#news geo
nokkomo · 6 months
"Guys! Look how many have grown!They are so pretty, aren't they?"
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My first post of the year yaaaaay :D Let's start 2024 with some Cole propaganda, shall we?
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Headcanon: Cole is the kind of guy to bring flowers to his loved ones in a platonic or romantic way. He has a personal garden in which he takes great care of his flowers to be as pretty as possible for people that matter to him
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53v3nfrn5 · 1 month
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Nighttime fog envelops New York's Central Park. Photo: Jim Richardson, source
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karvakera · 10 months
drawing gojo every day as stupid pet memes until THE shibuya incident: day 16
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junkanimate · 3 months
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I let the brain worms crawl around, so here's an art dump
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"A proper sendoff! From the Spina, with love." — "Helm of the Radiant Rose" Navia
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Hello, Travelers! The character we are introducing today is none other than the current president, leader, commander-in-chief, executive director, and lovely, dutiful boss of the Spina di Rosula — Navia!
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oldnewyorklandia · 11 days
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Geo. P. Hall & Son. Manhattan: interior main concourse of Penn Station (i.e. Pennsylvania Station), 1911.
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George Harrison's letter to Bob Dylan, 30th October 1988 (x)
from Bob Dylan: Mixing up the Medicine, with pieces of the Bob Dylan Archive and The Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma
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cruelcruelsummr · 2 months
poor kai. imagine losing your crush in a huge disaster, where he may have died, only to find him a year later and he has a boyfriend and they have 3 kids together.
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tomiyeee · 1 year
nononono why did you make this why did you combine both of my biggest hyperfixations
why did you combine rottmnt and genshin impact
i am not joking that i teared up a little just by how overwhelmed i was (but in a good way)
i dont know what to say genuinely I dont know how to react??? thank you??? your art is so beautiful??? and detailed??? you're an inspiration??? please keep making more???
i have never felt more emotions thank you
dfjklsdjfkldkfj thank you so muchhhh!!! 😭😭😭 omg this is so nice! i'm having a lot of fun with this crossover so i'm very glad it made you happy :)
i've got more planned for it, i know i at least wanna try and finish designs for the four of them and i've had donnie and leo's designs in progress for a while now (i actually started both of them before mikey's, but mike's was the first one i finalized. favorite boy privileges and all that 🧡), but i needa redesign them cuz they look like shit ;-; have a lil peek of leo's current design tho!
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snoopy-nerdio · 29 days
I have absolutely no goshdarn idea to why I woke up and went "hey, yeah! I SHOULD make everything circles!"
Would say I regretted it if it didn't LOOK SO GOOD
Also most of my time has been spent watching all 210 episodes of ninjago (I'm on s1 ep 17 dragons rising now if anyone is wondering)
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I just wanna say you don't have to like the ship but pls don't attack me for loving the gay and his silly little goblin man
(Yes, this was made on my four year old phone on ibispaint with my finger, the app crashed on me atleast 10 times)
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culturalmochi · 3 months
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Noticed something while rewatching season 13……
Brain is looking at the geckle hats and going “oh!! Geo was raised as a geckle/with them until being sent to land of lost things and then he eventually gave his hat to bonzle!!”
I’m not reaching……right?
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geoxstxrs · 2 months
If you tell me you don’t bring your legos everywhere you go……. don’t lie. YES TF YOU DO!!
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53v3nfrn5 · 27 days
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Diane Cook: ‘Up on the Roof’ for National Geographic (2008)
Top: Thousands of grasses and plants were used to create Chicago City Hall's award-winning rooftop.
Bottom: Blossoming sedums brighten the roof of a Manhattan architectural firm as its windows reflect the Empire State Building.
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fieldtomatoes · 5 months
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Attendees at the annual Inter-Tribal Ceremonial in Gallup, New Mexico
National Geographic - September, 1970
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godbirdart · 1 year
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cosplay :)
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elennemigo · 1 year
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Benedict and some stills from Running wild with Bear Grylls: the challenge. (full gallery)
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