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all the dragon age hype made me want to draw one of my wardens again for the first time in *checks watch* eight years. might draw some of my other older dragon age pcs, I miss them
commissions do be open
#i missed her so much y'all#salem's art#artists on tumblr#art#original art#oc#dragon age#dragon age origins#dragon age oc#dragon age warden#warden mahariel#mahariel#female mahariel#deryth
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art fight 2024
deryth mahariel (+tamlen) for @salem-wilde
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New artfight attack! This time around I took a swing at this spooky necromancy wizard with a great hat!
Character is Deryth and belongs to ~desirecomics on artfight!
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Both of my WoLs, Deryth and Emilia, are ready for summer!
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Names generated from the entire Wikipedia article on "Fahrenheit 451"
Abects Abled Ablifte Abschely Ackagge Actommes Adearly Afferd Affount Afted Agent Ages Agging Agress Allsoadys Ally Amed Ament Amite Angs Anictions Aprigual Aprosive Ardicad Arns Ased Atents Ation Aumernic Aumpar Awance...
Bacen Backing Bactiver Bareged Bary Basequed Bating Beac Becillons Behes Berworms Betred Bight Billy Bing Bity Bled Blimesh Bling Bommeneit Boodon Boone Bourns Boys Brained Bric Busely Calk Calkings Cappology Cards Carticary Catimbo Caus Cenothock Chan Char Chatch Cher Chings Chisting Chnintays Chounces Chouse Ciduesid Cioned Cledge Clues Cogrouse Comartied Comed Coming Commatch Commit Conal Conar Conars Coned Conis Cons Consib Conspeen Conter Coped Count Couppy Couse Coveand Covel Covestrus Coviettle Cowe Crad Crece Crion Cuens Cuensted Culp Deared Dedist Deeks Denages Deold Deper Deryth Deve Dimpok Dined Disbn Disecon Disick Disid Dists Dith Dive Doet Dowerizes Drably Dram Dranated Drent Driguesep Dring Duch Ducheand Eade Eadelve Eadvers Earanows Emotil Ents Evele Eveleirm Eves Exple Expluens Exquently Facastur Famart Fany Feased Ferninces Fialls Ficaus Fierdow Fiestally Fill Fine Fineat Fing Flaing Flurriew Fluse Ford Foremends Frocks Froy Fult Furvick Gages Gaing Gaterival Gestion Ging Glierd Goded Gonved Grand Grousels Halam Handed Hapre Haproying Hariblay Hassion Hatcheals Haver Hboughorl Heal Helle Hessup Hestommix Heusion Heyed Higge Himpt Hings Hinsonity Hinten Hiperned Hispin Hols Hoolditt Hoolif Horm Hought Hows Hurtion Ideth Ideves Idgan Iduting Ifiver Ight Ilevied Imps Inagents Ingleo Ining Intic Invesseve Invints Ireepian Itty Jonces Jonizess Juleed Jurying Kins Kint Kipples Knorchan Lacals Lactis Layed Lembed Lents Leold Lict Lied Liewillse Lispils Liter Litioun Liverips Lones Lories Loyed Magal Maged Manhappes Manhe Mans Manst Mard Masy Mated Meal Meding Merie Minks Molserd Movel Mrsh Munuse Naged Nalives Nare Narly Nation Neet Noregese Noten Notente Novelinde Nowirdox Obson Offerres Olly Onclartly Onolth Open Oppity Opuble Ordburelf Otere Othock Otors Ought Overe Pack Paged Painall Panking Paps Parts Pherred Pics Pied Planks Plating Poks Posephed Posimbit Prantic Precal Premplues Prends Pres Press Pria Prick Prodalle Proy Pursing Race Raddruce Readay Reade Rearts Rebs Rece Redualogy Refance Refung Rens Rent Rentel Rentest Replate Reschour Revers Rothied Ruallit Ruff Sackarism Saimemy Sanager Sany Sarm Sassix Scal Schoush Scon Scranar Scric Scrish Secit Seled Sent Sera Seribran Sevat Seved Shely Shinned Shoonated Sinceight Sing Siten Solegazi Sornes Sorns Sparenter Speac Spean Spear Specalies Spered Spers Spinat Spre Stations Sted Ster Storm Stors Stran Strion Suclc Sues Sumuss Sups Surpring Suse Swar Swary Swee Taing Teers Temph Tess Thaptions Thassapts Thdat Theary Ther Thringht Thys Ticaray Tion Tock Todes Torunica Traids Tray Trinater Tring Trott Trum Twary Twons Uncultion Unds Unexied Uning Unly Unts Vied Waked Wals Wart Wartho Wayber Wayboon Wayed Waystor Weed Wenion Weyes Whiclects Whignows Whigunds Willared Winced Wing Wirepro Witeech Wormatch Wringe Wrizattes Zedic Zenit
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I thought you could give Shadowheart the noblestalk in act III after buying it from Deryth but you can’t so I’m going to go kill myself now because that basically ruins the rest of the game for me
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witch bffs! ❤️
Deryth is a witch who can summon and speak to spirits/demons. One of his best friends is a desire demon he bound himself to by mistake.
Antonio is a mute dreamwalker. He is able to enter peoples dreams and manipulate them at will (and he can talk in dreams!). To avoid suspicion while in a dream, he takes the form of a jaguar.
#fun fact: antonio is based off a stuffed animal ive had since i was a kid. in his early oc stages he was a shapeshifter!#deryth#antonio#ocs#my ocs#art#my art#digital art#sketch#wip
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Side Special
[Montre-moi ton faux amour]
<Montre-moi ton faux amour - Show me your false love>
This book has: Trigger warnings, Necrophilia, Yandere, betrayal, death, blood, mental health issues, manipulation.
<Myka: Thank you for a special guests for proofreading and viewing this story
Riko: Shall we look into this unfortunate story?>
'He's crying again...' she thought to herself as she heard the pained wails of the man that is held captive in the room next to hers.
His wails of anguish has been occurring ever so often since the night of his capture. She was getting tired of it. His nights of crying endlessly out of anger? Betrayal? Sadness? She doesn't know, but she had enough of it— everything from his wails of anguish to his sage-colored eyes filled with betrayal and tears to anger and distrust with a filled resolve.
She made her way towards the door out of her room, the clacking of her heels could be heard from the stone pavement of the lone and dark corridor.
Her emerald eyes landed on the wooden door and its handle. A sharp intake of breath filled her lungs as she opened the door, her eyes filled with determination on the man who was asleep on the cold and damp pavement of his prison cell. Her heart ached at the sight. With careful footsteps, she made her way to the peaceful sleeping figure, her pale hand grazing his face, tucking away a strand of his forest green hair behind his elven-like ears. His body started to stir awake and his sleepy eyes landed on hers. He jolted away from her eyes, his sage orbs holding weariness towards the female.
"Your comrades aren't coming, you know?" Her voice was faint and soft, almost that of whisper yet his voice sounded louder than her greeting.
"My allies will come for my watch!" The statement sounded confident to the both of them.
The woman pitied him more.
"How long do you intend to wait? You've been here for weeks already. If that sorry excuse of a hero comes to save you, we would give you back willingly. We expected it to be this situation, we hoped that maybe in a week he would search for you...but, it looks like they abandoned you. Why not join us? We would treat you much better, you know." Her smile was soft and reassuring even in the dark that cannot display her face, the only thing evident is her glowing emerald eyes.
"I can't trust you yet...not after all the damage and hindrances towards our mission." A tone of distrust and helplessness laced his voice.
"Then let me show you. Shall you try and trust me this time?" The man had no more choice but to accept his fate.
"I'll get you out of here, alright? Wait for my news."
That was from last night. Now he saw her face in the light, a beautiful young woman with long ebony black hair tied in a half bun, her emerald green eyes framed in cat-like eyes. The man was dumbfounded at the young woman. She was one of the summoned with the hero from another world.
"Castria, we cannot trust this man." A young man may be no older than 22, with albino white hair, as his face is covered by a mask.
"I'll take responsibility for my actions, Shane." Castria defended the captive, her emerald eyes filled with determination and trust.
That was her mistake back then.
Weeks passed by and Castria learned the name of the man she had held as captive: Deryth. A unique name to a human from another world but to a resident of this world his name was that of a royalty to the fairies, but he abandoned that title once he had joined the heroes party. In a few weeks, Deryth had got to know the other members of their little group, all of which were from the hero summoning. They were all discarded and left to fend for themselves once the hero was found.
He had gotten closer to Castria. He would stick to her side like glue, he's never seen separated from her. His life is now filled with information— information that he could never have gotten if he was with the hero. They were generous with information, but still held back some, which was logical to him and others. He saw their strength, pain, and weaknesses, but everyone can see the tension between him and Castria.
The charade has been going on for far too long that the others were almost pitying the two until one snapped at the meeting.
"Oh my Hades! Please for the love of everything still sane, Please just confess you two fools of love!" Shane snapped, his voice loud and clear.
"We are tired of this since we knew it was funny from the start, but come on! There has to be a limit to this show." He seethed out before taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Both of you, please talk it out... Outside at least."
With that, both Deryth and Castria were kicked out of the meeting hall, both faces flushing red.
As the two figures sat there, faces still flushed red, different shades of green eyes stared at the other, both filled with dumbfounded expressions before bursting out in laughter, their expressions changing that out of fondness.
"We are both such idiots, don't you think Deryth?" Castria giggled, emerald eyes shining brightly with joy as Deryth couldn't help himself but get lost in her beautiful gaze.
From that point onwards, both of them grew closer than ever: as lovers, and friends, but all good things must come to an end when they all learned of a sinister plan.
Deryth woke up that day, feeling that today wasn't going to be a good day. A fairy's intuition is never wrong. By the time he saw the others, their eyes and faces were that of anger, sadness, and betrayal. At that, Deryth knew that they know.
She knows.
"Everyone...I-I can explain. Where's Castria?" He tried to tell what was on his mind, yet one burst out.
"Explain what? Explain how you used our trust against us? How you betrayed us? How you betrayed her trust and love? Forget about talking to Castria, she isn't going to see you. Save your sorry excuse. We're dropping you off in front of the fairy kingdom. Cease all contact from us. We don't care if you tell them everything. We're going to be out of everyone's business now." Shane seethed out, eyes filled with anger and sadness.
"She left you one message, 'Montre-moi ton faux amour.' Figure that out yourself."
Deryth fell to his knees ready to beg, but he didn't get a chance to as everything went black.
By the time he woke up, he was laying down on a soft bed. Voices he dreaded to hear filled his ears. It was the hero's voice and others as well. He didn't like this. No, not one bit. The hero would use him again against her, but he can't lie to the hero. He can't betray the other innocents due to his failed love and friendship.
Weeks passed after everything and he got news on the destruction of the base he considered as a home for his friends, and himself. He rushed towards the ruins to see it being burnt into crisp, not a living being in sight. He fell to his knees and started to cry. Were they safe? Did they escape? Where were they? Where is she? Many thoughts ran around his mind, but the answer was clear: they all severed the memory of this place to himself.
Months passed by after the incident, Deryth was up late, countless nights and days to find a lead towards her whereabouts and finally found the meaning of her last message due to the hero who translated it for him.
'Show me your false love'
It stung his heart. It raised questions towards himself. He knew what she meant by it, but he was too late to clarify.
He spent his time observing the hero. He saw the incompetence and arrogance of the hero as a coward on the battlefield and uses people at his disposal. Deryth wanted to escape this but he can't. The hero was the only key to meet Castria and the others again; he just has to suck it up and smile like a strategist.
A witch hunt has been occurring in the town where the hero's party has been staying in, and it was as if fate being cruel, Deryth saw her tied up like a criminal. No townspeople dared try to throw garbage or harsh words towards her. The guards looked sorrowful at this while she walked with dignity and a soft smile of understanding.
Deryth couldn't believe it. He didn't know if he was hallucinating, or if it was real, but he rushed towards the plaza where the execution was going to be held, and there he saw her demise. The guards wept and said their apologies while they lit her on fire. She didn't scream. She just cried with a smile until she went limp.
The townspeople didn't want her to suffer and feel the pain; they had fed her poison that would kill her instantly and painlessly, only leaving her body to burn.
Deryth finally snapped.
How long was it? Since the last time he felt happy? Since he last saw a smile that haunts his dreams, his tired sage-colored eyes looked at the figure lying down on a comfortable-looking silk bed, a woman no older than 23 laid there peacefully with her ebony hair framing her pale figure, the woman looked to be asleep and was not breathing.
The man strode forward towards the bed, scooping up strands of hair before kissing it; his sage-colored eyes held madness and infatuation.
"You're still so beautiful even when we both first met... I was useless back then... Why don't you let me see your beautiful emerald eyes again, I would even let you keep me as a prisoner again...ah, it brings back memories doesn't it, dear?" Deryth smiled at that of a person who wasn't sane.
The day that Castria closed her eyes and was engulfed in flames, Deryth lost faith and turned to that of a taboo in their race.
"Wake up, dear. Didn't you say you wanted to take me to your world? So wake up, we can do it..." He whispered to the corpse that never showed signs of decay.
A story without a happily ever after.
Deryth knew he was the one to blame. He destroyed his ending with his schemes. May her soul and the gods never forgive him on what taboos he's about to commit.
#.cream#.Balkan#.Whisky#.Tequila#.Sake#.Rum#.Ouzo#.Gin#.Dalgona_Coffee#.Irish_Coffee#.Double_Espresso#.Vodka#.Castria_Jackson#oc background#oc backstory#short story#.Deryth#.Library_book
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Friend: make sure you don’t stand in AOE
Me: ok
Also me: *usually gets cleaved*
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Corinth Deryth
All imagines belong to their respective creators. They are just used for purposes of enjoyment.
Age: 24 years old
Height : 6’2
Weight -
Form: Human
Species: Dark elf (Shadow elf)
Occupation: A Tracker
Father: ???
Mother: ???
Living arrangements: Says any place he can while he is on the road.
Personality: He is a master liar. He trusts virtually no one and cares only about himself.
Skills: Relies heavily on the dark arts to complete his tasks. His specialty is cloaking. He can make himself unseen and undetectable.
Weakness: Fire and light magic
Partner(s) : Lucille
“I’m looking out for numero uno. No offense sweet, it’s just the way things are.”
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First rambling of account! This will be about one of the D&D campaigns I am currently in, a Curse of Strahd game. I am just super excited about it, with the character drama and development possible! Before I go further with the rambling, let me present the cast of this campaign really quickly: we have our DM, my character, the walking Castlevania reference known as Adelhelm Van Helsing, a Hexblade Warlock, an anthropologist wizard called Cassini, an excitable but naive tiefling, our bard Eri, a young woman with mysterious origins and a peculiar way of seeing the world, the human fighter Sarrith, a gruff woman haunted by a mysterious shadow, a Kender cleric named Hope Lost, a cynical woman who only has her faith to rely on, and the dhampir rogue Deryth, a professional conman that is really hard to read. (This is my reading of the characters, so if you find another description of them it might differ).
Anyway, for this ramble I’ll talk about my boy Adelhelm. He’s a bit of a complicated guy. His family, the Van Helsing, have made a deal with the Raven Queen generations ago to become monster hunters. It’s the family business to hunt vampires, liches, fiends and demons. It’s pretty much all he knows too, and because of this he lacked friends growing up, only having his family as people he cared about. Then, one night, he comes back home to find most of his family massacred, his sister and father gone, the library containing the knowledge of hundreds of his ancestors now turned to ash. He learns with the help of his family’s employees that vampires attacked and that Strahd was likely the one behind it. He is now in Barovia, trying to put an end to Strahd and avenge his family, while also trying to find where his sister and father ended up.
So, in terms of psychology, Adelhelm feels insane pressure to carry on his family’s legacy, as he’s pretty much the only one left who can do it, while also grieving the loss of the only people he has ever cared for and feeling guilt for his absence during the massacre. In short, Adelhelm is not exactly happy, and he’s more kept alive through sheer hatred and drive than anything else. He also has a really hard time really opening up to anybody, preferring to take on his problems by himself.
Now, for recent events, the party has fought a bunch of living trees and kicked their asses, and they slept under Leomund’s tiny hut with a new person that Adelhelm doesn’t trust very much. During the night, Sarrith took Deryth’s coat from him and ended up keeping it for a while, hinting at feelings between the two, while Adelhelm got cuddled by Cassini during the night (the wholesome kind of cuddles). And he actually liked the physical contact. So he’s confused, he’s developing feelings for Cassini, though even with prodding from Eri he didn’t admit to it. He was awkward for a bit and tried to keep his distance, but eventually with convincing from the bard, he decided to apologize for staying away from Cassini, which she accepted, then he said in an indirect manner that he wouldn’t mind it happening again. You know, romance subplot stuff.
But in Adelhelm’s mind, a lot was going on. He realized through the night that despite his annoyances with her (she tends to ask a LOT of questions), he cares for her. A lot. More than a friend. And he also realized he cares about the others. And he is TERRIFIED by that prospect. Getting close to people again is a risk. A risk that what he went through with his family’s death could happen again. And he does not want that. So now Adelhelm is torn and has a choice to make. He either pushes them away and becomes alone again, to wallow in his own misery, or he tries to open up to them and make new friends and maybe find love, but takes the risk of Strahd or another undead taking these people away from him too. And he does not know what to do.
If you stayed until the end, thanks for reading my rambling! There will be more in the future, on both this campaign, the other one and stuff like video games and anime I enjoy. Until then, later!
#dungeons and dragons#curse of strahd#my characters#character development#ramblings#romance#Adelhelm Van Helsing#ttrpg#storytelling#story time#monster hunters#castlevania#A whole lot of castlevania stuff#nerdlife#nerd explains#nerd rambling
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My 1st Winx Fairy!
Deryth, my fairy of Patterns & Designs. I orignally had something complete different for her in the beginning, but I did a lot of revision on her, so tada! I have her profile partially made because I waa doing tbe special abilities first. The palette is something I had for a really long time and I think I had an unconsious inspiration for her look.
ALSO, my first time using washi tape and I'm proud of it! And please excuse that yellow patch on her arm, I mistook the shade when I took that color out.
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#winxclub #winx #fairy #winxfairy #winxcharacter #oc #faerie #traditionaldrawing #traditionalart #traditionaloc #washi #washitape #purple #purplewings #pinkhair #greeneyes #longskirt #purpleboots #hairbuns #buns

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Corinth’s Past: Part 1
Note: This is a flashback for one of my roleplay fics. I am sorry that I haven’t posted anything in a hot minute, and I know this isn’t the type of fic that I normally post either... Corinth is one of my beloved OC. He is a dark elf. Hopefully in the future, I will be able to post more on him in the future!
WARNING: This fic does contain a bit or dark elements and hints at neglect. It is nothing overly graphic. But please read at you own discretion.
Corinth held Lucille’s hand tightly, their fingers laced together as they carefully picked their way through the overgrown and rubble strewn path. “watch your step.” He helped her over a mound of perfectly geometrical white stones. A slight shiver ran down his spine. He hadn’t been back to this place in years, yet it remained unchanging. Even after all these years, his village still looked the same way it had when he first found his home had been destroyed. He squeezed her hand giving her a smile that he hoped didn’t look forced as they stepped into the clearing. His eyes roamed over the delipidated and scourged ruins. Everything coming to life before his eyes. The bustle of the town, the sound of carefree laughter swelled in the air around him, numbing his senses. He walked silently to the old butcher’s shop on the outskirt of town. “My best friend Jared used to live here.” He carefully ran a hand over the cool stone surface. Once beautiful, marred by dark scourges marks. Marks of the eternal black flames; the devourer of life. With a sigh he turned his attention back to the dust paved road. The sound of children’s laughter grew louder as they crested the hill, staring down into the heart of the village.
Synofarea: the village of beautiful stones. Her name echoed and carried on the wind like a sweet greeting. Once praised for her elegant structures she laid in ruins with no one to restore her. All the structures bore the same marks, marks of destruction. Her pride and joy stood taller than any other structures. Nestled in the heart of her settlement. It was this structure that remained unmarked and whole. The black marble design boasting her name and her insignia, in laden with gold. The roof of the building adorned with pure silver encrusted stars that sparkled and danced with the arrival of the moons’ pale light.
He passed by the children as they ran by playing their elvish games. Singing of the arrival of their binding, not knowing the beautiful tune they sang was one of their doom. A lovely ditty with a dark meaning. “Oh, Synofarea with your beautiful walls, I shall protect thee… Today I take my oath to always be chained to thee.” They were like shackles threatening to drag you under. He shook his head, dispelling the thoughts from his mind.
The hands of the time began to rewind, transforming him back into his 11-year-old self. The years began to melt away, the deeper into his memories he journeyed. He stopped before a semi erect building, his eyes growing misty as he silently gazed on. It was the home of his childhood. “This is where I used to live…I used to live here with my mom, younger twin sisters, and my baby brother.” His voice broke, choking on the painful memory. He took a shaky breath, turning away. The house melted away to reveal its ugly reality. Forcing one foot in front of the other, beckoned by an unheard voice. He marched to the looming black figure, the Bain of his existence. The stone pavilion that was nicknamed the binding hall, “the place of shackles”.
He was transported back in time, to the day of his binding. He saw his 7-year-old self mount the steps, his hands shaking ever so slightly. The familiar figures of the village elders looming in the shadows. Two standing out amongst the rest. One was Jassin the chief elder, and the other was Qrin Deryth…his father and the chief’s number two. He placed an uncertain hand on one of the giant marble columns marveling how this wretched place had managed to make it out whole. The magic that surrounded the artist architecture was to thank for that. “This is the place where all the bindings took place.” He turned to her, a hollow look in his eyes. “Is there anything you want to know.” He tore his eyes from the dark giant, squeezing her hand gently.
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2,4, 47, 67, 70. Adresin. Please.
Mmmmm the BASTARD Thot of a cleric. Good choice. 2. Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal? Adresin doesn’t really care too much water which stems from his fear of sharks really. Since most of his sort of “aura”/Signature spells are fire based, he isn’t a fan of water and its inhabitants since, he’s kinda useless in it. He can swim but if you take him to the beach, you’re gonna have a hard time getting him into the water unless you throw him in 4. Do they like cuddling? Adresin is pretty touch adverse but that doesn’t mean that, once in a blue moon, he doesn’t get the desire to cuddle up to someone. He’ll complain the entire time about it but ultimately, if he’s having a good day, he’ll allow it. 47. If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with? I think Addy would do his best to try and prevent the end of the world scenario but if all hope was truly lost? You’d find him drunk at the nearest bar or in some stranger’s bed for one last hurrah. 67. What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile? Cats. Adresin really does love cats. Obviously his favorite is his own, Yuu, but honestly his heart melts at the sight of a cute cat or even an ugly one. Its a shame he can’t have any more cats, because Ephemera is allergic, because he would have more if he could. He finds them comforting and their attitude and behavior just vegs well with him. 70. What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them? Honestly I love Adresin a bunch because he’s a complicated and imperfect figure. He’s an asshole, a grump, and a bastard but he also cares about people deeply and wants the best for people. He may not take his position as the the justicar of Deryth too seriously but when the need arises, he’d be the first on the scene to help someone.
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