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Hilfe, mein Partner ist krankhaft eifersüchtig. Was kann ich tun?
Hilfe, mein Partner ist krankhaft eifersüchtig. Was kann ich tun?
Jeder war schon mal eifersüchtig. Und jeder kennt diesen Spruch: Eifersucht ist die Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht was Leiden schafft. Aber wieviel Eifersucht tut uns eigentlich gut, und wie viel Eifersucht ist einfach zu viel und schadet der Liebe und der Partnerschaft eher, anstatt zu helfen. In diesem Blog-Post schildere ich dir 7 Tipps, was du über dich selbst von der Eifersucht deines…

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Self-Healing: Integrating Intense Emotions
Self-Healing: Integrating Intense Emotions
Self-Healing? I always thought I would have need to learn how to heal others. As “I am totally fine.” I thought I would have need to deal with others, with my environment, with friends, bosses, partners and family. I didn’t see myself as part of it all. I didn’t know what interconnectedness or interdependency meant. I didn’t know what it meant to be the creator of my own happiness and…

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Rewild Yourself - 5 Easy Ways to Reconnect with Your Essence
Rewild Yourself – 5 Easy Ways to Reconnect with Your Essence
Rewild Yourself: Last year I’ve been starting to go on a deep journey within and without. I started to ‘rewild’ myself. You may ask why I decided to do so? Well, I forgot what it’s like to really feel ‘alive’, to feel my inner fireand to feel my heartbeat beating loudly to the rhythm of the joy of life. I love to re-awaken my inner fire, my real core beliefs and my true essence by rewilding…
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Do you love dancing? Why? Why not? Share in the comments below to help inspiring others 🤍⠀ ⠀ I really love Dancer Pose as it stretches the hamstrings, calves & quadricep muscles, thus making them strong & more flexible. We also open and balance our second chakra by moving fluidly, like water and add gentle hip stretching movements to our exercises.⠀ ⠀ Tag me in your Dancer Pose for a shout out in my stories ❤⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #dancer #dancerpose #hipopener #yogafeature #bestyogapose #igyoga #yogacanada #yogausa #vancouveryoga⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
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The Do's & Don'ts of Manifesting - A simple "how to" guide
The Do’s & Don’ts of Manifesting – A simple “how to” guide
In the moment of nothing there is endless space for creation.
I started manifesting in December 2018. Before that, I had no clue that something like manifesting would exist. I got curious. I read about ‘Giving up an order to the universe’, and ‘It’s like ordering at Amazon’. I couldn’t believe it. I read quite a few books about this topic and listened to podcasts.
There’s so much…
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5 min meditation for a powerful personal transformation
5 min meditation for a powerful personal transformation

Hi guys! Today I want to share with you a powerful 5 min meditation for personal growth. I love it! I try to integrate this meditation in my days every day. This technique might be also helpful for you when you can answer the following questions with yes:
Are you sometimes anxious? Stuck in the past or worrying about the future? Do you sometimes think you’re not good enough and believe…
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Life's good baby baby! 💜 From time to time take a break and look back, breath in. Notice the footsteps in the sand that you've left during your journey. Even if you thought you haven't made progress in your life, you can see more clearly now, breath out. . Come and join me for my tomorrow's Yoga class in Innsbruck, for more details pm me! #yogalove . ___________________ . #yoga #vinyasa #innsbruck #tirol #austria #yogalife #yogi #yogisofig #yogastyle #yogaclass #yogateacher #yogainnsbruck #yogaoutdoors #yogaliebe #yogapower #baggersee #yogamonkey #yoguis (hier: Innsbruck, Austria)
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Living on the edge. They say in Israel's desert there are 2 weeks of flourishing vegetation per year. I'm happy I could witness this phenomenon 🐾🌿 #desertyoga . --------------- . #yoga #yogastyle #monkeylife #yogamonkey #israel #igersisrael #peacefulwarrior #desert #greendesert #yogisofig #yoganomad #nomadlife #travelstagram (hier: Negev, Israel עיר הבהדי״ם)
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Practice and all is coming... I'm in love with chaturangas <3 #jumpbacktothefuture . . . . ___________ . #yoga #yogamonkey #jumpback (hier: Innsbruck, Austria)
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#tb to a few weeks ago when I could enjoy Costa Rica's beautiful climate 🐒🌴 Innsbruck is cold af right now.. #takemeback . . ____________ . #yoga #monkeyyoga #monkeylife #yogainnature #yogacostarica #costarica #tico #Dschungel #jungle #yogaoutdoor #yogaoutside #peace #love #happiness #warrior #virabhadrasana #selva #missingsummer #sommerwobischdu (hier: Samasati)
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“Make each moment an occasion to live deeply, happily, in peace." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh Today I start my personal 30 day positive affirmation challenge! Instead of thinking negatively about things or people I want to ‘time out’ and take a deep breath. Then I want to delete my prejudice/judgements and use the mantra ‘my thoughts are filled with positivity’. I try to notice the moment and my feelings but without judging, only observing. Who's in? Let's have a month full of light positivity! #yamas . ______________ . #yoga #yogi #meditation #inspiration #quotes #costarica #puravida #samasati #yogisofig #tico #Caribbean #yogalove #yogasutra #yogatothepeople #yogaman #yogateacher #yogisofinstagram #yogaoutdoor #outdooryoga #yogabum #yogainstructor #yogainspiration #yogaliebe #loveyoga #yogafoto (hier: Samasati)
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A H I M S A - Non-Violence I don't want to hurt other beings physically nor emotionally, I won't push myself no more. I stay humble ❤ I can't believe how fast time flies!! 22 days ago I was so excited to go into the Caribbean jungle for my 200h yoga teacher training and now I'm heading back to Austria again as a brand new yoga teacher! I made new friends, beautiful souls I already miss you!! #yogateacher What are you up to this weekend? Enjoy it!!! . ______________ . #yoga #yogainnature #flow #yogaflow #yogisofinstagram #yogisofig #plank #chaturanga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeveryday #yogapower #yogafriends #carribean #costarica #puravida #samasati #karibik #selva #jungle #sea #ocean #hariomyogaschool #yogafam #fitfam #teacher #imexcited #yogalove @hariomyogaschool @yogajournal @mens_yoga (hier: Samasati)
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Without yogacat I can concentrate on my handstand practice, but with yoga cat it's so much more fun! :) I'm so sad that I had to leave you today.. Thanks for these beautiful 2 days!! 🐆 ❤ #yogacat . ______________ . #yoga #yogawithcats #wehandstand #handstand #practice #fitfam #yogafam #catsofinstagram #yogicat #kitty #yogalove #yogatravel #costarica #yogabum #yogisofig #upsidedown #handstands #crow #press #yogasudamerica #puravida #yogafun #yogawithanimals #yogacostarica #yogavideo #yogaflow #yogapower #yogaeveryday (hier: San José, Costa Rica)
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I'm so proud to announce that I'll be a 200h yoga alliance certified yoga teacher soon! The course starts in 2 days and I'm super excited and motivated! Today at 5 AM I meditated and flowed at the airport. The ambience was really special as I had no sleep for hours. Have a great start into the week guys! ☆ #yoga . ___________________ . #yogi #yogateacher #soon #yogaeverydamnday #airport #airportyoga #skyyoga #motivationmonday #flow #yogaflow #waiting #headstand #asana #yogabum #yogastyle #jungle #costarica #yogis #yogaeverywhere #meditation #meditación #heropose #hero #yogaman #yogamen #vinyasa #yogainstructor #yogalove #aeropuerto (hier: Frankfurt Airport)
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Impress yourself to inspire others ☆ #yoga . __________________ . #yogainnature #yogaaustria #igyoga #fitspo #igfitspo #underthebridge #yogainspo #loveyoga #inspireon #yogaman #yogafun #yogaeveryday #yogapower #yogisofig (hier: Innsbruck, Austria)
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Oh yeaah my shoulder is stable enough now to do Inca push-ups!! . Almost one year after shoulder surgery now I finally can play around again like when my shoulder was sound. #yogaworkout . Have a beautiful weekend peeps! . _______________ . #yoga #yogaaustria #calisthenics #workout #motivation #comeback #outdoors #calisthenicspark #Innsbruck #tirol #nopainnogain #trainieremusch #workoutimregen #rainyworkout #pushups #incapushups #explosivepushups #playaround #yogafam #yogisofgermany #yogisofinstagram #bodyweightworkout #körpergewichtstraining #training #yogapower (hier: Innsbruck, Austria)
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Happy hump day! Where the mind goes energy flows ☆ Always think positive and avoid overthinking or creating worst-case scenarios. Don't waste your beautiful energy. Spend it wisely instead and all good will come ☆ First time headstanding on SUP. What a great experience. Do you also like SUP-yoga? #supyoga . __________________ . #yoga #lakeyoga #Lake #Austria #tirol #lakeside #lakesideyoga #wateryoga #mountains #mountainlove #yogaaustria #yogisofgermany #discovertirol #365austria #sup #mindful #headstand #upsidedown #mountainyoga #see #lago #yogapicture #yogaman #kopfstand #humpday (hier: Achensee, Tirol, Austria)
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