is certainly viewed as more benign, and should you discuss general truth about toxin vulnerability in 1 hookah session, it often shocks and surprises them."
Results of an online poll of over 5,000 school students, also published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research in 2013, indicated that over 10% of school students had recently smoked hookah and Coil Vape , which had been the most widely utilized of non-cigarette tobacco goods.
Similar research using online questionnaires of college students found 13% of this tried hookah for the first time in a single seven-month period, and people who had less apprehension concerning the risks are far more likely to attempt it. It's easy to see why folks might be surprised by the hazards of hookah, since there have not been public health campaigns to raise awareness of hookah risks how that there were campaigns concerning cigarette smoking, Heinz said. "There is also the misconception that because hookah sessions are normally less common than smoking a cigarette, also because hookah is smoked through a water room, the practice is more preferable," she said. But people shouldn't think of hookah as a secure alternative to smoking cigarettes, '' 
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madanitube · 7 years
دولے شاہ کے چوہے دراصل کون لوگ ہیں ؟ کیا ان کے پاس روحانی طاقیتں ہوتی ہیں ؟
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likesumit · 4 years
7 Health Benefits Of Pure Cow Ghee
Ghee is a famous Ayurvedic miracle throughout the world and can be found in a variety of delicious ghee recipes. Like Dal, Chapati, and Biryani. Cow ghee, also known as Desi Ghee, for its beauty and hair care benefits. It also has a high temperature point and its ability to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and aid in weight loss.
What is beef margarine?
Ghee is a form of filtered butter, produced from pure cow's milk, with excellent health benefits and nutritional values ​​that are understood and valued by older generations. It consists of fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids. Ghee production includes boiling of butter, which gives it a fragrant aroma and nutty flavor.
Why is cow ghee useful?
Here are more reasons why you should include ghee in your diet to take advantage of its great health benefits and lead a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy source of energy
Since Desi ghee contains less fatty acids than other alternatives, it is a good, consistent source of energy. It also contains anti-fungal and anti-microbial substances in addition to its effective properties. The body absorbs ghee the same way it absorbs carbohydrates. Therefore, consuming ghee in moderate amounts can keep you energized throughout the day.
• An excellent alternative to healthy, highly combustible cooking oil
Using ghee as a cooking oil when preparing any medium is a smart and healthy choice! Not only does it give food a buttery taste and tempting aroma, but it can also withstand temperatures up to 232 ° C, and regular margarine is less likely to destroy nutrients or oxidize when exposed to heat.
Beef margarine helps you lose weight as a good source of fat
Ghee is one of the best low-fat alternatives to butter and cooking oils. It improves overall health and has many nutritional values ​​that help you lose weight. Contrary to popular belief, beef margarine improves metabolism by removing toxins from the cells, which makes it an integral part of your diet if you are trying to lose weight.
It helps prevent constipation by improving gut health.
Desi ghee is one of the best sources of butyric acid that colon cells use as an energy source. So if you have slow bowel movements, ghee can work as a mild remedy for constipation.
Improves overall heart health
Contrary to popular belief, ghee is better than refined oils when it comes to heart health. If consumed daily in moderate amounts, beef ghee can lower bad cholesterol and improve overall heart health.
Beef margarine supports the immune system
Since it contains a large amount of antioxidants, ghee increases the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Therefore, consuming ghee in place of other oils reduces the chances of getting sick.
• Ghee and skin care
The vital fatty acids present in ghee help nourish and nourish dull skin. Pure ghee is used in countless beauty recipes that help moisturize and soften skin cells.
Ghee: Healthier Than Butter? Ghee has long been a staple of Indian cuisine and has recently become very popular in certain circles elsewhere.
Some people praise it as an alternative to butter, which provides additional benefits.
However, others wonder if ghee is better than regular butter or if it might pose health risks.
This article takes a detailed look at margarine and how it compares to butter.
What is margarine?
Ghee is a type of clarified butter. It is more concentrated in fat than in butter, as the water and solids have been removed from the milk.
It has been used in Indian and Pakistani cultures for thousands of years. The term comes from the Sanskrit word which means "sprinkle." Shortening is created to prevent butter from spoiling during hot weather.
Besides cooking, it is used in the Indian Ayurveda system of alternative medicine, which is known as greta.
Since milk solids have been removed from it, it does not require refrigeration and can be kept at room temperature for several weeks. In fact, just like coconut oil, it can freeze when stored at low temperatures.
How is this done?
Desi Ghee is made by heating butter to separate the liquid and solid parts of the milk from the fat.
First, the butter is brought to a boil until its liquid has evaporated and the milk solids settle at the bottom of the skillet and turn golden brown to dark brown.
Then the remaining oil (ghee) is left to cool until it gets hot. Then it is strained before being transferred to jars or containers.
How does it compare to butter?
Margarine and butter have the same nutritional compositions and culinary properties, although there are some differences.
Below is the nutrition data for one tablespoon (14 grams) of ghee and butter :
13 grams
11 grams
Saturated fat
8 grams
7 grams
Monounsaturated fat
4 grams
3 grams
Polyunsaturated fat
0.5 grams
0.5 grams
Trace amounts
Trace amounts
Trace amounts
Trace amounts
Vitamin A
12% of the Daily Value (DV)
11% of the DV
Vitamin E
2% of the DV
2% of the DV
Vitamin K
1% of the DV
1% of the DV
Both contain nearly 100% of their calories from fat.
Margarine has a higher fat concentration than butter. Gram for gram, it provides butyric acid and other short-chain saturated fats.
Test-tube and animal studies indicate that these fats may reduce inflammation and promote gut health.
It is also slightly higher in conjugated linoleic acid, which is a polyunsaturated fat that can help increase fat loss.
In general, the differences between the two are small, and choosing one over the other likely won't have a large impact on your health.
However, ghee is completely free of milk sugar, lactose, and casein milk protein, while butter contains small amounts of both. For people who are sensitive or sensitive to these dairy ingredients, ghee is the best option.
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Desi Baby Weaning Plan by a very Desi Mom
Just search baby weaning plan on the web and in a matter of seconds you get thousands of results like weaning schedules, weaning foods, food recipes and many similar things. Thanks to the web, we have a lot of options. But I am a simple person and I still like the old time when desi moms used to feed the baby in their own style. We all grew up watching the Cerelac advertisement on televisions. I remember watching babies being fed with packaged expansive food. Of course, parents back then thought it’s the best and specially designed for their babies. They must have been presented with researches and told the ingredients. They must specifically have mentioned how this is best for the baby to have this food. And it became the trend.
I started offering little something when my baby was four months old. I remember I was scared too because the doctor said offer liquids and semi-solids after Eight (8) months of age. But I decided to start earlier as per our desi style of baby weaning. And guess what. It worked for me!
Is popular Weaning food the right food for babies?
So, they say wean a baby in popular style. Give the baby western style food. No spices, no salt, no sugar They also tell the health benefits of the same. Neither I am a health practitioner nor a medical researcher. So, I cannot comment on that. But I shall tell you about my experience. How I weaned my baby. What did I offer to him? At which age and what recipes, I followed. How I tweaked the recipes to create food in my own style.
My style of weaning, was it desi?
I decided I shall wean my baby in desi style. The way I was offered food. In the age, I started eating. Although along the way my process has got the modern marks too. But it’s still old school.
At what age I started my baby weaning plan?
I gave my baby first food to taste when he was Five (5) months old. I remember I was scared too because his doctor mentioned about nothing other than ilk before Six to Eight months. He mentioned selective semi-solids and juices at the age of eight and not the family diet until he is one year old. However, I have experienced over time that different doctors have different opinions regarding this. Moreover, when we change country the opinion changes and if you change continent, a whole new perspective regarding this awaits you.
After reading, discussing and researching about this, I concluded that it’s my call. Whatever the way I want and whatever the opinion I want to follow. In all this decision making my mother helped me a lot. She always mentioned that make food at home and offer him. She told me she did the same with me. So, said she offered me my first food to taste when I was four months old. I decided to follow her method. The old school method of weaning the baby.
How I started this? First foods offered?
Everyone told me to go with the popular food. The Cerelac. But I wanted him to taste homemade food. First time only a pinch of some mashed rice. I still remember the faces he made. Haha. The pinch of mashed rice was salty. Just slightly though, but salty Food offered for the first week or so on a test basis I started to offer him a pinch of almost everything I used to make at home. Like any curry (salan), lentil (daal) or vegetable. I made sure of only one thing that whatever I cook at home should not be high on spices.A  taste of mild spices and salt at home is added for everyone. I also observed my son for any allergic reaction. When I saw that he accepted the food I offered I decided to take the step two.
Weaning Plan from 6th to 8th month
a) Khidtchri:
I always made it in small quantities. In desi ghee or butter only. A little salty in taste and runny in consistency. You can mash it with a spoon or blend it. I always mashed with a spoon because I wanted my son to taste the grain texture. Which he would not be able to experience if blended rice would have been offered
b) Sooji halwa/kheer: It is so good for weight gain You can make it in breast milk or formula whatever your baby takes Always use butter of Desi ghee to make it My tip is not to feed it too much to your baby or baby may end up being over-weight. But if given o under-weight babies, semolina can do the wonders.
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c) Mashed Potato with white sauce:
Although mashed potato alone made in butter is enough However, if you want to add taste to it you can make a white sauce and pour it a bit on mashed potato. Babies love creamy stuff. It is one of the best and easiest homemade food recipes for babies.
d) Banana:
Babies love eating a mashed banana. Even if they don’t like eating any other fruit. Its rich in nutrition and is always readily available.
e) Lentil soup:
It super simple to make. I used to just boil the lentil with a little salt and black pepper. You can make it with red lentil or yellow. But yellow lentil is recommended for soup.
f) Fruit and vegetable purees:
Whatever fruits or vegetable you prefer. You can make the puree and can freeze it for later use as well. I usually used to store puree in an ice tray. However, if you can, just make small quantities and serve only fresh.
Weaning Plan Food offered from 8th to 12th month
a) Wheat Porridge:
Yes. Porridge made in milk. You can make it sweet or salty. Whatever way your baby prefers. And yes baby will definitely give the sign for whatever taste they prefer.
b) Oatmeal:
There are multiple recipes of oatmeal on the internet. You can google and find different recipes to try. A simple tip is you can make it both in milk or water or broth. I always make it salty and preferably in chicken or mutton broth. You can add minced meat in the meal too if you like.
c) Roti/Chapati
Just a piece to the babies so that they can chew on it. Because they are usually teething during the age bracket. It is one of the best baby weaning foods you can make easily.
d) Rice Combos
You can also offer different variations of rice with veggies or lentil or chicken or mutton curry. Just make sure that spices are not high and it’s not too salty.
e) Yogurt
Plain yogurt, sweet yogurt or Greek yogurt. Whatever you feel is suitable. Or whatever the taste baby prefers.
f) Fruits and veggies
Raw to chew it. Or in puree form or just baked and mashed. Whatever way the baby prefers.
g) Crushed Nuts and other dry fruits
You can add the finely crushed nuts and other dry fruits to baby’s diet.
h) Drinks
Fruit Juices, shakes, smoothies can also be part of babies’ food.
i) Dates
Usually, these are a universal favorite of babies
j) Minced meat:
Chicken, mutton or beef.
k) Eggs: You can try eggs. But offer only a pinch and observe for 24 hours. In case no allergic reaction appears. You can start offering only small qualities. I started with yolk and that too a little runny. You can boil, or you can fry it. I used to offer both. You can also offer scrambled eggs, or a simple omelet made with salt and pepper.
Weaning baby at 12 months to onwards:
Switch the baby to the family diet. Offer whatever are you eating. Offer three meals. In-between the meals offer a lot of water and snacks or milk as the baby prefers.
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My 13 Most Effective Baby Weaning Tips
When it comes to feeding a baby, every mom has her own tips and tricks. I am going to share mine that would surely work for you . 1. Don’t offer cold water/cold milk/cold anything 2. Don’t offer fruits that are sour 3. Read on the internet about the food can cause choking for example grapes. Always cut them to two or three pieces. There Is a list of food that needs such care to avoid choking. They should be on your fingertips 4. Carefully plan the meal times. There should be a good gap between two meals 5. Never leave the baby alone while he is eating. And always keep a close eye on him or feed him yourself 6. Watch you-tube videos on choking. What are the signs and how to manage it 7. Don’t force feed your baby. 8. Designate an eating space for your baby so that they don’t run around while eating 9. Or the best is to get a high chair for your baby and you can give him food and he can try to eat himself. Babies love eating themselves. Although they end up making a mess and eat less than you expect but its fun and they learn to eat themselves. 10. Don’t offer cold drinks 11. Offer only fresh juices made at home. Try not to offer over the counter juices available 12. Try not to give packaged snacks like lays, biscuits etc (Try organic as much as you can) 13. I trust in roti more and breadless. So, bread is not a preferred food in my home.
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Organic Food Vs Processed Food 
Your baby’s health is first and foremost thing. Whatever you cook at home is organic food made from scratch. Try to offer organic food and try to avoid packaged food. The processed food looks great and it is easy to feed them. But when you check online health websites, then you come to know how harmful they can be for your babies. These days, when moms give packet poisons i.e. Chips, crackers, etc to their babies with a smile on their face. I still like to live in the time when moms were quite conscious about baby weaning schedule and choice of food.
Don’t give your baby processed food just because they are easy to cook. Do a little effort on cooking and you will save your baby from future health issues.Every processed food is not bad. This is another thing you need to learn. There are some purees and other baby food products available which claim that they are organic. They are packaged in tins or pouches. They can come in handy in travel. You can occasionally use it when you can’t cook. But try to choose smartly. Read the ingredients first.
Wrap Up I have shared my baby weaning plan and tips with you. I am sure Desi moms like me also have their own plans and recipes. Would you like to share your own tips and schedules with me? Waiting for some input from your side as well, feel free to comment
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12 Proven Avocado Benefits and Healthy Recipes
12 Proven Avocado Benefits and Healthy Recipes HealthifyMe Blog HealthifyMe Blog - The definitive guide to weightloss, fitness and living a healthier life.
Avocados are grown primarily in equatorial, tropical and subtropical areas. The most sought out variety of the avocado fruit is the creamy Hass Avocado. Evidence dating back to 10,000 B.C. suggests that avocado trees were first seen in Puebla, Mexico. The first settlers to utilize this highly beneficial fruit were the civilizations of Ancient Central America and South America.
Avocados are harvested early and then allowed to gradually ripen. An indicator of ripe avocados is its skin; if it is soft and budges on pressing it gently, then the fruit has ripened completely.
Avocado Benefits
Many people think eating avocado is fattening due to its high-calorie content. However, avocado consists only of healthy fats. It offers an adequate amount of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) to the body. It naturally contains nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. Adding avocado to fruits and vegetables can greatly benefit us. To better understand the value of this amazing fruit, let’s have a look at twelve incredible advantages of eating avocado regularly.
Eating avocado aids weight loss
Avocados are rich in fiber and low in carbs which is why they promote weight loss. Additionally, a study suggests people who ate avocado after a meal felt 23% more satisfied. They also had a 28% lower desire to eat for at least 5 hours, as opposed to those people who did not eat the fruit. Hence, one naturally consumes fewer calories if avocados are included in their daily diet.
Protection of one’s eyesight
Avocados are rich in powerful antioxidants and also promote the absorption of antioxidants from other foods. Two antioxidants that are crucial for maintaining eye health are lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are present in avocados. Therefore, consumption of this fruit can reduce the risk of cataract and macular degeneration in adults.
Lowers risk of heart diseases and cholesterol
In today’s busy lifestyle, diseases associated with one’s heart have become increasingly common. High cholesterol, blood pressure, strokes, inadequate triglyceride levels, etc. have been known to cause plenty of untimely deaths. Avocados are known to reduce the risk of heart diseases. They can significantly lessen total cholesterol, lower blood triglyceride by up to 20% and increase high-density lipoprotein by up to 11% and reduce HDL by up to 22%. A low-fat, vegetarian diet further enhances its effectiveness.
Avocados are high in fiber
Fiber is basically an indigestible plant matter that contributes towards improved digestion, reduction of blood sugar spikes, and weight loss. Avocados have both soluble (25%) and insoluble fibers (75%). The former attracts water and turns it into gel whereas the latter improves movement of material during digestion. Those suffering from poor digestion or constipation can benefit from eating avocados.
Avocados contain high levels of potassium
Bananas may be rich in potassium, but avocados have even higher levels of potassium. This helps to maintain electrical gradients in one’s body. In addition to this, high potassium intake also reduces the risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, and kidney failure.
Impressive nutritional value
For health-conscious individuals, eating avocados has become incredibly popular. Referred to as a superfood, they comprise of Vitamin K, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Potassium, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, magnesium, copper, fat-soluble, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, zinc, manganese, and phosphorus. They also have monounsaturated fats, 2 grams of protein, oleic acid and only 2 ‘net’ carbs. Additionally, there are no traces of sodium. All these nutrients are present in a single 100 gram serving of this nutritious fruit. Including it in your diet will help you avail all these nutrients at once!
Inhibits the growth of cancer
Avocados can potentially play a role in treating cancer. Researchers have found that the phytochemicals extracted from this fruit can significantly restrain the growth of precancerous and cancerous cells. They also aid in the proliferation of immune system cells known as lymphocytes. Eating avocados also limit the chromosomal damage caused by the chemotherapy drug, cyclophosphamide.
Prevents Osteoporosis
An essential nutrient for good bone health is Vitamin K; a quarter of the daily requirement of this vitamin can be obtained from only half an avocado. Eating a diet that’s rich in Vitamin D, calcium and Vitamin K can maintain healthy bones since the latter helps in calcium absorption as well as decreasing urinary excretion of calcium.
Leads to antimicrobial action
Certain microbial activities such as those caused by Escherichia coli is a major reason for food poisoning. Avocados contain some substances that have an antimicrobial activity which can prevent infections and allergies.
Aids smooth pregnancies
To achieve a healthy pregnancy, folate is essential. Avocados have significant amounts of the nutrient. Its adequate and prescribed intake can reduce risks associated with miscarriage as well as neural tube defects. Moreover, the presence of Vitamin B6 also helps overcome morning sickness, nausea or vomiting, and queasiness.
Maintain healthy skin
Avocados have carotenoids that reduce UV-induced inflammation of the skin; its oil also assists against skin damage. There are also high levels of beta-carotene in avocados. This helps protect the skin from various damaging effects of the sun.
Improve oral health
Regulated consumption of avocados also enables one to prevent bad breath. Avocados can easily cure the indigestion causing this. Also, the antioxidant flavonoids present in this fruit kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.
Popular names of Avocado
There are several different names for the fruit across the world. In many parts of India, people know avocado as ‘butter fruit’. In certain other parts of the world, the fruit is known in the local language by words that translate to the term ‘alligator pear’.
Interesting Avocado Recipes
Apart from offering you amazing health benefits, avocado is also one of the most versatile and delicious ingredients that you can add to a variety of dishes. It is probably the only fruit that combines various textures like the creaminess of butter, vitamins and minerals from fruits, and the protein from meat in addition to a distinctly nutty flavour. Here are some exciting avocado recipes that you can use to add that extra zing to your meals:
Corn and Avocado Salad
It is probably the healthiest recipe involving Avocado, while also being the easiest to prepare. Take a bowl and toss in some fresh corn kernels, bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, and avocado. Add some lime juice and any dressing of your choice. Mix it thoroughly and enjoy the health benefits of this delicious salad.
Just scoop out the avocado from its shell and add a little lime and some parsley and mint. Mash the whole thing thoroughly to create a smooth paste. Add any seasoning to suit your palate and enjoy one of the creamiest yet healthiest dips you can get.
Coriander Avocado Dip
Just take some avocados, crushed garlic and pepper, chopped mint and parsley and mix with creamy yoghurt. Shake vigorously for a few seconds. Your Coriander Avocado Dip is ready for consumption.
Grilled Chicken Salad
Take generous amounts of avocado and mix it with juicy chicken pieces, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, pomegranate and some nuts. Add a little olive oil and lemon juice. Toss it a couple of times and have a healthy and filling snack.
Seared Tuna with Avocado and Spinach
Just keep it simple. Pan-sear the tuna and add some leaves of baby spinach and generous amounts of avocado. Your Seared Tuna with Avocado and Spinach is ready to be served.
Avocado Indian Salad
Go completely desi with this foreign ingredient. Take some chopped tomatoes, onion, cucumber, carrots and diced cottage cheese. Add a couple of green chilies, and squeeze in a fresh lemon with some chaat masala. Mix it thoroughly and enjoy a healthy Indian salad.
Chicken and Avocado Sandwich
Take avocado paste and spread it nicely on the bread. Now add pan-seared chicken breast and some pickled onions to the bread. Finish it with a leaf of iceberg lettuce and dig into this lip-smacking sandwich.
With so many health benefits, it is only natural that avocados are now produced in many countries. Its thick skin also protects it from damage by pesticide, making it one of the safest crops to purchase. One can eat it raw or make a dressing. You can even use avocado oil in place of butter while baking to reduce the production of fatty acids in your body.
The post 12 Proven Avocado Benefits and Healthy Recipes appeared first on HealthifyMe Blog.
Credits: Original Content Source
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
by Aljean Harmetz for The New York Times, August 3, 1986
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On Stage 1 at the old Samuel Goldwyn studio on a hot day in the middle of last month, Lucille Ball came back. Barking the familiar laugh that blends a strangling Airedale with a porpoise, mugging for assistant directors and stagehands who weren't even born when ''I Love Lucy'' went on the air in 1951, Lucille Ball came back to weekly television - 12 years after she left it.
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Whether she was named Lucy Ricardo or Lucy Carmichael or Lucy Carter, whether she was the daffy housewife pinned to her kitchen wall by a loaf of homemade bread or the wacky widow wheedling a different sort of dough from a sour-faced banker, Lucille Ball was the queen of slapstick television comedy from 1951 to 1974. Now, a few weeks away from her 75th birthday, she is waiting to slide across a hardware store on a wheeled ladder in the first episode of a new series, ''Life With Lucy.'' It will be shown Saturday nights at 8 on ABC, starting in late September.
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This time, she is Lucy Barker, a widow and a grandmother. In the initial episode, she moves into the Pasadena home of her daughter and son-in-law and her two grandchildren and takes over half-ownership of a hardware store run by the fuddy-duddy father of her son-in-law. He is, of course, played by Gale Gordon, her employer and comedic nemesis on ''The Lucy Show'' and ''Here's Lucy.'' During the past few years, Mr. Gordon, who is 80, has been traipsing around the country performing in musical comedies.
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Industry observers have serious doubts that ''Life With Lucy'' will succeed. In a recent printed forecast, Joel Segal, vice president and a buyer of commercials on prime-time television programs for the Ted Bates Advertising Agency, said that Miss Ball is ''a broad physical comedienne who may have some difficulty doing boffo comedy in the midst of her eighth decade.''
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''Everyone predicted 'I Love Lucy' would be a flop,'' says Bob Carroll, unconcernedly. Mr. Carroll and his partner, Madelyn Davis, have been writing for Lucille Ball for 38 years, since her radio show, ''My Favorite Husband,'' in 1948. More recently, the team spent eight years as executive producers of the CBS situation comedy ''Alice.''
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Just today, Mr. Carroll and Miss Davis have discovered there is a pit under Stage 1. ''So, we can have something where Lucy goes through a tarp into the basement,'' says Miss Davis with delight. 
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When ''Life With Lucy'' was being planned this past spring, Miss Davis did offer one concession to Miss Ball's age. ''I said, 'We won't fly you,' '' says Miss Davis, referring to putting a wire on an actor so he can do stunts. Miss Ball's answer: ''Oh, I can fly!'' 
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At first glance, at least, Miss Ball seems to be remarkably agile and limber. ''I'm not dropping out of an airplane or jumping up and down on a trampoline this first show,'' she says. ''But the Lucy character is the same as ever. To her, nothing is impossible. She's going for it. This show is Lucy at another time in her life.'' And, indeed, as in all her earlier series, Miss Ball will be the centerpiece of every episode.
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Wearing an over-sized yellow shirt over white slacks, with a gold print scarf tied loosely at her throat, Miss Ball is eating lunch in a huge dressing-room suite that her husband, Gary Morton, has already spent a week making homey. Although, to television audiences, she is indelibly married to Desi Arnaz - it was a national event when their son, Ricky Ricardo, was born on ''I Love Lucy'' in 1953 - she was divorced from Mr. Arnaz some 28 years ago and has been married to Mr. Morton, a comedian and producer, for nearly 25 years.
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The walls are full of pictures Mr. Morton has hung, including a poster for Miss Ball's 1974 movie - her last movie - ''Mame.'' Oddly, it was at this studio that her film career began in 1933. She was a ''Goldwyn Girl,'' a long-legged showgirl, in ''Roman Scandals,'' starring Eddie Cantor.
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There is no single reason why she has returned to the grind of weekly television. ''We went to Florida last year and did seminars, and people kept saying, 'Please come back, please come back,' and we started thinking about it,'' says Mr. Morton. ''She was bored,'' says Madelyn Davis. ''Lucy doesn't want to sit at home in a rocking chair, going through her scrapbooks.''
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Certainly, money was not the lure. Miss Ball and Mr. Arnaz were the first television stars to put their series on enduring film instead of impermanent kinescope, and some old ''Lucy'' show is being run on some television channel somewhere on any given day. Since CBS refused to allow Miss Ball and Mr. Arnaz to film in front of a audience, they decided in 1951 to borrow $5,000 and create their own space in which to film their pilot live. ''That's how we came to own the show,'' Miss Ball says 35 years later, and there is still a tinge of wonder in her voice. 
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She paints her lips into a huge cupid's bow and tosses the familiar red hair. ''I've missed doing a television series,'' she says. ''I didn't realize it until two or three years ago, after I had paid back all the guest appearances to Carol Burnett and Bob Hope and the others, all the promises I had made, all the charity I had to catch up on.'' 
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But there was a psychological barrier to overcome. ''I missed Viv so much. And I couldn't bear the thought of going on without her,'' Miss Ball says. Vivian Vance, who died in 1979, had been Miss Ball's friend and partner-in-mischief on all the ''Lucy'' series. On ''Life With Lucy,'' Lucy Barker will be provided with no woman friend or confidante. Miss Ball pushes the idea away with her hands. ''No way, no way,'' she says. ''That's one thing I draw the line on.'' She says she decided to go for a new series because, with ''The Bill Cosby Show,'' ''the cycle for this sort of thing, family  shows, came around again. I wouldn't have to do a pilot. And Gale was available and so were my writers. Gale is the strength, the one I upset so he can hardly stand it and he recoils comedically. Hopefully, we'll find plenty for him to bluster about.'' (1)
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As always, Lucille Ball has creative control. ''Young network executives are not going to walk in and tell Lucy what's funny,'' says Mr. Morton. The series is a co-venture of Lucille Ball Productions and Aaron Spelling Productions. It was Mr. Spelling who got Miss Ball excited -''like a war horse,'' he says - about doing another series. And it was Mr. Spelling who made ABC commit to a firm order for 22 episodes, an unusually high number nowadays (2). ''I'm sick of this prejudgment by age,'' he says. ''Does Bob Hope work? Does George Burns work?''
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Across the television dial from ''Life With Lucy,'' at 9 P.M., on NBC's ''Golden Girls,'' the dialogue is crammed with sexual jokes and middle-aged widows bring men home to bed. Although Miss Davis speaks of ''Life With Lucy'' as ''vintage Lucy turned into a today's woman,'' the show will have no sexual humor. ''She's never cared for that,'' says Miss Davis. Instead, according to Miss Ball, ''one premise will be my first date since my husband died, with a mother-daughter switch, the daughter worrying when her mother doesn't get home on time.''
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By ''bringing the Lucy character up to date,'' Miss Ball and Miss Davis mean that ''Life With Lucy'' will provide a stronger, less-dependent Lucy. ''She was always kind of childlike,'' says Miss Davis, ''afraid of her husband's disapproval, saying, 'Ricky will kill me!' We wouldn't do that today. She's into jogging and health foods, a grandmother and not a scatterbrained wife. She's gotten a little smarter through the years, and a little more worldly. In several scripts she says things like, 'Why am I clinging to the past?' And she tries to see things through her grandchildren's eyes.''
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''Lucy is not as dependent on anyone, except under the blowtorch of Gale,'' says Miss Ball. ''I go into the hardware store and re-arrange everything alphabetically and give them apoplexy.'' 
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She is standing inside the hardware-store set on Stage 1, waiting to rehearse among the rakes and hoses and bins of plastic tubing. The two young children who play her grandchildren pass the time by playing with flashlights on an open shelf. When the rehearsal begins, they come too tentatively into the shop. Told to walk faster, they are still too slow. Patiently, Miss Ball takes them by the hand and demonstrates. She bursts into the shop, shouting ''Grandpa!''
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The hardware store was her idea. ''It gives us a lot of gadgets to work with,'' she says, grinning.
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In the first show, she fights with a defective fire extinguisher. The following week, the problems will be with a guard goose. (3) ''She doesn't mind working with animals,'' says Miss Davis. ''We've had her with three sheep, a chimp and an elephant, and milking a cow.'' (4)  Eventually, she will convince Mr. Gordon to put his inventory on a computer and will manage to erase it. And there is always that sliding ladder.
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There is also sleight of mind. ''We didn't have as much physical comedy as you think,'' says Mr. Carroll of the old ''Lucy'' shows. ''She wore funny outfits and was in funny situations - out on a ledge with pigeons on her head.'' (5)
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In equivalent ''Life With Lucy'' scenes, she will drink a health-food concoction and turn as rubbery as an octopus. Or, in classic ''Lucy'' style, she will get her hand stuck in a saxophone. The sax is sitting on a desk in her dressing room. She really plays, although badly. In her spare moments, she is trying to strengthen her lips so she can struggle through the whole ''Marines' Hymn'' for a scene with a high-school band in a future show.
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During one of the endless waits between scenes, Miss Ball's chair becomes surrounded by crew members eager to listen. ''What are you going to do now, Director Man?'' she teases Peter Baldwin. A few moments later, Mr. Baldwin tells her to deliver a line from the third step of the stairs of the three-story gabled stage house. Instantly, Miss Ball decides that the line works more amusingly from the bottom step instead. ''You don't give a chance for a laugh, if you don't wait,'' she explains to the director who is 25 years her junior.
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''I didn't expect it to last,'' Miss Ball said later of ''I Love Lucy.'' ''Nobody wanted me to go into television. Everybody at Metro [M-G-M], where I was under contract, said I was out of my mind. And then, when Desi and I went on a tour and there were 5,000 people outside a steel fence at the Miami Airport and they trampled it, and people knocked down a plate-glass window at the lobby of one hotel - we didn't know what was happening.'' (6)
That was a long time ago. Today is a different country. Will re-cycled ''Lucy'' seem old-fashioned? (7)
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While Miss Ball and her husband were wavering, a friend pushed them over the edge to ''Life With Lucy.'' ''Why not?'' the friend told them. ''You have nothing to lose.'' Whatever happens, says Mr. Morton, is ''icing on the cake.''
(1) Although Lucille did not want a female co-star, the final episode aired featured Audrey Meadows as Lucy’s sister. Critics remarked on their comic chemistry and theorized that had Meadows been a regular cast member the show might have stood a chance. Too little, too late. 
(2) The series order was reduced to 13, with only 8 episodes airing. A 14th was being plan when the ax fell. 
(3) “Lucy and the Guard Goose” was filmed second, but was replaced with “Lucy Makes a Hit With John Ritter” to boost ratings with a guest star. “Lucy and the Guard Goose” was moved to episode 9, but the show was cancelled after episode 8 on November 15, 1986, and “Guard Goose” went un-aired. Ironically, a clip of the episode featuring the goose was already part of the opening credit sequence, leaving viewers wondering “what’s with the goose?” 
(4) Madelyn Martin is under-rating Lucy’s experience with animals. On “The Lucy Show” there was a pen full of sheep, not just three. On television alone, Ball has worked with seven chimps, three elephants, and milked two cows! This in addition to other animals of almost every description. 
(5) Carroll is referring to “Lucy and Superman” (1956) where Lucy Ricardo impersonates the Man of Steel to surprise her son, making her entrance through a window populated by pigeons. 
(6) Ball is remembering an experience in November 1956 when Lucy and Desi visited Miami in advance of their setting several episodes of “I Love Lucy”.
(7) Very quickly it became apparent that the answer was “no” - America and the critics did not embrace “Life With Lucy”, which was cancelled after eight episodes, much to the dismay of Ball, who was devastated by its failure. 
[The article’s text has been reprinted verbatim. The images have been added to enhance the reading experience. Some images property of Getty Images Inc.]
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saafnews · 6 years
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source https://www.vigrxwarning.com/premature-ejaculation-ka-desi-ilaj/
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