Crafts and Creations
156 posts
I post my artwork and the things I make. My main acct: DA (same username)
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eiirlys · 1 month ago
February #2 - Zarina, my Pollibud.
Next up is my little hydrangea flower faerie. I originally had a different pose for her, but I utterly screwed up on her coloring so I decided to start over. The pose I used is from Clareesi on DA. For the hydrangeas, I tried my best to depict them in her hair, but I overestimated the black pen I used, so I attempted to fill it in with some sparkly red gel pen. I also realized as I was drawing her that I never got a clear file for the wings, so I more of less “winged” it. Since I don’t follow the CS’s lore that closely, her powers produce themselves via a sort of smoky tendrils with gold flecks sprinkled here and there. I didn’t add the designs on the darker parts of her outfit because I didn’t realize the designs were so small and the gel pen I wanted to use, it was at least a size 1 mm, which would have been too big for the small area.
I am proud of her eyes and the smoky tendrils that I put around her.
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#pollibud #flowerbud #flower #hydrangea #chineseoutfit #orientaloutfit #gold #blonde #blacksteaks #redandpurple #redandmulberry #darkmulberry #goldhighlights #goldgel #wings #pompoms #pom #slitsleeves #smoke #tendrils #adopt #traditionalart #traditional #feabruary #faerie #faeries #fairy #fairies
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eiirlys · 2 months ago
Since we’re in Faebruary, I’m going to draw my charas with wings and she’s the first to go. I’ll try and draw the others with wings, but it’ll take a while so I’ve started them back in January.
Meet Jessemin, my TeaBlossom of the Teamerean species from the Aermerea species. I completed her almost half a year ago but I don’t think I ever posted her here on IG. She’s a tea species and her scent is a Honey Lemon Ginger tea where the lemon is the dominant taste and the ginger’s the after taste with the honey mixed in. She’s a sweet girl who, on the surface is quiet, helpful and homely, but underneath, she’s spicy and sassy like the ginger she represents; annoy her and she’ll start hurling sassy insults at you to make you laugh but they serve as a warning too.
Her design is based on an adopt I got from @kuroneko back on DA and I ‘repurposed’ her for the species.
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#teamerean #aermerea #tea #teablossom #gingertea #ginger #honeytea #honey #lemontea #lemon #lemonflowers #ediblelemon #yellow #orange #brown #species #adopt #traditionalart #traditional #feabruary #faerie #faeries #fairy #fairies
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eiirlys · 2 months ago
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Chinese New Year is literally around the corner and I wanted to draw something for it. I’ve never drawn anything for Chinese New Years, so I wanted this first time to be good and since I feel more confident in my artskills. XD Since it’s the year of the Snake, I wanted to draw a snake-related character but the only one I have is a Winx character. But I only have her Bloomix, so I decided against her and went through my other characters. I found a character whose powers are “spirit control”, so she was perfect for the drawing.
She’s a character I got from @puripurr on DA and she originally had a side ponytail, but I didn’t like it that much so I just took it out. She has smoky tails and I’ve never drawn smoke before so I used a lot of his other works to replicate that smoky-look; and because his characters are sort-of chibi formed, I made my own design for the front, specifically the neck and chest area. The hand positions were borrowed from @eljenrosette work because she has one of the best artwork styles that I admire. I used a gold glitter gel pen to do the gold parts of the outfit.
One of my previous artwork, I colored her first then outlined her and I like this process instead of lining first then coloring because the lines can get smudged sometimes when coloring. So I might consider doing this technique for a majority of my future works.
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#chinesenewyear #chinese #snake #\yearofthensnaket #snakeyear #originalcharacter #green #greensketch #eljenrose #eljen #winx #spiritcontrol #spirit #oni #mazoku #demoncharacter #newyear #chinesesnake #zodiac #adoptcharacter #traditionalart #traditionalcharacter #glitter #goldglitter #goldgelpen #gelpen #goldgel
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eiirlys · 2 months ago
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My first art for 2025! Well technically, I have another one coming up, but I’m saving that one for later into January.
So there was a Fysaera MYO Event and I obviously had to join it. I had a bust that I bought from 2018 and my brain had been thinking of moonlight, so I chose to do a Fysaera with a moonlight-infused potion. I wanted to make her outfit a bit more complicated, but when I looked at it again, it felt like it didn’t need anymore that what was already drawn, though the only thing fancy I REALLY wanted on her was the jewelry on her thigh. She had body markings, but I don’t think IG will allow that, so it’ll be on her TH page; she has 5 body markings on her. Glory has these F2U bases on her Ko-fi page and I HAD to use one for my girl here. Her traits will be posted on my DA acct.
Fysaera Event: @sofykoh
Bust: @brillanttezza_s
Base: @glory_sketches
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#MYO #fysaera #myoevent #digitalart #digital #purple #moonlight #potion #simple #bodymarkings #adopt #characterdesign #character #oc #myocharacter #moonlightcolors #moon #night #purplegradient #base #gloryart_w #brillantezza
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eiirlys · 3 months ago
Remember my Sailor Uvarovite Birdwing? She’s part of the Sailor group @crystalanimamates and they have Story Quests.
This is for Story Quest #2 - "Meet the Trinity". Show and tell us your reactions and thoughts upon seeing and meeting the Trinity for the first time as you’re called up to say hello and claim your geode.
There is a whole Story and dialouge associated with this quest and it's on my DA page for those who wanna read it.
++ Credits ++ (all DA users except me)
Olivia/Sailor Black Tourmaline Condor (C) @Protector-of-Dreams
Caryn/Sailor Uvarovite Birdwing (C) @Eiirlys
Sailor Amethyst Dragon (C) @SailorAlcyone / @Tsuzukikun
Sailor Diamond Unicorn (C) @FragmentsofMagic
Sailor Moonstone Kirin (C) @Lumaea
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#sailormoon #sailorscout #sailor #crystalanimamates #amethyst #dragon #diamond #unicorn #moonstone #kirin #sailoramethystdragon #sailordiamondunicorn #sailormoonstonekirin #fuku #uvarovite #birdwing #green #teal #crystals #sailormoonoc #oc
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eiirlys · 4 months ago
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I wanted to give my boys some love so I chose a random colored pencil, matched it with Adel and googled some semi-actiony poses. I found this AI pose and I remember watching a reel where the user was like "Draw your characters IN the AI pose”, it was sort of like flipping the bird at AI, I guess. Well as you can see from the AI pose, the hands are all wrong.
I also have a custom outfit from puripurr for Adel so I used that and I fixed the fingers. Tada!! One of my rare male poses!
There are 3 different lightings to show the different 'shades', sort of.
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#male #malepose #aipose #adel #fullbodysketch #traditionalsketch #traditionalfullbodysketch #maleaipose #fingers #aicannevergetfingersright #personaloc #oc #personalcharacter #sketch #purple
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eiirlys · 4 months ago
I knitted a scarf for my mom and crocheted the scalloped edges. At first she didn't like the width, so she asked for a scalloped edge; she wanted it....twice what's in the pictures and it didn't look good, so I shrunk them. Granted, I didn't know how to crochet so YT helped A LOT. I originally bought QUITE A FEW to make a sort of landscaped scarf, but it got too long so I left it this long; and by long, I mean it can wrap around your neck like 3x.
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#knitting #scarf #crochet #scallopededges #scallops #landscapeknitting #landscape #colorchange #crochetedge #yarn
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eiirlys · 5 months ago
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This is the sketch that had prompted the staff at the jewelry store in Macau to request the dragon sketch. I wanted to do her in an action pose, so I tried to do her in a running-ish pose. I had this pose imagined for her as I was sketching it, so I tried to make it as natural as possible (MAY have failed that though 😅)
Charmine is a #BBPP, a #blowballpompom, a species that have ‘fluffs’ in their ears and tail that are sensitive to the wind, but they have an aura to protect them to prevent them from flying. She’s a mix between a feline and an equine, so not only is she fast but agile as well; she also enjoys running in heels as much as she enjoys fashion and her nails.
FB Sketch Commissions are Open if interested.
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#bluesketch #blue #traditionalbluesketch #traditionalsketch #traditionalart #felineparent #equineparent #mixheritage #fullbodysketch #fbsketch
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eiirlys · 6 months ago
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My mom and I went to a jewelry store in Macau and she saw some pretty bracelets for my sister and I. After she basically haggled for a lower price (she does that), she didn’t have enough money, so she went to the bank and before she went, she had me stay there and ‘safeguard’ the bracelets while I also acted as, I guess collateral? (😂) Before she left, I ran back to our hotel room and grabbed my sketchbook and stayed there until she came back with the money. As I was drawing, several employees noticed and asked if I drew as a living/went to school for it, I said it’s only a hobby; one guy short-stopped next to me before grabbing one of their catalogs and asked me to draw their dragon. I did and it took me almost the entire wait time to work on the head before my mom came back with the money.
I finished the sketch, but I took pictures of with and without the scales for comparison. I forgot to stamp the without scales one cuz I was gonna stamp somewhere else. And the color’s blue because I was already working on a sketch in blue before the guy asked.
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#dragon #bluedragon #traditionalsketch #traditionalart #yearofthedragon #dragonyear #chinesedragon #lukfookjewellry #bluedragon #goldbracelets #bracelets #request #traditionalsketchrequest #sketch #bluesketch #scales #drawinghobby
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eiirlys · 7 months ago
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I wanted to draw my Winxies, but didn’t know who, so using a number generator, I got Midori and I decided to redraw a drawing of her from 2022 when I did an art challenge. The Ritual from the #fallowinx challenge by @annetsumi . I wanted a similar half-body pose so I googled some images.
I started off with a green-colored sketch and I originally wanted to do the ENTIRE lineart in a single color, but I decided to try and experiment with different ‘colored outlines’ and luckily it looks good!! Except for the hair, I think I should have done green instead of brown, but I forgot which color I used in the original 😅. I left the sketched lines in the BG b/c I decided it looked good that way and with my sparkly gel pens! Last two pictures are the green sketch and the original.
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#winx #midori #winxclub #redraw #winxredraw #theritual #winxoffortune #fairyoffortune #sparkles #enchantix #green #greenpalette #blonde #traditionalart #halfbody #halfbodyenchantix #clovers #ladybug #horseshoe #sketchy #traditionalsketch #fortune
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eiirlys · 7 months ago
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I FINALLY finished a Winxy for @gloryart_w #glorysMYOevent and I chose her transformation Virtix; Originally, I had a Winx chara in mind, but the sketch colors I used didn’t make sense for her, and since it was a cool palette, I decided to go for my Fairy of Winter, Chione.
I used @zeple base because if I had sketched this MYO out, my paper would have been ruined due to all the erasing I’d have done. Due to existing Virtix designs looking like they had more substance and because I was short on time (also because I knew I would have spammed the design with a million ideas), I decided to keep it as simple as possible, but still with “a lot”. I didn’t know a lot of flowers with winter lore attached to them, so I winged it a bit. When I get the chance and once it’s been approved, I’ll render it (most likely traditionally) and flesh out the flowers if I find any with lore to them. With her wings, I originally wanted to make them snowflake-like, but also curvy (I was looking at a lot of Glory’s other wings and they all looked so curvy and delicate that I wanted them like that too) so with the layered sketches I had done, this is the result! A sort of “stained glass” look, which was what I was trying to go for and as per the requisites. I colored the top part of the wings silver to try and mimic snow on top of branches. The shoes, you can’t see it from this angle, but on the other side, there’s a flower acting like a ‘clasp’ shoe.
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#winx #winxtransformation #MYO #winxfantransformation #winxclub #winxclub #digitalart #winxdigital #flower #fairy #fairyofwinter #blue #coolpalette #purple #silver #snowflakes #wings #winxharmonix #enchantix #transformation #chione #kione #winter #greek #winterfairy #stainedglass #winxmyo #myoevent
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eiirlys · 8 months ago
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This is a redraw of a Winx challenge I did 2 years ago of my Fairy of Water, Mazu. It was for the #fallowinx from @annetsumi and it was the first challenge. I don’t know if I’ll do redraws of the other 4 challenges, but we’ll see. I did some minor changes to her MW and the pose, b/c it was really bothering me.
I was initially sketching her in blue, but as I continued her, I realized, I didn’t really want the bother of inking her when I like how the sketch turned out. So I might make this a commission type, depending on the interest and how many I do (MAY do this for the rest of the redraws if I decide to). I also kind of like how it turned out, just colored within the lines and such.
From 2022.
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#winx #magicwinx #fairy of water #fairy #cloud #purple #rain #winxchallenge #twoyears #redraw #traditional #traditionalsketch #traditionalart #redrawchallenge #faerie #faeries #outfit #blue #blonde #sitting #pose
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eiirlys · 8 months ago
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My friend/coworker’s birthday was a month ago (I know, seriously late) and I had the card sketched out and everything, but I was stuck on the border designs FOR A WHILE.If you saw my story, you’ll know how much planning goes into a personal card.
He’s a Gemini and an actor. The designs were more on the filigree side because it struck me late to be Greek-inspired. For June, it’s the Strawberry Moon and flowers,I just used strawberry flowers and lilacs; the lilacs I am especially proud of because this was a technique I imagined, then attempted. After I finished it, there seemed to be a lot of white space, so I ‘doodled’ some extra designs.
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#birthdaycard #gemini #traditional #traditionalcard #theater #actor #strawberrymoon #lilacs #lilac #purple #skyblue #blue #air #filigree #greek #yellow #stars #sun #constellation #june #twins #coworker #friend #colorful #colors #strawberry #strawberries #flowers
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eiirlys · 8 months ago
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My last Mermay request until next year. I actually finished her a week ago but kept forgeting to post her. She's an OC by the requester and it was interesting to draw the 'fin' at her waist. I looked at the OC, and a lotof her art had her with the peace sign, so I attempted something with that. And on her tail is, I guess a sort of personal logo thing?
Again, if you want a FB sketch commission, please let me know! 😊
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#mermay #mermay2024 #request #oc #red #crown #fins #traditional #traditionalsketch #red #redmermaid
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eiirlys · 9 months ago
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I requested from the amazing eljenrose her mermaid Sereya. She was beautiful and amazing! The image I was given looked sketchy, so a lot of the details I pulled from the other Winx girls to fill in. I originally wanted to do yellow then fill in areas with the green, but…..I didn’t want to make my eyes worse than they already are 😅
Since I’ve seen A LOT of her works before, I know she always carries this elegant, cool and graceful air with her commissions, adopts and characters, so I tried to reflect that in her mermaid. The details were a lot, but they were rewarding!
There’s one more mermaid after her, and after that, if you want mermaid sketches, they’ll be considered commissions. 😊
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#mermay #mermay2024 #eljenrose #winx #winxmermaid #request #traditionalart #mermaidrequest #traditionalsketch #green #pearls #elegant #graceful
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eiirlys · 9 months ago
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I actually finished this a week ago and legit forgot to post it ANYWHERE. Indra, the 2nd & final request of the person who also requested Siege. She was slightly more difficult to draw b/c I had a pose for her in mind, but didn’t know how to execute it; her “top” is everything above sans the jacket. The weapons were definitely interesting to draw at that angle since I’m not used to drawing weapons at an angle. The fin was a whole other story too, the number of trial and errors it went through; the item on her tail is the weigh that’s on her leg leg and I noticed chains on her pants, so I included them like she was wearing her regular belt at the hips.
There are 3 more mermaids. After that, if you want mermaid sketches or fullbody sketches (I actually prefer fullbody honestly 😂), they’ll be considered commissions. 😊
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#mermay #mermay2024 #arknights #indra #secondrequest #traditionalart #mermaidrequest #traditionalsketch #tiger #feline #siege #redsketch #red #weapons #mermaid #tatters #chains #catfish #seakitty
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eiirlys · 10 months ago
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As per my Mermay request, someone made two requests for mermaids. Siege from Arknights as a mermaid. I noticed that in pictures of her, she always have this weapon with her, so I wanted to keep it as well as the ever-present lollipop. Since she's a lion, I used yellow and I'm sorry for the colors not coming out well or if you can't see well.
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#mermay2024 #mermaysketches #mermaytraditional #monsterhigh #mh #mermaid #sketch #blue #chains #purple #shade #bubbles #arknights #siege #lion #yellow #yellowsketch #mermaidmelodypichipichipitch #mlp #artwork #winx #winxmermaids #monsterhighmermaids #everafterhighmermaids #everafterhigh #mattel #hypergryph #rpg
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