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yogadaily · 7 months ago
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(via High Waist Leggings WILD Nature - 38 (M) / Khaki  || Curated with love by yogadaily)
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yogabypaige · 6 years ago
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“Leap and the net will appear.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ✨ Today, I’m breathing out wishes unto the Universe in hopes of my dreams being caught and the discipline of my work carrying me to my deepest desires. 💕 . . . . . #yogagirl #yogaplay #positivevibesonly #yogafun #yogamotivation #yogastrong #yogahigh #yogaforall #beagoddess #flexiblegirls #yogatribe #yogawomen #yogagoals #yogaphotos #ybp #fitfam #yogabypaige #ybpevents #yogaplayjoshuatree #desertyoga (at Joshua Tree, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSO6YblTE_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10vaumctzzvt2
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How @gabrielepitacco meditates #DesertYoga https://www.instagram.com/p/Bti1WulH3Jr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v5sstex40vap
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travelingannies-blog · 6 years ago
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Morning study before yoga and hike I love rising before dawn to watch the light play in the desert the greens (verde) purples (¡¿¡) yellows (amirillo¿¡¿) oranges (¡¿¡) inspiration for Latin Spanish study Toltec tradition in Zuni land ...Latin Spanish is like Proper English only spicier ... SouthernFrench.. reading the four agreements learning and exploring the homes and heritage ... while finding new traditions that resonate with my curious mercurial mind... realizing I can reinvent my life and have many times by choosing to chase my dreams by turning them into practical plans ... the house I am sitting is fab needs brightening color scheme inspiration on medieval stone ...muted tones of .... thoughts to ponder off the mat ... Safe Travels ((Annie's )) wherever you wander or roam your heart is always home Soapbox Moments by JP #desertyoga #desertrealestate #desertrose #lakepowell #lakepowellrealtor #lakepowellyogi #poweryoga #sunday #classicstyle #toltec #4corners #dreammasters #sundayclass #sundaypractice #travelingannies #riddles #yogirealtor https://www.instagram.com/p/Bui5pYPldxp8TjkI7PPGLYVV2-10wO5GGbDBjU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=682t153soc9p
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#desertyoga is outdoor therapy for your body, mind and soul... (at Piestewa Peak Freedom Trailhead - 302) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsgBv1iFYbl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j5uja4k8351o
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jeanniemarieblaha · 3 years ago
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Happy Anniversary of our move one year ago today, June 23, 2021, to the Grand Canyon State! Thanks for having us, Arizona!🌵🌴🦎💚 We love you! 🤩😍🥰 Even your 100+ degrees balmy weeks! 😄 And your cucarachas! Ok, we’re still practicing that love, to be completely honest! 😜😝😛😍 At least they don’t sound so dart-around-your-feet-eeeek in Spanish! 😅 BJ loves the cucaracha dance I do, though. 😆 Knees to chest, everyone! K-n-e-e-s to chest! Admittedly, I first learned it from my Mami in Colombia. She had the best cucaracha dance, ever! 🏃🏽‍♀️💃🏽😆😂 During these Summer months, we wonder every day, “Where IS everybody?!” 🌝🔥😃😆🤣 For us, 115 feels like the 90’s back in high-humidity Minnesota. So, why stay inside? 😄 Then there’s the 🏍👖🦺🥾⛑🕶motorcycle gear - All of It - that gets them pointing, laughing and calling out, “You’re not from around here, are ya?” 😆😄 Now, we are! It’s official! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Watch out, Arizona! These 2 nutty cats just might leave a wake. 😉😆 After all, soon after we arrived, we were told that we must have broken your 5-year draught. That you hadn’t seen monsoons like that in years! Tee, hee. Hey, you asked. We sent! Everybody knows this is possible by now, right? Direct your energy with a specific high frequency intention and watch what happens! ✨💥💛💛💛💥✨ ¡Muchísimas gracias, Arizona! We are so grateful for you and your epic humans we keep meeting! ♥️♥️♥️ #Arizona #ItalyOfAmerica #GrandCanyonState #SunsetState #ApacheState #AztecState #Arizonans #Energy #Frequency #Cacti #Cucarachas #Nature #Outdoors #PlayOutside #Yoga #DesertYoga #WeLoveYou #Colombia #AFS https://www.instagram.com/p/CfLZrE9rqt7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gordonogden · 7 years ago
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Sunrise flight of a Sea Turtle and @kateswarm - just another morning at @burningman. ✨🐢👑🐝✨📸: @wendivee . . #acro #acroyoga #burningman #burningman2018 #burningmanyoga #desertyoga #seaturtle #yogawithkate #kateswarm #gordonogden #blackrockcityyoga #blackrockcity (at Burning Man) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnYxDY6h3QF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t8s6npu7wnok
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politicalyogi · 7 years ago
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“We were born to love, and we were born to have courage for it. So be brave, the rest is easy.”— John McCain 🙌🏽 . . . #azyoga #azyogi #yogatribe #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #tempeyogi #yogafit #yogalove #wanderlust108 #desertyoga #spiritualgangster #lululemon #hottieyogawear #johnmccain #bekind #blessed
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soniagivray · 3 years ago
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Desert 🏜 Yoga @tamersafari #safari #egypt #cairo #egipto #desertsafari #egyptsafari #desertvibes #desertyoga #selfmotivation #asana #solotravel #tamersafari #yogatime #yogainpiration #keepcalm #explore #adventuretravel #yogaegypt #yogacairo (en Egypt Tamer Safari 埃及沙漠旅遊) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVVJvIMIdN9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yogaman · 7 years ago
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Living on the edge. They say in Israel's desert there are 2 weeks of flourishing vegetation per year. I'm happy I could witness this phenomenon 🐾🌿 #desertyoga . --------------- . #yoga #yogastyle #monkeylife #yogamonkey #israel #igersisrael #peacefulwarrior #desert #greendesert #yogisofig #yoganomad #nomadlife #travelstagram (hier: Negev, Israel עיר הבהדי״ם)
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cheerskeyz · 4 years ago
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Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana) 💁🏻‍♀️ Benefits 🔹 Stretches the abdomen, thighs and deep hip flexors, knees, and ankles 🔹 Improves ankle mobility 🔹 Relieves tired legs 🔹 Improves digestion 🔹 Helps relieves the symptoms of menstrual pain 🔹 Strengthens the arches For beginners, reclining hero pose is a bit hard to master, but once you go into the stretch, you will feel amazing results. Keep Practicing. Stay Healthy 🙌🏻😊 #reclining #reclininghero #yogatherapy #indianfitnessblogger #exploredpage #desertyoga #featured #qatardesert #sunsetyoga #weightlossblogger #leanthighs #yogaarabia #qataryoga #stayhealthy #fitbody #legyoga #bellyfatexercise #bloggersinqatar #fitgirl #qatar #yogatribe #practicedaily #bellyfatburnesunsetlover #sunsettime #legstretching #mindfulness #flatstomachexcercise #recliningheropose #cheerskeyz #bloggersinqatar (at Sealine Sand Dunes) https://www.instagram.com/p/COVHjsVlX6l/?igshid=6jrta3o8vyc6
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yogadaily · 8 months ago
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(via We are The Light. It is within ALL of us. Namaste.  || Curated with love by yogadaily)
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tunisierandonnees-blog · 5 years ago
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Oublier votre stress après qu'on passe cette situation mondiale de virus et profitez de soleil et désert Tunisien, entre les dunes des sables et les palmeraies, en plein nature . 🐪 ❤️ 🌞 🌲 🇹🇳 🏕️ ⛺ #holidays #coronavirus #healthylifestyle #palmeraie #trekking #camel #horse #horselover #hiking #desertyoga #deserttunisien #safari #4_4 #nomade #travel #instadesert #instatravel #tunisia #travelblogger #kameltrekking #girlswhotravel #girlslovetravel #girlstrip #girlsborntotravel #carnetdevoyage #traveldestination #germangirl🇩🇪 #frenchgirl (at Tunisie Randonnées) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-KxcOuB7RZ/?igshid=1fnzmqaxm9g14
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chiaradina · 6 years ago
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Teaching Yoga is my passion for 10 years now. But I am even more in love with the mindful processes and the energy awareness behind the asanas and how they holistically benefit the being than the accomplishment of an outer form. I have written articles, self produced DVDs with my Dad, rolled countless videos from the beginning (2010) and I still love teaching those, who see beyond the form. #prana #vayu #asana #dedication #dharma #ekapadabakasana2 #badenbeiwien #empowerment #samana #corestrength #armbalance #vinyasaflow #strength #joshuatree #joshuatreenationalpark #roadtrip #hiking #desertyoga (at Joshua Tree National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzOFsk5gXCK/?igshid=1wn6ol3579ir4
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krisxtine216-blog1-blog · 8 years ago
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"because happiness is not a place or destination. happiness is a state of mind and i don't need a map to point me in the right direction. i have you in front of me, and that's good enough for me." @rmdrk • • • Already feeling nostalgic about this past weekend. Haaaalp, take me back!! Just throwing it back a lil bit to being two camels in the desert 🌵🐫🐪🌵 #yoga #yogi #yogaeverydamnday #namaste #workout #fit #fitspo #fitgirls #motivation #desertyoga #travel #explore #adventure #wanderlust #wanderer #wander #notallwhowanderarelost #sunset #nature #igphotography #teeki #teekigirls @teekigram (at Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes)
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#desertyoga - Piestewa Peak (at Piestewa Peak)
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